Quetiapine Drug Study

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Drug Name Classification Dosage Indication Mechanism of Contraindication Side Effect/ Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

/ Effect

Generic Name: Therapeutic 150mg  Schizophrenia Antagonizes  Contraindicated Side Effects:  Monitor mental status, onset of
PO Dopamine, in patients extrapyramidal symptoms.
Class: Frequent (19%-10%):
quetiapine serotonin, hypersensitive  Assist with ambulation if dizziness occurs.
histamine, alpha1- to drug or its  Headache  Supervise suicidal-risk pt closely during early
Second- adrenergic ingredients.  Drowsiness therapy (as psychosis, depression lessens,
Brand generation receptors.  Avoid use when  Dizziness energy level improves, increasing suicide
Name: (atypical) risk of torsades Occasional (9%-3%): potential).
Antipsychotic Therapeutic Effect: de pointes or  Monitor B/P for hypotension, lipid profile,
Seroquel Diminishes sudden death  Constipation blood glucose, CBC, or worsening
symptoms may be  Orthostatic depression, unusual behavior.
associated with increased, hypotension  Assess pulse for tachycardia (esp. with rapid
schizophrenia/bipol including in  Tachycardia increase in dosage).
ar disorders. patients with a  Dry mouth  Monitor daily pattern of bowel activity,
history of  Dyspepsia stool consistency.
cardiac  Rash  Assess for therapeutic response (improved
arrhythmias  Asthenia thought content, increased ability to
such as  Abdominal pain concentrate, improvement in self-care).
bradycardia,  Rhinitis  Eye exam to detect cataract formation
hypokalemia, or Rare (2%): should be obtained q6mos during
hypomagnesemi treatment.
a. Also avoid use  Back pain
Patient/ family teaching
 Fever
with other drugs  Avoid exposure to extreme heat.
that prolong the  Weight gain
 Drink fluids often, esp. during physical
QTc interval and activity.
in patients with  Take medication as ordered; do not stop
congenital Adverse Effects:
taking or increase dosage.
prolongation of CNS:  Drowsiness generally subsides during
the QT interval.
 Somnolence continued therapy.
 Use cautiously in  Avoid tasks that require alertness, motor
 NMS (Neuroleptic
patients with malignant skills until response to drug is established.
increased risk of syndrome)  Avoid alcohol.
QT-interval  Seizures  Slowly go from lying to standing.
prolongation,  Hypertonia  Report suicidal ideation, unusual changes in
such as those  Dysarthria behavior.
with CV disease,  Agitation
family history of  Extrapyramidal
QT-interval reaction
prolongation,  Fatigue
HF, or heart
and in elderly  Palpitations
patients.  Peripheral edema
 Use cautiously in  Hypotension
patients’ risk for  HTN
falls, including  Syncope
those with the
conditions, or  Blurred vision
who are taking  Ear pain
medications that  Epistaxis
may cause  Nasal congestion
somnolence,  Pharyngitis
orthostatic  Toothache
hypotension, or
motor or
sensory  Nausea
instability.  Anorexia
 Use cautiously in  Vomiting
patients with CV  Gastroesophageal
disease, reflux
cerebrovascular GU:
conditions that  UTI
predispose to Hematologic:
hypotension, a
 Leukopenia
history of
 Neutropenia
seizures or
 Agranulocytosis
conditions that
lower the Metabolic:
seizure  Hyperglycemia
threshold, and
conditions in Musculoskeletal:
which core body  Myalgia
temperature  Weakness
may be  Tremor
elevated.  Dyskinesia
 Use cautiously in
patients at risk Respiratory:
for aspiration  Increased cough
pneumonia.  Dyspnea
 Rash
 Diaphoresis
 Acne
 Flulike syndrome
 pain

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