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Compostela Valley State College

Teacher Education Department

PED 4 – Assessment of Learning 1

Name: _Dominic Wyne D. Bernil______________ Date:

Course/Section: _BEED 2B________________ Score:

KWL Chart
1. Answer the second column in the table as provided.
2. Choose a partner and discuss through zoom meeting/messenger chat or any way you can
connect on what you have written in the first and second column.
3. Fill out the third column.

Topics What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learn

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Assessment as Assessment as As a learners,
Learning Assessment as Learning- is a Assessment as
learning- happens as teaching and learning learning is method to
learners track what method that provides provide valuable
they are learning feedback that is then information about the
individually and use used to enhance the students learning
the information to students to become process and how well
make changes in the more interested in the they have to learned
learning process. process of learning and where they have
and what they are been failing or
supposed to learn. struggles.

Self-assessment Is a lifelong learning As a learners, self-

happens when instrument that helps assessment it allows
learners measure their direcr us to students to focus on
own performance. understand our how the expectations
They learn with personal strength and set for learning
practice to: objectively weaknessess. This is concepts and skills are
focus on and critically avaluable ability that fulfilled through their
assess their own must had and work on. own work. ... It allows
success and growth of learners to think about
skills. Identify how a specific
differences in their assignment or course
comprehension and fits into their
skills. education background.
Metacognition Metacognition- is Metacognition- As learners, meta
though simply, about contains a critical cognitive activities
one's thinking. More attention of one's help learners to
specifically, it relates thought and one's as a become conscious of
to the techniques used thinker and learner. their strengths and
to monitor and analyze limitations.
one's understanding
and results.

Diagram Making

1. Create a Venn-Diagram that compares and contrast the role of the teacher and student in

TEACHER – is one who helps STUDENT- is one who will

to assess the learning identify their capability and
process of the student and performance. The will be able to
Both student and understand the topic through
to monitor the progress that teacher will benefit assessment and build a connection
they have develop. Teacher because student will to their teacher by that they can
will evaluate the student learn from their gain knowledge and they can gather
strength and weaknesses so teacher and also information to learn a new things in
that they can determine the teacher will from their life.
capacity of the student and student.
to create task that need to
complete the learning of the
2. Makea concept map on how you can, as a student, monitor your own learning progress.

Learned from previous Analyze your failures

performance if there is a why you can get low
Self - assessment
development grades.

Learned from the failure Compare yourself from

and make an adjustment Self - assessment previous if they have

I will evaluate my Monitoring myself by

strength and weakness making realization from
failures and

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