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© Copyright 1996 Mission Studios Corporation. All rights reserved. Documentation printed in the United States of America.

Mission Studios reserves the right to make changes to the product described in this manual at any time and
without notice. No part of this document or software may be copied, reproduced, translated, transmitted or
reproduced in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express
written permission of Mission Studios Corporation, 1644 Colonial Parkway, Inverness, Illinois, 60067,
Mission Studios, JetFighter Ill and distinctive logos are the property of Mission Studios Corporation.
Other names are trademarks of their respective companies.

The story, characters, incidents and background in this product are either products of the authors' imaginations
or are fictional. Any resemblance to actual events, individuals (living or dead), and such is coincidental.

Package design by: .... .. .... .. ...... .. ...... .... ........ .. ......... .. ......... Greg Fedorev of Conflux Design
Manual design by: ...... .. .... ...... .... .. ... ..... ...... .. ........ .... ........ .. Greg Fedorev of Conflux Design
Additional 30 artwork provided by: ........... ...... ..... ............ Raymond Lueders of Platinum Pictures
Music and Sound Effects provided by: ... ...... .. ........................ ........... Michael Cihak for Studio e
Music consulting provided by: ..... ................................... ... ... ........ .... ...... .. Simon Horrocks
Encyclopedia text provided by: .................. .... .. .. ... ......... ... ..... ...... ..... .... ... .... Bill Sweetman
Drawings and certain photographs provided by: .. .... .. ....... .. ..... .............. ..... ....... Bill Sweetman
Scenery special fx textures: .... .... ... .... .. .. ........ .. ........ ... designed and created by Peter Tish ma of
Papa Tango utilizing TEXTUREAL™ technology.
(TEXTUREAL™ is a trademark and copyright of Papa Tango International.)

F-22 Lightning II cover photo and certain images: ...... courtesy of Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Co.
1. Introduction ... .................................................. ...... . 1·6
System Requirements ......... .. .. ........ ... ................ ........ 1
Installation ....... ........ ............................... ... ..... . ... 1-2
Running JF3 .... ..... .... .. .............. .. .... ... ... .......... ....... 3
Running JF3 for the First Time .. .. ................. .......... ..... .... 4
Getting Around .............. ...... .... .. ..... ..... .. ........ . ......... 5
Free Flight. ...... .. .. ............ ... ...... ... ................. .......... 6
2. Common Procedures ............ ... .................. ........ ....... 7-18
Playing a Campaign ....... ... . .... .. .... ... ... ........ .. .. ..... .. ...... 8
Ground Takeoff ....... ........... ..... .... ................. . .. ... ...... 9
Carrier Takeoff .. ....... .............. .......................... ....... 9
Following Waypoints .. ... .... ....................... .... .......... 10-11
Air-to-Air Combat ... ....... ............ ......... .. .. ..... ........ 12-13
Air-to-Ground Combat .. ............ ..... ... ...................... 14-16
Ground Landings .......................... ...... ... ...... .... ....... 17
Carrier Landings ........................... .. ................. .. ...... 18
3. Background ......................................... .... ... .. .. ...... 19-50
The Story So Far .. .. ... ... . .... .. ....... ... ...... .. .. .. ....... .... 20-29
Rapid Deployment Force ........ ... ........ . .................... .. 30-39
Campaigns ..... ................................. ............... ... 40-50
4. The Carrier ............. ... ... .... .... .. ... ................ .... ...... 51-70
Statistics ....... .. ...... . ... . ............. .. . ........... .. ............. 52
Getting Around ....... ... .... .. .... .... ......... ..... ....... ... .... 53-54
Carrier Layout .. .. .. .. .. .... ..... ... .. ... ..... ............ ....... . 55-70
5. Flight Training ........ .............. .......... ............ ...... .... 71-98
6. Reference ......... ........... .... ........ ... .. ...... , ............ .. 99-118
Controls ........................... ........... .......... ... ..... 100-102
The Instrument Panel ................................ ...... . ... 103-107
Combat Controls ...... .... ... ... ... .................... ....... 108-109
Views ..... ..... ...... ... .. ... .... .. .. .. ..... .... ... ............ 110-113
In-Flight Menu ...... .. ..... ... ..... ..... ....... .... ... ..... .. ... 113-118
7. Pilot Notes ....... ... ... ... .... .. ... ... ................. ... .. ..... . 119-152
Aerodynamics .... .......... .... .... ............................ 120-121
Basic Controls .............. ........................ ... . .. .. .... 122-123
Pursuit Tactics ................ ...................................... 124
Advanced Maneuvers ............. ......... ............. .... ... 124-131
Emergency Procedures ..... ............. ..................... ..... 132
Mission Types ..... .................... .. ..... ......... .. ...... . 133-134
Aircraft and Weapons .. .... ........ ...... .. ........ .. ... ...... . 135-152
8. Customer Information ......................................... .153-159
Optimizing Performance ................. ..... ................. . 154-155
Troubleshooting ...... ... .... .... ..... .... ... ... .. .. ..... ... ... . 156-157
Customer Assistance ... ........ ... . ......... ........................ 158
Warranty Information ........................ ............... ....... 159
License Agreement ....... .......... ......... .......... .... .......... 159
9. Credits .................. ... ............ ............................ ..... 160
10. Glossary ..... .... .. .. .. .. .. ........ ...... .... .... ... ..... ..... .... 161-170
11. Appendix .... ....... ... ... .. .... ....... ..... ....... ................ 171-179
JF3 Keyboard Assignments ... .... ......................... .... 171-172
Instrument Landing System (ILS) .. ... ... .... ..... ....... ... ... 173-178
Argentina Campaign Sector Map ............ ....... ..... ... ... .. ... . 179
U.N. Rapid Deployment Force
Civilian Command
1644 Colonial Pkwy.
New York, New York, U.S.A.

TO: RDF Pilots

You have been chosen to be a member of the United Nations' Rapid Deployment
Force. The RDF is an elite strike force based aboard the U.N.S. Peacekeeper, a
Nimitz-class nuclear aircraft carrier. This briefing dossier will fill in the other
details of your assignment.

The Rapid Deployment Force will be sent to hotspots around the world to protect
against aggression. Your objective in these engagements is straightforward -
to secure global peace using any means necessary, including deadly force .

Besides yourself, this squadron of pilots has been chosen to serve in the RDF
from countries spanning the entire Earth . The team has been carefully selected
based upon proven combat skill and experience. You are the best that the world
has to offer and represent our highest hopes for keeping the peace.

The remainder of this handbook will provide you with additional information
on your position , background , and duties. Other confidential information will
be provided to you on a need-to-know basis. Make sure you read this
document very carefully. It could save your life.
Good luck,

Holden Kohl
Civilian Commander
JetFighter 111 is easy to install and run . However, it is important to be sure that you have the proper equipment
and enough free disk space. Please carefully follow the installation instructions below. If you have any difficulties,
please consult the Troubleshooting section in the Customer Information chapter before pursuing other options.


JetFighter Ill will run on most new personal computers. Below .., Turn on your computer if it is not already on.
is a list of the computer equipment required to run the game: ... Once in Windows 95, place the JetFighter 111 CD
... IBM compatible computer with a 486/66 MHZ or into your CD-ROM drive .
better processor (Pentium 120 recommended) ... Wait a few seconds for WINDOWS 95 to automatically
... 8 MB of system RAM (12 MB required to run hi-res) detect the CD
... DOS 5.0 or better operating system ... When the JF3 image appears, click on INSTALL
... CD-ROM drive with DOS driver software loaded
... Follow the directions below for Setup Sounds, Setup
... Hard disk drive with at least 30 MB of free space Joystick, and Install to Hard Disk .
... VESA compatible SVGA graphics card and monitor
... If there is no Autoplay detection, click on the "My Computer"
The following are also supported by JetFighter Ill : icon and then click on the "JetFighter 3" CD icon.
... Windows95 in DOS mode Note: If you must manually load a VESA driver, exit to DOS,
... Microsoft compatible mouse and driver run your VESA driver, then follow the directions above for
... Most joysticks installing in DOS. To fully exit to DOS from WINDOWS 95:
... Most sound boards and speakers ... Click on the START button
T rudder pedals .., Click on SHUT DOWN
... th rattle controls .., Select RESTART THE COMPUTER IN MS-DOS MODE
.., the CH Force F/X joystick
JetFighter Ill will create and install the program into the C:\JF3
INSTALLATION directory or one that you select. Please watch for errors as the
Before you install JetFighter Ill , please be sure you have met install program runs. The most common cause of trouble is
all the computer system requirements listed above. If you are not having enough available space on the hard drive.
not sure that you have the correct equipment, you may want
to ask your computer dealer. To begin the installation, follow If you have any trouble installing the program , you may want
these instructions below. These examples assume that your to make sure that your computer system has:
CD-ROM drive is "D." "' Hard disk drive with at least 30 MB of free space
Installing in DOS: "' CD-ROM drive is working and the drivers are loaded.
... Turn on your computer if it is not already on. ... SOOK free conventional RAM
... Make the CD-ROM drive the current drive: D: [Enter] ... Either DOS or WINDOWS 95 operating system
.., Run the install program : INSTALL [Enter] ... VESA compatible SVGA graphics card and monitor
... Follow the directions below for Setup Sounds,
Setup Joystick, and Install to Hard Disk However, if the problem persists, you should consult the
Troubleshooting section in the Customer Information chapter.
SETUP SOUNDS ... Click on "CONTINUE" when done. You will be taken to the
Th is menu will let you set up your digital sound effects device. test menu.
If you know what brand of sound card you have and the ..,. Click on "TEST" to hear if your sound card is configured
current settings, follow the steps below. You can also use properly. Click on "CONTINUE" if you hear the music or
the AUTO-DETECTION option . If your computer locks up "CANCEL" to reconfigure your sound card .
during auto-detection , reboot your machine and configure
your sound card manually. To do this, click on "Install" in JF3 SETUP JOYSTICK
Folder in Windows95 or type "Install" at the \JF3 prompt. JetFighter 111 supports a wide variety of joysticks. You can use
the setup program to configure JetFighter Ill to best use the
Manual Configuration:
features of your particular joystick .
..,. Use the "Prev Card " and "Next Card " buttons to find your
so und card . Click on "CONTINUE" when done. ..,. Use the "PREV" and "NEXT" buttons until your joystick
appears on the screen .
,.. Use the "1/0 Port" button to select the proper 1/0 Port.
... If you can 't find your joystick, use "GENERIC 2 BUTION" or
,.. Use the "IRQ" button to select the proper Interrupt Request line.
"GENERIC 4 BUTION". They will work with most basic sticks .
... Use the "OMA" button to select the proper OMA channel.
..,. When finished , press "CONTINUE".
If yo u don't know these values , please contact the
... You must calibrate your joystick the first time you fly in
manufacturer of your computer or sound card for more JetFighter Ill. Press "CONTINUE" again after reading the
help. You can also select NO SOUND CARD and calibration instructions.
re-configure the game later.
... Cli ck on "CONTINUE" when done. You will be taken to INSTALL TO HARD DISK
the test menu . This will copy the necessary JetFighter Ill files from the CD
... Click on "TEST" to hear if your sound card is configured to your hard drive .
properly. Click on "CONTINUE" if you hear the radio chatter ..,. Click on "CONTINUE" to install to the default drive and
or "CANCEL" to reconfigure your sound card . Be sure your directory. To change this default, click on the directory or
speakers are turned on and plugged in properly! hit [spacebar].

MUSIC DEVICE SETUP ... Click on "CONTINUE" after the installation is complete.
This menu will let you set up your digital music device. If you ..,. Any last minute changes or additions to JetFighter 111 will be
know what brand of sound card you have and the current set- included in this README document. Use "UP" and "DOWN "
to navigate through this information. Click on "DONE" then
tings, follow the steps below. You can also use the AUTO-
"EXIT" to complete the installation process.
DETECTION option. If your computer should lock up during
auto-detection , reboot your machine and configure your sound
card manually.
Manual Configuration:
... Use the "Prev Card" and "Next Card " buttons to find your
sound card . Click on "CONTINUE" when done .
..,. Use the "1/0 ,Port" button to select the proper 1/0 Port.
If you don't know these values, please contact the manufacturer
of your computer or sound card for more help. You can also
se lect NO SOUND CARD and re-configure the game later.

After you have successfully installed the game, you wi ll probably be eager to give it a try. Below is all you need to do to run the
game. These examples are for people who installed JetFighter Ill to the default drive and directory C:\JF3 :

From DOS:
..,. Turn on your computer if it is not already on .
..,. Place the JetFighter Ill CD into your CD-ROM drive .
.., If necessary, switch to the drive where JF3 was installed: C: [Enter]
..,. Switch to the directory where JF3 was installed: CD\JF3 [Enter]
..,. Run the program by typing: JF3 [Enter]

From WINDOWS 95:

..,. Turn on your computer if it is not already on.
T Place the JetFighter 111 CD into your CD-ROM drive .
..,. WINDOWS 95 will automatically detect the CD .
.., The JF3 menu will then appear.
.., Click on the "Fly" button .
.., If there is no Autoplay detection, click on the "My Computer" icon and then click on the "JetFighter 3" CD icon.
REMEMBER: If you operate in WINDOWS 95, the best way to run JetFighter Ill is to restart your computer to MS-DOS MODE .
..,. Click on the START button
T Click on SHUT DOWN
However, you may run JetFighter Ill from the MS-DOS PROMPT under WINDOWS 95. Please consult the Troubleshooting section
in the Customer Information chapter for further explanation .
If you have trouble running the game, please consult the Troubleshooting section of the manual in the Customer Information
chapter. Most problems are relatively easy to fix. This section will help you solve these problems.
The first time you run JetFighter Ill , you will be asked to cre- QUICK START
ate a new pilot for your career aboard the U.N.S. Peacekeeper.
This section shows you how to start playing JetFighter 111
CREATE A NEW PILOT quickly. It is intended as a general overview as it does not
In JetFighter 111 , you play the game as a pilot aboard the cover many of the specific features of the program .
U.N .S. Peacekeeper. The first time you run JetFighter Ill , you
will be asked to create a new pilot. You can always create more
pilot "alter-egos " later. For example, other family members will Each time you run JetFighter Ill , you will find yourself aboard
probably want to have their own pilot character. the nuclear aircraft carrier U.N.S. Peacekeeper. While aboard
the Peacekeeper you can fly the next mission in the campaign
You shou ld see the Roster menu on the screen . The central or use the Free Flight menu to take your aircraft out for a spin.
window lists the instructions for creating a new pilot: You can also use the Instant Mission menu to try any of the
.., Type in your pilot's first name. Press [Enter] when you are done. missions in JetFighter Ill without having them count towards
your campaign score .
.., Enter the pilot's last name. Press [Enter] when you are done.
.., Enter the callsign for your pilot. Press [Enter] when you are THE GAME ENVIRONMENT
done. Notice that pilot information screen is filling in as you Instead of menus and dialog boxes, JetFighter Ill uses a "first
enter your name. person " interface. This means that you are always "playing the
.., Now, click in the photo window to choose a portrait for game''. You don't have to select "Campaign Mode" from any
your character. You can keep clicking in the window to cycle menu, simply follow the directions at the bottom of the carrier
through the available portraits. interface screen. You will go to the corresponding rooms on
.., If you want to change your name or portrait, just click on the aircraft carrier to perform different tasks. For example, to
the appropriate button. get your mission briefing, you walk into the Briefing Room and
click on the appropriate area of the screen. To fly your next
.., When you are all done, press the "ACCEPT" button on the
top left. mission, you go to the Hangar Deck and click on your aircraft.
You will notice a summary of your current situation on the
INTRODUCTION ANIMATION bottom of the screen. This summary lists:
After configuring your hardware and creating a new pilot, you
Where you are on the aircraft carrier.
will see the JetFighter Ill introduction animation. To skip this
animation, press any key or mouse button . Your name, rank and callsign.
The campaign or "story" you are currently in.
Your current orders (or what you should do next).

To walk around the aircraft carrier, simply use the mouse to click on where you would like to go. The first line of text below the
main window will let you know if you can go into a room or manipulate an object. Moving the mouse to the bottom of the main
window and left-clicking when the icon has changed will allow you to exit most areas.
You can also use the Jump Menu to get around the carrier. The Jump Menu is located in the blackened top third of the letterboxed
screen. It is activated by moving your mouse cursor to the top of the screen.


Each time you create a new pilot, you start out in the "Flight Here in your Cabin you will find your Terminal and Medals Case.
Training" campaign by default. Since you are running JF3 for the On your desk in front of you is the Terminal where you will find
first time, you should be ready to fly your first training mission. campaign data, updated pilot statistics, and your daily email.
For each mission that you fly, there are certain locations aboard Above your bunk is the Medals Case where you will find all of
the carrier that you should visit. These places will give you your medals and awards you receive during your tour of duty.
valuable information about your missions, campaigns, and pilot Now simply follow the orders at the bottom of the screen and
status. Remember, you can always check your current on-board proceed to the Briefing Room .
orders by the summary at the bottom of the screen. We will walk To exit, access the Jump Menu and select Brief or move the
you through the entire process of flying a campaign mission. mouse to the bottom of the main window and click. Move the
mouse to the down staircase and click. Move the mouse over
the door to your right and click.
The Deck 2 hallway is the first place you arrive when taken aboard
the aircraft carrier. Your orders at the bottom of the screen tell you BRIEFING ROOM
to report to the Briefing room, but there are two other interesting This is where mission briefings are given . In the middle of the
areas you may want to visit first. room you will see the main mission display screen. This brief-
To exit, access the- Jump Menu and select Library or move the ing will give you detailed instructions including your mission
mouse to the bottom of the main window and click. Move the summary, target info, threat environment, and friendly forces in
mouse over the stairs up and click. Then move the mouse over the mission area. You can also read over your orders by clicking
the door to your right and click. on the blue booklets located on the table in the left hand cor-
ner. When you are finished , you will be instructed to go to the
Hangar Deck, below Deck 2, to check your Weapons Loadout.
There are two valuable sources of information here in the Library.
On the left table is the Daily Newspaper. Stop in each day to keep Access the Jump Menu and select Hangar or move the mouse
updated on world events that affect your campaigns and missions. to the bottom of the main window and click to exit. Move the
On the right table is the On-line Multimedia Encyclopedia featuring mouse to the down staircase and click to enter the Hangar.
over 500 pages of photographs, drawings, and commentary. HANGAR DECK
It also includes detailed descriptions of the medals you may
After arriving in the Hangar click on the diagnostic station to
receive during your career.
the right. This will take you to the Weapons Loadout area. The
To exit, access the Jump Menu and select Cabin or move the default loadout is the recommended ordnance for the mission
mouse to the bottom of the main window and click. Again move but you can still change this. Click on "Accept" to select your
the mouse to the bottom of the main window and click to turn weapons and exit back to the Hangar Deck.
around . Move the mouse over the door to your left and click. You're now ready for your first training mission. For the complete
lesson instructions that complement the Training Missions, please
consult the chapter Flight Training . When you are ready to report
to your aircraft, click on the open bay door to "Fly Mission."
After you have returned from your flight, return and get your
Debriefing. The Debriefing Room can be found just opposite of
the Briefing Room on Deck 2.
Many players spend most of their time in Free-Flight. JetFighter Ill includes over 3.5 million square miles to explore!
Located in Ops, Free Flight allows you to pick any location in the world and explore the area in your F-22N or F/A-18. The red squares in
the Free Flight control panel will indicate those scenery areas that are currently available. Sightseeing gives you a great opportunity to try
out the virtual cockpit and external views available in JF3.

OPERATIONS at 80%. If the engine is at 100% thrust, use the [+] key to move
This is the center of activity aboard the UNS Peacekeeper and up to AfterBurner level 1, all the way to AfterBurner level 5.
serves as the main menu for the JetFighter Ill pilot. You can JF3 can be flown with either the joystick or keyboard .
access several other menus here including Free Flight, Instant Your joystick will operate like they do in an actual fighter.
Mission, Campaign Status, Configuration, and the Pilot Roster. For example, if you pull back on the stick, the plane will go up.
"" Select Free Flight in Ops to take you to the Free Flight The keyboard uses these instructions:
control panel. KEY FUNCTION
"" Click in a red square to zoom in to an area. [Esc) .................... Opens/Closes the In-Flight menu
[-+), [+-], [ 1'1, & [ .Jl .. Move within the In-Flight menu
If you are over water, click in the map window to move,
or zoom out to select a new area. !All-Al ..... ..... .... .... Toggle altimeter between MSL & AGL modes
Play with the environment controls if you want. Keyboard number keys adjusts power
Ill ...................... Toggles Pitch Ladder on/off
"" Select "ACCEPT" to fly !Numpad 41 ............ Roll left
After several moments, you will be flying in the area of the [Numpad 61 ..... .. ..... Roll right
[Numpad Bl ............ Pitch up
world where you selected.
[Numpad 21 ....... .... . Pitch down
BASIC COCKPIT DISPLAYS !Zl ...................... Left Rudder
[XI .. .. ... .. .. ...... .. ... Right Rudder
There are three important cockpit displays you should be aware For complete listing , consult the JF3 Keyboard Assignment in the Appendix .
of during your flight: Heading, Speed, and Altitude. These are
located on the Heads Up Display. The HUD can be adjusted THE VIRTUAL COCKPIT
through 5 levels of brightness by pressing the [HJ key. When you find yourself flying over particularly interesting
Along the top of the HUD is the Heading indicator. This number scenery, use the virtual cockpit to pan your view· around. You
reflects in tens of degrees the direction you are traveling in. can use either the joystick or keyboard to do this. First, level
Remember, 00 = North, 90 = East, 180 =South, 270 =West. off your plane at a respectable altitude.
The Speed is indicated by the tape on the left side of the HUD. Joystick: While holding down the button #2 (usually top hat),
This is displayed in knots as a factor of 10. For example, a move the joystick around. You now have control over the view.
reading of "35 " indicates a speed of 350 knots. Release the button to lock your view, and click once to revert
back to the default view.
The current Altitude is displayed on the right side of the HUD.
This figure is displayed in feet as a factor of 1000. For exam-
PAN LEFT ... .. ... ... .. ....................... [Numpad 71
ple, a reading of 4.7 indicates an altitude of 4700 feet. The 'S' PAN RIGHT .. . ... .... . .. .... ........ . ........ [Numpad 9)
indicates that this figure is the feet Above Mean Sea Level. PAN UP .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. [Numpad 31
A 'G' indicates that this figure is the feet Above Ground Level. PAN DOWN ........................ .......... [Numpad Dell
[ALTHA] will switch between these two different measurements. ZOOM IN ................. ....... .............. [<)
ZOOM OUT ...... .. ............. .... . .. ... ... [>]
BASIC FLIGHT CONTROLS REVERT TO DEFAULT VIEW ........... .. .. .. . [Numpad 5) , !F11
Basic flight controls include the throttle and directional control INSTRUMENT PANEL (ON/OFF) .... . ......... !Pl
of the aircraft. These keys can also be used to look at the plane from an external
The throttle control is indicated by the percentage figure in the view. To activate this external view, press the [Numpad -] .
top left corner of the HUD . This is the percent of full military Press it again to revert to the default internal view.
thrust that the engine is producing. Adjust the throttle by To exit Free Flight, press [Esc] to bring up the lnflight Menu ,
pressing the corresponding number key that runs along the use the arrow keys to move down from GAME and select
top of the keyboard . For example, press [8] to set the throttle RETURN TO CARRIER.
In JetFighter Ill, you are always in "campaign mode". You don't have to use a special "campaign " menu ,
all you have to do is walk to the appropriate room on the carrier and click on the correct object.
If you want to try a mission but don't want it to count toward your score, you can use the Instant Mission menu in
Operations. Likewise, if you want to explore an area of the world , you can use the Free Flight control panel. Again , neither of
these will count toward your campaign .
When you want to fly missions in your current campaign, you can use the following basic procedure:


If you just returned from flying a mission , you will automati- Once you have received your orders, you may want to customize
cally be taken to the Debriefing Room . Here you will see how your weapons load to suit the mission. Walk down to the Hangar
successful your actions in the previous mission were. Deck and select the Weapons Loading control panel. This panel
allows you to arm your aircraft with a variety of different
VISIT YOUR CABIN weapons configurations.
After being debriefed , you may want to take some time off and
go to your Cabin. Here you can check your personal statistics FLY YOUR NEXT MISSION
and use your Terminal to see if you've received any e-mail. You Now you should be ready to fly the next mission in the campaign.
should also check the Medals Cabinet to see if you have been From the Hangar Deck, click on your aircraft which is sitting on
awarded any new commendations. the elevator ready to be taken on deck. You will soon find your-
self in the cockpit, ready to fly.
It's always a good idea to read the Newspaper in the Library. ENDING A MISSION
It helps fill in the story during the current campaign. You may A mission can end several ways.
see the political ramifications of your previous missions, or get
T You can successfully complete the goal, and return for a
some forewarning of what U.N. Operations are likely to come.
landing. Your campaign statistics will be updated with your
The Military Encyclopedia is also available in the library if you
performance on this mission.
need more information on aircraft or weapons you encounter
in the game. T You can complete the goal, but skip the landing by using
the "Auto Land " menu option from the in-flight menu . We
PRACTICE FLYING IN FREE FLIGHT added this feature because many people don't want to have
OR TRY A MISSION to fly all the way back to base after completing the mission.
Between combat missions you can always visit the Operations Your campaign statistics will be updated just as if you had
Room (OPS) and use the Instant Mission or Free Flight control landed yourself. Note that you may miss some action by
panels. Remember, these let you fly without affecting your skipping your flight home!
campaign score!
T You can abort the mission without finishing it by selecting
GET YOUR ORDERS "Abort Mission" or "Exit Program". The mission will NOT
When you're ready for the next campaign mission, you should be counted toward your campaign score.
go to the Briefing Room to receive your mission orders. The T You may also crash , blow up, get shot down or otherwise
orders will outline the mission objectives, and inform you of come to an early demise! You will be given the option of
known enemy and friendly positions. resurrecting your character, but the mission may not look
so good on your record!
Taking off from the ground is quite easy. This short Aircraft carrier takeoffs are just as easy as ground
procedure will help get you up in the air quickly. takeoffs, although they are considerably more exciting .
The following steps will lead you through a catapult
WEAPONS TO SAFE assisted carrier launch.
Be sure that no weapon is selected. This will prevent misfires and
the accidental injuring of personnel on the ground. If necessary WEAPONS TO SAFE
press (NJ to disarm your weapons and enter NAV mode. If necessary, press [NJ to disarm weapons and enter NAV
mode. Note that "NAV" appears in the lower left of the HUD.
If you need to drive to the end of the runway, press to bring FULL POWER!
your engines to 10% military thrust. Use the rudder keys [ZJ After you receive the "ready for takeoff" message, press [OJ to
and [XJ , to steer your aircraft. You can press !Bl to engage the spool your engines up to 100% military thrust. Because new jet
wheel brakes if you need to slow down. Pressing (BJ again will engines are so powerful, afterburners are no longer required for
release the wheel brakes. Drive to the end of the runway and carrier launches.
align the aircraft pointing down the airstrip. If you need to turn
around sharply, use the !-J key to slow to 3% military thrust HOLD ON!
and you will be able to turn in a tight circle. Once your engines reach the required power, the catapult will
automatically launch you forward. You should pull back on the
POWER TO 90% stick (or press [Numpad 21) to be sure to clear the deck once
Bring the engines up to 90% thrust by pressing [9]. The aircraft you are free of the catapult. The ride down the catapult may be
will begin to roll down the runway. If you 're not moving, you a little bumpy!
may have the wheel brakes engaged. Press (BJ to release them.
Use the rudder (!ZJ and !Xl) to stay in the middle of the runway. "CLEAN UP" THE AIRCRAFT
After clearing the deck, quickly raise your gear by pressing !GJ .
TAKEOFF! You can also decrease the throttle after gaining a little altitude.
Watch the airspeed display on the left of the HUD. When it Of course, that was the easy part. Eventually, you will have to go
approaches 18 (180 knots) begin your takeoff "rotation". Gently back and land on the carrier!
pull back on the joystick or hold down the [Numpad 2J key. In
just a moment you should be airborne! After you are a couple
hundred feet in the air press !GJ to raise your landing gear.
A waypoint is simply a position is space that a pilot may want to fly to. A waypoint could be a target, or it may represent
a point at which you are supposed to rendezvous with another aircraft. Usually, however, a waypoint is a location at which
you are supposed to turn to the next waypoint. These types of waypoints are called Navigation Turn Points or NTPs.

Waypoints are grouped together to create a flight-plan or course for your mission . They are usually designed to keep
you out of danger until you reach the target area. By flying from one waypoint to the next, you can easily navigate
your way through a mission.
Learning to follow waypoints is very important to flying missions in JetFighter Ill. Luckily, it is also VERY easy to do.
This short procedure will walk you through flying from waypoint to waypoint. If you need a mission to experiment
with , use the Instant Mission control panel in the Operations room and select Training Mission #3: Waypoint Navigation.
Before using waypoints, you need to put the HUD into Navigation mode so you can read the waypoint displays. Press [NJ to disarm your
weapons and enter NAV mode. You should see the letters NAV appear in the lower left of the HUD. In the lower right of the HUD you
will see information about the current waypoint. Once in NAV mode, the [NJ key is used to cycle through waypoints.


Press !F71 to look at the right MFD. If necessary, press [F71 Bank your aircraft left or right and continue to turn until the
again until the waypoint list screen appears. This screen lists all Navigation Director is centered in the top of the HUD. Level
the waypoints programmed into your aircraft for this mission. your wings. If the pointer drifts off center, you can use the
You can press !NI for the next and !Shifll!Nl for the previous rudder ([XI and [Zl) to yaw your aircraft and re-center it.
waypoints . Each waypoint has a name, relative heading, and You are now flying toward the waypoint.
distance. After looking at the waypoints, press [Shifl][NJ until FLY TO THE WAYPOINT DESIGNATOR
you are back at the first waypoint in the list.
After you successfully turn towards the waypoint, you will see
DETERMINE THE DIRECTION TO THE WAYPOINT a green outlined triangle in the HUD. This is the Waypoint
Press !F1 I to return to the normal forward view. At the top of Designator; it shows you where the waypoint actually is. You
the HUD is the heading display or "tape". Above the heading can now fly up or down to the correct altitude for the waypoint.
tape is a solid green triangle . This is the Navigation Director. Check the lower right area of the HUD to see your distance to
It always indicates the direction to the currently selected the waypoint. This information is also in the navigation MFD
waypoint. If the Navigation Director is left of center, you need accessed by pressing [f71.
to turn left. If it is right of center, you need to turn right.
When you get within 1 mile of the current waypoint, press [NJ
to choose the next waypoint in the list. As before, turn your
aircraft to center the Navigation Director and fly to the next
waypoint. That's all there is to it!
AIR· TO-AIR COMBAT- - - - - - - -
When entering an air combat environment, there are several
helpful procedures you can follow to configure your aircraft
properly and give you a better chance of surviving a dogfight. M61A1 Cannon M61 target is 1 mile or closer
This list is a good quick reference to the functions you would Aim-9 Sidewinder SW target is 1-5 miles away
normally perform to prepare for a dogfight. Aim-120 AMRAAM AM target is 5-12 miles away


Before you enter a combat situation you should be sure to raise SELECT YOUR TARGET
your gear [GJ , retract your speedbrake [BJ and raise the arrestor Use one of the targeting controls to select a target. Press [TJ to
hook !Al if, for some reason , any of these are extended. You want cycle through targets , or IUI to target the object directly ahead
your aircraft to be able to achieve the best performance possible. of you. [VJ will select the target closest to you . Remember, the
You may even consider jettisoning any unused bombs and IFF Discriminator determines which objects can be targeted.
Mavericks. This will increase your ability to turn and accelerate
rapidly. You can check the systems display by pressing !FBI. CONFIGURE THE RADAR
It details the conditions of your brake, gear and hook. This Once you have selected a target, you can press [Ctrl][RJ to put
information also appears in the upper right of the hud. If that the radar into "auto range" mode. In "autorange" mode, the radar
area is clear, your aircraft is "clean". will automatically change range to keep your current target visi-
ble on the radar display. If you want to manually change range ,
EXAMINE THE SITUATION press !RI and [Shift][RJ to cycle through different ranges . This
There are three ways to check the current "combat environ- will automatically disable autoranging.
ment": The Radar [F6J , the Map [Ml, and the On-Screen Radar UNDERSTAND THE HUD
!Alt)[RJ. Determine which targets are most threatening and
Once the HUD is in air-to-air mode, there are many symbols
which you can deal with later. The On-Screen Radar [Alt][RJ
on the HUD which are vital to successful air combat.
is particularly convenient because it is superimposed on the
Here is a summary:
screen and you don't have to change 'views'. Symbols on
the radar are color coded: T The Target Designator box surrounds your target. If the re
is an X through it your target is a friendly! Don 't Shoot!
GREEN-friendly RED-hostile WHITE-missile
BOLD-above your altitude T The Range Circle "fills up" clockwise as your target
gets closer!
Press [;)to cycle your IFF DISCRIMINATOR between All , Non- T The Target Information area in the lower right of the
Hostile (Friendly) and Hostile. This setting determines what types HUD lists the target type , distance and closure rate.
of objects are allowed to be targeted. Note the letter in the bottom T The Weapon Information area in the lower left of the
center of the HUD. It will cycle between A, NH and H. You will HUD lists the currently selected weapon type , the
probably want to set this to Hostile for most missions. number remaining and the HUD mode.
T The target Aspect Angle indicator lets you know what
Select an Air-to-Air weapon by pressing [Enter) to cycle forward direction the enemy is headed. If the dot is on the bottom of
and [Shift][Enter] to cycle backward through your weapons. circle , he is heading away from you-a great opportunity
Here is a simplified list of which weapon to use: to fire a missile at him! See the Reference Chapter for
more information on the Aspect Angle indicator.
Pressing [F91 will initiate Tactical View. In this mode, the com-
puter will automatically "turn your head" to keep the currently
selected target in view. You may find it helpful to keep the
instrument panel visible ([Pl) while in tactical view to help keep
your orientation. Press [F9l again to turn tactical view off.
Press the [Spacebar) to launch the currently selected weapon.
You can press ["]to fire the cannon no matter what weapon
is armed. You can press [F101 to get a "weapon's eye view"
of the missile trying to seek the target. Press [F11 to return
to the cockpit.


This is the tricky part! Use the joystick, rudder and throttle
to maneuver to get the best shot at your target. This is what
it is ALL about! Here are some simple tips on a subject that
really deserves volumes:
-.. In general , get BEHIND your target for the best shot.
Use the Aspect Angle indicator to judge this.
-y If you 're flying too fast, you won 't be able to turn rapidly
enough. Try 90% military power [9).
-y If you 're flying too slow, you will loose your target.
Worse yet, he may get behind you!
-y Loose the sight-loose the fight. Keep your eye on
the target!
-.. Watch for other Bandits behind you that you may have
missed. Look at your radar often . Again , we recommend
the On-Screen Radar [Alt][RJ.
-y Watch for SAMs and other ground defenses when over
enemy territory!
AIR-TO-GROUND: MAVERICKS - - - - - - - - -
In many missions you will be asked to strike targets on the ground or at sea. There is a variety of weapons that can be used,
including guided Maverick missiles. Mavericks will seek their targets automatically once released. You can even fire several mis-
siles at several different targets, one after the other.
This procedure will get you to the target and show you how to attack it. Be sure you understand how to navigate to waypoints
before attempting a ground strike.


Follow your waypoints up to the target. Usually, your target will The Maverick is the easiest air-to-ground weapon to use.
actually be listed as a waypoint. Sometimes, you may be attack- This missile will seek the currently selected target. Just press
ing an "area", in which case you will need to press [Tl to find [Spacebar] and the missile will be launched. Use IF101 for a
your target. spectacular missile view.


Select an AGM-65 Maverick by pressing [Backspace] until Mavericks are "smart" weapons. They seek out the selected tar-
"MAV" appears in the lower left of the HUD. get under their own control. However they do not know about
the contour of the terrain below them. A Maverick will NOT
SELECT THE TARGET know to avoid a hill between you and the target. Be sure you
You should already have the target waypoint selected. If there have a clear "line of sight" before firing a Maverick.
are other pre-designated targets in the area, you may need to
press !Tl or [Shift][TJ to select other targets. Notice the name
and distance to target in the lower right of the HUD.
The Mk82 and Mk84 bombs require more skill than the Maverick missile because they are totally unguided. They simply fall to
the ground . The CCIP system is designed to help you lay the bombs right on the target.
CCIP stands for Continuously Computed Impact Point and, just like it sounds, the system constantly calculates where your
bomb will hit if you release it at any given moment. The CCIP takes into account your speed and orientation, as well as the
contour of the terrain out in front of your aircraft.
The following procedure outlines arming a bomb, activating the CCIP system, and releasing your ordnance.


Follow your waypoints up to the target. Once you are there , To use the CCIP system, you need to maneuver your aircraft
press [Tl to select the desired target. until the "impact point" circle is over the target. This can be dif-
ficult at first. It is important to remember that when you release
CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON a bomb, air friction begins to slow the bomb's forward move-
Press [Backspace] until Mk82 or Mk84 appears in the lower ment, so the impact point may be below and behind your air-
left of the HUD. You will also see CCIP indicating that the CCIP craft. Nose down until the impact point appears in the hud.
targeting system is activated.
CHOOSE THE TARGET When the impact point is over your target, press [Spacebar] to
If your target is pre"designated, you will see the target designator release a bomb. CCIP aiming is quite challenging, so please
box appear around the target. Check your range to target in the consult the Reference Chapter if you are having trouble. There
lower right of the HUD. You may need to press !Tl or [Shift][TJ is also a training mission devoted to CCIP bombing.
to select nearby targets.
UNDERSTAND THE CCIP DISPLAY If you were bombing from a very low altitude, you should accel-
After selecting the Mk82, the CCIP targeting system will activate. erate and pull-up to avoid debris from the explosion. Also , you
A line will be drawn from the center of the HUD down toward a can be sure that the enemy will now have even more incentive
circle. The point in the center of this circle is where your bombs to shoot you down, so watch your six!
will impact the ground. This is the "impact point". If the circle is
below the HUD, this means the bomb will impact at a point you
can 't currently see.
Many of your ground targets will be pre-programmed into your navigation system. They can be engaged as described above. Other
targets may be mobile, or may be difficult for intelligence squads to pi npoint. These targets must be "manually designated" for smart
weapon attacks. Put simply, this means that YO U must "tell" your Maverick missile where you want it to seek.
Th is is done by "looking at" a point on the ground and telling your Maverick to fly to that point. A combination of Inertial Navigation
and Global Positioning will assure that your Maverick reaches its target.
Th is procedure will describe how to designate and strike a "target of opportunity" that is not programmed into your waypoint list.


Usually you will know the general location of the target(s). Although it is dangerous, you may want to make one pass over
Follow your waypoints to the target area. the target area to designate the target, and a second pass to
actually attack it. Watch for SAMs and AAA fire.
Select an AGM-65 Maverick by pressing [Backspace] until
Manually designated targets appear as a diamond shape on the
"MAV" appears in the lower left of the HUD.
terrain. This is to remind you that you manually selected that
ACTIVATE THE MANUAL DESIGNATOR target area instead of choosing it from your waypoint list. Be
Press [Shift][DJto turn on the Manual Designator. It appears as careful what you shoot at!
green crosshairs (+)in the center of the screen . MAVERICKS AWAY!
DESIGNATE A TARGET Press [Spacebar] to fire the Maverick. It will seek the location
you designated. After the Maverick is away you can immediately
Once the Manual Designator is activated, pressing [DJ will cause
designate a new location with [DJ . The Maverick you fired will
the Missile to lock on to the position on the terrain under the
remember its target. When you're finished , press [Shift][DJto
crosshairs. Press [DJ as many times as you want to designate a
new location . You can maneuver the aircraft to point at the turn off the designation system.
desired target, or you can use the virtual cockpit to "look" at the
desired target. You can even zoom in [>] and out [<I. For con-
ven ience, the Manual Designator always points where you are
"looking", not necessarily where you are flying .
This procedure outlines the basics of landing at an airfield. There are several instruments and devices that can help you,
including Waypoints, the Instrument Landing System and VASI lights.
Waypoints will lead you toward the runway and get you "lined up" for an approach. The Initial Approach Fix is a point
about i 0 miles away from the runway that is used to align your aircraft with the approach pattern.


If you have waypoints programmed to take you back to a land Correct red white
base, follow them to the Initial Approach Fix (IAF) point. You To High white white
should be at 6,000 feet when you reach the IAF. Proceed to the Too Low red red
Final Approach Fix (FAF). See the procedure on Following
Fly down toward the runway keeping the correct approach angle.
Waypoints if you need more help.
As you pass over the runway, gently raise the nose of the air-
If you don't have waypoints programmed for the airport, you
craft by pulling back on the stick or pressing [Numpad 21 .
will need to make an initial pass to determine which runway you
Reduce power to 20% by pressing [2]. Let your aircraft "bleed
want and to verify there is no air traffic in the way.
off" airspeed. As you slow down, your aircraft will touch down
FINAL DESCENT on the runway.
At the FAF, or 3 miles from the runway, press [5] to slow to COME TO A STOP
50% military thrust. Lower your gear by pressing [GJ.
Press [1] to slow your engines to 10% thrust. Use the wheel
By watching the Velocity Vector symbol on the HUD, you can brake [BJ to stop your aircraft. You can shut off the engine by
determine where your aircraft is headed. Gently pitch the aircraft pressing [-] .
up or down until the velocity vector symbol is on the near end
of the runway.


On the left edge of most runways are VASI lights. These Visual
Approach Slope Indicator lights provide a visual representation
of your approach angle. One set of lights is on the near end of
the runway, and the other is on the far end. Use these lights to
adjust your altitude if necessary.
Carrier landings are one of the most difficult tasks any pilot can face. JetFighter Ill has the most realistic and exciting
carrier landings available for your computer. You will need to place your aircraft on a 400 foot landing strip that is
moving, pitching and rolling out in the middle of the ocean.
If that sounds like a bit much, use the Cheat menu in the simulator and set Landings to EASY. We strongly recommend
this for beginners.


Use the waypoint system (!NJ and !Shift)[Nl) to fly to the Initial Slow to 40% power by pressing 141. During final approach, you
Approach Fix (IAF). This is a point about 11 .5 miles behind the should pay attention to the ILS bars and the velocity vector.
carrier. It will appear as "IAF" in the lower right of the HUD. Be sure Keep the velocity vector on the stern of the carrier. Keep the ILS
you are at the correct altitude, and keep your power below 90%. bars centered in the HUD. At 100 yards from the carrier, the ILS
display will disappear to give you a clear view of the deck.
At the Initial Approach Fix, lower your landing gear by pressing POWER UP!
(GJ. Lower the arrestor hook by pressing [Al . Press [NJ to Just as you pass the stern of the carrier, press [OJ to bring your
select the next waypoint, FAF or Final Approach Fix. engines up to 100% thrust. Carrier pilots do this as a life saving
precaution. If the arrestor hook misses the 4 cables, you will
FLY TO FINAL APPROACH need enough thrust to "bolter'', or take off again, in order to
Press (5) to slow to 50% military power. As you fly to the Final come around for another pass.
Approach Fix, notice the dotted bars that have appeared in the
HUD. This is the ILS system and it will help guide you to a suc-
cessful landing. Once you reach the Final Approach Fix, you
should press [NJ to select the final waypoint, CVN.
The range marker on the Heads Up Display slowly rotated
Under the cover of night the F-15 Eagle screamed into a 7-G
around the edge of the Aiming Reticule. 6 o'clock, 6000 feet
turn. Major Mario Salvadore held the stick tight as he drove
away. 5 o'clock, 5000 feet away. 4 o'clock, 4000 feet away.
the plane parallel to the Andean plateau below; He whipped
the plane down 90 degrees and pointed the nose toward the Salvadore expected that the MiG would open up with her
guns before flying past.
ground. Salvadore checked his Heads Up Display. Damn,
haven't shaken him yet. The MiG hadn't blinked. It kept corning straight at him. The
range marker continued to move counter-clockwise towards
The Chilean major pulled the plane up and pointed the
straight-up 12 o'clock. Salvadore felt his rising impatience
Eagle toward the clouds. At the same time he tripped the
seep away as raw instinct took over.
brakes and cut the throttle back to 50%. His pursuer, flying a
MiG-29 Fulcrum, did just as Salvadore planned and shot right The two planes closed at blinding speed. Salvadore squeezed
under and past the F-15. Salvadore banked again to the left the trigger and fired the Eagle's cannon, trying to draw first
and brought the plane back up to military thrust. blood. The MiG opened up her guns as the two planes drew
together. Quick as lightning they passed by, neither plane
Chilean intelligence hadn't warned him about any Argentinean
scoring a critical hit.
air presence so the attack had come as a complete surprise.
The three enemy fighters had attacked Salvadore just as he The bandit banked left. As suddenly as Salvadore caught the
crossed into Argentinean airspace. He had downed the first first graceful arc of the MiG starting to tum, he pulled the
two MiGs with his only two AMRAAMs. There was no reason stick all the way back. The F-15 soared straight up into the
for an Argentinean patrol to be out over this uninhabited night sky. Reaching the vertical, he pushed the stick right,
region, especially flying state-of-the-art Soviet fighters, which snapping off a 90 degree airelon roll. Salvadore then pulled
were rare in this part of the world. Salvadore knew he was on back to fly inverted and righted himself with a slow 180 degree
the right trail. roll. Punching the afterburners, he guided his jetfighter after
his target.
Off in the distance the MiG pulled a tight elliptical turn right
into the glare of the full moon. As the planes closed in a deadly With the perfectly executed maneuver, the F-15 now had
game of airborne chicken, neither dared to turn away first lest superior position. Salvadore quickly closed the distance on the
they expose their vulnerable tail to the enemy. Considering MiG. The heads-up display showed the target was locked on by
his options, it was the most obvious of maneuvers that flashed the Eagle's radar. The MiG tried to shake loose of the F-15 but
through Salvadore's mind-Immelmann. to no avail. Salvadore hung on the MiG's tail for several more
seconds before the lock-light told him he had closed to with-
Salvadore pushed the speed up to 600 knots and leveled out his
in the missile's firing radius.
position, still raging straight into the oncoming MiG. This was
the heart of the duel, where each combatant knew what was Salvadore selected a Sidewinder and fired. In a glorious trail of
coming next and both prepared to be the quickest draw. screaming exhaust the missile leapt toward the enemy bogie. Two
heartbeats, then an orange ball of flame consumed the MiG as
The proximity warning screamed into Salvadore's ear. He had to
it careened down toward the mountain tops.
time his maneuver perfectly coming as close to the MiG as he
dared, even allowing the Soviet-made fighter to make the first Checking the radar and finding it clear of other aircraft,
move so he could react. It always came down to timing. Salvadore angled the Eagle back down toward the ground.
Flying the nape of the earth would keep him safe from enemy
The MiG seemed to leap out of the horizon as it screamed
radar detection, and allow him to complete this covert operation.
toward Salvadore. Hes punching it to blow past and pull a tight
tum to get my six. Perfect.
Secret missions over Argentinean territory weren't usually He snapped-rolled left, spiraled down and then right again.
flown by Chileans in F-15 Eagles, especially solo. However He flicked the countermeasure switch and a cloud of chaff
the current situation was . grtevous. Chile had known for some was released behind the F-15. Two missiles exploded harm-
time that Argentina was deploying troops along the border, lessly in the scattered debris. One SA-6 flew straight and true
but now intelligence reported that they were attempting to and detonated just under the Eagle's right wing.
buy a nuclear missile from China. According to sketchy intel-
Heart pounding, Salvadore looked aside to see thick smoke
ligence reports, the transaction was to take place tonight.
. billowing out of the right engine. A large portion of the wing
Salvadore was brought out 0£ his reverie by the flashing target had been shredded. The stick bit into his white-knuckle grip.
icon on his Real Beam Map Display. He reached over and This shows almost over.
switched to the High Resolution Map. Still 20 nautical miles
Red warning lights cried out over the display screens. As the
away, the targets were rendered in fine detail. Two BTR-60
F-15 began to shake and shudder, Salvadore knew his time
armored personnel carriers encircled a green sportS utility
was short. He reached down with his left hand and felt the
vehicle. A nondescript flat bed truck stood parallel to the car-
comforting handle of the ejection initiator. Giving a hard pull,
riers, a large tarp covering its deadly nuclear cargo.
Salvadore braced for ignition.
Salvadore designated the truck as the primary target in the
The dual initiators fired as the canopy was jettisoned from the
HRM. With a final check of displays, Salvadore toggled the
plane. The inertia reel initiator retracted the restraint straps,
pickle button and sent two GBU-15s flying toward the
fully immobilizing Salvadore. Rockets propelled the ejection
seat out of the doomed craft. Salvadore felt the strain of over 13
Using infra-red, the heavyweight weapons locked onto their Gs press down on his body. The ejection seat sailed clear of the
target. The glide bombs flew straight through the darkness, plane as the gyro-controlled rockets kept the seat aligned in the
striking the ground with brute ferocity and turning the night pitch plane. Reaching free fall, the recovery parachute was
into day. Great heaps of dirt and metal shrapnel exploded into deployed and the ejection seat spun away.
a large, black cloud.
Salvadore was too much of a realist to dwell long on the loss
Salvadore pushed the stick to the right and swung the F-15 of his plane, even an F-15. He knew that his superiors would
back around. Checking the display he confirmed that all tar- trade the plane fot the success of the mission. At least now
gets had been destroyed. At that moment shrill warning Argentina would have to try a different method of acquiring
sounds filled the cabin as flashing lights suddenly appeared nuclear weapons. Unfortunately Salvadore knew that he
on the TEWS display. Multiple SAMs had been launched and probably wouldn't see anymore air time.
locked on to his plane.
The wide expanse of a hilly, Argentinean forest opened
Damn, that SAM battery must've been well-hidden in the forest. beneath him. Off in the distance Salvadore heard the thun-
Salvadore checked his radar. Five bogies were hot on his tail. derous clap of his F-15 exploding onto the ground. There
A quick feint towards the ground then a hard tum to the right would be no search party sent for him. He was now in hos-
on the stick lost two of the missiles. But the SAM launch had tile territory with a war about to start. Hopefully I can mahe
taken place just as he flew over the battery's position, and that it back to Rancagua.
was just too close. In desperation Salvadore pulled back on
the stick and climbed for more altitude. Three missiles
followed him up.


There were spartan furnishings already in place. A terminal

Captain Dwight D. Davenport kept the tour moving at a
sat unblinking on a small desk, connected storage drawers
brisk pace. He'd given this ship tour dozens of times to various
above, a chair underneath. A small sink was attached to the
VIPs since taking ovelthe helm of the Nimitz-Class carrier
wall. Hanging over the bed, Roenick saw an empty glass case,
three years ago. Davenport didn't mind giving the walk-through
lined with green-velvet, used to display medals and awards. It
as much this time. Usually it just annoyed him, ferrying
won't be empty for long.
around a bunch of lazy, overweight Capitol Hill paper-pushers.
But Roenick had been appointed the Squadron Commander of "Do you want some time to unpack now or would you like to
the new UN Rapid Deployment Force, and that in itself spoke finish the tour?" Davenport asked.
volumes about the grizzled Canadian who walked beside him.
Roenick patted the green duffel bag lying on the bed. It always
Today his aircraft carrier was almost empty, staffed by only a reminded him of a giant stuffed sausage. "It can wait. Let's see
bare-bones crew. Officers and other essential personnel would the rest of the Peacekeeper."
begin arriving tomorrow. The pilots would be the last to arrive.
Docked at New York, the newly christened UNS Peacekeeper Davenport held the door open for the squadron commander
sat stoically awaiting orders. and followed him out into the hallway Roenick paused a
moment outside the door. "I don't remember seeing computers
Captain Conrad Roenick tried to keep up with Davenport. As in the officer's quarters before."
befitting the leader of the UN's Rapid Deployment Force, he
was the first of the new recruits to board their new home. The "Yeah, that's new," Davenport answered. "It's very convenient.
Rapid Deployment Force was born into a world of raging inter- The terminal allows you to download carrier information or
national conflicts. When negotiations failed the United Nations . mission operation updates. You can even keep a personal log.
needed the military might to enforce international law. It was But the best part is the e-mail."
up to the RDF to keep the world peace. "You mean with other people on-board?" Roenick asked.
Roenick noticed he had started to fall behind the lumbering "Nope. With our satellite link we're connected through to the
Davenport, who bore an uncanny resemblance to the White Globalnet. A lot of guys still get normal snail mail, mainly
Sox first baseman Frank Thomas. Since he was the only because their mom can't send them cookies through the modem.
member of the tour, Roenick assumed Davenport would show But I can keep in touch with my wife everyday. Helps make
him around the ship at a leisurely gait. Roenick stepped those six-month voyages just a little more bearable."
through another bulkhead into a long hallway
Roenick nodded in silent agreement. The Canadian officer
"Welcome to your new home Captain Roenick," Davenport had suffered through a bitter divorce as a young man and had
announced. The carrier captain walked forward to one of the stayed away from long-term commitment ever since. But if
doors set into the wall. there was someone he cared about, daily contact would be nice.
"You don't have to call me Captain when the other pilots aren't Davenport stopped midway down the next hallway Garishly
around. Besides, it's your boat.Just call me Conrad," Roenick out of place and decorated like a telethon board, a small score-
said as he walked into his cabin. Davenport nodded his board hung on the wall.
approval and followed him through the door.
"This is the landing board," Davenport began. "As you know
As expected, the cabin was small. Space aboard an aircraft the Landing Signal Officer is responsible for monitoring and
carrier was limited, but the room allotted to Roenick was fit for grading carrier landings. Each time one of your men does a
a king. Looking around he noticed his duffel bag and shipping trap, the LSO gives them a rating. They also post the current
crates had arrived before him.
pilot rankings here," Davenport paused. "Let's just say this is numbers really meant. Human lives. Shooting down an
also the place where your men will gather up their bets from enemy was a sourc~ of pride but not something that was joked
one another." about 9r wagered op.. In a civilized world where war was the
necessary price to pay; Davenport and Roenick walked by the
"Is your lSO on the up and up?" Roenick asked with a smirk.
kill board quietly, lest they take too heavy a step and shake the
Davenport's mouth broke into a huge smile. "Unfortunately numbers awake.
Lieutenant Sangria is beyond reproach. Pilots have lost many
The two captains returned to the stairs and headed all the way
a paycheck over the high degree of Bull's honesty."
down to the hangar deck. Normally the busiest place on ship,
The landing board was mounted beside a door marked today it was as quiet as a museum. This was the area where
LIBRARY. Once inside Roenick saw shelves completely filled the planes received general maintenance and overhauls.
with books. On one desk sat a stand-alone computer. To the Roenick couldn't hide his surprise at the number of planes
left a stack of newspapers covered the table. and equipment filling the hangar.

Roenick walked over to the terminal. "Another computer? "I can't believe this. I thought that we'd be flying beat-up A-6s
Is the UN going to make me learn how to type? " and a stray Phantom or two," Roenick said with astonishment.
The hangar was filled with the best America had to offer. F-14
Davenport took a seat at the desk. "This is our new CD-ROM Tomcats kept close company with F/A-18 Hornets.
multimedia machine. We've got a great on-line database of
modem aircraft and armaments. Even a veteran like you Roenick walked over to a group of planes set apart from the
could learn a few new things from this program." others. Their regal lines drew and coalesced into a ominous
silver form. Near one set of elevator doors these pristine new
Walking along the bookshelf, Roenick reached up and pulled jets waited, untouched by the harsh hands of nature.
down a hard cover book slightly covered in dust. The front
cover read, "Catcher in the Rye by JD. Salinger". Roenick held "Are those what I think they are?" Roenick asked, mouth agape.
the book aloft. "I read this book. Once. Taught me about fear,
"Didn't believe it myself until I saw them loaded aboard last
which was good 'cause I never would've learned otherwise."
week. The F-22N Lightning II. Also known as the Rapier. The
Davenport shook his head wiVt a look of mock disgust on his most advanced tactical fighter on Earth." Davenport said.
face. "just what this ship needs. Another overconfident pilot
who thinks he's a poet." Davenport got up out of the chair and
started to leave the room. "If you ever want to know what's "All .the F-22N specs, including the special carrier modifica-
being reported as news out in the real world, the ship also tions; are down in the library in the on-line military database."
keeps the daily papers in here."
"Very tough." Roenick continued to run his hands over the
The two men continued down the hall. They hit the stairs at dense polymer-composite that coated the outside of the fighter
the end and climbed up to the next deck. Davenport then plane.
showed Roenick the Briefing and Debriefing rooms.
"That's the way it is with you pilots. Lust at first sight."
"You'll probably wear a hole in the floor shuffiing between
Davenport continued his tour of the hangar area, showing the
these two rooms," he said.
Squadron Commander where the armaments were kept.
"You're probably right." Stacks of AMRAAMs and other missiles were carefully stored
and tagged so the ground crews could quickly locate and load
The kill board was located outside the J?ebriefing room. the recommended mission ordnance.
Although empty, it hung there without a word to what the

Next to the weapons loading area, up against one wall of the model of personal taste and character, Kohl was an image in
hanger, was the paint shop. The planes would be painted with dark conformity. Even Kohl's bald pate gave off only a dull
the United Nations flag and the new RDF syn;lbtiL../ gleam over the b,lack rectangular frames he wore. Only the
Pilot names and call signs would also be stenciled on the jets. severity of his gaze betrayed the hidden knowledge Kohl kept
buried within.
"I was reading over the ships crew list. Personnel from over
thirty countries. How did you overcome the language barrier?" Beauregard laid his cigar on the lip of his ashtray Between
Roenick asked. him and Kohl the table before them was covered with the
dossiers of pilots and officers from over a dozen countries.
"Simple. Everyone had to pass an English language equivalency
Through the light smoky haze he stared at faces that held the
test. All documents and communications will be in English."
promise of a new kind of world.
Roenick and Davenport headed for the elevator. "It's almost
"I think they represent our best hope for the survival of the
time for dinner and I'm buying. We're having sliders tonight,"
United States," Beauregard said.
the Captain said.
Kohl smirked. "You're being over-dramatic."
"My first night here and we're staying in to eat?" Roenick asked.
"Am I? Study your western civilization history then. There is a
"They're the best hamburgers I've ever had. I never miss them.
specific reason why we're not speaking Greek or Mongolian
Cmon, let me show you the flight deck before we head down
right now. Because all great nations, all great empires even-
to the mess hall," Captain Davenport continued as they
tually fall. Why? The incredible cost of supporting the general
entered the elevator. "Even New York looks beautiful from the
welfare of the known world bankrupts the country. The
deck of an aircraft carrier."
tremendous weight of immigration collapses the society. When
*** you are cast into the role of Atlas, the Earth will surely break
your back."
"We don't have much competition," Kohl said.
S enator Andrew]. Beauregard took a long pull at his cigar. "Then we've got to take a step down. Get back to a level play-
Beauregard didn't drink and as such allowed tobacco to be his ing field," Beauregard swept his hand over the paper-covered
only vice. Long, wispy trails of smoke lifted up from the end of table. "Almost every civilized country in the world is repre-
the cigar. All federal buildings were now officially smoke-free sented here. No longer does every country have to come run-
environments, even this room off of the Senate Foreign Affairs ning to the US every time they have a problem. Now the UN
office. But no one was certainly going to tell this Georgia will come to their rescue."
Senator, a highly decorated Colonel, to put his cigar out.
"With American planes and ships," Kohl added.
"Well, what do you think?" asked Dr. Holden Kohl.
"A bargain! With these actions we can beef up domestic
"I think they'll do well," Beauregard said with his southern defense and still reduce our overall defense budget."
drawl. Beauregard lifted his cigar, pausing before placing it in his
mouth. "We'll even be able to throw some more R&:D money
"No, what do you really think," Kohl said.
into the 'black budget' for SDI."
Beauregard sat across from the new UN Commander in the
Kohl's eyes lit up for a moment. America's Strategic Defense
Senator's stately Capitol Hill office. Beauregard wore a white Initiative had been Kohls pet project for nearly two decades. Now
linen suit with a canary yellow shirt. While the Senator was a that had been taken from him, as an even more important assign-
ment had beckoned him away from his pessimistic preparations. Kohl remembered the huge battle that had been waged on two
A deep sigh escaped him and he returned to the notes in front of fronts. The Pentagon had raised holy hell about giving one of
him. "You don't have tq giv~ nie the !Jard sell Colonel. On recom- their carrier battle groups to 'l bunch of fuzzy foreign bureaucrats.
mendation from the President, I've already accepted the position." Congress wasn't too thrilled about this drastic change in for-
eign policy essentially giving up the crown of world leader-
Beauregard smiled around his cigar. "We wouldn't be here if
ship, the hard-won spoils taken by the winner of the cold war.
you'd refused. "
Somehow Senator Andrew ]. Beauregard had pulled off the
Kohl studied the Senator a moment, trying to decide if miracle. Wielding all of his political might in Congress,
Beauregard had intended the veiled threat or if it had simply Beauregard was able to draw together enough support to pass a
been accidental. Sometimes men who knew too much sud- new law that cut defense spending abroad and transferred part
denly found themselves obsolete. Kohl stared down at his of the savings into a new UN military fund. Calling upon his
papers, silently reassessing the mind of the man who sat allies in the Pentagon, the retired Colonel convinced enough
across from him. generals and admirals that US power overseas was being
"How did your meeting go with President Effingham enhanced, not compromised.
yesterday?" Kohl asked. "We won't be able to give them any decent intelligence,"
"He's happy with the good press the Rapid Deployment Force Kohl said.
is getting. Even though the country will still be paying the bills
for the RDF, the idea of passing off responsibility for policing
the world is quite popular," Beauregard said. Kohl paused. "Changing hats sometimes takes some getting
used to. The US and the other major countries have refused to
President George Effingham had been elected on his platform put their intelligence agencies at UN disposal. "
of "America First," riding a wave of nationalism all the way
into the White House. After his inauguration he started mak- "As Commander of the UNRDF it will be your job to be cre-
ing good on his campaign promises, cutting foreign aid and ative when it comes to your intelligence gathering methods,"
defense spending while providing a middle-class tax cut. His Beauregard said.
budget included huge amounts of federal funds for law
Kohl was intimate with the inner workings of the international
enforcement and strict new immigration policies.
intelligence community, having worked on several top-secret
Over a year ago, Effingham had approached Beauregard about SDI projects over the years. Dr. Holden Kohl also had held the
spearheading changes at the UN. The President wanted to highest level of security clearance, only "temporarily" sus-
drag the United Nations into a new role where the UN held pended since his UN appointment. While countries were eager
sway over the international community. Effingham didn't to donate funds and personnel to the cause, information was
want a world government, rather he wanted to foster a sense of the most precious of commodities. All countries, including
international involvement in the enforcement of international the US, were hesitant to reveal what they knew, and how they
law. And for that, the UN needed bigger guns. might have obtained such knowledge.

"Some say you've earned a promotion," Kohl said. Beauregard finished reading the last officer's dossier and
tossed it among the many others he'd looked over this night.
"I've turned down such offers before," Beauregard said. "How are you getting along with Chondrapur?"

"The Secretary-General is one tough lady. She pulls you in he wiped his sweaty palms on his pants before picking the
with this soft, lilting Indian-British accent and by the time you gun back up.
realize her trap, it's too late. Passing the reins over to her
The two Colombian narcotics officers had been investigating
might be a mistake. She has an agenda all her own. Remember
her home is in the East and her vision is clearly centered in the Cali Rojas drug cartel for months, working undercover as
employees in one of the cartel's cover companies. The Cali
that hemisphere."
Rojas Corporation was run as brilliantly as any London-
Beauregard smiled. "And that is just what we want. Our con- based shipping company. Except in this case they had only
cern, the United States' interest, lies in control of the Western one export, one business interest. Cocaine.
Hemisphere. Everything we need is right here in our backyard."
The Camara skidded around a corner as Villa tried to make up
"Chondrapur may surprise you with her ambition. She lec- some time. The storefronts and shops of the downtown had
tured me this morning on Benjamin Franklin's original concept changed to warehouses as they approached the waterfront dis-
of the UN and one world government." Ko~l paused, settling trict. The two agents had tracked this particular drug shipment
back in his chair. "And for a moment, I honestly believed her." from the cartel headquarters in Cali to Cartagena. It was the
largest they had ever encountered. The agents had expected the
Reaching into the inside pocket of his white suit coat,
cocaine to be shipped out next week by a Greek freighter, but a
Beauregard took out a fresh cigar. He did not light it.
frantic call from an informant had alerted them to the imminent
"I honestly hope that we're working towards a better world.
departure of the drugs on a huge Cuban transport ship.
For my grandchildren. We have given you the most powerful
military arms the Earth has ever seen. Now we shall see what Villa checked the rearview mirror. The army truck still lum-
you can do with this deadly force." bered behind them.

*** "Turn left up here, then a quick right," Diego said.

Villa followed his partner's instructions and wheeled the

Camara onto the roadway running parallel to the docked
The '87 Chevy Camara sped through the crowded Colombian ships. The car fishtailed around the comer as Villa brought it
streets. Special agent Santiago Villa glanced over his shoulder, under control. Whipping around piles of crates stacked twice
then concentrated once again at avoiding the dense pedestrian as high as the car, Villa sped down the long avenue.
traffic. The teeming afternoon crowds spilled out into the streets, The Cuban connection gave Villa a bad feeling. High-ranking
hurrying about the shopping district in downtown Cartagena. Cuban military officers had been seen inside the Cali Rojas
"I couldn't tell if they were still behind us," Villa said to his complex. New structures had even been built on the cartel
partner, keeping his eyes on the road ahead. grounds to house the scores of Cuban soldiers who had begun to
arrive there. Training the cartel in the ways of terrorism was
Juan Diego, sitting in the passenger seat, turned around to get bad enough, but something far more sinister was being
a better view out the small back window. Following a half- planned between the Cuban military and Cali Rojas.
block behind steamed a large army transport. A squad of
Colombian soldiers, carrying automatic weapons, sat at the Diego sat straight up in his seat. He pointed to a huge freighter
anchored next to the dock. Longshoreman scurried about the
ready in the back of the truck.
boat, loading plain wooden crates into her hold. "Thats our
"Yeah, they're keeping up." Diego slouched back down into boat. The Camona Blanca, bound for Siguanea, Cuba."
his seat. Placing the Heckler & Koch 9mm between his legs,
Villa drove right up to the edge of the ship's walkway. Villa began to grow infuriated, strengthened by 25 armed men
Slamming on the brakes, the Camaro skidded sideways to a deployed around him. "What do your superiors think, send-
halt, effectively blocking off the only way onto the ship. ing armed soldiers to Colombian soil. Is Cuba declaring war
Diego opened the car door and ducked down behind, holding on our fair country?"
his pistol in two hands, making a quick check of any dock
'just the opposite," the lieutenant said. "We are trying to foster
workers hovering around in back of the car.
new trade alliances with some of Colombia's largest corpora-
The army truck pulled up behind the Camaro. Soldiers tions. The Army is here simply to protect our investment."
dressed in standard green fatigues filed out both sides of the
Villa knew this conflict would not be resolved with words.
vehicle. Holding their rifles at the ready, the Colombian sol-
With a quick signal to the strike team, Villa and Diego pre-
diers took up positions in a rough semi-circle surrounding the
pared to open fire on the armed guards. Then the dock began
docked freighter.
to vibrate faintly A deep resonant sound seemed to come from
Inside the car, Villa grabbed the radio mike and switched on the very bowels of the freighter. Slowly the rumbling grew as
the external speaker. "Crew members of the freighter Villa sought to find its source.
Camona Blanca will cease and desist loading procedures
Rising from behind the freighter hovered two Russian Hind gun-
immediately. By order of the Colombian government we are
ships. The fast-attack helicopters came about and moved into
coming aboard to search your vessel."
position between the ship and the Colombian officers. 20mm
Villa switched the speaker off and replaced the mike. He dou- cannons came to bear on the agents and surrounding soldiers.
ble-checked the clip in his pistol before slamming it home and
Villa did not drop his gun to the ground as most of his men
chambering the first round. Climbing out of the car, he surveyed
did. He and Diego climbed into the Camaro and slowly pulled
the situation. The crew members had temporarily obeyed his
the car around to follow the army truck. Villa could tell by the
order and stopped loading the cargo. The dock workers openly
noise that the gunships continued to escort them down the
challenged the special agent with amused stares and expressions
dock road. There would be no Colombian response to this act
of disdain. They all seemed to be waiting for something.
of aggression. The alliance between Cuba and Cali Rojas had
Looking to the top of the walkway, Villa saw a group of uni- won its first battle, and the spoils of victory sailed onward
formed men approach the ship's rail. Three soldiers armed with through the Caribbean.
AK-47 assault rifles flanked a well-groomed Cuban lieutenant.
The lieutenant shouted down from the edge. "This is a Cuban
cargo vessel exporting agriculture products from Colombia to
Cuba. There is no reason to search this ship."
Ripping the blade out of the soldiers sternum, Major Mario
"Transporting cocaine or related agricultural products is Salvadore released his grip and let the dead body crumple to the
against the law," Villa said. ground. He leaned down to wipe his knife off on the
"I repeat, this is a Cuban ship under our military's protection. Argentinean's uniform. He didn't bother to frisk his enemy, there
would be plenty of time later to scavenge among the dead.
Colonel Raul Bautista is personally overseeing this operation.
I would advise you to not test our patience this day." It was still dark in the pre-dawn hours in Rancagua. Salvadore
reached over to pick up his French assauh rifle, a FA MAS.

He pulled the clip out and saw it filled with 5.56-mm rounds. the grainy alley wall. Hefting his backpack, Salvadore slipped
Slamming the clip home, he settled back against the alley wall it over his left shoulder, carrying his rifle in his right hand. He
to collect his thoughts. stared at the dead Argentinean soldier for only a moment
before moving on. It would be light soon and Salvadore need-
It had been two weeks since Salvadore's plane had been shot
ed to find a safe hiding place.
out from under him. After that attack on the illegal nuclear
arms sale, he had made his way over the Argentinean border ***
and back to his command headquarters in Rancagua.
Unfortunately, Argentina's 33rd armored cavalry division had
rolled through Rancagua two days ago. After the powerful
Argentinean airforce had softened up the inadequate Chilean Commander Holden Kohl was a rare individual in many
defense perimeter, tanks and heavy artillery had come across respects. Like Napoleon and Mozart, Kohl only needed 3 or 4
the border. A flood of infantry had stormed through aboard hours of sleep per night. He was at his best around two in the
army transport vehicles, preceded by paratroopers dropped morning, working voraciously while the world slept. It was
behind the Chilean lines. quite rare to be interrupted at this hour. When the soft knock
came at his door, he knew it was important.
The Chilean army had started with little organization and
almost no command structure now remained. President "Come in."
Maceda had been in Brazil, meeting with other South
Suni Chondrapur opened the door and walked into his office.
American diplomats when Argentina's invasion had com-
Though diminutive in size and delicate in features, she pro-
menced. Now the Chilean President was in exile in Rio de
jected a distinct aura of authority Even after an eighteen hour
Janeiro, trying to restore order from there. With little armed
day, scarf untied laying across one shoulder, the UN Secretary-
forces to speak of, Chile faced an almost impossible task in
General still looked crisp and alert.
trying to expel the Argentinean invaders.
"It looks like we're going into action sooner than expected,"
Devastation lay all around Rancagua and the surrounding
Chondrapur announced.
areas. Communication had been cut off since the incursion
and he had been unable to raise anyone on a salvaged field Kohl couldn't hide his irntation. "I just got back from
radio set. Operating as both sniper and assassin, Salvadore Washington yesterday The crew has only been aboard the car-
hoped to learn as much about the Argentinean campaign as he rier a week, not counting the pilots who haven't reported yet.
could while he went about picking off selected enemy targets. They still have two weeks of orientation before starting their
training exercises."
The same intelligence sources that had been used to coordi-
nate his strike missions had also briefed him on other devel- "The best teacher is experience. I'm sure they will be up to the
opments. The Argentinean army had been stockpiling arJ.TIS challenge," Chondrapur said, leaving no room for debate.
and buying new equipment from their French and Russian
Kohl wasn't used to taking such orders without discussion. He
suppliers ever since the Falkland Islands War. Tucked away
wanted to scream at her This may be how you do things in your
down in South America, no. one had paid much attention to
part of the world, but not mine! Instead he took a deep calming
their quiet preparations for invasion.
breath and brought his raging thoughts back into line.
An Argentinean Mirage fighter roared past overhead, bringing
"Where are we sending the RDF? " Kohl asked.
Salvadore back out of his reverie. He was a soldier, but he was
also very tired. Salvadore couldn't recall the last time he'd "The Caribbean. More specifically, Cuba. President Effingham
slept. With effort he rose from the ground, sliding up against called me earlier today Apparently the US is about to be
besieged by a cocaine smuggling campaign led by the Cuban Roenick checked the updated attendance record. Only one
military and Colombian drug cartels. Because of the delicacy pilot had failed to report for duty. Mario Salvadore from Chile
of the United States' position in the current World Trade was still unaccounted for.
negotiations, the President has asked the UN to intervene."
He saw the rest of the pilots milling about the room, anxious
"The US can't risk a show of force or the Chinese delegation to size up the competition on board. Von Stem and Barak were
will cry foul," Kohl said. already discussing strategy as Wu and Akuda traded jokes with
one another, even getting Fedorev to laugh out loud. Roenick
"That's correct. I'll give you a full briefing in the· morning.
felt that twinge of loneliness as his command kept him clearly
There will be sufficient time for you to draft a military plan of
separated from that circle of camaraderie. There was a time for
action, a window of at least three days." Chondrapur hadn't
making friends and a time for taking responsibility. Roenick
moved during the discussion, standing at rapt attention as
stood up and walked over to the lectern.
though giving an address.
"All right people, let's get started."
Kohl swallowed his rebuke and simply nodded his agreement.
He knew perhaps better than she what potential military con-
flicts hovered beyond the horizon. Chondrapur turned and
walked out of the room. Kohl took another deep breath and
reached for his private, secured phone. There were other fac-
tors to consider before taking those first fateful steps into the
new world.


C aptain Conrad Roenick looked over his notes one more

time. First impressions were important, especially those
involving military command. Roenick was born with attitude,
but a sputtering CO who couldn't remember his briefing didn't
gamer much respect from his troops.
The Peacekeeper seemed more alive now that the crew had
arrived. Glancing up from his desk in the briefing room,
Roenick looked out at his squadron. Over a dozen nationalities
were represented in the room. Roenick had made an extra effort
to speak to each pilot individually before today. He thought it
was important to get to know his pilots on a personal level
before he started giving them orders as their captain.

The Rapid Deployment Force was created to secure global peace.

Understanding its main objectives, leaders and proponents are
critical to surviving in the system. This section will brief you on
the history and individuals who make up the RDF.


The United Nations' new strategic rapid deployment Rapid
Deployment Force (or RDF) was created in 1998 by unanimous
resolution of the UN Security Council. According to the resolution ,
the primary goal of the RDF was:
"Section 3.23 Purpose. The Rapid Deployment Force created
herewith shall be known by the shortened anacronym of RDF;
shall be funded through requisite annual budgeting method set
forth in Section 32.847 herein; shall be limited in scope to the
rules of authorization and engagement as for provided in Article
16, paragraph 15 of the UNRSW; and shall continually strive to
achieve the primary objective of securing the peace, health, safety,
and welfare of individuals and nations throughout the globe by
utilizing any effective methods available to it including but not
limited to the calculated use of deadly force when necessary."

This rather winded purpose was later shortened into the RDF's moto:
"Global Peace Through Deadly Force"
At its inception, the RDF was a military unit without any weapons. The United Nations didn't have the resources to properly equip the
squad, and other UN commanders were unwilling to offer anything more than a few token weapons. Consequently, the RDF was little
more than an idea for the first few months of its existence.
Then , in the Fall of 1998, America's newly elected President George Effingham embraced the languishing RDF as part of his "America
First" platform. He believed that the Rapid Deployment Force would be the ideal way to shift the responsibility of "global policeman"
from the US to the United Nations. He convinced several powerful congressmen , including the distinguished Colonel Andrew Beauregard,
to spearhead the appropriations through the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee. After a long and bloody battle, Beauregard was able to
muster enough support to pass legislation to shift a sizable portion of domestic military spending into a new UN military fund .
This fund was the basis for rejuvenating the RDF, but was inadequate to really create a quick response force. It soon became apparent
that the RDF needed a powerful aircraft carrier to act as its mobile base of operations. After months of arguing and stalled negotiations,
the Rapid Deployment Force was poised to collapse. President Effingham, Senator Beauregard and other political heavy-weights met
in lengthy close-door meetings, trying to rescue their investment. America finally conceded and donated a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier.
The ship, headed by Captain Dwight Davenport, was renamed to the UNS Peacekeeper and immediately pressed into service.


Arming the Rapid Deployment Force was only the first step, however. The next hurdle was to create the organizational hierarchy. The
UN's Secretary General Suni Chondrapur was clearly its formal head, but a separate commander had to be appointed. After a lengthy
search, Dr. Holden Kohl was chosen as the civilian commander. Although a controversial choice because of his political views and
intelligence background, he was backed strongly by President Effingham and key international figures. A few nations objected to an
American leader, but there was little debate since the US was footing most of the bill.
The following are the highly confidential profiles of certain key members of the American government and the United Nations.
This information should not be distributed.

* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
Title/Rank: President of the United States Title/Rank: Senator
Nickname: None Nickname: Colonel
Nationality: United States Nationality: United States
Birthplace: Jackson Hole, Wyoming Birthplace: Athens, Georgia
Age: 62 Age: 66
Height: 5'11 " Height: 6'0"
Weight: 205 Weight: 175
Hair/Eyes: Brown/Brown Hair/Eyes: Blond/Blue

Background Background
George Effingham grew up on a cattle ranch in the wide open Beauregard is one of the most powerful men in Washington ,
acres of Wyoming. As a rancher's son, young George was not chairing the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee for the past 5 terms.
allowed to watch television. Instead he learned about the state of He has a personal friendship with Captain Dwight Davenport as
the world from his uncle and father who explained that "those Colonel Beauregard sponsored Davenport's appointment to the
idiots in the big cities were ruining it for everyone." Effingham Naval Academy.
served only one term as Wyoming's governor before running for
President. Running on his "America First" platform, Effingham
appealed to the basic fears of the middle class. He promised to Colonel Beauregard is a true southern gentleman. He values
cut defense spending abroad and move more funds into aggres- honor and integrity above all else, and he isn 't afraid to rattle his
sive domestic anti-crime programs. He pledged to halt immigra- saber at those that do not share his views. Even though he has
been retired for decades he still treasures his rank. Beauregard is
tion, and with the health care and welfare savings, grant a much
needed middle-class tax cut. After a bitter campaign , Effingham tall and regal with a snow-white handlebar mustache. He insists
won a landslide victory, carrying 47 out of 50 states. on wearing his hat at even the most informal of occasions.
Beauregard's slow, southern drawl only seems to emphasize his
Description stringent political views.
It is a Fortress America mentality that President Effingham leads
into the 20th century. He abhors conflict, especially when it is for
an "ideal" or "cause." He makes grandiose speeches about the
virtues of independence, but for all of his rhetoric his concern
rarely focuses past the boundaries of the US. Effingham is a
very average looking white American male. Although effeminate,
he is still the most eligible bachelor in the country. His appeal to
female voters was not so much of physical charisma as of avail-
ability. Surrounded by a throng of his supporters, it is some-
times hard to pick the President out of the crowd .

Title/Rank: Secretary-General of the United Nations Title/Rank: UN Civilian Commander

Nickname: Bengal Tiger Nickname: None
Nationality: East Indian Nationality: United States
Birthplace: Madras, India Birthplace: Freiburg, Germany
Age: 58 Age: 63
Height: 5'2" Height: 6'2"
Weight: 115 Weight: 175
Hair/Eyes: Brown/Brown Hair/Eyes: Bald/Hazel

Background Background
Suni Chondrapur has proven to be one of the most successful The son of an Air Force Colonel, Holden Kohl was born on a
UN Secretary Generals in history. Her masterful diplomatic US military base in Freiburg, Germany. He was a professor of
negotiation of a new World Free Trade Agreement earned her Particle Physics at M.l.T. for the past thirty-three years where
the nickname "The Bengal Tiger". Chondrapur rose quickly in he served as the head of the Strategic Defense Initiative before
the Indian government. Unwavering confidence and resolve in it was cut. Kohl is famous for his book called "The Throne of
trade diplomacy allowed Chondrapur to forge Madras into the Dreamers" which tells how a benevolent oligarchy of technolog-
export capital of South Central Asia. She was an overwhelming ical elite could lead the world into a new golden age. One
choice as Secretary General to help chart a new course for the reviewer called it "a cross between the Encyclopedia Britannica
21st century. and Mien Kampf."

Description Description
Chondrapur is a financial wizard with a quick, analytical mind. Kohl is a man who understands secrets, and it is apparent to
There is a sense of overwhelming confidence about her, and for anyone who meets him that he has many. Of course, this tightly
various reasons she has the support of all the major countries drawn veil of secrecy lends itself to distrust and unease by oth-
including the G-7 members and permanent Security Council ers. Some have even said that it seems that there is something
seat holders. Chondrapur is a petite woman who speaks with a sinister lurking just beneath the surface. Kohl has an outstand-
soft, lilting East Indian accent. She tends to wear dark business ing record as a deft leader, but his appearance does not convey
suits contrasted with traditional Indian accessories, such as a military power. A thin man with a bald pate and rectangular
colorful neck scarf. glasses, Kohl is not an imposing figure.
RAPID DEPLOYMENT FORCE (CONT.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The following are the highly confidential profiles of certain key members of the Rapid Deployment Force.
This information should not be distributed.


Title/Rank: Captain UNS Peacekeeper Title/Rank: RDF Squadron Commander (Captain)

Nickname: Big Hurt Nickname: The Bruiser
Nationality: United States Nationality: United States/Canada
Birthplace: Detroit, Michigan Birthplace: Vancouver, British Columbia
Age: 41 Age: 43
Height: 6'4" Height: 5'9"
Weight: 250 Weight: 175
Hair/Eyes: Black/Black Hair/Eyes: White/Blue

Background Background
Captain Davenport was on the fast-track to becoming an admiral Conrad Roenick is a tough-as-nails blue-collar leader. He is a
before his appointment to the UN. Since it was "his" aircraft carrier throwback to those soldiers of the classical age when a man
that the US government donated to the new Rapid Deployment had to look his enemy square in the eye before he took his life.
Force, Davenport was the natural choice for the command. Although he is Canadian-born , Roenick served with the United
States Armed Forces. Roenick started out flying patrol with the
Description DEA when the East Asian Triads began smuggling drugs through
Davenport hasn 't had a moment of self-doubt since he entered Alaska, the Yukon and British Columbia. On permanent loan
Annapolis . One of the Navy's finest officers, he is well aware from Canada, Roenick shares a rare dual-citizenship with both
the RDF will have it's share of hard battles ahead. Physically, countries. However his heart (and NHL hockey allegiance), shall
Davenport is an odd contrast. He is built like a mountain from always remain Canadian.
the shou lders down, but his face looks like a math professor.
Appearance aside, everyone who has met him knows that
Davenport is as serious as a heart attack. Roenick reminds one of an ancient mariner looking for a fight.
He always is in tremendous shape with a shock of white hair
kept in a tight crew cut. When aggravated , Roenick has been
known to do a great impression, though not on purpose, of a
professional wrestler named "Dick". He recently quit smoking,
but he still craves a good cigar.

Tille/Rank: Air Boss Tille/Rank: Landing Signal Officer

Nickname: Taz Nickname: Bull
Nationality: Hungarian Nationality: Spanish
Birthplace: Cluj, Hungary Birthplace: Pamplona, Spain
Age: 36 Age: 33
Height: 5'7" Height: 5'11 "
Weight: 160 Weight: 280
Hair/Eyes: Black/Brown Hair/Eyes: Brown/Brown

Background Background
Caposu struggled to survive in the post-Soviet years in Eastern An outstanding aviator in his younger days, Sangria was
Europe. Living during those lean times taught Caposu to be quite considered to be the best pilot in the Mediterranean. He served
frugal. They were especially painful for the former Red Army with Spain 's elite Red Sky for seven years before he was asked
soldier as he buried both his children in one single year. to train younger pilots. In that position he developed a well
deserved reputation for a keen eye. With his experience,
Description Sangria's appointment as LSO aboard the UNS Peacekeeper
Caposu is an insatiable perfectionist. He is never satisfied was an obvious decision.
with the performance of his staff or the pilots. Demanding
excellence, Caposu runs the flight deck like a mad man Description
barking out commands. His only joy comes with the sight Sangria is an affable man who seems to get along with almost
of a clean F-22N crouched in ready upon the flight deck. everyone. He is quick with a smile and a joke, but knows when
Hot tempered and hairy, Caposu is said to look like a to get down to business. Sangria has put on some weight since
Tasmanian devil when he gets mad . his "retirement" earning him the nickname of "Bull " among
the pilots. Given his girth, some have asked him whether
the bulls chased him or he chased the bulls during his
hometown's celebration .
RAPID DEPLOYMENT FORCE (CONT.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The following are highly confidential profiles of the fighter pilots currently serving aboard the UNS Peacekeeper.
This information should not be distributed.

* *•*

Title/Rank: Pilot Title/Rank: Pilot

Nickname: Ouckie Nickname: Jaguar
Nationality: Chinese Nationality: Nigerian
Birthplace: Beijing, China Birthplace: Kano, Nigeria
Age: 23 Age: 28
Height: 57" Height: 57"
Weight: 150 Weight: 135
Hair/Eyes: Black/Brown Hair/Eyes: Black/Black

Background Background
Wu is a Chinese national. His sister, a student dissident, is Mubaric grew up in a wealthy upper-class family in Nigeria with
currently imprisoned for demonstrating against China's human strong ties to the French government. She was able to fly rela-
rights violations. One of his country's best pilots, Wu has been tively new French planes in the Nigerian Air Force. Mubaric has
uncharacteristically outspoken of his government. He sees the probably logged more hours than any other pilot in the RDF, but
RDF as an opportunity to put more pressure on the Communist her actual combat experience is limited .
system. Not surprisingly, the Chinese government was pleased
to send Wu to the United Nations. Description
Mubaric speaks her English with a slight French accent. She is
Description known as a good listener and cares deeply for everyone in the
Wu not only has deep political convictions but religious as well. RDF. Mubaric is a superior pilot, but a poor marksman in heavy
As dictated by his particular Buddhist sect, Wu keeps his head combat. In particular, reports say that Mubaric tends to use her
shaved. During the entrance tests for the RDF, his grades were missiles too frequently.
excellent, but there is concern that he will try to avoid combat.
In particular, Wu has openly admitted that he will let an enemy
plane escape if it's critically damaged . He believes that it's the
moral thing to do.

Title/Rank: Pilot Title/Rank: Pilot

Nickname: Bear Nickname: Thor
Nationality: Ukranian Nationality: German
Birthplace: Zhitomir, Ukraine Birthplace: Bonn, Germany
Age: 33 Age: 29
Height: 6'3" Height: 6'0"
Weight: 215 Weight: 175
Hair/Eyes: Blond/Blue Hair/Eyes: Blond/Blue

Background Background
Fedorev hails from the northern reaches of the Ukraine. In this elite cadre of the world's finest pilots, Stern is the best.
He served in the Red Army as a test pilot for the next generation He brims with pride and self-confidence. A skilled tactician, he
of MiG fighters. Unfortunately, huge cuts were made in defense leads in one way-by example. He has tremendous natural talent
spending and the Ukraine found it had more veteran pilots than and skill. Stern's only weakness is that he is overly aggressive
working aircraft. Even a valuable test pilot such as Fedorev in combat, breaking formation early and leaving his wingman.
became expendable for UN appointment.
Description Stern looks like he walked out of some mythic Germanic fable.
Fedorev is a bear of a man. Wide of girth without being over- With blond hair and blue eyes, his good looks are only matched
weight, Fedorev keeps a long beard all year round . He is also by his enormous pride. Some people snicker behind Stern's back,
quite fond of Tolstoy, especially passages from "Death of Ivan calling him a closet fascist. Even though it's not true, the name
lllych." Fedorev thinks "War and Peace" ended too suddenly. does not seem to bother him.
As a pilot, he is experienced and savvy. Fedorev is a talented
wingman and a formidable foe. His steady shot is at its best in
a big furball.
RAPID DEPLOYMENT FORCE (CONT.) C l l - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Title/Rank: Pilot Title/Rank: Pilot

Nickname: Stick Nickname: Tanny
Nationality: Japanese Nationality: Egyptian
Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan Birthplace: Alexandria, Egypt
Age: 26 Age: 44
Height: 5'9" Height: 5'10"
Weight: 135 Weight: 195
Hair/Eyes: Black/Brown Hair/Eyes: Brown/Brown

Background Background
Akuda comes from a long line of successful Japanese pilots. Tanios is the oldest pilot in the squadron by far. Tanios was
His upbringing was very traditional , but Akuda wanted to become placed there by the UN and Egypt to serve as "veteran leader-
"westernized." After graduating at the top of his class, he ship" within the squadron. He has the most combat experience
attended college in the United States. It was there that he devel- in both aerial dogfights and bombing missions. Tanios is an
oped a very sarcastic sense of humor. expert at identifying enemy aircraft and their armaments.

Description Description
Akuda is extremely thin and eating constantly. His fellow pilots Tanios is just beginning to show his 44 years. A bit grizzled
tease him that he always has some type of food in his mouth. around the edges, even his tight, curly hair is beginning to thin
Akuda even carries snacks with him on missions just in case he as his waistline grows a bit wider. Tanios has fought both public
gets hungry during the action. He is a skilled and reliable pilot, and "unauthorized" sorties against many Middle Eastern
but performs somewhat less effectively at night. Akuda is prob- opponents, and is quite skilled .
ably the best precision bomber in the RDF.

Nationality: Israeli
Birthplace: Haifa, Israel
Age: 28
Height: 5'11 "
Weight: 175
Hair/Eyes: Black/Green

Israel is not in the habit of giving up anything, let alone one of
its finest pilots. But in this case Israel made an exception. Incredibly
egotistical, even for an Israeli pilot, Barak has had a tumultuous
career. Two years ago he was brought up on charges of causing
undue loss of civilian life during an air raid against Iraq. The
charges were later dropped and Barak was appointed to the
Rapid Deployment Force. Some observers wonder if Barak cut a
deal with the Israeli government to get out of the charges.

Barak is dark and handsome. He has long black locks of ebony
hair that frame his chiseled olive-skinned features. Barak is a
great pilot, second only to Stern. Perhaps a bit too aggressive,
he has few weaknesses. Barak is at his best when allowed to
"freelance." The RDF report says that he is less effective when
acting in a supporting role , often losing his concentration
from boredom.
CAMPAIGNs - - - - - - - - - •
JetFighter Ill is a campaign-based combat simulator. As a pilot in the RDF, you will be sent to various hot spots around
the globe as conflict erupts. Each conflict area or "campaign" will have several missions with varying objectives. The
two campaigns contained in JetFighter 111 are discussed below.

Bi.:lini ~
Straits of ISlan:dA ltssaTH~leu; Island
Florida Island \J BAHAMAS oSan Salvador
.. Rum Cay
Great ~ Long Island
Exuma "'-\
;J c:::o...
Turks and
~ C.icos Islands
• (U .K.)
Great Ina~

Gayman Islands British Virgin Islands

George Town.,.. (U.K.) Puerto Rico (U.K.)
(U.S.) Anguilla (U.K.)
C:::? . . ~ :
St. Martin (FRANCE and NETH.)
~ Neltl. Anlillei!, SI. Barthelemy (FRANCE)
VlrQin ,_(U.S.) (N~.) t> ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
ST. ClllllSTOPHEll AND NEVIS • St. Johns
~U~;rat Guadeloupe (FRANCE)


__ ....
'I Bonalre
Fort-de-f!ance Martinique (FRANCE)


CUBA - Operation Hurricane

Operation Hurricane is the first campaign in JetFighter Ill. It is set in the Caribbean just off the coast of Cuba. You will be flying with
the RDF against elements of the Cuban military who are escorting Colombian drug traffickers.

Cuba and the Colombian drug cartels have formed a deadly alliance. Cuba has an abundance of Soviet military equipment with a state
economy on the brink of collapse. The cartels have a product worth tens of billions of dollars, but cannot get it past the tightening US
coastal security presence. Intelligence believes that these two groups have joined together. Cuba began by escorting drug boats and
airplanes into the Caribbean, but its efforts have recently expanded. The Cuban military has become increasingly bolder, even ventur-
ing into the outer perimeter of American airspace.
This situation is poor timing for the United States government. America could handle this problem on its own , but there is much to
lose on the international scene. The US cannot risk an international incident while it is trying to negotiate a new world trade agreement.
The current administration is unwilling to risk international reprisals by responding with force to these blatant border incursions.
As you know, the US invested heavily in the United Nations Rapid Deployment Force and now it wants to see a return on its investment.
UN Secretary General Chondrapur personally guaranteed that the problem will be discretely resolved by the Rapid Deployment Force.
When Fidel Castro seized power in Havana in January 1959, the Soviets didn't believe that any Latin American country could
successfully sustain a communist regime. Yet over the next several decades the USSR became a staunch ally of Cuba, even
sending the world to the brink of nuclear war by placing missiles on the island nation. Throughout the 1970's and 1980's Cuba
supported and fought for the socialist cause in places like Africa and South America, directly opposing the United States in
these armed revolutionary conflicts.
Raul Bautista was one of the young rebels who helped Castro bring the socialist movement to fruition in Cuba. An idealist tem-
pered by tragic discipline, Bautista was a privileged party member during the flourishing years of communism . With a steady
stream of Soviet equipment and advisors, Bautista learned all he could about subversion and warfare from his Red Army allies.
However, the economic and political landscape changed with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 . No country felt the loss
greater than Cuba, whose government had grown reliant upon Soviet assistance. Suffering financial troubles , the Russian
government discontinued nearly all of its aid to former Cold War allies, effectively stranding Cuba in the Western Hemisphere.
Today the Cuban economic system stands on the brink of collapse. With the $4 billion dollar Soviet subsidy gone, it now is
saddled with billions of dollars in debt. The communists still retain their hold on Cuba, but they are finding it increasingly
difficult to satisfy the populace. The country is also in jeopardy of being shut out of the new world economic order of
regionalized trading partners.
Cuba's communist military leaders realized that they had to find a short-term solution to their cash-flow problems. For his part,
Colonel Raul Bautista looked into Cuba's past. He recalled that during the 1960's Cuba had positioned itself as a transportation
center for Red China heroin on its way into the US. This history lesson was foremost in his mind when he visited drug lord
Hector Moreno at his estate. After weeks of negotiations, it became apparent that certain elements of the Cuban military were
acting as the protectorate of the Cali Rojas drug cartel.
Cali Rojas is the most powerful drug cartel in Colombia, effectively controlling all cocaine exports from that country. The head
of the Cali Rojas is Hector Moreno. Moreno inherited control over the drug cartel from his father after he was killed by a rival
family. Throughout his tenure , Moreno has struggled with the problem of transportation . He believes that the demand is there ,
but he has not been able to move enough "product" to market. In particular, the United States has increased its coastal security,
making it even harder to import his cocaine. It became clear that more· muscle was required .
The situation became serious for Moreno after his largest ship, the Telajis, was sunk by the US Coast Guard . The loss of the
the Telajis cost him nearly a hundred million dollars. Angry and frustrated , Moreno began actively looking for a "partner".
Word was spread throughout the community and ultimately was passed to Raul Bautista. Following a hunch , Colonel Bautista
visited Moreno and proposed a joint venture. Moreno seized upon the idea and laid out a comprehensive plan to use Bautista's
idle military to help get the cartel 's product to the US. With tens of billions of dollars in potential profit, neither side could
refuse. An agreement was reached within a few weeks .

The Colombian government agreed to assist the United Nations. They will be providing the RDF with their intelligence on drug
shipments and schedules, but don't expect anything too reliable . The drug cartels account for over 15% of the country's Gross
Domestic Product and they have tremendous influence.
Similarly, the United States will provide intelligence on a need-to-know basis. It is their belief that only a rogue faction of the Cuban
military (lead by Colonel Raul Bautista) is involved. Up to this point, they have been unwilling to divulge much more. US intelligence
resources are conditional ly not available to the RDF.
United Nations' intelligence knows little about Cuba. As the former USSR's main foothold in the Western Hemisphere, there still is
an abundance of Soviet aircraft and equipment on the island. Insiders close to the Cuban government claim that Bautista is acting
without orders. But Bautista's units appear to be well equipped and ready for combat.


Isla de la Juventud •

Area: 110,860 Km •
U.S. Naval
Population Size: 11,100,000
Population Density: 100 /Km
Capital: Havana
Ethnic Groups: 51% mulatto, 37% white, 11% black
Chief Language: Spanish
Religion: 85% Roman Catholic
(suppressed by communists)
Literacy 98%
GDP: $20,900,000,000
Per capita: $2,000
Exports: sugar, nickel, fruits, shellfish, tobacco
Imports: petroleum, capitol equipment,
industrial materials
The following are highly confidential profiles of key political figures involved in this campaign .
This information should not be distributed.


Title/Rank: Head of Cali Rojas cartel Title/Rank: Colonel

Nickname: None Nickname: (does not translate)
Nationality: Colombian Nationality: Cuban
Birthplace: Cali, Columbia Birthplace: Havana, Cuba
Age : 33 Age: 57
Height: 6'1" Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190 Weight: 210
Hair/Eyes: Brown/Blue Hair/Eyes: Brown/Brown

Background Background
Moreno was born into the cartel and cultivated from an early One cannot hope to understand Bautista without discussing his
age to run the family business. He was sent by his father to the scarred childhood . As a young boy, Bautista and his friends were
University of Chicago where in just 5 years he received his playing in an abandoned warehouse where chemical waste was
undergraduate degree and MBA in international trade. He left illegally stored . The children accidentally ignited the waste which
America abruptly when his father was killed by a rival drug car- killed everyone except Bautista. But, he did not escape
tel. Since his ascension , Moreno has positioned the Cali Rojas untouched. The unnatural heat and fumes scorched his skin
as the major cocaine syndicate in all of Columbia. severely, permanently removing the hair on his head and
arms. Different looking from other children , Bautista found
Description himself alone. Rather than let the tragedy overwhelm him , he
Moreno appears much as he did in college, a studious individual. instead focused on military-like discipline. He eventually found a
He wou ld not appear to be one of the world's most ruthless and home in Castro's communist brigade. The youngest member,
richest men. Spurning ostentaiousness, he wears silver wire Bautista was standing by Castro's side when they seized power in
frame glasses and keeps his hair cropped short. Havana. He rose quickly through the military, even serving a
two-year assignment in South Africa. Bautista currently serves
as the Minister of General Intelligence.

Bautista's most striking feature is the lack of hair on his head
and arms. He is always in exceptional physical and mental shape.
Bautista is considered to be somewhat of a maverick in the Cuban
military. A loner, he ignores the advise of others, preferring to
do things on his own.

ARGENTINA - Operation Caged Saint

Operation Caged Saint is the second campaign
in JetFighter Ill. It is set in South America, but
focuses mostly on Chile and Argentina. In this
campaign, you will be flying with the RDF
against Argentina's invasion of Chile.

Argentina's military dictatorship has invaded
Chile. Its Supreme Director, Juan San Martin,
claims that this invasion is just the first
step on his way to liberate all of South America
from imperialism.
Unlike the Gulf War, the United States decided
to let the UN solve this problem on its own. CHILE
However, the United Nations has not done a
very good job so far. Argentinean troops have
already captured Chile's Santiago, control the
Beagle Channel, and are attacking scattered
resistance near the Atacama Desert. The UN
fleet reached its destination a week ago, but
it has seen only limited action.
Because of its lack of success, the United
Nations has ordered in the RDF to help turn
the tide. Your carrier is now in position off the
coast and awaiting orders. There is little time
left before San Martin consolidates his forces
and digs in-permanently. If the RDF does
not succeed quickly, it is unlikely that Chile
will ever be liberated without a prolonged
land engagement.
ROOTS OF THE CONFLICT Then, in 1997, Cheavez had enough of the insubordination and
In 1810, Argentina became the first South American country to dismissed him. San Martin was humiliated and bitterly angry.
declare its independence from Spain. Then, just six years later, He and Carlos Santos (then the Secretary of the Military Affairs)
military leader Jose de San Martin left Argentina to liberate the organized the assassination of Cheavez and the overthrow of
rest of South America. He began by plotting the trans-Andean his government.
invasion of Chile. Using meticulous planning and unorthodox After months of careful preparation , his plan was efficiently
tactics, San Martin defeated the surprised Spaniards at executed. President Cheavez and several members of his family
Chacabuco and Maipu. Two days later, his force entered the and cabinet were found murdered along the side of a road . San
Chilean capital of Santiago, wresting control of the nation Martin went to great pains to make the brutal assassination
from Fernando de Ascabal y Souza. In 1818, San Martin was appear as if the radicals movement had done it. As the result,
offered the governorship of Chile by its provincial congress the country was shocked, calling for swift reprisals San Martin
which he declined, allowing instead Bernardo O'Higgins to swiftly denounced the radicals and pledged vengeance. His
ascend to the post of "Supreme Director." San Martin then went loyalists staged a few half-hearted raids against a small radical
on to liberate Peru from Spain before retiring . base, claiming victory in the name of their fallen leader.
Little happened in Argentina ~ntil 1950. But from 1950 until With public opinion and the military establishment fully behind
1990 there were twenty-two changes of Argentinean government him, San Martin was in complete control. He announced the
(most taking place through violent coups, extremist rebellions, dawn of a new era for Argentina and declared himself the new
guerrilla war, or outright assassination). At times, martial law "Supreme Director." Immediately, his government instituted a
was decreed and due process was abandoned. Argentina became series of economic and social programs to generate popular
notorious for its political oppression. Successive administrations support and placate the working class. Wage increases, default on
were unable to prevent the decay and Argentina experienced national debts, and price controls were implemented. Although
even worse economic woes. Politics increasingly focused on the long term consequences would be disastrous, San Martin
competing sectional claims to national income and acute polar- felt the measures were necessary to tighten his grip over the
ization between civil society and the armed forces. Over the opposition party. In a carefully staged political maneuver, the
years, internal conflicts drove the country into regional military widow of former President Cheavez was even invited to speak at
confrontations, as well as a disastrous war over the Falkland his inauguration and smooth over anti-militarist sentiment.
Islands in 1982.
Behind the scenes, San Martin's regime launched a vicious
During the early 1990's, to entice investment, Argentina began campaign against the opposition, killing anyone who stood in
to privatize by selling off its telephone companies, airlines, public his way. As soon as he could , San Martin announced a ban on
utilities, and shipping rights to foreign conglomerates in an all political parties and activities. He claimed it was necessary to
attempt to bring investment. These and other radical reforms "help unite the Argentinean people," but his goals were clear.
caused new disruption and discord in Argentina. By 1993, the Systematic torture and beatings were widely employed to
country's domestic problems had never been worse. As a result, maintain his control. Corpses of political opponents were often
the elections of 1996 focused heavily on these economic and found floating in the River Plate.
political hardships. One candidate , Pedro Cheavez, promised a
new era of Argentinean prominence. Many leaders in the mili- Finally, with the demolition of the guerrilla movement in
tary, including Falkland war hero Juan San Martin , backed Tucuman in November of 1995, the last vestiges of pro-democ-
Cheavez. After a close election against a Communist challenger, ratic sentiment were swept into history. With Argentina firmly in
Pedro Cheavez was elected as the President of Argentina. his grasp, San Martin then turned his eyes toward the rest of
However, Cheavez was not able to stop Argentina's decline South America. He became obsessed with the notion that he
overnight. was the direct descendant of his idol, Jose de San Martin. He
felt that it was his responsibility to wrest control of South
After a brief honeymoon, many leaders in government were crit- America from the weak-kneed politicians who groveled to the
ical of Cheavez's slow progress. In particular, San Martin (then the UN and America. Like his alleged ancestor, he was consumed
Assistant Secretary of Military Affairs) was an outspoken critic. with a desire to "liberate South America from the imperialistic
Calling for more radical changes, San Martin demanded that forces which surrounded it." He said it was his destiny.
weak-kneed politicians had no place in Argentina's government.

CURRENT EVENTS Desperate, San Martin seized upon the recent international
San Martin has been under intense pressure to make good on events as a pretext to create a national emergency. His rhetoric
his promises of swift economic reform. As part of his plan, he became more aggressive, claiming that Chile was the obstacle
instituted a vast program to build an industrial base. The increased to Argentina's prosperity. Effective propaganda had painted
work and manufactured goods did much to improve the nation's Chile as a provocative regional enemy who was responsible for
financial woes, but their effects were short-term. Because of every ill. In need of more loyalists, San Martin created an elite
global shortages of coal , iron and oil, Argentina's fragile secret police which he called "Negro Muerte" after his old unit.
economic recovery began to sink. San Martin used these thugs to silence opposition leaders and
to brutalize pro-Chile supporters. They rounded up any political
Desperate for relief, San Martin renewed negotiations with Chile dissidents and took control of the leading newspapers.
over control of oil fields recently discovered under the Antarctic
Graham Land Peninsula. (The ownership of this territory had By the end of the year, San Martin made his intentions toward
been in dispute for many years.) San Martin felt that his new Chile known. He pledged to reunite Chile and Argentina. Hoping
robotic drilling platforms would make oil extraction from the the world would ignore a conflict between two relatively unim-
deposits feasible. And more importantly, he believed that this portant nations, Argentina began to organize for war. Its
valuable resource could be the key to solving many of industrial machine was working overtime, trying to prepare for
Argentina's domestic problems. However, the Chilean govern- the clash which was to follow. Chile, on the other hand, foolishly
ment was not about to give their claims away, so their negoti- misread San Martin's build-up of military might. The Chileans
ations stalled once again. believed that San Martin was just posturing in an attempt to
force a resolution over the Antarctic Graham Land Peninsula.
About the same time, the International Court awarded sovereign They did not take San Martin at his word.
rights of the Beagle Channel in Tierra del Fuego to Chile.
Ownership of this strategically important waterway has been in On July 28, San Martin's invasion force crossed the Argentine-
dispute since 1878 when Argentina renewed its claim to Chilean border in three separate locations. The first attack came
Patagonia and sent warships to expel the Chilean settlers. Though one mile east of the Atacama Desert. The second swept south
the Boundary Treaty of 1881 tried to resolve the conflict, its of Santiago near San Carlos. The third attack invaded Tierra del
ambiguous demarcation lines nearly led to war in 1899, 1904, Fuego near the Beagle Channel. Shocked by the speed and
and 1984. Ignoring this history, Argentina had hoped that the ferocity of Argentina's attack, the UN scrambled to respond.
International Court would resolve the conflict once and for all. They quickly voted to send the Rapid Deployment Force into the
However, San Martin had never believed that the International region to begin operations. In addition, the UN agreed to fortify
Court would rule against him. The result was bitter resentment Chile's border with Peru in an attempt to close the door to
by San Martin and Argentineans. Argentina aggression and secure a second operational front
near the Uruguay River Basin.
These recent international failures have begun to weaken San
Martin's control. A few underground activists have began calling
for a free election while the Communist radicals renewed their
attacks on the western provinces. San Martin could sense that
his tenure as Supreme Director was in danger. Without the
steady infusion of raw materials and a rejuvenated image,
Argentina and his government would collapse.
After the Argentinean loss to Britain in the war over the Falkland Islands, many thought that the Argentinean armed forces would be
second rate. This is not so. After San Martin's build-up, it possesses the largest air force in South America. Furthermore, Argentina
has the sixth largest army and seventh largest navy in the world .
In contrast, very little is left of Chile's armed forces. Although once possessing a reasonably-sized army and navy, San Martin's sur-
prise attacks destroyed entire divisions. United Nation's intelligence says that scattered rebel resistance is all that is left. In particular,
there still are some loyal troops in the mountains to the north.

Area: 1,100,000 Area: 290,000
Population Size: 33,00,000 Population Size: 13,200,000
Population Density: 31 people/mi2 Population Density: 45 people/mi2
Capital: Buenos Aries Capital: Santiago
Ethnic Groups: 85% White, 15% metizo and others Ethnic Groups: 95% White and metizo,
Chief Language: Spanish 5% Amerindian and others
Religion: Catholic (90%) Chief Language: Spanish
Literacy: 94% Religion : Catholic (89%)
GDP: $64,900,000,000 Literacy: 91%
Per capita: $2,300 GDP: $16,000,000,000
Exports: Grains, foods, vegetable oils, Per capita: $1 ,400
soybeans Exports: Copper, fruits, vegetables, minerals
Imports: Machinery, iron, steel, Imports: Machinery, manufactured goods,
manufactured goods petroleum
The following are highly confidential profiles of the key political figures involved in the this campaign .
This information should not be distributed.

as the "Black Guard." After serving as an officer there for more

than five years, he was promoted to captain and given control
JUAN SAN MARTIN over a small, covert strike force. Under San Martin's rigid disci-
pline and merciless tactics, this highly-trained unit became
known as "Negro Muerte" (or "Black Death").

Title/Rank: Supreme Director of Argentina An untiring student of history, San Martin spent hours studying
Nickname: The Liberator old battles and debating their battle plans. In particular, he was
fascinated with his namesake, Jose de San Martin. After years
Nationality: Argentinean
of research , he even published a military book on Jose de San
Birthplace: Mendoza, Argentina Martin's invasion of Chile and Peru. Although the book received
Age: Born 3/5/56 little recognition, he continued his devoted study.
Height: 5' 11 "
However, his research was interrupted by Argentina's impending
Weight: 154 lbs.
invasion of the Falkland Island . Although he had followed the
Hair/Eyes: Black/Brown-Black UN debate between Britain and Argentina for years, he stridently
believed that the Falkland Islands belonged to Argentina. As the
Background result, he was angry at Britain for refusing to relinquish control
Intelligence believes that San Martin intends to unite all of South of the islands. And he was even angrier at the United Nations for
America under his dictatorship. He claims that it's his destiny to allowing such imperialistic exploitation. Yet, San Martin hoped
"liberate the continent from the imperialistic influences which that America would ultimately convince Britain to give up the
control and mold it." San Martin maintains that he is the direct Falklands. But after negotiations stalled again, Argentina decided
descendent of Jose de San Martin and is responsible for protect- force was necessary. San Martin agreed and was only too happy
ing the Latin American people. to participate.
Juan San Martin was born on March 5, 1956 in Mendoza, Having been the head of Argentina's covert military strike force ,
Argentina. The only son of migrant farmers, San Martin spent San Martin was perfect to help lead the invasion of the Falklands.
his childhood working in the undying heat of run-down vineyards. He was chosen to be one of the officers who would lead the
Living in squalor with little to eat, San Martin and his family invasion to capture its capital , Port Stanley. After its capture, he
struggled to stay alive. Desperate to escape their oppressive was to take his men over land to Goose Green where he was to
poverty, he lied about his age and enlisted in the military at the defend its airport from attack. San Martin immediately began
age of thirteen. preparing his men for the invasion. A strong believer in discipline
and training , he worked his men tirelessly to prepare them for
San Martin grew quickly physically and mentally under the
the difficult days to follow. In turn, they gave him their fierce
army's stern tutelage. He absorbed their military strategy and
respect and loyalty.
tactics, displaying abilities and skill that surprised his teachers.
Within a few years, he had so impressed his supervisors that he On April 2, 1982, San Martin and a force of about 2,500 men
was selected to attend officers' school in Buenos Aires. There his swarmed ashore, capturing Port Stanely. Backed by an aircraft
skills were honed and polished to perfection. After graduation, carrier, three destroyers and other warships, the invasion force
he was posted to an elite branch of Argentina's military known then moved inland. San Martin's unit moved swiftly.
Within a matter of a few hours, he had secured the airport and
began preparing for Britain's inevitable counterattack. His superiors,
Air Commodore Pedrozo and Lieutenant Colonel Piaggi, were CARLOS SANTOS
impressed with San Martin's instincts and ruthless efficiency. At
the base, south of the Goose Green airstrip, San Martin had set
up anti-aircraft guns and artillery. He had also cleverly concealed
his heavy mortars and Pucara ground-attack aircraft. Title/Rank: Director of Military Affairs
Nickname: The Crocodile
The British counterattack finally came at 2 am on May 28 when
Nationality: Argentinean
about 400 paratroopers moved in. San Martin and his troops
Birthplace: Cordoba, Argentina
fought fiercely but the Argentinean unit was no match for the
better-equipped British forces. After nearly twenty-six hours of Age: 53
grueling fighting, Air Commodore Pedrozo called for a cease-fire. Height: 5' 8"
San Martin refused to follow the order to cease-fire and contin- Weight: 178 lbs.
ued his attacks during the night. Although he had pledged to die Hair/Eyes: Brown/Brown
rather than surrender, he was finally captured after he had been
knocked unconscious by the concussion from a GR3 Harrier's
cluster bomb. Background
Like his father and grandfather, Santos has spent his entire life
After the Battle for Goose Green ended, San Martin and his devoted to Argentina's military. After proving himself to be an
remaining men were returned to Argentina. Although he had extraordinary strategist, he was given command of the elite
disobeyed a direct order to cease-fire , San Martin was pro- "B lack Guard." At the same time, San Martin was sent to the
claimed a hero for his unyielding nerve against overwhelming "Black Guard" where he met and served under Santos. Brilliant
odds. In appreciation for his efforts, he was promoted to leaders, the two men were nearly inseparable by the time San
Lieutenant Colonel (replacing Lieutenant Colonel Piaggi who Martin was promoted to "Negro Muerte."
had died in the attack). At twenty-six years old, San Martin
Santos served in the Falkl~nd Islands, but didn 't see any real
decided he had enough of the military and went back to his
action. He returned to Argentina after the surrender and like
boyhood home in Mendoza. Much had changed since he had
many, thought about leaving the service. But, his tenacious ded-
left. San Martin had been tempered in the fire of battle and
ication wouldn 't let him leave. After a few other positions,
tutored in the art of war. He was no longer content to work in
Santos was made Secretary of Military Affairs under President
the dirt fields. Rather, he was possessed with a new ambition-
Cheavez. There he strongly urged the President to appoint San
what he called "the real war. "
Martin as the Assistant Secretary.

Description After a few years, his enthusiasm for politicians like Cheavez
Juan San Martin is a tall, well-built man with a stiff jaw and began to wane. Santos and San Martin began to plan for the
raven black hair. His stern face reflects an inner fire and spirit. overthrow of the government. Then in 1997, Cheavez fired San
Perhaps his most notable feature are his dark, sunken eyes. Martin for his outspoken criticism of the government. Bitterly
Although generally displaying a quiet reserve , San Martin is angry, they assassinated Cheavez, overthrew his government,
known to explode in rage when his plans go awry. and established San Martin as "Supreme Director. " Santos
serves as Director of Military Affairs .

Santos is a short, powerful man who is built like a fireplug .
Rarely showing emotion, his demeanor is cold and calculating .
His most unusual characteristic is that he is missing a finger on
his left hand.


Title/Rank: President of Chile

Nickname: None
Nationality: Chilean
Birthplace: Concepcion, Chile
Age: 54
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125
Hair/Eyes: White/Brown

Maceda was born into a burgeoning middle-class family. His
father was the foreman of a successful fishing operation and
soon branched out into a business of his own. Arturo spent his
youth working the nets on his father's boats. For such dedication,
Arturo's father sent his only son to the University in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. Arturo studied law and eventually returned to
his native Chile. He opened a practice in his hometown of
Concepcion and eventually entered politics.
Arturo Maceda is a survivor. His political career has endured the
turbulent times of Leftist Salvador Allende Gossens and the dic-
tator Augusto Pinochet. After the upheaval of the first democrat-
ic elections in Chile, Maceda's presidency has been one of quiet
efficiency. Maceda knows that this dreadful war has sent the
Chilean economy reeling and has erased any social reform advances
made in the past several years . He is currently in exile, running
his government from a secret base in the Andes mountains.

Maceda is short in stature with deep tan-leather skin. He is a
plain looking man , neither attrative nor unattrative. He is bald
with white hair on both sides of his head.
STATISTICS ..,._.,...__ _ _ _ _..
The U.N.S. Peacekeeper is a state-of-the-art Nimitz class nuclear aircraft carrier. It has the latest in technology and
weapons. However, its greatest strength lies in its enormous air power. The Peacekeeper can carry about 90 different
aircraft and approximately 6,000 men. This formidable air wing usually includes the Lightning II, Tomcats, Hornets,
Intruders, Prowlers, Hawkeyes, Vikings, and Sea Kings. It is also better organized than other carriers, carrying nearly
20% more aviation fuel , munitions and stores than the U.S.S. Enterprise.


Dimensions: Overall length of 1,092 feet with a flight deck length of 752 feet
Displacement: 94,500 tons fully loaded
Propulsion: Four-shaft geared steam turbines powered by 2 nuclear reactors delivering 280,000 shp
Speed: Approximately 34 knots
Armament: 3 Sea Sparrow SAM launchers and 4 Vulcan-Phalanx CIWS (close in weapons system)
The U.N.S. Peacekeeper is divided into three main levels or "decks." Each deck has many different rooms to explore.
You can easily navigate around the carrier with just a few simple instructions.

EXPLORING When you are finished exploring a room, press !Spacebar] or

click at the bottom of the screen to exit. The program plays an
The carrier's 30 cinematic interface allows you to walk around
animation of you leaving the room and returning to the hallway.
and experience what it is like to live on a carrier. You can move
Pressing the [Spacebarl or clicking at the bottom of the screen
around in the ship by using your mouse to "walk" in the right
will also turn your view around once you are in the hallways.
direction. For example, if you are standing in a hallway and want
to walk into a room, just point your mouse cursor at the door You can also avoid the animation by "jumping" directly to the
and left mouse click. room. This can be done with the Jump Menu. The Jump Menu
is located in the blackened top third of every letterboxed (or
cropped) screen . It is concealed from your view until activated.
You can bring up the Jump Menu by either moving your mouse
cursor to the top of the screen or by pressing [Esc] .
After you have enjoyed JetFighter 111 for awhile, you may wish to
skip the transition animations. You can accomplish this by either
interrupting the movie or by jumping directly into the room . To
interrupt the movie, press any key or click the mouse. This
skips the animation and takes you directly to the next screen.
When activated, the program plays an animation of you walking Note: Pressing any key skips the transition animation.
into that room. The animation usually stops when you are inside
the room. To "see" what something is in a room , simply move JUMP MENU - [Esc]
the cursor over it. If that object is a hot spot, the object's name You can also avoid the animation by "jumping" directly to the
will appear at the bottom of the screen. If you want to investigate room . This can be done with the Jump Menu. The Jump Menu
further, move your cursor over the item and left mouse click. is located in the blackened top third of every letterboxed (or
This will then play an animation of you walking toward the object. cropped) screen. It is concealed from your view until activated .
You can bring up the Jump Menu by either moving your mouse
Most objects also can be accessed by pressing their correspond- cursor to the top of the screen or by pressing [Esc].
ing hot key. For example, if you are standing inside the Cabin and
you want to look at the Medals Case you can activate it by press-
ing the [Ml key on the keyboard.

JUMP MENU BAR LETTERBOX VIEW Note: You can bring up the Jump
LOCATION Menu by either moving your
YOUR NAME mouse cursor to the top of the
CAMPAIGN DATE screen or by pressing [Esc].

Once you have activated the Jump Menu, you can choose from twelve different options. Each of the buttons moves you instantly to a
room or menu. To use a Jump Button, left mouse click on it.


This button moves you to the Cabin. This is where you can This button brings up the Free Flight Menu. This menu allows
access the computer terminal and inspect your medals. you to start a free flight session.
This button takes you to the Library. This room contains the This button brings up the Instant Mission Menu. This menu lets
daily newspaper and an on-line military encyclopedia. you to start a random mission instantly from a list of options.
This menu is perfect for players who just want to fly interesting
missions and do not want to go through the campaign storyline.
This button transports you to the Briefing Room. There you can
receive your orders for the next mission. CONFIG
This button sends you to the Config Menu. This Menu allows
you to configure the game to your system.
This button moves you to the Hangar. This is where you can
load your airplane and start your mission. EXIT
This button exits the program. You are then sent back to
This button sends you to the Debriefing Room where you can
review your performance.
This button takes you to Operations. This room is where
you can access the Free Flight, Instant Mission, Campaign
Information, Config and Roster Menus.
CARRIER LAYOUT........................
The U.N.S. Peacekeeper has several key areas you will want to explore. These are located on three decks:
Deck 1, Deck 2, and Deck 3 (also called the Hangar).
The first deck houses the crew quarters, landing board and library. Deck 2 contains the briefing room, debriefing room , and kill
board. The Hangar is where the aircraft are readied for missions.

Deck 1 is where you will spend most of your non-duty hours. It holds your cabin, the ship's library, and the landing board .




The Cabin (also known as a "stateroom") is your home away from home on the U.N.S. Peacekeeper. It is where you store all of your
gear, pictures from home, and other personal belongings. On the right wall is the medals case. It holds all of the awards that you
have earned during JF3. Your personal computer is located in the center of the screen on the desk. It displays e-mail messages, your
flight statistics, and other carrier information .


MEDALS CASE - [M] Ace Shield
This decoration is only given to gifted
pilots who have personally defeated
five enemy pilots in combat. Each
such successful kill must be con-
firmed before it is added to the
official tally.

Grand Cross
This rare decoration is given to gifted
pilots who have defeated over twenty
enemy pilots in combat. The Grand
Cross is one of the highest honors
bestowed for individual pilot effort.
Each such successful kill must be
confirmed before it is added to the
official tally.
The wooden case on the right-hand side of the screen (over the blue
bed) is the Medals Case. It contains all of the medals and awards Star of Oaedulus
Rewarded for uncommon valor in
that you have received during your career aboard the U.N.S.
the face of overwhelming odds, this
Peacekeeper. To access the case, move the mouse pointer over it medal is given to pilots who have
and left mouse click. The case can also be activated by pressing [Ml. been wounded in combat or narrow-
ly escaped from death by ejecting.
After selecting the Medals Case , the cabinet opens. Inside are all
of the awards that you have earned . If you are a new pilot, the case
Combat Wings
only contains one medal. To see the name of the medal, move the
These pins are given to pilots who
cursor over the top of it. When you do this, the name of the award
have flown several hours of combat
is then displayed at the bottom of the screen . It is the Benjamin flight. There are three different lev-
Franklin Medal of Honor. els: the Bronze Wing for 50 hours;
the Silver Wing for 100 hours; and
As a pilot in the United Nations' Rapid Deployment Force, you the Gold Wing for 200 hours.
can earn medals through experience or proficiency. Although
more may be added, there currently are ten possible awards.
Charles OeGaulle
They are: Order of Nations
Benjamin Franklin Medal of Honor This medal is awarded to the men
Awarded to the select few who have and women who have completed
been chosen to serve aboard the their first campaign of great import
U.N.S. Peacekeeper. A decoration of and magnitude. Recipients must
great prestige , the Benjamin Franklin have loyally carried out their duties
Medal of Honor is given to pilots and personally participated in the
after their appointment to the United success of the campaign.
Nations Rapid Deployment Force.
Theodore Roosevelt

'•' ..X"""
Merit of the Lion Order of Nations
This five-point medal is awarded This medal is awarded to the men
to pilots after they have shot down and women who have completed
their first enemy plane. The kill their second campaign of great
must be confirmed before the · ~V.~41
import and magnitude. Recipients
medal is bestowed. must have loyally carried out their
duties and personally participated in
the success of the campaign.
The medals case also displays your rank within the United COMPUTER TERMINAL - [C]
Nations' Rapid Deployment Force. This is an honorary designa-
The computer terminal is your link to the ship and the outside
tion only. As you earn experience through the various cam-
world. It is where you can learn about the system 's operations
paigns by successfully completing missions, shooting down
as well as get "letters"
enemies, and bombing targets, you will be promoted to a higher
from home. The monitor
grade. Your level will be represented by a Navy rank insignia
can be seen in the mid-
here in the medals case. The ten possible ranks are:
dle of the screen (on the

Ensign II Captain
desk). To activate the
computer, move the
cursor over the monitor
and left mouse click. It
can also be activated by
pressing [CJ.

Jr Lieutenant I ~I Lower Admiral

After selecting the computer, you sit down at the desk. The
Rapid Deployment Force's logo is displayed on the face of the
monitor. To begin, touch
any key and log on.
Simply press any key or
click on the "Log On"
button on the right-hand
side of the screen. This

Lieutenant m Rear Admiral

boots up the computer
and display the termi-
nal's Main Menu screen.

Ill At the Main Menu,

choose the subject mat-

Lt. Commander n.~ Vice Admiral

ter you are interested in:
Campaign Data; Carrier
Info; Personal Info; or E-

1::1 Mail. Pick the topic you

want by clicking on the
button next to the title.

II Commander

Campaign Status - [DJ Personal Info

The first selection is Campaign Status. It contains general Because of their life-and-death profession , pilots are very con-
information about the current campaign that you are on. Click cerned about their performance. The Personal Information sec-
on this button to learn more about the campaign, number of tion has important statistics on your overall performance through-
missions flown , and other campaign specific data. out the campaigns. Left mouse click on this button to find out your
weapons' accuracy, hit ratios, rankings, traps, flight hours, combat
hours, and other mission critical stats. Some of this information
is contained on other pages within the Personal Info section. To
access these other pages of data, just click on the "Next" or
"Prev" page buttons on the right-hand side of the screen.

Carrier Info
The next choice is Carrier Info. This topic gives you information on
the aircraft carrier. Click on this choice if you want to know about
the carrier's latitude, longitude, speed , heading, time and such.

Probably the hardest part of being stationed on a carrier is the
loneliness that you may feel being separated from your family.
The U.N.S. Peacekeeper has tried to make the long trips easier
by allowed crew members to speak with their friends and family
through electronic messages or "e-mail." Click on this button
to see if you have received any new e-mail. You will get new
messages throughout your tour of duty.
The library is a frequent stop for serious pilots. There you can read up on the latest news, check out the new enemy fighters,
and review the stats on various armaments.



The Military Computer is a comprehensive on-line encyclopedia of I
information and specifications. It is the definitive source of tech-
nical statistics that you may need during a mission. This on-line
database has over 500 photographs of 60 modern aircraft and
armaments, including expert commentary. You can access this
database by clicking on the computer on the right-hand side of
the Library.
After choosing a section , the computer displays the first entry.
Its full color photographs and three-view drawings are shown
in the center area. The plane's statistics and data are shown at
the bottom of the screen in green text. This discussion is
divided into five sections: Statistics, History, Pilot Notes,
Combat and Variants.

Statistics NEWSPAPER
Statistics explains the basic information on the selected aircraft, Reading the newspaper is a good way to keep abreast of cur-
including size, weight, speed , range and such. This information rent world events during a campaign . The articles keep you
is especially important in form ing a general opinion on the dif- informed on how much the public knows of about your efforts.
ferent planes. You also have a chance to sift through the enemy's disinforma-
tion and get the real story. The newspaper is also an effective
History way to get hints on the next mission or hotspot.
History has a description of the airplane's development. This
section usually includes information on the different designs, Note: Because space on the carrier is limited, back issues of the
prototypes, and manufacturers. newspaper are not kept! If you miss a paper, you won't have
another chance to read it. To make sure that you don 't miss an
Pilot Notes edition, try to read the paper before every mission.
Pilot Notes contains insider tips and quirks on handling , land- The newspaper is located on a desk near the left-hand side of
ings, weaknesses and strengths of each plane. This section pro- the Library. To start reading the paper, left mouse click on it.
vides invaluable hints on how to attack different enemy planes. You then walk over to the paper and open it up. When you are
finished reading, press [Esc].
Combat discusses the combat experience of the selection, con- LANDING BOARD
sidering its kill ratios and other records. This section offers Each time you compete a trap aboard the U.N.S. Peacekeeper,
insight into the abilities, strategies and success of the planes. your landing is rated and ranked against the other pilots. The
results are then posted on the Landing Board , a green chalk-
Variants board located next to the Library.
Variants explains the many changes made to the aircraft, often
outfitting them for different countries and purposes.
The passage on the F-18 begins with Statistics. To read through
this section, click on the down button in the screen's lower
right-hand corner or press [Cursor Down]. If you want to go
back to a previous page, click on the up button or press
[Cursor Up]. When this section is over, the Military Computer
automatically starts the History passage and so on. YOUR CABIN LANDING BOARD SHIP'S LIBRARY

After you have read everything on the [F-18] , the Military To review your rating , click on the Landing Board. You then
Computer starts with the next fighter. If you want to jump to the walk towards the wall . The board has three columns: the pilot's
next plane, click on the right button II in the screen's upper name, the rating given to the last landing, and the overall rating .
right-hand corner or press [Cursor Right]. If you want to go to The scores can range from "poor" to "excellent." Getting an
a prior page, click on the left button or press [Cursor Left]. excellent rating is a matter of pride among RDF pilots.
When you are finished , you can go back to the Main Menu or
exit the computer. By clicking on the Exit button, you are then
returned to the Library.
Deck 2 is where you are going to spend most of your working hours. It contains operations, the briefing room , debriefing room ,
and the kill board .

WOOtl 9Nl:liltl8


The carrier's command and control center is located in Operations or "Ops." This is where all flight operations are planned and
monitored. The room is crowded with sophisticated equipment. In particular, there are five primary stations with which you should
become familiar. They are Free Flight, Campaign Info, Instant Mission, Configuration, and Roster.


The Free Flight menu is the station located on the far left-hand side of the screen beneath the television monitor. It can be identified by
its green and blue map of the world. To the right is the Campaign Info menu. The Instant Mission menu is in the middle of the screen,
just to the left of the two telephones. It looks similar to the Free Flight menu , but has more text and fewer buttons. The fourth station
is the Configuration menu. It also is in the center of the screen, except that it is just to the right of the telephones. The last station is the
Roster menu. It is on the far right-hand side of the screen and can be recognized because of the colorful photograph on its display.
To start any of these stations, move your cursor over them and left mouse click. An animation will then show you walking up over
to the menu.


The Free Flight menu allows you to practice your flying without
any enemies. This feature is especially useful for beginners who
want to improve their piloting skills.
Unlike other flight simulations, JetFighter 111 contains real ter-
rain . The cities, hills, mountains, rivers, and shoreline and cities
in JF3 are all positioned exactly where they are in real life. In
other words, you will be flying over the actual scenery and not
some terrain a programmer made up in his spare time.
However, before you can begin a Free Flight session, you need
to decide where you want to fly and what the day should be like.
The map in the upper right-hand corner shows you what scenery
is available by the red highlighted squares. You can change your
view by clicking on the directional arrows with the mouse or
by pressing the cursor keys. You can also scroll your view by
holding down the button. Once you have found an area that
looks interesting, move your cursor over it and left mouse MAP ZOOM OUT MAP ZOOM IN CONDITIONS SETTINGS
click. If you have chosen a valid starting point, the area should
However, it is very easy to change the defaults. There are ten
be centered in the viewer.
different settings that you can adjust. You can change them in
Note: The scenery's latitude and longitude are displayed in the several different ways.
upper left-hand corner of the map.
The best way to change the settings is to use the adjustment
Next, zoom in to where you want to start flying. You can do this pointers next to each setting. Unlike the two previous options,
by clicking on the zoom-in button. If you zoomed in too far, you this method can incrementally increase or decrease the setting.
can zoom out by clicking on the zoom-out button. By using the For example, move your cursor over the right pointer next to
directional keys and zoom keys, you should be able to find the Time setting and left mouse click.
some interesting scenery. When you are done, make sure that
The second way to change the settings is to use their "hot
the center of the map (or the "+" marker) is where you want to
keys." Each setting has a letter which serves as its activator.
begin the Free Flight session.
(The exact keys are discussed below) . Just like the mouse, you
You have now chosen "where" you want to fly. The next thing can cycle through the preset values by pressing the key. For
you need to do is decide what the conditions should be. If you example, to change the time press [T] . When you do this, the
don 't care about the conditions, you can accept the default set- Time setting will change from "12:00" to "17:00" (or 5 p.m. in
ting by clicking on the "Accept" button. This will put you in the civilian time).
air right away.
Time-[Tl Heading- [H)
This setting allows you to change the time of day or night when This setting allows you to change the heading of your plane
the Free Flight session begins. By clicking on "Time," you can when the Free Flight session begins. Although most people
cycle through its preset values of "12:00" (noon), "17:00" (5 p.m.), think of directions like a compass (i.e., North), aircraft headings
"22:00" (10 p.m.), "1:00" (1 a.m.), and "6:00" or (6 a.m.). are measured in degrees. For example, a plane flying due North
has a heading of 0 degrees while a plane heading due West has
Cloud Type - [VJ a heading of 270 degrees. By clicking on "Heading," you can
This setting allows you to change the type of cloud that will be cycle through its preset values of 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 125, 270,
in the sky when the Free Flight session begins. By clicking on or 315 degrees.
"Cloud Type ," you can pick from Smooth, Basic or Off. Note
Speed- [SJ
that the pointers only cycle through the options and do not let
you incrementally adjust the cloud types. This setting allows you to change the speed of your plane
when the Free Flight session begins. By clicking on "Speed ,"
Cloud Alt- [Ul you can cycle through its preset values of 300, 400, 500, 600,
This setting allows you to change the altitude of the clouds or 700 knots .
when the Free Flight session begins. By clicking on "Cloud Alt,"
Wave Height - [ W]
you can cycle through its preset values of 1,000 feet, 4,000 feet,
10,000 feet, 20,000 feet or 30,000 feet. This setting allows you to change the height of the oceans
waves when the Free Flight session begins. The height of the
Haze - [Z] waves is important if you are going to try a carrier landing -
This setting allows you to change the amount of haze that will the higher the waves, the more difficult the landing. By clicking
be in the sky when the Free Flight session begins. By clicking on "Waves," you can cycle through its preset values of O, 5, 10,
on "Haze," you can pick Foggy, Hazy or Clear. Note that the 15, 20, or 25 feet.
pointers only cycle through the options and do not let you
incrementally adjust the haze setting.
This setting allows you to cycle through all the major urban
Runway- [Rl areas that exist in the available scenery area.
Select Airborne if you wish to start off in the air. You can also cycle
After you have made your changes to the settings, you are
through all the airports that exist in the available scenery area.
almost ready to start the Free Flight session. If you want, you
To return to airborne, simply mouse click in the map window.
can load your plane for combat (even though there won 't be any
Altitude - [Al enemies out there). This option is handy if you want to get in a
little target practice. If you want weapons, click on the
This setting allows you to change the altitude of your plane
when the Free Flight session begins. By clicking on "Altitude," "Loadout" button or press !LI.
you can cycle through its preset values of 1,000 feet, 4,000 feet, When you are ready, you can press the "Fly" button or press !Fl.
10,000 feet, 20,000 feet or 30,000 feet. We recommend that If you do not want to start a Free Flight session, click on "Exit"
you start the plane at least 10,000 feet to be safe. If you start or press [Esc] . You will be returned to the Operations room.
lower than that, you run the risk that your plane will crash into a
mountain side even before you begin!


Instant Mission allows you to select a particular mission without going through the campaign storyline. This menu is
useful if you want to practice a mission since the results are not saved as part of your pilot's permanent log.




The Instant Mission screen has four main areas. The top box Orders- !OJ
contains the name of the current selected campaign. A "cam- The Orders button will call up a copy of the
paign" is a set or scenario of missions. To change to a different written orders for this Instant Mission. This is
campaign , use your cursor to click on the forward or back- the same briefing booklet that could be found in
ward button. Five different campaigns come with JF3: the Briefing Room before a mission. You can also press [OJ to
Instant Flight Missions bring up the booklet.
Instant Fight Missions Brief- [Bl
Flight Training Missions The Brief button will call up the animated
Cuban Drug Interdiction mission briefing for this Instant Mission.
Argentina-Chile War This is the same briefing that could be heard in
the Briefing Room before a mission. You can also press [BJ to
As an example, cycle through the campaigns until you find the start the briefing.
Argentina-Chile War. You now need to select a mission. Each
campaign has different missions. The name of the mission is Loadout - [ Ll
displayed in the box just beneath the campaign name. If you In Instant Mission, your aircraft is automatically
selected the Argentinean campaign, the words "Tunnel Vision" loaded with the weapons package that the crew
will be the first mission shown. To look at the second mission, thinks is the best for the mission. However you
click on the "Next" rocker switch in the lower right-hand corner can override the default and pick a different package. To do so, left
or press [Pg Own) . The mission is called "Dead Silence." If you mouse click on the "Loadout" button or press Ill. This calls up
accidentally went past the second mission , click on "Prev" or the Weapons Loading screen and make your selections.
press [Pg Up).
Prev/Next- [Pg Up/Pg Dwnl
Note: The code above the mission's title is its ''Air Tasking
The Prev/Next rocker switch allows you to
Order" number. The Squadron Commander assigns each mis-
sion its own A. T.O. number. cycle through the available missions in each
campaign. Click on the bottom half of the
The third box contains a description of the mission. This is switch to see the "Next" mission or the top
generally a one sentence summary of the mission's objective. In half to see a "Previous" mission. You can also press [Pg Up) and
the case of "Dead Silence," the description says that the goal is [Pg Own) on the keyboard to accomplish the same thing.
to destroy the communications center at San Juan. The descrip-
tion also gives some basic information about the mission such Fly - [Enterl
as its launch time, starting point and such. After you have found the perfect a campaign and mission, you
The forth box contains a map on the right-hand side of the need to accept it before the mission will begin. To accept a
screen. It depicts the mission zone, including the U.N.S. mission, click on the Accept button or press [Enter).
Peacekeeper and your waypoints. The map is a useful way to
get a quick overview of the mission without having to go
through a full briefing.
There also are several buttons on the screen.
These include: Orders, Brief, Loadout, Prev/Next, Exit and Fly.
Their functions and shortcuts are discusses here.


Other Options: This allows you to set other Carrier The Roster menu allows you to save your progress in the
features such as animated walk-around . game. It also lets you create alter-egos for the simulation.
Replay Intro: This will replay the opening animation.
Video Info: This will give you information on the brand of
graphics card your computer has including the amount of
graphics memory and supported video modes.
Simulator Cheats: Allows you to set cheat options before
entering the Carrier. This is explained in detail in the Reference
chapter under the lnflight Menu Section.


Before you can start a mission , you need to create a pilot to

represent you during the campaigns. The Roster Menu lets you
do this. Create a new pilot by clicking on the New button. The
new pilot has a default name, call-sign and picture. To change
the pilot's information, left mouse click on the First button and
CAMPAIGN INFO type in the pilot's first name. When you are finished , press [Enter].
This screen displays the current campaign that your current Continue this process with Last and Callsign. To change the
selected pilot is in. The map displays the campaigns available pilot's picture, click on the photograph.
with green boxes outlining their conflict areas. The pilot name, If you made a mistake, you can delete the pilot by clicking on
rank and statistics are shown on the right side. The campaign "De lete" or pressing [Del]. When you are finished , click on the
summary is displayed in the text window. Warning: Selecting Accept button or press [Enter].
a new campaign will erase the current campaign statistics.
Occasionally you may want to try something risky or unusual
and you don't want it on your permanent record. The easiest
Flight Training way is to create a different pilot to try it out. Instead of choosing
"New" (which will start the pilot at the first mission), click on
"Copy". This will copy your current pilot's information into a
new file. To make sure the pilot was created , use the Prev/Next
rocker switch to flip through the current list. Simply click on
the Pilot Name Field to change the names without altering the
history. If the new pilot was made, you can then try out your
idea without worrying about the "saved" pilot.
IAJ I I £&&. IWJ .j iiiiMii 2LI ;a=•
are finished , click on the Exit button or press [Esc] to return to
the Briefing Room.
This is where you receive detailed information on your
next mission from your squadron commander. The briefing Summary
are critical for success since they tell you about the mission's The Summary explains the overall mission situation. It contains
waypoints, targets, and estimated enemy resistance. general information on the type of mission (i.e., CAP. GAS, SAR,
etc.), enemies, objectives, and wing designations. Because it is
an overview, new pilots may find that it is the most important
part of the briefing.

The Targets section goes into more detail on the objectives of
the mission. This section may be very short (i.e., "Attack any
enemy aircraft in the region") or very detailed (i.e. , a listing of
all valid military targets and objectives).

Threats or "hostiles" includes information on anticipated enemy
resistance. This subject reports any threats in on the area, last
BRIEFING MONITOR - [M] known enemy positions, and expected response. Although the
information may be inaccurate, there often are several important
To begin the briefing, click on the large monitor located on the
tips included in this section.
back wall of the briefing room or press [MJ . An animation then
plays of you sitting down and the lights dimming. At your com- Friends
mand , the monitor graphically animates the mission, showing
This section provides insight into other military operations
its waypoints, targets, and enemy positions.
going on in the same area. Friends includes information on the
expected position of support aircraft, bombers, AWACS , ground
forces and such. This data is useful in planning your attack and
avoiding friendly casualties.

When you are finished with the briefing, press the Exit button to
be returned to the Briefing Room.

Mission orders are displayed on the large monitor. When you



After playing JetFighter Ill for awhile, you may want to skip the
animated briefing. The briefing books are available for players
who just "want the facts. " The books contain the same briefing
information that is displayed in the animation. To read a briefing
book, move your cursor over the table in the briefing room and
left mouse click.


The Kill Board is a white board across from the fire extinguisher
on Deck 2. It is kept outside the Briefing and Debriefing rooms
so everyone can see it. Considered by many to be the most
important "score" on the ship, the kills are a measure of accura-
cy as well as bravery. To examine the Kill Board, move the cur-
sor over it and then left mouse click. An animation shows you
walking to the board .
The Kill Board has two columns. The first column contains the
names of all of the active pilots who are serving aboard the
U.N.S. Peacekeeper, including your currently loaded pilot.
Note: You will automatically report to your debriefing after you "Saved pilots" that are not currently loaded are not shown on
have returned to the carrier after each missionn. this list. The names are ranked from best (on top) to worst (on
bottom). The second column lists the number of confirmed kills
The Debriefing Room is located across the hall from the Briefing per pilot. When you are finished studying the board, press [Esc].
Room. It is where the Squadron Commander reviews your per-
formance of the last mission. To review the last debriefing, Note: "Saved pilots" that are not currently loaded are not dis-
place the cursor over the door to the Debriefing Room and left played on the Kill Board. To see their kills, you must go to the
mouse click. Once you have activated the Debriefing Room , an Roster Menu and load that pilot.
animation plays of you walking into the room and sitting down.
The Debriefing Room contains two large monitors with bright
red buttons. The left monitor presents textual information such
as kills, success ratios, efficiency, and landings. The right moni-
tor displays the map coordinates where the action took place.
Deck 3 or the "Hangar" is where you prepare for the next sortie. This package is designed for long-range air-to-air combat.
It is usually one of the busiest places on a ship. At the Hangar, you It is the best set of weapons for point/area defense missions.
can arm your plane, change its decal , and start your mission . The AMRAAMs are considered to be the premier long-range air-
to-air weapon, while Sidewinders have scored more kills than
any other missile.


This package is intended for short-range air-to-air combat. It is the
optimal set of weapons for fighter sweeps or escorts.

This package is perfect for bombing missions where massive
destruction is more important than pinpoint accuracy. It is the
WEAPONS LOADOUT weapons package of choice for maximum devastation.

This package is a balanced combination of bombs and missiles.
It is a general purpose selection.

The "smart" package is primarily made up of Maverick
missiles. These deadly air-to-surface weapons use a television
seeker to lock-on to a target in its field of view and track it
automatically. This package is effective on "surgical strikes"
and precision bombing.

Different missions often require different weapons. For example,

strike missions need more air-to-ground weapons than fighter
sweeps. Generally, the Squadron Commander recommends a
certain weapons package, but the ultimate decision is up to you.
To choose your plane's armaments, click on the "kiosk" located
on the right-hand side of the screen.
Once activated, an animation is played of you walking toward
the weapons kiosk. The kiosk will then fill the screen. The menu
shows several different weapons packages available for loading.
Because the crew is aware of your orders, an appropriate weapons
package has already been entered into the system. You can
accept this default by pressing the "Accept" button or pressing
[Enter] . However, if you want to change the armaments consider
the different packages to choose from :


After you have received your mission orders, loaded your
armamants and reviewed the military encyclopedia, you want
to start a mission. Click on the F-22N sitting in the Hangar or
press IF] to fly the mission. Your orders and a map will be
display in the instrument panel. Study it quickly. The next
thing you see is the inside of your cockpit. Your plane is
hooked to the catapult and is ready for take-off.

Note: The reds and yellows available in the Paint Room on

the U.N.S. Peacekeeper are UN surplus phosphorous paints.
Be warned, custom decals made with these colors will really
stand out at night.
Welcome to flight school! JetFighter Ill includes a set of flight lessons that are a great way to learn to fly the simulator. If you have
never flown a flight simulator before, we strongly recommend you start here. The lessons are designed to get you up and flying in no
time. In fact, your first lesson begins in the air above the Andes Mountains. Your main objectives are to get a feel for the aircraft and
enjoy the scenery!
Each lesson is intended for use in conjunction with the step-by-step manual instructions following the Flight Training Introduction.
There are a total of thirteen lessons in JetFighter Ill:
#1 Basic Flying Skills
#2 Takeoff From Ground
#3 Waypoint Navigation
#4 Follow the Leader
#5 Air Weapons Training
#6 Carrier Catapult Launches
#7 Commanding Your Wingman
#8 Ground Landing and ILS Training
#9 Carrier Landings and CLS Training
#10 Ground Attack Training Part 1: Pre-designated Targets
#11 Ground Attack Training Part 2: CCIP Bombing
#12 Ground Attack Training Part 3: Targets of Opportunity
#13 Air Combat Maneuvering
Don 't worry, these lessons won 't be boring! In fact, it might seem like events occur too quickly to follow the steps in this manual.
Tailor the speed at which you progress through the lessons by pausing or restarting them as often as necessary. Press [Ctrl-PJ to
pause the game if you need to catch up. When you are ready to resume flight, press [Ctrl-Pl again. To restart lessons, first press
[Esc] to enable the In-Flight menu. Second, press [Enter] to open the "Game" menu. Third, press the down arrow [ i I to select
"Restart Current Mission" and press [Enter] .
Use this manual or the on-screen help menu while learning JetFighter Ill. To access on-screen help while flying : (1) press [Esc] to
view the In-Flight menu, (2) press[-->) to select the "INFO/HELP" heading, and (3) press [Enter] twice to select the "Help" option .
The help screen lists all of JetFighter Ill 's control keys.
Most importantly: Have fun! You 'll bomb targets and win dog-fights in combat missions in no time!
First, you must first learn to travel through the United Nation's 8. Mouse-click on the "BRIEFING" button to see a map of the
aircraft carrier-the UNS Peacekeeper. You can either "walk" mission.
through the ship or "jump" to any room you want. To walk, just 9. Mouse-click on the "FLY" button to begin the training mission.
use your mouse to point in the direction you want to go, and
click the mouse button. For example, if you see a corridor with 10. After flying the lesson, you will see a weapon statistics
three doors, mouse-click on the door that you want to enter. board and then be taken back to the Instant Mission con-
Mouse-clicking near the bottom of your screen commands your trol panel.
character to walk backwards or exit a room. If you are flying the lessons as a campaign , you can still use
The jump menu instantly takes you to any room in the ship. this method to fly a specific lesson multiple times.
Place your mouse pointer in the upper portion of your screen to FLYING THE LESSONS AS A CAMPAIGN
view the jump menu. Mouse-click on the button corresponding
Each time you create a new pilot, he starts out in the 'Flight
to the room you want to enter. Whichever method you choose
Training" campaign by default. If you are running JetFighter Ill
to navigate through the Peacekeeper, your current location is
for the first time, your pilot should be ready to fly his first train-
always displayed in the bottom of your screen.
ing mission.
There are two ways to use the lessons. You can select them
If you need to create a new pilot, follow these four steps: First,
individually or use them as a "cam paign ." Selecting lessons indi-
jump to the Operations Room by clicking the "OPS" button on
vidually allows you to use them in any order. A campaign is
the jump menu. Second, mouse-click on the "JETFIGHTER Ill
simply a set of linked missions; when you finish one mission,
ROSTER" at the control console's right end. Third, enter the new
JetFighter Ill sets you up at the beginning of the next mission
pilot's information into the roster. Leave the campaign set at
and keeps track of your progress. All of the flight lessons are
· "Flight Training.' Fourth, mouse-click the "ACCEPT" button in the
linked together into a campaign called "Flight Training.'
roster's upper left corner.
SELECTING LESSONS INDIVIDUALLY To fly through the training missions in Campaign mode, follow
JetFighter Ill refers to individually selected missions as Instant this basic procedure:
Missions. Instant Missions let you fly any mission in JetFighter
1. Go to the Briefing Room by mouse-clicking the "BRIEF"
Ill without affecting your campaign score. For example, if you
button on the jump menu.
are deeply involved in the Cuba campaign, you can select a
flight training lesson from the Instant Mission Control Panel. 2. Mouse-click on the Mission Transcript to read your mis-
Your performance won 't affect the character's campaign score. sion orders. The transcript folder lies on the table to your
To select a lesson individually: left.
1. Jump to the Operations room by mouse-clicking the "OPS" 3. Mouse-click on the Mission Briefing screen in the center of
button on the jump menu. the room to view a map of the training area.
2. Identify the Instant Mission Control Panel by moving the 4. Walk to the Hangar Deck by exiting the briefing room
mouse pointer along the control console until "Operations: (mouse-click on the bottom part of the screen), and walk-
Instant Missions" appears in the bottom of your screen. ing down the stairs (mouse-cl ick on the stairs).
3. Mouse-click on the Instant Mission Control panel. 5. Start the mission by mouse-clicking on an aircraft.
4. Mouse-click on either Campaign selection arrow at the top 6. After flying the lesson, you will receive a debriefing. Read
of the screen until "Flight Training" appears in the window the information and return to the Briefing Room for your
below. next lesson.
5. Locate the rocker switch near the screen 's bottom right After completing all the Flight Training lessons you will graduate
corner. It bears the labels "PREV" and "NEXT.' to your first active duty campaign .
6. Mouse-click on "NEXT' until the training mission you want That's all there is to it. Now it's time to jump into the cockpit...
to fly appears under the campaign title.
7. Mouse-click on the "OR DERS" button to read your mission
This lesson will give you a chance to get a "feel" for flying in JF3 Lesson #1 quick reference keys:
and enjoy the scenery. In addition to some basic flight maneu-
vers , the following steps introduce some basic aerodynamics
that will help you better understand and fly your aircraft. [EscJ ................ Opens/Closes the In-Flight menu
Before beginning you should be familiar with two important 1-+l. l+-1. l+l & 11'1.. ........ Move within the In-Flight menu
terms: stall and velocity vector. Once you begin flying you will [Alt-Al .. ...... ...... ....... ...Toggle altimeter between MSUAGL modes
see the velocity vector near the center of the Head's Up Display Keyboard No keys . .... ...... Adjusts power (in 10% increments)
(HUD). It appears as a small circle with three small protruding
Ill .. .... ...... ................ Toggles Pitch Ladder on/off
lines. This symbol depicts a "vector'' extending along your FLIGHT
PATH. The difference between where your aircraft is pointing [Numpad 41 ......... ......... Roll left
and your actual flight path is subtle, but important. Looking for- [Numpad 61 .... .. ..... .. .. ... Roll right
ward through the HUD simply shows the direction the aircraft's [Numpad 81 .................. Pitch up
nose is pointed. Your flight path is the direction you are actually [Numpad 21 ................. Pitch down
traveling. The direction of the aircraft's nose and it's flight path
[ZJ or [Numpad OJ ...... ..... Left Rudder
are not necessarily the same. For example, at a low airspeed,
you may point the aircraft's nose up so you see mostly blue sky !XI or [Numpad Enter] .... .. Right Rudder
and little ground although it may "appear" you are climbing
when, in reality, you are descending. The wing 's inefficiency at Completion Requirements: Fly around for at least five minutes
low airspeeds explains this illusion. The velocity vector is most practicing the maneuvers outlined below.
useful for navigating to an exact location. Orient the aircraft so 1. Once you are flying turn on the "No Crashes" option in the
the velocity vector obscures your destination (i.e. a mountain "Cheats' menu. Press [EscJ to bring up the In-Flight menu.
peak or the carrier deck). Keeping the velocity vector on the The simulator pauses whenever you use the In-Flight menu.
same point ensures you will eventually reach your destination . Press [ -+] several times until the 'cheats" heading is high-
While flying , you may stall the aircraft. An aircraft stalls when lighted. Press [ +Jto open the cheats menu . Press [ +J
the smooth airflow over the wings becomes disrupted and the several more times until you get to the "No Ground Crashes"
wings can no longer produce enough lift to maintain flight. option. Press [Enter] until "YES" appears next to "No Ground
Most commonly, stalls result from an excessively low airspeed. Crashes." This allows you to "bounce" off the ground instead
A horn and cockpit panel message warns you of an imminent of crashing into it!
stall. To remedy the situation, pitch down (toward the ground) 2. Press [EscJ several times to return to flight mode.
and/or increase the power to about 80% [8] . Don 't pitch down
more than 5° below the horizon. Press [Numpad 81 or push the 3. Notice the altitude indicator on the HUD's right side. This
joystick forward to pitch down. '1ape' displays your Altitude in thousands of feet. When you
started the lesson, this display read about 5.5 (5,500 feet)
This lesson is very open ended. When it starts, you will be flying above ground level (AGL).
over a mountain range near Santiago, Chile. Your throttle will be
set at 75% thrust as indicated in the upper left corner of your 4. Adjust your altimeter to display Mean Sea Level (MSL)
Heads Up Display (HUD). instead of Above Ground Level (AGL) altitude by pressing
[Alt-A] . (The reference section describes the difference
between MSL and AGL altitude.) [Alt-Al toggles between the
letters "S" and "G," which refer to MSL and AGL, on your alti-
tude tape. Set the altimeter to "S." The altimeter should read
about 12.0 (12,000 feet) .
5. Press [9) to bring the engine up to 90% thrust. Watch the
indicator in the upper left corner of the HUD increase to 90%.
6. Activate the "pitch ladder" by pressing Ill. Use the pitch ladder
to establish consistent pitch and bank angles during climbs
and turns. Steady pitch and bank angles yield smooth flight.
7. Perform a climb by applying some "back pressure" on the 16. Look at the strip of numbers along the top of the HUD. This
joystick (or press [Numpad 21) until the horizon is in the indicator or "tape" shows your heading. The numbers will be
lower third of your screen. Applying back pressure actuates sliding to the right and getting smaller. 27 means 270
a primary flight control called the elevator. The elevator is degrees (west), 18 means 180 degrees (south) and so on.
attached to tail of your plane and affects your pitch. Pitch is
the rotation about an aircraft's lateral axis-the axis that
extends from wing tip to wing tip. As you apply back pres-
sure the horizon to appears to "drop" in your screen. This is
called "increasing your pitch" or simply "pitching up." Be
sure to keep the horizon in view since it provides important
orientation ques. Once you've adjusted your pitch, release
the joystick (or release [Numpad 81).
Fancy Compass Rose -
8. USE A LIGHT TOUCH ON THE CONTROLS. Take it nice and typical of those seen on maps A more detailed compass
slow; make small and smooth movements. Resist the urge
to jerk the stick around. Save that for combat! 00

9. Notice your airspeed decrease as you climb. Deceleration I II I II I
occurs for the same reason a car slows down when it goes 36
up a hill. 24 21 IT§] 15
10. Climb until the altimeter reads 15.0 (15,000 feet) . Remember
Detailed compass Actual heading
the altimeter is the ''tape" on the right side of the HUD. on a circular tape tape from Jet Fighter Ill
11. Keep an eye on your pitch and altimeter to avoid excessive
climbs. Beginners tend to climb continuously or too steeply. 17. You may notice a slow altitude loss. In rolling, you redirected
the wing's lift. This renders the wings less effective in opposing
12. As your climb approaches 15,000 feet, apply some forward
gravity; an altitude loss results. To perform a level turn ,
pressure on the joystick, or press [Numpad 81 , until you are
apply a small amount of back pressure on the joystick (or
level again. Again , remember to do this BEFORE you reach
momentarily press [Numpad 21) as your roll angle increases.
15,000 feet since the plane will continue to climb as you
level-off. Pilots refer to this as "leading you altitude." 18. Move the joystick to the right, or press [Numpad 61, and
level your wings. Release the stick slightly BEFORE you
13. Add some forward pressure on the joystick, or press
return to level, as the aircraft will continue to roll while you
[Numpad 8], to initiate a descent. Pitch down until the hori-
center the controls.
zon is in the upper third of your screen. Again , don 't over-
control the aircraft. 19. The rudder is another primary flight control that adjusts your
heading. Rudder controls an aircraft's yaw. Yaw is the rotation
14. Move the joystick left, or press [Numpad 41 , to turn the air-
of the aircraft about its vertical axis. Think of this as a "flat"
craft left. This affects the ailerons-a primary flight control
heading change; the aircraft changes heading without rolling .
governing roll. Roll is the rotation of the aircraft about its
Pilots usually coordinate the use of rudder and aileron to
longitudinal axis-the axis extending from the aircraft's
initiate bank when they want to turn the aircraft. In a coordi-
nose to its tail.
nated bank turn, roll and yaw (ailerons and rudder) work
15. After you roll about 30° degrees from level, release the together to turn the aircraft. The rudder is also useful for
joystick allowing it to re-center (release the [Numpad 41 "fine tuning" your heading-making small changes without
key) . You will stay in a nice, easy bank. rolling . [ZJ and [XJ control left and right rudder respectively.

20. Turn to a heading of EXACTLY north (00 on the heading 23. Conversely, press 191 to increase your power to 90%.
tape). This time, bank the aircraft using right aileron (right If you hold the same pitch, you will begin climbing.
joystick or [Numpad 61) and right rudder (!XI). Again, use Maintaining your altitude while accelerating by slightly
only a 30° bank angle (30° from level flight) . The rudder decreasing your pitch.
causes your heading to change more quickly-a useful 24. Once you are comfortable with shallow banks and climbs,
tactic in dog-fights! try some steep maneuvers. Be careful though! A steep
21. As your heading approaches 00, release the rudder and roll climb will result in a stall if your airspeed gets too slow.
your wings level by moving the joystick to the left (or 25. While in a steep bank, pull back on the stick (move the
pressing [Numpad 41). Remember to lead your heading joystick back or press [Numpad 21 ). Watch your heading
upon roll-out since your heading will continue to change as change much faster. This will come in handy during
you level your wings. Once level, use the rudder to "fine dog-fights!
tune" your heading. Do this by pressing !Zl or !Xl for left or
right rudder. 26. Great! Now spend some time flying around. Don 't worry, if
you hit the ground. The "No Ground Crashes" option will
22. With your wings level, maintain a constant altitude by bounce you back into the air. The most important point is
adding forward or backward pressure on the joystick (or to spend some time getting the feel for the aircraft.
pressing [Numpad 81 or [Numpad 61) until the altimeter
stops moving. Reduce power to 40% by pressing 141. 27. When you are done, access the In-Flight menu by pressing
In addition to slowing down, you will begin to loose alti- [EscJ . Select the "Game" menu, then select "Auto Land" or
tude. Maintain a constant altitude by pitching up slightly. "Return to Carrier" and press [Enter].
You are now in "slow flight."
This lesson will teach you to taxi (or drive) the aircraft on the 4. Use the rudder keys, [ZJ and [XJ. to taxi onto the runway;
ground and to safely take off from a land based runway. You it is dead ahead. As you near the runway press [ZJ to turn
begin on a taxiway near the end of runway 03 at Los Cerrillos left and align yourself with the runway's centerline (the
Airport (SCTI) in Santiago, Chile. broken white line in the middle of the runway) .

Lesson #2 quick reference keys: 5. Press [-J to cut the power and [BJ to apply the wheel
brakes. You will slow down and come to a stop.
[Numpad -I ... ............... External View 6. When you are ready to takeoff press [9J to bring your
[<) ............. .......... ..... Zoom Out engines up to 90% thrust. Press [BJ again to release your
[>) ............................ Zoom In brakes and begin your takeoff roll.
Joystick Button #2 .......... Pan using joystick 7. Use the rudder keys [ZJ and [XI to stay in the center of the
[Numpad 71 .................. Pan left runway.
[Numpad 91 .................. Pan right
8. Watch the airspeed display on the left of the HUD. When your
[Numpad 31 .................. Pan up airspeed approaches 18 (180 knots) , begin your takeoff
[Numpad Dell ................ Pan down rotation. A takeoff rotation is the pitch increase initiating the
[F11 .......................... Forward view. Also toggles transition from ground to flight operation. Gently pull back
virtual cockpit on/off on the joystick or hold down the [Numpad 21 key. In a
[+) .......... .. ................ Increase power (1 % increments)
moment, you should be airborne!
1-1 ............................ Decrease power (1% increments)
H ............................ Cut power (0% thrust) 9. When you are a couple hundred feet in the air, press [GJ
[BJ .... ... ........ .......... .. .Toggles wheel brakes on ground
to raise your landing gear.
and Speed brake in air: on/off 10. After takeoff, fly around and explore the scenery. Use the
!GI . . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... .Toggles gear: extended/retracted view keys to look around as you did when you were on the
[Alt-Tl ....... ..... ..... .. .... Cycles through Time Compression ground (see step #1 above).
Ratios: 1:1 , 2:1, 3:1
11. If you wish to explore a distant area (i.e. a city or mountain
[Alt-SJ ........................ Toggles Landscape Traversal mode: on/off
peak). use the "Time Compression" or "Landscape Traversal"
modes to reach the area more quickly. These are both simu-
Completion Requirements: Takeoff from the ground lator features and are not functions reproducible in a real jet.
without crashing.
12. Time Compression causes all events in the simulated world
1. Take a look around to get oriented. Change to an external to occur two or three times faster. Cycle through these
view [Numpad -1. zoom out [<J. and pan around with the speeds by pressing [Alt-Tl.
keys [Numpad 71. [Numpad 91 , [Numpad 31. and [Numpad
Dell for left, right, up, and down respectively. If you have a 13. Landscape Traversal mode affects only your aircraft, allow-
joystick, pan around by holding button #2 down and moving ing you to speed over the landscape without changing your
the joystick. After examining the area, press [F1 J to return heading or MSL altitude. For example, you could cheat and
to the cockpit. outrun an enemy aircraft with landscape traversal mode.
[Alt-SJ controls this mode.
2. Press [+] 5 to 7 times to bring the engine up to 5% - 7%
thrust. This speed will allow you to turn and taxi nicely. Be 14. When you are done, open the In-Flight menu by pressing
careful not to taxi too fast since your aircraft doesn't handle [Esc]. Select the "Game" menu and "Return to Carrier" option .
too well on the ground - it was designed for flying!
3. You may find it easier to taxi while viewing the aircraft from
a bird 's eye external view. Use whichever method you are
more comfortable with.
This lesson teaches you to navigate using waypoints. Waypoints 6. Look at the cluster of data in the HUD's bottom right corner.
are navigation aids that help you find your way from one loca- It contains information about the currently selected way-
tion to the next. They play an integral role in each combat mis- point, including its name and distance from you (in miles).
sion since they guide you to and from your target. In this lesson
7. About 1 mile before you reach WPT1 , press [NJ to select
waypoints will guide you over Concepcion International Airport
WPT2. The waypoint designator will move (possibly beyond
(SCIE) and the UNS Peacekeeper. If you are already familiar
with waypoints, you can skip this lesson and quickly review the the HUD's field of view) and the navigation director on the
Following Waypoint section in chapter 2. heading tape will shift right. Since the navigation director
shifted to the right, you should turn right for the next way-
This lesson starts at 2,000 feet near Conception, Chile. The HUD point. Look for the waypoint designator as you turn. Once
is in navigation mode as indicated by the abbreviation "NAV" near the waypoint designator appears in the HUD, fly towards it
the HUD's lower left corner. The HUD's lower right corner shows like you did for the last waypoint.
information about the currently selected waypoint (i.e. WPT1 ).
The solid triangle on the heading tape shows which direction you 8. Seek the next several waypoints in a similar manner.
must turn to intercept the waypoint. This triangle is called the 9. The next few legs lie above the Rio Biobo river that spills
Navigation Director. Also, if the waypoint is roughly ahead of you , into the Pacific Ocean near Concepcion , Chile. Waypoints 5
a hollow triangle appears in the HUD. This represents the actual and 6 take you north for a low pass over Concepcion
waypoint and is called the waypoint designator. Fly toward the International Airport (SCIE). The last three waypoints have
designator and you will eventually intercept the waypoint. special names: IAF, FAF, and CVN. These letters represent
When this lesson begins you will be flying directly toward WPT1 the Initial Approach Fix, Final Approach Fix, and the UNS
on a 340° heading ("34" on the heading tape) . The navigation Peacekeeper (the letters CVN designate nuclear powered
director will be centered on the heading tape and the waypoint aircraft carriers). As you may have guessed, these special
designator appears directly ahead of you . At first, you may not see waypoints help pilots align for landing approaches to the
the waypoint designator if it is obscured by the velocity vector. Peacekeeper. For now, just over-fly the carrier. (Lesson #9
(Lesson #1, step #8 describes the velocity vector). introduces carrier landings). Some waypoints are more
closely spaced , so stay alert! Be sure to select your next
lesson #3 quick reference keys: waypoint [NJ about 1 mile BEFORE you reach the one that
KEY ............ FUNCTION you are currently flying toward. Selecting waypoints early
[F71 .... .... .... .... Right MFD: Navigation Information/Air Targets allows for time to turn toward the next waypoint-otherwise
[NJ, [Shift NJ ...... Navigation mode (and cycle through waypoints)
your turn might misalign your course.
[Ml ... ..... ... ... ....Toggles Map Display on/off LATE WAYPOI NT SELECTI ON EARLY WAYPOINT SELECTION
[F11 ...... ... ... .... Forward view. Also toggles virtual cockpit on/off
Completion Requirements: Navigate to within one mile of each -- ~;""
waypoint. This mission has nine waypoints: WPT1 through
1. Maintain your course to WPT1 by keeping the waypoint
designator centered in the HUD.
2. Check your Navigation Information Multi-Function Display '
(Nav MFD) by pressing [f7J until you see "NAVIGATION ' Desired Course
Actual Course
INFO" (you may have to press it twice if the "AIR TARGETS" '
display appears first) . '
3. Scroll through this screen, using [NJand [Shift-NJ, to view all
available waypoints. The currently selected waypoint is high- 1O. Feel free to fly around some more and experiment with the
lighted. REMEMBER TO RE-SELECT WPT1 BEFORE CONTINUING . navigation system. Also , you can select previously visited
waypoints by pressing [Shift-NJ.
4. Check your map display by pressing [MJ. The waypoints
appear as green dots on the map. 11 . When you feel comfortable using the waypoints, open the
In-Flight menu by pressing [Escl . Select the "Game" menu
5. Press [F1] to return the forward-looking virtual cockpit view.
and the "Auto Land" option.
Lesson #4 introduces formation fight. You will follow a "wing In both cases, the target is passing from your left to right
leader" through a practice course of waypoints. (Track his way- directly ahead of you. Figure A shows what happens when you
point changes if you want; see lesson #3.) You will also learn to head directly for the target. You end up flying along a curved
visually scan for other aircraft and use your targeting system to path that is much longer than the straight path shown in figure B.
locate lost or distant objects. You may ask, "How do I know which direction the target is fly-
Let's learn a little about the targeting system before beginning. ing if he is beyond visual range? After all, the whole point of the
This system provides several useful items of information about designator box is to help me intercept distant targets." The
targeted objects: answer lies in the aspect angle indicator. Look at the circle in
A. If you loose track of your target, the targeting system tells the center of the HUD. The aspect angle indicator is a little dot
you which way to turn in order to re-intercept the target. located along the circle's circumference. The aspect angle indi-
Turning information appears as a red vertical line in your cator indicates the target's HEADING relative to your POSITION .
heading tape. This line is called the target designator. Formally, the aspect angle is the angle between the target's tale
and your line of sight. Think of this as the "side" or "orientation"
B. A target designator box appears around your target help- of the enemy's aircraft that you would see of you were close
ing you locate targets that lie beyond visual range . enough. The following table simplifies this concept:
C. The targeting system indicates your distance from a target.
D. It indicates your target's heading. Position of Aspect Angle Aspect of enemy
Indicator on the circle (what you would see if
E. The targeting system also provides closure rate informa- you were close enough)
tion (in feet per second: f/s). ------
Top of the circle Nose
The target director displays turning information in the heading Bottom of the circle Tail
tape. Its position in the heading tape indicates the direction to turn. Left side of circle Left wing
It works like the navigation director that you use during waypoint Right Side of circle Right wing
navigation. For example, if the target director is on the heading
tape 's left side, you should turn left to intercept the target. You should realize your heading makes no difference upon the
The target designator box functions BEFORE aspect indicator's location - only your position matters. Look
identically to the waypoint designator at the "before" pictures in figures A and B. In both cases , the
aspect angle indicator is near the circle 's 9 O'clock position

4 .0-
that you use during waypoint navigation .
It appears in the HUD when your target indicating the target was crossing from left to right. Your best
lies roughly ahead of you. Significantly, I v.., option is to turn to the right and aim for a point ahead of the
waypoints are static and air targets target designator box (as in figure B). This yields a more
move. Hence you must maneuver your efficient interception.
aircraft in order to intercept the target. Closure rate is the rate at which the gap between you and
I y..,
Strange as it seems, flying DIRECTLY I your target changes. This comes in handy while intercepting
toward the target designator box may not I =~ distant targets.
be the best way to intercept air targets- 0 When this mission starts check your 3 O'clock position for a
for the same reason a quarter back BEFORE
friendly F-22. This is your wing leader whom you are to follow
leads his throws to a wide receiver. around a training course over Concepcion, Chile. Your goal will
Although flying directly toward the box be to remain as close as possible to him.
would work, it wouldn 't provide the
most efficient interception course. y.., 0
Consider the scenario depicted here:


Lesson #4 quick reference keys: 4. Make small power adjustments ([+]and [-1) in order to vary
your distance from the wing leader. A five or six percent
adjustment should be plenty.
5. Keep your velocity vector EXACTLY on his tail. The rudder
[Numpad -I ... ..... .... External view
([Z] and [XJ) should help "fine tune" your heading.
Joystick Button #2 .. .. Pan using joystick
6. Check your airspeed. When this lesson began your wing
[Numpad 71 .. .......... Pan left leader and you were flying at 500 knots. If you fly faster
[Numpad 91 .. .......... Pan right than 500 knots you will close on your wing leader - and
[Numpad 31 ... .... .... Pan up possibly pass him by.
[Numpad Del] .... .... Pan down 7. Outrunning a lead aircraft is a common error among begin-
[F1 J.............. '. .... ... Forward view. ners. Pay close attention to your separation in anticipation
[+], & [-] ................ Adjust power of overtaking him. If you pass him, reduce your power to
(1 % increments/decrements) 60% [61 and apply the air-brake [BJ .
[ZJ , & [XJ .............. Left and Right Rudder 8. Be ready for his first turn. He will be more difficult to keep
[BJ ......... Air Brake track of during the turn.
[Enter] .... ... .. .. ...... .ATA mode 9. Use your targeting system to track your wing leader. To acti-
(and cycle through ATA weapons) vate the system, press [Enter] until "ATA" appears in the
[NJ & [Shift-NJ .... ... . Navigation mode
HUD's lower right corner.
(and cycle through waypoints) 1O. Press [;J until "A" appears near the bottom of the HUD. [;J
[;] .. .. ........ .... .. ...... IFF Discriminator - Cycles through target controls your "Identify Friend of Foe Discriminator" (IFF). It
selection modes: All/Hostile/Friendly allows your weapons system to target all radar returns (as
opposed to restricting targets to enemy aircraft).
[YJ ...................... Select closest target
[TJ .. ...... .. .... ....... ... Cycle through all targets 11 . Press [YJ to "lock" onto the nearest radar return. If multiple
targets exist in the area, press [Tl to cycle through them .
[UJ ........ ........... .. . Select the target that lies most directly
Continue cycling through the targets until "F-22" appears in
ahead of you
the HUD's lower right corner; this is your wing leader.
Completion Requirements: Follow your wing leader through 12. Turn toward the target director until the green target desig-
(at least) one lap around the waypoint course. nator box appears in the HUD.
1. Locate your wing leader by checking your 3 O'clock position. 13. The closure rate information appears just below "F-22" in the
If the Cockpit panel obscures your view, press [PJ to hide it. HUD's lower right corner. Look at this number and adjust your
Pan right for a better view by pressing [Numpad 91. power accordingly. For example, say the closure rate is large
Alternatively, pan by holding joystick button #2 down and and negative. Hence, your wing leader is quickly outrunning
moving the stick. Press [F1 J or tap joystick button #2 to you. You should increase your power to catch up with him .
re-center your view.
14. If you stray far from your wing leader, avoid excessive
2. Use different views to look at your leader. Press [Numpad -1 speeds while trying to catch-up. Excessive speeds yield
for an external view of your aircraft. Pan around using large closure rates. Deciding when to begin deceleration is
[Numpad 71 , [Numpad 91, [Numpad 31 or [Numpad Dell nearly impossible since you can 't even see the other aircraft
until you see him. Again , moving the joystick while holding unti I it is too late.
button #2 does the same thing.
15. Follow your wing leader around the course of waypoints at
3. You can also look around from within the virtual cockpit. least once.
Press [F1] for a forward-looking cockpit view. Toggle the 16. When you are done, open the In-Flight menu by pressing [Esc].
panel off or on by pressing [PJ again. Once the panel is off, Then select the "Game" menu and the "Auto Land" option .
use the same controls as before to search for your leader.
In this mission, you will takeoff from the ground and destroy 4. The map display !Ml uses colors similarly, but arrowheads
three airborne drones: a MiG-29, SU-27, and B-707. You will be - are used instead of dots. The arrow-heads point in the
asked to use a different weapon to destroy each drone. They are target's direction of travel. Your weapons system will notify
flying straight and level, thereby simplifying the targeting proce- you when any hostile target is within radar range.
Lesson #5 quick reference keys:
[F6l .... ............ Radar MFD
!Ml .. .... .... .. .... Map View
[BJ ........................ Air Brake
[Enter] .................. ATA mode (and cycle through ATA weapons)
[NJ, [Shift-NJ ........ Navigation mode (and cycle through waypoints)
[;J ..........................IFF Discriminator - Cycles through target
selection modes: All/Hostile/Friendly
!Yl ........................Select closest target
[Tl ........................ Cycle through all targets
[UJ ........................ Select the target that lies most directly
ahead of you
[Space] ............... .Fire weapon
[<], [>] ................ Zoom in and out
[F9l ......................Tactical View
[F101 .................... Missile View

Completion Requirements: Destroy all three drone aircraft.

1. Take off, retract your gear [GJ , and proceed to waypoint #1
at 100% military thrust [OJ. (See lessons 2 and 3 to learn
about takeoffs and waypoints.)
2. Press [;J until "A" appears near the bottom of the HUD.
This allows your weapons system to target all radar returns
(as opposed to restricting targets to enemy aircraft). 5. When you are 5 miles from WPT1 set your power to 90%
3. Use your radar [Alt-RI to locate the targets whi le enroute. by pressing [9] .
On the radar display, objects appear as dots whose color 6. Arm an AIM-9 Sidewinder missile by pressing [Enter] until
connotes information about the object: you see "S/W" near the HUD's lower left corner. The quantity
of missiles remaining onboard appears just to the right of
the letters "S/W." Also , the aiming reticle appears in the cen-
Red .......................... .. .. Enemy Target ter of the HUD. The aiming reticle looks like a circle with a
Green ...... ................. .... .Friendly small dot in the center. Ignore it for now; it will become
White ............................ Missile important in a moment.
Gray .............................. Unidentified Object 7. Destroy the MiG-29 first. Three methods exist for choosing
White ............................ Circle Surrounds the among available targets:
currently selected target
Bold .............................. Object is above your altitude


SELECTION KEY TARGETING FUNCTION 12. When you near the target set your power to 58% by
[YI ...... .. .. .. .... ................ Selects the closest target pressing [6] once and[-] twice. Also , make sure the gear
[U] .. .................... .... ...... Selects the target that lies most directly [GI and speed brake [8] are retracted by confirming the
absence of the words "GEAR" and "BRAKE" in the HUD's
ahead of you in center of HUD
upper right corner. This yields an approximate 400 knot
[Tl ................................ Cycles through all available targets.
airspeed matching your airspeed to the drones'. (A near
8. Press [Tl to cycle through targets until "MiG-29" appears zero closure rate should result.)
in the HUD's lower right corner. 13. Fine tune your power (by pressing[-] or[+]) in order to
9. As you approach the MiG, watch for the diamond shaped approach the MiG-29 more closely.
missile seeker to move toward the target designator box. 14. Use the aspect angle indicator (see lesson #4) to align your
When the missile seeker reaches the box, you will hear a aircraft behind the target. Missiles track targets more effec-
solid tone and the diamond will grow larger indicating a tively when the target is fired upon from behind.
successful radar lock.
common error among beginners. Pay close attention to the
information in the HUD's lower right corner - especially the
closure rate information which shows how fast (in feet per
second) you are approaching your target.

15. When you are approximately 2.2 miles from the drone,
the range circle becomes highlighted around the aiming
~* < ~ ~ ~
v v esa~ ~s ; ,~ reticle 's circumference. The aiming reticle is the circle in
the HU D's center. The range circle indicates the target is

.•• .•

within range of your currently selected weapon . As you
approach the MiG-29, the circle 's highlighted portion
disappears in a counter-clockwise fashion . The highlighted
portion corresponds directly to the size of the gap between
11 . A large (positive) closure rate implies you are quickly gain- you and your target. It continues to disappear as long as
ing on your target. In this case you may need several miles you approach the target.
to slow down in order to match his speed and remain
behind him. If you approach the MiG-29 at 320 feet per 16. Press [Space Bar] or the corresponding joystick button to
second at 750 knots (100% thrust) , it will take about 0.5 fire the Sidewinder.
miles to match his speed. Hence, you should reduce your 17. Watch your missile head toward the drone. If by chance
power when you are further than 0.5 miles from him . the missile fails to hit the target, fire another. If you hit the
Otherwise, you must use your speed brake [8] to slow target, the word "Destroyed" will appear in red near the
down more quickly. bottom right corner of the HUD.
18. Target the SU-27 similarly, but this time destroy him with 24. Alternatively, you may find it easier to align yourself at the
an Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM). target's 6 O'clock position and zoom in on him [<) before
firing. Use whichever method works best for you.
19. Cycle through your weapons using [Enter) until "AM"
appears in place of "S/W" in the lower HUD's lower left 25. Press [Space Bar) or the corresponding joystick button to
corner. Lock your weapons system on the SU-27 using fire the cannon. Fire in "bursts" by holding the fire control
[YI or [Tl as you did before. down for short intervals.
20. Again, press [Space Bari or the corresponding joystick 26. After destroying all three drones, open the In-Flight menu
button to launch the AMRAAM . by pressing [Esc). Select "Auto Land" from the "Game"
menu. Alternatively, if you want to fly this mission again
21. Use the missile view [f101 to watch the missile seek and
select "Restart Current Mission" from the "game' menu.
destroy the target. Once the missile detonates, you will
see a steady cam view of the explosion. Shortly after the 27. If you're looking for a challenge, restart the mission and
explosion your view returns to its previous perspective increase the gun aiming difficulty. Restart the mission by
(i.e. virtual cockpit view). If you wish to return to the opening the In-Flight menu and selecting the "Restart
cockpit before the missile explodes, press [F1 ). Current Mission" option. To increase the aiming difficulty,
press [Esc) to bring up the In-Flight menu and select the
22. Try your guns on the B-707. Use your throttle to approach
"Cheats" pull down menu. Arrow down [-"] to "Gun Aiming
him. Again , be careful not to pass him by. As before, cycle
Ease" and press [Enter). This makes gunning down enemy
through your weapons using [Enter) until 'GUN" appears in
targets more difficult.
the lower left of the HUD. Guns require a little more finesse.
23. Maneuver your aircraft so the small dot in the center of the
aiming reticle is EXACTLY on the B-707.
Since carrier deck space is so limited, engineers have designed 5. Panning is great for viewing scenery or distant targets,
powerful steam driven catapult launches that accelerate aircraft but dogfights require faster head movements. The keys
from 0 to 125 knots in less than 200 feet within 3 seconds. [F1 I through [F4] "snap" to one of 4 preset views - try
Lesson #6 allows you to practice launches. Additionally, you them out.
will learn to look around the JF3 world using some new views. 6. The keys [F5] through [FBI allow you to look within the air·
Lesson #6 quick reference keys: craft at the various display panels. Some of these displays
have more than one mode. Cycle through display modes by
KEY FUNCTION repeatedly pressing the same key.
[Numpad •l .. ..... ....... External view 7. After you 've looked around, it's time to launch. Press [F11
[Numpad 71 .......... .... Pan left to look forward . Since carrier takeoffs require maximum
[Numpad 91 .. .. .... .... .. Pan right acceleration, you must use full afterburner N. Once the
[Numpad 31 ...... .. ...... Pan up engines spool up, the catapult launches you forward off the
carrier deck like a big sling shot.
[Numpad Dell .... .. ...... Pan down
[Numpad *l ....... ....... Carrier tower view 8. You must pull up slightly after you leave the carrier deck -
unless you want to go fishing !
[F1 l ........... ... ........ Forward view.
!Pl ... ........... .. ....... .On/off virtual cockpit 9. Once airborne, retract your gear [GJ and adjust your power
as necessary using the keyboard number keys.
[F2] · [F4l .... .... .... .. .. Virtual cockpit preset views
[F51 · [F81 ... ... ....... ... Virtual cockpit MFD displays 10. Access the In-Flight menu by pressing [EscJ . Open the
'Game' menu and select 'Restart Current Mission.' This lets
Completion Requirements: Perform a carrier launch you try another launch.
without crashing.
11 . Once you get the hang of launches, watch your launch
1. Let's inspect the carrier deck before takeoff. Press from the carrier's tower by pressing [Numpad *l just after
[Numpad ·], for an external view. You will see the tail of you add power. Remember [F1] always returns your view
your plane. to the cockpit. ·
2. Zoom out[<] and pan around, using [Numpad 7], 12. Now try the fly-by view. Press [F111 just afterthe catapult
[Numpad 91 , [Numpad 31 , and [Numpad Dell, for a bird's launches you forward .
eye view of your surroundings. Joystick users can pan
13. Watch your takeoff from an external view by pressing
around by holding button #2 down and moving the stick.
[Numpad ·] .
3. Press [F1 l (one or two times) to return to the forward
14. When finished , open the In-Flight menu by pressing [Esc].
looking cockpit view with the panel displayed . The panel
Then select "Auto Land" or "Return to Carrier" from the
is part of the virtual cockpit.
"Game" menu.
4. Using the same numpad keys as before (or the joystick),
look around inside the cockpit. Your view will shift as if you
were moving your head around.
Fighter pilots rarely fly combat missions without wingmen. A 3. Command your wingman to attack a ground target. To
wingman is a friendly aircraft that helps the wing leader (you) do so you must be in Air to Ground (ATG) mode. Press
with his mission. While enroute, wingmen usually fly in forma- [Backspace] until you see "ATG" appear near the HUD 's
tion near their wing leader. In battle, he takes offensive and bottom left corner. Now you're ready to select a target
defensive orders from his leader. and issue the attack command.
Lesson #7 familiarizes you with JetFighter Ill's wingman com- 4. Press [F7] until your "NAVIGATION INFO" MFD appears. You
mands: attack [Alt-GI, follow [Alt-Fl, and hold [Alt-HJ. (Hint: may have to press it twice. Along with waypoint 1 (in green) ,
these letters stand for ".G.o Attack," "follow," and ".t!old ." Also, your Navigation Information MFD shows all pre-designated
notice these keys lie side-by-side on the keyboard .) A mock city targets (in brown). These are targets that mission planners
has been constructed in the Andes mountains. The city's build- pre-programmed into your navigation system before you left
ings will serve as ground targets and three MiG-29 aircraft in a the carrier.
loose patrol over the city are your air targets. 5. Cycle through targets by pressing [Tl or [Shift-Tl . The
Lesson #7 quick reference keys: highlighted name corresponds to the currently selected
target. Select whichever target you want your wingman
KEY FUNCTION to destroy.
[Alt-GI ...... ... ... Wingman command: Go attack
6. You can also select targets without looking at the Navigation
[Alt-Fl ..... ... .. ..Wingman command : Follow player MFD - simply press [T] or [Shift-Tl while looking at the
[Alt-HI ... ......... Wingman command: Hold HUD. The name of the currently selected target appears in
[Backspace) ...... Cycles through ATG weapons the HUD's lower right corner.
[T], [Shift-Tl .. .. Cycle through targets 7. After selecting a target, use your navigation director to help
[YI .. ... ... ... ..... Selects the closest target you locate it. If you completed lesson #3 you already know
[U) . ....... .. . .. ... Selects the target that lies most
how to do this since pre-designated targets are similar to
directly ahead of you waypoints - but we 'll briefly recap the procedure anyway:
Simply turn toward the navigation director in your heading
[F91 .... .. .. ..... .Tactical View
tape. As the navigation director centers, look for the target
[xx) .. .... .. . ..... Wingman view designator box near the HU D's center. The ground target
[Enter) .... ... ..... ATA mode (and cycle through ATA weapons) is in the center of this box. Maneuver your aircraft so the
[;] ........... ..... IFF Discriminator - Cycles through target box centers in your HUD . If you keep the box centered ,
selection modes: All/Hostile/Friendly you will eventually reach the target. The box is analogous
to the waypoint designator that would appear if the target
was a waypoint.
Completion Requirements: Your wingman must destroy all
three air targets and at least three ground targets. 8. Command your wingman to attack this target by pressing
[Alt-GI. This orders him to attack whatever target you have
1. Lesson #6 begins at 800 feet en route to WPT1. The mock
city lies near this waypoint. If you become lost, use WPT1
to re-locate the city. (See lesson #3 if you aren't familiar 9. Both your panel and your wingman 's voice (if you have a
with waypoints.) sound card) will verify that your command was received .
The wingman will break formation and attack the target.
2. Your wingman will be at your 3 O'clock position . To look at
him press[-] for external view and pan around to see him in
position. [F1 I returns you to the forward view.
LESSON #7: COMMANDING YOUR WINGMAN (CONT.) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · -
10. You can watch the wingman's progress in several ways: 16. Once your wingman reestablishes formation with you ,
• Press [f91 for tactical view. press [Alt-HJ a command your wingman to enter a holding
pattern at his current location. This is useful if you want him
•Pan around as in previous lessons: press [Numpad -1, to patrol an area for hostile aircraft while you conduct a
for an external view. This shows you the tail of your bombing run . If hostiles appear, command your wingman
plane. Zoom ([<] or[>]) as necessary and pan around, to attack them.
using [Numpad 71. [Numpad 9] , [Numpad 31 , and
[Numpad Dell. 17. Issue an air attack command now. As before, you must be
in Air to Air mode (ATA) mode in order to issue an air attack
• Pan around by holding joystick button #2 down and command. Enter ATA mode by pressing [Enter] until "ATA"
moving the stick. appears at the bottom left of the HUD.
11 . The wingman will continue to fire upon the target until he 18. Target one of the three drones by pressing [Tl or [Shift-Tl
destroys it. When he is done he will "form up" by returning until you see "MiG-29" appear in the HUD's lower right corner.
to your 3 O'clock position.
19. Press [Alt-GI (As you did for the ground target) to instruct
12. Remain near the target while your wingman destroys it. your wingman to destroy the drone. Adjust your view to
When your wingman fulfills his order, the word your liking.
"DESTROYED" appears in red near the HUD's bottom right
corner. (Assuming you have not selected a new target.) 20. Unlike any other mission, this lesson places your wingman
in a special weapons mode: he has the luxury of unlimited
13. Once the target is destroyed press [Alt-Fl. This commands ordnance. So have some fun! Watch from above as you
him to follow you. Like before, both your panel and your command him to wreak havoc upon the defenseless town!
wingman's voice confirm that your command was received.
21 . When you are done, access the In-Flight menu by pressing
14. Set your power to 50% thrust [5] allowing your wingman [Esc]. Then select the "Game" menu and the "Return to
to catch up more quickly. Carrier" option.
15. As he approaches you , navigate back to the city at WPT1 .
Lesson #8 prepares you for the demanding task of landing a jet
aircraft. The Instrument Landing System (ILS) is a navigation
aid that guides your approach to the landing strip. This lesson
begins about 2.5 miles before the Initial Approach Fix (IAF). The
IAF serves as a starting point that aligns you with the runway.
When this lesson begins you will be aligned and configured for
a "straight in" approach to the runway. The HUD will be in navi-
gation mode with the Initial Approach Fix (IAF) selected. The IAF
is just like any other waypoint, except it identifies the beginning
of an instrument approach. Fly DIRECTLY to this waypoint.
Precision is very important since arriving at the correct altitude
ensures proper glide slope interception.
Your primary tasks are to slow down, descend, and maintain
your course . Stay sharp though! You will soon realize that this
isn 't as easy as it sounds.
Before using the ILS you should read about the "Instrument
Landing System" (in the Appendix) . This section explains proce-
dures and terms that will greatly simplify this lesson.
Lesson #8 quick reference keys:
Keyboard Number Keys ...... Adjusts your power (in 10% steps)
1-J, & [+J ...... .... ........ .. Adjusts your power (in 1% steps)
[GJ ... ........ ...... .... ..... Extend/Retract landing gear
!NJ, [Shift-NJ ... .. ..... .. .. Navigation mode (and cycle
through waypoints)
[Zl, & [XJ .. .. .............. Left and Right Rudder
1-J ... .. ..... .. ... ........... Cut power (0% thrust)
[BJ ............ .. ..... ...... . Air brake in air, wheel brakes
on ground

Comp letion Requirements: Perform a safe ground landing

using your ILS.
1. As you pass the IAF power down to 41 % (press [4], then
[+]) , select the Final Approach Fix (FAF) [NJ, and begin
tracking the localizer and glide slope (the "Instrument
Landing System" section defines these and other terms 3. While you track the localizer, make small heading correc-
that appear in this lesson). tions using only the rudder. Press [ZJ and [XJ to yaw left
2. Position your aircraft as to properly al ign the Course and right. Small corrections can slow the COi 's rate of
Deviation Indicator (COi) and the glide slope needle. They change by establishing shallow intercept angles. An inter-
should cross in the Off Course Indicator (OCI) near the cept angle is the angle at which you approach the localizer
HUD's center. When they do you are on course . or glide slope. Shallow intercept angles prevent over-shoot-
ing the desired course (a common error among beginners).
Only use the ailerons to keep your wings level.

4. When you are 1 mile outside of the IAF, select the FAF by Perform a flare by momentarily pressing [Numpad 21 or
pressing [NJ. If you drifted off course, begin your correction GENTLY pulling back on the joystick.
now (if you haven't already). You are off course if the CDI 9. Just after touchdown apply the wheel brakes [BJ and slow
and glide slope needles don't cross in the OCI. If the glide to a stop.
slope needle is high, place your velocity vector above the
touchdown point. If the needle is low, place the velocity 10. Use the rudder pedals ([ZJ and [XI) to steer keeping your
vector below the touchdown point. If the CDI is off-center, aircraft in the center of the runway.
place the velocity vector between the navigation director 11 . Don 't get discouraged if your first landing attempt is not
and the CDI. See the "Instrument Landing System" in the picture perfect. You will probably make several attempts
Appendix. before you get it right - but with a little practice you 'll be
5. One mile before the FAF, select the airport's waypoint making beautiful landings every time. To attempt another
(SCIP) [NJ and place the velocity vector EXACTLY on the landing press [EscJ to access the In-Flight menu. Then
approach end of the runway. The approach end is the end select the "Game" menu and the "Restart Current Mission"
of the runway you want to land on. option.
6. Correct your course as necessary and place the velocity 12. Once you 've mastered airfield landings, you are ready for
vector back on the touchdown point. the ultimate challenge - carrier landings.
7. 0.4 miles before touchdown cut the power by pressing [-].
8. As the engine spools down (almost immediately), add a
SLIGHT amount of joystick back pressure to initiate a flare.
A flare is the transition from flight to ground operations.
Ideally, it begins about 70 feet above the runway and contin-
ues until touchdown. Throughout a flare your pitch should
be slowly and smoothly increasing while your descent rate
and airspeed diminish. By the time you touch down you
should satisfy two criterion:
•Assume a pitch that allows your main landing gear (the two
back tires) to touch the ground before your nose gear.
• Let the airspeed drop to just above stall speed.

Many military pilots jokingly refer to carrier landings as "trying 4. Remember to make localizer and glide slope corrections
to land on a postage stamp." Now it's your turn to land a 28,000 early so you can keep the velocity vector EXACTLY on the
pound aircraft traveling at 225 knots on an 800 foot runway! approach end of the deck for as long as possible.
The Carrier Landing System (CLS) functions identically to the 5. When you get close to the carrier you will see three arrest-
ILS, and will help you align your approach with the carrier. In ing cables stretched across the deck. Ideally, your arrestor
fact, this lesson is almost identical to lesson #8, except you 'll be hook will grab onto the third cable and jolt you to a stop.
landing on a carrier instead of a landing strip. Aim for a point BEFORE the third cable!
Before flying this mission you should read the section titled 6. Unlike a ground landing, you should not flare. This just
"Instrument Landing System" (Appendix). It contains some wastes valuable runway space. In carrier landings, you
extremely helpful tips on flying approaches. should literally fly right into the deck!
Lesson #9 quick reference keys: 7. Crazy as it sounds, you should add full afterburner N about
1,000 feet before the carrier deck. By adding full afterburner
KEY FUNCTION you may prevent a disaster in the case of a bolter. A bolter
[GJ .... ........... .... . .. .. Extend/Retract Landing Gear is when your arrestor hook fails to trap a cable. Adding full
power allows you to re-attain flight if this happens.
[Al ......... ...... ......... Extend/Retract Arrestor Hook
[NJ , [Shift-NI ... ....... .. Navigation mode (and cycle 8. If your plane comes to a stop on the carrier deck you
through waypoints) trapped the cable. In this case, cut the power by pressing
[-).When the power is at 0% retract the arrestor hook by
[Enter] .. ..... ...... ...... . ATA mode (and cycle through
pressing [A].
ATA weapons)
9. If you want to taxi around the deck, add a small amount of
[ZJ, and [XJ ... .. ......... Left and Right Rudder
power[+], and use the rudder pedals to steer ([ZJ and [XI).
[-] ...... ..... ... ......... . Cut power (0% thrust)
10. If your approach misses the carrier (which even the best
N .. ... .. ...... ....... ...... Full Afterburner (AB 5)
aviators do from time to time) , restart the mission. To
restart the mission, open the In-Flight menu by pressing
Completion Requirements: Perform a safe carrier trap using [Esc). Then select the "Game" menu and the "Restart
your CLS. · Current Mission" option.
1. You must first configure your aircraft for landing. Press !GI 11. Don't get discouraged if your first landing attempt is not
and !Al to extend your gear and arrestor hook. perfect. It may take a few tries before you get it right but
2. Intercept the IAF waypoint and fly the approach as described with a little practice you 'll be making precision landings
in steps 1 through 5 in lesson #8. Pay special attention to every time.
the waypoint designator which appears directly over the
carrier when the CVN waypoint is selected. This helps you
identify the carrier among the fleet of ships in the water.
3. Carrier landings require much more precision than airfield
landings. Use extra vigilance in keeping the velocity vector
on the carrier deck as less room exists for error here.
Part 1 - Pre-Designated Targets 2. Now you must locate the pre-designated targets. You already
know how to do this since your navigation system recognizes
Lesson #10 teaches you to target and destroy ground objects.
pre-designated targets exactly like waypoints. We 'll quickly
You will also learn to use the "Re-Arm Aircraft" function cheat.
recap how this works:
An array of barracks has been erected as targets south of
• Press [Tl or [Shift-Tl until "BARRACK1 " appears in
Concepcion, Chile. You will use your aircraft's Maverick target-
the HUD 's lower right corner. The HUD displays your
ing system to seek and destroy these barracks.
distance from this target under the word "BARRACK1 ."
Since Maverick missiles have propulsion and guidance systems,
they are often referred to as "smart missiles." Usually, they are
used in conjunction with pre-designated targets. These are fixed
targets like buildings or bridges. Their location is programmed
into your weapons system before you leave the base or carrier.
Therefore, this easy-to-use weapon is extremely accurate when
used properly. The fighter pilot's task is merely to get the mis-
sile close enough to its target and fire it.
Lesson #1 Oquick reference keys:
[Backspace] .............. Cycles through ATG weapons
[f7] ....... .. ...... . . .. . . . Right MFD: Navigation Information/
Air Targets
ITJ, [Shift-Tl ... .... ..... .. Cycle through targets
•The navigation director in the HUD 's heading tape indicates
[Space] ....... .. ......... Fire Selected weapon
which direction you should turn to intercept the target. Turn
[f1 OJ ... ... ....... ........ . Missile view towards the navigation director until you see the green target
[Alt-Ml ....... ..... ... .. ... Re-Arm Aircraft (Cheat) designator box appear. (When this mission began the designa-
tor box appeared directly ahead of you.) Your selected target
Completion Requirements: Destroy at least four of the nine is in the center of the box. If you keep the box centered in the
pre-designated targets . HUD, you will eventually reach the target. If the target lies too
1. Arm a Maverick missile as your weapon by pressing far below you when you initially turn toward it, the targeting
[Backspace] until "MAV" appears near the HUD's lower left box may be compressed near the bottom of the HUD or out
corner. Notice the quantity of Mavericks in your weapons of sight altogether.
store appears just to the right of the letters "MAV." Also , the 3. Attaining proper alignment with the target is quite important.
letters "ATG" appear just under "MAV" indicating that the For best results, fire the missile when your target is below
HUD is in Air To Ground mode. you, and centered in the HUD.
4. When you are 8 miles from BARRACK1 , set your power
to 70% [7] and fire the Maverick by pressing [Spacebar]
or the joystick button .
5. You can watch the missile's flight by selecting missile 13. Your store of Mavericks has now decreased from its capacity
view [F10]. load of 4. If this were combat, you may wish for more
6. When you hit the target it will burst into flames. When ammunition . JetFighter Ill provides a "Cheat" for this
you destroy a target the word "DESTROYED" appears in contingency. First activate the "Cheat" from the In-Flight
the HUD. Some targets may require several hits for menu . Press [ESCI, to the "Cheats" and activate "Re-Arm
destruction . If you miss, re-align your aircraft with the Aircraft''. Re-arm your aircraft by pressing !Alt-Ml .
target and fire another Maverick. 14. If you prefer realism , avoid the "Cheats" by landing at
7. Your weapons system remembers which targets you have an airport or carrier. When you come to a complete stop
destroyed . To review the destroyed targets, look at the on the runway, your aircraft is automatically refueled
"Navigation Information" MFD [F7J. The Navigation MFD and re-armed .
displays the target 's relative bearing and distance infor- 15. Use your new stock of Mavericks to destroy some more
mation in red if you already destroyed the target. barracks practicing the same method described above.
8. Now, select and align with BARRACK2 in the same way you 16. When you are finished with the lesson, select "Auto Land"
did for BARRACK1 . or "Return to Carrier" from the In-Flight menu [Esc] under
9. This time , wait until you are 2 to 3 miles from the target "Game." Alternatively, select the IAF waypoint and proceed
before firing . to the carrier for a landing.

10. Once you fire the Maverick (by pressing the joystick button
or [Spacebarl) , select the tactical view [F9J. Tactical view
allows you to watch from the cockpit as your missile
destroys the barrack.
11. You may find it useful to hide the cockpit display panel by
pressing [PJ.
12. Press I<I or [>I to zoom in or out. !F1] re-centers
your view.
LESSON #11: Ground Attack Training
Part 2 - CCIP Bombing Lesson #11 quick reference keys:
Lesson #11 teaches you to target and destroy ground objects KEY FUNCTION
using Mark Bombs (MK bombs). When the lesson begins you [Backspace] ....... .. .. . Cycles through ATG weapons
will be 20 miles from WPT1 heading 185 at 2,500 feet. Your
first target lies near WPT1 . [Alt-Al .... ..... .... ..... Toggle altimeter between MSL
and AGL modes
This mission consists of three parts. First, you will get a "feel"
[F61 ... ........ ......... Radar MFD
for your Continuously Calculated Impact Point (CCIP) bombing
system as you over-fly some hilly terrain . Second, you will use [Spacebar] ........ .... Fire Selected weapon/Drop Bomb
you r Navigation Director to locate your first target. Third, you [F1 DI ......... ... .. ... . Missile/Bomb view
will use your CCIP system and MK82 bombs to destroy an array [Alt-Tl ............... ... Time Compression
of targets that lies along the Estuario De Reloncavi River.
Unlike Mavericks , MK bombs lack propulsion and guidance Completion Requirements: Destroy at least five of the targets
systems, thereby classifying them as "dumb bombs." The MK that lie along the west bank of the Estuario De Reloncavi River
comes in two sizes: 500 lb. (MK82) and 2,000 lb. (MK84). (including at least one ship).

You r aircraft is equipped with a CCIP system that helps you 1. Fly toward WPT1 using the techniques described in lesson #3.
deliver dumb bombs. Since MK bombs lack propulsion and 2. While enroute, arm your MK82 bombs by pressing
guidance systems, their accuracy depends exclusively on pilot [Backspace] until "MK82" appears near the HU D's lower
skill. The CCIP system 's display appears as a line extending from left corner. As with other weapons, information about your
the HUD to the ground. The ground end on the line is called the MK82 bombs appears in the HU D's lower left corner.
impact point. The impact point identifies where the bomb would Namely, the HUD shows the type of weapon selected ,
strike if you dropped it at that moment - hence the name quantity remaining , and targeting mode. In this case 2
"Continuously Calculated Impact Point." To help you better identify MK82 bombs are loaded and the HUD is in CCIP mode.
the impact end of the line, it appears within a pipper (a circle). 3. Unlike any other mission, this lesson places you in a special
bombing mode: it will be impossible to deplete your store of
MK82 bombs. Therefore, you can concentrate on bombing
and flying.
4. Maintain your course to waypoint 1 (heading 185°) while
you practice with the CCIP system.
5. Place your altimeter in AGL mode by pressing [Alt-Al until
"G" appears near the altitude tape.
6. Since MK bombs lack propulsion systems, their range depends
exclusively on your speed, altitude and attitude. While main-
taining a fixed altitude of about 1,000 feet AGL, adjust your
thrust with the keyboard numbers [1] through [OJ. Notice
how the distance between your aircraft and the end of the
targeting line varies directly with your speed. Sometimes
the impact end of the line extends beyond the HU D's field of
view. For example, in level flight at low airspeeds the impact
point lies below the HU D's field of view. In this case, you
must pitch down slightly to target a ground object.
7. You may find it useful to hide the cockpit display panel by
pressing [PJ.
8. Observe the pipper's behavior as it follows the terrain .
As the pipper reaches the top of a ridge it may seem to
disappear because the impact point lies on the far side of
the ridge beyond your field of view.
9. Attempt to get a feel for the pipper's behavior by adjusting
your pitch first up, then down .
10. Drop a few bombs by pressing the joystick button or
[Spacebar] . Notice the bombs land exactly where the tip
of the targeting line was when you released them .
11. The CCIP system is most accurate when you drop bombs
from an altitude of about 1,000 feet for every mile they
must travel horizontally.
12. As you practice keep an eye on your distance from WPT1 .
If the navigation director is not in the center of your head-
ing tape, you have drifted off course. In this case, fly to
WPT1 from wherever you are using the techniques
described in lesson #3.
13. Steer towards WPT1 and check your distance in the HUD's
lower right corner.
14. Set your power to 70% [71 and maintain an Altitude of
about 1,000 feet AGL. This places the end of the targeting
line well ahead of your aircraft so it appears in the HUD.
15. Begin looking for your targets as soon as possible. If you
spot them early, you will have more time to align for a
bomb release. If you flew directly to WPT1 from your 17. Fly straight and level keeping the targeting line over the
starting point, the first target (a large building) will appear target. If necessary, fine tune your heading using the rudder,
slightly to your right as you approach WPT1 . [ZJ and [XJ.
16. When you spot your target, turn directly towards it. Align 18. Keep your eye on the impact point at the end of the target-
with the target by placing the targeting line EXACTLY on ing line. As soon as it is EXACTLY over the target, drop a
the object. bomb by pressing [spacebar] or the joystick button.
19. Press [F9] for tactical view or [F1 DI for missile view if you
want to watch the bomb fall. The target will burst into
flames when you hit it.
20. If you miss the target return for another pass or continue
on to the next target. An array of 15 objects lie along the
river's west bank.
21. When you are finished with the lesson, return to the carrier
by accessing the In-Flight menu (Esc) , pulling down the
"Game" menu, and selecting "Return to Carrier."
Alternatively, select the IAF waypoint and fly an approach
as in lesson #9.
LESSON #12: Ground Attack Training
Part 3 - Targets of Opportunity 2. Now you are ready for takeoff. Press N for full power and
head toward WPT1 at about 800 feet AGL. (See lessons 3
This lesson teaches you to target and destroy ground objects and 6 if you don't know how to do this.)
using your Manual Target Designator (MTD) and Maverick
Missiles. You will destroy several clusters of buildings in the 3. When you reach 800 feet, reduce power to 50% thrust by
heart of the Andes mountains. pressing [5]. This slows you down and allows more time for
This lesson begins on the UNS Peacekeeper anchored about
6.5 miles west of your target city. You may use your navigation 4. Unlike any other mission, this lesson places you in a spe-
director or radar to help you find your targets. The targets lie cial attack mode: you will be unable to deplete your store of
under WPT1 . Mavericks. Therefore, you can focus on learning to use the
laser targeting system.
Your (MTD) is designed for targets of opportunity - targets the
pilot must locate because they are not preprogrammed into his 5. The virtual cockpit may obscure your view of ground targets.
navigation system. In using this system, you actually program a Hide the cockpit from view by pressing [Pl .
target's location into the missile's navigation system. Once 6. Designate your target as soon as you establish visual con-
fired , a smart missile locks onto the target and navigates tact with it. Simply adjust your view until the TD is EXACTLY
towards it with pinpoint accuracy. on your target.
When you activate the MTD system, by pressing [Shift-DJ, a 7. The zoom control can be extremely helpful during target
large green cross-hair (+) appears in the middle of your screen. designation, especially if you are far from your target. Once
This is the Target Designator (TD) . Designate targets by placing you adjust your view to encompass the target, zoom in on
the TD over the object you wish to destroy and pressing [DJ . it by pressing [>] several times. This facilitates a more pre-
cise target designation.
Lesson #12 quick reference keys:
8. When the TD is directly on a target, press [DJ to designate
KEY FUNCTION the target. The TD will momentarily turn red indicating a
[Backspace] .............. Cycles through ATG weapons successful lock. If you change your mind, press [DJ again
[Shift-DI ... ... ... .. ....... Toggle Laser Targeting System on/off to designate a new target.
[DJ ...... ... ... ...... .... .. Designate a Laser Target 9. Return to a forward view by pressing [F1 I or tapping joystick
[Space] ...... ....... ..... Fire Selected weapon button #2.
[<I. and[>] .............. Zoom in and out 10. Now, any Maverick you fire will seek the designated location.
However, this does not assure a hit. For best results, fire
Completion Requirements: Destroy at least eight of the ground when the target lies (roughly) ahead of you .
targets that lie under WPT1 . 11 . To align with the target, turn your aircraft toward the red
triangle in the heading tape. This triangle is called the target
1. Before takeoff, configure your aircraft for the attack: director. The target director is similar to the navigation
• First, select a Maverick missile by pressing [Backspace] director (which appears as a green triangle) that you use
until you see "MAV" appear near the HUD 's lower left for waypoint navigation. As the target director centers, a
corner. You are carrying 4 Mavericks. green target designator diamond appears in the HUD. The
center of this diamond identifies the target point.
•Second , enable the ATG targeting system by pressing
[Shift-DI ("D" for "Designate"). 12. Once you see the diamond, fire a Maverick by pressing
[Spacebar] or the joystick's fire button .
•Press [NJ until "WPT1 " appears in the HUD 's lower
right corner.
13. Two factors may cause the missile to miss the target:
• Improper alignment before missile release.
• Faulty target designation.
If you miss, either re-align or re-designate the target and
fire another Maverick.
14. Practice several bombing passes on this town. Practice
high and low altitude bomb runs.
15. If you would like a real challenge, precede to waypoint 2
for another cluster of targets. These targets lie atop, and
somewhat guarded by, a mountain peak. Furthermore, the
targets near waypoint 2 are smaller than those near way-
point 1.
16. When you are finished with this lesson, press [Esc)
to access the In-Flight menu . Then select the "Game"
pull-down menu and the "Return to Carrier" option.
Alternatively, you can select the IAF waypoint and return
to the carrier for a landing.
LESSON #13: Air Combat Maneuvering
This lesson introduces both offensive and defensive aspects of Defensive countermeasures weigh much less than bombs and
dog fights and ground attack missions. Additionally, you can missiles. You can usually carry as many as 30 flares and 30
practice most of the skills you have learned in lessons 1 chaff charges - so use them liberally! If a missile is fired at you
through 12. and you're not sure which countermeasure to deploy, use both!
This lesson begins at 9,300 feet MSL near The Go/to De Ancud. Here are a few general tips to help you evade missiles:
Your primary target is a large building located 1Omiles south- • Out-endure distant missiles by forcing them to
east of your starting position . Your secondary target, an enemy approach you from the side - thereby enticing
MiG-29, guards this building from the skies above. the missile to waste fuel turning.
In addition to the enemy aircraft, several Surface-to-Air Missile • Use low-G turns while keeping the missile to your side.
(SAM) and Anti Aircraft Artillery (AAA) sites guard this building
from the ground. SAM sites launch missiles and AAA sites fire •When the missile is about 2,000 feet away, dispense
explosive artillery shells. several countermeasures while sharply turning toward
the missile.
The AAA units will begin firing as you near the ground target.
The explosions and black clouds you see are called flack.
Although these explosions may damage your aircraft, only a Lesson #13 quick reference keys:
direct hit will render it inoperable. KEY FUNCTION
Heat seeking and radar missile locks represent a more serious [Backspace] .. ...... .... Cycles through ATG weapons
threat. Your weapons system warns you when a missile locks [Enter] .... ..... ....... .. ATA mode (and cycle through
onto your aircraft. It sounds a warning horn and displays the ATA weapons)
message "WARNING: HEAT-SEEK/RADAR-HOME MISSILE" in [Alt-RI .. ........ ..... ... Toggles on-screen radar on/off
your communications message panel.
[Ctrl-Rl ... ....... ..... . Enables the radar's "Auto Range" feature
A missile lock does not predict imminent destruction; several !RI ... .. ... ... ... ..... ... Cycles through radar ranges
defensive options exist. You can :
[;] .. .. .. .. ... ...... ..... IFF Discriminator - Cycles through tar-
• Out-maneuver the missile. get selection modes: All/Hostile/Friendly
• Deploy Chaff Charges to disorient [Tl, [Shift-Tl ... .... .. . Cycles through pre-designated targets
Radar Guided (RG) missiles. [CJ .. ... ........ ... .. .... Deploy a chaff charge
•Activate your Electronic Countermeasure (defensive countermeasure)
(ECM) Jammer to confuse RG missiles. [JI ..... .... .. ........ .. . Activate your ECM Jammer
• Deploy Flares to disorient heat-seeking missiles. !Fl ... ...... ............ . Deploy a flare
(defensive countermeasure)
Chaff charges confuse radar guided missiles by dispensing
thousands of radar reflective metal scraps that missiles confuse
for your airplane.
Your ECM Jammer emits microwaves that distort/confuse
enemy radarscopes.
Flares disorient heat seeking missiles by producing an intense
ball of heat that missiles may prefer over your aircraft's exhaust.
Completion Requirements: Destroy the pre-designated ground 8. Your weapons and radar systems do most of the work
target (BUILIDING) and the hostile aircraft that guards it. locating the enemy, so your most demanding task will be
1. Enable your on-screen radar by pressing [Alt-RJ (if it isn't to maneuver yourself into firing position . Ideally, you
already on). should maneuver into position behind the enemy. From
this location, gunning is easier and missiles are most
2. Head toward the BUILDING in the valley ahead. It will be effective. For a detailed discussion of combat maneuvers
easy to find since it is a pre-designated target: see the "Pilots Notes" chapter.
•Select Air to Ground mode on the HUD by pressing 9. When the enemy fires upon you , your communications
[Backspace] until "ATG" appears near the HU D's lower display window informs you what type of weapon he fired .
left corner.
10. Locate the missile as soon as possible using the following
•Press [T] until "BUILDING" appears in the HUD 's lower methods:
right corner (if it isn't already there).
• Check your on-screen radar. Missiles appear as white
•Steer toward the navigation director in the head ing tape. dots. Press [RJ to adjust the radar's range if you don 't
As you approach the correct heading the targeti ng des- see any white dots.
ignator box will appear in the center of the HUD. The
box represents your target so simply fly towards it. • Check your map view by pressing [MJ. Here they
appear as red arrows.
3. Almost immediately, your radar system will identify the hos-
tile aircraft guarding the building. The radar system conveys • Visually identify missiles. For visual identification
this information to you via the communications message use the preset "snap" views ([F1 I through [F4J) or
panel (located just below the HUD) . look around with the Numpad keys ([Numpad 71,
[Numpad 91, [Numpad 31, and [Numpad Dell).
4. Target and destroy both the aircraft and ground target in any
order you choose. 11 . Check your communications display window (located
below the HUD). If the missile is radar guided, press [JI
5. Use the procedures described in lessons 10-12 to destroy once and [CJ several times to jam the weapons radar and
the ground target. It is important to realize you can destroy deploy some chaff charges.
the target with either the CCIP, MTD, or Pre-Designated tar-
geting systems. However, the Pre-Designated targeting sys- 12. If a heat-seeking missile locks onto your aircraft, press [FJ
tem allows you to fire a missile from much further away several times to deploy some flares.
than the other two. In general, the pre-designated targeting 13. After you destroy both targets, precede toward the IAF
method is the safest, fastest, and easiest system to use. waypoint and land on the carrier.
6. Destroy the aircraft using the techniques described in lesson 14 Fly this mission several times. Use different weapons on
#5. However, this time won't be as easy since your target the targets each time. After you 've flown this mission a
wants to destroy you also! few times, increase the targeting difficulty if you 're looking
7. To complicate the situation, you must differentiate between for a challenge. This makes gunning down enemy targets
more difficult. Do this by pressing [Esc] to access the In-
the enemy target and the friendly AWACS ai rcraft in the
area. Three safeguards reduce the possibi lity of accidentally Flight menu. Then select the "Cheats" pull down menu and
killing friendly aircraft: the option "Targeting Difficulty."

•The title in the HUD 's lower right corner distinguishes

between enemies and allies: enemy and ally targets cor-
respond to red and green titles respectively.
•A large green "X" appears over the target designator box
when friendlies are targeted.
•Your "Identify Friend or Foe Discriminator" (IFF} can dis-
allow weapon locks on friendly aircraft. Switch you r IFF
discriminator to "Hostile Only" mode by pressing [;J

until "H" appears in the bottom of the HUD.
CONCLUSION - - - - - - - - -
You have completed all thirteen training lessons and
are now ready for active duty. If you flew these missions
as a campaign your next mission will be the first of a
new campaign.
You will be assigned to the UNS Peacekeeper which will
be stationed near Cuba. Your squadron will ally with other
UN forces to crush a Cuban drug smuggling operation.
There are two kinds of devices which you can use in JetFighter DIRECTIONAL CONTROLS
Ill: the keyboard and a joystick. Although we recommend using
a joystick to enjoy the game's realism , you can operate the pro- The numeric key pad (or "Numpad") arrows enable you to change
gram entirely from the keyboard. This section discusses how to the direction of your plane in flight. These keys allow you to
operate the program with a keyboard or joystick. pitch the airplane up and down, roll it right or left, and yaw it to
either side. Some keyboards have separate cursor arrow key
pads. These keys should work just like the Numpad arrow keys.
Like a real pilot, you can use a stick to maneuver your airplane PITCH UP (CLIMB)- [NUMPAD 21
in JF3. Your joystick will operate just like they do in an actual When airborne press the [Numpad 21 key to pitch the aircraft's
fighter. If you pull back on the stick, the plane will go up; if you nose up. This is exactly what would happen if you pulled backward
pull left on the stick, the plane will roll to the left. on the plane's stick. To perform an "Upward Vertical Loop" hold
down the [Numpad 21 key until you have completed a full circle.
Note: For information on how to install a joystick and its game
cards, please consult their manufacturer's instructions. PITCH DOWN (DIVE) - [NUMPAD 8)
When airborne press the [Numpad 81 key to pitch your aircraft's
However, before you can use a joystick, it must be properly
nose down. This is analogous to pushing forward on the plane's
installed and calibrated . To activate the joystick, hit the [Esc] key
stick. To perform a "Downward Vertical Loop" continue to press
when you are airborne. This will bring up the In-Flight Menu.
the [Numpad 81 key until your plane has completed a full circle.
(For more information, see In-Flight Menu on page X). Next,
type [J] to start the joystick submenu. Use the directional ("cur- ROLL RIGHT - [NUMPAD 6)
sor") keys to select "Joystick On." When you are finished , type When airborne press the [Numpad 61 key to roll the aircraft right.
[J] again. This will begin recalibration . Simply follow the This is exactly what would happen if you pushed the airplane's
screen's directions and select "Resume Flight. " when you are stick to the right. To perform a "Right Roll" continue to hold down
finished. the [Numpad 61 key until your plane has finished a complete roll .
When the aircraft is on the ground , [Numpad 61 will steer right.
The keyboard is your main way for you to navigate your plane. When airborne press the [Numpad 41 key to roll the aircraft left.
In general, pressing a key on the keyboard can do one of three This is exactly what would happen if you pushed the airplane's
different things. It will : stick to the left. To perform a "Left Roll" continue to hold down
T begin or end an action (i.e., lower landing gear); the [Numpad 41 key until your plane has finished a complete
roll. When the aircraft is on the ground , [Numpad 41 will steer
T cycle through available options (i.e., change displays); or left just like a car.
T make a decision (i.e ., fire a weapon) .
Occasionally there are some special commands that JetFighter When airborne press the [Numpad Enter) key to turn or "yaw"
Ill will want to "confirm" before executing. For these com- the plane to the right. This is exactly what would happen if you
mands, the program requires that you hold down the "Shift" or pushed down the plane's right rudder pedal. To continue turning
"Ctrl " key along with the key (for example, [Ctrl-CJ exits to the plane right, hold down the [Numpad Enter] key. If you con-
DOS). JF3 uses this combination of keystrokes to make sure an tinue depressing the key, the plane will fly to the right in a full
action is not accidentally performed. circle. For convenient two-handed operation the [X] key performs
the same function . When the aircraft is on the ground [Numpad
FLIGHT CONTROLS Enter] or [XJ will steer right just like a car.
The flight controls are used to maneuver the aircraft in the air YAW LEFT - [NUMPAD INS]
and on the ground. All the flight controls can be operated from When airborne press the [Numpad Ins) key to turn or "yaw" the
the keyboard but if you have a joystick, throttle control , and plane left. This is exactly what would happen if you were pushing
rudder pedals, controlling the aircraft will feel natural and be down on the plane's left rudder pedal. To continue turning your
more intuitive. plane left, hold down the [Numpad Ins) key. If you continue
depressing the key, your plane will fly to the left in a full circle.
For convenient two-handed operation the [ZJ key performs the The resulting thrust is powerful, but costly. At full afterburner,
same function . When the aircraft is on the ground , [Numpad the F-22 consumes an amazing 860 pounds of fuel per minute !
Ins] or [ZJ will steer left just like a car. To help conserve the fuel and adjust your speed , your plane
Note: New users often confuse roll and yaw. Just remember comes with a "5 stage" afterburner. Each stage is more powerful
that a roll is like tilting your head while yaw is like turning your and uses more fuel than the previous.
head right or left. To activate the afterburners, you must already be at 100% mili-
tary power and then press [+]. For example, if you are at 70%
ENGINE CONTROLS and want to activate afterburners, press [OJ , wait for the engines
to spool up to 100% power, then press [+]to turn on the first
JetFighter 111 uses very simple engine and throttle controls. The stage afterburner or "AB1 ". To activate other afterburner levels,
row of number keys near the top of your keyboard controls the press[+] or[-] . Remember, the higher levels of afterburner
engine and throttle. (Don't confuse the number keys with the consume more fuel. To turn the afterburners off, press [OJ and
function keys.) Some computer stores carry a throttle control your engines will return to 100% military power.
device for use with flight simulators. If you have a separate
throttle control , you can use it instead of the keyboard to con- FULL AFTERBURNER - [ \ J
trol the aircraft's engine. In JetFighter Ill there is a quick and easy way to get to full after-
burner. Press N and your engines will automatically spool up to
THROTTLE SETTINGS 100% military thrust, then cycle into stage 5 afterburner. You may
In the military, a jet aircraft's throttle setting is referred to as a find this control useful to make a quick escape from a particularly
percentage of total Military (non-afterburner) power. That is, nasty fu rbal I!
when the engine is at maximum power with the afterburners off,
it is said to be at 100% Military Thrust. The number keys in JF3 ENGINES OFF - [-]
enable you to set your engines at a specific percent of military You can turn your engines off by pressing [-]. Pressing any
power. This chart shows how simple it is: throttle key [1] - [OJ , [+] or N will automatically re-start your
[11=10% of full military power engines and bring them up to the requested thrust setting.
[2] =20% of full military power
[31 = 30% of full military power OTHER CONTROLS
[41 =40% of full military power Several other controls affect the function of your aircraft.
[51 =50% of full military power
[6] =60% of full military power
The air brake is used to rapidly slow the aircraft while flying. To
[7] =70% of full military power
apply the brake, press the [BJ key. The plane will immediately
[81 =80% of full military power
begin decelerating. On most aircraft, the brake opens a panel
[9] =90% of full military power
into the airstream causing more "drag". Drag slows the plane. If
[OJ =100% of full military power you're flying the F/A-18, try an external view to watch the brake
THROTTLE ADJUSTMENTS - [-J & [+J extend and retract. Pressing [BJ again will retract the air brake.
For fine control over engine power, use the[+] and[-] keys on Note: Using the brake may make your aircraft more difficult to
the top of the keyboard . These keys enable you to slowly add control, so be sure to retract the brake when it is no longer needed.
[+]or remove[-] power in 1% increments. Hold these keys
continuously to gradually increase or decrease power. WHEEL BRAKE - [BJ
On the ground , pressing the [BJ key applies the wheel brake.
Note: It is not necessary to hold the shift key in combination
The wheel brake works just like the brake in a car. Be careful ,
with the [+/=J key Simply pressing the[+/=] key will perform
the wheel brake is inoperable at high speeds and you must
the[+] function in JF3.
instead reduce your thrust to slow down.
AFTERBURNERS - [+J Note: If the wheel brake is activated you must release it to
In a tough dogfight, an extra burst of speed may be essential. enable the plane to take off! Also, don 't use the wheel brake for
Modern fighters use afterburners to accomplish this task. When carrier landings! Let the arrestor cables do the work.
activated , afterburners ignite raw fuel in the plane's hot exhaust.

LANDING GEAR - [G] the pilot free from a damaged aircraft. The seat includes emer-
The plane's landing gear consists of three wheels placed gency oxygen, a recovery parachute, an FLCS data recorder, a
beneath the aircraft in a triangular pattern. Fully retractable and survival kit, and a radio beacon. The ejection process begins
deployable, the landing gear is concealed in a cavity within the when you press [Ctrl-EJ. Explosive charges under the seat throw
plane's belly. After take-off, retract your landing gear by press- the seat (with the pilot) clear of the airplane. This is followed by
ing [Gl. Likewise, extend the gear for a landing by pressing [G] . a rocket burst, seat separation, and full deployment of the para-
chute - all in less than six seconds! Some pilots have claimed
to be two inches shorter after an ejection!
Some missions require you to fly several hundred miles. If you
want to speed up the cross-country flight and get right to the
action use JetFighter Ill's Time Compression feature .
The time compression feature enables control over the rate at
which the simulated "world" operates. Use the in-flight menu or
press [Alt-Tl to toggle through the three speed selections. The
default time compression setting is 1:1 or "real time". Press
[All-Tl once to make the simulator run at twice the speed or
2:1 . Press [Alt-Tl again to speed the simulator up to 3:1 . Toggle
ARRESTOR HOOK - [A] [All-Tl one more time to disable time compression and run the
Landing on an aircraft carrier demands an aircraft traveling at simulator in real time.
over 100 MPH to come to a dead stop on just a couple hundred Naturally, time compression enables you to cover a distance in
feet of runway. To do so, the planes are "trapped" by the aircraft one half or one third the time but it has drawbacks requiring
carrier's arrestor cables. A plane performs a trap by lowering its careful use. When time compression is activated EVERYTHING
arrestor hook and successfully catching one of three cables in the simulator will operate faster than the normal speed but
strung across the flight deck. The "trapped" cable then pulls the your brain will still be working in real time. Until you become
plane to a stop. Deploy the arrestor hook for a carrier landing by accustomed to the problems this can cause use time compres-
pressing !Al . If you abort your landing attempt, press !Al again sion only when flying very high above the terrain.
to raise the hook.
Note: Time compression will automatically be deactivated if
your radar identifies a hostile.
Landscape Traversal Mode was implimented to provided a way
to move from one location to another at eight times the current
"real time" speed of the aircraft.
This mode differs from Time Compression because only your
plane is moving faster. The simulated world still functions in
real time. Additionally your altitude above sea-level is locked to
the altitude you were flying when landscape traversal mode was
activated. Extreme caution must be exercised when using this
mode or you will soon find yourself flying into the side of a
EJECT- [CTRL-EJ mountain. It is best to activate landscape traversal mode only
when high above the terrain.
Although the UNRDF dislikes losing any fighter aircraft, it would
rather lose a plane than a pilot. As a result every fighter is Note: This feature is not available when you fly a campaign.
equipped with a sophisticated ejection seat designed to throw
This mode of the Defensive Display presents information on the
Occasionally the plane's onboard computer will send you a status
instrument and carrier landing system (known as "ILS" and
message. These messages are displayed on the message panel
"CLS" respectively) . Like the graphical displays in the HUD, this
located at the top center of your cockpit control panel, directly
data is designed to make landings safer and easier. This screen
beneath the HUD. Messages are usually one or two word reports
tells you three valuable facts about your approach: (1) your
such as "Danger: Collision. " Longer messages from nonplayer
range to runway, (2) change in altitude, and (3)angle of attack.
characters are displayed at the top of your computer screen.

The attitude indicator continuously displays your orientation rel-
ative to the ground. Often refered to as the "artificial horizon"
indicator, this guage will help you remain oriented when you have
few visual cues to rely on. In clouds, dense fog , or at night it is
easy lose track of which way is up. You may feel as though you
are right-side up when you are actually upside down. Frequently
check the attitude indicator if you are not 100% certain you see
ground beneath you and sky above. Trust your instruments!
Reading the attitude indicator is simple. The blue portion repre-
sents sky, the brown portion represents ground, and a small
white icon in the center represents your plane. When flying level
to the ground and right-side up the indicator will display sky
above and ground below. When flying level to the ground and The range to the authorized runway is shown in the monitor next
upside-down the indicator will display ground above and sky to "RNG." This distance is displayed in nautical miles Beneath
below. If you fly directly up the indicator will display all sky and it is the plane's vertical descent (or "VRT") in feet per second
if you fly straight down the indicator will display all ground . (or "F/S"). This number tells you how fast the aircraft is descend-
ing. The third number is the angle of attack or "AOA". This guide
FUEL GUAGE represents the wing's position relative to the direction of the
wind. To illustrate this concept, consider the following example.
The fuel guage continuously displays the amount of fuel If a plane is flying directly against the wind , its AOA is 0°.
remaining in the aircraft just like the fuel guage in a car. You will
find the fuel guage in the F-22N located in the far right side of Wind -+ +- Plane = 0° AOA
the cockpit control panel. The green bar represents the amount But, when the pilot pulls back on the stick, the air continues to
of fuel remaining . flow horizontally for a few seconds even though the wing is
angled upward. This results in a positive AOA.
After a few seconds of flight, the airflow will realign itself with
DEFENSIVE DISPLAY - [F5] the new angle of the wing. Once again the airflow is directly
The Defensive Display has two modes, Flight Information and against the wing. The plane is then said to have regained a zero
ILS/CLS. You can toggle between modes by pressing [F5J . degree AOA.
Flight information mode relays current information concerning During a landing, you should try to obtain an 8° angle of attack.
the aircraft's altitude, speed, heading, and the time of day. Also This is angle is important because you want the rear wheels to
reported are your current latitude and longitude in degrees, touch down before the nose. It is best achieved by pulling back
minutes and seconds. slightly on the stick just before landing.

HORIZONTAL SITUATION DISPLAY - [F6J The size variations also tell you where a target is located relative
The screen in the middle of the instrument panel is the to your position. For instance, a large dot (or"•") indicates that
Horizontal Situation Display (or "HSD"). It is a highly sensitive the target has a higher altitude, whereas a smaller dot (or"•")
integrated radar system that enables you find and track targets means that the target is below you.
in a 360° view. It combines the advantages of a traditional radar To choose a target for combat, cycle through the dots by press-
with radar-warn ing receivers, global positioning systems and ing [T] and [Shift-Tl. The currently selected target will appear
AWACS links. Always active, the Horizontal Situation Display encircled and its status will be displayed in the lower left-hand
can be viewed by pressing [F6J . corner. Once chosen, the radar will track this target in the HUD
with the large green target designator box. (For more
information , see Target Designator on Chapter).
The tracking computer will then identify the target and show its
posture (friendly is green and enemy is red). The target's cur-
rent altitude (in feet), speed (in knots) , and heading (in degrees)
are also reported.
Note: The HSD is duplicated in the On Screen Radar
for convenience.


The radar screen is dominated by a large circle with an "aircraft The Offensive Display has two modes: Navigational Info and
symbo" in its center. The white "T" represents your plane and Air Target. To activate any system, press [F71 until that heading
the circle depicts the radar's current range. If, for example, the appears in the top of the screen. Each of these systems are
range is set at "10," then the circle represents a ten mile radius discussed below.
around the plane. Any target located within this radius will
appear on the radar. The radar's default range is "40." To NAVIGATIONAL INFO
change the range, press [RI and [Shift-RI. This allows you to This mode displays the mission 's "waypoint" list. Waypoints can
choose from ranges of 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, 5, 2 or 1 mile. If be thought of as a series of check points over which you must fly.
you have AUTORANGE enabled, the computer will automatically Waypoints can also represent ground targets or your aircraft car-
select the radar range that keeps your target within that radius. rier. Your orders will instruct you as to your duties at each point.
Note: You probably should use a range of either "2" or "1" dur- The waypoints are listed in the order they should be followed.
ing a dogfight. Each position has a name, heading, and distance. To cycle
If a target is within the range you have selected, it will appear as through the waypoints , press [NJ and [Shift-NJ. The currently
a dot or "blip." The blip's position in the radar corresponds to its selected waypoint will be a brighter green color than the rest of
position in space. For example, a blip at the top of the radar means the list. Ground targets that have been designated as waypoints
that the target is directly ahead of the plane (or "twelve a-clock"). will be red . The names frequently use abbreviations
Likewise, a blip on the left side of the radar means that the target WPT1 ......... ....... First waypoint
is directly to the left of the plane (or "nine o'clock"). WPT2 ................ Second way point
The color and size of the dots also provide information about IAF .................. Initial Approach Fix
the target. Each color designates different kinds of objects. The FAF .................. Final Approach Fix
colors stand for: CVN ...... .. ....... ... Aircraft Carrier (Nuclear)
Red= enemy For example, the third waypoint says "IAF - 177° - 4.0 nm."
Green =friendly This means that after you have gone to the second waypoint you
Gray= unidentified should fly to the Initial Approach Fix to prepare for final approach.
The Initial Approach Fix is located 4 nautical miles away at a
White = missile
heading of 177 degrees. After that point, you should fly to the
Brown = navy craft (such as a carrier) final approach fix (FAF) and then land at the carrier (CVN).
Information about the currently selected air target is also dis- Although ECM can be effective against some weapons, experi-
played in the Offensive Display. To cycle through available air ence has shown flares and chaff are more effective countermea-
targets, press [TJ and [Shift-Tl . Once a target is selected, its sures. Their stores are tracked on this screen. You can fire chaff
status is shown in this screen. The tracking computer will then or flares by pressing [CJ and [Fl respectively.
identify the target and show its posture (friend ly is green and
enemy is red) . The target's cu rrent altitude (in feet) , MSL speed LANDING GEAR - [GI
(in knots), and heading (in degrees) are also reported. As a rule, landing gear should always be raised during flight and
lowered for a landing. However, it is impossible to see the landing
SYSTEMS DISPLAY - [FBI gear when you are sitting inside a plane. This display includes a
The bottom screen is called the System Display. It is where you warning light to tell you when the gear is up or down. To raise
receive critical systems and weapons information . This display or lower the landing gear, press [GJ.
contains data on several systems, including Thrust, Fuel, ECM,
Weapons, Countermeasures, Gear, Brake, and Hook. SPEED BRAKE - [BJ
The speed brake allows you to rapidly slow down your airplane.
To activate or release the brake, press the [BJ key. When the
speed brake is activated, the word "BRAKE" will appear in the
bottom of the screen in red .


Carrier landings require the plane's arrestor hook to catch a
cable strung across the flight deck. However, it is impossible to
see the arrestor hook when you are sitting inside the plane. This
display includes a warning light to tell you when the hook is
deployed. When the hook is down, the word "HOOK" will appear
in the bottom of the screen in red . To deploy or retract the
THRUST INDICATOR arrestor hook, press [AJ.
This indicator show the aircraft's current thrust setting as a per- THE HEADS UP DISPLAY (HUD)
cent of full military thrust. You can change the engines' setting by In the heat of battle disorientation is as much your enemy as
pressing any of the number keys (i.e., "6" is 60% of full military the bandit shooting at you. At fighting speeds you can travel
thrust). It will also show when the engines have engaged their miles in the time it takes to check a couple instruments. During
afterburners. This is displayed as AB1 through ABS . manuevers the world can look completely different from instant
FUEL GAUGE to instant and reorienting yourself to your surroundings can
cost precious time. The Head Up Display was created to enable
The fuel gauge shows how many pounds of fuel remain.
a pilot to keep his eyes on the action and at the same time
ECM JAMMING - [JI receive crucial information provided by instrumentation.
Modern jetfighters come equipped with sophisticated electronic The head up display is a diagonally mounted piece of glass with
countermeasure systems. These systems send out electronic control information projected upon it. In practice it provides the
signals to "jam" or confuse incoming missiles. Electronic coun- pilot an enormous wealth of information without looking down
termeasures can be turned on and off by pressing the [JJ key. at the instruments.
When activated, the "ECM" light will appear on the screen.
HUD Brightness Control [HJ or [shft-HJThe brightness of the
WEAPONS - ATA: [Enter) &ATG: [Backspace) HUD is controllable for different environments. During the day
This indicator in the middle of the display show which weapons the display may be difficult to see against the terrain unless it is
are armed. In this example, the Sidewinders have been armed and set to one of its brightest settings. Conversely, dim the hud while
are ready to fire . To select an Air-to-Air weapon , press [Enter] flying at night to keep your eyes sensitive to the dark terrain.
or [Shift-Enter] . This will scroll the display through the choices.
To select an Air-to-Ground weapon, press [Backspace]. When
you selected the weapon you want, press [SpacebarJ to fire .


The standard measure of gravity is determined by its effect on
While not actually part of the HUD the on-screen radar is pro-
objects at sea level on Earth. At sea level the force of gravity is
vided for the JetFighter Ill pilot who does not wish to repeatedly
said to be 1 G (pronounced "gee"). Forces produced by acceler-
look down to check the horizontal situation display. The on-
ation behave similar to gravity and are also measured in Gs.
screen radar operates exactly like the horizontal situation dis-
play utilizing all the same control functions. See the instructions If a plane performs a rapid banking turn centrifugal force acts
for the horizontal situation display in this reference section to upon the plane and pilot creating what feels like gravitational
understand radar operational functions. pull from outside the turn. That Gforce can cause a great deal
of problems. If the Gforce is strong toward the bottom of the
Toggle activation of the on-screen radar by pressing [ALT-RI. plane the pilots blood will be pulled away from his head causing
HUD Operation Mode Indicator him to lose consciousness. If the Gforce is too strong it will
The HUD operates in multiple modes which are automatically wrench the plane apart.
activated when the appropriate system is engaged. The operation Because of the potential danger Gforces present, the pilot must
mode indicator can be found at the lower left corner of the hud. remain aware of the load he is subjecting himself and his air-
NAV mode is the default hud mode. If no weapons are armed, craft to. The G Load Indicator takes the guess work out of this
Navigation Mode is active. awareness.
LCOS mode is activated automatically when guns have been
armed. The hud targeting systems operate in Air-to-Air THRUST INDICATOR
Targeting mode for guns. LCOS stands for Lead Computing The thrust indicator display is found in the top left corner of the
Optional Sight. HUD. This number is a percentage of full Military Thrust. This
ATA mode is activated when Air-to-Air missiles have been will also display the 5 stages of afterburner, AB 1-5.
armed. The hud targeting systems operate in Air-to-Air
Targeting mode for AMRAAM and Sidewinder missiles. HEADING INDICATOR
ATG mode is activated when Air-to-Ground missiles are armed. The heading indicator is found running horizontally across the
The hud targeting systems operate in Air-to-Ground Targeting top of the hud. Your "heading" is simply the compass direction
mode for Maverick missiles. you are headed. Instead of saying north, east, south, and west
CCIP mode is activated when bombs have been armed. The hud the heading is measured in the three hundred and sixty degrees
targeting systems operate in Continuously-Calculated-Impact- of a circle. Zero degrees is due north, ninety degrees is due east,
Point mode for Mk82 and Mk84bombs. one hundred eighty degrees is due south, and two hundred sev-
enty degrees is due west.

WEAPONS STATUS INDICATOR The heading indicator or "tape" found running horizontally across
the top of the hud displays tens of degrees. In other words,
The Weapons Status Indicator can be found displayed at the looking at the heading tape and seeing the number 18 means
lower left corner of the hud, just above the HUD Operation you are flying at a 180 degree heading or due south. If the tape
Mode Indicator. The weapons status indicator shows which reads 03 you are flying at a 30 degree heading or "a little east of
weapon type is currently armed and quantity of that weapon due north but not quite exactly north-east''.
The display uses abbreviations to indicate the different weapons: GEAR, HOOK, BRAKE INDICATORS
GUN = M61-A1 Vulcan six-barrel 20mm Cannon The landing gear, arrestor hook, and air-brake can not be seen
S/W = AIM-9 Sidewinder missile from within the cockpit. The hud displays which, if any, are
AM = AIM-120 AMRAAM missile activated by displaying the word GEAR if your landing gear is
MAV = Maverick Missile deployed, HOOK if your arrestor hook is deployed , and BRAKE
Mk84 = 2,000 lb. bombs if your air-brake is activated. If an individual indicator is not
Mk82 = 500 lb. bombs displayed on the hud that device is not deployed or activated.
The altitude indicator or "tape" ru ns vertically along the right The velocity vector symbol in the HUD points in the aircraft's
side of the hud . Altitude is displayed in thousands of feet. So an actual direction as opposed to the direction the nose is pointed .
altitude reading of 4.5 means 4500 feet.
Altitude can be measured as height Above Ground Level (AGL) The Instrument/Carrier Landing System displays information
which is good if you want to remain above the ground but not on the HUD, guiding the pilot to the landing strip. The ILS/CLS
so good if you want to maintain level flight. Imagine trying to consists of a vertical line and a horizontal line located in the
remain exactly ten thousand feet above hilly or mountainous center of the HUD, and a small mark on the heading tape.
terrain . It could be like riding a roller-coaster as you fly up over The vertical bar is the Runway Lineup Indicator and the
mountains then down over valleys attempting to maintain a horizontal bar is the Glide Slope Indicator. The small """ mark
constant altitude. on the heading indicator is the Navigation Direction indicator.
Another way altitude is measured is as height above sea level or Extensive instructions on the use of the ILS/CLS is contained
Mean-Sea-Level (MSL) . This method is great for maintaining in the Appendix.
level flight but it offers no indication of how close to the ground
you may be. It would not be unusual to be 2000 feet above sea
level with your feet planted firmly on the ground. A waypoint is a predetermined location at which a pilot has to
perform some function such as changing heading. A series of
Each method of measuring altitude has advantages in different waypoints can guide a pilot across vast terrain leading him to
situations. Depending on which type of measurement is needed his target while avoiding dangers on the ground or avoiding
the Altitude Indicator can display altitude in either mode. If the detection by radar.
Altitude Indicator is currently displaying altitude in MSL mode a
letter "S" will appear next to the tape. If altitude is currently dis- Waypoints are preprogrammed into the aircraft's navigation sys-
played in AGL mode a letter "G" will appear next to the tape. tem and displayed in the hud as a hollow inverted triangle. The
inverted triangle will appear to float over the waypoint location
no matter the distance of the waypoint to the pilot. All the pilot
TARGET STATUS INDICATOR need do is turn the plane until the indicator is centered in the
If you have an air-to-air weapon armed and a target selected the hud and fly on that heading until he reaches the waypoint.
target status indicator will appear on the hud to provide infor-
mation on the type of target, the distance to the target and your RANGE MARKER
closure rate with the target. Information on how this informa-
tion is aquired can be found in the section on Radar elsewhere The range marker will appear near the 11 o'clock position of the
in this reference section. aiming reticle when the selected target is approximately 11000
feet away. As the distance to the target decreases, the Range
Marker will rotate counter-clockwise around the edge of the
IFF DISCRIMINATOR Aiming Reticle. Each "o'clock" position represents 1000 feet.
A radar screen can become cluttered quickly in large battles.
The pilot finding himself in this situation may accidentally target ASPECT ANGLE INDICATOR
a friend ly aircraft. To prevent accidents such as this the target-
ing system can be set to only allow targeting of certain "class- The Aspect Ang le indicates the target's current heading relative
es" of targets. In this case the pilot would only want his target- to your current position. When the indicator is at or near the
bottom of the pipper, it means the target aircraft is heading
ing system to pick out hostile targets and never anything else.
away from you increasing the probability of a hit.
The current targeting mode is indicated at the bottom, center of
the hud by one of three letters. Either "A" for all signatures, "H"
for hostile targets only, or "NH" for non-hostile targets only.
Change the Targeting Mode Indicator by pressing [;].
COMBAT CONTROLS- - - - - - - •
Combat is the best part of flight simulation. This section will To choose a target for combat, cycle through the dots by press-
teach you the basics about your aircraft's combat systems, ing [Tl and [Shift-Tl. The currently selected target will appear
including using the radar, weapons, and countermeasures. encircled and its status will be displayed in the lower left-hand
The main radar is located in the Horizontal Situation Display (or corner. Once chosen, the radar will track this target in the HUD
"HSD") and is also displayed as the On Screen Radar for with the large green target designator box.
convenience. It is a highly sensitive integrated radar system that The tracking computer will then identify the target and show its
enables you find and track targets in a 360° view. It combines posture (friendly is green and enemy is red). The target's cur-
the advantages of a traditional radar with radar-warning rent altitude (in feet), speed (in knots) , and heading (in degrees)
receivers, global positioning systems and AWACS links. Always are also reported .
active, the radar can be viewed by pressing [F6J.
The radar screen is dominated by a large circle with a small Having an ample supply of armed weapons is the first step to
"aircraft icon" in its center. The white 'T represents your plane successful combat. However, you also need to know how to aim
and the circle depicts the radar's current range. If, for example, and fire your weapons. This section comprehensively explains
the range is set at "10, " then the circle represents a ten mile the weapons system in JetFighter 111.
radius around the plane. Any target located within this radius
will appear on the radar. The radar's default range is "40." To WEAPON SELECTION ATA: [Backspace]
change the range, press [RI and [Shift-RI. This allows you to Modern fighters can be armed with several different kinds of
choose from ranges of 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, 5, 2 or 1 mile. weapons for a varierty of purposes. For example, a fully loaded
Note: You probably should use a range of either "2" or "1" F-22N may carry Sidewinders, AMRAAMS, Mavericks, and others.
during a dogfight. However, you must first select a weapon before you can fire it.

If a target is within the range you have selected, it will appear as As the default mode, no weapons are armed. To arm an Air-to-
a dot or "blip. " The blip's position in the radar corresponds to Air weapon , press [Enter] . The first time you press [Enter] you
its position in space. For example, a blip at the top of the radar will arm your M61A1 Vulcan 20mm cannon or ("GUN"). To arm
means that the target is directly ahead of the plane (or "twelve an Air-to-Ground weapon , press [Backspace]. The name of the
a-clock"). Likewise, a blip on the left side of the radar means that armed weapon will then be displayed in the lower left-hand cor-
the target is directly to the left of the plane (or "nine o'clock"). ner of the HUD:

The color and size of the dots also provide information about AM .. .......... .. .... AMRAAM Missiles
the target. Each color designates different kinds of objects. The S/W ................ .. Sidewinder Missiles
colors stand for: MK84 .......... ...... 2,000 lbs. Bombs
Red = enemy MK82 ........ ........ 500 lbs. Bombs
Green =friendly
MAV ......... .. ..... Maverick Missiles
Gray = unidentified
White = missile GIJN ................ M61A1 Vulcan 20mm cannon
Brown = navy craft (such as a carrier) Next to the name in the HU D is the quantity which remain in
stores. For example, if it displays "S/W 2" then two Sidewinder
The size variations also tell you where a target is located missiles ready and armed. Each time you fire a weapon , one
relative to your position. For instance, a large dot indicates that unit is deducted from its stores. Likewise, if your aircraft was
the target has a higher altitude, whereas a smaller dot means not loaded with a particular kind of weapon , it will not appear
that the target is below you. as a choice.
You must select a target for your weapons. To select a target,
A countermeasure is any tactical defense employed by an aircraft
press (TJ. This brings up one of the targets appearing in the
to avoid being hit by an enemy's weapons. In general, there are
radar. To switch to the next target, press [TJ again or press
two kinds of countermeasures: deployable and electronic. Both
!Shift-Tl to return to a previous target. Notice that the available
are discussed below.
targets depend upon the type of weapon you have selected. For
example, if you have chosen an air-to-ground weapon (like the DEPLOYABLE COUNTERMEASURES
AGM-65 Maverick), then you will not be able to target an Deployable countermeasures include any object jettisoned by
incoming enemy aircraft. the aircraft to confuse or distract incoming missiles. The two
TARGET CLOSEST - [VJ most common deployable countermeasures are flares and chaff.
After selecting a weapon , pressing !YI will target the enemy that FLARES - [fl
is closest to you. Flares are launched from your aircraft and burn very, very hot.
TARGET IN CENTER OF HUD - [U] This intense heat is designed to confuse heat-seeking weapons
into thinking the flare is the target, and not your engines!
Pressing [U) will target the object that lies within your aiming
The number of flares remaining in stores can be viewed in the
reticule. This target will be appropriate to the weapon selected,
Systems Display. (For more information, see Systems Display
either ATA or ATG.
in this reference section).
WEAPON FIRING - [Spacebar]
After you have selected a weapon and a target, you are ready to
When launched, chaff packs burst open into clouds of metallic
fire. To fire the weapon, press the [Spacebar). Each time you
foil and wire . This cloud is designed to confuse radar-seeking
press the [Spacebar) , one unit is removed from the available
weapons (like the AMRAAM or Vympel R-77) into thinking that
stores. After the stores are depleted, you cannot fire that
it is the target. The number of chaff packs remaining in stores
weapon until the plane is rearmed at a base. To continue firing,
can be viewed in the Systems Display. (For more information,
you need to select a different weapon with available stores.
see Systems Display in this reference section).
The probability of success depends upon many factors. Angle ,
distance, orientation, velocity, maneuverability, and a host of ELECTRONIC COUNTERMEASURES - [J]
other conditions all play a role. In addition, every kind of Electronic countermeasures (or "ECM") are electronic signals
weapons has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. For sent out to confuse or "jam" incoming missiles. ECM jamming
example, the M61A1 Vulcan 20mm cannon must be fired in devices emit such a strong radar signal that they can sometimes
front of the target (i.e., "leading the target") to compensate for hide an aircraft's actual position from radar-seeking weapons
its motion. Only experience can teach you what weapon to fire like the AMRAAM or Vympel R-77. This kind of noise jamming
and when. is most effective against discrete targets that are still far away.
You can turn the ECM device on and off by pressing [JI . When
Note: With most advanced joystick models, the trigger will
activated, the red "ECM " light will appear on the Systems
always fire the cannon, and one of the buttons one the top of
Display. Be careful to use the jammer only when needed.
the joystick will toggle through the available armaments and
Jamming a target that has not yet detected you may actually
another button will launch that selected weapon.
alert it to your presence!
In JetFighter II I you will spend most of your time in the cockpit. The MFD views enable you to look down at the cockpit
A wide variety of views are available from within the cockpit. instrumentation. In the F-22N each of the 4 different MFDs is
Some views help you scan the skies for bogies, and others help assigned a function key IFS] - IFBJ. If you are curious about the
you check cockpit instrumentation. operational functions of the different MFDs see the reference
section entitled Multi-Function Displays in this manual.
The following pre-set views quickly pan your view to the
requested angle.
This is the default view, looking forward through the canopy. It
is the primary view for travel and combat. "Look Ahead" is acti-
vated by pressing [F1].
If you are already looking ahead when you press [F1 I the instru-
ment panel will be toggled off to provide a "full-screen" view.
Think of this as a "panic button " which will always return you to
the "Look Ahead View''.
LOOK LEFT - [f21
This preset view quickly looks out the left window of the fighter.
This view is useful when you need to locate an object or landmark
to the left of the plane. "Look Left" can be activated by pressing
[F2J. To return to the "Look Ahead" default view, press [f1]. LEFT MFD I DEFENSIVE DISPLAY· [f51
LOOK RIGHT- [f31 Press [F51 to view the Defensive Display. Press [F51 again to
This preset view looks out the right window of your aircraft. cycle through the modes of this MFD. Press [F1 I to return to
This view is useful when you need to locate an object or landmark "Look Ahead" view.
to the right of the plane. "Look Right" can be activated by press- CENTER MFD I HORIZONTAL SITUATION DISPLAY • IF61
ing [F3] . To return to the "Look Ahead " default view, press IF11. Press [F6] to view the Horizontal Situation Display. This MFD
LOOK BACK (CHECK SIX) - [f4] has only one mode. Press [F11 to return to "Look Ahead " view.
This preset view looks out the back of the airplane. This view is RIGHT MFD I OFFENSIVE DISPLAY · IF71
useful when you need to determine if an enemy is on your six Press [F71 to view the Offensive Display. Press [F71 again to
(behind you). "Look Back" can be activated by pressing IF41. To cycle through the modes of this MFD. Press [F1 I to return to
return to the "Look Ahead" default view, press [F1 ]. "Look Ahead" view.
Press [FBI to view the Systems Display. This MFD has only one
mode. Press [F1 I to return to "Look Ahead" view.
Map view is invaluable during a mission because it enables To pan your view up press [Numpad 3]. To pan your view down
you to quickly get your bearings, find a target, or increase press [Numpad Del]. Pan left is [Numpad 71 and pan right is
situational awareness. To toggle map view on or off, press [MJ. [Numpad 91 . You may use any combination of these keys to
focus your view on anything in your surroundings. To re-center
your view to the default "Look Ahead " view press [Numpad 51
or IF1J.
Using the virtual cockpit is even easier if you have a joystick.
Panning your virtual view with a joystick is accomplished by
holding down joystick button #2 while moving the joystick. As
long as the button is held the joystick will only affect your view,
not the actual plane maneuver. Once you have released the
button your view will be locked in the direction you left it.
To re-center to the "Look Ahead " view quickly click joystick
button #2 once or press IF1 I on the keyboard .
Note: Be sure your joystick has been properly selected during
Installation and calibrated in the Simulator.
While in any view you can "zoom in " on what you are looking
at by pressing the[>] key. To "Zoom out" use the[<] key. To
In map view your plane is designated by the white aircraft icon return to the default "Look Ahead " non-zoomed view press
located in the center of the map. Other icons may be present as [Numpad 5] or [f11.
well but your plane is always the one represented at the center.
The zoom keys [<] and [>] can be used in map view to enlarge When you turn a corner while walking or driving a car you naturally
or red uce map area coverage. Pressing [Ml again will return swivel your head in the direction of the turn. This occurs while
you from map view. flying as well but most simulators keep your view unnaturally
TACTICAL VIEW - [F9] locked straight ahead. JetFighter Ill provides an optional feature
Manipulating views and piloting the aircraft can be difficult to called "head slide" which will automatically turn your view
perform simultaniously, especially while you are under attack. slightly into every banking turn you make. Toggle this feature
Tactical (TAC) view by automatically following a target whether by typing [Ctrl-HJ.
it is on the ground or in the air. Having your view locked onto INSTRUMENT PANEL ON/OFF - [Pl
the target allows you to pilot the plane unimpeded. Toggle TAC Pressing [Pl toggles the instrument panel off providing an
view on and off by pressing [F9] . unobstructed view of your surroundings. The HUD information
Note: You may want to be sure the instrument panel is visible will remain visible so you will still have enough information to
((Pl) while using TAC view. Rapid maneuvering can make tacti- fly the plane. With the panel off, any views previously obstructed
cal view disorienting if the panel is off. by part of the aircraft will now be clear. A good example would
be the "Look Back" view which is normally obscured by the seat.
VIRTUAL COCKPIT VIEWING [f1 I can also be used to toggle the instrument panel, but it also
returns to the forward looking "normal" view.
If you are a long-time flight sim fan you will find JetFighter Ill 's
Virtual Cockpit a welcome change over the old static views At times you may wish to view one of the MFDs using a preset
available in most flight simulators. The virtual cockpit does not view key [f5] - !FBI when the instrument panel is off. Pressing
limit your views to front, right, left, and back. It allows you to one of these keys will toggle the instrument panel on and center
smoothly view your entire surroundings as though you were your view on the selected MFD. Pressing [f1 I will then return
moving your head within the simulator. you to the "Look Ahead" view and toggle the instrument panel
off again.
VIEWS (CONT.) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


JetFighter Ill provides a multitude of external views enabling Nine preset external views are provided. Each preset view can
you to view the outside of your aircraft from any angle. External be activated by
viewing is as flexible as internal viewing and you still have con- holding down the [Shift] key and using the Numpad . In fact, the
trol of the aircraft. You will be able to watch exciting events like key's position on the Numpad corresponds to its external view.
takeoffs and landings, missile firings, bombing runs and more, These preset external views include:
all from outside the plane.
[Shift)[ Numpad-11 - behind and left of the plane
ACTIVATING EXTERNAL VIEW- [NUMPAD ·] [Shift)[ Numpad-2) - directly behind the plane
To activate external viewing press [NUMPAD -). To deactivate [Shift)[ Numpad-31 - behind and right of the plane
external viewing press either [NUMPAD -I or [F1J . [Shift)[ Numpad-41 - left of the plane
[Shift)[ Numpad-51 - above the plane
PANNING [Shift)[ Numpad-6) - right of the plane
To pan your view around the plane you must have already acti- [Shift)[ Numpad-71 - ahead of and left of the plane, looking back
vated external viewing by pressing [NUMPAD -1. Once outside
the plane you can smoothly control your view using the same [Shift)[ Numpad-81 - directly ahead of the plane, looking back
controls as the internal cockpit view. [Shift)[ Numpad-91 - ahead of and right of the plane, looking back
To rotate your view under the plane press [NUMPAD Del).
Rotate your view above the plane by pressing [NUMPAD 3). PROGRAMMABLE VIEWS
Use [NUMPAD 71 to rotate your view clockwise or [NUMPAD 91 Perhaps there is a particular view angle you are fond of and
to rotate your view counter-clockwise. would like a quick key combination to activate it. The external
Panning your external view with a joystick is done by holding views can be customized to your liking. To do so, first use virtu-
down joystick button #2 while moving the joystick. As long as al viewing to select the angle you would like to save. Next, press
the button is held the joystick will only affect your view, not the [Ctrl) and the preset viewing key combo you want to change.
plane itself. Once you have released the button your view will be For example, if you wish to program your current view to be
locked where you left it. activated by [Shift)[Numpad 31 press [Ctrl)[Shift)[Numpad 31
and from that point on [Shift)[Numpad 31 will always jump to
Press [F1J or [NUMPAD -I to return to the interior view. that view.
Note: You may have to consult your joystick manufacturer's
instructions before this feature will work. FLY-BY VIEW- [F111
JetFighter 111 offers a dramatic fly-by view of your plane. This
ZOOMING - [<] AND [> J view locks the camera ahead of the plane as you fly toward it.
As you speed by, the camera tracks your aircraft, keeping it in
While viewing from any orientation you can "zoom in" on what view. You can press [F11J again to re-set the view. While in fly-
you are looking at by pressing the [>) key. You can "zoom out" by view you are still in full control of your aircraft. As always,
with the [<) key. Press [NUMPAD 51 to reset to the default you can press [F1 I to return to the cockpit.
external view.
Some advanced joysticks may have a button assigned to zoom.
This is just like fly-by view, except as your aircraft flys out of
sight, the view will automatically reset to another flyby.
Weapon view is an exciting feature enabling you to follow a Tower view will place your view at an airport control tower or
missile or bomb to its target. While in weapon view you can use aircraft carrier superstructure depending on where you started
all the panning and zooming controls available in the external your mission. To activate tower view press [Numpad *].Try
aircraft view but now you will be viewing the weapon instead of buzzing the tower and switching to tower view as you pass by!
your plane. To return to the cockpit press [F10] again or [F11 . If Pressing [Numpad *l again will toggle off tower view and return
you continue viewing the weapon until it detonates your view you to the view that was current before activating tower view.
will automatically be returned to the last view you were in
before pressing [F10].
In external mode this view keeps you and your target in the
frame at all times.
The In-Flight Menu provides a great deal of control over the RESUME FLIGHT
simulator without the need to exit to the front end to make Most of the In-Flight menus display this RESUME FLIGHT
adjustments. Activate the in-flight menu in the simulator by option. Selecting RESUME FLIGHT or pressing [RI will return
pressing the !ESCJ key. On the menu you will see eight menu you to the simulator.
SOUND, CHEATS, INFO/HELP. Following are detailed descrip- EXIT JETFIGHTER Ill
tions of each menu and its individual functions. Selecting EXIT JETFIGHTER Ill will completely exit JetFighter Ill.
Your mission will not be saved.
The game menu contains functions to change free flight para-
meters within the simulator, abort missions, restart missions, The CONTROLS menu enables you to toggle on or off the use of
exit the simulator or exit JetFighter Ill completely. hardware devices supported by JetFighter Ill. Supported hard-
ware include Joysticks, Throttle Control, and Rudder Pedals.
To fine tune the use of any of these devices with JF3 select the
You may begin a FREE FLIGHT session at any time, even right
CALIBRATE or MODIFY selection on the CONTROLS menu.
in the middle of a mission. While not as feature rich as the
FREE FLIGHT setup, if you wish to begin a FREE FLIGHT ses- For direct access from the simulator to the calibration screen
sion without exiting the simulator you may work with the para- press [ESCJ then [JJ.
meters provided through this menu.
ABORT MISSION • CONTINUE AS PRACTICE While not as simple as using "hotkeys" directly within the simu-
This feature enables you to fly a FREE FLIGHT session with all lator, the VIEW menu provides another way to activate various
of the parameters set by a mission. In other words, if you enjoy available views. It also functions as a quick reference because
the environment in a particular mission this feature permits each view menu item lists the keystroke needed to activate the
engaging a FREE FLIGHT session that is set up exactly the same view within the simulator.
as the mission. Enter the simulator through the desired mission A thorough explanation of all available viewing option controls
then switch to FREE FLIGHT with this menu option. can be found in the section on VIEW CONTROLS elsewhere
ABORT MISSION · RETURN TO CARRIER within this reference section.
If for any reason you wish to abort the mission you are current- DISPLAY
ly engaged in, return to the carrier via this menu option. Flight Sim fans come from all walks of life, and this means a
AUTO LAND variety of computer equipment ranging from barely compatable
When flying missions you can avoid the need to return to the to state-of-the-art will put JetFighter Ill to the test. Many of the
carrier and land by selecting AUTO LAND. The mission objec- simulator environment controls are available on the DISPLAY
tives must be completed and the MISSION COMPLETE dialog menu. These are offered as a way to customize the look and feel
box must appear BEFORE you can select AUTO LAND. of JetFighter Ill to suit your needs. Adjusting some options will
decrease the graphic detail, but give you a faster frame rate.
REVIEW MISSION ORDERS To see what we mean by "frame rate" , switch the simulator to
If any details of your mission orders have slipped your mind, the highest resolution mode 640 x 480, select 100% screen
you can review the orders for your current mission here. size, turn on clouds, turn on terrain shading, and then Resume
RESTART CURRENT MISSION Flight. Unless you have a very fast computer your eye should be
able to detect the changes from one frame to the next as you fly
Off to a bad start? Restart the current mission with no penalty
along. Switch to low resolution 320 x 200 mode and fly again.
to your campaign statistics.
The frame rate should be so fast you can not detect the change
from one frame to the next.
If you currently are running JetFighter Ill on a computer that REDO UT
just barely meets the minimum requirements, you may wish to JetFighter 111 emulates redouts for enhanced realism . Real fight-
turn off or change some display options. Reducing screen reso- er pilots must avoid the danger of artificially creating a great
lution will have the greatest effect on speeding up the frame deal of centrifugal force on themselves by turning too sharply at
rate. Experiment with different configurations until you are com- high speeds. The danger in creating centrifugal force in this
fortable with the trade-offs. fashion is it will force the blood in the pilot's circulatory system
to pool up at one end of his body or the other. If the blood rush-
CLOUDS - [Alt][CJ es toward his head and away from his feet he may lose con-
There are three different cloud settings with two different types. sciousness or "red out".
SMOOTH gives you very natural looking clouds. BASIC has a
more simple cloud cover effect. OFF will display a clear blue sky BLACKOUT
without clouds. Turning off the cloud feature will improve your JetFighter Ill also emulates blackouts for enhanced realism. If
frame rate. the blood rushes toward his feet and away from his head he
may lose consciousness or "black out".
This feature enables you to change the level of atmospheric SUN WASH
haze within the simulator. If you wish to fly with maximum visi- When you look directly into the sun the overwhelming amount
bility, set this option to CLEAR. of light affects your ability to see your surroundings. The
For reduced visibility set it to HAZY. And for low visibility set it optional SUN WASH visual effect is provided for enhanced real-
to FOGGY. Lower visibility settings may improve frame rate. ism.


Turning off TERRAIN SHADING will improve your frame rate but JetFighter Ill provides another optional feature called "head
it will also reduce the beauty of JetFighter Ill terrain. motion" which will automatically turn your view slightly into
every banking turn. A more detailed description of HEAD
RESOLUTION - [Shift] [f9J-(F121 MOTION can be found within this reference section.
JetFighter Ill offers four modes of resolution, 320 x 200, 640 x
350, 640 x 400, and 640 x 480. The lowest resolution mode
(320 x 200) provides the BEST frame rate of any of the modes.
Note that not all video cards support all resolutions. (640x350
is the least common supported resolution.)
Frame rates decrease with increased resolution . The reason for
this decrease is related to the number of pixels required to dis-
play one frame of animation in each mode. Low resolution
mode 320 x 200 requires the program to draw 64,000 pixels to
fill the screen . The highest resolution mode 640 x 480 requires
the program to draw 307,200 pixels to fill the screen. All resolu-
tions roughly fill the same area of the screen, only the pixel
SIZE is different between them.
The Screen Size option will reduce the number of pixels drawn
per frame but will NOT effect the resolution . It does this by lim-
iting the number of lines of pixels drawn per frame. The exclud-
ed lines are taken from the top and bottom of the screen in
order to affect your view the least. The Screen Size can be
reduced from 100% down to the "letterbox" sizes of 80% and
60%. This is much like the effect seen in movies.
IN_FLIGHT MENU (CONT.)· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·


The Altimeter operates in either of two modes. It will show your
The Avionics menu provides functions to control the operation
altitude above Mean Sea Level (MSL) or your altitude Above
of various cockpit instruments.
Ground Level (AGL). AGL mode is very helpful in terrain avoid-
HUD BRIGHTNESS - [HJ ance while MSL mode provides a more accurate altitude reading
The brightness of the HUD is controllable for different environ- relative to sea level.
ments. During the day the display may be difficult to see against
the terrain unless it is set to one of its brightest settings. SOUND
Conversely, dim the hud while flying at night to keep your eyes
The Sound menu provides ON/OFF control and volume control
sensitive to the dark terrain. [HJ toggles the HUD between the
for the simulator's music, sound effects, and voices.
0% , 20%, 40%, 60% , 80%, 100% and AUTO. AUTO will auto-
matically adjust the brightness of the HUD based upon the time SOUNDS MODE
of day. The SOUNDS MODE control toggles ALL available sounds on
ATTITUDE INDICATOR (PITCH LADDER) - [l] and off. With this option set to OFF none of the sound effects,
voices or music will be heard.
Toggle through the pitch ladder modes with this menu option.
NORMAL provides three degree levels of pitch, FINE provides SOUND EFFECTS VOLUME
six degree levels of pitch, and OFF disables the pitch ladder. Toggle the volume of sound effects such as explosions, fire,
INSTRUMENT PANEL - [Pl bomb hits, etc. between OFF, LOW, MED, HIGH, or FULL.
The entire cockpit can be toggled off providing an unobstructed MUSIC VOLUME
view of your surroundings. The HUD information will remain Toggle the music volume between OFF, LOW, MED, HIGH, or FULL.
visible but the control panel and all other cockpit items will dis-
Adjust the radio chatter volume to the desired level: OFF, LOW,
Turning Auto Ranging on will cause the radar to automatically
select a range that keeps the currently selected bandit in your WARNINGS VOLUME
radar. All of the warning beeps, boops, horns and sirens can be
adjusted between OFF, LOW, MED, HIGH , or FULL.
The radar is the most commonly used instrument not displayed ENGINE VOLUME
in the HUD. To check the radar you would have to take your eyes Set the engine volume to a level you are comfortable with.
off the action and risk disorientation or losing sight of a target. Options include OFF, LOW, MED, HIGH, or FULL.
JetFighter Ill provides an On-Screen radar to compensate.
The Targeting Mode feature provides a way to selectively target
identifyable radar returns by type. To target any object shown
on radar set this option to ALL SIGNATURES (A). To target only
friendlies select NON-HOSTILES (NH) or to target enemies only
Setting the targeting mode to HOSTILES ONLY will go a long
way toward keeping the inexperienced pilot from splashing
friendly aircraft.
Mastering landings may take a while or remain difficult for
For those of you who may not be familiar with the term
some people. The most difficult setting is REALISTIC. EASY or
"cheats", a "cheat" is a way of defying the "normal" rules in a
MODERATE can be chosen to make landing easier.
program. Cheats are handy for the person who's skills in certain
areas are not yet developed but they would still like to use the GUN AIMING EASE
simulator without getting wiped out. First time users benefit Shooting down an enemy plane with guns requires some fancy
most from this cheat but even the daredevil pilot practicing low flying and good aim. If set to REALISTIC aiming the gun can be
altitude manuevers has been known to use it. quite difficult. Selecting EASY or MODERATE will reduce the
need for aiming accuracy.
With the RE-ARM cheat set to YES you will be able to re-arm TIME COMPRESSION
depleted stores of weapons with the [SHFT-Ml key combination Some missions may require you to fly several hundred miles. If
in the simulator. There is no limit to the number of times you want to speed up the cross-country flight and get right to
[SHFT-MJ can be used. the action use JetFighter IIl's Time Compression feature. For
more information on TIME COMPRESSION mode see OTHER
CONTROLS elsewhere in this reference section.
If you fly around for long periods of time you may find yourself
running out of fuel. Ordinarily you would land at an airport or
the carrier to be re-fueled and re-armed but with this feature set INFO/HELP
to YES you will be able to re-fuel at any time by pressing If you can 't remember the keystroke for a particular feature or
[SHFT-F]. want to check your current statistics this is the place to go.
With the INVULNERABLE TO ATIACK feature set to YES enemy Remembering the multitude of keystrokes required to perform
weapons will not effect you. every function may take a little time. If you need to quickly
refresh your memory, select KEYBOARD HELP for a complete
list of available functions .
The NO GROUND CRASHES feature prevents you from being
destroyed if you crash into the ground. Your aircraft will CURRENT STATISTICS
"bounce" up off the ground. See this menu if you wish to check your current statistics prior
to the end of the mission .
In-air collisions are rare, but to prevent them from damaging
your aircraft set this option to YES.
Near misses from missiles and AAA may cause damage to air-
craft systems and flight controls. Setting this option to YES will
prevent this damage.
JetFighter 111 is configurable to your preferences. In addition,
the program provides some keyboard short-cuts which may
be useful. These utility functions include: volume level, pause,
and exit.


The engine volume is adjustable between five preset levels.
Press [El to toggle through the levels.


Press [Pl to pause the simulator at any time. When the simula-
tor has been paused the word "PAUSED" will appear at the
upper left of your screen. To end the pause toggle [Pl again.


If you would like to exit JetFighter completely press either [Ctrl-
CJ or [Alt-XI .
A dialog box will appear, asking if you want to quit the game
and return to DOS.


Please remember that the male voice that you hear in the cock-
pit is the voice of your wingman. The female voice is the voice
of your plane's onboard computer.

Piloting a fighter requires an understanding of aerodynamics and you r airplane's attributes. You must appreciate the impact of weight,
lift, drag and thrust. In the heat of combat, these issues are more than just an idle curiosity. Understanding how and why your plane
operates is essential to victory.

, ...... • ... ,
The concept of weight is probably the easiest to understand. An airplane, like any object, has a weight as the result of gravity.
In the air, this weight acts as a downward force on the plane. As you know, the force of gravity is a constant of 32.2 feet per second.2
Of course, this factor is the greatest obstacle to flight.


Lift is the force exerted on the plane's wing as it cuts through the air. It is the push up or down (depending upon the angle of the
wing) which serves to raise or lower the ai rplane . If the force of lift exceeds the plane's weight, the aircraft will gain altitude.
Conversely, if the force of lift is less than the plane's weight, it wi ll descend .

The angle of the wing is called its "angle of attack." When your wings are at a greater angle to the airflow (" 'steep"), the lift is greater.
Of course, the "flatter" your wings are, the less lift there is. The relationship between lift and angle are not perfect, however. If a wing 's
angle greatly increases, less air can pass and lift decreases. Without adequate thrust, the plane will literally fall out of the sky.
Although the movement of air over the wing surfaces create lift, they don't help the plane maneuver. It is up to the plane's ailerons,
rudders and elevators to direct the airflow. The controls alter the flow of air and change the lift, creating the ability to maneuver.
Without these controls, an airplane would only be able to go up or down.

In a fighter, thrust is the force exerted by the jet engines that drive you through the air. It is the reason that air flows over the wings and
creates lift. Without this thrust, the plane would sit idly on the ground. Consequently, it is the single most important component of air travel.

Ill. .

Drag is the side effect of thrust. It is the plane's resistance to the air that acts as a force pushing it backward. Like lift, however,
drag increases the faster the fighter goes and the steeper the angle of attack.
BASIC CONTROLS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Although there is nothing "basic" about flying a million dollar jetfighter, there is some fundamental equipment. There are
three main controls inside a jetfighter. They are the stick, throttle, and rudder pedals. You need to familiarize yourself
with them since they are your link to the aircraft.

Flight Stick
The flight stick (or "stick") is easily the most important piece of equipment
in the cockpit. It is your main source of control and direction, acting like the
airplane's steering wheel. However, unlike its automotive cousin, a plane has
to operate in three-dimensional space. This means that the stick can move
the plane left and right, as well as up and down .

In flight, pulling back on the stick will raise the front (or 'nose") The stick also controls the aircraft's left and right (or "lateral")
of the plane and gain altitude. Conversely, pushing forward on movement. By moving the stick to the left, the aircraft will roll
the stick will lower the nose and lose altitude. The direction of to the left. Similarly, pushing the stick to the right, it will roll to
the nose is called "pitch". The stick accomplishes these the right. This lateral movement is controlled by the airplane's
changes by moving the "elevators" on the plane's wings. "ailerons."

Note: Besides left, right, up and down, the stick can also be used
in degrees (i.e., down-left). For example, by pushing the stick
forward and to the left, the fighter will dive and roll to the left.
Rudder Pedals Throttle

You may have realized that the stick only controls the plane in The throttle controls the fighter's speed (or thrust) . You can
two dimensions: roll and pitch. The third dimension arises when increase the plane's thrust by pushing the throttle forward, or
you turn (not roll!) the plane left or right. This is called 'yaw." It decrease your thrust by pulling back on the throttle. Of course,
is controlled by the plane's rudder pedals on the floor of the the throttle is not a switch. Like a gas pedal, more thrust is cre-
cockpit. Applying right rudder yaws the plane to the right, while ated the further you push it.
applying left rudder yaws the plane to the left. Combat experience has shown that sometimes a pilot needs an
extra "boost" to complete a mission. Sometimes this means
closing in on a target; other times it means evading a surface-
to-air missile. As the result, many modern planes are equipped
with "afterburners." These afterburners actually increase engine
thrust by dumping raw fuel into the engine's exhaust and ignit-
ing it. Although it creates a powerful effect, it consumes fuel at
an alarming rate (as much as five times the full throttle).
Consequently, afterburners must be used very sparingly.
Note: Although JetFighter Ill will work with many throttle systems,
they are not necessary. You can still adjust the airplane's speed
by using the keyboard.

Note: Although JetFighter Ill will work with many kinds of rud-
der pedals, they are not necessary. You can still yaw the air-
plane by using the keyboard.
If aerodynamics are the basics of flight, pursuit tactics are fundamentals of air combat. They are absolutely necessary to
create an opportunity to engage an enemy. Pursuit curves allow you to lay in a trajectory that will bring you closer to
your target and into a better firing position. In general, there are three types of pursuit tactics: pure, lead, and lag.

Pure Pursuit
Pure pursuit requires you to simply follow the target's movements.
It is most effective when you are gradually closing in on a slower
target. You generally want to use pure pursuit right before you
attack since the position maximizes combat effectiveness.

Lead Pursuit
Lead pursuit is the best pursuit tactic to use to close on your
target. It requires you to anticipate where the bandit will be and
to head toward that spot (or 'lead" the enemy). The goal is not
to get to the spot first, but to be lined up to fire at the bandit
when it arrives at there. Because you 're pointing ahead of the
target, you will close more quickly in lead pursuit than by using
any other tactic. However, if you set the pursuit curve too far
away, the bandit may be able to escape.
Note: It is better to perform several smaller lead pursuit curves,
then to use just one large curve.

Lag Pursuit
Lag pursuit is most effective when your aircraft has a superior
turn rate . This pursuit curve requires you to set your flight path
just slightly behind the target, following it through a turn. Easy
to accomplish , just make sure that your flight path indicator is
slightly below the opponent's plane.
ADVANCED MANEUVERS Bllllllllllltlliillfjlll.i~llllll•-------

Air combat is a deadly contest in an ever-changing environment. To succeed , you will have to be well versed in the
following advanced maneuvers. As the result, we strongly recommended that you practice these techniques before
you engage your first bandit.

Barrel Roll
Use the Barrel Roll when you are rapidly approaching a slow-moving target and want to stay behind it. To perform the Barrel Roll
first direct you plane into a 30° climb. Pull the stick all the way to the right (or left) and back. Your plane will roll inverted then
dive into the loop. Allow the plane to complete a full 360° roll and then gently pull the stick in the opposite direction of the roll ,
leveling your plane smoothly.
Minimum Altitude: 1,000 feet Minimum Airspeed: 450 knots

lmmelmann Maneuver
Use the lmmelmann Maneuver to make a go 0 turn, increase altitude, and reduce speed. To perform the lmmelmann Maneuver start
off from a straight and level position. Pull the stick all way back until you are completely vertical and pointing straight up. Then push
the stick to the right (or left) for a go roll. At the desired altitude, pull back on the stick until the aircraft becomes level (although

inverted). To complete the maneuver, execute a 180° roll by pushing the stick to the right (or left) until you are straight and level again.
Minimum Altitude: No minimum Minimum Airspeed: 415 knots (full ordnance) 320 knots (no ordnance)
The Scissors
Use the Scissors as a last ditch effort to try and get behind an opposing aircraft. The Scissors is a dangerous series of nose-to-nose
turns and overshoots where each aircraft tries to get behind the other. The maneuver can be broken down into a series of "crossing"
turns in which each pilot attempts to get his airplane's nose pointed at the enemy. Success in the Scissors usually goes to the slower
plane which can make tighter turns.
Note: Be careful! The Scissors often results in a plane stalling from insufficient thrust.
Minimum Altitude: No minimum Minimum Airspeed: As slow as possible
The Split·S
Use the Split-S to quickly change your direction 180°, lose altitude, and increase speed. To perform this Split-S, start off from a
straight and level position. Then invert your plane by pulling the stick all the way to the right or left. Next, pull back hard on the stick,
causing the plane to dive. Hold the stick until the plane levels out.
Note: This maneuver will lose considerable altitude, but you will lose Jess altitude if you keep your airspeed over 350 knots as you
enter the dive.
Minimum Altitude: 12,000 feet (full ordnance) 3,500 feet (no ordnance)
Vertical Half-Loop
Use the Vertical Half-Loop to change your direction 180°, increase altitude, and reduce speed. To perform the Vertical Half-Loop start
from a straight and level position. Then pull back on the stick all the way. When the plane becomes fully inverted , level out by easing
the stick to center. Lastly, roll the aircraft over by pulling the stick to the right (or left).
Minimum Altitude: No minimum Minimum Airspeed: 415 knots (full ordnance) 320 knots (no ordnance)
Vertical Loop
Use the Vertical Loop to avoid an enemy in your six while trying to get your guns on his tail all in the same maneuver. To perform ti
Vertical Loop, start from a straight and level position. Then pull the stick all the way back and hold it as the plane begins to climb ar
turn. When you finish the loop ease the stick forward , leveling your plane smoothly.
Minimum Altitude: 2,500 feet Minimum Airspeed: 450 knots (full ordnance) 320 knots (no ordnance)
The Yo·Yo
Use the Yo-Yo when you are behind a bandit but are not at the proper angle of attack. To perform the Yo-Yo, watch for the enemy to
start breaking to the left (or right). Counter by gently following the direction of the bandit's turn and then pulling back on the stick into
a tight turn. When performed correctly, you should still be behind the bandit except that your angle of attack has decreased. To
increase your angle of attack, perform the same maneuver except in opposite.
Note: It is better to use a series of smaller Yo-Yos than one big one. Larger Yo-Yos might allow the bandit to escape.
Minimum Altitude: 2,500 feet (for the low Yo-Yo) Minimum Airspeed: 450 knots (full ordnance) 320 knots (no ordnance)
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES------------------
Stall Recovery Ejection
An aircraft will stall when it reaches what is called the "critical The ejection seat allows a pilot to safely jettison from a damaged
angle of attack. " This generally occurs when the plane is in a aircraft. It is essentially a lightweight rocket capable of operating
very steep climb. It is the result of inadequate lift which causes at various airspeeds and altitudes.
the plane to literally fall from the sky. This is a very dangerous
situation: The plane is out of control and an alert enemy can
destroy the helpless fighter. Consequently, quick recovery from
a stall is critical.
If your plane has stalled , it will slowly start to fall. Warning bells
and lights will also help alert you to the condition. To end the stall,
air flow must be restarted. The simplest way to do this is to
push the stick forward and let gravity take over. After a second
of diving, you should be able to regain control.
Note: Stalls are extremely dangerous at low altitudes since
there may not be enough altitude to recover.

Spin Recovery
In today's high-performance fighters, spins are rare. However,
they can still be deadly if they arise. A spin occurs when one wing
goes into a stall while the other wing is providing lift. The result is
a downward spiral toward the stalled wing. It usually occurs when
a pilot tries to recover from a stall by applying his rudders.
Solving a spin is easy to do, but requires prompt action. Start
by feeding rudder in the opposite direction of the spin to stop the
rotation. As the spin slows, push the stick forward into a dive.
This descent should re-establish the necessary airflow. Remember
to start recovery early on since spins lose considerable altitude.
Note: Do not try to stop spins with the stick. It only worsens
the situation.

The primary goal of jetfighters is to establish air superiority over

enemy positions. Although it may seem obvious, air superiority is
critical to a successful campaign. It provides better intelligence
(while hampering enemy intelligence) and protects friendly
ground units (while exposing enemy positions). In particular,
the control of airspace during an engagement allows close air
support, strategic and tactical bombing, reconnaissance and
position reinforcement. This section examines the value of fight-
ers in the military, concentrating on their various roles.
Fighter Sweeps
A fighter sweep is a mission that is flown over contested territory
for the purpose of destroying enemy aircraft. The classic situation
is an limited offensive patrol over enemy lines, expressly search-
ing for a fight. Any airborne aircraft is a valid target, but recon-
naissance and supply planes are usually the most lucrative.
Fighter sweeps generally include two elements: high cover and
low attack. The low attack planes focus on destroying targets
near the ground while high cover fighters provide defensive pro-
tection. Cover may engage enemy fighters as well as reconnoi-
ter enemy positions.
The targets of fighter sweeps are unlimited. Enemy air bases
often make good targets (assuming that the low-level fighters
carry some kind of ATG ordnance) . Sweeps are also effective
against reconnaissance aircraft like the AWAC. For the most
part, however, the main goal is usually other fighters.
Because fighter sweeps usually take place over enemy positions,
pilots have to be prepared for stiff resistance. As the result,
sweeps have adopted "slash and dash" attacks (also known as
hit-and-run). This approach requires the attacking planes to dive
at high speed, attack the target, and then quickly disengage. It is
not as exciting as a protracted engagement, but it does minimizes
the fighter's exposure. Alternatively, pilots sometimes use tricks
to draw out enemy fighters away from their fortified defenses.
A classic example is flying the fighter sweep like a formation of
bombers. If executed properly, this ruse will result in a nasty
surprise for the bogeys.
MISSION TYPES (CONT.) lllll!llllllllilllllllllmlllBlllBlma•••·--·

Point/Area Defense Strike Escort

In contrast to fighter sweeps which are purely offensive, poinV Many pilots feel that strike escorts are the most difficult kinds
area defense is a protective posture. It is often used to safeguard of missions to fly. They have the danger of fighter sweeps and
valuable fixed assets like an air base, military compound or other the logistical problems of poinVarea defense. In fact, strike
structures. Pilots generally disfavor poinVarea defense orders since escorts have often been described as a sort of sweeping or
they are more tedious. However, they are essential in preventing "mobile" poinVarea defense. As such, the escort is responsible
enemy air strikes. Unlike fixed anti-aircraft weapons, jetfighters for securing the airspace around a friendly transport, bomber or
are more versatile. They can move quickly to counter a threat other aircraft. This difficult assignment is complicated by the
that is still far away from the intended target. fact that the asset is often traveling in enemy airspace.
PoinVarea defense is classified into either combat air patrol There are three types of escorts: remote , detached, and recep-
("CAP") or ground-alert interception ("GAi "). CAP is a constant tion. A remote escort is essentially a fighter sweep which pre-
air patrol over or near a valuable target. It's primary goal is to cedes the bombers. Flying ahead of the formation , its job is to
intercept incoming threats before they are close to the target. clear out all enemy CAP and SAM positions. This assignment
By contrast, GAi is a wing of fighters waiting on the ground, can be a difficult job since the target is usually a valuable asset
ready to scramble into combat. GAi is typically less costly with heavy defenses. After the path has been secured, the
than CAP, but it offers a much slower response time. As the remote escort may then be divided into separate elements to fly
result, military theory recommends the use of both CAP and patrols near the strike zone. They are then ordered to intercept
GAi elements when possible. any incoming bogeys.
Note: CAP is always preferred when the enemy is believed to A detached escort is comprised of several pairs of fighters
possess long-range stand-off weapons such as cruise missiles. stationed around the formation. They fly far enough away from
Protecting the target is the greatest priority of any poinVarea the main body that they will be able to engage any offensive
defense. It is not always as important to destroy the incoming threat before it reaches the formation . This escort act as an
bombers. In this case, a "kill" can be achieved by forcing an early-warning system for the strike force, reporting enemy
incoming bomber to jettison its ordnance early or by turning movements. They are obligated to stay with the strike force and
back the attack. (Of course, destroying the threat is the only cannot leave their positions except to respond to an attack.
sure way to keep it from returning the following day!) Conversely, they are required to return to the formation as
soon as the threat turns away.
When attacking a formation of bombers, there are several
things to consider. First, watch for an escort. In most cases, a Note: Pilots flying a detached escort must hold their positions
group of fighters will be flying cover nearby. If the formation is in order to protect the more valuable strike force.
still far away from the target, you can try engaging the fighters After an attack, the strike force will be running low on fuel and
first. This tactic will weaken the escort and may cause the weapons. At this stage they are very susceptible to attack. A
bombers to abort the mission. But be careful. Many inexperi- reception escort is used to provide fresh cover to protect these
enced pilots tend to forget the objective of poinVarea defense returning aircraft. They begin by performing a sweep of the exit
when they get involved in a big furball. Second, attack the corridor, checking for enemy positions. This is then followed by
bombers as soon as possible. By pressuring them early, you a CAP around the corridor. While the strike force returns, the
may discover a weakness. For example, many bombers are well reception escort keeps an eye out for pursuing enemy aircraft.
defended in the rear, but are susceptible to head-on attacks. They are to engage these bogeys whenever necessary to protect
Third, exploit any weaknesses. If you see one aircraft which is the formation. This function is often performed by GAi units
more hesitant or unstable, attack that plane first. You will proba- that were left behind to defense the point of operations.
bly be able to destroy it easier. A "fast kill" is important because
it will dramatically lower the rest of the formation's morale.
The following section covers the majority of the aircraft and weapons which may appear in JetFighter Ill series of products.
Because of security reasons, this information is highly reliable but not completely accurate. Pilots should familiarize
themselves with this data. It could save your life. For convenience, this section is broken up into five categories:
USAF, USN, Russian , Other, and Weapons. Each is discussed below.
Note: The illustrations are not drawn to scale.


Lockheed F-117 Night Hawk

Nickname: Black Jet Wingspan: 43 feet Length: 66 feet
Max Weight: 52,500 pounds Max Speed: 645 mph Max Range: 575 miles with 4,000 lbs. payload
Armament: Internal bays for two 2,000 lbs. bombs and other weapons
Description: The F-117 was the first "stealth fighter." It has a blended body, sharply swept wings, V-tail , grids to block radar waves from
the inlets, and slits for the exhausts. Experts claim that it has the radar image of an insect. The F-117 is easy to fly with its fly-by-wire
controls, but it is not an agile fighter. It has marginal power even on take-off, and its near-delta wing is not very efficient at low speeds.

Lockheed F·111 Raven

Nickname: Aardvark Wingspan: 63 feet Length: 73 feet
Max Weight: 100,000 pounds Max Speed: 1,320 mph Max Range: 700 miles with 4,000 lbs. payload
Armament: AIM-9 Sidewinders, AGM-130 stand-off missiles, GBU-10, GBU-15, GBU-24, and internal bay for two 2,000 lbs. bombs
Description: The F-111 is an all-weather tactical bomber which can fly supersonic at high and low altitudes. With its wings swept back,
Ravens are safe and stable at low levels, making it a perfect bombing platform. But once its bombs are dropped, F-111 s can sprint
away at Mach 1.4. Because of these attributes, Ravens dropped more laser-guided bombs in Desert Storm than any other aircraft.

Lockheed/Boeing F-22 Lightning II

Nickname: None Wingspan: 44 feet Length: 63 feet
Max Weight: 65,000 pounds Max Speed: 1,188 mph Max Range: 900+ miles
Armament: Cannon, AIM-9 Sidewinders, AIM-120C AMRAAMs, or four 1,000 lbs. GBU-30 bombs
Description: The F-22 is unquestionably the best fighter around. It is stealthy, fast, and maneuverable. The F-22 can cruise for many
minutes at Mach 1.4 and still pull a 6 Gturn. At low speeds, its thrust vectoring engines give a tremendous boost in control, providing
lightning fast response. The sides and edges of the plane are also contoured , aligned and coated with radar-absorbing material (or
"RAM ") to reduce its radar reflectivity. The result is every MiG's worst nightmare.
Lockheed F·16 Fighting Falcon
Nickname: Viper Wingspan: 31 feet Length: 49 feet
Max Weight: 42,300 pounds Max Speed: 1,320 mph Max Range: 575 miles
Armament: Cannon, AIM-9 Sidewinders, AIM-120 AMRAAMs, AIM-7 Sparrows, AGM-65 Mavericks, GBU-10 laser-guided bombs,
and Penguin anti-ship missiles
Description: The F-16 is one of the best fighters around with a combat record of 80 to 0. In the Gulf War, they flew 13,500 sorties-
more than any other US fighter. Its strong points are its simplicity, maneuverability, power, and excellent acceleration. Because of its
small size, a Fighting Falcon's speed, range and handling suffer when carrying heavy external loads.

McDonnell Douglas F·15 Eagle

Nickname: Ego Wingspan: 43 feet Length: 64 feet
Max Weight: 81 ,000 pounds Max Speed: 1,600 mph Max Range: 600 miles
Armament: Cannon, AIM-7 Sparrows, AIM-9 Sidewinders, AIM-120 AMRAAMs, AGM-130 Standoffs,GBU-15, GBU-28, CBU-87 and
Mk82 bombs
Description: The F-15 is a pilot's dream . Sporting glass-cockpit displays, fly-by-wire flight control and modified CFTs, the Eagle is
perhaps the most deadly aircraft ever made. No fighter has matched its 90 to 0 kill ratio . The F-15's range, endurance and radar allow
its pilots to fly deep into hostile airspace, track their adversaries and attack them when they choose.


Northrop Grumman f-5 Tiger II

Nickname: None Wingspan: 27 feet Length: 48 feet
Max Weight: 24,664 pounds Max Speed: 1,080 mph Max Range: 400 miles
Armament: Cannon, AIM-9 Sidewinders, AGM-65 Mavericks, and GBU-10 bombs
Description: The F-5 is a versatile , light weight fighter. Although few of them are in service in the US, they remain very popular in the
export market. Many nations (including Chile and Singapore) have modernized their Tigers with new radars, redesigned cockpits and
other changes. The F-5 has not seen much combat. However, many US pilots have fought against F-5Es because the Air Force and
Navy used it as an "adversary" fighter flown by instructors trained in Soviet tactics.

McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II

Nickname: Wild Weasel Wingspan: 38 feet Length: 63 feet
Max Weight: 61 ,800 pounds Max Speed: 1,430 mph Max Range: 600 miles
Armament: Cannon, AIM-7 Sparrows, AIM-9 Sidewinders, AGM-65 Mavericks, Popeyes and GBU-10 laser-guided bombs
Description: The Phantom is a classic heavyweight fighter, sporting a cranked wing , massive engine intakes and drooped horizontal
stabilizer. It is the only aircraft to simultaneously hold the world records for maximum speed at high and low altitude, as well as
absolute and sustained altitude. It is a fast, rugged , and reliable plane which can carry a heavy external load without a great loss in
speed or range. However, F-4s come up short against the modern fighters' acceleration, maneuverability and cockpits.

Boeing B-52 Stratofortress
Nickname: The Buff Wingspan: 185 feet Length: 157 feet
Max Weight: 505,500 pounds Max Speed: 630 mph Max Range: 10,100 miles
Armament: Cannon and an internal bay for over 35,000 lbs. of ordinance, including AGM-86C cruise missiles, AGM-84 Harpoon
missiles, and AGM-142 Have Nap missiles.
Description: The Stratofortress is the heaviest and most costly combat aircraft ever built. Basically a long-range bomber, the B-52
has new navigation and weapon-delivery systems, low-light-level TV and infrared sensors, and sophisticated radar jammers. They can
be armed with either nuclear or conventional weapons. The Stratofortress is the only USAF bombers to carry precision-guided weapons.

Boeing B-2 Spirit

Nickname: None Wingspan: 172 feet
Length: 69 feet Max Weight: 373,000 pounds
Max Speed: 550 mph Max Range: 5,500 miles with
40,000 lbs. payload
Armament: Two internal bays for 50,000 lbs. of ordinance
Description: Unlike other bombers, the B-2 is a pure flying wing
made from titanium beams and carbonfiber. The aircraft's unique fly-
by-wire control system includes elevons for pitch and roll control , and
split rudder/speedbrakes at the wingtips. As the result, the B-2 is fairly
maneuverable for a large plane. Nevertheless, it has the dubious dis-
tinction of being the world's most expensive combat aircraft.

Boeing B·1B Lancer

Nickname: The Bone Wingspan: 137 feet Length: 14 7 feet
Max Weight: 477,000 pounds Max Speed: 825 mph Max Range: 5,000 miles with 30,000 lbs. payload
Armament: Three internal bays for 48,000 lbs. of ordinance
Description: Over twenty-five years in development, the B1-B is still not operational with most offensive weapons. This bomber was
originally intended to carry nuclear weapons, but it was changed to long-range conventional weapons. The B-1 B is fast and smooth
because of its small wing area and a ride-control system. However, it cruises at less than 25,000 feet (two miles below most com-
mercial jets) when it is fully loaded.

......,,__... ...............
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Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt II

Nickname: Warthog Wingspan: 57 feet
Length: 54 feet Max Weight: 50,000 pounds
Max Speed: 440 mph Max Range: 290 miles at
low altitude
Armament: GAU-8/A 30 mm, seven barrel Gatling cannon,
AGM-65 Maverick missiles, cluster or conventional bombs.
Description: The A-1 Owas designed to provide close air
support, especially against enemy tanks. As the result, the
fuselage is molded around an immense GAU-8/A cannon
which fires armor-piercing projectiles at a peak rate of
4,200 shots per minute. Its primary defensive maneuver
is the Warthog Stomp or a rapid turn into an attacker's
face followed by a deadly close-range blast from its
Gatling cannon.
Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker
Nickname: None Wingspan: 131 feet
Length: 136 feet Max Weight: 325,300 pounds
Max Speed: 600 mph Max Range: 8,000 miles
Armament: None
Description: The unglamorous KC-135's refueling capabilities
make it is one of the most important aircraft in the USAF. It uses
a rigid telescoping tube (or "flying boom") that pivots under the
Stratotanker's tail to fuel the aircraft. Because it could transfer
fuel faster than a hose, the boom was a better way of refueling
bombers. During refueling , the operator (or "boomer") steers
the boom into a slipway on the receiver aircraft, using a joystick
connected to a V-shaped pair of fins on the boom.

Boeing KC-10 Extender

Nickname: Toad Wingspan: 165 feet
Length: 182 feet Max Weight: 590,000 pounds
Max Speed: 590 mph Max Range: 4,370 miles with
169,00 lbs. payload
Armament: None
Description: The KC-10 tanker is an essential link in refueling
cargo aircraft. Based on the DC-10-30, the Extender has a fly-
by-wire flying boom, operator's station in the rear fuselage, and
hose-reel system. Its ability to transfer 200,000 pounds of fuel
makes it better suited to refueling large aircraft such as the C-5
than the smaller KC-135.

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

Nickname: Herk Wingspan: 132 feet
Length: 97 feet Max Weight: 155,000 pounds
Max Speed: 386 mph Max Range: 2,350 miles with
42,700 lbs. payload
Armament: 105 mm Light Howitzer, 40 mm Bofors gun, and 25
mm five-barrel GAU-12/U Gatling cannon.
Description: Military users were quick to realize that the
Hercules is as versatile as a truck. The C-130 can be equipped
to snoop on electronic signals, drop bombs or recover payloads
from the ground. In particular, the new AC-130U gunship has a
modified F-15E radar, second-generation infrared sights and 25
mm GAU -12/U cannon.

Lockheed C-5 Galaxy

Nickname: Big Mac Wingspan: 222 feet
Length: 248 feet Max Weight: 837,000 pounds
Max Speed: 570 mph Max Range: 3,750 miles with
221 ,000 lbs. payload
Armament: None
Description: The Galaxy is by far the largest aircraft ever built
and is able to carry almost any vehicle. It resembles other jet
freighters in many respects. The cargo floor is close to the
ground for easy loading. Its aft fuselage sweeps up with large
clamshell doors for loading and air-dropping. Its more unusual
features include a visor-like nose door and complicated 28-
wheel landing gear.

Boeing/Northrop Grumman E-8 Joint STARS

Nickname: None Wingspan: 146 feet
Length: 153 feet Max Weight: 325,000 pounds
Max Speed: 530 mph Max Range: 1,000 miles
Armament: None
Description: The E-8 is a converted Boeing 707 which functions
as a self-contained observation and command post. It contains
the new Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System ("Joint
STARS"). The radar's centerpiece is a 24 foot side-looking antenna
mounted under the fuselage . It works by comparing data from
successive radar pulses and matching moving objects to a digital
map. The range is limited to about 80-100 miles.

Boeing E-3 Sentry

Nickname: AWACS Wingspan: 145 feet
Length: 153 feet Max Weight: 325,000 pounds
Max Speed: 530 mph Max Range: 1,000 miles
Armament: None.
Description: The Sentry is essentially a search and track aircraft
based upon pulse-Doppler radar technology. High-tech computers
and operator consoles occupy most of its main cabin, and power
supplies for the radar fill the belly. The radar antenna is built
into a 22 foot wide disc or "rotodome" which spins constantly,
completing a revolution every 10 seconds. The E-3 is mostly
used in monitoring operations and vectoring strike aircraft.

McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet

Nickname: Bug Wingspan: 37 feet Length: 56 feet
Max Weight: 49,200 pounds Max Speed: 1,200 mph Max Range: 320 miles
Armament: Cannon, AIM-9 Sidewinders, AIM-120 AMRAAMs, AIM-7 Sparrows, AGM-65 Mavericks, GBU-10 laser-guided bombs,
AGM-84 Harpoon, and AGM-88 HARM.
Description: The F/A-18 was a radical plane when it was introduced. It was the first fighter to have carbonfiber wing skins, digital fly-
by-wire flight controls, and a new cockpit with CRTs and pushbuttons. The Hornet is a highly maneuverable fighter with an excellent
cockpit view. It has fewer limits than the F-16 and carries large loads better. The Hornet's engines are reliable and responsive. The
Hornet's only serious handling quirk is that it can be tricky to land and take-off, particularly in crosswinds.

Northrop Grumman F-14 Tomcat

Nickname: Turkey Wingspan: 64 feet Length: 63 feet
Max Weight: 74,330 pounds Max Speed: 1,544 mph Max Range: 600 miles
Armament: Cannon, AIM-9 Sidewinders, AIM-120 AMRAAMs, AIM-7 Sparrows, AIM-54 Phoenix missiles, and up to 20 Mk82
Description: Star of the movie Top Gun, the F-14 was a bold and startling aircraft. It had a large variable-sweep wing which moved
automatically according to speed and flight conditions. The engines were set far apart, blending with the fuselage into a single broad
body, and the canopy was set high up on the forward fuselage for the best possible view. The F-14s have successfully destroyed
Libyan Sukhoi Su-22s and MiG-23s in combat.

McDonnell Douglas I Bristish Aerospace AV-8 Harrier II

Nickname: None Wingspan: 30 feet
Length: 46 feet Max Weight: 31 ,000 pounds
Max Speed: 645 mph Max Range: 500 miles with
3,500 lbs. payload
Armament: Cannon, AIM-9 Sidewinders, AIM-120
AMRAAMs, AGM-65E Maverick missiles, and G8U-10
laser-guided bombs.
Description: The AV-88 is perhaps one of the most
unique aircraft ever built. Called a "short-take-off, vertical
landing" (or STOVL) aircraft, the Harrier needs only a
fraction of the normal runway for operations. This unique
feature makes it an excellent choice for close-support and
bad weather sorties. The AV-88 was used regularly dur-
ing the Falklands War, posting a very impressive 29 to 0
air-to-air kill ratio.

Northrop Grumman A-6 Intruder

Nickname: Station Wagon Wingspan: 53 feet
Length: 55 feet Max Weight: 58,600 pounds
Max Speed: 640 mph Max Range: 550 miles
Armament: G8U-10 laser-guided bombs, AGM-84
Harpoon, and SLAM missiles
Description: The A-6 was specifically designed as a close
air support aircraft which could fight at night or in bad
weather. Its strong points include a good view, range and
endurance. On the down side, it is not fast and does not
have much power for evasive maneuvering. The A-6's vul-
nerability to ground fire has also been a concern.

FIGHTERS llllEEEllllllllllllllllllmlmlmlmlmlllllllllllllBiiliiiill

Sukhoi Su-27/35 Mikoyan MiG-29/33

Nickname: Flanker, Crane Wingspan: 48 feet Nickname: Fulcrum Wingspan: 37 feet
Length: 72 feet Max Weight: 72,750 pounds Length: 57 feet Max Weight: 40,775 pounds
Max Speed: 1,560 mph Max Range: 930 miles Max Speed: 1,520 mph Max Range: 350 miles
Armament: Cannon and AAMs. Armament: Cannon, R-27, R-60, and R-73 AAMs.
Description: The Su-27 is a long-range interceptor. It combines Description: The Fulcrum is a short-range air-superiority
low drag for high supersonic speed and good transonic acceler- fighter, designed to fly from forward air bases. It has fly-by-
ation. The long forward fuselage accommodates a 40-inch radar wire controls, glass cockpit, multi-mode radar and full load
antenna and the Su-27's ten missile armament is equalled only of weapons . The only real drawbacks of the MiG-29 are its
by the massive MiG-31 M. Like the F-22, it uses thrust-vectoring range and visibility. Its cockpit and cluttered instrument
engines which lets the Su-27 to perform a "hook" (a rapid panels make it very difficult for pilots to navigate, find
pitch-up, deceleration and roll) . targets and attack.

Mikoyan MiG·31 Mikoyan MiG-25

Nickname: Foxhound Wingspan: 44 feet Nickname: Foxbat Wingspan: 46 feet
Length: 74 feet Max Weight: 101 ,825 pounds Length: 65 feet Max Weight: 80,930 pounds
Max Speed: 1,865 mph Max Range: 450 miles Max Speed: 1,865 mph Max Range: 480 miles
Armament: Cannon, R-33, R-40 and R-60 AAMs. Armament: R-40 AAMs, and R-60 AAMs.
Description: The MiG-31 is the largest fighter ever built. It Description: The MiG-25 is a versatile medium-to-high-altitude
was designed to intercept low-flying bombers or fly over the fighter which has the speciality of destroying surface-to-air mis-
Arctic and destroy 8-52s before they could launch their mis- sile radars. As an interceptor, it is designed to be flown under tight
siles. The Foxhound was the first Russian fighter which could ground control, with the pilot's eyes on the radar-not the sky. The
engage several targets at the same time. As for dogfighting , it MiG-25 can easily exceed its nominal max. speed of Mach 2.83,
is not a match for today's agile fighters. attaining its official max. speed even with a full weapon load.

Mikoyan MiG-23/27 Sukhoi Su-25

Nickname: Flogger Wingspan: 46 feet Nickname: Frogfoot Wingspan: 47 feet
Length: 51 feet Max Weight: 38,230 pounds Length: 50 feet Max Weight: 42,000 pounds
Max Speed: 1,560 mph Max Range: 500 miles Max Speed: 600 mph Max Range: 345 miles
Armament: Cannon, R-23AAMs and R-60 AAMs. Armament: Cannon, R-13 , R-60, 240mm caliber rockets,
Description: The Flogger is a tactical (or "frontal") fighter with chemicals and cluster weapons .
a heavier armament, greater range and larger radar than the Description: The Frogfoot was first classified as the equivalent
MiG-21 . The MiG-23 is fast and has a capable radar/missile sys- of the A-10. After learning more about the Su-25, Westerners
tem. Its drawbacks include poor visibility and generally unre- found out that it is one of the world's more practical warplanes.
sponsive controls . In particular, the forward view is obstructed The Frogfoot was designed to take hits and survive. A Russian
by the heavy-framed windshield , causing pilots to complain that engineer has described the Frogfoot as "the aircraft for the third
they can't even see their wingmen . day of the war, after you have run out of smart weapons ."

Mikoyan MiG-21 Sukhoi Su-24

Nickname: Fishbed Wingspan: 23 feet Nickname: Fencer Wingspan: 58 feet
Length: 48 feet Max Weight: 22,920 pounds Length: 80 feet Max Weight: 87,500 pounds
Max Speed: 1,350 mph Max Range: 280 miles Max Speed: 895 mph Max Range: 760 miles
Armament: Cannon, K-13M , and R-60 AAMs. Armament: Cannon, nuclear and conventional bombs, laser
Description: The MiG-21 has become one of the most popular and TV guided bombs, Kh-29, Kh-23 and R-60 AAMs.
supersonic fighters ever. The Fishbed is basically a low-altitude Description: The Fencer evolved in parallel with the F-111 .
interceptor, emphasizing climb, and acceleration. Using its high However, the Su-24 is smaller and more powerful. It specializes
climb rate, They are easy aircraft to fly and considerably more in low altitude and high speed attacks. With a very high wing
agile than most of its contemporaries. The MiG-21 's main short- loading and poor cockpit visibility, the Su-24's best combat tactic
comings are its inadequate equipment and range. is to run as fast as possible at low level and hope that the
adversary is too busy dodging the ground to get a clear shot.

Tupolev Tu-160
Nickname: Blackjack Wingspan: 183 feet Length: 177 feet
Max Weight: 605,000 pounds Max Speed: 1,550 mph Max Range: 6,830 miles
Armament: Nuclear and conventional bombs, Kh-15P attack missiles, and cruise missiles.
Description: The Tu-160 is a long-range, supersonic, strategic bombers and missile launcher. It has three internal weapon bays that
are big enough to hold long-range cruise missiles. Comm pared to the B-1 B, the Blackjack is 50% heavier. Its forward fuselage is
much more slender, with a pointed nose and a sharply raked-back windshield . These differences suggest that the Tu-160 is a high-
altitude, supersonic-cruise aircraft. According to its developers, Tu-160 might carry a 30-ton two-stage rocket booster under its fu se-
lage and release it at Mach 1.7 and 44,000 feet (putting a 2,400 pound payload into orbit).

Tupolev Tu-22M3
Nickname: Backfire Wingspan: 112 feet Length: 139 feet
Max Weight: 273,000 pounds Max Speed: 1,240 mph Max Range: 1360 miles
Armament: Cannon, nuclear and conventional bombs, Kh-22 anti-ship missiles, and Kh-15P anti-radar missiles
Description: The Tu-22M is a medium bomber designed for theatre and regional warfare. It is a heavy and powerful bomber with
variable-sweep wings, streamlined fuselage , low-profile, and sharply raked windshield. The Backfire is the reason that the US began
building air defense systems. However, experts still believe that a coordinated Tu-22 attack (using several bombers from different
directions and heights) can overwhelm these defenses.

Eurofighter 2000
Nickname: None Wingspan: 34 feet
Length: 48 feet Max Weight: 46,220 pounds
Max Speed: 1,450 mph Max Range: 600 miles
Armament: Cannon, AIM-120 AMRAAMs, and AIM-9
Description: The EF 2000 is the latest state-of-the-art
Eurofighter. Built largely from composite materials, it has a
cropped-delta wing with a canard and fly-by-wire controls. It is
larger than the Rafale and can carry a heavy load of AAMs. The
EF 2000 is powered by the Eurojet EJ200 produced by an inter-
national consortium headed by Rolls-Royce. The aircraft has a
few clear advantages over earlier agile fighters like the F-16 and
F-15, particularly in the areas of supersonic acceleration and

Panavia Tornado
Nickname: Station Wagon Wingspan: 46 feet
Length: 55 feet Max Weight: 60,000 pounds
Max Speed: 1,450 mph Max Range: 860 miles
Armament: Cannon, Sky Flashes, AIM-9L Sidewinders, AGM-
88 HARMs, JP 233 airfield attack missiles, Sea Eagles, and
Kormoran ATS missiles.
Description: The Tornado places a strong emphasis on payload
and radius, within a minimum overall size. Its engines produce
exactly the amount of thrust for low-altitude, high-speed opera-
tion (but far too little for air combat or supersonic acceleration).
To compensate, Tornados have an unusually large afterburner
that almost doubles its thrust. They are generally fast and stable
at low altitudes, but they don't have enough wing or thrust to be
an agile fighter.

JAS 39 Gripen
Nickname: Griffin Wingspan: 26 feet
Length: 46 feet Max Weight: 17,635 pounds
Max Speed: 1,320 mph Max Range: 600 miles
Armament: Cannon, AIM-120 AMRAAM, AIM-9L Sidewinders,
RBS 15 missiles, and DWS 39 gliding dispenser weapons.
Description: The JAS 39 has a cropped delta wing and large
canard. This design avoids many problems, but still provides
the low drag of a pure delta. It uses sophisticated fly-by-wire
controls to compensate for the canard 's natural instability. The
Griffen is tiny compared to most contemporary fighter. In fact, it
is about one quarter the size of an F-22.

Saab 37 Viggen
Nickname: Thunderbolt Wingspan: 35 feet
Length: 54 feet Max Weight: 45,100 pounds
Max Speed: 1,320 mph Max Range: 620 miles
Armament: Cannon, Sky Flash, AIM-9L Sidewinders, RBS 15
ATS missiles, RBS 04 anti-ship missiles.
Description: Royal Swedish Air Force had to meet some
unique requirements when they built the Viggen. The result is
an aircraft which is supersonic, uses complex avionics, carries
heavy loads, and flys at high-speed over low levels. It can also
take-off and land on very short narrow runways. The Saab 37 is
not particularly agile. It flies much like a smaller F-4, except that
it is more resistant to stalling.

Dassault Rafale
Nickname: None Wingspan: 36 feet
Length: 50 feet Max Weight: 42,300 pounds
Max Speed: 1,320 mph Max Range: 680 miles with
6,600 lbs. payload
Armament: Cannon, Matra MICA, Apache stand-off, ASMP tac-
tical nuclear missile, AS.30L laser-guided missiles and Exocet
anti-ship missiles.
Description: This new generation fighter is about the same size
as an F/A-18, but it has a cropped delta wing, blended body,
and small canard foreplanes. The configuration retained many
of the delta's advantages (light weight, low drag, and fuel capac-
ity) but solved many of its problems. It is more efficient in a
sustained tight turn and hsd a lower landing speed , letting it
land on aircraft carriers. It also makes considerable use of the
latest stealth technology.

Dassault Mirage 2000

Nickname: None Wingspan: 30 feet
Length: 47 feet Max Weight: 37,480 pounds
Max Speed: 1,450 mph Max Range: 920 miles with
2,000 lbs. payload
Armament: Cannon, Matra Super 530, 550 Magic AAM , ASMP
tactical nuclear missile, Durandal runway-breaker bombs, and
Exocet missiles.
Description: The Mirage 2000 is a smaller, less costly intercep-
tor and air superiority fighter. It has a pure delta wing for light
weight, low supersonic drag, extra fuel, and good acceleration.
At a high angle of attack, this wing generates a lot of lift and the
aircraft is stable. However even with fly-by-wire controls and
leading-edge flaps , the Mirage 2000 suffers from poor maneu-

Loral AIM-9 Sidewinder (USA) Vympel R·33 (RUS)

This diabolically simple air-to-air missile has scored more air- Similar in size and shape to Phoenix, this long-range air-to-air
combat kills than any other. It was invented in the late 1940s by missile arms the MiG-31. Unlike Phoenix, it is a semi-active
Navy engineers who mated a heat-seeking guidance system to the weapon. However, because it has an autonomous mid-course
body of an unguided 5-inch rocket. The AIM-9L, introduced in guidance system and the MiG-31 can switch very rapidly from
the late 1970s, can be fired at a target from any angle. More recent one target to another, the system is able to engage multiple tar-
versions are even more resistant to decoys. A more compact and gets. Weighing 1,300 pounds, it is the world 's biggest AAM .
more agile version known as the AIM-9X is under development.
Vympel R· 73 (RUS)
Raytheon AIM-7 Sparrow (USA) The R-73 is world's best short-range missile. It caused panic in
First used in the late 1950s, the Sparrow is a semi-active radar the West when its true characteristics became known in 1989.
homing missile. During combat, the attacking aircraft must illu- Features include a seeker which can lock on to targets up to 90°
minates the target with its radar. Using this radar lock from fir- off the missile's nose, a thrust-vectoring rocket motor and two
ing to impact, the missile homes in on the target's signal. Although sets of control surfaces. The pilot can direct the seeker with a
the early versions were disappointing, the improved Sparrows helmet-mounted sight. Because the missile can turn very rapidly
and the British Sky Flash are more dependable. Sparrows after launch, it has a wide engagement envelope (even against
destroyed most of the Iraqi aircraft shot down in the Gulf war. fast-moving or maneuvering targets) and a short flight (giving
countermeasures less time to work) . The R-73 may also form
Hughes AIM· 120 AMRAAM (USA) the basis of a rearward-fired missile which has been tested by
The AMRAAM has several advantages over the Sparrow. The and which may be fitted to the Su-34 and Su-35.
most important is that it is an "active-radar" missile with a com-
plete radar in its nose and its own built-in inertial navigation Vympel R· 77 (RUS)
system. Unlike Sparrow, AMRAAM does not monopolize the Dubbed AMRAAMSki by some Western analysts, the R-77 has a
radar, allowing the launch aircraft to search for and track other guidance system like the AMRAAM . It employs a combination
aircraft while the missile is in flight. At short range, AMRAAM 's of active radar, inertial guidance, and updating from the launch
can lock-on to a target as s9on as it leaves the launch aircraft. aircraft. The R-77's aerodynamics are unique among AAMs,
The AMRAAM scored its first kills in 1993 when an F-16 shot however. It has a short-span, long-chord rectangular wings, and
down an Iraqi aircraft over the "no-fly zone" in Southern Iraq. trellis-shaped tail surfaces. The tail surfaces provide very high
maneuverability with low drag, and require less power to move
Hughes AIM-54 Phoenix (USA) them . Its short wings and foldable fins also make it suitable for
The first active-radar missile, the Phoenix was designed to shoot internal carriage. Although the R-77 has been displayed with the
down Tu-22 bombers and their missiles. It is the biggest of all MiG-29M and Su-35, it was probably designed for the next gen-
U.S. air-to-air missiles, and it is only carried on the F-14 Tomcat. eration of stealthy Russian fighters.
Maximum range is more than 80 miles under ideal circumstances.
A planned replacement for the Phoenix was cancelled in 1991. Matra MICA (FRA)
France's Matra has earned new respect with the MICA. This
Vympel R-27 (RUS) missile is being developed in two versions. One employs an
Russian philosophy has always been to design a new class of infra-red homing whi le the other uses an active radar seeker.
missile for each next generation of fighter aircraft. The Vympel R-27 Both contain inertial navigation and a datalink for mid-course
was developed for the MiG-29 and Su-27. It is recognizable by its guidance. They will have an identical airframe featuring thrust-
unique "bow-tie" steering fins along its body. This weapon can be vectoring for control. This gives the pilot a unique range of
fitted with either infra-red or semi-active radar homing heads. It options to deal with countermeasures. The missile is mid-way
has an inertial guidance unit and datalink, so it can be launched in size between the AIM-9 and AMRAAM.
at an extended range. According to some reports, one version of
the R-27 is a passive anti-radar weapon for use against AWACS.
The R027 can be rigged for short-range or long-range operation.
Python (ISR) Texas Instruments AGM-154 JSOW (US)
The Rafael Python 3 resembles an enlarged AIM-9 with swept The Joint Stand-Off Weapon (or JSOW) is a new generation
wings. It was designed because the Israeli air force was dissat- glide weapon designed to destroy multiple targets (like vehicles)
isfied with the lethality of the standard AIM-9L's warhead. Python or single hard targets (such as aircraft shelters). This deadly
has a larger warhead and an active laser proximity fuze (most weapon is accurate enough to hit a group of vehicles or missile
AAMs are not designed to score direct hits, so fuze design is battery with a shower of small submunitions. All future JSOWs
extremely important) . According to Israeli sources, most of the are expected to have a single hard-target warhead and an
Syrian aircraft shot down during the June 1982 air battles over autonomous radar or infra-red seeker.
Lebanon were destroyed by Pythons. A new short-range missile
called "Python 4" is in service, but the details are still secret. McDonnell Douglas AGM-84 Harpoon/SLAM (US)
One of the most versatile of missiles, the subsonic Harpoon was
ATS MISSILES (Air-to-Surface) originally designed as an anti-shipping weapon. It can be launched
Air-to-surface (or ATS) missiles are critical fire-power against from aircraft, surface ships, submarines or from a truck as a
specific ground targets. Some utilize revolutionary electro-opti- coastal defense weapon. It is a "fire-and-forget" missile with an
cal guidance systems to find and destroy targets. active radar seeker that can be programmed to attack an indi-
vidual ship. The SLAM variant (Subsonic Land Attack Missile)
Hughes AGM-65 Maverick (US) has a different warhead and a new guidance system. It uses the
This versatile missile is one of the few fighter-launched weapons Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite navigation receiver
which can reliably hit a moving vehicle at long range. The Maverick and seeker from the infra-red version of Maverick.
uses a TV seeker to lock-on to a target in its field of view and Zvezda Kh-25 (RUS)
track it automatically. The AGM-658 uses a telephoto seeker,
About the same size as Maverick, this weapon has many vari-
the AGM-650 has infra-red seeker for night operations, and the
AGM-65E is laser-guided. ants: the laser-guided Kh-25ML, the anti-radar Kh-25MP and
the radio-guided Kh-25MR. The primary difference between this
Texas Instruments AGM-88 HARM (US) weapon and most Western air-to-surface weapons, however, is
Development of the High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM) its speed. The Kh-25 flies at almost 2,000 mph, while the
started after Vietnam to replace to the improvised Shrike and Maverick is subsonic. Even though the laser and radio-guided
Standard anti-radar missiles. The HARM utilizes a passive seek- versions are not "fire-and-forget," their speed allows the launch
er which detects signals from a hostile radar and determines its aircraft to break off at a safe distance.
bearing. Its high speed gives radar operators less time to react
Molniya Kh-29 (RUS)
before the missile hits. High-tech electronics allow the HARM to
search even if the signal is interrupted briefly. The Kh-29 is similar in shape and performance to the Kh-25,
but is larger and carries a bigger warhead. The only two ver-
Rockwell GBU·15/AGM·130 (US) sions identified are the laser-guided Kh-29L and the TV-guided
This family of heavyweight missiles is designed to destroy high- Kh-29T. Both missiles are operational on MiG-27, Su-24 and
value, heavily defended targets like crucial bridges and commu- Su-25 aircraft.
nications facilities. They employ electro-optical guidance with a Raduga Kh·59M (RUS)
daylight or infra-red camera in the nose. They also are connected
Named the Hornet, the Kh-59 is a high-accuracy missile similar
by a radio datalink to the launch aircraft. The original GBU-15 was
to the AGM-840 SLAM. After launch, the Kh-59 navigates to its
a glide bomb based upon a 2,000-pound Mk84 bomb, whereas the
target automatically. When it gets within visual range, it trans-
new AGM-130 has a rocket booster to extend its range and can use
mits a TV image of the target area to the "stand-off" launch air-
the 1-2000 hard-target warhead. This weapon is very accurate.
craft. The weapon operator identifies the target on his TV moni-
tor and locks the missile on to it. The missile will hit the target
within 2-3 meters of the aimpoint. In Russian service, the Kh-
59M and its datalink pod may be carried by the Su-24M.

Raduga Kh·58Yu (RUS) BOMBS

This supersonic anti-radar missile is bigger and faster than the
HARM missile. It was specifically developed to go after Nike,
Hawk, Improved Hawk and Patriot radars. It has a range of 120- The GBU-29 Joint Direct Attack Munition is a low-cost guided
200 km and probably flies at around Mach 4. According to its bomb. It consists of a tail section which can be attached to the
designers, it can locate a target and hit it even if its radar is shut 2,000-pound Mk84 blast-fragmentation bomb, the BLU-109
down before impact. The weapon was designed specifically for hard-target weapon , or the new 1,000-pound GBU-30. The tail
the MiG-25BM defense-suppression aircraft. section uses a GPS receiver and a simple inertial navigation unit
to ensure that the bomb follows the trajectory predicted by the
Raduga Kh-22 (RUS) aircraft's aiming computer. JDAM is called a "semi-precise"
The Kh-22 was designed to cripple or sink US Navy aircraft car- weapon because half of the munition should land within a 40 ft.
riers. The six-ton missile carries a 2,000-pound warhead . Its circle around the target. Two other versions of JDAM are being
damage effects is compounded by its nearly Mach 3 impact developed . One is a hard-target weapon with a radar terminal
speed and the detonation of its remaining liquid rocket fuel. The seeker for pinpoint accuracy while the other is a dispenser
Kh-22 can be fitted with an anti-radiation or active-radar seeker. weapon made to carry a wide variety of guided and unguided
It is carried by the Tu-22 bomber. submunitions.

Aerospatiale AM 39 Exocet (FR) Texas Instruments GBU-24 (US)

This anti-ship missile has been in service since 1979. It can be This second-generation laser-guided bomb is also known as
launched from several different airplanes and helicopters. It is Paveway Ill. It was used extensively during the Gulf War.
best known for its use during the Falklands War where it was Compared with earlier LGBs, it has larger wings and a more
used to sink the destroyer HMS Sheffield and a cargo ship. The sophisticated guidance system. This allows it to be released at a
Exocet was also used by Iraqi aircraft to sink the USS Stark in greater stand-off range and a lower altitude. However, it still suf-
1987. This1 ,430 lbs. missile is rocket-powered and has active- fers from the basic disadvantage of an LGB - the target has to
radar guidance. be illuminated with a laser until impact. This usually means that
the launch aircraft or a "buddy" designator aircraft has to
Popeye (ISR) remain within line-of-sight of the target.
The Popeye is probably the most devastating conventional
missile in existence. This weapon combines pinpoint accuracy CANNONS
with a 1,000-pound warhead. It was developed in the early Although military experts in the 1960's thought that cannons
1980s, when intelligence reports suggested that large Soviet were no longer necesary, experience proved them wrong . The
surface-to-air missiles were being emplaced in concrete Vietnam War demonstrated the importance of the cannon . Since
bunkers. Popeyes borrow the basic guidance techniques of the then it has become an essential element of every fighter.
Raduga Kh-59M and SLAM. It navigates autonomously until it's
close enough for its imaging seeker to find the target. Then , the Lockheed Martin M61A1 (US)
operator aims the missile at the correct aimpoint via a datalink. The most successful aircraft gun ever, the M61A1 uses the
Popeye is powered by a solid rocket motor instead of the turbo- Gatling principle to combine accuracy, a lethal round and a high
jet used by other missiles. It can be fitted with an infra-red or rate of fire. The Gatling is reliable and can attain a far faster rate
daylight-video seekers and carries either a hard-target penetra- of fire than a single-barrel weapon . It had been neglected for
tor or blast-fragmentation warhead. many years because (unlike most machine guns) it required
external power. Since its development, the M61 has been used
many different kinds of aircraft. In the F-4E, the cannon had a
reliable feed system that allowed it to fire 6,000 rounds per
minute. A more improved version with longer composite-
wound barrels has been developed for the F-22.
OPTIMIZING PERFORMANCE have a hundred sugar cubes, you can make a very round "high
Everyone's computers are different, but there are some things you resolution" circle. Just like the sugar cubes, the more pixels that
can do to optimize the program's performance on your machine. are in an image, the larger and more detailed the image will be.
This section explains some of the options and settings which will JetFighter Ill offers four different resolution modes: 320x200,
increase the performance of JetFighter Ill on your computer. 640x350, 640x400, and 640x480. As you know from the sugar
cube example, JetFighter Ill will look much better in the higher
resolutions, but because each pixel takes some time to calculate
When we say "optimizing performance" we are basically talking and draw, it will run more slowly. To demonstrate this point,
about different ways to increase the program's frame rate. compare the number of frames per second in the lowest and
Frame rate is the number of times per second that the computer highest resolutions. In 320x200 mode, JetFighter Ill may run
draws a new image on the screen. (This is often referred to as 225% faster than the highest resolution .
frames per second or "fps") . Like a movie, this variable is very
important to the program's appearance and overall 'feel'. For Note:
example, low frame rates may feel a little jerky, while fast frame [Shift-f9) .... ..... ......... 320x200 mode
rates should feel fluid and smooth. Generally, you will enjoy a [Shift-F101 .. ...... .... .... 640x350 mode
game more at a higher frame rate .
[Shift-F111 .. ...... .... .... 640x400 mode
JetFighter Ill is a sophisticated program that has already been [Shift-F121 .. .............. 640x480 mode
highly optimized to run as fast as possible. However, depending
on your particular computer, this may not be enough for your SCREEN SIZES
tastes. You may still want to maximize the program's frame rate. JetFighter Ill allows you to change the physical size of the
A super-fast frame rate may be especially important during image being drawn on your computer screen. Unlike other pro-
heavy combat or when flying over rugged terrain. During these grams which may shrink or compress the screen, JetFighter Ill
times you may want to change some of the program's settings trims "scan lines" from the top and bottom of the display. The
to make JetFighter Ill run faster. There are several easy ways to result is improved performance without sacrificing quality.
do this (see below). Just remember, follow your tastes when it The program offers three different screen sizes: full , medium
comes to optimizing. If you are satisfied with the speed, you and small. The small screen is about 60% of the full screen
don't need to change anything! whereas the medium screen is about 80%. Of course, the main
benefit is how the smaller screen sizes effect performance. On
SETIINGS TO CHANGE some systems the small screen may be about 20% faster than
Different features (such as higher resolution modes) take up the full screen.
more processing time than others. As the result, you may want
to change some of JetFighter Ill's default settings to increase Note:
the frame rate. There are five main ways to increase the pro- [Alt-F51 .... .... .... .. .. .. .... .... Cycle through three screen sizes
gram's performance. They are changing the program;s resolu-
tion modes, screen sizes, clouds, cockpit display, and visibility. CLOUDS
Each of these options are discussed below. Few flight sims provide the subtle, realistic-looking clouds that
are available in JetFigher Ill. These clouds enhance the authen-
RESOLUTION MODES ticity of the gaming environment, but they also reduce its speed.
Like a television set, the display on your computer monitor is An easy way to increase frame rate is to turn the clouds off by
made up of many small dots (called pixels). The size and num- pressing [Alt-Cl until the clouds disappear. This should increase
ber of these pixels has a dramatic impact on the appearance of performance by about 25%. The high-quality 'smooth' clouds
the program. Pretend for a moment that you are asked to make take even more processing power than the normal clouds.
a circle using sugar cubes. If you only have three sugar cubes,
it will be impossible for you to arrange them to look like a circle.
The result would be a very "low resolution" circle. But, if you
JetFighter 111 includes a virtual cockpit which allows you to look If you are have questions about the effects of hardware on JF3,
around just like a real pilot. However, these richly-detailed pan- please read this section. It covers the most common questions:
els, displays, and artwork do slow down performance. If you
would like a quick way to increase speed, try turning the cockpit 0: Why does JetFighter Ill run slowly on my computer?
instrument panel off by pressing [Pl . This should increase the
A: JetFighter 111 is a very sophisticated program. If you have an
program 's performance by about 10-15%.
older system, your computer may not be fast enough to
VISIBILITY process all of the graphics. Fortunately there are certain set-
tings to make JetFighter 111 run faster on certain systems.
In the real world objects and scenery off in the distance come
But, there is no substitute for a system upgrade (i.e., you
into focus as you approach. This effect is recreated in JF3
may see a 300% increase in JetFighter II l's speed after
through the use of hazing. As you approach the horizon, the
upgrading from a 486/66 to a Pentium 133).
scenery and terrain is drawn to that point of visibility. JetFighter
111 gives you the option of moving the horizon in closer, thus
O: I have BMegs of RAM right now and I am wondering if I
decreasing your visibility and causing less scenery in the dis- should upgrade to 12 Megs or more for Jetfighter Ill?
tance to be drawn . This should increase the program's perfor- Will it run any faster?
mance. There are three levels of visibility: clear, hazy, and foggy.
Press [Alt-VI to cycle through the three visibility levels. A: No, more memory will not make JetFighter Ill run any
faster. 12 megs of RAM will simply allow you the option of
RECOMMENDED SETIINGS running JF3 in hi-res, and give you more and better looking
Every customer has different preferences. Some would prefer to terrain textures.
have gorgeous graphics while other prefer fast-paced action.
The following lists are what we have found to be the recom- O: Does my old video card effect performance?
mended optimization settings for six different computer sys-
A: Yes , older video cards will slow down JetFighter Ill even if
tems. They try to balance JetFighter 111 's appearance against a
you have a fast computer system. For improved perfor-
higher frame rate.
mance, you may consider upgrading your video card if it is
486/66 more than three years old.
Resolution Mode: 320x200
Screen Size: Small 0: Will the program run faster if I have a quad-speed
Clouds: Off (4X) CO-ROM drive?
Cockpit Display: Off
Visibility: Foggy A: The answer is Yes and No. Yes, the animations playing
onboard the carrier will play faster if you have a faster CD-
PENTIUM 90 PENTIUM 120 ROM. However, the simulator (or "game") will not run any
Resolution Mode: 320x200 Resolution Mode: 320x200
faster because it does not run off of the CD.
Screen Size: Medium Screen Size: Full
Clouds: On Clouds: On
Cockpit Display: On Cockpit Display: On
Visibility: Hazy Visibility: Clear

PENTIUM 133 PENTIUM 166 and above

Resolution Mode: 640x400 Resolution Mode: 640x480
Screen Size: Medium Screen Size: Full
Clouds: On Clouds: On
Cockpit Display: On Cockpit Display: On
Visibility: Hazy Visibility: Clear
TROUBLESHOOTING - - - - - - - •
This is a technical reference section. It is not meant to be light JetFighter 111 , and many other games, will run better and
reading , but we have presented it in a question and answer for- faster from MS-DOS.
mat to make it more readable. This section is divided into two
0: Is there an "un-installation" process?
main parts: Installation Problems and Running Problems.
A: To remove JF3 from your machine, simply delete all the
INSTALLATION PROBLEMS files in your JF3 directory (for most people this will be
If you are having trouble installing JetFighter 111, please read this C:\JF3) and remove the directory. If you need help deleting
section. It covers the most common questions about installation. files and directories, please consult your operating system's
reference manual.
0: The install program won't run on my computer.
A: If you are having trouble, it may be a sign of hardware
incompatibility. First, try the install program on a different If you have successfully installed the program but are still having
computer. The install program is very simple and should trouble running JetFighter Ill, please read this section. It covers
run on any machine. If it works on a different computer, the most common computer problems that people experience .
you probably have a hardware incompatibility. However, in O: The program installed fine, but it tells me that I have
the unlikely event that the CD-ROM does not work on "insufficient memory" when I try to run it.
another machine, it may be damaged . If you believe your A: This should only be a problem on machines with 8 megs of
CD-ROM is damaged, read the next question and answer. RAM memory. Your computer probably loaded a "memory
O: What if my CO-ROM is not readable? resident program " which is using too much memory. These
programs are usually loaded by your computer's "config.sys"
A: This is very rare . First, check your CD-ROM to see if it is
or "autoexec.bat" files. Quick suggestions are to turn off
physically cracked or scratched. Second, be certain you
any EMS, Smartdrive, or RAMdrive that your system is
have the proper drivers loaded. Third and most importantly,
using. This process is different for DOS and Windows95
make sure you can read a different CD-ROM in your drive.
systems. Consult your operating system instructions.
However, in the unlikely event that the CD-ROM is not read-
able, you should be able to obtain a replacement from the O: I was using the program and everything was fine. Then
place of purchase, or from Mission Studios directly. suddenly the game stopped and my computer Jocked up.
0: I keep getting the error message "VESA not found"? A: A memory resident program, TSR, or hardware board prob-
ably interrupted JF3 in such a way that the program could not
A: You probably have an older graphics card that does not
recover. The common solution is to just re-boot your machine.
have built in VESA support. In most cases, all you have to
If this becomes a chronic problem, any TSRs such as virus
do is run a software VESA driver. For example, the ATI
checkers, screen savers, or something similar you might
Mach32 video card instructions would be to exit to DOS, go have loaded on your system should be temporarily removed.
to the /Mach32 directory and type WESA. Consult your
graphics card documentation on how to load your particular O: The sound volume in the game doesn't work or is very low.
card's VESA driver. There are also several excellent share- A: First, make sure that your speakers are plugged in and turned
ware VESA drivers available online and from the Internet. on. Second, check to see that the volume knobs on the speak-
ers are turned up. Third, see if you selected the correct sound
0: My CO-ROM drive works fine in Windows95 but when card settings in the Configuration Menu. Lastly, be certain
that your volume on your sound card is set correctly.
longer functions?
Most sound cards have a built-in volume setting which may
A: You do not have the drivers for the CD-ROM drive loaded in
be re-set to a very low level each time you re-start your
DOS mode. This requires specific software for your particu-
computer. The utilities that came with your sound board
lar CD-ROM drive and certain commands added to your should allow you to adjust the volume before you play JF3.
autoexec.bat and config.sys files. Consult your hardware
documentation or contact the company where you pur- If you need to change your soundcard settings or you
chased your computer. This will be well worth the effort. install a new card, type INSTALL at the \JF3 directory.
Q: JetFighter Ill only seems to work if my computer's Second, be certain that you have the most current version
memory manager isn't installed. of your mouse driver. Third, your mouse must be 100%
A: JF3 has been tested to work with all major memory man- Microsoft compatible to work with JF3. Lastly, check with
agers. However, do not let your memory manager use video the mouse's manufacturer.
memory! If your memory manager uses the VESA video 0: When I run the program, the screens don't seem to
memory area, JF3 may not work because the simulator be drawn or erased correctly. Lines or other video
needs that graphics memory. Consult your memory manag- irregularities appear.
er guide for instructions on excluding these video memory
A: There are many different video cards so it is impossible to
make sure our program is compatible with all of them. If
Q: Jetfighter Ill gave me the message "CO-ROM drive you experience difficulties relating to JF3 graphics, you may
not detected. " need to load a "VESA" driver before starting the program. If
A: This is a common problem. If you are playing JetFighter Ill you are unfamiliar with "VESA," we suggest you contact the
in DOS (the best way) you need a DOS CD-ROM driver. If manufacturer of your video card or your computer dealer
you receive this message then you must contact your com- for a copy. If they are unable to supply you with a driver, try
puter dealer to ask for your specific CD-ROM driver and to download one from Compuserve, America On-line, or the
instructions on how to load it. Internet website of the video card manufacturer.

HOWEVER, there is an alternate solution. If you have Q: The load time for missions is very long.
Windows95 you can run JetFighter Ill from a MS-DOS A: If you have 16 Megs of RAM or greater, try loading
session. Click on the MS-DOS PROMPT icon in Windows95 Smartdrive. In MS-DOS at the prompt, type Smartdrv. If
and go to the \JF3 directory to run JetFighter Ill. Remember, this does not work, consult your operating system manual.
this is not the best way to run the program as Windows
Q: I'm using Windows, OOSSHELL, or a menu program and
uses valuable system resources which cause the game to
JF3 won't run.
run slower than it would restarting in MS-DOS MODE.
A: JF3 requires all the resources of your computer. Windows ,
REMEMBER, JetFighter Ill requires that the CD be in the DOSSHELL and most menu programs use up some system
drive at all times during play. resources when they launch other applications. JF3 proba-
Q: I prefer to run Jetfighter Ill under Windows95 yet I can't bly will not be abl~ to function without these resources.
get it to run in the higher resolutions? Fully exit to DOS before running the program .
Q: I prefer to run Jetfighter Ill under Windows95 yet I can't Q: I've tried everything and I still can 't get the program to
get the sounds to work? run on my machine.
A: Many soundcards and video graphics cards, even new A: If the program still doesn't run , you may have a hardware
ones, require updated software drivers to run under conflict. This could be caused by the graphics card , sound
Windows95. In this case you need to get the new drivers card , or other hardware. The best way to check to see if you
from your specific card 's manufacturer. Most of these dri- have a hardware conflict is to try running your copy of JF3
vers are available for download on AOL, Compuserve, and on a different computer. If the program runs fine on the
from the hardware company's website via the Internet. other machine, your system may be incompatible.
Q: I get the message "Mouse not detected." Your first step should always be to check our FAQ available
Q: I can't get my mouse to work. via the website , AOL, or Compuserve. Then contact Customer
Assistance if necessary. Most hardware incompatibilities are
A: You don't need a mouse to play JetFighter Ill but it does actually easy to solve and you can often get your dealer to
make it easier to navigate around the carrier part of the help you out. Computer manufacturers are usually happy to
game. Make sure that you have your mouse driver loaded help out and we can usually work with the manufacturer to
(see above) and confirm that your mouse works with other try to find a solution to the problem.
DOS (not Windows) applications. Just because your mouse
works in Windows does not mean your driver is loaded.
We want to be sure you get as much enjoyment out of JF3 as AMERICA ONLINE
possible. If you have a problem with the program, first be sure There are two areas to find information on JetFighter Ill: the
you have read this manual. The Troubleshooting section can FLIGHT SIM RESOURCE CENTER and the MISSION STUDIOS
solve most problems. If that still doesn't help, try the following: area. JetFighter Ill has a folder in the bulleting board of the
area, at the Keyword type "Mission Studios." For membership
Chances are that the question you have about JetFighter Ill has
information call America Online at 1-800-827-6364 and ask for
already been answered. The best way to get help and hints on
your free introductory membership.
JF3 is through the many computerized information services
available today. Here is a list of some places that people might PRODIGY
talk about JetFighter 111 and flight simulators in general. Prodigy has discussion areas for many types of games,
including flight simulators.
Our web address is: Check this site CONTACT US DIRECTLY
for the latest Frequently Asked Questons (FAQ) document, links to If you can't get your questions answered by any other means,
other flight sim sites and for any patches or upgrades. There are you can contact Customer Assistance (Take 2) directly.
many excellent websites dedicated to computer flight simulations. Because we are a small company, please contact us only after
Information on JetFighter 111 and flight sims in general can be you have tried other methods. The most effecient way to ask
found in the newsgroup your question is via email. Also please make sure that you have
COMPUSERVE sent in the registration card to register your copy of the product.
There are two areas to find information on JetFighter Ill: Our addresses are:
the FLIGHT SIMULATION FORUM and GAMCPUB FORUM. 'Y EMAIL ........ .... [email protected]
The FLIGHT SIMULATION FORUM has the MODERN AIR COMBAT 'Y U.S. MAIL ...... Take 2 Interactive
section which will have messages relating to JetFighter 111. Visit Attn: JF3 Tech Support
the GAMEPUB INDEX to access Mission Studios' listing in the 1004 Ligonier, 3rd Floor
GAMEPUB FORUM. Also , at GO typing "MISSION" will take you Latrobe, PA 15650
directly there. For membership information call CompuServe at 'Y TELEPHONE .... (412) 539-6407 [Mon.-Fri. 9.-5 EST]
1-800-848-8199 and ask for your free introductory membership.
'Y FAX .. ............ (412) 539-3195
Our current list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) will be
available via our website and all major online services. This list
documents all the problems that have been reported to us and
gives solutions to them. It's very useful to have on hand in case
you ever have another question.
Mission Studios Corporation has a commitment toward providing the highest quality products, and has therefore established the fol-
lowing limited warranty for this product. Mission Studios warrants that the media furnished in this product will be free from defects
for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase as evidenced by the original receipt.
To make a warranty claim under this limited warranty, please return the full product to the place of purchase along with proof of pur-
chase , your name, your return address and a statement of defect. Mission Studios or its authorized dealer, will at its option replace
or repair your product and return it to you or issue you a credit equal to the purchase price. This statement is your sole and exclu-
sive remedy for any breach of warranty regarding this product.

Depending upon the state in which you reside, limitations to and exclusions of any implied warranty, and/or limitation of incidental
or consequential damages may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights which
vary from state to state.

This product is licensed by Mission Studios Corporation to the original purchaser for use only by the original purchaser on the terms
set forth herein: You may use the software on the computer you own or use. The software, user's manual, and all materials are copy-
righted with all rights reserved. Under copyright laws, you may not: (1) copy the program (except to create a back-up version ) or
the user's manual, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of Mission Studios; (2) make alterations in the soft-
ware; (3) grant sublicenses, rent, sell , or lease the software to others; (4) transmit the software or manual electronically. Removing
the media from its sealed case constitutes your acceptance of these terms.
- - - - -cREDITs- - - - -
Simulator Design and Program Executive Producer
Robert Dinnerman of R.D. Technologies Thomas Ptak
Matthew Harmon
Producer Associate Producers
Scott Slater Daniel Kaufman
Programming Eric Demilt of
Mission Design Programming Direction Interplay Productions
Thomas Ptak
Daniel Kaufman
Scott Slater 3D Simulation Programmer Package
Brian Boudreau Robert Dinnerman of R.D. Technologies Direction
Tom Philbin Lead Programmer Thomas Ptak
Matthew Harmon Scott Slater
Reference Manual Scenery Programmer Design
Michael Wood ley Greg Fedorev of Conflux Desig n
Manual Direction
Utilities and Tools Programmer
Scott Slater
Matthew Harmon Daniel Kaufman Music and Sound Effects
Jeffrey Anderson Encyclopedia Programmer Michael Cihak
Manual Writer Matthew Harmon
Jeffrey Anderson Brian Boudreau Flight Dynamic Research
Additional Manual Writing Dr. Roger Ray
Scott Slater Art
Matthew Harmon Thanks To
Tom Philbin Art Direction William C. "DJ" Digiacomo
Robert Whitney Thomas Ptak Rebecca Piazza
Matthew Harmon Bert Kinzey
Scott Slater Texture Maps Brella Productions
Peter Tishma of Papa Tango Jeffrey Rhodes of
Manual Design
Robert Whitney Lockheed Aeronautical Systems
Greg Fedorev of Conflux Design
Daniel Kaufman Jodee Fuentes and Clif Crowder of
Brian Boudreau Dimensional Services
Quality Assurance
Lead 3D Animator
Daniel Kaufman
Raymond Lueders of Additional Thanks To
Matthew Harmon Platinum Pictures Multimedia, Inc.
Robert Whitney Brian Fargo
Scott Slater Additional 3D Animation Phil Adam
Michael Woodley Robert Whitney Chuck Camps
Thomas Ptak 3D Models Carol Lane
Brian Boudreau Robert Dinnerman Betsi Gijanto and
Brian Boudreau Tamara Johnston
Tom Philbin
Daniel Kaufman of Interplay Productions
Dr. Roger Ray
Interplay QA Dept.
Additional Marketing Support
Game Design
Andrew Wyant
Video Newscaster I Sim Voices Robert Dinnerman
Matthew Harmon Thomas Herskovits
Laura Witek
Matthew Harmon Daniel Kaufman
Thomas Ptak Special Thanks To
Michael Woodley Sharon, Mary, Rebecca
Encyclopedia Text Scott Slater Alice , Tammy, Jill, Erin, Susan, Jennifer,
Bill Sweetman Robert Whitney Mike and Michelle
Brian Boudreau
This glossary contains a list of terms and abbreviations that you may come across in general aviation.
Many of these words are also used in this manual.

The rear of a ship. Also known as Stern. The velocity of an aircraft as compared
A/A to the surrounding air.
The section of a gas turbine engine used
AAA in military aircraft that produces additional An onboard instrument used to deter-
Anti-Aircraft Artillery. thrust by spraying raw fuel into the mine the current Airspeed.
exhaust and igniting it.
Air-to-Air Missile. A/G Generally refers to a form of combat or
See Air-to-Ground . a type of weapon. Most frequently used
AAW to describe a missile launched from an
Anti-Air Warfare. AGL airplane with the intention of destroying
Above Ground Level. another airplane or missile. Also known
AB as NA.
See Afterburner. AHRS
Attitude Heading Reference System. AIR· TO-GROUND
A·C Generally refers to a form of combat or
Pilot jargon referring to the border AIC
a type of weapon . Most frequently used
between Argentina and Chile. Airborne Intercept Control.
to describe a missile or bomb launched
ACL AILERONS from an airplane with the intention of
Automatic Carrier Landing. The hinged trailing edges of a wing destroying a target on the surface.
which can be manipulated to change Also known as NG .
ACLS the plane's lift and altitude.
Automatic Carrier Landing System.
ACM A maneuver whereby the aircraft rolls The technique of locating a ground
Air Combat Maneuvering . Generally about its axis of flight induced solely by target and delivering weapons to it.
refers to flight maneuvering. the use of ailerons.
ACT AIMING RETICULE The designation used for a mission
Air Combat Tactics. Generally refers An optical image used to aim a weapon wing which will be escorting and
to flight tactics. when using the HUD. It is also known protecting planes (like AWACS)
as Pipper. from enemy fighters .
Officer in control of the hangar and The onboard instrument which senses
ADI flight decks on a carrier. air pressure in order to gauge altitude.
Attitude Director Indicator.
AEW See Speedbrake. A device displaying the aircraft's orienta-
Airborne Early Warning Aircraft. tion with respect to the horizon.
AFCS Another word for a wing. AM
Automatic Flight Control System. See AMRAAM.


An active-radar, medium range, air-to-air A large steel bar with a protrusion to See Barrier Combat Air Patrol.
missile, this weapon has its own radar "catch" an arrestor cable used to stop an
system and built-in inertial navigation aircraft as it lands on an aircraft carrier. BARRIER COMBAT AIR PATROL
system. The AMRAAM is the successor Also known as a Tail Hook. Mission type instructing the pilot to
to the earlier Sparrow missile. Also engage any aircraft crossing into his
known as AM . ASPECT patrol zone. This order is used to
The orientation of an aircraft as viewed protect a corridor through which
ANGELS from another. Important in targeting friendly bombers will pass on their
Pilot jargon to denote the altitude of weapons. way toward a target.
friendly aircraft in thousands of feet.
ANGLE OF APPROACH Air Surveillance Radar. A large rolling maneuver induced by
The angle representing the ratio between aileron and rudder.
ground speed and decreasing altitude. It ASW
is most often used in landing an aircraft. Anti-Submarine Warfare. BER
Also known as Glideslope. Bearing . See Heading.
ANGLE OF ATIACK Airborne Tactical Data Control. BETA
The angle of the wing surface to the air- The designation used for a mission wing
ATOS which will be bombing a ground target.
flow. If the angle of attack exceeds the Airborne tactical Data System.
wing's thrust, the plane will experience a BFM
loss of lift or Stall. Also known as AOA. AUTO Basic Fighter Maneuvers
Generally refers to the activation of an
automated system.
The angle representing the ratio between
Refers to a low fuel state. It is the
ground speed and increasing altitude. In AUTOPILOT amount of fuel necessary to complete
its simplest terms, it is the angle of the A feature on many modern aircraft which a return trip back to base.
plane's nose above the horizon. will fly the plane without assistance from
the pilot. BLACKOUT
The loss of vision or consciousness
Similar to Angle of Approach, but it is AVIONICS which may occur when a pilot pulls too
typically used in air-to-ground ordinance A general terms for the airplane's many positive Gs. It is caused by an
delivery. electronic systems. insufficient blood supply to the head.
See Angle Of Attack. Airborne Weapons And Control System. A small dot which appears on a pilot's
AON radar. Each blip represents an aircraft or
Angle Off the Nose. launched weapon.

Angle Off the Aail. BALLISTIC MISSILE An unidentified airborne intruder.
A surface-to-surface missile whose
warheads are delivered by a short-lived
When an aircraft misses all of the arrest-
The final flight path of an airplane that boost into a low, semi-orbit. ing cables during a carrier landing which
is landing.
BANDIT resulted in an unintentional touch and go.
ARG An airplane identified as hostile. BOMBSIGHT
Pilot jargon referring to Argentinean
BANK A physical or optical indicator for aiming
enemy units or positions.
When an aircraft rolls to one side. free-fall weapons.
The front of a ship. Also known as Fore. See Catapult. Communications.
A maneuver accomplished by rolling the Device for accelerating an aircraft to take- The thin vapor trails left by an aircraft
airplane 90 degrees and pulling back on off speed in 2-seconds and 300 feet. or missile.
BUG OUT Carrier Air Traffic Control Center. The controlling influences a pilot exerts
Qu ickly leave the area of an engagement. CCA on an aircraft's control surfaces.
BVR Carrier Controlled Approach . CONTROL SURFACES
Beyond Visual Range. CCIP The moving, pilot-controllable parts of
Continuously Computed Impact Point. the airframe, including flaps , ailerons,
rudders and elevators.
Center of Gravity. CONTROL TOWER
C3 An airport structure housing air traffic
CHAFF controllers.
Command, Control and Communications. Metallic foil packs ejected by an airplane
CALLSIGN in an effort to confuse an incoming CRT
radar-guided missile. Cathode Ray Tube.
The codename or nickname for a pilot.
A spoken signal from the Air Boss which Control Stick Steering.
The clear bubble-like covering which means "clear to land."
seals the top of the cockpit, protecting CV
the pilot while providing an unobstructed CLEAR READ Aircraft carrier.
view of the surrounding skies. Strong and identifiable signal on a radar
scope. CVN
CAP Nuclear powered aircraft carrier.
See Combat Air Patrol. CLOSE AIR SUPPORT
Mission order instructing a pilot to pro- CVA
CARQUAL vide air cover for land units by engaging Aircraft carrier approach.
The qualifications necessary for a pilot to enemy fighters and ground positions.
attempt a landing on a aircraft carrier. CVS
Short for "carrier qualification." CLOSING SPEED Course Vectoring Symbols.
The rate at which the target is approach-
CARRIER LANDING ing or pulling away from your aircraft.
Maneuvering an airplane so its arrestor
hook engages one of four cables located
Carrier Landing System.
within a 120 foot section of a carrier's DECM
flight deck. co Defensive Electronic Countermeasures.
Commanding Officer.
The information display system used COMBAT AIR PATROL The designation used for a mission
for carrier landings. Mission type instructing the pilot to wing that will be providing BarCap or
engage any aircraft crossing into his TarCap air cover for bombers and
CAS patrol zone. It is generally a constant other airplanes.
See Close Air Support. patrol over a valuable asset such as
an airfield . DEST


Direction Finder. Electronic Identification. A modern aircraft design which sends
input from the pilot's stick into a flight
DFM ELEVATOR computer which then controls movement.
Dog Fight Mode. Hinged portion of the horizontal stabilizer,
which adds or subtracts lift from the tail , FM
DIVE BOMBING changing the pitch attitude of the aircraft. Frequency Modulation.
Deliver bombs by placing the airplane
on a collision course with the target, ESCORT FOODFIGHT
typically in a dive. Mission order instructing a pilot to fly Multi-plane aerial combat engagement.
with and protect another aircraft or unit. See also Furball.
Data Link. ETA FORE
Estimated Time of Arrival. The front of a ship. Also known as Bow.
The Defense Mapping Agency collects EVASIVE ACTION FOV
terrain data and information . Maneuvers intended to deny an opponent Field-Of-View
the opportunity to fire a weapon , or to
DOGFIGHT avoid an incoming missile or bullet. FOX ONE
The aerial maneuvering by at least two Pilot call on launching a radar guided
planes in combat. EWS missile.
Early Warning System.
Force created by an Airfoil moving Pilot call on launching a Sidewinder.
through atmosphere, opposite to the
direction of motion. FQ
FCLP Forward Quarter.
Release a bomb or to lose altitude Field Carrier Landing Practice FURBALL
suddenly. Multi-plane aerial combat engagement.
FIGHTER SWEEP See also Foodfig ht.
DRONE Mission order instructing a pilot to
Unmanned airplane used as a target, search out and destroy enemy fighters FWD
research vehicle, or for reconnaissance . and aircraft. Forward.

Degrees To Go. Shrapnel fired into the air by AAA for the
purpose of destroying enemy aircraft.
The list of available pilots for missions. FLAPS
The hinged portion of an aircraft's wings Acceleration in gravity units. See G-Force.
which can be used to increase lift. GAi
FLARE See Ground-Alert Interceptor.

ECM Incendiary device ejected by an airplane GAMMA

in an effort to confuse an incoming The designation used for a mission wing
Electronic Countermeasures used to infrared-seeking missile. that will be conducting Fighter Sweeps.
defeat enemy attacks.
ECM JAMMER The top deck on an aircraft carrier. It is See Gun Boresight Line.
A device used to confuse or "jam" an where planes are launched and recovered .
enemy's radar and weapons.
Guided Bomb Unit. Hand Control Unit. Bombs or missiles that failed to separate
from the aircraft when released . Makes
GCI HOG for a potentially dangerous landing.
Ground-Controlled Intercept. The direction that the plane is flying .
See Heading. HUNG START
G·FORCE A start that results in a stagnated rpm
A measure of the force of acceleration, HEADING and temperature.
in velocity or direction, induced by an The direction of travel expressed in 360
airplane and its pilot. degree increments from North (such that
due South is 180). Also HOG.
The imaginary corridor a plane travels HEAD·UP DISPLAY.
on final approach. An optical device delivering important
information to a pilot in his forward Indicated Airspeed
GREYOUT line-of-sight. Also HUD.
Greyout occurs when gravitational IADS
stresses impair the flow of blood to your HEAT-SEEKING MISSILE Integrated Air-Defense System
brain. Loss of vision and, eventually, An anti-aircraft missile that detects and
unconsciousness, can occur when you attempts to follow a source of Infrared
Identification, Friend or Foe
pull heavy G's. radiation , typically the exhaust.
Instrument Landing System
Ground Alert Interception is a mission The Infrared heat given off by an object,
order which scrambled fighters from the usually an aircraft. IMMELMANN
ground to intercept incoming threats. A flight maneuver composed of a vertical
GSUIT quarter-loop followed by a partial roll ,
A disabling blow to an aircraft.
and finish ed with a second quarter-loop
The flight suit worn by pilots to counter-
act the G forces experienced in flight.
Two-dimensional representation of
relative target and threat positions.
Any threat, typically a missile,
The imaginary line through the center of Also HSD.
approaching an airplane.
the gun barrel. Used in calculating lead
The horizontal section of the tail , which
An invisible portion of the electromag-
provides downward lift to balance the
netic spectrum emitted by heated
weight of the nose.
objects. One source of tracking infor-
HOT START mation for anti-aircraft weapons.
HANGAR Also known as IR.
A start that exceeds normal starting
The deck on an aircraft carrier that is temperatures.
located just beneath the Flight Deck. INS
HSD Inertial Navigation System
HARD DECK See Horizontal Situation Display. IN THE GROOVE
Lower altitude limit usually imposed dur-
HSI An aircraft correctly positioned on final
ing training.
Horizontal Situation Indicator. approach .
A high speed anti-radiation missile, this HUD
See Head-Up Display. Astride an opponent's "six", ready
weapon utilizes a passive seeker to
for attack.
detect and home in on hostile radars.



A maneuver whereby an airplane contin- Unit of speed, one nautical mile per Force created by an Airfoil moving
ually raises its nose to complete a verti- hour, which is about 1.15 miles per hour. through atmosphere, perpendicular to
cal circle while keeping its lateral center- the direction of motion.
line horizontal. Used to reverse positions KTAS
with an opponent directly behind. Knots True Airspeed . LOCK
Usually referring to a missile lock. A lock is
INVERTED FLIGHT KTS required for a high probability of success
Flying upside-down. See Knots. in a missile attack. Also known as LCK.
See Infrared. Radar concentrating on target in attack
mode. Acquiring a target for the purpose
IRCM of attacking it.
Infrared Countermeasures used to
A combat maneuver where the pursuing
confuse Heat Seeking Missiles. LOGBOOK
pilot aims the nose of his aircraft just
behind the enemy's position and follow A pilot's record of flying achievements
it through a turn. including flight hours, takeoffs, landings,
and maneuvers mastered.
The board on a carrier where the pilots'
Any of a class of maneuvers in which an
The act of confusing the an enemy's landings are posted and rated .
aircraft describes a closed filigree (usually
radar tracking system. See ECM .
LANDING SIGNAL OFFICER a circle), its pitch attitude passing evenly
JINK Standing on the carrier deck, this man through 360 degrees.
Any maneuver used to make the is in constant contact with the pilot of an
distance or angle between opponents aircraft about to land. He both guides and
Line Of Sight.
less advantageous to the attacker. grades the landing. Also known as LSO.
Free-fall ordnance of especially low
See Lock.
aerodynamic drag.
Lead-Computing Optical Sight.
The designation used for a mission wing See Landing Signal Officer.
which will be providing GAS. LID
Lift-to-Drag ratio.
Knots Calibrated Airspeed. LOB
See Low Drag Bomb. M
LE See Mach
Units of measure in thousands of feet.
Leading Edge. MAN
KIAS See Manual.
Knots Indicated Airspeed . LEAD PURSUIT
A combat maneuver where the pursuing MACH
KILL pilot aims the nose of this aircraft just Velocity as compared to the local speed of
Mortal blow to an opposing aircraft. ahead of the enemy's plane. sound. For example, Mach 1.5 is one and
KILL BOARD one-half times the speed of sound at the
current barometric pressure and temper-
The board on a carrier where the pilots'
ature. Also known as M.
confirmed kills are posted .
A system which is operated by manual Mean Sea Level. The main control area on an aircraft car-
control. Also refers to a pilot's act of rier. It is where command decisions are
switching from automatic to manual MRM made about overall tactics, schedules,
controls. Also known as Man. Medium Range Missile. and missions.
An area aft of a carrier where aircraft Device used to show selected See Operations.
waiting to land assemble to await information . Also known as MFD.
A missile or bomb that is directed to its
MAV target, via radio control , by a person
See Maverick. viewing the target on long-range TV.
The gravitational force experienced by a
An effective air-to-surface weapon which The act of flying past an enemy plane.
pilot in a rapid descent.
utilizes a TV seeker or laser-guidance to An overshoot can be extremely danger-
lock and track targets. It can reliably hit NM ous since it exposes the plane's Six to
moving targets at long range. Also Nautical Miles enemy attack.
known as MAV.
MEATBALL Naval Flight Officer Closing speed irrespective of relative
Glide slope image of mirror landing aspect or heading.
Missing In Action .
MiG On-Board Check. PAINTED
Mikoyan/Gurevich. The Russian manu- The act of being illuminated by radar.
facturer of many Eastern Bloc fighters.
A representation of position relative to PAYLOAD
MILITARY THRUST an airplane corresponding to a clock face. The weapons carried by an aircraft.
The current aircraft's full power. Speed The nose of the plane is considered to be
settings are given in percentages of full 12:00 and the rear is 6:00.
See Pulse-Doppler.
military thrust.
MINIMUM CONTROLLABLE AIRSPEED The designation used for a mission
Pilot's Display Control Panel.
The speed below which your control sur- wing that will be conducting air defense
faces do not generate significant force to suppression attacks in preparation for PH
control the plane. bombing runs. Also known as Wild See Phoenix missile.
A two thousand pound bomb. ON BEAM An air-to-air missile which uses active-
Properly aligned on an ILS approach. radar to lock onto targets. It is the biggest
MK82 of the American air-to-air missiles
A five hundred pound bomb. ON YOUR SIX
Pilot jargon referring to the location PICKLING
directly behind an airplane. See Six. The act of selecting a weapon.

Optical representation of aiming point for Recovery duty officer.
PITCH A missile that is guided to a target by
The angle of the plane's wings relative
Up or down . The angle of the plane's reflection of radio signals off the target. to horizontal.
nose-to-tail axis relative to horizontal. RANGE
To raise or lower the nose of an aircraft ROE
Distance to a target.
in flight. Rules Of Engagement.
PORT A branch of the United Nations' military
The left-side of a naval vessel. A new or inexperienced pilot.
which was formed to respond quickly to
POSITIVE Gs aggressive conduct. Its naval air wing is ROT
The gravitational force experienced by a based on the U.N.S. Peacekeeper, a Range On Target.
pilot in a rapid ascent. Nimitz-class aircraft carrier. Also known
POW Rear Quarter.
Prisoner of War.
Rate of decrease in distance to a target. RUDDER
PULLING LEAD The hinged, movable section of the
The act of aiming a weapon ahead of an
RATE OF DESCENT plane's vertical stabilizer used to control
opponent's current position to improve Rate of loss of altitude, expressed in feet the aircraft's yaw. As a verb, meaning to
the probability of a Hit. per minute. angle the rudder in a particular direction.


A kind of radar wh ich emits a pulsed Tactical exercises held at Nellis AFB. Radar-Warning Receiver.
signal. REDLINE
PURE PURSUIT For a given airplane, the airspeed above
A combat maneuver where the following which it is unsafe to fly. "Red lining" the
pilot mimics the enemy's tactics plane may overstress or even damage SAM
structural elements in the plane.
Surface-to-Air Missile. An anti-aircraft
RED OUT weapon .
The loss of vision or consciousness
which may occur when a pilot pulls too SAR
QUARTERDECK many negative Gs. It is caused by an Search And Rescue. Generally referring
The stern area of a ship's upper deck. It overabundant blood supply to the head. to a mission.
is frequently the part of a ship which is
set aside for ceremonial or official use.
Reconnaissance. A dangerous series of nose-to-nose
QUARTERMASTER turns and overshoots where each aircraft
A petty officer who attends to a ship's RDF tries to get behind the other one. Also
helm, binnacle and signals. See Rapid Deployment Force. known as ZigZag.

Radar. Ground and flight crews racing to get
airplanes airborne, typically for a military
RIO emergency.
Radar Intercept Officer.
The high altitude limit on an aircraft. A maneuver accomplished by rolling The ability to fly at speeds in excess of
Exceeding the service ceiling may over- inverted and performing one-half of Mach One, without using an afterburner.
stress or damage structural elements in a loop, ending upright-side-up but
the plane. traveling in the opposite direction at S/W
a lower altitude. See Sidewinder.
An Infrared-homing air-to-air missile. SPOOF
The Sidewinder has scored more ATA Successfully redirecting an incoming
kills than any other missile. anti-aircraft missile.
Target-Aspect Angle.
The designation used for the AWACS Short Range Missile
mission wing. TAIL HOOK
SIGNAL CHARLIE See Arrestor Hook.
A loss of lift experienced by a plane.
The signal called by the Air Boss aboard It is general caused by either inadequate TAR CAP
a carrier to inform a pilot that he is clear speed or too steep an AOA. See also See Target Combat Air Patrol.
to land. Spin and Stall Speed.
SIX STALL SPEED Mission type instructing the pilot
Pilot jargon for the location direction The speed at which an aircraft will Stall. to engage any aircraft crossing into
behind an airplane. See O'Clock. his patrol zone. This order is used to
SMART WEAPON protect friendly bombers who are
The right-side of a naval vessel.
engaging a target from counterattacks
An air-to-ground weapon which can
STBY by enemy fighters .
automatically lock onto and guide itself
towards a target. Standby.
SORTIE STICK The position of the target as compared to
A control in the cockpit which controls the front of your plane. It is expressed in
A mission.
the elevators (forward/back axis) and 360 degree increments where the nose
SP the ailerons (left/right axis). of your plane is Oand you r Six is 180.
See Sparrow.
SPARROW The front of a ship. Also known as Bow An optical "box" surrounding a selected
A radar-guided air-to-air missile. During or Fore. target as viewed through the HUD.
combat, the missile Paints its target and
homes in on the signal.
The rear of a ship. Also known as Aft. Tactical Air Reconnaissance Pod System .
A control surface that is extended into
Anything that can be loaded on an aircraft, True Airspeed.
the airstream of an aircraft to increase
drag and thereby reduce velocity. including weapons. TAXIING
STORES MANAGEMENT DISPLAY The act of steering an aircraft on the
SPIN ground .
Any maneuver in which one wing is A graphic representation of the status of
stalled and one is not. weapons and supplies. THERMAL
STT Air rising or falling due to temperature ,
Single Target Tracking. and thus pressure, differentials; useful
in soaring.


The designation used for a mission wing The United States Geological Survey. The pilot assigned to fly an aircraft in
that will be conducting special operations This government agency collects terrain support of another aircraft.
such as recon , deliveries and such. data and information.
THROTTLE Weapons Control System.
The control in the aircraft's cockpit which
allows the pilot to adjust thrust. WHEEL BRAKE
The locking mechanism on an aircraft's
TIO VEC wheels to prevent the plane from rolling .
Tactical Information Display. Vector.
TOF Wind over the Deck.
Time Of Flight. Vertical.

An audio cue emitted by a missile track- Visual Identification.
ing system to indicate that the missile V/STOL X·SECTION
has Locked on the target and is ready
An aircraft capable of vertical short- The cross section of an aircraft or other
to be fired .
takeoffs and landings. object.
See Control Tower.
An aircraft's airspeed, measured in
TR either nautical miles or Mach.
TRANSPONDER The first half of an inside loop, terminated The angle of the plane's nose-to-tail axis
A device which transmit a coded response at the top, inverted with a half-roll back relative to its direction of motion .
(that may include nationality, altitude, to right-side-up and level flight.
speed, and heading) to friendly units. VISUAL CONFIRMATION An offensive combat maneuver used to
TRAP Sighting of a bogey aircraft to determine keep inside an enemy's turn.
The act of successfully capturing a cable nature and threat.
with an arresting hook and landing on an VULCAN
aircraft carrier.
A rapid fire rotary cannon used on many
fighters. Currently known as M61A1 . ZONE
The primary mission area.

Pilot jargon for joint operations of the WAYPOINT
United Nations and Chilean government. The different spots or target to which
UNRDF pilots must fly during a mission.
The United Nations Rapid Deployment WILD WEASEL
Force. See Rapid Deployment Force. Mission order instructing a pilot to attack
UNS enemy air defense positions, usually in
preparation for a bombing attack. Also
United Nations Ship.
known as Omega.
F3 F4 F9
FlD F11
missile fly-by
l9ok look
view view view external
right behind

10% ~0% ~00% thrust
thrust full AB
thrust n:~~t;? -1% +1% view
ENTER Pe'll' fJi~ard right
Air to air
CAPS LOCK A S K weapons 4 5
arrestor stick center
hook lett view

SHIFT z ~oom ;oom ~teady UP 1

pan up rudder
rudder slick
lett out in c~m forward behind back right
stick ~9~N ~li~~T 0
rudder lett pan
FIRE WEAPON lett back right tlown

4 6
wea on
grevious ENTER

x c v B N M
previous relOad
waypnt munltns

LJ [F1 IF2 r3
F6 F7 FB [F9 IF10 r 1
4 0 +




KEYBOARD ASSIGNMENTS (CONT.) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · -


y u 0 p
target game



FUNCTION ........ KEY DISPLAY OPTIONS Fly-by-view ................ .. .. [F11] RADAR

Resolution "Steady cam " view ........ [F12] Range zoom in ... .. ....... R
FLIGHT CONTROLS 320x200 ................... [Shift] [F9] View Wingman .............. W Range zoom out .......... [Shift] R
Stick Back .. .......... Numpad 2 640x350 .................... [Shift] [F10] Tower view ................... ... Numpad * Autorange (on/off) ...... [Ctrl] R
Stick Forward ...... Numpad 8 640x400 .................... [Shift] [F11] Cockpit panel (on/off) .... P On-screen (on/off) ...... [Alt] R
Stick Right .. ... ..... .. Numpad 6 640x480 ..... ... .. ... ....... [Shift] [F12] Map view ............ .. ..... .. .. . M
Stick Left ............ .. Numpad 4 Screen size cycle ...... [Alt] [F5] Switch internal/ Weapons
Rudder Right ........ Numpad [Enter] external view . ................ Numpad - Air to Air .................... [Enter]
Rudd er Left ... ... .... Numpad [Ins] Features Air to Ground ... ... .. .... [Backspace]
Clouds ........................ [Alt] C Adjustable Views Fire Weapon ..... ... .. .... [Spacebar]
Throttle Terrain shading .......... [Alt] K Virtual cockpit Fire Cannon ....... ... .. .. .. "
10% thrust ...................... 1 Visibility distance ...... [Alt] V enable ....................... joystk btn 1
20% thrust ...... ............. ... 2 Switch internal/ Defense
30% thrust ...................... 3 HUD Control external view .............. Numpad - ECM jammer ............ .. .. J
40% thrust ......... ......... .. .. 4 HUD brighter ...... .. .... H Center view ................ Numpad 5 Flares .. .......................... F
50% thrust ...................... 5 HUD dimmer ........... ... [Shift] H Pan up ......... ............. .. Numpad 3 Chaff ............... ............. C
60% thrust ...................... 6 Altitude ladder Pan down .................. Numpad Eject .............................. [Ctrl] E
70% thrust ...................... 7 (on I off) ..... ............... L [Del]
80% thrust ... ........ .. ... ...... 8 Altimeter mode Pan left ...................... Numpad 7 Wingman
90% thrust .................... .. 9 (MSL I AGL) ............. [Alt] A Pan right ... .. ... .. .......... Numpad 9 WM: follow me ...... ...... [Alt] F
100% thrust .................... a Zoom in ... ...... ....... .. .... > WM : attack target .. .. .. .. [Alt] G
1% increase .................... + Navigation Zoom out... ................. < WM : hold position .. ... ... [Alt] H
1% decrease ........... ... .. .... - Waypoint next/
Full Afterburner ................ \ Nav mode .................. N COMBAT SPECIAL COMMANDS
AB stage increase Waypoint previous .... [Shift] N Targeting Pause .... ... .. ... .. .. .. ..... .. ... [Ctrl] P
(100% thrust) ............... ... + Target next ..... ......... T In-Flight menu .............. [Esc]
AB stage decrease VIEW CONTROLS Target previous ............ [Shift] T Time compression
(100% thrust) .......... ........ - Target nearest... ........... Y (2:1, 3:1, off) ..... .. ... .. .... [Alt] T
PRE-SET Views Landscape Transversal
Engine off .... ... ... .. ............ - Target center .......... .. .. U
Forward view ................. [F1] mode (on/off) .... .. ... ..... [Alt] S
Landing gear (up/down) .. G IFF Discriminator .. .. .... •
Look left .. .. ...................... [F2] Head movement .......... [Ctrl] H
Arrestor hook (up/down) .. A Manual Designator '
Look right ........................ [F3] Exit game .................. .... [Alt] X
Wheel Brake I Airbrake .... B activate ........... ............. [Shift] D
Look behind ......... .... .. ..... [F4] Manually Designate
Autopilot .......................... [Shift A]
Defensive MFD (left) ...... .. [F5] target .... ...................... D Cheats
RADAR MFD (center) ...... [F6] Deselect target ............ [Ctrl] T Unlimited fuel ........... .. [Shift] F
Offensive MFD (right) ...... [F7] Reload munitions ........ [Shift] M
Systems MFD (lower) ...... [FB]
Tactical view .... ..... [F9]
Missile view.... .. ..... ......... [F1 OJ
Most pilots consider landings among their most challenging LOCALIZER
tasks. Even basic skills like finding the airport and aligning with Localizers are navigation aids that guide the pilot's lateral path
the runway present difficulties. Pilots use Instrument Landing as he approaches the runway. Unlike waypoints, localizers
Systems (ILS) to simplify runway landings at airports. Identical transmit a course, not a single point in space.
systems aboard aircraft carriers are called Carrier Landing
Systems (CLS).
Localizer Glide Slope

An ILS/CLS has five externally located components that trans-
mit radio signals to your aircraft's navigation system:
Initial Approach Fix (IAF)1
Final Approach Fix (FAF)1
Terminal Waypoint (above the touchdown zone)2
Glide Slope
The first three items are waypoints. Waypoints are navigation aids Think of the localizer as an extra sensitive instrument guiding
that guide pilots through the sky. Think of them as points in pilots along a course between three waypoints: the IAF, FAF
space your navigation system can sense. The navigation system and terminal waypoints. These three points lie along the
displays information about how to find the waypoint. It indicates localizer's centerline.
the waypoint's distance and which direction you should turn to
fly toward it. (See the section "Basic Waypoint Navigation.") GLIDE SLOPE
Like the localizer, the glide slope helps pilots find the runway.
INITIAL APPROACH FIX However, the glide slope provides vertical instead of lateral course
Approaches to the runway begin from the IAF. It lies 10 miles from guidance. Using the glide slope, a pilot can safely and precisely
the runway on an imaginary line that extends from the runway's descend from his cruising altitude to the runway (see the above
centerline. Pilots use the IAF as a checkpoint to establish proper figure). This descending vertical path is called the glide slope.
alignment and configuration for landing. An approach is off to a
good start if several crucial factors are adjusted at the IAF: aircraft
configuration (i.e. gear extended), airspeed, heading, and altitude.


Both the FAF and terminal waypoint lie along the same imaginary
line as the initial approach fix. The FAF is 3 miles from the run-
way and the terminal waypoint lies over the touchdown zone.
These waypoints serve as checkpoints during an approach. The
terminal waypoint allows your navigation system to display your
distance from the runway anytime during the approach.


In addition to the five externally located components, the The COi is a vertical dotted line on the HUD guiding the pilot to
cockpit contains three receiving instruments that display the localizer's centerline. The CDI moves left to right indicating
course information: your position relative to the localizer's centerline. Remember,
Navigation Director the localizer centerline is an imaginary line that extends out
Glide Slope Needle from the runway.
Course Deviation Indicator (COi) Like the glide slope, both magnitude and direction of COi
deflection provide information about your location. The direction
Information from all of these components appears on your HUD:
of COi deflection indicates whether you are left or right of the
localizer's centerline. The magnitude of COi deflection indicates
your distance from the localizer's centerline (see illustration on
preceding page). For example, a full-scale COi deflection to the
left indicates that you are far right of course.
It is important to understand that the aircraft's heading does not
affect the COi 's position; the CDI only changes when the aircraft's
position changes.
This subtle and important difference confuses many beginners.
Imagine the COi deflected to the right. It is correct to say, "you
are to the left of course." Conversely, it is not necessarily correct
to say, "the course lies to your right. " This makes sense if you
imagine a bird 's eye view of the approach with the runway near
the "top" of your image. Visualize an aircraft positioned on the
NAVIGATION DIRECTOR left side of the localizer's centerline. The COi 's location (deflect-
The navigation director depicts the location of the IAF, FAF, and ed to the right) indicates that the localizer lies to the right. The
terminal waypoints like any other waypoint (See flight training following figure shows three different scenarios. Each scenario
lesson #3). It simply "points" to the currently selected waypoint. yields identical COi indications.


The glide slope indicator is a horizontal dotted line that guides a
pilot along the glide slope during an approach. The glide slope
indicator moves up and down the HUD indicating your position Aircraft

relative to the glide slope. We say the glide slope indicator is Position

deflected when it is not centered in the HUD. To help you center
the indicator a small circle, called the Off Course Indicator /
(OCI), appears in the HUD when you activate the ILS.
Reading the glide slope indicator is simple:
When it is above the OCI , the glide slope is above you ;
you are TOO LOW.
CDI Indication
When it is below the OCI , the glide slope is below you; for all three
you are TOO HIGH.
The magnitude of needle deflection indicates your distance from
the glide slope. For example, a full-scale deflection to the top of
the HUD indicates the glide slope is well above you.
Independent of your aircraft's In fact, a right turn would further misalign the approach. The
heading, the COi needle pilot should continue on his current heading.
remains deflected to the right
The following diagram shows some possible aircraft locations
since the aircraft is right of the
and their corresponding COi and glide slope indications.
localizer. However, most
beginners don't visualize the
big picture resulting in incor-
rect COi interpretations. ®
They see the COi deflected to /

the right prompting a right /

turn. Deceptively, the localizer /

is not necessarily to the right. ~

Remember that the COi pro- /

vides course information-not

turning information. A deflected
COi may prompt you to adjust
your course (by turning) , but

you must decide on your own
which direction to turn or if a
The ILS/CLS may seem confusing at first but a few practice trials,
turn is even necessary. Panel B
along with the following suggestions and the ILS CHECKLIST
above shows an arrangement
(in the section "Using the ILS/CLS") will make landings fun.
where the localizer lies off the
pilots left wing but the COi is

deflected to the right.
Most commonly, beginners err
by simply turning in the direction
of COi deflection. Often, this turn
results in a circular path leaving

the COi unaffected (see panel C
above). Instead of just turning,
you should assume a heading
that yields an intercept course
with the localizer and this may

involve a turn. In the following
figure the deflected COi merits
no heading change. Initially,
one may incorrectly turn right 20°
since the CO i is deflected to
the right. 180°
USING THE ILS/CLS ..----------------,......__...,._..,......-------.
An entire ILS/CLS approach takes about 2 minutes and many Second , after looking at the map consider re-aligning for the
events happen during this time. An approach to landing can be approach if turning from the IAF to FAF waypoint requires a large
as intense as a close quarter dog fight. Approaches require heading change (i.e. 180°). Large heading changes result in larger
sharp pilots who can anticipate every event and fly with much turns. Large turns cover more area over the ground. A 180° turn
finesse. This section provides some pointers on performing would grossly misalign the approach unless it were an extremely
successful ILS/CLS approaches. The ILS/CLS landing checklist steep bank turn (thereby tightening the turn 's radius).
presents much of this same information in a simplified form. Third , as you roll wings level toward the next waypoint (FAF)
begin looking for the landing strip. The navigation director triangle
points directly at the carrier when you select the CVN waypoint.
Since all approaches begin from the Initial Approach Fix (IAF), If you are landing at a ground runway, the triangle points to the
you must first navigate to this waypoint. Place your HUD in runway when you select the airport's waypoint.
navigation mode by pressing [NJ . "NAV" appears in the HUD's
lower left corner. Use [NJ or [Shilt-NI to cycle through waypoints TRACKING THE LOCALIZER AND GLIDE SLOPE
until "IAF" appears in the HU D's lower right corner. Fly towards As soon as you roll wings level verify three conditions:
the IAF as you would any other waypoint.
..- You are heading in the general direction of the carrier
When you are between 20 and 30 miles from the IAF, configure (or airport).
your aircraft for landing. Extend your gear and arrestor hook by ..- The glide slope indicator is approximately centered .
pressing !GI and [A) . (The arrestor hook is only necessary for
..- The localizer lies slightly to your left or right
carrier landings.) Turn the pitch ladder on by pressing [l) . Use
(as indicated by the COi).
the pitch ladder to establish specific pitch and bank angles making
for a more precise approach . The ILS display automatically Remember to pay attention to two CDI characteristics: direction
appears when you extend the gear and arrestor hook. For and magnitude of deflection. The direction of deflection indicates
ground landings, you need not extend the arrestor hook. the direction to the localizer (when viewed from a bird 's eye per-
spective looking toward the runway) . The magnitude of COi
BEGINNING THE APPROACH deflection indicates your distance from the localizer's centerline.
As you near the IAF pay special attention to your altitude. Correct toward the localizer and glide slope as soon as you
Approaching this waypoint at the correct altitude assures proper determine where they are. These corrections, like all corrections
glide slope interception. By keeping the velocity vector EXACTLY from here on in, should be subtle and precise; nearly all beginners
in the center of the waypoint designator (the hollow triangle in over-correct. The localizer and glide slope are more sensitive
the HU D's center), you will fly a direct course to the waypoint. than waypoints. Therefore, people tend to "overshoot" their
Three miles before the Initial Approach Fix perform these three desired course.
tasks simultaneously:
Avoid over-corrections by following three guidelines:
..- Set the power to 34% (by pressing (3) once and
[+)four times) ..- First, make small shallow turns using only the rudder (!XI
and [ZJ) . Ailerons are great for steep tight turns, but making
..- Select the FAF waypoint [NJ
small heading changes using rudder and ailerons is more
..- Immediately turn towards it using a steep turn difficult. Only use the ailerons to keep your wings level.
(45° to 90° of bank) .
..- Second , use the navigation director while making correc-
Many beginners get lost at this point. Simplify your turn tions toward the localizer's centerline . The waypoint triangle
towards the FAF by following these simple guidelines: (in the center of the HUD) always points at the landing point
First, check the map display [Ml before you are 1.0 mile from the when the CVN or airport waypoint is selected. Furthermore,
IAF waypoint. The IAF, FAF, and carrier (or airport) waypoints the COi always deflects toward the localizer. Therefore, you
appear as green dots on the map. Determine where these way- will always be approaching the localizer if you place the
points lie with respect to your flight path so you know which velocity vector between the CDI and the CVN waypoint.
The following picture illustrates why this works.
direction to turn when the time comes.
Correcting to the Left Correcting to the Right INDICATOR), place the velocity vector below the touchdown
Runway point. Once the glide slope indicator centers, place the velocity
vector back on the touchdown point.

Glide slope is
above the aircraft .

Place velocity vector Once you have
above the touchdown re-captured the
point to re-capture glide slope, place
the glide slope . the velocity vector
on the touchdown
' Runway point until landing.

Gi/O'~ ......
%,,; ••

Corresponding HUD Display


T Third , use the velocity vector, airspeed , angle of attack,

At 34% power, the following configuration results in an
pitch, and/or descent rate information while tracking the
approximate 3° glide slope (the angle at which the glide slope
glide slope. Obviously, you cannot use all of this information
approaches the ground):
simultaneously. Experiment and see what combination
works best for you. Of this list, your single most valuable Airspeed : ... ... ............. ..... approx. 165 KIAS
tool is the velocity vector.
AOA: .. ...... ...... .......... ...... 4° to 6°
Pitch: ........ .... ........... .. ..... approx. 0°
VSI: .. ...... .. ........ .... ....... .approx. -24 F/S (-1440 FPM)
You don 't need to monitor and maintain each parameter inde-
pendently; by achieving any one of them you necessarily achieve
them all (once the aircraft stabilizes). Also, once you "capture" the
glide slope, simply placing the velocity vector on the touchdown
point keeps you on course and only a few minor pitch adjustments
will be necessary. This is only true at 34% power.
If you ever stray from the desired glide slope (the glide slope
indicator is not within the OFF COURSE INDICATOR), you can
pitch up or down to re-capture it. However, the configuration
outlined above pushes your aircraft to the edge of its performance
envelope. Hence, abrupt or excessive control movements induce
Since the velocity vector displays your direction of travel , you
a stall. Make small, slow corrections while mending your course.
can simply place it on the point where you want to go-like the
touchdown point on the runway. However, if you are off course If you stray excessively far above or below the glide slope,
(i.e. the COi and glide slope indicator are not within the OFF momentarily adjust your power (increase to climb , or decrease
COURSE INDICATOR) you must correct your course. to descend) or perform a missed approach. A missed
approach entails aborting the current approach and re-setting
For example, if you are below the glide slope, place the velocity
for another attempt.
vector above the touchdown point until the glide slope indicator
re-centers in the OFF COURSE INDICATOR. Likewise, if you are Approaches are identical whether you are landing on the ground
too high (the glide slope indicator is below the OFF COURSE or carrier. However, the landings differ slightly.
Ground landings are more simple than carrier landings. Cut the ILS/CLS LANDING
power about 0.3 miles before touchdown[-]. As the engine
spools down (almost immediately) , add a SLIGHT amount of CHECKLIST
joystick back pressure to initiate a flare . A flare is the transition
from flight to ground operations. Ideally, it begins about 70 feet PRE-APPROACH CHECKLIST
above the runway and continues until touchdown. Throughout a Landing Gear: ....... . Extend [GJ
flare your pitch should be slowly and smoothly increasing while Arrestor Hook: .. ...... Extend (for carrier approaches) !Al
your descent rate and airspeed diminish. By the time you touch
down , you should be at a pitch that allows your main landing Pitch Ladder: .......... ON Ill
gear (the two back tires) to touch the ground before your nose HUD mode:..... ... .... Navigation mode (NJ
gear. Perform a flare by momentarily pressing [Numpad 21 or
GENTLY pulling back on the joystick. After touchdown apply Waypoint Selection: .. press {NJ until "IAF" appears in the HUD
the wheel brakes [Bl and slow to a stop. Use the rudder pedals
to steer (!Zl and !Xl). Once you perfect ground landings
(see training mis~ion #8) it's time to move onto carrier traps 1 Ml BEFORE WAYPOINT
(training mission #9). Power: .... ...... ... . .. 40% - 42% (press 141. then
[+] zero to two times)
CARRIER TRAPS Waypoint selection: .. Select FAF waypoint (!NJ or !Shift-NJ)
Rough seas, the carrier's motion, and the deck's length make
Turn: ......... .... ..... 45°-90° bank turn toward FAF waypoint
carrier traps one of your most difficult tasks as a JetFighter Ill
pilot. Ideally, your arrestor hook will trap the third arresting ILS/CLS: .............. Align with localizer's centerline,
cable. This means that the arrestor hook actually snags the maintain glide slope
cable stretched across the landing strip. Unfortunately, bolters
often happen instead. A bolter occurs when the arrestor hook FAF WAYPOINT CHECKLIST-PERFORM AT LEAST
fails to snag one of the cables stretched across the carrier's 1 Ml BEFORE FAF
deck. Bolters happen for many reasons including improper run-
way alignment or faulty equipment. Waypoint selection: ...... Select terminal waypoint [NJ

Unlike ground landings, do not flare! Strange as it seems, pilots Velocity Vector: .......... On touchdown point
fly right into the deck during carrier landings. A flare would sac- Pitch: ....... ......... .. .. 0° - +3°
rifice valuable airspeed and deck space. Also , hitting a specific
landing point (i.e. the third arresting cable) is easier without a Airspeed: ... ..... .... .... approx. 200 KIAS
flare. AOA: ........... .... .. ... 4° to 6°
Prepare for bolters on every approach (even on perfect VSI : .... ....... ...... .. ... approx. -30 F/S
approaches) by applying full afterburner N about 1,000 feet
before touchdown. The afterburner allows you to maintain
enough speed for flight in case a bolter occurs. If you trap the
arresting cable , cut the power[-]; otherwise apply full power Power (1,000 feet before deck):.... .... Full Afterburner N
and reset for another approach. Power (trap): .... ... .... ...... .... ..... ........... . 0% [-]
It will take some practice before your landings are beautiful,
but the thrill of your first successful landing will make it TOUCHDOWN CHECKLIST-RUNWAY APPROACHES
all worthwhile. Power (1 ,000 feet before touchdown zone): ..... . 0% 1-l
you want to fly explosive
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ISBN: # 1-5595-8718-0



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