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The fictional world of Rifts® is violent, deadly and filled with

supernatural monsters. Other dimensional beings, often referred to

as "demons," torment, stalk and prey on humans. Other alien life

forms , monsters, gods and demigods, as well as magic, insanity,

and war are aJl elements in this book.

Some parents may find the violence and supernatural elements of

the game inappropriate for young reader/players. We suggest

parental discretion.

Please note that none of us at Palladium Books'" condone or encour­

age the occult, the practice of magic, the use of drugs, or violence.



Machinations of Doom originally appeared serialized over eight chapters in The Rifter';) 6-14,

Copyright 2007 Palladium Books Inc,

All rights reserved, world wide, under the Universal Copyright Convention, No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole,
in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews, All incidents, situations,
institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is
strictly coincidental.

Palladium Books®, Rifts:.; , The Rifier®, Rifts:i(): Promise or Power®, Coa lition War.;';, Megaverse®, Nightbane® , The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, The Mechanoids®, The
Mechanoid Invasion®, After the Bomb® , Pbase World®, and Splicers® are Registered Trademarks owned a nd licensed by Kevin Siemb ieda and Palladium Books Inc.

Machinations of Doom, Aishwarra, Anika Taherri, Anno, Archie TIu-ee, Battle Ca t, Bodakhao, 'Bot, ' Borg, 'Burb, Bowie, Chaos EUlth. Chi-Town, City Rat, Coalition States, CS , Combat
Cyborg, Coming or the Rifts, Crazy, Crazies, Cyber-Doc, Cyber-Kni ght, Dead Boy, Dog Boy, Doctor Desmond Bradford, Doctor Roddy Heston, Dinosaur Swamp, E-Clip, Emperor Prosek, Erin
Tarn, Federation of Magic, Free Quebec, Glitter Boy, Grackle Tootb, Great Catac lysm , Headhunter, lin-Ro, Juicer, Johnny Ferro, Kill Cat, Last Call, Lazlo, Ley Linc Walker, Lone Star Complex,
Lord Dlll1scon, Madbaven, Magic Zone, Manistique Imperium, Mind Melter, Monkey Boy, M.O.M. conversion, Nal'llni, Naruni Enterprises, "TEMA, New West. Northern Gun , Pecos Empire,
Pecos Raiders, Psi-Hound, Psi-Stalker, Psyscape, Project Omega, Republicans, Rifts Earth, SAMAS, Shakes, Shemarrian, Shifter, Skelebot , Stonnspire, SplYfll1 Dimensional Market, Splugorth,
Millions of Splugorth, Splugorth Slavers, Techno-Wizard, Tolkeen, Vampire Kingdoms, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Book or Magic, Rifis® Dark Conversiolls, Rifts® Atlantis, Wilk's,
Witchling, Xiticix, Mega-Damage, M.D.C., S.D.C., I.S.P. , P.P.E., and other names, titles, in.itials. cbaracters, charac ter likenesses and slogans are trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin
Siembieda and Palladium Books IllC.


a PALLADIUM BOOKS®presentation

written & illustrated by RAMON PEREZ

By Ramon Perez

Comic strip characters created by Ramon Perez, inspired by the Rifts® game line.
Written by Kevin Siembieda
Additional Writing by Julius Rosenstein
Editors Alex Marciniszyn & Wayne Smith
Interior Artwork Ramon Perez
Ar t Direction, Typography & Layout Ramon Perez

Based on the RPG world, rules, text, characters, concepts and Megaverse® created by Kevin Siembieda.

Palladium Books Inc. 12455 Universal Drive, Taylor, MI 48180 Printed in the USA.


\tAC HINATIONS OF DOOM ... ..... 5

Welcome to Rifts ................ 77

The Inside Track (Glossary) .. . ..... 77


The Lone Star Raiders ........ .... 78

Anika Taherri ..... ........ ... . .. 78

Bodakhan .. , .... . . . ............ 80

Bowie ....... . .... . ... . .. ...... 82

Jo hnny Ferro ...... .... . .... ..... 83

Moses . .......... . ............. 86

OJ . ................. .... . ..... 88

Shakes ....... . ................ 90

Magali .... . ... ........ ........ 92

Typical Mutant Rat . ........ .. . ... 93


'Petunia' ............... . ....... 94

Johnny's Ride ....... . ...... . . ... 95


Dr. Desmond Bradford ............ 96

Agent Kreighoff ................. 98

Arquebus ..................... 100

K hola ................... . . ... 101

Oso ..................... . .... 103

Byss .................... . .... 104

Dr. Frederick A lexander ....... . . . 105

Dr. Rodriguez Heston ............ 106

The Coalition Army ... . ....... .. 108


Aishwarra ..................... 110

Omega Beast ... .... .. . ...... . .. 114


Further Adventures .. .. . ...... .118


VariousPinups ................. 120

Sketchbook .... ..... .......... .122

Monkey Interlude ...... . ........ 124


To my good friend Rob who i used perpetu­

ally as a sounding board and pseudo editor
on this book. To Coleen, who co-scripted the
original first few chapters because I was too
afraid to go it alone . To Bill and Kate for an
extra pair of hands in laying out the book
you now hold in your hands . And last, but
most definitely not least, a big thanks to
Kevin for giving a new kid a chance so many
years ago.

- Ramon Perez, 2007

To Ramon Perez for his artistry, dynamic

storytelling and dedication to Palladium
Books and its many fans. Also to Julius,
Alex and Wayne who worked hard to get this
book out on deadline.

- Ke vin Siembieda, 200 7














WE LCOME TO RI FTS® by KevinSiembieda

The comic strip you have just read is inspired just a few of the new masters of magic. range of new and monstrous mutant animals
oy, and based on, the popular role-playing The Rifts are both a blessing and a curse. to serve the Coalition States. This includes
game, Rifts®. Their existence offers endless possibilities as Monkey Boys, Battle Cats, Kill Cats, Ursa­
The Rifts® RPG has been played by an they are magic doorways to countless other Warriors (bears), and Mutant Rats (which
estimated 1.5 million people and has been worlds and alien civilizations. Rift travelers have gotten a bit out of control, with rogue
.)ptioned by Walt Disney Pictures for devel­ can go virtually anywhere in the rats living underneath the compound in the
.)pment by Jerry Bruckheimer (Pirates of the Megaverse® . sewers and between the walls).
Carribean, Top Gun, CSI, etc.) into a live­ However, these tears in space and time The Lone Star Compound is run by the
lction sci-fi movie. also unleash all manner of demons, monsters enigmatic Doctor Desmond Bradford. A gen­
and alien invaders onto our ravaged Earth. tleman who gives new meaning to the term
Magic and technology collide in a world "mad scientist." Whether he is a super-patri­
THE RIFTS® STORY where reality has gone mad . And heroes are a ot loyal to the Coalition , or a madman with
rare commodity. his own machinations for a better future, is
The Earth has become a dimensional
yet to be determined.
nexus. A junction point where the Rifts tear The 'Burbs • Slang referring to the urban
:hrough space and time linking Earth to a THE INSIDE TRACK cesspool of alien monsters, D-Bees, refugees,
lhousand different worlds. Meanwhile, the and villainy that usually settle outside the
Earth itself has become an alien landscape Chi-Town· Chi-Town is both a Coalition walls of the Coalition's great fortress cities
where the people, cultures, technologies and State and one of the great fortress cities. It is
such as Chi-Town or Lone Star Complex.
madness from a thousand alien worlds col­ home to the Coalition government, capitol of
lide! the Coalition States, and where the illustrious
It is a world of contradiction and juxtapo­ Emperor Prosek resides. Only humans live THE RIFTS®RPG
sition where high technology clashes with inside the city while tens of thousands of peo­
:nagic, and robot warriors and power ple live in the squalid 'Burbs around it. RIFTS® is a pen and paper RPG. An RPG is
armored troops battle dragons and demons of Coalition States (CS) • Arguably the sal­ basically make-believe or let:S pretend with
legend. Humans augmented through super­ vation of humankind, the Coalition States is formal rules and story-like adventures . It is
science share the planet with sorcerers and loosely patterned after the old American played with a group of friends and is a com­
.:reatures of magic. Empire (USA). The only difference is that the bination of improvisational theater, story­
Nearly 200 years in the future, during a CS is ruled by Emperor Karl Prosek and his telling, silliness and fun.
golden age of science and advancement, human supremacists. Thus, the Coalition You, the players, are the heroes. The
umankind is nearly obliterated by the States is becoming more like Nazi Germany Game Master is the director who plays all the
Coming of the Rifts and the return of magic. than the USA. Its storm troopers dress in bad guys and other characters, and helps to
What's left of human civilization plunges black, skeleton armor and are known as Dead start and develop the story you tell. There's
iDto savagery and barbarism. Boys because of their dark, skeletal appear­ no real acting or props involved and you can
Centuries later, humankind begins to ris.e ance and the fact that they bring death to D­ play in your living room. When you're done
from the ashes of destruction to reclaim their Bees, mages and all enemies of the Coal ition playing a game session, it has the feel of hav­
planet, only to find it is not the world of their States. ing just seen a great movie, only YOU played
forefathers. The Earth has been transformed Emperor Prosek and his Coalition States the main characters and shaped the story. It's
into an alien landscape. are obsessed with destroying all alien life awesome and there's nothing like it!
Alien beings, mutants, dragons, and forms and users of magic, whether they use If you'd like to learn more about Rifts®
demons have emerged through the Rifts and their powers for good or evil. In their own and our other role-playing games, check out
lay claim to places on Earth for themselves . way, the Emperor and the Coalition Anny are our website at for the
Magic and technology clash, while aliens just as evil as the monsters they fight. complete lowdown .
and ancient gods and monsters, once believed D-Bees • This is the slang tenn for Or write to ask for our free catalog at
the stuff of myth and legends, walk the Earth. "Dimensional Beings," humanoids from Palladium Books, 12455 Universal Drive,
Meanwhile, humankind has emerged from alien worlds living on Rifts Earth. Taylor, MI 48180 . Tell 'em you heard about
a dark age to battle these superhuman Lone Star Complex· This is a sprawling, us in the Lone Star graphic novel and source­
invaders in a desperate effort to reclaim their top secret, pre-Rift military compound bigger book.
planet. than Area 51 . It is built underground and spe­
Some of these heroes (and villains) use cializes in genetic engineering. The CS dis­
super-science to augment themselves, effec­ covered it and made it their own years ago.
tively making them just as superhumanly This is where the Coalition's famous Psi­
powerful as the creatures they must fight. Hounds, better known as Dog Boys, like
Such warriors include Combat Cy borgs, Bowie, are engineered, grown, and trained to
Headhunters, JuicersTM, Crazies ™, Dog be elite grunts in the Coalition Army. They
BoysTM, and inhuman D-Bees™. are able to sniff-out magic and supernatural
Others draw upon magic. The Ley Line monsters, and make great scouts.
Walker™, Mystic, and Techno-Wizard™ are In recent years, Lone Star has created a



THE LONESTAR RAIDERS Tough, smart and capable, Anika is the of Psi-Hounds and other mutants, and

team's natural, if unofficial, leader. She plenty of resources to have stopped

and Moses see the big picture and Anika them dead in their tracks. No, she is

Our heroes are members of a group of has the best mind for strategy and tac­ convinced something else is afoot here,

freelance mercenaries and adventurers tics. She steps into the role of leader and fears they are being used as pawns

who have traveled and fought together without even thinking about it, taking in a greater scheme. If only she could

plenty of times. They are not a major charge and barking orders as circum­ figure out what, because that might

mercenary organization like Crow:S stance dictates. Everyone on the team change what they do next with the

Commandoes or Braddock:S Bad Boys, recognizes and welcomes her military information in hand. And is this some

let alone Larsen:S Brigade. The group capabilities and clear judgement in machination of Desmond Bradford or

didn't even have a catchy name up until

combat situations. They all know Anika some other, yet unseen, hand?

recently when they decided to go up can size up most situations at a glance

against the Coalition and the maniacal and come up with a combat plan two Name: Anika Taherri

Dr. Desmond Bradford himself! heartbeats later. She is also courageous Species: Human, augmented by cyber­

They preferred keeping a low profile. and sharp under fire. netics and bionics.

But sometimes when you plan on saving Anika likes to hold her cards close to Alignment: Scrupulous.

the planet you have to stick your neck the vest and often acts more calm and Attributes: LQ. 17, M .E. 12, MA 15,

up above the crowd. aloof than she's really feeling. P.S. 20, P.P. 23 with right hand, 20 with

Underneath her tough, cool exterior is a left (bionic) one, PE 15, P.B. 19, Spd

WANTED / ALIVE: heart of gol.d full of warmth and com­ 10.

passion . She considers her teammates Size: 6 feet, one inch (1.85 m).

family, and cares for each and every one Weight: 150 pounds (67.5 kg).

FOR CRIMES AGAINST THE of them, even Johnny. Hit Points: 43. S.D.C.: 34.

COALITION. She grew up in Kingsdale, a town Age: 26

that caters to Juicers, mercenaries, and M.D.C.: Via M.D.C. body armor or

And so The Lones/ar Raiders were adventurers. She had five brothers in magic from Moses.

christened when the Coalition began the mercenary business who all treated P.P.E.: 3

broadcasting their faces on wanted her like one of "the guys." They ' re the Experience Level: 7th level Headhunter.

posters and news feeds everywhere. ones who taught her how to shoot along
The team is somewhat loosely struc­ with the basics of the mercenary trade. Disposition: Anika is resourceful,
tured, and there is no official leader, per However, soon Anika was a better clever, and calculating. She can accu­
se. Instead, leadership (and what cours­ sharpshooter than they were. Anika is rately sum up most situations at a
es of action the group takes) is derived deadly with guns of all kinds, but she glance and immediately starts formulat­
from: a general consensus of everyone prefers pistols, is a quick draw and can ing the best course of action. She thinks
involved or by who yells the loudest. fire weapons with both hands simulta­ fast on her feet and is a natural born
That or you're an eight foot tall orange neously with deadly accuracy. leader, not that she'd admit it or accept
alien from another planet bristling with Tired of living in the shadow of her the title. Somehow accepting the title of
muscle that has a voice akin to a chain­ brothers, Anika struck out on her own at "leader" has too much responsibility
saw cutting through concrete that no one the age of 17 and hasn't looked back attached to it, which is why she 's the
will argue with! since. In addition to a love for guns, unofficial, de facto leader of the squad.
At various times Anika, 0.J., Moses travel, and adventure, Anika has always Every one of her teammates trusts her
or Bodakhan may take charge, giving been fascinated with secrets and the and her judgement completely, and sel­
orders or making sweeping decisions hidden face of people and society. She dom hesitates to follow her lead or com­
that affect the entire group. Even Johnny also enjoys technology in all its forms, mands .
and Bowie take the lead when the timing including bionics and cybernetics . Anika considers Moses and OJ.
is right, though that is not often. Shakes Though it is not obvious, Anika has a equals. She likes and enjoys working
is the only team member who the others bionic left arm and a number of bionic with Bodakhan and Bowie, but she
totally disregard as leadership material, implants. finds Johnny to be annoying, impUlsive,
though he may run off to do something Anika is glad they have managed to childish and irresponsible. She under­
on his own. That having been said, more survive their adventure in Lone Star, but stands and appreciates Shakes, but
often than not, Anika is the de Jacto she knows something else is going on sometimes finds him to be a bit disgust­
leader, due to her strong leadership behind the scenes. There is no way they ing and unpredictable (he is crazy).
skills and ability to make quick deci­ should have been able to escape - not if
sions. Doctor Bradford really wanted to stop Special Abilities:
them. The complex must have several • Headhunter's Find Contraband:
platoons of Dead Boy soldiers and A variant of the standard Find
SAMAS, hundreds, maybe thousands Contraband skill, only it is much more


narrowly focused on technological contra­ Recognize Weapon Quality 78%,

upper arm has 50 M.D.C. FingeIjack and
band, particularly bionics and weapons, to Tracking (people) 77%, Weapon Systems
Laser Finger Blaster (ID4 M.D., 300
the exclusion of all else (drugs, magic, 88%, Wilderness Survival 73%, and w.P.
foot!91.5 m range, 6 blasts before needing
etc.). This means Anika has a good idea of Paired Weapons, w.P. Quick
time to recharge). Plus cybernetic
where to go to find arms dealers, weapons Draw, W.P. Targeting, w.P.
implants, including Clock
or bionics smugglers, Body-Chop-Shops, Handguns, W.P.
Calendar, Gyro-Compass,
Cyber-Snatchers, and underground Cyber­ Energy Pistol, and
Internal Comp-Calculator,
Docs, as well as how to spot and approach w.P. Energy Rifle,
and one bionic eye (looks
them. She is also familiar with their prac­ all at 7th level.
natural and has Targeting
tices, hangouts, gang or criminal ties, gen­ Attacks per Melee:
Sight and Telescopic
eral practices, code of conduct, fees, pric­ Six.
ing and modes of operation. Likewise, she Damage: As per hand

has a good idea what Black Market to hand combat or

Notable Equipment: One
weapons and cybernetics should cost and weapon. The left, bionic
weapon for each W.P., has a match­
what these people pay for contraband arm and hand does one
ing pair of 10 mm pistols with a
items (typically only 20% of the retail M.D. with a power punch but
15 shot clip each (does 5D6
market price). Additionally, she knows the that counts as two melee
S.D.C. damage per shot and
penalties for being caught with an illegal attacks.
she has 96 rounds of silver
weapon, implant or bionics (not that Bonuses (total): +2 on
bullets when needed), a
Headhunters care). initiative, +2 on
matching pair of NG
Anika's Current Skill Level: 77%. Perception Rolls, +6 to
Heavy Ion Blasters
Note: In all CS cities and most other soci­ strike, +7 to parry, and
(4D6 M.D. per blast,
eties, M.D. weapons, concealed weapons +7 to dodge, +5 S.D.C.
500 foot! 152 m range;
and side arms are forbidden inside large damage from punches
her favorite weapons),
population centers. and kicks,
a pair ofVibro-Knives
This skill cannot be used to identify or (lD6 M.D .), a pair of
locate drug dealers, assassins, smug­ survival knives (ID6
glers of other items (such as books or S.D.C. damage), a
magic), practitioners of magic, guilds, suit of Bushman
sects or other secret societies or operations +5 to body armor (60
- only those dealing in the making, selling pull punch, M.D.C.) for when
and smuggling of weapons, armor, vehi­ to disarm with guns on fighting gets serious,
cles, cybernetics, bionics and advanced a "Called Shot," +9 to a modest wardrobe of
technologies. strike with a "Called clothing, belt with stars
Shot" or careful aim, (really detachable, sil­
Contacts: As a Techno-Warrior Head­
+5 to disarm in Hand ver-plated shurikens
hunter, Anika also has numerous contacts
to Hand Combat, +5 that do ID4 S.D.C. dam­
and connections in Kingsdale and about
to roll with impact, age), military belt with a pair of hol­
half as many at MercTown . Contacts
+3 to save vs Horror sters and pouches, air filter, tinted
include technology smugglers, arms deal­
Factor and + I 0% to save vs goggles, backpack, satchel, I D4
ers, forgers, fences, information brokers,
Coma & Death. Critical small sacks, portable language
and other mercenaries.
Strike (double damage) on translator, walkie-talkie, note pad
a Natural 18, 19 or 20 . and I D4+ I markers, deck of play­
Skills of Note: Boxing, Computer
Vulnerabilities: None per ing cards, portable tool kit,
Operation 83%, Detect Ambush 73%,
se. pocket mirror, silver cross (for
Detect Concealment 73%, Electronic
Psionics: None. fighting vampires), ID4
Countermeasures 83%, Hand to Hand:
Magic: None. packs of cigarettes, cigarette
Expert, Land Navigation 77%, Language:
Cybernetics & Bionics: Left arm lighter, some southwestern
Native Tongue: American 98%,
and hand is bionic with artificial skin jewelry, and some person­
Language: Other: Spanish 84%, Literacy:
and cosmetics to look completely real; al items.
American 83%, Lore: D-Bees 68%, Lore:
Bionic/Augmented P.S. 20, P.P. 20; Money: 6,000 cred­
Demons & Monsters 73%, Lore: Psychics
forearm has 30 M .D.C. and its on her, 44,000
& Psionics 68%, Hovercycle 94%, Pilot:
the '. credits in savings.
Jet Pack 85%, Pilot:

Tanks & APCs 77%,

Pilot: Truck 81 %, Radio:

Basic 93%, Sensory Equipment 78 %,


Bodakhan is a loveable, big lug who is as wandering hero and hired gun . In fact, he strength, excellent reflexes, quick wit, and
loyal to his friends as anyone can be. He often tries to persuade his comrades to fol­ a fast healer: recovers lost M.D.C. at a rate
thinks of them all as family, and will do low a more noble and honorable patb. of 2D6 per 12 hours.
anything to protect them. He 's an excel­ Though be is not always as successful as • Prehensile Tail (special): All
lent fighter who likes big guns and explo­ he'd like. Grackle Tooth have a long, tapering, 12­
sives, and knows how to use them (unlike Bodakhan agrees that they were proba­ 15 foot (3.6 to 4.6 m) prehensile tail. Adds
Shakes) . Like all Grackle Tooth, bly allowed to escape Lone Star with the one extra attack per melee round and can
Bodakhan has Supernatural Strength, a information. Though for wlfat purpose he use handheld melee weapons (Vibro­
Mega-Damage body, and enjoys rough­ can't imagine, and that troubles him. He Blades, clubs, etc.) to strike, and even
housing, physical sports and combat. has never been one to play games with handguns. However, a weapon fired by
He doesn't know how he came to Rifts other people's lives and can't understand the tail is -3 to strike even for an Aimed
Earth and has no idea how to get home. people who do. Consequently, he hopes Shot. Note: If damaged or lost, the tail
He and his fellow tribesmen were locked that Anika, OJ. or Moses figures out what will regenerate at the rate of one foot (0.3
in a battle with an ancient Aishwarra dur­ sort of treachery may lay ahead of them, m) per month until it reaches its full
ing one of the great wars, when suddenly so they can avoid it, or tum the tables on length.
there was a swirl of color and energy and their nemesis. He has never been to the • Specialized Skills: All Grackle Tooth
he found himself in an unknown and alien Chi-Town 'Burbs and is looking forward have mechanical aptitude and Bodakhan's
land - Rifts Earth. (When the Aishwarra to the experience. area of specialty (MOS) is Demolitions!
was slain, a Rift erupted from its magical­ All skills and applicable bonuses are list­
ly bloated corpse and it sucked in several Name: Bodakhan
ed below.
Jin-Ro warriors and shamans, who were Species: Jin-Ro. Nicknamed Grackle

dimensionally teleported to Rifts Earth.) Tooth on Rifts Earth.

Skills of Note: Appraise Goods 65%,
That was 20 years ago. Since then, Alignment: Principled.
Barter 68%, Basic Electronics 90%, Basic
Bodakhan drifted for a while to get the lay Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 14, M.A. 23,
Mechanics 85%, Computer Operation
of the land and was surprised to find Jin­ P.S. 31 (Supernatural), P.P. 16, PE. 18
80%, Demolitions 93%, Demolitions
Ro (aka Grackle Tooth) already on Earth. (Supernatural), P.B. 9, Spd 15.
Disposal 98%, Demolitions: Underwater
However, he was even more surprised to Size: 8 feet, 6 inches (2.6 m) .
90%, General Athletics, General Repair
learn they remembered nothing of their Weight: 600 pounds (270 kg) of muscle.
and Maintenance 80%, Hand to Hand:
home world or the customs of their peo­ Age: 38 (young for a Grackle Tooth, who
Basic, Language: Native Tongue :
ple, or even the name of their race. It was live to 160-200 years old) .
American 94%, Language: Other: Spanish
a disturbing revelation, but he came to M.D.C.: Jin-Ro/Grackle Tooth are minor
80%, Literacy: American 80%, Math:
tenns with it long ago. Mega-Damage beings. Bodakhan has 122
Basic 80%, Military Etiquette 85%,
One of the things Bodakhan quite M.D.C.
Radio: Basic 85 %, Recognize Weapon
enjoys about Rifts Earth is the wide vari­ P.P.E.: 9
Quality 65 %, TrapfMine Detection 70%,
ety of weapons available, as well as all the Experience Level: 6th level Merc
and WP. Blunt, WP. Sword, WP.
strange and wondrous sights to be seen Soldier.
Shotgun, WP. Energy Pistol, WP. Energy
and places to visit. For a while he just Rifle, and WP. Heavy M.D. Weapons, all
drifted and explored. Then he ran with Disposition: Good natured, straight-for­ at 6th level.
various mercenary companies in the ward , friendly, kind, compassionate, Attacks per Melee: Six.
Midwest before finally settling down with brave, idealistic and heroic, Bodakhan Damage: Supernatural Strength or by
this group. lives by a strong code of honor. He hates weapon . Restrained Punch does 5D6
Old enough when Rifted away from injustice, cruelty, slavery and tyranny. His S.D.C. damage, Full Strength Punch 4D6

his home world to remember it, Bodakhan word is bond, and he is so honest, trust­ M.D., and a Power Punch does ID4xlO

often thinks about his native planet, the worthy and noble, that if you didn't know M.D ., but counts as two melee attacks.

people, and battles with hated monsters better, you might think he was a Cyber­ Bonuses (total): +2 on initiative, +3 on

like the Aishwarra. He still wears his trib­ Knight. Bodakhan is one tougb hombre in Perception Rolls, +3 to strike, +5 to parry

al sash that displays the symbol of his combat, and can be merciless when deal­ and dodge, +5 to pull punch, + 1 to disann,

family, the Chakarra tribe, over his left ing with the enemy. Away from the battle­ +4 to roll with impact, +3 to save vs poi­

shoulder, and carries his ancestors' field , he is a gentle soul who enjoys the son, +7 to save vs disease, +1 to save

enchanted blade. Now that he has a better simple pleasures in life. Two of those sim­ against magic, psionic attacks and illu­

understanding of magic and dimensional ple pleasures are a good cigar and a brew, sions, and +5 to save vs Horror Factor.

portals, he plans to, one day, fmd his way another is exploring new realms and meet­ Critical Strike on a Natural 19 or 20.

home and bring with him an arsenal of ing new people, but the best is being with Vulnerabilities: None, per se. If anything,

modem weapons to replace his people's friends who make a difference in the it is his good nature and idealism.

primitive ones and help defeat their home world. Psionics: None.

world's destroyers. Until then, he craves Magic: None.

adventure and enjoys playing the role of Special Abilities: Sharp vision, incredible Bionics and Cybernetics: None.


Notable Equipment: One weapon for rna and 12 armor piercing (lD4xlO M.D .) m; may use a 10 burst clip or a 3000
each w.P. and ID4+4 E-Clips/ammo for rockets, but his other favorite is a round/ISO burst drum).
each, plus a Coalition CR-l Rocket Warlords of Russia-made import: AR-44 Other equipment includes patchwork
Launcher loaded with 12 rockets (lD6x 10 "Sledgehammer" rail gun (1 D4x 10 M.D . suit of body armor (62 M.D .C.), survival
M.D. each) and has an additional 24 plas- per 20 round burst; range: 4,000 feet/l 2 19 knife (ID6 S.D.C.), several pairs of pants
and shorts, a poncho, belt with holster and
pouches, bandoleer with 3 High Explosive
hand grenades (4D6 M.D.), shoulder belt
and scabbard that holds a magic sword,
backpack, bedroll, satchel, portable tool
kit, portable language translator, walkie­
talkie, pair of soft leather gloves, 2D6+6
cigars, cigarette lighter, some personal
The magic sword is actually a holy
sword from his tribe and does 2D6 M.D.
against ordinary foes, but 4D6 M.D.
against supernatural enemies, the undead
and animated dead, and lD6xlO M.D.
against evil gods and Alien Intelligences.
Money: 892 credits on him, 45,000 credits
in savings.

=----.....--"'.. ~".~-.-:~.:~~'

Bowie is a rare "free born" Psi-Hound. Bowie's Skill Level: 72% to identify the
Psi-Hounds, better known as "Dog Boys," Special Abilities: specific type/race of supernatural beings,
are canines genetically engineered at the ·Sense Psychic and Magic Energy. such as Alien Intelligences, gods,
Lone Star Genetics Complex into Bowie 's Skill Level: 65% +5% per level demigods, demons, and vampires, as well
humanoid soldiers and defenders of of experience (roll once every as creatures of magic such as Faeries and
humanity in the service of the Coalition melee round) . Range: 650 feet dragons. Tracking by Scent: 60%.
States. A Free Born Dog Boy is a charac­ (198 m). No I.S .P. cost. Range 500 feet (152 m), 1,500
ter who was born, not grown in a test tube, Recognize (45 7 m) to track when magic
to two Psi-Hound parents. The parents Psychic Scent: as it is being cast, and 5,000
were either feral, escapees from Lone Star Bowie's SkiJl feet (1524 m) to sense and
or Rogue Psi-Hounds who went AWOL. Level : 30% to track Demon Lords, gods
Bowie has never served in the Coalition recognize and other powerful super­
Army and knows nothing about Chi-Town the natural beings. No I.S.P.
other than the stories he has heard. Still, cost. Note: Close
like all Psi-Hounds, Bowie has an instinc­
tive hatred for demons and evil supernatu­ to
ral beings, and an affection for, and an ley
affinity with, humans. In fact, all lines
Dog Boys can sense the presence (within
of the supernatural and magic, and mile/] .6
even track powerful sensations and disrupts
scents to their source. and blurs the
Bowie is a skilled mechanic, or psychic senses
Operator, specializing in automotive (reduce range and skill perfonn­
mechanics. He's also a good driver ance by half) and completely
and can handle himself in a fight. obliterates them when on/with­
He's not sure of what to make of in a ley line.
recent events at Lone Star. Clearly o Enhanced Physical

something is going on beyond the obvi­ Endurance: Twice that of

ous, but he just hopes their involvement the average human when it
doesn't come back to haunt them. comes to resisting fatigue and
lifting weights; can carry 40 times
Name: Bowie his P.S. in pounds and can lift twice as
Species: Freeborn much as they can carry. Dog Boys and
Boy most mutant animals recover in
Alignment: about 15 minutes of rest or
Scrupulous. light work (half the time a
Attributes: I.Q. 12, human needs).
M.E. 13, M.A . 9, P.S. 20,
o Superior Sense of Smell: The olfac­

P.P. 15, P.E. 13, P.B. 8, Spd II.

tory ability of mutant dogs is superior to
Species: Boxer, mutant dog.
humans - roughly one million times better
Size: 5 foot, 4 inches (1.6 m).
than a nonnal human.
Weight: 160 pounds (72 kg).
Recognize and accurately identify gen­
Hit Points: 36. S.D.C.: 43 .
eral/common/known smells is 85%.
Age: 19 (That's like 29 for humans).
general Range: 500 feet (152 m).
P.P.E.: 10
psychic scent of a Identify specific odors familiar to
Experience Level: 5th level Operator.
particular race or species of mortal mon­ Bowie 64%. Range: 125 feet (38.1 m).
Bowie is freeborn and has never served in
ster, animal (familiar) or D-Bee. 18% to Track by smell alone: 60%.
the military other than the current squad
recognize a specific individual; + I 0% o Keen Sense of Hearing: Dog Boys

of mercs.
bonus if the mutant has a bit of hair, skin, have exceptional hearing. They can hear
blood, or an article of recently worn cloth­ into a higher range of sound and can reg­
Disposition: Serious and somber. Bowie ing (4 hours or less) and +10% if it is ister sounds of 35,000 vibrations per sec­
is a nuts and bolts kinda guy who likes to somebody or something the Dog Boy has ond compared to 20,000 in humans and
talk straight and get to the heart of the mat­ encountered in the past and knows well. 25,000 in cats. Their large ears work like
ter. He too considers the group to be his Bonuses are accumulative. Range: 70 feet external sound receivers that can prick up
adopted family and enjoys working, play­ (21.2 m) . No I.S.P. Cost. and swivel to focus in on the sound of the
ing and living with the rest of the squad. Sense Supernatural Beings: noise (thanks to 17 ear muscles). They can



also shut off their inner ear to filter the better. Can increase Spd 20%, range (of attack and all fonns of mind control, +2 to
general din of noise to zero-in on the weapons, radio signals, sensors, etc.) by save vs illusions, +2 to save vs possession
sound they want to concentrate on. 10%, reduce weight by 10%, and add one and curses, and +3 to save vs Horror
o Good SighUVision: The field of extra weapon or feature per each body Factor. Critical Strike on a Natural 18, 19
vision in short-nosed canines (like boxers area of a vehicle or standing fortification or 20.
and terriers) is 200 degrees, in long-nosed (front/nose, midsection, rear section, Vulnerabilities: None, per se.
breeds (like the Gennan Shepherd and top/roof, bottom/undercarriage, and Psionics: Dog Bogs automatically get the
hounds) 270 degrees; compared to the wing). Psychic Sensitive powers, but as an
human's 100 degrees. Dog Boys see color See Rifts® Ultimate Edition for Operator, Bowie has the following: Object
in a similar range as humans. more details about these powers. Read (6), Sense Evil (2), Sixth Sense (2),
o Sense of Taste: All Dog Boys have Also see Psionics. Telemechanics (10), Telemechanic Mental
only a fair to good sense of taste. This is Operation (12) and Speed Reading (2).
probably a blessing of evolution for true Skills of Note: Considered Master Psychic with a spe­
. dogs because they are both carnivores Automotive Mechanics 70%, Barter 54%, cial psionic sensitivity as described above.
who eat what they catch (usually on the Basic Electronics 80%, Basic Mechanics LS.P.: 109. Spent I.S.P. is regained at the
run) and scavengers who eat old and 80%, Combat Driving, Computer rate of 2 points per hour of activity, or 12
decaying food of all kinds. Operation 80%, Computer Programing per hour of meditation or sleep. Needs a
o Sensitivity to Ley Line Energy: The 70%, Find Contraband (limited to 10 or higher to save vs psionic attacks.
steady stream of magic energy completely Machine Parts & Components) 66%, Magic: None.
obliterates their abilities to sense magic, General Repair and Maintenance 75%, Bionics and Cybernetics: None.
psionics and the supernaturaL Hand to Hand: Expert, Jury Rig 75%,
o Repair and Soup-Up Machines & Land Navigation 77%, Language: Native Notable Equipment: One weapon for
Vehicles (Operator ability): Tongue: American 94%, Language: Other: each W.P., suit of customized Bushman
Repairs for Cheap: Can completely Spanish 80%, Literacy: American 80%, annor (80 M.D.C.), plus a backup suit of
repair most parts, machines and vehicles Math: Basic 90%, Physical Labor, Pilot: Dog Boy annor (50 M.D.C.), Vibro-Knife
at a cost of 25% of its original list price Hovercycle 90%, Pilot: Hover Craft (lD6 M.D.; left hip), survival knife (lD6
(Plus his time if he's charging for it; typi­ (Ground) 85%, Pilot: Truck 70%, Pilot: S.D.C.), portable tool kit, tool belt, cloth­
cally another 30% to 50%). Requires the Tracked & Construction Vehicles 70%, ing, belt with holster and pouches, back­
right parts and time to make the repair. Radio: Basic 85%, Recognize Machine pack, bedroll, satchel, a variety of tools
Replace MD. C on the main body and Quality 73%, Vehicle Armorer 80%, and for working on vehicles, plasma torch,
key sections at a cost of 1200 credits per WP. Blunt, WP. Knife, and WP. Energy tinted goggles, air filter, handheld portable
every one M.D.C. point restored. Cannot Pistols, all at 5th leveL computer, language translator, walkie­
exceed the original M.D.C. amount. Attacks per Melee: Five. talkie, wristwatch, cigarette lighter, and
Add MD.C to brand new vehicles and Damage: Via Hand to Hand Combat or by some personal items.
body armor. The percentage increase weapon. Money: 1,129 credits on him, 35,700 in
depends on the Operator's level of skill Bonuses (total): +2 on initiative, +6 on savings.
and experience; +5% at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, Perception Rolls, +2 to strike, +3 to parry
10,12, and 14. and dodge, +3 to pull punch, +2 to disann,
Maximize Performance. Can tweak a +4 to roll with impact, +2 to save vs
vehicle or most any machine to perfonn fatigue and disease, +2 to save vs psionic

Johnny's fiery and flamboyant personality her nerves, even Anika grudgingly cares Ironically, Johnny grew up in the Chi­
matches his psionic powers of about Johnny. She treats Johnny like an Town 'Burb of Firetown. He knows that
Pyrokinesis. He's one cocky son of a gun, annoying "little brother" who enjoys teas­ 'Burb well, and he is also well acquainted
who enjoys being a swashbuckling hot­ ing and needling her. However, Johnny is with the surrounding 'Burbs, the Coalition
shot, and mixing it up. He has skills and secretly in love with Anika, he just does­ State of Chi-Town, and how its police and
impressive powers, but he has a nasty n't know how to tell her or show it prop­ soldiers operate. He has no love for
habit of leaping before he looks and erly. They have been "buddies" for so Emperor Prosek, the CS government or its
underestimating his opponents or the trou­ long, he fears she can't think of him in a anny, but he's not a radical subversive out
ble he's in. romantic light. Ironically, Anika finds to bring Chi-Town down. He just wishes
Despite his devil-may-care attitude, Johnny charismatic and dashing, if only the government would lighten up, treat
Johnny cares a great deal about his team­ he'd grow up and stop acting like a teenag­ people in the 'Burbs better, and accept a
mates, and respects and trusts every last er. In fact, he gets on her nerves so much, larger range of people. Johnny knows a
one of them. Which is good, because because she is attracted to him, and it bugs number of other Bursters, City Rats and
they've pulled his fat out of the fire on her. When push comes to shove, both are Black Market agents who live and work in
plenty of occasions. As much as he gets on there for each other no matter what. the 'Burbs.

convinced they have data that
• Impervious
somebody will pay a mountain
to Fire and
of credits to get their hands
Heat: A psionic aura
on. He's happy to use the
around Johnny makes him
information they pirated
and what he is wearing,
from the computer in the
completely impervious to
Lone Star Complex to
fire and heat, even against
discredit Doctor
Mega-Damage fire. He can
Bradford or create
juggle hot coals, touch burning
trouble for the CS, but
embers, eat fire (for show, not nour­
mostly, he hopes they
ishment), and walk or stand in fire without
make a killing selling it.
discomfort or catching on fire; it feels nat­
Pickings have been a bit thin
ural and invigorating. Nor is he hurt or
lately and the group could use
affected by smoke. Note: This protective
some cash and a little R&R.
aura also helps protect against electricity
(M.D. attacks inflict half damage, S.D.C.
Name: Johnny Ferro
attacks just tingle), and he never sweats.
Species: Human, Psychic with
• Extinguish Fires: The Burster can
the powers of Pyrokinesis.
instantly put out flames without need
Alignment: Unprincipled.
of chemicals or water. The fire just dis­
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 10, M.A .
appears. Range: 100 feet (30.5 m) + 10
15, P.S. 12, P.P. 14, P.E. 11, P.B . 13 , Spd
feet (3 m) per level of experience. Radius
11. of Effect: The psychic can extinguish a
Size: 5 feet, 11 inches (1.75 m).
200 foot (61 m) radius per level of ex peri­
Weight: 180 pounds (82 kg) .
ence. Duration: Permanent; until the fire
Hit Points: 39. S.D.C.: 30.
is reignited. I.S.P. Cost: 4.
M.D.C.: Via M.D.C. body armor, Flame
• Flame Burst (Self): Johnny can
Aura or magic from Moses.
seemingly cause himself to burst into
Age: 27
flames and become completely engulfed
P.P.E.: 5
in fire. In reality, this is a fiery aura
Experience Level: 7th level Burster.
around him. Nothing on the Burster's per­
son is actually on fire, so nothing is dam­
Disposition: Cocky, full of himself and
aged. Furthermore, the character can
happy to give as good as he gets. Johnny
move around without difficulty. However.
thinks of himself as a swashbuckling hero
the fire will ignite anything he touches.
and dashing wise guy, but he's really a bit
such as carpeting, drapes, furniture, paper.
of a childish, impulsive, and smartalecky
wood, etc. Range: Self. Duration: Two
showboat. He has an answer or wisecrack
minutes per level of experience. S.D.C.
", for every occasion, even when he should Damage: 6D6 S.D.C. damage per strike
keep his mouth shut. He tends to act first to anyone or thing that he
and think about the consequences later, touches. Damage is
which gets him and his teammates in trou­ accumulative. Plus, all
ble on a regular basis. combustible articles
He thinks Anika is wound too tight and such as clothing will
takes life way too serious. However, he catch on fire, doing
respects her brains and abilities, and hap­ an additional 6D6
pily accepts her in the role S.D.C. damage per
of leader. melee round until
Johnny and extinguished. These are
some of the S.D.C. flames . I.S.P. Cost: 4.
"guys" love old, pre-Rifts action­ • Flame Burst Body Protection
adventure movies, including old Tarzan (Special): The aura of fire also provides a
flicks, superhero movies, science fiction limited M.D.C. field of protection equal to
flicks, comedies and old TV shows of sim­ 30 M .D.C. +6 points per level of experi­
ilar themes. ence, which renews itself at a rate of 3D6



M.D.C. per melee round (never more than are reduced by half and fighting is impos­ km) a ley line nexus point!
the normal maximum). Note: There is no sible unless he breaks his concentration, See Rifts® Ultimate Edition for
extra LS.P. cost for this aura of protection; causing the fire to disappear. Base Skill: more details about these powers.
it comes with the Flame Burst. 48% +4% per additional level of experi­ Also see Psionics.
• Fire Bolt: A fiery blast fired from ence (roll percentile dice). A failed roll
the forehead or hands. Damage: Mini-bolt means the eruption happens 2D6 Skills of Note: Barter 68%, Computer
2D6 S.D.C.!Hit Points, medium bolt 4D6 yards/meters off target. The Burster is ­ Operation 80%, Computer Programing
S.D.C., heavy bolt 6D6 S.D.C., or Mega­ 2S% to accurately hit a target he cannot 70%, Hand to Hand: Expert, Land
Damage plasma bolt: 2D6 M.D. Range: see if it is smaller than 20 feet (6.1 m) in Navigation 77%, Language: Native
200 feet (61 m) +20 feet (6 m) per level of diameter. Huge targets are easier to hit, Tongue: American 94%, Language: Other:
experience. Duration: Instant; counts as but even then the blinded Burster is -S% to Spanish 80%, Literacy: American 80%,
one melee action/attack. Bonus to Strike: strike. I.S.P. Cost: 10 for S.D.C. fires Math: Basic 90%, Pilot: Hovercycle 98%,
+4; line of sight. I.S.P. Cost: Two, regard­ regardless of size. 20 I.S.P. to create a Pilot: Motorcycles and Snowmobiles
less of the size and damage for an S.D.C. Mega-Damage fire. Maximum Size 98%, Radio: Basic 8S%, WP. Blunt, WP.
blast, and four points to create an M.D. Limitations: 20 foot area (6.1 m) +S feet Knife, WP. Energy Pistols.
blast. (1.S m) per level of experience. Attacks per Melee: Five.
• Fire Eruption: The pyrokinetic can • Sense Fire: The Burster can sense if Damage: Via Pyrokinetic Fire or by
cause a fire to erupt in front of somebody there is a fire as small as a burning candle weapon.
or an area (never directly on a living crea­ nearby. To sense the fire, the Burster must Bonuses (total): +2 on initiative, +1 on
ture) instantly and without the need of stop and concentrate for a moment (IS Perception Rolls, +3 to strike, +3 to parry
combustible material. If the Burster is ren­ seconds/one melee round). A moment and dodge, +S to pull punch, +2 to disarm,
dered unconscious, blinded or distracted, later, he receives psychic impressions that +4 to roll with impact, and +3 to save vs
the flame disappears. S.D.C. Damage: indicate the approximate size (big, medi­ Horror Factor. Critical Strike on a Natural
Tiny flame ID4 S.D.C., 1-2 yards/meters um, small, tiny) and the approximate dis­ 18,190r20.
fire 4D6 S.D.C., a towering pillar or wall tance (near or far), the general direction Vulnerabilities: Johnny is impulsive,
(6 feetl1.8 m tall or bigger) ID4xl0 (north, south, east, west, and, if in a build­ takes unnecessary risks, and leaps before
S.D.C., filling a room or 20 foot (6.1 m) ing, up or down) and if it is contained, out he looks. His wisecracks and sarcasm may
area or larger causes 2D4xlO S.D.C. dam­ of control, or spreading. Range: 800 foot also get him in trouble. And, not surpris­
age (or one M.D. point) per melee round (244 m) radius +100 feet (30.S m) per ingly, Johnny is a sucker for a pretty face.
or whenever somebody attempts to run level of experience. Examining ashes or Psionics: Mind Block (4), Resist Fatigue
through it. Mega-Damage: The fire can burnt debris requires touching it. (4), Sense Time (2), Suppress Fear (8),
be increased to Mega-Damage destruction Duration: Requires IS seconds of and Telekinesis (varies). I.S.P.: 172;
by expending twice as many I.s.p; appli­ preparatory concentration, but the psychic Master Psychic. Spent LS.P. is regained at
cable only to the larger fires, walls, pillars, impressions and being in tune to the fire(s) the rate of 2 points per hour of activity, or
and areas. An M.D. fire wall or pillar lasts for four minutes, thus the character 12 per hour of meditation or sleep. The
inflicts 2D6 M.D., 20 foot (6 m) area does can use this ability to track down fires. character needs a 10 or higher to save vs
4D6 M.D. and 40 feet (12.2 m) or bigger Damage: None. I.S.P. Cost: Two. Note: psionic attacks.
does 6D6 M.D. per melee round or when­ If a Burster uses the power of Telepathy, Magic: None.
ever somebody tries to run through it. Empathy or See Aura, he can also sense if Bionics and Cybernetics: None.
Combustible items burn hotter and the fire the target of his psychic probe is a fire
spreads four times faster than a normal bug/arsonist. Notable Equipment: One weapon for
S.D.C. fire. Range: 100 feet (30 m) +20 • Super Fuel Flame: The character each WP., suit of Urban Warrior body
feet (6 m) per level of experience. A spe­ can feed a fire with psychic energy, armor (SO M.D.C., when he thinks he real­
cific target must be visible, while a target increasing its size by as little as twofold or ly needs it), a knife (ID6 S.D.C.) slipped
area does not have to be visible, but its as much as 10 times. Range: 100 feet in his boot or in an ankle holster under his
precise location must be known to the (30.S m) per level of experience. Area of pant leg, a set of clothing, pants with deep
Burster, e.g. causing a fire to erupt in the Effect: 20 foot (6.1 m) area per level of pockets, a pair of soft leather gloves, belt
adjoining room or the room directly above experience. Damage: Increased propor­ with holster and pouches, backpack,
him, etc. Note: -2S% to accurately hit a tional to the size of the fire; G.M. discre­ bedroll, saddlebag, portable language
target he cannot see if it is smaller than 20 tion. I.S.P. Cost: 8. translator, walkie-talkie, wristwatch,
feet (6 m) in diameter. Duration: 10 min­ The influence of ley line energy: The ID6+ 3 packs of cigarettes, some personal
utes or until the Burster cancels the effect. duration and range of the Burster's pyro­ items and a Firefly HovercycJe (loves
The psychic can keep the fire burning by kinetic and other psychic powers are 'em).
expending an additional one LS.P. every increased by SO% whenever on or near Money: S73 credits on him, 3,131 credits
10 minutes, but must stay within range (within one mile/1.6 km) a ley line. The in savings.
and concentrate on maintaining the fire. duration, range, and damage of his powers
Penalties: Melee actions of the Burster are doubled when at or near (one mile/1.6


Moses is the mage on the team. He is a Moses can't shake tbe feeling this is ramifications of the group's actions even a
skilled and practiced Ley Line Walker, something different. Bigger. More insidi­ little better than Anika, though he is not as
one of the most famous types of practi­ ous and earth shattering tban anyone of good at military strategies and tactics. He
tioners of magic on Rifts Earth. He dress­ them yet realize. And he's not sure any of is a hero through and through and consid­
es in dark clothes, robes and capes (typi­ them are going to make a penny on this ers the group his second family.
cally dark blue or black) and wears a face information. Part of this comes from sen­
mask that is also a gas mask and protec­ sations he felt while inside the monster. Special Abilities: All Ley Line Walker
tion for his head and face. The mask has a Somehow he felt linked to it. Felt its pri­ O.c.c. Abilities. See Magic Knowledge.
bit of a demonic or insect appearance due mal desires and knows that it hungered for Skills of Note: Climbing 75%/65%, Cook
to the bug-like lens over the eyes and the magic. Or more to the point, people of 70%, Computer Operation 75%, Dowsing
pair of horns. magic. It feeds and procreates using the 50%, Hand to Hand: Basic, Land
What nobody - not even the rest of the energy of the mages it swallows. But what Navigation (56%), Language: Speaks
gang - knows, is that Moses is an alien would the CS want with a creature tbat Native Language: Demongogian at 98%,
from beyond the Rifts. The horns are not eats magic unless ... Language: Other: American, Spanish and
part of the mask, but they and the braided Could Bradford be preparing a legion Dragonese/Elven all at 88%, Literacy:
hair are his. They're real. He carefully of monsters to wage war upon the American 60%, Lore: Demon & Monster
guards this secret, and fears his friends' Federation of Magic? First Tolkeen, next 70%, Lore: Faeries and Creatures of
reaction should they learn the truth. He's the Federation? Could the Emperor, or at Magic 65%, Lore: Magic 65%, Lore:
not a demon, though he resembles one, least Bradford, be considering creating a Psychics and Psionics 65%, Intelligence
and he knows how people on Rifts Earth legion of magic devouring monsters so 52%, Math: Basic 85%, Physical Labor,
fear demons and magic. that the human casualty count won't be so Pilot: Hovercycle 93%, Research 70%,
Despite Moses' dark and ominous high next time? Is the Emperor part of this Wilderness Survival 70%, and W.P.
appearance, he is an idealist and hero with scheme? Have they nipped it in the bud by Energy Pistol at 6th level.
dreams of helping people and making the killing the one creature Bradford had cre­ Attacks per Melee: Five.
world a better place. Thus, he uses his ated? What impact will selling this infor­ Damage: As per Hand to Hand Combat,
magic to help and heal, liberate people mation have on the world? And who weapons or magic.
from oppression and right injustice. Well, should they sell it to? The CS? The Bonuses (total): +2 on Perception Rolls,
at least whenever he can. As a group of Federation? Lazlo? Will going public stop + I to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +2 to
freelance adventurers and guns for hire, what could be the next Coalition War? pull punch, + 1 to disarm, +2 to roll with
the group sometimes finds itself taking Moses has yet to share his speCUlation impact, +4 to save vs possession and mind
jobs just to make ends meet. And some­ and fears with the group, but he will control, +3 to save vs curses, +2 to save vs
times, they end up on the wrong side ­ before they reach Chi-Town. psionic attack, +5 to save vs magic, +3 to
always a troubling matter. save vs poison, + 12% to save vs
Moses is one of the three de facto Name: Moses
coma/death, and +4 to save vs Horror
group leaders, along with Anika and 0.1. Real name: Ghaza Mos Esto'tchal
Factor. + 1 to Spell Strength.
He tends to defer to Anika or 0.1. in mat­ Species: Unknown.
Vulnerabilities: None per se.
ters involving combat, but he is nearly as Alignment: Scrupulous.
Psionics: None.
capable and trusted as Anika in team mat­ Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 18, M.A. 15,
Magic Knowledge: As per Ley Line
ters and his voice holds a lot of weight. P.S. 15, PP. II , P.E. 21, P.B. 12, Spd 10.
Walker O.c.c.
Ultimately, the group dynamics boil down Size: 6 foot, 3 inches (1.9 m).
o Sense Ley Line: Feels whether there

" to the fact that they all care about one Weight: 180 pounds (81 kg).
is a ley line within the area of his sensing
another and function supremely well Hit Points: 50. S.D.C.: 35.
abilities. For Moses that's 60 miles (96
together. They are a well-oiled fighting M.D.C.: Wears light Mage body armor
krn). Follow the feeling to the location of
and adventuring machine - and most of under his robes; M.D.C. 48, as well as
the ley line is 55%.
all, friends. uses various spells for additional M.D.C.
o Sense Ley Line Nexus: Once found,

Moses is convinced that their Lone protection.

Moses can follow the ley line to as many
Star adventure has only just begun, and Age: 227 years old.
nexus points as it may have. Base Skill:
that the escape from the genetics complex P.P.E.: 192
is just the first chapter in what is certainly Experience Level: 6th level Ley Line
o Sense a Rift: Automatically feels

going be an epic adventure. He just hopes Walker. Had different life before coming
when a Rift opens or closes anywhere
they all live through it to tell the tale. He to Rifts Earth.
within 75 miles (120 krn) of him.
has no doubt that they are being used as o Sense Magic in Use: Can feel when

pawns in one of Desmond Bradford's mad Disposition: Intelligent, educated, civi­ spells are cast or magic used within 600
schemes. Ironically, he doesn't think the lized, and serious. Talks mainly when be feet (183 m) of him. Note: This does not
data they carry and the plot that is unfold­ has something to say, but a)so has a sly include the use of psionic powers .
ing has anything to do with Emperor sense of humor and a dry wit. He is good o See Magic Energy: The mage sees

Prosek, Chi-Town or Lone Star directly. at seeing the big picture and the potential magic energylP.P.E. radiating from peo­



• Ley Line Phasing (Teleportation): Walker is one with the ley line. Of course,
Moses can instantly teleport from one unless he can see his destination, he can't
place to another, FLAWLESSLY anywhere know who or what might also be present
on the same ley line. The teleport in that area and he could appear in the
is always on target, because the middle of an armed camp (but not inside
Ley Line one of them or a tree, etc., as is the danger
with the Teleportation spell).
• Ley Line Walking or Line
Lines: Moses Drifting: Moses can open himself
knows informa­ to the ley line energies and walk
tion about the ley orfloat through the air along the
line in a matter of length of the ley line. The
moments. speed factor is a mere Speed of
Data 10, but it is relaxing and
includes requires absolutely no exertion
length or even physical movement of the
direction, num­ feet or body if drifting afloat. NO
ber of Nexus points, P.P.E. is necessary for the Ley
if there is an active Line Walker to do this,
Rift, and if there are any because he's drawing on the
major natural disasters cur­ ambient energy of the
rently happening along the line. He can even
line, such as a forest fire, meditate while drift­
flooding, hurricane, or ing down a ley line. Height
earthquake. War and magic is typically 1-5 feet (0.3 to
are not natural disasters. 1.5 m) above the ground,
The power is automatic and but if he concentrates he can
does not require the expendi­ reach a height as great as the line
ture of personal P.P.E. itself.
• Ley Line Transmission: • Ley Line Rejuvenation: Moses can
Moses can send a verbal and/or use the ley line energy to double the rate
visual message directly along a ley of natural healing by concentrating to do
line to another person so long as that per­ so. The mage can also perform an instant
son is also located somewhere on that ley rejuvenation on a ley line once every 24
line. The message takes only a matter of hours, in which after about ten min­
seconds. The message can be sent to one utes of concentration, he is
specific person or several people (one per­ completely rested, alert,
son per level of the sender's experience), and healed of 20 Hit
or several people at different locations on Points and 20 S.D.C.
the line. There is no way for the sender to +6D6 additional Hit
know if others have eavesdropped on his Points and ID6x10+12
message. Nor is there any way S.D.C. Again, at no
scramble the message. This power P.P.E. cost, but only
is an automatic ability for possible on a ley line.
the Ley Line Note: No P.P.E. or I.S.P.
Walker and can be restored this way,
does not only Hit Points and S.D.C.
require • Ley Line
ex­ Observation Ball: A globe of
penditure of light, about the size of a soccer
personal ball, can be conjured out of
P.P.E. thin air and linked to the Ley
Line Walker like a third eye.
Observation Ball
/ (the size of a
soccer ball) has
six M.D.C., a range of 3,000 feet (914 m),
and a Spd of 44 (30 mph/48 km). It is +3 to
dodge and cannot attack. Everything it sees, OJ. is dying. He is a Juicer in the early have at least six months to a year left,
Moses sees. stages of "Last Call," meaning he has and he'd like to enjoy that time without
• Ley Line Force Field: Moses can erect 3D6+8 months left to live. pity and tears from his friends .
an energy fi eld reminiscent of the Armor of OJ. once worked for the Coalition
lthan around himself whenever he's on a ley as a hired mercenary and scout, but that Name: Oswald "OJ" James
line. It has 26 M.D.C. and costs the mage 10 was five years ago, and before he Species: Human, augmented through
P.P.E. to create/summon it initially, but once hooked up with "the gang." Since then, chemicals that are killing him.
it is in place it remains up for the entire time he has found friendship and purpose Alignment: Scrupulous (started out
he remains on the ley line or until he dispels with his fellow adventurers and loves Anarchist, but hanging out with this
it. If the Ley Line Force Field is destroyed , it them like his own family. He tried to group has made him a better man).
regenerates at full strength at the start of the " kick the juice" and detox two years Attributes: I.Q. 14, M .E. 12, M.A. 10,
next melee round! ago, but he couldn ' t do it, and went P.S. 32 (Augmented), P.P. 20, P.E. 21,

• Spells of Note: Armor of Ithan (10), back to being a Juicer even though he P.B. 10, Spd 89 (60 mph/96 km) .

Ballistic Fire (25), Befuddle (6), Blinding knew it was a death sentence. Juicer Size: 5 feet, 11 inches (I. 79 m) .

Flash (I), Breathe Without Air (5), Call augmentation turns the recipient into a Weight: 178 pounds (80 .1 kg).

Lightning (15), Cleanse (6), Cloud of Smoke superman with lightning reflexes, Hit Points: 78. S.D.C.: 379.

(2), Globe of Daylight (2), Electric Arc (8), Augmented Strength equal to most Age: 25

Energy Bolt (5), Energy Disruption (12), cyborgs , and an energy that defies P.P.E.: 7

Energy Field (IO), Extinguish Fire (4), Float description. Problem is, the human Experience Level: 8th level Juicer.

in Air (5), Force Bonds (25) , Fuel Flame (5), body can ' t handle the "juice" - the
Heal Wounds (l0), Impervious to Fire (5), chemicals - that provide the super abil­ Disposition: Being old for a Juicer and
Levitation (5), Ley Line Fade (20), Ley Line ities and quickly bum the body out. The knowing death is coming, OJ. has
Phantom (40), Ley Line Tendril Bolts (26), life expectancy of the average Juicer is become much more reserved, compas­
Ley Line Time Capsule (I5), Magic Net (7), 5-7 years, and Oswald is coming into sionate and introspective . He 's not
Magic Pigeon (20) , Magic Shield (6), his sixth year. Once "Last Call" starts, it afraid to die, but he hates the idea of
Manipulate Obj ects (2+), Purification (20), can't be stopped or reversed. OJ. and leaving his friends to fend for them­
See the Invisible (4), Sense Magic (4), all Juicers know that. This means OJ. is selves and knows his passing will affect
Shadow Meld (10), Sheltering Force (20), looking for a couple big scores before them all. He'd like to help the group
Rift Teleportation (200), Teleport: Lesser he dies, leaving the proceeds to his pals make some big cash before he dies so
(15), Teleport: Superior (600), Tongues (12), in the group (he doesn't have any fami­ that, maybe, they can retire from being
Tum Dead (6), Wall of Defense (55), Wall of ly left), and going out in a blaze of mercenaries and enjoy a more peaceful
Wind (40), and Words of Truth (15). Note, glory. and safe life .
for hundreds of spells, different types of OJ. hopes that the information
magic, magic items, magic weapons, herbs retrieved from Lone Star may be the big Special Abilities: Can leap 30 feet (9.1
and other magic related info, check out score he's looking for, but like Anika, m) across and 20 feet (6.1 m) high after
Rifts® Book of Magic . he wonders if the group isn't in over a short run; half that distance from a
P.P.E.: 192. The Ley Line Walker can their heads. He agrees with her that they dead stop. Lasts 10 times longer before
also draw an extra 20 P.P.E. per melee round were allowed to escape the Lone Star feeling the effects of exhaustion (actual­
when on a ley line and 30 when at a ley lines Complex, and he's, personally, con­ ly, with Last Call in swing, it's only 7x
nexus pointl P.P.E. recovers at a rate of seven vinced that Doctor Desmond Bradford longer). Can remain alert and operate at
"" points per hour of sleep or rest or 15 P.P.E. must be the one responsible. That full efficiency for up to five days (120
per hour of meditation . means they are playing into somebody's hours) without sleep. Normally needs
Bionics: None. hands and OJ. doesn't like being any­ only three hours of sleep per day.
Notable Equipment: One weapon for each body 's henchman one bit. All he can do • Enhanced Healing (special):
w.P. , light body armor (48 M.D .C.) under the is pray that in the end, things tum out in Heals four times faster than normal.
robe, Vibro-Knife (ID6 M.D.), set of cloth­ their favor and something good comes +20% to save vs coma and death.
ing, belt with pouches, black, hooded robe, of the information. Virtually impervious to pain , no amount
protective face plate and gas mask with holes Having been so healthy and power­ of physical pain will impair the Juicer
for his horns to stick out from the forehead, ful for so many years, the Juicer is sur­ until he is down to 5 Hit Points or less.
backpack, portable translator, walkie-talkie, prised how quickly and profound the At this point the warrior will collapse,
note pad and I D4 pens and markers, pocket intermittent tremors, nosebleeds and falling into a trance/coma, which is
mirror, silver cross (for fighting vampires), power swings (great surges and low really a Bio-Comp-induced state of
1D6 wooden stakes, a wooden mallet, and ebbs) have set in. It worries him, as he accelerated healing.
some personal items . doesn't want to become a liability for See Rijis® Ultimate Edition for
Money: 4,300 credits on him, with 54,800 his friends and teammates. Nobody has more details about Juicer abilities.
credits stashed away in savings. noticed his illness yet, and he'd like to
keep it that way. He knows he should


Skills of Note: Acrobatics (+15%), Notable Equipment: One

Barter 72%, Boxing, Climbing weapon for each W.P. , a
98 %/90%, Demolitions 94%, Find German-made WR-19 Plasma
Contraband 68%, Hand to Hand : Rifle (5D6 M .D. per single
Expert, Intelligence 69%, Land blast, 10 shot payload, 1600
Navigation 75 %, Language: Native feet/488 m range), Juicer
Tongue: American 94%, Language : Assassin's JA-ll energy rifle,
Other: Spanish 90%, Language: a Coalition C-20 Laser Pistol
Other: Gobblely 90%, Math: Basic (2D6 M.D. , 21 shot clip, 800
90%, Military Etiquette 80%, Pilot: feet/244 m range), and C-29
Hovercycle 98%, Pilot: Hover Craft Hellfire Heavy Plasma Cannon
90%, Pilot: Jump Bike 90%, Prowl 80%, (1D6xl0 M.D., 8 blast clip,
Radio: Basic 98%, Recognize Weapon and 1400 feet/427 m
Quality 70%, Running, Surveillance 70%, range), plus 1D4+6
Swimming 95%, Wrestling, Wilderness E-Clips for each.
Survival 70%, WP. Blunt, WP. Knife, Other equip­
WP. Energy Pistol, WP. Energy Rifle, and ment includes a suit
WP. Heavy M.D. Weapons all at 8th level. of heavy Juicer body
Attacks per Melee: Eight. armor (60 M.D.C.),
Damage: As per Augmented P.S. or by Juicer harness and drug
weapon. Does 2D4 M.D. with a Power .' dispenser, Juicer Jump Bike, two
Punch (but counts as two attacks) , and - Vibro-Knives (1D6 M.D. ; one on the
does + 17 points of damage with left hip, one in the left boot), survival
S.D.C. punch, kick and other physical Natural knife (1D6 S.D.C. right boot), clothing,
attacks. 18, 190r20. belt with holster and pouches, backpack,
Bonuses (total): +4 on initiative, +2 on Vulnerabilities: OJ. is in bedroll, saddlebag, portable language
Perception Rolls , +6 to strike, +8 to parry, last call, sick and dying. That means over translator, walkie-talkie, wristwatch, ciga­
-8 to automatic dodge (roll to dodge, but the months to come, his abilities will ebb rette lighter, optic helmet, portable
:he act of dodging does not use up an at times, supercharge other times (that's IRMSS kit, camouflage fatigues and
attack), +7 to a normal dodge, +4 to pull how he was able to tum the ATV from its armor, extra set of grey fatigues , boots
punch, +2 to disann, +6 to roll with side to back on its wheels all by himself), with knife holster, gloves, backpack, utili­
impact, +3 to save vs magic, +4 to save vs he ' ll suffer from nosebleeds, tremor and ty belt, sunglasses, tinted goggles, can­
sionics, +6 to save vs mind control eventually die. teen, compass, and personal items.
(psionic and chemical), +8 to save vs toxic Psionics: None. Money: 5,000 credits on him, 32,000
gases, poisons, and other drugs, and + 18% Magic: None. credits in savings.
10 save vs coma/death. Critical Strike on a Bionics and Cybernetics: None.


The group is more like a family than a Name: Real name unknown, goes by the
odors (01-65% chance), recognize a per­
military outfit, and they have ridden nickname 'Shakes.'
son by scent like a dog (01-25%
together for the last five years, in some Species: Human, augmented by M.O.M.
chance), and even track by smell (01­
cases, seven or eight years. That's why brain implants.
30%), provided the scent is not more
they put up with Shakes' strange idio­ Alignment: Unprincipled (was
than two hours old .
syncrasies and crazy antics. They Scrupulous).
• Enhanced sense of taste is so acute
remember when he had most of his men­ Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 7, M .A . 9, P.S.
the character can taste for a specific fla­
tal faculties and was an important mem­ 25 (Augmented), P.P. 22, P.E. 13, P.B . 8,
vor, discern specific ingredients, and tell
ber of the team. Spd 43 (30 mph/48 km).
if a drink or food has been poisoned,
Nowadays, Shakes is an oddball who Size: 6 feet, 6 inches (1.9 m).
drugged or is spoiled. Chance for detec­
has to be watched and kept in line to Weight: 150 pounds (67 .5 kg).
tion is 01-55%, +20% if the chemical
make sure he doesn't do anything fool­ Hit Points: 73. S.D.C.: 182 .
has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
ish, inappropriate or dangerous to the Age: 34
• Enhanced sense of touch enables
group. A third of the time Shakes is P.P.E.: 10
the character to recognize very slight
oblivious to the trouble or danger going Experience Level: 9th level Crazy.
differences in textures by touch.
on around him. A third of the time he is • Enhanced Healing. Heals two
aware, but a nut job and loose cannon Disposition: Good natured and seems
times faster than normal humans and is
who might take extreme, unnecessary, perpetually happy. He enjoys making
virtually impervious to pain. No amount
silly or deadly action in answer to any jokes, quips and bad PlUlS even in des­
of physical pain impairs the Crazy until
given situation. The rest of the time perate situations. As Bodakhan would
he is down to 10 Hit Points or less. At
Shakes has his faculties , and is aware say, "Shakes ain't right in the head, you
that point he suddenly realizes his condi­
and ready to do whatever is necessary to know, but he's a good guy in a fight."
tion and starts to feel the effects of his
get the job done. Also see Insanities.
Shakes is crazy, as well as being a He likes everyone on the team, but • Crazies' Bio-Regeneration. This
Crazy. Crazies are warriors who have especially Anika (who he regards as the ability is a little different from the psion­
voluntarily gotten M.O .M . brain team leader), Bowie and OJ. Of course, ic power, although related. Shakes must
implants to tum themselves into super­ this is also a guy who likes to chew on stop what he's doing to slip into a medi­
humans. Indeed , Shakes' reflexes are so feathers and hand grenade pins, and jug­ tative trance. While in the trance, he is
good, he can catch a bird in mid-flight gle live birds or explosives. completely helpless and cannot move or
with his bare hand without hurting it. He take any action. All of his concentration
is fast, nimble and deadJy in combat, Special Abilities: Shakes can leap 20 is focused into an accelerated, bio-feed­
doing flips and somersaults while shoot­ feet (6 m) across and 15 feet (4.6 m) back program that restores 2D6 Hit
ing a weapon or throwing grenades. He's high after a short run (half that distance Points and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding,
also a whack job who laughs in the face from a dead stop). He can also lift and and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An
of death and finds humor in almost every carry twice as much as a normal person extended period of Crazies' Bio­
situation, even deadly ones. of equivalent strength and endurance, Regeneration, over a period of six hours,
Like the rest of his crew, Shakes is a and can last 10 times longer before feel­ restores all S.D.C. and an additional4D6
hero through and through. It's just that ing the effects of exhaustion. He remains Hit Points!
the brain implants that make him super­ alert and operates at full efficiency for See Rifts® Ultimate Edition for
human have also made him mentally up to three days (72 hours) without more details about these powers.
disturbed. He was pleased to be able to sleep, and needs only four bours of sleep
rescue Moses from the belly of the mon­ per day to function at full capacity. Skills of Note: Barter 72%, Begging
ster and is aware that the group has valu­ • Enhanced vision provides the char­ 53%, Cardsharp 60%, Climbing
able information for sale. However, the acter with perfect 20120 vision and 98%/95%, Dance 80%, Detect Ambush
Crazy has no idea what the information exceptional long-range , hawk-like 75%, Electronic Countermeasures 60%,
is or what's done with it. He's just along vision; can read a small sign or recog­ Escape Artist 85%, Gambling (Standard)
for the ride and to lend a helping band nize a face from up to two miles (3.2 60%, Gymnastics (+20%), Hand to
when necessary. He's heard Anika, OJ. km) away when he concentrates; must Hand: Martial Arts, Interrogation 64%,
and Johnny talking about secret plots, have line of sigbt. Juggling 85%, Land Navigation 80%,
setups and being used as pawns, but it all • Enhanced hearing can hear a Language : Native Tongue: American
sounds too complicated and boring for whisper or a twig snap under someone's 95%, Language: Other: Spanish 85%,
him to deal with. He's ready for action boot up to 300 feet (91.5 m) away. The Math: Basic 95%, Pilot: Hovercycle
whenever and wherever it comes. He acute bearing gives the Crazy an auto­ 98%, Pilot: Hover Vehicle 90%, Pilot:
does hope the group is heading for the malic dodge on all attacks, even from Sail Boats 85%, Prowl 80%, Radio:
Cbi-Town 'Burbs, because there's behind and surprise attacks. Basic 95%, Sing 60%, Swimming 98%,
always opportunities and action in that • Enhanced sense of smell enables Rope Works 65%, Tailing 80%, and WP.
town. the character to instantly recognize Blunt, WP. Knife, WP. Handguns, WP.



Energy Pistol, and WP. Energy Rifle, all a

9th level. Plus WP. Paired Weapons at 3rd
level proficiency.
Attacks per Melee: Seven.
Damage: As per Augmented P.S. or
by weapon. Does ID4 M.D. on a
Power Punch, but that counts as two
melee attacks; +9 S.D.C. damage
from punches, kicks and other phys­
ical attacks.
Bonuses (total): +3 on initiative, +3
on Perception Rolls, +6 to strike, +7
to parry and dodge (normal), +9 to
automatic dodge, +3 to pull punch,
+6 to disann, + 11 to roll with impact,
+2 to save vs psionic attack, +2 to
save vs possession, +6 to save vs mind
control, +4 to save vs poisons and toxic
gas, +3 to save vs Horror Factor, and
+15% to save vs coma and death. Critical
Strike on a Natural 18, 19 or 20.
Vulnerabilities: Shakes' mind is not all
there. The brain implants and physical and
mental trauma have taken their toll. He
still functions , especially with supervision
from his friends, but Shakes isn't playing
with a full deck . This has also affected his
skill performance, which is why some
skills don't reflect his level of experience
Meditation (0), and Sixth Sense
types of hand grenades: 2
and his skill range is limited more than
(2). I.S .P.: 90; Minor Psychic.
Fragmentation (2D6 M.D.),
Spent I.S.P. is regained at the rate
12 High Explosive (4D6
Insanities: The following are in addition
of2 points per hour of activity, or 8
M.D.), 7 Plasma (6D6
to his disassociation (lack of awareness)
per hour of meditation or sleep.
M.D.), and 4 smoke (no
noted in Shakes' opening description.
The character needs a 12 or higher
damage); plus one weapon for
o He is not afraid to die, making him a
(before bonuses) to save vs psion­
each WP. and 1D4+2 E­
thrill seeker who is willing to take risks
ic attacks.
Clips/ammo-clips for each .
and behave like a daredevil.
Magic: None.
Other gear includes : suit of
o Finds most people, situations and the
Bionics and Cybernetics: Just
Urban Warrior body armor (50
things people say and do to be funny, and
the M.O.M. brain implants
M.D.C.), Vibro-Knife (ID6 M .D.),
he may make jokes, quips or odd com­
that make him a Crazy.
survival knife (ID6 S.D.C.), a set of
ments in response to them.
clothing, combat boots, bandoleer
o Likes the taste of feathers and enjoys
that holds three grenades and has
watching, petting, licking and play­
four additional pouches, bowler
ing with "birdies."
hat, three different colored vests
o Likes to use hand grenades,
(likes vests), belt with holster and
fusion blocks and other explo­
pouches, backpack, bedroll, satchel (holds
sives in combat, but has no
his grenades and fusion blocks),
Demolitions skills.
portable language translator,
o Gets bored easily and likes to be in
walkie-talkie, two decks of
the action or doing something. If he gets
playing cards, cigarette lighter,
too bored he'll act silly or obnoxious and
pair of gloves, and some
tease and annoy the rest of the group.
Equipment: Adores
personal items.
o Phobia: Worms (they scare the
using hand grenades and Fusion Blocks'
Money: 157 credits on him. 739
bejezus outta him).
Has four Type One Fusion Blocks
credits in savings. Tends to spend money
o Obsession: Bowler hats. Loves 'em
(lD4xl0 M.D.) and six Type Two Fusion
freely when he can lay his hands on it.
and is never seen without one.
Blocks (2D6xl0 M.D.), and the following

Psionics: Intuitive Combat (10) ,

Magali is the leader of the Mutant Rats as a group of adventurers trying to reach her attention .

living beneath the Lone Star Complex, Project Omega) who can assist her in her Psionics: A Major Psycruc who needs a 12

in the sewers and catacombs of the sub­ goals. Altbough a passionate individual, or better to save vs psionic attacks. Her abil­

terranean military compound. Several she is willing to put aside her personal ities are Empathy (4), Presence Sense (4),

years ago, when the Mutant Rats made feelings to accomplish her goals or for See Aura (6), and Sixth Sense (2). I.S.P.:

their mass escape, Magali was one of the the greater good of her people (for which 32

rats who managed to take command of Dr. Heston is extremely grateful). Magic: None.

the situation. Through virtue of her high­ Bionics and Cybernetics: None.

er intelligence and aided by her psychic Special Abilities: Climb 87/82%, Swim
abilities, she managed to convince a 77%, Prowl 77%, Identify scents 54%, Notable Equipment: Magali travels
number of her fellow rats to follow her Track by scent 50%, can leap 6 feet (1.8 light with only the clothes on her back
instructions. m) up and 10 feet (3 m) across, double and a pair ofVibro-Knives.
These proved to be well thought out jointed and ambidextrous. Her primary weapons are
plans and the rats who did Magali's bid­ a pair of Vibro-Knives
ding managed to stave off destruction Skills of Note: Camouflage (1D6 M.D. each), but
from the Lone Star extermination squads 47%,Detect Ambush 62%, £~""-5~~~~~~ she has collected a
and containment patrols, while many of Escape Artist 72 % , Hand
the other rats were exterminated en to Hand: Assassin, common and
masse. The Mutant Rats decided that Intelligence 56%, basic Coalition
they had a capable leader and have fol­ Jury-Rig 57%, Land weapons, gear
lowed Magali for years. Navigation 74%, and body armor
As word spread through the cata­ Language: American she and her min­
combs about the She-Rat who actually 90%, Pick Locks 67%, ions have stolen
looks after the well-being of her pack, Pick Pockets 62%, Radio:
more rats joined. Now, other than small, Basic 77%, Running, The
scattered rat packs who still maintain Sniper, Tailing Rats
their precarious independence, Magali is Tracking (peo­ have no money
the undisputed leader of the Lone Star ple) 57%, per se. What
free rat population. Their colony is quite Wi Iderness --~'\ little money they
large and dangerous, to the point that Survival obtain mainly
even the extermination squads try to 62%, and from
give them a wide berth unless they have W.P. Knife unwary
a couple of Kill Cat platoons at their dis­ (Vibro­ travellers
posal. Blade), WP. in their
Energy Rifle, ' catacombs and is considered
Name: Magali
WP. Hand­ community property used to
Species: Mutant Rat.
guns , and buy things such as food,
Alignment: Aberrant.
WP. Paired weapons, and medicine
Attributes: I.Q. 17, M .E. 10, M.A. 11 ,
Weapons, all from other (less hos­
P.S. 12, P.P. 19, P.E. 13, P.B. 6, Spd 28.
at 5tb level. tile) travelers.
Size: 5 feet, 5 inches (1.52 m).
Attacks per Melee: Eight! Note: The rea­
Weight: 127 Ibs (57 kg).
Damage: As per hand to that
Hit Points: 25 . S.D.C.: 29.
hand combat or weapon.
M.D.e.: None, relies on her agility and
Bonuses (total): +5 on initia­
knowledge of the catacombs for protec­
tive, +2 to strike, + I to strike with adventurers
tion. Wears stolen "Dead Boy" body
a thrown weapon, + 1 to dodge, +4 to so quickly
armor when necessary.
damage, +4 to roll with was due to
P.P.E.: 8
punch/fall/impact, +4 to pull her psychic
Age: 12
punch, Karate Punch (2D4 powers of Empathy
Experience Level: 5tb level Mutant Rat.
damage), Karate Kick and See Aura. Even though
(2D6 damage). the adventurers did not
Disposition: Magali is a true leader. Her Vulnerabilities: Her know tbey were being
two goals are (in order of priority), to overpro tecti venes s scanned, Magali knew
protect her people, and to undermine tbe toward her tribe could that they could ulti­
Coalition forces at Lone Star (or any­ work against her. Threaten her people mately be trusted.
where, for that matter). More intelligent and you have
and far-sighted than her people, Magali
will readily ally herself and her
Mutant Rats with anyone (such




Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+6, M.E. 2D6, M.A.
Wilderness Scout . Those O.c.c.s not
2D6, P.S. 3D6, P.P. 2D6+8, P.E. 3D6, P.B .
found in Rifts® Ultimate Edition are
The Coalition has experimented with 2D6, Spd 4D6+6 running (reduce by 30%
found in Rifts® World Book 14: New
turning a variety of animals into humanoid when climbing).
West. Lean toward criminal and violent
mutants for military use, i.e. non-human Height: 5 feet to 5 feet, 6 inches (1.5 to
soldiers. Rats seemed like a logical choice 1.7 m). Skills of Note for a Third Level
because of their cunning natures. Weight: 120-160 pounds (54 to 72 kg). Vagabond Rat Thief: Barter 58%,
However, rats, unlike canines, have Average Hit Points: 21 (P.E. attribute Begging 56%, Cook 65%, two Domestic
proven to retain too much of an independ­ number plus lD6 per level of experience.) skills of choice (+ 15%), General Repair
ent spirit and are not obedient or loyal Average S.D.C.: 30 (P.E. attribute num­ and Maintenance 55 %, 1.D. Undercover
enough to make reliable CS soldiers. To ber +4D6, plus those gained from physical Agent 52%, Language: Native Tongue:
make matters worse, rodents, especially skills.) America at 88%, Language: Other:
rats, seem to be Anarchist by nature, and M.D.C.: Via body armor. Patchwork Spanish 74%, Language: Other of Choice
their new, large, humanoid bodies and armor has 4D6+ 30 M.D.C., stolen CS (+ 15%), Palming 39%, Pick Locks 49%,
intelligence seem to make them more "Dead Boy" armor and most other heavy Salvage 55%, Tailing 49%, Pilot
aggressive than the ordinary animal. The suits of armor stolen from adventurers Automobile or Motorcycle 86%, Radio :
experiment was declared a terrible failure have 70-100 M.D.C. Basic 65%, and WP. Blunt, W.P. Knife or
and the mutants were marked for termina­ P.P.E.: 3D6 Sword, and WP. Energy Pistol or Energy
tion. In an inexplicable incident, a random Rifle, all at 3rd level. Plus R.C.C. Skills
Rift appeared in the middle of a mutant rat Disposition: Curious, selfish, and enjoy noted previously.
containment area, allowing around 1200 instant gratification. Tend to look out only Experience Level: I D6 or as set by the
to escape. A few hundred reappeared with­ for themselves . Game Master for NPCs. Player Characters
in the sewers, and lower, secret and unfin­ Average Life Span: 4D4+24 years . should start a level one.
ished levels the Lone Star Complex, Mutant Rats reach physical maturity at the Attacks per Melee: As per Hand to Hand
where they have multiplied and made new age of six. Females give birth to lD4+ I Skill; typically 5-7.
lives living in the underbelly of the Lone young after a 6 month pregnancy and can Damage: Bite does 2D6 S.D.C./H.P. ,
Star Complex. These are the mutants led bear young till the age of 30. claw strike (with finger nails) does 2D4
by Magali. S.D.C. damage, punch 106, kick 2D6.

General humanoid appearance, bipedal Natural Abilities: Ambidextrous, double Bonuses (in addition to those acquired

body with a pair of humanoid arms, legs jointed, also have soft, joined, collapsible from attributes and skills): + I attack per

and hands. They have a long, hairless rat bones to squeeze through openings one melee per round, +3 on initiative, + I to

tail and their bodies are covered in a light third the size of their body, fatigue at 10% dodge, + I to pull punch, +2 to roll with

grey, black or white fur. Their fingers and the rate of humans, can leap 6 feet (1.8 m) fall or impact.

toes have claws and the head looks very high and 10 feet (3 m) across from a Magic: None, as a rule. The study of

much like that of a rat. Most are thin and standing position, increase height and dis­ magic doesn't appeal to Mutant Rats,

wiry. Hands are fully articulated with a tance 30% with a running start. Identify although they like magic items and

human-like opposable thumb with long, scents: 44% +2% per level of experience, weapons.

sharp, nails. Bipedal stance and walk Track by scent: 40% +2% per level of Psionics: 01-25 % are minor psionics;

upright. Speech is human-like but a bit experience. select four Sensitive powers.

guttural and they have a tendency to hiss, The tail is not prehensile. Rats, includ­ Bionics and Cybernetics: None.

growl, and squeal when excited, angry or ing Mutant Rats, chew on wood, bone,
scared. concrete, metal, etc. to wear down their Common Equipment: Whatever they can
constantly growing teeth, otherwise their scrounge or steal. One weapon for each
Player Character Note: Player charac­ fangs will grow through their jaw! WP. , Vibro-Blade (45 % Vibro-Knife 106
ters who are not CS agents (spy, infiltrator, R.C.C. Skills: Regardless of the O.c.c. M.D., 30% Vibro-Short Sword 2D4 M.D.,
scout, soldier, etc .) must either be "feral" selected, all Mutant Rats have the follow­ 10% Dog Boy Vibro-Claws 2D6 M.D .,
renegades (runaway mutants/deserters) or ing Skills, Climb (+20%), Escape Artist 10% large Vibro-Sword 2D6 M.D. and
the offspring of runaway mutants. In the (+20%), Prowl (+15%), Land Navigation 5% Neural Mace), survival knife (106
first case, they are considered dangerous (+20 % ), Swim (+20%) , Wilderness S.D.C.), patchwork armor (4D6+30
traitors in need of termination. In the latter Survival (+10%). M.D.C.), flashlight, comb, 30 feet (9.1 m)
case, the mutant is considered to be a O.C.C. & Skills: As per O.c.c. of lightweight rope, utility belt, air filter, a
hopelessly corrupt and dangerous "feral Theoretically, a Mutant Rat could be any canteen or waterskin, ID4 small sacks,
free-born" and destroyed whenever Occupational Character Class (O.c.c.), I D4 large sacks, some clothes, and a

encountered. even a practitioner of magic. However, backpack or satchel.

Alignment: Any, but typically Anarchist most of those living under the Lone Star Money: None to start, typically will have

(30%), Miscreant (30%) and Diabolic Complex are uneducated and are one of some tradable goods (weapons, food,

(30%). the following O.c.c.s: Bandit, Saddle etc.).

Tramp, Saloon Bum, Vagabond. or


The Mountaineer is an extremely popular

armored, all-terrain vehicle. It has a pilot's

compartment that can seat five and a

large, enclosed cargo bay (I OxSxS

foot/3x2.4x2.4 m cargo area) that can be

used to haul salvage or cargo or be con­

verted into a living area with bunks and

sitting area for six, and still have a small

area for cargo. That 's exactly what our

heroes have done. Plus, Bowie has souped

it up a bit, increasing the normal M.D.C.

and range by 20% and speed by 10%.

Vehicle Type: Three wheeled armored

ATV transport vehicle.

Crew: One pilot and can accommodate 4­

5 passengers comfortably in the front and

has a living and sleeping arrangement for

six in the cargo area (can sleep 10 under

crowded conditions).

Maximum Speed: 132 mph (211 km).

Engine: Combustion or electric engine or


Maximum Range: 720 miles (1152 km),

has an extra large tank for liquid fuel and

battery backup (another 400 miles/640


Size: 25 feet (7 .6 m) long, IS feet (5.4 m)

tall, 6 tons.

M.D.C. by Location:
• Main Body: 252
• Super Tires (3): 25 each
• Reinforced Pilot's Compartment: 60.
Black Market Cost: 76,000 credits for
the basic vehicle (gasoline engine) . Other
features such as radar, radio, rail gun, etc.
cost separately. 70,000 credits for electric
engine and 500,000 for nuclear with a 20
year life. Additional armor can also be
added at a cost of 10,000 credits per 30

Weapons: None are standard, but Moses

convinced Bowie to hook up a Techno­
Wizard Starfire Pulse Cannon a few years
among practitioners of magic and adven­ • Rate of Fire: Single shots only. Each
ago when the team was flush with money.
turers looking for something to match for blast counts as one of the gunner's attacks
• TW Starfire Pulse Cannon: This is
anything the Coalition Army has . The can­ per melee round.
a large, heavy weapon mounted on top of • Effective Range: 2000 feet (610 m).
non is usually mounted on ATVs to give
Petunia, our heroes' ATV, and is its main • Bonus: + I to strike
these light vehicles a surprising degree of
gun. The Starfire Pulse Cannon fires pow­ • Payload: Two shots per clip, which
firepower. The main drawback to the
erful, long range bolts of blue-white ener­ means eight P.P.E. clips provide a total of
weapon is its expense and the team needs
gy capable of gutting an enemy vehicle 16 shots. Plus, Moses can recharge a TW­
to have a mage available to recharge it.
with a few shots. The weapon is a Techno­ Clip by channeling 70 P.P.E. points into it.
For our heroes, that's where Moses comes
Wizard creation that has several P.P.E. • Black Market Cost: 520,000 credits
energy cells to power it. Eight TW E­ for the cannon. 40,000 credits per each
• Weight: 124 Ibs (55.S kg).
Clips are inserted into slots inside the top P.P.E. clip; 320,000 credits for eight.
• Mega-Damage: 2D6xl0 M.D.
canister. The cannon is extremely popular



The Desert Fox hovercycle is Johnny his piloting skill.

• Heavy Laser: 2D6 M.D. , range, is
Ferro's favorite vehicle on the planet. He Maximum Speed: 170 mph (272 km).
2000 feet (610 m), payload is 20 shots.
likes that it is so small, yet does not sacri­ Maximum Altitude: 80 feet (24.4 m) and
Cost: 25 ,000 credits.
fice maneuverability or speed. It is one can handle drops of up to 600 feet (183 m).
• Dual Mini-Missile Launchers: As
versatile hot-rod that can handle any ter­ Maximum Range: 700 miles (1120 km).
many as two launcher can be added; one
rain the New West can throw at it. In fact, Engine: Combustion or electric engine.
on each side or undercarriage. The small
it may be the Manistique Imperium's best Length: 6 feet (1.8 m).
launchers fire two mini-missiles each,
design in 30 years, or so he believes. Weight: 400 Ibs (180 kg).
payload is two each; manual reloading
The vehicle is specifically designed for M.D.C. by Location: (not possible while moving). Cost: 55,000
desert and prairie travel, with engines that • Rear Hover Jets* (2; upper): 30 each credits.
can take a beating from the heat, sand and • Main Jet* (I ; lower body): 55 Note: This vehicle is never purchased or
dust without fear of clogging or overheat­ • Large Lower Directional Jets* (2): used by the CS.
ing. The hovercycle is reliable, low main­ 15 each •
tenance and extremely popular (along • Forward Headlights* (2): 2 each
with the NG-300 Speedster) in Lone Star • Small Windshield* (I): 5
and the Western Wilderness, especially • Main Body: 65
among the Pecos Empire, bandits, and Add 30% to all M.D.C. for the deluxe,
adventurers. Its disadvantages, if any, are­ armored model, but also add 30% to the
its light armor and that fact that you can ' t cost.
seat a second person, or build in more than A single asterisk (*) indicates a small
one weapon (most have none). However, and/or difficult target to hit and requires
its small size enables the Desert Fox to fit the attacker to make a "Called Shot," but
in small places and through narrow pas­ even then the attacker is -4 to strike. The
sages, and is it easy to conceal. driver, hunched down, low to the body of
the hovercycle is equally difficult to hit.
Vehicle Type: Hovercycle. Cost: 90,000 credits for gasoline combus­
Crew: One rider, one passenger can sit tion engine or 105,000 for electric.
behind the driver, but it makes for a Nuclear not available. Weapons are extra.
cramped ride and is not comfortable even Weapons (optional): Weapon extras are
on short trips and imposes a -5% piloting full price even during sales.
skill penalty. • Light Laser: 1D6 M.D., range, is
Special Bonus: The MI-IO 10 handles so 1200 feet (366 m), payload is 20 shots.
well that the driver gets a + 10% bonus to Cost: 11,000 credits.


Bradford assumes that if his results are as productive as he imag­

ines they will be, the Emperor and his staff will, ultimately, for­
give any improprieties or bending (shattering in most cases) of
the law. So far, he's been right, and even when scores ofCS lead­
ers scream for his head, Emperor Prosek refuses .
If Emperor Prosek is a smarter, more patient and conniving
Adolf Hitler, then Bradford is a more brilliant, ruthless and driv­
en Doctor Mengele.

Name: Doctor Desmond Bradford

Species: Human.

Alignment: Aberrant.

Attributes: I.Q. 27, M.E. 21, M.A. 18, PS. 19, P.P 15, P.E. 14,

P.B. 11, Spd 15.

Hit Points: 71.

S.D.C.: 20.

Height: 6 feet, 2 inches (1.9 m).

Weight: 210 lbs (95 kg).

Age: 73 by 109 P.A., but still looks to be in his late thirties or

early forties.

P.P.E.: 15

Horror Factor: 14, increase that to 18 if he's about to operate

or experiment on you!

Experience Level: 20th level Cyber-Doc and Genetic Engineer,

10th level Administrator.

Disposition: Doctor Bradford is a genius who has little tolerance

for ignorance or stupidity in others. He demands the utmost from
all who work under him and tends to belittle those who fail him
more than once. He rides his people hard and expects them to
possess the same intense (insane) drive, dedication and
endurance that he possesses; most do not, which annoys him~ He
is constantly frustrated by the limitations, small minds and lack
of vision in the supposedly "best minds" in science. All this
helps to create Bradford's feeling of detachment from and supe­
riority over mere mortals.
Here 's the short lowdown on Doctor Desmond Bradford. He He believes he is a god who can give and take life without
is part genius, part visionary, part enigma and part madman. It is consequences, and that he and Emperor Prosek are humankind's
hard to say just how insane and dangerous Desmond Bradford is, saviors. It is only Bradford's delusion that the Emperor is a fel­
really, or to whom he is a threat. Although he frequently ignores low god (and perhaps even as a slightly more powerful god) that
the rules, laws and commands of the Coalition States, right up to keeps him in check (at least to some degree). If that bond is ever
Emperor Prosek, the Emperor has refused to remove the man severed, there can only be disaster.
'. from his post. Ninety percent of the troops and personnel at the Lone Star
As Administrator of the Lone Star Complex, Doctor of facility are loyal to their Emperor and Country, and fear
Genetic Engineering and Cybernetics, and Head of the Administrator Bradford, so they will not join the madman in any
Genetics Engineering Division (GED) at Lone Star, Doctor action of defiance against the CS. However, Bradford knows the
Bradford wields more power than anyone short of the Emperor secret complex better than anybody else and knows things that
Prosek, Joseph Prosek II and a tiny handful of military leaders. only a tiny handful of others know.
Bradford claims to be a patriot and thinks of himself as one of Desmond Bradford is himself a human aberration with a bril­
the unseen and unsung heroes of the Coalition States. Indeed, he liant mind and imagination the likes of which the world sees only
is quite literally the father of the Psi-Hounds, and other mutants, once every thousand years.
and has had his hand in perfecting the CS Juicer conversion
process. He shares the Emperor's dreams of human supremacy SkilJs of Note: Language: American, Spanish and Gobblely at
and reclaiming North America exclusively for humanity. 98%, literate in American and Spanish at 98%, knows all
However, the two men depart on exactly how that can be accom­ Medical and Science skills as well as Swimming, S.C.U.B.A.,
plished, and that's where Doctor Bradford goes too far. He fre­ Pilot Hover Craft (Ground), Computer Operation, Computer
quently engages in top secret genetics experimentation and proj­ Programming, Computer Hacking, and Radio: Basic all at 98%.
ects that are illegal and immoral by Coalition standards. He also knows the following skills, all at approximately 85%



skill proficiency: Interrogation Techniques, Intelligence,

Dog Boy Vambraces, two claws and/or double sabers, Electro­

Streetwise, Find Contraband, Palming, Computer Repair,

Stun hand prod and spear, as well as a variety of drugs and

Horsemanship, Land Navigation, and Wilderness Survival. WP.

implants (used in others to control them). Wears heavy, old-style

Knife/surgeon skill is at 20th level, WP. Energy Pistol 10th level,

Dead Boy annor in the field .

WP. Energy Rifle at 6th level. Hand to Hand: Expert, 10th level.
~ Clock Calendar, Gyro-Compass, and Universal Headjack and

Number of Attacks: Seven.

Ear Implant.

Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge,

Money: As the Administrator of the Lone Star Complex,

+ II to S.D.C. damage, +3 to pull/roll with punch, fall or impact,

Desmond Bradford has access to billions of credits for research

kick attack (1D6 damage), critical strike on 18-20, judo-style

and access to hundreds of trillions of credits worth of equipment

body throwlflip, paired weapons.

and facilities.

Magic: None.
Personal Resources: Always one to plan ahead, Bradford has

Psionics: None.
six million Universal Credits, 24 million credits worth of pre­

Bionics andCybernetics: Clock Calendar, Gyro-Compass,

Rifts artifacts (most looted from the Complex), and over 50 mil­

Universal Headjack and Ear Implant.

lion credits worth of genetics, medical and lab equipment at an

underground hideout in Ciudad Juarez. He also has caches of

Notable Equipment: Has access to virtually anything he needs basic travel and medical equipment (vehicle, armor, weapons,

or wants from the CS Government and Military. Has the highest medical bag) and debit cards of 100,000 Universal Credits scat­

security clearance and has access to all levels and facilities at the tered at a half dozen secret locations in the State of Lone Star.

Lone Star Complex.

Favorite weapons include laser scalpels, Vibro-Knives and


parameters of CS protocol. All were handpicked by Doctor

Bradford, himself, and completely loyal to him and their squad
leader, Agent Krieghoff.
The reputation of the Krieghoff Pack is rooted in terror and
fear. Even suggesting that Krieghoff's Pack might be investigat­
ing you or supervising an operation sends chill down the spines
of those involved. The Pack is infamous for its cleverness,
treachery, and ruthless resolve. All its members are cold-blood­
ed killers and skilled espionage agents.

Name: Reyner Kreighoff (and god help anyone who tries to

address him on a first name basis.)

Species: Mutant, Civilized Psi-Stalker.

Rank: Captain and Squad Leader of an elite mutant pack.

Alignment: Miscreant.

Attributes: l.Q. 14, M.E. 17, M.A. 14, P.S . 14, P.P. II , P.E. 17,

P.B. 10, Spd 21.

Size: 6 feet, 2 inches (1.95 m).

Weight: 220 Ibs (99.7 kg).

Hit Points: 30. S.D.C.: 58 .

M.D.C.: Wears Dead Boy armor (main body 100 M.D.C.) but

can also become a Mega-Damage being himself in certain com­

bat situations.

P.P.E.: 7

Experience Level: 9th level Coalition Psi-Stalker.

Disposition: Krieghoff is competent, ruthless, and dedicated to

serving Lone Star. He prefers the company of mutant animals to
that of humans, other than Dr. Bradford (whom Krieghoff con­
siders an honorary mutant), but can not claim to have any friends
(which is fine by him). Although Krieghoff is rather fond of his
animals, it is a fondness based on respect instead of affection.
Should any of them go rogue, he would not hesitate to put them

Special Powers & Abilities:

Although Reyner Krieghoff began his military career as just • Sense Psychic & Magic Energy: Track a specific psychic
another Psi-Stalker, his ruthless efficiency, and willingness to do scent is 60%. Track an active scent is 98%.
whatever was necessary to get the job done, soon brougbt him to • Sense Supernatural Beings: 80%; Tracking by psychic
the attention of his superiors. As luck would have it, just as he scent alone 70%, but 94% if psychic or magic energy is being
was being recommended for a promotion, Doctor Bradford had expended at tbat moment.
a need for soldiers with psychic abilities for an important clan­ • Energy Vampire: Subsists on P.P.E. or J.S.P. energy alone.
destine mission. Agent Krieghoff was one of those selected for • Psionic Empathy with Animals: They don't fear the Psi­
this assignment. Stalker or react to his presence.
Although details are sketchy (in fact, Lone Star has no offi­ • Becomes a Me2a-Dama2e Bein2 in certain combat situa­
cial record ofthis so-called "mission"), Kriegboff was one of the tions. Namely when facing supernatural enemies and M.D.C.
few survivors to return. Bradford learned tbat the mission suc­ opponents.
ceeded only because Krieghoff took charge, rallied the rest of the • Highly Developed Physical Traits: Quick reflexes,
men, and completed the assignment after their commander was ambidextrous and can leap 6 feet (I. 8 m) up and 10 feet (3 m)
killed. across.
Doctor Bradford quickly realized he had a very determined See Rifts® Ultimate Edition for much more details about
warrior in Krieghoff and sent bim on a few more covert assign­ these powers. Also see Psionics.
ments, all of which were successful thanks to Krieghoff's lead­
ership. Krieghoff was happy to become Doctor Bradford's per­ Skills of Note: Language: American 96%, Language Other:
sonal agent. Spanisb 94%, Body Building, Camouflage 70%, Climbing
To further improve Agent Krieghoff's capabilities to serve 85175%, Find Contraband 68%, Hand to Hand: Assassin,
Lone Star, Kriegboff (who is now a Captain) was put in charge Hunting, Land Navigation 78%, Military Etiquette 85%,
of a special unit that answers only to Doctor Bradford. This unit Military Fortification 80%, Navigation 80%, Outdoorsmanship,
consisted of mutant animals who sometimes went beyond the Pilot Hovercraft 98%, Pilot Tanks & APCs 78%, Prowl 77%,


Radio: Basic 95%, Recognize Weapon Quality 75%, Running,

Notable Equipment: Unlike the vast majority of Coalition
Sensory Equipment 80%, Streetwise 57%, Tracking (people)
troops, who are dependent upon their commanding officer to
65%, Trap/Mine Detection 70% , Weapon Systems 90%,
decide what equipment they will be allowed to have, Agent
Wilderness Survival 75%, and WP. Energy Pistol, WP. Energy
Krieghoff has carte blanche to equip himself and his unit howev­
Rifle, WP. Sword, WP. Knife, WP. Handguns, and WP. Paired
er he sees fit. Although he is guided by the parameters of the spe­
Weapons, all at 9th level.
cific mission, he generally prefers to use the following: Coalition
Attacks per Melee: Eight.
CA-4 "Dead Boy" armor (l00 M.D.C.), a C- 14 "Fire Breather"
Damage: As per Hand to Hand Combat or by weapon.
laser rifle and grenade launcher (Laser: 3D6 M.D ., 2000 foot/61 0
Bonuses (total): +4 on initiative, +2 to strike, + 1 to strike with a
m range; grenades 2D6 M.D., 1200 foo t/365 ill range), a C-20
thrown weapon, + 1 to strike with guns, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge,
laser pistol (2D6 M.D., 800 foot/244 m range), lots of extra E­
+4 to damage, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull punch, +2 to
Clips for each, several grenades (of various types), a Vibro-Knife
entangle, Karate Punch (2D4 damage), Karate Kick (2D6 dam­
(lD6 M.D.), a survival knife (1D6 S.D.C.), an S.D.C. pistol (5D6
age), backhand strike (lD6), knockou t/stun on a roll of 17-20,
S.D.C. damage per shot) with extra ammunition, ID4+6 signal
leap kick (3D8 damage, but counts as 2 melee attacks), can back
flares, utility belt, gas mask, walkie-talkie, flashlight, and a can­
flip, +4 on Perception Rolls, +5 to save vs mind control and mind
altering drugs, +3 to save vs possession, +6 to save vs Horror
Money: Krieghoff has 145,000 credits saved up in a bank in the
Factor, + 1 to save vs insanity, + I to save vs poison, +3 to save vs
Coalition State of Lone Star earning interest so that Krieghoff
magic, +5% to save vs coma/death.
can retire in style when he is too old for active duty. If Krieghoff
Vulnerabilities: None per se.
is killed before that happens (as Krieghoff assumes will be the
Psionics: A Master Psychic who only needs a 5 or better to save
case), a memorial fund will be set up and the money is to go to
vs psionic attacks. His psionic abilities are Mind Block (4),
support mutant animals . None of Agent Krieghoff's animals
Object Read (6), Presence Sense (4), See the Invisible (4), Sixth
know about this and he will soundly thrash anyone who reveals
Sense (2), and Telepathy (4). I.S.P.: 137.
this to them; the man has an image as a hard case to uphold.
Magic: None.

Bionics and Cybernetics: None.

KREIGHOFF'S PACK diers loyal to Chi-Town), Krieghoff's Pack is called in.

Y ------------------------­ If it becomes necessary to split their forces, the team can be
This team of Coalition Mutants are more than another squad of divided into two squads. These squads are respectively led by
Dog Boys, they are a mixed group of experimental mutant ani­ Arquebus and Khola. Both of these squad leaders (along with
mals in service to Lone Star. Each has been designed and creat­ anyone else assigned to the team) ultimately answer to Agent
ed by Doctor Bradford to serve him as his trusted, personal KrieghojJ. Only Krieghoff is not a mutant animal. He's a Psi­
hatchet men and clean-up crew. Whenever a situation reaches a Stalker, a member of a race of human mutants who evolved with
point where regular Lone Star troops cannot deal with it (or if the monster hunting powers in the centuries after the Great
situation involves top secret operations best not to involve sol­ Catacyclysm and the Coming of the Rifts.

P.P.E.: 14

Experience Level: 5th level Coalition Dog Boy (Psi-Hound)

Disposition: Just as Krieghoff is Dr. Bradford's go to guy,

Arquebus is the go to guy for Krieghoff. He is the best tracker on

the team, as well as one of the fiercest fighters. Arquebus will

generally lead the way on Search & Destroy missions. He is

aggressive and brooks no challenges to his position as the num­

ber one member of Krieghoff's Pack. Although the wolf is loyal

to his teammates and will risk his life for them without hesita­

tion, he will hurt them if they get out of line or feels they are dis­

respecting him, or threatening his position within the team.

Arquebus is respected and feared as a ruthless and brutal leader

and fighter. He is not well-liked, and doesn 't care.

Special Abilities:

• Sense Psychic & Magic Energy: 60%.

• Recognize Psychic Scent: General: 26%, Specific Scent 16%.
• Sense Supernatural Being: Identify type/race is 70%,
Track by scent is 55%.
• Superior Sense of Smell: Recognize common and
strong scents is 82%, Identify specific odors is 62%. Track by
smell alone is 56%.
• Keen Sense of Hearing and Good Sight: Superior to
humans, reflected in bonuses.
• Sensitivity to Ley Line Energy: Fouls his senses.
See Rifts® Ultimate Edition for much more details about
these powers.
Also see Psionics.

SkiUs of Note: Languages: American 88% and Spanish 60%,

Boxing, Climbing 70/60%, Detect Ambush 55%, Detect

Concealment 50%, Forced March, Hand to Hand: Martial Arts,

Hunting, Intelligence 54%, Land Navigation 62%, Military

Etiquette 55%, Outdoorsmanship, Pilot Hovercraft 80%, Prowl

This hunter-killer is a mutant timber wolf and Krieghoff's sec­

47%, Radio : Basic 75%, Running, Sensory Equipment 50%,

ond in command. During his formative years, Arquebus was

Swimming 70%, Track & Trap Animals 50/60%, Tracking (peo­

nearly destroyed by the authorities at Lone Star for being too

ple) 50%, TraplMine Detection 55%, Wilderness Survival 65%,

violent and defiant. Although the scientists who created mutant

and WP. Energy Pistol, WP. Energy Rifle, and WP. Knife, all at

wolves expected them to be aggressive and fierce , Arquebus was

5th level.

too aggressive. When this was brought to the attention of Dr.

Attacks per Melee: Six.

Bradford, instead of destroying the animal, he took the creature

Damage: As per Augmented P.S. or weapon. Punch does

under his wing and placed him under Agent Krieghoff to teach
2D6+16 S.D.C. damage, a Power Punch does 2D4 M.D. but

. him self-control and some measure of humility. After some ini­

counts as two attacks. Also has a Bite attack: Nip does 2D6+4

tial conflicts, primarily over which of them was the Alpha male,
S.D.C. damage, while a full strength bite does 5D6+8 S.D.C.
Arquebus settled down to become a valuable member of the
Bonuses (total): +3 on initiative, +2 on Perception Rolls, +5 to
Pack. He eventually worked his way up to second-in-command
strike, +8 to parry and dodge, + 16 to damage, +4 to roll with
of the team and has been a valued member ever since.
impact, +5 to pull punch, +3 to disarm, +2 to entangle, can per­
form a body flip/throw, Karate and any hand strike/punch, any
N arne: Arquebus

type of foot strike including Leap Kick (3D8 damage, but counts
Species: Mutant Timber Wolf.

as 2 melee attacks), +8 on Perception Rolls, +2 to save vs dis­

Alignment: Anarchist.

ease, +6 to save vs magic and poison, +2 to save vs mind con­

Attributes: LQ. II, M.E. 10, M.A. 9, P.S. 33 (Augmented), P.P.

trol, +2 to save vs illusions, +2 to save vs possession and curses,

19, P.E. 27, PB. 7, Spd 34.

and +24% to save vs coma/death.

Size: 5 feet, 5 inches (1.65 m).

Vulnerabilities: In the heat of combat, Arquebus sometimes

Weight: 252 lbs (113 kg).

loses his cool and fights in a frenzy. Although this usually stops
Hit Points: 48. S.D.C.: 82.

short of becoming a berserker rage, Arquebus gets careless and

M.D.C.: Wears modified CA-I "Dead Boy" armor (main body

is so caught up with inflicting harm that he does not worry about

of80 MD.C.).

protecting himself as much as he should.


Psionics: Master Psychic who needs an 8 or better to save vs

psionic attacks. His abilities are Presence Sense (4), Sense Evil
(2), Sense Magic (3), Sixth Sense (2), and Empathy (4 ; receiver
only, not transmission). I.S.P.: 70.
Magic: None. Dog Boys tend to distrust and avoid magic and

{,. ~ '\
magic items, including weapons.
Bionics and Cybernetics: Bionic eye (left) with multi-optics.
Notable Equipment: Arquebus takes whatever equipment he is
assigned for the mission. As a rule, he has modified CA-l Dead
~, ,~
Boy armor (80 M.D.C.), a C-I0 laser rifle with telescopic sight
and nightvision scope (2D6 M.D., 2000 foot/610 m range) , a C­
18 laser pistol (2D4 M.D., 800 foot/244 m range) , ID4+4 extra
E-Clips for each, a survival knife, a pair of Vibro-Claws (3D4
M.D. each pair), utility belt, gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, (30 ,5 m) of lightweight rope, small hammer, 4 spikes, 3 animal
canteen, tinted goggles, PDD pocket audio recorder, pocket laser snares, infrared distancing binoculars, portable language transla­
distancer, flashlight, pocket mirror, cigarette lighter, 100 feet tor, a knapsack, and a backpack

Even before her full conversion into a combat cyborg, Khola was Name: Kbola

an anomaly. There are many diversities among the Dog Boys, Species: Experimental Psi-Hound

especially when taking into account the different breeds of dogs Alignment: Scrupulous.

that the Lone Star geneticists had to work with . Pit Bulls are usu­ Species: Mutant Pit Bull turned into a Combat Cyborg,

ally one of the smaller breeds of Dog Boys, rarely reaching 5 feet Attributes: l.Q . 14, ME 13, MA 12, P,S . 28 (Bionic), PP. 17

(1 .5 m) tall. At six feet tall, Khola stood out like a giant, topping (Bionic), P.E. not applicable, P,B. 10, Spd 132 (90 mphll44 km;

her comrades at almost a head taller. Her size, power and speed Bionic).

caught the eye of Doctor Bradford and she became another one Size: 6 feet, 10 inches (2 m).

of his private, unauthorized experiments. Psi-Hounds aren't sup­ Weight: 500 lbs (225 kg).

posed to get bionic conversion, but rules never seem to bother the M.D.C.: See Bionics for full details, below.

good Doctor, and he finagled authorization for fuJi bionic con­ P.P.E.: 3

version under the auspices of one of his unique, top secret exper­ Experience Level: 6th level Psi-Hound turned Combat Cyborg

Being treated as a freak by other Psi-Hounds in the past has Disposition: Less aggressive than Arquebus, but just as deter­

made Khola determined to prove herself. When Doctor Bradford mined, Khola commands the second squad if the pack splits up.

promised her new machine body would make her the most pow­ Although the pit bull is lower than Arquebus in the team hierar­

erful Psi-Hound in the CS , she welcomed the opportunity. When chy, Khola is smarter than the Timber Wolf and Krieghoff gives

he was done with her, he had Khola assigned to Krieghoff's her more opportunities for independent operation and command

Pack, where she has served with distinction. Khola has become of the second unit. Khola is both respected and liked by her team­

an integral part of the team, adding power, speed, and the ele­ mates.

ment of surprise to the unit, as nobody expects a Psi-Hound

cyborg. Opponents assume her cyborg body is a new style of Special Abilities: Only Khola's head is natural, the rest of her is

body armor, at least until she runs them down at 90 mph (144 a full conversion cyborg with bionic attributes and power.

km) or sprays them with a barrage of rocket grenades from her • Sense Psychic & Magic Energy: Gone due to bionics.
concealed shoulder launchers. Khola also brings loyalty and sta­ • Recognize Psychic Scent: Gone due to bionics,
bility to the unit. She considers her fellow misfits on the team to • Sense Supernatural Being: Gone due to bionics,
be her best friends, and she would sacrifice herself to protect any • Superior Sense of Smell: Recogni ze common and strong
one of them. scents is 55%. Identify specific odors is 34%. Track by smell


strike/punch, any type of foot strike including Leap Kick (3D8

damage, but counts as 2 melee attacks), Critical Strike on an

unmodified roll of 18-20, +5 on Perception Rolls, +2 to save vs

disease, +6 to save vs magic and poison, +2 to save vs mind con­

trol, +2 to save vs illusions, +2 to save vs possession and curses,

+24% to save vs coma/death.

Vulnerabilities: Sometimes Khola overcompensates for what

she considers to be weaknesses in herself. When that happens,

she is likely to push herself and her comrades a bit too far, espe­

cially when taking a step back may be a better course of action .

Psionics: Psychic powers were lost due to full bionic conver­


Magic: None.

Bionic Body: Combat Cyborg, only her head is flesh and blood,

but even the skull has been reinforced with bionics.

• M.D.C. by Location: Hands (2): 40 each, Forearms (2): 68

each, Upper Arms (2): 80 each, Shoulder Grenade Launchers
(2): 50 each, Legs (2): 105 each, Feet (2): 28 each, Head (rein­
forced): 35, a helmet adds 70 M.D .C. when it is worn, and main
body has a total of 410 M.D.C., including MI-B2 Medium
Combat Cyborg Body Armor.

Bionic Weapons and Features: Bionic Speed,

Bionic/Augmented P.S . of 28, Amplified Hearing, Clock
Calendar, Fingerjack, Gyro-Compass, Radio Ear, Climb Cord in
left bionic forearm, Forearm Medium Laser Blaster (right ann;
3D6 M.D. per blast, 2000 feet/609 m range, unlimited payload
as it is tied into the cyborg's power supply) and armor.
• Shoulder Grenade Launchers (2; special): Mini-missiles
were too large for the payload Doctor Bradford wanted, so he
had tech-support whip up shoulder launchers that fire rifle-style
micro-fusion grenades (same as fired by the CP-50 Assault
Rifle). The launch system is much less accurate and has a much
shorter range than the rifle, but Khola uses it to great effective­
alone is 30%.
ness. For one thing, nobody sees this attack coming as Dog Boys
• Keen Sense of Hearing and Good Sight: Reflected In
aren't supposed to be bionic or have access to such armaments.
M.D.C.: 2D6 M.D. per grenade with a blast area of 12 feet (3.6
• Sensitivity to Ley Line Energy: Not applicable.
m), but typically fired in volleys of 4-8 for accumulative damage
See Rifts® Ultimate Edition for much more details about
and greater area effect. 2 grenades does 4D6 M.D., 4 does
Dog Boy powers and Combat Cyborgs.

lD4xl0 M.D . to a 24 foot (7.3 m) blast area; 6 does lD6xlO

Also see Bionics.

M.D. to a 30 foot (9.1 m) blast area and 8 does 2D4xl 0 M.D. to

<0 Skills of Note: Languages: American 88% and Techno-Can
a 35 foot (10.6 m) area. Range: 400 feet (122 m). Payload: 24
65%, Basic Mechanics 60%, Climbing 75/65%, Detect Ambush
per shoulder launcher, 48 total payload.
60%, Detect Concealment 55%, Forced March, Hand to Hand:
Martial Arts, Jntelligence 58 %, Land Navigation 66%, Military
Notable Equipment: Khola takes whatever equipment she is
Etiquette 60%, Outdoorsmanship, Pilot Hovercraft 85%, Pilot
assigned for the mission. As a mle, she uses a C-12 laser rifle
Tmck 65%, Prowl 50%, Radio: Basic 80%, Running, Sensory
(4D6 M.D. plus two lower settings, 2000 foot/610 m range, and
Equipment 55%, Swimming 75%, Tracking (people) 55 %,
has a telescopic sight and nightvision scope), a C-18 laser pistol
TraplMine Detection 60%, Wilderness Survival 75%, and WP.
(2D4 M.D. 800 foot/244 m range), lD4+3 extra E-Clips for
Energy Pistol, WP. Energy Rifle, WP. Knife, all at 6th level.
each, a survival knife (lD6 S.D. C.), a Vibro-Knife (lD6 M.D.),
Attacks per Melee: Five.
utility belt, air filter, gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, canteen,
Damage: As per Bionic P.S. or weapon. Punch does 2D6+ 13
tinted goggles, PDD pocket audio recorder, pocket laser dis­
S.D.C. damage, a Power Punch does ID6 M.D. but COl1nts as two
tancer, flashlight, pocket mirror, cigarette lighter, 100 feet (30.5
attacks. Bite attack: Nip does 2D6 S.D. C., Full Strength Bite
m) of lightweight rope, small hammer, 4 spikes, infrared distanc­
does 4D6 S.D.C.
ing binoculars, portable language translator, a portable tool kit, a
Bonuses (aU): +3 on initiative, +4 to strike, +5 to parry, +6 to
knapsack, and a backpack.
dodge, +3 to roll with impact, +5 to pull punch, +2 to disarm, +2
to entangle, can perform a body flip/throW, Karate and any hand


smart as his comrades and has no problem with that. As long as

someone else is on hand to make the decisions and give the
orders, Oso will do his part.

Special Abilities:
• Sense Psychic & Magic Energy: 30%.
• Sense Supernatural Being: To identify type/race is 44%.
Track by scent is 25%.
• Good Senses of Smell, Taste, and Hearing: Recognize
common and strong scents is 49%. ldentify specific odors is
30%. Track by smell alone is 28%.
• Nightvision: 200 feet (61 m).
• Natural Climber: 80%/60%.
• Natural Swimmer: 60%.
• Sprinter: Can run at double normal speed for 104 minutes
before dropping back to nonnal speed.
• Sensitivity to Ley Line Energy: Fouls special senses.
See Rifts® Ultimate Edition for much more details about
these powers.
Also see Psionics.
Skills of Note: Language: American 80%, Cook 50%, Forced
March, Hand to Hand: Expert, Hunting, ldentify Plants & Fruits
50%, Land Navigation 54%, Outdoorsmanship, Physical Labor,
Radio: Basic 65%, Running, Trap/Mine Detection 30%,
Wilderness Survival 60%, and WP. Energy Pistol, WP. Energy
Rifle, WP. Heavy Military Weapons, and WP. Blunt, all at 3rd
Attacks per Melee: Four.
Damage: As per Robot Strength or weapon. Restrained Punch
does 104xlO+8 S.D.C., or lD6xlO+21 SD.C., or 104 M.D. A
Full Strength Punch: 2D6 M.D., Claw Strike: 3D6+2 M.D., Power
Punch: 406 M.D. but counts as two attacks. Bite attack: Nip does
5D6 SD.C., Full Strength Bite does 106 M.D.! Note: Bionic left
arm does 204+21 S.D.C. damage on normal full strength punch
and 204 M.D. on a Power Punch only. The bionic arm is not as
Years ago, some scientists at Lone Star were attempting to create

powerful as Oso's natural P.S. which is equal to Robotic P.S.

an Ursa-Warrior from Black Bear DNA. However, this Ursa­

Bonuses: + I on initiative, +3 to strike, +4 to parry, +3 to dodge,

Warrior would be larger and stronger than the norm . Oso is the

+2 to roll with impact, +3 to pull punch, +2 to disarm, kick attack

successful result of this experiment. So, when the Pack needed

(lD8 damage), Karate Punch, +3 to save vs Horror Factor, +3 to

a powerful creature for a mission, Oso was selected. The mission

save vs disease, +4 to save vs magic and poison, + I to save vs

went well and Agent Krieghoff was impressed enough with Oso

mind control, + 16% to save vs coma/death.

to request that he be assigned to the team on a full-time basis.

Vulnerabilities: Oso is only efficient when someone is supervis­

Oso has served with the Pack ever since.

ing him. If left on his own, he is lazy and lacks personal initia­
tive. Also, unfamiliar situations sometimes throw him for a loop.
Name: Oso

Psionics: Major Psychic who needs a 12 or better to save vs

Species: Mutant Black Bear with a bionic ann (left).

psionic attacks. His abilities are Impervious to Cold (2) and

Alignment: Anarchist.

Resist Thirst (6). I.S.P.: 32.

Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 10, M.A. 8, P.S. 36 (Robot Strength),

Magic: None. Ursa-Warriors tend to distrust and avoid magic

P.P. 10, P.E. 23, P.B. 5, Spd 41 (29 mph!46.4 km).

and magic items, including weapons.

Size: 7 feet, 7 inches (2.3 m).

Bionics and Cybernetics: Bionic right eye with multi-optics

Weight: 1043 Ibs (470 kg).

and a bionic left arm (Bionic P.S. of 36, 65 M.D.C.).

Hit Points: 138. S.D.C.: 75. Natural S.D.C. Armor Rating: 15.

M.D.C.: Wears modified Dog Pack DPM Riot armor (main body

Notable Equipment: Oso will take whatever equipment he is

of65 M.D.C.).

assigned for the mission. As a rule, he has modified Dog Pack

P.P.E.: 8

DPM Riot armor (65 M.D.C., a non-environmental helmet with

Experience Level: 3rd level Coalition Ursa-Warrior.

a visor, radio, flashlight, pocket mirror, comb, 100 feet (30.5 m)

of lightweight rope, small hammer, 4 spikes, portable language
Disposition: Oso is a loyal team member who prides himself on
translator, survival knife, Neuro-Mace, utility belt, air filter, gas
being the strongman of the group. He realizes that he is not as
mask, 2 gallon-sized canteens, a knapsack, and a backpack.


(main body of 50 M.D.C.) .

P.P.E.: II
Experience Level: 4th level Coalition Battle Cat.

Disposition: Although Byss is loyal to her teammates, she still

values her independence. Except for orders from Krieghoff him­
self, 8yss has been known to ignore orders that she feels are
pointless, or at the very least, do them in a manner more to her
liking than what Lone Star considers as regulation.

Special Abilities:
• Sense Psychic & Magic Energy: 45%.
• Sense Supernatural Being: To identify type/race is 60%,
To track by scent is 16%.
• Excellent Vision and Passive Nightvision: 1000 feet (305 m).
• Excellent Sense of Hearing: The ability to judge distance
and precise location of the source of the sound is 86%.
Recognize & identify prey by sounds is 78%.
• Fair to Good Sense of Smell: Better than a human's.
• Natural Climber: 60/40%, and can leap 12 feet (3.6 m)
high and 16 feet (4.9 m) across, 50% greater with a running start.
• Natural Swimmer: 50%, but dislikes getting wet.
• Sprinter: Can run at double normal speed for I D4 minutes
before dropping back to normal speed.
• Sensitivity to Ley Line Energy: Fouls special senses.
See Rifts® Ultimate Edition for much more details about
these powers. Also see Psionics.

Skills of Note: Acrobatics (+ I 0% where applicable), Athletics

(general), Basic Math 60%, Camouflage 40%, Climbing 70/60%,

Detect Ambush 55%, Escape Artist 55%, Fishing 55%, Hand to

Hand: Assassin, Land Navigation 68%, Language: American

90%, Palming 40%, Prowl 45%, Radio: Basic 70%, Recognize

Weapon Quality 45%, Running, Seduction 42%, Streetwise 46%,

Tailing 60%, Track & Trap Animals 45/55%, Tracking (people)

Since joining the Lone Star military, Byss had a hard time fol­
50%, Wardrobe & Grooming 62%, Wilderness Survival 60%,

lowing orders, particularly if she disagreed with it or found it to

and WP. Knife (Vibro-Blade) , WP. Energy Rifle, WP.

be pointless. After skirting orders one time too often, Byss was
Handguns, and WP. Paired Weapons, all at 4th level.

arrested and faced a possible court martial.

Attacks per Melee: Five.

Fortunately for her, Dr. Bradford interceded, saying he had a

Damage: As per hand to hand combat or weapon . Also has a Bite

mission that required the feline's special skills. Given the choice
attack (nip - 3D6 damage, full strength bite - 6D6 damage).

of either joining the Pack or being cashiered and probably put

Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +4 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge,

down , 8yss took the assignment. The mission was a success and
+4 to damage, +5 to roll with impact, +3 to pull punch, Karate

8yss found herself with comrades she could trust and a com­
Punch (2D4 damage), Karate Kick (2D6 damage), + I to save vs

manding officer she could respect. With her solitary nature she
magic and poison, +2 to save vs psionics and mind control, +4%

enjoys the flexibility and independence given to Krieghoff's

to save vs coma/death, Acrobat (sense of balance 75%, walk

Pack. Not to mention the skullduggery, treachery, torture and

tightrope/high wire 69%, climb rope 86%, back flip 75%), and

80% to evoke trust or intimidation.

Vulnerabilities: Byss's independent nature sometimes leads her

Name: 8yss

into situations that are beyond her ability to handle on her own.

Species: Mutant Cat (Abyssini an).

Also, she often prefers to rely on her agility and will not wear

Alignment: Aberrant.

armor unless she is ordered to by Krieghoff.

Attributes: I.Q . 14, M.E. 8, M.A. 24, P.S. 15, P.P. 18, P.E. 17,

Psionics: A Major Psychic, needs a 12 or better to save vs psion­

P.B . 15, Spd 35 (23 mph/36.8 km).

ic attacks. Her abilities are Presence Sense (4) and Sixth Sense (2).

Size: 5 feet, 4 inches (1.5 m).

I.S.P.: 50.

Weight: 216 Ibs (97 kg) of muscle.

Magic: None.

Hit Points: 60. S.D.C.: 39.

Bionics and Cybernetics: Bionic eye with multi-optics.

Natural S.D.C. Armor Rating: 11.

Notable Equipment: Byss will take whatever equipment she is

M.D.C.: Sometimes wears modified Dog Pack DPM Riot armor

assigned for the mission in addition to standard soldier issue.


Under the right circumstances, Doctor Alexander could

become a useful ally to any character trying to stop the horror. He
can tell people about many of the dark places and secret projects
that go on at Lone Star, as well as warn them about monsters and
minions, and even about Bradford. His greatest fear is being sub­
jected to brain implants and losing his sense of identity and

Name: Frederick Phillip Alexander, Jr.

Species: Human.

Alignment: Scrupulous, although a human supremacist and

loyal servant of the CS Military.

Attributes: LQ. 22, M.E. 17, M.A. 12, P.S. II, P.P. 20, P.E. 10,

P.B. 9, Spd 10.

Hit Points: 62; S.D.C.: 42.

Height: 5 feet, 8 inches (1.65 m).

Weight: 160 lbs (72 kg).

Age: 57

P.P.E.: 7

Experience Level: 12th level Cyber-Doc and Genetic


Disposition: A sanguine individual whose spirit is diminished

but far from broken. He is an unhappy slave of a madman with

little hope for escape. He's been informed that his family thinks

him dead these past 14 years, so he knows they have moved on

with their lives without him. This, combined with his slavery and

loathing for what he is made to do, ravages the Doctor's spirits.

He has contemplated suicide several times, and suffers from

bouts of depression frequently. He'd drink or take pills if his

keepers would let him.

He hates Doctors Bradford, Cunningham and Santiago and

longs for the day he can see their madness put to an end. He hates
them so much that ifhe knew he could destroy them in some way,
he'd sacrifice his life to do so.

Doctor Alexander is a brilliant surgeon, Cyber-Doc and genetic Skills of Note: Language and Literacy: American at 98%, knows
engineer. He is also one of Doctor Bradford's unwilling slaves, Criminal Science & Forensics, Medical Doctor, M.D. in
forced to create what he considers to be "horrible abominations." Cybernetics, Pathology, Genetics (Special), Chemistry,
Doctor Alexander "knows" what they are doing is morally repre­ Chemistry: Analytical, Biology, Botany, Anthropology, Basic
hensible, against the laws of the CS, and immensely dangerous. and Advanced Math, Computer Operation, Computer
He believes that Doctor Bradford and the others are playing with Programming, Pilot Hovercraft (Ground), and Radio : Basic, all
forces that they do not completely understand and may unleash at 98%. He also knows W.P. Knife/surgeon skill at 12th level, and
terrible genetic mutations into the world. He is never allowed w.P. Energy Pistol 9th level.

outside the top secret GED facilities (he hasn't seen the sky in Number of Attacks: Five; Hand to Hand: Basic, 6th level.

13 years), and is believed to have died in a freak accident. Bonuses: +4 to strike, +6 to parry and dodge, +2 to S.D.C. dam­

Doctor Bradford personally handled the autopsy and informed age, +2 to pull/roll with punch, fall or impact, kick attack (lD6

the family of this great tragedy. damage), Critical Strike on 19-20, judo-style body throw/flip,

Doctor Alexander is controlled by threats and an explosive and + 1 to save vs psionic attack.

implant at the base of his skull. The good doctor has made it his Magic: None.

mission to try to keep the Bradford's madmen from straying into Psionics: None.

areas that he thinks are far too dangerous, and has secretly sabo­ Bionics and Cybernetics: Clock Calendar, Gyro-Compass, and

taged a few creation experiments. So far, these acts of subtle sab­ Universal Headjack and Ear Implant.

otage have gone unnoticed. In the meanwhile, he maintains a

level of work that seems reasonable and tries to work slowly on Notable Equipment: Only has access to the genetic and lab
things he feels are dangerous or morally wrong. He knows that facilities and basic medical equipment allowed by his
Bradford has never been satisfied with his performance and sus­ keepers.
pects that he may soon be a candidate for the experimental per­ Money: None, a captive. All his basic needs are provided for by
sonality modifying implants. Bradford and the others.


Disposition: Doctor Heston may be educated and have book

smarts, but he is completely ignorant to the ways of the world
and the prejudice of the Coalition States. He has minimal social
skills and zero worldly experiences, so everything is new and a
bit scary. Being a "brain," the good doctor will try to reason and
talk his way out of trouble. When reason fails and a fight ensues,
he resigns himself to the fact that he is living among barbarians.

His naivete is obvious by the very fact that he believes Emperor
Prosek and others high up in the Coalition will embrace him and
put him in charge of scientific duties in the halls of science at
Chi-Town. Roddy Heston has a lot to learn, and he's not likely
to appreciate the lessons.

Special AbiIities: Climb 75/65%, Gymnastics 60%, Sense of

smell is 50% better than humans, can leap 4 feet (1.2 m) up and
8 feet (2.4 m) across (increase lengthwise leaps by 20% with a
running or swing start), can run, leap, and swing through trees at
double normal running speed, and identify "edible (for apes)"
plants, fruits , nuts, leaves, and roots 70% .
• Prehensile Feet (no tail): Like all great apes, Doctor
Heston has prehensile feet that are nearly as articulated as his
hands. He can use them to climb, hang upside down and to hold,
carry and use tools and equipment, work a keyboard or even
drive a vehicle (except he doesn' t know how to drive). Roddy is
also double jointed.
Skills of Note: Artificial Intelligence 78%, Basic Electronics
65%, Biology 85%, Bioware Mechanics 75%, Botany 55%,
Chemistry 85%, Chemistry: Analytical 75%, Computer
Operation 90%, Computer Programming 75%, Computer Repair
65%, Electronic Countermeasures 65%, Forensics 65%, Hand to
Hand: Basic, Jury-Rig 55%, Math: Basic 98%, Math: Advanced
95%, Mechanical Engineering 70%, Medical Doctor 90/80%,
Pathology 70%, Radio : Basic 85%, Xenology 75%, Zoology
75%, and w.P. Handguns at 7th level.
Attacks per Melee: Six.
Doctor Rodriguez Heston is a monkey boy tech who surpassed Damage: As per Hand to Hand combat or with a weapon.
his genetic expectations and rose above his companions. Roddy, Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +4 to dodge
as he is known to his friends has a natural aptitude towards while on the ground or in trees, +2 to S.D.C. damage, +5 to roll
genetic research and development. His forward thinking and with punch, fall, or impact, +2 to pull punch, + 1 to disarm, Kick
ability to achieve unbelievable results quickly caught Dr. attack (1 D8 damage), Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 19­
Bradford's attention who then promoted Dr. Heston to Sector 7. 20.

In Sector 7 Dr. Heston moved up in the hierarchy to become Vulnerabilities: Dr. Heston was very naive about Lone Star and

the secondary lead on the Alpha-4 project working closely with Dr. Bradford 's agenda. Even now, he is still reluctant to fight. It

Dr. Alexander, who he enjoys a good game of chess with from is not that he is a pacifist per se; he just relies too much on rea­

time to time. soning even when physically overcoming someone is the better


Name: Rodriguez Heston, Roddy to his friends.

Psionics: None.

Species: Mutant Chimpanzee

Magic: None.

Alignment: Aberrant.
Bionics and Cybernetics: None.

Attributes: LQ. 20, M.E. 15, M.A. 16, PS. 9, P.P. 17, PE. 13,

P.B. 8, Spd 11.

Notable Equipment: Only has access to the genetic and lab
Species: Mutant Monkey.
facilities and basic medical equipment allowed by his
Size: 3 feet, 11 inches (1.2 m).
Weight: 82 lbs (37 kg).
Money: None, a captive. All his basic needs are provided for by
Hit Points: 42. S.D.C.: 26.
Bradford and the others.
P.P.E.: 22

Experience Level: 7th level Monkey Boy Tech.


Doctor Rodriguez Heston is the group's Roddy Heston can handle at the moment. items, but until he can help them sell the
newest and most unlikely member, a He prays his mind and talents will be wel­ computer files and get an even share, he
Monkey Boy from the Lone Star Genetics comed at the great fortress city of Chi­ must rely on our heroes ' kindness.
Complex. He was a loyal Coalition scien­ Town. There, he hopes to make his new Whether he stays with the group as its
tist in the service of Desmond Bradford home. Maybe even meet the Emperor, newest member or leaves them in Chi­
until our heroes broke into the Lone Star himself. Wouldn't that be grand? Town, is yet to be determined. He is cer­
Complex and stepped into his lab. For now he 's working with our heroes tainly welcomed among the group.
Suddenly, the Mutant Chimpanzee discov­ and much to their chagrin, he's kind a Money: Zero at the moment. Could be
ered he was not a highly valued colleague, growing on them. He's a bit stuffy for rich after selling information in the Chi­
but a highly expendable commodity. It their taste. The team has taken to calling Town ' Burbs.
was a revelation that has changed his Ii fe him 'Doc' despite his constant reminders
in an instant. Doctor Heston no longer that they should address him as Dr. Note: Despite his limited combat training
believes that Dr. Bradford is a savior, but Heston. The good doctor has also taken to (which was mandatory for Lone Star tech- "
a monster who only cares about his own to enjoying playing a good game of chess nical personnel), Roddy does not want to
skin. Doctor Heston still has a great deal with Shakes from time to time. arm himself. He never was armed at Lone
of faith in the Coalition States and Doctor Heston is still in a bit of shock Star (that's what those guys in the Dead
Emperor Prosek, but that may be crashing and trying to figure out his future. Until Boy armor were for) and still feels that the
down soon, too. he's been with the group a while (6 people best trained for combat should han­
Roddy is still reeling from the unex­ months or a year), his loyalty has to be dle such matters and leave thinking to the
pected changes in his life. Suddenly, he is suspect. Even he doesn't know where his educated and rational people - like him.
without a home, a job or a purpose. He is loyalties lie anymore.
inside a big ATV with people he doesn't
know, traveling through a wilderness he's Name: Rodriguez Heston, Doc to his to
only read about. As a Monkey Boy his newfound teanunates.
mutant, the only home he has ever known
is the laboratories of the Lone Star Notable Equipment: Except for
Complex . Doctor Heston had never even the clothes on his back, Dr.
set foot outdoors before yesterday. Now, Heston left everything
he's headed for Chi-Town and an uncer­ he had behind in Lone
tain future. Star. Since joining
He can't imagine why Doctor Bradford our heroes, it is safe to
would let him and the group escape, let assume that he
alone escape with the knowledge in the may have picked
pirated computer files and the data inside up a few use­
his head. The Monkey Boy knows a lot -- ful
about many illegal and dangerous proJ­
ects, including the Omega
Project. Why on earth
would Doctor Bradford
want that information
leaked to the outside
world, or even to
Emperor Prosek?
It's all more than

TYPICAL COALITION SOLDIER nal flares, a survival knife, utility belt, air enables the SAMAS to hover stationary
filter & gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, up to 200 feet (61 m) or fly. Maximum
The Coalition Army is, arguably, the most
combat boots, canteen, and an S.D.C. mil­ flying speed is 300 mph (480 km), but
advanced in N orth America. The stats that
itary assault rifle are more or less standard cruising speed is considered to be 150
follow are for the typical Third Level CS
issue. The specific assignment (and what mph (240 km). Maximum altitude is lim­
Grunt also known as " Dead Boys. " They
the commanding officer feels is needed) ited to about 500 feet (152 m).
are armor clad infantry soldiers.
w ill determine what other gear will be Physical Strength: Robotic PS. of 30.
issued. Main Gun: C-40R SAMAS Rail Gun
Alignment: Any.
(1): This is standard equipment for the
Required Attributes of Soldier: PS. II ,
TYPICAL CS SAMAS SAMAS and is considered to be one of
P.P 9, P.E. 11 , Spd 15, all other attributes
the most versatile, accurate, and light­
are average.
The "SAMAS," also known as "Sam," is
weight rail guns in the world . Other heav­
Species: Human
the Coalition 's elite flying power armor.
ier rail guns can be substituted in an emer­
Hit Points: 20. S.D.C.: 35 .
The SAMAS is a complete environmental
gency or for special missions. There is no
M.D.C.: Standard CA-4 "Dead Boy"
power armor with enhanced robotics and
separate power pack. The unit is hooked
Armor (100 M.D.C. main body) .
flight/air to ground capabilities. The
directly to the armor's nuclear power sup­
P.P.E.: 6
SAMAS , like all power armor, is basical­
Experience Level: 2nd to 5th lev el
ly a robot exoskeleton with M.D.C. plat­
Weight: Gun: 92 lbs (41.4 kg), One
Coalition Grunts (Dead Boys).
ing, superhuman strength, and weapon
SAMAS Ammo-Drum: 190 lbs (85 .5 kg).
Skills of Note*: Language: American
systems. The pilot fits inside the exoskele­
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and
92% , Basic Mechanics 40%, Body
ton. The SAMAS is a significant element
inflicts ID4xlO M.D ., one round does
Building, Camouflage 45%, Climbing
of the Coalition 's armored troops,
1D4 M .D.
55 /45%, Demolitions 66%, Demolitions
designed for assault and defense in all
Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one
Disposal 66%, Find Contraband 34%,
environments .
melee attack.
First Aid 55%, Forced March, Hand to
Range: 4000 feet (1219 m).
Hand: Expert**, Land Navigation 44% ,
Alignment: Any.
Payload: 2000 round drum, that's 50
Math: Basic 55%, Military Etiquette 60%,
Required Attributes of Pilot: I.Q. 10,
bursts. A second drum can be hooked to
Pilot Hovercraft 70% , Pilot Tanks &
P.S. 10, P.P. 11, P.E. 10, Spd 14, all other
the undercarriage of the rocket jets, but
APCs 58 %, Radio: Basic 65 %, Robot
attributes are average.
must be manually removed by another
Combat: Basic, Running, Sensory
Species: Human.
SAMAS or a character with a strength of
Equipment 50%, Weapon Systems 60%,
Hit Points: 25. S.D.C.: 25 .
26 or higher to replace the used drum.
and WP. Energy Pistol, WP Energy Rifle,
P.P.E.: 6
Reloading a drum will take about 5 min­
WP Knife, WP. Targeting (specializing
Experience Level of Pilot: 2nd to 7th
utes for those not trained, but a mere one
in grenade throwing), and WP Rifle.
level Coalition Elite RPA (Robot Power
minute by somebody trained in the use of
* With the exception of American, the Armor).
SAMAS power armor.
skills shown above are listed at 3rd level M.D.C. of SAMAS Armor by Location:
Secondary Weapon: CM-2 Rocket
proficiency and may be adjusted either • Shoulder Wings (2): 30 each Launcher: The forearm not used to oper­
higher or lower by as much as 10% to • Main Rear Jets (2): 60 each ate the rail gun, usually left, is armed with
reflect characters of varying experience. • Lower Maneuvering Jets: 25 each a mini-missile rocket launcher.
** A minority are trained in Hand to • Ammo Drum (rear) - 25 Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type,
Hand: Martial Arts or Assassin. • Rail Gun - 50 but any mini-missile can be used.
Attacks per Melee: 4 (5 for the more • Forearm Mini-Missile Launcher: Standard issue is armor piercing (1 D4x 10
'experienced Grunts) . (I, left): 50 M.D.) or plasma (1D6x 10).
Bonuses (total)*: +2 to strike, +3 to parry • Head - 70 Range: One mile (1.6 km).
and dodge, +2 to roll with punch, fall, or • Main Body - 250 Rate of Fire: One at a time or two simul­
impact, +3 to pull punch, +2 to disarm, Speed: taneous ; either counts as one melee
kick attack (ID8 damage), can perform a Running: 60 mph (96 km) maximum. attack.
Karate Punch. Note that the act of running does tire out Payload: Two mini-missiles.
* Bonuses will vary with the experi­ its operator, but at 10% of the usual Note: See Rifts® Ultimate Edition
ence and the training of the individual sol­ fatigu e rate thanks to the robot exoskele­ for much more details about this power
dier. ton . armor.
Psionics: None. Leaping: The powerful robot legs can Skills of Note (Pilot)*: Language:
Magic: None. Outlawed by the Coalition leap up to 15 feet (4 .6 m) high or across American 94%, Astronomy & Navigation
States. unassisted by the thrusters . A jet thruster 45%, Basic Mechanics 45% , Demolitions
Notable Equipment: Coalition "Dead assisted leap can propel the unit up to 100 69%, Demolitions Disposal 69 % ,
Boy" body armor, a C-12 or C-14 laser feet (30 .5 m) high and 200 feet (61 m) Electronic Countermeasures 55% , First
rifle, a C-20 laser pistol , 4 extra E-Clips across without actually attaining flight. Aid 60%, Find Contraband 38% , Hand to
for each , 2 fragmentation grenades, 3 sig­ Flying: The rocket propulsion system Hand: Expert**, Land Navigation 48%,



Math: Basic 70%, Military Etiquette 65%, TYPICAL CS PSI-HOUND

Detect Ambush 45%, Detect Concealment
Pilot: Automobile 77%, Pilot: Hovercraft 40%, First Aid 60%, Forced March,
80%, Pilot: Robots & Power Annor 80%, Psi-Hounds are humanoid, mutant canines
General Repair & Maintenance 50%,
Pilot Jet Aircraft 52% or Jet Pack 54% ill: genetically engineered to be dedicated and
Hand to Hand: Expert** , Hunting,
Tanks & APCs 48%, Radio: Basic 70%, loyal soldiers and protectors of humanity.
Intelligence 46%, Land Navigation 54%,
Robot Combat: Basic, Robot Combat: Dog Boys are second-class citizens, but
Language: American 88% (Plus one other
Elite: SAMAS, Running, Sensory they don't even seem to notice.
language, usually Spanish at 61 %),
Equipment 60%, Weapon Systems 70%, Military Etiquette 45%, Pilot Hovercraft
Wilderness Survival 45%, and WP. Alignment: Any, but most lean toward
70%, Prowl 37%, Radio: Basic 65%,
Energy Pistol, WP. Energy Rifle, WP. good, Unprincipled, or Aberrant.
Running, Sensory Equipment 40%,
Knife, WP. Targeting (specializing in Required Attributes: lQ. 10, P.S. 13, PE 13,
Tracking 40%, TraplMine Detection 45%,
grenade throwing), and Wp. Submachine­ Sp:l24, all other attributes are average.
Wilderness Survival 50%, and WP.
Gun. Species: Mutant Canine.
Energy Pistol, WP. Energy Rifle, and WP.
* With the exception of Speak Hit Points: 24. S.D.C.: 45.
Knife ill: Sword.
American, the skills shown above are list­ P.P.E.: 10
* With the exception of Language:
ed at 4th level proficiency and may be Experience Level: 1st to 5th level
American, the skills shown above are list­
adjusted either higher or lower by as much Coalition Dog Boy (Psi-Hound).
ed at 3rd level proficiency and may be
as 15% to reflect characters of varying M.D.C.: Standard half-suit, DPM Dog
adjusted either higher or lower by as much
experience. Boy armor has 50 M.D.C., old style Dead
as 10% to reflect characters of varying
** A minority are trained in Hand to Boy armor (full suit) has 80 M.D.C.
Hand: Martial Arts or Assassin). Special Abilities: The following abilities
** A minority are trained in Hand to
Attacks per Melee: 5(7***)(less one for are common to the majority of low level
Hand : Martial Arts or Assassin.
the less experienced Sammies). Dog Boys:
Attacks per Melee: Four. (Five for the
Bonuses**: +2(+4***) to strike, • Sense Psychic & Magic Energy: 50%. more experienced Dog Boys.)
+3(+6***) to parry, +3(****) to dodge, • Recognize Psychic Scent: General is Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, +4 to
+2(+6***) to roll with punch, fall , or 18%. Specific is 12%. parry and dodge, +2 to roll with punch, fall,
impact, +3(+6***) to pull punch, • Sense Supernatural Being: Identify or impact, +5 to pull punch, +4 to disarm,
+2(+4***) to disarm, kick attack (lD8 type/race is 66%. Track by scent is 45%. kick attack (ID8 damage), can perform a
damage), can perform a Karate Punch, • Superior Sense of Smell: Many Karate Punch, and +2 to save vs disease.
+2*** on initiative, +2*** to strike with times superior to that of a human. Bonuses vary with the experience, train­
energy and long-range weapons. Recognize common and strong scents is ing and the breed of the individual.
** Bonuses will vary with the experi­ 76%. Identify specific odors is 58%. Psionics: Dog Boys are considered Master
ence and the training of the individual sol­ Track by smell alone is 48%. Psychics and, in addition to the abilities pre­
dier. • Keen Sense of Hearing and Good viously mentioned, also get several Psionic
*** Increased or additional bonuses Sight: Reflected in bonuses. Sensitive powers, including Sense Evil (2),
while in SAMAS armor. • Sensitivity to Ley Line Energy: Sense Magic (3), Sixth Sense (2), and
**** Dodge bonuses while in SAMAS Fouls special senses. Empathy (4; receiver only, not transmission).
armor: +5 on ground, +8 when flying or See Ri/ts® Ultimate Edition for I.S.P.: 65.
leaping. much more details about these powers. Magic: None. Outlawed by the Coalition
Psionics: None. Also see Psionics. States. Dog Boys tend to distrust and
Magic: None. Magic is outlawed by the Note the following: avoid magic in any form .
Coalition. • The abilities shown above are listed Notable Equipment: Dog Pack DPM Riot
Notable Equipment: In addition to the at 3rd level proficiency and may be armor, a C-I 0 or C-12 laser assault rifle (with
SAMAS armor, they have a suit of adjusted either higher or lower as the case telescopic sight and nightvision scope), a C­
Standard, CA-4 Coalition "Dead Boy" may be to reflect varying degrees of expe­ 18 laser pistol, 4 extra E-Clips, a survival
body armor, a C-12 or C-14 laser ri fle, a rience. knife, a pair of Vibro-Knives or Vibro­
C-20 laser pistol, 4 extra E-Clips for each, • Certain breeds of Dog Boy will have Claws, utility belt, air filter, gas mask,
2 grenades (of various types), 3 signal special traits, abilities and bonuses, all walkie-talkie, uniform, canteen, tinted gog­
flares, a survival knife, utility belt, air fil­ generally positive. gles or non-environmental helmet (with or
ter & gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, • Because Dog Boys are mutations, without visor), PDD pocket audio recorder,
combat boots, canteen, and an S.D.C. sub­ genetic abnormalities do occur. For the pocket laser distancer, flashlight, pocket mir­
machine-gun are more or less standard most part, however, these abnormalities ror, cigarette lighter, 100 feet (30.5 m) of
issue. When on an assignment, PA-06A are benevolent and further affect the Dog lightweight rope, small hammer, 4 spikes, 3
SAMAS power armor replaces the stan­ Boys' abilities. animal snares, infrared distancing binocu­
dard body armor (above). The specific • There is a great deal of variety in Dog lars, portable language translator, and a back­
assignment, and what the commanding Boys, so a "typical" Dog Boy is anything pack are standard issue. The specific assign­
officer feels is needed, will determine but typical of the race. ment will determine what other gear will be
what other gear will be issued. Skills of Note*: Climbing 60/50%, issued.





There was only one Aishwarra monster at to nurture the female's unborn young. The • Aishwarra are solitary creatures.
the Lone Star laboratories and it was monster swallows practitioners of magic, They NEVER team up for any purpose.
destroyed by our heroes. Day saved, shamans, and other gifted people whole, The only contact they have with each
right? Wrong. and stores them, alive, inside their body, other is either when one Aishwarra
First, Doctor Desmond Bradford holds so that the horror may procreate. It needs encroaches on the hunting grounds of
the genetic blueprint of the monster and the P.P.E. batteries of living sorcerers and another, resulting in a battle over territory,
can make more, and as many as he'd like, creatures of magic to spawn young. This or when a pair mate. Even then, the male
anytime he desires. You'd think then, it is also enables the great beasts' numbers to leaves once his work is finished, never to
a good thing that our heroes are about to grow quickly and take over. be seen again by the female (if she is
ruin his reputation by releasing informa­ Once gorged on sufficient magical lucky; see #2 below). Once the female has
tion they stole from the Lone Star energy (P.P.E.), the Aishwarra spawn, cre­ laid her eggs, she departs as well, and
Complex. With any luck, that information ating eggs that are batteries of magic. does not even remain to see them hatch.
should get Dr. Bradford removed from his Before these eggs hatch into young The eggs are hidden and when they hatch,
post, and put an end to monstrosities like Aishwarra, they can be used by practition­ the young Aishwarra must fend for them­
the Aishwarra and whatever mad dreams ers of magic for powering magic spells, selves.
the Doctor has for his mysterious Project rituals, wards, circles, or virtually any • Aishwarra are cannibals. Generally,
Omega. That's what our heroes are think­ other type of mystical enchantment. The the Aishwarra who hatch first instinctive­
ing, but Doctor Bradford has other plans. eggs can also be tapped into by P.P.E. ly run for the hills, otherwise one of their
As he put it, they don't know it yet, but vampires such as Psi-Stalkers to feed brothers or sisters may kill and devour
"they are working for him now." upon. them. Young Aishwarra, in tum, are prey
Doctor Bradford wants the information Some of the P.P.E. used for these pur­ for adults, particularly adult males . When
leaked, because it will put the Project poses ultimately returns to the ambient Aishwarra sense each other, they general­
Omega into motion. That project will environment (anywhere around 10% to ly fight, with the result that the stronger
include some limited use of the Aishwarra 30%, depending upon the type of magic feeds on the weaker. Depending upon the
as well, and he already has a dozen of the employed). However, the P.P.E. from the hunger of the victor, this can either be a
monsters growing in another lab. eggs that hatch is lost forever. Thus, like fight for dominance or to the death. In the
The Aishwarra (pronounced eye-sh­ any natural resource that is exploited latter case, the loser serves as a meal for
wahr-rah) is a deadly creature from without being replenished, the world's the winner.
Bodakhan's alien home world, the world level of ambient P.P.E. diminishes over • The Aishwarra are not smart crea­
of the Grackle Tooth D-Bees (although, time. tures. With the equivalent of low animal
on their world, the Grackle Tooth are According to Desmond Bradford, the intelligence, Aishwarra are driven by
known as the Jin-Ro). On that planet, the Aishwarra and creatures like them, are instinct, hunger and the need to procreate.
Aishwarra are considered to be demons of exactly what the world needs to restore it That's it. They kill, eat, spawn and repeat.
destruction and a plague to all life. They to normal. Breed enough of these mon­ As dumb animals, they take on fights they
are not true demons - supernatural beings sters and they will literally eat magical cannot win, and often fight to the death .
- but horrible monsters that eat people and beings into extinction and then drain away They don't adapt to new environments so
destroy villages and towns. the magic from the ley lines. Left alone, to much as they bulldoze their way through
Aishwarra are nomadic, giant creatures spawn naturally, this process could take them. That means the same animal repeat­
who devour virtually everything in their centuries, maybe even eons, but to a man edly falls for the same trap, tricks, or tac­
path. Even worse, the monsters damage like Desmond Bradford, the Aishwarra is tics. It is very seldom that a Aishwarra can
their environment by permanently drain­ just the key to get things started. Bradford learn from experience. Immensely formi­
ing their surroundings of ambient magical can increase the growth process and, if dable and dangerous, the dumb brutes are
energy (P.P.E.). These dinosaur-sized necessary, create hWldreds in his labs to more like weapons of mass destruction to
predators are constantly on the hunt for unleash on an unsuspecting world . He is be unleashed than intelligent agents able
food and entire commWlities have been not so insane as to be unaware of the obvi­ to adapt to their environment and hwlt and
wiped out by Aishwarra on a rampage. ous dangers. Left unchecked, the creatures choose their targets.
These monsters have no natural predators would run rampant across the continent That's where Project Omega comes
and indiscriminately kill just about any­ and ravage the people and holdings of the in. You see, the mad doctor has taken
one or anything who oppose them or gets Coalition States as well as their enemy. Aishwarra DNA and reshaped it to create
in their way. However, some victims are That would never do. One solution is the a new monster that is smarter and hunts
not killed outright. These are the unlucky implantation of a destructive device that very specific prey: mages, creatures of
ones. Those whom the female Aishwarra can be activated at will. The danger, of magic, and supernatural beings. Project
does not kill at once are stored in feeding course, being that the device could fail. As Omega is nearing its final stage and is just
sacks located under the creature's a double failsafe, Bradford has genetically about operational. Open the gates and let
abdomen. Soon the slow, painful process engineered a germ that can wipe out the the Omega Beasts loose, and they make a
of their P.P.E. and life energies being popUlation within a single generation. But beeline to the Magic Zone and other
drained away will begin. The victims' there are other problems with just letting places of magic to devour the creatures of
P.P.E., indeed, their very life force, is used the dumb beasts loose. magic the inhabit that area. When they are

11 1

all devoured over, say, the next 6-10 Horror Factor: Adult Male: 16. Adult too large and too powerful), Lesser
years, the creatures will spread out in Females: 18. Young: 11-14 depending Oemons, and other beings with high P.P.E.
search of others. Meanwhile , Doctor upon age and size. (70 points or more) are necessary to bear
Bradford is still working on a superior P.P.E.: 104xSO young .
breed of AishwalTa that don't hunt and eat Experience Level: Not applicable These beings are swallowed whole and
people, but sit like blobs, soaking in, and unharmed, stored, unconscious, and held
using up, the ambient energy of ley lines. Disposition: The AishwalTa is a single­ in a sort of stasis-sleep inside individual
That having been said, he thinks it would minded monstrosity consumed with eat­ storage sacks filled with a protein solu­
be wonderful to drop a dozen Aishwarra ing (people!) and devouring practitioners tion. Victims can be held in stasis inside a
off in the Magic Zone and/or the Calgary and creatures of magic, swallowing them sack for up to 10 weeks before the mon­
Rift and let them wreak havoc on the mag­ whole, as they are needed to bear young. ster will either eat them or use them to
ical beings who infest those regions, then Enemies: None, per se. All other crea­ bear young.
destroy any Aishwarra who leave that des­ tures are regarded as prey. Once eggs are fertilized by a male, the
ignated "feeding range." AUies: None, not even each other. captives inside stasis sacks are slowly
Habitat: Prefer deserts and arid environ­ drained of their P.P.E. and life energy over
DATAFILE ALPHA-4 ments, but can be found anywhere during a 104+ 10 week period. At the end of this
summer months, migrating south in the period, the process kills everyone in each
Name: Aishwarra
winter. of the 2D6+ 30 sacks and the embryos are
Pronunciation: eye-sh-wahr-rah
released as eggs the size of a SO gallon
Also known as: Oemon or Demon Plague
Average Life Span: 306+20 years. drum. The hard, leathery eggs (each has
on the AishwalTa'S homeworld.
Reach full, physical maturity in four 1D6x I 0+20 M.D.C.) are buried in a safe
Classifcation: Anti-Magic Monster
years. place on or near a source of P.P.E. energy
Alignment: Animal predator generally
Females give birth to one young for (ley line, place of magic, etc.) by the
considered Diabolic.
every storage sack that contains a live mother. They continue to gestate, buried,
Attributes: I.Q. ID6+2 (low animal intel­
mage, creature of magic, or other being for another 204+4 weeks. When they
ligence), M.E. 1D6+2, M.A. 1D4, P.S .
with great magic energy (70 or more hatch, the baby Aishwarra, the size of a
206+38 (Supernatural), P.P. 106+9, P.E.
points of P.P.E.). And an Aishwarra has black bear, scatter into the surrounding
206+21 (Supernatural), P.B. 104, Spd
2D6+ 30 storage sacks located in the wilderness and immediately begin hunt­
406+32 (23-S6 mph/36 .8 to 89.6 km).
underbelly toward the rear. This is the ing for humanoid food.
Size: Females: 1OO-ISO feet (30.S to 4S .7
sack-like appendage Moses, from the Aishwarra eggs are alive with magic
m) tall and about the same length. Males
graphic novel, was held inside after he energy. The very growth of the infants
are 20% smaller.
was swallowed whole. Once at least half within seems to raise the level of magic
Weight: Females: 206+ 10 tons! Males:
the sacks are filled with sources of living and keep it generating P.P.E. Each egg
204+7 tons.
PP.E., young start to gestate, feeding on contains 1D4x 100 P.P.E. that can be
M.D.C. by Location: the magical and life energy of the captives drawn upon by practitioners of magic.
• Antennae* (4; back): 200 each to grow strong. Use up all the available P.P.E. and it
• Eyes* (2; recessed): 7S each Moreover, a lone female does NOT regenerates within 24 hours, all but at S%
• Ears* (circles on head and back; 6):
need a male to bear young. Somehow, the less. Each time more than SO% of the
120 each
Aishwarra uses the mystic energy of her remaining energy is used, it returns S%
• Head: 104x I 00+ 330 many captives to fertilize her eggs and weaker the next day. This process will,
• Tri-BeaklMouth: 106x10+200 generate new life. However, once males eventually, permanently whittle the avail­
• Nostril Spikes* (2; extendible): 40 each are born (usually 60% male, 40% females able P.P.E. below SO% of its original
', . Cheek Tusks (2): 200 each ratio), they do the work of fertilization. amount, at which point the baby inside
• Mouth Tentacles* (106+4; mouth): 20 each The ability for a lone female to generate dies and the remaining P.P.E. slips away
• Mantis Arms (2): 1D6xlOO+2S0 each new life without a male is unique and into the ether. Use less than half of the
• Throat Hands* (2; under neck) :
amazing. egg's original P.P.E. and the mystic energy
1D4xlO+20 each
Young grow to the size of a IS foot returns, in fit/I, 24 hours later, time and
• Legs (2): 204x100+400 each (4.6 m) truck within one month, and dou­ time again. How exactly this can be, is
• Clawed Feet (2): 104xlOO+300 each ble in size every month until they reach 80 unknown, but that's how it works.
• Storage Sacks* (42-62): 206+10 each feet (24.4 m) talVlong, at which point their Of course, sooner or later the baby will
• Main Body:
growth slows down. They'll reach full hatch, though frequent draining of the
Young Aishwarra (size of a bear)
size in two years' time, though they don't egg's energy (4 or more times a week)
406x10+60 M.O .C. reach physical maturity till the end offour retards the gestation, requiring an extra
Adult male 204x 1OO+SOO years. two weeks per week of draining to grow
Adultfemale 206x100+800 M.O .C. and hatch. This only occurs when the
A single asterisk (*) indicates a small or The Spawning Process: Practitioners of energy is drained below SO%. Should a
otherwise difficult target to strike. From a magic, minor creatures of magic like baby Aishwarra be born after an extended
distance an opponent is -4 to strike even Faerie Folk (dragons and gods are usually period of regular drain-offs, it will be half­
with a "Called Shot" or careful aim.


starved, half the nonnal size and half the towns and cities, cracking open vehicles the size of a human's entire body!
usual M.D.C. Masters of Runic and Bio­ and tearing down the sides of buildings to • Stomp or Kick: ID6x10+12 M.D.
Wizard magic, like the Splugorth, can pre­ get at and devour the people inside. That's • Bite with Beak: ID4xl0 M.D.
serve the eggs, and use them the same way the part Bodakhan doesn ' t think Doctor • Gore/Stab with Face/Cheek Tusks:
they use other living beings trapped inside Bradford fully appreciates . The fiend 2D4xl0 M.D., but counts as two attacks.
their magic weapons and devices. requires 20-80 people a week to live, and These horns are 10-15 feet (3 to 4.6 m)
while it can go two weeks between feed­ long.
Natural Abilities: Keen sense of smell ings, it typically gorges itself, eating two • Stab Attack with Nostril Spike (1):
and hearing, excellent vision, good speed, and three times as many people whenever 4D6 M.D. or the spike can unleash an
Supernatural Strength and Endurance. the opportunity presents itself. Females electrical blast that does ID6xl0 SD.C.
• Nightvision: 500 feet (152 m). eat four times as much per week when damage. This may be used to subdue
• Tunneling: Aishwarra are natu­ pregnant! opponents the creature wants to swallow
ral diggers and burrowers (80% skill) and, whole or to zap people and creatures who
on the rare occasions they are frightened, Vulnerabilities: Fire. Aishwarra suffer are minor annoyances.
may tunnel underground to elude their double damage from fire. However, its • Mouth Tentacle Swallow Attack:
pursuer. They also dig their nest into the fear of flames is out of proportion to the No damage. ID4+ 1 tentacles shoot out,
ground where they lay clutches of ID4 damage it actually inflicts. Aishwarra grab and pull the snared victim into the
eggs per burial location, sometimes in have been known to flee in panic from mouth and swallowed. The entire attack
caves. Can tunnel at half its running Spd. fires no larger than a bonfire. Setting fires takes less than 3 seconds and counts as
• Sense/Smell & Track P.PE. Creatures to drive away the Aishwarra was a stan­ one melee attack.
of Magic and the Supernatural: The mon­ dard Jin-Ro tactic, however, a panicked This attack is designed entirely to grab
ster can literally sniff out P.P.E. Anyone and stampeding Aishwarra becomes and swallow prey and opponents whole I
with more than 20 P.P.E. points is on its extremely unpredictable and may run in People with high P.P.E. are usually funnel
radar, but it can differentiate between mul­ any direction, through buildings, smash­ around the gullet and into an empty food
tiple sources ofP.P.E. based on the amount ing crops and creating carnage. storage sack. The victim is immediately
each individual possesses. Consequently, fire may be relegated to a stunned and once dropped into a sack
Range : 10 miles (16 km), xlO if magic last-ditch defense against the monsters if (takes one melee roundl15 seconds), he is
is being cast/used. 200 miles (320 km) to everything else fails. Furthennore, the one completely immobilized in a coma-like
sense the location of a ley line. thing the monster will brave fire to get at stasis. Food is charu1eled into the stomach
Track to the specific source (i.e., indi­ is people with high (70 or greater) PP.E., where the victim, alive and conscious is
vidual with the P.P.E.) 88% (+10% if the gobbling up as many as it can in a few dropped into a vat of stomach acid that
"source" has more than 200 P.P.E.); minutes and running away. Also note the does ID6xl0 M.D. every melee round (15
reduce by half on a ley line as the ambient monster can smell P.P.E. through fire and seconds).
energy interferes with the senses. it will return to swallow up the people Humanoids as large as 16 feet (4.8 m)
• Bio-Regeneration: The creature with high P.P.E. tall can be swallowed whole. 20 feet (6.1
recovers I D6 M.D.C. per hour as part of Also a terrible swimmer (30% skill) m) may be possible by the largest females,
its natural healing process. It also regener­ and dislikes deep water, but doesn't mind nothing bigger.
ates a lost tentacle, spike, sack, toe, foot, wading through water. Bonuses: +4 on Perception Rolls, +3 to
eye, or ear withing 2D6 days, and a leg or R.c.c. Skills: None, except as noted strike with bite, feet and anns, +6 to strike
arm within 2D6+20 days. above; driven entirely by instinct. when up close with its mouth tentacles, +2
Drawing on the living beings held to parry, +4 to pull punch (can regulate the
inside its feeding/storage sacks, every one Attacks per Melee: Six (thankfully). amount of M.D. it inflicts when it wants
P.P.E. point the monster drains from one to, but never in a panic), impervious to
of its victim, restores one M.D.C. point. Damage: The Supernatural Strength of Earth diseases. And +4 to save vs magic
Furthennore, similar to the Ley Line the average Aishwarra falls in the P.S . 41­ attacks (in addition to other bonuses to
Walker ability, the monster can regenerate 50 range, and the following stats reflect save vs magic from a high P.E. attribute) .
ID6xl0 M.D.C. per hour by resting on a that: Magic: None, but is magic resistant.
ley line or at a nexu s. • Punch/Slap/Jab with Mantis Arms: Psionics: None.
The Hunger Plague: One reason the 6D6 M.D., 2D4x 10 M.D. on a Power Bionics and Cybernetics: None .
Jin-Ro/Grackle Tooth consider Aishwarra Punch, or ID6xl0 S.D.C. on a restrained
to be demons is that they eat p eople for strike. Value: The eggs are worth ID4 million
food. Lots and lots and lots of people. The • Head Butt or Body BumplNudge: credits as magic batteries and the
monster plows through everything in it's 5D6 M.D. , ID6x I 0 M.D. on a Power Butt, Splugorth would love to use them in their
path and eats anything that moves or gets or ID6xlO S.D.C. on a restrained strike. Bio-Wizard creations.
in its way. While the monster will eat large • Punch from Small Throat Arms:
dogs, goats, cattle, horses, and other large 3D6 M.D. , 6D6 M.D. on a Power Punch,
animals, its main food of choice is people, or ID4x l0 on restrained punch. And by
humans and D-Bees. And it attacks entire "small" we mean the hands are only about

The Omegas are Desmond Bradford's makes practitioners of magic and beings their designated prey and wait, like a jun­
solution to the problems with the with high P.P.E. the Omegas'food. This is gle cat, for the right moment to potmce.
Aishwarra. He loves the idea of a creature what they eat, nothing else. And that's the However, where magic energy is great
who seeks out practitioners of magic, beauty of his Omega Beast's design, the and beings of magic are numerous,
creatures of magic, demons and other creature won 't attack anyone or anything Omega Beasts hunt in packs. They do so
"beings who possess high levels of the else. They live on people who have magic because prey is so plentiful, there is no
energy that is magic. The problem with energy inside them. An Omega could be rivalry between them, and they actually
the Aishwarra was that it is just too big surrounded by a million people and the get more food by cooperating and hunting
and too dumb to do the job without caus­ beast will die of starvafion. It cannot in packs. That's another advantage over
ing a great amount of collateral damage . attack or kill them because they do not the Aishwarra, the giant monster ignored
Bradford's solution, of course, was to poses the magic signature the Omega dragons and other powerful beings with
build a better magic-catcher. To create a Beast needs to identify prey. Unless it can massive amounts of P.P.E. because they
smart predator with many of the same find a creature of magic or a mage with at were too big for the monster to swallow
traits and abilities as the Aishwarra, but least 50 P.P.E., the beast can't find its prey. and use for procreation. The Omegas
one that was smaller, smarter and a much Perfect. don't need the energy to spawn, they feed
more efficient hunter. The Omega Beast Reduced dramatically in size, Omega on it, like Psi-Stalkers. That means a
is that creature. Beasts do not topple buildings, trash group of Omega Beasts see a dragon as
The Omega Beast senses magic energy farms, trample tanks, kill hundreds ofpeo­ one big target that a pack of them can
the same as the Aishwarra and it is also pie by accident or create giant paths of bring down and devour: sharing in the
driven by instinct to hunt other living destruction in their wake. Furthermore, meat, blood and feast of P.P.E. left from
beings with high magic energy. That Omega Beasts are smart. They hunt only the kill. Together, they can bring down


any creature of magic or supernatural ter­ magic on the continent. Before you know • Main Body:

ror, be it a demon, dragon, god or city of it, the magic users and creatures of magic Young (the size of a wolf)

mages. No magic wielding being will be not under siege by packs of Omega Beasts 1D6x10+60 M .D.C.

safe from the Omega Beasts. will be fleeing en masse to get away Adult male

Omega Beasts are miniature versions before they are killed. Combine that effort ID4x100+200

of the Aishwarra with a number of obvi­ with new, targeted military campaigns and Adultfemale
ous differences. They stand 14-16 feet tall, practitioners of magic and inhuman magic 1D6x100+300 M.D.C.
their heads are smaller, their tusks propor­ users could be erased from the continent A single asterisk (*) indicates a small
tionately larger, speed faster, agility supe­ within 10-15 years. He knows, he's done or otherwise difficult target to strike. From
rior, and their apatite for people of magic all the computer simulation models. This a distance an opponent is -5 to strike even
as great as ever. The hindquarters where is not a pipe dream. It is reality and he is with a "Called Shot" or careful aim.
the female Aishwarra has her food storage ready to initiate Project Omega with 30 Horror Factor: Adult Male: 14. Adult
sacks, is replaced with a long, flat tail that days notice. Nine thousand Omega Beasts Females: IS. Young: 1D4+8 depending
ends in a large claw. The prehensile tail are already full grown and waiting to be upon age and size, but H.F. applies only to '
can whip around to strike and knock down awakened and unleashed. those it hunts; H.F. is half for people with
opponents and prey to the side or behind All that is needed is the spark to set it insignificant P.P.E.
the beast, as well as slash and claw at all into motion, and that spark is already P.P.E.: 1D4xl0
them. The claw-tail can cut prey to rib­ on its way to Chi-Town. Experience Level: Not applicable.
bons in a matter of minutes, and can chop
and slash in and up and down motion as DATAFILE OMEGA-l Disposition: Omega Beasts are cUlUling
well as side to side. Likewise, the wicked predators who stalk people of magic,
looking mantis-arms can bat, strike and Name: Omega Beast demons and creatures of magic. They may
impale enemies, the tusks can gore and the Classifcation: Anti-Magic Monster hunt alone or pool their resources and hunt
mouth can bite and tear flesh out by the What's in a Name: Omega has tradition­ large or powerful prey in packs. Likewise,
chunk. The two-toed feet, with their ally been used to signify resistance. In this individual packs of Omegas, numbering
hooked claws, can also slash adversaries case, resistance to the encroachment of into the hundreds combined, may run wild
and tear apart meat once the kill is made. magic and inhuman creatures of magic through a city of mages creating panic and
The Omegas also retain the small, thin and supernatural monsters against human­ attacking anyone they get the upper hand
arms and hands located in the chest of the ity. on. Such group attacks can be very effec­
beast near the shoulders. They are used for Alignment: Animal predator, generally tive as the hunters do not linger, but feast
examining prey, removing armor and put­ considered Diabolic. quickly on the P.P.E. released by their vic­
ting pieces of food into the mouth . Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+8 (high animal tims, gulp down several pieces of meat
Likewise, the mouth tentacles snatch up intelligence), M.E. 1D6+6, M.A. 1D6, and then run off with a dismembered limb
pieces of meat, lap up blood and, when P.S. 2D4+28 (Supernatural), P.P. 2D4+16,
or torso in their tentacles or clutched in
necessary, entangle and secure prey. The P.E. 2D4+20 (Supernatural), P.B. 1D6,
their small arms to eat in the wild away
nose spikes zap and stun prey and are used Spd 3D6+50 (35-46 mph/56 to 73 krn).
from those who might retaliate.
to warn intruders to back off or be Size: Females: 15-17 feet (4.6 to 5.2 m)
Habitat: Anywhere its prey can be found,
attacked. Although Omega Beasts do not tall and about the same length. Males are
they are found, be it forest , desert,
hunt people with low P.P.E. (under 50 20% smaller. The tail is 1.5 times longer
canyons, mountains or jungle. Dislike
points), they will fight back when cor­ than the body, about 24 feet (7.3 m) on
cold climates with sustained temperatures
nered, threatened or attacked. The zapper average.
below freezing.
nostril spikes are one way the creatures Weight: Females: ID6+3 tons! Males:
Enemies: All creatures and people who
warn other animals and humanoids to 1D4+2 tons.
use magic.
back off, or else. M.D.C. by Location:
Allies: None, other than their own kind.
Doctor Desmond Bradford can hardly • Eyes* (2; recessed): 15 each
wait to unleash his army of magic hunters • Ears * (4, concealed behind head Average Life Span: 2D6+20 years.
and wipe out magic from the face of the plates): 6 each Reach full, physical maturity in four
planet. Unlike the Aishwarra, the Omegas • Head, Heavily Plated: 3D4x10+130 years. Females lay ID6 eggs after a three
cannot store their victims or their energy, • Tri-BeakIMouth: 10 month pregnancy. The eggs are hidden
they just drain them on the spot. And if he • Nostril Spikes* (2; extendible): 14 each and buried in the ground, often in a cave,
can't figure out a way to eliminate the ley • Tusks (2): 50 each under a big rock or fallen tree, amidst city
lines and Rifts, he can create the perfect • Mouth Tentacles* (lD4+6): 6 each ruins, and other places deemed safe. The
predator to exterminate those who use • Mantis Arms (2): 1D6x10+120 each eggs gestate for another 2D4+4 weeks
magic. Of course, the Magic Zone is • Throat Hands* (2; under neck): before hatching. Young grow to the size of
Bradford's designated target zone for the 2D6+20 each a Great Dane within one month, and dou­
first Omega Beast strike. Wipe out the • Legs (2): 2D4x10+140 each ble in size every month until they reach 10
Federation of Magic and you strike fear • Clawed Feet (2): 1D4x10+50 each feet (3 m) tall/ long, at which point their
into the hearts of every practitioner of • Claw-Tail (I): 2D6xl0 +120 growth slows down. They reach full size


in two years, though they don ' t reach Range: 10 miles (16 krn), xS if magic • Blunt Attack from Claw Tail: 4D6
physical maturity till the end of four is being cast/used. 200 miles (320 krn) to M.D., ID4x 10 M.D. on a Power Strike, or
years. sense the location of a ley line. SD6 S.D.C. on a restrained strike.
Track to the specific source (i .e., indi­ • Slashing Attack from Claw Tail:
The Spawning Process: In the wild , vidual with the P.P.E.) 88% (+10% if the 6D6 M.D. , ID6x10+4 M.D . on a Power
males mate with females, the male leaves, "source" has more than 200 P.P.E.); Slash, or ID6xlO S.D.C. on a restrained
the female lays eggs and she leaves the reduce by half on a ley line, as the ambi­ strike.
eggs to hatch and the young to fend for ent energy interferes with the senses. • Head Butt or Body BumplNudge:
themselves. Unlike the AishwaITa, Omega • Bio-Regeneration: The creature 3D6 M.D., 6D6 M. D. on a Power Punch,
Beast young often stay together and form recovers lD6 M .D.C. per hour as part of or SD6 S.D.C. on a restrained strike.
packs early to take down man-sized prac­ its natural healing process. It also regener­ • Punch from Small Throat Arms:
titioners of magic (anyone with SO points ates a lost tentacle, spike, toe, foot, eye, or 2D6 M.D., 4D6 M .D. on a Power Punch,
or more P.P.E.). Although the Omegas ear within 2D6 days, and a leg, arm or tail or 6D6 S.D.C. on restrained punch. And
feed on the P.P.E., they also feed on the within 2D6+20 days. by "small" we mean the hands are only
meat and blood of those they slay. The Furthermore, similar to the Ley Line about the size of a human's.
P.P.E. signature of their prey (being a high Walker ability, the beast can regenerate • Stomp or Kick or Slash with
amount) is what singles out prey from 6D6 M.D.C. per hour by resting on a ley Clawed Feet: 6D6 M.D.
other humanoids. Note: Like the line or at a nexus. • Bite with Beak: 4D6 M .D.
Aishwarra, Omega Beast eggs radiate • The Magic Plague: Like the • Gore/Stab with Face/Cheek Horns:
with P.P.E. , but only 2D6+6 points, and Aishwarra, Omega Beasts are driven to 1D6x 10 M.D. , but counts as two attacks .
aren't suitable as P.P.E. batteries. hunt and kill. However, they specifically These horns are 3-S feet (0.9 to I .S m)
target " people of magic," as Bradford puts long.
Natural Abilities: Keen sense of smell it, including mages, dragons, Faerie Folk • Stab Attack with Nostril Spike (1):
and hearing, excellent vision, good speed, and other creatures of magic, demons and ID4 M.D. ill the spike can unleash an
Supernatural Strength and Endurance. supernatural beings who usually have a electrical blast that does 3D6 S.D.C. dam­
• Prehensile Claw-Tail: Used primari­ high P.P.E., as well as some D-Bees, age. This is used to chase people away and
ly as a means of attack and defense, the priests and shamans who possess more as a warning.
Claw-Tail can also be used to climb, hang than SO points of P.P.E. Everyone else is • Mouth Tentacle Swallow Attack:
upside down from a tree or the wall or off limits. Never kill animals or livestock. No damage. ID4+3 tentacles shoot out,
ceiling of a cave or tunnel, chop meat and The beast needs to eat 6-10 people a week grab and pull the snared victim into the
dig. to live, and while it can go two weeks mouth to be bitten or held in place and
• Climbers: Scale rocks, debris, caves between feedings, Omega Beasts prefer to gored or battered by the small arms or
and mountainous terrain reasonably well eat 2-3 people every two days, especially clawed at with the feet. Entanglement is
and can even climb trees. Climbing skill is when prey is plentiful. Pregnant females likely to be quick and holding onto prey,
80%/6S%. eat twice as much. once ensnared, can be maintained for as
• Fair Swimmers: Swimming skill is long as the Omega desires. Fortunately for
60%, but don't care for water. Vulnerabilities: Fire. Like the Aishwarra, those held by the tentacles, the victim may
• Increased Burst of Speed: Can run Omega Beasts suffer double damage from not be pinned and can continue to fight. If
at speeds SO% greater than normal in a fire. Its fear of flames, however, is not as the beast loses more than one tentacle or
short burst lasting two minutes. Such a extreme as its giant cousin, and the fire sustains too much damage, it will let the
burst can be done three times any hour. has to be large or inflict Mega-Damage to character go and try to kick him away or
• Nightvision: SOO feet (lS2 m). hold it at bay. A cunning predator, an leap out of harm's way.
• Tunneling: Omegas are natural dig­ Omega knows a fire will eventually die Bonuses: +3 on Perception Rolls, +S to
gers and burrowers (80% skill) and, on the out and the beast will wait unless it senses strike, +6 to strike when up close with its
rare occasions they are frightened, may other prey nearby. mouth tentacles, +2 to parry, +4 to pull
tunnel underground to elude their pursuer. R.C.C. Skills: None per se. Uses hit and punch (can regulate the amount of M .D. it
They also dig their nests into the ground run tactics, ambush, teamwork (or may inflicts when it wants to, but never in a
where they lay clutches of I D4 eggs per hunt alone), and cunning. Still, it is a crea­ panic) , impervious to Earth diseases.
burial location, sometimes in caves. Can ture of instinct. Magic: None.
tunnel at half its running Spd. Psionics: None.
• Sense/Smell & Track P.P.E., Attacks per Melee: Seven.

Creatures of Magic and the Damage: The Supernatural Strength of

Value: ID4x100,000 credits as a monster
Supernatural: The monster can literally the average Omega Beast falls in the P.S.
in the gladiatorial arena or a zoo attraction
sniff out P.P.E. Anyone with more than 20 30-3S range, and the following stats
from the Splugorth. Few others would
P.P.E. points is on its radar, but it can dif­ refl ect tha t:
have any interest in the monster unless
ferentiate between multiple sources of • Punch/Slap/Jab with Mantis Arms: they have problems with "people of
P.P.E. based on the amount each individ­ 4D6 M.D., ID4xl0 M.D. on a Power magic," also.
ual possesses. Strike, or SD6 S.D.C. on a restrained strike.


rebels from fallen Tolkeen, seeking revenge, self. He realizes that the Emperor must
broke into the Lone Star Complex in a daring appear to follow certain morals and laws in
Doctor Desmond Bradford is convinced raid to destroy the beasts and slaughter the the public eye. However, Doctor Bradford
that the Omega Beasts are his crowning men responsible. How terrible that, in the believes this is for show and that Emperor
achievement to date. Not just their design and heat of the battle and blinded by rage, these Prosek would like him to secretly do whatev­
creation, but their introduction into the world . sorcerers and their demonic henchmen acci­ er it takes to keep the Coalition States safe
Seeing them released into the wild will be dentally released the very genie they had and to insure the rise of humanity. That
his masterwork in manipulation and life alter­ hoped to keep bottled up. That their ill­ means destroying its enemies. In order to
ing accomplishments . He knows that advised raid set the Omega Beasts loose into avoid implicating his Emperor in any public
Emperor Prosek could never even "official­ the world. The Magic Zone, being the closest wrongdoing, Dr. Bradford is setting things in
ly" authorize the creation of such a monster, and most radiant region of magic, will attract motion so that Emperor Prosek has plausible
for it uses alien DNA, which is forbidden in the Omegas like moths to a light, turning the deniability and is able to weather any public
Lone Star genetic research. Furthennore, the Magic Zone and the Federation of Magic into storm that might arise. Since Project Omega
very creation of the beasts could be construed the creatures ' first target. ultimately furthers the Coalition 's agenda,
as a premeditated act of war - no, genocide. How tragically ironic (and poetic) that the the fallout is likely to be outside the Coalition
If word of such a monstrous experiment ever very people targeted for extinction would be States.
got out, it could provoke a militant group the ones to unleash the source of their doom . By sending only the information he wants
such as the Federation of Magic to make a These are the machinations of Desmond Chi-Town to have, Bradford is in the perfect
preemptive strike against Chi-Town and/or Bradford, and his plan has already been put position to assuage any future investigations
Lone Star and other Coalition States, trigger­ into action. Now, all he has to do is wait for and the handling of "the project. " This is
ing a wide scale war the likes of which would it to all unfold with the public release of the Bradford's most daring, duplicitous, and
dwarf the Siege on Tolkeen. It might even information stolen by our heroes. There is no aggressive course of action to date. How that
unite mystic forces where the Tolkeen con­ doubt the Emperor will respond as imagined, might concern Karl Prosek is yet to be deter­
flict could not. More importantly, a great man above, and if real sorcerers and demons don't mined. Loose cannons, even brilliant ones,
such as Emperor Karl Prosek must be spared attack the complex, Bradford is ready to can become a liability.
allegations of genocide if he is to continue to stage it, complete with the corpses of As seen in the last page of the graphic
reign as the supreme and noble champion of Brodkil, Daemonix and mages he has held in novel, thousands of Omega Beasts are ready
humanity. stasis, plucked from refugees fleeing to be unleashed.
Ah, but what if one of the Emperor's Tolkeen. Since dead men don't tell tales, his
"humble and misguided servants" took it story will become the official report of the IN THE CHI-TOWN 'BURBS
event and his plan to wipe out "people of
upon himself to initiate such a terrible enter­
prise? What if that man, operating under the magic" within a generation will have begun. In order to get their payoff (and to set
best of intentions, created the organic mecha­ Bradford's plan in action), our heroes have to
nism to destroy untold millions of enemies of THE PLOT THICKENS get the disk to the Chi-Town 'Burbs where
the State? Of course, such a loyal and dedi­ there are any number of factions who would
cated servant of the Emperor and humanity Doctor Bradford deliberately let the pay handsomely for this information. That
would never launch such an operation with­ adventurers escape with the incriminating includes Tolkeen Retributionists, the
out the Emperor 's direct approval. And a evidence. Bradford knows that they will Federation of Magic, Lazlo, New Lazlo,
good man like Karl Prosek would never take probably take it to Chi-Town, where it will Archie, the Republicans, factions within the
such drastic action against innocent, if mis­ become public, enrage Emperor Prosek and Black Market and many other enemies and
gui'ded and inhuman people, even if it meant ultimately bring the wrath of the Coalition critics of the CS. Inevitably, they'll make the
reclaiming North America for millions of States down upon him and Lone Star. That's infonnation about the Aishwarra and the dan­
humans for generations to come. He is too exactly what he wants so he can execute ger it represents to everyone known to the
noble, merciful and good . Project Omega. public. This may be done to embarrass the
The Emperor would rebuke such a mad Doctor Bradford remains loyal to the Prosek regime, cause discord for the CS,
scheme the very moment he learned about it. Coalition and his Emperor, and this is all a incite CS enemies to riot or take more aggres­
Should such a campaign be made public it ploy to wipe out magic users, if not magic sive action against the CS and/or Lone Star
would make the Emperor look bad, and he entirely, within a generation. He also assumes and Bradford, or as a sincere effort to prevent
would condemn it, chastise everyone tbat he will receive little more than a public such creatures from being let loose into the
involved and demand the initiative be shut reprimand and a mock punishment, and be world. Our heroes fall into the latter category.
down at once. Proving to all the world that he left to continue his experiments and project The Omega Project is only hinted at, but it
was not party to the diabolical plot, that he is without further interruption. Tbat will is clear that it is an even more aggressive and
above such temptation, and that the Coalition include secretly breeding and pumping out dangerous plot to wipe out practitioners of
States - the last bastion of humanity - is led tens of thousands of Omega Beasts annually. magic.
by a great and noble man. Bradford has always believed his experi­ As for our heroes, their payoff for selling
Thus, all the more tragic when it is report­ ments and research are too important to be the infonnation could be anywhere from zero
ed that agents of tbe Federation of Magic stopped by regulations and policies, even to ID8 million credits split eight ways! Zero
angered by the reports, or perhaps hate-filled those set down by Emperor Karl Prosek him­ or something in between 1-8 million if they
decide to be good guys and give the info Vanguard. them for help or a way to make more money,
away for the better good. Millions if Johnny, 3. Moses could be attacked by one or or to protect his friends when he's gone.
Roddy and OJ. can convince the others that more Omega Beasts during some adventure, • What other secrets might our heroes
the secret will get out, stop the project, save soon or in the future. have in that download from section 7c of the
lives and then make money at the same time. 4. Having served their purpose, Doctor Lone Star Complex? Maybe there is addition­
This pitch might fly even better if the buyer Bradford might send out Krieghoff's Pack (or al data Bradford never meant for them to
is a notorious bad guy group like the other mutants, agents or bounty hunters) to have and now he wants it back or them
Federation of Magic. Certainly the group do away with them. After all, they did break silenced. Or maybe it just leads to more
could use the money, and OJ. , facing his own into the complex and get away alive. Can't adventures in and around the Lone Star
mortality, will push hard for them to make a have people thinking he's soft. Or, he might Complex involving mutants, monsters and
profit. "Right is right," he'll say, "but who want Doctor Heston back. Then again, he other machinations of Bradford's. This info
says we can 't make a little profit doing the might not care about them one way or anoth­ could be passed along to other characters (the
right thing, eh? That's what adventuring and er, or since they worked out so splendidly as player group) and spun off from there.
mercenary operations are all about. We've dupes once, why not use them again? • Shakes has no memory of his previous
done a heck of a lot worse for less money. 5. Any number of organizations, including life before his M.O.M. conversion and even
This is something good, and we should see the Coalition Military, may want to get their parts of it afterward. His mind is a wreck.
something good for us out of it. Come on, hands on poor Doctor Heston and dig out all Maybe his past had something to do with the
Johnny and Moses almost got killed. We all the secrets he knows about Bradford and Player Characters. A search for his past?
could have gotten killed. " It's a convincing Lone Star - or silence him before he can spill • Where did Moses come from? Moses
argument. the beans. reveals his true identity to our heroes, or
If they decide not to sell the info, or lose 6. Now that our heroes are rich, they may leaves them for a while and turns to another
or destroy it, Doctor Roddy Heston, seeking hire other adventurers to go on missions to group of heroes (the Player Characters) for
fame, glory and a fortune, will leak it deliber­ make more money, or to help people in need. help or to go on an adventure or mission of
ately for profit. Or he may leak it by accident, 7. Do our heroes feel guilty for playing mercy or revenge, or ...
blabbing when he 's drunk at his first visit to into Bradford's hands and launching Project Could Moses have his own agenda? He
a 'Burbs bar. Or blab enough that some other Omega? If so, do they and other heroes they certainly has his share of secrets. Hmm, what
villain steals the computer disk or kidnaps contact, enlist or hire (like the Player might they be? Wanted by the Splugorth?
Roddy to get the info. All of which could Characters), try to do something about it? If Enemy of Mrryln?
make for some fun adventures in and of so what? Take down Bradford? Sabotage the • Doctor Alexander was erasing the data
themselves. labs? Hunt down Omegas? Help warn and from the Aishwarra experiment. He doesn't
defend innocent practitioners of magic? believe in Bradford's vision and could tum
THE FALLOUT 8. A chance encounter with Krieghoff's against him at any time. Does he tum to our
Pack could get ugly under any circumstance. Player Characters for help and protection? Is
It's the aftermath of the info going public Note: This can all have an impact on Rifts Krieghoff's Pack dispatched to bring him
that our heroes have to worry about. It will players because their characters could back or shut him up, permanently?
give Bradford the opportunity he's been look­ become entangled in any of these capers and • Any run-in with Krieghoff and his
ing for to release the Omega Beasts. The fall­ situations. They could be the ones hired to pack is trouble. Use the characters from the
out from that will be immediate and profound take down our heroes, or kidnap Roddy, or graphic novel in all kinds of fun ways.
as they infest the Magic Zone. get the computer files, or work to save the
I . If it was the Federation of Magic or group or protect Roddy, or have Roddy run
some other evil magic faction who bought the away from our heroes and join them,
info from our gang, they may feel cheated bringing all of the trouble outlined above to
and set up. That means they'll want retribu­ them. Think and be imaginative.
tion against our heroes. Remember, a journey through Rifts Earth
2. Others might wrongly conclude our is not a walk in the park, and there can be
heroes are secretly working for the CS or are encounters, detours and adventure with our
in cahoots with Doctor Bradford. After all, heroes on the way to and at the Chi-Town
they have a Dog Boy in their group, a 'Burbs. The Player Characters (assuming the
Grackle Tooth known to live in Lone Star, players aren't playing the heroes from the
Anika who sure behaves like an ISS agent or graphic novel) could encounter the group at
Military Specialist, a Juicer who could easily any point, help them, and/or get embroiled
be a Coalition soldier, and who knows who or with any of the subplots and ideas for future
what is under that black mask and robe of the adventures. Furthermore, the player group
group's supposed mage. could be deemed guilty by association or
This conclusion could lead to all sorts of even confused the gang from Lone Star.
adventures, from people out to get them, to
people trying to get in good with the CS. This MORE POSSIBILITIES
could lead to our heroes discovering plots
against mages, D-Bees and innocent people • What is O.J.'s story? Might he split off
in the 'Burbs, to Coalition raids or purges in from our heroes to go off adventuring with
the ' Burbs, to smuggling opportunities, or the another group of adventurers, e.g. the Player Unleash your imaginations, build on what
chance to actually work for the Coalition. Or Characters? Maybe OJ. used to run with the we've presented and explore the infinite pos­
maybe a run-in (good or bad) with the Player Characters in the past and he turns to sibilities. Have fun!



One of the joys I've had in my years working with

Palladium is being able to revisit the characters I created
for Machinations of Doom and continue their story. As
much as I wish I could regale their future adventures in the
form of a ongoing comic book, I've had to settle for drop­
ping them into various illustrations, whether in the back­
ground or as the main focus.
There's not enough room here to showcase all the times
the crew has appeared throughout the Rifts landscape, so
]"ve simply chosen some of my favourites.
To the left is a pin-up from the Rifter Swimsuit Edition.
It was a welcome excuse to draw Anika in a Bikini! To the
right are my original pencils of Johhny chilling outside the
bar where their story begins. This piece was painted over in
~)ils by my good friend Joachim Omoser and used as the
:over to Rifter #6 where Machinations ofDoom premiered.
Below is the B&W art for the gang's appearance in the
Rifts CCO as the Pecos Raiders card.
- Ramon.



Before starting work on Machinations of where never my favourite characters in Rifts lated some concepts I used in my designs of
Doom, I sat down with my sketchbook and (I know some fans will hate me for this) but I the Battle Magus from Federation of Magic
took a pass at each of the characters. felt I should include one. So I went with the and came up with a Moses that I was much
The cast of characters was taken, and the standard design of the class. However, over happier with.
story based as well, on a piece I did for the the course of the series OJ probably ended up But what about Johnny? There's no sketch
Lone Star Sourcebook, which I've included being one of the more rounded out and of my favourite Burster as I pretty much had
at the beginning of this book. With the tem­ fleshed out characters of the series! him pegged in a piece I did years earlier and
plate of characters in hand I began to flesh Bodakhan? He was a D-Bee of my own felt no need to change him up.
them out. design that I'd peppered thought previous As Kevin and the Palladium crew feel
Shakes was inspired by a rendition of a books. A hulking mass of orange muscle and like my surrogate family south of the border,
Crazy I did for the New West sourcebook full of love. Shakes, Bowie, Anika, OJ, Bodakhan, Moses
while Bowie was based on one of my And finally Moses . As you can see from and Johnny feel like my own little family in
favourite breeds of dog; the bulldog. I've the sketch on the opposite page, he 's the the world of Rifts! I hope you've enjoyed
always like strong female characters, so mak­ character that changed the most. When I their adventures, and I hope you'll make your
ing Anika the two gun toting pseudo leader began work on the second chapter, where the own as well". and maybe one day I'll be able
was a given. rest of the cast had their debut, I suddenly had to tell a few more!
Now while some of the characters I lav­ an urge to change up his design . The original
ished attention on, I will be honest and say look just wasn't clicking. So I redesigned - Ramon.
that OJ got the short end of the stick. Juicers him on the page I drew the comic. I extrapo­


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