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New Perspectives Excel 2016 | Module 11: SAM Project 1a

Fabric Station

 Open the file NP_EX16_11a_FirstLastName_1.xlsx, available for download
from the SAM website.

 Save the file as NP_EX16_11a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx by changing the “1”

to a “2”.

o If you do not see the .xlsx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do
not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

 To complete this SAM Project, you will also need to download and save the
following data files from the SAM website onto your computer:

o Support_NP_EX16_11a_History.csv

o Support_NP_EX16_11a_2018-2019.csv

o Support_NP_EX16_11a_Fabric.accdb

NOTE: Do not open the support files as this may cause an error.

 With the file NP_EX16_11a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx still open, ensure that

your first and last name is displayed in cell B6 of the Documentation sheet.

o If cell B6 does not display your name, delete the file and download a new
copy from the SAM website.

 To complete this project, you need to add the Power Pivot tab to the ribbon as

o From the File tab, click the Options button. In the Data section of the
Advanced tab, click the checkbox next to Enable Data Analysis add-ins:
Power Pivot, Power View, and Power Map, and click OK.

*Power Pivot, Power View, and Power Map are not available on Microsoft
Office Home and Business 2016 and Microsoft Office 365 Business.

1. As an intern at a Fabric Station store in Chicago, Illinois, you are working with
Jordan Sanderson to produce a sales report. Four other cities have Fabric
Station stores, and Jordan wants to analyze sales for the past two years and
project future sales for all the stores. To create the report, you need to import
data from various sources and use the Excel Business Intelligence (BI) tools.

Switch to the Sales History worksheet. Use Power Query to create a query and
load data from a CSV file into a new table as follows:
New Perspectives Excel 2016 | Module 11: SAM Project 1a

a. Create a new query that imports data from the

Support_NP_EX16_11a_History.csv file, available for download from
the SAM website.

b. Edit the query to remove the Units Sold and Notes columns, then close
and load the query data to a table in cell A3 of the existing worksheet.
(Hint: Use the Close & Load to… button.)

2. Insert a chart to identify trends in the sales history data as follows:

a. Insert a Scatter chart based on the values in the range B3:C26.

b. Move and resize the chart so that it covers the range D3:J20.

c. Add the axis title Sales ($mil) to the vertical axis.

d. Use Sales Trend as the chart title.

e. Add a Logarithmic trendline to the chart.

3. Switch to the Current Sales worksheet. Use Power Query as follows to create a
query that loads daily sales data from a CSV file and transforms the data to
display only monthly totals:

a. Beginning in cell A3, create a new query that imports data from the
Support_NP_EX16_11a_2018-2019.csv file, available for download
from the SAM website.

b. Remove all columns except the OrderDate and Sales columns.

c. Based on the OrderDate column, add a new Date column to the query
using the End of Month option. (Hint: Select the OrderDate column
before selecting options on the Add Column tab.)

d. Use Month as the name of the new column.

To display the total sales for each month, group the dates in the Month column
and create a new column displaying the sum of the Sales values as follows:

e. Transform the data in the Month column by grouping the data by month.

f. Use Monthly Sales as the name of the new column.

g. Use Sum as the operation.

h. Use Sales as the column to sum within the Month group.

i. Load the query data to a table in the existing worksheet beginning in cell

j. Format the data in the range B4:B27 using the Currency number format
with 2 decimal places and the $ symbol.

k. If an extra blank row appears at the end of the new table, remove it.

4. Create a forecast sheet to track the changes in monthly sales and project next
year’s monthly sales as follows:

a. Based on the data in the range A3:B27, create a forecast sheet.

b. Using the Options menu in the Create Forecast Worksheet dialog box,
manually set the seasonality to 12.
New Perspectives Excel 2016 | Module 11: SAM Project 1a

c. Use 12/31/2020 as the Forecast End date. (Hint: After clicking the
Create button, click the Got it! button if the FORECAST SHEET dialog box

d. Use Monthly Sales Forecasts as the name of the new sheet.

e. Resize and move the forecast chart to cover the range C2:E24.

5. Switch to the Fabric Sold by Store worksheet. Create a query and load data
from an Access database to display information about fabric purchased from
Fabric Station stores as follows:

a. Create a new query that imports data from the

Support_NP_EX16_11a_Fabric.accdb Access database, available for
download from the SAM website.

b. Preview the 2018-2019 Orders table, and then only create a connection to
the data. (Hint: Use the Load To button arrow to open the Load To dialog

c. Add the data to the Data Model.

Create a PivotTable that shows the fabric sold by category in each of the five
stores during 2018 and 2019 as follows:

d. In cell A3, insert a PivotTable using the workbook’s Data Model.

e. Use the following fields from the 2018-2019 Orders table in the PivotTable

o ItemQty field: Values box

o Category field: Rows box

o StoreCity field: Columns box

6. Format the PivotTable to make the data easier to interpret as follows:

a. Use Items Sold as the custom name of the Sum of ItemQty field.

b. Format the Sum of ItemQty values using the Number format with 0
decimal places and a 1000 separator.

7. Insert a Timeline Slicer to show items sold in January, 2019 as follows:

a. Insert a Timeline Slicer that uses the OrderDate field from the 2018-2019
Orders table.

b. Move and resize the Timeline Slicer to cover the range A12:G21.

c. Use the Timeline Slicer to display items sold only in January, 2019.

8. Switch to the Fabric Sold by Date worksheet. Create a PivotTable as follows

that shows each category of fabric sold by date:

a. In cell A3, insert a PivotTable using the workbook’s Data Model.

b. Use the following fields from the 2018-2019 Orders table in the PivotTable

o OrderDate field: Rows box

New Perspectives Excel 2016 | Module 11: SAM Project 1a

o ItemQty field: Values box

o Category field: Columns box

9. Create hierarchies for the order dates and product categories as follows so you
can easily find information about a specific fabric sale on any date:

a. Use the Manage option on the Power Pivot tab to display the Data Model
in Diagram View.

b. Create a new hierarchy and use Date as the hierarchy name.

c. Add the OrderDate(Year), OrderDate(Quarter), OrderDate(Month) and

OrderDate fields in that order to the new Date hierarchy. (Hint: Do not
select the OrderDate(Month Index) field.)

d. Create another new hierarchy and use Product as the hierarchy name.

e. Add the Category and Subcategory fields in that order to the new Product
hierarchy, and close the Power Pivot window.

Revise the PivotTable to use the hierarchies you created as follows:

f. Remove the fields from the Columns and Rows boxes.

g. Use the following hierarchies from the 2018-2019 Orders table in the
PivotTable areas:

o Date hierarchy: Rows box

o Product hierarchy: Columns box

h. Leave the ItemQty field in the Values box.

10. Format the new PivotTable to match the one on the Fabric Sold by Store
worksheet as follows:

a. Use Items Sold as the custom name of the Sum of ItemQty field.

b. Format the Sum of ItemQty values using the Number format with 0
decimal places and a 1000 separator.

11. Use Drill Down to display the daily sales for January, 2019.

Your workbook should look like the Final Figures on the following pages. Save your
changes, close the workbook, and then exit Excel. Follow the directions on the SAM
website to submit your completed project.
New Perspectives Excel 2016 | Module 11: SAM Project 1a

Final Figure 1: Sales History Worksheet

New Perspectives Excel 2016 | Module 11: SAM Project 1a

Final Figure 2: Monthly Sales Forecasts Worksheet

New Perspectives Excel 2016 | Module 11: SAM Project 1a

Final Figure 3: Current Sales Worksheet

Final Figure 4: Fabric Sold by Store Worksheet

New Perspectives Excel 2016 | Module 11: SAM Project 1a

Final Figure 5: Fabric Sold by Date Worksheet

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