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Plaintiff, §
v. § Case No. ___________
Defendants. §


For his Complaint against the Defendants, Plaintiff Joshua Garton states to the

Court and the Jury as follows:


1. In January 2021, Plaintiff Joshua Garton was investigated and arrested by

a joint law enforcement taskforce for posting a fake photograph on social media that was

critical of law enforcement. The fake photograph at issue was crudely designed to look as

though people were urinating on the grave of a deceased police officer. Mr. Garton’s fake

photograph also included the overtly political message: “Just showing my respect to

Deputy Daniel Baker from the #dicksonpolicedepartment.”

2. The Defendants who were responsible for arresting Mr. Garton had actual

knowledge—at the time that they arrested and charged him—that the photograph that Mr.


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Garton had posted on Facebook was fake. At the urging of Defendant W. Ray Crouch,

though—who wanted Mr. Garton punished for disrespecting law enforcement within his

jurisdiction—they arrested Mr. Garton anyway and took him into custody. Thereafter,

Mr. Garton was charged with a crime, and he was incarcerated for nearly two weeks while

he awaited a hearing. Mr. Garton was ultimately released from jail after the bogus charge

at issue was dismissed for lack of probable cause following Mr. Garton’s first appearance

in court.

3. Internal correspondence among the Defendants obtained through a public

records request confirms both the Defendants’ actual knowledge that “we violated [Mr.

Garton’s] 1st amendment rights” and the Defendants’ actual knowledge that Mr. Garton

“has a right to post.” See Collective Exhibit #1, pp. 104–05. 1 Even so, because Mr.

Garton had disrespected law enforcement, the Defendants vowed that: “[t]hat doesn’t

mean there are no consequences.” Id. at p. 105. Accordingly, the Defendants arrested

Mr. Garton, charged him with a crime, and held him in jail on a bogus charge for nearly

two weeks while he awaited a hearing. In the interim, the Defendants also humiliated Mr.

Garton through reputationally damaging press releases and other media that prominently

featured Mr. Garton’s mugshot and the fact of his arrest.

4. Upon review by a court, the bogus criminal charge that the Defendants filed

against Mr. Garton was dismissed outright for lack of probable cause that Mr. Garton’s

speech constituted a criminal offense. Thereafter, one Defendant lamented: “That is not

good.” Another Defendant complained—correctly—that: “We are finished.” This action


1The redactions in the appended public records are the TBI’s. The TBI’s counsel has also refused to affirm
or certify independently that the redactions are legally warranted.


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5. Plaintiff Joshua Garton is a transient resident of Rutherford County who

was investigated, arrested, prosecuted, and incarcerated by a joint law enforcement

taskforce for disrespecting law enforcement. He is a citizen of Tennessee and may be

contacted through his counsel.

6. Defendant W. Ray Crouch is the current District Attorney General for

Tennessee’s 23rd Judicial District. At all times relevant to this action, Defendant Crouch

was professionally obligated to comply with the Constitution, to maintain a minimum

level of professional competence, to refrain from abusing the legal process, and to avoid

acting in “knowing disregard of obligations” or engaging in “a systematic abuse of

prosecutorial discretion.” Upon information and belief, Defendant Crouch failed to

comply with these obligations by directing law enforcement to investigate, retaliate

against, arrest, and charge Mr. Garton because he had disrespected law enforcement.

Defendant Crouch is sued in his individual capacity regarding specified tort claims and in

his official capacity regarding the Plaintiff’s claim for injunctive relief. Defendant Crouch

may be served at his residence located at 119 Stratton Blvd., Ashland City, Tennessee,

37015-1613, or wherever he may be found.

7. Defendant David Rausch is the current Director of the Tennessee Bureau of

Investigation, a statewide law enforcement agency. In that role, upon information and

belief, Defendant Rausch participated in the Defendants’ investigation of, false arrest of,

malicious prosecution of, and unconstitutional retaliation against Mr. Garton. At all

times relevant to this action, Defendant Rausch had an obligation to comply with the

Constitution and enforce the law, rather than participate in a conspiracy to violate it.

During the events giving rise to this Complaint, Defendant Rausch also maintained that


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citizens who care about the First Amendment and criticize law enforcement are akin to

insurrectionists. Defendant Rausch is sued in his individual capacity regarding specified

tort claims and in his official capacity regarding the Plaintiff’s claim for injunctive relief.

Defendant Rausch may be served at his residence located at 1121 Brentwood Way,

Kingston, Tennessee, 37763-3160, or wherever he may be found.

8. Defendant Bradley Nealon is the Deputy Director of the TBI. In that role,

upon information and belief, Defendant Nealon participated in the Defendants’

investigation of, false arrest of, malicious prosecution of, and unconstitutional retaliation

against Mr. Garton. Defendant Nealon is sued in his individual capacity only, and he may

be served at his residence located at 1594 Golliher Rd., Rockwood, Tennessee, 37854-

5252, or wherever he may be found.

9. Defendant Russell Winkler was at all times relevant to this Complaint the

Special Agent in Charge at the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. In that role, upon

information and belief, Defendant Winkler participated in the Defendants’ investigation

of, false arrest of, malicious prosecution of, and unconstitutional retaliation against Mr.

Garton. Defendant Winkler is sued in his individual capacity only, and he may be served

at his residence located at 725 Heritage Rd., Lebanon, Tennessee, 37087-6547, or

wherever he may be found.

10. Defendant Joshua Melton is the Assistant Director of the Criminal

Investigation Division of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. In that role, upon

information and belief, Defendant Melton participated in the Defendants’ investigation

of, false arrest of, malicious prosecution of, and unconstitutional retaliation against Mr.

Garton. Defendant Melton is sued in his individual capacity only, and he may be served

at his residence located at 1433 Swamp Leanna Rd., Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 37129, or


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wherever he may be found.

11. Defendant Joseph Craig is an Assistant Special Agent in Charge at the

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. Defendant Craig has served as a TBI agent for twenty-

two years and is currently assigned to the Middle Tennessee Criminal Investigations

Division, where he supervises field agents covering territory that encompasses Dickson

County. In that role, Defendant Craig participated in the Defendants’ investigation of,

false arrest of, malicious prosecution of, and unconstitutional retaliation against Mr.

Garton. At all times relevant to this Complaint, Defendant Craig acted, by virtue of his

position as a TBI agent, under color of state law. Defendant Craig is sued in his individual

capacity only, and he may be served at his residence located at 2437 New Cut Rd.,

Greenbrier, Tennessee, 37073-5165, or wherever he may be found.

12. Defendant Andrew Vallee is a Special Agent with the Tennessee Bureau of

Investigation. Defendant Vallee is assigned to the Technical Services Unit and specializes

in digital forensics, cellular network analysis, WiFi analysis, and various other technology

related disciplines. In that role, Defendant Vallee participated in the Defendants’

investigation of, false arrest of, malicious prosecution of, and unconstitutional retaliation

against Mr. Garton. At all times relevant to this Complaint, Defendant Vallee acted, by

virtue of his position as a TBI agent, under color of state law. Defendant Vallee is sued in

his individual capacity only, and he may be served at his residence located at 631 Keeton

Ave. 1, Old Hickory, Tennessee, 37138-3813, or wherever he may be found.

13. Defendant Donald Arnold is a Captain in the Dickson Police Department

who was responsible for working with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, on behalf

of the City of Dickson, to falsely arrest, maliciously prosecute, and unconstitutionally

retaliate against Mr. Garton. Defendant Arnold is sued in his individual capacity, and he


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may be served at his residence located at 1012 Laurel Hills Dr., Dickson, Tennessee,

37055-4068, or wherever he may be found.

14. Defendant City of Dickson, Tennessee, is a Tennessee municipality. The

City of Dickson is liable for its official policies, customs, and practices and for its failure

to train its employees when it acts with deliberate indifference to a plaintiff’s clearly

established constitutional rights, as it did here. The City of Dickson is a political

subdivision of the State of Tennessee and, among other functions, it operates and

maintains a law enforcement agency known as the Dickson Police Department. At all

times relevant to this action, the City of Dickson and its agents acted under color of state

law. Service upon the City of Dickson may be made upon Mayor Don L. Weiss Jr., at 600

East Walnut Street, Dickson, TN 37055.


15. This Court has jurisdiction over the Plaintiff’s federal claims in this civil

action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1343(a).

16. This Court has supplemental jurisdiction to adjudicate the Plaintiff’s state

law claims related to the Plaintiff’s federal claims in this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C.

§ 1367(a).

17. As the judicial district in which a substantial part of the events or omissions

giving rise to the Plaintiff’s claims occurred, venue is proper in this Court pursuant to 28

U.S.C. § 1391(b)(2).

18. As the judicial district in which one or more Defendants reside, and all

Defendants being residents of the State of Tennessee, venue is additionally proper in this

Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(1).


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19. The Plaintiff is a 29-year-old disabled male who suffers from mental illness.

As a result of the Defendants’ unconstitutional and tortious misconduct, the Plaintiff

spent nearly two weeks in jail for a non-existent crime and became homeless.

20. In January 2021, the Plaintiff pseudonymously posted the following

political message and accompanying fake photograph—otherwise known as a “meme” 2—

on Facebook, a social media website:

21. The above photograph does not actually depict the gravesite of Sergeant

Baker. Indeed, it looks nothing like Sergeant Baker’s gravesite. Instead, the photograph

was an altered image from The Rites’s 2009 album “Pissing On Your Grave” that

2A “meme” is an “interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread
widely online especially through social media.” See Merriam-Webster, (last accessed April 15, 2021).


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contained a crudely integrated professional headshot of Sergeant Baker, a public figure,

paired with the Plaintiff’s commentary regarding a matter of public concern. 3

22. Defendant Crouch was offended by the Plaintiff’s meme because it

disrespected a deceased member of local law enforcement. Accordingly, Defendant

Crouch demanded that the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the other Defendants

in this matter conduct a criminal investigation regarding it. Thus, at the direction of

Defendant Crouch, a joint task force of state and local law enforcement undertook to

investigate the Plaintiff’s meme in an effort to identify the Plaintiff and arrest him.

23. Through herculean investigative work—including “TBI agents visit[ing] the

gravesite of Baker”—the Defendants “quickly determined the photograph [was] not

authentic.” Defendant Craig, in particular, realized that the meme was a photoshopped

image in “a few seconds.”

24. The fact that the Plaintiff’s meme was not authentic complicated the

Defendants’ desire to arrest the Plaintiff for an actual criminal offense, such as

desecrating a grave. Believing that disrespecting law enforcement still merited

“consequences,” though, the Defendants—acting in concert with one another—resolved

to continue their investigation and arrest the Plaintiff for some other crime instead.

25. Accordingly, even after determining that the meme at issue was not a

genuine photograph—and despite lacking any reason to believe a crime had been

committed—the TBI launched a manhunt and issued an all-points bulletin asking the

3 In May of 2018, Sergeant Daniel Baker of the Dickson Police Department was killed in the line of duty.
His death sparked widespread media coverage and, among other things, prompted the Tennessee General
Assembly to enact the controversial “Sergeant Daniel Baker Act”—codified at Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-13-
206—which accelerates review of death penalty cases and promotes faster executions. At the time, State
Representative Mary Littleton (R-Dickson), who sponsored the bill, was quoted in The Tennessean at saying
the bill was named to “memorialize Sgt. Baker and to continue his memory for those in Dickson County as
well as around the state.”


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public for help identifying the meme’s creator.

26. As examples of the TBI’s public statements and manhunt regarding the

Plaintiff’s meme, during the Defendants’ investigation into the Plaintiff’s meme, and to

secure assistance regarding it, the TBI issued the following public “news alert[s]”:

27. Ultimately, tips from local citizens and a “technical investigation conducted

by [Defendant] Vallee identified [Plaintiff] Joshua Garton as the individual possibly

responsible for the posting.”

28. After identifying the Plaintiff as the individual responsible for the meme,

the Defendants located the Plaintiff, interrogated him, charged him with Harassment,

booked him into the Dickson County Jail, and set his bond at a punitive amount of

$76,000.00 to ensure that he would remain incarcerated for an extended period of time.

29. The Defendants did not have probable cause to arrest the Plaintiff or to

believe that the Plaintiff had committed any crime, and they knew it. The Plaintiff’s

photograph concerned a public figure regarding a matter of public concern. It also was

not directed to any member of Sergeant Baker’s family, though clearly established U.S.


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Supreme Court precedent dictated that it would have been constitutionally protected even

if it had been. See generally Snyder v. Phelps, 562 U.S. 443 (2011). Despite the meme’s

heavy attention and its recirculation on social media, the Defendants also declined to

investigate or arrest any other person who posted the photograph at issue—including

individuals who did send it to members of Sergeant Baker’s family. Instead, as the

publisher of the meme at issue and the person who was responsible for its anti-law

enforcement message, the Defendants singularly targeted, falsely arrested, and

maliciously prosecuted the Plaintiff alone because the Plaintiff was the person who had

expressed a viewpoint that disrespected and offended them.

30. At all times relevant to this action, the United States Supreme Court had

clearly established that:

Official reprisal for protected speech “offends the Constitution [because] it

threatens to inhibit exercise of the protected right,” Crawford–El v. Britton,
523 U.S. 574, 588, n. 10, 118 S.Ct. 1584, 140 L.Ed.2d 759 (1998), and the law
is settled that as a general matter the First Amendment prohibits
government officials from subjecting an individual to retaliatory actions,
including criminal prosecutions, for speaking out, id., at 592, 118 S.Ct. 1584;
see also Perry v. Sindermann, 408 U.S. 593, 597, 92 S.Ct. 2694, 33 L.Ed.2d
570 (1972) (noting that the government may not punish a person or deprive
him of a benefit on the basis of his “constitutionally protected speech”).

Hartman v. Moore, 547 U.S. 250, 256 (2006).

31. At all times relevant to this action, the United States Supreme Court had

also clearly established that the “bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment is

that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society

finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable,” Texas. v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397, 414

(1989), and that “[g]iving offense is a viewpoint.” Matal v. Tam, 137 S. Ct. 1744, 1763

(2017). Indeed, the United States Supreme Court has held

time and again that “the public expression of ideas may not be prohibited


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merely because the ideas are themselves offensive to some of their hearers.”
Street v. New York, 394 U.S. 576, 592, 89 S.Ct. 1354, 22 L.Ed.2d 572 (1969).
See also Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397, 414, 109 S.Ct. 2533, 105 L.Ed.2d
342 (1989) (“If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First
Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of
an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or
disagreeable”); Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, 485 U.S. 46, 55–56, 108
S.Ct. 876, 99 L.Ed.2d 41 (1988); Coates v. Cincinnati, 402 U.S. 611, 615, 91
S.Ct. 1686, 29 L.Ed.2d 214 (1971); Bachellar v. Maryland, 397 U.S. 564,
567, 90 S.Ct. 1312, 25 L.Ed.2d 570 (1970); Tinker v. Des Moines
Independent Community School Dist., 393 U.S. 503, 509–514, 89 S.Ct. 733,
21 L.Ed.2d 731 (1969); Cox v. Louisiana, 379 U.S. 536, 551, 85 S.Ct. 453, 13
L.Ed.2d 471 (1965); Edwards v. South Carolina, 372 U.S. 229, 237–238, 83
S.Ct. 680, 9 L.Ed.2d 697 (1963); Terminiello v. Chicago, 337 U.S. 1, 4–5, 69
S.Ct. 894, 93 L.Ed. 1131 (1949); Cantwell v. Connecticut, 310 U.S. 296, 311,
60 S.Ct. 900, 84 L.Ed. 1213 (1940); Schneider v. State (Town of Irvington),
308 U.S. 147, 161, 60 S.Ct. 146, 84 L.Ed. 155 (1939); De Jonge v. Oregon,
299 U.S. 353, 365, 57 S.Ct. 255, 81 L.Ed. 278 (1937).


32. At all times relevant to this action, the United States Court of Appeals for

the Sixth Circuit had also clearly established that the applicable and binding precedent

regarding offensive speech is not ambiguous, and that government officials are obliged to

comply with it. See, e.g., McGlone v. Metro. Gov't of Nashville, 749 F. App'x 402, 406,

n.2 (6th Cir. 2018) (“Nashville’s ‘guess’ is correct. Speech deemed hateful and offensive

is not only still protected by the First Amendment, it is the speech most in need of First

Amendment protection.”) (citing Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397, 414, 109 S.Ct. 2533, 105

L.Ed.2d 342 (1989) (“If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it

is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society

finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.”)).

33. The Defendants—one of whom is an attorney who wields extraordinary

prosecutorial authority—neither care about nor feel constrained by clearly established

First Amendment law. Indeed, the Defendants’ internal correspondence reflects that they


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abhor the rights that the First Amendment guarantees individuals like the Plaintiff.

34. For example, Defendants’ correspondence reflects their actual knowledge

that “we violated [Mr. Garton’s] 1st amendment rights” and that Mr. Garton “has a right

to post.” According to the Defendants, however, “[t]hat doesn’t mean there are no

consequences,” which the Defendants collectively ensured the Plaintiff experienced:

35. The “consequences” that the Defendants ensured would result from

disrespecting law enforcement included subjecting the Plaintiff to a false arrest and

malicious prosecution, incarcerating him for weeks, and broadcasting his mugshot and

the fact of his arrest to news media and the public in retaliation for disrespecting police.

36. The Defendants similarly believe that criticizing their constitutionally

repugnant behavior is unwarranted. Indeed, the Defendants routinely characterized

criticism of their behavior as “threats.”


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37. Defendant Rausch, in particular—the current Director of Tennessee’s top

law enforcement agency—believes that arresting citizens for offensive speech is not only

appropriate, but that criticizing law enforcement for violating the First Amendment is

akin to defending insurrection:

38. After arresting the Plaintiff, the Defendants acted in concert to prepare and

issue a media release regarding the Plaintiff’s arrest that included his full name, his

mugshot, his date of birth, a reference to unrelated criminal charges, and the fact that the

Defendants had secured a substantial bond that ensured the Plaintiff would be

incarcerated for an extended time period. The purpose of this release was to humiliate

and retaliate against the Plaintiff, and to deter other similarly situated persons who

wished to exercise their constitutional rights to criticize or disrespect law enforcement

from doing so.

39. The public reaction to the Defendants’ press release and their celebration of

the Plaintiff’s arrest was not what the Defendants anticipated it would be. See Collective

Exhibit #2. 4 In response to their press release, the TBI received dozens of critical calls

4 Again, the redactions are the TBI’s.


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from citizens across the nation who were upset about the Defendants’ flagrant disregard

for the Constitution and their extreme ignorance of basic First Amendment rights. Upon

receiving such criticism, one TBI dispatcher complained: “We did not sign up for this.”

40. In response to the legitimate public criticism that they were receiving, the

Defendants did not release the Plaintiff or take steps to remedy their flagrantly

unconstitutional conduct. Instead, to inhibit such criticism, the TBI began tracking the

critical calls they were receiving, surveilling callers, and, in at least one instance, decided

to “try[] to pin down who [the caller was] so we can ask the local police and maybe have

them go out there and ask him to stop.”

41. After issuing their press release regarding the Plaintiff, the TBI began

receiving requests for comment from local and national news outlets asking them to

explain how they could have lawfully arrested the Plaintiff under the circumstances.

42. Because the Plaintiff’s arrest was not lawful and could not plausibly have

been lawful, the TBI was unable to do so. Accordingly—and notwithstanding that

Defendants employed by the TBI had investigated and then arrested the Plaintiff,

participated in the charging decision at issue, and that Defendant Craig himself had sworn

out the affidavit enabling the Plaintiff’s criminal charge, see Exhibit #3—the TBI

misleadingly deflected responsibility to Defendant Crouch, and responded with some

version of the following statement:


When requested to investigate an incident by a District Attorney

General, TBI agents serve as factfinders.

The DA determines what, if any, charges are placed.

For that reason, we will need to refer you to the District Attorney
General with questions regarding the charge in this case.

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43. The Plaintiff would ultimately be incarcerated for nearly two full weeks

before he was able to appear before a judge for a hearing on the charge at issue. The

Plaintiff was thus continuously incarcerated at the Dickson County Jail from January 22,

2021, until his preliminary hearing before Judge Craig Monsue on February 3, 2021.

44. During the Plaintiff’s preliminary hearing, Defendant Craig repeatedly

admitted that the Plaintiff had not posted the meme at issue with an unlawful purpose,

which was a threshold element of the harassment charge that he and the other Defendants

had conspired to initiate and then did initiate against the Plaintiff.

45. At the conclusion of the Plaintiff’s preliminary hearing on February 3, 2021,

Judge Monsue ordered as follows: “the Court cannot find that there’s probable cause to

believe that the posting of this photograph constitutes a threat of harm to Lisa Baker, but

is instead, a denigration of Sergeant Baker’s memory. Therefore respectfully, the Court

dismisses this count.”

46. Judgment dismissing, for lack of probable cause, the harassment charge

that the Defendants initiated against the Plaintiff was entered thereafter, see Exhibit #4,

and only then was the Plaintiff finally released from jail. The Plaintiff became homeless

as a result of the Defendants’ conduct, however, so by that point, he had no home to return

to. Accordingly, the Plaintiff now resides at a homeless shelter.

47. As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants’ unlawful actions, the

Plaintiff suffered extreme damages, a deprivation of his constitutional rights, unlawful

detention, psychological and emotional trauma, and damage to his reputation.



48. The Plaintiff incorporates and realleges the foregoing allegations as if fully

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set forth herein.

49. Acting in concert with one another, and without probable cause to arrest the

Plaintiff, the Defendants wrongfully instituted legal process against the Plaintiff and

subjected the Plaintiff to a wrongful investigation, wrongful prosecution, and wrongful

incarceration in violation of the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States


50. All Defendants made, influenced, or participated in the decision to

investigate, arrest, and/or charge the Plaintiff, and they acted in concert with one another

to ensure that the Plaintiff was investigated, charged, and prosecuted for his speech. The

Defendants thus acted both individually and collectively in pursuit of a common plan

under color of law with malicious intent to deprive the Plaintiff of his rights secured by

the United States Constitution.

51. All Defendants, individually and collectively, lacked probable cause to

institute criminal process against the Plaintiff.

52. The Defendants’ criminal prosecution was enabled by a constitutionally

defective and facially invalid Affidavit of Complaint signed by Defendant Craig that

asserted, among other things, that the Plaintiff’s speech had criminally “caused emotional

distress to . . . the law enforcement officers from Dickson County.”

53. As a consequence of the Defendants’ wrongful institution of legal process

against the Plaintiff, the Plaintiff suffered a deprivation of liberty apart from his initial

seizure, including continuous detention in jail for nearly two weeks without probable


54. The Plaintiff’s criminal proceeding was resolved in the Plaintiff’s favor.

55. The Plaintiff’s criminal proceeding was not resolved due to any plea or


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settlement, but was resolved in the Plaintiff’s favor because he was innocent of any

criminal charge and because the Defendants lacked probable cause to believe that he had

committed any crime.

56. Although inessential to his malicious prosecution claim, the Defendants

acted with malice toward the Plaintiff and subjected the Plaintiff to a wrongful

investigation, wrongful prosecution, and wrongful incarceration because of the

constitutionally protected, anti-law enforcement, and disrespectful viewpoint that the

Plaintiff had expressed regarding the Dickson County Police Department.

57. Unrelated to Defendant Crouch’s preparation for the initiation of a

prosecution or for judicial proceedings, and unconnected to the judicial process,

Defendant Crouch performed and directed investigative and administrative functions to

facilitate and enable the Plaintiff’s arrest without probable cause; he directed a search for

clues and corroboration that would give him probable cause to recommend that the

Plaintiff be arrested; and he played the role of an advocate against the Plaintiff before he

had—and without ever acquiring—probable cause to have the Plaintiff arrested.

58. In so doing, Defendant Crouch acted independent of his prosecutorial role

as a District Attorney and, separately, in violation of his professional ethical obligations,

among other things, to refrain from abusing the legal process, to avoid acting in “knowing

disregard of obligations,” and to avoid engaging in “a systematic abuse of prosecutorial


59. As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants’ malicious prosecution

of the Plaintiff, the Plaintiff suffered injuries, including, but not limited to, actual

damages, economic damages, a deprivation of his constitutional rights, unlawful

detention, psychological and emotional trauma, and damage to his reputation.


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CLAIM #2: FALSE ARREST (42 U.S.C. § 1983)

60. The Plaintiff incorporates and realleges the foregoing allegations as if fully

set forth herein.

61. At all times relevant to this action, no Defendant had probable cause to

arrest or direct the arrest of the Plaintiff.

62. The Plaintiff was nonetheless arrested at the Defendants’ behest and

direction based on a facially invalid warrant that was premised upon Defendant Craig’s

materially false statements and/or material omissions.

63. At all times relevant to this action, all Defendants, both individually and

collectively, lacked reasonable grounds for belief supported by more than mere suspicion

that the Plaintiff had committed a crime.

64. The totality of the circumstances and the facts and circumstances of which

the Defendants had knowledge at the moment of the Plaintiff’s arrest were insufficient to

warrant a prudent person in believing that the Plaintiff had committed an offense.

65. Even so, the Plaintiff was falsely arrest for a violation of Tenn. Code Ann. §

39-17-308 by Defendant Craig—in concert with and at the direction of Defendant Crouch

and the other Defendants—without probable cause.

66. The charges against the Plaintiff resulted in a deprivation of the Plaintiff’s

liberty, in that the Plaintiff was taken into custody, jailed continuously between January

22, 2021, and February 3, 2021, and forced to attend a preliminary hearing to obtain his

freedom from the false and malicious charge that the Defendants concocted against him

without probable cause to believe the Plaintiff had committed any crime.

67. The Defendants acted with malice when they falsely arrested and baselessly

charged the Plaintiff with violating Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-308.


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68. The Defendants falsely arrested and charged the Plaintiff with violating

Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-308 despite their actual knowledge that clearly established law

made clear that the Plaintiff’s speech was constitutionally protected and was not illegal.

69. The Plaintiff suffered actual damages as a proximate result of the

Defendants’ false arrest.


70. The Plaintiff incorporates and realleges the foregoing allegations as if fully

set forth herein.

71. At all times relevant to this Complaint, the Plaintiff had First Amendment

rights as a citizen that were not inconsistent with his status as a suspect or defendant.

72. Retaliation based upon a citizen’s exercise of his constitutional rights

violates the Constitution.

73. By posting the meme at issue, the Plaintiff engaged in speech and

expression protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution.

74. In retaliation for the Plaintiff engaging in speech and expression protected

by the Constitution, the Defendants planned and then took extreme adverse actions

against the Plaintiff, including, but not limited to, subjecting the Plaintiff to a wrongful

investigation, wrongful prosecution, and extended wrongful incarceration; publicly

humiliating the Plaintiff through press releases touting the Defendants’ false arrest of the

Plaintiff; maliciously prosecuting the Plaintiff; and seeking and securing a high, punitive

bond to prevent the Plaintiff’s timely release from jail.

75. The adverse actions that the Defendants took against the Plaintiff would

deter a person of ordinary firmness from continuing to engage in constitutionally

protected conduct and would likely have a strong deterrent effect on others similarly

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situated, which is precisely what the Defendants’ actions were designed to do.

76. The Defendants took adverse actions against the Plaintiff at least in part

because of the Plaintiff’s exercise of constitutionally protected conduct and his clearly

established First Amendment rights.

77. The Defendants took adverse actions against the Plaintiff at least in part

because the Defendants disagreed with the viewpoint that the Plaintiff had expressed.

78. The Defendants took adverse actions against the Plaintiff at least in part

because the Defendants wished to see the Plaintiff suffer significant “consequences” for

his speech.

79. The Defendants took adverse actions against the Plaintiff at least in part

because the Defendants do not respect fundamental First Amendment guarantees and

because the Defendants do not believe that they are constrained by them.

80. As a proximate result of the Defendants’ unconstitutional retaliation against

the Plaintiff, the Plaintiff suffered damages.


81. The Plaintiff incorporates and realleges the foregoing allegations as if fully

set forth herein.

82. At all times relevant to this matter, the Defendants acted in concert with, at

the direction of, and as agents of, one another to commit the foregoing tortious

misconduct, and all Defendants acted under color of law.

83. At all times relevant to this matter, the Defendants had the intent and

knowledge of one another’s intent to accomplish by concert an unlawful purpose—or to

accomplish by concert a lawful purpose by unlawful means—all of the foregoing tortious

misconduct, including conspiring with one another to effect the Plaintiff’s false arrest,

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272 Filed 04/27/21 Page 20 of 26 PageID #: 13260

malicious prosecution, and take other unconstitutionally retaliatory acts against him.

84. The Defendants conspired with one another and agreed to injure the

Plaintiff through unconstitutional action under color of law.

85. The Defendants shared in the general conspiratorial objective to injure the

Plaintiff for expressing a viewpoint critical of law enforcement, causing the Plaintiff


86. The Defendants are liable for one another’s acts undertaken in furtherance

of their civil conspiracy, and each Defendant is jointly and severally liable for the unlawful

acts of each other Defendant pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 29-11-107(b)(1) and general

federal common law, see Hooks v. Hooks, 771 F.2d 935, 944 (6th Cir. 1985).


87. The Plaintiff incorporates and realleges the foregoing allegations as if fully

set forth herein.

88. The City of Dickson, acting by and through its policymakers, officers, and

agents, including Defendant Arnold, and acting under color of state law, violated the

Plaintiff’s clearly established rights secured by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to

the United States Constitution.

89. The tortious acts and omissions of the City of Dickson, acting by and

through its policymakers, officers, and agents, including Defendant Arnold, were the

direct and proximate result of official municipal policies or customs created by the City of

Dickson and their execution or implementation against the Plaintiff, causing the Plaintiff


90. The City of Dickson’s customs, practices, or de facto policies are evidenced

by actions taken by officials with final decision-making authority, policies of inadequate


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272 Filed 04/27/21 Page 21 of 26 PageID #: 13261

training or supervision, and a custom of tolerance or acquiescence of federal rights

violations, including, in this instance, the City of Dickson’s premeditated and public

commitment to violating the Plaintiff’s clearly established First Amendment rights and

its failure to remedy its unconstitutional conduct even after acquiring actual knowledge

that it had acted unconstitutionally.

91. Upon information and belief, the City of Dickson, through its employees,

engages in a clear and persistent pattern of unconstitutional action against those who

express views critical of law enforcement; it has notice or constructive notice of that fact;

it has tacitly approved of the unconstitutional conduct at issue, such that its deliberate

indifference can be said to amount to an official policy of inaction; and the City of

Dickson’s unconstitutional custom was the moving force or direct causal link in the

deprivation of the Plaintiff’s constitutional rights. This pattern specifically includes, but

is not limited to, the initiation of the investigation into the Plaintiff as well as the Plaintiff’s

subsequent arrest and prosecution, and it is evident from the Defendants’ requests to

other law enforcement agencies to launch investigations into individuals who contacted

the TBI to protest the Plaintiff’s treatment.

92. Upon information and belief, the City of Dickson fails to train or supervise

its employees to prevent constitutional violations like those the Plaintiff suffered, and it

provides training and supervision that is inadequate to prevent such violations.

93. The City of Dickson’s inadequate training is a result of the City of Dickson’s

deliberate indifference to federal constitutional rights. For example, the text message

exchange between two Defendants explicitly stating that even though the Plaintiff

exercised his First Amendment rights, he could still be subject to “consequences”—up to

and including prosecution and incarceration at the hands of the state—indicates a lack of


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272 Filed 04/27/21 Page 22 of 26 PageID #: 13262

understanding of the very nature of the First Amendment. Coupled with the City of

Dickson’s and its employees’ repeated violations of the Plaintiff’s and other citizens’ First

Amendment rights, this demonstrates a widespread pattern of ignorance of or deliberate

indifference to the First Amendment, indicating a widespread failure of training.

94. The City of Dickson’s inadequate training was closely related to or actually

caused the Plaintiff’s injury.

95. The City of Dickson has failed to promulgate appropriate policies or

procedures or take other measures to prevent violations of the First Amendment by its

employees, agents, or officers, and upon information and belief, no employee involved in

the Plaintiff’s false arrest, malicious prosecution, or unconstitutional retaliation,

including Defendant Arnold, has been disciplined for misconduct.

96. As a direct and proximate consequence of the City of Dickson’s failure to

develop, implement, and otherwise devise a policy of adequate training and/or

supervision for its employees, agents, and officers, the Plaintiff was deprived of his civil

and constitutional rights, privileges, and immunities and was subjected to criminal

prosecution and an extended period of unlawful incarceration. Properly trained and

supervised employees, agents, and officers would have known not to engage in the acts

which resulted in the deprivation of the Plaintiff’s civil and constitutional rights.

97. As a direct and proximate result of the customs, practices, and/or de facto

policies of the City of Dickson and the City of Dickson’s deliberate indifference to the

Plaintiff’s clearly established constitutional rights, the Plaintiff suffered damages.


98. The Plaintiff incorporates and realleges the foregoing allegations as if fully


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272 Filed 04/27/21 Page 23 of 26 PageID #: 13263

set forth herein.

99. Upon information and belief, Defendant Crouch desires to re-prosecute the

Plaintiff regarding this specific instance of protected speech and will seek his indictment

via direct presentment in the absence of an injunction prohibiting him from doing so.

100. Upon information and belief, Defendant Rausch will direct his agency’s

resources toward investigating the Plaintiff and anyone who expresses support for the

Plaintiff if Plaintiff again exercises his constitutional right to criticize law enforcement.

101. Upon information and belief, Defendant Rausch, acting in his official

capacity as the Director of and policymaker for TBI, demonstrated a clear and persistent

pattern of failing to discipline the TBI’s employees, agents, or officers for constitutional

violations, has policies that are insufficient to protect the constitutional rights of

individuals as those policies are applied and understood within the TBI, and/or actively

allows and participates in retaliation when citizens exercise their constitutionally

protected rights. This is evident from, among other things, the fact that every TBI

employee, agent, or officer involved in the tortious misconduct set forth in this Complaint

violated the Plaintiff’s clearly established First Amendment right to express an offensive

viewpoint regarding a matter of public concern. Each of those employees, agents, or

officers retaliated against Plaintiff and, upon information and belief, none of those

individuals was found to have violated a TBI policy thereafter. Each of those employees,

agents, or officers misused their positions as law enforcement agents by investigating

Plaintiff without reasonable articulable suspicion or probable cause that any crime had

occurred, and Director Rausch personally oversaw the implementation of these polices

and personally and expressly approved the actions of his employees in this matter.

102. Upon information and belief, Defendants Crouch, Rausch, and the City of


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272 Filed 04/27/21 Page 24 of 26 PageID #: 13264

Dickson may or will continue to pursue the investigation and prosecution of the Plaintiff

regarding this specific instance of protected speech absent an injunction.

103. If the Plaintiff continues to be investigated and prosecuted, the Plaintiff will

necessarily suffer immediate and irreparable harm, harm resulting from incarceration,

and harm resulting from having to defend against a false and malicious prosecution.

104. Because Defendants Crouch, Rausch and the City of Dickson have

previously subjected the Plaintiff to an investigation, arrest, and a prolonged period of

incarceration as a result of his exercise of clearly established First Amendment rights, and

because the Plaintiff credibly fears that he will experience the same consequences if he

exercises his clearly established First Amendment rights in the same manner again, the

Plaintiff’s speech will be irreparably chilled in the absence of a permanent injunction.

105. Remedies available at law, such as monetary damages, are inadequate to

compensate the Plaintiff for the injury to his First Amendment rights.

106. Considering the balance of hardships between the Plaintiff and Defendants

Crouch, Rausch, and the City of Dickson, a remedy in equity is warranted.

107. The public interest would not be disserved and would be furthered by a

permanent injunction forbidding Defendants Crouch, Rausch, and the City of Dickson

from taking adverse action against the Plaintiff as a result of his exercise of clearly

established First Amendment rights, which Defendants Crouch, Rausch, and the City of

Dickson have made clear they do not and will not respect.

108. The Plaintiff is additionally and alternatively entitled to declaratory relief

under both federal law and Tenn. Code Ann. § 1-3-121 for the same reasons. In the event

that this Court finds that injunctive relief is not warranted, the Plaintiff is still entitled to

declaratory relief sufficient to inform state and local law enforcement that the Plaintiff’s


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272 Filed 04/27/21 Page 25 of 26 PageID #: 13265

speech and expression are fully protected under the First Amendment and may not result

in the Plaintiff’s arrest, prosecution, or governmental retaliation of any kind.


WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff prays for the following relief:

1. That process issue, and that the Defendants be required to appear and

answer this Complaint within the time required by law;

2. That the Plaintiff be awarded all compensatory, consequential, incidental,

and punitive damages to which he is entitled in an amount not less than $1 million;

3. That the Plaintiff be awarded all costs and discretionary costs of trying this


4. That the Plaintiff be awarded his reasonable attorney’s fees pursuant to 42

U.S.C. § 1988(b);

5. That a jury of 12 be empaneled to try this cause;

6. That pre-judgment and post-judgment interest be awarded to the Plaintiff;

7. That permanent injunctive and declaratory relief issue; and

8. That the Plaintiff be awarded any and all further relief to which it appears

he is entitled.
Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Daniel A. Horwitz__________

Daniel A. Horwitz, BPR #032176
Lindsay B. Smith, BPR # 035937 (MDTN
admission pending)
4016 Westlawn Dr.
Nashville, TN 37209
[email protected]
[email protected]
(615) 739-2888

Attorneys for Plaintiff


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272 Filed 04/27/21 Page 26 of 26 PageID #: 13266

901 R.S. Gass Boulevard
Nashville, Tennessee 37216-2639
(615) 744-4000
Facsimile (615) 744-4500
TDD (615) 744-4001
Governor Director

Daniel A Horwitz, Esq. Via Email Only

[email protected]

March 16, 2021

Dear Mr. Horwitz,

This letter is in reference to your public records request related to Joshua Garton. Please
be informed we are in receipt of payment; as such, please find enclosed the final
installment of records responsive to your request. Redactions were made pursuant to
Tenn. Code Ann. §10-7-504(a)(2)(A).

As mentioned in our previous communications, pursuant to the above-mentioned

statute, “All investigative records of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation…shall be
treated as confidential and shall not be open to inspection by members of the public. The
information contained in such records shall be disclosed to the public only in compliance
with a subpoena or an order of a court of record.” As such, investigative records are not
considered public record and are not included herein. Additionally, records considered
confidential pursuant to attorney-client privilege are also not included.

This is the final installment of records. Therefore, your public records request is
considered fulfilled.


Heather Thorne
Professional Standards Unit
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 ACCREDITED

INTERNATIONALLY Filed 04/27/21 Page 1 of 136 PageID #: 13267
SINCE 1994
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
"Jh111 !:J.11il1 ~h ,,/111111 11,(1•11/"-' 11r1r i 111,,,l'e>"''-' s11/(u,·''


JANUARY 22, 2021 PHONE: (615) 744•4295 (OFFICE)
EMAIL: [email protected]


DICKSON COUNTY - Special Agents from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, working alongside investigators
from the Dickson Police Department, have arrested and charged a Lyles man accused of manufacturing and
disseminating a harassing photograph on social media.

At the request of 23 rd District Attorney General Ray Crouch, TBI Agents began investigating the origin of a
photograph that depicted individuals desecrating the grave of a deceased local law enforcement officer, Sgt.
Daniel Baker of the Dickson County Sheriff's Office. Agents subsequently visited Baker's gravesite this morning
and determined the photograph was digitally manufactured. Further investigative efforts led to the
identification of Joshua Andrew Garton (DOB 1-31-92) as the individual who manufactured the image and
distributed it on social media.

This afternoon, Agents arrested Garton and charged him with one count of Harassment and booked him into
the Dickson County Jail where, because of this charge and other, unrelated legal issues, he was being held on a
$76,000 bond.


Since 1980, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigat ion has served as the state's independent, lead law enforcement agency. Every day,
focused on the agency's core values of truth, bravery, and integrity, the TBl's approximately 600 employees provide a variety of
advanced criminal and drug investigative, forensic, and criminal justice services to assist local, state, and federal law enforcement
partners, to fulfill the agency's promise, " That Guilt Sholl Not £scape Nor Innocence Suffer." Learn more about the TBI online at, and connect with the agency on Facebook, Twitter, and lnstagram at @TBlnvestigation.

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 2 of 136 PageID #: 13268
Melany Martin

From: Leslie Earhart

Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2021 5:31 PM
To: David Rausch; Josh DeVine; Brad Nealon; Joshua J. Melton; Russ Winkler
Cc: Susan Niland; Keli McAlister
Subject: FYI - Dickson County case

Good evening,

I'm passing this article along in case you havent seen it.
I just wanted to make you aware.

Take care,

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 3 of 136 PageID #: 13269
2/5/2021 Joshua Andrew Garton Unconstitutionally Arrested by TBI

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Kenosha Police:
No, We
Shaman' Gets
~ uoge uen1es
- Ftll Cited
lnfoWars While
- Last-Minute
Did Not Tell Kyle Shipped to a Defense Attorney Charging Proud Appointee Sues
Rittenhouse to New Jail That's forQAnon Boys Leader In Joe Blden
Lie About Where WIiiing to Serve Adherent Capitol Siege. Claiming the
He's Living Him an Organic Accused of Here's What President Has
Diet Threatening to 'Ruffo Panman' No Authority to
Kill Nancy Pelosi Told Alex Jones. Fire Him

'Constitutionally Illiterate' Tennessee Authorities

Arrest Man For 'Posting an Anti-Police Meme' on
Social Media
JERRY LAMBE Jan 23rd, 2021, 5:07 pm 91

Joshua Andrew Garton


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Spec and
posting a fake photograph on social media depicting two men
urinating on the grave of a police officer who was tragically killed on
duty in 2018. The arrest, and subsequent bond demanded for his
(elease, outraged attorneys who were quick to point out that despite
being horrifically insensitive, the doctored photo in question is
undoubtedly protected under the First Amendment of the U.S.

"This morning, District Attorney General Ray Crouch requested the

TBI to investigate the origin of a troubling photograph, getting
considerable attention on social media, that seemed to depict
individuals desecrating the grave of a deceased local law
enforcement officer," the TBI tweeted Friday.

"Agents visited the gravesite and quickly determined the photograph

is not authentic. The TBl's work, however, continues and, to that end,
the Bureau would encourage anyone with information about who may
be responsible for manufacturing the image to call at 1-800-TBI-

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation O @TBI... · Jan 22, 2021 "!I

This morning, District Attorney General Ray Crouch requested
the TBI to investigate the origin of a troubling photograph,
getting considerable attention on social media, that seemed to
depict individuals desecrating the grave of a deceased local
law enforcement officer. (1/2}

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation 0


Agents visited the gravesite and quickly determined the

-'-'-•-'"''""""h :.- ,...,-♦ ....,,,-+h .... -+;,- Th,... TDl 1r ,.,.,... ..t, h_,.,,u,,., ...

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 5 of 136 PageID #: 13271
htlps:1/•for-pqstlng-an-anll•pollce-meme--on-soclal•medlal 2(19
2/5/2021 Joshua Andrew Ganon Unconstitutionally Arrested by TBI

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12:05 PM •Jan 22, 2021 from Franklin, TN <D


The bureau 's investigation led them to arrest Joshua Andrew Garton,
who they charged with Harassment and held on $76,000 bond.

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation O @TBI... • Jan 22, 2021 'W

Replying to @TBlnvestigation
Agents visited the gravesite and quickly determined the
photograph is not au,hentic. The TBl's work, however.
continues and, to that end, the Bureau would encourage
anyone with information about who may be respohSible for
manufacturing the image to call at 1-800-TBI-FIND. (2/2)

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation 0


UPDATE: Investigative efforts, by TBI and the Dickson

Police Department today, have led to a Harassment
charge for a man accused of doctoring and posting a

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 6 of 136 PageID #: 13272
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7:01 PM • Jan 22, 2021 CD

But as Tennessee attorney Danlel A. Horwitz, who specializes In First

Amendment litigation noted, the specific conduct the TBI arrested
Garton for is simply ''not a crime."

"The First Amendment clearly ahd unmistakably protects this man's

right to post an offensive photo about a police officer," Horwitz told
Law&Crime. "The only people Who broke the law here were the police
officers and TBI agents who participated in this flagrantly
unconstitutional arrest."


"This is the photo that our constitutionally illiterate law enforcement

officers think is a crime to share," Horwitz tweeted, attaching a
screenshot of the picture that resulted in Garton's arrest.

Daniel A. Horwitz @Scot_Blog • Jan 23, 2021

Replying to @Scot_Blog
To the surprise of no one, @TBlnvestigation was involved as

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 7 of 136 PageID #: 13273
hltps://•illllerale•lennessee-authorities-arrest•man•for-posting-en-anti-police-meme-on•social•media/ 4/19
2/5/2021 Josh1Ja Andrew Garton Unconstitutionally Arrested by TBI

~ _____

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Daniel A. Horwitz

This is the photo that our constitutionally illiterate law

enforcement officers think is a crime to share.

9:18 AM • Jan 23, 2021 CD

Additionally, under Tennessee law, harassing conduct requires

communications that result in a person being "frightened,
intimidated or emotionally distressed."

Asked how a deceased person could be the subject of criminal

harassment, Horwitz replied that the TBI and Dickinson Police
Department likely "set out to arrest [Garton] for one thing, quickly

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 8 of 136 PageID #: 13274
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Wh111 Val ch P tlca;;ts Su i,, 1h••



Bryan Stephenson

Oh. The photo is from a band's album cover (10 years

ago). Next up, they're gonna rally Tipper Gore to help
them prosecute NWA, Ice T, & 2 Live Crew.

Daniel A. Horwitz @Scot_Blog

This is not a crime.• @dicksonpolice. Get yourselves a lawyer.

\ 2:03 PM • Jan 23, 2021 <D


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 9 of 136 PageID #: 13275
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LIV h I IJ\V (. "

OffiC( Ca ncel
precedent set in Miller v. California, New York v. Ferber, and Ashcroft
v. Free Speech Coalition. The TBI said all questions regarding the
charges should be directed to the District Attorney's office. Crouch's
office has not responded to the inquiry at the time of publication.

[image via TBI]

Have a tip we should know? [email protected]

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Pmvious Pt~sf Nc:"'l Post

Jerry Lambe - Journalist

Jerry Lambe is a journalist at Law&Crime. He is a graduate of Georgetown University

and New York Law School and previously worked in financial securities compliance
and Civil Rights employment law.

Mori~ Stones bv Jerry L,rn1bc

91 Comments Law&Crlme i Dlsqus' Privacy Polley • Login v

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M,;1r 1onRowe ·10 days ago Cancel /\ II••··"'

Get $192 p/hour from C
payout of $24413 and l
Speedtall right after this payout... It Is really great Job I have ever had and you
won't for-give yourself if you do not check it


" v 1 • Reply • Share >

Myth Buster • 11 days ago

This is the scary thing. Too many people out there claiming lo love their country and are willtng to
fight to maintain their Constitutional Rights; yet, have never read the Founding Document, don't
even care to, so almost complete ignorance of what's in It and are so willing to abuse others'
1" v • Reply • Share ,

Mary Ziegler • 11 days ago

Get $192 p/hour from Google!... Yes this is Authentic since I just got my first
payout of $24413 and this was Just of a one week ... I have also purchased my McLaren
Speedtall right after this payout... It is really great job I have ever had and you
won't for-give yourself if you do not check it

>» >

"' v 1 • Reply • Share >

BIROFISH1 950 · 11 \Jays sgo

yes this does not shock me!III!
I have been a victlm of false arrest!!!!!
yes when i was a youngster i did get into some tussles with the police but not since 1971
because I found Jesus!!!!!!!
but not even 20 years ago the police came right to my house!
yes right to my house!
they said my grandbaby was making a racket with the music!
no this was not true because i was sleeping
and no l do not like young folks music but when i was young the old timers did not like my music
about 1Ooops came right into my apartment without even having a warrant and that racket dld
wake me up
when i demanded my rights and demanded all the badge numbers they arrested me!!ll1!!11
now they did not beat me with those sand filled gloves like when i was a kid
but they took me to the lockup
I chanted and prayed all night
the captain let me go in the morning!!!!!!!!!
and no i did not even get one penny for the false arrest!l!lfl!
this sort of thing happens every day!ll!!!I!!!!
I )(

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 13 of 136 PageID #: 13279
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yes just sl Cancel

and i did t

Dragonfattooz • 12 days.ago
Lucky guy. Make sure you invest some of your settlement money.
2" v • Reply • Share >

Ray Bluth · 12 days ago

I never knew the TBI was a thing. They react to their mistakes just like most LEO's, cover up or
scramble to find something they can charge this hapless fool with. We need LE O's but there
needs to be a better way to vet them.
2" ..., • Reply • Share >

malls1 ,+ Ray Bluth • 12 days ago • edited

Yeah every state has their own form of the FBI (TBf, CBI, NCSBl).Half the time Its part of
the State Police but the other half of the time. Its separate under the state AG.
2 " v • Reply , Share 1

taedlum_vitae • 12 days ego • edited

Loll Sweet payday coming to hlllbilly shooper.
3 " v • Reply • Share >

MindBender/Godspeed • 12 doys ago

Prosecutorlal misconduct. Too bad they have Immunity.
2 " v , Reply • Share >

Suplrist ..+ MlndBimder/Godspeeo • 12 days ago

The state doesn"t have immunity, this guy is gonna get paid!!
5 "' v • Reply • Share ,

MindBender/Godspeed ,+ Su~rist • 12 days ago

I hope you're right.
1 "' v • Reply • Share >

Mytllblaster • 12 (feys ago

Is It purely coincidental that TBI also means Traumatic Brain Injury?
2 "' v • Reply • Stiare >

BomperScruggs • 12 days ago

There are some first amendment lawyers salivating right now.
1 " v • Reply • Share >

ZombiePoster99 • 12 days ago

Where are the right Wingers screaming about government overreach?

12 "' ..., • Reply • Share,

Ooc2222 ,+ ZomblaPoster99 • 12 days ago

Yeah, I was wondering that myself...... ! thought It was only leftle, commie, socialists, blah,

1, X l

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 14 of 136 PageID #: 13280
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defendants will have to 1 Cancel

time off from normal acti
unpaid time off from wor
19 "'- v • Reply • Share 1

Martha Smith ,+ NlghlriderXP1 • 12 days ago

"You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride."
3 " v • Reply • Share ,

spg210 ..+ NfghtriderXP1 • 12 days ago• edite.d

Right. Then the defendant will definitely file a lawsuit for 1st Amendment violation, false
arrest, harassment, etc., which he will certainly win. The cops will quickly settle out of
court to avoid the public humlllation from a judge.
Easy money.
6 ,., v • Reply • Share ,

Nlghtrldet"XP1 ..+ spg210 • 12 days 1190

You may not be able to understand this, but a lot of Innocent Americans get
arrested and jailed every single day, yet few ever win Civil laWsuits. They're lucky if
they can avoid conviction. And once you're arrested, It goes on your permanent
record even if you win acquittal or the case is dropped. Some States allow you to
remove criminal records from your permanent record, but that can be costly too...
11 " v • Reply , Share >

Nlghtflyer ..+ NlghlrlderXP1 • 12 days ago

Some states have limits on how much they pay to persons who are wrongly
Imprisoned, once they cut you loose, too.

AND if you're wrongly imprisoned and cut loose, you do not qualify for
rehab benefits and assistance given to parolees, which includes mental
health counseling and job training or job-finding.
3 " v • Reply • Share >

NfghtriderXP1 ,+ Nightflyer • 12 days ago • edited

I was a victim of a false arrest a few years ago. I was assaulted by a couple
or teenagers while I was walking my dogs at a local park. I called 911. So
did they. And they convinced the officer that responded to their call that I
had assaulted them. There was plenty of evidence in their public record
that they had a history of doing what they did to me, but for whatever
reason, their responding officer believed them even though my record is
cleah. The officerthat responded to my 911 call claimed that he believed
me so I'm not really sure why I ended up being arrested. II cost $4500 to
hire lawyers for my defense. Eventually, my lawyer got the case dropped,
but the lawyer said that the police wouldn't go baok and arrest the kids for
what they did to me. I wlll never unders1and why not. I found out how easy
it is to be wrongly accused of a crime from that experience. We almost
need to be wearing body cams whenever in public to protect ourselves
from crap like that. The guy from the coupte had recently gotten out of jait.
The cops should have been abte to see that on their computers before they
picked sides ...


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 15 of 136 PageID #: 13281 12/19
2/5/2021 Joshua Andrew Garton Unconstitutionally Arrested by IBI

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my attacKers Knew now to play the game. The guy·s mother Is also a
sleezebalL She has a long criminal record yet for whatever reason, she
remains free. According to the mother, both kids did the same thing lo her.
Her protective orders against both of the kids was publicly viewable onllne,
which is why the cops should have been able to read them too...
3 ;,, " • Reply , Share ,

Collectivist ..+ Nightr1derXP1 • 11 days ago

2 ;,, v , Reply • Share 1

Julie G .+ NlghlrlderXP1 • 11 days ago

I could tell you some stories, but it would just get me steamed all over
again. I'll just say, the boys in my family are magnets for LEO harrassment,
maybe because they won't suffer fools no matter what unmarked unlfomis
they wear.
3 .,.., v • Reply • Share 1

NightriderXP1 ..+ Julfe G • 11 days ago • edited

Perhaps they need to start wearing body cams in public at all times too.
LEOs know that they can gel away with murder and they know how much a
false arrest can cost their victims. They often make up their own laws out of
whole cloth, then enforoe them. The only way for them to get away with it is
when no one pushes back. Qualifled immunity needs to stop and the many
bad apples In LE need to be sued and removed. It's hard to argue that
there are a lot of good apples in LE when few will stand up to the bad
6 "- v • Reply • Shere >

Manha Smith ..+ spg210 • 12 days a_go

I which he will certainly win.
Nope. The cops have qualified immunity, as do the prosecutors.
2 " v • Reply • Share 1

Micheal Pelt .+ Martha Smith • 12 days ago

The qualified Immunity Is criminal law, not civil law. Qualified immunity does
not protect them from being sued Into the dirt.
3 ;,, v • Reply • Share 1

dreamjoehfll2 ..+ Micheal Pell • 11 days ago

Your interpretation of qualified immunity is wrong. Qualified immunity
applies to civil law as well.

"Qualified immunity is a judicially created doctrine that shields government

officials from being held personally liable for constitutional vlo!alions-like
the right to be free from excessive police force-for money damages under
fc:af'io.ral l!a,u c:n lnr,n A~ the:) n ffit"' tii,i nn♦ \ 'r-l~~rh, ~c::♦::ihli~hoti' •~-"''

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 16 of 136 PageID #: 13282
hltps;//lawandcrime.corn/crazy/constilulionally-ililterate-tennessee-authorities-arrest-man-for..posllng-an•antl-police-meme-on-social•media/ 13/19
2/5/2021 Joshua Andrew Garton UnconsliMionally Arrested by TBI

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BetterThanFabuloso · 12 days ago

Looks like an insurrectionist

Lock him up
2 " v 6 • Reply • Share >

booyahcooservatlve · 12 days 1190

These cops acted worse than the protesters who got upset over cartoon Muhammad
5 r.. V · Reply • Share >

Smlles • 12 days ago

Law enforcement is corrupt from the top down.

IF 99% of law enforcement are "great people" ... they sure do seem to stand around and protect
a two tier justice system along with their blue wall.
8 " v • Reply • Share >

frNelomar ,+ Smiles • 12 days 8!10

This is the basis of the BLM and aotifa protests.
10,,.. v • Reply · ShareJ

SmRes -+ FrNetomar • 12 days ago

You mean the same people that police did hardly anything to the past year and a
half they have been looting, rioting and burning things down ?
2 ,.. v 12 • Repty • Share >

2words1flnger ,+ Smlles • 11 <;lays ago

Well, we know wt,o you voted for now. Thanks for outing your..etf.
,.. V • Reply • Share ,

FrNelomar ..+ Smiles • 12 days ago

(shrugs) Those people were arrested, and prosecuted. They represent a
tiny fraction of the protesters. 100% of the insurrectionists who ehtered the
capitol committed felonies.

Perspectlve, please.
10 ,.. v 3 • Reply • Share >

Smile s -+ FrNelomar • 12 days ago

No. those people really weren't arrested as you claim and they certainty
were not prosecuted. Many of those that attacked a Federal Court House
for nearly a week es(;<lped ever being charged. Who was arrested for
settlng fi re to the historical church In DC ?

It has been widely seen on video officers opening gates and allowing
protesters Into the US Capitol. It will be interesting to see those videos
surface at trial.
2" v 8 • Reply • Share >

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 17 of 136 PageID #: 13283
hltps:/ 14/19
2/5/2021 Joshua Andrew Garton Unconstitutionally Arrested by TBI

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Satanlc_Hamster ..+Smiles• 12 days ago

You don't actually get any of your news outside of Brletbart, do you?
4 " ; v • Reply • Share >

BetterThanfabuloso • 12 days ego

You have to give credit to Kamala

Even In this #MeToo era, she proved that you can still rkk your way to the top
i .v 13 • Reply • Shere>
2 ,...

Bruce Rogle ..+ BetterThanFabuloso • 12 days ego

WIiiie Brown appointed her California Attorney General? Who knew.
1 " r v • Reply• Share>

ADDISON GAINOUS .+ BelterThanFabuloso • 12 days ago

My guess is you are Jealous because YOU would not be able to sleep your way through to
top garbage collector at the dump.
2" J v 1 • Reply • Share>

Lincoln Rhyme • 12 days ago

Top of Today

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 18 of 136 PageID #: 13284•llliterate-tennessee-authorities•arrest-man-for•posting•an-anti-police-meme-0n-social-media/ 15/19
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Trump Defense Lawyer Responds to Democratic Request for Former President to Testify Under Oath During
Impeachment Tribunal

Trump-Supporting Florist Who Admittedly Stormed Pelosl's Office Asked Court for Permission to Go to
Mexico. Now She's Been Indicted.

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 19 of 136 PageID #: 13285•social-media/ 16/19
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Melany Martin

From: David Rausch

Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2021 6:05 PM
To: Joshua J. Melton
Cc: Russ Winkler; Brad Nealon
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Threats to law enforcement

Thank you

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 24, 2021, at 5:16 PM, Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]> wrote:

Thank you Russ. I will continue to pass this along.

Thanks, Josh

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 24, 2021, at 5:36 PM, Russ Winkler <[email protected]> wrote:


Begin forwarded message:

From: Joe Craig <[email protected]>

Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:30:32 PM CST
To: Russ Winkler <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Threats to law enforcement

You may want to forward up the chain.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andy Davis <[email protected]>

Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:28:22 PM CST
To: Ray Crouch <[email protected]>, Joe Craig
<[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL) Fwd: Threats to law enforcement

Sent from my iPhone

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 23 of 136 PageID #: 13289
Begin forwarded message:

From: Christopher Lashlee

<[email protected]>
Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:26:13 PM
To: All Sheriffs Office
<[email protected]>
Subject: Threats to law enforcement

Today we received several phone

patches through dispatch and through
the jail where individuals are making
threats against Law Enforcement
officers. These threats are stemming
from the arrest of Joshua Garton and
the posts he had put on social media.
There is a group that calls
themselves "The Watch Dog" and
another individual by the name of
William R. Lord that are making threats
towards us. They stated that it doesn't
matter if we are in uniform or not that
we better watch our backs and that
they would rather take care of us from
a distance. Be Vigilant and watch your

Cpl. Lashlee

Confidentiality Notice:
The information contained in this email message and any attachment(s) ,s
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The information contained in this email message and
any attachment(s) is the property of Dickson County
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Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 24 of 136 PageID #: 13290
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All Email Scanned by Barracuda Spam/ Virus Filter

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 25 of 136 PageID #: 13291
Melany Martin

From: Joshua J. Melton

Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 12:19 PM
To: Brad Nealon; David Rausch
Subject FW: Revised Statement?

The below is what is going out to the media.

-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Devine <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, January 22, 202111:52 AM
To: Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]>; Russ Winkler <[email protected]>
Subject: Revised Statement?

This morning, District Attorney General Ray Crouch requested the TBI to investigate the origin of a troubling photograph,
getting considerable attention on social media today, that seemed to depict individuals desecrating the grave of a
deceased local law enforcement officer.

Agents visited the gravesite this morning and quickly determined the photograph is not authentic. The TBl's
investigation, however, continues and, to that end, the Bureau would encourage anyone with information about who
may be responsible for manufacturing the image to contact the TBI at 1-800-TBI-FIND.

Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos and brevity. Thanks!

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 26 of 136 PageID #: 13292
Melany Martin

From: David Rausch

Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 12:49 PM
To: Joshua J. Melton
Cc: Brad Nealon
Subject: Re: Revised Statement?

Thank you

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 22, 2021, at 1:19 PM, Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]> wrote:
> The below is what is going out to the media.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Josh DeVine <[email protected]>
> Sent: Friday, January 22, 202111:52 AM
> To: Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]>; Russ Winkler <[email protected]>
> Subject: Revised Statement?
> This morning, District Attorney General Ray Crouch requested the TBI to investigate the origin of a troubling
photograph, getting considerable attention on social media today, that seemed to depict individuals desecrating the
grave of a deceased local law enforcement officer.
> Agents visited the gravesite this morning and quickly determined the photograph is not authentic. The TBl's
investigation, however, continues and, to that end, the Bureau would encourage anyone with information about who
may be responsible for manufacturing the image to contact the TBI at 1-800-TBI-FIND.
> Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos and brevity. Thanks!

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 27 of 136 PageID #: 13293
Melany Martin

From: Brad Nealon

Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 1:02 PM
To: Joshua J. Melton
Cc: David Rausch
Subject Re: Revised Statement?

Thank you

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 22, 2021, at 1:19 PM, Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]> wrote:
> The below is what is going out to the media.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Josh DeVine <[email protected]>
> Sent: Friday, January 22, 202111:52 AM
> To: Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]>; Russ Winkler <[email protected]>
> Subject: Revised Statement?
> This morning, District Attorney General Ray Crouch requested the TBI to investigate the origin of a troubling
photograph, getting considerable attention on social media today, that seemed to depict individuals desecrating the
grave of a deceased local law enforcement officer.
> Agents visited the gravesite this morning and quickly determined the photograph is not authentic. The TBl's
investigation, however, continues and, to that end, the Bureau would encourage anyone with information about who
may be responsible for manufacturing the image to contact the TBI at 1-800-TBI-FIND.
> Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos and brevity. Thanks!

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 28 of 136 PageID #: 13294
Melany Martin

From: Josh DeVine

Sent: Friday, February 5, 2021 6:56 AM
To: Joe Crc~ig; Russ Winkler; Joshua J. M elton; Brad Nealon; David Rausch
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Public Records Request Re: Joshua Garton

Good morning, all.

Jeanne's team has this, but I wanted to be sure you were immediately aware, as well.

Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos and brevity, Thanks I

Begin forwarded message:

From: Josh DeVine <[email protected]>

Date; February 5, 2021 at 5:27:02 AM CST
To: TBI Public Records <T81.Pub1icRecords@tn .gov>
Cc: Jeanne Broadwell <[email protected]_ov>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL) Public Records Request Re: Joshua Garton


Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos and brevity. Thanks I

Begin forwarded message:

From: Daniel Horwitz <[email protected]>

Date: February 4, 2021 at 11:40:13 PM CST
To: TBI Media <[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL} Public Records Request Re: Joshua Garton

...... Th1s 1s an EXTERNAL email. Ploase exercise caution. DO NOT open

attachments or click links from unknown senders or unexpected email - STS-
Security. "".-

Mr. OeVlne:

This is a public records request for any and all documents in your possession or any
other employee ofthe TBl's possession concerning or relating in any way to Joshua
Garton. The time period of this request is January 20, 2021 until the present. This
request includes all text messages, emails, and private or direct messages. If you claim
an exemption regarding any responsive record, please identity the basis for the claimed
exemption in detail.

A litigation hold notice to you and others will follow upon production.

All the best,

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 29 of 136 PageID #: 13295
, ,.., I f

-Daniel Horwitz

Daniel A. Horwitz, Esq.

[email protected]

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 30 of 136 PageID #: 13296
Melany Martin

From: Joshua J. Melton

Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2021 9:13 PM
To: Jeanne Broadwell
Cc: Brad Nealon; David Rausch; Russ Winkler
Subject: fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton Lawsuit
Attachments: Litigation Hold Notice Re J. Garton Lawsuit (2-4 -21).pdf


Please see the attached legal communication.

Thanks, Josh

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joe Craig <[email protected]>

Date: February 4, 2021 at 8:18:17 PM CST
To: "Joshua J. Melton" <[email protected]>, Russ Winkler <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton Lawsuit

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joseph Craig <[email protected]>

Date: February 4, 2021 at 8:14:32 PM CST
To: Joe Craig <[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton Lawsuit

"** Thi s is an EXTERNAL email. Please e)(erclse caution. DO NOT open

attachments or click links from unknown senders or unexpected email - STS-
Securlty, •~•

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Daniel Horwitz <daniel.a.horwitz@gmai >
Date: Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 2:19 PM
Subject: litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton Lawsuit
To: <TipsToTBl@tn .gov>, <fcraig(>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>

Dear Forthcoming Defendant:

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 31 of 136 PageID #: 13297
Please find a litigation hold notice attached.

All the best,

-Daniel Horwitz

Daniel A. Horwitz, Esq.

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 32 of 136 PageID #: 13298
Melany Martin

From: David Rausch

Sent: Friday, February 5, 2021 7:31 AM
To: Melany Martin
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton Lawsuit
Attachments: Litigatio n Hold Not ice Re J. Garton Lawsuit (2-4-21 ).pdf

Mel, please check my email and print any records on this subject. Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Joshua J. Melton" <[email protected]>

Date: February 4, 2021 at 10:13:11 PM EST
To: Jeanne Broadwell <[email protected]>
Cc: Brad Nealon <[email protected]>, David Rausch <[email protected]>, Russ Winkler
<[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton Lawsuit


Please see the attached legal communication.

Thanks, Josh

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joe Craig <[email protected]>

Date: February 4, 2021 at 8:18:17 PM CST
To: "Joshua J. Melton" <[email protected]>, Russ Winkler
<[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joseph Craig <[email protected]>

Date: February 4, 2021 at 8:14:32 PM CST
To: Joe Craig <[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J.
Garton Lawsuit

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 33 of 136 PageID #: 13299
... This Is an EXTERNAL email. Please exercise caution. DO NOT
open attachments or click links from unknown senders or
unexpected email - STS-Security. ***

---------- Forwarded message --------

From: Daniel Horwitz <[email protected] rn>
Date: Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 2:19 PM
Subject: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton Lawsuit
To: <[email protected]>, <jcraig@cu>,
<cop@d>, <[email protected]>

Dear Forthcoming Defendant:

Please find a litigation hold notice attached.

All the best,

-Daniel Horwitz

Daniel A. Horwitz, Esq.

[email protected]

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 34 of 136 PageID #: 13300
From: Joshua J. Melton
To: Heather Thorne
Subject: FW: nn News Release • Dickson County - Joshua Garton
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 7:26:44 PM
Attachments: 1ma9e001.png
1-22-21 Dickson Harassment <Joshua Garton).odr
Joshua Garton ,PNG

From: Joshua J. Melton

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 7:23 PM
To: Heather Thorne <Heather, [email protected]>
Subject: FW: TBI News Release - Dickson County - Joshua Garton

Another one with attachments

From: Josh Devine <losh [email protected]>

Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 7:06 PM
To: Joe Craig <[email protected]>; Russ Winkler <Russ [email protected]>
Cc: Ray Crouch (wrcrouch1@tndagcorg) <wrcrouch@toda€c org>
Subject: TBI News Release - Dickson County- Joshua Garton


DICKSON COUNTY ~ Special Agents from the Tennessee Bureau of lnvestigatTon, working alongside
investigators from the Dickson Police Department, have arrested and charged a Lyles man accused
of manufacturlng and disseminating a harassing photograph on social media.

At the request of 23 rd District Attorney General Ray Crouch, TBI Agents beg;m invest igat ing
the origin of a phot ograph that depicted individuals desecrating the grave of a deceased local
law enforcement officer, Sgt. Daniel Baker of the Dickson County Sheriff's Office. Agents
subsequently visited Baker's gravesite this morning and det ermined the photograph was
digitally manufactured . Further investigative efforts led to the identification of Joshua And rew
Garton {DOB 1-31-92} as the individual who manufactured the image and distributed it on
social media .

This afternoon, Agents arrested Ga rton and charged him with one count of Ha rassment and
booked him into t he Dickson County Jail where, ~ecause of this charge and other, unrelat ed
legal issues, he was being held on a $76,000 bond.


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 35 of 136 PageID #: 13301
Josh DeVine I Communications Director
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
901 R.S. Gass Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37216
OFFICE: (61S} 744-4295

''To unsubscribe from the TBIMEDIA list, send an email to [email protected] and type
"Unsubscribe TBIMEDIA" in the message body. To subscribe to the TBIMEDIA list, send an email to
[email protected] and type "Subscribe TBIMEDIA" in the message body."

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 36 of 136 PageID #: 13302
horn: Joshua J. Melton
To: Heather Thome
Subject: FW: Release - Please Review
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 202.1 7:30:15 PM
Attachments: imaae001.ona

From: Josh Devine <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, January 22, 20215:40 PM
To: Russ Winkler <Russ.Winkler@tn .gov>; Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]>
Subject: Release - Please Review

Given the sensitivity of this one, could you please review this draft of the release.
Josh DeVine


DICKSON COUNTY - Special Agents from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation have arrested and
charged a Lyles man accused of manufacturing and disseminating a harassing photograph on social

At t he request of 23 rd District Attorney Genera[ Ray Crouch, TBI Agents began invest igating
the origin of a photograph that depicted individuals desecrating the grave of a deceased local
law enforcement officer, Sgt. Dan iel Baker of the Dickson County Sheriff's Office. Agents
subsequent ly visit ed Baker's gravesite this morning and determined the photograph was not
authentic. Further investigat ive efforts led to the identificat ion of Joshua Andrew Garton (DOB
1-31-92) as the individual who manufactured t he image and distributed it on social media.

Th is afternoon, Agents arrested Garton and charged him with one count of Harassment and
booked him into t he Dickson County Jail where, because of this charge and other, un related
legal issues, he was being held on a $76,000 bond.

Josh DeV1ne I Communications Director

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
901 R.S. Gass Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37216
OFFICE: (615) 744-4295

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 37 of 136 PageID #: 13303
From: JQShua J. Melton
To: Heather Thome
Subject: FW: Revised Statement?
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 7:32:43 PM

•··•-Original Message-----
From: Russ Winkler <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 12:00 PM
To: Josh DeVine <[email protected]>
Cc: Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Revised Statement?

Looks good to me.

> On Jan 22, 202 1, at 11:52 AM, Josh DeVine <[email protected]> wrote:
> This morning, District Attorney General Ray Crouch requested the TB! to investigate the origin of a troubling
photograph, getting considerable attention on social media today, that seemed to depict individuals desecrating the
grave of a deceased local law enforcement officer.
> Agents visited the gravesite this morning and quickly determined the photograph is not authentic. The TBl's
investigation, however, continues and, to that end, the Bureau would encourage anyone with information about who
may be responsible for manufacturing the image to contact the TBI at 1-800-TBI-FIND.
> Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos and brevity. Thanks!

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 38 of 136 PageID #: 13304
From: Joshua J. Melton
To: Heather Thorne
Subject: FW: ReVised Statement?
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 7:39: 11 PM

-···•Original Message•-·
From: Joshua J. Melton
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 12:19 PM
To: Brad Nealon <[email protected]>; David Rausch <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Revised Statement?

The below is what is going out to the media.

•----Original Message--•··
From: Josh DeVine <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, January 22, 202 I 11: 52 AM
To: Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]>; Russ Winkler <[email protected]>
Subject: Revised Statement?

This morning, District Attorney General Ray Crouch requested the TB! to investigate the origin ofa troubling
photograph, gelling considerable attention on social media today, that seemed to depict individuals desecrating the
grave of a deceased local law enforcement officer.

Agents visited the gravesite this morning and quickly determined the photograph is not authentic. The TBl's
investigation, however, continues and, to that end, the Bureau would encourage anyone with information about who
may be responsible for manufacturing the image to contact the TBI at 1-800-TBI-FIND.

Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos and brevity. Thanks!

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 39 of 136 PageID #: 13305
From: Joshua J. Melton
To: Heather Jboroe
Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL) Fwd: Litigation Heid Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton Lawsuit
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 7:27:52 PM
Attachments: Lit:lgation Hokl Notjce Be J Garton Lawsuit t2+21).odf

From: Joshua J. Melton

Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2021 9:13 PM
To: Jeanne Broadwell <[email protected]>
Cc: Brad Nealon <[email protected]>; David Rausch <[email protected]>; Russ Winkler
<[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd : Litigation Hold Notice Re: ForthcomingJ. Garton Lawsuit


Please see the attached legal communication.

Thanks, Josh

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joe Craig <[email protected]>

Date: February 4, 2021 at 8:18:17 PM CST
To: "Joshua J. Melton" <[email protected]>, Russ Winkler
<[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joseph Craig <[email protected]>

Date: February 4, 2021 at 8:14:32 PM CST
To: Joe Craig <Joe,Crajg@to gov>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J.
Garton Lawsuit

u• This is an EXTERNAL email. Please exercise caution. DO NOT open

attachments or click links from unknown senders or unexpected email -
STS-Security. ~••

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 40 of 136 PageID #: 13306
-------- Forwarded message--------
From : Daniel Horwitz <daniel.a.horwitz@gmail com>
Date: Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 2:19 PM
Subject: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton Lawsuit
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>-

Dear Forthcoming Defendant:

Please find a litigation hold notice attached.

All the best,

~Daniel Horwitz

D aniel A. Horwitz, Esq.

[email protected]

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 41 of 136 PageID #: 13307
From: Joshua J. Melton
To: Heather Thome
Subject: FW: [EXTERNA.L] Public Records Request Re: Joshua Garton
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 7:27:41 PM

From: Josh DeVine <Josh.DeVine@tn .gov>

Sent: Friday, February 5, 2021 6:56 AM
To: Joe Craig <[email protected]>; Russ Winkler <[email protected]>; Joshua J. Melton
<Joshua.J [email protected]>; Brad Nealon <Brad.Nealon@tn .gov>; David Rausch
<[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL) Publlc Records Request Re: Joshua Garton

Good morning, all.

Jeanne's team has this, but I want ed to be sure you were immediately aware, as well.

Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos and brev1ty. Thanks!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Josh DeVlne <Josh [email protected]>

Date: Febr uary 5, 202 1 at 5:27:02 AM CST
To: TBI Public Records <TBLPublicRecords@tn •.gov>
Cc: Jeanne Broadwell <JPanne Broadwell@tn gov>
Subject: Fwd: (EXTERNAL} Public Records Request Re: Joshua Garton


Sent from my IPhone. Please excuse any typos and brevity. Thanks!

Begin forw arded message:

From: Daniel Horwitz <d;miel a.horwitz@smajl,com>

Date: Febr uary 4, 2021 at 11:40:13 PM CST
To: TBI Media <TBI.Media@tn gay>
Subject: (EXTERNAL] Public Records Request Re: Joshua Garton

""" This is an EXTERNAL email. Please exercise caution. DO NOT open

attachments or click links from unknown senders or unexpected email -
STS-Security. """

Mr. Devine:

This is a public records request for any and all documents in your

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 42 of 136 PageID #: 13308
possession or any other employee of the TBl's possession concerning or
relating in any way to Joshua Garton. The time period of this request is
January 20, 2021 until the present. This request includes all text
messages, emails, and privat e or direct messages. If you claim an
exemption regarding any responsive record, please identity the basis for
the claimed exemption in detail.

A litigation hold notice to you and others will follow upon production.

All the best,

-Daniel Horwitz

Daniel A. Horwitz, Esq.

[email protected]
www.danielhorwitz com

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 43 of 136 PageID #: 13309
f rom : Joshua J. Melton
To: Heather Thome
Subject: FW: [EXTI:RNALJ Fwd: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton Lawsuit
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 7:28:03 PM
Attachments: L~ioatlon Hold Notice Re J. Garton Lawsuit f2-4·21\.Qdf

From: Joe Craig <[email protected]>

Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2021 8:18 PM
To: Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]>; Russ Winkler <Russ.Winkler>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fw d: Litigatio n Hold Notice Re: ForthcomingJ . Garton Lawsuit

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forw arded message:

From: Josep h Cr aig <[email protected]>

Date: February 4, 2021 at 8:14:32 PM CST
To: Joe Craig <Joe Crais@tn gov>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton Lawsuit

_. This is an EXTERNAL email. Please exercise caution. DO NOT open attachments

or click links from unknown senders or unexpected email• STS-Security. *0

- - - Forwarded message -·--·-

From: Daniel Horwit z <daoiela,[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 2:19 PM
Subject: litigatio n Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton Lawsuit
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,

Dear Forthcoming Defendant:

Pl ease find a litigation hold notice attached.

AJJ the best,

-Daniel Horwitz

Daniel A. H orwitz, Esq.

daniel a bw:witz@grnail com

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 44 of 136 PageID #: 13310

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 45 of 136 PageID #: 13311
From: Joshua J, Melton
To: Heather Thorne
Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcomfng J. Garton Lawsuit
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 7:28:47 PM
Attachments: Litigation Hold Notice Re J. Garton Lawsultr2+21).odf

From: Joe Crafg <[email protected]>

Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2021 8:18 PM
To: Joshua J.Melton<[email protected]>; Russ Winkler<[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton Lawsuit

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joseph Craig <Jcra/[email protected]>

Date: February 4, 2021 at 8:14:32 PM CST
To: Joe Craig <[email protected]>
Subject: [EKTERNAL] Fwd: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcoming J. Garton Lawsuit

...._. This is an EXTERNAL email. Please exercise caution. DO NOT open attachments
or click links from unknown senders or unexpected email • STS-Security. " 0

---------- Forwarded message -----

From : Daniel Horwitz <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 2:19 PM
Subject: Litigation Hold Notice Re: Forthcomfng J. Garton Lawsuit
To: <JipsJoJBl@tn.~ov>, <jccaig@cuo,berland edu>, <cop@dicksonpd,oce>,
<[email protected]>

Dear Forthcom ing Defendant:

Please find a litigation hold notice attached

All the best,

-Daniel Horwitz

Daniel A. Horwitz, Esq.

daoiel a honvii-z@gmail mm

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 46 of 136 PageID #: 13312

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 47 of 136 PageID #: 13313
From: Joshua J Melton
To: Heather Thome
Subject: FW: L£ SenS1tlve
Date: Tuesday, February l6, 2021 7:28:58 PM
Attachments: ReoortsearchBmort Garton Complaint caus.x1sx

From: Russ Winkler <[email protected]>

Sent: Monday, January 25, 202112:32 PM
To: Joe Craig <.Joe,[email protected]>; Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: LE Sensitive

From: Michael Frizzell <[email protected]>

Sent: Monday, Jan uary 25, 2021 8:31 AM
To: Russ Winkler <RussWinkler@tn gov>
Subject: LE Sensitive

The attachment contains two worksheet tabs: 1) Dut y Officer Calls; 2) Syst em call logs.

We have received a total of 21 calls from 8 unique numbers, which began on Saturday, January 23rd .

M ichael D. Frizzel l
Tennessee Bureau of {nvestigation
Special Agent-in -Charge
Protective Services Unit
90J RS. Gass Blvd
Nashville, TN 37216

615.744.4000 - Main
615.744.4088 - Office
615.521.0811 - Cell

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 48 of 136 PageID #: 13314


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 49 of 136 PageID #: 13315
l:1 Start ~ate· •. j -·:'1
~,f'?;:·, Duration .'!;J!i Extension.Used ·:,..~ Dialed/CU number }>:, ,(•.',~ Cali d~llnation · ;'!\ Call direction Call type Trui;I<~ Cost ,,~•:/~-.:1
l/23/2021 09:54:30 AM 00:08:30 3311 816-401-3585 KANSASCITY, MO INCOMING Incoming 601001 $0.00
~124! 202'1 08:ZS:42 :6.M 00!01:18. 3311. 5,03-805·80.78 P0fiTLANO, OR INCOMING lncomfng C?OlOOI $MO
1/24/2!)21 08:'27:00 AM 00,01:00 3:lll 503-805·8078 PORTLAND, 0R- INCOMING lrfCOinlr;lg 601001 $0.00
1-/24/21m 08:28; 36AM 00:01:24 3311 5(')3-805-elrl8 PORlLANO, OR INC0MING 111.comlng 601001 S0:00
1/24/202108:31:QOAM 00:01:00 3311 503-805'-8078 P<:>RMN[?, OR INCOMIN.G Incoming 601001 $0.00
l/24/2021 09:39:30 AM 00:05:30 3311 732-662-0310 METUCHEN, NJ INCOMING Incoming 601001 so,oo
1/24/2021 01:15:48 PM 00:03:l2 S510 586-610·3308 MT CLEMENS, Ml INCOMING Incoming 601001 $0-90
1/24/202101:17:00 PM 00:00:00 3911 586-610-3308 MT CLEMENS, Ml INCOMING Incoming 609021 $0,00
l/24/2021 01.:25:18 PM 00:01:42 3311 214-874-5605 DALLAS, TX INCOMING Incoming 601001 $0.00
l/24/2021 01:37:06PM 00:01:54 3311 214-874-5605 DALLAS, TX INCOMING Incoming 601001 $0,00
1/24/202103:48:30 PM 00:01:30 3311 209-263-7235 LODl,CA INCOMING Incoming 601001 $0.00
1/'1:4/,20'll 07:63:S6 P.M 00:0Ch24 3312 850-'148-8656 PENS~COLA, FL II\IC0MING lh§omlng. 60~001 $0.00
1{2~1021, 07:SS,42 Pr-,1 G0:0Ch18 3312 8,S0•7~!Wl656 P~NSACOLA, Fil INGOMING IOOO.mlr,ig 601002 .$0.QO
1/24/2021 07:S8:54PM 00:00100 301-1 850-748-86S6 PENSACOl!A, FL INCOMIJIIG lheomlns· 601001 $0.!)0
1/~4/,2021 O'l:59!00 PM 00:00:00 :m1 850-748-8656 f>ENSA.E:01:A, FL IN.GOMING Incoming 601001 So.oo
1/24/20M._07;5S-:OO PM 00:._00;00 3311 8S0-7ll8-81i56 PENS~CC!ll!A, ~L IN.C0MING lncoml;ng 6Ql001 $0.00
ll2f+/2.02-1 Q7;59:5~ PM 00:00:06 33-12 850.748-8656 PENSACOLA, FL INCdMING lhaomlng 601001 $0.00
l/24/2021 Q8100:00 PM oo:9g:09 3311 SS(),-748·8656 PEfilSACO~FL IN<i:0MING l~pmlng 601002 $0.00
~/24(2021 08:00:00 PM 00:00':00 3312 850-748-8656 PENSACOLA, FL INCOMING 1(1<:0mlng 601001 $0,00
a/24/2'021 08:00:00 PM ® 106:001 331J 850-748-8656 PEN.SMOLA, R INC::OMING Incoming 6.01001 St>.00
1/25/2.02112:06:18 AM 00:01:42 3312 267-393-4275 YARDLEY, PA INCOMING Incoming 601001 $0.00

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 50 of 136 PageID #: 13316
From: Joshua J. Melton
To: Heather Thome
Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Threats to law enforcement
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 7:29:22 PM

From: Brad Nealon <[email protected]>

Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2021 7:41 PM
To: Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]>
Cc: Russ Winkler <[email protected]>; David Rausch <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL) Fwd: Threats to law enforcement

Thank the

Sent from my i Phone

On Jan 24, 2021, at 6:16 PM, Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]> wrote:

Thank you Russ. I will continue to pass this along.

Thanks, Josh

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 24, 2021, at 5:36 PM, Russ Winkler <[email protected]> wrote:


Begin forwarded message:

From: Joe Craig <[email protected]>

Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:30:32 PM CST
To: Russ Winkler <Russ.Winkler@tn .~oy>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Threats to law

You may want to forward up the chain.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 51 of 136 PageID #: 13317
From: Andy Davis
<[email protected]>
Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:28:22 PM CST
To: Ray Crouch <[email protected]>, Joe
Craig <.Joe.Craig@tn gov>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Threats to law

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Christopher Lashlee

<[email protected]>
Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:26:13
To: All Sheriffs Office
<[email protected]>
Subject: Threats to law

Today we received several

phone patches through dispatch
and through the jail where
individuals are making threats
against Law Enforcement officers.
These threats are stemming from
the arrest of Joshua Garton and
t he posts he had put on social
media. There is a group that calls
themselves "The Watch Dog" and
another individual by the name of
William R. lord that are making
threats towards us. They stated
that it doesn't matter if we are in
uniform or not that we better
watch our backs and that they
would rather take care of us from
a distance. Be Vigilant and watch
your six.

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 52 of 136 PageID #: 13318
Cpl. Lashlee

Confidentiality Notice:
The information contained in this email message and any
attachment(s) is the property of Dickson County
and may be protected by federal laws governing disclosure of
private information It is intended solely
for the use of the entity to whom this email is addressed. If you
are not the intended recipient,
you are hereby notified that reading, copying or distribution of
this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
The sender has not waived any applicable privilege by sending
the accompanying transmission
If you have received this transmission in error,
please notify the sender by returning and deleting

Confidentiality Notice:
The information contained in this email
message and any attachment(s) is the property
of Dickson County
and may be protected by federal laws
governing disclosure of private information. It
is intended solely
for the use of the entity to whom this email is
addressed . If you are not the intended
you are hereby notified that reading, copying
or distribution of this t ransmission is STRICTLY
The sender has not waived any applicable
privilege by sending the accompanying
t ransmission.
If you have received this transmission in error,
please notify the sender by returning and
deleting the message and attachment(s) from
your system.

All Email Scanned by Barracuda Spam/ Virus


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 53 of 136 PageID #: 13319
From: Joshua J, Melton
To: tteather n,orne
Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL) Fwd: Threats to law enforcement
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 7: 29:40 PM

From: David Rausch <[email protected]>

Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2021 6:05 PM
To: Joshua J. Melton <Joshua.J [email protected]>
Cc: Russ Winkler <[email protected]>; Brad Nealon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL) Fwd: Threats to law enforcement

Than k you

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 24, 2021, at 5:16 PM, Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]> wrote:

Thank you Russ. I will continue to pass this along.

Thanks, Josh

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 24, 2021, at 5:36 PM, Russ Winkler <Russ.Wjnkler@to gov> wrote:


Begin forwarded message:

From: Joe Craig <[email protected]>

Date: January 24, 2021 at 4 :30:32 PM CST
To: Russ Winkler <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Threats to law

You may want to forward up the chain.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 54 of 136 PageID #: 13320
From: Andy Davis
Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:28:22 PM CST
To: Ray Crouch <[email protected], Joe
Craig <[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Threats to law

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Christopher Lashlee

<[email protected]>
Date: January 24, 2021 at 4 :26:13
To: All Sheriffs Office
<AIISherjffsOfflce@dicksoncounty net>
Subject: Threats to law

Today we received several

phone patches through dispatch
and through the jail where
individuals are making threats
against Law Enforcement officers.
These threats are stemming from
the arrest of Joshua Garton and
the posts he had put on social
media. There is a group that calls
themselves "The Watch Dog" and
another individual by the name of
William R. Lord that are making
t hreats towards us. They stated
that it doesn't matter if we are in
uniform or not that we better
watch our backs and t hat they
would rather take care of us from
a distance. Be Vigila nt and wa tch
your six.

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 55 of 136 PageID #: 13321
Cpl. Lashlee

Confidentiality Notice:
The information contained in this email message and any
attachment(s) is the property of Dickson County
and may be protected by federal laws governing d1sdosure of
private information It is intended solely
for the use of the entity to whom this email is addressed If you
are not the intended recipient,
you are hereby notified that reading, copying or distribution of
this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBI TED,
The sender has not waived any applicable privilege by sending
the accompanying transmission.
If you have received this transmission in error.
please notify the sender by returning and deleting

Confidentiality Notice:
The information contained in this email
message and any attachment(s) is the property
of Dickson County
and may be protected by federal laws
governing disclosure of private information. It
is intended solely
for the use of the entity to whom this email is
addressed. If you are not the intended
you are hereby notified that reading, copying
or distribution of this transmission is STRICTLY
The sender has not waived any applicable
privilege by sending the accompanying
If you have received this transmission in error,
please notify the sender by returning and
deleting the message and attachment(s) from
your system.

All Email Scanned by Barracuda Spam / Virus


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 56 of 136 PageID #: 13322
From: Joshua J. Melton
To: Heather Thome
Subj ect: FW; [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Tllreats to law enforcement
Date : Tuesday, February 16, 2021 7;29:51 PM

From: Joshua J. Melton

Sent: Sunday, January 24, 20215:17 PM
To: Russ Winkler <[email protected]>
Cc: Brad Nealon <[email protected]>; David Rausch <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL) Fwd: Threats to law enforcement

Thank you Russ. I will continue to pass this along.

Thanks, Josh

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 24, 2021, at 5;36 PM, Russ Winkler <Russ Winkler@to ~v> wrote:


Begin forwarded message:

From: Joe Craig <Joe.Crajg@to,eov>

Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:30:32 PM CST
To: Russ Winkler <Russ.Wlnkler@tn,goy>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Threats to law enforcement

You may want to forward up the chain,

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andy Davis <[email protected]>

Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:28 :22 PM CST
To: Ray Crouch <[email protected]>, Joe Craig
<Joe [email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Threats to law enforcement

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 57 of 136 PageID #: 13323
Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Christopher Lashlee

<[email protected]>
Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:26:13 PM CST
To: All Sheriffs Office
<AIISheriffsOffice@d icksoncou nty. net>
Subject: Threats to law enforcement

Today we received several phone patches

through dispatch and through the jail where
individuals are making threats against Law
Enforcement officers. These threats are
stemming from the arrest of Joshua Garton and
the posts he had put on social media. There is a
group t hat calls themselves "The Watch Dog"
and another individual by the name of William
R. Lord that are making threats towards us.
They stated that it doesn't matter if we are in
uniform or not that we better watch our backs
and that they would rather take care of us from
a distance. Be Vigilant and watch your six.

Cpl. Lashlee

Confidentiality Notice:
The information contained in this email message and any attachment(s) is the
property of Dickson County
and may be protected by federal laws governing disclosure of private information It
is intended solely
for the use of the entity to whom this email is addressed. If you are not the
intended recipient.
you are hereby notified that reading. copying or distribution of this transmission is
The sender has not waived any applicable pnvilege by sending the accompanying
If you have received this transmission in error,
p ease notify the sender by returning and deleting

Confidentiality Notice:
The information contained in this email message and any
attachment(s) is the property of Dickson County
and may be protected by federal laws governing disclosure

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 58 of 136 PageID #: 13324
of private information . It is intended solely
for the use of the entity to whom this email is addressed. If
you are not t he intended recipien t,
you are hereby notified that reading, copying or distribut ion
of this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
The sender has not waived any applicable privilege by
sending the accompanying transmission.
If you have received this transmission in error,
please notify the sender by returning and deleting the
message and attachment(s) from your system .

All Email Scanned by Barracuda Spam/ Virus Filter

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 59 of 136 PageID #: 13325
From: Joshua J. Melton
To: Heather Thorne
Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] fwd: Threats to law enforcement
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 1021 7:2,9: 58 PM

From: Russ Winkler <[email protected]>

Sent: Sunday, January 24, 20214:36 PM
To: Joshua J.Melton<[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Threats to faw enforcement


Begin forwa rded message:

From: Joe Craig <[email protected]>

Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:30:32 PM CST
To: Russ Winkler <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Threats to law enforcement

You may want to forward up the chain .

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andy Davis <[email protected]>

Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:28:22 PM CST
To: Ray Crouch <[email protected]>, Joe Craig <[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Threats to law enforcement

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Christopher Lashlee <[email protected]>

Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:26:13 PM CST
To: All Sheriffs Office <[email protected]>
Subject: Threats to law enforcement

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 60 of 136 PageID #: 13326
Today we received several phone patches through dispatch
and through the jail where individuals are making threats
against Law Enforcement officers. These threats are
stemming from the arrest of Joshua Garton and the posts he
had put on social media. There is a group that calls
themselves "The Watch Dog" and another individual by the
name of William R. Lord that are making t hreats towards us.
They stated that it doesn't matter if we ar e in uniform or not
that we better watch our backs and that t hey would rather
take care of us from a distance. Be Vigilant and watch your

Cpl. Lashlee

Confidentiality Notice.
The information contained in this email message and any attachment(s) is the property of Dickson
and may be protected by federal laws governing disclosure of private informatio1c It is intended solely
for the use o f the entity to whom this email is addressed . If you are not the intended recipient,
you are hereby notified that reading. copying or distribution of this transmission is STRICTLY
The sender h as not waived any applicable privilege by sending the accompanying transmission.
If you have received this transmission in error,
please notify th e sender by returning and deleting

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The information contained in this email message and any attachment(s) is
the property of Dickson County
an d may be protected by federal laws governing disclosure of private
information. It is in tended solely
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attachment(s) from your system.

All Email Scanned by Barr acuda Spam / Virus Filter

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 61 of 136 PageID #: 13327
From : Joshua J. Melton
To: Heather JbQrne
Subject: FW: TBI News Release • Dickson County - Josnua Garron
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 7:30:12 PM
Attachments: lroqgeQOl.png
1-22-21 Pl<:Ksoo Harassment Oosbua Garton),odf
Joshua Garton PNG

From: Josh DeVine <Josh.OeVine@tn .gov>

Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 7:06 PM
To: Joe Craig <[email protected]>; Russ Winkler<[email protected]>
Cc: Ray Crouch (wrcrouch@ <[email protected]>
Subject: TBI News Release - Dfckson County - Joshua Garton


DICKSON COUNTY - Special Agents from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, working alongside
investigators from the Dickson Police Department, have arrested and charged a Lyles man accused
of manufacturing and disseminating a harassing photograph on social media.

At the request of 23 rd Dist rict Attorney General Ray Crouch, TBI Agents began invest igatfng
the origin of a phot ograph that depicted individuals desecrating the grave of a deceased local
law enforcement officer, Sgt. Daniel Baker of the Dickson County Sheriff's Office. Agents
subseq uent ly v isited Baker's gravesite this morning and determined t he photograph was
digitally manufactured. Further invest igat ive efforts led to the identification of Joshua Andrew
Garton (DOB 1-31~92) as t he individual who manufactured t he image and distributed it on
social media.

This afternoon, Agent s ar rested Garton and charged him with one count of Harassment and
booked him into the Dickson County Jail where, because of this charge and other, unrelated
legal issues, he was being held on a $76,000 bond.

Josh DeVine I Communications Dfrector

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
901 R.S. Gass Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37216
OFFICE: (615) 744-4295

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 62 of 136 PageID #: 13328
"To unsubscribe from the TBIMEDIA list, send an email to USTSERY@l ISISERV,TN,GOV and t ype
"Unsubscribe TBIMEDIA" in t he message body. To subscribe to the TBIMEDIA list, send an email to
LISTSERV@LISTSERV,TN.GQY and type "Subscr ibe TBIMEDIA" in the message body."

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 63 of 136 PageID #: 13329
Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 64 of 136 PageID #: 13330
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
"tht1t guilt sh11ll 110/ escape nor innm·ence suffer"


JANUARY 221 2021 PHONE: (615) 744-4295 (OFFICE)
EMAIL: [email protected]


DICKSON COUNTY- Special Agents from the Tennessee Bureau oflnvestigation, working alongside investigators
from the Dickson Police Department, have arrested and charged a Lyles man accused of manufacturing and
disseminating a harassing photograph on social media.

At the request of 23 rd District Attorney General Ray Crouch 1 TBI Agents began investigating the origin of a
photograph that depicted individuals desecrating the grave of a deceased local law enforcement officer, Sgt.
Daniel Baker of the Dickson County Sheriff's Office. Agents subsequently visited Baker's gravesite this morning
and determined the photograph was digitally manufactured. Further investigative efforts led to the
identification of Joshua Andrew Garton (DOB 1-31-92) as the individual who manufactured the image and
distributed it on social media.

This afternoon, Agents arrested Garton and charged him w ith one count of Harassment and booked him into
the Dickson County Jail where, because of this charge and other, unrelated legal issues, he was being held on a
$76,000 bond.

Since 1980, the Tennessee Bureau of Invest igation has served as the state's independent, lead law enforcement agency. Every day,
focused on the agency's core values of truth, bravery, and integrity, the TBl's approximately 600 employees provide a variety of
advanced criminal and drug lnvestlgative, forensic, and criminal justice services to assist local, state, and federal law enforcement
partners, to fulflll the agency's promise, "Thar Guilt Sholl Not Escape Nor Innocence Suffer.'' Learn more about the TBI online at, and connect with the agency on Facebook, Twltter, and lnstagram at @TBlnvestigation.

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 65 of 136 PageID #: 13331
Brad >

Wed, Feb 3, 3 37 PM

There was a preliminary hearing

at which time he dismissed

Fri, Feb 5, 10:52 AM

Fri, Feb 5, 1:06 PM

Busy now?

Free now

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 66 of 136 PageID #: 13332
Joe >

That sounds like a perfect plan!

I appreciate it!

Wed, Feb 3, 6:09 PM

Was any media present at the

hearing today? Just curious


Got ya . Thanks!

You have a minute

For a call

I will I'm just a second

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 67 of 136 PageID #: 13333

We are finished.

The judge dismissed the case.

Said nobody was victimized.

Well there you have it

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 68 of 136 PageID #: 13334
New iMessage Cancel

To : Joe Craig

what all we have and what's

corning in if you have time

Mon, Jan 25, 9:36 AM

What time is the hearing today

Joe? Sorry to interrupt 1f 1t is

Not sure, will let you know

Can I call you?


f.l) 1essage

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 69 of 136 PageID #: 13335
Rausch >
Wednesday 4 :41 PM

Josh advised that the

harassment charge
against the person in
Dickson County was
clisn1issecl today
follow ing a prelirninary
hearing. Apparently the
Judge cited there was
no victirn in the case

Wednesday 5:43 PM

That is not good.

Wednesday 6 :48 PM


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 70 of 136 PageID #: 13336
Heather Thorne

From: Brad Nealon

Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 2:38 PM
To: Heather Thorne
Subject: Fwd: Revised Statement?

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Brad Nealon <[email protected]>

Date: January 22, 2021 at 2:01:40 PM EST
To: "Joshua J. Melton" <[email protected]>
Cc: David Rausch <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Revised Statement?

Thank you

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 22, 2021, at 1:19 PM, Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]> wrote:

The below is what is going out to the media.

-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Devine <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, January 22, 202111:52 AM
To: Joshua J. Melton <[email protected]>; Russ Winkler <[email protected]>
Subject: Revised Statement?

This morning, District Attorney General Ray Crouch requested the TBI to investigate the
origin of a troubling photograph, getting considerable attention on social media today,
that seemed to depict individuals desecrating the grave of a deceased local law
enforcement officer.

Agents visited the gravesite this morning and quickly determined the photograph is not
authentic. The TBl' s investigation, however, continues and, to that end, the Bureau
would encourage anyone with informat ion about who may be responsible for
manufacturing the image to contact the TBI at 1-800-TBI-FIND.

Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos and brevity. Thanks!

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 71 of 136 PageID #: 13337
Heather Thorne

From: Larissa Picard

Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2021 8:21 PM
To: Russ Winkler; Nathan Neese
Subject: Harassment Calls Regarding Joshua Garton

Good evening,

I just wanted to pass along that friends of Joshua Garton have been harassing TIES and UOs all day long with nonsense
calls. Day shift advised that they have called all day long cussing out whoever answered the phone. We have received
numerous of the same calls so far tonight. The calls are starting to come consecutively to where they are tying up both
main line phones. I know UOs have informed Mike Frizzell. I'm not sure if y'all can even do anything in this sit uation, but
I wanted to make y'all aware . Here are the numbers that have called since Kristen and I have been on shift:

8507488656 (9 calls)

Larissa (J!icarrf
Crime Information CommunicationSpecia[ist
CJJS Support Center/ <Jl'ES
'Tennessee <Bureau oflnvestioatwn

901 ~S. (}ass (JJ[vd:
:Nasfwifle, 7:N.37216
Office: 615.144.4600
Larissa. [email protected]

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 72 of 136 PageID #: 13338
Heather Thorne

From: Leslie Earhart

Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2021 5:31 PM
To: David Rausch; Josh DeVine; Brad Nealon; Joshua J. Melton; Russ Winkler
Cc: Susan Niland; Keli McAlister
Subject: FYI - Dickson County case

Good evening,

I'm passing this article along in case you havent seen it.
I just wanted to make you aware.
for-posting-an-anti-police-meme- on-social-media/amp/

Take care,

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 73 of 136 PageID #: 13339
Heather Thorne

From: Michael Frizzell

Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 8:31 AM
To: Russ Winkler
Subject: LE Sensitive
Attachments: ReportSearchExport_Garton Complaint Calls.xlsx

The attachment contains two worksheet tabs: 1) Duty Officer Ca lls; 2) System call logs.

We have received a total of 21 calls from 8 unique numbers, which began on Saturday, January 23'd•

Michael D. Frizzell
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
Special Agent-in-Charge
Protective Services Unit
901 R.S. Gass Blvd
Nashville, TN 37216

615. 744.4000 - Main

615.744.4088- Office
615.521.0811 - Cell

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 74 of 136 PageID #: 13340
Heather Thorne

From: Russ Winkler

Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 5:38 PM
To: Joe Craig
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Joshua Garton Intake Sheet

Got it, thank you.

On Jan 22, 2021, at 5:36 PM, Joe Craig <[email protected]> wrote:


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 22, 2021, at 5:31 PM, Joe Craig <[email protected]> wrote:

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Pentecost <[email protected]>

Date: January 22, 2021 at 5:30:35 PM CST
To: Joe Craig <[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Joshua Garton Intake Sheet

Here you go sir. Let me know if you need anything else.

Corporal Andrew Pentecost

2nd Shift Corrections
Dickson County Sheriffs Department
146 County Jail Drive
Charlotte,TN 37036

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Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 75 of 136 PageID #: 13341
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If you have received this transmission in error,
please notify the sender by returning and deleting the message and
attachment(s) from your system.

All Email Scanned by Barracuda Spam/ Virus Filter

<.Joshua Garton Intake Sheet.pdf>

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 76 of 136 PageID #: 13342
Heather Thorne

From: Russ Winkler

Sent: Saturday, January 23, 202 1 6:45 PM
To: Joe Craig
Subject: Fwd: FYI - Dickso n County case

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Joshua J. Melton" <[email protected]>

Date: January 23, 2021 at 6:41:53 PM CST
To: Russ Winkler <Russ.W [email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: FYI - Dickson County case

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Leslie Earhart <[email protected]>

Date: January 23, 2021 at 6:30:49 PM EST
To: David Rausch <[email protected]>, Josh Devine <[email protected]>, Brad
Nealon <[email protected]>, "Joshua J. Melton" <[email protected]>, Russ
Winkler <[email protected]>
Cc: Susan Niland <[email protected]>, Keli McAlister <[email protected]>
Subject: FYI - Dickson County case

Good evening,

I'm passing this article along in case you havent seen it.
I just want ed to make you aware.

ht t ps:// p/s/law nally-illiterate-

tennessee-autho rities-arrest-man-for-post ing-an-anti-police-meme-on-social-

Take care,

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 77 of 136 PageID #: 13343
Heather Thorne

From: Russ Winkler

Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 5:32 PM
To: Josh DeVine
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Joshua Garton Intake Sheet
Attachments: Joshua Garton Intake Sheet.pdf; ATT00001 .htm

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joe Craig <[email protected]>

Date: January 22, 2021 at 5:31:40 PM CST
To: Russ W inkler <[email protected]>
Cc: Nathan Neese <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Joshua Garton Intake Sheet

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Pentecost <[email protected]>

Date: January 22, 2021 at 5:30:35 PM CST
To: Joe Craig <[email protected]>
Subject: {EXTERNAL) Joshua Garton Intake Sheet

Here you go sir. Let me know if you need anything else.

Corporal Andrew Pentecost

2nd Shift Corrections
Dickson County Sheriffs Department
146 County Jail Drive
Charlotte,TN 37036
Cell:- - -

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Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 78 of 136 PageID #: 13344
of Dickson County
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your system.

All Email Scanned by Barracuda Spam/ Virus Filter

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 79 of 136 PageID #: 13345
Dickson County Sheriff's Office

Booking Intake Details
Page 1 of 3

Inmate Details
Full Name Intake Date Release Date Booking #:2021010166
GARTON, JOSHUA ANDREW 01/22/202115:35 Jacket#: 127590

Address: 9986 ROCKY POINT RD Pod/Cell/Bed: MD-2-MD-2 •

City/State: -BON AQUA, TN 37025 Date Of Birth: 01/31/1992
Home: Cell: Age At Intake: 28
Height: 511 Weight 151
Eye Color: HAZEL Hair Color: BROWN
Complexion: LIGHT Build: AVERAGE BUILD
Hair Style: Hair Length: SHORT
Marital; SINGLE # Of Children: 0
Gang Name: 'NONE
Indian Tribe: Days In Jail: 1
Ethniqity: NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Property Location: PB

Intake / Release Info

Intake By: Intake Date: 01 /22/2021 15:35 Reason: ARREST WARRANT
Searched By:
Finger Print By: Finger Print#:
Dressed Out By:
Release By: Release Date: Reason:
Released OR By: Weight Out: 0
Bonded Out By:

Inmate ID
DOC/Prison : FBI#: ICE:
Military: NO Branch: Rank:
Local ID: Student: other ID:

Inmate Classification: PRETRIAL MISD Suicide Watch: No Violent At Intake: No
PREA Classification: Escape Risk: No Weekender: No
Registered Offender: No Tusty: No Mental Illness: No Felon No
Housing Classification: State Parolee: No Federal Prisoner: No Indigent: No
Protective Custody: No Local Parolee: No Restrict Commissary: No
Work Crew:

Place Of Birth

Print Date: Jan 22 2021 - 17:27:05 Dickson County Sheriffs Office, OFFENDER: JOSHUA GARTON
Powered by iSOMS(c) Driven by Values Booking_ Details APENTECOST

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 80 of 136 PageID #: 13346
Dickson County Sheriffs Office

Booking Intake Details
Page 2 of 3

Inmate Details
Full Name Intake Date Release Date Booking #:2021010166
GARTON, JOSHUA ANDREW 01/22/202115:35 Jacket #: 127590
Country Of Citizenship UNITED STATES Foreign Born: No
Place of Birth: NASHVILLE TN Homeless: No
lntrepreter Re quired:

Initial Arrest Information

Arrest Date: 01/221202115:47 Case#:
Arrest Location: DICKSON POLICE DEPARTMENT Mittimus#:
Vehicle Info: N/A
Arrest Officer: ASAC TBI CRAIG Badge:

Bond Information
Charge Count: 1 Computed Bond: 76000.00 Override Bond:

Charge Information
Charge Code Statute Ordinance Court Court Date Dept Add On
39-17-.308 39-17-308 G 04/20/202113:00
Arrest Dept: TBI Badge:
Arrest Officer: Bond: 76000.00
Bond: cc Bond Text: CASH/COMMERCIAL
Warrant#: NO NUMBER GIVEN Docket#:

Address: Length :
City/State: Phone:
Occupation: UNEMPLOYED

Emergency Contact
N=a=m=e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _R~e~la=tl~o~n=
p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Race: SSN: Home Phone:

Sex: DL#: Work Phone:
Occupation: Cell Phone:

Print Date: Jan 22 2021 - 17:27:05 Dickson County Sheriffs Office, OFFENDER: JOSHUA GARTON
Powered by iSOMS(c) Driven by Values Booking_Details APENTECOST

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 81 of 136 PageID #: 13347
Dickson County Sheriffs Office

Booking Intake Details
Page 3 of 3

Inmate Details
Full Name Intake Date Release Date Booking #:2021010166
GARTON, JOSHUA ANDREW 01/22/202115:35 Jacket#: 127590

Intake Phone Call

Phone#: Notes:

Education History
Level Of Education Juvenile Highest Grade Enrolled Prior To Arrest Can Read/Write Special Ed
Request Educational Services:
Last School Attended: KENWOOD HIGH

Inmate Signature I Date Officer Signature / Date

Print Date: Jan 22 2021 - 17:27:05 Dickson County Sheriff's Office, OFFENDER: JOSHUA GARTON
Powered by iSOMS(c) Driven by Values Booking_Details APENTECOST
Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 82 of 136 PageID #: 13348
Heather Thorne

From: Russ Winkler

Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 5:35 PM
To: Josh Devine
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL) Joshua Garton Intake Photo

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joe Craig <[email protected]>

Date: January 22, 2021 at 5:34:23 PM CST
To: Russ Winkler <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Joshua Garton Intake Photo

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Pentecost <[email protected]>

Date: January 22, 2021 at 5:33:05 PM CST
To: Joe Craig <[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Joshua Garton Intake Photo

Corporal Andrew Pentecost

2nd Shift Corrections
Dickson County Sheriffs Department
146 County Jail Drive
Charlotte,TN 37036

Confidentiality Notice:
The information contained in this email message and any anachment(s) is the property of Dickson County
and may be protected by federal laws governing disclosure of private information, It is intended solely
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Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 84 of 136 PageID #: 13350
Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 85 of 136 PageID #: 13351
Heather Thorne

From: Russ Winkler

Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2021 4:36 PM
To: Joshua J. Melton
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL) Fwd: Threats to law enforcement


Begin forwarded message:

From: Joe Craig <[email protected]>

Date: January 24, 2021 at 4 :30:32 PM CST
To: Russ Winkler <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: (EXTERNAL] Fwd: Threats to law enforcement

You may want to forward up the chain.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andy Davis <[email protected]>

Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:28:22 PM CST
To: Ray Crouch <[email protected]>, Joe Craig <[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Threats to law enforcement

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Christopher Lashlee <[email protected]>

Date: January 24, 2021 at 4:26:13 PM CST
To: All Sheriffs Office <[email protected]>
Subject: Threats to law enforcement

Today we received several phone patches through dispatch and

through the jail where individua ls are making threats against law
Enforcement officers. These threats are stemming from the arrest of
Joshua Garton and the posts he had put on social media. There is a
group that calls themselves "The Watch Dog" and another individual by
the name of William R. Lord that are making threats towards us. They
stated that it doesn't matter if we are in uniform or not that we better

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 86 of 136 PageID #: 13352
watch our backs and that they would rather take care of us from a
distance. Be Vigilant and watch your six.

Cpl. Lashlee

Confidentiality Notice:
The information contained in this email message and any attachment(s) is the property of Dickson County
and may be protected by federal laws governing disclosure of private information. It is intended solely
for the use of the entity to whom this email is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient.
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your system.

All Email Scanned by Barracuda Spam / Virus Filter

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 87 of 136 PageID #: 13353
Heather Thorne

From: Russ Winkler

Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2021 6:45 PM
To: Leslie Earhart
Subject: Re: FYI - Dickson County case


On Jan 23, 2021, at 5:30 PM, Leslie Earhart <[email protected]> wrote:

Good evening,

I'm passing this article along in case you havent seen it.
I just wanted to make you aware.

Take care,

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 88 of 136 PageID #: 13354
Heather Thorne

From: Joe Craig

Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 5:37 PM
To: Russ Winkler
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL) Joshua Garton Intake Sheet


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 22, 2021, at 5:31 PM, Joe Craig <[email protected]> wrote:

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Pentecost <[email protected]>

Date: January 22, 2021 at 5:30:35 PM CST
To: Joe Craig <[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Joshua Garton Intake Sheet

Here you go sir. Let me know if you need anything else.

Corporal Andrew Pentecost

2nd Shift Corrections
Dickson County Sheriffs Department
146 County Jail Drive
Charlotte,TN 37036

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<Joshua Garton Intake Sheet.pdf>

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 90 of 136 PageID #: 13356
Heather Thorne

From: Josh DeVine

Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 7:06 PM
To: Joe Craig; Russ W inkler
Cc: Ray Crouch (w [email protected])
Subject: TBI News Release - Dickson County - Joshua Garton
Attachments: 1-22-2 1 Dickson Harassment (Joshua Garton).pdf; Joshua Garton.PNG


DICKSON COUNTY - Special Agents from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation; working alongside investigators from the
Dickson Police Department, have arrested and charged a Lyles man accused of manufacturing and disseminating a
harassing photograph on social media .

At the request of 23rd District Attorney General Ray Crouch, TBI Agents began investigating the origin of a
photograph that depicted individuals desecrating the grave of a deceased local law enforcement officer, Sgt.
Daniel Baker of the Dickson County Sheriff's Office. Agents subsequently visited Baker's gravesite this morning
and determined the photograph was digitally manufactured. Further investigative efforts led to the
identification of Joshua Andrew Garton (DOB 1-31-92) as the individual who manufactured the image and
distributed it on social media.

This afternoon, Agents arrested Garton and charged him with one count of Harassment and booked him into
the Dickson County Jail where, because of this charge and other, unrelated legal issues, he was being held on a
$76JOOO bond.


Josh DeVlne I Communications Director

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
901 R.S. Gass Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37216
OFFICE: {615) 744-4295

"To unsubscribe from the TBIMEDIA list, send an email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV,TN.GOV and type "Unsubscribe
TBIMEDIA" in the message body. To subscribe to t he TBIMEDIA list, send an email to LISTSERV@ LISTSERV.TN.GOV and
type "Subscribe TBIMEDIA" in the message body."

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 91 of 136 PageID #: 13357
Heather Thorne

From: Joe Craig

Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 5:32 PM
To: Russ Winkler
Cc: Nathan Neese
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Joshua Garton Intake Sheet
Attachments: Joshua Garton Intake Sheet.pdf

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Pentecost <[email protected]>

Date: January 22, 2021 at 5:30:35 PM CST
To: Joe Craig <[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Joshua Garton Intake Sheet

Here you go sir. Let me know if you need anything else.

Corporal Andrew Pentecost

2nd Shift Corrections
Dickson County Sheriffs Department
146 County Jail Drive
Charlotte,TN 37036
Cell:- -

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The information contained in this email message and any attachment(s) is the property of Dickson County
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Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 92 of 136 PageID #: 13358
All Email Scanned by Barracuda Spam/ Virus Filter

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 93 of 136 PageID #: 13359
Heather Thorne

From: Joe Craig

Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 5:34 PM
To: Russ Winkler
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Joshua Garton Intake Photo

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Pentecost <[email protected]>

Date: January 22, 2021 at 5:33:05 PM CST
To: Joe Craig <[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Joshua Garton Intake Photo

Corporal Andrew Pentecost

2nd Shift Corrections
Dickson County Sheriff's Department
146 County Jail Drive
Charlotte,TN 37036

Confidentiality Notice:
The information contained in this email message and any attachment(s) is the property of Dickson County
and may be protected by federal laws governing disclosure of private Information. It is intended solely
for the use of the entity to whom this email is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient,
you are hereby notified that reading, copying or distribution of this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED
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The information contained in this email message and any attachment(s) is the property of Dickson
and may be protected by federal laws governing disclosure of private information. It is intended solely
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you are hereby notified that reading, copying or distribution of this transmission is STRICTLY
The sender has not waived any applicable privilege by sending the accompanying transmission.
If you have received this transmission in error,
please notify the sender by returning and deleting the message and attachment(s) from your system.

All Email Scanned by Ba rracuda Spam/ Virus Filter

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 94 of 136 PageID #: 13360

11 Verizon? 3 :54 AM

2 People

Thanks, Russ. Does Joe have a

8 mug, by chance.
I > ,11 tvlr 11 1 111

Thank you

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 95 of 136 PageID #: 13361
,,II Verizon~ 3:55 AM I■ I•

Thanks, Russ. Does Joe have a

8 mug, by chance.

Thank you

Sent you both a draft of the

release if you wouldn't mind to
take a quick look. Tried to keep
it sterile.

I added a mention of Dickson

Police, since we worked with
8 them on it.

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 96 of 136 PageID #: 13362
Heather Thorne

From: Russ Winkler

Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 10:49 AM
To: Susan Niland
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] NCS Question

We just got the request.

On Jan 22, 2021, at 10:48 AM, Susan Niland <[email protected]> wrote:

Hey Russ,
We've had a couple media inquiries asking whether this is anything we've been requested to get
involved in7 Not sure what that would be7
Thanks, Susan

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: WTVF Newsroom <[email protected]>

Date: January 22, 2021 at 10:31:49 AM CST
To: TBI Media <[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] NCS Question


Has the TBI been requested to investigate an image posted on Facebook of two
individuals urinating on Dickson Co. Sgt. Daniel Bakers grave?


Thank you,

Assignment Desk
WTVF-TV NewsChannel 5 Network
474 James Robertson Pkwy
Nashville, TN 37201
Follow us on Twitter at @NCS

Scripps Media, Inc., certifies that its advertising sales agreements do not discriminate on
the basis of race or ethnicity. All advertising sales agreements contain nondiscrimination

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 97 of 136 PageID #: 13363
., Verizon~ 3:50 AM

2 Peop.le >

Fri, J,m 22, ·11 4 3 AM
.Jo sh Dev irn~

Sent you a brief statement for

review. Tried to keep it no
nonsense, but if you think we
need to be more strongly
worded, let me know...

39-17-308 (4) (a)

(4) Communicates with another person by

any method described in subdivision (a)(1),
without legitimate purpose:

(A) (I) With the malicious intent to

frighten, intimidate or cause emotional
distress; or

(ii) In a manner the defendant knows,

or reasonably should know, would frighten,
intimidate or cause emotional distress to a
similarly situated person of reasonable
sensibilities; and

Thanks. Sent a revised

statement proposal to you
• I t I t ..

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 98 of 136 PageID #: 13364
" Verizon? 3:51 AM L■ J,

2 People >

39-17-308 (4) (a)

(4) Communicates with another person by

any method described in subdivision (a)(1 ),
without legitimate purpose:

(A) (I) With the malicious intent to

frighten, intimidate or cause emotional
distress; or

(ii) In a manner the defendant knows,

or reasonably should know, would frighten,
intimidate or cause emotional distress to a
similarly situated person of reasonable
sensibilities; and

I 1, I

Thanks. Sent a revised

statement proposal to you
both. Let me know what you
G think when you have a chance.

Fri, Jan 22, 3:2 0 PM

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 99 of 136 PageID #: 13365
a1II Verizon~ 3:52 AM

2 People >

F- ri, Jan 22, 3 20 PM

· They have identified the person

who posted that they have
interviewed him and he
confessed. They are
transporting him to booking
now and we're going to book
him in for harassment. As soon
as I get more details on his
name and his descriptors I'll get
that to you.

Ok thank you. Can I call you or

are you tied up?

.... FaceTime
Czi ll Ended

You can call

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 100 of 136 PageID #: 13366
,1 Verizon? 3:54 AM

2 People

Thanks, Russ. Does Joe have a

8 mug, by chance.
I , ,11 tvlr 11 1 111

Thank you

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 101 of 136 PageID #: 13367
,,II Verizon~ 3:55 AM I■ I•

Thanks, Russ. Does Joe have a

8 mug, by chance.

Thank you

Sent you both a draft of the

release if you wouldn't mind to
take a quick look. Tried to keep
it sterile.

I added a mention of Dickson

Police, since we worked with
8 them on it.

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 102 of 136 PageID #: 13368
New iMessage

If you haven't noticed this

thing is getting crazy and I
feel tomorrow will be nuts.

Whafs getting crazy. I

haven't heard

Threats, to Leos, Ray

Facebook blown up

Go to Burton Staggs
Facebook and nick beres

No kidding. He'll I haven't


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 103 of 136 PageID #: 13369
New iMessage

The affidavit will be

released tomorrow and I'm
sure I will be public enemy
number one

Ray is taking most today

but TBI and Sheriffs office
has been called numerous

Who are they threatening

and why

Law enforcement because

we violated his 1st
amendment rights
l. - "

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 104 of 136 PageID #: 13370
New iMessage

He has a right to post.

That doesn't mean there
are no consequences

Buckle up


See you in the morning

I can't find the Burton


Google Burton Staggs


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 105 of 136 PageID #: 13371
New iMessage

Reading all that, it looks

like there is a bunch of
people who support the
arrest. More support it
than not it looks like

Yes, you have to be aware

of the nuts who may show
up. Chief Lewis said FD
got a call from same group ,
that called us and SO and
threatening to burn PD the

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 106 of 136 PageID #: 13372
Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 107 of 136 PageID #: 13373
You may recall the contt011erslal case lrom last month:
A man was accused of manufacturing and
dlssemfnaling a haranlng photograph on social 1TM1dla.
The Image showed the desecration of the grave or
Dl11kson County Sheriff's Sgt. Daniel Baker who was
ldliotl In the llne of duly.
TBI agents visited the gravesite and determined the
photograph was dlgitally mani.,tactured.
Still 23rd District Attorney General Ray Crouch had
Josh~o Garton arrested and charged with a crime.
Gerton•s lawyer today argued his arrest was a clear
vlolatlon of his 1st Amendment rfght of free speech.
The G,neral Snsioos judge today heard arguments
lrom both sides and agreed.
Whlle the court conceded the image was hurlful
diAturbing and tasteless, the judge dismissed the case
as protected under Gatton's right to freedom of
expression und8f the 1st Amendment.
Garton spent ten days In tail waiting for his day in court.
And his lawyer saY5 the district attorney may now face
a federal civil rights lawsuit for wrongful arrest.

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 108 of 136 PageID #: 13374
Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 109 of 136 PageID #: 13375
...,mt• ,....... ._ ........
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11\1'•)11•1,1 1· ••1•• • 1 ••'•""'-·"' , W'l'~J' ,c., ..: •v(

,,..r , .. ..,,..."-'·
... , ,t

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 110 of 136 PageID #: 13376
Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 111 of 136 PageID #: 13377
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New iMessage Cancel

To: Brad Nealon, David Rausch

Sat, Jan 23, 6:29 PM

David Rausch

We only investigate the

incident. Charges come from
the DA.

That's what we are doing our

best to reinforce. • -

a • (__ 1M_es_sa_ge_ _ _ _•__


• • •
Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 117 of 136 PageID #: 13383
New iMessage Cancel

To: Brad Nealon, David Rausch

David Rausch

We still need to educate

everyone on what our role is.
Although it is in our name.

David Rausch a
The trolls will do what trolls do. •
It appears they a1n d the lawyers
forget that there are surviving
family members who have
rights as well. My assessment
is these are the same folks who
called the insurrection at the
Capitol free speech.

Brad Nealon a
The world needs a little love •

SI 0) (_1M_es_sa_ge_ _ _ _
• • •
Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 118 of 136 PageID #: 13384
New iMessage Cancel

To: Brad Nealon, David Rausch

Although it is in our name.

David Rausch o
The trolls will do what trolls do. •
It appears they and the lawyers
forget that there are surviving
family members who have
rights as well. My assessment
is these are the same folks who
called the insurrection at the
Capitol free speech.

Brad Nealon 0
The world needs a little love •
David Rausch Q
Some Bernie Meme love!! •

Iii 0) (1Message
• • •
Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 119 of 136 PageID #: 13385
, II Verizon ~ 2:47 PM

2 People >

Fri, Jan 22, 11:43 AM

Sent you a brief statement for

review. Tried to keep it no
nonsense, but if you think we
need to be n1ore strongly
worded, let me know.. .
Russ Winkler

39-17-308 (4) (a)

(4) Communicates with another person by

any method described in subdivision (a)(1 ),
without legitimate purpose:

(A) (i) With the malicious intent to

frighten, intimidate or cause emotional
distress; or

(ii) In a manner the defendant knows,

or reasonably should know, would frighten,
intimidate or cause emotional distress to a
similarly situated person of r easonable
sensibilities; and

Thanks. Sent a revi sed

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 120 of 136 PageID #: 13386
, Verizon~ 2:47 PM

2 People >

Thanks. Sent a revised

statement proposal to you
both. Let me know what you
think when you have a chance.

Fri, Jan 22, 3:20 PM

Russ Winkler

They have identified the person

who posted that they have
interviewed him and he
confessed. They are
transporting him to booking
now and we're going to book
him in for harassment. As soon
as I get more details on his
name and his descriptors I'll get
that to you.
Josh Melton

Ok thank you. Can I call you or

are you tied up?
• Russ Winkler

fJI) ____________
• ,,,,

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 121 of 136 PageID #: 13387
•• Verizon~ 2:47 PM

2 People >

You can call

Fri, Jan 22, 5: 04 PM

Russ Winkler

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 122 of 136 PageID #: 13388
,1 Verizon~ 2:48 PM

2 People

Josh Melton

Thank you

· S~nt -you:_ both a :dra t of the

release if ;you woul n't mind to
take a quick look. T ied to keep
it sterile.

I added a mentio of Dickson

Police, since we orked with
them on it. 18-

m 0) 0_1M_a_ge_ _ _ _

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 123 of 136 PageID #: 13389
Jan 24, 2021, 7:38 PM

https ://


Just showing my respect to deputy Damel Baker

from the I.I C.. Wll(;OUntfp(' hc:l'd, -p-•tment

Tennessee Bureau oflnvestigation

Thanks for messaging us. We try to be as resp onsive as possible, but this account isn't monitored
24/7. We'll get back to you soon.


Fucking dun1b asses lmfao taxpayers are gonna be real happy with you in a couple of months


January 25, 2021 at 7:47 AM

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 124 of 136 PageID #: 13390
next time instead of violating someone’s first amendment rights and instead of having to pay
them the minimum $80k he will get from your dumbass actions, maybe hire someone like me
that would tell you with rational non pork thinking that it was a bad move. now the dudes gonna
get a payout and the taxpayers will be held respond for it. clown fucking organization y’all run

January 25, 2021 at 11:20 AM

Thanks for sharing your comments.



A Tribute to Our Heros.

Man Arrested for Offensive Facebook Post - Otto Calls - Dickson Tennessee - The Roof is on
Well... the System isn't gonna FUCK itself...Dickson Police Department - (615) 446-
5403Tennessee cops' arrest of man over disrespectful photoshop draws wide ...

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Thanks for messaging us. We try to be as responsive as possible, but this account isn't monitored
24/7. We'll get back to you soon.
Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good day. Most sincerely, TBI Public Information Office

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 125 of 136 PageID #: 13391


come arrest me you pieces of shit, I want a settlement too

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Thanks for sharing.

Sent by Leslie Earhart


Lol get a REAL job

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Thanks for sharing.

Sent by Leslie Earhart


The TBI is a terroristic organization that infringes on the rights on the citizens of Tennessee.
Please investigate.

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Thanks for messaging us. We try to be as responsive as possible, but this account isn't monitored
24/7. We'll get back to you soon.


Jan 25, 2021, 12:09 PM

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 126 of 136 PageID #: 13392

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Thanks for messaging us. We try to be as responsive as possible, but this account isn't monitored
24/7. We'll get back to you soon.


Now come arrest me, fascist piggy. I could use the lawsuit money.

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good day.

Sent by Susan Rogers


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 127 of 136 PageID #: 13393
Jan 25, 2021, 2:06 PM


Hope you learn to read so you know what's in that Constitution you took an oath to uphold.

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Thanks for sharing.

Sent by Leslie Earhart


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 128 of 136 PageID #: 13394
You gonna' come arrest me now, pig?
Or not?
Is that dead cop still dead by the way?

Jan 25, 2021, 7:31 PM


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 129 of 136 PageID #: 13395
fascist pigs

What's the matter, piggy? Why haven't you arrested me yet? Look how many counts you have of
me breaking the law by posting the picture.

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 130 of 136 PageID #: 13396
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Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 132 of 136 PageID #: 13398
Jan 25, 2021, 10:12 PM

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Thanks for sharing.

Sent by Leslie Earhart

Jan 25, 2021, 11:36 PM


Funny how you'll arrest one person and thank another for the same picture.

Jan 26, 2021, 8:48 AM



Jan 26, 2021, 10:31 AM


Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 133 of 136 PageID #: 13399
Why won't you arrest me for the same fucking image?
I'm posting it everywhere


Jan 26, 2021, 9:18 AM


Wow, you guys really started your own shit show by violating the meme guys rights. I hope you
lose your immunity and have to open your own wallets. The taxpayers shouldn't have to be
responsible for your blatant disregard for the constitution.

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Hi Michael, thanks for your message. We are not here right now and our account isn't monitored
24/7, but we'll get back to you soon!

Jan 26, 2021, 10:55 AM

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good day.

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 134 of 136 PageID #: 13400

Jan 26, 2021, 4:42 PM


Did you hapless assholes really arrest a man for a picture? I have the same picture I made of me
pissing on the same CD cover with that dead officers head on it, PLEASE come arrest me for it,
I’d like to be rich too. You guys are garbage butthurt snowflake oathbreakers. Get it together.

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Thanks for messaging us. We try to be as responsive as possible, but this account isn't monitored
24/7. We'll get back to you soon.


Jan 28, 2021, 10:27 AM


hello is it true that you're arresting people over memes now, I saw some memes I'd like someone
arrested for

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Thanks for messaging us. We try to be as responsive as possible, but this account isn't monitored
24/7. We'll get back to you soon.

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good day.

Case 3:21-mc-09999 Document 272-1 Filed 04/27/21 Page 135 of 136 PageID #: 13401
Sent by Susan Rogers

Feb 4, 2021, 6:30 AM


Another agency full of NAZI TYRANT THUGS. Your agents violated the Wortmans
Constitutional rights and your NAZI THUG director thinks that it’s okay.

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Thanks for messaging us. We try to be as responsive as possible, but this account isn't monitored
24/7. We'll get back to you soon.

Feb 4, 2021, 9:28 AM

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good day. Most sincerely, TBI Public Information Office

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