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“Muhammad is not the father of any one of
your men, but he is the Messenger of God,
and the seal of prophets, and Allah has the
Knowledge of all things.”
(Al ahzab33:40)
Not much remains to write for proof rather than for elaboration when the great deity
that all Muslims have believed upon, through the great revelation has told that the
ambassador of the true surviving religion is the completion of all prophets here were.

Then what are the questions that lead us all into thinking again as to what lies hidden
from us.

The one who breathes for the sake of faith has never questioned nor thought of doing
as his are the beliefs that Islam requires. The veil survives on those minds which are yet
to adorn themselves of the over lasting light (NOOR).

The possibility for this query lies in the unbelieving. The very mentioned may exist in the
non Muslims (such as qaidiyani and mirzayes which think to be Muslims but are not) or
the yet the ones who have undertaken shahadah.

Muslim scholars have this threat simply as conspiracy to the geniuses of tomorrow.

The root of this unending dilemma takes s to realization that the present ignorance of
Muslim umma has led us to result into confusion of chaos. Had it been that we knew our
faiths from the depths of our heart, we would never have resulted into such a debate to
which answers already exists in the very book we put our heart through .

The answers to the question that why we rehearse our knowledge about this certain
issue lies in the only true solution of eradicating it. this campaign of spreading sense
through critical logic is the only possible way or limited thought can think of to alter the
already misguided souls of a faith whose successors are none other than created . the
hope pray and efforts to retract the misguided has always been and will be the objective
of the deemed responsible but the ones on whom the true lights are unearned from ,
salvation lies only with the one , in front of whom survives nothing greater .

The disbelievers today, are so clever yet ignorant.

These hypocrites are clever enough to launch conspiracy which would detract the
weak among us and ignorant enough to know that their own religion instructs them to
behold the truth that the finality of the finality of prophet hood lies with prophet
Muhammad Mustafa ( peace and blessing be upon him).

Finality of prophet hood in the

Light of quran:
Allah says in quran, surah no 33 verse no 40:

Translation of ayah:

“Muhammad is not the father of any one of

Your men, but he is the Messenger of God,
and the seal of prophets, and Allah has the
Knowledge of all things.”
This verse is about the case of Hazrat zaid and Hazrat Zainab.In this

Verse it was made clear that our Holy prophet only had 4 sons and none of the sons of
our prophet had survived the childhood. Tzhe prophet (PBUH) loved Hazrat Zaid bin
Harsa (RA) like his own son. He treated Hazrat Zaid bin Harsa (RA) love his own son. So
people after seeing this started to say Hazrat Zaid bin Harsa after a new name that was
Zaid bin Muhammad (PBUH). The people of Arab were spreading false news about
Hazrat Zaid that he was true son of Holy prophet which was a false allegation .Hazrat
Zaid was adopted son of PROPHET. In first part of ayah it is confirmed at that time when
Muhammad (PBUH) had no sons that Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) has no son. It means
that Hazrat Zaid (RA) was not the son of Hazrat Muhammad (RA).

In second part GOD assures the people that HOLY PROPHET (PBUH) is

The messenger of ALLAH and not only a messenger but the last one. It

is emphasized upon that after Mohammad (SAW) there will be no

Apostles after prophet (PBUH).Our prophet had the seal of the last messenger which
was confirmed by many people. The bearing of seal was also confirmed by bible the
previous book and by Holy Quran as in the above verse.

Hazrat Zainab was the wife of Hazrat Zaid (RA) .Hazrat Zaid was a slave at that time
when Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and started to care for him like his own son Hazrat
Zaid gave talaq to Hazrat Zainab. Hazrat Muhammad (Saw) adopted Hazrat Zaid like his
own son but in Islam there original son not equal in status to the adopted son. Hazrat
Zainab was from good and rich back ground and Hazrat Zaid was a slave but was descent
sahabah so Hazrat Zainab cannot treated like wife of a rich man .there was no equality
in the background .Hazrat Zaid was poor and Hazrat Zainab was from rich background
.then Hazrat Zaid(RA) gave talak to Hazrat Zainab (RA).after the talaq Hazrat Zainab was
married to Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) by the order of almighty Allah .

After this event the ayah was revealed upon prophet (PBUH) and it was also mention
that prophet (PBUH) is the messenger of almighty Allah and the last in the line of
prophets and he is the seal of prophets .
The finality of prophet hood can also be proved by the following hadith
“ My position in relation to the prophets who came before can be explained by the
following example: A man erected building and adorned this edifice with great beauty,
but he an empty niche, in the corner where just one brick was missing. People looked
around the building and marveled its beauty, but wondered why a brick was missing
from that niche? I am like unto that one missing brick and I am the line of the Prophets.”

(Bukharin, Muslim,)

In this hadith prophet (PBUH) has explained the finality of prophet hood in a very
beautiful manner by using the example of a beautiful building. That the building is made
by bricks which is referred to all the prophets that came before prophet (PBUH) .in the
corner of building there is one brick missing which is referred to the prophet PBUH) .

We can see that this is the very perfect proof that there will be no prophet after Hazrat
Muhammad (SAW) and anyone who will rise and say that he is the prophet then he and
his followers will be non Muslims and a non believer.

According to the hadith there will be 30 people who will rise after prophet (PBUH) who
will say that they are the prophets but they will not be. They will say that ayahs are
revealed upon them but there will be nothing like that and they and their followers are
non believers.

The prophet (PBUH) was right, there were many non believers who said that they are
the prophets but they were not. In Pakistan there are people who are called qaidyani
and are say that there are the belivers and are Muslims.

In the constitution of Pakistan it is also written that if any who do not believe in the
finality of prophet hood is a non Muslim. In Pakistan there are qaidyani and Mirzai who
say that they are Muslims and there are sect of Islam that they follow they claim to be
Muslim but are not.
In holy quran there is a word used for Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) which means the seal
of prophet.It says that there will be no prophets after prophet (PBUH)and that the
sharia of Islam is complete .there will be no prophet after Harzrat Muhammad (SAW)
and there will be no amah after Muslims .this is also like the example of son who has
guardian or anyone to guard him after his father.

Yes, it makes no difference that Jesus will also come after prophet (PBUH) but not as the
messenger of GOD or prophet of ALLAH almighty but he will come as the follower of
Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and as the believer of Islam.

Allama allauddin khazin said that Allah has ALLAH has ended the line of prophet hood
through Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) .Allah has completed the seal of prophets through
prophet (PBUH).therefore there was no prophet other than him at his time nor there
was any other prophet after him(SAW).

There will be no more prophet of any kind of shariah, since the office of prophet hood of
sharia is higher than that of meager prophets.

This is the greater act of kindness of almighty Allah upon Muslims that he has perfected
th religion Islam for them. Therefore they will not be indeed of any other religion other
than Islam and will also not be in need of any other prophets other than prophet

This is why almighty Allah has made prophet (PBUH) the last prophet and Allah almighty
has sent to both humans and jinn.

The unanimous belief of the Muslim world is that prophet (PBUH)

Os the last and final messenger and prophet of Allah, in other words prophet hood with
prophet (SAW) and those who do not believe in it are ventured out of the bounds of

There are many hadith regarding finality of prophet hood:

➢ Anas bin malik narrates from the prophet who said :

“The messenger ship and the prophet hood have ended and there will be
no messenger and prophet after them”
➢ “had there been a prophet after me then it would have been the Omar but
there is no prophet after me”

So from the above discussion it can be concluded that there is no doubt I this
point that Hazrat is the last prophet or messenger of almighty Allah.

The person who does not believe in finality of prophet hood ceases to be a

Abu bakr siddique, muslima bi kazab announced that he is prophet of almighty

Allah, so Hazrat Abu bakr siddique started a war against the muslima kazzab.

There are peoples generally known as qaidyani or mirzas who do not believe in
the finality of prophet hood and they declared themselves as a Muslim, but
according to the constitution of 1973 of Islamic republic of Pakistan, they are not

In 1973, there was the first time in the history of Pakistan that a constitution
defines a Muslim in the unambiguous terms .


Almighty Allah has completed all holy books on the holy quran and completed l
region upon Islam and shariet on the Islamic shariah .Allah almighty sealed the
prophet hood through prophet (PBUH) . Now this all means that our prophet is
the last prophet and after that anyone who claims to be prophet are liar and are
false people. They will be dajjal or the kazzab.

The following people claimed to be prophet after Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) :

➢ Al aswad al ansi stood at the time of prophet in Yemen and said that he was
the prophet of god but he was nothing except the non believer. The
prophet (PBUH) was in world at that time.
➢ As prophet (PBUH) left the world, muslima kazzab stood and said that he
was prophet but he was disbeliever.
➢ Sajah claimed in 7 century that she is the prophet and messenger of God.
➢ The husband of sajah also stood and said that he is the prophet and
messenger of almighty Allah.
The muslima kazzab an sajah were coming to fight but the muslima kazzab
was much clever and said that you can come and talk with me or that we
can have negotiations and solve our problems .the Muslima kazab
negotiated with her and married her through his cleverness. He announced
that nabbi and nabbien are married and in this happiness Hazrat jibraiel
came to me and announced that two prayers will not be offered from now
on. These two prayers were the prayer of fajr and the prayer of ishah that
we offer in the morning and at night respectively. So these were the foolish
people and their followers were also foolish t believe in them.
According to the hadith of prophet (PBUH), Hazrat Adam jism was not even
made and Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was selected as the last prophet
.Hazrat Adam ‘s body was no even made that prophet (PBUH) was gives the
title of the last prophet and the seal of all prophets.
Hazrat umar (RA) states that according Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Hazrat
Adam said to almighty Allah that please forgives me for the sake of
Muhammad (SAW).
Then almighty Allah asked Hazrat Adam that how do you know about Hazat
Muhammad (SAW) .Hazrat Adam answered that I have seen it in the arsh
hat your name was written with Muhammad (SAW) in kalma tayyaba so I
understood that he is your believer and your lover .the almighty Allah said
that he is from your offspring and is the last prophet .he is khatam an
nabiyeen and his ummah will be the last ummah of all ummah and if I did
not brought him into existence then I would also not brought him into
existence . and the kalma tayaba states that prophet (PBUH) is the last
prophet and the seal of all prophets. this was the first ayah that was
revealed on Hazrat Adam (RA) was about the khatam an nabiyeen that
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet and the seal of all prophets
.This proves the finality of prophet upon prophet (PBUH).


Before the announcement of prophet hood by prophet (PBUH), people
asked that Muhammad bin adi who was borne before announcement of
prophet hood so why his name was decided to be Muhammad by his
father. He said that we were four friends and we travelled to Syria and
there was a very monk. He asked me that where were coming from .so I
said to him that we are coming from Arab .he asked me from which tribe. I
answered by saying from the tribe of Quresh. He said to me return back .he
knew the holy books of turat and injeel. He was the hafiz of sahafi ye ambia
.he said to them to return back that the last prophet Muhammad is coming
to the world. He said that Muhammad is the last prophet, so whatever
instruction and religion you want, take it from him. He is the last prophet
and the seal of prophets.
He said that when these four people came back then in the houses of these
four people, baby was born in each house. All of these four were in
greediness that it may be his son who is the last prophet, so they named
the all babies as Muhammad. But the last prophet was not in these four
babies he was from another house.
Allah almighty revealed ayah on Hazrat yaqoob. According to the ayah that
the last prophet will be from your offspring and he will be from Makah I
Arab. And he will be the last prophet.
Once a sahabi went to Syria so a man came to me and asked about a me
that where do I came from? I answered by saying that I came from Arab. He
asked me about my tribe. I answered by saying the tribe of Quresh. He
brought me in to the room where there were pictures of many prophets. in
early times it was allowed to keep the pictures of prophets but then it was
forbidden to keep the pictures or sculpture of prophets. He said that these
all are the picture of prophets. So I said that these are the pictures of all
prophets but there is no picture of mu prophet (PBUH).He said that the
there is no picture of the last prophet. The asked to wait and see this> then
he took him further and said it’s in another room. When he came to
another room and saw the picture in a huge frame. The sahabi said that I
shouted yes this is the last prophet. This is his all over. He said that in our
holy books there is no prophet after him then who is there behind prophet
(PBUH) .he said that was Hazrat Abu Bakr(RA) and he was the first khalifa
after prophet (PBUH).as the prophet (PBUH) has already said that there will
be no prophet after Prophet (PBUH) but there will be khalifa.
After touheed which means the oneness of Allah almighty, the second most
important thing is risalat. It means that the last prophet and messenger of
god is Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) .first we have to prove to a non Muslim
about the oneness of almighty Allah which d by kalma that there is no God
but Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him the messenger of God. Now
in the first part we have proved the oneness of almighty Allah .now we
have to prove the finality of prophet hood.
We can discuss some of the references to prove, that hazrat Muhammad
(SAW) is the last prophet, to the Jews and the Christians. if you do not
estimate the prophecy of hazrat Muhammad (SAW) that is mentioned in
the old testament .the prophecy of hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is mentioned
in the book of Deuteronomy ,chapter number 18 and verse number 18, in
the book of Isaiah chapter number 29 verse number12,in the book
Deuteronomy chapter number 18 verse number 19, the name of prophet
Muhammad (SAW) is mentioned in the old testament in the song of
Solomon chapter number 5 verse number 16.allah says in quran in surah
araf ch no 7verse no 157, they follow the unlettered prophet who is
mentioned in the sculpture in the law and gospel. Allah says in surah saff
tappin chapter no 61 verse no 6 that the Jesus Christ (PBUH) said to the
bani Israel that I am sent from Allah almighty as a messenger to the bani
Israel, confirming the lord that came before me and giving glad tidings of a
messenger to come whose name shall be Ahmad, and we know that Ahmad
(PBUH) was another name of hazrat Muhammad (SAW). If we read the
Hindus scriptures, there are verses in the number of different Hindu
scriptures which speaks about hazrat Muhammad (SAW).
Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) has been prophesied in the bhavishya purana
Parv 3 khand 3 adhyay 3 shloka 5 to 7. He is also prophesied in atharvaveda
book 20 hymn 21 verse no. 7. It also mentioned in other books such as kalki
purana that it gives detail about the father of prophet (PBUH), it is
mentioned as Vishnu yash. If we translate it , it means somewhat of God
that is Abdullah who was the father of prophet (PBUH). His mother name is
given as Amina that is one who is peaceful. It is also mentioned that he will
be borne in the city of peace which is Makah. He will be borne in the home
of the person who is the chief of the peaceful city that is the Quresh and
that he left four close companions who are the khulfa rashidien. It is also
mentioned that angel helped at the battle field. The full talk was given
about hazrat Muhammad (SAW) in the Hindu sculpture.
This was all in short that we can convince the Buddhist as well that prophet
(PBUH) is mentioned in the sculpture .so the first is tauheed and the second
is finality of Prophet (PBUH).

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