Concept Paper (Group IV) : Title: Flat Iron's Current Rating As Temperature Changes. Problem

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Concept Paper

(Group IV)

Title: Flat Iron’s Current Rating as Temperature Changes.


Finding and Solving the changing in current of a certain appliance like Flat Iron
as it’s temperature changes.


As we all know, a flat iron is a commonly used appliances of each and everyone
of us. It used to remove the wrinkle an crease of our daily uniform and clothes. And a
flat iron doesn’t have a constant temperature, that’s you where able to change it on
whatever you want. With the heat and the weight of the ironing plate, the fibers are
stretched and the fabric maintains its new shape when cool . But i assure you some of
these appliances users don’t have more knowledge about it. Like How it’s temperature
changes? And how do we know the highest and lowest temperature of it? So we will
make this research to solve those questions. This research will show how it’s
temperature changes by solving it’s current rating as it temperature changes. It will also
give us more information about flat iron for us to be safe and lessen the possibilities of
having a trouble while using it.


1. To find how it’s current changes.

2. To find what current does in the said appliances.
3. To know more about the useful and harmful things flat iron can do.
4. To lessen the possibilities of making trouble while using it.

Materials and Methods:

1. A Battery that could take as a source.

2. A flat iron to examine it’s inside by means of experimentation.
3. Multi-tester for checking it’s rating and for safeness.



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