What Is A Cookie

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What is a cookie?

• Cookies are text files with small pieces of data — like

a username and password — that are used to identify
your computer as you use a computer network.
Specific cookies known as HTTP cookies are used to
identify specific users and improve your web browsing
• In simple terms a cookie is a small amount of data
generated by a website and saved by your web
• For example if you visit a website it will notify you about
the usage of cookies and will store your login
information and preferences so whenever you visit the
website for the second time it will remember you and
your preferences.
• Cookies for the internet were originally developed in
1995 by Netscape Communications Corporation.
• A cookie is also known as an HTTP Cookie, web cookie
or browser cookie.
• Cookies are basically small in size but the capacity in
them is endless.
• Whenever we are visiting a website for the first time it
stores our preferences in our web browser on a cookie.
Before storing a cookie it searches for one in the
machine and when it doesn’t find any the creates a
unique id and stores itself as a cookie
• On the second time when we visit the website when we
visit the same website there is no need to provide the
details again as the website can remember our
preferences through the cookies. Also if you make any
changes on the second time of your visit then an
additional file is also created.
• The web browser on the 2nd visiting sends the stored
cookies back to the only related server to notify users
previous activity.
• The time and expiry of a cookie is set by its website or
its browser.

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