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Business Statistics

Data Condensation and Presentation:
Measures of Central Tendency for Grouped:

1-What is the median of the following set of scores?

18, 6, 12, 10, 14 ?
a. 10
b. 14
c. 18
d. 12

2-The ______ is the value you calculate when you want the arithmetic
a.  Mean
b.  Median
c.  Mode
d.  All of the above

3-The median is ______.

a.  The middle point
b.  The highest number
c.  The average
d.  Affected by extreme scores

4-Which of the following is the formula for range?

a.   H + L
b.   L x H
c.   L - H
d.   H – L

5-Which measure of central tendency takes into account the magnitude of

a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. Range

6-The standard deviation is:

a. The square root of the variance
b. A measure of variability
c. An approximate indicator of how numbers vary from the mean
d. All of the above

7-Hypothesis testing and estimation are both types of descriptive statistics.

a. True
b. False

 8-A graph that uses vertical bars to represent data is called a ____.
a.  Line graph
b.  Bar graph
c.  Scatterplot
d.  Vertical graph

9-The goal of ___________ is to focus on summarizing and explaining a

specific set of data.
a.  Inferential statistics
b.  Descriptive statistics
c.  None of the above
d.  All of the above

10-The most frequently occurring number in a set of values is called the

a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. Range

11-As a general rule, the _______ is the best measure of central tendency
because it is more precise.
a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. Range

12-In a grouped frequency distribution, the intervals should be what?

a. Mutually exclusive
b. Exhaustive
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B

13-Which of the following is NOT a common measure of central tendency?

a.  Mode
b.  Range
c.  Median
d.  Mean

14-If you drew all possible samples from some population, calculated the
mean for each of the samples, and constructed a line graph (showing the
shape of the distribution) based on all of those means, what would you
a.  A population distribution
b.  A sample distribution
c.  A sampling distribution
d.  A parameter distribution
15-The use of the laws of probability to make inferences and draw
statistical conclusions about populations based on sample data is referred
to as ___________.
a.  Descriptive statistics
b.  Inferential statistics
c.  Sample statistics
d.  Population statistics

16-A _______ is a numerical characteristic of a sample and a ______ is a

numerical characteristic of a population.
a. Sample, population
b. Population, sample
c. Statistic, parameter
d. Parameter, statistic

17-Statistics branches include

A) Applied Statistics
B) Mathematical Statistics
C) Industry Statistics
D) Both A and B

18-A parameter is:

a. a sample characteristic
b. a population characteristic
c. unknown
d. normal normally distributed

19-A national random sample of 20 ACT scores from 2010 is listed below.
Calculate the sample mean and standard deviation. 29, 26, 13, 23, 23, 25,
17, 22, 17, 19, 12, 26, 30, 30, 18, 14, 12, 26, 17, 18
a. 20.50, 5.79
b. 20.50, 5.94
c. 20.85, 5.79
d. 20.85, 5.94
20-A list of 5 pulse rates is: 70, 64, 80, 74, 92. What is the median for this
a. 74
b. 76
c. 77
d. 80

21-What is the lower quartile?

20, 23, 38, 44, 48, 58, 69

 22-What is the median? 

2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 7, 8

23-What is the mean? 50, 51, 52, 53, 64, 2, 5,  5


24-What is the mode? 1, 1.2, 12, 1.2, 12, 1, 12, 1, 1, 3


 25-What is the lower quartile?

11, 34, 96, 82, 23, 0.8, 26, 55, 16, 24, 89, 2

 26-The monthly income of 5 persons are 3000, 5000, 4000, 2000 and 6000.
Their arithmetic mean should be

27-The positive square root of the mean of the squared deviations of the
values from their mean is known as
standard deviation
harmonic mean

28-The harmonic mean of 3,4 and 8 is

29-Value of [(n +1)⁄2]th term is the formula of
2nd quartile
1st quartile
both A and B

30- The sum of deviations of values from their mean is always


31-Mean , median and mode are the part of

measures of central tendency
measures of dispersion

32-The number of times each value appears is called the value's

standard Deviation

33-The three points that divides the set into 4 equal group are called
none of above

34-_____________________ statistics consists of generalizing from samples to

populations, performing estimations and hypothesis tests, determining
relationships among variables, and making predictions.

35-___________________ statistics consists of the collection, organization,

summarization and presentation of data.

36-Classify the following as descriptive or inferential statistics.

The average salary of the graduates of the class of 1980 is $32,500.

37-A _______________ consists of all subjects (human or otherwise) that are

being studied.

38-A group of subjects selected from a population is a _________________.

39-Two branches of statistics are________________ and ___________.
engineering and chemistry
mathematical and inferential
inferential and descriptive
hard and easy

40-Tell if the statement if Descriptive or Inferential

From a past study, it was found that 56% of women are the primary
investors in their households.
Both A & B
None of above

41-Tell if the statement if Descriptive or Inferential

The Senior Citizens that live in Florida have better memories than the ones
that live in Texas
Both A & B
None of above

42-Statistics are ___________ expressed?

A. Descriptive
B. Ability
C. Qualitatively
D. Quantitatively

43-In statistics, a sample means__________?

A. A portion of the sample
B. A portion of the population
C. All the items under investigation
D. None of the above

44-A numerical value calculated from sample is called____________?

A. Mathematics
B. Economics
C. Statistic
D. None of these

45-Major area of statistics today is concerned with drawing of conclusions

A. Samples
B. Primary
C. Two
D. Complete study

46-The Number of road accidents is the example of____________?

A. variable
B. Constant
C. Discrete variable
D. Continuous variable

47-The sum of squares of deviation is least if measure from__________?

A. Mean
B. Mode
C. Median
D. Variance

48-Variance is always calculated from___________?

A. Mean
B. Variance
C. Geometric Mean
D. Median
E. Mode

49-The sum of values divided by their number is called___________?

A. Median
B. Harmonic Mean
C. Mean
D. Mode

50-To find the average speed of a journey which is the appropriate

measure of central tendency?
A. Mean
B. Geometric Mean
C. Harmonic Mean
D. Weighted Mean
E. Mode

51-The most repeated (popular) value in a data set is called___________?

A. Median
B. Mean
C. Mode
D. Geometric Mean

52-Which of the measures given here are based on every item of the series
(uses all observations)?
A: Range
B: Standard Deviation
C: Quartile Deviation
D: All of them

53-In a distribution of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, the x is 30, the sum of deviations
from x will be:________?
A: 60
B: 30
C: Zero
D: 15

54-The weights of students in a college/school is a___________?

A. Discrete Variable
B. Continuous Variable
C. Qualitative Variable
D. None of these

55-Which of the following divides a group of data into four subgroups?

A. Percentiles
B. Deciles
C. Median
D. Quartiles

56-Age of Sir Rafay is the example of___________?

A. Qualitative
B. Quantitative data
C. Variable data
D. Continuous data

57-A Constant can assume _______ value?

A. One
B. Four
C. More than value
D. Resindent

58-A characteristics that does not change is called______________?

A. variable
B. Attribute
C. Constant
D. None of these
59-Results obtained by counting are_____________?
A. Continuous
B. Discrete
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these

Topic # Index numbers

60-The formula ∑pnqn/poqn x100 is used to calculate?

A. The Laspeyres price index

B. The Paasche price index

C. The Paasche quantity index

D. The Laspeyres quantity index

61-The Laspeyres price index_____________?

A. Regards the base year quantities as fixed

B. Regards the base year price as fixed

C. Regards the current year quantities as fixed

D. non of these

62-This index measure the change from month to month in the cost of a
representative ‘basket’ of goods and services of the type bought by a typical

A. Laspeyres Price Index

B. Financial time Index

C. Paasche Price Index

D. Retail Price Index

63-A simple aggregate quantity index is used to______________?

A. Measure the change in quantity of product

B. Measure the overall change in price of a range of products

C. Measure the overall change in quantity of range of product.

D. Measure the change in price of a product

64-An index number is used______________?

A. To measure changes in quantity

B. To measure changes in price

C. To measure changes in a variable over time

D. To measure changes in demand

65-Fisher’s ideal index number is also obtained by _______________?

A. Taking A.M. of Laspeyre’s and Paasche’s index

B. Taking G.M. of Laspeyre’s and Paasche’s index

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of these
66-Base year quantities are used as weights in _______________?

A. Laspeyre’s index

B. Paasche’s index

C. Fisher’s index

D. None of these

67-Volume index in Marshall is _______________?

A. ∑pn(Po + Pn)/ ∑pn (Po + Pn)

B. ∑qn(qo + qn)/∑qn(po + pn) x100

C. ∑pn(qo + qn)/∑pn

D. ∑qn(Po + Pn)/ ∑qo (Po + Pn) x100

68-The Index number are used to measure seasonal and cyclical variations in

A. Wholesale

B. Relatives

C. commodities

D. Time series

69-The weighty system changed with _______________?

A. Yearly

B. Basely

C. Timely

D. Averagely
70-Link relative = ________________?

A. Pn/Po x 100

B. Pn/Po x 100

C. Pn/ Pn-1 x100

D. Pn/P1 x 100

71-Single number which shows ___________ changes in a phenomenon is called

an Index Number?

A. Overall

B. Variation

C. Same

D. Capable

72-An Index number which measure the change of a _____ is called Aggregative 1.

A. Industrial activity

B. Goods consumed

C. Cost of living

D. Retail price

73-The object of Index number also determines its _______________?

A. Reliable

B. Special purpose

C. Index Number
D. Scope

74-All Index numbers are not suitable for all _________________?

A. Chain relative

B. Kind

C. Purpose

D. Price

75-When we throw a coin then what is the probability of getting head?

A. 1/2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 1

76-The probability of save event is equal to?





77-All experiments have_____properties in common?




78-When we throw a coin then what is the probability of getting a tail?

A. 2

B. 1/2

C. 5

D. 0

79-When we throw two dice then what is the probability of getting a sum 9?

A. 2/9

B. 1/12

C. 1/9

D. All of these

80-The probability of a total outcome in a coin equal to ____?





81-A subset of a sample Space is called?

Sample point



83-Probability of an event can not be ___?




Non of these

84-Events which can never occur together In probability theories then it is

classified as?

A. mutually exclusive events

B. collectively exclusive events

C. mutually exhaustive events

D. None of these

85-What is the marginal probability of dependent events and independent


A. one

B. different

C. Same

D. All of these

86-When we consider an event B then non-occurrence of event B is?

A. A is equal to zero

B. intersection of A

C. complement of A

D. union of A
87-If the occurrence of one event means that another cannot happen, then the
events are _______________?

A. Independent

B. Mutually Exclusive

C. Bayesian

D. Empirical

88-5C5 is equal to ________________?

A. 5

B. 5×5

C. 1

D. None of these

89-Which of the following is not a correct statement about a Probability


A. It must have a value between 0 and 1

B. It can be reported as a decimal or a fraction

C. A value near 0 means that the event is not likely to occur/happens

D. It is the collection of several experiment

90-The special rule of multiplication of probability, the events must be


A. Independent

B. Mutually exclusive

C. Bayesian

D. Empirical
91-The probability of getting at least one head when two balance coins are tossed
once __________________?

A. 1/4

B. 2/4

C. 3/4

D. 4/4

Topic #set
92-A __________ is an ordered collection of objects.

a. Relation

b. Function

c. Set

d. Proposition

93-The set O of odd positive integers less than 10 can be expressed by


a. {1, 2, 3}

b. {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}

c. {1, 2, 5, 9}

d. {1, 5, 7, 9, 11}

94-Power set of empty set has exactly _________ subset.

a. One

b. Two

c. Zero
d. Three

95-What is the Cartesian product of A = {1, 2} and B = {a, b}?

a. {(1, a), (1, b), (2, a), (b, b)}

b. {(1, 1), (2, 2), (a, a), (b, b)}

c. {(1, a), (2, a), (1, b), (2, b)}

d. {(1, 1), (a, a), (2, a), (1, b)}

96-The Cartesian Product B x A is equal to the Cartesian product A x B.

a. True

b. False

C. none

D. Both

97-Which of the following two sets are equal?

a. A = {1, 2} and B = {1}

b. A = {1, 2} and B = {1, 2, 3}

c. A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {2, 1, 3}

d. A = {1, 2, 4} and B = {1, 2, 3}

98-The set of positive integers is _____________

a. Infinite

B. Finite

c. Subset

d. Empty

99-What is the Cardinality of the Power set of the set {0, 1, 2}?
a. 8

b. 6

c. 7

d. 9

100-A ⊆ B means

A. A is superset of B

B. A is subset of B

C. A and B are disjoint sets

D. A is improper subset of

101-Two matrix A and B are equal if

A. They are square matrix

B. They have same order

C. Their corresponding elements are equal

D. They have same number of columns

102-{0} is the set which has .........element.

A: One

B: Three

C: Four

D: None

103-If a set has four elements then it's power set will contain elements equal
to ..............elements.

A: 16
B: 5

C: 10

D: 7

104-(A')' = .................

A: B'

B: U

C: U'

D: A

105-The null set is considered to be a ........ of every set.

A: Super set

B: Proper subset

C: Subset

D: Improper subset

106-The set of subsets of a set is called ........set.

A: Power

B: Proper

C: Null

D: Super

Topic # permutation and combination

107-If 16Pr-1 : 15Pr-1 = 16 : 7 then find r.

a) 10

b) 12
c) 7

d) 8

108-In a colony, there are 55 members. Every member posts a greeting card to all
the members. How many greeting cards were posted by them?

a) 990

b) 890

c) 2970

d) 1980

109-If nPr = 3024 and nCr = 126 then find n and r.

a) 9, 4

b) 10, 3

c) 12, 4

d) 11, 4

110-In how many ways can we select 6 people out of 10, of which a particular
person is not included?

a) 10C3

b) 9C5

c) 9C6

d) 9C4

111-How many permutation of the letter APPLE are there?

A. 600



112-In how many ways can the letters of the word 'LEADER' be arranged?




D. 720

113-In a colony, there are 55 members. Every member posts a greeting card to all
the members. How many greeting cards were posted by them?

a) 990

b) 890

c) 2970

d) 1980

114-Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the words DANGER, so
that no vowel occupies odd place.

a) 36

b) 48

c) 144

d) 96

115-Find the sum of all four digit numbers that can be formed by the digits 1, 3, 5,
7, 9 without repetition.

a) 666700

b) 666600
c) 678860

d) 665500

116-If nPr = 3024 and nCr = 126 then find n and r.

a) 9, 4

b) 10, 3

c) 12, 4

d) 11, 4

117-Find the number of rectangles and squares in an 8 by 8 chess board


a. 296, 204

b. 1092, 204

c. 204, 1092

d. 204, 1296

118-There are 20 points in a plane, how many triangles can be formed by these
points if 5 are colinear?

a. 1130

b. 550

c. 1129

d. 1140

119-In how many ways can we select 6 people out of 10, of which a particular
person is not included?

a. 10C3

b. 9C5
c. 9C6

d. 9C4

120-Number of circular permutations of different things taken all at a time is n!.

a. True

b. False

C. Both

D. Bone

121-Is the given statement true or false?

nCr= nCn-r

a. True

b. False

C. None

Topic: Measure of dispersion for grouped and ungrouped


122-The ratio of standard deviation to arithmetic mean expressed as a percentage

is called:

a. Coefficient of standard deviation

b. Coefficient of skewness

c. Coefficient of kurtosis

d. Coefficient of variation

123-The measure used to calculate the variation present among the observation
related to their average is called:
a. Coefficient of kurtosis

b. Quartile deviation

c. Relative measure of dispersion

d. Absolute measure of dispersion

124-Find deviation from mean 5, 9, 16, 17, 18.

a. 13

b. 15

c. 16

d. 19

125-Find population variance?

X = 5, 9, 16, 17, 18.

a. 26

b. 130

c. 45

d. 90

126-Population standard deviation is

a. Square root of variance

b. Average of squared deviation

c. Square of mean

d. None

127-Mean absolute deviation of the scores 12, 15, 18 is:

a. 6
b. 0

c. 3

d. 2

128-The range of the scores 29, 3, 143, 27, 99 is:

a. 140

b. 143

c. 146

d. 70

129-Find range 21, 23, 19, 27, 35

a. 16

b. 14

c. 30

d. 8

130-Interquartile range is equal to:

a. Q3-Q1

b. Q2-Q1

c. Q3-Q1

d. Q1-Q2

131-The scatter in a series of values about the average is called:

a. Central tendency

b. Dispersion

c. Skewness
d. Symmetry

132-Standard deviation is always calculated from:

a. Mean

b. Median

c. Mode

d. Lower quartile

133-The average of squared deviations from mean is called:

a. Mean deviation

b. Variance

c. Standard deviation

d. Coefficient of variation

134-Half of the difference between upper and lower quartiles is called:

a. Interquartile range

b. Quartile deviation

c. Mean deviation

d. Standard deviation

135-The measure of dispersion which uses only two observations is called:

a. Mean

b. Median

c. Range

d. Coefficient of variation
136-Which of the following is an absolute measure of dispersion?

a. Coefficient of variation

b. Coefficient of dispersion

c. Standard deviation

d. Coefficient of skewness

137-The measures of dispersion can never be:

a. Positive

b. Zero

c. Negative

d. Equal to 2

138-The sum of deviation about the means is always equal to:

a. Range

b. Zero

c. Positive

d. Total standard deviation

139-Which of the following is relative measure of dispersion?

a. Coefficient of variation

b. Variance

c. Standard deviation

d. None of these

140-Variance is always calculated from

a. Mode

b. Median

c. Mean

d. Geometric mean

141-__________is used to measure the variation in two or more sets of data even
through they are measured in different data.

a. Coefficient of variation

b. Standard deviation

c. Range

d. none

1. The deviation (dx) of a data point "x" is...

The value of that data point minus the mean
The mean minus the value of that data point
The value of that data point minus the median
The median minus the value of that data point


 Σ(d2) =

4. What is the symbol for population variance?


5. What is the symbol for sample variance?


6. What is the symbol for Sum of Squares ?


7. What is the formula to find population variance?


8. What is the formula to find sample variance?


9. Standard deviation is always the __________ of variance.

square root
median of
mean of

10. What is another name for the greatest element in a data set?
11. What is another name for the least element in a data set?
12. How do you find the range of a data set?
Maximum minus minimum
Maximum plus minimum
The sum of the maximum and the minimum, divided by two
Upper class boundary minus lower class boundary

13. Roger bowled 7 games last weekend. His scores are:

{ 155, 165, 138, 172, 127, 193, 142 }.
What is the range of Roger's scores?

14. What is the variance for the sample data set given below?

{ 5, 10, 7, 12, 0, 20, 15, 22, 8, 2 }

15. What is the variance of this data set? The data comes from a population.


16. What is the standard deviation for the data set given below? Data comes from
a population.
{ 5, 10, 7, 12, 0, 20, 15, 22, 8, 2 }

20. If the standard deviation of a data set is 4, what is the variance?


21. If the variance of a data set is 64, what is its standard deviation?

23. Which relation below correctly represents Chebychev's Inequality?

P≥ 1 - 1/(k2)
P ≤1 - 1/(k2)
P≥ 1 + 1/(k2)
P ≤1 - 1/(k)

24. In Chebychev's Theorem, "k" stands for the number of ______________ a given
boundary is away from the _____________.
Standard deviations; mean
Means; standard deviation
Standard deviations; median
Medians; standard deviation

26. The mean score of the Insurance Commission Licensure Examination is 75 with a
standard deviation of 5.  At least ______ of the data in this set lies between 50 and 100.

27. The mean age of flight attendants of PAL is 40 years old with a standard deviation of
8 years.
Therefore, at least _______ of flight attendants working for this airline are between 20
and 60 years old.

28. The mean age of salespeople in ABC Dept. Store is 30 years with a standard
deviation of 6 years. From this, we can conclude that at least 75% of salespeople in this
store are between ____________ years old
24 and 36
18 and 42
12 and 48
6 and 54

29. The mean score on an accounting test is 80 with a standard deviation of 10.  
From this, we can conclude that at least 88.89% of the scores on this test are between
70 - 90
60 - 100
50 - 110
40 - 120

30. A class of second graders has a mean height of five feet with a standard deviation of
one inch.  At least what percent of the class must be between 4'10" and 5'2"?

32. Bacteria in a culture live for an "average "(mean) time of three hours with standard
deviation of 10 minutes.
From this, we can conclude that at least ______ of the bacteria in this culture live
between two and four hours.

33. 500 students in the school were weighed. The mean weight was 150 lbs. with a
standard deviation of 20 lbs.
From this, we can conclude that at least 400 students must weigh between __________
105.2 and 194.8
50 and 250
127.6 and 172.4
125 and 175

34. The Coefficient of Variation (CV) should only be used with data that is at the
_____________ level of measurement.

36. A data set has a Pearson's Coefficient of Skew of -0.06. Which of the following is a
good description of this data set?
Slightly skew left
Slightly skew right
Significantly skew left
Significantly skew right

37. A symmetric data set would have a Pearson's Coefficient of Skew of...
None of these

The scatter in a series of values about the average is called: (a) Central tendency (b) Dispersion
(c) Skewness (d) Symmetry MCQ No
4.2 The measurements of spread or scatter of the individual values around the central point is
called: (a) Measures of dispersion (b) Measures of central tendency (c) Measures of skewness (d)
Measures of kurtosis MCQ No
4.3 The measures used to calculate the variation present among the observations in the unit of
the variable is called: (a) Relative measures of dispersion (b) Coefficient of skewness (c) Absolute
measures of dispersion (d) Coefficient of variation MCQ No
4.4 The measures used to calculate the variation present among the observations relative to
their average is called: (a) Coefficient of kurtosis (b) Absolute measures of dispersion (c) Quartile
deviation (d) Relative measures of dispersion MCQ No
4.5 The degree to which numerical data tend to spread about an average value called: (a)
Constant (b) Flatness (c) Variation (d) Skewness MCQ No
4.6 The measures of dispersion can never be: (a) Positive (b) Zero (c) Negative (d) Equal to 2
4.7 If all the scores on examination cluster around the mean, the dispersion is said to be: (a)
Small (b) Large (c) Normal (d) Symmetrical MCQ No
4.8 If there are many extreme scores on all examination, the dispersion is: (a) Large (b) Small (c)
Normal (d) Symmetric MCQ No
4.9 Given below the four sets of observations. Which set has the minimum variation? (a) 46, 48,
50, 52, 54 (b) 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 (c) 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 (d) 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 MCQ No
4.10 Which of the following is an absolute measure of dispersion? (a) Coefficient of variation (b)
Coefficient of dispersion (c) Standard deviation (d) Coefficient of skewness MCQ No
4.11 The measure of dispersion which uses only two observations is called: (a) Mean (b) Median
(c) Range (d) Coefficient of variation
The measure of dispersion which uses only two observations is called: (a) Range (b) Quartile
deviation (c) Mean deviation (d) Standard deviation MCQ No
4.13 In quality control of manufactured items, the most common measure of dispersion is: (a)
Range (b) Average deviation (c) Standard deviation (d) Quartile deviation MCQ No
4.14 The range of the scores 29, 3, 143, 27, 99 is: (a) 140 (b) 143 (c) 146 (d) 70 MCQ No
4.15 If the observations of a variable X are, -4, -20, -30, -44 and -36, then the value of the range
will be: (a) -48 (b) 40 (c) -40 (d) 48 MCQ No
4.16 The range of the values -5, -8, -10, 0, 6, 10 is: (a) 0 (b) 10 (c) -10 (d) 20
4.18 If the maximum value in a series is 25 and its range is 15, the maximum value of the series
is: (a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 25 (d) 35 MCQ No
4.19 Half of the difference between upper and lower quartiles is called: (a) Interquartile range (b)
Quartile deviation (c) Mean deviation (d) Standard deviation MCQ No
4.20 If Q3=20 and Q1=10, the coefficient of quartile deviation is: (a) 3 (b) 1/3 (c) 2/3 (d) 1 MCQ
4.21 Which measure of dispersion can be computed in case of open-end classes? (a) Standard
deviation (b) Range (c) Quartile deviation (d) Coefficient of variation MCQ No
4.22 If Y = aX ± b, where a and b are any two constants and a ≠ 0, then the quartile deviation of
Y values is equal to: (a) a Q.D(X) + b (b) |a| Q.D(X) (c) Q.D(X) – b (d) |b| Q.D(X) MCQ No
4.23 The sum of absolute deviations is minimum if these deviations are taken from the: (a) Mean
(b) Mode (c) Median (d) Upper quartile MCQ No
4.24 The mean deviation is minimum when deviations are taken from: (a) Mean (b) Mode (c)
Median (d) Zero

University of Education Lahore

Business of Statistics M CQS

> Numerical measure describe the character of population .

Population , sample, parameter, statistics.
> All items or individual about which you want to draw a
conclusions large group.

Variable, sample, parameter, population.

> Type of measure of central tendency

Arithmetic Mean , quartiles, statistics , variable.

Mean-sum of all observation / Number of observation .
Arithmetic Mean , Geometric Mean , Harmonic Mean , All of
these .

> Calculate Arithmetic means following mark obtained by a

student given below . 45,32 ,37,46,39,36 , 41,48,36 ungrouped
data .

40 , 120,360,90 .

> Arithmetic means for group data

X = £xi/n , x = £fu/n ,
X = £An ni

i-1 / n.

> Geometric Mean for ungroup data . G = Anti log { £f log x )/n

G .M = antilog ( £ log x / n )
X = £An xi


G . M = V product of ' n ' positive value .

> Harmonic Mean .

Mean = sum of All observation / No of observation .

Mean = V product of ' n ’ positive value . H M . reciprocal of

( sum of reciprocal of value / No of Value )

H = n/£{f/x)
> Calculate Harmonic mean following mark obtained by 9 student
given below , x , 45,32 ,37 46,39, 36, 41, 48, 36 ungrouped data .

9.0.22862.393663 .
19 .5045 .

> Deciles formula for ungroup data . QI = [ j ( n+1)/4 ].

P 1 = [ j ( n+1) /100 ]
DI = [ j ( n + 1) /10 ] Df=[(7n/10) + l]An.
Percentile for ungroup data .

DI = [ j( n+1) /IO ]
P 1 = [ j ( n+ 1) / 100
Ql = [j(n+ 1) / 4
P 25 = L + h / f ( 25 / 100 - c ).

> Mode is.

Mid Value.
Most repeated Value.
Value obtained by dividing sum of all observation by no of
observation . None of these .

> Mode Find : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 .

6,8, 5 .7,5 .

> The data having one mode is . Mode , UNI Model distribution .
Bi model distribution , Multi - Model distribution .
> Data having more than two modes


Mode , UNI - Model distribution , bi Model distribution , Multi

Model distribution.

> Mode in discrete grouped data . No of assistants =

0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 fi =

3,4,6,7 ,10,6,5,5,3,1.

> A value which has largest frequency in a set of data .

Mode case of continues grouped Data . Mode case discrete

grouped data .
Most repeated Value.
Most case of ungroup data

> Mode in case of continues grouped

£An /I - 1 fi , X = £n /n ,
X = A+ £D/n
l + fm-fl*h/(fm-fl) + (fm-2).
Observation arranged in Asending or de sending order value,
value that divides into equal part's are called . Means , Mode ,
Median , Harmonic Mean
> Observation are arranged in increasing order the value, that
divide whole data into four (4) equal parts.

Quartiles , deciles, None of these, percentiles'


>Quantitative measure of growth of price, production ,

inventory and other quantities of economic interest.
Aggregative method
Relatives method

Chain index NUMBER. ^-Characteristics

of index NUMBER .

To Framing suitable policies . Index NUMBER are

special arrange . Index NUMBER are useful in
deflating . Data collection.

> Price index , Value index are . Problem of index

NUMBER. Classification of index NUMBER. Uses
of index NUMBER. Characteristics of index
^Simple aggregative method. P°1 =
£pl/£p**100 .

P° 1 = £( p 1 /p° * 100/N ). P * 1 = £PV /£V.

P° 1 = Epi qO/£p° qO * 100.

> Simple average of Relative method . P° 1 = £pl /

£p* * 100.

P * 1 = £ (p 1 / pB * 100 / N ) P*l = £pv/£v

P * 1 = £ p 1 qO / £ p * qO * 100 i ^Arrange used could be

Arithmetic means geometric mean , are even median , when

geometric mean is used in simple average of Relative

method .

P • 1 = £ ( pl / p’ • 100 ) Log p’l = £ log ( p 1 * p *) / N P° 1

= £ pl/£p* *100 P “ 1 = £ pl qO/£p° qO * 100. r Fishers deal
index is geometric means of laspeyre * s and paasche .

£ pl q0 + £ pl 91_________________________________

P” 1 = £ p° qO £ p ° q o ‘ 100 / 2 .

P° 1 = V £ p 1 q 0 / £p ° q o * £ plql/£p°q 1 * 100.

P° 1 = £ pl q o / £ p ° q o * 100 . P * 1 = £ p 1 q 1 /£ p ° q 1 *
100 . >Weighed arithmetic mean of price relative . P’l=£pv/


V = £ p 1 q 1 / p ’ q o * 100 P ’ 1 = £ pl / £ p “ * 100 P ’ 1 =
£ ( pl / p'* 100/N )

Value index NUMBER.

V = £plql/£p* q * * 100

P ’ I = £ p I / £ q I * 100

P ’ I = £ p I q I / £ p ° q o * 100 P° I = £ p


xPaasche ' s index :p°l=£plql/£p°ql* 100 •

38720/31520 * 100 = ?
122. 66

122. 49

1 What is the median of the following set of scores?

IB, 6, 12,10, 14?

a 10

b 14

c. 18

d 12

2 The standard deviation is:

a The square root of the variance

b A measure of variability

C An approximate indicator of how

numbers vary from the mean d All of the

3 Hypothesis testing and estimation are both

types of descriptive statistics a True

b False

4 A graph that uses vertical bars to represent

data is called a . a line


b Bargraph

c. Scatterplot

d Vertical graph

5 The most frequently occurring number m a set

of values is called the a


b Median

C Mode

D. Range
the ____ is the value you calculate when you want the arithmetic
1) mean
2) median
3) mode
4) all of the above

7. The is often the preferred measure of central tendency if the

data are severely skewed a Mean
1) mean
2) median
3) mode
4) range
Which of the following is NOT a measure of variability

stander daviation

12 What is the median of this set of numbers, 2000000?

c. 7

What is the mean of this set of numbers 4.6. 7,9. 2000000?

1) 7.5
2) b 400.005.2
3) 7
4) 4

8In a colony there are 55 members Every member posts a

greeting card to al the members How many greeting card* were
posted by them '
Find the sum of all tour digit numbers that can be formed by the
digits 1. 3. 5. 7.
9 without repetition
If P ■ 3024 and *C ■ 126 then find n and r.
b) 10. 3
O 12. 4
. F aid the number of rectangles and squares m an 8 by 8 chess
board respectively
296. 204
1092. 204
d) 204, 1296
There are 20 points m a plane, how many triangles can be formed
by these points 4 5 are cohnear'?

16 There are 20 points m a plane how many triangles can

be formed by these points if 5 are cofcnear’

a) 1130
b) 560

c) 1129
d) 1140

17 Number of circular permutations of different things

taken all at a time is nl.
a) True
b) False

18 Is the given statement true or false?

a) True
b) False
25. There are 30 people in a group If all shake hands with

one another, how many handshakes are possible7

a 870 b 435 c. 30* d 29* ♦

27 In how many ways can we arrange the word

“FUZZTONE' so that all die vowels come together7

a. 1440

b. 6

c. 2160

d. 4320
28 In Cricket League, in first round every team plays a match

with every other team 9 teams par ba pa ted in the Cncket

league How many matches were played in the first round7

a. 36

b 72
c. 9!

d. 9! -1 14.
29.How many combinations are possible while selecting four

letters from the word SMOKEJACK with the condition that *J*

must appear in it?

a. 81
b. 8!/2!
c. 3!/2!
d. 41
30.In a room there are 2 green chairs. 3 yellow chairs and 4

blue chairs. In how many ways can Raj choose 3 chairs so that

at least one yellow chair is included?

a. 3

b . 30
c. 64
d. 84

31.17 students are present in a class. In how many ways, can

they be made to stand in 2 circles of 8 and 9 students?

a. "Ct x 9! X 8!
b. rC» x 81 X 7!
c. 8! X 7!
d. "C.x8!X9?

32.On a railway line there are 20 stops. A ticket is needed to

travel between any 2 stops. How many different tickets would

the government need to prepare to cater to all possibilities?

a. 760

b. 190
c. 380
d. 72
33 In Daya’s bag there are 3 books of History. 4 books of

Science and 2 books of Maths. In how many ways can Daya

arrange the books so that all the books of same subject are


a. 9
b. 6
c. 8640
d. d.1728
34. A locker in bank has 3 digit lock. Mahesh forgot his
password and was trying all possible combinations. He took 6
seconds for each try. The problem was that each digit can be
from 0 to 9. How much time will be needed to by Mahesh to
try all the combinations?

a. 90 minutes
b. 120 minutes
c. 60 minutes
d. 100 minutes
35 Mayur travels from Mumbai to Jammu in 7 different ways.
But he is allowed to return to Mumbai by any way except the
one he used earlier. In how many ways can he complete his

a. 49
b. 42
c. 48
d. 6


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