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Car Paint Mobile Shader PRO

car paint
Category: Textures & Materials/Shaders
Car Paint Mobile Shader PRO
Red Dot Games
C atego ries
Version: 1.4 (April 15, 2013)
Ho m e
Size: 8.4 MB
Price: $40.00 3D Mo dels
O pen in U n ity Tex tu r es & Mater ials

C ar Pain t Mo bile Sh ader PRO is a mobile Shaders

version of the popular and complex car shader
C ar Pain t Sh ader PRO . Shaders have 3 quality GUI Skins
levels (you can use it as LOD or depend on mobile Fonts
device power)
2D & Isometric Tiles
Th e pac k in c lu des 16 s h ader s + c ar
m o del fr o m im ag es : Abstract
- Car Paint * ** Bricks
- Car Paint with Alpha Blending*
- Car Paint Duo Color ** Buildings
- Car Glass Shader with Reflection & Fresnel **
- Car Glass Shader with Diffuse Texture Concrete
- Car Chrome Shader ** Decals
- Car Paint with Decal*
- Car Paint with Reflection Mask* Fabric
- Car Paint with Reflection & Color Mask*
* shaders in 3 detail quality : Low, Medium, High Ground
** with Light Probes support
Featu r es :
- Up to 4 Lights Sources + Directional Light Metal
- Diffuse and Ambient Color Nature
- Specular with Gloss
- Reflection Cubemap with optional Fresnel Organic
- Decal and liveries (for stickers, mud)
- Flakes Paper
Pac kage C o ntents Expand
- Reflection Mask
- Light Probes
Car Paint Shader PRO Mobile
!readme.txt Roads
Working on Unity 3.5 and Unity4. Shaders were
Car Model

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