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UN and Lebanon 1975-85

Difficulties of Lebanon for the UN

- It was problematic for the UN:
- Peacekeeping forces had to be given permission by the countries and had to stay neutral
- There were different Muslim and Christian militia groups
- Syria and Israel became involved

Lebanon’s History
- Christian nation founded after WWI
- Had large muslim population so there were some tensions between Muslim and Christians
- Large amount of palestinians arrived in 1948 and again early 1970s

- As the relations between Christians and Muslims worsened each side had their political side
- Different religion lived in different quarters of Beirut

People involved
- Lebanese Muslims
- Majority of population 1973
- Fewer seats in parliament than Christians
- Divided into different sects
- Looked at other arab nations for support
- Lebanese Christians
- Minority
- Majority of seats in parliament
- USA and West support
- PLO (Palestinians)
- Arrived in 1973
- 10% of Lebanese population
- Attacked Israel from Lebanon
- Was a ‘state within a state’
- Israel
- Invaded Lebanon in 1978 to take action against the PLO
- Supported Christian militia
- Syria
- Invades Lebanon in 1976 to stop PLO from attacking Israel
- Sided w/ Christian militia against PLO at first then went with Arab Deterrent Force (ADF) then
supported PLO again
Civil War (April 1975)
- Tensions within Lebanon and its border with Israel rose during early 1970s because
- PLO attacked Israel from Lebanon
- Christian and Muslim lebanese came into conflict a lot
- Cause
- Christian militia attacked a bus fll of palestinians after an alleged attack on a church
- Lebanese army couldn’t control and many soldiers joined the militia
- June 1976 Syria invade to restore peace and hold back the PLO as it was scared its attacks on Israel
would start another war
- October 1976 30000 ADF were approved to go to Lebanon and uphold a ceasefire
- Lebanon was invaded again on 14th and 15th March 1978
- South was occupied
- Israel invaded

- After invasion israel made an alliance with the christian militia to form the South Lebanese Army (SLA)

- UN Interim Forces in Lebanon
- Lebanon protested about Israel's invasion
- Security council passed resolution 425 and 426 on 19 March 1978
- Resolution 425 requires Israel to withdraw
- Resolution 426 established UNIFIL which was to
- Confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces
- Restore international peace and security in the region
- Help Lebanese government to restore its authority
- UNIFIL troops arrived in Lebanon on the 23rd March 1978
- 13th June 1978 Israeli forces withdrew
- But areas controlled were given to SLA
- However, there were several more attacks from Israel after
- PLO started shelling Israel in 1979

Israel invades again 1982

- After the PLO shelled Israel, Israel bombed Beirut and attacked Syrian forces
- Israel invaded Lebanon on the 6th of June 1982
- Lebanon thus turned to multinational help such as the US
- Timeline
- July 1982 PLO said it would leave Beirut if multinational force would protect palestinians
- August to september 1982 multinational troops were arriving
- 1st september 1982 14000 PLO left Beirut transferring to Tunisia but the war continued
- March 1984 USA withdrew
- 1985 Israel withdrew
- UNIFIL did nothing but provide humanitarian help
- Israel withdrew for multiple reason:
- The war in Lebanon was becoming unpopular because of the attack on its troops
- Israel’s economy had severe problem the war was just making it worse
- Government changed it had a lot more moderate ministers from many political parties
- After Israel’s withdrawal they created 15 km wide security zone in southern Lebanon controlled by
Israel and the SLA this helped protect Israel

What was UNIFL’s Problems

- Israel
- It believed the UN was to be pro-palestine
- It didn’t have a good relationship with the UN so was hard to convince
- Foreign Powers
- Some foreign powers had more control within Lebanon so the did all the convincing making the UN
look bad
- Complexity
- Domestic conflict with foreign intervention with many religions and countries involved

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