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Green Exchange
The world’s leading platform
for sustainable finance
Bringing green
issuers and investors
Launched in 2016, the Luxembourg Green
Exchange (LGX) is the largest platform exclusively
dedicated to sustainable finance.
By displaying their securities on LGX, issuers
generate awareness about their projects and
investment portfolios.
The platform also caters for sustainable
and responsible investors by providing full
and unrestricted access to a comprehensive
online database of information on sustainable

Why did we launch LGX?

“New issuance of green securities has taken
off since the ratification of the Sustainable
Development Goals and notably the COP21
agreement. There is a real desire for change. By
setting strict standards for instruments dedicated
to sustainable finance, LGX has created an
environment that allows the market to prosper in
a secure and transparent way. LGX is our answer
and contribution to match the sustainability
challenges of the future.”

Robert Scharfe, CEO, LuxSE  

Benefits of joining LGX LGX’s rapid ascent
LGX is the first exchange to translate industry best practices for 2007: First ever green bond listed
sustainable financial instruments into mandatory requirements. March 2016: Largest Nordic green bond listed

LGX caters to asset managers, issuers and investors by providing a July 2016: Biggest green bond by a Chinese
clear and transparent framework for sustainable finance. issuer in the Eurozone, listed in three
» Asset managers and issuers benefit from:
September 2016: Luxembourg Green
— Higher visibility for their additional disclosure efforts
Exchange (LGX) launched
— An enhanced sustainable profile
December 2016: The world’s first sovereign
— Free uploads of sustainability documentation green bond displayed on LGX
— Promotion of their sustainable finance strategy March 2017: LuxSE recognised by CBI for

» Investors benefit from: its pioneering role in green finance market

infrastructure and listing rules
— Easy access to labelled sustainable financial instruments
April 2017: LuxSE wins "Best Exchange" at
— Free and unrestricted access to sustainability-related information
Environmental Finance Awards
— Improved comparability of sustainable financial instruments
May 2017: LGX window for labelled social and
— High level of transparency sustainable bonds launched

March 2018: Display of the first Chinese

domestic green bond under the Bond Connect

LuxSE's contribution to Sustainable Finance scheme

March 2018: LuxSE again wins "Best

The Luxembourg Stock Exchange works closely with a number
Exchange" at Environmental Finance Awards
of industry groups and bodies:

March 2019: LuxSE recognised "Green Bond

Listing Venue 2018" by CBI

April 2019: LuxSE wins "Exchange of the year"

at Environmental Finance Awards 2019

May 2019: Announcement of the LGX

Academy to bridge the education gap

October 2019: Publication of LuxSE Guide to

LGX in numbers ESG Reporting on Environmental, Social and
Governance aspects
The Luxembourg Stock Exchange is the world’s leading exchange
March 2020: LuxSE wins "Best Exchange" at
for sustainable securities and home to almost half of the world’s
Environmental Finance Awards
listed green bonds.
May 2020: Launch of LGX Academy

USD 320+ issued in total


750+ denominated in 32 currencies


50% of green, social and sustainability

market share bonds listed worldwide
Bonds on LGX

Green bonds
When the proceeds from an instrument are used exclusively to finance or refinance green projects, the bond will
be displayed in the green window.

We recognise several broad categories of eligibility for green projects that align with ICMA’s Green Bond
Principles and/or CBI’s Climate Bonds Standard:

» Renewable energy » Sustainable water and wastewater

» Energy efficiency
» Climate change adaptation
» Pollution prevention and control
» Eco-efficient and/or circular economy
» Environmentally sustainable management adapted products, production technologies
of living natural resources and land use and processes
» Terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity » Green buildings which meet regional,
conservation national or internationally recognised
» Clean transportation standards or certifications

Chinese domestic green bonds

Chinese domestic green bonds are bonds traded on the China Interbank Bond Market (CIBM) or listed on one of
the Chinese stock exchanges (SSE or SZSE). These bonds comply with the following frameworks:

» People’s Bank of China (PBOC) Green Bond Endorsed Project Catalogue

» National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) guidelines

» China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) guidelines

All bonds displayed on LGX are available to international investors and open to trade on their respective
domestic markets in China.

A selection of issuers on LGX

LGX displays securities in several different windows. The choice of window depends on the nature of
the financial instrument and its sustainability focus. LGX has windows dedicated to bonds and funds.

Social bonds
When the proceeds from an instrument are used exclusively to finance or refinance social projects, the bond will
be displayed in the social window.

We recognise several broad categories of eligibility for social projects that align with ICMA’s Social Bond Principles:

» Affordable basic infrastructure » Employment generation

» Access to essential services » Food security

» Affordable housing » Socioeconomic advancement and


Examples of target populations include, but are not limited to:

» Living below the poverty line » Migrants and/or displaced persons

» Excluded and/or marginalised » Undereducated

» Underserved
» Vulnerable groups
» Unemployed
» People with disabilities

Sustainability bonds
When the proceeds from an instrument are used exclusively to finance or refinance a combination of both green
and social projects, the bond will be displayed in the sustainable window.

The categories of eligibility for sustainability bonds are a blend of green and social projects, aligned with ICMA’s
Sustainablity Bond Guidelines.
Funds on LGX
As investments are increasingly channelled towards the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG) and meeting international climate change
commitments, the need for reliable and transparent information on
investment products and opportunities also grows. This is why we have
introduced windows dedicated to responsible investment funds which have
been awarded a reputable sustainability label.

ESG funds
An ESG fund incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into its investment
decisions and processes, following specific investment selection strategies. Asset managers
may implement different investment strategies, which include one or more of the following:

» Norms-based screening » Engagement and voting

» Multiple exclusions » ESG ethical screening
» Best-in-class » Impact investing
» ESG integration

Green funds
A green fund invests its assets in sectors and activities that benefit the environment,
incorporating specific investment themes into its investment decisions and processes such as:

» Renewable energy » Forestry

» Environmental and ecological » Water

» Carbon

In addition to the focus on environment-related sectors, asset managers may implement one or
more of the investment strategies referred to above.

Social funds
A social fund invests its assets in sectors and activities that have social benefits, incorporating
specific investment themes into its investment decisions and processes such as:

» Social impact

» Social entrepreneurship and solidarity

» Microfinance

In addition to the focus on social-related sectors, asset managers may implement one or more of
the investment strategies referred to above.
How to join LGX

Listing / Registration
Joining LGX begins with a registration on the Securities Official
List (SOL) or by listing your financial instrument on one of the two
markets operated by LuxSE: either the regulated market (BdL) or
the exchange-regulated market (Euro MTF).

Classify your sustainable financial instrument as green, social,
sustainable or ESG.

Transparency and disclosure
All applicants shall disclose detailed information about the use of
proceeds (for bonds), or the investment policy and strategy (for
funds). Mandatory documents, such as external reviews and exclusion
policies will be published on the LGX platform.

Commitment to ongoing reporting
All financial instruments admitted to display on LGX will require
a declaration of commitment to transparency and on-going use
of proceeds reporting/impact reporting (for bonds) or responsible
investing reporting (for funds). LGX encourages simple and relevant
impact reporting.
Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Founded in 1928, LuxSE is the worldwide leader in the listing of international securities.
With its first mover attitude, over the last 50 years LuxSE has actively contributed to
the development of international capital markets.

LuxSE has a strong culture of servicing international clients and addressing their specific
A leading listing venue for needs. Thanks to its stringent but business-friendly admission process, LuxSE provides
international securities, the highest transparency to investors.
By providing increased visibility to issuers, LuxSE is the gateway to access international
investors. Issuers on LuxSE benefit from the country’s vibrant and integrated financial
ecosystem and proximity to a powerful network of international experts (e.g. law firms,
banks, consulting firms, etc.).

“Listed in
Luxembourg“ A full-service offer
a recognised label in international
capital markets
Effective answer to market needs

50+ » Efficient listing process (prospectus comments in less than three business days)
» Indirect or direct prospectus submission
years of experience in listing
» Wide range of securities and currencies
international bonds
» Competitive fee structure
» Three listing possibilities: BdL Market, Euro MTF and Securities Official List (SOL)

of all securities listed Trading
in less than 2 days
Top-notch trading platform
All securities listed on BdL Market or Euro MTF are systematically admitted to trading

37,000+ (with an open order book)

Euronext partnership:
» OPTIQ: a state-of-the-art Euronext trading platform
» Cross-membership: free access to LuxSE markets for Euronext members and reciprocally

new listings in 2019 Information services
Comprehensive service that meets transparency and regulatory requirements
300+ » LuxSE website: easy access to centralised information

MTN programmes » Prospectus publication

» Financial news services (FNS)
» Financial Instruments Reporting Services Tool (FIRST)
60+ » Perma Link Upload Service (PLUS)


Sustainable finance
117 The Luxembourg Green Exchange is the first and only platform exclusively
Sovereign and quasi-sovereign dedicated to sustainable securities
issuers listed on LuxSE » Relevant sustainable information on one single platform

Contacts Laetitia Hamon

Head of Sustainable Finance
Chiara Caprioli
Business Development Manager
T +352 47 79 36 319 T +352 47 79 36 417
VISIT US AT: [email protected] [email protected]
35A Boulevard Joseph II,  Luxembourg
PO Box 165/L-2011 Luxembourg luxembourg-stock-exchange @LuxembourgSE

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