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Assessment 2 CG

principles in ICBP
PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk

Ananti P. (1906417590), Leoni D. (1906456591), Meilinda (1906421461), Pebriansyah (1906421524), Yeptirani Sari (1906456673)

Brief summary
01 ICBP 02 ASEAN CG Scorecard

Part A: Rights of Part B: Equitable

03 Shareholders
04 Treatment of Shareholders

05 Level 2: Bonus Items 06 Level 2: Penalty Items

About the Company
The Products: Parent Company:
PT Indofood Sukses ICBP Established:2009
Makmur Tbk (1982)

IPO: 7 Oktober 2010

% of Share Ownership
PT Indofood Sukses
80,53% Makmur Tbk

19,47% Publik
02 ASEAN CG Scorecard
Section of Scorecard

Right of
shareholders Part A 1
2 Part B treatment of
Role of
stakeholders Part C 3
Disclosure and
4 Part D transparency
of The Board Part E 5
Part A: Rights of Shareholders
A.1 Basic Shareholder Rights
A.1.1 Does the company pay (interim and
ICBP Practice in 2019
final/annual) dividends in an equitable and timely
manner; that is, all shareholders are treated
equally and paid within 30 days after being (i) Interim Dividend:
declared for interim dividends and (ii) approved ICBP mendistribusikan interim dividend
by shareholders at general meetings for final Scrip Dividend:
dividends? In case the company has offered Scrip ICBP tidak mendistribusikan scrip dividend
dividend, did the company paid the dividend Final Dividend:
within 60 days? ICBP membayar dividen dalam waktu kurang dari
30 hari kalender.
Source/ Evidence hari sejak diadakannya RUPS Tahunan sebagai
berikut: Tanggal RUPST: 15 Juli 2020
MATERI%20FINAL%20IKLAN%20HASIL%20RUPS Tanggal pembayaran : 12 Agustus 2020
%20ICBP-BISNIS%20INDO%20(144x270)(1).jpg Seperti disebutkan dalam Resolutions Summary of

A.2 Right to participate in decisions concerning fundamental corporate changes

ICBP Practice in 2019

A.2.1 Do shareholders have the Para pemegang saham berhak
right to participate in amendments
berpartisipasi dalam amandemen
to the company’s constitution?
Anggaran Dasar ICBP

Source/ Evidence

Annual Report ICBP halaman 123

A.2 Right to participate in decisions concerning fundamental corporate changes

ICBP Practice in 2019

A.2.2 Do shareholders have the
Pemegang saham berhak
right to participate in the
berpartisipasi dalam kewenangan
authorisation of additional shares?
penambahan saham

Source/ Evidence

Semua perusahaan yang sudah pernah

IPO yang menambah saham melakukan
right issue/Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih
Dahulu (HMETD)
A.2 Right to participate in decisions concerning fundamental corporate changes

ICBP Practice in 2019

A.2.3 Do shareholders have the
right to participate in the transfer of all Pemegang saham berhak
or substantially all assets, which in berpartisipasi dalam pengalihan
effect results in the sale of the seluruh atau sebagian aset yang
company? berdampak pada penjualan

Source/ Evidence

Pengalihan aset selalu masuk menjadi

agenda RUPS

A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.

ICBP Practice in 2019

A.3.1 Do shareholders have the
opportunity, evidenced by an agenda item, to
approve remuneration (fees, allowances, Pemegang saham memiliki kesempatan untuk
menyetujui remunerasi atau kenaikan
benefit-in-kind and other emoluments) or any
remunerasi bagi Non-Executive Directors atau
increases in remuneration for the
non-executive directors/commissioners?

Source/ Evidence

AGM Agenda dan Annual Report ICBP halaman


A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.

ICBP Practice in 2019

A.3.2 Does the company provide
non-controlling shareholders a right to Perusahaan belum memberikan
nominate candidates for board of Pemegang Saham Non Pengendali hak
directors/commissioners? untuk menominasikan kandidat Direksi
atau Komisaris

Source/ Evidence

Annual Report ICBP halaman 131

A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.

ICBP Practice in 2019

A.3.3 Does the company allow
Perusahaan mengizinkan Pemegang
shareholders to elect directors/ Saham memilih Direksi atau Komisaris
commissioners individually? secara individual

Source/ Evidence

ICBP AGM Invitation 2019

A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.

ICBP Practice in 2019

A.3.4 Does the company disclose the
Perusahaan mengungkapkan prosedur
voting procedures used before the start of pemungutan suara sebelum meeting
meeting? dimulai

Source/ Evidence

ICBP AGM Invitation 2020

A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.

A.3.5 Do the minutes of the most

recent AGM record that the shareholders ICBP Practice in 2019
were given the opportunity to ask
Dalam risalah RUPST, pemegang saham
questions and the questions raised by
diberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya.
shareholders and answers given
Dalam risalah RUPST, hanya
mengungkapkan adanya pertanyaan dari
Source/ Evidence pemegang saham.
Pertanyaan dan jawaban atas
Resolutions Summary of The Annual General pertanyaan yang ditanyakan pemegang
Meeting of Shareholders PT. Indofood Sukses saham tidak dicatat dalam risalah.
Makmur Tbk

A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.
ICBP Practice in 2019
A.3.6 Does the company disclose the
voting results including approving,
dissenting, and abstaining votes for all
resolutions/each agenda item for the most Indofood CBP mengungkapkan hasil
recent AGM? voting menerima, menolak, dan abstain
dari setiap agenda dalam RUPST.
Source/ Evidence

Resolutions Summary of The AGM of Shareholders

PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk

A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.

A.3.7 Does the company disclose the

ICBP Practice in 2019
list of board members who attended the
most recent AGM? Perusahaan tidak mengungkapkan list
dari anggota dewan yang menghadiri
Source/ Evidence
Perusahaan hanya mengungkapkan
seluruh anggota dewan menghadiri
Resolutions Summary of the Extraordinary RUPST.
General Meeting of Shareholders PT Indofood
CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk

A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.

A.3.8 Does the company disclose that ICBP Practice in 2019

all board members and the CEO (if he is
not a board member) attended the most
recent AGM? Dalam risalah RUPST, perusahaan
mengungkapkan bahwa semua anggota
dewan direksi dan dewan komisaris
Source/ Evidence menghadiri RUPST. CEO dari Indofood
merupakan board member.
Resolutions Summary of the Extraordinary
General Meeting of Shareholders PT Indofood
CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk

A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.

ICBP Practice in 2019

A.3.9 Does the company allow voting in

absentia? Pemegang saham yang absen dapat
diwakili oleh proxy dan bisa
menggunakan Proxy Form yang bisa di
download di website perusahaan. Akan
tetapi, dengan ketentuan anggota Direksi,
Source/ Evidence
anggota Dewan Komisaris dan karyawan
Shareholder announcement: Perseroan dilarang bertindak sebagai
● Invitation Annual General meeting of Shareholders and proxy di bawah RUPS atau vote nya tidak
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders PT Indofood
CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk akan dihitung pada saat RUPST.
● Proxy To Attend The Annual and Extraordinary General
Meeting Of Shareholders PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur

A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.

ICBP Practice in 2019

A.3.10 Did the company vote by poll
Pada mekanisme rapat dan pengambilan
(as opposed to by show of hands) for all keputusan, pemungutan suara dilakukan
resolutions at the most recent AGM? dengan kartu suara mengingat adanya
abstain/tidak setuju dari para pemegang
saham dan/atau kuasa pemegang saham.

Source/ Evidence

- Ringkasan Risalah RUPS ICBP 2019

A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.

ICBP Practice in 2019

A.3.11 Does the company disclose that
it has appointed an independent party Perseroan menunjuk notaris dan biro
(scrutineers/inspectors) to count and/or administrasi efek sebagai pihak independen
validate the votes at the AGM? yang melakukan perhitungan dan/atau
memvalidasi suara.

Biro Administrasi Efek

PT Raya Saham Registra
Source/ Evidence Plaza Sentral, 2nd Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 47-49
- Annual Report ICBP 2019 Halaman 120
- Annual Report ICBP 2019 Halaman 210 Notaris
Kumala Tjahjani Widodo, SH., MH., M.Kn
Jl. Biak Raya No. 7D, Jakarta
A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.

ICBP Practice in 2019

A.3.12 Does the company make
publicly available by the next working day Tidak, melainkan dipublikasikan 2 hari
the result of the votes taken during the setelahnya. AGM dilaksanakan pada
most recent AGM/EGM for all resolutions? tanggal 15 Juli 2020 dan EGM di
postponed mengingat perusahaan masih
diwajibkan oleh otoritas jasa keuangan
untuk mengumumkan perubahan dan /
Source/ Evidence atau tambahan informasi memorandum
kepada pemegang saham terkait rencana
Shareholder Announcement
● Ringkasan Risalah RUPST ICBP
Hasil AGM dipublikasikan pada 17 Juli
● Postponement EGM ICBP
A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.

A.3.13 Does the company provide at least 21 ICBP Practice in 2019

days notice for all AGMs and EGMs?

Ya. ICBP memberikan

undangan tgl 23 Juni 2020
untuk RUPST tanggal 15 Juli

Adapun pemegang saham

yang diundang untuk
mengikuti AGM dan EGM
adalah pemegang saham
yang tercatat pada tanggal 22
Juni 2020.

A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.

A.3.14 Does the company provide the

rationale and explanation for each agenda
item which require shareholders’ approval
in the notice of AGM/circulars and/or the
accompanying statement?

ICBP Practice in 2019

Ya. ICBP memberikan agenda AGM dan

EGM berikut penjelasannya

A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings
and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern
general shareholder meetings.

A.3.15 Does the company give the opportunity for shareholder

to place item/s on the agenda of AGM?

ICBP Practice in 2019

Tidak ditemukan bukti penawaran kepada shareholder untuk
memberikan tambahan agenda

A.4 Markets for corporate control should be allowed to function in
an efficient and transparent manner

A.4.1 In cases of mergers, acquisitions

and/or takeovers requiring shareholders'
approval, does the board of
directors/commissioners of the company
appoint an independent party to evaluate
the fairness of the transaction price?

ICBP Practice in 2019

Ya. contohnya dalam kesempatan akuisisi
Pinehill tahun 2020. Nilai wajar perusahaan
target dihitung Berdasarkan penilaian KJPP
Rengganis, Hamid, dan Rekan.
A.5 The exercise of ownership rights by all shareholders,
including institutional investors, should be facilitated.
A.5.1 Does the company disclose its practices to encourage
shareholders to engage the company beyond AGM?

ICBP Practice

Divisi Hubungan
Investor ICBP telah
melibatkan investor
dan analis dalam
lebih dari 600

Sumber: Annual Report ICBP 2019 halaman 145

Part B: Equitable
04 Treatment of Shareholders
B.1 Shares and Voting Rights

ICBP Practice in 2019

B.1.1 Does the company's ordinary or Setiap pemegang saham ICBP memiliki hak
common shares have one vote for one suara dalam RUPS. Satu saham Satu suara.

Source/ Evidence

Annual Report ICBP halaman 120

B.1 Shares and Voting Rights

B.1.2 Where the company has more ICBP Practice in 2019

than one class of shares, does the
company publicise the voting rights ICBP memiliki 2 (dua) tipe seri saham
attached to each class of shares (e.g. yang berbeda, seri A dan seri B. Namun,
through the company website / reports/ kedua seri saham tersebut memiliki hak
the stock exchange/ the regulator's dan kewajiban yang sama

Source/ Evidence

B.2 Notice of AGM

ICBP Practice in 2019

B.2.1 Does each resolution in the most
recent AGM deal with only one item, i.e., Terdapat bundling dalam pengambilan
there is no bundling of several items into keputusan pada RUPS 2019, yaitu pengambilan
the same resolution? keputusan atas jumlah remunerasi yang
dibayarkan kepada angota dewan komisaris dan
direksi perseroan.

Source/ Evidence

B.2 Notice of AGM

ICBP Practice in 2019

B.2.2 Are the company's notice of the
most recent AGM/circulars fully translated Notice of AGM terbaru diterjemahkan
into English and published on the same sepenuhnya ke dalam Bahasa Inggris dan
date as the local-language version? diterbitkan dengan tanggal yang sama
versi lokal

Source/ Evidence

ICBP AGM Invitation 2020

B.2 Notice of AGM

B.2.3 Are the profiles of

ICBP Practice in 2019
directors/commissioners (at least age,
academic qualification, date of Notice of AGM mencantumkan profil
appointment, experience, and calon Direksi atau Komisaris untuk
directorships in other listed companies) in Pemilihan (Election) atau Pemilihan Ulang
seeking election/re-election included? (Re-Election)

Source/ Evidence

B.2 Notice of AGM

ICBP Practice in 2019

B.2.4 Are the auditors seeking
Notice of AGM mengidentifikasikan KAP
appointment/re-appointment clearly yang akan digunakan perusahaan yaitu
identified? "Purwantono, Sungkoro, & Surja"

Source/ Evidence

B.2 Notice of AGM
B.2.5 Were the proxy documents made
easily available?

ICBP Practice in 2019

Dokumen hak kuasa dari Pemegang Saham
dapat diunduh di website Indofood :
- Panggilan RUPST Indofood 2020
- Surat Kuasa Indofood 2020

Source/ Evidence

Indofood CBP Re-Invitation Extraordinary

General Meeting of Shareholders

B.3 Insider trading and abusive self-dealing should be prohibited.

B.3.1 Does the company have policies ICBP Practice in 2019

and/or rules prohibiting Direksi / Komisaris dan karyawan Indofood yang
directors/commissioners and employees memiliki informasi rahasia tidak boleh
to benefit from knowledge which is not menyalahgunakan informasi tersebut untuk
generally available to the market? kepentingan pribadi, keluarga atau pihak ketiga
lainnya. Selain itu, direksi dan komisaris Indofood
tidak memiliki saham di Indofood CBP.

Source/ Evidence

Annual Report ICBP

2019 Halaman 143

B.3 Insider trading and abusive self-dealing should be prohibited.

ICBP Practice in 2019

B.3.2 Are the directors / commissioners Berdasarkan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
required to report their dealings in (POJK) No. 60 / POJK.04 / 2015 tentang
company shares within 3 business days? Keterbukaan Informasi Pemegang Saham, dimana
Direksi atau Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan Publik
wajib melaporkan kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
untuk kepemilikan dan perubahan kepemilikan
saham Perusahaan Terbuka selambat-lambatnya 10
Source/ Evidence (sepuluh) hari setelah transaksi dilakukan.

Selama tahun 2020, tidak ada transaksi

Annual Report ICBP 2019 halaman 12
perdagangan saham yang dilakukan oleh Direksi
dan Dewan Komisaris.

B.4 Related party transactions by directors and key executives.

B.4.1 Does the company have a policy

requiring directors /commissioners to
disclose their interest in transactions and
any other conflicts of interest?

ICBP Practice in 2019

Perusahaan telah memiliki kebijakan
tersebut sebagai bentuk compliance
Perusahaan Terbuka sesuai dengan POJK
42 Tentang Transaksi Afiliasi dan
Transaksi Benturan Kepentingan.

B.4 Related party transactions by directors and key executives.

B.4.2 Does the company have a policy ICBP Practice in 2019

requiring a committee of independent Perusahaan memiliki komite audit yang salah
directors/commissioners to review satu tugas dan kewajiban nya adalah
material RPTs to determine whether they melakuan penelaahan atas kepatuhan
are in the best interests of the company peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang
and shareholders? harus ditaati. Pada poin ini adalah peraturan
dengan RPTs yang diatur pada:
Source/ Evidence ● POJK 42 Tentang Transaksi Afiliasi dan
Transaksi Benturan Kepentingan.
Annual Report ICBP 2019 halaman 150 ● Peraturan BAPEPAM VII.G.7 Tentang
Penyajian Laporan Keuangan
● PSAK 7 : Pengungkapan Pihak-Pihak

B.4 Related party transactions by directors and key executives.

B.4.3 Does the company have a policy ICBP Practice in 2019

requiring board members
(directors/commissioners) to abstain from
participating in the board discussion on a Perusahaan memiliki peraturan melalui
particular agenda when they are code of conduct yang mengatur
conflicted? kebijakan etika yang berlaku untuk
seluruh organ perusahaan termasuk
mengendalikan benturan kepentingan,
Source/ Evidence
Namun, code of conduct ICBP hanya
dikomunikasikan dan diinformasikan
- Annual Report ICBP 2019 Halaman melalui kegiatan orientasi karyawan dan
143-144 portal web internal

B.4 Related party transactions by directors and key executives.

B.4.4 Does the company have policies

on loans to directors and commissioners ICBP Practice in 2019
either forbidding this practice or ensuring
that they are being conducted at arm's ICBP tidak mengungkapkan kebijakan
length basis and at market rates? pinjaman terhadap direksi dan komisaris.
Grup hanya mengungkapkan bahwa
memberikan pinjaman kepada karyawan
dan pegawai dengan kriteria dan syarat
Source/ Evidence tertentu sesuai dengan jenjang
kepegawaian. Pinjaman tersebut dilunasi
dengan cara pemotongan gaji.

Annual Report ICBP 2019 Halaman 42

B.5 Proctecting minority shareholders from abusive actions

B.5.1 Does the company disclose that

RPTs are conducted in such a way to
ensure that they are fair and at arms'

Source/ Evidence

Annual Report ICBP 2019 Halaman 40

B.5 Proctecting minority shareholders from abusive actions

B.5.2 In case of related party transactions requiring shareholders'

approval, is the decision made by disinterested shareholders?

ICBP Practice in 2019 Source/ Evidence

Tidak. Pengambilan keputusan dilakukan oleh pemegang
saham pengendali.
Sedangkan di bawah aturan otoritas Hong Kong, Anthoni akusisi-pinehill?page
Salim dan rekannya tidak dihitung sebagai independen =all
dan tidak dapat memilih pada hari Jumat. Pengesahan
kesepakatan akusisi Pinehill membutuhkan suara
terbanyak untuk lulus.

05 Level 2: Bonus Items
(B)A. Rights of Shareholders

ICBP Practice in 2019

(B).A.1.1 Does the company practice ICBP menyediakan mekanisme
secure electronic voting in absentia at the pemungutan suara secara elektronic
general meetings of shareholders? untuk pemegang saham yang tidak dapat
menghadiri RUPS

Source/ Evidence

(B)B. Equitable Treament of Shareholders

ICBP Practice in 2019

(B).B.1.1 Does the company release
its notice of AGM (with detailed agendas ICBP mengumumkan RUPS kurang dari 28
and explanatory circulars), as announced hari dari dilaksanakannya RUPS.
to the Exchange, at least 28 days before Pengumuman RUPS adalah tanggal 23 Juni
the date of the meeting? 2020, RUPS dilaksanakan tanggal 15 Juli

Source/ Evidence

06 Level 2: Penalty Items
(P)A.1 Basic Shareholder Rights

ICBP Practice in 2019

(P).A.1.1 Did the company fail or
Tidak ada bukti ICBP lalai menawarkan
neglect to offer equal treatment for share perlakuan yang sama untuk pembelian
repurchases to all shareholders? kembali saham kepada semua pemegang

Source/ Evidence

ICBP AR 2019

(P)A.2 Shareholders, including institutional shareholders, should be allowed to consult
with each other on issues concerning their basic shareholder rights as defined in the
Principles, subject to exceptions to prevent abuse.

ICBP Practice in 2019

(P).A.2.1 Is there evidence of barriers
that prevent shareholders from Tidak ada bukti pemegang saham
communicating or consulting with other mengalami hambatan untuk
shareholders? berkomunikasi atau berkonsultasi dengan
pemegang saham lainnya

Source/ Evidence

ICBP AR 2019

(P)A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholders
meeting and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that
govern general shareholders meeting.

ICBP Practice in 2019

(P).A.3.1 Did the company include
any additional and unannounced agenda
item into the notice of AGM/EGM?

Tidak ada additional dan unannounced

item agenda yang tertera pada
Source/ Evidence AGM/EGM

AGM Invitation 2020

(P)A.3 Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholders
meeting and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that
govern general shareholders meeting.

ICBP Practice in 2019

(P).A.3.2.Did the Chairman of the
AGM dihadiri seluruh anggota Direksi dan
Board, Audit Committee Chairman and Dewan Komisaris
CEO attend the most recent AGM?

Source/ Evidence

Ringkasan Risalah RUPST 2020

(P)A.4 Capital structures and arrangements that enable certain shareholders
to obtain a degree of control disproportionate to their equity ownership
should be disclosed.

(P).A.4.1Shareholders Agreement?

ICBP Practice in 2019

Indofood CBP memiliki perjanjian pemegang


Source/ Evidence

Laporan Auditor Independen PT

Indofood CBP hal 10

(P)A.4 Capital structures and arrangements that enable certain shareholders
to obtain a degree of control disproportionate to their equity ownership
should be disclosed.

(P).A.4.2 Voting Cap?

ICBP Practice in 2019

Tidak ada pembatasan suara untuk

pemegang saham dan pemegang saham
berhak atas satu suara per saham.

Source/ Evidence

ICBP Annual Report 2019 Hal 120

(P)A.4 Capital structures and arrangements that enable certain shareholders
to obtain a degree of control disproportionate to their equity ownership
should be disclosed.

(P).A.4.3 Mutiple Voting Rights?

ICBP Practice in 2019
Pemegang saham tidak memiliki hak
suara ganda. Dalam proxy menghadiri
AGM dan EGM ICBP, pemegang saham
hanya memiliki 1 hak voting (untuk
menerima, menolak, dan abstain) atas
masing-masing agenda dalam AGM dan
Source/ Evidence

Proxy to attend the AGM of shareholders

and EGM ICBP. 0
(P)A.5 Capital structures and arrangements that enable certain shareholders to obtain
a degree of control disproportionate to their equity ownership should be disclosed.

ICBP Practice in 2019

(P).A.5.1 Is a pyramid ownership
structure and/ or cross holding structure
Ya. Struktur piramida ICBP terlihat jelas
dari komponen %saham yang dimiliki oleh
ICBP, kemudian bertingkat dengan
melihat %saham yang dimiliki induk ICBP
Source/ Evidence (yaitu Indofood), dan bertingkat lagi pada
kepemilikan First Pasific Company Ltd
- Annual Report ICBP 2019 Halaman 12
- Annual Report ICBP 2019 Halaman 206

(P)B.1 Insider trading and abusive self-dealing should be prohibited

ICBP Practice in 2019

(P).B.1.1 Has there been any
conviction of insider trading involving
directors/commissioners, management
and employees in the past three years?
Perusahaan telah memiliki code of
conduct yg melarang adanya insider
trading, namun tidak ada publikasi terkait
Source/ Evidence apakah ada keterjadian insider trading
selama 3 tahun kebelakang

- Annual Report ICBP 2019 Halaman 142

(P)B.2 Protecting minority shareholders from abusive action

ICBP Practice in 2019

(P).B.2.1 Has there been any cases of
non compliance with the laws, rules and Tidak ada.
regulations pertaining to material related
party transactions in the past three years?

Source/ Evidence

- Annual Report ICBP 2019

- Annual Report ICBP 2018
- Annual Report ICBP 2017

(P)B.2 Protecting minority shareholders from abusive action

(P).B.2.2 Were there any RPTs that can be classified as financial

assistance (i.e not conducted at arms length) to entities other than
whollyowned subsidiary companies?

ICBP Practice in 2019

Tidak ada

Stay healthy!

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