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Technology and

Livelihood Education
Home Economics
Quarter 1- Module 5
Perform Mise En Place

Technology and Livelihood Education - Grade 1 0
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 - Module 5 : Perform Mise En Place
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio


Writer :Luciana M. Bautista
Editor :Jose Garry R. Napoles
Reviewer :Analorgie D. Destacamento
:Chito R. Villacampa
Illustrator & Layout Artist :Maribell J. Fuentes
Management Team:
Schools Division Superintendent : Marilyn S. Andales
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent : Leah B. Apao
Ester B. Futalan
Cartesa M. Perico
Chief Education Supervisor, CID : Mary Ann P. Flores
Education Supervisor, LRMDS : Isaiash T. Wagas
Education Supervisor, TLE : Jose Garry R. Napoles

Department of Education - Regional Office 7

DepEd- Division of Cebu Province
Office Address :Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City
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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Home Economics
Quarter 1 – Module 5 :
Perform Mise En Place


For Educators:

Technology and Livelihood Education(TLE) is one of the basic subjects in the

implementation of the K to12 Basic Education Program composed off our
components namely, Agri-Fishery, Home Economics, Industrial Arts and Information
Communication Technology.In this module, the focus is on Home Economics
Course-Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies.

According to George Washington Carver,“Education Is the key to unlock the

golden door of freedom”;thus,the Department of Education extends their resources
and finds alternative ways .The educational system as a bridge to Learning
Continuity Plan.To address such needs ,the teacher-made learning modules are

You are reading the Cookery -Grade 10:First Quarter Alternative Delivery Mode
(ADM) Module on“ Perform Mise En Place” as written based on the K-12 Basic
Education Curriculum. This course is designed for high school students to develop
knowledge,skills,and attitude in the performance of cookery tasks.

Through the combined efforts of expert and competent educators from various
levels and schools in the Department of Education- Division of Cebu Province,this
Module is created for your convenience. Despite all physical, social and economic
restraints in the current teaching scenarios,this module came out after a thorough
planning,organization,editing and verification of the development team in order to
cater all the needs of our diverse learners.

This module will surely help our teachers and learners in the mids to of the
challenges brought by the pandemic. The learners are given independent learning
activities which are anchored on the competencies based on the K-12 Curriculum
Guide,thus engaging them to work at their own pace within the comforts of their own
homes. This will gear the min acquiring the prerequisite 21st Century skills that will
adequately prepare them for work,start a business,acquire middle level skills and
continue to higher education.

Therefore,your top most priority is to explain clearly on how our learners will use
this module. You are to ensure that the learner? progress and development will be
monitored and their strengths and weaknesses will be appropriately assessed while
doing independently the activities in each part of the module. Moreover,you
consistently provide feedback to the learning facilitators about the progress of the
learners and encourage, as well, the learners to comply and to finish the modules on

For the Learners:

The Department of Education researched and explored innovative ways to

address your needs with high consideration on social,economic,physical and
emotional aspects of your well-being.To continue the learning process, DepEd
comes up with an Alternative Delivery mode of teaching using Teacher-Made
Educational Modules.
You are reading the COOKERY-Grade10: First Quarter Alternative Delivery
Mode (ADM) Module on“Perform Mise En Place” as written and found in the K-12
Basic Education Curriculum. This course is designed for high school students to
develop knowledge,skills, and attitude in the performance.

This module is especially created for you to have the opportunity to continue
learning even at home. Using guided and independent learning activities, rest
assured that you will be able to enjoy as well as to deeply understand the contents of
the lesson presented; whilst, recognizing your own capacity and capability in
acquiring knowledge.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

The first part of the module contains the

Competencies,Objectives and Skills
expected for you to be developed and

This part aims to check your prior knowledge

On the lesson to take.It contains the Pre-Test
related to the topic.

This part helps you link the previous lesson

to the current one through a short

The lesson to be part taken is introduced in

this part of the module creatively.It maybe
through a story,a song,a poem,a problem
Opener ,an activity,a situation or the like.

A brief discussion of the lesson can be read

in This part.It guides and helps you unlock
the lesson presented.

A comprehensive activitiy/es for independent

practice is in this part to solidify your
knowledge and skills of the given topic.

This part of the module is used to process

your learning and understanding on the
given topic.

A transfer of newly acquired knowledge and
skills to a real life situation is present in this
part of the module.

This activity assesses your level of mastery

towards the topic.

In this section, enhancement activities will be

given for you to further grasp the lessons.

This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Do not forget to answer What I know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the directions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the task and in checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/ facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the task in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Good day dear learner!
This module is solely prepared for you to access and to acquire lessons befitted
in your grade level. In this course, varied and relevant activities and opportunities are
provided to demonstrate your understanding of concepts and core competencies as
prescribed in TESDA Training Regulation in Cookery and provides quality foods and
services to target clients.

The exercises,drills and assessments are carefully made to suit your level of
understanding. Indeed, this learning resource is for you to fully comprehend the
“Learning Outcome 1: Perform Mise En Place (TLE_HECK9-12CD-If-5)”
Independently, you are going to go through this module following its proper
sequence.Although you are going to do it alone, this is a guided lesson and
instructions /directions on how to do in every activity is plotted for your convenience.

Using this learning resource, you ought to identify the tools, equipment and
ingredients based on prescribed standard,describe the sources of starch and
cereals and present the ingredients in the preparation in various types of
starch and cereal dishes (TLE_HECK9-12CD-If-5) as inculcated in the K-12
Curriculum Guide.

Using separate modules, First Quarter competencies are divided into two
lessons with corresponding learning outcomes as follows:

LESSON 1 : Learning Outcome 1 Perform Mise En Place

: Learning Outcome 2 Prepare and Cook Egg Dishes
: Learning Outcome 3 Present Egg Dishes
: Learning Outcome 4 Evaluate the Finished Product
LESSON 2 : Learning Outcome 1 Perform Mise En Place
: Learning Outcome 2 Prepare starch and Cereal Dishes
: Learning Outcome 3 Present Starch and Cereal Dishes
: Learning Outcome 4 Storing Starch and Cereal Dishes

At the end of this module, you are expected to achieve the following
objectives for this session:

. Identify the tools, equipment and ingredients based on prescribed standard

. Describe the sources of starch and cereals
. Present the ingredients in the preparation in various types of starch and cereal


Test I. Directions: Read the statement carefully and write the correct answer in your
separate answer sheet.
A.Directions: True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is
___1. Butcher knife is used for cutting sectioning and trimming raw materials.
___2. Cereals are not usually pods or grains.
___3. Sauce pan and pots used for cooking meat and fish dishes with gravy and
___4. Pressure cooker is not used for tenderizing or cooking meat, chicken and other
legumes in lesser time.
___5. Starch is the second most abundant organic substance on earth.

B.Directions : Identify the pictures of tools and equipment below. Write your
answer in your answer sheet.

1 4

2 5

Disclaimer: The pictures are used to put emphasis and to show concrete examples
for deeper understanding of the lesson.Department of Education-Cebu Province
does not claim or own the presented pictures. Links for the sources are found in the
reference part of the module.

Test II. Read the following statements carefully and choose the best answer. Use
the separate answer sheet.

__1. It is a common equipment used for cooking rice and other foods.
A. Frying Pan B. Pot C. Rice Cooker D. Steamer
__2. It is used for cooking siopao, siomai and other foods.
A.Frying Pan B. Pot C. Rice D.Steamer
__3. It is tool used for handling hot foods.
A. Frying Pan B. Pot C. Rice Cooker D. Tongs
__4.It is used for mixing creams, butter and for tossing salads.
A. Frying Pan B. Pot C.Rice Cooker D.Wooden spoons
__5. It is used when preparing cake mixture, salads, creams and sauces.
A. Butcher knife B. Blending Fork C. Mixing bowl D. Plate
__6. It is a long chain like molecules called the linear fraction, and is produced by
linking together 500 to 2,000 glucose molecules which contributes to the gelling
characteristics of cooked and cooled starch molecules.
A. Amylopectin B. Amelose C. Dextrin D. Mucin
__7. It has a highly branched, bushy type of structure, very different from the long,
string like molecules of amylose.
A. Amylopectin B. Amelose C. Dextrin D. Mucin
__8. It is the resistance to flow; increase in thickness or consistency .
A. Amylopectin B. Cornstarch C. Gelatinization D. Viscosity
__9. It is the sum of changes that occur in the first stages of heating starch granules
in a most environment which includes swelling of granules as water is absorbed
and disruption of the organized granule structure.
A. Amylopectin B. Cornstarch C. Gelatiniza D. Viscosity
__10.It is the Amylose and amylopectin molecules are placed together in tightly
stratified layers formed round a central spot in the granule called__.
A. Granules B. hilum C. gelatinization D. viscosity

Test I . Directions: Read and analyze the following questions carefully and write your
answer in the separate sheet of paper.

A. What are the guidelines in using Mise En Place in cooking?Give at least three.(5
1. ____________________________________.
2. ____________________________________.
3. ____________________________________.

B. Give at least five examples of dried noodles and pasta.

1.____ 3.___ 5.___
2.____ 4.___

Test II. Directions: Complete the table by writing the appropriate tool and equipment
in column B to perform the task given in column A. Write your answer in your
separate answer sheet/ test notebook.
1. Used for separating coarse particles of
flour, sugar, baking powder, and
powdered ingredients to retain finer

2. Used for cooking meat and fish dishes

with gravy and sauce.
3. Used for cooking food by steaming.
4. Used for tenderizing meat, chicken,
and other grains or legumes, such as
mongo and white beans in lesser time.
5. Used for separating liquids from fine or
solid food particles, such as coco cream
from coconut and tamarind extract.
6. Used for testing the tenderness of
meat, combining big cuts and particles of
meat and vegetables, and for blending
other ingredients with flour.
7. Used for scraping off mixtures of
butter, sugar, and egg from the sides of
the mixing bowl.
8. Used for handling hot foods.
9. Used for cutting, sectioning, and
trimming raw meats.
10. Used when preparing cake mixture,
salads, creams, and sauces.
11. Used to chill sandwiches and other
12. A thermally insulated compartment
used to store food at a temperature
below the ambient temperature of the
13. Used to hold food for longer times
and to store foods purchased in frozen
14. Used for beating eggwhites,eggyolk,
creams and mayonnaise.
15. Used for mixing creams, butter, and
for tossing salads.

Congratulations! You did it!

Test I. Directions: Arrange the given jumbled letters from column A and write your
answer in column B. These are about the tools, equipment and ingredients in
preparing starch and cereal dishes.

Column A Column B





Test II. A.What are the different Sweeteners Added to Starch Gel Preparation?
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________

B. Enumerate the different kinds of gel that occurs reaction.


Learning Outcome 1
Perform Mise En Place

Mise En Place

It is a French word means for putting in place “and is used for prepping kitchen
equipment and food before serving.
Applying the practice of mise en place is a lot easier than the name may make it
sound. To properly use mine en place, follow these simple guidelines.
1. Have your recipe handy and develop a plan.
2. Gathers all of your ingredients, utensils, and equipment needed.
3. One by one, wash, cut, dice, chop, and measure all of your ingredients.
4. Place them into appropriately sized dishes, bowls, and containers for easy
5. Set your ingredients around your cooking station for better accessibility.

Tools and Equipment Needed

The success of cooking starch and cereal dishes depends on the proper tools
and equipment used in the preparation of food.The preparation of starch and cereal
dishes requires the various tools and equipment below. Each tool must be used
according to its function. These are the tools and equipment needed.

1. Mixing bowl – used when preparing cake mixture, salads, creams, and sauces.

2. Sifter – used for separating coarse particles of flour, sugar, baking powder, and
powdered ingredients to retain finer textures.

3. Wire whip – used for beating egg whites, egg yolk, creams and mayonnaise.

4. Wooden spoon – used for mixing creams, butter, and for tossing salads.

5. Slotted spoon – used to separate solid particles from soup; also for stirring
purposes, such as making egg white fine in texture for bird‘s nest soup and mock
nido soup.

6. Blending fork – used for testing the tenderness of meat, combining big cuts and
particles of meat and vegetables, and for blending other ingredients with flour.

7. Rubber scraper – used for scraping off mixtures of butter, sugar, and egg from the
sides of the mixing bowl.

8. Strainer – used for separating liquids from fine or solid food particles, such as coco
cream from coconut and tamarind extract.

9. Tongs – used for handling hot foods.

10. Measuring Cups – used for measuring dry and liquid ingredients

11. Measuring spoon – used for measuring dry and liquid ingredients which require a
little amount.

12. Sauce pan and pots – used for cooking meat and fish dishes with gravy and
13. Kettle and rice cooker – used for cooking rice and other foods.

14. Pressure cooker – used for tenderizing or cooking meat, chicken, and other
grains or legumes, such as mongo and white beans in lesser time.

15. Double boiler – used for preparing sauces which easily get scorched when
cooked directly on the stove.

16. Steamer – used for cooking food by steaming.

17. Colander - a perforated bowl of varying sizes made of stainless steel, aluminum
or plastic, used to drain, wash, or cook ingredients from liquid

18. Canister - a plastic or metal container with a lid that is used for keeping dry

19. Butcher knife – used for cutting, sectioning, and trimming raw meats

20. Channel knife – a small hand tool used generally in decorative works such as
making garnishes.

21. Oven – these are equipment which are enclosed in which food is heated by hot
air or infrared radiation.

22. Chillers – machines used to chill foods

23. Freezer – used to hold food for longer times and to store foods purchased in
frozen form

24. Refrigerator – a thermally insulated compartment used to store food at

temperature below the ambient temperature of the room.

Cereals are usually starchy pods or grains. Cereal grains are the most important
group of food crops in the world named after the Roman goddess of harvest, Ceres.
Rice, wheat and corn are the three most cultivated cereals in the world. Starch on
the other hand, exists in nature as the main component of cereals and tubers. In
manufactured and processed foods, it plays an obvious role in achieving the desired
viscosity in such products as cornstarch pudding, sauces, pie fillings, and gravies.

Starch is the second most abundant organic substance on earth. It is found in all
forms of leafy green plants, located in the roots, fruits or grains. Many of the food
staples of man throughout the world are basically starchy foods, such as rice, corn,
cassava, wheat, potato and others. Starch is the source of up to 80% of calories
worldwide. Besides this significant role, starches have been used in food
manufacture, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, textiles, paper, construction materials, and
other in
Sources of Starch
The parts of plants that store most starch are seeds, roots, and tubers. Thus,
the most common sources of food starch are:
 cereal grains, including corn, wheat, rice, grain, sorghum, and oats;
 legumes; and
 roots or tubers, including potato, sweet potato, arrowroot, and the
tropical cassava plant (marketed as tapioca)
Common Source of Manufactured Food Starch
1. corn
2. potato
3. Tapioca (cassava)

Starches are named after its plant sources corn starch from corn rice starch
from rice tapioca from cassava.

Classifications of Starch
1. Native or Natural Starch refers to the starches as originally derived from its
plant source.
2. Modified Starches are starches that have been altered physically or chemically,
to modify one or more of its key chemicals and/or physical property.

3. Purified starch may be separated from grains and tubers by a process called wet
milling. This procedure employs various techniques of grinding, screening, and
centrifuging to separate the starch from fiber, oil, and protein.

Composition and Structure

The Starch Molecule

Starch is polysacchar
Starchide made up of hundreds or even thousands of glucose molecules joined
together. The molecules of starch are two general types, called fractions: amylose
and amylopectin.

Amylose is a long chain-like molecule, sometimes called the linear fraction, and is
produced by linking together 500 to 2, 000 glucose molecules. The amylose fraction
of starch contributes gelling characteristics to cooked and cooled starch mixtures. A
gel is rigid to a certain degree and holds a shape when molded.

Amylopectin has a highly branched, bushy type of structure, very different from
the long, string-like molecules of amylose. In both, amylose and amylopectin,
however, the basic building unit is glucose. Cohesion or thickening properties are
contributed by amylopectin when a starch mixture is cooked in the presence of water,
but this fraction does not produce a gel.
Most natural starches are mixtures of the two fractions. Corn, wheat, rice, potato,
and tapioca starches contains 24 to 16 percent amylose, with the remainder being
amylopectin. The root starches of tapioca and potato are lower in amylose content
than the cereal starches of corn, wheat, and rice.
The Starch Granule
In the storage areas of plants, notably the seeds and roots, molecules of starch are
deposited in tiny, organized units called granules. Amylose and amylopectin
molecules are placed together in tightly packed stratified layers formed around a
central spot in the granule called the hilum. The starch molecules are systematically
structured in the granule to form crystalline-like patterns.

Starch Properties and Reactions

1. Gelatinization. The sum of changes that occur in the first stages of heating starch
granules in a moist environment which includes swelling of granules as water is
absorbed and disruption of the organized granule structure.
2. Viscosity. The resistance to flow; increase in thickness or consistency. When the
newly gelatinized starch is stirred, more swollen granules break and more starch
molecules spill causing increase in viscosity or thickness.
Changes in Gelatinization of Starch
 hydration and swelling to several times original size
 loss of birefringence
 increase in clarity
 marked, rapid increase in consistency and attainment of peak
 "dissolution" of linear molecules and diffusion from ruptured granules.
 with heat removal, retro gradation of mixture to a paste-like mass of gel.

The type of sugar influences the temperature and rate of gelatinization. The effect of
sugar is attributed to competition for water. It was observed that sugar actually
interacts with the amorphous areas of the starch granules.
Different Sweeteners Added to Starch Gel Preparation.
 honey
 molasses
 panutsa or granulated sugar

3. Retrogadation is the process in which starch molecules, particularly the amylose

fraction, re-associate or bond together in an ordered structure after disruption by
gelatinization; ultimately a crystalline order appears.
4. Syneresis. Oozing of liquid from gel when cut and allowed to stand (e.g. jelly or
baked custard). The oozing of liquid from a rigid gel; sometimes called weeping. This
reaction occurs in all kinds of gels:
.puddings . custards . agar
.Gelatin . jellies

5.Dextrinization. It is the process of forming dextrin. Dextrins – are partially

hydrolyzed starches that are prepared by dr dry roasting.
6. Hydrolysis Starches undergo hydrolysis during cooking or processing and during
storage of food where a chemical reaction in which a molecular linkage is broken and
a molecule of water is utilized.
Starches – are added to processed meats (luncheon meats, hot dogs, sausages,
etc.) as a filler, binder, moisture, retainer, and fat substitute.
Cereal. Cereal is any grain that is used for food. Grains especially whole grain
are not just empty calories. These are very valuable and can contribute a great deal
to our health. You should include at least four servings from this food group each day.
Cereal-processed food:
 A whole grain cereal is a grain product that has retained the specific nutrients
of the whole, unprocessed grain and contains natural proportions of bran,
germ and endosperm.
 Enriched cereals are excellent sources of thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and

 A restored cereal is one made from either the entire grain or portions of one or
more grains to which there have been added sufficient amounts of thiamine,
niacin, and iron to attain the accepted whole grain levels of these three
nutrients found in the original grain from which the cereal is prepared.

Cereals provide the body with:

 Carbohydrates
 Protein
 Fat
 Vitamins
 Minerals
 Water
 Cellulose or roughage

Test I. Directions: Read and analyze the following questions carefully and write your
answer in the separate sheet of paper.

A. Differentiate between starch and cereals.


B..Write the sources of starch in the graphic organizer below at least two.

Sources of Starch

C. How can you determine the Changes in Gelatinization of Starch?


Directions: Read and analyze the questions below. Answer the questions directly to
your separate answer sheet.

A.Give at least three starch properties and reactions and describe these in one
B. Why we need to know the cereal processed foods?

A. The nutrients found in Starch and Cereal Dishes that helps in our body healthy?
6.__________ 9. _________
7.__________ 10.________

Directions: Kindly Pictures of your performance/ Video upon the actual presentation
of your creative way in reporting your topic which about:
a. Proper use of tools in preparing starch and cereal dishes.
b. Sources of Starch
c. The nutritive value/ nutritional significance of noodles and pasta.
You will able to make an advertisement, songs and any creative way of
presentation about the topic. Each one of you, will choose one topic.

Good Luck!.
Your performance will be rated using the rubric below.
4 Performs well in a creative way without
3 Performs in a creative way without supervision
2 Performs in a creative way with supervision.
1 Was not able to perform in a creative way without

Test I. Directions: Read the statement carefully and write the correct answer in your
separate answer sheet.
A. Starch G. Cassava M. Legumes
B. Enriched Foods H. Dextrinization N. Tubers
C. Processed Foods I. Rice O. Roots
D. Cereal Grains J. Corn P.Purified starch
E. Gel K. Grains
F. Cereals L. Granules

__1. Is a rigid to a certain degree and holds a shape when molded.

_ 2.Is a product which is a cornstarch come from what plant.
__3. It is maybe separated from grains and tubers.
__4. It is by process called wet milling.
__5. The tapioca is an ingredient in making salad, tapioca come from what Plant?
__6. In the storage areas of plants, notably the seed and roots molecule of starch are
deposited in tiny organized unis called.
__7. It is a rice starch come from what plant
__8. are very valuable and can contribute a great deal to our health.
__9. Are excellent sources of of thiamine, niacin, riboflavin and iron.
__10. Are added to processed meat as a filler, binder, moisture, retainer and fats
__11. Are luncheon meat, hot dogs, and sausages.
__12. It is the process of forming dextrin.
__13. Is exist in nature as the main component of cereals and tubers.
__14. Are the most important group of food crops in the world .
__15. is the source of up to 80% calories world wide.

Directions: Draw the tools,equipment and ingredients used in preparing starch and
cereal dishes.( You may choose your tools/ equipment and ingredients at least 4 and
5 points each). Use separate sheet for your drawing.

Tools/Equipment Drawing Insights related to your

Mixing Bowl
Rice Cooker
Pot/ Sauce Pan

Note: For answers that vary, the teacher will be the one to check it when you pass the
What’s New
2. Rice cooker
3. Slotted
4. Carbonara
5. Century tuna
Answer vary

Printed Materials:

Department of Education. Bureau of Secondary Education, Curriculum Guide

Cookery 10

Kong, Aniceta S., et al., (2016)Technical Vocational Livelihood Education-Cookery

Module2 Manual First Edition, pp. 82-89

Tabbada, EpifaniaV., et al. Technology and Home Economics. Reprinted 1997, copy
1993 by Phonex Publishing House, Inc. Pp. 77-80

Internet Sources:

https:/ Sources and Kinds of Starch and Cereals (Ryoveros)

www. > akihirojonel

Cook Smarts

For Inquiries or Feedback please write or call:
Department of Education: Division of Cebu Province
Office Address: IPHO Bldg, Sudlon, Lahug Cebu City
Telefax: (032) 255-6405
Email address: [email protected]

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