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Which of the following would you use for the following requirement?

“A Microsoft SQL Server extension that supports connections to SQL Server and provides a rich
editing experience for T-SQL”
A: Microsoft Visual Studio Code
Ex: You can use Microsoft Visual Studio Code that has a SQL Server extension for working with SQL Server

Which of the following would you use for the following requirement?
“A lightweight editor that can run on-demand SQL queries and view and save results as text, JSON
or Microsoft Excel files”
A: Azure Data Studio
Ex: Azure Data Studio is a lightweight editor that can be used for these requirements.

Which of the following would you use for the following requirement?
“A development tool for building Azure SQL Databases, Microsoft SQL Server relational databases,
SQL Server Analysis services data models, SQL Server Integration Services packages and SQL Server
Reporting Services reports”
A: Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools
Ex: All of this can be achieved with the help of Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools

Which of the following is an example of Data Manipulation Language (DML)?

A: Insert
Ex: The INSERT statement is used to insert data into a table

You have designed a SQL query that combines the customer data and the order data. The query
includes calculated columns. You have to persist the SQL query so that other users can use the
query. Which of the following should you create for this requirement?
A: A View
Ex: You can create a view out of the query. Users can then use the view to execute the query.

Which of the following is used by Relational databases to enforce relationships between different
A: Keys
Ex: You can use Foreign keys to establish relationships between tables.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“Platform as a service database offering in Azure require less setup and configuration effort than
infrastructure as a service database offering”
A: True
Ex: Yes, because here the infrastructure is managed for you.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“Platform as a service database offering in Azure provide administrators with the ability to control
and update the operating system version”
A: False
Ex: In Platform as a service, the infrastructure is managed by Azure. Hence administrators don’t have
control over the underlying infrastructure.
You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.
“All platform as a service database offering in Azure can be paused to reduce costs”
A: False
Ex: This is not TRUE for all platform as a service offering. There are serverless offerings that allow you to
pause the database.This is part of the Serverless Compute tier.

Which of the following is an Azure SQL database offering that supports automatic database scaling
and automatic pausing of the database during inactive periods?
A: Azure SQL Database Serverless
Ex: This is available as part of the serverless offering

You have the following query

INSERT INTO dbo.Products (ProductID, ProductName, Price, ProductDescription) VALUES (1,
‘Mobile’ , 1000, ‘Mobile device’)
Which of the following is the right type that maps to dbo.Products?
A: A Table
Ex: Here we are referring to the table

You have the following query

INSERT INTO dbo.Products (ProductID, ProductName, Price, ProductDescription) VALUES (1,
‘Mobile’ , 1000, ‘Mobile device’)
Which of the following is the right type that maps to ProductName?
A: A Column
Ex: Here we are referring to the column in the table.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“A relational database table contains columns and rows”
A: True
Ex: Yes, a relational database table contains rows and columns

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“Indexes in a relational database describe the data types in a table”
A: False
Ex: The Indexes are used to improve the reading of data in the table.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“A database view is a virtual table whose content is defined by a query”
A: True
Ex: Yes ,a view is based on a query. It’s like a virtual table.

Which of the following are benefits of using the Azure SQL Database service? Choose 2 answers
from the options given below
A: Access to the latest features & Reduced administrative effort for managing the server
Ex: Here you get access to the latest features. It also reduces the administrative overhead.
A company needs to ensure that an application hosted on an Azure virtual machine can connect to
the Azure SQL Database without the need to expose the database to internet. Which of the
following can be used for this requirement?
A: Azure Private Link
Ex: Azure Private Link allows your virtual machines to securely connect to the Azure SQL databases via
Private IP addresses.

You have to deploy a data store for an application. The data store needs to be a relational database
that supports Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Which of the following can be used for this
A: Azure SQL Database
Ex: Azure SQL Database is a relational database system

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“If you have a platform as a service database in Azure, you are responsible for applying the
operating system updates”
A: False
Ex: Here the patching of the system is maintained by Azure.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“If you have a platform as a service database in Azure, backups are performed automatically”
A: True
Ex: Yes , the backups are taken automatically by the service.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“If you have a platform as a service database in Azure, you are responsible for upgrading the
database engine”
A: False
Ex: Here the database engine upgrade will be handled by the service itself.

You created an Azure SQL database. You were accessing the database from your workstation from
the Internet. Your workstation then changed its IP address and now you cannot access the database
anymore. Which of the following could be the cause of the issue?
A: A database-level firewall
Ex: Here you need to ensure you add a rule to the database-level firewall for access via the new client IP

When you initially create an Azure SQL Database, which of the following can always be used to
connect to the database?
A: The Server admin login account of the logical server
Ex: When you create the database, you can use the server admin login to connect to the database always.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“Azure Data Studio can be used to query an Azure SQL Database from a device that runs macOS”
A: True
Ex: Yes, Azure Data Studio can be used across various platforms.
You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.
“Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio enables users to create and use SQL notebooks”
A: False
Ex: SQL Notebooks are available in Azure Data Studio

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“Azure Data Studio can be used to restore a database”
A: False
Ex: Azure Data Studio is not used for the management of SQL databases.

Which of the following is a benefit of hosting a database on an Azure SQL Managed instance when
compared to an Azure SQL database?
A: Native support for cross-database queries and transactions
Ex: If you are looking for native support for your existing SQL Server workloads, you can consider using
Azure SQL Managed Instances.

A: Select
Ex: Here we need to use the SELECT clause to select the data from the table.
A: Group By
Ex: We can use the GROUP by clause to GROUP by the sales date.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“Azure SQL Managed Instance supports cross-database queries”
A: True
Ex: Yes , Azure SQL Managed Instance supports cross-database queries.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“Azure SQL Managed Instance supports user-created backups”
A: True
Ex: Yes , Azure SQL Managed Instance supports user created backups.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“Azure SQL Managed Instance can be restored to SQL Server on an Azure virtual machine”
A: False
Ex: Backups from a managed instance can only be restored to another managed instance. They cannot be
restored to a SQL Server instance or to Azure SQL Database.
A set of developers have computers that run Windows 10 and Ubuntu Desktop. They need to
connect and query an Azure SQL database from their computer. The developers require code
assistance features such as IntelliSense. Which of the following can be used for this requirement?
A: Azure Data Studio
Ex: This is provided by Azure Data Studio

Which of the following is correct when it comes to Transparent Data Encryption?

A: Transparent Data Encryption encrypts the Database to protect data at rest.
Ex: Transparent Data Encryption is used at the database level to encrypt the data at rest.

Which of the following is correct when it comes to Descriptive Analytics?

A: Descriptive Analytics tells you what occurred in the past
Ex: This can tell you what actually occurred based on the data that is present

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“Normalization involves eliminating relationships between database tables”
A: False
Ex: With Normalization, you establish relationships between tables.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“Normalizing a database reduces data redundancy”
A: True
Ex: Yes, the entire idea of Normalization is to reduce redundancy.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“Normalizing improves data integrity”
A: True
Ex: Yes, with the help of primary and foreign keys, you can maintain data integrity.

Which of the following is correct when it comes to an extract, transform and load process?
A: An Extract, transform and load process requires data that is fully processed before being loaded
to the target data store.
Ex: In ETL ( Extract, Transform and Load), you have to ensure that data is processed before it can be loaded
into the destination.

Which of the following is correct when it comes to batch processing?

A: In Batch processing, latency is expected.
Ex: In batch processing you can expect latency in getting the batch data itself to be processed.

Which of the following is the right type of analytics when it comes to transcribing audio files?
A: Descriptive
Ex: Here you are getting information about the audio text via transcribing the files.
A: A root Object
Ex: The Customer is the root object in the JSON document.

A: A nested object
Ex: This is a nested object.
A: A Nested array
Ex: This is a nested array.

Which of the following is the right term for the following?

“An object that is associated with a table that sorts and stores the data rows in the table based on
their key values”
A: A clustered Index
Ex: This is the index. The index can be used to easily search for data based on their key values.

Which of the following is correct when it comes to a relational database?

A: Strong consistency guarantees are required
Ex: For a relational database , you need to have strong consistency across your data.

You have an Azure SQL Database. You need to query a table named Products. Which of the
following are requirements that need to be fulfilled to access the table? Choose 3 answers from the
options given below.
A: You must have SELECT access to the Products Table
You must have a user in the database
Your IP Address must be allowed to connect to the Database
Ex : Firstly, your workstation IP address must be added to the firewall rule for the Azure SQL database
server to access the database
Then there must a user in the database that would actually be able to connect to the database itself.
Then the user must also be granted the required privileges to use the SELECT statement
You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.
“You can use existing Microsoft SQL Server licenses to reduce the cost of Azure SQL databases ”
A: True
Ex: Yes, you can use an existing SQL Server license to get a discount on Azure SQL databases.

A: Azure Storage account

Ex: First you would define a storage account.

A: Container
Ex: In Azure Data Lake storage, you define a container for the objects.

Which of the following do you need to configure in an Azure Storage account to support both
security at a folder level and atomic directory manipulation?
A: Enable the hierarchical namespace
Ex: You need to set the hierarchical namespace. This is a feature of Azure Data Lake storage.
Your company has to design a data store that will be used to store data from Internet connected
temperature sensors. The collected data needs to be used to analyze temperature trends. Which of
the following would you choose as the data store type?
A: Time Series
Ex: Here you would be recording temperature over time. Hence its best to store the data in a time series

Which of the following is a benefit of the Azure Cosmos DB Table API when compared to Azure
Table storage?
A: Azure Cosmos DB Table API supports a multi-master Model.
Ex: Only Azure Cosmos DB supports the multi-master model.

You need to map the right Azure data service that can be used to store different artifacts.
Which of the following can be stored in Azure Blob storage?
A: Image Files
Ex: You can store image files in Azure Blob storage.

You need to map the right Azure data service that can be used to store different artifacts.
Which of the following can be stored in Azure Cosmos DB Gremlin API?
A: Relationship between employees
Ex: You can store relationship between employees with the help of the Gremlin API.

You need to map the right Azure data service that can be used to store different artifacts.
Which of the following can be stored in Azure Table storage?
A: Key/Values pairs
Ex: You can store key/value pairs with the help of Azure table storage.

Which of the following would you use for the following requirement?
“A graphical tool for managing Azure SQL databases and viewing SQL execution plans”
A: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Ex: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is use for managing Azure SQL databases.

Which statement is an example of Data Definition Language (DDL)?

A: Create
Ex: The CREATE statement is used to create a database.

You have to ensure that users use multi-factor authentication when connecting to an Azure SQL
database. Which type of authentication would you implement for this requirement?
A: Azure Active Directory ( Azure AD ) Authentication.
Ex: For Multi-Factor authentication, you need to use Azure Active Directory.

Which of the following statement is correct about Azure SQL database?

A: By Default, each Azure SQL database is protected by a server level firewall.
Ex: An Azure SQL Database is protected by a server-level firewall.
You have to design and model a database by using a graphical tool that supports object-oriented
offline database development. Which of the following could you use for this requirement?
A: Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)
Ex: The SQL Server Data tools can be used for offline database development.

You have to map the relevant security component to the appropriate scenario
Which of the following would you map for the following scenario?
“Prevent access to an Azure SQL database from another network”
A: Firewall
Ex: Here the Firewall can be used to prevent access from another network.

You have to map the relevant security component to the appropriate scenario
Which of the following would you map for the following scenario?
“Support Azure Active Directory sign-ins to an Azure SQL database”
A: Authentication
Ex: This is related to authentication. You can use Active Directory for authentication onto Azure SQL

You have to map the relevant security component to the appropriate scenario
Which of the following would you map for the following scenario?
“Ensure that sensitive data never appears as plain test in an Azure SQL database”
A: Encryption
Ex: This is related to Encryption.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“Azure Table storage supports multiple write regions”
A: False
Ex: You can only have one write region when it comes to Azure table storage.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“The Azure Cosmos DB Table API supports multiple read replicas”
A: True
Ex: Yes, you can have multiple read regions for Azure Cosmos DB accounts.

You have to map the relevant data store type to the appropriate scenario
Which of the following would you map for the following scenario?
“Application users and their default language”
A: Key/Value
Ex: You can use the Key/value data store. The username can be the key and the value can be the default

You have to map the relevant data store type to the appropriate scenario
Which of the following would you map for the following scenario?
“Medical images and their associated metadata”
A: Object Ex: Here the images can be stored as objects. You can use Azure Storage Accounts – Blob
service for this requirement.
You have to map the relevant data store type to the appropriate scenario
Which of the following would you map for the following scenario?
“Employee data that shows the relationships between employees”
A: Graph
Ex: You can use a graph database to show the relationships between employees.

You have an Azure Cosmos DB account of the Core SQL API. Which of the following are settings
that can be configured ay the container level? Choose 2 answers from the options given below.
A: Throughput & Partition key
Ex: You can configure the throughput and the partition key for the container.

Which of the following is projected as the container resource type when using the Azure Cosmos
DB Gremlin API?
A: Graph
Ex: The Gremlin API is used to create graph-based databases.

Which of the following is an example of a streaming workload?

A: Sending telemetry data from edge devices
Ex: Telemetry data is sent instantaneously from edge devices and hence this is an example of streaming

Which of the following is TRUE when it comes to batch workloads?

A: Batch workloads process data memory, row-by-row
Ex: Normally batch workloads are used to process data row-by-row.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“Processing salary payments once a month is an example of a batch workload”
A: True
Ex: Yes, since this process happens at a certain interval.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“A wind turbine that sends 50 sensor readings per second is an example of a streaming workload”.
A: True
Ex: Since this is sending data continuously in real-time, this is an example of a streaming workload.

You have to state whether the following is TRUE or FALSE.

“A home electricity meter that sends readings once a day to an energy provider is an example of a
streaming workload ”
A: False
Ex: Since the data is only being sent once , this is not in real-time , hence this is not a streaming workload.

You have to gather real-time telemetry data from a mobile application. Which of the following
describes the type of workload in this scenario?
A: Streaming
Ex: This is an example of a streaming workload.
You have an Azure Synapse Analytics SQL pool. The pool is used every night for 6 hours. You have
to consider minimizing the cost of the SQL pool during idle times but ensure that the data remains
intact. Which of the following can be used for this requirement?
A:Pause the Pool
Ex: You can pause the pool to save on costs. The data would still stay intact.

Which of the following initiates the execution of an Azure Data Factory pipeline?
A: A Trigger
Ex: The pipeline can run a schedule, or demand , or on a trigger.

You have to map the right activity to the appropriate Azure Data Factory activities.
Which of the following would be mapped to the “Copy” activity in Azure Data Factory?
A: Data Movement
Ex: This is linked to the data movement activity.

You have to map the right activity to the appropriate Azure Data Factory activities.
Which of the following would be mapped to the “Mapping data flow” activity in Azure Data
A: Data Transformation
Ex: This is linked to the data transformation activity

You have to map the right activity to the appropriate Azure Data Factory activities.
Which of the following would be mapped to the “Until” activity in Azure Data Factory?
A: Control
Ex: This is linked to the Control activity.

Which of the following are characteristics of an Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) workload?
Choose 3 answers from the options given below.
A: Heavy Writes and moderate reads & Schema on read & Normalized Data
Ex: For OLTP workloads, you gave
1) A lot of writes on the data and moderate reads. You will have more reads in OLAP workloads
2) You will only perform reads on the schema
3) Here the data will be normalized

Which of the following is used in an Azure Data Factory pipeline to orchestrate activities that
depend on the output of other pipeline activities?
A: A Control Flow
Ex: You can use a control flow for this requirement.

You have a quality assurance application that reads data from a data warehouse. Which type of
processing does the application use?
A: Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
Ex: For data warehouses, this would relate to Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

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