Serie10 User Man Prog

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10 Series CNC

User Manual

Code: 45004452H
Rev. 15


Via Torino, 14 - 10010 Barone Canavese (TO) – Italy

Tel. +39-0119899711
e-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]

Copyright  2001-2004 by OSAI

All rights reserved

Edition:November 2004


This document has been prepared in order to be used by OSAI. It describes the latest release of
the product.
OSAI reserves the right to modify and improve the product described by this document at any time
and without prior notice.
Actual application of this product is up to the user. In no event will OSAI be responsible or liable for
indirect or consequential damages that may result from installation or use of the equipment
described in this text.
10 Series CNC User Manual



This publication is issued with reference to Software Release 7.4 for the 10 Series systems (E69).
The following modifications have been made to this revision.


INDEX Updated

Chapter 2
page 10 Added new description: PLUS SD000

Chapter 3
page 47 Added description of softkey: SYSTEM SHUT DOWN

Chapter 11
page 8 Added new description: Execution of paramacros in MDI mode

Appendix A
page 25 Added new codes: SD214-SD215-SD216-SD217

10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

10 Series CNC User Manual


This manual describes how to operate a 10 Series CNC. It provides the end user with all the
necessary information for using and programming the system.


• 10 Series CNC Product Specifications

• 10 Series CNC AMP - Software Characterisation Manual

For further information refer to:

• 10 Series CNC Programming Manual

This manual describes how your 10 Series CNC works and explains how to operate the system.
Each chapter deals with a separate topic.

1. Features and specifications

This chapter lists the general hardware and software characteristics of 10 Series CNC’s. It also
describes the major features of the front panel.

2. System start up
This chapter explains how to switch an and start up the system. It discusses the screens and
messages displayed when the system runs the self diagnostic.

3. User interface
This chapter describes the function of the softkeys, pushbuttons and controls available on the
panel. An overview of all the softkeys levels available gives the user a reference guide of all the
softkeys available. It provides a detailed description of the various video pages and discusses
the optional operator console.

10 Series CNC User Manual (09) 1

10 Series CNC User Manual

4. Setting system variables and parameters

This chapter explains how to set the local and system variables used for program writing. It also
describes how to set the machine operation parameters accessible with the MACHINE SET UP

5. Establishing origins and homing the axes

This chapter describes how to home the axes and establish the machine origins. In addition, it
provides a definition of the various reference and origin points managed by the control.

6. Axes jogging and stop function

This chapter describes how to move the axes manually.

7. Using tables
This chapter deals with the tables controlled by the system. It describes the Table Editor, a
utility with which to compile and edit system tables.

8. Table editor configurator

This chapter deals with the Table Editor, a utility for customising the tables visualised or printed
by the system, the video pages and the softkey labels. It also discusses how to configure and
handle customised tables.

9. Tool management
This chapter explains how to define tool offsets and part origins an the spindle axis. In addition
it describes how to manage the information stored in the Tool Data Base (tool mounting,
transfer, etc.).

10.Part program file manager

The chapter describes the part program management environment, the directories display, the
copy, rename and edit of the part programs.

11.Part program execution

This chapter explains how to set the machine for part program execution as well as the various
execution modes.

12.Machine Plot
This chapter introduces the MACHINE PLOT, a utility with which to visualise the tool path
graphics in real time while the machine is executing the program.

13.DOS Shell
This chapter describes the procedures for hard disk file management using the DOS operating
system functions.

2 10 Series CNC User Manual (09)

10 Series CNC User Manual

14. Security
This chapter describes a series of security functions that regulate the access to the system

This chapter describes the programs used to configure and use the systems with
communication ports connected to external devices (via a serial, parallel or Ethernet line).

16.Ethernet Communication
This chapter provides the most important information about Ethernet communication and
describes how to configure the network and the network services.

17. Function tables

Lists the enabling tables.

A. Error messages
Lists the error codes and messages and the related recovery operations.

10 Series CNC User Manual (09) 3

10 Series CNC User Manual


For correct control operation, it is important to follow the information given in this manual. Take
particular care with topics bearing one of the mentions: WARNING, CAUTION or IMPORTANT,
which indicate the following types of information:

Draws attention to facts or circumstances that may cause damage to the

control, to the machine or to operators.

Indicates information to be followed in order to avoid damage to equipment
in general.

IMPORTANT Indicates information that must be followed carefully in order to ensure full
success of the application.


Some terms appearing throughout the manual are explained below.

Control Refers to the 10 Series numerical control unit comprising front panel unit and
basic unit.
Front Panel Is the interface module between machine and operator; it has a monitor on
which messages are output and a keyboard to input the data. It is connected to
the basic unit.
Basic Unit Is the hardware-software unit handling all the machine functions. It is connected
to the front panel and to the machine tool.


4 10 Series CNC User Manual (09)

10 Series CNC User Manual



INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1-1
Processes .............................................................................................................. 1-1
HARDWARE STRUCTURE ............................................................................................ 1-2
Central Unit............................................................................................................ 1-2
Operator Panel ...................................................................................................... 1-4
WINMEDIA....................................................................................................................... 1-7
General .................................................................................................................. 1-7
Mass storage ......................................................................................................... 1-14
FDU peripheral ...................................................................................................... 1-14
CD-ROM peripheral ............................................................................................... 1-14
Keyboard connection ............................................................................................. 1-14
Mouse connection.................................................................................................. 1-14
Ethernet connection............................................................................................... 1-14
Riser Card.............................................................................................................. 1-14
External connections ............................................................................................. 1-14
Keyboard ............................................................................................................... 1-15
Operator Console .................................................................................................. 1-16
SOFTWARE STRUCTURE ............................................................................................. 1-18
Utilities ................................................................................................................... 1-20

SYSTEM POWER UP...................................................................................................... 2-1
DIAGNOSTIC SCREENS ................................................................................................ 2-1
Modules ................................................................................................................. 2-4
EMERGENCY SYSTEM SWITCH-ON ............................................................................ 2-5
DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES ............................................................................................. 2-7
PASSED Tests ...................................................................................................... 2-8
REPORTS about devices and actions in progress ............................................... 2-9
Error messages ..................................................................................................... 2-10

KEYBOARD .................................................................................................................... 3-1
Function keys......................................................................................................... 3-2
Alphanumeric Section............................................................................................ 3-2

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) i

10 Series CNC User Manual

OPERATOR PANEL FUNCTION KEYS ......................................................................... 3-4

Fixed Keys ............................................................................................................. 3-4
Special keys ........................................................................................................... 3-5
CONTROL BUTTONS ..................................................................................................... 3-6
VIDEO .............................................................................................................................. 3-7
Main screen............................................................................................................ 3-9
Status information area .......................................................................................... 3-10
Axes data area ....................................................................................................... 3-12
General data area .................................................................................................. 3-13
Part program data area .......................................................................................... 3-15
Large font display................................................................................................... 3-16
Configurable screen pages .................................................................................... 3-19
System status (SYS_STA) ..................................................................................... 3-20
Axes position (AXES_POS) ................................................................................... 3-22
Program display (PRG_DISP) ............................................................................... 3-23
Process status (PROC_STA)................................................................................. 3-24
Programmed code state (CODE_STA).................................................................. 3-26
Axes offsets (AXIS_OFF)....................................................................................... 3-27
Selecting a screen.................................................................................................. 3-27
Enlarging an elementary quadrant......................................................................... 3-28
Directory of Programs screen ................................................................................ 3-29
Additional data windows ........................................................................................ 3-30
General rules about data entry windows ............................................................... 3-32
SOFTKEYS ...................................................................................................................... 3-35
Main menu ............................................................................................................. 3-38
Auto ........................................................................................................................ 3-39
Manual.................................................................................................................... 3-41
Part Program.......................................................................................................... 3-42
Variables ................................................................................................................ 3-43
OEM ....................................................................................................................... 3-43
Machine Set-Up ..................................................................................................... 3-44
Tables..................................................................................................................... 3-46
Diagnostics............................................................................................................. 3-47
Utility....................................................................................................................... 3-48
OPERATOR CONSOLE .................................................................................................. 3-49
Operator Console Keys and Functions.................................................................. 3-49
Pilot Panel Selectors and Functions ...................................................................... 3-52
Controls and functions of the WinMedia operator console .................................... 3-55


LOCAL AND SYSTEM VARIABLES .............................................................................. 4-1
E variables ............................................................................................................. 4-2
User variables ........................................................................................................ 4-3
H variables ............................................................................................................. 4-4
SN variables........................................................................................................... 4-5
SC variables........................................................................................................... 4-6
PLUS variables ...................................................................................................... 4-9
Searching for pages and variable indexes............................................................. 4-10
Using variables for calculations ............................................................................. 4-11
SETTING MACHINE PARAMETERS.............................................................................. 4-12
Dynamic Params.................................................................................................... 4-13
Dynamic limits ........................................................................................................ 4-15
Program SET-UP ................................................................................................... 4-16
Block Retrace......................................................................................................... 4-16

ii 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

10 Series CNC User Manual

Probe parameters .................................................................................................. 4-17

Axes Reference ..................................................................................................... 4-18
Accuracy ................................................................................................................ 4-19
Time/date ............................................................................................................... 4-20


GENERAL........................................................................................................................ 5-1
HOMING THE AXES ....................................................................................................... 5-3
Manual Homing ................................................................................................ 5-3
Automatic Homing ............................................................................................ 5-3
DEFINING ORIGINS........................................................................................................ 5-5
DEFINING THE PART ZERO ON THE SPINDLE AXIS................................................. 5-8
Part zero on tool tip................................................................................................ 5-8
Part zero on spindle nose...................................................................................... 5-10
HOMING AND ORIGIN PRESETTING FOR DIAMETER AXES.................................... 5-11


JOG.................................................................................................................................. 6-1
Continuous Jog...................................................................................................... 6-2
Incremental Jog ..................................................................................................... 6-2
DEFINING THE JOG INCREMENT ................................................................................ 6-3
FEEDRATE OVERRIDE.................................................................................................. 6-4
ALTERING THE JOG INCREMENT ............................................................................... 6-5
JOG RETURN TO THE PROFILE .................................................................................. 6-6
SPINDLE SPEED OVERRIDE ........................................................................................ 6-7
STOP FUNCTIONS ......................................................................................................... 6-8
Reset...................................................................................................................... 6-8
Hold........................................................................................................................ 6-8
EMERGENCY STOP ....................................................................................................... 6-9
ACTIVE RESET ............................................................................................................... 6-9
REMOVING THE TOOL AFTER AN EMERGENCY ...................................................... 6-12

WHAT IS A TABLE? ....................................................................................................... 7-2
USING THE TABLE EDITOR.......................................................................................... 7-3
Directory Window................................................................................................... 7-5
Softkeys common to all Tables.............................................................................. 7-6
Table Editor Keys .................................................................................................. 7-7
TABLE EDITOR FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................ 7-8
Opening a Table .................................................................................................... 7-8
Loading a Table ..................................................................................................... 7-9
Altering a Table...................................................................................................... 7-10
Incremental Parameter Modification...................................................................... 7-11
Inserting a Record in a Table ................................................................................ 7-12
Canceling a Record from a Table.......................................................................... 7-13
Saving a Table....................................................................................................... 7-14
Printing a Table...................................................................................................... 7-14
Sorting Lines and Columns ................................................................................... 7-15
Search for an Element ........................................................................................... 7-16
Changing the Measuring Unit ................................................................................ 7-16

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) iii

10 Series CNC User Manual

Table Backup ......................................................................................................... 7-17

Restoring Tables .................................................................................................... 7-18
ORIGINS TABLE ............................................................................................................. 7-19
TOOLS TABLE ................................................................................................................ 7-21
TOOL OFFSETS TABLE................................................................................................. 7-26
TOOL DATA BASE ......................................................................................................... 7-29
MAGAZINE TABLE ......................................................................................................... 7-32
USER TABLE .................................................................................................................. 7-32


GENERAL ........................................................................................................................ 8-1
CONFIGURATOR SCREENS ......................................................................................... 8-2
Main configurator screen ....................................................................................... 8-2
Configurator screen ............................................................................................... 8-3
SOFTKEYS ...................................................................................................................... 8-7
Softkeys in the main configurator screen............................................................... 8-7
Configuration screen softkeys single tables .......................................................... 8-8
LOADING A CONFIGURATION FILE............................................................................. 8-10
SAVING A CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................ 8-11
RESTORING THE DEFAULT CONFIGURATION .......................................................... 8-12
AXES CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................ 8-13
CONFIGURING A TABLE ............................................................................................... 8-14
Configuring fields ................................................................................................... 8-17
LINKING TABLE FIELDS................................................................................................ 8-20
UNLINKING TABLE FIELDS .......................................................................................... 8-22
ARRANGING THE TABLE FIELDS ................................................................................ 8-23
CONFIGURING THE PRINTING OUTPUT ..................................................................... 8-26
CONFIGURING HELP ..................................................................................................... 8-28
CONFIGURING SOFTKEYS ........................................................................................... 8-29
QUITTING THE CONFIGURATOR ENVIRONMENT...................................................... 8-30
PERSONALISING USER TABLES ................................................................................. 8-31
User Table Manager screens and softkeys ........................................................... 8-32
Configuring a table ................................................................................................. 8-37
Configuring the table fields .................................................................................... 8-39
Copying a table or the fields of a table................................................................... 8-40
Copying a table ...................................................................................................... 8-40
Copying table fields................................................................................................ 8-41
Configuring HELP MESSAGES ............................................................................. 8-42
Loading and saving a table on a file ...................................................................... 8-43
Printing a user table ............................................................................................... 8-43

GENERAL ........................................................................................................................ 9-1
TOOL PRESETTING ....................................................................................................... 9-2
Tool presetting on an external system ................................................................... 9-3
Tool presetting on the machining part ................................................................... 9-4
DEFINING A MULTIPLE CUTTER TOOL....................................................................... 9-6
MANAGING THE TOOL DATA BASE ............................................................................ 9-7
Transfering tool data between the Tool Data Base and the Tool Table ................ 9-7
Entry of data fora new tool in the Tool Table (retrieved from Data Base) ............. 9-7
Overwriting the data of a tool already in the Tool Table with the Data Base data. 9-9

iv 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

10 Series CNC User Manual


Main screen ........................................................................................................... 10-1
SOFTKEYS...................................................................................................................... 10-3
LINE EDITOR .................................................................................................................. 10-4
Line Editor screen.................................................................................................. 10-4
Creating a new part program................................................................................. 10-7
Loading an existing Part Program ......................................................................... 10-7
Loading a running Part Program ........................................................................... 10-7
Characteristics of the Line Editor........................................................................... 10-8
Line Editor function keys ....................................................................................... 10-9
Writing new characters in a block.......................................................................... 10-11
Opening a new line ................................................................................................ 10-11
Deleting lines ......................................................................................................... 10-12
Retrieving lines ...................................................................................................... 10-13
Configuration Editor ............................................................................................... 10-14
Numbering program blocks ................................................................................... 10-16
Search for strings and block numbers................................................................... 10-17
Cut & Paste............................................................................................................ 10-18
Inserting a part program ........................................................................................ 10-20
Saving a part program ........................................................................................... 10-20


SETTING PART PROGRAM PARAMETERS ................................................................ 11-1
EXECUTION OF A PART PROGRAM............................................................................ 11-4
Selecting and activating a part program................................................................ 11-4
Automatic execution .............................................................................................. 11-4
Semiauto (block-by-block) execution .................................................................... 11-5
Multiblock retrace................................................................................................... 11-6
Executing blocks from keyboard............................................................................ 11-7
MDI execution without an active part program ...................................................... 11-7
MDI execution with an active part program ........................................................... 11-8
Executing part of a program .................................................................................. 11-9
Modifying blocks in BLK/BLK mode....................................................................... 11-10
Restoring a part program....................................................................................... 11-10
Search for a string ................................................................................................. 11-11
Overriding the programmed feedrate .................................................................... 11-12
Overriding the spindle speed................................................................................. 11-13
Overriding the rapid ............................................................................................... 11-14
Execution in Dry Run mode................................................................................... 11-14
MEMORY SEARCHING .................................................................................................. 11-15
Automatic searching .............................................................................................. 11-15
Searching for a pre-set block................................................................................. 11-16
Restarting a working cycle..................................................................................... 11-16
Searching mode..................................................................................................... 11-17

MACHINE PLOT USED WITH AXES CONNECTED ..................................................... 12-1
User interface with axes connected ...................................................................... 12-2
Machine Plot video page with axes connected ..................................................... 12-3
Softkeys active in axes connected mode .............................................................. 12-4

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) v

10 Series CNC User Manual

DRAWING A PROFILE WITH CONNECTED AXES ...................................................... 12-9

CHECKING THE GRAPHICS.......................................................................................... 12-10
ZOOM............................................................................................................................... 12-11
CAPTURING POINT COORDINATES ............................................................................ 12-13
MACHINE PLOT WITH AXES DISCONNECTED (DRY RUN MODE) ........................... 12-15
Configuration and functionality in use with axes disconnected ............................. 12-15
Video page with axes disconnected (Dry Run Active)........................................... 12-16
Softkeys active in axes disconnected mode (dry run) ........................................... 12-17
VERIFY............................................................................................................................. 12-21
CLEAR SCREEN ............................................................................................................. 12-21
EXAME GRAPHIC ........................................................................................................... 12-21

LAUNCHING DOS SHELL .............................................................................................. 13-1
DEFAULT PARAMETER VALUES ................................................................................. 13-2
DISPLAYING A DIRECTORY ......................................................................................... 13-4
DOS SHELL COMMANDS .............................................................................................. 13-6
ABORT ................................................................................................................... 13-7
BACKUP................................................................................................................. 13-7
COPY ..................................................................................................................... 13-8
DELETE ................................................................................................................. 13-9
DIRECTORY .......................................................................................................... 13-10
EDIT ....................................................................................................................... 13-11
EXIT ....................................................................................................................... 13-11
FORMAT ................................................................................................................ 13-12
HELP ...................................................................................................................... 13-13
MKDIR.................................................................................................................... 13-14
PRINT..................................................................................................................... 13-15
RENAME ................................................................................................................ 13-16
RESTORE.............................................................................................................. 13-17
SHOW DRIVES...................................................................................................... 13-18
XCOPY................................................................................................................... 13-19

USER LEVELS................................................................................................................. 14-2
ABILITY TO USE SYSTEM FUNCTIONS ....................................................................... 14-3
ABILITY TO INSTALL OPTIONS.................................................................................... 14-4
ENABLING THE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT ............................................................... 14-5
SET LEVEL ............................................................................................................ 14-6
SET PASSWORD .................................................................................................. 14-7
SET SECURITY ..................................................................................................... 14-8
SHOW SECURITY................................................................................................. 14-10
PRODUCT INFO.................................................................................................... 14-11
PRODUCT KEYS................................................................................................... 14-11
INSTALL................................................................................................................. 14-12
SHOW OPTION and SHOW FIXUPS.................................................................... 14-13

ACTIVATING PERIPHERALS........................................................................................ 15-2

vi 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

10 Series CNC User Manual

INTERLNK ....................................................................................................................... 15-3

Configuration ......................................................................................................... 15-3
Interlnk Configuration for 10 Series System.......................................................... 15-3
Interlnk Configuration Personal Computer ............................................................ 15-7
PRINT DEVICE................................................................................................................ 15-8
REMOTE BOOT .............................................................................................................. 15-9

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 16-1
COMMENTS ON THE NETWORKS ............................................................................... 16-3
Definitions .............................................................................................................. 16-3
Network topology ................................................................................................... 16-5
CONFIGURATION OF THE NETWORK ........................................................................ 16-7
General view.......................................................................................................... 16-7
Network configurator ............................................................................................. 16-7
FUNCTIONS OFFERED BY THE NETWORK................................................................ 16-8
File Transfer........................................................................................................... 16-8
Server services ...................................................................................................... 16-8
Access from a client............................................................................................... 16-9
Exchanges of messages between tasks ............................................................... 16-9
USER INTERFACE ......................................................................................................... 16-12
Access to the configuration environment .............................................................. 16-12
Network configurator screen displays ................................................................... 16-13
Main screen ...................................................................................................... 16-13
First screen display: Advanced Level............................................................... 16-13
Second screen display ..................................................................................... 16-14
Third screen display (optional) ......................................................................... 16-16
NETWORK CONFIGURATOR SOFTKEYS ................................................................... 16-18
Level selection (LEVEL Softkey) ........................................................................... 16-20
Channel configuration (CHAN GENERAL Softkey) .............................................. 16-20
Configuration of server type services (SERVER Softkey)..................................... 16-22
Configuration of client type services (CLIENT Softkey) ........................................ 16-24
CONFIGURATION OF TASK-TO-TASK TYPE SERVICES .......................................... 16-26
Enabling Task-To-Task communication ................................................................ 16-26
Defining a local environment as sharable in the network (SHARED ENV
softkey) .................................................................................................................. 16-26
Connection to a remote environment (REMOTE ENV. Softkey)........................... 16-28
Immediate connection of remote environments (Softkey ENVIR. CONNECT)..... 16-30
Automatic connection of remote devices (Softkey SERVICES CONN.) ............... 16-31
USE OF THE SERVICES IN THE NETWORK................................................................ 16-32
Network activation on the 10 Series system ......................................................... 16-32
Enabling the net on a Windows PC ....................................................................... 16-32
ACCESS TO A SERVICE FROM DOS SHELL .............................................................. 16-33
Display of the drives .............................................................................................. 16-33
ACCESS TO A PART PROGRAM.................................................................................. 16-34
DOS REAL TIME ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................. 16-34

FUNCTION TABLES: BYTE 0 - Reserved ............................................................ 17-1
FUNCTION TABLES: BYTE 1 - Reserved ............................................................ 17-2
FUNCTION TABLES: BYTE 2 - Maintenance....................................................... 17-2
FUNCTION TABLES: BYTE 3 - Directory Protection............................................ 17-3

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) vii

10 Series CNC User Manual

FUNCTION TABLES: BYTE 4 - System Tables Protection................................... 17-3

FUNCTION TABLES: BYTE 5 - Configuration ...................................................... 17-4
FUNCTION TABLES: BYTE 6 - PLUS Execution.................................................. 17-4
FUNCTION TABLES: BYTE 7 - Part Program Development ................................ 17-5
FUNCTION TABLES: BYTE 8 - Execution of CNC Functions .............................. 17-5
FUNCTION TABLES: BYTE 9 - Reserved OEM ................................................... 17-6

USER INTERFACE ERRORS ......................................................................................... A-2
PART PROGRAM ERROR MESSAGES ........................................................................ A-5
TABLE EDITOR ERRORS .............................................................................................. A-6
DOS SHELL ERROR MESSAGES ................................................................................. A-11
SECURITY ERRORS....................................................................................................... A-13
EMERGENCY MESSAGES............................................................................................. A-15
MESSAGES FOR D.S.I. ANOMALIES............................................................................ A-17
MESSAGES ON FASTWIRE ANOMALIES .................................................................... A-17
RESERVED MESSAGES ................................................................................................ A-17
HARDWARE DIAGNOSTICS ERRORS ......................................................................... A-18
Base unit (main CPU) ............................................................................................ A-18
Other boards .......................................................................................................... A-19
SOFTWARE DIAGNOSTICS ERRORS .......................................................................... A-21
Operating system ................................................................................................... A-21
Software Configuration Errors................................................................................ A-23
APPLICATION ERRORS................................................................................................. A-27
EDITOR ERRORS ........................................................................................................... A-28
ERROR FROM PERIPHERALS ...................................................................................... A-31
ERRORS COMMON TO ALL OPERATOR PANELS..................................................... A-32
CONFIGURATOR ERROR MESSAGES OF NETWORKS ............................................ A-34
ERROR MESSAGES DURING NETWORK BOOTSTRAP ............................................ A-36


viii 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 1

10 Series is a family of state-of-the-art controls capable of meeting a vast range of standard and
non standard application requirements: milling machines, grinding machines, wood-, glass- and
marble-working machines, oxygen cutters, etc. The upper segment in 10 Series can control up to
32 digital axes.

10 Series systems are the result of the most advanced technologies (32 bit microprocessor,
surface mounting, etc.). The powerful multi-task, real time, event driven, operating system is
enhanced by an open hardware and software architecture that permits MTB's to personalise the
application by incorporating custom-specific packages. Access to the sophisticated NC functions is
provided by an easy-to-use user interface that can be tailored to the MTB requirements.

The word "process" usually refers to the management of a machine tool: control of the machine
axes, execution of machining programs, activation and control of the machine logic, etc. More in
general, the notion of process may include any auxiliary task supporting the operation of the main
machine: tool change, part loading/unloading, statistic calculations, report production, etc.

Multiprocess capabilities are among the major assets of 10 Series CNC, which can manage up to
twenty processes. When synchronised, processes can be managed faster and more flexibly than
with separate control systems.

10 Series CNC User Manual (14) 1-1

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

The hardware structure of 10 Series systems is made up of different modules that can be
combined to satisfy the application requeriments.

Two of these modules are present in every configuration:

• the operator panel

• the central unit

Central Unit
The central unit may be of the monoboard type, i.e all in one board, or consist of a rack that
accomodates all of the electronic boards:

− the system CPU

− the axes control board(s)
− the I/O board(s)
− the PLC card

In addition, the system may include a series of optional modules picked up from the following list:

• one or more Pilot Panel operator consoles connected to the Central Unit
• a teach pendant connected to the central unit via the serial line
• up to two electronic handwheels connected to the encoder inputs available on the axes board
• local and remote I/O modules:

− high density I/O (HD I/O)

− medium density I/O (OSARING)
− digital I/O
− analog I/O
− digital and analog I/O's for INTERBUS

All the I/O modules and the operator consoles are connected to the central unit over an optical fiber
ring that protects the system against the electrical noise produced by the machine tool.
The I/O ring may include up to 1000 I/O points.

For more information about the system modules and how to connect them, please refer to the 10
Series Product Specifications and to the 10 Series Family Installation Guide.

From release sw 5.1.2, the INTERBUS connecting system may be used. Up to 2048 inputs and
2048 outputs may be managed on this system.

1-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (14)

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

The figure that follows shows an example of how to connect the various 10 Series system

Configuration of the Series 10 System

10 Series CNC User Manual (14) 1-3

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

Operator Panel
The Operator Panel or front panel is the interface between the system and the operator.

There are 3 models of operator panel:

− BLink
− OPLink
− WinLink

In all versions, the Operator Panel comprises a screen with a liquid crystal display, a USA-ASCII
standard keyboard separate from the monitor to increase the ergonomics of the system and 7
softkeys. It uses the latest Man-Machine interface techniques in a simple, friendly manner and its
main functions are:

• key in operating commands by means of the softkeys;

• enter the start, stop and reset commands;
• enter data, in terms of commands, through the keyboard;
• enter data and software (part programs, software options, etc.), using diskettes;
• display system data and operating conditions;
• control the NC environment or integrated PC environment (on the WinLink model using the
yellow key).

1-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (14)

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

• BLink Operator Panel

Is the basic version to be used with an external Operator Console, available with a 10.4” TFT
colour screen.

BLink Operator Panel

• OPLink Operator Panel
Is the version with a built-in Operator Console that provides CYCLE START; HOLD and RESET
buttons; keys for selecting the AUTO and MANUAL modes, for changing the spindle working and
rotating speed and 6 function keys with LED's which may be used by the manufacturer for machine
logic customization. It is available with a 10.4” TFT colour screen.

OPLink Operator Panel

10 Series CNC User Manual (14) 1-5

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

• WinLink Operator Panel

The WinLink front panel, shown in the diagram below, consists of a 10.4" o 12.1” TFT monitor,
alphanumeric keyboard, built-in mouse and built-in PC board (with its own HDU and 3.5" floppy
disk drive).
It has no RESET, START or STOP key.
It has a button ("yellow key") which is used for switching the monitor and keyboard from the NC
environment to the PC environment, and vice versa.
This front panel enables the monitor and keyboard to be shared by the NC and PC environments,
which remain completely separate.
On the built-in PC, you can use Windows applications that communicate with the NC using the Mini
DNC Ethernet option supplied with the dynamic library (DLL) developed for Windows.



WinLink type Operator Panel

1-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (14)

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications


The WinMedia Operator Panel is a front-end module for use by the operators of the CNC to which
it is connected via the Ethernet line.
The panel can be supplemented with a keyboard connected directly to it and with an operator
console connected to a bus line extraneous to the module (communication bus lines such as
FastWire/CanOpen). The figure below shows a front view of the panel with the keyboard and the
Main characteristics of the panel

Anchoring compatible with 19” pitch rack

15” TFT display screen
Fdu and Cd-Rom accessed from the front

Power supply: 90~265Vac 50~60Hz (100W max) *

connector conforming to IEC/EN60320-1/C14 (INLET type, i.e., with male contacts)
* Connection to safety GND by means of the power supply cord
Characteristics of Cpu board (ProX-3650)
850 MHz Celeron processor
CRT controller/ 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 FLAT PANEL
256/512 Mbyte DDR SDRAM
128/256 Kbyte cache
4 Mbyte Flash BIOS (I/O Setup and VGA)
Mini DIN connectors for keyboard and Mouse
IDE (Hdu) controller
Fdu controller
3 RS232 serial ports
1 RS232/422/485 serial port
1 SPP, ECP, EPP parallel port
RJ-45 connector for 10/100 Base-Tx Ethernet
2 USB 2.0 ports on back
1 2.0 USB port on front panel
1 dedicated 2.0 USB port for Touch Screen
1 PISA slot for Riser Card

10 Series CNC User Manual (14) 1-7

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

LCD 15”




22 mm diameter 16 mm diameter
custom operator 12 custom operators

PC panel with keyboard and console – front view

1-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (14)

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

PC panel - rear view

10 Series CNC User Manual (14) 1-9

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

Panel - Keyboard - Console drilling template

1-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (14)

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

4 M5 threaded pins
ATTENTION: when the FDU and CD-
ROM options are present, it is
necessary to ensure an obstruction-
free area, on the respective side, of
140 mm, to provide sufficient room to
introduce the floppy/compact disks
(zone marked with *).

On the right hand side, this area must

also be left unobstructed if one wants
to use the USB port for external units
(this port is always present).

Display panel drilling template

10 Series CNC User Manual (14) 1-11

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

Operator console drilling template

Keyboard drilling template

1-12 10 Series CNC User Manual (14)

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

Ethernet VGA

Com1 Com4 Parallel port Power supply

Com2 Com3 Mouse

PC Panel – Details of connectors

Riser Card

PC Panel – Position of Riser Card

10 Series CNC User Manual (14) 1-13

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

Mass storage
Mass storage by means of an HDU with a capacity of 20 and more Gbytes, mounted inside the

FDU peripheral
The module uses an integrated FDU peripheral, fitted to the left part of the panel (option).

CD-ROM peripheral
The module has an integrated CD-ROM peripheral, fitted to the right part of the panel (option).

Keyboard connection
The keyboard is connected by means of a special Mini Din connector on the back of the module.

Mouse connection
The mouse is connected by means of a special Mini Din connector on the back of the module.

Ethernet connection
The Ethernet connection of the module to an external unit or a network is by means of a special
connector on the back. To connect the module to a PC or other similar units you need a crossover
cable, to connect it to a HUB you need a straight cable (see the Connectors/Cables section).

Riser Card
A Riser Card fitted to the special PISA connector makes available a PCI/ISA expansion connector
on the back.

External connections

Com1, Com3, Com4 RS232
Com2 RS232/RS422/RS485 (configurable)
Parallel port
LAN (Ethernet)
Keyboard (6-pin Mini DIN)
Mouse (6-pin Mini DIN)
Display screen (15-pin) Not used
USB, USB (two ports)
AC Pwr in Module power supply

USB (one port)

1-14 10 Series CNC User Manual (14)

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

The keyboard has a standard Windows PC configuration with 83 short-stroke keys of silicone
rubber and a built-in mouse pad with right and left mouse keys. The two (independent) sections are
connected to the WinMedia module by means of two cables ending with Mini DIN connectors. PS2
standard communication protocol.

Touch Pad

Mouse Keyboard

WinMedia keyboard

10 Series CNC User Manual (14) 1-15

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

Operator Console


The Operator Console is recognised by the NC as an I/O module managed through the FastWire
or CanOpen line and it includes:

* Operators (trimmers): SPEED – FEED – JOG

* Selector buttons: CYCLE START – HOLD – RESET
* Active functions LEDs
* 12 locations for 16 mm diameter custom operators
* 1 location for a 22 mm diameter custom operator

22 diameter
custom operator
(yellow badge for 12 16mm diameter
emergency button) custom operators

Front view of console

1-16 10 Series CNC User Manual (14)

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

24 V OUT




Console - Rear view of FastWire version

CanOpen LINE




Console - Rear view of CanOpen version

10 Series CNC User Manual (14) 1-17

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

The figure that follows illustrates the software structure. Note that the Event-Driven Real-Time
Multi-Task IntePprocess Communications software (IPC) overlaps the basic operating system that
manages communications with the operator panel. IPC also supervises and synchronises
communications between the five software partitions.

Communications with
Operator Panel

Operating System
IPC (Interprocess Communication)

Real Time Machine

Human Numerically
DOS Utility Logic Controlled
Interface Interface Proces

DOS Mini
Table PLUS Graphic Digitizing
AMP Graphic DNC
Editor Editor Editor Option


1-18 10 Series CNC User Manual (14)

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

The functions of the five system partitions are as follows:

NC Process: Includes the Part Program interpreter. It interpolates the controlled

axes and manages processes in machining centers.

Machine Logic Interface: Executes the OEM-developed interfaces between the NC and the MT.

Utilities: Includes a series of packages aimed at the end user, the MTB or the
technical assistance engineer. Some are described later in the
manual, others are optional (purchased separately).

Human Interface: The NC-operator interface manages visualisation, program editing

procedures, softkey operation, help pages, etc.

Real-time DOS Interface: Is the 10 Series "aperture" to OEM for the building of personalised
These applications can use all the 10 Series resources (axes, logic,
human interface, etc.), as well as those of the Operating System
(realtime, multitask, etc.).

10 Series CNC User Manual (14) 1-19

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

A utility is a standard or optional program addressed to various users levels (end user, MTB,
technical assistance engineer, etc.). The 10 Series Utilities partition includes:

Table Editor Permits to key in, display and edit the parameters that define the
following features:

− origins
− tools
− tool offsets
− tool tables
− tool magazines
− tool data base

The Table Editor includes the Editor Configurator Table, which permits to
personalise the contents and the layout of the tables displayed by the
system. For details, refer to Chapters 7 and 8.

PLUS Editor PLUS (Parallel Logic Universal System) is a complete universal

programming language used for writing the machine logic that manages
the interface between the 10 Series and the machine tool. PLUS collects
information about the current process, the axes functions and the system
variables and uses this data to make decisions about the machining
process and other actions. For more information see the relative
documentation, particularly the 10 Series CNC PLUS Library Manual.

Graphic Editor This option permits to write programs using graphic menus. The Graphic
Editor can be broken down into two utilities:

The Geometric Editor generates a profile from the definition of its

elementary geometric constituents. The desired profile is obtained by
linking these constituents.

The Cycle Editor permits to program canned machining or measuring

cycles. The programmer is presented with a choice of graphic options
and of parameters that define them.

For more information about this option, refer to the 10 Series CNC
Graphic Editor Manual.

1-20 10 Series CNC User Manual (14)

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

Digitizing This option permits to program complex profiles (such as those including
spline curves) using points captured with different methods. Digitizing
methods include manual moves, probing cycles and keyboard entries.
Points can also be uploaded from an external computer.
For more information about this option, refer to the 10 Series CNC
DIGICAD User Manual.

AMP The Adjustable Machine Parameters (AMP) permits the user to tailor the
10 Series control to the system applications.
The following is a list of configurable system parameters:

− number of axes and axes parameters (gain, velocity, electrical and

mechanical pitch, etc.)
− operator interface or visualisation technique
− system variables
− hardware system configuration
− number of processes
− user-specific DOS packages
− auxiliary functions
− travel limits
− etc.

For more information about this option, refer to the 10 Series AMP
Software Characterization Manual.

DOS Graphic Interface This option permits the user to customise the machine by writing
application programs in C language and using the DOS Graphic Interface
libraries. For more information about this option, refer to the 10 Series
CNC DOS Graphic Interface Manual.

MINI DNC This option permits network connection of 10 Series systems and a PC
for exchanging files (part programs, etc.) and for communication between
processes ("task to task").
There are two types of connections:

− over a RS-232 serial line

− PC connected over an Ethernet link to various systems.

For more information about this option, refer to the MINI DNC
Serial/Ethernet Manual.

10 Series CNC User Manual (14) 1-21

Chapter 1
Features and Specifications

In addition to the options listed and displayed in the figure, 10 Series systems offer other options
now listed below:

Tool Management Manages the flow of tool information between the Tool Magazine and the
shop floor, and the operations for moving the tools in the machine.

For more information about this option, refer to the 10 Series CNC Tool
Magazine Option.

Electronic Cam This option permits to define a master axis and a slave using the
positioning values stored in predifined tables. The master/slave pair
sampling tick can be much smaller than that available with ordinary
programming and calculation methods.

Oscilloscope This standard feature permits to visualise in a continuous graphic the

feedrate or the following error of the axes, and to store the relevant data
in a file.

System History This standard feature permits to store in a file all the diagnostic
messages sent by the system when erroneous operations are performed
or a mulfunctioning occurs. Messages are complete with date and time.
This file is of considerable importance for troubleshooting and diagnostic


1-22 10 Series CNC User Manual (14)

Chapter 2


The system is powered up when power is supplied to the central unit and the front panel. To do this
you must typically operate the machine main power switch.

Since most of the system software is stored in the hard disk, at power up the system automatically
loads the NC management software in the system memory.


At power up the system also launches a diagnostics of the system hardware and software
modules. The diagnostic sequence is as follows:

• hardware (CPU, ROM, RAM, keyboard and hard disk)

• additional boards and devices
• NC software
To each diagnostic module corresponds a screen similar to the one shown in the figure below.

On the intelligent front panel (in systems equipped with this model of front
panel), the messages displayed on the screens may vary.
For a list of all error messages for this type of operator panel, see the
relevant section of Appendix A.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 2-1

Chapter 2
System Start up





10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

RAM : BD002 CMOS Memory Battery backup PASSED

C CPU : BD000 Math Processor PASSED
DISK : BD004 Fixed Disk: 1 present PASSED
DISK : BD004 Floppy Disk : 1 present PASSED

Data Logger Display

A "LED" Area
B Percentage of Loaded Software
C Message Area

The diagnostic screen can be partitioned into three main areas:

A "LED" Area: this area displays 5 or 6 boxes, each one of which represents a diagnostic LED.
The name of the label indicates the device tested by the diagnostic routine. The boxes are
displayed in green when the modules pass the test. They are displayed in red when a failure
occurs. In this case, a fixed label indicates a locking error, whereas a blinking label indicates a
non-locking error. The error will be further described in the data logger display area.

B Percentage of Loaded Software: as the software is loaded in the system memory during
initialisation, the color bar displayed in this area shows the loaded percentage.

C Data Logger Display: this area displays the test results. The layout of a typical message line is
as follows:

2-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 2
System Start up


test results

test description

message code

tested device

The meaning of these columns is as follows:

Tested Device is the acronym of the device, typically the label displayed on the diagnostic
"LED" area.

Message Code is the acronym of the diagnostic message. It is made up of two letters and
three digits. In the standard front panel this acronym corresponds to the
message code listed in Appendix A. Note that this appendix also provides
the description of the failure and the remedial action.

Test Description provides a short description of the test (if passed) or an error message when
an error has been detected.

Test Results this column may display one of these messages:

PASSED the device has passed the test.

WARNING the device has not passed the test but the error is not a
locking one. When this occurs, the LED is displayed in red
with a blinking label. The WARNING message is written in
white letters on a red background.

FAILED the device has not passed the test and the relevant LED is

REPORT an optional device (mathematical coprocessor, software

package, etc.) is present. This message also appears to
indicate that the system is going through initialisation or is
configuring the software.

In general only one FAILED message is displayed when a locking error occurs. On the contrary,
when more than one WARNING must be displayed, the following string appears:

Press enter to continue

When this message appears, the test stops. To display all the messages that cannot be
accomodated in the message area it is necessary to press the [Arrow Up/Down] arrow keys. To
resume the test press [Enter].

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 2-3

Chapter 2
System Start up

The LED labels and the messages displayed in the Data Logger Display vary with the type of
tested module.

As a result various possible conditions may be displayed sequentially while the relevant module is


Basic hardware CPU ROM RAM KEYB DISK
(system CPU) B02.03A


Additional hardware PLUS AXIS
(any boards installed)


V03.00 V03.00 V03.00 V03.00 V03.00

On the new 10/110 controls of the 10 Series, the initial diagnostic phase in which the basic
hardware components are tested is displayed in a different format typical of the diagnostic
messages displayed on standard personal computers.

On the other two models, the diagnostic screens are as described.

2-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 2
System Start up


It is possible to perform a "minimum" bootstrap on 10 Series systems in which some operations
only executed in this environment can be perfromed, while not activating all the system features.

IMPORTANT The minimum bootstrap is activated by holding down the [F1] button when
switching the system on.
The system will be brought up with the EMERGENCY DIAGNOSTIC

If the front panel is WinLink type, first press the "yellow button" when
switching on and then, after switching video and keyboard to NC
environment, press [F1].
The system will be brought up with the EMERGENCY DIAGNOSTIC

In emergency, the following softkeys are available:

This softkey grants access to the AMP utility for system characterisation. The functions of this
utility are described in the Characterisation Manual.

Grants access to the PLUS environment for development of the machine logic programs. For
further details, read the PLUS manuals.
With this utility, the dual port memory areas present in the system can be initialised, saved in a
file and restored from a file. This topic is discussed in the Characterisation Manual.

This softkey grants access to the utility for display/printing/deleting of the history log of errors
and system messages displayed during operation of the machine. This file has a fixed size,
which means that beyond a certain number of messages, new incoming reports will involve the
oldest reports being pushed out.

Displays the on-line help window.

This softkey grants access to the DOS SHELL utility.
This utility permits execution of commands for control of the files in the drives acknowledged by
the system (local or remote). Further information on this utility may be found in this manual.

Manages the system security levels at the different user levels. Further information on this utility
may be found in this manual.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 2-5

Chapter 2
System Start up

This utility grants management of the system tables; further information on this utility may be
found in the 10 Series CNC user manual.

Permits selection of the output port for the system printer or for use in the DOS environment.

This is a utility permitting personalization of the national language of the mesages displayed in
the HELP, SOFTKEY, etc. Further information on this utility may be found in the
Characterisation Manual.


This is used to perform a bootstrap, as recommended after making changes to the software
characterisation or the machine logic, and it is also used to shut down the system.

Allows compiling and linking of source files written in C or ASSEMBLER.

Permits execution of what is specified in file E:UTY\AUTOEMG.BAT or in file
A:\AUTOEMG.BAT, present on a diskette.
This is a utility permitting execution of programs for Hard Disk compacting, system scanning in
search for "viruses", or other programs selected by the OEM.
File E:\UTY\AUTOEMG.BAT (or a copy on diskette) must be modified for use of the utilities the
OEM wishes to execute, the file itself presents an example of the typical structure to follow.

2-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 2
System Start up


As mentioned previously, the messages on the diagnostic screens vary according to the type of
module being tested.

The messages about optional devices display the REPORT label in the result area, whereas actual
test results may be indicated by PASSED, FAILED or WARNING..

In the WinLink front panel it must be recalled that on bootstrap of the full
system (NC and WinLink), the default video is that of the integrated PC and
the diagnostic will also be the PC diagnostic; the NC diagnostic will be
visible only following a switch of operating environment on pressing the
"yellow button".

An example of the sequence of PASSED or REPORT messages that may be displayed during the
test carried out on the modules of a 10 Series system (except for the 10/110 model).

The BD acronym given in the table does not identify a single message but, rather, a tested group,
i.e. CPU, RAM, etc.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 2-7

Chapter 2
System Start up


Device Acronym Description Result

CPU BD000 Processor PASSED

The CPU has passed the autodiagnostics.

CPU BD000 Interrupt Controllers PASSED

The interrupt controllers have passed the test.

CPU BD000 DMA Controllers PASSED

The direct memory access controllers have passed the test.

CPU BD000 Pointing Device PASSED

The mouse hardware has passed the test.

CPU BD000 Clock/Calendar PASSED

The real time clock registers work properly.

CPU BD000 CPU Protected Mode PASSED

The protected CPU mode has passed the test.


The checksum of the product electronic key is correct.

RAM BD002 CMOS Memory Battery Back Up PASSED

The back up battery of the CMOS has passed the test.

RAM BD002 Parity Circuitry PASSED

The circuitry that generates the parity bit for RAM control has
passed the test.


The CMOS RAM has passed the test.


The keyboard circuitry has passed the test.

DISK BD004 Fixed Disk: 1 present PASSED

The hard disk unit is present and works properly.

DISK BD004 Floppy Disk: 1 present PASSED

The floppy disk unit is present and works properly.

2-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 2
System Start up

REPORTS about devices and actions in progress

Device Acronym Description Result

CPU BD000 Math Processor REPORT

The mathematic coprocessor is present.

DISK BD039 Fixed Disk Present REPORT

The hard disk is present.

DOS BD102 Primary Bootstrap REPORT

MS DOS is being initialised.

DOS BD104 Remove the diskette and strike any key REPORT

DOS BD106 Insert release floppy n. 1 and reboot the control REPORT
This message appears while the system is loading the SW
release from a diskette.

OS OD001 Operating System Loading / Loaded REPORT

The NC operating system is being loaded or has been
loaded in the system memory.

OS OD002 File Server Loading REPORT

The NC operating system is being loaded in the system

OS OD003 Application Loading REPORT

The application program is being loaded in memory.

OS OD100 RS232 Software Loading REPORT

The serial communications software is being loaded in

OS OD101 SK-NETBIOS Software Loading REPORT

The protocol of the SK-Netbios sofware for the MINI DNC
Ethernet option is being loaded in memory.

OS OD102 DEC-NETBIOS Software Loading REPORT

The protocol of the DEC-Netbios sofware for the MINI DNC
Ethernet option is being loaded in memory.

PLUS (*) HD061 Loaded Boot strap Program REPORT

The PLUS initialisation program has been loaded in


The board has passed the RAM test.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 2-9

Chapter 2
System Start up

Device Acronym Description Result

PLUS (*) HD063 Loaded Diagnostics REPORT

The board diagnostic program has been loaded in memory.

PLUS SD000 PLUS Environment Creation REPORT

The creation of the PLUS environment has been completed.

SERVO SD000 Servo Environment Creation REPORT

The creation of the SERVO environment has been

PROCESS SD000 Process 1 Environment Creation REPORT

The creation of the PROCESS 1 environment has been

PROCESS SD000 Process 2 Environment Creation REPORT

The creation of the PROCESS 2 environment has been

PROCESS SD000 Process 3 Environment Creation REPORT

The creation of the PROCESS 3 environment has been

PROCESS SD000 Process 4 Environment Creation REPORT

The creation of the PROCESS 4 environment has been

PLUS SD000 Creating I/O Environment REPORT

The creation of the I/O environment has started.

HUMAN SD000 H-I Environment Creation REPORT

The creation of the User Interface environment has been

OEM SD000 OEM Environment Creation REPORT

The creation of the OEM environment has been completed.

(*) Acronyms HD061-063 refer to a whole series of boards and devices. For example, in HD061
the message may refer to AXIS 1, AXIS 2, etc. rather than to PLUS.

Error messages
Locking (FAILED) and non-locking (WARNING) error messages and remedial actions are
described in Appendix A.


2-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3

The user interface is the means by which the operator communicates with the system. The screen
provides the operator with visual system information, while the operator uses the keyboard and the
pushbuttons available on the front panel for entering parameters, instructions and commands.

This chapter describes 10 Series keyboard, video pages and softkeys.


The 10 Series keyboard includes:

• 3 function keys, [F1] - [F3] on the left-hand side

• 2 function keys, [F11] and [F12], on the right-hand side
• an alphanumeric section

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-1

Chapter 3
User Interface

Function keys

[F1] - [F3] These function keys are not used; they are reserved for use by OEM operators.

[F11] - [F12] These function keys are not used; they are reserved for use by OEM operators
(on the WinLink front panel).

Alphanumeric Section

This section of the keyboard consists of 89 keys which may be identified in three areas of the
figure: the function keys, the typewriter section and the numeric keypad, which are used for
entering data, moving the cursor and scrolling through video screens. The following keys perform a
particular function in the alphanumeric section:

The [Arrow Up/Down] [Arrow Left/Right] keys move the cursor in the
direction indicated by the arrow. They may be used in input boxes,
utilities, editing operations and for selecting axes in manual movements.

The [Return] key is used for moving the cursor from one field to
another in input boxes, tables, etc.

The [Enter] key is used for confirming input boxes and, more generally,
data entered on the keyboard.

The [Pg Up] and [Pg Dn] keys are used for scrolling through help
pages on the screen, program listings in the line editor and table data in
the Table Editor. In general, they are used for scrolling through a list of
items when the list is longer than the video screen on which it is

The [Home] key is used for moving the cursor to the start of the
programs directory or, when pressed together with [Ctrl], to the start of
the program listing.

The [End] key is used for moving the cursor to the end of the programs
directory or, when pressed together with [Ctrl], to the end of the
program listing.

3-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

The [Esc] key clears the input box without saving any changes made

The [Ins] key is used for switching from overwrite to insert typing mode
or vice versa

The [Back Space] key deletes the first character to the left of the

The [Delete] key deletes the character at the cursor position.

The [Clear Msg] key removes the following types of messages from the
- PLUS messages
- process (*) and emergency (*) messages

(*)for these environments, the function of the Clear Msg key may be
configured (see the documentation of the "LANGUAGES" package).

The [Clear Line] key deletes the contents of the manual data entry line
on which the cursor is positioned.

The [Caps Lock] key changes the typing mode from capital to small
letters and vice versa.

The [Shift] key, when pressed together with a key, is used for
performing the upper-case functions indicated at the top of the
associated key.

The [Alt], [Ctrl], [Pause] [Break], [Print] keys are not used; they are reserved for use by OEM

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-3

Chapter 3
User Interface


Function keys [F4] to [F10] situated at the bottom of the operator panel are reserved for softkeys
and fixed keys.

The five softkeys enable the user to send commands to the 10 Series CNC system. Their function
is determined by the software in each individual case through a series of menus. The menus have
a hierarchical structure and are displayed on the bottom three lines of the screen. The active line of
a menu establishes the current functions of the softkeys.

A detailed description of the softkeys is provided later in this chapter.

Key [F5] SOFTKEY 1

Key [F6] SOFTKEY 2

Key [F7] SOFTKEY 3

Key [F8] SOFTKEY 4

Key [F9] SOFTKEY 5

Fixed Keys

The fixed keys are located on either side of the softkeys and have the following functions:

Key [F4]
The left fixed key always takes you back to the main menu and
displays the main screen, thus facilitating access to the machining

Key [F10]
The right fixed key is used for changing the active line of the
softkeys by moving the blue bar vertically through the three lines of

3-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

Special keys

yellow button This button on the WinLink front panel is used to switch video and keyboard
from the integrated PC to the NC and vice versa, without affecting any ongoing
operations on the two systems.

keys P1÷ P6 These 6 function keys present on the WinLink and OPLink front panel are at the
operator's disposal for customising the functions.

• On the WinLink front panel, these keys and their LED's may ONLY be
IMPORTANT controlled from the PC side.
• On the OPLink front panel, these keys and their LED's may be controlled
by the machine logic (OEM SOFTKEY tasks)

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-5

Chapter 3
User Interface

The three control buttons perform the following functions:

The RESET button aborts the part program being executed and any
active function.

The CYCLE START button starts executing the part program and
enables the axis homing cycle and the execution of manual

The CYCLE STOP button stops various functions depending on

whether the system is in Auto or Manual mode. In particular:
Auto stops executing the part program with controlled
deceleration of motion. To exit from the cycle stop
condition, press CYCLE STOP again; the process enters
HOLD RUN status. To resume execution, press CYCLE

Manual stops the automatic axis homing cycle, incremental JOG

motion and automatic return from JOG. To exit from the
cycle stop condition, press CYCLE STOP again. To
resume execution, press CYCLE START.

More detailed information on each key will be provided in this manual as it is mentioned in the
descriptions of the single operations.

3-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

10 Series systems use the video for visualising information about system operation and functions,
requesting parameters or instructions, etc.

The video is a 12" color screen with 640 x 480 resolution. It can display up to 25 80-character lines.
Screen lines are partitioned as follows:

• the first line always displays system status information

• the last three lines are always occupied by the softkey menu
• the remaning 21 lines are used for information display. The layout may vary enormously
according to the context in which visualisation occurs. In some cases one of the lines in this
area displays error messages.

Displayed information may occupy the whole data area of the screen or just a quadrant of it. Each
quadrant is made up of 10 39-character lines. A quadrant may be enlarged to occupy the whole
screen by means of the ENLARGE softkey, as shown in the figure below. The enlarging procedure
will be described later in this chapter.

The table below lists the video pages managed by the system. The first three and the last six are
standard; the others can be configured in the AMP environment from standard quadrants, special
screens created by the logic, or customised screens written through the ASSET utility.
Supplementary screens 1 through 5 are configurable, whereas Logic quadrants 1 through 4 can be
customised and subsequently managed as configurable screens

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-7

Chapter 3
User Interface

Video Description
① Main process screen
① Main logic screen
① Axes coordinates in large scale
① Logic screen 1
① Logic screen 2
① Logic screen 3
① Logic screen 4
① Supplementary screen 1
① Supplementary screen 2
① Supplementary screen 3
① Supplementary screen 4
① Supplementary screen 5
¼ Logic quadrant 1
¼ Logic quadrant 2
¼ Logic quadrant 3
¼ Logic quadrant 4
¼ System status quadrant
¼ Axes coordinates quadrant
¼ Part program display quadrant
¼ Process status quadrant
¼ Programmed code status quadrant
¼ Axes offset parameters quadrant

① Full screen page

¼ Quadrant page

An example of AMP configurable screen could be a Supplementary screen made up of 4

quadrants: the upper left one displays the system status, the upper right one displays the process
status, the lower left one displays the part program and the lower right one the axes coordinates.
Further information about supplementary screens will be provided later in this chapter.

The screens displayed by the system may accomodate overlapping windows that provide system
messages or additional information on request. These windows will be discussed later in this

The sections that follow describe the main system screens. Other screens, such as the Editor
screens or the various Tables, will be discussed in the chapters dedicated to the relevant

3-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

Main screen
This screen is normally displayed during cycle execution. It provides the end user with information
about the machining environment. This information is partitioned into five areas, as shown in the
figure below:


L X - 149.00000 -149.23600 1
B LM Y 32.25603 33.39406 2
Z 0.00000 0.00000 TI
A 0.00000 0.00000 0
B 0.00000 0.00000 0

S: 100.000 F: 1000.000
C RAP: 0.0000 ACT : Txx.xx
112.5% 75.000 100.0% 900.000 100.0% xxxxxx
NXT: Txx.xx
G: 00 80 99 40 27 90 71 17 94
d: 0.000000
M: xx xx xx xx
JOG: 0.00000 Z: 0.000000


N26 S2000 F200 T3.03
N27 (UTO,1,X30,Y22)
D N28 (ROT,20)
N29 G81 R-90 Z-110 M3
N30 X25 Y25
N31 X40 Y10
N32 X25

A status information area

B axes parameters area
C general data area
D part program area
E softkey area

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-9

Chapter 3
User Interface

Status information area

This area is made up the first two screen lines. It provides information about the control status.

PROCESS This field visualises the number of the currently controlled process.

CAPS ON This field indicates whether the input characters will be upper cases
caps off (CAPS ON) or lower cases (caps off). To toggle between these two
options press [CAPS LOCK].

SCREEN 1 OF 4 This field indicates the quadrant number in the sequence configured in

TIME This field specifies the current time in hours, minutes and seconds.

PROC: 1 IDLE This field visualises the status of the currently selected process. The
status may vary according to the operation mode (MANUAL or AUTO):
some statuses are only allowed in one mode, whereas others are
compatible with both modes:

IDLE (auto/manual)
HRUN (auto/manual)
RUNH (auto/manual)
HOLD (manual)
RUN (manual)
IN CYCLE (auto)
RESET (auto/manual)
WAIT (auto)
INPUT (auto) - with the ASSET option
ERROR (auto/manual)
EMERG (auto/manual)

For further information about this topic, refer to the "System set-up"
section later in this chapter.

AUTO This field displays the current operation mode (AUTO or MANUAL).
Each mode permits to select a series of sub-modes.



The active options selected in the current mode are displayed in

reverse. They may be as follows:



3-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

The table that follows shows each mode with its relevant process statuses, sub-modes and



INPUT (con opzione ASSET)



10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-11

Chapter 3
User Interface

Axes data area

This area, which visualises the axes coordinates, is illustrated in the figure below. The axes in the
example are the first two axes from the Main Screen figure on page 3-8. The area can display as
many as 9 axes.

p rogra mmed
axis na me typ e of axis c oord in ate unit of mea sure c oord inate

mirror ma c hining

loc ked axis

WORK This field specifies which axes parameters are displayed in real-time. The
field name can be selected by pressing the POS DISPLAY softkey. The
possible options are:

WORK displays the calculated axis position with respect to the

current origin
MACHINE displays the distance from the current axis position to the
current origin
TO GO displays the distance to go from the current origin
ERROR displays the following error, which is the variance between
the WORK and MACHINE positions
ABSOLUTE displays the distance from the current axis position to the
absolute zero.
Coordinates Axes coordinates are displayed with as many as 10 digits in the format
configured in the AMP (7.3, 6.4 or 5.5). Locked axes are marked by an L,
whereas the axes that perform mirror machining are marked with an M.

[mm] Displays the current unit of measure for the selected process. It may be mm
or inches.

PROGRAMMED Is the last programmed or input axis coordinate. It can have as many as 10
digits with the configured format.

ORIGIN Number and type of origin associated to the axes. This field can display the
following words:

T for temporary origins I for

incremental origins
If neither of these characters is present, the axes are associated to the
absolute origin.

3-12 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

General data area

This area supplies general machining information such as spindle speed, feedrate, rapid, active G
codes, etc. expressed in the current unit of measure (mm/inches), which is also displayed on the
video screen, and are updated at each G70/G71 variation. The meaning of the sample fields
illustrated on page 3-8 is as follows:

S: 100.000 This area displays spindle speed information:

112.5% 75.000
S: spindle data
(100.000) programmed speed or constant cutting rate in 6.3
(112.5%) spindle speed override.
(75.000) current spindle speed (CSS) programmed in 6.3 format
in case of open loop.

When the spindle speed override function is active, the field name is
displayed in reverse.

F: 1000.000 This area displays feedrate information:

112.5% 900.000
S: feedrate data

(1000.000) programmed feedrate in 5.5 format.

(100.0%) feedrate override.
(900.000) current feedrate in 5.5 format.

When the feedrate override function is active, the field name is

displayed in reverse.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-13

Chapter 3
User Interface

RAP: 0.00000 Depending on the selected mode, this area displays rapid or manual
100.0% xxxxxx rate information:
RAP: this label is displayed when the system is in AUTO mode. In
manual mode this label will be MAN.
(0.0000) manual (MAN) or rapid (AUTO) rate in 5.5 format.
(100.00%) manual or rapid speed override.
(xxxxxx) current manual or rapid rate in 5.5. format.

When the rapid rate override function is active, the field name is
displayed in reverse.

G: 00 80 99 40 27
90 71 17
94 97
Active G codes: this field displays an active G code for each of the
configured modal groups. For further information about this topic refer to
the Programming Manual.

M: xx xx xx xx
Active M codes: this field displays an active M code for each of the
configured modal groups. For further information about this topic refer to
the Programming Manual.

JOG: 0.00000 Value of the increment defined for manual incremental moves.

ACT: Txx.xx Number of the tool mounted on the spindle and of the active offset
associated to it.
The T word, which identifies the tool, is followed by two numerical
codes separated by a point. The code to left of the point is the tool
number. The code to right of the point is the tool offset number.

NXT: Txx.xx Number of the next tool to be mounted on the spindle and of the
active offset associated to it.
The T word, which identifies the tool, is followed by two numerical
codes separated by a point. The code to left of the point is the tool
number. The code to right of the point is the tool offset number.

d: 0.000000 Tool diameter.

Z: 0.000000 This field displays the length offset applied to the active tool axis,
which is typically the spindle axis. It is calculated by multiplying the
value written in the tool offsets table by the configured direction with
the opposite sign.

3-14 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

Part program data area

In this area are visualized the data relative to the running part program. On these rows it is not
possible to modify the program.

Each part program block will occupy one or two rows according to its length.The sequence is the
following: the part program block that has been run, the running one highlighted in reverse, then
the block that hasn't been run yet.

The part program instructions will slide upwards as they will be run.

The following figure shows a possible example of a running part program visualization:

PROGRAMS: MAINPROG SUB1 SUB2 program and subroutines

reserved for the DIS instruction
N26 S2000 F200 T3.03 executed block
N27 (UTO,1,X30,Y22) block in execution
N28 (ROT,20) subsequent block
N29 G81 R-90 Z-110 M3
N30 X25 Y25 blocks to go
N31 X40 Y10



IMPORTANT If the control manages more than 6 configured axes, 7-n lines will be reserved
for displaying program blocks. n is any number of axes greater than 6.
In case of nine configured axes, for the part program run block only the first
row is reserved, therefore the longest blocks of 80 characters are truncated.

The meaning of the parameters displayed in the program blocks is explained in the Programming
Manual. The contents of the first display line are as follows:

PROGRAMS The first name on the line is the main program name. Subsequent names
are subroutine names. Though a program or subroutine name can be up to
48 characters long, only the first 12 characters will be displayed on this line.

When a subroutine becomes active, its name is displayed after the name of
the calling program or subroutine. This means that the first displayed
subroutine has the lowest nesting level.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-15

Chapter 3
User Interface

Large font display

This screen displays some axes parameters using a large video font, which permits the operator to
read the axes coordinates from a certain distance. It is a full screen that can be invoked by
pressing the NEXT DISPLAY softkey. The layout of this screen is as follows:

Parameters are displayed in the current unit of measure (mm/inches), which depends on whether
G70 or G71 is active.


S : 0.000
S% : 100.0%
L X -175.34096
F : 1000.00000
MY 27.08432 F% : 62.5%
Z 0.00000 RAP : 1000.00000
A 0.00000 RAP% : 125.0%

B 0.00000 JOG INC : 0.00000



Large font display

3-16 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

Fields present on left hand side of screen in large font display

The left hand side of the screen is made up of 6 lines, in which the same parameters shown on the
first two columns of the axes data area of the main screen are displayed in a large font. The
meaning of these parameters is discussed in the "Main Screen" section.

type of axis
unit of measure

axis name
mirror machining

locked axis marker

Left hand side of the screen detailed in enlarged view

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-17

Chapter 3
User Interface

Fields present on right hand side of screen in large font display

The right hand half of the screen displays the following information:

PROCESS Is the number of the selected process.

S Is the spindle speed or the constant surface speed (CSS) in 6.3 format. CSS is
used when an open loop is programmed.

S% Percentage spindle speed override.

F Programmed feedrate in 5.5 format.

F% Percentage feedrate override.

RAP Depending on the selected mode (AUTO or MANUAL) this area displays the
following information:

RAP this label indicates that the system is in AUTO mode. The field displays
the rapid rate.

MAN this label indicates that the system is in MANUAL mode. The field
displays the manual rate.

RAP % This field is related to the preceding one and its label varies accordingly.

When the system is in AUTO mode (RAP%) the field displays the percentage
rapid override.

When the system is in MANUAL mode (MAN%) the field displays the percentage
manual override.

JOG INC Programmed incremental jog for the selected axis.

S, F and MAN/RAP are displayed in reverse when the relevant function is active.

3-18 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

Configurable screen pages

10 Series offers the application designer the possibility to personalise screen pages to satisfy
specific application needs. These screens can be created during system configuration by arranging
the pre-defined system and logic elementary quadrants in non-standard layouts.

Each configurable screen has four 10x39 quadrants. Elementary quadrants may be enlarged to
occupy the full screen by pressing the ENLARGE softkey (refer to the 'Enlarging an elementary
quadrant' section). The figure below shows a typical four quadrant screen.


1 AUTO IDLE MAIN-PROC X 10.00000 10.00000
Y 20.00000 20.00000
Z 3.00000 3.00000

S RPM: 10.000 JOG INCR 0.00000



FEED MMPM: 0.0000 87.5% 0.00000 N6X10Y20

RAP : 0.0000 100.0% 4472.1361 N7G1Z-.2F2000
SPEED RPM : 100.00 112.5% 0.000 N8G1X340



Example of configurable screen page

Distances are displayed in the unit of measure --mm or inches-- selected for the process
associated to the elementary quadrant. The unit of measure will remain visualised and will be
updated each time the system shifts between G70 and G71.
The screens that visualise the Realtime data (axes position, feed…) are updated only if the
information to visualise concern the selected process.
If in the small screen the axes of process 2 and the controlled process is number 1, the quote
WORK (ABSOLUTE,MACHINE..) will not be updated in Realtime, but only when in process 2 some
significative variations take place (es.end block execution…)

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-19

Chapter 3
User Interface

Here is a description of the pre-defined elementary quadrants that can be used for customising
video screens.

System status (SYS_STA)

This quadrant displays information about the system status and indicates the active process. The
meaning of its fields is as follows:



PROC Number of the selected process.

MODE Current operation mode (AUTO or MANUAL).
STATE Current process state. Some states are allowed only in AUTO mode; others
occur in MANUAL mode or are allowed in either mode, as shown in the table
below. For more information about them, refer to the description of operations
that can be performed in each state later in this chapter.


IDLE z z The process is waiting for a command.

IN CYCLE z The process is executing a part program or an

MDI command.

RUN z The process is executing a manual move.

CYCLE STOP z The execution of a part program or an MDI

command has been interrupted and the
process is in stand-by.

HOLD z The execution of the manual move has been

interrupted with the CYCLE STOP pushbutton
and the process is in stand-by.

3-20 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface


The execution of the part program has been

interrupted with the CYCLE STOP pushbutton.
When switched to MANUAL mode the system
RUNH z z shifts from CYCLE STOP to HOLD. If one or
more axes are jogged, the message turns to
RUNH and both the CYCLE START and the
CYCLE STOP pushbuttons are on. RUNH
tells the operator that a move is in progress.

If the CYCLE STOP pushbutton is pressed

with the system in HOLD or CYCLE STOP,
HRUN z z the system state shifts to HRUN, which means
that the process is ready to resume the
interrupted process. The CYCLE STOP lamp
turns off and the process remains in stand-by
until you re-press CYCLE START.

RESET z z Indicates that the RESET pushbutton has

been pressed and that the process is being

WAIT z z The process is waiting to be synchronised with

another process.

INPUT z z Indicates that the process is waiting for a

manual data input, i.e. a data entry window is

ERROR z z Indicates that the process has detected an

error during execution. The error can be
handled by the part program or lock the

EMERGENCY z z The system has detected an error that

requests an intervention of the operator. The
error is described by an explanatory (refer to
the list of Emergency Messages in Appendix

EXECUTING Process in execution. In AUTO mode this field displays the first 12 characters of
the name of the part program in execution. In MANUAL mode this field may
display the HOME, JOG INCR, JOG RETURN or HANDWHEEL submodes.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-21

Chapter 3
User Interface

Axes position (AXES_POS)

This quadrant provides the current machine coordinates and the programmed coordinates
calculated by the control.

[mm] PROCESS: 1


X 10.00000 10.00000
Y 20.00000 20.00000
Z 3.00000 3.00000

S RPM: 100.000 JOG INC: 0.00000

PROCESS Displays the process number associated to the quadrant.

AXIS Displays up to 6 axes. To make a manual move select the axis with the
[up/down arrow keys].Locked axes are marked by the L word, whereas
mirroring axes are marked by the M word.

WORK Specifies the type of data displayed for each axis. The labels of this field, which
can be selected by pressing the POS DISPLAY softkey, are: WORK,

Axes coordinates are displayed in the 7.3, 6.4, 5.5 or 5.3 format, according to
the AMP configuration. They are expressed in the current measuring unit of the
process, which also appears on display.

PROGRAMMED Last programmed or input axis coordinate. It is a 10 digit number in the 7.3, 6.4
or 5.5 format.

S Spindle speed in 6.3 format. The field shows the unit of measure followed by
the current spindle speed (or the constant surface speed --CSS-- programmed
for an open loop control). The unit of measure may be:

RPM revolutions per minute

MPM meters per minute (for the tool cutter)
FPM feet per minute (for the tool cutter)

JOG INC Actual increment for jog moves expressed in 5.5 format.

3-22 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

Program display (PRG_DISP)

This quadrant displays information about the state of the part program in execution.




PROGRAM This field displays the first 12 characters of the name of the part
program in execution (A program name can be up to 48 characters

PROCESS Displays the number of the process associated to this screen.

ACTIVE SUBPROGRAM Displays the name of the current subroutine, which is the one
having the lowest nesting level. Although a program name can be
up to 48 characters long, only the first 12 are displayed.

The displayed part program lines are as follows:

N6X10Y20 executed block

N7G1Z-.2F2000 block in execution
N8G1X340 subsequent block
N10X324Y50 blocks to go

The part program blocks that are longer than 40 characters are truncated.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-23

Chapter 3
User Interface

Process status (PROC_STA)

This quadrant provides information about the process.



F MMPM : 0.0000 87.5 % 0.00000

RAP : 0.0000 100.0 % 0.00000
S RPM : 0.000 100.0 % 0.000



PROCESS Displays the number of the process associated to the quadrant.

AUTO Current mode (AUTO or MANUAL). Displayed data vary with the selected





F MMPM Displays the following information about the feedrate:

F MMPM : 0.0000 87.5 % 0.00000

| | | |
unit of programmed override current
measure feedrate percentage feedrate
in 5.5 format

The units of measure for the feedrate are:

MMPM millimeters per minute

MMPR millimeters per revolution
IPM inches per minute
IPR inches per revolution

When the feedrate override function is active, the label of this field is
displayed in reverse.

3-24 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

RAP This field displays feedrate information in MANUAL or RAPID mode.

For manual moves the displayed data are as follows:

MAN : 0.0000 100.0 % 0.00000

| | | |
manual move manual rate in override current manual
5.5 format percentage rate

For rapid moves the displayed data are as follows:

RAP : 0.0000 100.0 % 0.00000

| | | |
rapid move rapid rate in override current rapid rate
5.5 format percentage

When the manual or rapid rate override function is active, the label of this
field is displayed in reverse.

S RPM This field displays the following spindle speed data:

S RPM : 100.000 100.0 % 0.00000

| | | |
unit of programmed override current spindle
measure spindle speed percentage speed
in 6.3 format

The spindle speed units are as follows:

RPM revolutions per minute

MPM meters per minute (for the tool cutter)
FPM feet per minute (for the tool cutter)

When the spindle speed override function is active, the label of this field is
displayed in reverse.

PROGRAM This field displays the first 12 characters of the name of the part program in
execution (A program name can be up to 48 characters long).

SUB-PROG Displays the name of the current subroutine, which is the one having the
lowest nesting level. Although a program name can be up to 48 characters
long, only the first 12 are displayed.

RPT Specifies the repeat level for the main program and the subroutines.

N Current block number.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-25

Chapter 3
User Interface

Programmed code state (CODE_STA)

This quadrant provides information about the T, G and M codes written in the part program.



NEXT 002 OFFSET: 028

G: 00 80 99 40 27 90
71 17 94 97

M: M00 M06 M19 M50

PROCESS Displays the number of the process associated to this screen.

T Information about T codes is arranged on two lines, one for the current tool and
one for the subsequent tool, as shown in the figure below:

current tool number current tool offset

| |

NEXT 002 OFFSET: 028

| |
programmed subsequent tool subsequent tool
to be mounted on the spindle offset

G Active G code for each of the 15 modal groups.

M Active M code for each modal group. Modal groups must be defined during
process configuration.

3-26 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

Axes offsets (AXIS_OFF)

This quadrant provides information about the axes offsets.

[mm] PROCESS: 1


X 1 T

Y 2 I 60.0



PROCESS Displays the number of the process associated to the quadrant.

AXIS Axis name. This field may display up to 6 axes associated to the process.

ORIGIN Displays the origin types associated to the axes. The words in this field may be:

T for temporary origins

I for incremental origins

SCALING % Percentage reduction of the axis scale (if active).

ROTATION Displays the axes of the interpolation plane and the rotation angle formed by them.


These elementary quadrants may be defined by the OEM operator and are handled by the
machine logic. They can be customised through the PLUS logic or the ASSET language and then
incorporated to configurable 4-quadrant screens similar to the ones described in the previous

Selecting a screen

When the NEXT DISPLAY softkey is pressed, the video screens are displayed in the sequence
established by the OEM during system configuration. This sequence can be repeated on a cyclic

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-27

Chapter 3
User Interface

Enlarging an elementary quadrant

Each of the quadrants in a configurable screen can be enlarged to full screen size. The procedure
is as follows:

1. Select the configurable screen that includes the quadrant by pressing the NEXT DISPLAY
softkey as many times as necessary.
2. Select the elementary quadrant with the [PgUp] or [PgDn] keys. The background of a selected
quadrant becomes light. [PgUp] makes the light background move from quadrant to quadrant
counterclockwise, whereas [PgDn] makes the light background move from quadrant to
quadrant clockwise.
3. Press ENLARGE.

If ENLARGE is not pressed in a few seconds, the quadrant background turns dark again and the
quadrant cannot be enlarged.

• When the quadrant is enlarged using the ENLARGE key all the lower cases will be converted to
upper cases.
• The ENLARGE function is not available for PLUS quadrants.

3-28 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

Directory of Programs screen

By pressing the PART PROGRAM softkey it is possible to display the directory of programs,
whose layout is as follows:



Current directory : PROGRAM





This screen permits to select a part program that can be used in the following operations:

• writing or editing (by means of the Line Editor or the Graphic Editor)
• program management
• activation/de-activation.

For a complete description, see the chapter 10 "Part Program File Manager".

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-29

Chapter 3
User Interface

Additional data windows

In addition to the data provided by the main screen and the configurable pages, the operator can
request, display or receive further information on additional windows. These windows may
temporarily overlap the current display page or open on a reserved area. In some cases they are
used by the system for visualising messages for the operator.







10 Series permits to visualise as many as six additional windows. If opened simulataneously, the
system applies a priority rule, i.e. the top priority window will cover all the others. System, part
program and PLUS message windows are not assigned a priority level because they are displayed
on a reserved area.

3-30 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

The table below lists the additional windows arranged on a priority basis.

1 Small Help window This window may be opened with the HELP softkey when
a data entry window is active. It provides information
about the data entry window.

2 Data entry window The system opens this window for the operator to write,
edit or confirm parameters. Data entry windows may
have differnt sizes, dending on the number of

3 Full Help window This 20x40 window can be opened with the HELP softkey
when no data entry window is active. (Otherwise, only a
small Help window can be activated).

4 Manual Data Input line This 128 line is used for writing program blocks on the

5 PLUS message window This window is not subject to the priority rule. It is a
39 character field used by the system for displaying
PLUS messages.

6 System and part program This window is not subject to the priority rule. It is a
message window 39 character field used by the system for displaying
system and part program messages.

Certain PLUS warnings and error messages are displayed on the PLUS window. Other PLUS logic
messages appear on the LOGIC MAN screen (if configured).

Process or PLUS error messages may be displayed even when softkeys such as EDIT are active.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-31

Chapter 3
User Interface

General rules about data entry windows

Data entry operations must be performed exclusively within a data entry window. These windows,
which may be invoked by pressing a softkey, are the only tool the operator can use for entering
data in the system.

The figure below illustrates a typical data entry window:



MEASURING FEED : 100.00001

Each window is made up of fields that contain parameters, file names, device names, etc. When
filling in these fields you must follow a series of rules that apply to all data enty windows.

Entries must be written in the legal format.

In long real fields the allowed format is a number having up to 10 digts plus the sign and the
decimal point.

This long real format is not the same as the long real format used in program blocks (refer to the
Programming Manual). If the long real format is assigned to the data entry window by the program
and overflows the window field, an E will be displayed to indicate the error condition.

Numerical parameter values are expressed in the default unit of measure configured for the
process in AMP. This unit of measure is also displayed on the window.

3-32 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

When the window appears, the cursor is on the most right character of the field. Input characters
are displayed as the cursor moves to the left. To make an entry you must use the following function


Moves the cursor to the right or to the left inside the field.

Moves the cursor from field to field.

Displays the previous page of a data entry window having multiple


Displays the subsequent page of a data entry window having multiple


Deletes the character on which the cursor is positioned.

Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.

Toggles between overwrite and insert modes.

Moves the cursor to the subsequent field.

Aborts the current data entry window.

Confirms the current data entry window.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-33

Chapter 3
User Interface

A data entry window can be aborted at any moment with [Esc] or [Enter].


without saving the alterations [Esc] lost

confirming the entries/alterations [Enter] saved

The contents of the data entry window can also be confirmed by pressing the softkey that invoked
the window. Data entry windows having multiple pages may be confirmed by pressing [PgUp] or

3-34 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

There are 5 function keys ([F5] ÷ [F9]) located at the bottom of the operator panel which are used
for performing functions directly. The functions depend on the menus displayed at the bottom of the
screen just above the softkeys (see the figures of the operator panels in the "Operator Panel"
section of chapter 1).

Each menu is made up of three softkey lines. The functions associated to the softkeys at any one
time are those of the active menu line. This line is highlighted by the cyan bar, which can be shifted
cyclically from line to line by pressing the fixed key to the right of the softkeys. When a menu is
displayed for the first time the active line is the middle one.

The function of the fixed keys is as follows:

This key permits to return to the previous softkey menu. Press it to fastly
return to the machining environment and display the main screen. The
current task is temporarily suspended but remains active.

This key permits to move the highlighting bar from one softkey menu line to
the next.

The color of the softkey label varies according to the softkey status:

WHITE the softkey is available for activation

YELLOW the softkey has been pressed or is lit to indicate a certain mode.

BLACK the softkey is not available, i.e. cannot be activated.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-35

Chapter 3
User Interface

Softkey-driven menus are organized hierarchically, i.e. a softkey may invoke a sub-menu, some of
whose softkeys may invoke other sub-menus, and so on. The complete softkey tree is shown in the
figure that follows:


At power up the system visualises the main softkey menu, which allows access to all of the system

3-36 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

With the exception of the Diagnostics, Part Program and Utility menus discussed later in this
chapter, the first softkey line in the machining environment remains unchanged even when other
submenus are invoked. The first softkey line permits to select general visualisation features, as
shown in the figure below:



The sections that follow provide a short description of the functions available with the first two
submenu levels. The third level is analysed in the context of the relevant operating procedures.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-37

Chapter 3
User Interface

Main menu



POS DISPLAY This softkey permits to select the type of visualised data for the axes
configured in the process. Allowed options are: ABSOLUTE, MACHINE,

NEXT DISPLAY This softkey displays the next video page in the current sequence.

SELECT PROCESS Through an input window, this softkey allows to select one of the
processes configured in AMP.


Process number:

Press [Ctrl] [P] to select configured processes sequentially.

ENLARGE This softkey enlarges the quadrant to full screen size (21 lines x 80
columns). For more information about the procedure, please refer to the
"Enlarging an elementary quadrant" section in this chapter.

HELP This softkey opens a context-sensitive help window. The visualised

information varies with the active softkey and/or the open data entry

3-38 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface


This menu, which can be invoked with the AUTO softkey, offers the following commands:



MDI Opens a data entry window for an MDI (Manual Data Input) operation
such as writing a program block from the keyboard. Press [Enter] to
confirm the input block. Press CYCLE START to execute the block if the
process is in IDLE state.

BLK/BLK Selects block by block execution mode. To execute the selected block

BLOCK MODIFY Permits to edit the current program block. This softkey is enabled only
after a part program has been selected and the MDI mode is active.

MACHINE PLOT This softkey enables an application that graphically visualises the tool
path during the machining cycle. For more information about this
application refer to chapter 12 “Machine Plot”.

SEARCH MEMORY To enable/disable memory searching function.

DRY RUN Enables/disable the DRY RUN feature on the active program.

XXXXXXXX + Applies the feedrate, spindle speed or rapid override percentage selected
with the OVERRIDE SEL. softkey.
Each time you press this softkey the programmed increment is applied
to the feedrate, spindle speed or rapid.

XXXXXXXX - Applies the feedrate, spindle speed or rapid override percentage selected
with the OVERRIDE SEL. softkey.
Each time you press this softkey the programmed decrement is applied
to the feedrate, spindle speed or rapid.

XXXXXXXX + and XXXXXXXX - change according to the name shown in the table below
depending on the type of override desired. Changeover from one quantity to the next is performed
cyclically each time the OVERRIDE SEL softkey is pressed:


10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-39

Chapter 3
User Interface

OVERRIDE SEL. Selects the parameter to be overridden (FEEDRATE, SPND OVER or

RAPID OVER) and alters the softkey label accordingly.

STRING SEARCH Searches for a string of characters in the current part program. When this
softkey is pressed the system opens a data entry window for the operator
to key in the string. This softkey is enabled only after a part program has
been selected.

EXEC FROM:TO This softkey selects the start and end blocks for partial exceution of the
program selected.
This softkey is enabled only after a part program has been selected.

3-40 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface


This menu, which can be invoked with the MANUAL softkey, offers the following options:



HOME Enables axes homing. To start homing the selected axis it is necessary to
press the CYCLE START pushbutton.

JOG INCR Enables incremental manual moves. To move the selected axis by an
increment press the CYCLE START pushbutton. See chapter 6 “Axes
Jogging and Stop Functions” for more details.

JOG RETURN Enables return to the profile after a manual move. See chapter 6 “Axes
Jogging and Stop Functions” for more details.

HPG Enables handwheel management by the logic.

MANUAL SETUP Opens a data entry window for defining the jog increment and the jog
return mode. On special occasions it also permits to remove the tool from
the part (see chapter 6 “Axes Jogging and Stop Functions”).

XXXXXXXX + Applies the feedrate, spindle speed or rapid override percentage selected
with the OVERRIDE SEL. softkey.
Each time you press this softkey the programmed increment is applied
to the feedrate, spindle speed or rapid.

XXXXXXXX - Applies the feedrate, spindle speed or rapid override percentage selected
with the OVERRIDE SEL. softkey.

Each time you press this softkey the programmed decrement is applied
to the feedrate, spindle speed or rapid.
XXXXXXXX + and XXXXXXXX - change according to the name shown in the table below
depending on the type of override desired. Changeover from one quantity to the next is performed
cyclically each time the OVERRIDE SEL softkey is pressed:


10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-41

Chapter 3
User Interface

OVERRIDE SEL. Selects the parameter to be overridden (FEEDRATE, SPND OVER or

RAPID OVER) and alters the softkey label accordingly.

JOG DIR Selects the jogging direction. When this softkey is pressed the + or - sign
appear on the label and the axis jogging direction changes accordingly.

SET ORIG./TOOL This softkey has two functions: it sets the origins and presets the tool.

SET ORIG. function:

Opens a data entry window for defining the origins and setting the
position of the specified axes to zero.

TOOL function:
Opens a data entry window for defining the axis name and entering the
tool tip coordinate. This function applies a new tool length to the tool
length offset of the current tool.

Part Program

This menu, which is enabled by the PART PROGRAM softkey, permits to access the part program
environment and enables the relevant softkeys.



For further information, see Chapter 10 "Part Program File Manager".

3-42 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface


This menu is enabled by the VARIABLES softkey. It offers softkeys dedicated to visualisation and
editing of several classes of variables. For more information about system parameters and
variables refer to the "Programming Manual".



E VARIABLES Opens a data entry window for defining E variables.

SN VARIABLES Opens a data entry window for defining Long Real (SN) system variables.

USER VARIABLES Opens a data entry window for defining the user variables defined during
the characterisation. These variables are listed in a single group even
when different variable names have been defined. At the end of the list
the system requests the name of the variable to be visualised.

H VARIABLES Opens the window of H variables for read only operations.

PLUS VARIABLES Opens the window for logic global variables.

FIND PAGE/IND Opens a data entry window for the page number and the index of the
variable on which the cursor must be positioned.

SUBSTITUTE Writes in the selected field of the data entry window the value of the last
expression calculated with EVALUATE.

EVALUATE Opens a data entry window to calculate an expression. In this calculation

it is possible to use variables. By pressing the SUBSTITUTE softkey the
result of the calculation can be written to the selected variable.

SC VARIABLES Opens a data entry window for Character (SC) system variables.


The menu activated by the OEM softkey permits to access and enable the softkeys defined by the
application designer. The names of these softkeys may be configured in the AMP and therefore is


OEM 1-1 OEM 1-2 OEM 1-3 OEM 1-4 OEM 1-5
OEM 2-1 OEM 2-2 OEM 2-3 OEM 2-4 OEM 2-5

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-43

Chapter 3
User Interface

Machine Set-Up

The menu activted by the MACHINE SET-UP softkey permits to access a submenu of parameters
and softkeys that define the machine functions.



The DYNAMIC PARAMS softkey opens a data entry window similar to the one below:




Significance of the fields is as follows:

ENABLE VFF(Y/N) Enables/disables the servo algorithm with velocity feed forward.
When the algorithm is enabled, the tracking error will be closed on zero
(consistent with the gain of the servo loop configured in AMP) to reduce
the profile shaping error to the minimum.
When the algorithm is disabled, the axes are controlled with tracking error

G04 DWELL TIME Defines the end-of-block dwell time (G04).

SPINDLE LIMIT (RPM) Defines maximum spindle speed.

Used in CSS - Constant Surface Speed - mode when spindle speed
depends on position of the master axis.


Specifies the percentage of the feedrate applied to the retract phase of
the tapping cycle.

DYNAMIC LIMITS Opens a data entry window for defining the dynamic limits of the machine
in a contouring operation.

3-44 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

PROGRAM SET-UP Opens a data entry window permitting configuration of some parameters
conditioning the part program execution mode:
− Block delete
− Optional stop
− Feedrate bypass
− Rapid rate control
− Rotation
− Stock allowance

And for each axis configured:

− Stand still
− Mirror modes
− Scale
− Scale factor

BLOCK RETRACE Permits definition, if configured in AMP, of the machine path to be

performed backwards.
The softkey is enabled only if a program is selected and if the CYCLE
STOP pushbutton is pressed during execution.
The sequence of operations is as follows:
System in CYCLE STOP
− Press CYCLE START; the system moves the axes backwards
towards the last point of the buffer.
Movements will be executed in consistency with the mode selected
− To return to normal conditions, disable BLOCK RETRACE, exit from
CYCLE STOP mode and press CYCLE START.

PROBE SET-UP Opens a data entry window for setting all the probing parameters.

REF Opens a data entry window to establish axes references.

SET ACCURACY Defines accuracy parameters for circular interpolation.

TIME/DATE SET Opens a data entry window for setting the time with hh/mm/ss format and
the date with yy/mm/dd format.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-45

Chapter 3
User Interface


The menu opened by the TABLES softkey permits to access the Table Editor and enables its
softkeys. See chapter 7 “Using Tables” for more information about this option.



BACKUP MEMORY Makes a backup copy on the hard disk of the tables resident in the dual
port memory.

RESTORE MEMORY Restores the backup copy of the tables to the dual port memory.

MAGAZINE (Option) Permits to manage the Tool Magazine option. For more
information about the Tool Magazine please refer to the specific

SETUP Allows configuration of the tables used by the table editor.

HELP Displays the Help page associated to the current data entry window or
softkey menu.

TOOL Permits to access and edit the Tools Table.

OFFSET Permits to access and edit the Tool Offset Table.

USER Permits to access and edit the User Table.

ORIGIN Permits to access and treat the contents of the Origins Table.

TOOL DATA BASE Permits to access and edit the Tool Data Base Table, which can be
enabled only with the Tool Magazine option.

SELECT PROCESS Permits to select the configured processes.

SELECT MAGAZINE Permits to select the Tool Magazine. For more information about this
option refer to its documentation.

SET INCR Permits to set an increment value.

USER TABLE Permits to configure and treat the contents of the User Table. See
chapter 8 “Table Editor Configurator” for details.

EXIT Exits from the Table Editor and returns to the main softkey menu.

3-46 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface


The menu enabled by the DIAGNOSTICS softkey permits access to the diagnostic functions.


HELP Opens a Help page associated to the current data entry window or
softkey menu.

SECURITY Permits to create a hierarchy of system users having different levels of

access to the system resources. To each level corresponds a password
that allows to perform specific operations. See chapter 13 “DOS Shell” for

SYSTEM HISTORY Enables the video screen the list of the last 200 system messages (errors
and service messages) displayed by the system in the chronological
sequence in which they occurred.

DSI SRV CHAN Enables the utility for the D.S.I axes parameter configuration.

SERVO MONITOR Permits to access the system Servo Monitor, a utility that can be broken
down into two main functions:

Parameter change: permits to edit certain axes parameters during

execution without using AMP or re-initialising the

Oscilloscope: monitors and graphically displays the axis path

with the relevant following error.

SYSTEM SHUT DOWN This function is used to restart or shut down the system in a controlled
manner, closing currently open files and applications.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-47

Chapter 3
User Interface


This menu is enabled by the UTILITY softkey. It permits to access the OEM environment and
enables the relevant softkeys.


AMP Permits to access the AMP environment, which is used for system

PLUS Permits to access the PLUS environment, which is used for developing
the machine logic.

DOS SHELL Permits the OEM to handle files in the DOS environment.

PERIPHERAL Permits execution of the following operations:

− Configuration of the output device for the printer.

− Remote bootstrap configuration.
− Interlink configuration and activation to connect with a remote unit.
− If the MINI DNC option is present, activation of the network
− Immediate connection of all environments configured as remote.
− Immediate connection of all services configured as remote.

HELP Opens a Help page associated to the current data entry window or
softkey menu.

3-48 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

The Operator Console provides the operator with three control buttons for executing the CYCLE
START, CYCLE STOP and RESET commands, and a group of buttons and/or selectors for
changing the speeds of the axes and selecting the operating modes of the system.

If a system with a WinLink and/or BLink operator panel is used, an external Operator Console or
Pilot Panel is essential while the OPLink operator panel has a built-in Operator Console.

If WinMedia is used as Operator panel, it is indispensable to use an external Operator Console or

adopt the “WinMedia Operator Console” described in the following pages.

Nearly all the controls on the operator console duplicate functions performed by following specific
operating procedures in which the softkeys are used.
If an external operator console is installed, it must be defined by means of the machine logic
whether the commands executed on the pilot panel are to replace the equivalent system functions
completely (most common case) or whether they may be carried out in parallel. In the latter case,
measures must be taken to ensure that conflicting commands are not executed at the same time.
If the console built into the OPLink operator panel is used, the system automatically controls the
commands in parallel.

Operator Console Keys and Functions

As illustrated in the figure, on the right-hand side of the OPLink operator panel there are operator
console keys and the START, HOLD and RESET buttons, that is, the control buttons described in
the "Control Buttons" section at the start of this chapter.
A description of the keys and functions of the operator console built into the OPLink operator panel
is provided below.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-49

Chapter 3
User Interface

Key for selecting the MANUAL MOVEMENT (JOG).

When this key or the MANUAL softkey on the main menu is pressed, the system automatically
activates continuous manual movement. A description of the keys that enable the operator to
execute the manual movement commands and the other related functions is provided below. For
further details on manual movements, see chapter 6 "Axes Jogging and Stopping Functions" of
this manual.

Enables incremental manual movement (JOG INCR softkey). When

the CYCLE START button is pressed as defined in the MANUAL
SET-UP input box, the incremental jog is performed on the selected
Jog increment

Enables the axis homing cycle (HOME softkey). When the CYCLE
START button is pressed, the homing procedure is executed on the
selected axis (see chapter 5 "Establishing Origins and Homing the

Percentage change in the manual feed rate defined in the

configuration (FEEDMAN + and FEEDMAN - softkeys). When the [+]
and [-] keys are pressed alternately, the percentage change is
increased or decreased by 12.5%.

Speed change

Change in the increment for incremental manual movement (JOG

INCR + and JOG INCR - softkeys). When the [+] and [-] keys are
pressed alternately, the value of the increment is increased or

Increment change

Selection of the direction of manual movement (JOG DIR +/-

softkeys). When the [+] and [-] keys are pressed alternately, the jog
direction changes from positive to negative or vice versa.

Jog direction change

3-50 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

Key for selecting AUTOMATIC operating mode (AUTO softkey on the main menu).
When this key is pressed, the system automatically activates automatic execution of the
selected part program: all the blocks in the part program are executed without interruption. A
description of the keys for selecting the other execution modes and other functions of this
environment is provided below. For further details on this environment, see chapter 11 "Part
Program Execution" of this manual.

Block by block execution of the part program (BLK/BLK softkey).

When the CYCLE START button is pressed, the single selected block
is executed.

Opens the MDI input box for insertion of a program block from the
keyboard (MDI softkey). Execution of the block inserted starts when
the CYCLE START button is pressed, having confirmed the block by
MDI pressing the Enter key.

Percentage change in traverse speed defined in the configuration

(RAPID OVER + and RAPID OVER - softkeys). When the [+] and [-]
keys are pressed alternately, the percentage change is increased or
decreased by 12.5%.

Rapid traverse variation

Percentage change in the feed rate set in the part program with the
[F] operator (FEEDRATE + and FEEDRATE - softkeys). When the [+]
and [-] keys are pressed alternately, the programmed feed rate value
is increased or decreased by 12.5%.

Feed rate change

Percentage change in the spindle speed set in the part program with
the [S] operator (SPND OVER + and SPND OVER - softkeys). When
the [+] and [-] keys are pressed alternately, the programmed spindle
speed value is increased or decreased by 5%.

Spindle speed change

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-51

Chapter 3
User Interface

Pilot Panel Selectors and Functions

The figure below shows the external operator console or Pilot Panel.

The following buttons are present on the right-hand side of the pilot panel



RESET button

The functions performed by these three buttons are described in the "Control Buttons" section at
the start of this chapter.

The commands associated with the pilot panel selectors are described below.

Controls the spindle speed override percentage and is
equivalent to the OVERRIDE SEL and SPND OVER+ / SPND
OVER- sequence. Spindle speed override percentages range
from 75% to 125% of the programmed value.

3-52 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

This selector controls the feedrate override percentage and is
equivalent to the OVERRIDE SEL and FEEDRATE+ /
FEEDRATE- sequence. The variations posible range from 0 to
125% of the programmed feed rate.

Jog Increment
Selects an increment for each manual incremental move.

This selector determines speed and direction of the selected
axis manual movements for the MANUAL JOG and JOG INCR
environment or in PROGRAM SET-UP), the selector can be
turned in the positive direction to limit rapid override
percentage in steps of 100, 50, 20, 5, 1 and 0 percent.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-53

Chapter 3
User Interface

This selector permits setting of certain operating modes which,
when there is no operator console, are activated by the
softkeys of the same name. These modes are:

Opens a data entry window for manual data inputs. This
selection can be enabled in AUTO mode..
Selects Auto mode.
Selects block by block program execution.
Enables axis jogging in the direction established with the
Jog Direction selector. When you press CYCLE START the
axis starts moving in the selected direction. The move lasts
as long as CYCLE START is pressed.
Enables incremental axis jogging in the direction
established with the Jog Direction selector. If [A] and the
increment value have been specified in the SELECT field of
the MANUAL SETUP window, when you press CYCLE
START the axis moves in the selected direction by the
specified increment. If [M] has been specified in the
MANUAL SETUP window it is necessary to press CYCLE
START until the increment has been completed. (The axis
will stop as soon as CYCLE START is released).
Returns the axis to the profile after a manual move. For
more details about this procedure refer to Chapter 6.
Enables the homing procedure. Press CYCLE START to
start the homing sequence for the selected axis.
Enables the logic to handle the handwheel.

3-54 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

Controls and functions of the WinMedia operator console

The figure below illustrates WinMedia’s external operator console:

On the right hand side of the console we find the following buttons:

HOLD and CYCLE STOP button


RESET button

The functions of these three buttons have been described in paragraph “Control buttons” at the
beginning of this chapter.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-55

Chapter 3
User Interface

To the left of the reset button we find six more controls for the selection of execution modes.

This is used to set the system on AUTOMATIC mode (AUTO softkey

in the main menu).

When this key is pressed, the system activates automatically the

automatic execution mode of the part program selected: all part
program blocks are performed without breaks. Keys (BLK/BLK and
MDI), for the selection of the other execution modes, and the other
functions available in this environment are described below. For more
detailed information on this environment, see chapter 11 of this
Manual, “Part Program Execution”.

Block-by-block part program execution (BLK/BLK softkey).

Press the [CYCLE START] key to run the single block selected.

Opens the MDI input windows to enable the user to enter a program
block from the keyboard (MDI softkey). The execution of the chosen
block is started by pressing the [CYCLE START] key after confirming
the command by pressing Enter

Key for system MANUAL JOGGING modality selection.

As in the case of the MANUAL softkey in the main menu, when this
key is pressed the system activates the continuous jogging function
automatically. Keys (JOG INCR and HOME) which are used to impart
jogging commands and control other functions associated with jogging
are described below. For more detailed information on jogging, see
chapter 6 of this Manual, “Axes Jogging and Stop Functions”.

Enables incremental jogging (INCR JOG softkey). When the [CYCLE

START] key is pressed according to the modalities described in the
MANUAL CONF. input window, incremental jogging is performed for
the axis selected.

3-56 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 3
User Interface

Enables the axis homing cycle (AXIS HOMING softkey). Pressing the
[CYCLE START] key starts the homing procedure for the axis selected
(see Chapter 5 “Establishing Origins and Homing the Axes”).

We describe below the controls associated with the selectors equipping the WinMedia Operator

This selector increases/decreases the % variation in spindle
speed. It performs the same functions as the SEL.OVERRIDE
and % ROT MANDR+/% ROT MANDR- softkey sequence.
The admissible variation range is from 75% to 125% of the
programmed value.

This selector increases/decreases the % variation in axis feed
rate. It performs the same functions as the SEL.OVERRIDE
and FEEDRATE+/FEEDRATE- softkey sequence.
The admissible variation range is from 0% to 125% of the feed

This selector determines the jogging speed and direction of
the selected axis for the JOG and JOG INCR MANUAL
If the RAPID OVERRIDE CONTROL function is enabled (in
either the AMP or the PROGRAM SET-UP environment) it
also makes it possible to increase/decrease the RAPID rate in
percentage terms.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 3-57

Chapter 3
User Interface


3-58 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 4

The procedure for setting system variables and parameters may be broken down into two stages:

• General configuration: In this stage the system characteristics, i.e. number and type of axes,
functions, programming codes, etc., are configured. These parameters must be set by the
application designer in the AMP environment and in general cannot be altered from other
environments. For a thorough description of the configuration procedure please refer to the
Characterization Manual.
• Configuration of specific variables and parameters: In this stage the contents of the
variables and the values of the parameters used in a given part program must be defined. The
default values or the ranges of some variables, such as user and PLUS, may be set in the
general configuration. The contents of any variable may be altered from keyboard or from part
program, as illustrated later in this chapter.


A part program may include two types of variables:

Local variables are stored in a local memory area of the system and may be "seen" only
by the part program in execution. These variables are of two types: E
variables and USER variables

System variables these variables are stored in the system dual port memory and may be
"seen" by the part program in execution and by any other active process.
This class includes three types of variables: System Numbers (SN),
System Characters (SC) and PLUS variables.

For more information on local and system variables and how to program them refer to the
"Programming Manual".

To access the environment in which variables may be set, visualised or edited, press the
VARIABLES softkey in the main menu.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 4-1

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

E variables

E variables (# parameters) are local variables that may have predefined values when used in a
part program. Default values for some E parameters are defined during system configuration and
become effective at power up.

The E VARIABLES softkey permits to visualise and modify the values of an E variable to suit
specific programming needs. Modified values are used by the system instead of default settings.
When you press the E VARIABLES softkey, the following data entry window is displayed:


AXIS WORK [mm] E VARIABLES Page 1 of 7
L X - 149.00000
LM Y 32.25603 E 0000 = 0.00000
Z 0.00000 E 0001 = 0.00000
A 0.00000 E 0002 = 0.00000
B 0.00000 E 0003 = 0.00000
E 0004 = 0.00000
S: 100.000 F: 1000.000 E 0005 = 0.00000
112.5% 75.000 100.0% 900.000 E 0006 = 0.00000
G: 00 80 99 40 27 90 71 17 94 97 E 0007 = 0.00000
M: xx xx xx xx E 0008 = 0.00000
E 0009 = 0.00000
N26 S2000 F200 T3.03 E 0011 = 0.00000
N27 (UTO,1,X30,Y22) E 0012 = 0.00000
N28 (ROT,20) E 0013 = 0.00000
N2/9 G81 R-90 Z-110 M3 E 0014 = 0.00000
N30 X25 Y25 E 0015 = 0.00000
N31 X40 Y10
N32 X25

To modify an E variable declared in the configuration, move the cursor to the variable value, delete
it with [Backspace] and key in the new value. After making all the necessary modifications, press
[Enter] or E VARIABLES to confirm them.

IMPORTANT If power is removed from the system the values assigned to E parameters
in this window will be lost.

4-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

User variables
User variables may be defined by the user in the AMP environment. They are of two types:

• Long Reals (LR)

• Characters (CH)

If no user variable has been configured in AMP, the USER VARIABLES softkey in the VARIABLES
menu will not be active. When you press the USER VARIABLES softkey the system displays the
following data entry window listing the configured user variables with their types.


LM Y 32.25603
Z 0.00000 !VARIABLE1.LR
A 0.00000 !VARIABLE2.CH
B 0.00000 !VARIABLE3.LR

S: 100.000 F: 1000.000
112.5% 75.000 100.0% 900.000
G: 00 80 99 40 27 90 71 17 94 97
M: xx xx xx xx


N26 S2000 F200 T3.03
N27 (UTO,1,X30,Y22)
N28 (ROT,20)
N29 G81 R-90 Z-110 M3
N30 X25 Y25
N32 X25

To modify the contents of a user variable use this procedure:

1. Key in the variable name and press [Enter].

2. The system visualises the contents of the selected variable.
3. Modify the contents of the variable and press [Enter] or the USER VARIABLES softkey to
confirm them. To visualise the contents without modifying the variables, press [Esc].

Long Real (LR) variables are managed with the same procedure as E parameters.
Character (CH) variables are managed with the same procedure as System Character (SC)
variables. More information about SC variables is provided later in this chapter.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 4-3

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

H variables
H variables are read-only local variables used by the system paramacros and cannot be modified
manually. To visualise the contents of the H variables in a data entry window press H
VARIABLES. To browse through the data entry window, press [PgUp] or [PgDn]. If no paramacro
has been configured in AMP the H VARIABLES softkey will be disabled.


AXIS WORK [mm] H VARIABLES Page 1 of 7
L X - 149.00000
LM Y 32.25603 H 00 = 0.00000
Z 0.00000 H 01 = 0.00000
A 0.00000 H 02 = 0.00000
B 0.00000 H 03 = 0.00000
H 04 = 0.00000
S: 100.000 F: 1000.000 H 05 = 0.00000
112.5% 75.000 100.0% 900.000 H 06 = 0.00000
G: 00 80 99 40 27 90 71 17 94 97 H 07 = 0.00000
M: xx xx xx xx H 08 = 0.00000
H 09 = 0.00000
N26 S2000 F200 T3.03 H 11 = 0.00000
N27 (UTO,1,X30,Y22) H 12 = 0.00000
N28 (ROT,20) H 13 = 0.00000
N29 G81 R-90 Z-110 M3 H 14 = 0.00000
N30 X25 Y25 H 15 = 0.00000
N31 X40 Y10
N32 X25

4-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

SN variables

System Number (SN) variables are system variables with predifined values that may be used in a
part program. These values are stored in the dual port memory and remain unchanged until they
are reassigned.

The SN VARIABLES softkey permits to visualise or reassign the current values of the SN variables
according to specific program needs. When you press the SN VARIABLES softkey the following
data entry window is displayed:


L X - 149.00000
LM Y 32.25603 SN 00 = 0.00000
Z 0.00000 SN 01 = 0.00000
A 0.00000 SN 02 = 0.00000
B 0.00000 SN 03 = 0.00000
SN 04 = 0.00000
S: 100.000 F: 1000.000 SN 05 = 0.00000
112.5% 75.000 100.0% 900.000 SN 06 = 0.00000
G: 00 80 99 40 27 90 71 17 94 97 SN 07 = 0.00000
M: xx xx xx xx SN 08 = 0.00000
SN 09 = 0.00000
N26 S2000 F200 T3.03 SN 11 = 0.00000
N27 (UTO,1,X30,Y22) SN 12 = 0.00000
N28 (ROT,20) SN 13 = 0.00000
N29 G81 R-90 Z-110 M3 SN 14 = 0.00000
N30 X25 Y25 SN 15 = 0.00000
N31 X40 Y10
N32 X25

SN may be modified with the same procedure described for E variables.

It is possible to define as many as 25 SN variables.

IMPORTANT The values assigned to SN variables remain stored on a permanent basis

even after the system has been switched off.

The value assigned to an SN variable during part program execution will

supersede that declared in the data entry window.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 4-5

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

SC variables

System Character (SC) variables are system variables with predifined values that may be used in a
part program. These values are stored in the dual port memory and remain unchanged until they
are reassigned.

The SC VARIABLES softkey permits to visualise or reassign the current SC variables to suit
specific program needs. When you press the SC VARIABLES softkey the following data entry
window is displayed:


L X - 149.00000 -149.23600 1
LM Y 32.25603 33.39406 2 TI
Z 0.00000 0.00000 0
A 0.00000 0.00000 0
B 0.00000 0.00000 0

S: 100.000 F: 1000.000 RAP: 0.0000 ACT : Txx.xx

112.5% 75.000 100.0% 900.000 100.0% xxxxxx NXT: Txx.xx
G: 00 80 99 40 27 90 71 17 94 97 d: 0.000000
0000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0010 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0020 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0030 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0040 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0050 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."

Address: 0000 Value: Page 1 of 2



This tables shows 100 3-digit character variables. Variables are divided into 10 strings, each of
which occupies a line of the table. The first column specifies the start adress of the string. The last
column displays a string of ASCII characters.

4-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

start address ASCII code of the character ASCII string

| | |

0000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . ."

To assign an SC variable it is necessary to first define the start address and then specify the ASCII
string. The procedure is as follows:

1. Key in the start address in the "Address" field.

2. Press [Tab] to move the cursor to the "Value" field (Press [Shift Tab] to move the cursor
backwards in order to alter the address).
3. Either the character or its ASCII code may be written in the "Value" field. Press [Tab] to move
the cursor to the subsequent character or [Shift Tab] to move it backwards by one characters.
To enter only one character it is necessary to write it between quotes. For example, "A", "B" or
4. Press [Return] to visualise the string on the most right column. Then press [Enter] to confirm
the input data.

IMPORTANT The values assigned to SC variables remain stored on a permanent basis

even after the system has been switched off.

The value assigned to an SC variable during part program execution will

supersede the one declared in the data entry window.

To assign the "COOLANT" value to the SC that starts from address 53 the procedure is as follows:

1. Press the SC VARIABLES softkey:

0000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0010 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0020 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0030 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0040 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0050 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."

Address: 0000 Value: Page 1 of 2



10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 4-7

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

2. Key in 53, press [Tab], and then key in the following sequence (including the quotes):

"C" Tab "O" Tab "O" Tab "L" Tab "A" Tab "N" Tab "T"

0000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0010 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0020 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0030 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0040 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0050 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."

Address: 0053 Value: "C" "O" "O" "L""A" "N" "T" Page 1 of 2



3. Press [Return]. The following will appear on the screen:

0000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0010 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0020 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0030 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0040 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
0050 000 000 000 067 079 079 076 065 078 084 ". . . COOLANT "

Address: 0053 Value: "C" "O" "O" "L""A" "N" "T" Page 1 of 2



Note that from address 53 onwards each column displays the numerical ASCII code of a
character, whereas the string appears on the most right column. An alternative method for
writing this sequence would have been entering the following values in step 2:

067 Tab 079 Tab 079 Tab 075 Tab 065 Tab 078 Tab 084

4-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

PLUS variables
PLUS variables are system variables defined by the user in the AMP environment that remain
stored in the PLUS dual port memory. These variables can be used for reading or writing

There are three types of PLUS variables:

• Long Real (LR)

• Boolean (BL)
• Short (SH)

If no PLUS variable has been configured, the PLUS VARIABLES softkey in the VARIABLES
menu is disabled. When you press the PLUS VARIABLES softkey the following data entry window
is displayed:


L X - 149.00000 PLUS VARIABLES Page 1 of 1
LM Y 32.25603
Z 0.00000 @PROG1 SH = 0.00000
A 0.00000 @PROG2 BL = 0.00000
B 0.00000 @PROG3 LR = 0.00000

S: 100.000 F: 1000.000
112.5% 75.000 100.0% 900.000
G: 00 80 99 40 27 90 71 17 94 97
M: xx xx xx xx


N26 S2000 F200 T3.03
N27 (UTO,1,X30,Y22)
N28 (ROT,20)
N29 G81 R-90 Z-110 M3
N30 X25 Y25
N31 X40 Y10
N32 X25

This window permits to read or write the value of a variable as illustrated in the previous section.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 4-9

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

Searching for pages and variable indexes

The FIND PAGE/IND softkey facilitates the seach for the index of a variable or a page in a data
entry window when it contains too many system variables to use [PgUp] and [PgDn]. When you
press FIND PAGE/IND the following page appears:


Variable Index : 1
Page Number : 0

The window permits to search for either a page number or an index.

1. Key in the page or index number.

2. Press [Enter].

4-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

Using variables for calculations

In some cases you must calculate the value of a variable before writing it in the data entry window.
To make these calculations without closing the windows you can use the following softkeys:
EVALUATE and SUBSTITUTE. The procedure is as follows:

1. Press EVALUATE. The following data entry window will be displayed:


2. Key in the mathematical expression to be calculated (algebric or trig functions are allowed). For
more information about formulas and syntactic rules, refer to the "Programming Manual". Press
[Return] to visualise and save the result. Press [Esc] to close the EVALUATE window.

IMPORTANT If you press EVALUATE again at this point the result will be cleared.

The result of the calculation may be written in any type of variable with the following procedure:

1. Select the data entry window that corresponds to the type of variable.
2. Position the cursor on the desired variable and press SUBSTITUTE. The contents of the
EVALUATE data entry window will be assigned to the variable replacing the previous value.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 4-11

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters


Machine parameters are variables that affect system operation. The user can access and modify
the following 10 Series machine parameters:

• VFF (Velocity Feed Forward) selects the bevel machining mode.

• Dynamic limits. These three parameters affect:
− automatic deceleration on the bevels of the path (DLA)
− maximum deviation angle (MDA) in G27
− velocify factor (VEF) in G27 on the bevels of the path.
• Spindle speed limits.
• Percentage of return speed in G84.
• Probe parameters.
• Axes references.
• Circular interpolation accuracy.
• Dwell time for G04
• Time and date.

To access these parameters press the MACHINE SET-UP softkey, which displays the following



The sections that follow describe each parameter with the procedure for setting or altering its

To open a data entry window it is necessary to press the corresponding softkey. To confirm a
modification either re-press the softkey or press [Enter]. To close the window without saving the
modifications press [Esc] .

4-12 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

Dynamic Params

The DYNAMIC PARAMS softkey opens a data entry window similar to the one below:




Significance of the fields is as follows:

ENABLE (Y/N) Can have these values:

[Y] Enables VFF in part program execution. When VFF is enabled

and the axis velocity is constant the following error will be almost

[N] Disables VFF in part program execution. When VFF is disabled,

the following error is proportional to the axis velocity and the ring
gain (which can be configured in AMP). Therefore, at constant
velocity the following error will be constant.

When a part program is active and the axes move without

deceleration on bevels (G28), the trajectory of the axes depends on
whether VFF is enabled or disabled. Different shape errors may occur
on the bevels:

• if VFF is disabled there is a trajectory error because the axes move

beyond the angle;
• if VFF is enabled there is a trajectory error because the angle is

The figures that follow illustrate four applications of the VFF


10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 4-13

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters






G04 DWELL TIME Defines the end-of-block dwell time (G04).

This time is used in G04 and in the following canned cycle blocks:

• In G94 dwell time is expressed in seconds.

• In G95 dwell time is expressed in revs per min.

For further information on this parameter, see the Programming


SPINDLE LIMIT (RPM) Is the maximum spindle speed expressed in rpm when the speed of
the tool cutter is programmed in mm/min or inch/min. The allowed
range is from 0 to 99999,9999 rpm. The default value is 0 RPM.

% TAP RETRACT FEED Tapping retract speed. Specifies the percentage of the feedrate
applied to the retract phase of the tapping cycle. The allowed range is
from 0 to 125%. The default value is 100%.

4-14 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

Dynamic limits

S: 100.000 F: 1000.000 RAP: 0.0000 ACT : Txx.xx

112.5% 75.000 100.0% 900.000 100.0% xxxxxx NXT: Txx.xx
G: 00 80 99 40 27 90 71 17 94 97 d: 0.000000
M: xx xx xx xx JOG: 0.00000 Z: 0.000000


N26 S2000 F200 T3.03
N28 (ROT,20)
N29 G81 R-90 Z-110 M3 MAXIMUM DEVIATION ANGLE : 90.00000
N30 X25 Y25
N32 X25

ENABLE LOOK-AHEAD (Y/N) Automatic deceleration on bevels. It may have the following

[Y] Enables automatic deceleration on bevels during part

program execution.

[N] Enables automatic deceleration on bevels during part

program execution.

If the selection is N, DLA instructions in the current part

program will be ignored.

MAXIMUM DEVIATION ANGLE (MDA) Is the maximum angle deviation of the axis for which
G27 is active. The selected angle is the operating limit for G27.

If the angle deviation is greater than this limit, the path will be
executed in G29 or in point to point.

The allowed range is from 0 to 180 degrees. The default value

is 90 degrees.

VELOCITY FACTOR (VEF) permits to regulate axes velocity on bevels in G27. Small
VEF values permit to obtain considerable velocity reductions.

The allowed range is from 0 to 999999999999.0. The default

value is .8.

To obtain further information about DLA, MDA and VEF refer to the 10 Series Programming

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 4-15

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

Program SET-UP

The PROGRAM SET-UP softkey opens a data entry window permitting configuration of some
parameters conditioning the part program execution mode:

− Block delete
− Optional stop
− Feedrate bypass
− Rapid rate control
− Rotation
− Stock allowance

And for each axis configured, the following parameters may be configured:

− Stand still
− Mirror modes
− Scale
− Scale factor

For further information, see chapter 11 "Part program execution".

Block Retrace

Permits definition, if configured in AMP, of the machine path to be performed backwards.

The softkey is enabled only if a program is selected and if the CYCLE STOP pushbutton is pressed
during execution.

The sequence of operations is as follows:

− System in CYCLE STOP

− Press CYCLE START; the system moves the axes backwards
towards the last point of the buffer.
− Movements will be executed in consistency with the mode selected
− To return to normal conditions, disable BLOCK RETRACE, exit from
CYCLE STOP mode and press CYCLE START.

For further information, see chapter 11 "Part program execution".

4-16 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

Probe parameters

These parameters are used by the system during a probing cycle. When you press the PROBE
SET-UP softkey, the following data entry window is displayed:

S: 100.000 F: 1000.000 RAP: 0.0000 ACT : Txx.xx

112.5% 75.000 100.0% 900.000 100.0% xxxxxx NXT: Txx.xx
G: 00 80 99 40 27 90 71 17 94 97 d: 0.000000
M: xx xx xx xx JOG: 0.00000 Z: 0.000000


N26 S2000 F200 T3.03
N27 (UTO,1,X30,Y22) APPROACH TOLERANCE : 5.00000
N28 (ROT,20) SAFETY TOLERANCE : 5.00000
N29 G81 R-90 Z-110 M3 MEASURING FEED : 90.50000
N30 X25 Y25 HORIZONTAL SHIFT : 0.00000
N31 X40 Y10 VERTICAL SHIFT : 0.00000



The values displayed in the PROBE SETUP window are expressed in the default unit configured in
AMP (mm or inch). This unit is shown in the window between square brackets.

APPROACH TOLERANCE Is the distance from the nominal probing point. The probe arrives at
this distance moving at the rapid rate and then starts the probing
cycle at the feedrate programmed in the MEASURING FEED field.

SAFETY TOLERANCE This value must be set in order to preserve the probe. The probe
stops if it does not touch the machined part within this tolerance.

MEASURING FEED Is the velocity at which the probe

approach tolerance

HORIZONTAL SHIFT Is the requalification value

applied to the abscissa of the
probe axis expressed in mm.
safety tolerance

VERTICAL SHIFT Is the requalification value

applied to the ordinate of the
probe axis expressed in mm.

PROBING MODALITY Enter the probing modality

value: 0 for standard probing - 1
for probing without rapid return.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 4-17

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters

Axes Reference

S: 100.000 F: 1000.000 RAP: 0.0000 ACT : Txx.xx

112.5% 75.000 100.0% 900.000 100.0% xxxxxx NXT: Txx.xx
G: 00 80 99 40 27 90 71 17 94 97 d: 0.000000
M: xx xx xx xx JOG: 0.00000 Z: 0.000000


N26 S2000 F200 T3.03
N28 (ROT,20) X [Y]
N29 G81 R-90 Z-110 M3 Y [Y]
N30 X25 Y25 Z [Y]
N31 X40 Y10
N32 X25

With the REF softkey the axes may be referred to the current position. The procedure is as follows:

1. Select the axes to be referred in the data entry window with the [Up/Down Arrow keys].

2. Key in [Y] and press [Enter].

IMPORTANT Unlike the HOME cycle, referring the axes with the REF softkey is a logical
operation. Therefore, the NULL OFFSET and HOME POSITION parameters
configured in AMP for each axis are ignored. Also, the operating limits are
referred to the point on which the axes were when the REF procedure was
closed with [Y].

4-18 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters


S: 100.000 F: 1000.000 RAP: 0.0000 ACT : Txx.xx

112.5% 75.000 100.0% 900.000 100.0% xxxxxx NXT: Txx.xx
G: 00 80 99 40 27 90 71 17 94 97 d: 0.000000
M: xx xx xx xx JOG: 0.00000 Z: 0.000000


N26 S2000 F200 T3.03
N28 (ROT,20)
N29 G81 R-90 Z-110 M3 FULL CIRCLE THRESHOLD : 0.00100
N30 X25 Y25
N31 X40 Y10 ARC MODALITY : 0
N32 X25

CIRCLE ENDPOINT TOLERANCE (CET) Establishes a tolerance interval for the difference
between the start and the final radius of a circle arc.

ULL CIRCLE THRESHOLD (FCT) Establishes a threshold for the distance between the
first and the last point of a circle arc. If this distance is smaller
than FCT, the circle arc is closed.

ARC MODALITY (ARM) Selects a normalisation mode for the arc programmed
with the coordinates of the center (I, J) and the last point in
order to make the arc geometrically congruent. Allowed
values are 0, 1, 2, and 3.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 4-19

Chapter 4
Setting System Variables and Parameters


The TIME/DATE softkey permits the machine date and time to be set.

S: 100.000 F: 1000.000 RAP: 0.0000 ACT : Txx.xx

112.5% 75.000 100.0% 900.000 100.0% xxxxxx NXT: Txx.xx
G: 00 80 99 40 27 90 71 17 94 97 d: 0.000000
M: xx xx xx xx JOG: 0.00000 Z: 0.000000
N26 S2000 F200 T3.03 HOURS : 11
N27 (UTO,1,X30,Y22) MINUTES 16
N28 (ROT,20) SECONDS : 57
N29 G81 R-90 Z-110 M3
N30 X25 Y25 YEAR : 1993
N31 X40 Y10 MONTH 11
N32 X25 DAY : 15


4-20 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 5


The reference points that permit to calculate the workpiece coordinates can be established on the
machine tool. These points are illustrated in the figure below:








The ABSOLUTE ZERO of an axis coincides with its zero microswitch. The position of the zero
microswitch is read by the control during the homing procedure described later in this chapter.

10 Series CNC User Manual (02) 5-1

Chapter 5
Establishing Origins and Homing the Axes

The NULL OFFSET position is defined during configuration with respect to the absolute zero. It is
normally very near the zero microswitch and serves for correcting the zero microswitch position.
The HOME position is defined during configuration with respect to the NULL OFFSET. It is
normally at the centre of the table and represents the MACHINE ZERO.
ABSOLUTE ORIGINS must be defined by the programmer and serve as reference points for
workpiece and machining coordinates. ABSOLUTE ORIGINS are referenced to the MACHINE

If the HOME position has not been defined, the MACHINE ZERO coincides with the NULL
OFFSET or, if this is also missing, with the NULL OFFSET. NULL OFFSET and HOME POSITION
values must be specified for each axis in AMP.

5-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 5
Establishing Origins and Homing the Axes


This is the first operation to be performed after system power up.

Homing an axis means making it touch the switch that marks the beginning of its travel.

An axis may be homed in Manual or in Auto mode. Both procedures are described in the sections
that follows.

Manual Homing

1. Select the desired axis by moving the selection bar with the [Up/Down Arrow keys].
2. Press the JOG DIR (+/-) softkey to select the direction in which the axis will move away from
the current position.
3. Press the HOME softkey.
4. Press CYCLE START and keep it pressed until the axis has been homed. The axis will
automatically move towards the zero switch that defines its absolute zero point.
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for all the other axes.

Automatic Homing

1. Select the desired axis by moving the selection bar with the [Up/Down Arrow keys].
2. Press the HOME softkey.
3. Press CYCLE START and keep it pressed until the axis has been homed.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for all the other axes.

In both cases the axis moves automatically towards the zero switch and from here either to the
zero position or to the NULL OFFSET position (if the null offset parameter has been configured).

After an axis has been correctly homed, the following message is displayed:

NC 150 Axis homed

Distance home marker..

IMPORTANT When the axis is homed in manual mode the CYCLE START pushbutton
must not be released until the axis reaches the zero microswitch. If CYCLE
START is released before homing has been completed, the axis will
decelerate to a complete stop. To resume homing, press CYCLE START
again and keep it pressed until the axis arrives to the zero microswitch.

10 Series CNC User Manual (02) 5-3

Chapter 5
Establishing Origins and Homing the Axes

• If Manual homing mode has been configured in AMP and the direction of motion selected in
step 2 is different from that configured in AMP, the axis will not move and the following message
will be displayed:
NC108 Home and jog direction not congruent
Select the correct direction and repeat the homing procedure.

• To abort a homing move press RESET.

• If Automatic homing has been configured in AMP, the system will automatically force the
selected axis to move in the configured direction of motion.

5-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 5
Establishing Origins and Homing the Axes

Workpiece or machining coordinates can be referenced to a point located inside or outside the
part. This point is known as origin or part zero. In some cases, however, part of the coordinates
may be referenced to other points. The system is able to handle up to three different origins, thus
eliminating the need to convert the coordinates to a single reference point.

Absolute These origins are referenced to the machine zero (Home Position) and are
origins stored in the Origins Table. During execution an absolute origin may be
(part zero) invoked at any time by writing its number in the program, after which all of the
coordinates will be referenced to this new origin. The system permits to define
up to 10 origins per process.

Temporary These origins are referenced to an absolute origin and may be defined and
origins enabled from the program by means of the UTO instruction. They are not
stored in the Origins Table and remain active until a new temporary origin is
programmed (with an UTO), an absolute origin is invoked (with an UAO), or
the control is reset. For more information about these origins, refer to the
Programming Manual.

Incremental These origins are referenced to the currently active origin and may be defined
origins and enabled directly from the program with an UIO instruction. An incremental
origin remains active until a new incremental, absolute or temporary origin is
invoked or until the control is reset. For more information about these origins,
refer to the Programming Manual.

Prior to starting a new execution cycle on the machine it is necessary to establish the absolute
origins. Each absolute origin is determined by writing in the Origins Table the distance from the
origin point to the HOME POSITION. The procedure is as follows:

1. Home the axes using the procedure described earlier in this chapter.
2. Jog the axes to the point at which the absolute origin must be located (see Chapter 6 for Axes
3. Press the SET ORIG./TOOL softkey in the MANUAL menu. The following data entry window will
be displayed:


SELECT (Origin/Tool) :

Push ENTER to access the data entry

10 Series CNC User Manual (02) 5-5

Chapter 5
Establishing Origins and Homing the Axes

4. Press [O] to select origin presetting. Then move the cursor to the next data entry field and key
in the origin number. Press [Enter] to confirm the entries. The following data entry window will
be displayed:





This data entry window lists the axis names configured in AMP for the current process. In the
example it has been assumed that the configured axes are X, Y and Z.

5. Key in the absolute origin offsets for X and Y. If the absolute origin coincides with the point in
which the axes have been positioned, key in a 0 offset for X and Y.

The control calculates the absolute origin coordinates referenced to the HOME POSITION (and,
therefore, to the zero microswitch) and stores them in the origins table. To visualise this table, use
the Table Editor tool described later in this chapter.

An origin becomes active when the control reads the relevant UAO program instruction.

The figures below illustrate how to define absolute origins.

1) Absolute origin overlapping with the current axis position.




SET ORIG./TOOL data entry window

Key in X0, Y0.

5-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 5
Establishing Origins and Homing the Axes

2) Absolute origin offset by a given value, i.e. absolute origin moved from the current axes





Offsets SET ORIG./TOOL data entry window

10 mm on X axis
10 mm on Y axis Key in X10, Y10.

To visualise, alter or cancel absolute origins, refer to Chapter 7.

10 Series CNC User Manual (02) 5-7

Chapter 5
Establishing Origins and Homing the Axes


Since the system must take into consideration the length of any tool mounted on the spindle, a
special procedure must be used for defining the zero of the spindle axis.

To this purpose, a special set of offsets must be defined. For more information about these offsets,
refer to Chapter 9 "Tool management".

According to the location of the reference point, there are two methods for defining the absolute
origin of the spindle axis:

• reference point on the tip of the tool mounted on the spindle;

• reference point on the spindle nose (no tool mounted on the spindle).

Part zero on tool tip

To determine the axis zero when a tool is mounted on the spindle use this procedure:

1. Home the spindle axis with the procedure described earlier in this chapter.
2. Press the AUTO softkey and then press MDI to select MDI mode.
3. Enable the desired machining tool with the relevant offset by entering their codes (for example,
T123.5M6), press [Enter] to confirm them and press CYCLE START.
4. Jog the spindle axis until the tool tip touches a known point.
5. Press the SET ORIG./TOOL softkey in the MANUAL menu. The following data entry window
will appear:


SELECT (Origin/Tool) :

Push ENTER to access the data entry

5-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 5
Establishing Origins and Homing the Axes

6. Press [O] to select origin presetting. Then move the cursor to the next data entry field and key
in the origin number. Press [Enter] to confirm the entries. The following data entry window will
be displayed:





Key in the distance of the tool tip from the part zero on the spindle axis (Z).

10 Series CNC User Manual (02) 5-9

Chapter 5
Establishing Origins and Homing the Axes

Part zero on spindle nose

To define the part zero when no tool is mounted on the spindle, use this procedure:

1. Take the spindle axis to the HOME POSITION with the procedure described earlier in this
2. Disable the current spindle axis offset. For example, key in T0M6 in MDI.
3. Measure the distance from the spindle nose to the reference point selected on the part.
4. Press the SET ORIG./TOOL softkey in the MANUAL menu. The following data entry window
will be displayed:


SELECT (Origin/Tool) :

Push ENTER to access the data entry

5. Press [O] to select origin presetting. Then move the cursor to the next data entry field and key
in the origin number. Press [Enter] to confirm the entries. The following data entry window will
be displayed:





6. Move the cursor to the Z axis and key in the measured distance with its sign.

5-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 5
Establishing Origins and Homing the Axes


Diameter axes are programmed with diameter coordinates and are used for drilling and reaming
holes. The control commands the moves of the tool towards and away from the spindle rotation
axis. The figure shows an example of diameter axes:

Diameter axes must be homed before machining starts. The homing procedure is as follows:

1. Position the spindle axis on a hole to be reamed by inputting the hole coordinates.
2. Select the diameter axis (for example, U) by moving the selection bar with the [Up/Down
Arrow keys].
3. Home the diameter axis with the above described automatic or manual procedures (HOME and
4. Key in an instruction block programming hole reaming with the hole coordinates. For example :
G81 .. R .. Z .. F .. S .. M13
Then press CYCLE START.
5. If the hole is executed properly, move the tool away from it without moving the U axis.
6. Measure the hole dimensions accurately. In the example, the diameter measures 98.73 mm.
7. Define the origin of the diameter axis by writing the measured value with a negative sign (in the
example, U = -98.73) in the ORIGIN PRESET data entry window.

If during the machining cycle the tool is found to be too worn out for the configured tolerance, the
diameter axis value (U in our example) may be updated in the ORIGIN PRESET data entry window
by writing the exact diameter of the last machined hole with a negative sign. For example, if the
diameter of the last machined hole is 119.95, key in the following: U -119.95

10 Series CNC User Manual (02) 5-11

Chapter 5
Establishing Origins and Homing the Axes


5-12 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 6


There are two different types of manual or jog moves:

• continuous jog
• incremental jog

To perform a jog move, press the MANUAL softkey. The following menu will be displayed:



This menu includes all the softkeys that permit to carry out manual moves and related operations.
In the sections that follow we assume that you have displayed this menu before starting a jogging

When the MANUAL softkey is pressed, the control defaults to continuous jog mode.

The selected axis for the motion will be emphasized by a selection bar; besides the axis name will
be contained in square brackets.



10 Series CNC User Manual (12) 6-1

Chapter 6
Axes Jogging and Stop Functions

Continuous Jog

This mode permits to jog the axes continuously in the selected direction at the selected rate. The
procedure is as follows:

1. Select the desired axis by moving the selection bar with the arrow keys.
2. Select the jog direction by pressing the Jog DIR softkey. The softkey label will change
according to the selection (JOG DIR -, JOG DIR +).
3. Select the jog rate and the override percentage as described in the "Feedrate Override" section
of this chapter.
4. Press CYCLE START to start jogging the axis. The axis will continue to move at the selected
rate in the desired direction as long as CYCLE START is kept pressed.

Incremental Jog

This mode permits to jog the axes by a given increment in the selected direction at the selected
rate. The procedure is as follows:

1. Select the desired axis by moving the selection bar with the arrow keys.
2. Select the jog direction by pressing the JOG DIR softkey. The softkey label will change
according to the selection (JOG DIR -, JOG DIR +).
3. Select the jog rate and the override percentage as described in the "Feedrate Override" section
of this chapter.
4. Select the increment with the MANUAL SET-UP softkey (refer to the "Jog Increment" section
later in this chapter). If this step is omitted, the system will apply the current increment, i.e. the
latest selected one.
5. Press JOG INCR and then the CYCLE START softkey.

Depending on the JOG INCR selection in the MANUAL SET-UP data entry window, there are two
possible incremental jog modes:

Manual: keep CYCLE START depressed until the move has been completed. If CYCLE START is
released before the end of the move, the axis will decelerate to a stop. To complete the move,
press CYCLE START again and keep it pressed until the move has been terminated.

Automatic: this mode permits to release CYCLE START before the move has been completed
without stopping the axis.

6-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (12)

Chapter 6
Axes Jogging and Stop Functions


Prior to starting an incremental jog it is necessary to define the jog type and the increment. To
make these selections, press the MANUAL SET-UP softkey.

The following data entry window will be displayed:




SELECT (Auto/Manual) : M


INCREMENT VALUE key in the manual increment value in this field. This value will also be
displayed in the JOG field of the main video screen.

MODE select the JOG RETURN or JOG INCR mode, which can be automatic
[A] or manual [M]. For more details about JOG RETURN, see later in this

TOOL DIRECTION this parameter is used for removing the tool from the part in special cases
(see "Removing the tool after an emergency" later in this chapter).

To confirm the entries press the MANUAL SET UP softkey or the [Enter] key.

10 Series CNC User Manual (12) 6-3

Chapter 6
Axes Jogging and Stop Functions


The maximum jog rate defined in the configuration may be altered with the following procedure:

1. Press OVERRIDE SEL until the first two softkeys on the third line display the following labels:

2. Press FEEDMAN + or FEEDMAN - to increment or decrement the configured rate. Each time
one of these softkeys is depressed, a 12.5% increment or decrement will be applied to the
configured value. Feedrate override percentages range from 0% through 100%.

If the maximum configured feedrate is 2000 MMPM (millimetres per minute) and a 50% feedrate
decrement is applied, the actual jog rate will be 1000 MMPM.

6-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (12)

Chapter 6
Axes Jogging and Stop Functions


To alter the jog increment selected in the MANUAL SETUP window use this procedure:

1. Press OVERRIDE SEL until the first two softkeys on the third line display the following labels:

2. Press JOG INCR + or JOG INCR - to increment or decrement the jog increment value.

The allowed JOG INCR values are shown in the table below:

mm inch

0,0001 0,00001
0,001 0,0001
0,01 0,001
0,1 0,01
1,0 0,1
10,0 1

Before OVERRIDE SEL is pressed, the JOG INCR value is the one written in the MANUAL SET
UP window (see earlier in this Chapter). As the OVERRIDE SEL softkey is pressed, JOG INCR
returns to the value it had the last time the OVERRIDE SEL softkey was pressed. This value
will be one of the above listed increments and can therefore be very different from the one
written in the MANUAL SET-UP window.

Each time JOG INCR+ or JOG INCR- is pressed, the increment/decrement listed in the table is
applied to the JOG value.

10 Series CNC User Manual (12) 6-5

Chapter 6
Axes Jogging and Stop Functions


It is possible to interrupt machining during part program execution by pressing the CYCLE STOP
pushbutton. This puts the system on hold and permits to jog the axes away from the profile.

Part program execution can be resumed according to one of the following three procedures:

1. Moving the axes back to the position on the profile they occupied before program execution
was halted.

Proceed as follows:
a) Select the axis to be returned to the profile.
b) Select the axis feedrate percentage desired.
c) Press the JOG RETURN softkey and then the [CYCLE START] button.
• if JOG RETURN is in "Manual" mode, keep [CYCLE START] pressed until the "AXIS ON
PROFILE" message appears; this tells you that the axis return move has been completed.
• if the JOG RETURN is in "AUTO" mode, just press [CYCLE START] once. The system will
automatically move back to the profile ALL the axes previously displaced by following the
same trajectory in space in the reverse direction, so as to avoid obstructions. To abort
automatic return to the profile press [CYCLE STOP].

2. Moving the axes back to the final point of the profile interruption entity

Proceed as follows:
a) From the MANUAL SET-UP Data Entry window activate the “SKIP JOG RETURN” option by
entering “Y” and confirm with [Enter].
b) Quit the HOLD status by pressing [CYCLE STOP].
c) Resume program execution by pressing [CYCLE START]. At this point, the axes will
perform a linear movement from their current position to the final point of the movement
interrupted by pressing [CYCLE STOP]. At the end of this positioning process, program
execution will be resumed automatically.

This procedure cannot be performed in the following conditions:

− G61 on.
CAUTION − Canned cycles and probe function on.
− TCP with mno/ijk programming or with rotary axes in "following" mode
(interpolation with following mode).
− Program block in Hold without axis movements.
In such cases, the standard execution is forced and it proves necessary to
move the axes back to the profile interruption point according to procedure

6-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (12)

Chapter 6
Axes Jogging and Stop Functions


The programmed spindle speed can be altered during execution with the following procedure:

1. Press OVERRIDE SEL until the first two softkeys on the third line display the following labels:

2. Press SPND OVER + or SPND OVER - to increment or decrement the programmed spindle
speed. Each time one of these softkeys is depressed, a 12.5% increment or decrement will be
applied to the programmed value. Spindle speed override percentages range from 75% through

If the maximum programmed spindle speed is 1500 RPM and a 80% feedrate decrement is
applied, the actual spindle speed will be 1200 RPM.

10 Series CNC User Manual (12) 6-7

Chapter 6
Axes Jogging and Stop Functions


There are various ways of stopping program execution and machine operation: Reset, Hold,
Emergency Stop, Active Reset.

The reset function permits to:

• Stop axes moves.

• Clear the program execution buffer.
• Restore the absolute origin (Home Position).
• Restore the configured G codes.
• Positions the part program at file start.

To perform a reset function press the RESET pushbutton.

To resume program execution press the CYCLE START pushbutton. Execution will restart from
the beginning of the program.

IMPORTANT Depending on how the machine logic has been programmed, it will give
some of its typical stop commands (such as spindle stop, coolant off, etc.)
when it receives the reset command.

The hold function permits to:

• Stop the axes with controlled deceleration.

• Temporarily stop program execution.

To put the axes on hold press CYCLE STOP.

To resume execution press the CYCLE STOP pushbutton again to exit the hold condition and then
press CYCLE START. Execution will restart from the point at which the CYCLE STOP command
was given.

If manual moves have been performed after pressing CYCLE STOP, it is necessary to re-position
the axes on the profile before resuming automatic execution. To do this, use the above described

6-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (12)

Chapter 6
Axes Jogging and Stop Functions


The EMERGENCY STOP pushbutton stops power supply to the system. It is not available on the
control panel but is included in the machine logic and in the MTB panel.

This command is available only in the PLUS logic program. It can be used after a cycle stop in
order to clear either the remaining portion of the current motion block or the subsequent part
program blocks.

To allow automatic active reset, with PLUS the ACTIVE RESET function is available on an external
pushbutton or on the machine devices. For example, when the microphone detects the contact
between the tool and the part.

During motion block execution, the ACTIVE RESET command is allowed if the system is on HOLD.
In addition, the interrupt move must be point to point (G29) with linear (G1) or circular (G2, G3)
interpolation. When an ACTIVE RESET is given, the system:

a) resets the interrupted move.

b) searches the subsequent program block for execution. This block will be calculated from the
current position.

c) executes assignment blocks, three-letter code instructions, branching instructions, etc. during
the search.

d) after the subsequent move has been terminated, the ACTIVE RESET function is reset and the
system does not re-launch the part program.

When a part program is selected, the ACTIVE RESET command is allowed if the system is in IDLE
status. In this case the system responds with steps b through d.

If an ACTIVE RESET command is given when the system is neither on HOLD nor in IDLE status,
the following error message will be displayed: "Command not congruent with the system status".

ACTIVE RESET can be given in AUTO, MDI and BLK/BLK. If the control is in any other mode, the
following message will appear: "Bad selected mode".

If MDI (Manual Data Input) mode is active, ACTIVE RESET will reset only the interrupted move. All
the instructions that have not been transferred to PLUS will be lost.

If ACTIVE RESET is allowed but the interrupted block is not a point to point move with linear or
circular interpolation, the "Active reset not permitted" message will be displayed. If the interrupted
block has been stopped at interpolation end, the ACTIVE RESET command will be ignored.

The subsequent block must be a linear move (G1); if it is not, the "Active reset not permitted" error
message will be displayed. If the subsequent block is a contouring move (G27/G28), the ACTIVE
RESET function will be allowed but the new block will be executed as a point to point move.

All the M, T, S and logic functions that are programmed in the interrupted block or in subsequent
blocks and have not been transferred to PLUS will be lost.

10 Series CNC User Manual (12) 6-9

Chapter 6
Axes Jogging and Stop Functions

The new block calculated by the ACTIVE RESET command contains the coordinates of the axes
programmed in the subsequent block.

If the ACTIVE RESET command has been executed successfully, the system switches from HOLD
to HOLD RUN (HRUN). The red LED turns off and the system awaits a CYCLE START command.

If an ACTIVE RESET function generates an error (for example, if the cycle start coordinate
coincides with the subsequent motion block) the system remains on HOLD (red LED ON) but part
program execution does not resume when you give a CYCLE START command. All the
subsequent ACTIVE RESET functions will be allowed and the error will be removed.

Since during an active reset the system reads and executes part program blocks, some of the
errors displayed may be numerical control errors. However, the "End of file" message is not an
error but a signal. When this message occurs, the system status does not shift to HRUN and
CYCLE START permits to execute the block that has been restored after one or several ACTIVE
RESET commands.

When the active reset function is not accepted by the system, further active request commands
shall be taken to refer to the following blocks and, in the absence of errors, the active reset function
for such blocks shall be accepted.

The block-end M functions programmed in the interrupted block will be "forgotten" after an active
reset. Execution of the subsequent block will start when the CYCLE START command is given. If
other ACTIVE RESET commands are given, the M codes programmed in these blocks will also be

G29 G01 X100 M05 Active reset to X=50 (M05 will be ignored)
G01 Y100 M06 Active reset (M06 will be ignored)
G01 M03 Y100 M05 Cycle start :
1. M03
2. Move to X50 Y100
3. M05

An ACTIVE RESET function accepted by the system will enable the subsequent block. This can be
observed on the display, where the enabled block will appear in reverse mode.

6-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (12)

Chapter 6
Axes Jogging and Stop Functions

Example 1

HOLD, active reset
new path

original path

100 X

X10 Y40
Y20 Active reset during execution of this block
X100 Y30 X100 at the end of this block

Example 2

40 HOLD, active reset

new path

programmed path

100 X

X10 Y40
X50 Y10 Active reset during execution of this block
X100 Y30 Y30 X100 at the end of this block.

10 Series CNC User Manual (12) 6-11

Chapter 6
Axes Jogging and Stop Functions


In some special applications (such as a 4- or 5-axis machines performing inclined machining in
which the moves in the direction of the tool axes are the result of interpolations by other axes),
execution may be interrupted by an emergency stop (voltage drop, general emergency, etc.) or by
a programmed stop followed by manual moves.

An example of this is shown in the picture below.

This machine has three normal axes (X, Y and Z) and two rotary axes that incline the spindle
carrier head.

When an emergency stop occurs, it sometimes happens that the tool remains inside the part. To
remove the tool from the part after the machine has been re-powered up, the system must offer
you the possibility to move the spindle in the tool direction.

10 Series CNC generates this move automatically, by introducing a virtual axis assigned to a name
written in AMP. The moves of this virtual axis cause linear axes to move, so that the tool moves in
the linear axes direction, i.e. in the direction indicated by the position of the rotary axes.

For the system to generate the virtual axis you must set a parameter in the data entry window
opened by the MANUAL SETUP softkey.

6-12 10 Series CNC User Manual (12)

Chapter 6
Axes Jogging and Stop Functions

The procedure is as follows:

1. After the system has been re-powered up press MANUAL and MANUAL SETUP. The following
data entry window will appear:




SELECT (Auto/Manual) : M


2. Write [Y] in the TOOL DIRECTION field (in all other cases TOOL DIRECTION must be set to
[N]). Press [Enter] to confirm the entry. There are three possible cases:

a) The rotary axes are not referenced and the interrupt occurred during a cycle that included a
TCP instruction.

In this case the following data entry window will appear:




The meaning of these parameters is as follows:

Horizontal axis: horizontal rotary axis coordinate in degrees.
Vertical axis: vertical rotary axis coordinate in degrees.
These parameters show the rotary axes position before the interrupt. They can be modified,
which permits to change the tool withdrawal direction.

b) The rotary axes are not referenced and the interrupt occurred during a cycle that did not
include a TCP instruction.

In this case the SET ROTARY AXIS POSITION window appears but the displayed values
are not valid and the axes coordinates must be keyed in by the operator.

c) The rotary axes are referenced and the interrupt occurred during a cycle that did not include
a TCP instruction.

In this case, the SET ROTARY AXIS POSITION window does not appear because the tool
direction is the same as the rotary axes direction.
3. In cases A and B press [Enter] or the MANUAL SETUP softkey.

10 Series CNC User Manual (12) 6-13

Chapter 6
Axes Jogging and Stop Functions

Now the system will generate a virtual axis that has the same direction as the tool and can be
jogged or moved with part program instructions.

If only one of the rotary axes is referenced, the system displays the non-referenced axis coordinate
and responds as shown in the previous section.

See also Tool Center Point, mode 5, in the Programming Manual.


6-14 10 Series CNC User Manual (12)

Chapter 7

10 Series CNC handles a great number of parameters. To facilitate operation, this information is
organized in tables, which are resident in the dual port memory and can therefore be seen both by
the system software and the machine logic (PLUS). These tables remain stored in the dual port
memory after power has been removed from the system.

10 Series CNC tables include:

• Origins Table
• Tools Table
• Tool Offsets Table
• User Tables
• Tool Data Base
• Magazine (optional).

Each of these tables is described later in this chapter. The tables are managed by the Table Editor,
a utility that also allows editing of the tables stored on the hard disk. Here are some of the editing
operations available with the Table Editor:

• Table uploading, opening and saving

• Modification of table data
• Printing
• Incremental modifications in table fields
• Measure unit conversion (mm/inch)
• Tool data base compilation
• Table backup and restore.

The Tool Data Base resides in the hard disk and contains general tool information that can be used
for making graphic verifications as well as for compiling the Tool Table.

10 Series tables are described in the sections that follow. All of them can be configured and
customised by means of the User Configuration Interface. The video pages, the softkeys and the
data entry windows of this interface are described in detail in Chapter 8, to which reference should
be made.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-1

Chapter 7
Using Tables

A table is a set of records, each of which consists of a series of fields. Records correspond to the
table lines, whereas fields correspond to the table columns. Tables provide an economical way of
visualising and accessing large amounts of information.

Because of space restrictions, the fields visualised on one table line are only part of the information
stored in that table.

For example, each record of the Tools Table corresponds to a tool whereas the visualized fields
are only part of the tool parameters handled by the table. To visualise all of the tool parameters it is
necessary to select the desired tool and them press the EDIT softkey as shown in the figure below:

Field Table


Record EDIT


The rotary axes are not referenced and the interrupt occurred during a cycle that included a TCP
instructionWhen you open a table (refer to the "Opening a Table" section), the first 10 records and
the main fields defined with the Configurator will be displayed.

7-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables


To enable the Table Editor press the TABLES softkey in the main menu. The main Editor screen
will appear:

A TABLE EDITOR DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

Measurement unit : Mm
Data set :
Increment : 0.00000
B Selected Table :
Sort selected page :
Current process : 1
Current magazine : 1



A status line
B status window

The status line provides the following information:

• Name of the utility (Table Editor)
• Current date and time.

The status window displays the following information:

Measurement unit: (mm or inches) is the current measurement unit.

Data set: is the selected storage area. It can be Memory (for the dual port memory)
or the name of the file that contains the table).

Increment: is the current increment defined with the SET INCR softkey for the table

Selected Table: is the table selected by means of the relevant softkey.

Sort selected page: is the selected page.

Current process: is the active process.

Current magazine: is the number of the active tool magazine (if present).

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-3

Chapter 7
Using Tables

The meaning of the softkeys available with the main editor screen is shown in the table below:


BACKUP MEMORY makes a backup copy on the hard disk of all the tables stored in
the dual port memory.

RESTORE MEMORY restores the backup copy of all the tables stored in the dual port

MAGAZINE allows access to the Magazine Table for data entry or


HELP displays the on line help page that corresponds to the current
data entry window or softkey menu.

TOOL allows access to the Tools Table for data entry or modification.

OFFSET allows access to the Tool Offsets Table for data entry or

USER allows access to the User Table for data entry or modification.

SETUP allows to configure the tables used by the Table Editor.

ORIGIN allows access to the Origins Table for data entry or modification.

USER TABLE enables a full user-defined management of the user table.

TOOL DATA BASE allows access to the Tool Data Base.

SELECT PROCESS selects the process to which the origins apply. Origins tables are
process-specific. All the other tables are shared by the various
processes. In other words, each process has its own Origins
Table, which is invoked when the process is selected.

SELECT MAGAZINE selects the magazine to which the Tools Table applies (optional).

SET INCR. selects the value of the increment to be applied to a parameter.

EXIT allows to quit the Table Editor and return to the main softkey

7-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Directory Window

After selecting the Table Editor with the TABLES softkey and invoking the process with the
SELECT PROCESS softkey, any the following softkeys permit to visualise the Directory Window of

Name Size Date Time

TOOL1 030500 15/11/93 08:35:00
TOOL2 030500 18/12/93 10:15:00

Enter file name : MEMORY



The possible choices are the tables resident in the dual port memory (visualised as MEMORY) or a
table resident in the hard disk (visualised with its name).

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-5

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Softkeys common to all Tables

The following menu of sofkeys is common to all tables:



The meaning of these softkeys is illustrated in the table below:


LOAD MEMORY loads the specified table from the hard disk into the dual port memory.

SAVE MEMORY saves the table resident in the dual port memory.

PRINT prints the specified table.

TOOL DATA BASE picks up data about the specified tool from the Tool Data Base (valid only
for the Tools Table during the Editing phase).

HELP visualises the on-line help page for the current data entry window or
softkey menu.

INSERT (active in the Tools Table and the Tool Data Base) permits to insert a new
tool in the Tools Table or the Tool Data Base.

EDIT opens a data entry window containing all the records in a table for editing

DELETE cancels the selected record from the Tools Table or the Tool Data Base. In
the Tool Offsets, Users or Origins tables it sets the fields of the selected
records to zero.

FIND searches for the element specified in the first column in the table. To shift
to another type of element, press the SORT softkey.

SORT permits to arrange the columns of the selected table in a given order.

MULTI CUTTER (available only in the Tools Table and the Tool Data Base) permits to define
multicutter tools with up to 3 cutters.

ADD INCR each time this key is pressed the selected increment is added to the
current field of the visualised table.

SUB INCR each time this key is pressed the selected increment is subtracted from the
current field of the visualised table.

METRIC/INCH toggles between metric and inch measuring systems.

7-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables


EXIT quits the current table and returns to the main Table Editor menu.

Table Editor Keys

The following keys are active in the Table Editor environment:


visualises the previous page of the current table.

visualises the next page of the current table.

moves the cursor upwards by one field.

moves the cursor downwards by one field.

permits to quit the Edit mode and return to the current table without saving
the alterations. Also permits to quit the Directory window and return to the
main Editor page.

confirms a data entry window.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-7

Chapter 7
Using Tables


Opening a Table
To open a table use this procedure:

1. Press the TABLES softkey from the main menu. The main Table Editor video page will be
2. Select the desired table (Tools Table, Tool Offsets Table, User Table, Origins Table) by
pressing the relevant softkey. The Directory window will appear. Select a table by moving the
selection bar with the cursor keys or key in the table name in the data entry field.

Name Size Date Time

TOOL1 030500 15/11/93 08:35:00
TOOL2 030500 18/12/93 10:15:00

Enter file name : MEMORY



• To open a table resident in the dual port memory move the bar to MEMORY.
• To open a table resident in the hard disk select a table from the directory by moving the
selection bar with the cursor keys or key in the table name in the data entry field. If the input
table name does not exist a new table will be created.

3. Press [Enter] to confirm the selection.

7-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Loading a Table

To load into the dual port memory a table that resides in the hard disk use this procedure:

1. Open the table by pressing the relevant softkey (TOOL, ORIGIN, etc.) and select MEMORY
from the directory window.
2. Press LOAD MEMORY. The directory window will be displayed.
3. Select the name of the desired table from the directory by moving the selection bar with the
cursor keys or key in the table name in the data entry field
4. Press [Enter].
5. The system prompts for confirmation that the file selected is to be loaded; if the answer is [N],
the table is not loaded. For an affirmative answer, on the other hand, the system behaves
differently depending on whether or not the magazines option is present:

• If the magazines option is missing and the answer to the prompt is [Y] the table is loaded
• If the magazines option is present and the answer to the prompt is [Y], the data entry
window LOAD POCKETS is opened, and the table is opened after the fields of this window
are filled in:


Magazine on file :

Load Pockets (Y/N) :

The MAGAZINE ON FILE field represents the number of the active magazine, whereas LOAD
POCKETS is for selection of whether or not the pockets recorded in the file are to be loaded.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-9

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Altering a Table
To alter the contents of a table resident in the dual port memory use this procedure:

1. Select MEMORY from the directory window of the table.

2. Position the selection bar on the record to be altered.
3. Press the EDIT softkey to visualise the fields of the selected record. These fields will appear in
the window below:

Fill in and modify the window fields with the same procedures as any other data entry window.

• Press [Enter] to confirm the input data and close the data entry window.
• Press [Esc] to close the data entry window without saving the alterations. Use this mode when
the table is opened for visualization purposes only.

To modify a table resident in the hard disk, write the table name in Step 1.

TABLE EDITOR DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

Tool code : Measurement unit : Mm

Tool pocket : 0 Data set : MEMORY
Random class : 1 Increment : 0.00000
Life type : 0 Selected Table : TOOL
Tool status : 0 Sort selected page : 1 of 1
Tool position : 0 Current process : 1
Initial life : 0.00000 Current magazine : 1
Actual life : 0.00000
User variable 1 : 0.00000
User variable 2 : 0.00000 Position Offset Record
User variable 3 : 0.00000
User variable 4 : 0.00000 OUT 000001 000001
Offset number : 1 OUT 000001 000002
Length 1 : 0.00000 OUT 000002 000003
Max requalif length 1 : 0.00000
Curr requalif length 1 : 0.00000
Length 2 : 0.00000
Max requalif length 2 : 0.00000
Curr requalif length 2 : 0.00000
Diameter : 0.00000
Curr requalif diameter : 0.00000
Orientation : 0



7-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Incremental Parameter Modification

The contents of a field can be modified by applying a positive or negative increment. The
procedure is as follows:

1. To set the increment value, press the SET INCR softkey. The following data entry window will
be displayed:

Enter increment value : 0.00000

2. Key in the increment and press [Enter].

3. Open the table to be altered.
4. Select the record to be incremented.
5. Press the EDIT softkey. The record fields will be displayed in a data entry window and the ADD
INCR and SUB INCR softkeys will be enabled.
6. Position the cursor on the field to be incremented/decremented.
7. Press the ADD INCR softkey to make an increment and SUB INCR to decrement the field
value. Press these softkeys as many times as necessary until the desired value is reached.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-11

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Inserting a Record in a Table

To insert new data in the Origins, Tool Offsets, Users or Magazine tables it is necessary to select
the desired record with the bar and then press the EDIT softkey to open the data entry window
containing all the table parameters. See the individual tables later in this chapter for details on the
parameters of each.

If the selected record has never been invoked before, most parameters in the window are set to
zero. To alter the displayed value key in the new figures and press [Enter] to confirm them. For
further information on how to make these alterations, refer to the description of the table later in
this chapter.

The records in the Tools Table and the Tool Data Base are not numbered. They are identified by
the code assigned to the tool. This means that it is not possible to select a record from one of these
tables unless it has been previously associated to a tool.

To insert a new tool code in the Tools Table and the Tool Data Base, use this procedure:

1. Press the TABLES softkey and then press TOOL or TOOL DATA BASE to select the table.
2. Press INSERT. A data entry window will be displayed containing all the parameters handled by
the table. All of the numerical values will be 0. For details, refer to the "Tools Table" and "Tool
Data Base" sections later in this chapter.
3. Key in the desired tool code and the parameters associated to it and press [Enter]. The data
entry window will be closed and the new code will be included in the table.

7-12 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Canceling a Record from a Table

To cancel a record from the Origins, Tool Offsets, Users or Magazine tables means to set all the
record parameters to zero. To cancel a record from the Tools Table and the Tool Data Base
means to eliminate it from the table.

In both cases the procedure is as follows:

1. Open the table by pressing the TABLES softkey followed by the softkey of the table to be
2. Position the selection bar on the record to be canceled.
3. Press DELETE. In the Tools Table or the Tool Data Base the record will be suppressed. In all
the other tables the parameters will be set to zero.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-13

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Saving a Table

The following procedure permits to save on the hard disk a table resident in the dual port memory:

1. Open the table by pressing the relevant softkey (TOOL, ORIGIN, etc.) and select MEMORY
from the directory window.
2. Press the SAVE MEMORY softkey. The directory data entry window will be displayed.
3. Key in a file name to create a new file or select a name from the directory window to overwrite
an old file.
4. Press [Enter].
5. If the file already exists, a request for confirmation will be displayed. Press Y to save the table
and N to abort the procedure without saving the table.

This procedure can also be used for creating in the dual port memory a new table based on an old

The new file will be saved in the E:\TBL directory with the typical table extension (.TOL, .OFS,
.USR, .ORG). From this directory it can be copied to a floppy disk with DOS SHELL.

Printing a Table

When a printer is connected to the control CPU it is possible to print the table.

This feature is available only when the table is open.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Check that the printer is on and connected to the control.

2. Open the table to be printed.
3. Press the PRINT softkey. The following data entry window will be displayed:


Enter printer device :

4. Key in the name of the printing device: LPT1, LPT2, LPT3 or PRN.
5. Press [Enter].

7-14 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Sorting Lines and Columns

This option permits to alter the sequence in which the table columns and lines are displayed. Each
table can be rearranged according to specific criteria and then personalised by means of the Table
Editor Configurator (see Chapter 8). The table layout affects the FIND function, because the
search for an element operates on the first column.

The SORT option is available only if the table is open.

To modify the table layout use this procedure:

1. Press the SORT softkey. The following data entry window will be displayed (the example refers
to the Tool Table):


1- Tool & status criteria

2- Pocket & tool criteria
3- Tool & lifetype criteria
4- Tool & user variable

Enter sort criteria : 1

2. Key in the number of the desired option.

3. Press [Enter].

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-15

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Search for an Element

This option permits to seach for an element displayed on the first column of the table. If the desired
element is not on the first column, use the SORT to alter the table layout.

This option is available only if the table is open.

To search for an element use this procedure:

1. Press FIND. The following will be displayed:

Search element :

1. Key in the index of the element.

2. Press [Enter].

Changing the Measuring Unit

Table parameters may be expressed and displayed in mm or inches. The METRIC/INCHES

softkey permits to toggle between both measuring systems.

Press METRIC/INCHES to automatically convert all the parameters into the alternative measuring
unit. The current measuring system is displayed on the status window.

A mesuring system remains active until the alternative one is selected.

7-16 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Table Backup

All the tables resident in the dual port memory, i.e. Origins, Tools, Tool Offsets, User, Tool Data
Base and Magazine, can be backed up on the hard disk.

The back up procedure is as follows:

1. Press BACKUP MEMORY. The system displays the directory window with the existing backup
2. The backup copy can overwrite an old file or be saved under a new name:

• To overwrite an old backup copy, select the old name from the directory window. A prompt
for confirmation will be displayed. Press [Y] to overwrite the old backup copy or [N] to abort
the procedure without making the backup copy.
• To make a new backup copy key in the new name in the data entry window. In this case no
confirmation prompts are displayed.

3. Press [Enter].

The backup copy can be used for tool management. For example, to tables stored in the dual port
memory can be duplicated on the hard disk, modified and saved with a different name. This
permits to have two different tool management routines on the same support.

Backup files are saved in the E:\TBL directory with the .IMA extension. From this directory they can
be copied into a diskette by means of the DOS SHELL.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-17

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Restoring Tables

The following procedure permits to recopy into the dual port memory a backup file resident in the
hard disk:

1. Press the RESTORE MEMORY softkey. The system displays the directory window listing all the
backup copies..
2. Position the selection bar on the desired backup copy.
3. Press [Enter].
4. The system displays a confirmation prompt. Press [Y] to restore the copy or [N] to abort the

When a backup file is restored the tables currently residing in the dual
port memory will be lost.

With this editor it is not possible to delete tables on disk.
This operation may be executed with the "Reset Tables" utility described
in the "AMP software characterization" manual.

7-18 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables


The Origins Table is exclusive of each process, whereas the remaining tables are common to all
the processes. For each configured process it is possible to define up to 10 origins.
To enable an origin from the part program write the UAO code followed by the number of the origin
associated to that process. To disable an origin write the UAO code followed by 0. When you open
the Origins Table (refer to the "Opening a Table" section in this chapter), the system visualises the
following page:

TABLE EDITOR DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

Measurement unit : Mm
Data set : MEMORY
Increment : 0.00000
Selected Table : ORIGIN
Sort selected page : 1 of 1
Current process : 1
Current magazine : 1

Origin Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 4 Axis 5

000001 118.32000 93.67000 37.90000 0.00000 0.00000

000002 28.57000 327.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
000003 325.00000 975.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
000004 298.09000 980.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
000005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
000006 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
000007 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
000008 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
000009 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
000010 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000



The highlighting bar is on the first origin, which displays the values of five different axes. To alter
the coordinates of the axes that define an origin, select the origin with the bar and press the EDIT
softkey. The system will open the following data entry window (see the "Modifying a Table" section
in this chapter):

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-19

Chapter 7
Using Tables

TABLE EDITOR DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

Measurement unit : Mm
Axis X Origin value : 118.32000 Data set : MEMORY
Axis Y Origin value : 093.67000 Increment : 0.00000
Axis Z Origin value : 037.90000 Selected Table : ORIGIN
Sort selected page : 1 of 1
Current process : 1
Current magazine : 1

Axis 3 Axis 4 Axis 5

37.90000 0.00000 0.00000

0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000



The data entry window visualises the origins that are associated to the axes defined for the
selected process.

7-20 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables


The Tools Table provides information about the tools mounted on the spindle, such as tool
position, tool offset, etc.

A tools table can define up to 250 tools, which is also the maximum number of tools controlled by
the system.

When you open a Tools Table (refer to the "Opening a Table" section in this chapter) the following
screen is displayed:

TABLE EDITOR DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

Measurement unit : Mm
Data set : MEMORY
Increment : 0.00000
Selected Table : TOOL
Sort selected page : 1 of 1
Current process : 1
Current magazine : 1

Tool code Pocket Status Position Offset Record

1 118 OUT OUT 000002 000001

2 28 READY MAGAZ 000001 000002
3 0 EXPIRED OUT 000005 000004
4 5 BROKEN OUT 000004 000003



The selection bar is on the first table record. The table columns display only some of the tool
parameters. To alter all the tool parameters, select the tool with the bar and press the EDIT
softkey. The complete set of tool parameters will be displayed as follows:

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-21

Chapter 7
Using Tables

TABLE EDITOR DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

Tool code : 2 Measurement unit : Mm

Tool pocket : 28 Data set : MEMORY
Random class : 1 Increment : 0.00000
Life type : 0 Selected Table : TOOL
Tool status : 1 Sort selected page : 1 of 1
Tool position : 1 Current process : 1
Initial life : 0.00000 Current magazine : 1
Actual life : 0.00000
User variable 1 : 0.00000
User variable 2 : 0.00000 Position Offset Record
User variable 3 : 0.00000
User variable 4 : 0.00000 OUT 000002 000001
Offset number : 1 MAGAZ 000001 000002
Length 1 : 18.50000 OUT 000005 000004
Max requalif length 1 : 15.00000 OUT 000004 000003
Curr requalif length 1 : 7.50000
Length 2 : 33.65000
Max requalif length 2 : 10.00000
Curr requalif length 2 : 2.35000
Diameter : 18.00000
Curr requalif diameter : 12.00000
Orientation : 0



The meaning of these parameters is as follows:

Tool code is a 12 digit without sign that identifies the tool. Some of the digits may be
used for identifying the tool family.

Tool pocket is a number between 1 and 255 that identifies the tool position in the
magazine. 0 indicates that the tool is not in the magazine. If the
magazine option is present, the system performs a series of verifications
on this parameter (refer to the documentation of the magazine option). If
the magazine is not present no verifications will be made.

7-22 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Random class is a number that specifies the class of the tool in the magazine, i.e.
whether it occupies a random or a non-random position, and the number
of magazine positions occupied by the tool, i.e. 1, 2 or 3. Allowed values
are as follows:

0 tool not in the magazine

1 tool occupying 1 non-random position
2 tool occupying 2 non-random positions (the one defined by the tool
pocket field and the preceding one)
3 tool occupying 2 non-random positions (the one defined by the tool
pocket field and the subsequent one)
4 tool occupying 3 non-random positions (the one defined by the tool
pocket field plus the subsequent and the preceding ones)
5 tool occupying only one random position
6 tool occupying 2 random positions (the one defined by the tool pocket
field and the preceding one)
7 tool occupying 2 random positions (the one defined by the tool pocket
field and the subsequent one)
8 tool occupying 3 random positions (the one defined by the tool pocket
field plus the subsequent and the preceding ones)

For more information about the magazine option refer to the specific

Life type is a number that specifies the unit of measure applied to the tool life. It
can be:

0 tool life disabled

1 tool life measured in meters/feet
2 tool life measured in minutes
3 tool life measured in cycles

Tool status is a number that specifies the current tool status. It can be:

0 tool not ready

1 tool ready
2 damaged tool
3 end of tool life

Tool position is a number that specifies the current tool position. It can be:

0 tool not present

1 tool in the magazine

Initial life is a number with 5.5 format that specifies the initial tool life. It may be
expressed in meters, feet, minutes or cycles, depending on the setting of
the Life type parameter. If the tool life is not controlled, this parameter
must be set to 0.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-23

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Actual life is a number with 5.5 format that specifies the current tool life. It may be
expressed in meters, feet, minutes or cycles, depending on the setting of
the Life type parameter. This value is decremented by the Tool Magazine
option while the tool is used in a machining cycle. When it is 0 the tool is
considered out of life (value 3 of the Tool status field).

User variable 1 variable available to the use

User variable 2 variable available to the user.

User variable 3 variable available to the user.

User variable 4 variable available to the user.

Offset number is the number of the record associated to the tool, which corresponds to a
record in the relevant table. It is an integer between 1 and 300. If it is set
to 0 the tool is not associated to any offset.

Length 1 is the nominal tool length value.

Max requalif length 1 is the maximum value for the Curr. requalif. length 1 parameter. It is 0
when this limit does not exist.

Curr. requalif. length 1 is the current requalification value applied to the Length 1 parameter. The
sum of both values is the current tool length.

Length 2 has the same meaning as the Length 1 parameter but is applied to
another axis. It is normally not used in milling machines and machining
centers, but may be necessary in lathes, where tool variation affects two
axes, typically X and Z.

Max requalif length 2 has the same meaning as Max requalif length 1 but is applied to the
second axis.

Curr. requalif. length 2 has the same meaning as Curr. requalif length 1 but is applied to the
second axis.

Diameter is the nominal value of the tool diameter . It requires that a tool
Orientation value is defined.

Curr requalif diameter is a value applied to the nominal Diameter.

7-24 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Orientation is the orientation of the tool tip with respect to the interpolation plane. It
can be a number from 0 to 8 as shown in the figure below:

For milling machines the allowed value is 0. For lathes and grinding
machines values range from 1 to 8.

If a tool offset is altered in the Tools Table, it will be also automatically
updated in the Tool Offsets Table.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-25

Chapter 7
Using Tables


Tool offsets permit to vary the tool parameters without modifying the part program or the origins.

Tool offsets may be used in the following cases:

• when the tool coordinates defined before actually mounting the tool on the machine must be
altered to suit variations or fixture changes.
• when the tool has worn out or has been sharpened.

The Tool Offsets Table includes all the parameters (length, diameter, etc.) of the tools mounted on
the machine. Each Tool Offsets Table has 300 offsets, which can be associated to the tools is
various ways.

When you open a Tools Table (refer to the "Opening a Table" section in this chapter), the following
screen is displayed:

TABLE EDITOR DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

Measurement unit : Mm
Data set : MEMORY
Increment : 0.00000
Selected Table : OFFSET
Sort selected page : 1 of 30
Current process : 1
Current magazine : 1

Record Curr. Length 1 Curr. Length 2 Curr. Diameter Orient

000001 26.00000 36.00000 30.00000 000000

000002 18.00000 24.00000 9.00000 000001
000003 18.00000 26.00000 9.00000 000005
000004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 000000
000005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 000000
000006 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 000000
000007 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 000000
000008 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 000000
000009 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 000008
000010 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 000000



The selection bar is positioned on the first record. The columns of the table visualise the current
lengths (nominal length + current requalification). To alter a tool offset parameter, select it with the
bar and press the EDIT softkey. All the parameters managed by the table will be displayed.

7-26 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables

TABLE EDITOR DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

Measurement unit : Mm
Length 1 : 18.50000 Data set : MEMORY
Max requalif length 1 : 15.00000 Increment : 0.00000
Curr requalif length 1 : 7.50000 Selected Table : OFFSET
Length 2 : 33.65000 Sort selected page : 1 of 30
Max requalif length 2 : 10.00000 Current process : 1
Curr requalif length 2 : 2.35000 Current magazine : 1
Diameter : 18.00000
Curr requalif diameter : 12.00000
Orientation : 0 Curr. length 2 Curr Diameter Orient

36.00000 30.00000 00000

24.00000 9.00000 00001
26.00000 9.00000 00005
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000



The meaning of these fields is as follows:

Length 1 is the nominal tool length value.

Max requalif length 1 is the maximum limit for the offset specified by the Curr. requalif. length 1
parameter. If it is set to 0 no limit exists.

Curr. requalif. length 1 is the current requalification value applied to the nominal Length 1
parameter. The result of this sum is the current tool length.

Length 2 has the same meaning as Length 1, but is applied to another axis. It is
not normally used for mills and machining centers but applies to lathes, in
which the tool variation affects two axes (typically X and Z).

Max requalif length 2 has the same meaning as Max requalif length 1 but applies to the second

Curr. requalif. length 2 has the same meaning as Curr. requalif length 1 but applies to the
second axis.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-27

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Diameter is the nominal value of the tool diameter. It must be used in association
with the tool orientation.

Curr requalif diameter is added to the nominal value specified by the Diameter parameter.

Orientation is the orientation of the tool tip with respect to the interpolation plane. It
can vary from 0 to 8 as shown in the figure below:

Values from 1 to 8 are used for lathes and grinding machines. For milling
machines the value is always 0.

Each tool must have its own tool offset but the same offset may be apllied to different tools.

The parameter that links a given offset to a tool is the Offset number in the Tools Table. This
parameter specifies the number of the Offsets Table record in which the offset is stored. For
example, if 114 is the Offset number that corresponds to tool code 145, it means that the length or
diameter of tool 145 will vary according to the contents of record 114.

If the parameters stored in the Tool Offsets Table are modified, the new
offset values will be automatically updated in the records of the Tools Table
that are associated to the modified tools.

7-28 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables


The TOOL DATA BASE stores information about as many as 500 different types of tool families.

The TOOL DATA BASE can be used for storing the parameters that describe the tools mounted on
the shop magazine. These parameters can be transfered to the Tools Table when the tools are
used in a given machining cycle. For more information about this topic, refer to the 'Tool Magazine'

When the TOOL DATA BASE softkey is pressed, the following screen appears:

TABLE EDITOR DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

Measurement unit : Mm
Data set : TOOLDBASE
Increment : 0.00000
Selected Table : DATABASE
Sort selected page : 1 of 1
Current process : 1
Current magazine : 1

Description Tool code Length 1 Length 2 Diameter

Tool 01 1 36.00000 54.00000 10.00000

Tool 02 2 24.00000 9.00000 25.00000
Tool 03 3 26.00000 45.00000 32.00000
Tool 04 4 57.00000 25.00000 18.00000
Tool 05 5 32.00000 12.00000 27.00000



The selection bar is positioned on the first record. The columns of the table visualise the most
important parameters. To alter a family of tools select it with the bar and press the EDIT softkey. To
create a new family of tools press the INSERT softkey. All the parameters will be displayed in a
specific data entry window (refer to the "Modifying a Table" section in this chapter).

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-29

Chapter 7
Using Tables

TABLE EDITOR DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

Measurement unit : Mm
Tool code : 1 Data set : TOOLDBASE
Random class : 1 Increment : 0.00000
Life type : 3 Selected Table : DATABASE
Initial life : 10.00000 Sort selected page : 1 of 1
User variable 1 : 0.00000 Current process : 1
User variable 2 : 0.00000 Current magazine : 1
User variable 3 : 0.00000
User variable 4 : 0.00000
Length 1 : 36.00000 Length 1 Length 2 Diameter
Length 2 : 54.00000
Diameter : 10.00000 36.00000 54.00000 10.00000
Graphic class : 3 24.00000 9.00000 25.00000
Description : Tool 01 26.00000 45.00000 32.00000
57.00000 25.00000 18.00000
32.00000 12.00000 27.00000



The meaning of these data entry fields is as follows:

Tool code is a 12 digit without sign that identifies the tool. Some of the digits may be
used for identifying the tool family.

Random class is a number that specifies the class of the tool in the magazine, i.e.
whether it occupies a random or a non-random position, and the number
of magazine positions occupied by the tool, i.e. 1, 2 or 3. Allowed values
are as follows:
0 tool not in the magazine
1 tool occupying 1 non-random position
2 tool occupying 2 non-random positions (the one defined by the tool
pocket field and the preceding one)
3 tool occupying 2 non-random positions (the one defined by the tool
pocket field and the subsequent one)
4 tool occupying 3 non-random positions (the one defined by the tool
pocket field plus the subsequent and the preceding ones)
5 tool occupying only one random position
6 tool occupying 2 random positions (the one defined by the tool pocket
field and the preceding one)
7 tool occupying 2 random positions (the one defined by the tool pocket
field and the subsequent one)
8 tool occupying 3 random positions (the one defined by the tool pocket
field plus the subsequent and the preceding ones)
For further details, see the magazine option documentation.

7-30 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables

Life type is a number that specifies the unit of measure applied to the tool life. It
can be:
0 tool life disabled
1 tool life measured in meters/feet
2 tool life measured in minutes
3 tool life measured in cycles

Initial life is a number with 5.5 format that specifies the initial tool life. It may be
expressed in meters, feet, minutes or cycles, depending on the setting of
the Life type parameter. If the tool life is not controlled, this parameter
must be set to 0.

User variable 1 variable available to the user.

User variable 2 variable available to the user.

User variable 3 variable available to the user.

User variable 4 variable available to the user.

Length 1 is the nominal tool length value.

Length 2 has the same meaning as the Length 1 parameter but is applied to
another axis. It is normally not used in milling machines and machining
centers, but may be necessary in lathes, where tool variation affects two
axes, typically X and Z.

Diameter is the nominal value of the tool diameter and is normally used in milling
machines and machining centers rather than in lathes. It requires that a
tool Orientation value is defined.

Graphic class specifies the tool graphic class for the Graphic Verification option.
The allowed values are:
0 no graphic class
1 Slot/End milling
2 Drilling
3 Spot drilling
4 Boring bar
5 Facing
6 Dovetail
7 Concave milling
8 Probing
9 Convex milling

Description it is a string of max. 16 characters that describes the tool type.

When the part program Graphic Verification option is not present, the
SHAPE softkey is not enabled.

10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-31

Chapter 7
Using Tables

The Magazine Table is similar to the Tools and Tool Data Base tables. Most of its parameters are
also common to the other two. For more information about the parameters that are specific of the
Magazine Table, refer to the documentation of the Magazine option.


The User Table is made up of 100 application-specific records, each of which has 4 use variables.
When you open a User Table (refer to the "Opening a Table" section in this chapter), the following
page appears:

TABLE EDITOR DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

Measurement unit : Mm
Data set : MEMORY
Increment : 0.00000
Selected Table : USER
Sort selected page : 1 of 10
Current process : 1
Current magazine : 1

Record Variable 1 Variable 2 Variable 3 Variable 4

000001 26.00000 89.00000 13.00000 0.00000

000002 14.35500 21.57900 69.00000 0.00000
000003 18.00000 36.00000 95.00000 0.00000
000004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
000005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
000006 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
000007 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
000008 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
000009 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00008
000010 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000



The selection bar is positioned on the first record, which corresponds to the first set of user
variables. To alter the value of a variable, select the record with the bar and press the EDIT
softkey. Variables are displayed in a dedicated window. For more information about them, refer to
the Programming Manual.

7-32 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 7
Using Tables

The contents of the User Table can be easily customised. While in most tables it is possible to
change the softkeys, the help messages and the sequence in which fields are displayed and/or
printed, in the User Table it is also possible to reconfigure the table layout, size, variable format
and structure, number of pages, etc. For the details, see Chapter 8.

TABLE EDITOR DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

Measurement unit : Mm
Variable 1 : 26.00000 Data set : MEMORY
Variable 2 : 89.00000 Increment : 0.00000
Variable 3 : 13.00000 Selected Table : USER
Variable 4 : 0.00000 Sort selected page : 1 of 10
Current process : 1
Current magazine : 1

Variable 2 Variable 3 Variable 4

89.00000 13.00000 0.00000

21.57900 69.00000 0.00000
236.00000 95.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000



10 Series CNC User Manual (04) 7-33

Chapter 7
Using Tables


7-34 10 Series CNC User Manual (04)

Chapter 8

The Table Editor described in chapter 7 can be customised to suit various application
requirements. Although personalisation is typically carried out during system installation, it can be
altered at any one moment.

Alterations to the Table Editor must be carried out by qualified personnel that is well acquainted
with both the system features and the impact of these changes upon the system.

This chapter describes the procedures for configuring and customising the video screens, the
softkeys and the data entry windows managed by the Table Editor.

The Table Editor configurator permits to customise the following tables:

• Tools table
• Tool Offsets table
• User table
• Origins table
• Magazines table
• Tool Data Base table

In addition, the configurator permits to set up a series of axis parameters for the version released
with offline applications (execution on PC).

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-1

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

The Table Editor configurator has two video pages: a main screen and a configuration screen.
Each of them has its own set of softkeys.

The main screen consists of a set of softkeys, whereas the configuration screen varies with the
type of table to be edited or the function to be performed.

Main configurator screen

To access the configuration environment it is necessary to press the TABLE softkey from the
Table Editor main menu.

The following menu will be displayed:



Press the SETUP softkey to display the configurator main screen:

Table Editor Configurator DATE: 00/00/00 TIME 15:20:00



In the sections that follow it has been assumed that the system is displaying the above screen.

8-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Configurator screen

To enable any configuration environment press the relevant softkey: TOOL CFG, OFFSET CFG,
USER CFG, ORIGIN CFG, DATA BASE CFG or MAGAZINE CFG. The system will display the
Configurator screen:

Table Editor Configurator DATE: 00/00/00 TIME 15:20:00

USER1 Variable 1 (D)

USER2 Variable 2 (D)
USER3 Variable 3 (D)
USER4 Variable 4 (D)



The window displayed in the data area of the screen varies according to the selected table. The
above table, for example, is a User Table. Data entry windows in the Table Configurator are similar
to those displayed in the Table Editor environment but display different parameters. For example,
the User Table in the Table Editor displays only a column of variables (Variables 1 through 4) with
the relevant numerical parameter, whereas the User Table in the Table Configurator displays the
PLUS name of the variable (first column) and the format (D for double) but not the value.

The sections that follow show each of the tables as they appear in the Table Configurator
environment. To see how the same table is displayed in the Table Editor environment refer to
Chapter 9 of this manual.

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-3

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Tools Table

TCODE Tool code (T)

TOOLPOS Tool pocket (S)
TOOLTYPE Random class (S)
TOOLTYPE Life type (S)
TSTATUS Tool status (S)
POCKET Tool position (S)
MAXLIFE Initial life (D)
REMLIFE Actual life (D)
TUSER1 User variable1 (D)
TUSER2 User variable2 (D)
TUSER3 User variable3 (D)
TUSER4 User variable4 (D)
TOLOFNR Offset number (S)
TACTL1 Length 1 (D)
TCMAXL1 Max requalif length 1 (D)
TCACTL1 Curr requalif length 1 (D)
TACTL2 Length 2 (D)
TCMAXL2 Max requalif length 2 (D)
TCACTL2 Curr requalif length 2 (D)
TDIAMET Diameter (D)
TCACDIA Curr requalif diameter (D)
TORIENT Orientation (S)

Tool Offsets Table

TACTL1 Length 1 (D)

TCMAXL1 Max requalif length 1 (D)
TCACTL1 Curr requalif length 1 (D)
TACTL2 Length 2 (D)
TCMAXL2 Max requalif length 2 (D)
TCACTL2 Curr requalif length 2 (D)
TDIAMET Diameter (D)
TCACDIA Curr requalif diameter (D)
TORIENT Orientation (S)

8-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Origins Table

Axis (C) Origin value (D)

Axis (C) Origin value (D)
Axis (C) Origin value (D)
Axis (C) Origin value (D)
Axis (C) Origin value (D)
Axis (C) Origin value (D)
Axis (C) Origin value (D)
Axis (C) Origin value (D)
Axis (C) Origin value (D)

Magazine Table

MAG_TYP Magazine type (S)

NUM PKT Pocket number (S)
ROW_PKT Pocket per row (S)
FIR_PKT Index of first pocket (S)
SHORT1 User short 1 (S)
SHORT2 User short 2 (S)
SHORT3 User short 3 (S)
SHORT4 User short 4 (S)
SHORT5 User short 5 (S)
SHORT6 User short 6 (S)
SHORT7 User short 7 (S)
SHORT8 User short 8 (S)
DOUBLE1 User double 1 (D)
DOUBLE2 User double 2 (D)
DOUBLE3 User double 3 (D)
DOUBLE4 User double 4 (D)
DOUBLE5 User double 5 (D)
DOUBLE6 User double 6 (D)
DOUBLE7 User double 7 (D)
DOUBLE8 User double 8 (D)

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-5

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Tools Data Base Table

TCODE Tool code (T)

TFAMCOL Random class (S)
TOOLTYPE Life type (S)
MAXLIFE Initial life (D)
TUSER1 User variable1 (D)
TUSER2 User variable2 (D)
TUSER3 User variable3 (D)
TUSER4 User variable4 (D)
TACTL1 Length 1 (D)
TACTL2 Length 2 (D)
TDIAMET Diameter (D)
GRAPH Graphic class (S)
DESCR Description (C)

As we have explained before, most of the paremeters displayed in these data entry windows are
the same as in the relevant Table Editor windows. Additional information provided by the
configurator tables includes the name by which a variable or field is known in the PLUS
environment (most left column) and the variable format.

Allowed variable formats are as follows:

(C) character variable (one or several characters)

(S) short number (1 word = 2 byte)

(D) double number (4 word = 8 byte)

(T) tool code, which is made up of a series of alphanumeric characters.

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Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator


Softkeys in the main configurator screen



The meaning of these softkeys is as follows:


LOAD Permits to load the configuration file. Opens a data entry window for
writing data associated to this file.
SAVE Permits to save a configuration file. Opens a data entry window for
writing data associated to this file.
MAGAZINE CFG Permits to open a submenu with the softkeys that configure the
Magazine Table.
HELP Visualises an on-line help page related to the active data entry
window or to the general menu of the active video page.
TOOL CFG Visualises a video screen with the softkeys for parameter setting and
the data entry window with the current Tools Table configuration.
OFFSET CFG Visualises a video screen with the softkeys for parameter setting and
the data entry window with the current Tool Offsets Table
USER CFG Visualises a video screen with the softkeys for parameter setting and
the data entry window with the current User Table configuration.
ORIGIN CFG Visualises a video screen with the softkeys for parameter setting and
the data entry window with the current Origins Table configuration.
DATA BASE CFG Visualises a video screen with the softkeys for parameter setting and
the data entry window with the current Tools Data Base Table
AXIS CFG Permits to set up axes parameters for the version released with the
OFFLINE application that can be executed on a PC. In 10 Series
systems the configuration is enabled with the data read by the
control and this softkey is disabled. When you press this softkey on
the PC the screen visualises a data entry window for writing the
relevant data.
TOOL 2CFG Used for modifying the additional tool table.
RESET CONFIG Restores the default configuration. Opens a data entry window for
confirming the RESET function.
EXIT Permits to exit from the Configurator environment. A data entry
window is displayed for the operator to confirm whether or not the
altered configuration must be saved.

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-7

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Configuration screen softkeys single tables



The meaning of the softkeys in this menu is as follows:


PRINT CFG Permits to configure the printing grid and position the printing fields.
Displays all the fields included in the current table highlighting those
that are printable at that moment. Also displays the current printer
DB UNLINK This softkey is active only when the Tools Table is linked to the Tools
Data Base Table. It permits to unlink a Tools Table field from the
Tools Data Base Table. Before pressing the DB UNLINK softkey
position the cursor on the desired Tools Table field. As you press DB
UNLINK the system visualises a Data Base Table in which the
ACTUAL LINK section specifies the linked field. To confirm the
selection press [Enter] or re-press DB UNLINK.
DB LINK This softkey is active only when the Tools Table is linked to the Tools
Data Base Table. It permits to link a Tools Table field to a field in the
Tools Data Base Table. Before pressing the DB LINK softkey
position the cursor on the desired Tools Table field. Then press DB
LINK and move the cursor to the desired Data Base Table field. To
confirm the link press [Enter] or re-press DB LINK.
HELP Displays an on-line help page associated to the current data entry
window, menu or video page. While the help page is active, printing
configuration and sorting are not allowed, and no data can be written
in the data entry windows.
REMOVE Permits to remove a field from the printing and sorting layout.
Position the cursor on the field with the arrow keys and press
[Return] or [Enter] to remove it.
FIELD CFG Permits to configure the fields of the selected table. Before pressing
FIELD CFG position the cursor on the desired field. This opens a
data entry window that lists all the configurable field parameters.
HELP CFG Permits to define the help messages associated to the selected field.
Before pressing HELP CFG position the cursor on the desired field.
This opens a data entry window in which the message can be written.
SOFT KEY CFG Permits to alter the label of the softkey associated to the selected
table. If the label field is left empty, the relevant softkey will not
appear in the Table Editor menu. When you press SOFT KEY CFG
the system opens a data entry window for writing the label name.

8-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator


INSERT Permits to insert a new field or move an existing field in the printing
configuration or the table layout.
By moving the cursor with the arrow keys it is possible to visualise
the position of each field in the layout. Press [Enter] or [Return] to
confirm the field to be inserted, which will be highlighted in yellow in
the menu window.
Use the arrow keys to move the field to the desired position and
press [Enter] or [Return] to confirm it. The inserted field will be
highlighted in white.
SORT CFG Permits to define the sorting number (max 6) and the relevant label.
When this softkey is pressed the screen displays a data entry window
for writing the parameters that will be configured with the SORT EDIT
softkey. The maximum sorting number for all of the tables is 15.
SORT EDIT Permits to configure the parameters that have been previously
selected with SORT CFG. All the fields handled by the selected table
are displayed in the screen; the sorted fields and the column headers
will be highlighted in white.

Before pressing this softkey, press SORT CFG and select the
desired sorting number.
EXIT Closes the configurator screen and returns to the main configurator

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Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator


The configuration of a table is normally stored in a file with the .CNF extension. Although the
system may include several types of configuration, only one of them is active at any one time. The
remaining configurations may be loaded with the following procedure:

Press the LOAD softkey in the main menu. The system visualises two windows: one lists the
configuration files stored in the system memory; the other can be used for writing the name of the
desired configuration file.

Name Size Date Time

TAB_ONE 47026 04/05/1992 10:45:00

TAB_TW 47026 12/10/1993 15:30:00
TAB_THR 47026 20/10/1993 14:15:00

Enter filename: TAB_ONE

The meaning of these fields is as follows:

Name is the name of the configuration file.

Size is the size of the configuration file. It is a fixed value (47026 bytes).

Date is the date of creation of the configuration file.

Time is the time when the configuration is saved.

To load a configuration stored in the system hard disk, select the file name with the [Up/Down
Arrows] on the most left window or key in the file name in the Enter filename: field of the LOAD
CONFIGURATION data entry window.

Press [Enter] or the LOAD softkey to load the file or [Esc] to abort the operation. In the first case
the system will prompt the operator for confirmation.

8-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator


To save an altered or a new configuration press the SAVE softkey in the main menu.

When you press SAVE the system opens a data entry window that lists the configuration file stored
in the system:

Name Size Date Time

TAB_ONE 47026 04/05/1992 10:45:00

TAB_TW 47026 12/10/1993 15:30:00
TAB_THR 47026 20/10/1993 14:15:00

Enter filename: TAB_ONE

To save a configuration stored in the system hard disk, select the file name with the [Up/Down
Arrow keys] on the most left window or key in the file name in the Enter filename: field of the
SAVE CONFIGURATION data entry window.

Press [Enter] or the SAVE softkey to save the file or [Esc] to abort the operation. In the first case
the system will prompt the operator for confirmation.

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-11

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator


The RESET CONFIG permits to restore the default Table Editor configuration. When you press
RESET CONFIG on the main menu the following data entry window appears:


Load default config. (Y/N) :

Key in [Y] and press [Enter] or RESET CONFIG to restore the default Table Editor.

To abort the procedure Key in [N] or press [Esc].

IMPORTANT In order not to lose the current configuration, make sure you save it before
restoring the default one.

8-12 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

If the Table Editor is installed in a PC under an offline application and not on the 10 Series system,
certain axes and process parameters can be configured on the PC.

On the 10 Series Configurator parameters are loaded directly by the system and the AXIS CFG
softkey is not available.

To configure the axes press AXIS CFG from the main menu. The following data entry window will


Process : x Type : x


x:x x:x x:x : :

: : : :

The meaning of these field is as follows:

Process: This field is used for writing the process name. The system can support as many
as twenty-four simultaneous processes. To configure them you can browse
through the relevant data entry windows with [PgUp] and [PgDn].

Type: Identifies the type of process as follows:

0 undefined
1 milling
2 turning
3 grinding.

Axis/Type: These columns make it possible to define the axis name and type. Allowed values
are as follows:

Axis (character to the left):

The axis name, as configured in the system.

Type (character to the right):

N Normal
R Rotary
S Spindle

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-13

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

The procedure for table configuration is similar for all the tables managed by the system except for
the Tools Table, in which the TOOL CFG softkey opens the following data entry window:


Database access (Y/N) :

Offset access (Y/N) :
Magazine access (Y/N) :
Multicut management (Y/N) :
PLUS compatibility (Y/N) :

This window prompts the operator to define which tables or functions are to be accessed. If the
answer is [N] the relevant softkey will be disabled from the Table Editor. For example, if you write
an [N] in the Magazine access field, the Tool Magazine will not be linked to the Tools Table and
the SELECT MAGAZINE softkey will be inactive (black).

The meaning of the fields displayed in this table is as follows:

Database access: From the Tools Table it is possible to access the Tools Data Base Table
for loading preconfigured tool types.

Offset access: Permits to access the Tool Offsets Table.

Magazine access: Links the Tools Table to the Magazine Table.

Multicut management: Selects multicutter tool management.

PLUS compatibility: Defines acccess to fields in standard PLUS mode.

8-14 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

PLUS compatibility, Magazine access and Multicut management affect the position of the fields
and the relevant PLUS addresses in the internal Tools Table, as shown in the figure below:

Field bits
N° Form 63 47 31 15 Symbolic Name
48 32 16 0
1 (T) Tool code TCODE
2 (S) Magaz/pocket TOOLPOS
3 (S) Random class TFAMCOL
4 (S) Life type/rand. TOOLTYPE
5 (S) Tool status TSTATUS
6 (S) Tool position TCNTRL
7 (D) Initial life MAXLIFE
8 (D) Actual life REMLIFE
9 (D) User variable 1 TUSER1
10 (D) User variable 2 TUSER2
11 (D) User variable 3 TUSER3
12 (D) User variable 4 TUSER4
13 (S) Offset number TOLOFNR

In particular, the fields affected by these parameters are 2 (POCKET), 3 (TFAMCOL), 4 (TCLASS)
and 6 (TCNTRL). In standard mode, PLUS accesses these fields as illustrated in the figure below,
which shows each bit in the field:

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2 Tool
Magazine N° Pocket N° TOOLPOS
4 Life type Random class TOOLTYPE

6 Not used TCNTRL

If you write PLUS compatibility [Y] the fields will be addressed as indicated in the table regardless
of the settings for Magazine access and Multicut management. The same addressing mode can be
obtained with PLUS compatibility [N] and Magazine access [Y].

If PLUS compatibility is [N] and Magazine access is [N], the access mode depends on how
Multicut management is set:

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-15

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Multicut management: [Y]

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2 Pocket TOOLPOS
4 Life type Random class TOOLTYPE

6 Tool position TCNTRL

Multicut management: [N]

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2 Pocket TOOLPOS
3 Random class TFAMCOL
4 Life type TOOLTYPE

6 Tool position TCNTRL

Key in [Y] or [N] in the Table Management data entry window and press TOOL CFG or [Enter]
for confirmation.

As for the remaining tables, the configuration softkey permits direct access to the above described
configuration screen. In this screen it is possible to alter the description of a variable by simply
positioning the cursor on the desired variable with the arrow keys, deleting the existing text and
writing the new description.

IMPORTANT TABLE MANAGEMENT assignments are significant only if they are made
during the initial configuration stage.

If previously configured table files are used, and the TABLE MANAGEMENT
fields are subsequently assigned values that are different from the original
ones, visualised or printed table data may acquire a different meaning. For
example, if Magazine access is set to [N] and tables for various magazines
are prepared, the tools in those magazines will be concentrated under a
single item, i.e. the notion of magazine will be lost.

8-16 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Configuring fields
Each table field may be personalised with a series of parameters that vary according to the field
type (double or other). These parameters are listed in two different data entry windows, one for
each field type, that are displayed when FIELD CFG is pressed.

The procedure is as follows:

1. With the main video screen on display press the desired table configuration softkey: TOOL
TOOL CFG is selected, press it again to confirm the links.
2. Press the FIELD CFG softkey. Depending on the type of field, one of the following data entry
windows will be displayed:

Double fields

Double fields are marked with a (D) in the data entry window:

Enable (Y/N) :
Input field (Y/N) :
Metric/Inch (Y/N) :
Set Incr (Y/N) :
Conversion (Y/N) :
Signed (Y/N) :
Integers :
Decimals :
Min Value :
Max Value :

Other field types

Enable (Y/N) :
Input field (Y/N) :
Conversion (Y/N) :
Signed (Y/N) :
Length :
Min Value :
Max Value :

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-17

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

The meaning of the fields is as follows:

Enable (Y/N): Enables or disables the field.

Input field (Y/N: Enables/disables field modification.

Metric/Inch (Y/N): Enables or disables conversion between millimeters and inches.

With [Y] the value written in the table field will be converted from one unit
of measure into the other each time the METRIC/INCH softkey is
pressed. With [N] the displayed value will be expressed in the configured
unit of measure and will not be converted into the alternative unit by
pressing METRIC/INCH.

Set incr (Y/N): Permits to enable or disable the field increment/decrement function.
With [Y] the value written in the table field will be incremented or
decremented by a given amount each time the ADD INCR or SUB INCR
softkeys are pressed. With [N] these two softkeys do not affect the value
written in the field.

Conversion (Y/N): The meaning of this field depends on the format. In addition, it is
significant only for the fields listed in the tables below:

Short fields:
Defines whether mnemonic or numerical information will be displayed or

Enter [Y] to display/print mnemonic information and [N] to display/print a

numerical value.

For example, if the Random field has been set to 1, it may be displayed/
printed mnemonically as FIXED or numerically as 1.

The table that follows lists the mnemonic information that will be
displayed/printed in each parameter according to the numerical value.
For more information about this topic refer to the Tool Management
Option Manual.

Numerical Random Life type Tool Tool Magazine

setting class status position Type
6 RND-
7 RND+
8 RND3

8-18 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Double fields:
Defines the type of displayed or printed value for tool lengths and
diameters, as shown in the table below:

Conversion type Length 1 Length 2 Diameter

Length 1 + Length 2 + Diameter +
Y Curr. Requalif. Curr. Requalif. Curr. Requalif.
Length 1 Length 2 Diameter
N Length 1 Length 2 Diameter

Signed [Y/N]: Specifies whether or not the field must include the sign.

Integers: Defines the number of integer digits to be written in the field value.

Decimals: Defines the number of decimal digits to be written in the field value.

If the number of decimals is less than the configured value, the remaining
IMPORTANT decimals can be used for accomodating integers as long as the total number
of digits remains constant.

For example, if the configured format is 5.5, the following formats are also
legal: 6.4, 7.3, 8.2, 9.1 or 10.0. On the contrary, formats like 4.6, etc. are

Modifications of Integers and Decimals parameters can generate interruption

anomalies on data present into the system or on part program data already
set for different values.

For example, if the system has been set for 5 integers and 5 decimals, and
only 3 decimals are configured in this environment, the exceeding decimals
are lost and the system accuracy can be affected. In the opposite case no
problems occur.

Length: Defines the field length in number of digits. It does not apply to double

Min Value: Specifies the minimal value that can be written in a field without
generating an error. This value must conform to the format defined with
the Integers and Decimals fields.

Max Value: Specifies the maximum value that can be written in a field without
generating an error. This value must conform to the format defined with
the Integers and Decimals fields.

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-19

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator


As we have seen in a previous section, it is possible to import data from the Tools Data Base Table
into the Tools Table. However, not all of the Tools Table fields are linked to the Tools Data Base
field bearing the same name (refer to the "Configuring a Table" section).

The procedure that follows describes how to select the fields that can be imported to the Tools
Table. Linked fields are marked by a >> to the right of the format (C, S, D, T). For further
information on how to import data refer to Chapter 9, "Tool Management".

Field links can be established only between the Tools and Tools Data Base Tables. To enable a
link, enter [Y] in the Database access field of the TABLE MANAGEMENT data entry window. Then
follow these steps:

1. Press the TOOL CFG soktkey.

2. Check that the Database access field in the data entry window displays [Y] (default value) and
re-press TOOL CFG .
3. Position the cursor to the desired field and press the DB LINK softkey. The data area of the
screen will display a second window listing all the Data Base fields. The ACTUAL LINK area will
show whether the link exists or not, in which case "none" will appear. The Table Editor
Configurator is as follows:

Table Editor Configurator DATE: 00/00/00 TIME 15:20:00

TCODE Tool code (T) >> TCODE Tool code (T)

TOOLPOS Tool pocket (S) TFAMCOL Random class (S)
TOOLTYPE Random class (S) >> TOOLTYPE Life type (S)
TOOLTYPE Life type (S) >> MAXLIFE Initial life (D)
TSTATUS Tool status (S) TUSER1 User variable 1 (D)
TOOLPOS Tool position (S) TUSER2 User variable 2 (D)
MAXLIFE Initial life (D) >> TUSER3 User variable 3 (D)
REMLIFE Actual life (D) TUSER4 User variable 4 (D)
TUSER1 User variable 1 (D) >> TATCL1 Length 1 (D)
TUSER2 User variable 2 (D) >> TACTL2 Length 2 (D)
TUSER3 User variable 3 (D) >> TDIAMET Diameter (D)
TUSER4 User variable 4 (D) >> GRAPH Graphic class (S)
TOLOFNR Offset number (S) DESCR Description (C)
TATCL1 Length 1 (D) >>
TCMAXL1 Max requalif length 1 (D)
TCACTL1 Curr requalif length 1 (D)
TACTL2 Length 2 (D) >> ACTUAL LINK
TCMAXL2 Max requalif length 2 (D)
TCACTL2 Curr requalif length 2 (D) TOOL: Length 1
TDIAMET Diameter (D) >> DBASE: Length 1
TCACDIA Curr requalif diameter (D)
TORIENT Orientation (S)



8-20 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

4. With the arrow keys select the Tools Data Base fields to be linked to the Tools Table and press
[Enter] or DB LINK to establish the link.

Linkable fields must have the same format: short (S), double (D), etc. Unless User variable fields
are used, it is recommended to establish a link between fields bearing the same name.

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-21

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator


The procedure for unlinking table fields is as follows:

1. Press the TOOL CFG twice to display the Tools Table screen.
2. Select the fields to be unlinked from the window that lists all the fields in the Tools Data Base
Table. Linked fields are marked with a ">>" to the right of the field format. In addition, when a
field is selected, the name of the linked field or "none" are displayed in the ACTUAL LINK
window to indicate whether or not a link exists.

Table Editor Configurator DATE: 00/00/00 TIME 15:20:00

TCODE Tool code (T) >> TCODE Tool code (T)

TCODE Tool code (S) TFAMCOL Random class (S)
TOOLPOS Tool pocket (S) TCLASS Life type (S)
TOOLTYPE Tool type (S) >> MAXTIME Initial life (D)
TSTATUS Tool status (S) TUSER1 User variable 1 (D)
POCKET Tool position (S) TUSER2 User variable 2 (D)
MAXTIME Initial life (D) >> TUSER3 User variable 3 (D)
REMTIME Actual life (D) TUSER4 User variable 4 (D)
TUSER1 User variable 1 (D) >> TATCL1 Length 1 (D)
TUSER2 User variable 2 (D) >> TACTL2 Length 2 (D)
TUSER3 User variable 3 (D) >> TDIAMET Diameter (D)
TUSER4 User variable 4 (D) >> GRAPH Graphic class (S)
TOLOFNR Offset number (S) DESCR Description (C)
TATCL1 Length 1 (D) >>
TCMAXL1 Max requalif length 1 (D)
TCACTL1 Curr requalif length 1 (D)
TACTL2 Length 2 (D) >> ACTUAL LINK
TCMAXL2 Max requalif length 2 (D)
TCACTL2 Curr requalif length 2 (D) TOOL: Length 1
TDIAMET Diameter (D) >> DBASE: Length 1
TCACDIA Curr requalif diameter (D)
TORIENT Orientation (S)



4. Press the DB UNLINK softkey or [Enter] to remove the link.

8-22 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator


The layout with which table fields appear on the screen may be arranged to suit specific user
needs. Sorting criteria can be established in the system configuration and subsequently altered or
replaced by others. It is possible to define up to 6 criteria for a given table and up to 15 criteria for
the whole set of tables.

The type of data to be displayed on a table must be selected directly in the Table Editor (refer to
Chapter 7). The Configurator permits to establish the type of parameter that appears in each
column and the sequence in which columns are displayed.

To modify or define a display sequence it is necessary to use the SORT CFG and SORT EDIT
softkeys in the following procedure:

1. Select the table to be modified by pressing the relevant configuration softkey.

2. Press the SORT CFG softkey. The following data entry window will be displayed:


Sort 1 : Tool & status criteria

Sort 2 : Pocket & tool criteria
Sort 3 : Tool & lifetype criteria
Sort 4 : Tool & user variable
Sort 5 :
Sort 6 :

(This data entry window refers to the Tools Table).

4. To modify the items in a sorting criteria, select it with the arrow keys and edit the text. To define
a new criteria move the cursor to one of the free fields and key in the new text. To delete a
sorting criteria select it with the arrow keys and cancel the text.
5. To modify or add sorting criteria press the SORT EDIT softkey. The following screen will be

The upper window lists all the fields available in the selected table highlighting the active ones.

The lower window is divided into two lines: the upper line displays the field headers and the lower
line displays the current field settings.

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-23

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Table Editor Configurator DATE: 00/00/00 TIME 15:20:00

Tool code User variable 2 Max requalif length 2

Tool pocket User variable 3 Curr requalif length 2
Random class User variable 4 Diameter
Life type Offset number Curr requalif diameter
Tool status Free Orientation
Tool position Length 1 Record number
Initial life Max requalif length 1
Actual life Curr requalif length 1
User variable 1 Length 2

Tool code Poket Status Position Offset Record
xxxxxxxx xxxx +xxxxxx +xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx



To alter the name of a table header position the cursor on the relevant field. The alteration may be
made in insert (INSERT) or overwrite (MODIFY) mode. To switch between INSERT and MODIFY
press [Ins.] To delete a text press [Delete] or [Backspace].

IMPORTANT The following ASCII characters cannot be written in header names:

− Characters from ASCII decimal 0 to 31 (or between hexadecimal 0 and 1F)

− * (42 decimal, 2A hexadecimal)
− ; (59 decimal, 3B hexadecimal)
− @ (64 decimal, 40 hexadecimal)
− # (35 decimal, 23 hexadecimal).

IMPORTANT Since there is no predefined link between headers and data, the user must
check that parameters are displayed in the table under the correct header.

8-24 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

16To delete a field in the upper window use this procedure:

1. Press the REMOVE softkey.

2. Select the field from the upper window with the arrow keys. As you move the cursor through the
list the relevant format will be highlighted in the data area.
3. Press [Enter] or [Return].
4. To remove other fields repeat steps 2 and 3. To close the session press REMOVE again.

To insert values under a header use this procedure:

1. Press the[Ins] softkey.

2. Select the field from the upper window with the arrow keys. As you move the cursor through the
list the relevant format will be highlighted in the current position. Press [Enter]. The field format
(for example, +XXXX.XXXXX) will be displayed in yellow in the data area.
3. Use the arrow keys to position the selected field under the relevant header and press [Enter].
4. To add other fields (up to 6 fields per criteria), repeat steps 2 and 3. To close the session press
INSERT again.

Each sorting criteria must include at least two fields. The table will be arranged starting from the
most left field in the data area.

To substitute a field for another it is necessary to first delete the existing field with the REMOVE
procedure and then add the new one with the INSERT procedure.

After making all the necessary alterations press SORT EDIT again to return to the screen that
originally displayed with the SORT CFG softkey. To exit from this screen press the SORT CFG
softkey again or press [Enter].

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-25

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator


The procedure for configuring the printing output is similar to the one described in the previous

When you press PRINT CFG the following screen appears:

Table Editor Configurator DATE: 00/00/00 TIME 15:20:00

Tool code User variable 2 Max requalif length 2

Tool pocket User variable 3 Curr requalif length 2
Random class User variable 4 Diameter
Life type Offset number Curr requalif diameter
Tool status Free Orientation
Tool position Length 1 Record number
Initial life Max requalif length 1
Actual life Curr requalif length 1
User variable 1 Length 2

Tool code Start life Curr.Lght 1 Curr.Lght 1 Variable 1 Pocket Random
record Actual life Max requal.1 Max requal.1 Variable 2 offset Status
Diameter Curr.requal.1 Curr.requal.1 Variable 3 Posit. Type
Requal diam. Orientation Variable 4


xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx
xxx xxxxx



The upper window lists the fields available with the selected table and highlights the printable ones.

The lower window is split in two areas separated by the HEADER/BODY line: the header area and
the data area. This window lists the current printing configuration, with the headers and the
parameters that will be printed on each page.

The header area is made up of four lines. It displays the headers printed on top of each page,
which identify the parameters printed on the page body.

To alter the header of a column position the cursor on the header and select the writing mode,
INSERT or MODIFY (overwrite). To toggle between both modes press [Ins]. To cancel a portion of
text press [Delete] or [Backspace].

8-26 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

The data area of the lower window displays the values of the field selected and positioned by the

IMPORTANT The following ASCII characters are not allowed in header names:

− haracters from ASCII decimal 0 to 31 (or between hexadecimal 0 and 1F)

− * (42 decimal, 2A hexadecimal)
− ; (59 decimal, 3B hexadecimal)
− @ (64 decimal, 40 hexadecimal)
− # (35 decimal, 23 hexadecimal).

IMPORTANT Since there is no predefined link between headers and data, the user must
check that parameters are printed in the table under the correct header.

To move the cursor between the HEADER and BODY areas use [PgDn] and [PgUp].

To delete a field in the data area use this procedure:

1. Press the REMOVE softkey.

2. Select the field from the upper window with the arrow keys. As you move the cursor through the
list the relevant format will be highlighted in the data area.
3. Press [Enter] or [Return].
4. To remove other fields repeat steps 2 and 3. To close the session press REMOVE again.

To insert values under a header use this procedure:

1. Press the INSERT softkey.

2. Select the field from the upper window with the arrow keys. As you move the cursor through the
list the relevant format will be highlighted in the current position. Press [Enter]. The field format
(for example, +XXXX.XXXXX) will be displayed in yellow in the data area.
3. Use the arrow keys to position the selected field under the relevant header and press [Enter].
4. To add other fields (up to 6 fields per criteria), repeat steps 2 and 3. To close the session press
[INSERT] again.

To substitute a field for another it is necessary to first delete the existing field with the REMOVE
procedure and then add the new one with the INSERT procedure.

After making all the necessary alterations press PRINT CFG to return to the configuration screen.

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-27

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

The Table Configurator permits to customise the help messages associated to each table field.
The customised message can be added to the standard field description or be overwritten and
replace it altogether.

To configure a help message follow these steps:

1. Press the configuration softkey to open the data entry window of the desired table, move the
cursor to the field whose help must be edited and press HELP CFG. The following data entry
window will appear:


2. Key in the new help message and press HELP CFG again to return to the table configuration

8-28 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

With the Table Configurator it is possible to alter the labels of the softkeys displayed with the Editor
tables. For example, to rename the TOOL softkey from the Tools Table follow these steps:

1. With the main configuration screen displayed press the TOOL CFG softkey twice. The tools
data entry window will be displayed.
2. Press SOFT KEY CFG. The following data entry window will be displayed:


Softkey label : TOOL

Record number : 250
Initial position :1
Avaible memory. :Y
File extension : TOL

3. The cursor is positioned on the first character. The new label may be overwritten on the old one.
4. After making all the necessary alterations, press [Enter] or re-press SOFT KEY CFG to
confirm them and return to the configurator screen.

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-29

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator


After completing or altering the configuration, press the EXIT softkey. The following data entry
window will be displayed:


Confirm new setup (Y/N)

Press [Y] to confirm the alterations. The system will display a series of messages that show the
update in progress. When the update is completed the system returns to the initial Configurator

Press [N] to return to the initial Configurator screen without saving the new configuration.

8-30 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator


User Tables are general purpose tables that can display and handle miscellaneous information.
Unlike other system tables, which contain parameters that may be configured within rigid ranges,
User Tables provide more general information. Moreover, they can be arranged in up to 8 different
tables, all of which are stored in the Dual Port memory and can be handled simultaneously.

Standard with 10 Series controls is a dedicated utility that permits to handle User Tables with
higher customisation levels than the ordinary Table Editor.

To access this environment press the USER TABLE softkey in the Table Editor.

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-31

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

User Table Manager screens and softkeys

If user tables have already been configured, when you press USER TABLE the first user table will
be displayed. Otherwise, the video data area will be void. The layout of the first user table is shown
in the figure below:

Table User Editor DATE: 15/11/93 TIME: 9:35:00

Field 1 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Field 2 : xxxxx.xxxxx
Field 3 : xxxxx.xxxxx
Field 4 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Field 5 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Field 6 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Field 7 : xxxxx.xxxxx Field 11 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Field 8 : xxxxx.xxxxx Field 12 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Field 9 : xxxxx.xxxxx Field 13 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Field 10 : xxxxx.xxxxx Field 14 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Page 1 of xx

This screen consists of 14 fields and an area dedicated to context-sensitive help. The screen
layout permits to display the Help message associated to a field without covering the remaining
fields. To display the Help message for a given field select the field and press the HELP softkey.

8-32 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

The meaning of the softkeys available in this environment is as follows:


SETUP Enables another screen with a submenu of softkeys that permit to configure the
tables, fields, softkeys, and help messages described later in this section.

LOAD MEMORY Permits to load the contents of a User Table from a file. It operates like the
equivalent softkey described in the general User Table environment.

With this softkey it is possible to load the contents of the active table and not
those of all the tables.

SAVE MEMORY Permits to save the contents of a User Table in a file. It operates like the
equivalent softkey described in the general User Table environment.

With this softkey it is possible to save the contents of the active table and not
those of all the tables..

PRINT Permits to print the contents of a User Table from a file. It operates like the
equivalent softkey described in the general User Table environment.

HELP Permits to open the context-sensitive help window associated to the selected
field, data entry window or softkey.

TABLE X SFK These eight softkeys can be customised. They permit to open the User Tables
(max. 8) in which user data can be organised.
When you press a softkey other than the one associated to the currently
displayed table, the system closes the table confirming all the parameter
modifications and opens the table associated to the pressed softkey.

EXIT Closes the current table confirming all the modifications and returns to the video
that occupied the screen before USER TABLE was pressed.

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-33

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

If no user table has been configured, when you press USER TABLE the system will display an
empty screen and only SETUP and EXIT will be active.

The following keys are active in the User Table environment:

The [UP/Down arrows] [Left/Right Arrows] keys permit to move the cursor
inside an field or from field to field.

The [Return] key permits to move the cursor from one field to the next inside the
displayed table.

The [Enter] permits to confirm the modifications made to the current data enry
window. If a table is made of several pages, [Enter] permits to move from one
page to the next. An alternative method for displaying the next page is re-pressing
the softkey associated to the table.

[PgUp] and [PgDn] permits to move from page to page within the current table.
Since a screen can display as many as 14 fields, the table data will be subdivided
and arranged in various pages.

When you press the SETUP softkey, a screen similar to the one on the following page appears.

This page is a new softkey menu and lists the eight possible user tables configurable with this
utility. In fact, whereas in the normal Table Editor (see Chapter 7), the 400 user variables were
located in a single table divided into 4 groups with 100 records, with this configurator they may be
divided into a maximum of eight tables, access to which is provided by the softkeys seen above.

8-34 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Significance of the columns of the table on this page is illustrated in the drawing following the
figure. Further details on the information contained in this list will provided later.

Table User Editor DATE: 15/11/93 TIME: 9:35:00


Table Softkey ID Start End

1 Table 1 xxx xxx

2 Table 2 xxx xxx
3 Table 3 xxx xxx
4 Table 4 xxx xxx
5 Table 5 xxx xxx
6 Table 6 xxx xxx
7 Table 7 xxx xxx
8 Table 8 xxx xxx



Table number Index of the first variable

associated to the table
| |
Table Softkey ID Start End

1 Table 1 xxx xxx

| |
Label of the softkey Index of the last variable
associated to the table associated to the table

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-35

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

The meaning of the softkeys displayed in this screen is as follows:


LOAD Permits to load a User Table configuration. It operates like the equivalent
softkey available with the Table Editor.

SAVE Permits to save a User Table configuration. It operates like the equivalent
softkey available with the Table Editor.

EDIT Permits to edit the table selected from the visualised directory. It opens a data
entry window for the operator to key in the softkey label and the indexes of the
first and last variable in that table.

DELETE Deletes the selected table from the configuration. When you press this softkey a
request for confirmation is displayed.

TABLE CONFIG Permits to configure the fields of the selected table by modifying the default
values. When you press this softkey the system displays a video screen (similar
to the one displayed by the USER TABLE softkey and reproduced earlier in this
section) whose fields can be selected and edited. In this environment the FIELD
CONFIG and HELP CONFIG softkeys are active.

FIELD CONFIG This softkey is active only in conjunction with the data entry window displayed
with the TABLE CONFIG softkey. Before pressing FIELD CONFIG it is
necessary to select the field to be configured. In turn, FIELD CONFIG opens
another data entry window for the operator to define the characteristics of the
field to be configured.

HELP CONFIG This softkey is active only in conjunction with the data entry window displayed
with the TABLE CONFIG softkey. Before pressing HELP CONFIG it is
necessary to select the field to be associated to the help message. In turn,
HELP CONFIG opens another data entry window for the operator to key in the
help message (up to 9 36-character lines).

COPY Copies the selected table into an empty one. When COPY is pressed the
system visualises a data entry window for the operator to key in the destination
table number. If the dimensions of the source and the destination tables are not
the same, the copy will be carried out but the characterisation parameters will
be truncated or completed.
If the table configurator is active, i.e. if the TABLE CONFIG softkey has been
pressed, COPY permits to copy the contents of a field into another.

EXIT Pemits to exit from the SETUP environment saving the configuration.

8-36 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Configuring a table
To configure a User Table follow these steps:

1. Press the TABLES and USER TABLE softkeys from the main screen. If user tables have
already been configured, the first User Table Manager screen will be displayed. Otherwise, the
video data area will be void.

Table User Editor DATE: 15/11/93 TIME: 9:35:00

Field 1 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Field 2 : xxxxx.xxxxx
Field 3 : xxxxx.xxxxx
Field 4 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Field 5 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Field 6 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Field 7 : xxxxx.xxxxx Field 11 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Field 8 : xxxxx.xxxxx Field 12 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Field 9 : xxxxx.xxxxx Field 13 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Field 10 : xxxxx.xxxxx Field 14 : xxxxx.xxxxx

Page 1 of xx

2. Press the SETUP softkey. The following screen will be displayed, which lists the eight
configurable tables with the selection bar positioned on the first one. If no tables have been
configured, the columns Softkey ID, Start and End will be void.

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-37

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Table Softkey ID Start End

1 Table 1 xxx xxx

2 Table 2 xxx xxx
3 Table 3 xxx xxx
4 Table 4 xxx xxx
5 Table 5 xxx xxx
6 Table 6 xxx xxx
7 Table 7 xxx xxx
8 Table 8 xxx xxx



3. Move the selection bar to the desired table with the arrow keys and press the EDIT softkey to
select it. The following data entry window will appear:


Softkey :
Start variable :
End Variable :
Reset (Y/N) : Y

The meaning of these fields is as follows:

Softkey This string may have as many as 14 characters. It is the label to be applied to
the softkey associated to the selected table. This label will appear on the main
User Table Manager screen (TABLE X SFK).
Start variable Is the index of the first variable associated to the table.
End variable Is the index of the last variable associated to the table.
Reset (Y/N) Enter [Y] to delete the existing configuration written in this table. Enter [N] to
retain this configuration.

4. Key in the requested data. To move from one field to the next press [Return] or an arrow key.
When the table is complete, press [Enter] to return to the previous video screen, whose
columns will show the new data.

The above steps must be repeated for each table.

IMPORTANT Tables cannot be overlapped, i.e. a variable may be displayed only in one
table. Check that the End variable of one table is smaller than the Start
variable of the next.

8-38 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Configuring the table fields

Once the number of variables and the softkeys have been configured it is possible to define the
table fields. (This step can be omitted if the default values are to be retained).

To configure a table field use this procedure:

1. Select the desired table by moving the selection bar with the arrows and press the TABLE
CONFIG softkey.
2. Move the selection bar to the desired field. If the field does not appear on the first page, press
[PgUp] or [PgDn] to display other pages. Overwrite the new field name on the old one.
3. Press the FIELD CONFIG softkey. The following data entry window will be displayed:


Field Name :
Sign :
Integers :
Decimals :

Min value :
Max value :

The meaning of these fields is as follows:

Field name This string appears on the Field x column and cannot be altered in this data
entry window.
Sign Enter [Y] to write a number with sign in this field. Enter [N] to write a number
without sign.
Integers It is a number from 1 through 5 that specifies the length of the integer part of
the variable.
Decimals It is a number from 0 through 5 that specifies the length of the integer part of
the variable.
Min value Is the minimum variable value.
Max value Is the maximum variable value.

IMPORTANT If the number of decimals is less than the configured value, the remaining
decimals can be used for accomodating integers as long as the total
number of digits remains constant.

For example, if the configured format is 5.5, the following formats are
also legal: 6.4, 7.3, 8.2, 9.1 or 10.0. On the contrary, formats like 4.6, etc.
are illegal.

4. Key in the requested data. To move from one field to the next press [Return] or an arrow key.
When the table is complete, press [Enter] to return to the previous video screen.

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-39

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Copying a table or the fields of a table

The COPY softkey permits to perform the following operations:

• Copy a configured table into another one.

• Copy the contents of a field into another field of the same table. This operation can be carried
out only during table configuration.

Copying a table

To copy a table into another use this procedure:

1. Display the directory of source tables with the SETUP sofkey and move the cursor to the line of
the desired sourrce table.
2. Press the COPY softkey. The directory of destination tables will appear to the right of the
source tables, as shown in the figure below:

Table Softkey ID Start End Table Softkey ID Start End

1 Table 1 xxx xxx 1 Table 1 xxx xxx

2 Table 2 xxx xxx 2 Table 2 xxx xxx
3 Table 3 xxx xxx 3 Table 3 xxx xxx
4 Table 4 xxx xxx 4 Table 4 xxx xxx
5 Table 5 xxx xxx 5 Table 5 xxx xxx
6 Table 6 xxx xxx 6 Table 6 xxx xxx
7 Table 7 xxx xxx 7 Table 7 xxx xxx
8 Table 8 xxx xxx 8 Table 8 xxx xxx
Source table Destination table

3. Use the [Up/Down Arrow keys] to move the selection bar to the name of the destination table
and press [Enter] or COPY. After the contents of the source table will be copied into the
destination directory the system will return to the previous screen.

If the number of variables in the source table is smaller than that of the destination table,
overflowing variables will be truncated. If the number of variables in the source table is greater than
that of the destination table, overflowing fields will remain unchanged or void.

8-40 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Copying table fields

To copy the contents of a table field into another field of the same table the table must be in the
configuration environment and the TABLE CONFIG softkey must have been pressed. The
procedure is as follows:

1. Position the cursor on the destination field.

2. Press the COPY softkey. The following data entry window will be displayed:


Copy from variable number : 0

3. Key in the source variable number and press [Enter] or COPY. The data entry window will be
closed and the contents of the destination variable will be identical to those of the source

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-41

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator


Each User Table field may be associated to a help message describing the characteristics and the
allowed range of the variable. To create this message use this procedure:

1. Select the field to be associated to the message.

2. Press the HELP CONFIG softkey to open a data entry window (Field x) with 9 36-character

Field x

3. Key in the desired message. When the line reaches the border of the window close it with
[Return] or with the [Down Arrow]. To create a new paragraph press [Return], not [Enter].
4. When the message is complete, press [Enter] or HELP CONFIG to confirm it and return to the
previous screen.

8-42 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator

Loading and saving a table on a file

To load a table configuration file and save it on disk follow the same procedure described for the
Configuration utility earlier in this chapter. For more information about these procedures refer to the
"Loading a configuration file" and "Saving a configuration file" sections.

Printing a user table

To print a user table configured in this environment it is necessary to use the same procedure as in
other environments. The printer must be on and connected to the CPU:

1. Open the table by pressing the relevant softkey (TABLE X SFK).

2. Press the PRINT softkey. The following data entry window will be displayed:


Enter printer device :

3. Key in the printing device name (LPT1, LPT2, LPT3 or PRN).

4. Press [Enter].

10 Series CNC User Manual (08) 8-43

Chapter 8
Table Editor Configurator


8-44 10 Series CNC User Manual (08)

Chapter 9

Tool Management is a series of procedures that permit to define the tool parameters stored in the
Tools, Tool Offsets and Tool Data Base tables.

One of the fundamental parameters for the tools, Presetting, is described in this chapter which also
describes how the system manages multiple cutter tools and transfers information from the Tool
Data Base into the Tools and Tool Offsets table.

The procedures that permit to manage tool parameters listed in the offsets table are as follows
(see Chapter 7):

• visualise and modify tool offsets

• cancel tool offsets
• apply incremental modifications to tool offsets
• add new tools to the Tools table
• visualise and modify tools
• cancel tools.

10 Series CNC User Manual (03) 9-1

Chapter 9
Tool Management

Tool presetting is measuring the tool length and storing it in the Tool Offsets table.

Prior to presetting a tool it is necessary to reference the spindle axis.


The procedures described in this section are based on use of the Table Editor.
This chapter deals with presetting; for more information about the Table Editor, see Chapter 7.
Tool presetting may be performed in two ways:

1) Tool presetting on an external system:

with this method the tool length is measured directly by a system external to the control.

2) Tool presetting on the machining part:

with this method the tool is measured by the CNC, using an appropriate procedure.

9-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 9
Tool Management

Tool presetting on an external system

This method permits to measure the tool length using an external system and then write it on the
Tool Offsets table.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Open the Tool Offsets table as shown in the "Opening a Table" section in Chapter 7.
2. Select the desired offset with the selction bar.
3. Press the EDIT softkey. The following screen will be displayed:

TABLE EDITOR DATE: 00/00/00 TIME: 00:00:00

Measurement unit : Mm
Length 1 : 26.00000 Data set : MEMORY
Max requalif length 1 : 12.00000 Increment : 0.00000
Curr requalif length 1 : 9.00000 Selected Table : OFFSET
Length 2 : 10.00000 Sort selected page : 1 of 30
Max requalif length 2 : 36.00000 Current process : 1
Curr requalif length 2 : 10.00000 Current magazine : 1
Diameter : 30.00000
Curr requalif diameter : 25.00000
Orientation : 0
h2 Curr Diameter Orient

000 30.00000 000000

000 09.00000 000001
000 0.00000 000001
000 0.00000 000000
000 0.00000 000000
000 0.00000 000000
000 0.00000 000000
000 0.00000 000000
000 0.00000 000000
000 0.00000 000010



The parameters of the selected tool offset appear on the data entry window.

4. Write the measured tool length in the length 1 field.

5. Press [Enter] to confirm it.

10 Series CNC User Manual (03) 9-3

Chapter 9
Tool Management

Tool presetting on the machining part

This method permits to measure the length of the tool while it is mounted on the spindle, with
respect to a fixed point. The length measured will be stored in the Tool Offsets table (see Chapter
7 - Table Editor).




Prior to presetting the tool, the following operations must be performed:

• Refer the spindle axis.

• Make sure there are no active spindle origins or offsets. The spindle must be referenced to the
• Measure the distance between the spindle "nose" (which coincides with the home position) and
the reference point on the part.

9-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 9
Tool Management

1. Press the AUTO softkey and then MDI to select MDI mode.
2. Key in the following instruction Tn.0M6 to enable the tool (n is the tool number) and press [ ]
[Enter] to confirm it.
3. Press CYCLE START to execute the instruction.
4. Jog manually the spindle axis until it skims the tip of the reference tool.
5. Press SET ORIG./TOOL in the MANUAL menu. The system displays the following:


SELECT (Origin / Tool) :


Push ENTER to access the data entry

6. Press [T] to select TOOL PRESET, move the cursor to the next field of the data entry window
and key in the tool name. Press [Enter] to confirm the entry. The following data entry window
will be displayed:





Key in the following data:

Offset number selected tool offset number (offset number field)

Reference axis spindle axis name, typically Z (reference axis field)

Tooltip position measured distance from the spindle "nose" to the fixed reference point
(Tool Tip position field).

7. Press [Enter] to confirm the data entry window.

8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for each tool to be used in the cycle.
The tool offset will be stored in the Tool Offsets table and can be displayed in the Table Editor
environment (refer to Chapter 7).

10 Series CNC User Manual (03) 9-5

Chapter 9
Tool Management


In 10 Series a multiple cutter tool is configured by defining each cutter as a separate tool and
assigning the same tool number to all cutters. A multiple tool can have up to 3 cutters (one main
cutter and two secondary ones).

To define a multiple tool use this procedure:

1. Define the tool by writing the characteristics of the main cutter as shown in chapter 7 ("Writing a
Record in a Table" section).
2. Select the tool defined in the Tools Table with the selection bar and press the MULTI CUTTER
softkey. The following data entry window will appear in the Tools Table:

TABLE EDITOR DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

Tool code : Measurement unit : Mm

Tool pocket : 0 Data set : MEMORY
Random class : 1 Increment : 0.00000
Life type : 0 Selected Table : TOOL
Tool status : 0 Sort selected page : 1 of 1
Tool position : 0 Current process : 1
Initial life : 0.00000 Current magazine : 1
Actual life : 0.00000
User variable 1 : 0.00000
User variable 2 : 0.00000 Position Offset Record
User variable 3 : 0.00000
User variable 4 : 0.00000 OUT 000001 000001
Offset number : 1 OUT 000001 000002
Length 1 : 0.00000 OUT 000002 000003
Max requalif length 1 : 0.00000
Curr requalif length 1 : 0.00000
Length 2 : 0.00000
Max requalif length 2 : 0.00000
Curr requalif length 2 : 0.00000
Diameter : 0.00000
Curr requalif diameter : 0.00000
Orientation : 0



Tool pocket, Random class and Tool position cannot be edited in this window because they belong
to the main cutter. In the Tools table the multiple cutter tool is displayed on as many lines as are
the cutters. All lines are assigned to the same tool code.

If the tool is multi cutter type and one of the cutters is deleted, the whole
multiple cutter will be deleted.

9-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 9
Tool Management


The Tool Data Base is an archive (data base) that may be used to store the characteristics of all
the tools available. The Tool Table, on the other hand, contains the characteristics of the tools in
the tool magazine of the Numeric Control machine.

Transfering tool data between the Tool Data Base and the Tool Table
If the operator loads a new tool in the tool magazine of the CNC machine for machining
requirements, complex measuring operations may be avoided simply by retrieving and loading the
data for that tool from the Data Base. The operator can still choose to load or modify the data in
question manually.

The paragraphs that follow illustrate how to enter the data for a tool not present in the magazine
and also how to restore the original data (the data in the Data Base) of a tool already in the tool

Entry of data fora new tool in the Tool Table (retrieved from Data Base)

1. Open the tool table in which the tool data must be added. To do this:

− Press the TABLES softkey from the main menu.

− Press the TOOL softkey to display the directory of Tools tables.
− Select the table and press [Enter] or TOOL to display it.

2. Press the INSERT softkey to open a data entry window, all of whose fields will be either void or
set to zero, except for Random class , whose default value is 1.

3. Key in the new tool code in the Tool code field. It can be the same code assigned to the tool in
the Tool Data Base or another code chosen by the user.

4. Key in the the tool code number associated to the new tool in the offset number field. If you
leave the default value ( 0 ), the following parameters will not be imported from the Tool Data
Base: length 1, length 2 and diameter.

If the offset number is not 0, the parameters associated to the offset, i.e.
IMPORTANT length 1, length 2 and diameter, will replace those assigned to the same tool
number in the Tool Offsets table.

The other parameters stored in the Tools Offset table, i.e. Max requalif length
1, Curr requalif length 1, Max requalif length 2, Curr requalif length 2 and Curr
requalif diameter retain the values they had before the new tool was imported.

10 Series CNC User Manual (03) 9-7

Chapter 9
Tool Management

5. Press the TOOL DATA BASE softkey. The following data entry window will be displayed. The
tool identification number provided by the system is the Tool Code specified in Step 3.


6. Key in the identification number of the tool to be imported as was specified in Step 3 or, if it is
the same as in the Tool Data Base, confirm it.
7. Press [Enter] or TOOL DATA BASE. The tool parameters will be recopied in the Tools Table.
The new tool will be added on the first free record. If no free records are available, the new tool
will be added after the last record of the Tools Table.

9-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 9
Tool Management

Overwriting the data of a tool already in the Tool Table with the Data Base

1. Same as step 1 above.

2. Move the selection bar to the desired tool and press EDIT. The data entry window displaying all
the stored parameters for that tool will appear. DO NOT modify the Tool code value that
appears in this window.

IMPORTANT The tool offset parameters associated to that Tool Code through the Offset
number will also be altered. These parameters are: length 1, length 2 e

To leave these parameters unchanged, modify again the Offset number. Write
any offset number or 0 if no alteration is needed.

The other parameters stored in the Tool Offsets table, i.e. Max requalif length
1, Curr requalif length 1, Max requalif length 2, Curr requalif length 2 and Curr
requalif diameter, retain the values they had before the alteration.

3. Press the TOOL DATA BASE softkey. The following data entry window will be displayed. The
tool identification number provided by the system is the Tool Code specified in Step 2.


4. Key in the identification number stored in the Tool Data Base that corresponds to the
characteristics to be altered in the selected tool.
5. Press [Enter] or TOOL DATA BASE. The tool parameters will be overwritten on the same
record of the Tools Table.

10 Series CNC User Manual (03) 9-9

Chapter 9
Tool Management


9-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 10

The 10 Series CNC has an environment for management of the files of part programs, organized in

Main screen

When the PART PROGRAM softkey is pressed, the environment main screen is displayed:



Current directory : PROGRAM B)






The screen is divided into 5 functional areas (marked with the letters A÷E in the figure); the letters
will be used later in this chapter to refer to these areas.

(A) Standard header of the 10 Series screen pages.

(B) Display of current directory.
(C) List of the last files used in work.
(D) Data entry containing the file name the softkeys will have effect on.
(E) Softkey area.

10 Series CNC User Manual (06) 10-1

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

Standard 10 Series screen page header (A)

The features of this part of the screen page are described in detail in the other chapters of this

Display of the current directory (B)

The name of the current directory is displayed in this area.

A directory is selected by pressing in sequence keys [PgUp] and [PgDn].

The Part Program directories configured in AMP may be selected by pressing the SELECT DIR
softkey; the files present in the directory, identified by the logic name defined in AMP, appear in the
window (C).

By pressing the SELECT DIR softkey, all the Part Program directories configured in AMP ar
selected cyclically.

Last of the part program files worked on (C)

Window (C) lists the names of the last part programs on which work was performed (max. 10). It
permits rapid selection of the most frequently used files.

A desired program is selected by moving the cursor (light blue coloured bar) with [Up\Down Arrow
keys] ; the file currently selected appears in window (D).

Keys [Home] and [End] respectively select the first and last program of the window.

Pressing [Control] [D] resets the contents of this list.

Data entry (D)

The data entry (D) contains the name of the file selected by the selection bar. Action of softkeys
EDIT, ACTIVATE, DEACTIVATE, COPY, DELETE, RENAME will be on the file of this name.

The filename may be changed by keying in another name on the keyboard.

10-2 10/ Series CNC User Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager


The softkeys of the part program file manager screen page (E) are as follows:



• The COPY, DELETE, RENAME, EDIT, ACTIVATE softkeys produce the following action on the
file indicated in the data entry (D):
COPY Copies the part program file into another file with a different name.
RENAME Renames the file.
DELETE Deletes the file.
EDIT Activates the editor on the file. If the file specified in the input line does
not exist, the system will create one with that name.
ACTIVATE Permits activation of the part program file. Activation of one program
results in de-activation of an already active one, where applicable.
PP MANAGEMENT This softkey is only present if part programs with logic directories are
used (see the SW characterisation manual - AMP).
• The DEACTIVATE softkey de-activates a currently active program.
• The PROG UTILITY softkey activates a user utility acting on part programs; it must be declared
in AMP (see the SW characterisation manual - AMP).
• The SELECT DIR softkey displays in areas (B) and (C) a list of all the files in the current
Repeated pressing of this softkey automatically displays the files in the other directories on the
To restore display of (B) and (C) press [Esc].
• Softkey DIRECTORY displays in areas (B) and (C) a list of all the files in the directory specified
in the data entry opened when this softkey is pressed.
The name of the directory must be given in its standard DOS format, also including the device
(examples: E:\FILE, E:\FILE\*.PRO, E:\FILE\PIPPO?.*).
To restore display of (B) and (C) press [Esc].

The maximum number of files that a directory can hold is 300; if a DOS directory contains more
than 300 files, only the first 300 will be displayed, subdirectories included.

10 Series CNC User Manual (06) 10-3

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager


Line Editor is a utility that permits to write and edit part programs. You can use the Line Editor to
write programs in standard ISO language (RS 274 code). You can also use the Line Editor in
conjunction with the Profile Editor to also program profiles in geometric language.
This section describes the Line Editor screen and softkeys, as well as the operations that can be
performed in this environment.
The Line Editor is activated by pressing the EDIT softkey in part program file manager

Line Editor screen

A LINES:00013 FILE: MAINPROG DATE: 15/10/90 TIME: 9:28:21

B 00010 G3X26I93J57F100

C X34.78967Y100
D G3X26I93J57F100



(A) status information area

(B) old block line
(C) part program area
(D) editing line
(E) softkey area

10-4 10/ Series CNC User Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

The Line Editor screen is made up of the following areas:

Status line (A)

Is the first line and provides general information such as number of blocks, part program name,
date and time.

Old block line (B)

Displays the current line number and an unmodified copy of the block that is being edited. If no
alterations are made, the old block line will be identical to the editing line.

Part program area (C)

This area is reserved for displaying the part program.

Editing line (D)

This red line appears in the middle of the screen and is the only area in which writing is enabled. It
is used for displaying the block to be edited. To take a block to the editing line press the [Up/Down
Arrow keys].

Softkey area (E)

The three lines at the bottom of the screen display the Line Editor softkeys.

10 Series CNC User Manual (06) 10-5

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

The functions of the Line Editor softkeys are as follows:


CONFIG Modifies the Editor configuration (see the 10 Series CNC - Graphic
Editor manual).

CYCLE MODIFY Enables the Cycle Editor, a utility that permits to modify fixed cycle
parameters. It is active only if the Graphic Editor option has been
configured and the file is not profile type (without extension .DFP) - (see
the 10 Series CNC - Graphic Editor manual).

CUT&PASTE Selects a group of lines for copying, cutting, moving, pasting, etc.

HELP Displays information about the active softkey menu or an open data
entry window.

DEL-LINE Deletes the block displayed on the editing line. The parameters of the
deleted block remain on the old line but can be deleted by pressing
DEL-LINE twice. After being deleted from the old line these parameters
can no longer be retrieved with the OLD-LINE softkey.

OLD-LINE Retrieves a block that has been cancelled from the editing line by
pressing DEL-LINE once. The retrieved block is the original one, i.e. all
the alterations will be lost.

SEARCH Permits a search for strings or block numbers. The system displays a
data entry window prompting for the desired block number or string.

INCLUDE Inserts all the blocks of a file in a predefined point of the current file.

SEQUENCE Numbers a list of part program blocks in the desired sequence. When
SEQUENCE is pressed the system displays a data entry window
prompting for the initial number and the numbering pitch (only enabled
on files without extension .DFP).

GEOMETRY Displays the Profile Editor video panel for definition of geometric profiles.
This softkey is enabled only of the Profile Editor is enabled and the file
has extension .DFP (see the 10 Series CNC - Graphic Editor manual).

CYCLE Displays the video panel for canned cycle definition. Active only of the
Cycle Editor is configured and if the file does not have extension .DFP
(see the 10 Series CNC - Graphic Editor manual).

EXIT Quits the Line Editor. It opens a data entry window with a prompt to save
the file.

10-6 10/ Series CNC User Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

Creating a new part program

To create a new part program, key in a non-existing program name in the data entry (D) of the part
program file manager screen (page 10-1) and then press EDIT.



The editor screen page is now displayed (page 10-4), with areas (B), (C) and (D) empty.

Key in the program name, which is an ASCII string of up to 48 characters plus 3 characters for the
extension. The extension is mandatory for profile files (DFP) and will be used by the Profile Editor.

Loading an existing Part Program

To access an existing part program, select the name in the C section of the video panel "Part
ProgramFile Manager" (page 10-1), using the [Up/Down Arrow] to move the selection bar and
press the EDIT softkey.

The part program is displayed in sections B C and D of the Line Editor video panel.

From this point on, the Editor operations described on the following pages are enabled.

Loading a running Part Program

It is possible to call the Editor on a part program already in execution (activated through softkey

In this case, display of the part program in the Editor video panel is preceded by the message:

File already open: all changese will be lost

Type <ESC> to exit or <ENTER> to continue.

The part program will be opened in read only and any editing perfromed on it will not be saved.

10 Series CNC User Manual (06) 10-7

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

Characteristics of the Line Editor

Line overflow
A part program block can have as many as 126 characters, but the maximum length of the editing
line field is 79 characters. To move the cursor inside the block use the [Right/Left Arrow keys].

If you key in a block on the editing line and the cursor reaches the last position (column 80), it is
always possible to add characters beyond this point. With each new character the block displayed
on the editing line will move to the left by one position.

Displaying the original block

The old block line area displays the same block as is on the editing line. If this block is longer than
one line, the second line will also be displayed on the old block line.

The cursor is a blinking block that can be moved inside the editing line with the [Left/Right Arrow
keys]. It remains on the first position to the right of the last inserted character and always operates
in 'insert' mode.

The [Up/Down Arrow keys] permit scrolling of a file up or down on screen, whereas the editing
line remains in a fixed position.

When the file scrolls on the display, the editing line displays the previous or next block depending
on whether the file is scrolling down or up.

10-8 10/ Series CNC User Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

Line Editor function keys

The following function keys are active with the Line Editor:


moves the cursor to the left on the editing line by one character.

moves the cursor to the right on the editing line by one character.

scrolls the displayed file downwards; the editing line will display the
previous part program block.

scrolls the displayed file upwards; the editing line will display the
subsequent part program block.

moves the cursor upwards by nine lines.

moves the cursor downwards by nine lines.

moves the cursor to the last block character.

moves the cursor to the first block character.

moves the cursor to the first program character and displays the
first program block on the editing line.

moves the cursor to the last program character and displays the
last program block on the editing line.

10 Series CNC User Manual (06) 10-9

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager


deletes the first character to the left of the cursor.

deletes the character to which the cursor is positioned.

opens a new line on the editing line moving the currently displayed
block upwards. Confirms the data written in a data entry window.

splits the block displayed on the editing line from the current
position of the cursor. All the characters to the right of the cursor
will be transferred to the subsequent line. If the cursor is on the first
character, this key opens a new line that precedes the block
displayed on the editing line.

10-10 10/ Series CNC User Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

Writing new characters in a block

New characters can only be written on the editing line as the cursor is always positioned on it. An
inserted block must be confirmed with [Enter] or [Return], which causes the cursor to moves to a
new editing line.

When a new line is selected with the [Up/Down Arrow keys], the empty lines are automatically
removed. Empty lines are also automatically removed when you quit the Editor.

Program blocks can be edited only when they are on the editing line and must therefore be moved
to this line with the [Up/Down Arrow keys], before being altered. The [Left/Right Arrow keys]
permit to move the cursor within the editing line, whereas [BackSpace] deletes the characters to
the left of the cursor (refer to the "Line Editor function keys" section in this chapter).

Opening a new line

There are two ways of opening a new line:

1. if the new line must be written after the block displayed on the editing line, press [Return] or
[Enter] with the cursor on any position.
2. if the new line must be written before the block displayed on the editing line, press [End] with
the cursor positioned on the first block character.

IMPORTANT If the cursor is on any other position, when you press [End] the block will
be split. To restore it, press OLD-LINE immediately afterwards.

10 Series CNC User Manual (06) 10-11

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

Deleting lines

Part program blocks may be deleted with the DEL-LINE softkey, which has two different functions
depending on the number of times it is pressed.

If you press DEL-LINE once, the block is deleted but can be retrieved with OLD-LINE. If you press
DEL-LINE twice, the block is deleted irreversibly and cannot be retrieved. In both cases, DEL-LINE
permits to delete the block displayed on the editing line.

The table that follows summarizes the functions of DEL-LINE.


DEL-LINE once the block displayed on the editing line is deleted and the editing line
appears empty. To retrieve the deleted block, press OLD-LINE.

DEL-LINE twice the block displayed on the editing line is deleted, the editing line displays
the subsequent program block, and the empty line is removed. OLD-
LINE does not permit to retrieve the deleted block.

IMPORTANT Pressing DEL-LINE once and then moving the cursor with the [Up/Down
Arrow keys] is equivalent to pressing DEL-LINE twice.

To cancel a line use this procedure:

1. Take the block to be deleted to the editing line with the [Up/Down Arrow keys].
2. Press DEL-LINE twice.

IMPORTANT If the block to be deleted is the last block in the file, press DEL-LINE once
and then press [Up Arrow].

10-12 10/ Series CNC User Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

Retrieving lines

The OLD-LINE softkey is used for:

• retrieving the original version of the block displayed and modified on the editing line.
• retrieving the block deleted from the editing line. This is possible only if DEL-LINE has been
pressed only once.
• for reconstructing an orginal block that was split by pressing the [End] key with the cursor
located inside the block.

To retrieve the original block displayed on the first line (or on the first two lines), use this procedure:

1. Do not move the cursor from the editing line.

2. Press OLD-LINE.

The contents of the old block line will be copied to the editing line.

10 Series CNC User Manual (06) 10-13

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

Configuration Editor

The CONFIG softkey permits to customize parameters to specific requirements. Configuration is

performed with the 3 data entry pages described below:

--------------- GLOBAL PARAMETERS -------------

Keystroke :20

Cycle screen 1 :
Cycle screen 2 :
Cycle screen 3 :
Geometry type : GEOMIL

1 of 3

Significance of the fields in the GLOBAL PARAMETERS data entry is as follows:

Keystroke Number of keys to press before saving in the "recovery" file.

Cycle screen 1÷3 Name of the screen files for the cycle editor.
see the 10 Series CNC - Graphic Editor manual)

Geometry type Name of the screen file for the geometry editor.
(see the 10 Series CNC - Graphic Editor manual)

---------------- AXIS CONFIGURATION ------------

Name Diam Minval Maxval

Axis X N 0.000 100.000

Axis Y N 0.000 100.000

-------------- GEOMETRY PARAMETERS ---------

Orientation 1
Tolerance :0.00100
Incremental center :N
Unit (0) mm (1)inch :0
2 of 3

Significance of the fields in the AXIS CONFIGURATION data entry is as follows (see the 10 Series
CNC - Graphic Editor manual):

Axis name: X Name of the axis of abscissas. This name will replace the X axis in the
translated part program.

Diam (diametral) Axis type:

N = normal
D = diametral
R = radial

10-14 10/ Series CNC User Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

Minval Lower limit of first axis for graphic scale declaration. This field may
contain values between -999999.999 and +999999.999; the distance
between the value set as Minval and the value set for Maxval must be
≥ 0.06.

Maxval Upper limit of first axis for graphic scale declaration. This field may
contain values between -999999.999 and +999999.999; the distance
between the value set as Maxval and the value set for Minval must be
≥ 0.06.

Axis name: Y Name of the axis of ordinates. This name will replace the Y axis in the
translated part program.

Significance of the fields in the GEOMETRY PARAMETERS data entry is as follows:

Orientation Defines axis orientation according to the following scheme:

1 2 3 4

Tolerance Declares the tolerance to be used in calculating tangency between

elements (0.0 < T < 0.05)

Incremental center If the declaration is [Y], the ISO program is translated with the
incremental circle center, otherwise ([N]) it is translated with absolute

Unit (mm/inches) Unit of measurement 0=millimetres, 1=inches

--------------- CYCLE PARAMETERS ---------------

Real name Symbolic

Axis1 X X
Axis2 Y Y
Axis3 Z Z
3 of 3

The fields in the CYCLE PARAMETERS data entry establish the symbolic names for the
machine's physical axes (see the 10 Series CNC - Graphic Editor manual).

Valid names for axes are as follows: X,Y,Z,A,B,C,U,V,W,P,Q,D.

10 Series CNC User Manual (06) 10-15

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

Numbering program blocks

Part program blocks may be numbererd with the SEQUENCE softkey.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Press the SEQUENCE softkey. The following will be displayed:



2. Key in the first block number. The maximum allowed value is 999000.
3. Key in the increment. The maximum allowed value is 200.
4. Press [Enter] or the SEQUENCE softkey to confirm these entries.

To move the cursor from one field to the next press [Return]. If the increment is zero, the part
program will not be numbered. If a zero increment is given to a numbered program, the block
numbers will be removed.

10-16 10/ Series CNC User Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

Search for strings and block numbers

The SEARCH softkey permits to search for strings and/or block numbers.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Press SEARCH. The system displays the following data entry window for the operator to write
the desired string or block number:



2. To move the cursor from the Line number field to the Character string field press [Return].
3. Depending on the object of your search, you may key in:

• a string up to 12 characters in length. Press [Enter] and then [Up Arrow] or [Down Arrow]
to search for the string upwards or downwards. The searched string will be displayed on the
editing line.
• a line number having up to 6 digits. Press [Enter] to confirm it. The searched line will be
displayed on the editing line.

By line number is meant the number displayed in the status line (top left on the line editor
screen page)and not a number given with the SEQUENCE function.

In a line number search, if the number searched for is greater than the last program block number,
the last block will be displayed in the editing line.

IMPORTANT To quit the search after the item has been found, press the SEARCH
softkey again.

If the desired string is not found, an error message will be displayed. If both a string and a block
number have been written in the data entry window, the system will search for the block number

10 Series CNC User Manual (06) 10-17

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

Cut & Paste

The CUT&PASTE softkey opens the following menu:



Initial softkey status:

Start select End select
Help Deselect
Exit Delete
Search Copy

This video screen is similar to the one you open with the Line Editor.

The meaning of the softkeys is as follows:


START SELECT Marks the current line as the first line of the program section to be
selected for cut&paste purposes. The section may be selected with
[Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [PgUp] and [PgDn]. The current line/s
is/are highlighted in yellow.
Once trhe selection has been made, the system disables START

END SELECT Marks the current line as the last line of the program section to be
selected for cut&paste purposes. The section remains highlighted in
Once the selection has been made, the system disables END
SELECT and enables DELETE, COPY and MOVE.

DESELECT Deselects highlighted line/s. After the section is deselected, this

softkey returns to the initial status.

SEARCH Softkey with the same functionality as the one in the Line Editor main
video panel.
It is always enabled and does not alter the status of other softkeys.

DELETE Deletes the selection confirmed with the data entry. The deleted
section cannot be restored.
After the selection has been deleted, DELETE returns to the initial

COPY Copies the selected block to the current cursor position. After this
operation the selection is lost and the block may not be used again.
Status of the softkeys is not modified.

10-18 10/ Series CNC User Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager


MOVE Moves the block selected to the current cursor position. After this
operation the selection is lost and the block may not be used again.
After the section is deselected, this softkey returns to the initial status.

HELP Displays the HELP page(s) describing all the features available on this
screen page.

EXIT Returns to the Line Editor main screen. Any still active selection is lost.

10 Series CNC User Manual (06) 10-19

Chapter 10
Part Program File Manager

Inserting a part program

The INCLUDE softkey permits to paste various modules into the current part program. The insert
is always pasted after the block displayed on the editing line.

To insert a part program use this procedure:

1. Display on the editing line the block after which the program must be inserted.
2. Press the INCLUDE softkey. The following will be displayed:


3. Key in the name of the part program to be inserted and press [Enter].

Saving a part program

To save a part program use this procedure:

1. Press the EXIT softkey. The following will be displayed:


2. Key in

• [Y] and press [Enter] to save the part program on disk.

• [N] and press [Enter] to abort the procedure without saving the program on disk.

Both responses permit to quit the Editor and return to the directory of programs.


10-20 10/ Series CNC User Manual (06)

Chapter 11


Prior to executing a part program it is possible to set a series of parameters that affect the
execution mode and enable/disable controls, visualisations and special operations.

These parameters are listed on a data entry window that can be displayed by pressing the
PROGRAM SET-UP softkey in the menu associated with the MACHINE SET-UP softkey.



X N N N 0.000
Y N N N 0.000
Z N N N 0.000

The meaning of these fields is as follows:

BLOCK DELETE (Y/N) enables/disables execution of slashed blocks. Enter [Y] to disable
slashed block execution (This is equivalent to programming DSB = 1).

At power up this field displays the selection made during

characterization in AMP. Resetting the system does not alter the
previous characterization.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 11-1

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

OPTIONAL STOP - enables/disables program stop.

M01 (Y/N)
At power up this field displays the selection made during
characterization in AMP. Resetting the system does not alter the
previous characterization.

FEEDRATE BYPASS enables/disables the bypassing of the rapid rate with G1, G2 or G3.
At power up the default mode is [N]. Resetting the system changes
this field to [N].

RAPID OVERRIDE enables/disables rapid override control with the softkeys RAPID OVER
CONTROL (Y/N) + and RAPID OVER - from the AUTO menu.

At power up this field displays the selection made in AMP. Resetting

the system does not alter the previous characterization.

DISABLE PROGRAM enables/disables program scrolling in AUTO mode. If scrolling is

SCROLL (Y/N) disabled, program execution is faster.

At power up this field displays the selection made in AMP. Resetting

the system does not alter the previous characterization.

HORIZONTAL AXIS define the machining plane. It is equivalent to programming the G16
code in a block.

VERTICAL AXIS At power up or after a reset this field displays the selection made in
AMP: G17, G18 or G19.

ROTATION ANGLE defines a rotation angle expressed in degrees for the machining plane.
A positive angle determines a CCW rotation. Unlike programming with
the three-letter instruction (ROT, angle), this rotation angle is not
canceled by a reset.

If a (ROT, angle) is programmed after a rotation angle has been

assigned through this data entry window, the final rotation angle will be
the sum of both angles.

If a (ROT, angle) is programmed with the three-letter instruction before

setting a rotation angle through this data entry window, the final
rotation angle will be the latter, i.e. the rotation angle programmed with
(ROT, angle) will be lost.

STOCK ALLOWANCE defines the stock allowance to be applied to the tool radius when
calculating the tool path with tool offset (G41 - G42). It is equivalent to
programming the MSA block.

At power up or after a reset this field is set to zero.

11-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

The following parameters refer to each configured axis:

LOCKED (Y/N) enables/disables physical axis motion. When you write [Y] the system
executes the part program without physically moving the axes.

This setting is not disabled by a reset.

MIRROR (Y/N) enables/disables mirroring of the specified axis trajectory. It is

equivalent to programming with the three-letter code (MIR, axis

This setting is disabled by a reset.

SCALE (Y/N) enables/disables the scale factor associated to the specified axis.

This setting is disabled by a reset.

SCALE FACTOR defines the scale factor applied to the specified axis. It is equivalent to
programming the (SCF, axis name, scale factor) block.

This setting is disabled by a reset.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 11-3

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution


There are two part program execution modes:

• Auto
• Semiauto (block by block)

In order to execute a part program it is necessary to:

1. Select and activate the part program

2. Select the execution mode
3. Launch execution.

Selecting and activating a part program

These operations must be carried out before selecting the execution mode. The procedure is as

1. Press the PART PROGRAM softkey in order to enter the Part Program File Manager
2. Select a part program for execution as described in Chapter 10.
3. Press the ACTIVATE softkey. A [Y] will appear on the A column to the left of the selected
program name.

Automatic execution

This mode permits to execute all the blocks in a program without interruptions. To execute the
program in auto mode, use this procedure:

1. Select and activate the part program

2. Press the AUTO softkey from the main menu.
3. Press the CYCLE START pushbutton.

The selected part program will be executed from the first to the last block.

11-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

Semiauto (block-by-block) execution

This mode permits to execute one part program block at a time. The procedure is as follows:

1. Select and activate the part program.

2. Press the AUTO softkey from the main menu.
3. Press the BLK/BLK softkey to enable block-by-block execution (the softkey will be shown
yellow in colour and will remain so until it is disabled).
4. Press CYCLE START each time you want to execute a block. Blocks will be executed in the
same sequence in which they are programmed. After executing a block the system stops until
the operator gives another CYCLE START command.

To alter the sequence of block execution or bypass one or several blocks, use the arrow keys to
position the cursor to the desired block.

To close block-by-block execution, press BLK/BLK again. The disabled softkey is white.

IMPORTANT If BLK/BLK is pressed during automatic execution, the system

executes all the preanalysed blocks and then stops. To resume part
program execution in block-by-block mode, press CYCLE START.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 11-5

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

Multiblock retrace
This function permits to retrace a series of programmed blocks by moving the axes backwards
along the executed profile. Depending on the parameter configured in AMP, the number of
retraceable blocks varies from 1 through 64.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Press the CYCLE STOP pushbutton to stop the axes and MACHINE SET-UP from the main
2. From MACHINE SET-UP, press the BLOCK RETRACE softkey, enter [Y] in the ENABLE field
of the data entry window and confirm it with Enter.
3. Press the CYCLE START pushbutton. The axes will move backwards in the selected mode:

• In BLK/BLK mode the profile will be retraced one block at a time each time the CYCLE
START pushbutton is pressed.
• In AUTO mode the system will retrace the last n blocks in the profile. n is the number of
blocks configured in AMP.

4. When the retrace move is completed the following message appears:

NC 153 End of block retrace

To interrupt a retrace move, press CYCLE STOP. At this point you can either resume the retrace
move or invert the direction of motion. To resume retracing, press CYCLE START.
To invert the direction of motion use this procedure:

1. Press BLOCK RETRACE, enter [N] in the ENABLE field of the data entry window and enter
[Y] in the EMIT AUXIL FUNCT field if you want the auxiliary functions to be emitted during the
forward stage of the BLOCK RETRACE move, or enter [N] if you do not want the auxiliary
functions to be emitted. Then confirm with [ENTER].
2. Press the CYCLE START button. The axes will move in the mode selected at the previous step.
• During part program execution in AUTO mode the BLOCK RETRACE function can be
performed in BLK/BLK mode. Part program execution will be resumed automatically when the
profile has been retraced and the axes have returned to their stop point.
• When the BLOCK RETRACE function is active the axes move in point-to-point mode (G29) in
the backwords retrace, while in the forwards trace they are executed according to the
programmed modality (G27,G28,G29).
• In BLOCK RETRACE mode, the control unit performs the motion blocks only and, on request,
the emission of auxiliary functions; assignment blocks are ignored.
• The emission of auxiliary functions during the BLOCK RETRACE forward move can also be
enabled by assigning the MBA process variable.
MBA = 1, emission is enabled
MBA = 0, emission is disabled
• When the BLOCK RETRACE function is active the feedrate can be altered with the FEEDRATE
OVERRIDE function (see later in this chapter).

11-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

Executing blocks from keyboard

The system permits to execute blocks entered from keyboard (MDI) both when a part program is
active and when no part program is selected.

MDI execution without an active part program

The procedure is as follows:

1. Press the AUTO softkey from the main menu.

2. Press the MDI softkey to enable manual data input mode. The system displays a window for the
operator to key in the desired block. When enabled, the MDI softkey is yellow.




3. Write the block to be executed in the data entry window.

4. Press [Enter] to confirm the input block. As the block is confirmed, the MDI line displayed in the
data entry window will turn white. When the data entry window is opened, the displayed MDI
line is always the last confirmed block. If no block has been confirmed, this line will be void. By
pressing any key, the confirmed block will be disabled.
5. Press CYCLE START to execute the inserted block.

To input other blocks for execution repeat steps 3 and 4. To cancel the contents of the MDI line
press the [Clear line] key. To disable MDI mode, press MDI again. This softkey will return white.

Using the [Up Arrow] and [Down Arrow] keys with the MDI input window active, the last MDI
blocks set are reactivated and can be executed again by pressing the CYCLE START button.

The last 10 blocks set are stored.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 11-7

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

MDI execution with an active part program

While the system is executing a part program it is possible to execute blocks in MDI mode. The
input block does not affect the active part program and is not retained in the system memory.

To execute a block in MDI mode use this procedure:

1. Press the MDI softkey to enable manual data input mode. The system displays a window for the
operator to key in the desired block. If the program has not been stopped with the BLK/BLK
softkey, the system will stop after executing all the pre-analysed blocks.
2. Write the block to be executed in the data entry window and press [Enter] to confirm it.
3. Press CYCLE START to execute the confirmed block.

To input other blocks for execution repeat steps 3 and 4. To cancel the contents of the MDI line
press the CLEAR LINE key. To disable MDI mode, press MDI again. This softkey will return white.

To restore automatic part program execution press CYCLE START. To resume block-by-block
execution re-press BLK/BLK and then press CYCLE START.

IMPORTANT If MDI is pressed during automatic execution, the system executes all the
preanalysed blocks and then stops. After MDI execution, return to auto or
block-by-block mode and press CYCLE START.

Execution of paramacros in MDI mode

This function makes it possible to run in MDI mode the paramacros called implicitly by the S,T,M,
auxiliary functions, which must have been configured beforehand as paramacros.
For information on how to configure and program these functions as paramacros, see the AMP
Manual and the Programming Manual.
To run a paramacro in MDI mode, proceed as follows:
1. Activate the auxiliary function in MDI mode, as described in points 1 and 2 of the previous
paragraph. This displays the name of the corresponding paramacro in the list of active
2. Deactivate the MDI mode by pressing the MDI softkey again.
3. Press the [CYCLE START] button to execute the paramacro.
At the end of the execution, the paramacro is closed and the system returns to MDI mode.

If you try to activate the same paramacro several times, the error message “programme already
selected” (error 149) appears.

11-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

Executing part of a program

When part program blocks are numbered the system can execute the part of program delimited by
two block numbers.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Select and activate the part program.

2. From the AUTO menu, press the EXEC FROM:TO softkey to display the data entry window


FROM BLOCK NUMBER: N░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░


3. Key in the starting and end block numbers

4. Press [Enter] or the EXEC FROM:TO softkey
5. Press CYCLE START to start executing the part of the program delimited by the specified

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 11-9

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

Modifying blocks in BLK/BLK mode

Part program blocks can be altered and executed from the keyboard. These alterations do not
affect the original programmed block and are not saved in the active program.

To modify a programmed block use this procedure:

1. Press the AUTO softkey in the main menu.

2. Press the BLK/BLK softkey.
3. Execute the program up to the block to be edited.
4. Press the MDI softkey to enable MDI mode.
5. Press the BLOCK MODIFY softkey to display the block on the data entry window.
6. Edit the block displayed in the data entry window and press [Enter] to confirm the
7. To execute the modified block press CYCLE START.
8. To quit the BLOCK MODIFY status press the MDI softkey, which closes the data entry window,
and re-press BLK/BLK.

This procedure is not applicable when tool offset is active (G41, G42).

Restoring a part program

When the system is in block-by-block mode the [Up/Down Arrow keys] permit to scroll the part
program listing backwards or forwards.

To return the cursor to the block programmed after the last executed block, press HOME.
Execution may now be resumed from this point.

11-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

Search for a string

The following procedure permits to search for a string of characters in an active program.

1. Press the STRING SEARCH softkey in the AUTO menu. The system displays a data entry
window for inputting the desired ASCII string.
2. Input the ASCII string.
3. Press STRING SEARCH or [Enter] to confirm the string.
4. Press the [Up Arrow key] to search for the string upwards or [Down Arrow] to start a search

When the search is completed, the string is displayed in reverse mode.

If the string is not found after searching in a given direction, one of the following error messages
appears: "End of File" or "Beginning of File".

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 11-11

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

Overriding the programmed feedrate

The feedrate value to be used in the program is specified by the F value parameter. To alter this
value without modifying the program use this procedure:

1. From the AUTO menu, press the OVERRIDE SEL softkey until the labels of first two softkeys
on the third line are FEEDRATE + and FEEDRATE -.

2. Press the FEEDRATE + or FEEDRATE - softkeys to increment/decrement the programmed

value. Each time one of these softkeys is pressed a 12,5% increment/decrement is applied. The
allowed variation ranges from 0% to 125% of the configured value. If the configured value is the
maximum feedrate, variation will range from 0% to 100%.

If the programmed feedrate value is 2000 MMPM (mm per minute) and a 50% variation is applied,
the actual feedrate will be 1000 MMPM.

11-12 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

Overriding the spindle speed

The spindle speed value to be used in the program is specified by the S value parameter. To alter
this value without modifying the program use this procedure:

1. From the AUTO menu, press the OVERRIDE SEL softkey until the labels of first two softkeys
on the third line are SPND OVER + and SPND OVER -.

2. Press SPND OVER + or SPND OVER - to increment/decrement the programmed spindle

speed. Each time one of these softkeys is pressed a 12,5% increment/decrement is applied.
Allowed increments/decrements range from 50% to 150% of the configured value.

If the programmed spindle speed is 1500 RPM and a 50% variation is applied, the actual spindle
speed will be 750 RPM.

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Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

Overriding the rapid

The rapid is configured in AMP. To alter this value use this procedure:

1. From the AUTO menu, press the OVERRIDE SEL softkey until the labels of first two softkeys
on the third line are RAPID OVER + and RAPID OVER -.

2. Press RAPID OVER + or RAPID OVER - to increment/decrement the configured rapid. Each
time one of these softkeys is pressed a 12,5% increment/decrement is applied. Allowed
increments/decrements range from 0% to 125% of the configured value.

If the configured rapid is 3000 MMPM (millimeters per minute) and a 50% variation is applied, the
actual rapid will be 1500 MMPM.

Execution in Dry Run mode

In Dry Run mode (with axes disconnected), it is possible to try to execute a part program without
any command being sent to the drives of the axes or to the machine logic (I/O inhibited).

This feature is activated by pressing the DRY RUN softkey in the AUTO menu.

With DRY RUN active, it is also possible to verify program correctness graphically by way of the

For further details about use of MACHINE PLOT, see chapter 12.

11-14 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

Memory searching means searching for the interruption block and subsequently resume the
interrupted cycle automatically or searching for a pre-set block where to start machining.
The parameters which identify univocal an executing cycle are stored and continuously updated
during the execution of the program.
According to these parameters it is possible to carry out an automatic searching.

Memory searching can be accomplished in two ways:

• Automatic memory searching for the interruption block (due to switch-off or reset of the
• Memory searching for a pre-set block.

Automatic searching
To search automatically for the block which interrupted the part program, proceed as follows:

1. Select the part program in which machining was interrupted.

2. Set AUTO mode (AUTO is displayed).
3. Press the SEARCH MEMORY softkey: the system enters the SEARCHING mode and the first
line of the screen displays RCM ON reverse image.
4. Press CYCLE START: the system runs the searching and in the end the message NC156 end
of search in memory and the programmed dimensions of the axes position for the cycle reset
are displayed. The block of the part program which will be executed at the end of the search,
when the program is restarted, is displayed on reverse image. By switching to BLK/BLK and
pressing CYCLE START, the search can be continued to the desired block.
5. Press again the SEARCH MEMORY softkey to exit from MEMORY SEARCH mode.

The systems is now ready to restart the working cycle.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 11-15

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

Searching for a pre-set block

To search for a Nxxxx block of a part program proceed as follows:

1. Select the part program.

2. Set AUTO mode (AUTO is displayed).
3. Press the SEARCH MEMORY softkey: the system enters the SEARCHING mode and the first
line of the screen displays RCM ON reverse image.
4. Press the EXEC FROM:TO softkey and set the starting and the finishing blocks for the memory
searching in the data entry. The starting block can also be omitted (by default part program
starts with the first block); the finishing block stands for the previous block from which you want
to restart the cycle. The searching blocks cannot be included in a subprogram.
5. Press CYCLE START: the system runs the searching and in the end the message NC 156 End
of search in memory and the programmed dimensions for the position of the cycle reset are
displayed. The block of the part program which will be executed at the end of the search, when
the program is restarted, is displayed on reverse image. By switching to BLK/BLK and pressing
CYCLE START, the search can be continued to the desired block.
6. Press again the SEARCH MEMORY softkey to exit from MEMORY SEARCH mode.

Before exiting the MEMORY SEARCH mode, it is possible to continue the searching up to another
block resetting the number by means of the EXEC FROM:TO softkey and pressing CYCLE START

Restarting a working cycle

After exiting the MEMORY SEARCH mode to restart the working cycle, proceed as follows:

1. Press CYCLE START: the system send auxiliary functions to the machine logic and enters
HOLD status. Auxiliary functions are sent also in SEARCHING mode provided that the logic has
been adequately pre-set.
2. Position axes on the programmed dimensions reversing on the profile (JOG RETURN softkey,
MANUAL mode).
4. Press HOLD to exit from HOLD status.
5. Press CYCLE START to restore the working cycle.

11-16 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution

Searching mode

• When using multiprocess systems, memory searching can be accomplished on the first four
processes only.
• When an interrupted cycle is restored automatically, the program is restarted from the beginning
of the block where the interruption took place. When a cycle is restored from a pre-set block, it
is restarted from the block next to the one searched.
• Automatically resuming the search, if the position of the start of the search is changed, for
example, switching to BLK/BLK and using the arrow keys or setting the starting block only in
the data entry EXEC FROM:TO:, the search starts from the new position and ends when the
system has executed the number of blocks stored throughout the machining phase.
The same thing happens when a search is carried out for a set block if the TO block is not
• Automatic searching is only possible provided the relevant configuration (AMP) is abilitated. It
can only be used when machining is executed at the beginning of the part program. Similarly, if
during a working cycle MDI-blocks are executed, memory searching subsequently run on that
part program would not work.
• When machine is switched off, modified data from PROGRAM SET UP or from other data
entries are erased.
• When searching, variable allocation blocks are always executed.
• Searching is not operating properly when part program makes use of variables written or read
from logic or from other environment.
• Following are listed the strings that can and can not be used within a part program in order to
execute a memory searching:

− The following strings are accepted in searching mode:


− The following string is accepted but non executed in searching mode:


− The following strings are not accepted in searching mode:


Besides the following tracing cycles are not accepted:G72, G73, G74.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) 11-17

Chapter 11
Part Program Execution


11-18 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Chapter 12


Machine Plot is a utility permitting graphic display of the part profile; there are two different modes

• With axes connected, during actual work on the part.

• With axes disconnected (Dry Run mode).

This chapter is divided into two parts; in the first part, operation of the utility is described in axes
connected mode; the second part deals with operation with axes disconnected (Dry Run mode).


The utility may be activated manually with the softkeys, or by way of the manipulations described in
this chapter. The tool path is displayed as the part program is executed.
It is also possible to activate Machine Plot directly from the part program using three-letter code
UGS (Use of Graphic Scale).
When instruction UGS is programmed, the cartesian axes are displayed on the screen and the
profile followed by the tool is visualised.

For details on this three-letter code and how to use it, see the 10 Series Programming Manual.

When the Machine Plot utility has already been activated through the softkeys, programming
instruction UGS has no effect (the parameters set manually remain valid). On the other hand, if the
utility is started from the part program, operation may be interrupted manually at any time and the
parameters altered at will. In other words, the manual setting always has precedence.

10 Series CNC User Manual (05) 12-1

Chapter 12
Machine Plot

User interface with axes connected

MACHINE PLOT provides a user interface that permits to configure and alter the tool path along
the profile.

Different modes of display and enlargement are also offered:

• Two and three dimensional graphics.

• Orientation of visualised axes (for 2D graphics).
• Visualisation of the programmed and actual tool paths for an evaluattion of the variance
between them.
• Visualisation of specific profile points on which the marker is positioned.
• Possibility to enlarge parts of the profile.
• Possibility to establish the sampling time (tick in milliseconds) in order to increase or lower the
number of points visualised on the profile.

The smaller the tick, the higher the calculation time.

The user interface consists of a specific video page and a menu of softkeys, with which to
configure and activate the features of the utility.

12-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (05)

Chapter 12
Machine Plot

Machine Plot video page with axes connected

To access the MACHINE PLOT axes connected environment from the main menu, press the
AUTO and then MACHINE PLOT softkeys in order. The data area of the MACHINE PLOT page is
initially empty. When visualisation of the path is activated, the page layout will be as follows:

Machine Plot DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

proc=1 X : + xxxxx.xxxxx
Y : + xxxxx.xxxxx
Axes coordinates --->
Part program block Z : + xxxxx.xxxxx
Tool path graphics area



-xxx.xx +xxx.xx X

The data area provides general information that recurs on every video page; in addition, the
following specific items are included:

Axes coordinates While the system processes a given point this window displays
the point coordinates for the axes configured in the data entry
window opened with the CONFIG softkey.

Part program block This line displays the part program block in execution.

Path display area This area displays two cartesian axes whose orientation is
configurable. They appear together with the following
MACHINE PLOT configuration parameters:

− axes names
− minimum and maximum coordinates

10 Series CNC User Manual (05) 12-3

Chapter 12
Machine Plot

Softkeys active in axes connected mode

The softkeys available in MACHINE PLOT environment, axes connected mode, have the following


CONFIG Opens a data entry window that permits to set all the MACHINE PLOT
parameters: visualisation mode, axes names, axes orientation, axes limits,
sampling tick, etc.

PLOT Starts graphic visualisation of the processed coordinates.

CHECK Displays the last 16,000 points stored in the plotting buffer. If the configured
visualisation mode is 2D graphics with programmed and actual tool path, the
programmed path will be displayed in white and the actual path will be
displayed in red.

CLEAR SCREEN Clears the visualised path from the screen.

ZOOM Permits to enlarge a desired portion of the path. The first time you press this
key the system displays a window in which you can set the zoom scale. This
window can be moved to the desired profile portion with the [+]and [-] keys. If
you press ZOOM again the window will be enlarged to full screen size. The
coordinates on the axes are the limits of the previous window.

DIMENSION When you press this softkey, a cross shaped cursor appears in the centre of
the screen and its coordinates are displayed in the top right corner.
The arrow keys may be used to move the cross to any point of the profile.
Each time an arrow key is pressed, there is a movement of one step; dimension
of the step can be adjusted by pressing [+]and [-].

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Chapter 12
Machine Plot


Before visualising a profile it is necessary to configure the MACHINE PLOT parameters. These
parameters are listed in a 2 page data entry window accessible through the CONFIG softkey. The
first page displays the following parameters:


- Sampling tick (ms) : 8

- Process number : 1
- Horizontal axis name : X
- Vertical axis name : Y
- Third axis name :
- Axes orientation : 1
- Plot type (1/2/3) : 1
1 - 2D work position
2 - 2D work + machine position
3 - 3D work position


The meaning of these fields is as follows:

Sampling tick This is the sampling tick used by the system for reading profile points. It
must be equal to or a multiple of the system tick and is expressed in
The allowed value is an integer from 2 to 65535.
If the selected value is too small (less than 8 milliseconds), the drawing
time can be longer than the actual machining time.

Process number Is the number of the visualised process. It may range from 1 and the
highest number of process configurations.

Horizontal axis name Is the name of the axis to be used as abscissa of the graphics. It normally
coincides with the X axis but may be any other configured axis.
Allowed axes names are: [X], [Y], [Z], [A], [B], [C], [D], [P], [Q], [W], [V],
[U] (capitals).

Vertical axis name Is the name of the axis to be used as ordinate of the graphics. It normally
coincides with the Y axis but may be any other configured axis.
Allowed axes names are: [X], [Y], [Z], [A], [B], [C], [D], [P], [Q], [W], [V],
[U] (capitals).

Third axis name Is the name of the third axis for 3D graphics. It normally coincides with
the Z axis but may be any other configured axis.
Allowed axes names are: [X], [Y], [Z], [A], [B], [C], [D], [P], [Q], [W], [V],
[U] (capitals).

10 Series CNC User Manual (05) 12-5

Chapter 12
Machine Plot

Axes orientation This parameter defines the orientation of the visualised axes. Allowed
values are illustrated in the figure below:

1 2

3 4

Values from 1 to 4 select 2D path visualisation on the four quadrants of

the plane. 5 selects 3D visualisation.

Plot type (1/2/3) Defines the visualisation mode. Allowed options are as follows:

[1] Visualisation of the programmed path(work)

[2] Visualisation of the programmed path (work) and the actual path
(machine position).
[3] 3 D visualisation.

If Plot type is [2], both paths will be visualised only if the verification is
enabled with the CHECK softkey. If plotting rather than verification has
been enabled (by pressing PLOT rather than CHECK) only the
programmed path will be visualised. Further information about graphics
verification is provided later in this chapter.

With 3D visualisation, capture of point dimensions is not possible so the

relative softkey (ZOOM and DIMENSION) is disabled.

IMPORTANT When MACHINE PLOT is invoked from part program with the UGS code,
Plot Type is always 1.

12-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (05)

Chapter 12
Machine Plot

After all the parameters on this page have been set, press [PgDn] to display the second page.
The complete second page illustrated in the figure below appears in case of 3D visualisation. If 2D
visualisation has been selected, angle parameters α and β will not be included in the list of
parameters, and the icon showing a system of cartesian axes used for 3D axes orientation will not
be displayed on the lower left corner of the screen.



α = 0.00000

β = 0.00000

0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000


Here is the complete set of MACHINE PLOT parameters displayed on page 2:

Min. abscissa (X) This coordinate appears next to the axes origin. It is the
minimum abscissa displayed in the graphic and is expressed
in the unit configured for that process (mm or inches).
The allowed value ranges from -99999.99999 to

Max. abscissa (X) This coordinate appears on the right hand end of the
abscissa. It is the maximum abscissa displayed in the
graphic and is expressed in the unit configured for that
process (mm or inches).
The allowed value ranges from -99999.99999 to

Max. ordinate (Y) This coordinate appears next to the axes origin. It is the
ordinate abscissa displayed in the graphic and is expressed
in the unit configured for that process (mm or inches).
The allowed value ranges from -99999.99999 to

10 Series CNC User Manual (05) 12-7

Chapter 12
Machine Plot

Max. ordinate (Y) This coordinate appears on the upper end of the ordinate
axis. It is the minimum ordinate displayed in the graphic and
is expressed in the unit configured for that process (mm or
The allowed value ranges from -99999.99999 to

Min. vertical coordinate (Z) It is the minimum vertical coordinate displayed in the
graphic and is expressed in the unit configured for that
process (mm or inches).
The allowed value ranges from -99999.99999 to

Max. vertical coordinate (Z) It is the maximum vertical coordinate displayed in the
graphic and is expressed in the unit configured for that
process (mm or inches).
The allowed value ranges from -99999.99999 to

α angle It is the rotation to be applied to the horizontal plane in case

of 3D visualisation. The horizontal plane is typically XY.
The allowed value ranges from -359.99999 to +359.99999.

β angle It is the rotation to be applied to the vertical plane in case of

3D visualisation. Vertical planes are typically XZ and YZ.
The allowed value ranges from -359.99999 to +359.99999.

Prior to establishing maximum and minimum limits you must decide whether to visualise the whole
of the profile or just part of it.

In the first case minimum and maximum limits must be greater than or equal to the minimum or
maximum coordinates reached by the machining process.

After writing all of the parameters press [Enter] or CONFIG to close the window.

12-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (05)

Chapter 12
Machine Plot


To draw the profile of a programmed machining process and currently in execution on the machine
tool (axes connected mode), use this procedure:

1. Select and activate the desired program (see chapter 10).

2. Press AUTO.
3. If necessary, configure the MACHINE PLOT parameters as described in the above section.
4. Press PLOT.
5. Press CYCLE START: the system will start executing the program and drawing the graphic.
The layout of the graphic screen is as shown in the figure on page 12-11:

The coordinates displayed on the upper right corner vary as the cycle proceeds. The line displayed
above the ordinate axis shows the program block in execution.
To interrupt the drawing at any moment press PLOT. When the process stops the last executed
part program block will be displayed.

The number of visualised points is inversely proportional to the Sampling tick configured in the
MACHINE PLOT window: the smaller the tick the higher the number of points. The Sampling tick
also affects the velocity at which the graphics is displayed. If the tick is tool small, the graphics may
terminate after the cycle.
The ideal solution is to assign the same value to both cycle and MACHINE PLOT ticks. In certain
simulations, however, it may be preferable to use different values.

Machine Plot DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

X : + 25.00000
Y : + 34.00000
N52X25Y34 Z:



0.000 60.000 X


Drawing a profile example

10 Series CNC User Manual (05) 12-9

Chapter 12
Machine Plot


When you press PLOT with Plot type 1 or 2 the system displays only the programmed path. To
also visualise the actual machining path follow these steps:

1. Run an ordinary path visualisation with the procedure described in the previous section.
2. When the whole cycle or the part of the profile to be monitored is completed press CHECK.
The system will display the last 16,000 processed points stored in the plotting buffer or, if the actual
number of processed points is less than 16,000, the complete profile that was executed before the
interruption occurred.

With Plot type 2 the actual profile and the programmed profile will be displayed in different colours.
However, both profiles tend to overlap, thus making it difficult to tell which points belong to each of

The programmed path will be displayed with white colour points while the actual profile will be
displayed in red

Since a greater variance between both profiles can improve resolution but also generate a servo
error, in this case it is advisable to use the Zoom option.

The Sampling tick affects the velocity and resolution of both graphics.

12-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (05)

Chapter 12
Machine Plot

This extremely powerful option may be used to enlarge the selected portion of the profile, better
illustrating the deviations between programmed and actual profiles. Successive zooms are also

The ZOOM softkey is enabled with Plot type 1 and is used for graphic verifications with Plot type 2.
When you press ZOOM the following window appears:

N52X25Y34 Z:



0.000 60.000 X


This window delimits the part of the profile that can be enlarged to full screen size. Press [+] or [-]
to enlarge or reduce the window. [+] enlarges the window but reduces resolution, whereas [-] has
the opposite effect.

To position the zoom window on other parts of the profile use the arrow keys.

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Chapter 12
Machine Plot

After optimising the position and size of the window, press ZOOM again. The area delimited by the
window will be enlarged to full screen size as illustrated in the figure below:

N52X25Y34 Z:



30.000 45.000 X


The coordinates displayed on each cartesian axis are the limits of the zoom window and permit
calculation of size of the enlarged area.

Depending on the configured tick, the profile may be a continuous line or an array of points. The
number of points in the profile also depends on the drawing velocity.

To further enlarge a portion of the zoomed profile, dimension and re-position the window and then
press ZOOM again.

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Chapter 12
Machine Plot


The visualised profile can be used for capturing the coordinates of its points. Greater accuracy can
be obtained if points are captured from enlarged portions of the profile.

To capture a coordinate follow these steps:

1. Enlarge the profile area with ZOOM.

2. Press DIMENSION. A cross will appear that shows the position of the cursor; these coordinates
are displayed in a window in the upper right corner of the screen. The layout of the page, in
which the profile on the previous figure has been greatly zoomed, is as follows:

Machine Plot DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

X : + 38.91200
Y : + 32.75000
N52X25Y34 Z:



38.000 39.500 X


10 Series CNC User Manual (05) 12-13

Chapter 12
Machine Plot

From the above figure, it may be noted that:

• the cross cursor and a window with the coordinates of its position are displayed.
• resolution is so high that the profile is displayed as a sequence of points rather than as a
continuous line (the axes coordinates tell you that the enlarged area measures 1 mmx1.5 mm).
• deceleration on the bevel is shown by a greater concentration of points on the vertical line.
• we assume that the profile was zoomed for verification with Plot type 2 mode and the points on
the vertical line are displayed in two different colors.

To move the cross to any point in the profile press the arrow keys. The cross moves step by step.
To increment and decrement the step press [+] and [-]. When you press [+] the step increases,
and the marker moves at a faster pace but with less accuracy. By pressing [-] you can obtain the
opposite effect.

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Chapter 12
Machine Plot


This second section of the chapter describes how to use Machine Plot with axes disconnected (Dry
Run mode).

This feature is activated ny pressing softkey DRY RUN in the AUTO menu. With DRY RUN active,
the part program is executed without any command being sent to the drives of the axes ('axes
disconnected') and to the machine logic (I/O inhibited).

The graphic utility is activated in the same way, from both the part program (three-letter code UGS)
and using the MACHINE PLOT softkey.

Configuration and functionality in use with axes disconnected

Even if used with DRY RUN active, some of the Machine Plot characteristics remain unaltered,
others differ slightly, while others may be configured differently with the CONFIG softkey.

Main features of the utility used with axes disconnected are:

• Visualisation of movement entities rather than real points.

• Visualisation of the tool and offset in use.
• Diversification between movements executed in rapid (dashed line) and movements executed
at the programmed rate (continuous line).
• Visualisation in 2D or 3D.
• Possibility of selecting orientation of the axes visualized.
• Visualisation of the coordinates of points visualised in the diagram by setting a graphic pointer
on them.
• Possibility of performing zooms of sections of profiles.

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Chapter 12
Machine Plot

Video page with axes disconnected (Dry Run Active)

To access the MACHINE PLOT axes disconnected environment from the system main menu,
press the AUTO, DRY RUN and MACHINE PLOT softkeys in the order.

The DRY RUN softkey is a toggle key, the feature being active when the softkey appears in
highlight colour.

The data area of the MACHINE PLOT page is initially empty. When visualisation of the path is
activated, the page layout will be as follows:

Graphic verify DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

X : + xxxxx.xxxxx
Y : + xxxxx.xxxxx
Quote assi --->
Riga di part program Z : + xxxxx.xxxxx
proc=1 tool=0 offset=0



-xxx.xx +xxx.xx X

The data area provides general information that recurs on every video page; in addition, the
following specific items are included:

Axes coordinates This window displays the point coordinates calculated in part
program, referrred to the origin currently applied.

Part program block This line displays the part program block in execution.

Path display area This is the main area of the screen and displays two cartesian
axes whose orientation is configurable.
The dimensions of the axes are referred to the origin which is
applied at the time drawing the graph starts:

12-16 10 Series CNC User Manual (05)

Chapter 12
Machine Plot

Softkeys active in axes disconnected mode (dry run)

The softkeys in the MACHINE PLOT environment when used in dry run mode perform the
following functions:


CONFIG Opens an input window in which all the parameters available in dry run
mode can be configured.

VERIFY Permits visualisation of the path as the part program is being executed.

CLEAR SCREEN Deletes the path drawn from the screen.

EXAME GRAPHIC Opens a submenu, in which the retrace and analysis functions available
for an executed path are available. The softkeys associated with the

10 Series CNC User Manual (05) 12-17

Chapter 12
Machine Plot


Before visualising a profile it is necessary to configure the MACHINE PLOT parameters. These
parameters are listed in a 2 page data entry window accessible through the CONFIG softkey. The
first page displays the following parameters:


- horizontal axis name : X

- vertical axis name : Y
- third axis name :
- axes orientation : 1
- block display (Y/N) : Y
- rapid movement plot (Y/N) : Y
- tool colour trace (Y/N) : N


Significance of the fields in this input window is as follows:

Horizontal axis name Is the name of the axis to be used as abscissa of the graphics. It normally
coincides with the X axis but may be any other configured axis.
Allowed axes names are: [X], [Y], [Z], [A], [B], [C], [D], [P], [Q], [W], [V],
[U] (capitals).

Vertical axis name Is the name of the axis to be used as ordinate of the graphics. It normally
coincides with the Y axis but may be any other configured axis.
Allowed axes names are: [X], [Y], [Z], [A], [B], [C], [D], [P], [Q], [W], [V],
[U] (capitals).

Third axis name Is the name of the third axis for 3D graphics. It normally coincides with
the Z axis but may be any other configured axis.
Allowed axes names are: [X], [Y], [Z], [A], [B], [C], [D], [P], [Q], [W], [V],
[U] (capitals).

12-18 10 Series CNC User Manual (05)

Chapter 12
Machine Plot

Axes orientation This parameter defines the orientation of the visualised axes. Allowed
values are illustrated in the figure below:

1 2

3 4

Block display (Y/N) This parameter enables (or disables) visualisation of the part program
block currently being executed, in the window at the top left of the screen.

Rapid movement plot Enables/disables display in dashed lines of movements in G0 mode

(Y/N) (rapid).
The default is [Y].

Tool colour trace Enables/disables a trace colour change on each tool change. This
(Y/N) functionality permits highlighting of the stretches of work performed with
the same tool.
There are 14 different trace colours available, used in rotation on each
tool change.
On programming of T0M6 (offload tool), the trace stays the same colour
as before.

After all the parameters on this page have been set, press [PgDn] to display the second page.

10 Series CNC User Manual (05) 12-19

Chapter 12
Machine Plot

The complete second page illustrated in the figure below appears in case of 3D visualisation. If 2D
visualisation has been selected, angle parameters α and β will not be included in the list of
parameters, and the icon showing a system of cartesian axes used for 3D axes orientation will not
be displayed in the lower left corner of the screen.



α = 0.00000

β = 0.00000

0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000


This screen page is compiled in exactly the same way as described on page 12-5 in the section
related to the axes connected mode.

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Chapter 12
Machine Plot


The VERIFY softkey permits graphic verification of a profile during part program execution with
axes disconnected.

This softkey is toggle type, each time it is pressed, it changes status, enabling/disabling drawing.

Deletes the graphic drawn in the display area.

This softkey opens a submenu in which the executed path retrace and analysis functions are

The softkeys associated with this submenu are as follows:



REDRAW Redraws the profile graphic, in the original dimensions.

ZOOM Enlarges the selected portion of the graph; use of the ZOOM function is
illustrated on page 12-11.

DIMENSION Makes possible capture of the coordinates of the single points of the graphic
path; use of the DIMENSION function is illustrated on page 12-13.

CLEAR SCREEN Deletes the graph drawn in the display area.

10 Series CNC User Manual (05) 12-21

Chapter 12
Machine Plot


12-22 10 Series CNC User Manual (05)

Chapter 13

DOS SHELL is a utility that permits to operate with the files resident in the hard disk, in the floppy
disk or in a remote unit. Typical DOS SHELL operations are: file copy, file delete, creation of a
directory, file print, etc.

DOS SHELL can manage any file recognised by the system. If the system has a stand-alone
configuration, DOS SHELL operates only with local disks, i.e. disks present in the system. If the
system is linked to a local area network, DOS SHELL operates both with local disks and with disks
resident in the network host. DOS SHELL can access remote disk units and printers only if one of
the following options is available: MINI-DNC, Ethernet or Serial.

DOS SHELL provides the user with a series of commands that permit to execute file management
operations. These commands can be enabled by means of the softkeys in the DOS SHELL menu.
They may request the user to input parameter values in specific data entry windows.


To launch DOS SHELL press the UTILITY softkey from the main menu and then the DOS SHELL
softkey. The DOS SHELL video page is shown in the figure below.

DOS SHELL can also be launched if the system has been started in emergency mode,
keeping F1 pressed during bootstrap.

10 Series CNC User Manual (02) 13-1

Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The data entry windows of the DOS SHELL commands are made up of fields, each of which shows
the default value that corresponds to a given parameter. These values may be re-defined from the

DOS SHELL DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00



A: Local
E: Local
K: \\server\diskC
LPT1 Local



In some commands, such as DELETE or MKDIR, the parameter to be defined is a pathname. If no

directory has been visualised with the DIRECTORY command, the default pathname is that of the
last executed command of the same type. If no such command has been executed, there is no
default pathname. If a directory has been visualised with the DIRECTORY command, the default
pathname is that of the visualised directory and the default file is the one marked by the selection

Some commands, such as COPY request to input two pathnames. If no directory has been
visualised with the DIRECTORY command, the default pathnames will be those of the last
executed command of the same type. If a directory has been visualised with the DIRECTORY
command, the default source pathnames will be the last visualised ones.

13-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 13
Dos Shell

The pathnames must be written in full. For example, if the following directory tree resides in the A:





Correct pathnames will be:


The following pathnames are not allowed:


The notions of source and destination pathname are discussed in the DIRECTORY section.

10 Series CNC User Manual (02) 13-3

Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The DIRECTORY command permits to visualise a page that provides information about the files
stored in the specified directory as well as general information about the disk that accomodates
them. Files are listed in alphabetical order and can be selected by moving the selection bar with
the [Up/Down Arrows]. The selected file is also the current file and becomes the default source
file for file management commands such as COPY. A typical DOS SHELL directory is shown in the
picture below:

DOS SHELL DATE: 15/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

Disk has no label

Directory of e:\mydir


<DIR> 30/10/93 10:25
<DIR> 30/10/93 14:05
____ AB DOC 0002732 31/10/93 16:18
____ BACKG DOC 0000805 31/10/93 16:21
____ CHKUSE DOC 0003596 31/10/93 16:25
a___ DEC_CNFG ASC 0011108 10/11/93 09:50
a___ DEC_CNFG OTX 0008295 15/11/93 10:45
DNC <DIR> 17/11/93 11:17
a___ DOSSHELL ASC 0032820 22/11/93 15:17
a___ DOSSHELL DOC 0000536 02/12/93 10:32
a___ DOSSHELL OTX 0024602 05/12/93 14:35
____ FTPN_FSP ASC 0128126 06/12/93 11:34
____ FTPN_USE ASC 0147361 06/12/93 16:12
a___ GLOSSARY GLO 0006898 10/12/93 08:47
____ HUM_FUNE DOC 0002730 10/12/93 10:22

Free space : 004354048 Total files : 0023 Total space : 026599424


13-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 13
Dos Shell

The file directory may occupy several pages. To visualise other pages, press these keys:


displays the subsequent page

displays the previous page

displays the first page

displays the last page

If a help or data entry window is active, [PgDn] and [PgUp] do not permit to select other directory
pages. You can use these keys for browsing through the help pages.

The meaning of the various fields and/or messages is as follows:

• General disk information

Disk label is specifies the label associated to the disk.
Disk has no label specifies that no label is associated to the selected disk.
Directory of indicates the complete pathname of the visualised directory.
Free space indicates the amount of free disk space in bytes.
Total Files indicates the number of files or directories stored in the specified pathname.
Total space indicates the total disk capacity in bytes.

• For each file the following informations are provided:

ATTR file attributes:
a archive
r read only
h hidden
s system.

NAME file name (max. 8 characters).

EXT file extension (max 3 characters).
LENGTH file length in bytes. If the name corresponds to a directory, the <DIR> string
will be displayed in this field.
DATE date of file creation or last alteration with the dd/mm/yy format.
TIME time of file creation or last alteration with the hh:mm format.

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Chapter 13
Dos Shell


This section describes the DOS SHELL commands in alphabetical order.

In the table that follows each command is listed under the relevant softkey name.


ABORT permits to abort a COPY/PRINT command.

BACKUP permits to backup a file or a group of files on a diskette.

COPY permits to duplicate the specified file.

DELETE permits to delete a file or a directory.

DIRECTORY visualises the contents of a directory.

EDIT enables the line editor for files.

EXIT permits to exit from DOS SHELL.

FORMAT permits to format a diskette.

HELP visualises help information in a window.

MKDIR permits to create a directory.

PRINT permits to print a file.

RENAME permits to change the name of a file or a directory.

RESTORE permits to restore a backup copy on the hard disk.

SHOW DRIVES permits to visualise information about the configured disk drives.

XCOPY permits to copy a tree of directories and subdirectories.

13-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The ABORT command forces the system to end the current COPY/PRINT session. The ABORT
softkey is enabled when COPY/PRINT is active.


The BACKUP command permits to make a backup copy of a file or group of files on a diskette.
This backup copy is fully compatible with the DOS 3.30a BACKUP format. BACKUP also permits
to format the diskette during the copy.


From: E:

Subdirectories ?: Y Format diskette ?: N

From specifies the pathname of the file/s to be backed up. Characters "*" and "?"
are allowed.

Values: up to 65 alphanumeric characters.

Default: last pathname of which a BACKUP or a RESTORE. have been
executed. No default appears for the first BACKUP command if it
has not been preceded by a RESTORE.

Subdirectories request to make a backup copy of all the subdirectories in the specified

Values: [Y] = Yes; [N] = No

Default: [Y]

Format diskette request to format the diskette during the backup session. The only format
available with DOS SHELL is 1.44 MB HD..

Values: [Y] = Yes; [N] = No

Default: [N]


If the pathname specified in the From field terminates by a directory and the subdirectory field is to
[Y] this command will backup all the files in the directory plus all the files in all the subdirectories. If
the pathname specified in the From field terminates by a file or a group of files and the subdirectory
field is to [Y], this command will backup all the specified files and all the files having similar
characteristics stored in the subdirectories.

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Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The COPY command permits to duplicate a file or group of files.


To : a:\docum\*.*

From specifies the pathname of the file/s to be backed up. Characters "*" and "?"
are allowed.

Values: up to 65 alphanumeric characters.

Default: last copied pathname or current file name. The current file is that
selected during the last visualisation of the directory. No default
name will be given during the first COPY unless it has been
preceded by a DIRECTORY command.

To specifies the destination pathname to which the copy will be made. "*" and
"?" are not allowed except in the "*.*" sequence.

Values: up to 65 alphanumeric characters.

Default: last copied pathname or current file name. The current file is that
selected during the last visualisation of the directory. No default
name will be given during the first COPY unless it has been
preceded by a DIRECTORY command.

For further information about source and destination pathnames refer to the description of the
DIRECTORY command.


If the current file or the pathname specified in the From field is a subdirectory, all the files in the
subdirectory will be duplicated.
When you press the COPY softkey, the ABORT softkey will also be enabled. The ABORT
command permits to interrupt a copy at any point in the session. The interruption occurs when the
ABORT request is given. Subsequent files will not be copied.

Do not use the COPY command to copy a part program between the floppy disk and the directory
of part programs (E:\UPP). Such copy can be obtained with the IMPORT/EXPORT command
available in the PP Management environment.

13-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The DELETE command permits to delete files or empty directories.



File/Directory ? : F
Confirm delete ? : Y

Filename specifies the pathname of the file/files or the directory to be deleted. "*" and
"?" are allowed only in filenames.

Values: up to 65 alphanumeric characters.

Default: name of the last deleted file/files or current file name. The currentI
file is the file selected during the last visualisation of the directory.
No default pathname is given for the first DELETE command
unless it has been preceded by a DIRECTORY command.

File/Directory indicates whether a file or a directory is to be deleted. Select File to delete

files in the current directory and Directory to delete the current directory (if

Values: [F] = File; [D] = Directory

Default: [F]

Confirm delete confirmation command.

Values: [Y] = Yes; [N] = No

Default: [N]


In the File/Directory field you must specify whether the pathname indicated in the Filename field
refers to a file, a group of files or a directory.

Since only empty directories can be deleted with this command, make sure all the files and/or
subdirectories have been deleted before making a request to delete a directory.

The current directory cannot be deleted even if it is empty.

10 Series CNC User Manual (02) 13-9

Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The DIRECTORY command permits to visualise the contents of the specified directory.


Path1 : E:\MYDIR
Path2 :

The data entry window for this command requests two pathnames. The first one (path1) is
mandatory whereas the second (path2) can be omitted. When you exit this data entry window, the
position of the cursor determines which directory will be displayed and which default pathname will
be used in the fields of the subsequent commands.

path1 is the pathname of the directory, the file or the group of files to be displayed. "*" and "?"
can be used for specifying a group of files. It is a mandatory field. If the cursor is on this
field when you exit the data entry window, the relevant directory will be displayed and
path1 will become the default source pathname. Also, if the path2 field is not empty, it will
become the default destination pathname.

Values: max. 65 caratteri alphanumeric characters.

Default: last specified pathname. No default pathname will be displayed for the first
DIRECTORY command.

path2 is the pathname of the directory, the file or the group of files to be displayed. "*" and "?"
can be used for specifying a group of files. It is an optional field. If the cursor is on this
field when you exit the data entry window, the relevant directory will be displayed and
path2 will become the default source pathname. Also, if the path1 field is not empty, it will
become the default destination pathname.

Values: max. 65 alphanumeric characters.

Default: last specified pathname. No default pathname will be displayed for the first
DIRECTORY command.

13-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The EDIT command permits to invoke a subset of the part program Line Editor for writing or editing
a text file.



Filename specifies the pathname of the desired file. "*" and "?" are not allowed.

Value: max. 65 alpahnumeric characters.

Default: last opened file or current file. The current file is the file selected from the
last directory visualisation. No default file is displayed for the first EDIT
command unless it has been preceded by a DIRECTORY command.

For more information about the Line Editor, refer to the "Line Editor" chapter.


The EXIT command permits to quit DOS SHELL.

10 Series CNC User Manual (02) 13-11

Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The FORMAT command permits to format 720 Kb double density (DD) or 1.44 Mb high density
(HD) 3.5" diskettes.


System ? : N 720K diskette ? : Y Label ? : N

System specifies whether the diskette to be formatted will be used for duplicating the
DOS 3.30a system file.

Values: [Y] = Yes; [N] = No

Default: [N]

720K diskette specifies the diskette format (720 KB DD or 1.44 MB HD).

Values: [Y] = 720 KB; [N] = 1.44 MB

Default: [N]

Label permits to assign a label to the formatted diskette. The label will be
requested by the system after formatting has been completed.

Values: [Y] = Yes; [N] = No

Default: [N]

13-12 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The HELP command permits to display a window providing information about the current
procedure. A Help window may be invoked or closed at any moment.

Help information may be general or context-sensitive. At the general level it describes the functions
of the softkeys available in the current menu. Context-sensitive information provides the meaning
and allowed values of the parameters listed in the current data entry window.


Context-sensitive information always refers to the field on which the cursor is positioned. When the
cursor is moved to another field, the contents of the help window are automatically updated.

By enabling/disabling the data entry window it is possible to automatically shift between the
context-sensitive and the general level.

To browse through a help window made up of several pages press [PgDn] and [PgUp]. To disable
the help window, press HELP.

10 Series CNC User Manual (02) 13-13

Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The MKDIR command permits to create a directory or a subdirectory in the selected disk drive.


Path : e:\mydir\newdir

Path specifies the pathname of the directory or the subdirectory. "*" and "?" are not allowed. A
subdirectory must necessarily be included in an existing directory.

Values: max. 65 alphanumeric characters.

Default: last specified pathname for directory creation. No default pathname is displayed
for the first MKDIR command unless it has been preceded by a DIRECTORY

13-14 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The Print command permits to print text files using local or remote printers.

Filename : e:\mydir\newdir
Printer : LPT1

Filename specifies the file or the group of files to be printed. "*" and "?" are allowed.

Values: max. 65 alphanumeric characters.

Default: last printed file or current file. No default file will be displayed for the
first PRINT command unless it has been preceded by a DIRECTORY

Printer specifies the configured output printer (refer to the SHOW DRIVES command in
this chapter), which may be remote or local.


If a remote print out has been requested but no remote printer is connected to the host, the system
will give no error message.

10 Series CNC User Manual (02) 13-15

Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The RENAME command permits to alter the name of a file or a directory. A file can be renamed
only in the directory to which it belongs.


Old name : e:\mydir\CHKUSE.DOC

New name : newfile.doc

Old name specifies the path of the file or the directory to be renamed. "*" and "?" are

Values: max. 65 alphanumeric characters.

Default: last renamed file or current file. The current file is the one selected from
the last directory visualisation. No default name is displayed for the first
RENAME command unless it has been preceded by a DIRECTORY

New name specifies the new name to be assigned to the specified file/directory. "*" and "?"
are not allowed.

Values: max. 12 alphanumeric characters

Default none.

13-16 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The RESTORE command permits to retrieved file that have been previously backed up.


To : e:\mydir\newdir
Subdirectories ? : Y Confirmation for changed files ? : N

To specifies the pathname of the directory in which the back up

copy will be restored. "*" and "?" are not allowed.

Subdirectories permits to restore all the subroutine branches with their files.

Values: [Y] = Yes; [N] = No

Default: [Y]

Confirmation for changed files specifies whether the system will send a confirmation request
before restoring those files that have been modified after the
back up. Enter [Y] to display such a request.

Values: [Y] = Yes; [N]=No

Default: [N]


The system prompts the operator to insert the diskettes in the correct sequence. If one of the
diskettes is missing, the restore session cannot be completed.

This command can restore backup copies produced with the system Backup function or with a
format compatible with DOS 3.30a BACKUP.

10 Series CNC User Manual (02) 13-17

Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The SHOW DRIVES command permits to visualise information on the disk drives accessible to
DOS SHELL. When a SHOW DRIVES command is given, the last visualised directory is cleared
from the screen but all the selected files and source and destination pathnames will remain active.


A : Local
E : Local
K : \\server\diskC
LPT1 : Local

For each accessible drive SHOW DRIVES visualises a status window that provides the following

DRIVE is a letter from A to Z that identifies the drive name. It must be quoted in the
pathnames associated to commands.

HOST PATH is a string that specifies whether the drive is local or remote. It may be:

local for a local disk

\\nomehost\service for a remote disk, where

nomehost is the logic name of the remote disk in the

local network

service is the name of the shared remote disk

drive or directory in the local network.

• A remote printer is that connected to the host.
• A remote disk is the one resident in the hard disk of the local network host. Within the network
the host is identified through a logic name. Each drive shared by the systems connected over
the local network is associated to access permits that establish which operations are allowed to
each local system. If the command given by a networked local system is not allowed, (for
example, 'copy to a read-only remote disk') an error message will be displayed.
• The current networked drives are highlighted on the screen. To connect new drives, use the
MINI DNC, Ethernet or Serial option.

13-18 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 13
Dos Shell


The XCOPY command permits to copy a directory tree complete with all its branches to any disk
drive accessible to DOS SHELL.


From : E:\MYDIR\*
To : a:\docum\*.*
Subdirectories? : Y Empty subdirs?: N Confirmation for each file?: N

From specifies the pathname of the source directory tree. "*" and "?" are
not allowed.

Values: max. 65 alphanumeric characters.

Default: last directory pathname or current file/pathname. The
current file is that selected from the last directory
visualisation. No default pathnames are given for the first
XCOPY command unless it has been preceded by a
DIRECTORY command.

To specifies the destination pathname for the copy. "*" and "?" are not
allowed except for the "*.*" string.

Values: max. 65 alphanumeric characters.

Default: last destination pathname or destination pathname
specified in the last DIRECTORY command. No default
name will be given for the first XCOPY command unless
it has been preceded by a DIRECTORY command.

Subdirectories specifies whether the subtree of the directory written in the from
field or just the files stored in in must be copied.

Values: [Y] = Yes; [N] = No

Default: [Y]

Empty subdirs specifies whether the existing empty directories must be copied.

Values: [Y] = Yes; [N] = No

Default: [N]

10 Series CNC User Manual (02) 13-19

Chapter 13
Dos Shell

Confirmation for each file specifies whether the system will send a confirmation request
before copying a file. Enter Y to display such a request.

Values: [Y] = Yes; [N] = No

Default: [N]


If the pathname specified in the From file ends by a directory, all the files in this directory will be
copied. If the subdirectories that make up the tree do not exist in the source drive, XCOPY will
create them.

Do not use the XCOPY command to copy a part program between the floppy disk and the directory
of part programs (E:\UPP). Such copy can be obtained with the IMPORT/EXPORT command
available in the PP Management environment.


13-20 10 Series CNC User Manual (02)

Chapter 14

10 Series CNC provides a set of security functions that restrict access to the system resources.
These functions are assigned to system users organised hierarchically according to three main

• User levels
• Ability to use system functions
• Ability to install optional components

10 Series CNC User Manual (13) 14-1

Chapter 14


System users are distributed in seven hierarchical levels, each of which is assigned a specific set
of functions. User levels and their functions are shown in the table below:


0 R&D reserved

1 Osai reserved

2 APPLICATIONS application development and machine tool integration

3 OEM/SERVICE alteration of machine parameters, customer support

4 END_USER installation of options

5 END_USER_TEC development of technological programs, tool management,


6 OPERATOR machine tool operation

Levels 0 and 1 are reserved for Osai and cannot be accessed by users not belonging to Osai.
Users in levels 2 through 6 do not belong to Osai but their ability to access the system resources is
restricted by a password.

A password is a string of 20 alphanumeric characters that can be defined and altered by users
located at different hierarchical levels. By defining his own password a user bars access to the
system by users at lower levels.

IMPORTANT At power up the default user level is 6. No password is needed in order to

access this level.

14-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (13)

Chapter 14


Each user has the ability to use the set of system functions typical of his level. The number and
type of functions assigned to one level can be defined by the user who occupies the lower level
and has greater hierarchical importance.

There is a specific procedure that permits to enable the user occupying one level to use a system

System functions are grouped in ten classes. Each class may include as many as eight functions:

0 reserved
1 reserved
2 maintenance
3 directory protection
4 system tables protection
5 configuration
6 PLUS execution
7 part program development
8 execution of CNC functions
9 reserved for the OEM

Each class of functions is described by a byte whose bits correspond to the functions in the class.
A function is enabled when its bit is to 1 an is disabled when its bit is to 0. The ten bytes that
describe the functional classes and the meaning of each bit are listed in Appendix B.

The ability to access the functions in a given level can be pictured as a bit map.

When a release is installed for the first time, all the levels from 3 to 6 have the same bit map, i.e.
10 enable bits:

0 00000000 reserved
1 00000000 reserved
2 01111111 maintenance
3 10001110 directory protection
4 00001111 system tables protection
5 11110111 configuration
6 00011111 PLUS execution
7 00001111 part program development
8 00000111 execution of CNC functions
9 11111111 reserved for the OEM

10 Series CNC User Manual (13) 14-3

Chapter 14


Options purchased separately can be installed in the system at any time as long as the user is
granted the ability to install them. At Osai there are two ways of granting users permission to install
an option:

• providing the user with a control specific hardware key generated by Osai during system
production. The 'system' is a unit made up of a control plus its optional components.
• providing the user with a product key that permits him to install an option purchased after the

14-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (13)

Chapter 14


The Security environment can be enabled by turning the control on in emergency status. It can also
be enabled when other processes are running on the system.

When the system is powered on in emergency status, i.e. keeping [F1] pressed, the following
submenu appears:



To enable the Security when a process is running on the system, press the DIAGNOSTICS softkey
from the main softkey menu. In this case, the following submenu appears:


From either submenu press the SECURITY softkey. The following page is displayed:

SYSTEM SECURITY LEVEL : xx DATE: 10/01/94 TIME: 9:35:00

10 Series

Code number : xxxxxx

Manufactured : xx/xx/xxxx


The sections that follow describe the softkeys available in the SECURITY environment.

10 Series CNC User Manual (13) 14-5

Chapter 14


This softkey permits to select a user level. When SET LEVEL is pressed the following data entry
window is displayed:




level is the user level.

password is the password associated to the specified level. It is mandatory in order to

access a user level lower than the current one. No password is necessary if the
password for the selected level has not been defined (refer to the SET
PASSWORD section).

The password does not appear on the display when user writes it on the field. If the password is
not correct an error message will be displayed.

To abort the operation press [Esc]. The system will return to the previous user level.

The ability to use the functions associated to a given user level remains active until a higher user
level is selected.

The user level is not altered if the system is reinitialised. This facilitates repetitive operations that
require frequent reinitialisation, such as development of the system logic.

IMPORTANT When a user selects a user level, he is enabled to use the functions
associated to both his level and the subsequent ones.

14-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (13)

Chapter 14


This softkey permits to alter both the current password and the passwords assigned to upper
levels. It also permits to define a password for those levels that do not have any. When SET
PASSWORD is pressed the following data entry window appears:


level :
old password :
new password :
confirm :

level is the user level whose password is to be altered. The default level is that
selected with SET LEVEL. Allowed values must be greater than the current

old password is the password displayed on the level field. If no password has been
defined for the selected level, press RETURN to skip this field.

new password is the new password to be assigned to the level field.

confirm key in the new password on this field for confirmation.

The assigned password is not displayed in the data entry window. To abort the procedure without
altering the old password press [Esc].

Before starting this procedure the user must declare his own level by means of the SET LEVEL
softkey. After accessing his own level the user is in a position to alter the passwords of both his
own and the higher levels.

10 Series CNC User Manual (13) 14-7

Chapter 14


This softkey permits to alter the ability to use system functions by users having a higher
hierarchical level.

Before starting this procedure the user must declare his own level. When the SET SECURITY
keyboard is pressed the following data entry window appears:


selected level:

selected level is the user level whose ability to use system functions must be modified. It must
be higher than the current level.

Key in the level and press [Enter] to confirm it. The following bit map will be displayed:


Selected level: ..............

default configured
byte: bit 7 ... 0 bit 7 ... 0

0: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
1: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
2: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
3: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
4: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
5: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
6: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
7: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
8: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
9: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

code is the code of the class of functions. It is also the number of the protection tables
listed in Appendix B.

default this 8-bit column shows the enabled functions that may be accessed by the upper
user level in each class. Bits can be written as 1 or 0.

configured this 8-bit column shows the enabled functions that may be accessed by the current
user level in each class. Bits can be written as 1 or 0.

14-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (13)

Chapter 14

A bit to 1 marks an enabled function. A bit to 0 marks a disabled function. The user can grant
access to the functions that are enabled in the default column.

The system filters the alterations made by the user to prevent him from making illegal
modifications. In particular, the system:

• Forces to 0 the functions that are disabled in the default column.

• Forces to 0 on higher levels the functions that are disabled on the current level.

On-line help describing each bit (function) is provided for every class of functions.

To abort the procedure at any time without altering the current bit map press [Esc].

If you are a level 3 user and want to alter the access to the system by a user on level 4, follow
these steps:

1. Press SET LEVEL to declare your user level. At the system prompt key in your level and
2. Press SET SECURITY. The system displays a data entry window with the user level (4) in the
selected level field. When you confirm this level, the bit maps of levels 3 (current) and 4 will be
3. Let's assume that access to class 4 functions is to be modified and that the following bit map is
displayed for class 4 when you press SET SECURITY:
default configured
00001111 00001110

4. Key in the modifications on the configured column:

default configured
00001111 00011011
Press [Enter] to confirm them and close the data entry window.

5. To check whether the system has accepted the alterations press SET SECURITY again, key in
your level (3) and confirm it. The following bit map will be displayed:
default configured
00001111 00001011 (originally the altered map was 00011011)
Note that the system has filtered the following modifications:
• The disabled function associated to bit 3 has also been disabled for level 4 (xxxxx0xx).
• The function associated to bit 1 has been re-enabled (xxxxxxx1). This occurs because the
bit is also enabled in the default map (level 3). However, the bit is not enabled on higher
levels. To enable the bit also on higher levels, press SET SECURITY.
• The request to enable the fifth bit (xxx1xxxx) has been denied because this bit is disabled in
the default map.
• The bit maps of the lower levels have not been modified.

10 Series CNC User Manual (13) 14-9

Chapter 14


Permits to display the bit map associated to the current level specified with SET LEVEL. When you
press SHOW SECURITY the following window appears:


default configured
byte bit 7 ... 0 bit 7 ... 0

0: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
1: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
2: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
3: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
4: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
5: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
6: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
7: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
8: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
9: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

The configured column shows the bit map of the current level, whereas the default column shows
the bit map of the higher level. These bit maps cannot be altered.

14-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (13)

Chapter 14


This softkey permits to visualise the configuration, release number and options of the 10 Series
CNC. It is available only if accessible to the current user level.


This softkey permits to enable a user to install optional components on the 10 Series CNC. It is
available only if it is accessible to the current user level and the system is in emergency status.

When your press PRODUCT KEY the following data entry window is visualised:


Key 1 :
Key 2 :
Key 3 :

Key1 . . . key3 are three alphanumeric product keys. Each product key can be up to 20
characters long and is supplied in conjunction with the optional component.

Enter the product keys in the displayed sequence and press [Enter] to confirm it. If the product key
is correct the system enables the user to install the option.

10 Series CNC User Manual (13) 14-11

Chapter 14


This softkey permits to install software options on the 10 Series CNC. It is available only if it is
accessible to the current user level and the system is in emergency status.

To install optional software use this procedure:

1. Turn on the system in Emergency status (i.e. keeping [F1]. depressed). The following menu will
be displayed:



2. Press the SECURITY softkey.

3. Press the SET LEVEL softkey to define the user level enabled for software installation (refer to
the description of the SET LEVEL softkey).
4. Press the PRODUCT KEY softkey and key in the product key (refer to the description of the
PRODUCT KEY softkey).
5. Press the INSTALL softkey. The system displays a prompt to insert the first option diskette.
6. Insert the diskette and press [Enter]. The system prompts the user to select a language and
displays general information about the option.
7. Follow the installation instructions supplied by the program. After installation has been
completed the system returns to the main SECURITY menu.
8. Press the EXIT softkey to close the SECURITY environment.
9. Remove the diskette from the drive and reboot the system either by pressing REBOOT or by
switching it off and on.

14-12 10 Series CNC User Manual (13)

Chapter 14


SHOW OPTION permits to visualise the list of files with the xxxxxxxx.0nn extension, which store
information about the optional software installed in the system.
SHOW FIXUPS permits to visualise the list of files with the yyyyyyyy.Fmm extension, which store
information about the optional software fixups (i.e. updates) installed in the system.
To display the information lines of a file in any of the lists position the cursor on the file name and
press [Enter].

a. Press SHOW OPTION to display the software options installed in the system:



pag. # of #

If the list is made up of several pages, use [PgUp] and [PgDn] to display previous or
subsequent pages.

b. Position the cursor on the desired option and press [Enter].

c. The information lines in the installed option (E390202.001) will be displayed. This option bears
the following code: E39 Rel. 2.02.



E39 - Release 2.02 -

Option name ............

Compatibility: ............

If the list is made up of several pages, use [PgUp] and [PgDn] to display previous or
subsequent pages.

d. Press [Enter] to close the second data entry window and [Esc] to close both of them.

e. Restart the procedure to visualise the contents of other files or press [Enter] again to close the
'INSTALLED OPTIONS' data entry window.

10 Series CNC User Manual (13) 14-13

Chapter 14


14-14 10 Series CNC User Manual (13)

Chapter 15

PERIPHERALS is a utility program which allows to access the configuration of network-connected

systems and relevant devices.

This environment allows the following procedures:

− configuring and enabling Interlnk;

− configuring the output device for the printer;
− configuring the remote switching-on;
− enabling the network configuration;
− connecting the remote environment and services (by means of network configuration);
− configure the Serial MiniDNC for Windows option

This chapter will deal with the first two procedures while for remote switching-on and network
configuration please see the CHAPTER "Ethernet Comunication" in this manual.

10 Series CNC User Manual (07) 15-1

Chapter 15


To activate peripherals press the UTILITY softkey and subsequently the PERIPHERALS softkey on
the viewed menu The following display will then come up.

PERIPHERALS can be activated even if the system is started in emergency mode (during
bootstrap press [F1] key).




15-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (07)

Chapter 15

INTERLNK is a utility program supplied with the MS-DOS 6.22 operating system which allows to
connect the 10 Series system with another computer (or another 10 Series system) using a serial
From one system it is possible to access data owned by the other system without using floppy
disks to copy files.

The system consists of a Client which sends commands out and a Server which is the unit
connected to the Client.
The Client makes use of the Server's disks while the Server displays the connection status
between the two systems and the comparison between local and remote disks.
When the systems are connected to Interlnk, Server's disks are displayed on the Client as
additional disks.


To be able to use Interlnk it is necessary to have:

− a free serial port for each system;

− a 3-wired serial cable.

Interlnk must be configured on the 10 Series system and on the unit to be connected (personal
computer or 10 Series system).

Interlnk Configuration for 10 Series System

To activate Interlnk configurator, press the INTERLNK CFG softkey on the PERIPHERALS video
panel. The following input window will be displayed:




ACTIVE PORT is the serial port used at present by Interlnk.

SELECTED PORT is the name of the serial port to be activated and used by Interlnk every time
the 10 Series System is operated

The serial ports to be selected are:

COM1 - serial port

COM2 - serial port

In case no serial port is to be used, enter NULL.

10 Series CNC User Manual (07) 15-3

Chapter 15

When the system will be subsequently operated, ACTIVE PORT will be equal to SELECTED

Make sure that the serial port used by Interlnk does not come into conflict
with the serial ports defined in AMP (Hardware Configuration) or in other
options (serial MINI DNC, Remote Diagnostic); should the same port be
defined both in AMP and in Interlnk Cfg., when pressing the INTERLNK or
the INTERSVR softkey to operate the system, a display indicates that the
device is not available for use.

In case of remote access (read and/or write in) with Interlnk, the 10 Series System must be IDLE;
besides it is advisable to overload the system as little as possible to avoid affecting the current


To start the Client, press the INTERLNK softkey on the PERIPHERALS menu. The status of the
local disks (and also of the remote disks if the Server has been started on the other system) will be
displayed giving the prompt for the DOS commands.

Should the Server not being activated on the other system, a message will be displayed to check
whether the cable on the selected serial port has been correctly connected and Intersrv is already
operating on the other system.
At the command prompt type in Interlnk, in order to check the status of the disks and of the
selected serial port.
Example: when Intersvr has been loaded on the computer and Interlnk on the 10 Series System
through the serial port 1, the following information will be displayed:


This computer Other Computer

(Client) (Server)
G: equals A:
H: equals C: (536Mb)
I: equals D: (6Mb) MS_RAMDRIVE

The A, C e D remote disks of the computer Server can be accessed from 10 Series system at the
command prompt supplied by Interlnk using the identifiers G, H and I.

Re-direction of these disks is NOT visible inside the DOS SHELL program.

15-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (07)

Chapter 15

Once the connection to the Server is established, it is possible to use the following MS-DOS
Interlnk Client can be used from the 10 Series System both when it is in emergency mode
(pressing the [F1] key at the bootstrap) and when in running mode.
To exit Interlnk, it is necessary to type in EXIT at the DOS command prompt on the first Interlnk
video page thus returning to the PERIPHERALS video page.


Pressing the INTERSVR softkey from the PERIPHERALS menu, Interlnk displays the status of the
local disks; a status bar at the bottom of the screen displays the connection status indicating the
serial port in use, the transfer rate (baud rate) and whether the Client is reading or writing in.
In case Interlnk has already been started on the other system (Client), the re-direction of the
remote disks, i.e. the ID to access the remote disks of the Server from the Client is displayed; when
the Client accesses a disk from the Server, an asterisk (*) next to the relevant ID is shown while
the status bar indicates the type of access (read or write in).

Intersvr could be activeted on 10 Series System only in Emergency mode (pressing [F1] at
bootstrap) ; in other cases the intersvr function is disabled.

When executing Itersvr on the 10 Series System, the following video page will be displayed:

Microsoft Interlnk Version 1.00



C: (10Mb)
D: (23Mb)
E: (16Mb)
F: (298Mb)


10 Series CNC User Manual (07) 15-5

Chapter 15

When connecting the other system (Client) to the 10 Series System through the serial port 1, the
re-direction of the Server remote disks will be also displayed; the page will be modified as follows:

Microsoft Interlnk Version 1.00



A: Equals E:
C: (10Mb) Equals F:
D: (23Mb) Equals G:
E: (16Mb) Equals H:
F: (298Mb) Equals I:
LPT1: Not connected


Intersvr can be activated on the 10 Series System only when this is in emergency mode (i.e. after
pressing F1 at the bootstrap); when the system is in running mode, Intersvr is not available (the
relevant softkey is disabled).

15-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (07)

Chapter 15

Interlnk Configuration Personal Computer

Interlnk can be activated both as a Client and a Server on a Personal Computer connected to the
10 Series System.

INTERLNK (Client Configuration)

To activate Interlnk on a Personal Computer it is necessary:

− to ensure that INTERLNK.EXE file is on the PC hard disk;
− to type the following command line in the file CONFIG.SYS:
− Presuming that the INTERLNK.EXE file is in the C:\DOS directory and you want to redirect 6
instead of 3 default disks, proceed as follows:
− start the computer again;
− when started Interlnk displays the status of the redirected disks and the port used; anyhow such
information are displayed when typing in Interlnk at the prompt of MS-DOS commands.

Once the Server has been activated on the 10 Series System, it is possible to access the remote
disks of the Server.

Interlnk can be executed from the DOS shell of Microsoft Windows 3.1 or 3.11. Initiating the Client
from the DOS shell of Windows 95, the system indicates that it is exiting Windows and starting
DOS; when the Interlnk session is ended, the computer is restarted typing [EXIT] in.

INTERSVR (Server Configuration)

To activate the Interlnk Server it is not necessary to modify the CONFIG.SYS file; just type in
INTERSVR at the prompt of the DOS commands.
As in the 10 Series version, Interlnk displays the status of the local disks; a status bar at the bottom
of the screen displays the status of connection and the serial port used by the Server, the transfer
rate (baud rate) and whether the Client is reading or writing in.
In case Interlnk has already been activated on the Client, the re-direction of the remote disks is
displayed, i.e. the ID's to access from the 10 Series to the remote disks of the Server; when the 10
Series access a disk from the Server, an asterisk (*) next to the relevant ID is displayed.

Intersvr can be executed from the MS-DOS shell of Microsoft Windows 3.1 or 3.11, however it is no
longer possible to go from this shell to the tasks of Microsoft Windows [ALT][TAB] is disabled).
Starting the Client from the DOS shell of Windows 95, the system indicates that it is exiting
Windows and starting DOS; when the Intersvr session is ended, the computer is restarted pressing

For further information about Interlnk.exe, Interlnk and Intersvr refer to the MS-DOS guide or to the
PC-Help Guide where the MS-DOS 6.22 or subsequent versions are installed.

10 Series CNC User Manual (07) 15-7

Chapter 15

PRINT DEVICE allows to define the correct device to print locally.

To define the port to be used for printing, press the PRINT DEVICE softkey from the
PERIPHERALS video panel. The following input window will be displayed:


Enter one of the following names:

COM1 Serial Port 1
COM2 Serial Port 2
LPT1 Parallel Port 1

The ports to be selected are as follows:

COM1 - serial port 1

COM2 - serial port 2
LPT1 - parallel port 1

In case no serial port is to be used, enter NULL.

When starting the system next, the configuration of the local port for the printer will be activated.

The herewith defined print port is used as local default port in some software packages having the

15-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (07)

Chapter 15


This softkey allows to enable or disable the connection to a remote controller of the CNC

This function is available only when the CNC and the remote controller (Personal Computer) are
connected through the MINI DNC option and when the Remote Development kit option is installed
on the PC.
The softkey gives access to a data entry requiring two types of information:


Remote Bootstrap [Y/N]: Y

Syncronized [Y/N]: Y

The first field allows to enable or disable the connection to the remote PC.

The second field indicates if during the bootstrap the PC has to wait for the connection to the
remote PC (synchronized=[Y]) or whether it can perform the bootstrap even without such
connection (synchronized=[N])

For a more detailed description of this function, refer to the CNC 10 Series Remote Development
kit manual.

10 Series CNC User Manual (07) 15-9

Chapter 15


15-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (07)

Chapter 16

The communication channels of the CNC's have also followed the PC evolution. Today Ethernet
communication is a de-facto standard in factories. As RS 232 Ethernet defines an electric
communication standard but with the advantage that the transmission speeds are much higher:
instead of the 9600 bps for RS 2323 we have 10 million bps with Ethernet.

Therefore the users have increasingly been asking to connect also the CNC’s to the
factory’s Ethernet, in order to be able to easily exchange programs from the technical
department and production data between the other departments involved i.e. to exchange
data between the CNC’s and the PC’s.

As the OSAI CNC’s are based on standard PC architecture we were able to integrate the
Ethernet communication channel directly into the CNC thus implementing interesting
features which go beyond the original user requests.

When defining the specifications of network, OSAI adopted the standard NetBEUI
communications protocol for the 10 Series controllers which is available on all Windows PC’s
connected to the network and implemented the Client-Server architecture on the CNC. Therefore
you can share the CNC’s hard disks on the network and access the shared network devices on the
CNC. In other words, from the CNC the operator can access the program archives or tool data on a
central server or the technical department can transfer technology programs and machining data
from their PC’s to a CNC by simply dragging the files with the mouse from the local hard disk to the
shared one on the remote CNC. And that’s not all. In addition to the program transfer feature the 10
Series CNC offer an extensive functions library for Windows (DLL) and the relative extended
command set on NetBEUI level. This allows not only to acquire production data from the production
planning PC, but also to synchronise several CNC’s connected to the network via a cell or line
Therefore it can be safely stated that OSAI has exceeded the requests for connecting CNC’s to the
factory network by delivering solutions for building a distributed architecture of CNC’s
integrated in the factory network as native components and not as strange units interfaced to the
net via additional expensive and restricting hardware modules.

10 Series CNC - User Manual (09) 16-1

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

Connection of a numerical control Client to a Server PC offers access to the disks and to the
directories of the Server itself with the following advantages for the user:

1. Using files made available by the server as if they were local files installed on the machine. The
transfer of files from the server to the CNC is launched by the usual “FILE COPY” commands.
Copying files stored on the hard disks of the server to the local hard disk presents an
advantage, as you can maintain a centralised archive on the server.
The ability to copy the files memorized in the Server's hard disk to the local hard disk can be
very useful as the part programs are all contained in a central archive on the server
2. Executing technology programs residing on a dedicated remote server

In this case the maximum transfer rate of the Ethernet has to be carefully
evaluated so that the execution times and machining quality are not
WARNING jeopardised.

By using the network you can directly control from the PC the transfer of the various types of
file. This is very useful especially when various 10 Series Systems are connected to a single PC
Supervisor; further, if the remote IPC parameter (InterProcess Communication) is set "Y",
messages and commands can be exchanged between tasks that are resident on different

Communication works at a transmission speed of 10 Mbaud; the max. length of the cable between
two units is 185 m.

Following Ethernet communication protocols can be used NETBEUI and PATHWORKS

The PATHWORKS protocol is a sub-group of the DECNet PATHWORKS 4.0 for communication
with boards.

According to the manual the PC can be a normal personal computer or a WinLink Operator Panel.
For simplicity’s sake this manual always refers to these units as “PC’s” or “computers”.

16-2 10 Series CNC - User Manual (09)

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication


Here follow a few brief comments on the networking on computers (in this case, by 'computers is
meant either a PC or a 10 Series System). By networking is meant both the physical link true and
proper and the software governing it.
Before giving a brief description of the networks used in the 10 Series System, it is worth getting
acquainted with the terms which will be used in this guide as listed below.


In the description of the network systems, their installation and configuration and their relative
functions, the following terms will be used:

Machine or terminal Term which identifies the calculator (PC or 10 Series System) to
which the network is connected.

Local machine Is the machine on which you are operating.

Node Is a machine equipped so that it can communicate with at least one

other machine (node) which is equipped in the same way. In
general, the node can be identified with the channel in order to
avoid confusion in the presence of machines supplied with more
than one channel (in this case, every channel is a node).

Network Is a group of nodes connected by a common physical means

which, in our case, can either be an Ethernet cable (Thin Ethernet
or Thick Ethernet) or a serial line.

Communication protocol Is the form which the nodes follow to exchange all the various
types of information that need to be sent on the network. Other
than the actual data, the exchanged information can be checksum
data to verify the exactness of the messages, specifications
relating to the sender and receiver, data identifying whether the
message belongs to a certain sequence of messages or session,
The nodes which need to exchange messages must adopt
identical communication protocols.
The most recent protocols are subdivided into 'levels' which define
the various types of information to be sent through the network.

Segment Is a sub-group of a network. On the same network nodes with

different protocols can be connected, as long as they do not
interfere with each other, i.e. they can co-exist on the same
physical vehicle. Obviously, in this case the nodes with different
protocols cannot communicate between themselves. On the other
hand, those with the same protocol using the same physical
vehicle are said to belong to the same 'segment'.
On a network it is therefore possible to define more than one
segment, each with its own nodes with the same protocol, or a
single segment when all the nodes are able to inter-communicate.
In other words, a segment is a 'logical component' whereas the line
on which it operates is a 'physical component'.

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Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

Each machine can present itself to a segment through a single

channel. If the machine has more than one channel, each of these
must be connected to a different segment.

Channel Is the set-up needed so that a node can present itself to the
relative network. This is composed of a hardware part, i.e. a board
or a serial connector provided with the relative cable, and a
software part, i.e. the protocol. A machine can be supplied with
more than one channel (connected to different networks), as long
as the various combinations of hardware and software (same or
different) are compatible and do not create problems either to the
machine or to the networks to which they are connected. A
machine with more than one channel is considered the node for
each channel: in this way it is possible to say that more than one
node can co-exist in a single machine.

At present, only one channel per machine (10 Series) can be installed on the computers.

Address Is a string of numerical characters which identifies univocally a specific node

connected to a certain segment. The address is given by a node on requesting
connection with another node. The latter, having recognized its own
identification code replies with a sequence of characters so that communication
can commence.
The address is necessary for the PATHWORKS protocol.

Configuration or
plant supervisor This is a machine which can configure or monitor the CNC’s in the network. Its
software is therefore enhanced with some additional features.

Server A system is called the Server when it places all or part of its own local
resources (e.g. the hard disk or the printer) at the disposal of other users
connected to the network.

Client Is the definition used for the system which, on the network, makes use of the
resources offered by a Server. From the Client's point of view, the resources
made available by the Server are remote.

Master Is the node from which communication is begun, i.e. that from which a request
for connection is launched. It will maintain the denomination of Master for the
duration of the session. The Master always has the function of Client.

Slave Is the node which receives the communication launched by the Master. It will
maintain the status of Slave for the duration of the session. The Slave always
has the function of Server.

The 10 Series systems offer both the Master and Slave features at the same time.

16-4 10 Series CNC - User Manual (09)

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

Network topology

To organize a communication system, it is necessary to define all the elements of which it is

composed, i.e. the machines, the channels (or nodes), the segments and the physical networks.
The machines and the segments can be considered to be logical components which can be
defined independently, whereas the channels and the networks are physical components.

Seen graphically, the logical components can be represented as in the figure below, i.e.
components which are not yet correlated.

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

Segment 1

Segment 2

The two segments can lie on the same physical network or belong to different networks. To allow a
machine to communicate with the others, it is necessary for the communication channel it uses to
be defined (i.e. install the hardware, board or serial cable and the software), and to specify the
segment on which the channel will present itself. The channels therefore have the duty to connect
a machine to a segment. In order to be able to define a channel, it is therefore necessary to define
at least one machine and a segment first.

The configuration of the most simple network is one with two nodes (in our case a 10 Series
System and a PC) which communicate on the same segment as illustrated in the following figure in
which Machine 1 equipped with Channel 1 and Machine 2 equipped with Channel 2, both present
themselves on Segment 1. Obviously, other than the same hardware, the two channels must have
the same protocol. The Machine, with the relative Channel, represents the homonymous node.

Node 1 Node 2

Machine 1
Machine 2

Channel 1 Channel 2

Segment 1

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Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

For example it can be organised as shown in the figure which comprises three 10 Series systems
with the relative channels connected to a segment which also contains a PC which can function as
supervisor or server. The Supervisor is provided with a printer which can be placed at the disposal
of the network as a shared resource.

At present it is only possible to have one channel and one segment for
IMPORTANT each 10 Series node.

Channel 4
Segment 1 Node4

Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

Node 1 Node2 Node 3


16-6 10 Series CNC - User Manual (09)

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication


General view

In a network of 10 Series Systems, each machine is able to configure itself as a node in the
network and to memorize its own configuration locally.

At installation of the release a default configuration is loaded which you can then modify using the
network configurator (NET CONFIG softkey of PERIPHERALS).

Network configurator

The network configurator, which is started by pressing the NET CONFIG softkey, is a program
which permits definition of the configuration of each machine as a node in the network.

The configurator foresees an interface towards the user based on a menu of softkeys and input
windows which are very similar to those normally used on the system. These are subdivided by
function are active or not in accordance with the configuration level and of the model of the
machine to be configured.

In fact, two configuration levels are foreseen:

− basic level
− advanced level

For each level a corresponding group of possible operations and information is supplied the user.

The results of the network configurator's work is a set of data inserted into a database, on each of
the machines which make up the network system, which is ready to start functioning when the
network itself is activated or rather, at the next bootstrap.

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Ethernet Comunication


The functions offered by the network permit distribution of a system's resources, where each
machine is delegated a series of specific tasks, thus considerably facilitating the operator's job.
Further, with the possibility of future system enhancements, the objective of "distributed
architecture" becomes closer to being realized.

File Transfer

With the File Transfer function access and transfer of files by means of the network are allowed.

In File Transfer, the 10 Series System has access to the disks of the remote PC for reading and
copying operations as if they were local disks. In its own operating environment it is sufficient to
supply the names specified in configuration in order to obtain access.

Access to remote disks through the network can be obtained through the 10 Series System with
the following functions:

• UTILITY environment
− DOS SHELL (all foreseen functions)
− PP MANAGEMENT (for Import/Export of files)
− SERVO MONITOR (save/restore on remote disks)
− AMP (backup operations)
− Softkey OEM, DOS Graphic Interface option (in accordance with definitions)

• PART PROGRAM environment

• DOS REAL TIME environment

For correct operation, the Server machine must have the disks and the printers defined as
'sharable services' whereas the Client machine must define the same objects as 'remote services'.

Server services

The server node can make disks and directories available by defining them as shared services.
They must be associated with:

• the name identifying them on the network (different Servers may define services with the same
• the associated protections. This can be: R (read only), RW (read and write) and RWC (read,
write and create)
• a password (if required).

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Ethernet Comunication

Access from a client

In order to obtain access to the services made available by the Server, a Client node must
configure the disks that it intends to use. Access will be identical to local type access. Configuration
of the remote services on the Client must include:

• the name with which the disk or directory will be known to the system (e.g. K:, R:, etc.)
• the name of the node on which they are defined
• the name of the service as defined by the Server
• a password (if required).

It is possible to add, delete or modify the configuration of a service at any time both on the Server
and on the Client. However it has to be kept in mind that only the configuration of a service as
Client can take immediate effect, whereas services configured as Server become available on the
10 Series systems only after the next initialisation of the system (switching it off and on).

The 10 Series System can access remote disks defined on the PC if:

• the network is suitably configured on both machines and the remote disks have been defined
• the network has been activated on both machines

Exchanges of messages between tasks

With the IPC (Inter Process Communication) feature, direct interaction is permitted between tasks.
‘Task to Task’ communications are intended to allow a 10 Series System, or a generic host
computer (WinLink or a PC, for example), control and monitor another 10 Series System; such a
structure is generally realized in point-to-point or network situations.

The messages that are exchanged in this generic network have different forms in function of the
systems and environments generating them. Simplifying matters, the lay-outs possible in a point-to-
point network are as follows:

Communications between 10 Series systems:

10/Series 10/Series • through DOS Real Time instructions

• through Asset instructions

both are based on the ‘shared environment’

concept of the utility ‘Net Config’ concept, with
configuration of a network of logic connections
between the different environments of the different
machines prior to the communication session.

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Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

Communications between host computer and 10

host Series System:
computer 10/Series
• through DLL NetBIOS/OSAI Netbios
construction of the network and the messages to
be exchanged is the sole responsibility of the OEM
application developed independently on the
generic host computer, while on the 10 Series
System this continues to be handled by the ‘Net

It is important to use this feature appropriately as it interacts directly with

IMPORTANT operation of the 10 Series control.

Communication through Asset instructions is based on using ‘normal’ commands on the 10 Series
control; these commands are made remote in configuration of the remote devices/environments
(see three-letter code DCC).
These instructions are a super-set of the normal part-program commands (see the “10 Series CNC
ASSET Language” manual).
Access is possible to remote processes and the Dual Port areas of remote systems.
Communication from the Dos Real Time environment is realized by directing the functions usually
available in local to the remote environments, using the same identifiers as configured for these
remote environments in the ‘Net Config’ (see the “10 Series CNC DOS Real Time Interface”
In order to communicate DLL NetBIOS/OSAI messages there has to be a controller interfaced to
the net: to it the OEM software can send messages and from it the response is received.
Actual transmission of the messages compiled by the OEM software is managed by NetBIOS1
• A Host system can be a Client of a 10 Series System (and operate in the file-transfer and task-
to-task modes simultaneously) and at the same time operate as Server after configuring shared
• Configuration of the sharable and remote environments on 10 Series Systems is performed by
the network configurator; the 10 Series System can make its operating environments available
as servertype services. The following must be associated with each service (in the same way as
file services):
− the logic name it is known by in the network
− the protections: R (read only), RW (read and write) and RWE (read, write and execute)
− a password, where required.

• The environments can be configured on 10 Series Systems at any time: connection to a new
remote environment can be immediate (provided that this environment has already been made
available on the network), whereas definition of a new service for the network will have effect
only after the next time the 10 Series System is initialized.

• For configuration of the remote environments on Host, see the initialization sequence indicated
for the client session in Chapter 2, “OSAI Netbios” Manual 10 Series CNC Mini-DNC Ethernet
Library Functions.

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Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication


is the IBM standard protocol for network communications between Personal computers; there is a
vast range of publications on the matter, notably:

• 3Com Corporation. 1987. NetBIOS Programmer’s Reference (3260-00). Burlington,

• IBM Corporation. 1984. IBM PC Network Technical Reference Manual (6322916). Armonk,
New York.
• IBM Corporation. 1988. Migration Considerations for NetBIOS.IBM Washington System
Center Internal Flash 8736.
• Schwaderer, W. David. 1988. C Programmer’s Guide to NetBIOS (22638). Howard W. Sams
& Company.

The NetBIOS and OSAI Netbios messages that can be used to exchange operating commands in
the network are documented in detail in chapter 2 Manual “10 Series CNC Mini-DNC Ethernet -
Library Functions” and in more general terms in Appendix A. Chapter 1 contains the DLL functions
for development of applications in the Windows environment.
Supplied with the DLL is the source code of an application provided by way of example only.
The application creates a user interface using the MDI mode.

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Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication


The communication environment's user interface serves for configuration of the environment itself
and for working on the network.

Configuration of the systems connected in the network is performed by characterizing a certain

number of parameters needed for unique identification of all the components included in the
network itself.

This means that a series of values must be introduced on given variables to which access is
obtained through a series of displays, softkeys and data entries which make up the network
configurator's user interface.

Access to the configuration environment

To activate the Network Configurator screen, proceed as follows:

1. From the system's main screen or from emergency screen, press the PERIPHERALS softkey.
The following screen is obtained:




2. Press the NET CONFIG softkey. The main screen of the Network Configurator appears.

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Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

Network configurator screen displays

In the network configurator, a certain number of screens are foreseen which are briefly described
below. For more details, refer to the following paragraphs.

Main screen

This is the first screen displayed when the Network Configurator environment is entered and
changes according to the enabled configuration level.

The meaning of the fields and the columns contained in the screen are the following:

First screen display: Advanced Level


Current level: Advanced

Op. System OSAI Protocol Type NETBEUI

Channel Name NC0001 File Transfer Y
Board Type PCNET Remote IPC Y

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The fields and the columns present in the screens shown above have the following meaning:

First screen display

Current level Is the active configuration level in that moment. Two values are possible
which correspond to visualization of a greater or lesser amount of
information and the specific softkeys (and consequent commands) are
enabled. The possible levels are:
Basic: Is the lowest level which only enables visualization of
basic information but does not permit configuration
Advanced: Is the highest level in which all the foreseen functions are
enabled for system configuration.

Op. System Operation System on the machine.

Channel Name: Is the name of the visualized channel.

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Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

Board Type: Is the type of physical communication means. Possible value is:
PCNET Integrated Ethernet on the OSAI system
Protocol Type: Is the type of protocol envisaged for that segment. It can assume the
following values:
File Transfer: Indicates whether the file transfer function on that channel is enabled or
not. If [Y], the channel can effect file transfer, or rather that it is possible
to define Server and/or Client services. If [N], file transfer cannot be
carried out on that channel.
Remote IPC: Indicates whether the function of remote IPC for task-to-task activities is
enabled or not. For this software release it is always [N].

Second screen display


Current level: Advanced

Offered Service Service path Access


Remote drive Required Service Server name


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This screen is only present if Server and/or Client services have been defined on the channel.

Data concerning Offered service, Service path and Access identify services of the Server type
(configured on that channel with the SERVER softkey), which are present when the machine was
configured as Slave or Master/Slave. Details relating to Remote drive, Required service and Server
name identify services of the Client type (configured on that channel with the CLIENT softkey)
which are present when the machine was configured as Master or Master/Slave.

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Ethernet Comunication

Offered service: Lists the names of all the services configured on the selected channel
with the SERVER softkey.
Service path: Is the path inside the Server which must be followed in order to reach the
corresponding service shown in the Offered service column. It coincides
with the DOS path.
Access: Identifies the type of access allowed for that service. The values
contained in this column have the following meaning:
R access is allowed for reading of the data contained in the service
W access is allowed for writing and modification of the data contained
in the service
C creation of files in the specified service is allowed (disk or directory).
Remote drive: Specifies the local name (on Client) of the remote drive, corresponding to
the service with its name in the Required service column, on the node
indicated in the Server name column. These services are defined with the
CLIENT softkey.
Required service: Is the name of the service, to which the Client wishes to have access, as
defined on the remote node.
Server name: Is the name of the node and therefore of the channel on which the
service requested resides.

In the example shown in the described screen display, the 10 Series system offers the network its
directories F:\UPP and F:\NEWPP, naming them DISK1 and DISK2. The host can gain access to
DISK1 for reading and to DISK2 for reading and up-dating, but it cannot create new files on the 10
Further, from this channel it is possible to gain access to a service on the host using drive K:.
Connection with the remote disk is active when the data line is highlighted.

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Ethernet Comunication

Third screen display (optional)


Current level: Advanced

Local environment Service name Type Access

. . . .
. . . .

Remote Environment Environment name Server Service name Type Access Filter

99 REM UTY NC0002 UTY 2 3 R 0

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The "Local environment" data define the "server environment" type services made available for the
network channel, whereas the "remote environment" data identify the "client environment" type
remote services that are to be accessed through the channel selected.


An "environment" is a set of tasks and system objects that combine to form an independent "virtual
machine" (stand-alone), able to communicate with other virtual machines through the exchange of
predefined messages and commands.
The 10 Series System internally comprises a number of environments, each with features of its
own (e.g. Numeric Control environment, Machine Logic environment, UTILITY environment, etc.).

This mechanism may be exploited for the transparent mode exchange of messages, in other words
for performance of the same operations between environments resident on different machines.
Again in this case the concepts of "client" and "server" are used for environments, in the same way
as for "client" and "server" files.
A "server" environment is a local environment on a machine at the disposal of the network, i.e. to
which the other machines are provided access through the network.

A "client" environment is an environment that does not exist on the machine in which it is defined,
but on a remote machine (where it must have been defined as "server environment"): messages for
a "client environment" are sent through the network to the remote environment and replies are
received from the latter as though it were a local environment (except for the delay caused by
transmission on the network).

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Ethernet Comunication

Local environment Lists the ID's (in Hex) of all the environments made available by the
network and configured by means of the SHARED ENV softkey on the
channel selected.
Service name: The name by which the service of local "server environment" configured
is recognized on the network.
Type: This is a decimal value defined by the user, identifying type, i.e. the
features, of the environment.
Access: Identifies the type of access permitted for the environment. Significance
of the values in this column is as follows:
R: Read
W: Write
E: Execute
The "service name", "type" and "access" values are checked by the
remote machines at the time connection is requested.

Remote environment: The ID (in Hex) of the remote environment corresponding to the service
made available by the node indicated in the "server name" column with
the name in the "service name" column.
This value may be used by user application programs (e.g. Dos Real
Environment name: The mnemonic of the ID of the remote environment: may be used directly
(for example, in ASSET programs).
Server name: The name of the node (and therefore of the channel) on which the remote
service (environment) has been defined and resides.
Service name: The name of the service (environment) for which client type access is
required, as defined on the remote node.
Type: The type associated with the remote environment on the server.
Access: The type of access required for that service; is the same as, or a subset
of, the accesses defined on the server.
Filter: The ID (in Hex) of another environment designed to filter certain
commands and see if they can be executed by the remote environment; if
the value is zero, no filter is required.

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Ethernet Comunication


When pressing the NET CONFIG softkey the softkeys shown below are displayed. They are
common to all screens of the network configurator.

Some softkeys can be active or not according to the configuration level selected as shown in the
two columns B (Basic) and A (Advanced).


The following table summarizes the function of each of these softkeys. A detailed description
follows on the next pages:

B A Softkey Meaning

❏ ❏ LEVEL Effects selection of the three configuration levels in a cyclical


❏ ❏ HELP This softkey opens a contextual help window which gives certain
practical information that depends on the activated softkey and
on eventual data entries opened.

❏ SHARED ENV This softkey is used to configure the environments made

available to the channel in the network; it is activated when the
message exchange features are configured (remote IPC=Y in
the CHAN GENERAL screen)

❏ REMOTE ENV This softkey is used to configure the remote environments that
the channel wants to use; activated when the message
exchange features are configured (remote IPC=Y in the CHAN
GENERAL screen).

❏ CHAN GENERAL With this softkey it is possible to configure certain general

information concerning the channel selected previously with the
Causes opening of a data entry which requests configuration of
different facts according to the type of protocol for that channel.

❏ ENVIR. CONNECT For immediate connection of all environments configured as


16-18 10 Series CNC - User Manual (09)

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

B A Softkey Meaning

❏ SERVER This softkey's function is to configure the various resources,

disks or printers, placed at the network's disposal by the
channel. It is active when the node has a Slave/File Server
It provokes opening of two data entries (the second appears on
confirmation of the logical service name) in which determinate
values must be introduced which characterize the specified
resource (see Chapter 4 for details).

❏ CLIENT This softkey's function is to configure the remote services, disks

and printers, which the channel intends using and eventually to
connect them automatically. It is activated on nodes with a
Master function.

It provokes opening of two data entries (the second appears on

confirmation of the logical service name) in which determinate
values must be introduced which characterize the specified
service (see Chapter 4 for details).

❏ SERVICES CONN. For immediate connection of all services configured as remote.

❏ ❏ EXIT Causes exit from the channel configuration environment and

return to the previous softkey configuration (10 Series) or to the
DOS prompt (PC).

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Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

Level selection (LEVEL Softkey)

To select the desired level, simply press the LEVEL softkey.

There are two levels corresponding to different degrees of visualized data and above all,
differences in how the softkeys are enabled with consequent changes to the commands.

Basic: Is the lowest level which enables visualization of basic information but does not
permit configuration modifications.
Advanced: Is the highest level in which all the foreseen system configuration functions are
enabled and in particular, the ones which act on the network's structure.

Access to the Advanced level is conditioned by enabling SECURITY: the Advanced level is
enabled, if the 4th bit of byte 5 is set to 1.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Byte 5 1 1

Advanced level enabled

Channel configuration (CHAN GENERAL Softkey)

By pressing the CHAN GENERAL softkey you open an input window similar to the following:


Channel name : NC0001 Board type : PCNET

File transfer : Y Remote IPC : N
Active channel : Y Protocol type NETBEUI
Address (only pathworks protocol): :

The fields contained in this data entry have the following meaning:

Channel name: Is the name of the selected channel. The name is an alphanumerical
string, with a maximum of 15 characters, which can coincide with the
name defined for the machine. With the PATHWORKS protocol, the
maximum string length is 6 characters.
The default value is NC 0001.
Board type: Is the type of network board used. It can only assume the value PCNET
which indicates the integrated OSAI network.

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Ethernet Comunication

File transfer: Enables [Y] or does not enable [N] the file transfer function.
The default value is [Y].
Remote IPC: InterProcess Communication.
This field must be set [Y] when configuring task-to-task exchanges of
commands and messages.
The default value is [N].
Active channel: Enables or disables the channel at the next system initialization. Only if it
has been placed on [Y] will the network be activated after the next
initialization otherwise, even though the supplied information will be held
in the memory, the system will be isolated from the network itself.
The default value is [N].
Protocol type: Is the protocol used. Possible values are:
NETBEUI for the NETBIOS protocol used in the DOS and
Windows environments (default value)
PATHWORKS for DIGITAL’s Pathworks protocol
Address: Is the logical address of the node. This field is only valid, if the Pathworks
protocol is used.
The data introduced in this field must have the following format:
XX that indicates the area (from 1 to 63)
YYYY that indicates the node (from 1 to 1023)

To function correctly, the value of the Channel name parameter must be

IMPORTANT unique on the network, i.e. two channels cannot exist with the same name.

The default value 'NC0001' defined on all the 10 Series Systems must
therefore be modified if more than one of these systems are connected to the

Configuration of the channel's parameters is only activated when the system on which the channel
resides is next bootstrapped.

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Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

Configuration of server type services (SERVER Softkey)

These services identify the resources (10 Series disks and directories).

In order to characterize Server type services, follow the procedure described below for each of

1. Press the SERVER softkey. A data entry is opened which will have a similar appearance to the
one shown below:


Service name : Delete : N


Service name: Is the name of the service to be configured, made up of a maximum of 8

alphanumerical characters (e.g. DISCO1).
Delete: This field serves to cancel the previously configured service. To delete,
set it [Y]. The service will still remain active on the 10 Series System until
the next machine initialization.
If a service is to be created or re-defined, indicate [N].
2. Type in the name of the service required. The example given below refers to a directory
(DISCO1), to be made available to the other users.
3. Press the [Enter] key to confirm the name of the service to be configured. A data entry will
appear similar to the one illustrated below:


Service name : DISCO1 Delete : N

Access : Password :

Service path :

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Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

The fields to be completed in the two data entries shown above have the following meaning:

Access: Defines the type of access to be associated to that service. The letters to
be used in this field are:
R permits access to the service so that the data contained in it can be
read. This letter must always be present.
W permits access to the service so that the data contained in it can be
read or modified. This letter, when present, must always be
preceded by R (i.e. must be written RW).
C allows the user to create files in the specified shared directory. When
present, this letter must always be preceded by the other two
mentioned above, i.e. RWC must be written.
Password: (Optional). It is the key word which may be associated to the service.
With this password, the service will only be accessible to the user who
knows it. The password is made up of no more than eight letters,
numbers and/or punctuation marks but spaces are not accepted.
If this field is empty, no password will be associated to the service and if
one was defined previously it will be removed.
Service path: Is the full path of the directory to be shared.
5. Fill in all the fields in this data entry with the appropriate data or, if necessary, modify those
proposed. When this is done, confirm with the [Enter] key or the same SERVER softkey.

The procedure given above must be repeated for each of the services which the Server intends to
offer the network users.
On the 10 Series System, Server type services are either enabled or disabled as from the next
bootstrap of the system on which the channel resides.

If a service defined in such way is to be used on a Windows NT client machine,

IMPORTANT the configuration program Start.Programs.Administrative Tool.User Manager,
and then User.New User has to be run on this machine with the following data
for defining the new user:

Username XP9F01
Full Name none
Description none
Password none
Confirm Password none
User must change password not enabled
User cannot change password not enabled
Password never expires enabled
Account disabled not enabled

The same operation has to be repeated varying Username and associating to it

the values XP9003, XP6103 for the first process, XP6203 for the second
process and so on up to XP7403 for the 20th process.
The standard procedure for creating a virtual drive has to be carried out which
enables access to the service.
Only in this way the service defined on page 10 can be accessed from Windows

10 Series CNC - User Manual (09) 16-23

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

Configuration of client type services (CLIENT Softkey)

The client services are those which the channel under configuration ask from the network (disks of
another 10 Series system or disks of the host computer).
In order to characterize the services of the Client, follow the procedure described below for each of

1. Press the CLIENT softkey. A data entry is opened similar to the one shown below:


Remote drive : Delete : N

The meaning of each field contained in this data entry is the following:

Remote drive: Is the local name of the disk associated with the service (Service name)
belonging to a remote host or 10 Series system (Server name). It
consists of a letter from I to Z not followed by a colon (e.g. K).
Delete: This field serves to cancel the definition and the usage of a previously
defined service. For cancellation indicate [Y]. In the case of creation or
re-definition, indicate [N].
2. Type the name of the remote device and press the [Enter] key to confirm. A data entry window
similar to the one below will appear:


Remote drive : K Delete : N

Service name : Server name :

Password : Automatic connection :

16-24 10 Series CNC - User Manual (09)

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

The fields contained in the two data entries shown above have the following meaning:

Service name: Is the name of the service the Client wants to access which is
provided by a host computer or a 10 Series system connected to
the network.
Server name: Is the name of the channel on which the service reside (host
computer or 10 Series).
Password: (Optional). The password associated with the service to limit
access to authorized persons only. The password is made up of no
more than eight letters, numbers and/or punctuation marks, but
spaces are not accepted. It must coincide with the one specified in
the service definition of the service configuration data entry of the
Server on the remote machine.
Automatic connection: With this parameter it is possible to effect automatic connection of
the Client to the specified service. If [Y], connection will take
immediate effect. If [N], connection will have effect only from the
next system initialization.
In order for this to succeed, both the local channel and the one on
the host have to be active and the server must offer the service
currently requested.
3. Fill in the fields of this data entry with all the appropriate data. When complete, confirm the data
entered by pressing [Enter] or the CLIENT softkey again.

The procedure described above must be repeated for all the services on the host to which access
is required.

At the moment of connection to a disk which resides on the host, it is

IMPORTANT necessary for the service to have been defined. If, on the other hand, the disk
resides on the 10 Series System, the service must be defined and the system
must be bootstrapped. It is always necessary for the network to be enabled on
both channels.

10 Series CNC - User Manual (09) 16-25

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication


Enabling Task-To-Task communication

Remote task-to-task communication is enabled by setting the field Remote IPC to (Y) in the CHAN
GENERAL data entry.

At this point the task-to-task communication feature between NC and PC becomes active. In the
case of task-to-task communication between NC’s the necessary parameters still have to be
configured using the softkeys SHARED ENV and REMOTE ENV.

Defining a local environment as sharable in the network

(SHARED ENV softkey)
A shared local environment identifies a local virtual machine as accessible by other systems for the
exchange of messages and commands.
To define a local environment on a system as accessible and sharable by the network, the fields of
the two SHARED ENV data entry windows must be compiled appropriately.

On completion of data entry, press [Enter] or SHARED ENV again.

The values entered in the two data entry windows will be available for the
IMPORTANT network following the next system bootstrap.



Environment Id: Delete: N

Environment Id: The ID of the local environment to be made sharable.

This can be:
ID Environment
061H Numeric control, process 1 (always present)
062H ÷ 074H Numeric control, processes 2 to 20 (if configured)
050H Machine logic (always present)
090H Human Interface (always present)
09FH DOS Graphic Interface (if installed)
0B0H DOS Real Time Interface (if installed)
0B1H End User DOS option (if installed)

16-26 10 Series CNC - User Manual (09)

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

Delete: Press [Y] to remove the availability of the previously configured

environment or [N] to create or modify the service; creation/modification,
and deleting will be effected at the next system bootstrap.

Deleting a service could also be occasioned by a physical problem in the network (e.g. cable

Declaring a local environment, or other machines connected to the network,

as available must always be done with caution as the external commands
interact directly with the system, with the possibility of altering normal work.



Environment Id: 61 DELETE: N

Service Name: Type:
Access: Password:

Service Name The name to be associated with the network sharable environment.
Range: from 0 to 8 alphanumeric characters (e.g. PROCESS1) and must
be unique on any one machine.

Type Value identifying the type of service, the predefined types being:
1 - Numeric control environment
2 - Machine logic environment
Range admitted: 0÷127
the value of this field is not controlled during this characterisation stage, but when a request for
connection is received from a remote system; this value must represent the type of service
connection is required to.

The ASSET environment on a remote system can connect to the service by specifying type (e.g.
2=machine logic).

10 Series CNC - User Manual (09) 16-27

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

Access The type of access allowed on the remote machine.

This parameter is tested at connection time, exactly as for the previous
The same type of access, or a subset of it, must be specified by the
remote machine.
Range of values: R/W/E:
R - Read access
W - Write access
E - Execute access
Password Optional field.
The password that may be associated with the environment to select
accesses from the remote machines.
Requests for connection from remote machines must specify the same

Connection to a remote environment (REMOTE ENV. Softkey)

A Remote environment is a virtual machine physically resident on a remote 10 Series system,
which receives messages and/or commands as if they were sent to it locally.

To connect a remote environment (defined locally as shared), the REMOTE ENV data entry
windows must be compiled appropriately.

On completion of data entry, press [Enter] or REMOTE ENV again.

REMOTE ENVIRONMENT (First data entry)


Environment Id: Delete: N

Environment Id: The ID of the remote environment

Range of values: 030H ÷ 0FFH
The value of this ID must obviously be different from the one of the local machine; for example, to
access a process 1 of a remote environment (defined on the machine with 61H), a different ID will
have to be used (e.g. 31H) to avoid any conflicts with the local process 1 environment (see list of
If an incorrect ID is specified, no error is reported during this parameterization phase, but
connection will prove impossible on the next bootstrap.

16-28 10 Series CNC - User Manual (09)

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

Delete: Type [Y] to remove access to the remote environment; type [N] to add or
modify access to a remote environment.
Cancellation, generation and modification are executed at the next
system bootstrap.

When sending requests to a remote environment, there is direct interaction

with the 10 Series structure, altering the course of normal work.

REMOTE ENVIRONMENT (Second data entry)


Environment Id: Environment name:

Server name: Service name: Type:
Access: Password: Filter:

Environment name The name associated with the new remote environment, to be used, for
example, in an ASSET part program to specify the remote machine
This name must be unique inside the system.
Range of values: from 0 to 8 alphanumeric characters
Server name Name of the channel on which the environment is local.
Range of values: from 0 to 8 alphanumeric values
Service Name Name associated with the sharable environment as Service Name when
configured on its local channel.

The Server Name and Service Name provide unique identification of each
IMPORTANT environment available in the network.

Type The type of service; this parameter must be consistent with the value
declared in the sharable environment with the Type parameter on its
local channel.
Access The type of access required for the remote environment; must be the
same as, or a subset of, the value specified for the Access parameter
declared in configuration of the sharable environment.
Password Optional field.
If the password was specified in the sharable environment on its local
channel, this field must be compiled with the same string.
If no password was specified in the sharable environment, this field must
not be filled in either.

10 Series CNC - User Manual (09) 16-29

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

Filter Optional field.

Must be declared when the commands to the remote environment are
sent first to another environment for preprocessing or verification.
The filter environment must be suitably studied for the processing of filter
operations and for transmission of the filtered message to the target
If the filter environment is on a remote channel, it must be defined as
Remote environment.
This field is normally used to filter commands sent to a numeric control distant from its machine

Immediate connection of remote environments (Softkey ENVIR. CONNECT)

Using the ENVIR. CONNECT softkey of the environment “Peripherals”, all environments
configured as remote can be connected immediately without having to wait for the next bootstrap;
the environments will be connected provided that the corresponding local environment has been
configured as "SHARABLE" on the SERVER machine.

When the ENVIR. CONNECT softkey is pressed, the following window is displayed, in which the
environments to be connected will be displayed one after another:

Connecting local environment ...... to ......

indicating for each

local ID of the host machine

remote environment channel name

This softkey re-initializes the connections stored.
If used when connections are already active and functioning, this operation first disconnects and
then reconnects the link. Therefore operations taking place between the environments are aborted.

16-30 10 Series CNC - User Manual (09)

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication

Automatic connection of remote devices (Softkey SERVICES CONN.)

The SERVICES CONN. softkey can be used to connect the CLIENT immediately to all services
configured as remote, on condition that the services requested are effectively offered by the server
specified and that the latter is up and running.

When the SERVICES CONN. softkey is pressed, the following window is displayed, in which the
services to be connected are displayed one after another, e.g.:

Connecting drive K: to \\PC1\DISKC

indicating each time:

id of the local drive host name and

remote services

This softkey re-initializes stored connections.
If used when connections are already active and functioning, this operation first disconnects and
then reconnects the link. Therefore operations running between the environments are aborted.

10 Series CNC - User Manual (09) 16-31

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication


Network activation on the 10 Series system

If during configuration the Active channel parameter has been set at [Y], the network is
automatically activated on the system as from the next start up (except for start up in emergency
status). If the network is not activated, check the above mentioned parameter in the configuration
environment (see Chapter 4 for details).

Loading of the network drivers is indicated on the 'CNC Software Diagnostic' screen during
initialization, by one of the following two messages:

OD101 PATHWORK software loading (for installations with PATHWORKS protocol)

OD101 NETBEUI software loading (for installations with NETBEUI protocol).

If modifications are carried out on the configuration parameters, it is necessary

IMPORTANT to re-initialize the system (switch off and back on) for the modifications to have

Enabling the net on a Windows PC

In order to enable the network on a PC under a WINDOWS operating system you have to correctly
install the driver for the network board on the PC using Control Panel.

When installing the driver you also have to configure the NETBIOS configuration protocol and MS

After having enabled the network you can proceed to configure CLIENT SERVER services of the
PC and CNC’s connected to it by selecting the network icon on the Control Panel.

16-32 10 Series CNC - User Manual (09)

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication


DOS SHELL is the utility in which the functions offered by the network are exploited most.

The resources offered the network by the Server and configured on the Client machine with their
ID's are seen by the 10 Series System as if they were own resources.

All the DOS SHELL commands react in the same way in relation to remote services and therefore
only a few examples are given below. For further details, please refer to the chapter concerning the
DOS SHELL in the 10 Series User Manual. In the descriptions which follow, it is presumed that the
user has already entered the DOS SHELL environment by means of the relative softkey.

Display of the drives

On entering the DOS SHELL environment, (or, in this environment, on pressing the SHOW
DRIVES softkey), all the drives available to the system are visualized in a window with a similar
aspect to the one which follows.


A: Local
E: Local
LPT1 Local

In the example, the drive K is a remote disk connected to the DISKC service of the PC1 Server.

10 Series CNC - User Manual (09) 16-33

Chapter 16
Ethernet Comunication


If access to a part program resident on a remote disk is required (e.g. a directory of the PC which
contains all the part programs used to determine operation), you only have to use the COPY
command out of PART PROGRAM or Import out of the PART PROGRAM MANAGEMENT
environment (if working with logic directories). You cannot execute a part program residing on a
remote server.

To be executed, the part program must reside in the local hard disk. It is for this reason that it must
be 'imported' from the remote Server. It is also possible to transfer part programs from the 10
Series System to the Server with the Export command of PP MANAGEMENT or COPY of a PART

Here follows a brief description of the copy procedure of a part program to the NC.

1. Enter the part program management environment by pressing the PART PROGRAM softkey.
2. Press the COPY softkey.
3. In the input window which is opened, introduce the pathname of the file which is to be imported,
specifying the remote disk, and the name of the file of destination (local). Confirm with [Enter].

To export a file, the procedure is the same.


This environment permits access to the network services through the DOS applications developed
by the user.

The access to the remote services is possible for all the DOS tasks definable in this partition and
also for the Utility environment.

Configuration of the services must be done by the network configurator. Enabling and disabling of
this services comes about in the standard way for the Utility environment, whereas for the DOS
tasks of the DOS Real Time environment they are effected by means of the E:\ABNET\DS_DRIVE

This command must be repeated for each one of the DOS tasks that must gain access to this


16-34 10 Series CNC - User Manual (09)

Chapter 17


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined

Description: These functions are reserved for project design by R&D. They do not provide
context-sensitive help and are indicated as 'reserved'. They cannot be accessed by
users occupying higher levels.

10 Series CNC User Manual (14) 17-1

Chapter 17
Function Tables


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined

Description: Enables access to functions used by QA for HW and SW testing.

FUNCTION TABLE: BYTE 2 - Maintenance

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit

0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Possibility to install new options

Information about HW and installed SW
Access to Servo Monitor environment
Access to Dos Shell environment
Access to Peripherals environment
Access to Compiler utility
Enabling of user programs running in
emergency mode
Enabling of OEM console at the START-UP
(valid only for security levels above 2°).

17-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (14)

Chapter 17
Function Tables

FUNCTION TABLE: BYTE 3 - Directory Protection

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit

1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

Not defined
Access to USER part programs
Access to SYSTEM part programs
Access to OEM part programs
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Enables paramacro display

Description: These functions provide reading/writing protection. Access to executable programs

is always enabled.

FUNCTION TABLE: BYTE 4 - System Tables Protection

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

Possibility of deleting Tooling & Warehouses

Possibility of deleting Checkers Tables
Possibility of deleting Sources Tables
Possibility of deleting User Tables
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined

10 Series CNC User Manual (14) 17-3

Chapter 17
Function Tables

FUNCTION TABLE: BYTE 5 - Configuration

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit

1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1

Access to AMP
AMP parameter recalculation
Access to configuration utilities: TOOL
Not defined
intermediate level
Access to language selection
Enables advanced ODM functions


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit

0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

Access to PLUS MENU

Access to PLUS Debugger
Access to PLUS and WinPlus Reboot and
Reboot from WinNBI
Activate PLUS GEN
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined

17-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (14)

Chapter 17
Function Tables

FUNCTION TABLE: BYTE 7 - Part Program Development

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

Access to Editor Digitizing

Not defined
Access to PP Management
Access to Electronic Cam
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined

FUNCTION TABLE: BYTE 8 - Execution of CNC Functions

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit

0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1


Access to Axes REF
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined

10 Series CNC User Manual (14) 17-5

Chapter 17
Function Tables


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Selection from OEM console

Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined
Not defined

Description: This table is reserved for the OEM who can use the Operating System dedicated
function for managing the passwords of his own applications and utilities.


17-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (14)

Appendix A

An error message is made up of a two-letter code that indicates the environment where the error
has been detected, a three-digit numerical code, and a string of characters that describes the error
condition. In this Appendix error messages have been classified according to the environment in
which they occur. Here is a list of the environments with their two-letter codes:

HIxxx Human interface

PPxxx Part program
TExxx Table editor
PKxxx Product key
EExxx Emergency
BDxxx Hardware - Basic unit
HDxxx Hardware - Other boards
ODxxx Software - Operating system
SDxxx Software - Software configuration
APxxx Applications
EDxxx Editors errors
PFxxx Peripherals
FDxxx Front panel
CNxxx Network configurator

• Certain messages describe an action that is in progress or has been performed by the system
rather than an actual error.

• The error messages that occur during the system diagnostics (refer to Chapter 2) are displayed
in conjunction with the messages FAILED (for a locking error), WARNING (for a non-locking
error), and PASSED or REPORT (to indicate that the diagnosed part has passed the tests).

• Error messages are of critical importance to detect programming or operating errors as well as
machine failures. Before calling the Technical Assistance make a note of the following
information and be prepared to quote it:
− message code and text
− conditions in which the error was detected (start up diagnostics, machine status, etc.).

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-1

Appendix A
Error Messages


Code and message Description Remedial action

HI002 Extension too long The part program extension has more than Check and correct the extension of the part
3 characters. program file
HI003 Logic name too long The logical part program name has more Check and correct the part program name
than 48 characters.
HI004 The file name already The part program file exists in the directory. Modify the part program name
HI005 Extension error The file extension is not compatible with the Check and correct the file extension
operation. For example, a request has been
made to activate a graphic file with the
".dfp" extension.
HI006 File already opened The requested part program file is open ---
HI007 File already opened The requested file is open for writing. Check the file name or close the file open for
for writing writing.
HI008 ISO file protected or The ISO file is open or protected. Check the file name or the security level for
opened access.
HI009 The current directory There are no files in the current directory This is not an error message but a warning.
is empty
HI010 Char not allowed for The specified character is not allowed in a Check the specified logical file name and
file name logical file name. deleted illegal characters.
HI011 Page number out of The requested page is not in the data table. Check and correct the page number.
HI012 Parameter index out The requested index is not in the data table Check and correct the specified index.
of table of the selected variable.
HI013 Error during value This error occurs when assigning a value. Check that the input value is in the allowed
assignment range for the variable and, if necessary, correct
HI014 Variable name does The input variable name does not exist. Check and correct the variable name
not exist
HI015 Wrong block number The format if the block number is not Check and correct the block number format.
format allowed. For example, Nxxxxxx with x and
HI016 Wrong axis limits The specified machine axes limits are not Check and correct the specified limits.
HI017 Error during axes System error. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
HI018 Duplicate axes name The same name has been assigned to two Check and correct the names assigned to the
different axes in the machine data entry axes.
HI019 Error in plane There is an error in the name of the axis on Check and correct the axis name.
rotation axis the rotation plane.
HI020 Command not This command is not allowed by the logic. Check and correct the specified command
allowed from logic name.
HI021 Value out of range The assigned value is out of the allowed Check and correct the value assigned to the
range. variable.
HI022 Syntax Error Syntax error in a field of the data entry Check and correct the input parameters.
HI023 Format Error The format of the parameters written in the Check and correct the format of the input
data entry window is not allowed. parameters.
HI024 Undefined symbol Symbol not recognised by the logic Check and correct the symbol
HI025 Overflow The expression is too long Split the expression into several blocks
HI026 Division by zero A division by zero has been found while Check and correct the expression.
calculating an expression with the
<EVALUATE> procedure.
HI027 End of file End of file message. ---
HI028 Beginning of file Beginning of file message. ---
HI029 Part program not The part program has not been selected. Select a part program or abort the operation.

A-2 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

HI030 Wrong axis name The specified axis name does not exist. Check and correct the name of the specified
Example: this error occurs in the data entry axis.
windows providing information about the
SET-UP, etc.), when the specified axis does
not exist.
HI031 Failed to write Writing error in the value of a variable. Check and correct the input data
HI032 Failed to read Reading error in the value of a variable. Check the name of the variable
HI033 Offset not defined for The presetting refers to the offset of an axis Check the table of the offset.
the axis for which no length offset has been
configured in the AMP.
HI034 Error from PLUS Internal system error. Contact the Technical Assistance service
HI035 Error from servo Internal system error Contact the Technical Assistance service
HI036 Command & sys The input command is not allowed in the Check and correct the input command or alter
state not congruent current system status. the system status.
HI038 Data Entry not Internal system error Contact the Technical Assistance service
HI039 Axis not referenced The requested operation cannot be Home the axes before performing the
performed if the axes have not been requested operation.
homed. For example, offset presetting.
HI040 Too many files in The number of files in the directory has Delete files from the directory.
directory reached the maximum limit.
HI041 Access denied. The requested operation is not allowed Key in the correct password and repeat the
Check security. without using a password. operation
HI042 Access denied to Access to the USER directory is not allowed Key in the correct password and repeat the
User directory without using a password. operation
HI043 Access denied to Access to the SYTEM directory is not Key in the correct password and repeat the
SYS directory allowed without using a password. operation
HI044 Access denied to Access to the OEM is not allowed without Key in the correct password and repeat the
OEM directory using a password. operation
HI045 Not enough memory! Internal system error. Contact the Technical Assistance service
HI046 Illegal argument for The argument of the TAN operator is 90 Check and correct the expression before
TAN degrees (the result of which tends to calculating it with EVALUATE
infinite). This error has been detected by
the EVALUATE utility.
HI047 Illegal argument for The SQR operator argument is negative. Check and correct the terms of the operation
SQR This error happens when operating with requested with EVALUATE.
HI048 ISO file already exist A request has been made to convert a Modify the name of the .dfp file.
graphic file with the .dfp extension into an
ISO that already exists in another directory.
HI050 Logical names The file that associates logical file names to Contact the Technical Assistance service
doesn't exists part program names does not exist.
HI051 Press Enter to You must press [Enter] to confirm an
confirm the block instruction before executing it with Cycle ---
HI052 Failed to write on Writing error in System History file. Delete the file with DOS Shell.
System History
HI053 TCP activation not The request to enable TCP is not allowed TCP can be enabled if the following are not
congruent by the current system status. active:
- other TCP blocks
- canned cycles
- offsets
- measuring cycles
- GTL programming

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-3

Appendix A
Error Messages

HI054 Axis not congruent Virtual axis ID not configured. To enable the Edit the part program name.
tool direction you must configure in AMP
the name and ID of the virtual axis
associated to the tool direction.
HI055 Driver not permitted You tried to access protected drives. --

HI056 Part program not Part program you tried to activate does not --
exists exist.
HI057 Error in message Error in visualization of messages coming --
visualization from processes.
HI058 Char not allowed for The pathnameset in data entry PATH --
directory names NAME contains characters not allowed.
HI059 Path name too long The pathnameset in data entry PATH --
NAME contains more than 30 characters.
HI060 Dos name too long DOS name is too long. --
HI061 Driver not ready or You tried to access a not configured or not --
not configured connected drive.
HI062 Wrong path name The pathname set in the data entry is Check the pathname validity, if not present,
wrong. insert it.
HI065 File protected or The file is protected or is already open. --
HI066 File not found The file does not exist. Check the file name.
HI067 File delete failed Deleting operation failed. Check consistency of set data.
HI069 File rename failed Renaming operation failed. Check consistency of set data.
HI070 File copy failed File copy failed. Check consistency of set data.
HI071 Insufficient space on Space disk insufficient to complete the Increase the available space disk.
disk operation.
HI072 Process not Selected process has not been configured Configure process in AMP or rectify process
configured in AMP number

A-4 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages


Code and message Description Remedial action

PP002 Extension too long The extension of the part program has more Check and correct the extension of the part
than 3 characters. program file
PP003 Logic name too long The logical part program name has more The logical name cannot have more than 48
than 48 characters. characters.
PP004 The filename already The specified part program name exists in Edit the part program name.
exists the directory.
PP005 Extension error The file extension is not compatible with the Check and correct the file extension.
requested operation.
PP006 File already opened The requested part program file is already ---
PP007 Wrong drive or The specified drive or directory is not Check and correct the name of the drive or the
directory correct. directory.
PP008 ISO file protected or The ISO file is protected or open. ---
PP009 The current directory The current directory does not contain any Check and correct the name of the directory.
is empty part program file.

PP010 Char not allowed for The specified character is not allowed in a Check and correct the logical file name.
file names logical file name.
PP011 File can't be copied The destination file cannot have the same Check and correct the file of the destination
onto itself name as the source file. file.
PP012 The file doesn't exist The requested file does not exist. Check the file name.
PP013 Destination file can't The requested destination file cannot be Check the name or the protections of the
be opened opened. destination file
PP014 The source file The requested source file cannot be Check the name or the protections of the
cannot be opened opened. source file
PP015 The source file The requested source file cannot be closed. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
cannot be closed
PP016 Destination file The requested destination file cannot be Contact the Technical Assistance service.
cannot be closed closed.
PP017 String was not found The requested string has not been found. Check the string name.
PP018 End of search The search has been terminated. ---
PP019 Copy complete The copy has been terminated. ---
PP020 Import complete The import operation has been terminated. ---
PP021 Export complete The export operation has been terminated. ---
PP022 Print complete The printing session has been terminated. ---
PP026 Data Entry not Internal system error. Contact the Technical Assistance service
PP028 Operation on file is Internal system error. Contact the Technical Assistance service
PP029 Too many files in The number of files in the directory has Delete files from the directory.
directory reached the maximum limit. (For the limits
in each directory refer to Chapter 10).
PP030 Physical file does not The physical file associated to the part Press [Enter] to restore the directory and
exist. Enter restore program does not exist. delete the program or [Esc] to abort the
directory. Esc abort. operation.
PP042 Access denied to Access to the USER directory is not allowed Key in the correct password and repeat the
USER directory without using a password. operation.
PP043 Access denied to Access to the SYTEM directory is not Key in the correct password and repeat the
SYS directory allowed without using a password. operation.
PP044 Access denied to Access to the OEM is not allowed without Key in the correct password and repeat the
OEM directory using a password. operation.
PP050 Logical name tables The file that associates logical file names to Contact the Technical Assistance service.
doesn't exist part program names does not exist.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-5

Appendix A
Error Messages


Code and message Description Remedial action

TE001 Illegal process The selected process has not been Check and correct the selected process.
number configured.
TE002 Impossible open There is not enough memory to open the Contact the Technical Assistance service
directory window directory window in order to select a file.
TE003 Directory file access This error occurs when accessing the Contact the Technical Assistance service
error directory the contains the Table Editor files.
TE004 No memory available There is not enough memory to manage the Contact the Technical Assistance service
for directory names of the desired files.
TE005 No files on directory There are no files in the selected directory. This is not an error message but a warning.
TE006 Element not found The element searched for with FIND has Check the search string specified in the FIND
not been found. command.
TE007 Calculation not The requested ADD INC or SUB INC Check and correct the requested functions.
allowed operations cannot be calculated in this field.
TE008 File creation error This error occurs while creating a file. Contact the Technical Assistance service
TE009 File access error This error occurs while reading or writing a Contact the Technical Assistance service
TE010 Warning tool offset id The offset number associated to a given This is not an error message but a warning.
changed tool has been modified.
TE011 Dual port illegal There has been an attempt to access the Load the requested table in the dual port
access dual port memory (MEMORY file name) but memory.
the table is not defined in the dual port
TE012 Illegal sort criteria The selected sorting criteria has not been Check and correct the selected sorting criteria.
TE013 No memory available There is not enough memory to handle the Contact the Technical Assistance service
for sort selected sorting criteria.
TE014 No memory for There is not enough memory to back up or Contact the Technical Assistance service
Backup/Restore restore the dual port memory.
TE015 File/Dualport config The configuration of the axes saved in the Check and correct the axes configuration.
mismatch accessed file is different from that saved in
the dual port memory.
TE016 No axis for the There are no axes configured in the Origins Check or compile the Origins Table associated
selected process Table of the selected process. to the selected.
TE017 Illegal character in There are illegal characters in the tool code. Check and correct the format of the tool code.
tool code Legal characters are the digits without signs
or separators.
TE018 Graphic file creation Error while creating a shape file shape. Reinstall the VERIFY option or contact the
error Technical Assistance service.
TE019 Data Base record not When importing a tool code into the Tools Check the tool code or the Tool Data Base
found Table a database record was not found. table.
TE020 Offset file creation This error occurs when creating the tool Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error offsets file while accessing the Tools Table.
TE021 Illegal shape This error is generated by a parameter Check and correct the dimensions of the
associated to shape. visualised shape.
TE022 Illegal character in A character in the search string written in Check and correct the search string written in
find field the FIND window is illegal. the FIND window.
TE023 Warning: Table Access to the table stored in the dual port This is a read-only table.
locked read only memory denied by PLUS.
TE024 Illegal file size The length of the file table is illegal. Delete the file with DOS Shell.
TE025 Printer out of paper. The printer is out of paper. Put more paper in the printer and re-start
Print lost printing.
TE026 Printer timed out. The printer does not print. Check the printer status.
Print lost
TE027 I/O error. Print lost The printer is not connected. Check the printer status.

A-6 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

TE028 Record changed While modifying a record saved in the Repeat the operation.
during elaboration dualport memory, PLUS modified the
contents of the record and the visualised
data are no longer valid.
TE029 Pockets go out of The number of pockets configured in the Check and correct the number of pockets
magazine magazine overflows the allowed maximum. configured in the magazine
TE030 Illegal pocket per row In a planar magazine the number of pockets Check and correct the number of pockets per
per line is missing or overflows the line configured for a planar magazine.
maximum total number. In other types of
magazine the number of pockets per line
must be 0.
TE031 Pocket conflict The pockets configured in this magazine Check and correct the configured pockets.
among magazines overlap those configured in another
TE032 No selected The mandatory magazine has not been Select the mandatory magazine.
magazine selected before accessing the Tool Table.
TE033 Offset file access This error occurs when reading or writing Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error the tool offsets files while modifying the
Tools Table.
TE034 Empty magazine The pockets of the selected magazine have Check and correct the selected magazine.
not been defined.
TE035 Pocket out of The selected pocket/s overflow the Check and correct the selected pocket/s.
magazine magazine capacity.
TE036 Warning pocket Indicates that the number of the pocket This is not an error message but a warning.
changed associated to a tool has been modified.
TE037 Pocket is still busy The pocket defined for a tool is occupied by Check and correct the specified pocket.
another tool or reserved for it.
TE038 Illegal previous A multiple tool occupying several pockets Check and correct the contents of the pockets.
pocket interferes with the pocket occupied by
another tool (previous tool).
TE039 Illegal following A multiple tool occupying several pockets Check and correct the contents of the pockets.
pocket interferes with the pocket occupied by
another tool (subsequent tool).
TE040 Illegal random The random class stored in memory is not Check the tool class and correct it.
TE041 Tool table is full The dual port is full when the Tools Table Cut down the number of tools configured in the
associated to a magazine is copied with a table.
LOAD function.
TE042 Slave tool not The multi-cutter tool cannot be defined as Make this assignment for a master tool.
selectable slave.
TE043 Too many slaves It is not possible to definse another slave Check and correct the master tool.
for the multi-cutter tool (max. 2).
TE044 Warning multi cutter This warning indicates that the multi-cutter This is not an error message but a warning.
tool tool has been modified.
TE045 Warning reserved The selected tool occupies a reserved tool. If the tool is confirmed the error will be ignored
pocket overlap but the pocket will be in any case overlapped.
TE046 Pocket less than or The final pocket must be greater than or Check and correct the final magazine pocket.
equal to start equal to the initial one when the pocket
state in the magazine is altered.
TE047 Illegal tool offset The tool offset number must be less the Check and correct the tool offset number.
number of configured offsets.
TE048 Tool code already There is another tool with the same name in Check and correct the tool code in the
existing the database. Tool codes must be assigned database.
on a one-to-one basis.
TE049 Illegal character in There is an illegal character in the input Check and correct the input file name.
file name filename.
TE050 Offset file illegal size The length of the tool offsets file is illegal. Delete the file with DOS SHELL.
TE051 User stop print The operator has aborted the printing ---
request session by pressing [Esc].
TE052 Illegal double format The format of this variable is not accessible Check and correct the variable.
for editor to the editor (max 5.5).

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-7

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

TE053 Illegal magazine The magazine number specified in the Tool Delete the file with DOS SHELL.
number into file file refers to a non-existing magazine.
TE054 Too many magaziner In the Tool File there are tools associated to Delete the file with DOS SHELL.
into file different magazines.
TE055 Active and save file SAVE MEM is not allowed on the current Abort the operation.
has same name file.
TE058 Pocket not initialisedPocket assigned to tool has not been Initialise Pocket and reassign to tool.
TE059 Pocket not Pocket assigned to tool is not compatible Assign Pocket compatible with tool.
compatible with type of tool.
TE101 Same axis name Two axes configured in the same process Check and correct the axes names assigned in
has been given the same name. the process configuration.
TE102 Error writing This error occurs when the configuration file Contact the Technical Assistance service.
configuration file is saved with a SAVE command.
TE103 Error reading This error occurs when the configuration file Contact the Technical Assistance service.
configuration file is read with a LOAD command.
TE104 Same name of The TBC_CONF name cannot be used for Modify the file name.
default configuration saving the configuration file because it has
been used by the configuration for other
TE105 Configuration file The configuration file specified in the LOAD Check and correct the name of the
doesn't exist command does not exist. configuration file.
TE106 Wrong length of file The length of the configuration file specified Check and correct the name of the
in the LOAD command is illegal. configuration file.
TE107 Reset operation Error during configuration reset. An internal Reinstall the release o contact the Technical
failed configuration file is probably corrupt. Assistance service.
TE108 Value less than or The maximum allowed value for a field Check and correct the maximum value.
equal to min value cannot be less than the minimum
configured value for that field.
TE109 Value out of range The maximum or minimum value defined for Check and correct the maximum or minimum
the field is beyond the allowed range for the field value.
number of digits in that field.
TE110 Field type mismatch The fields matched with the LINK function Check and correct the fields.
must belong to the same class.
TE111 Undefined sort The selected sorting criteria has not been Check and correct the selected sorting criteria.
TE112 Files compilation Compilation error in the last translated Contact the Technical Assistance service after
error configuration file. saving the configuration file. Supply the
configuration file to the Technical Assistance
TE113 File not found Internal working files not found. Reinstall the release or contact the Technical
Assistance service.
TE114 Write error Disk writing error while generating the new Contact the Technical Assistance service.
TE115 Read error Disk reading error while activating the new Contact the Technical Assistance service.
TE116 Value must be The maximum and minimum values defined Check and correct the field value.
greater than zero for this field must be positive, i.e. greater
than zero.
TE117 Incomplete sort As many as 2 fields can be defined with a Check and correct the number of fields or the
sorting criteria, or the sorting headline has sorting headline.
not been defined.
TE118 Sort field can be The number of fields defined for table Check and correct the number of sorting fields
maximum 6 sorting cannot be greater than 6.
TE119 Sort number must be The number of fields defined for sorting is Modify a previous sorting criteria rather than
less than 20 greater than maximum value (20). deleting it or creating a new one.
TE120 No field link change This field cannot be altered and the link to
allowed another field cannot be removed. ---
TE121 Impossible open There is not enough memory for opening Contact the Technical Assistance service.
directory window the file selection window in LOAD and
SAVE operations.
TE122 No files on directory No configuration files have been saved. This is not an error message but a warning.
TE123 Illegal char in file There is an illegal character in the file Check and correct the file name.
name name.

A-8 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

TE124 Error reading This error occurs while reading the directory Contact the Technical Assistance service.
directory files files.
TE125 Help config not Help messages cannot be altered in the ---
allowed on field selected field.
TE126 Unlink operation non The selected field cannot be used for
allowed unlinking matched items. ---
TE127 Too many digit This number may have as many as 10 Correct the input value.
(integer + decimal) digits.
TE201 The variables limits There is overlapping between elements Check and correct the number of variables in
are wrong belonging to two different tables. both tables.
TE202 Error writing This error occurs while writing the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
configuration file configuration file.
TE203 Error reading This error occurs while reading the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
configuration file configuration file.
TE204 Same name of A file name reserved for the editor has been Check and correct the file name.
default configuration selected.
TE205 The configuration file The configuration file cannot be found. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
not exist
TE206 Wrong length of file The length of the configuration file is illegal: Contact the Technical Assistance service.
the file is corrupt or has not been generated
by the editor.
TE207 Table modified User variables have been modified from Edit the table or ignore it and move to other
during Data Entry PLUS during a data entry session. The tables.
(R)etry (I)gnore ? visualised values are therefore not valid.
TE208 Table access denied The table is write protected. The table is Retry later or abort the operation.
(R)etry (I)gnore used by PLUS and the contents of the data
entry window cannot be written on it.
TE209 Warning : Table The table is write protected. The table is Retry later or abort the operation.
locked, read only used by PLUS and the visualised variables
are read-only.
TE210 User stop print The operator has interrupted the printing ---
request session.
TE211 I/O error. Print lost This error occurs during a printing session. Restart the printer. If the error recurs, contact
The data transmitted to the printer have the Technical Assistance service.
been lost and must be retransmitted from
TE212 Error file creation This error occurs while creating the file for Contact the Technical Assistance service.
saving the variables.
TE213 Illegal file size The length of the variables saving file is Contact the Technical Assistance service.
illegal: the file is corrupt or has not been
generated by the editor..
TE214 File not found The variables saving file does not exist. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
TE215 Illegal file access This error occurs while accessing the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
variables saving file.
TE216 Write error This error occurs while writing the variables Contact the Technical Assistance service.
saving file.
TE217 Read error This error occurs while reading the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
variables saving file.
TE218 Can't copy a table on It is not possible to copy this table on itself. Press [Esc] to exit and retry selecting another
itself (ESC) table.
TE219 Can't copy an empty It is not possible to copy an empty table. Press [Esc to exit or retry selecting another
table (ESC) table.
TE220 Value cannot be less The value must be positive. Alter the input value.
than zero
TE221 Max value must be The maximum value must be greater than Alter the input value.
greater than min the minimum.
TE222 Too many digit The format of this number is 10 digits. Correct the input value.
(integer + decimal)
TE223 Value out of range The minimum or maximum value is out of Alter the input value.
the allowed range for this variable.
TE224 Files compilation This error occurs while configuring the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error configuration file.
TE225 No blank line allowed The name of a field or table cannot be a Correct the input name.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-9

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

TE226 Table access denied This table cannot be accessed. The LOAD Check the requested operation and retry.
has failed.
TE227 No files on directory There are no Editor files in the selected This is not an error message but a WARNING.
TE228 Error reading Error while reading the Editor directory. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
directory files
TE229 Illegal char in file The input file name includes illegal Check and correct the file name.
name characters.
TE230 Impossible open There is not enough memory for handling Contact the Technical Assistance service.
directory window the directories of files to be visualised.
TE231 Illegal double format The variable format can not be accessed by Check and correct the variable.
for editor the editor (max 5.5).

A-10 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages


Code and message Description Remedial action

DS001 Write-protected disk This error occurs when writing a write- If the write-protected disk is the diskette,
protected disk. remove the write-protection and retry. If it is a
remote disk writing is not allowed..
DS002 Internal error 2401H DOS INT24H has been invoked with error Try another disk
code 001 (unit unknown) while accessing
the disk.
DS003 Drive not ready This error occurs when the diskette is not Re-insert the diskette in the drive or connect
well inserted in the drive or the remote disk the remote disk and repeat the operation
in inaccessible.
DS004 Internal error 2403H Internal disk error. DOS INT24H has been Try another disk
invoked with error code 003 (command
unknown) while accessing the disk.
DS005 Internal error 2404H Internal disk error. DOS INT24H has been Try another disk
invoked with error code 004 (CRC data
error) while accessing the disk.
DS006 Internal error 2405H Internal disk error. DOS INT24H has been Try another disk
invoked with error code 005 (requested
length illegal) while accessing the disk.
DS008 Internal error 2407H Internal disk error. DOS INT24H has been Try another disk.
invoked with error code 007 (magnetic
support unknown) while accessing the disk.
DS009 Internal error 2408H Internal disk error. DOS INT24H has been Try another disk
invoked with error code 008 (sector not
found) while accessing the disk.
DS010 Printer out of paper The printer is out of paper. Load more paper
DS011 Write fault error This error occurs when the writing operation Check that the disk is not defective and has a
cannot be carried out on the selected compatible format, and repeat the operation. If
diskette. the error occurs during a printing session,
check that the printer is on line.
DS012 Read fault error This error occurs when reading from a Check that the disk is not defective and has a
diskette. DOS INT24H has been invoked compatible format, and repeat the operation.
with error code 0BH (DOS message: Read
fault error; Abort, Retry, Fail?).
DS013 General failure error This error occurs when operating on a non Check that the disk is not defective and has a
formatted disk. DOS INT24H has been compatible format, and repeat the operation.
invoked with error code 0CH (DOS Also check whether the selected file is already
message: General failure error; Abort, open or is an active part program.
Retry, Fail?) .
DS014 Invalid softkey The softkey pressed by the operator is not Check which are the active softkeys.
pressed active.
DS015 Insufficient memory Internal software anomaly. Internal software anomaly.
DS016 Unknown device The specified device has not been Check the device connection (if the
configured either as local or as remote. ETHERNET option is present) and repeat the
DS019 Access not allowed The current security level does not allow Repeat the operation on another device or
from this level access to the specified device. select a lower access level (if allowed).
DS020 Device is not The accessed device is configured but not Retry the operation after checking whether the
reachable/connected connected. server is connected and working and whether
the relevant service has been adequately
DS021 Use LPT1 instead of PRN and LPT1 refer to the same printer but Change PRN to LPT1 and repeat the operation
PRN the system accepts only the LPT1 string.
DS033 Invalid directory path The specified pathname does not exist. Check the specified pathname and repeat the
DS034 Directory creation The specified directory cannot be created. Check whether the path and/or the directory
error exist and repeat the operation
DS035 File not found The specified file does not exist. Check whether the specified file exists and
repeat the operation
DS036 Open file error The specified file cannot be opened. Check whether the specified file and the
access password exist and repeat the

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-11

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

DS037 Creation file error The specified file cannot be created. Check the path of the specified file and the
password and repeat the operation. This error
can also occur when accessing the currently
active part program file.
DS038 Destination disk full There is not enough space in the Delete unnecessary files from the diskette and
destination diskette to save the file. repeat the operation.
DS039 Insufficient memory Internal software error. There is not enough Select a subset of files, for example, *.exe.
for directory space to load all the directories.
DS040 Too many files in There are more than 1522 files in the Select a subset of files, for example, *.exe,
directory requested directory: the visualised directory delete unnecessary files or move files to
is not complete another directory.
DS041 '*' and '?' not allowed Wildcards are not allowed in the 'pathname' Remove the wildcards and repeat the
field. operation
DS042 Read-only file This message occurs when attempting to Check the type of access to the specified file.
write or delete a read-only file. Access cannot be altered by DOS SHELL.
DS043 Directory not empty The specified directory cannot be deleted Delete all the files in the directory and repeat
because it is not empty. the operation
DS044 Missing drive No drive has been specified. Write the drive name with the pathname and
repeat the operation
DS045 Invalid filename The specified file name is not valid because Check the file name and repeat the operation
it is a directory name.
DS047 Can't find BACKUP The BACKUP command cannot be Contact the Technical Assistance service
command executed because the executable file is
DS048 Can't run BACKUP The BACKUP command cannot be Contact the Technical Assistance service
command executed because the executable file
cannot be used.
DS049 Error running The BACKUP command ends because of Check the input parameters and repeat the
BACKUP command an error. command.
DS050 Can't find RESTORE The RESTORE command cannot be Contact the Technical Assistance service
command executed because the executable file is
DS051 Can't run RESTORE The RESTORE command cannot be Contact the Technical Assistance service
command executed because the executable file
cannot be used.
DS052 Error running The RESTORE command ends by an error Check the input parameters and repeat the
RESTORE command command.
DS053 Can't find FORMAT The FORMAT command cannot be Contact the Technical Assistance service
command executed because the executable file is
DS054 Can't run FORMAT The FORMAT command cannot be Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
command executed because the executable file Assistance service.
cannot be used.
DS055 Error running The FORMAT command ends because of Check the input parameters and repeat the
FORMAT command an error. command.
DS059 Can't find XCOPY The XCOPY command cannot be executed Contact the Technical Assistance service.
command because the executable file is missing.
DS060 Can't run XCOPY The XCOPY command cannot be executed Contact the Technical Assistance service.
command because the executable file cannot be
DS061 Error running XCOPY The XCOPY command ends because of an Check the input parameters and repeat the
command error. command.
DS062 Can't find EDIT The EDIT command cannot be executed Contact the Technical Assistance service.
command because the executable file is missing.
DS063 Can't run EDIT The EDIT command cannot be executed Contact the Technical Assistance service.
command because the executable file cannot be
DS064 Error running EDIT The EDIT command ends because of an Check the input parameters and repeat the
command error. command.

A-12 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages


Code and message Description Remedial action

PK001 Library w.a. Internal software error. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
allocation error Assistance service.
PK002 Library w.a. not Internal software error. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
initialized Assistance service.
PK003 Softkey allocation Internal software error. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
error Assistance service.
PK004 Softkey w.a. not Internal software error. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
initialized Assistance service.
PK005 FUNCTION structure Internal software error. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
allocation error Assistance service.
PK006 Data entry w.a. Internal software error. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
allocation error Assistance service.
PK007 Data entry w.a. not Internal software error. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
initialized Assistance service.
PK008 Error w.a. allocation Internal software error. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
error Assistance service.
PK009 Error w.a. not Internal software error. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
initialized Assistance service.
PK010 Help w.a. allocation Internal software error. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
error Assistance service.
PK011 Help w.a. not Internal software error. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
initialized Assistance service.
PK012 Open file error This error indicates an anomaly when Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
opening a file used by the Security utility. Assistance service.
PK013 Read file error This error occurs indicates an unsuccesfull Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
reading operation of a Security file. Assistance service.

PK014 Write file error This error indicates an unsuccesfull writing Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
operation of a Security file. Assistance service.
PK015 Seek error This message indicates a file positioning Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
error during a reading or writing operation. Assistance service.
PK016 SECURITY This error occurs when the password file Reinstall the release.
CORRUPTION: does not exist or its checksum is not
reinstall release correct.
PK017 Wrong password This error occurs when the confirmed Reinstall and confirm the new password.
confirmation password is different from the new one.
PK018 Invalid password This error occurs when the input password Rewrite the password.
for selecting a new security level or defining
a new password is different from the
confirmed one.
PK019 Level must be higher This error occurs when the security level Alter the current security level with the SET
than current selected in the SET SECURITY window is LEVEL function and select SET SECURITY
lower than the current one. again.
PK020 Wrong keys syntax This error occurs when the three product Rewrite the product keys.
keys defined in the PRODUCT KEYS data
entry window include illegal characters.
(Only capital alphanumeric characters are
PK021 Wrong product keys This error occurs when the three product Rewrite the keys. If the error recurs contact the
keys written in the PRODUCT KEYS data Technical Assistance service.
entry window are not correct.
PK022 Security violation This error occurs after three consecutive Select the data entry window again and key in
erroneous passwords have been written in the correct passwords or product keys.
entry windows or after three consecutive
erroneous product keys have been written
in the PRODUCT KEYS data entry window.
PK023 Security violation: This error occurs when the hardware Contact the Technical Assistance service.
turn system off product key is not correct.
PK024 Set not permitted for This error occurs when the operator tries to This operation is illegal.
this level modify the 0 level password.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-13

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

PK025 General failure! This error occurs when installing an optional Check the diskette and repeat the installation.
Press ENTER to package.
continue, ESC to
PK026 Drive not ready! This error occurs when the operator repeats Re-insert the diskette and re-confirm the
Press ENTER to the installation of the optional package but installation.
continue, ESC to the diskette is not well inserted in the drive.
PK027 Wrong floppy disk. This error occurs when the diskette of the Re-insert an appropriate diskette and press
Reinsert the disk and optional package is not an OSAI diskette. ENTER.
press ENTER to
PK028 Only 0 and 1 are This error occurs when the operator writes Check and correct the values written in the bit
permitted digits other than 0 and 1 in the bit map of map of the SET SECURITY data entry window.
the SET SECURITY data entry window.
PK029 Disk D: access Internal software error. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
denied Assistance service.

A-14 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages


Code and message Description Remedial action

EE001 Servo error axis Positioning or following error greater than Exit with reset.
the configured value. Non-locking error
(ERRO status).
EE002 Skew Error Axis Split axes positioning or following error Exit with reset.
greater than the configured value. Non-
locking error (ERRO status).
EE003 Encoder phase error Erroneous encoder configuration. Non- Exit with reset.
locking error (ERRO status).
EE004 Timeout tolerance The axis is out of tolerance after the Exit with reset.
error specified time. Non-locking error (ERRO
EE005 Inpos tolerance error The axis is out of tolerance. Non-locking Exit with reset.
error (ERRO status).
EE006 Broken wire Broken wire detected in the transducer Switch off the system.
detection cable. Locking error (EMERG status).
EE007 Watch dog axis The axes boards have not been refreshed Switch off the system.
in the specified time. Locking error (EMERG
EE008 Divide by zero axis Calculation error (division by zero). Locking Switch off the system.
error (EMERG status).
EE009 Invalid command Request not valid for this board. Locking Switch off the system.
axes error (EMERG status).
E010 Escape found axis Coprocessor error. Locking error (EMERG Switch off the system.
EE011 Software overtravel This emergency is given by the axis board Jog the axis in the opposite direction.
limit with HPG when the axis reaches the software travel
limit. Non-locking error.
EE012 HPG software The axis board generates this message to
overtravel exit indicate that the axis has returned within the ---
software travel limit.
EE013 WatchDog - CAN I/O CANOpen I/O devices have not been Switch off the system
module refreshed within the allotted time. Locking
error (EMERG status)
EE014 CAN communication Transmission or reception error has Check connections and turn off the system
error occurred on CANOpen bus
EE015 WatchDog - FastWire FastWire I/O devices have not been Switch off the system
I/O module refreshed within the allotted time. Locking
error (EMERG status)
EE016 Fastwire Transmission or reception error has Check connections and plug of Fastwire bus.
communication error occurred on Fastwire bus.
EE020 Plus shutdown Machine shutdown request. Non-locking Exit with reset.
request error (ERRO). Note: Not displayed as filtered from human
EE023 Axis Interpolator Interpolator/Interlocking Exception. Switch off the system.
Exception The exception is notified through an
appropriate code. Locking error (EMERG
EE024 Plus I/O ring failure I/O ring failure, or an 'O' (output) variable Switch off the system or modify the machine
has been used as output parameter in a logic.
machine logic SUBROUTINE. Locking error
(EMERG status).
EE025 Plus -WinPlus WinPlus exception. This exception is Switch off the system or modify the machine
Exception notified through an appropriate code. logic.
Locking error (EMERG status).
EE026 Plus realtime task The logic task has not been assigned a Switch off the system.
overrun sampling time interval. Locking error
(EMERG status).
EE027 Axis hw overtravel This emergency is generated by the user 1) Exit with reset.
limit reached logic when the axis reaches the hardware 2) Jog the axis within the limits.
overtravel microswitch. Non-locking error

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-15

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

EE028 Exit over travel This message is generated by the logic Note: It is a warning.
hardware task to indicate that the axis has returned
within the hardware overtravel limits..
EE029 Too many no wait The logic has sent too many no wait Contact the Technical Assistance service
requests from Logic requests.
EE030 Ghost interrupt The system cannot interpret the Switch off the system.
interruption. It is a locking error (EMERG
EE031 Front Panel anomaly General front panel failure: watchdog, Switch off the system.
coprocessor, parity error, etc. Locking error
(EMERG status).
EE032 False interrupt This message indicates that a false Contact the Technical Assistance service.
interrupt has been detected.
EE033 Unrecoverable An anomaly has been detected during data Switch-off the system.
Remote I/O Failure reception/transmission on I/O Ring.
EE034 Recoverable Remote An anomaly has been detected during data Try to remove the anomaly cause and reset the
I/O Failure reception/transmission on RIO. system.
EE049 Axis enable request The request to enable an axis reaches the Eliminate the error by executing a Reset
not allowed system while it is already performing the
calculations for the movement of the axis
that has not yet been enabled (e.g. the
request to enable the axis by PLUS arrives
after “consent for the movement”)

A-16 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages


Code and message Description Remedial action

EE040 Over signal distorsion
An excessive distorsion of the optical fibre Switch off and then on again.
on optical fibre signal has been detected.
EE041 Interrupt trasmission
The optical fibre signal has been Switch off and then on again.
on optical fibre interrupted. Check the optical fibre cable
and all the connections.
EE042 AT Telegram missing Data loop communication with D.S.I. driver Switch off and on again; if the anomaly
missing. persists, contact the Technical Assistance
EE043 D.S.I. Initialization Error during initialisation phase. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
phase error
EE044 Anomaly on service Anomaly when sending commands from System reset.
channel Master to D.S.I. driver.
EE045 Anomaly on D.S.I. Anomaly during command execution. Reset the system and remove the cause of the
command execution error.
EE046 Drive shut down: Error coming from "class 1 diagnostic" See the D.S.I. drive documentation.
class 1 diagnostic drive.
EE047 Shut down warning: Anomaly signal non-locking coming from See the D.S.I. drive documentation.
class 2 diagnostic D.S.I. "class 2 diagnostic" driver.
EE048 D.S.I. Fault: anomaly Locking error, when handling an anomaly Switch off the system and contact the
during anomaly caused by the drive. Technical Assistance service.


Code and Message Description Remedial action

EE055 Axes board memory Axes board OS8531 failure detected by Fit new OS8531 board.
test failed hardware diagnostics at CNC power-up.
EE056 Drive/Bridge not At power-up, CNC did not find on the Check whether address on drive or Bridge
connected Fastwire bus either an OS3 drive or a corresponds to the one configured in AMP, or
Bridge matching the address configured in check wiring of Fastwire communication cable.
AMP for the axis specified.
EE057 Drive command error Following transmission of a command, CNC Check drive integrity and parameters, if
received an error message from the drive; anomaly persists, contact the Technical
or an anomaly occurred in management of Assistance service.
EE058 Drive alarm Alarm signal given out by the drive Eliminate cause of drive alarm and RESET
associated with the axis specified. system.
EE059 Drive fault Severe error notified by the drive Check drive integrity and parameters, if
associated with the axis specified. anomaly persists, contact the Technical
Assistance service.
EE060 Drive initialization Drive initialization not completed Check drive integrity and parameters, if
error successfully during power-up. anomaly persists, contact the Technical
Assistance service.

The emergency messages coded from EE050 to EE054 are reserved.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-17

Appendix A
Error Messages


Base unit (main CPU)

Code and message Description Remedial action

BD001 PRODUCT KEY Product key checksum error. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
checksum failed
BD002 CMOS memory The backup battery of the dual port memory Leave the control on 24 hours. If the message
battery back up low is low and the data stored in the CMOS recurs, contact the Technical Assistance
may be lost. service.
BD003 Disk boot failure DOS cannot be loaded from the hard disk. Check that there is no floppy disk present in
the drive. If the error persists, call the customer
engineering service.
BD004 Fixed Disk: 1 Present Indicates that the HDU is present. ---
BD004 Floppy Disk: 1 Indicates that the floppy disk unit is present. ---
BD004 Fixed Disk Not Indicates that the HDU is not responding. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
BD004 Floppy Disk Not Indicates that no floppy disk unit is present. ---
BD004 1780-Disk 0 failure A failure has occurred on the HDU or the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
1782-Disk controller HDU controller.
1790-Disk 0 error
BD011 Serial configuration Hardware anomaly. Serial port configuration Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error error.
BD012 Print configuration Hardware error. Printer configuration error. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
BD013 Internal Serial Port Serious hardware error. Serial; port failure. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
BD014 Internal Parallel Port Hardware error. Parallel port failure. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
BD016 Non-system disk or The diskette in drive A has not been Remove or replace the diskette
disk error formatted as a system disk.
BD017 Virtual mode cannot Serious hardware error. Access to virtual Contact the Technical Assistance service.
be accessed mode is not allowed.
BD020 Address line error Serious hardware error. The line address is Contact the Technical Assistance service.
not correct.
BD028 Clock stopped Hardware anomaly. The clock is locked. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
BD029 Clock/Calendar error Hardware error. Clock/calendar error. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
BD032 CMOS RAM Serious hardware error. CMOS RAM Contact the Technical Assistance service.
checksum error checksum error.
BD033 CMOS video Software error. Video CMOS configuration Contact the Technical Assistance service.
configuration error error.
BD034 Motherboard video Software anomaly. The set up of the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
jumper error motherboard video jumpers is not correct.
BD035 Base memory Serious hardware error. base memory Contact the Technical Assistance service.
configuration error configuration error.
BD036 CMOS base memory Serious hardware error. The size of the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
size error CMOS RAM memory is not correct.
BD037 CMOS extended Hardware error. The size of the CMOS Contact the Technical Assistance service.
memory size error RAM extended memory is not correct.
BD038 Turn key to unlocked Software error. Request to set the key to Contact the Technical Assistance service.
position the unlocked position.
BD039 Fixed disk present Signals that the HDU is present. ---
BD043 Option ROM found Signal that the optional ROMs are present. ---
BD045 Option ROM Serious hardware error. Optional ROM Contact the Technical Assistance service.
checksum error checksum error.
BD050 R/W disk error Serious hardware error. Disk reading/writing Contact the Technical Assistance service

A-18 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

BD052 Disk controller failure Serious hardware error. Disk controller Contact the Technical Assistance service
BD053 R/W disk 0 error Serious hardware error. Disk 0 Contact the Technical Assistance service
reading/writing error.
BD055 Parity error on main Serious hardware error. Parity error on the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
circuit board base unit board.
BD056 Parity error on Serious hardware error. Parity error on the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
expansion board expansion board.
BD057 Fatal error - system Serious error. Locked system. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
BD061 Dedicated memory Hardware anomaly. Serious error detected Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error during extended memory test.
BD062 Dedicated memory Hardware anomaly. Serious error detected Contact the Technical Assistance service.
fail during extended memory test.
BD063 Math processor Indicates that the math processor is
(I80387) present present.
BD065 Video configuration Software error. Signals a video Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error configuration error.
BD066 CMOS RAM battery Hardware error. CMOS RAM backup Contact the Technical Assistance service.
failure battery failure.
BD101 CMOS memory The CMOS RAM backup battery has
battery back up passed the test. ---
BD102 DOS primary boot Indicates that the system starts loading ---
strap DOS in memory.
BD103 Non system disk or The diskette in drive A has not been Remove or replace the diskette
disk error formatted as a system disk.
BD104 Remove the diskette Remove the diskette and strike any key to
and strike any key continue.
BD105 PRODUCT KEY The product key checksum is correct. ---
checksum passed

Other boards

Code and message Description Remedial action

HD001 Configuration file not Configuration file generated through AMP Execute AMP to check for errors, then enter
found has not been found. the parameters again. If this operation fails
again, contact our technical service.
HD002 Dispatcher file not The .EXE file is missing and the board Reinstall the release: if the problem persists,
found initialisation manage cannot be executed. contact our technical service.
Software error.
HD003 No configured There are no software configured boards in Reinstall the release: if the problem persists,
boards the system. contact our technical service.
HD004 System time out on Serious error. System timeout during Contact the Technical Assistance service.
memory initialisation inspection of the amount of
memory available of the boards. Hardware
HD005 Diagnostic time out Serious error. Board timeout during Contact the Technical Assistance service.
execution of the initialisation diagnostics.
Hardware anomaly.
HD006 Time out on card Serious error. Board timeout. Hardware Contact the Technical Assistance service.
bootstrap. anomaly.
HD007 PAK not found Product Authorization keys have not been Enter the PAK’s
HD021 Dual port error Serious error. Hardware error on the dual Contact the Technical Assistance service.
port memory.
HD022 File not found The .EXE file to be loaded on the board Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
does not exist.. Assistance service.
HD023 Path not found The pathname of the .EXE file to be loaded Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
on the board does not exist. Assistance service.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-19

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

HD024 File format error (1) This error occurs when the system reads Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
the .EXE file to be loaded on the board. It Assistance service.
returns from the DOS 0X3F INT21H
HD025 Program too large This internal software error occurs when the Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
.EXE board initialisation file is larger than Assistance service.
the dual port memory.
HD026 Timeout on No response from the board after loading Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
download the initialisation file. Assistance service.
HD027 Software error This error message is not used by the Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
board initialisation firmware. Assistance service.
HD028 Insufficient system This error message is not used by the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
memory board initialisation firmware.
There is not enough memory for the system
to load the requested configuration.
HD029 File format error (2) The file to be loaded is not a .EXE file. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
Assistance service.
HD030 No board memory to There is not enough memory for the system Contact the Technical Assistance service.
load project to load the requested configuration.
HD042 Dual port has been The dual port did not have correct data and
reset has been reset. This message indicates ---
that the reset operation has been
HD049 RAM check error Hardware error during RAM board Contact the Technical Assistance service.
diagnostics. The message indicates that the
diagnostics has been completed and an
error has been found.
HD050 DMA error Serious error. Hardware error during board Contact the Technical Assistance service.
DMA diagnostics.
HD051 NPX errror Serious error. Hardware error during board Contact the Technical Assistance service.
mathematic coprocessor diagnostics.
HD052 Time unit error Serious error. Hardware error during board Contact the Technical Assistance service.
timer diagnostics.
HD053 Erdc error Serious error. The transducer is damaged Contact the Technical Assistance service.
or the axes boards have been configured as
having more channels than those present in
the system.
HD061 Loaded bootstrap This is not an error message but a warning.
program It indicates that loading of the initialisation ---
program has terminated and no error have
been detected.
HD062 Check ram This is not an error message but a warning. ---
It indicates that the RAM verification has
been completed.
HD063 Loaded diagnostic This is not an error message but a warning. ---
It indicates that the diagnostic program has
been loaded.
HD064 Ethernet board The system has detected an Ethernet ---

A-20 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages


Operating system

Code and message Description Remedial action

OD001 Operating system This is not an error message but a warning. ---
loaded It indicates that the operating system has
been loaded.
OD002 Operating system This is not an error message but a warning. ---
loading It indicates that the operating system is
being loaded.
OD003 Application loading This is not an error message but a warning.
It indicates that an application program is ---
being loaded.
OD011 MINI DNC not Remote controller configured but MINI DNC Install MINI DNC or remove configuration of
installed local boot not installed. Boot continues without bootstrap remote controller
OD012 Channel Bootstrap remote controller configured but Reactivate communication channel or remove
disabled,local boot communication channel disabled. Boot configuration of bootstrap remote controller
continues without controller
OD020 RTSCOPE user alias The file is corrupt. Check the file contents and contact the
file error Technical Assistance service.
OD021 Incorrect DOS The DOS version is not compatible with the Reinstall the release.
version system.
OD022 Disk boot failure The initialisation software of the system disk Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
is corrupt. Assistance service.
OD023 Missing System disk failure. The OSYDRIVD.SYS Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
OSYDRIVD.SYS file has been lost. Assistance service.
OD024 Configuration file System disk failure. The configuration file Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
error has been lost. Assistance service.
OD025 Operating system The operating system cannot be loaded. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
load Assistance service.
OD030 EMERGENCY TEST The Emergency Test program cannot be Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
missing executed. Assistance service.
OD040 FRONT PANEL The operator panel initialization program Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
LOADER missing has been lost. Assistance service.
OD042 EMERGENCY The Emergency Program cannot be loaded. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
PROGRAM not Assistance service.
OD043 HARWARE The hardware diagnostics program cannot Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
DIAGNOSTIC not be loaded. Assistance service.
OD044 OPERATING SYSTEM The operating system programs cannot be Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
not loadable loaded. Assistance service.
OD045 OPERATING SYSTEM The operating system configuration has Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
CONFIGURATION been lost. Assistance service.
OD046 MULTITASKING can't System disk error. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
be started Assistance service.
OD047 FILE SERVER not The file server cannot be initialised. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
bootable Assistance service.
OD048 APPLICATION The application loader program has been Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
LOADER missing lost. Assistance service.
OD049 SOFTWARE The wrong key has been pressed.. Release the key and restart the system.
OD050 OPERATING SYSTEM The operating system loader program has Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
LOADER missing been lost. Assistance service.
OD051 OPERATING SYSTEM The operating system program has been Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
missing lost. Assistance service.
OD060 COMMAND FILE not The commands file program has been lost. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
found Assistance service.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-21

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

OD070 E44/E47 option not The MINIDNC option cannot be used. The Insert the allowed PAK.
allowed hardwre security key is not allowed.
OD071 Can't install net The system configuration is not compatible Check the installed options and contact the
with the MINIDNC option. Technical Assistance service.
OD072 Invalid protocol A MINI DNC file has been lost or is corrupt. Reinstall the MINI DNC option and contact the
selection Technical Assistance service.
OD100 RS232 software This is not an error message but a warning.
loading It indicates that the network software of the ---
MINI DNC option is being loaded.
OD101 SK-Netbios software This is not an error message but a warning.
loading It indicates that the network software for the ---
SK-Netbios protocol of the MINI DNC
Ethernet option is being loaded.
OD102 DEC-Netbios This is not an error message but a warning.
software loading It indicates that the network software for the ---
DEC-Netbios protocol of the MINI DNC
Etehrnet option is being loaded.
OD103 E65 option not The Serial MINI DNC option cannot be Insert the allowed PAK.
allowed used. The hardwre security key is not
OD104 E66 option not The MINI DNC Ethernet option cannot be Insert the allowed PAK.
allowed used. The hardwre security key is not
OD105 E67 option not The Ethernet Communication Remote Insert the allowed PAK.
allowed Control option cannot be used. The hardwre
security key is not allowed.
OD106 Local station Bootstrap remote controller manager Reinstall release and call for technical
Network Name not software error assistance
OD107 Add Name - NetBios Bootstrap remote controller manager Reinstall release and call for technical service
error: xx software error
OD108 Listen - NetBios Bootstrap remote controller manager Reinstall release and call for technical service
error: xx software error
OD109 Hang Sessione - Bootstrap remote controller manager Reinstall release and call for technical service
NetBios error: xx software error
OD110 DelName - NetBios Bootstrap remote controller manager Reinstall release and call for technical service
error: xx software error
OD111 MINIDNC error COM1 This is not an error message but a notice Configure COM1 in AMP
not configured in that COM1 is not configured in AMP
OD112 MINIDNC error COM2 This is not an error message but a notice Configure COM2 in AMP
not configured in that COM2 is not configured in AMP
OD113 See Fig. 1 This is not an error message but a notice Reinstall release and call for technical service
that the system is operating as a network
OD116 Receive - NetBios Bootstrap remote controller manager Reinstall release and call for technical service
error: xx software error
OD117 Send session - Bootstrap remote controller manager Reinstall release and call for technical service
NetBios error: xx software error
OD118 Unknow request from Bootstrap remote controller manager Reinstall release and call for technical service
remote station software error

This station is working as a Network Server.

Fig. 1

A-22 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages

Software Configuration Errors

Code and message Description Remedial action

SD000 PLUS environment This is not an error message but a warning
creation that indicates that creation of the PLUS ---
environment is terminated.
SD000 Servo environment This is not an error message but a warning
creation that indicates that creation of the SERVO ---
environment is terminated.
SD000 Process 1 This is not an error message but a warning
environment creation that indicates that creation of the ---
PROCESS 1 environment is terminated.
SD000 Process 2 This is not an error message but a warning
environment creation that indicates that creation of the ---
PROCESS 2 environment is terminated.
SD000 Process 3 This is not an error message but a warning
environment creation that indicates that creation of the ---
PROCESS 3 environment is terminated.
SD000 Process 4 This is not an error message but a warning
environment creation that indicates that creation of the User ---
Interface environment is terminated.
SD000 H-I environment This is not an error message but a warning
creation that indicates that creation of the User ---
Interface environment is terminated.
SD000 OEM environment This is not an error message but a warning
creation that indicates that creation of the OEM ---
environment is terminated..
SD011 PLUS error file not The file containing PLUS errors has not Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
found been found. Assistance service.
SD012 PLUS loader file not The PLUS loader file has not been found. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
found Assistance service.
SD013 Servo error file not The file containing servo errors has not Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
found been found. Assistance service.
SD014 Servo loader file not The servo loader file has not been found. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
found Assistance service.
SD015 Process error file not The file containing process errors has not Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
found been found. Assistance service.
SD016 Process loader file The process loader file has not been found. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
not found Assistance service.
SD017 Human error file not The file containing user interface errors has Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
found not been found. Assistance service.
SD018 Human loader file not The user interface loader file has not been Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
found found. Assistance service.
SD019 OEM error file not The file containing OEM errors has not Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
found been found. Assistance service.
SD020 OEM loader file not The OEM loader file has not been found. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
found Assistance service.
SD021 AMP loader file not The AMP loader file has not been found. Reinstall the release and contact the Technical
found Assistance service.
SD101 AMP file not found The PLUS AMP utility has not been found. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
SD102 pl_confax error This error occurs during axes configuration. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
SD103 pl_putvar error This error occurs during assignment of Contact the Technical Assistance service.
PLUS variables.
SD104 Logic information file The file containing information about the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
not found PLUS logic has not been found.
SD105 EXE information file The executable file has not been found. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
not found
SD106 Error opening i/o This error occurs when opening an I/O Contact the Technical Assistance service.
configuration file configuration file.
SD107 Too many I/O for Too many I/O requests for the configured Contact the Technical Assistance service.
configured board board..
SD108 Error reading i/o This error occurs when reading an I/O Contact the Technical Assistance service.
configuration file configuration file.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-23

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

SD109 Error reading PLUS This error occurs when reading the PLUS Contact the Technical Assistance service.
hw description file hardware configuration file.
SD110 pl_checkhw error This error occurs during the hardware Contact the Technical Assistance service.
PLUS test.
SD111 Error on axis Axis definition error.
SD112 Error loading table Table loading error. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
SD113 Error on end Error detected when PLUS configuration is Contact the Technical Assistance service.
configuration complete.
SD114 Too many MTB Too many MTB panels for the configured Contact the Technical Assistance service.
PANEL for the board.
configurated board
SD115 Too many analog Too many analog devices for the configured Contact the Technical Assistance service.
device for the board.
configurated board
SD116 Local I/O board(s) The local I/O board is missing or is not Contact the Technical Assistance service.
not present or not working.
SD117 Reboot enabled On-line loading of the PLUS logic is This is not an error message but a warning that
(local watch dog enabled. the PLUS watchdog is disabled.
SD121 Dual Port error Dual port memory malfunctioning. Contact the Technical Assistance service.

SD122 File not found The specified file does not exist. Re-create the PLUS environment or contact
the Technical Assistance service.
SD123 Path not found The specified patname does not exist. Re-create the PLUS environment or contact
the Technical Assistance service.
SD124 File format error (1) The file format is illegal or the file is corrupt. Re-create the PLUS environment or contact
the Technical Assistance service.
SD125 Program too large The program is too large. Reduce the file length and re-create the logic.
SD126 Timeout on Program download to board has reached Contact the Technical Assistance service.
download the timeout.
SD129 File format error (2) The file is corrupt or is not a .EXE file. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
SD130 Insufficient board There is not enough memory board to load Reduce the logic program length or contact the
memory for loading the program. Technical Assistance service.
SD141 PLUS board O.S. This error occurs during PLUS board Contact the Technical Assistance service.
configuration error configuration.
SD142 Insufficient memory There is not enough memory on the PLUS Reduce the logic program length or contact the
to run project board to load and handle the user logic. Technical Assistance service.
SD143 I/O ring: wrong The number of on-line devices is different Check configuration values and repeat the
number of devices than the configured one. operation.
SD144 I/O ring: wrong The device found in a ring position is Check configuration values and repeat the
module code different than the configured one. operation.
SD145 I/O ring: wrong The DIP switch configurable device number Check DIP switch settings and configuration
device number is different than the configured one. values and repeat the operation.
SD146 I/O ring: wrong slot The 1771 slot map (hardware structure) is Check the correspodence between actual and
map (1771) different than the configured one. configured module position and repeat the
SD147 I/O ring: unknown The I/O ring device is unknown to the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
device system or is inadequate for the 10 Series
ring. A hardware failure has been detected
on the I/O ring device.
SD148 I/O ring: TX/RX transmission over the ring is not Contact the Technical Assistance service.
communication error allowed: broken wire, device not working,
etc. Hardware error.
SD149 I/O ring: 1771 device The 1771 module cannot be managed by Contact the Technical Assistance service.
not manager by OS OS 8090. Hardware incompatibility.
SD150 I/O Setup File Error File does not contain sections or Reformulate the Setup file as necessary.
parameters needed to configure the I/O’s.

SD159 Timeout on error The PLUS board does not provide an OK or Contact the Technical Assistance service.
management an error after the firmware or the logic have
been loaded.

A-24 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

From See PLUS and
SD159 WINPLUS Manuals
to Application in
SD187 chapter
From See PLUS and
SD190 WINPLUS Manuals
to Application in
SD194 chapter
SD201 AMP file not found The AMP axes file is missing. Restart the AMP utility or contact the Technical
Assistance service.
SD202 EXE code not found The executable code is missing. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
SD203 Error loading code This error occurs during code loading. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
SD204 Error on axis Axes definition error. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
SD205 Error loading table This error occurs when loading calibration Contact the Technical Assistance service.
or compensation tables.
SD206 Error on end This message indicates that an error has Contact the Technical Assistance service.
configuration been detected at configuration end.
SD207 Unknow error on This message indicates that an unknown Contact the Technical Assistance service.
board board error has been detected.
SD208 D.S.I. This is not an error message but a warning ---
stopped at phase 2 that the communication phase of the digital
interface is stopped at second level.
SD209 D.S.I. This is not an error message but a warning ---
stopped at phase 3 that the communication phase of the digital
interface is stopped at third level.
SD210 Continuos signal This is not an error message but a warning. ---
light test mode that the standard digital interface is in
"Continuos signal light" test mode
SD211 Zero bit stream test This is not an error message but a warning ---
mode that the standard digital interface is in “Zero
bit stream" test mode
SD212 Too many axes for The maximum number of axes for this Verify in AMP the number configurate of axes.
this CNC model model has exceeded.
SD213 Axis board not The axis board detected by the hardware is Check value of "board code number" in AMP.
congruent with AMP not congruent with the AMP declaration in
declaration the "board code number" field (only for
systems 110 and 510)
SD214 Loading DSI The CNC is loading parameters in the ---
parameters drives with Standard Digital Interface.
SD215 Verifying drives After checking the database, the CNC is ---
parameters loading parameters in the OS3 drives
(Fastwire interface).
SD216 Drives The CNC could not load the parameters in The parameter database may contain an error,
parameterisation not the OS3 drives (Fastwire interface). or a drive is damaged. Check the parameters
valid! again and the functionality of the drives.
SD217 Default drives The CNC has found that the database The drives may be able to work with the default
parameters loaded! containing the OS3 drive parameters is not settings, but it is always advisable to perform
aligned with the number of digital axes the tuning again and update the database with
characterised in AMP: one or more are optimal values.
In this case, the parameter files of the
missing axes are created and saved in the
database with the default values. The new
files are saved as DEFAPLxx.CSV where
‘xx’ is the ID of the axis associated with the
drive. The root-table of the AXLINTAB.CSV
database is updated with the newly created
SD301 AMP file not found The AMP process file is missing. Restart the AMP utility or contact the Technical
Assistance service.
SD302 EXE code not found The executable file is missing. Contact the Technical Assistance service.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-25

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

SD401 AMP file not found The AMP human interface file is missing. Restart the AMP utility or contact the Technical
Assistance service.
SD402 Part Program This message indicates an internal part Contact the Technical Assistance service.
Directory error program directory error.
SD403 Soft key allocation This error occurs during sotfkey allocation. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
SD404 Soft key initialization This error occurs during sotfkey Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error initialization.
SD405 Plus screen not The PLUS video screen is missing Check PLUS screen configuration or contact
found the Technical Assistance service.
SD406 Human task not The human interface task is missing. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
SD411 P.P. Dir writing file This error occurs when writing a file in the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error part program directory.
SD412 P.P. Dir reading file This error occurs when reading a file in the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error part program directory.
SD413 P.P. Dir closing file This error occurs when closing a file in the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error part program directory.
SD414 P.P. Dir creating This error occurs when creating the part Contact the Technical Assistance service.
directory error program directory.
SD415 P.P. Dir file number This error occurs when numbering a file in Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error the part program directory.
SD416 P.P. Dir removing file This error occurs when deleting a file from Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error the part program directory.
SD417 P.P. Dir memory This error occurs during memory allocation Contact the Technical Assistance service.
allocation error for the part program directory.
SD418 P.P. Dir opening file This error occurs when opening a file in the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error part program directory.
SD419 P.P. Dir system System variable not found. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
variable not found
SD420 P.P. Dir record length The length of the record in the part program Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error directory is not correct.
SD421 P.P. Dir is being This message indicates that the part This is not an error message but a warning.
recovered program directory is being recovered.
SD422 P.P. Dir has been This message indicates that recovery of the This is not an error message but a warning.
recovered part program directory has been completed.
SD423 P.P. Dir is being This message indicates that the part This is not an error message but a warning.
rebuilt program directory is being rebuilt. Logical names are taken as physical names.
SD424 P.P. Dir has been This message indicates that part program This is not an error message but a warning.
rebuilt directory rebuilding has been completed. Logical names are taken as physical names.
SD425 P.P. Dir has been This message indicates that the part This is not an error message but a warning.
created program directory has been created.
SD426 P.P. Dir too many This message indicates that there are too Delete unnecessary files from the part program
part program many part programs in the part program directory and repeat the operation.
SD427 P.P. Dir physical file The physical file is missing. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
not found
SD501 AMP file not found The AMP configuration file is missing. Restart the AMP utility or contact the Technical
Assistance service.

A-26 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages


Code and message Description Remedial action

AP000 Option not installed The requested option has not been installed Install the option or contact the Technical
or directory file not or has not been installed completely. Assistance service
found With the DOS Graphic Interface (E43),
check that the directory that should contain
the OEM exec is present.
AP005 Error spawnl: File or The executable file that corresponds to the Re-install the option or contact the Technical
path name not found requested option is missing. Assistance service.
AP006 Error spawnl: System error Contact the Technical Assistance service.
argument list or
space required too
AP007 Error spawnl: File not The installed file is not executable. Re-install the option or contact the Technical
executable Assistance service.
AP008 Error spawnl: not There is not enough memory to run the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
enough memory requested application.
AP009 Error spawnl: invalid System error. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
mode flag argument
AP010 Insuff. memory to There is not enough memory to read the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
read actual actual environment.
AP011 Error actual path too System error Contact the Technical Assistance service.
AP016 Undefined error System error Contact the Technical Assistance service.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-27

Appendix A
Error Messages


Code and message Description Remedial action

ED021 <Esc> to continue. DOS error during file management. The No action in the current session. Check the
Error in file handling: original version is restored and all the problem cause and use the recovery function.
arg list too long. modifications of the current session are
ED022 <Esc> to continue. DOS error during file management. The No action in the current session. Check the
Error in file handling: original version is restored and all the problem cause and use the recovery function.
access denied. modifications of the current session are
ED023 <Esc> to continue. DOS error during file management. The No action in the current session. Check the
Error in file handling: original version is restored and all the problem cause and use the recovery function.
bad file number modifications of the current session are
ED024 <Esc> to continue. DOS error during file management. The No action in the current session. Check the
Error in file handling: original version is restored and all the problem cause and use the recovery function.
file exists. modifications of the current session are
ED025 <Esc> to continue. DOS error during file management. The No action in the current session. Check the
Error in file handling: original version is restored and all the problem cause and use the recovery function.
invalid arguments. modifications of the current session are
ED026 <Esc> to continue. DOS error during file management. The No action in the current session. Check the
Error in file handling: original version is restored and all the problem cause and use the recovery function.
too many open files. modifications of the current session are
ED027 <Esc> to continue. DOS error during file management. The No action in the current session. Check the
Error in file handling: original version is restored and all the problem cause and use the recovery function.
no such file/dir. modifications of the current session are
ED028 <Esc> to continue. Not enough space on disk for saving the No action in the current session. Free space
No free space on current file. The original version is restored on disk and use the recovery function.
device. and all modifications of the current version
are lost.
ED029 <Esc> to continue. DOS error during file management. The No action in the current session. Check the
Error in file handling: original version is restored and all the problem cause and use the recovery function..
cross device link. modifications of the current session are
ED030 File too big. The file is too long to be edited. No action (if the file cannot be reduced).
ED031 <Esc> to continue. File recovery cannot be activated. No action in the current session.
The recovery file can
not be open.
ED032 Editor will abort. End of session signal. An error message No action.
Fatal error. more specific follows.
ED033 Configuration error. An error in one of the cycle general Check these files.
configuration files has been detected.
ED034 Too many lines. Source file has too much lines. The Type a lower number of lines.
maximum allowed number of lines is
200.000 in the 10 Series text section,
32.000 in the PC text section and 400 in the
graphic section (10 Series and PC).
ED035 Increment too big. During <sequence>, there is too much Reduce the increment value.
increment between the line numbers. The
last line of the file could reach a value over
the maximum.
ED036 <Esc> to continue. The value just introduced is out of the Type a consistent value.
Value out of range. interval.
ED037 Bad file name. The file name specified in the Change the file name.
<include>procedure has not been found.
ED038 File incomplete. File terminator not found. No action in the current session; it could work,
if the file is not corrupted. Check and
eventually insert the terminator in the file in
which it is expressly required (control file or
mimic file).

A-28 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

ED039 Line too long. A line longer than the maximum has been No action.
found during file reading. The line is divided
in two or more parts.
ED040 <Esc> to continue. Generic error in file management. No action in the current session. Check the
System error in file problem cause and use the recovery function.
ED041 Current file with In the previous session, the Editor has been - (E) restores modifications temporarily
recovery: (E)xecute interrupted when working on the current file; lost.
recovery, (D)estroy the recovery file has been created. - (D) deletes the recovery file and allows to
recovery. continue the current session.
ED042 ABORT: error on Error in "config" file. No action in the current file. Check the file
environment file. when exiting from Editor.
ED043 String not found. String not found during <search> No action.
ED044 Function not allowed The required function cannot be executed No action.
on this block. on the current block.
ED045 Requested file is The file you selected cannot be edited. No action in the current session. Check the
protected. problem reason whwn exiting from Editor.
ED046 Syntax error. Error in the current line syntax. Delete the line error.
ED047 Invalid number. The current parameter contains a not Modify the value.
allowed value.
ED048 Undefined element The used element has not been defined. Define the used element before the current
ED049 Element previously The defined element for the current line has Change the index of the current element or the
defined. already been defined. previous one.
ED051 Invalid axis value. Value not allowed for the parameter related Modify the parameter value.
to the axis.
ED052 Too many fields in The maximum number of the parameters Reduce the parameter number.
the block (max 40). related to a cycle is 40.
ED053 Invalid A. Value not allowed for the A parameter. Modify the A parameter value.

ED054 Invalid S. Value not allowed for the S parameter. Modify the S parameter value.
ED055 Invalid C. Value not allowed for the C parameter. Modify the C parameter value.
ED056 Invalid element. User element idetifier not known. Correct the error.
ED057 Not tangent element. During the search of the intersection of two Insert the solution identifier at the line end.
non-tangent elements, you must specify the
intersection number (S1, S2).
ED059 Incomplete line. The line is broken and does not contain all Insert the missing information.
the requested information.
ED060 No space in internal Not enough memory to complete the Reduce the elements number.
structures. required operation.
ED061 Profile not defined or Impossible to create an ISO file if the profile Define the profile if missing, correct the profile
wrong. has not been created or is wrong. if wrong or do not activate the ISO file creation.
ED062 Not enough memory. This message can indicate end of memory In the second case, no corrections are
if dinamic allocations or full internal areas possible.
are required.
In the first case, check if graphic packages
are not already used on the system.
ED063 No intersection. The two or more elements required to Replace one or more build elements or modify
create a new element do not intersect. their definition.
ED064 No coincidence The proposed elements cannot interact in Replace one or more build elements or modify
between elements. the proposed mode. their definition.
ED065 Circle internal or Internal or coincident circumference. Replace the build circumference or modify its
coincident. definition.
ED066 Point inside circle. Internal point of the circumference. Replace one or more entities for building the
current element or modify its definition.
ED067 Parallel lines. Lines that must intersect are instead Replace one or more creation lines or modify
parallel. their definition.
ED068 Wrong element. Not allowed element. Replace the current element
ED069 Points on same line. When creating a circumference using three Replace one or more points
points, these points cannot lie on the same

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-29

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

ED070 Element does not The element used to create another Replace the identifier of the wrong element
exist. element or the profile, has not been with an existing one, or define the element
defined. before the line that generated the error.

ED071 Impossible radius. The specified joint cannot be realized. Depending on the circumstances, modify the
radius of the joint, or select other elements.
ED072 Element out of range. The drawing cannot be displayed, because Reduce the zoom.
a too high zoom has been used.
ED073 Check expression The value defined for the parameter does Modify the value introduced, or, if the field is
not verified. not follow the norms defined in the control optional, do not type any value.

ED074 Error on default or Error in the default or control expression Modify the control file of the current cycle.
check expression. syntax.
ED075 No allowed solution. Entities you selected cannot be used for Replace one or more entities for creating the
creating a new element. element or modify their definition.
ED076 Impossible to enlarge It is not possible to enlarge the image on No action.
again. the displayed window, because the
maximum definition is already used.
ED077 Element defined after One of the entities used for creating the Move the definition of the new element after
current line. current element has been defined after the the line of the build element or viceversa or
current line. use another element you defined before.

ED078 Error on Error in mathematic procedures. Check the related expression.

ED079 Profile error. Error in profile generation. Correct the profile.
ED080 Error opening An error has been generated when opening Verify the parameter correctness.
graphic scale. the graphic scale.
ED093 Error reading The default configuration is used instead of No action in the current session.
configuration file. the information configured on file. When exiting from editor environment, check
the ED_CONFG.DAT file.
ED094 Error writing The configuration information just defined is No action in the current session.
configuration file. not saved on file. When exiting from editor environment, check
the ED_CONFG.DAT file.
ED095 Has recovery file: In the previous session the Editor has been D destroys the recovery file of the
(E)xit from Editor, interrupted during editing of the <name> <name> source file and allows to continue the
(D)elete recovery. source file and a recovery file has been current session.
created. In the current session you try to
edit a file that is not the result of the
previous session.
E the current execution is aborted to allow
editing of the <name> source file and
restore the temporarily lost modifications.
ED096 Error creating ISO Error during generation of the ISO code Delete the profile error or do not generate the
file. starting from geometry. profile.
ED097 Unrecognized An identification command of an unknown Delete the unknown command from the file.
command in file. entity has been found in the drawing file.
ED098 : help not initialized. Cycle helps are missing. Copy the files on disk.
They will not be displayed.

A-30 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages


Code and message Description Remedial action

PF000 Illegal device name Select device name is not applicable. Use one of following names: COM1, COM2,
LPT1, NULL. service.
PF001 Baud rate out of Baud rate as set in not among the following Change value.
range values: 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, 300,
150 and 110.
PF002 Exe net configurator Exe for net configurator not avaible Load MINI DNC.
file not found. Press
ESC to continue...
PF007 Netowork not Exe for network management not avaible. Load MINI DNC.
PF008 Channel disabled or Communication channel not active or exe Reactive communication channel or load MINI
Mini DNC not for network management not avaible. DNC
PF009 Interlink - no device A communication line has not been Configure the line using the INTERLINK-CFG
selected configured (e.g. LPT1 or LPT2). softkey.
PF010 Interlink - device not The selected communication line is not Select a free line or release the busy line.
available available (it has already been acquired by
another utility).
PF011 Interlink - server not Intersvr is only available on the system Power up the system in emergency status to
available on system when it is in “emergency” status. use Intersvr.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-31

Appendix A
Error Messages


Code and message Description Remedial action

FD001 System anomaly System anomaly. Software error. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD002 Internal serial port Serial port internal error. Hardware failure. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD003 System anomaly System anomaly. Software error. Contact the Technical Assistance service.

FD004 Internal parallel port Parallel port internal error. Anomalia Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error hardware.
FD005 CPU (I80286) Serious error. CPU failure. Serious error Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD006 SHUTDOWN FAILED Serious error. Shutdown failure. Serious Contact the Technical Assistance service.
error hardware.
FD007 Protected mode Serious error. Anomaly during protected Contact the Technical Assistance service.
failed CPU initilisation. Serious hardware error.
FD009 NMI failed Serious error hardware. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD010 Interrupt controller Serious error. Interrupt controller internal Contact the Technical Assistance service.
failed error. Serious error hardware.
FD011 Interrupt controller Serious error. Interrupt controller internal Contact the Technical Assistance service.
failed failure. Serious error hardware.
FD012 Timer Sync failed Serious hardware error. Timer Contact the Technical Assistance service.
synchronisation internal failure.
FD013 DMA registers failed Serious hardware error. DMA register Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD014 DMA controller failed Serious hardware error. DMA controller Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD015 DM controller failed Serious hardware error. DM controller Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD016 Speaker failure Serious hardware error. Speaker failure. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD018 BUS expansion not Serious hardware error. The expansion bus Contact the Technical Assistance service.
inserted has not been inserted.
FD019 Mouse present This message indicates that a mouse is ---
present (this peripheral is not allowed with
10 Series CNC).
FD020 Shutdown failed Serious hardware error. Failure during Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD021 System anomaly Serious error software. System failure. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD022 Parity on mother Serious hardware error. Parity error on the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
board failed mother board.
FD023 Parity on expansion Serious hardware error. Parity error on the Contact the Technical Assistance service.
board failed expansion board.
FD024 Fatal error - Serious hardware error. The computer is Contact the Technical Assistance service.
Computer stopped locked.
FD025 Press F1 to continue Software failure. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD026 System anomaly Software error. System anomaly. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD027 Unrecoverable power Hardware anomaly. Non recoverable error Contact the Technical Assistance service.
up error at power up.
FD028 Coprocessor present This is not an error message. It indicates
that the front panel coprocessor is present. ---
FD029 Timer counting failed Serious hardware error. Timer counter Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD030 System anomaly The eproms that contain the front panel Check the index of the eprom chips with the
firmware have not been detected by the front panel firmware and whether they have
BIOS. been mounted.
FD031 ROM BIOS checksum Checksum error on the eprom that contains Replace the eprom that contains the front
failed the front panel BIOS. panel BIOS.
FD032 ROM firmware The BIOS has detected a checksum error in Replace the eprom that contains the upper and
checksum failed the first 64K of the upper and lower front lower front panel firmware.
panel firmware.
FD033 System anomaly Software error. System anomaly. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD034 CMOS Timer error Hardware error. CMOS timer anomaly. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD035 System anomaly Software error. System anomaly. Contact the Technical Assistance service.

A-32 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

FD036 Memory refresh Serious hardware error. Memory refresh Contact the Technical Assistance service.
failed cycle failure.
FD037 Extended memory This is a REPORT massage that visualises
size report the amount of extended memory available ---
on the front panel.
FD039 Virtual mode error Hardware error. Virtual mode management Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD040 Base memory failed Serious hardware error. Base memory Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD041 CMOS RAM error Hardware error. RAM CMOS failure. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD042 Parity circuitry failed Serious hardware error. Parity circuitry Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD043 CMOS RAM error Hardware error. RAM CMOS error. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD044 Date and time setup This warning indicates that the current date Set up the date and time with the relevant
and time are not correct. softkey.
FD045 System anomaly Software error. System anomaly. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD046 System anomaly Software error. System anomaly. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD047 Shadow memory Hardware error. Shadow memory failure. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD048 System anomaly Software error. System anomaly. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD050 Keyboard controller Serious hardware error. Keyboard controller Contact the Technical Assistance service.
failed failure.
FD051 Keyboard failed Serious hardware error. Internal keyboard Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD052 HDU 0 INIT. error Hardware error. Hard disk 0 initialisation Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD053 HDU 1 INIT. error Hardware error. Hard disk 1 initialisation Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD054 HDU controller error Hardware error. Hard disk controller failure. Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD055 HDU 0 R/W error Hardware error. Hard disk 0 writing/reading Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD056 HDU 1 R/W error Hardware error. Hard disk 1 writing/reading Contact the Technical Assistance service.
FD057 Non system disk or The diskette in drive A has not been Remove or replace the diskette.
disk error formatted as a system disk.
FD058 Replace disk and Replace the diskette with a system disk and
strike any key press any key to continue.
FD059 Fixed disk not Hardware anomaly. The hard disk has been Contact the Technical Assistance service.
present configured but does not respond to the
FD060 Floppy disk not Hardware anomaly. The floppy disk drive Contact the Technical Assistance service.
present does not respond to the system.
FD061 Fixed disk present This message indicates that a hard disk is ---
present in the system.
FD090 CPU test passed The CPU has passed the diagnostic tests. ---
FD091 Firmware test passed The ROM has passed the diagnostic tests. ---
FD092 Memory test passed The memory has passed the diagnostic ---
FD093 Keyboard test The keyboard has passed the diagnostic ---
passed tests.
FD094 Magnetic device test The magnetic devices have passed the ---
passed diagnostic tests.
FD095 Waiting for rack The front panel is waiting for the rack to be ---
connection max 60 connected in order to complete the
sec. hardware diagnostics.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-33

Appendix A
Error Messages


Code and message Description Remedial action

CN001 Library w.a. Internal error. Call technical assistance.
allocation error
CN002 Library w.a. not Internal error. Call technical assistance.
CN003 Softkey w.a. Internal error. Call technical assistance.
allocation error
CN004 Softkey w.a. not Internal error. Call technical assistance.
CN005 FUNCTION structure Internal error. Call technical assistance.
allocation error
CN006 Data entry w.a. Internal error. Call technical assistance.
allocation error
CN007 Data entry w.a. not Internal error. Call technical assistance.
CN008 Error w.a. allocation Internal error. Call technical assistance.
CN009 Error w.a. not Internal error. Call technical assistance.
CN010 Help w.a. allocation Internal error. Call technical assistance.
CN011 Help w.a. not Internal error. Call technical assistance.
CN020 Unknown device
CN021 Data Base open error Internal error. Call technical assistance.
CN024 Record selection Internal error. Call technical assistance.
Press [Esc] to
CN026 Record insertion Internal error. Call technical assistance.
Press [Esc] to
CN027 Wrong protocol type This message is displayed when the Correct the entered name and repeat the
protocol type entered is different from operation.
CN033 Reserved device Use of a disk reserved to the system has Change the disk name.
been requested.
CN035 Wrong access type This message appears when the access Verify the entered data and correct it.
type defined for a service is different from
R, W or C.
CN038 Wrong service path This error appears when the specified Verify and correct the service pathname.
pathname for a local service is not correct
or corresponds to a file.
CN039 Input file not found This message is displayed when the input Call technical assistance.
file read by the configurator is missing.
CN040 Wrong address This message is displayed when the This is valid only for the PATHWORKS
sintax configured address does not have the protocol. The format must be XX.YYYY.
expected format.
CN042 Unknown remote It appears when the operator has entered a Abort the operation.
drive request to cancel a remote drive that has
not been configured.

A-34 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

Appendix A
Error Messages

Code and message Description Remedial action

CN043 Unable to connect This message appears when the automatic Verify the hardware connections, network
remote drive connection of a Client service fails. activation on the remote machine and the
remote channel name and repeat the
operation. If the error appears again, call
technical assistance.
CN044 Service not This message appears when an attempt to Verify the service name and repeat or cancel
configured cancel a non configured service is made. the operation.
CN046 Segment or chan This message appears after selecting Exit Verify the values entered in the CHAN
configuration in cases where configuration of a segment GENERAL data entry windows.
incomplete, [Esc] to or channel is not complete.
exit, any key to
CN047 Reserved service The service name is erroneous. Verify and correct the service name.
CN049 File transfer not This message appears when an attempt is Call technical assistance.
allowed made to enable the File Transfer when this
is not allowed by the installed option.
CN050 Remote IPC not This message appears when you try to Cancel the operation.
allowed enable the Remote IPC when this is not
allowed by the installed option.
CN060 Wrong board type This message appears when the value for Correct the entered data and repeat the
the configured board type is different from operation.
CN063 Data base files can't Internal error. Retry and, if the error appears again, call
be open, press any technical assistance.
key to continue.
CN071 Max length of This message appears when the length of a Verify and correct the channel name.
channel name is 6 channel name configured with the
characters PATHWORKS protocol is more than 6
CN072 Logical name already Displayed when the logical name assigned
defined a given remote environment has already
been used for another one.
CN076 Access denied: This appears when an attempt is made to Provide the bit corresponding to the Security
check security select either the Advanced level without utility.
having provided for the corresponding (Byte 5, bit 4 = enables the Advanced level)
enabling bit in the Security utility
CN077 Too many services It appears when the number of configured The maximum number of configurable services
declared services is greater than the allowable is 8.
CN078 Environment Variable Internal error. Re-install the option. Should the error message
not set reappear, call the technical assistance.
CN086 Driver not ready May be displayed during reading/writing on
a remote disk where the latter is no longer
CN089 General failure

When exiting from the configuration environment with [Esc], the next network
activations may not be congruent with the values displayed by the configurator
because the entered data can be incomplete.

10 Series CNC User Manual (15) A-35

Appendix A
Error Messages


Code and message Description Remedial action

OD071 Can't install net The network cannot be started, because the Verify the existance of the card. If the error
network hardware is either missing or out of persists, call technical assistance.
OD072 Invalid channel name The name of the local channel is incorrect Configure the local channel with another name.
or already exists on the network.
OD101 PATHWORKS/ It is not an error but a warning that network
NETBEUI software software is being loaded.


A-36 10 Series CNC User Manual (15)

10 Series CNC
Programming Manual

Code: 45004457K
Rev. 15


Via Torino, 14 - 10010 Barone Canavese (TO) – Italy

Phone: +39-0119899711
e-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]

Copyright  2001-2004 by OSAI

All rights reserved

Edition: December 2004


This document has been prepared in order to be used by OSAI. It describes the latest release of
the product.
OSAI reserves the right to modify and improve the product described by this document at any time
and without prior notice.
Actual application of this product is up to the user. In no event will OSAI be responsible or liable for
indirect or consequential damages that may result from installation or use of the equipment
described in this text.
10 Series CNC Programming Manual



This publication is issued with reference to Software Release 7.4 (E69).


INDEX Updated
page 13 Updated description: value of CRT
page 14 Added description of function: CRT
page 33 Added new function: XDA - Master/Slave Axes
page 58 Updated function table: MOV
page 59 Added new description: meaning of bit 4.
page 97 Added description of function: UPR
page 105 Added description: example 8
page 112 Added new function: UVA
page 123 Added description: Offset mode - Table. user 366
page 136 Updated description: Offset mode - Table. user 366

page 7 Added new function: TTR

page 16 Updated description of function: TPO
page 19 Updated description of drawings
page 20 Updated description of drawings
page 24 Added description: mode TPO=32

page 7 Added new functions: PMS – PMT - PMM

CHAP. 12
page 2 Added: CLD,CLT to CLS command
page 8 Added description of commands CLD and CLT
page 13 Added: example 6

CHAP. 13
page 9 Updated description
page 10 Updated description
page 11 Added new description: UVW Paraxial Compensation Factors
page 16 Added: UVW to Versor Programming
page 19 Added parameter: UVW and relative description

page 13 Added code: NC149
page 23 Added codes: NC445-NC446-NC447-NC448-NC456-NC457-NC458

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual


This manual describes the procedures used for writing part programs with the 10 Series CNC
system. It provides programmers with all the information they need for creating machine control


For further information:

• 10 Series CNC - AMP Software Characterization Manual

• 10 Series CNC - User Guide

The chapters in this manual are organised in sections. They describe the language elements
(commands and functions) used for managing a specific task, e.g. axis programming, tool
programming, probe management. Programming examples have been introduced in the command


1. Programming with 10 Series System

This chapter contains the general programming rules of the International Standards
Organization (ISO) standard. The chapter also provides an overview of the programming
environment and a summary of the most used codes.

2. Programming the Axes

This chapter describes axis programming. The G codes and extended commands involved in
this activity are provided with their characteristics. Several examples complete the command
description and give suggestions for programming the major types of movements.

3. Programming Tools and tool offsets

This chapter describes tool programming and provides the functions and instructions used in
tool operation.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 1

10 Series CNC Programming Manual

4. Cutter Diameter Compensation

This chapter describes cutter compensation. T functions and G codes used in tool
compensation are provided with characteristics and several examples.

5. Programming the Spindle

This chapter describes spindle programming. The G codes and extended commands involved
in this activity are provided with their characteristics. Several examples complete the command
description and give hints for solving the main cases of spindle programming.

6. Miscellaneous Functions
This chapter describes miscellaneous functions and provides a list of M functions with their
meaning and characteristics.

7. Parametric Programming
This chapter deals with special programming applications that use local and system variables.

8. Canned Cycles
This chapter provides a description of the canned cycles available with the control. The G codes
and extended commands used in this activity are provided with their characteristics. Several
examples complete the command description.

9. Paramacros
This chapter describes how paramacros can be used in programs.

10.Probing Cycles
This chapter provides a description of the probing cycles available with the control. The G
codes and extended commands involved in probe management are provided complete with

11.Managing the Screen

This chapter discusses the commands used to handle the system screen from a part programs.
Examples are given to complete the command description.

12.Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

This chapter contains the commands used for modifying the sequence of execution of a part
program. It describes commands for branching, repeating blocks and executing subprograms,
as well as commands for putting the part program on hold and releasing it.

13.High Speed Machining

This chapter describes the high-speed milling features on machine tools with 3 axes.

14.Multiprocess management commands

This chapter shows 10 Series CNC's multi process potentials.

2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual

15.High level geometric programming (GTL)

This chapter discusses the set of programming instructions available with the GTL utility.

16.Working Cycles for Turning Systems

This chapter provides the instructions for programming macro-cycles of rough-shaping,
threading and groove cutting.

A. Characters and Commands

Appendix A provides a summary of all the characters allowed in the system and gives lists of G
codes, mathematical functions and extended commands.

B. Error Messages
Appendix B provides a list of all the error messages that can occur during programming..

C. Error management

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 3

10 Series CNC Programming Manual


Commands are dealt with in the chapters that describe the specific task. A common structure has
been adopted in the command description. For each command, the following information is

• Command name
• Command function
• Command syntax
• Parameters
• Characteristics and notes
• Examples
Where possible, examples consist of a portion of program and a diagram that shows how the
commands in that portion work.

Syntax conventions

Use these conventions with the commands:


[] Brackets enclose optional entries. Do not enter the brackets.

{} Braces enclose entries which may be repeated more than once. This could
also be described as a series of alternative entries, i.e. only one of these may
be entered. Alternative entries are separated by a (|). Do not enter the braces
in the command itself.

| A vertical bar separates alternative entries. Do not enter the bar.

Key-words are written in bold. They must be entered exactly as they are represented in the syntax
Parameters that must be passed with commands are indicated by a mnemonic written in italics.
Appropriate values must be entered in place of the mnemonic. Leading zeros can be omitted. For
example, you can program G00 as G, G01 as G1.

SCF, the comma and parenthesis are key-words and must be written as described. value is a
parameter name and must be replaced by an appropriate value. The brackets indicate that value is
an optional value.

4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual


For correct control operation, it is important to follow the information given in this manual. Take
particular care with topics bearing one of the mentions: WARNING, CAUTION or IMPORTANT,
which indicate the following types of information:

Draws attention to facts or circumstances that may cause damage to the

control, to the machine or to operators.

Indicates information to be followed in order to avoid damage to equipment

in general.

IMPORTANT Indicates information that must be followed carefully in order to ensure full
success of the application.


Some terms appearing throughout the manual are explained below.

Control Refers to the 10 Series numerical control unit comprising front panel unit and
basic unit.
Front Panel Is the interface module between machine and operator; it has a monitor on
which messages are output and a keyboard to input the data. It is connected to
the basic unit.
Basic Unit Is the hardware-software unit handling all the machine functions. It is connected
to the front panel and to the machine tool.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 5

10 Series CNC Programming Manual


6 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual



THE PROGRAM FILES................................................................................................... 1-1
Program Components ........................................................................................... 1-2
Blocks .................................................................................................................... 1-2
Block Types ........................................................................................................... 1-4
Programmable Functions ...................................................................................... 1-6
G Codes................................................................................................................. 1-9
SYNCHRONISATION AND PROGRAM EXECUTION................................................... 1-13
Default Synchronisation......................................................................................... 1-13
Overriding Default Synchronisation ....................................................................... 1-14
Part Program Interpreter........................................................................................ 1-14
Sequence of execution .......................................................................................... 1-15
Programming restrictions for long real (double) formats ....................................... 1-15


AXIS MOTION CODES ................................................................................................... 2-1
Defining Axis Motion .............................................................................................. 2-1
G00 - Rapid Axes Positioning................................................................................ 2-2
G01 - Linear Interpolation...................................................................................... 2-3
G02 G03 - Circular Interpolation............................................................................ 2-4
CET (PRC) - Circular Endpoint Tolerance ............................................................ 2-7
FCT - Full Circle Threshold ................................................................................... 2-8
ARM - Defining Arc Normalisation Mode............................................................... 2-9
CRT - Circular interpolation speed reduction threshold ........................................ 2-13
CRK - Circular interpolation speed reduction constant ......................................... 2-13
Helical Interpolation ............................................................................................... 2-15
G33 - Constant or Variable Pitch Threading ......................................................... 2-17
Rotary Axes ........................................................................................................... 2-21
Axes with Rollover ................................................................................................. 2-23
G90 - Absolute mode............................................................................................. 2-23
G91 - Incremental mode........................................................................................ 2-25
Pseudo Axes.......................................................................................................... 2-26
Diameter Axes ....................................................................................................... 2-26
UDA - Dual Axes.................................................................................................... 2-29
SDA - Special Dual Axes ....................................................................................... 2-31
XDA - Master/Slave axes ...................................................................................... 2-33
Master/Slave Association ...................................................................................... 2-33

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) i

10 Series CNC Programming Manual

Syntax.............................................................................................................................. 2-33
Mode 0 ................................................................................................................... 2-34
Mode 2 ................................................................................................................... 2-36
Releasing the Slave(s) from the Master ................................................................ 2-39
Syntax.............................................................................................................................. 2-39
Defining/Changing the following ratio .................................................................... 2-40
Syntax.............................................................................................................................. 2-40
Activating the following function............................................................................. 2-41
Syntax.............................................................................................................................. 2-41
Deactivating the following function......................................................................... 2-42
Syntax.............................................................................................................................. 2-42
ORIGINS AND COORDINATE CONTROL CODES ....................................................... 2-43
G17 G18 G19 - Selecting the Interpolation Plane ................................................. 2-44
G16 - Defining the Interpolation Plane................................................................... 2-45
G27 G28 G29 - Defining the Dynamic Mode ......................................................... 2-46
AUTOMATIC DECELERATION ON BEVELS IN G27 MODE........................................ 2-51
DLA - Deceleration Look Ahead ............................................................................ 2-52
DYM - Dynamic Mode ............................................................................................ 2-53
MDA - Maximum Deceleration Angle..................................................................... 2-54
VEF - Velocity Factor ............................................................................................. 2-55
Jerk Limitation ........................................................................................................ 2-57
MOV - Enable Jerk Limitation ................................................................................ 2-58
Meaning of bits 0 – 3:........................................................................................ 2-58
Meaning of bit 4: ............................................................................................... 2-59
Meaning of bits 6 - 7: ........................................................................................ 2-60
JRK - Jerk Time Constant...................................................................................... 2-61
JRS - Jerk Smooth Constant ................................................................................. 2-62
ODH - Online Debug Help ..................................................................................... 2-64
MBA – MultiBlock retrace Auxiliary functions ........................................................ 2-66
REM – Automatic return to profile at end of move................................................. 2-67
IPB (DTL) - In Position Band.................................................................................. 2-68
G70 G71 - Measuring Units ................................................................................... 2-69
G90 G91 G79 - Absolute, Incremental and Zero Programming ............................ 2-70
G92 G98 G99 - Axis Presetting ............................................................................. 2-72
G04 G09 - Dynamic Mode Attributes ..................................................................... 2-73
t - Block Execution Time ........................................................................................ 2-74
DWT (TMR) - Dwell Time....................................................................................... 2-74
G93 - V/D Feedrate................................................................................................ 2-75
VFF - Velocity Feed Forward ................................................................................. 2-76
CODES THAT MODIFY THE AXES REFERENCE SYSTEM......................................... 2-77
SCF - Scale Factors............................................................................................... 2-78
MIR - Using Mirror Machining ................................................................................ 2-79
ROT (URT) - Interpolation Plane Rotation............................................................. 2-82
UAO - Using Absolute Origins ............................................................................... 2-85
UTO (UOT) - Using Temporary Origins ................................................................. 2-86
UIO - Using Incremental Origins ............................................................................ 2-88
RQO - Requalifying Origins ................................................................................... 2-90
OVERTRAVELS AND PROTECTED AREAS ................................................................ 2-91
SOL (DLO) - Software Overtravel Limits ............................................................... 2-92
DPA (DSA) - Define Protected Areas .................................................................... 2-93
PAE (ASC) - Protected Area Enable...................................................................... 2-95
PAD (DSC) - Protected Area Disable .................................................................... 2-95
VIRTUAL AXES MANAGEMENT.................................................................................... 2-96
Virtual Axes ............................................................................................................ 2-96
Virtual modes available on 10 Series CNC............................................................ 2-96

ii 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual

UPR - Rotation of Cartesian axes ......................................................................... 2-97

Using UPR ............................................................................................................. 2-102
UVP - Programming polar coordinates.................................................................. 2-106
Programming examples with polar coordinates .................................................... 2-108
UVC - Programming cylindrical coordinates.......................................................... 2-110
UVA - Programming non orthogonal axes........................................................... 2-112
Example of programming with polar coordinates .................................................. 2-113
TCP - Tool Center Point for machines with "Double Twist" head ........................ 2-114
Programming the "m" and "n" parameters (angles) .............................................. 2-130
Programming the "m", "n" and "0" parameters (vector)......................................... 2-131
TCP - Tool Center Point for generic 5-axis machines........................................... 2-132
Programming ......................................................................................................... 2-137
TCP - Tool Center Point for machines with fixed tool and rotary table ................. 2-141
Programming ......................................................................................................... 2-147
TCP on multi-processor......................................................................................... 2-148


T address for programming tools........................................................................... 3-2
T address for multi-tool programming ................................................................... 3-3
h address ............................................................................................................... 3-5
TTR – Toroidal Tool Radius .................................................................................. 3-7
AXO - Axis Offset Definition .................................................................................. 3-8
RQT (RQU) - Requalifying Tool Offset.................................................................. 3-10
RQP - Requalifying Tool Offset ............................................................................. 3-11
TOU (TOF) - Tool Expiry Declaration .................................................................... 3-12
LOA - Table loading............................................................................................... 3-13


G40 G41 G42 - Cutter Diameter Compensation ................................................... 4-2
Enabling Cutter Diameter Compensation.............................................................. 4-3
Notes on using cutter diameter compensation ...................................................... 4-5
Tool path optimisation (TPO)................................................................................. 4-5
Disabling Cutter Diameter Compensation ............................................................. 4-6
Disabling Compensation with TPO active ............................................................. 4-7
TOOL DIAMETER COMPENSATION CHANGE............................................................ 4-8
Linear/Linear tool path ........................................................................................... 4-8
Linear/Circular, Circular/Linear, Circular/Circular tool paths ................................. 4-10
r - Radiuses in Compensated Profiles................................................................... 4-12
b - Bevels in Compensated Profiles ...................................................................... 4-13
TPO - Path optimisation on bevels with G41/G42................................................. 4-16
Examples of profile optimisation with TPO=1........................................................ 4-19
Examples of TPO=2 mode .................................................................................... 4-22
TPT - Tool Path Threshold .................................................................................... 4-25
u v w - Paraxial Compensation.............................................................................. 4-27
Examples of compensation factor applications u, v, w.......................................... 4-28
MSA (UOV) - Defining a Machining Stock Allowance ........................................... 4-32
AUTOMATIC CONTOUR MILLING ................................................................................ 4-33
Limits to use of automatic contour miling .............................................................. 4-33
GTP - Get Point ..................................................................................................... 4-34
Determining the approach point ............................................................................ 4-35
CCP - Cutter Compensation Profile....................................................................... 4-37

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) iii

10 Series CNC Programming Manual


SPINDLE FUNCTIONS.................................................................................................... 5-1
G96 G97 - CSS and RPM Programming ............................................................... 5-1
SSL - Spindle Speed Limit ..................................................................................... 5-3
M19 - Oriented Spindle Stop.................................................................................. 5-4

Standard M functions ............................................................................................. 6-1

LOCAL VARIABLES ....................................................................................................... 7-4
E Parameters ......................................................................................................... 7-4
! - User Variables ................................................................................................... 7-6
SYSTEM VARIABLES..................................................................................................... 7-8
SN - System Number ............................................................................................. 7-8
SC - System Character .......................................................................................... 7-9
TIM - System Timer................................................................................................ 7-11
@ - PLUS Variables ............................................................................................... 7-12
L Variables ............................................................................................................. 7-13
Multiple Assignments ............................................................................................. 7-14

CANNED CYCLES G8N .................................................................................................. 8-1
Canned Cycle Features ......................................................................................... 8-2
Canned Cycle Moves ............................................................................................. 8-3
G81 - Drilling Cycle ................................................................................................ 8-5
G82 - Spot Facing Cycle ........................................................................................ 8-7
G83 - Deep Drilling Cycle ...................................................................................... 8-9
DRP – G83 hole reworking distance...................................................................... 8-12
G84 - Tapping Cycle with no Transducer .............................................................. 8-13
G84 - Tapping Cycle with Transducer ................................................................... 8-16
G84 - Rigid tapping cycle with a transducer mounted on the spindle ................... 8-17
TRP (RMS) - Tapping Return Percentage............................................................. 8-18
G85 - Reaming Cycle (or Tapping by Tapmatic) ................................................... 8-19
G86 - Boring Cycle................................................................................................. 8-20
G89 - Boring Cycle with Spot Facing ..................................................................... 8-21
Using two R dimensions in a canned cycle ........................................................... 8-22
Updating Canned Cycle Dimensions ..................................................................... 8-23
Updating R dimensions (upper limit and lower limit) during execution.................. 8-24

Paramacro Definition.............................................................................................. 9-1
HC Parameters ...................................................................................................... 9-3
DAN - Define Axis Name ....................................................................................... 9-6
PMS – S as a paramacro ....................................................................................... 9-7
PMT – T as a paramacro ....................................................................................... 9-7
PMM – M as a paramacro...................................................................................... 9-7

iv 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual

Syntax ............................................................................................................................. 9-7

S, T, M ANCILLARY FUNCTIONS EXECUTED AS PARAMACROS ........................... 9-8
Syntax: ............................................................................................................................ 9-8

MANAGING AN ELECTRONIC PROBE ........................................................................ 10-1
PRESETTING A PROBING CYCLE ............................................................................... 10-3
DPP (DPT) - Defining Probing Parameters ........................................................... 10-3
Dynamic Measurement of the Ball Diameter......................................................... 10-4
Probe Requalification ............................................................................................ 10-4
Dynamic Measurement of the Probe Length......................................................... 10-4
Probe Presetting .................................................................................................... 10-4
PROBING CYCLES......................................................................................................... 10-6
G72 - Point Measurement with Compensation...................................................... 10-7
G73 - Hole Probing Cycle...................................................................................... 10-9
G74 - Tool Requalification Cycle ........................................................................... 10-11
UPA (RTA) - Update Probe Abscissa.................................................................... 10-13
UPO (RTO) - Update Probe Ordinate ................................................................... 10-13
ERR - Managing Probing Errors............................................................................ 10-13
OPERATIONS WITH A NON-FIXED PROBE ................................................................ 10-14
Requalifying Origins by Probing Reference Surfaces ........................................... 10-14
Requalifying Origins by Centring on a Hole .......................................................... 10-16
Checking Diameters .............................................................................................. 10-16
Checking Plane Dimensions and Hole Depths ..................................................... 10-18
OPERATIONS THAT USE A FIXED PROBE ................................................................. 10-19


GRAPHICS VISUALIZATION ......................................................................................... 11-1
UGS (UCG) - Use Graphic Scale (Machine plot) .................................................. 11-2
UGS (UCG) - Use 3D Graphic Scale .................................................................... 11-3
CGS (CLG) - Clear Graphic Screen ...................................................................... 11-3
DGS (DCG) - Disable Graphic Scale .................................................................... 11-4
DIS - Displaying a Variable.................................................................................... 11-4


GENERAL........................................................................................................................ 12-1
COMMAND FOR PROGRAM BLOCKS REPETITION .................................................. 12-4
RPT - ERP ............................................................................................................. 12-4
COMMANDS FOR SUBROUTINE EXECUTION............................................................ 12-8
CLS – CLD - CLT - Call Subroutine....................................................................... 12-8
PTH - Declaration of the default pathname ........................................................... 12-14
EPP - Executing a Portion of a Program ............................................................... 12-15
EPB - Execute Part-Program Block....................................................................... 12-17
BRANCHING AND DELAY COMMANDS ...................................................................... 12-19
GTO - Branch Command....................................................................................... 12-19
IF ELSE ENDIF.................................................................................................... 12-23
DLY - Defining Delay Time .................................................................................... 12-24
DSB - Disable Slashed Blocks .............................................................................. 12-25
REL - Releasing the part program......................................................................... 12-25
WOS - WAIT on signal........................................................................................... 12-26

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) v

10 Series CNC Programming Manual

DEVICE DEFINING COMMANDS ................................................................................... 12-27

GDV - Definition of the device for file access ........................................................ 12-27
RDV - Release device............................................................................................ 12-28


GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................................... 13-1
Considerations on the use of the G62,G63,G66 and G67 functions
(transition codes).................................................................................................... 13-6
Interaction with Machine Logic............................................................................... 13-7
POINT DEFINING CONVENTIONS................................................................................. 13-8
Points and machining coordinates ......................................................................... 13-8
Tool Direction: IJK.................................................................................................. 13-9
Normal to the Surface Direction: MNO .................................................................. 13-9
Tool Radius Application Direction: PQD ................................................................ 13-10
Paraxial Compensation Factors: UVW .................................................................. 13-11
Tangential Axis....................................................................................................... 13-12
FEATURES PROVIDED BY HIGH SPEED MACHINING............................................... 13-13
Tool Radius and Length Compensation ................................................................ 13-13
Tool Length Compensation.................................................................................... 13-14
No Tool Compensation .......................................................................................... 13-15
Tangential Axis Management ................................................................................ 13-15
SETUP.............................................................................................................................. 13-16
Type of points described in the part program ........................................................ 13-17
Versor management methods................................................................................ 13-18
Look Ahead management...................................................................................... 13-20
Thresholds ............................................................................................................. 13-22
Tool definition......................................................................................................... 13-24
Tool direction (3D).................................................................................................. 13-25
Change in curvature management......................................................................... 13-26
Edge management................................................................................................. 13-27
Axis definition ......................................................................................................... 13-28
Axis parameters ..................................................................................................... 13-30
Axis dynamics ........................................................................................................ 13-31
Example ................................................................................................................. 13-32


GENERAL ........................................................................................................................ 14-1
SYNCHRONIZATION AMONG PROCESSES................................................................ 14-2
Notes On The "Wait" Function: .............................................................................. 14-2
Notes On The "Send" Function:............................................................................. 14-2
Exchanging data .................................................................................................... 14-3
Resetting synchronised processes ........................................................................ 14-3
Channels table ....................................................................................................... 14-3
DCC - Definition of the communication channel .................................................... 14-4
PVS - PLUS channel selection .............................................................................. 14-5
PRO - Definition of the process ............................................................................. 14-6
SND - Send a synchronisation message ............................................................... 14-7
WAI - Wait for a synchronisation message............................................................ 14-9
EXE - Automatic part program execution .............................................................. 14-11
ECM - Manual block execution in a process.......................................................... 14-12

vi 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual

Example of synchronisation of two process using EXE: ....................................... 14-13

SHARED AXES ............................................................................................................... 14-14
General .................................................................................................................. 14-14
Conditions for axis acquisition ............................................................................... 14-14
GTA - Axes acquisition .......................................................................................... 14-15
SYSTEM PARAMETERS AFTER GTA................................................................. 14-16
INFORMATION RETAINED AFTER A GTA COMMAND ..................................... 14-17
Error Management................................................................................................. 14-26


ORIENTED GEOMETRY................................................................................................. 15-2
DEFINING GEOMETRIC ELEMENTS ............................................................................ 15-5
DEFINITION OF A REFERENCE ORIGIN...................................................................... 15-8
DEFINITION OF POINTS ................................................................................................ 15-9
DEFINITION OF STRAIGHT LINES ............................................................................... 15-15
DEFINITION OF CIRCLES.............................................................................................. 15-26
DEFINITION OF A PROFILE .......................................................................................... 15-40
Profile types ........................................................................................................... 15-40
Connecting the elements....................................................................................... 15-45
EXAMPLES OF GTL PROGRAMMING.......................................................................... 15-49


PROFILE PROGRAMMING ............................................................................................ 16-1
Restrictions to the definition of a profile to be recalled by the macro-
instructions of roughing/finishing. .......................................................................... 16-2
SPECIAL CYCLES PROGRAMMING ............................................................................ 16-3
FINISHING ....................................................................................................................... 16-3
MACRO-INSTRUCTION OF A PROFILE FINISHING.................................................... 16-11
THREADING CYCLE ...................................................................................................... 16-12
GROOVE CUTTING CYCLE........................................................................................... 16-16


TABLE OF CHARACTERS............................................................................................. A-1
G CODES......................................................................................................................... A-5
MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS...................................................................................... A-6
LOCAL AND SYSTEM VARIABLES .............................................................................. A-6
THREE-LETTER CODES................................................................................................ A-7
ASCII CODES.................................................................................................................. A-10

Description of error messages and remedial actions ............................................ B-1

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) vii

10 Series CNC Programming Manual

GENERAL ........................................................................................................................ C-1
ERR - Enable/disables error management from part program .............................. C-2
Probing cycle errors ............................................................................................... C-3
Shared axes errors................................................................................................. C-4


viii 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 1

10 Series part programs are written with a specific language defined by the ISO standard. This
chapter describes the language elements and discusses programming techniques and rules.


The 10 Series part programs are stored in files which may be identified with 10 SERIES names or
with DOS names.

• 10 SERIES names are a maximum of 48 characters in length; they identify the programs stored
in the logic directories configured on the machine.
Logic directories are configured during the installation stage (PPDIR config - human interface
menu in AMP characterization).
• DOS names are a maximum of 8 characters in length, plus an extension and path where
applicable; they identify files resident in DOS type directories.
Mixed management of part programs is not allowed; in fact if a program is activated after being
called by a DOS type name, all it subroutines must be identified with DOS names.
Similarly, programs with 10 SERIES names can use only subroutines identified in the same way.

Part programs can also be resident on remote devices, defined in advance through the triliteral
GDV (see chap. 12).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 1-1

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems

Program Components

♦ Address
An address is a letter that identifies the type of instruction. For example, these are addresses:

G, X, Y, F

♦ Word
A word is an address followed by a numerical value. For example, these are words:

G1 X50.5 Z-3.15 F200 T1.1

When you assign a numeric value to a word, no zeroes must preceed or follow the value. Insert
decimal values after the decimal point.

♦ Block
A program block comprises a set of words that identify an operation or a series of operations to
be performed. The maximum length of a block is 126 characters.
A technological program is a sequence of blocks that describe a machining operation.

Each block must end with: <CR> <LF>.

Blocks may include one or several fields.
When several fields are used in the same block, they must appear in the order shown in the
following table:

block label sequence synchronisation words

delete number asynchronisation codes



♦ Comment blocks
It can be inserted in any position within the current block. Any character after ";" is considered
as a comment.

1-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems

♦ Block delete
The block delete field is optional. It allows the operator to choose whether to execute program
blocks that begin with the "/" character that are called slashed blocks.

/N100 G00 X100
The block shown in the example can be enabled or disabled using the PROGRAM SET UP
softkey, or typing the three-letter code DSB on the keyboard.

♦ Label
The label field is optional. It allows the programmer to assign a symbolic name to a block. A
label can have up to six alphanumeric characters which must be between quotes. In case of a
slashed block, the label must be inserted after the slash.

When a label field is used in a 'GTO' command, the label defines the block that the control
should jump to.

♦ Sequence number
The "sequence number" field is optional. It allows the programmer to number each program
block. A sequence number begins with the letter N and is followed by up to six digits (N0-

The sequence number must appear in front of the first operand and after the label.

N125 X0
"START" N125 X0
"END" N125 X0

♦ Synchronisation/asynchronisation
Characters & and # are used to override the default synchronisation/asynchronisation status.
For further information on synchronisation, see "Synchronisation and Program Execution".

#(GTO,START, @PL1=1)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 1-3

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems

Block Types
Four types of blocks can be used in a part program:

• Comment blocks
• Motion blocks
• Assignment blocks
• Three-letter command blocks

• Comment blocks
A comment block allows the programmer to insert free sentences in the program. These
sentences may describe the function to be executed or provide other pieces of information that
make the program more understandable and documented.
A comment block does not produce messages for the operator. The control ignores a comment
block during execution of the program.
The first character of a comment block must be a semicolon (;). The rest of the comment block
is a sequence of alphanumeric characters. For example:


A comment can be inserted not only in a single block, but also in other types of blocks after the
character ";".All characters after a ; considered as a comment. For example:

G1 X100 Y50 ; Motion block

E1=10 ; Local variable E
(ROT,45) ; Rotation command

♦ Motion blocks
Motion blocks conform to ISO and ASCII standards for programming blocks. There is no
particular order for programming the components of a motion block.

G1 X500 Y20 F200

♦ Assignment blocks
Assignment blocks are used to write variables' values directly from the program. Several types
of assignments are possible as shown in the following table:


Simple assignment E10=123.567
Multiple assignment E1=10, 15.5, 123.467
In multiple assignments values are loaded as follows:
10 to E1
15.5 to E2
123.467 to E3
Math expression assignment E20=(E10+125*SQR(E23))
System number SN=1.5

♦ Three-letter command blocks

1-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems

Three-letter command blocks define an operation with a three-letter instruction in conformity

with the RS-447 standard. For example:
(DIS,"message text")
For the sake of compatibility between 10 Series and Series 8600 certain commands may be
programmed with either of the following three-letter codes.


10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 1-5

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems

Programmable Functions

♦ Axis coordinates
Axis coordinates can be named with letters ABCUVWXYZPQD (according to the configuration
set in AMP) and can be programmed in the following ranges:

-99999.99999 -0.00001 mm/inch

+0.00001 +99999.99999 mm/inch

It is impossible to program coordinates in the +0.00001 range because 0.00001 is the minimum
value accepted by the control.

♦ R coordinate
In a circular interpolation (G02 G03) R represents the radius of the circle.
In a standard canned cycle (G81-G89), the R coordinate defines the initial position value and
retract value. This function is programmable in the following ranges:

-99999.99999 -0.00001 mm/inch

+0.00001 +99999.99999 mm/inch

It is impossible to program values in the +0.00001 range because 0.00001 is the minimum
value accepted by the control.
In a threading block (G33), the R coordinate represents the offset from the zero angular position
of the spindle for multi-start threads.

♦ I J coordinates
In circular interpolation (G02-G03), I and J specify the coordinates of the center of an arc. I
specifies the abscissa (typically X) and J the ordinate of the center (typically Y). I and J always
specify the center coordinates regardless of the active interpolation plane.
This function is programmable in the following ranges:

-99999.99999 -0.00001 mm/inch

+0.00001 +99999.99999 mm/inch

It is impossible to program values in the +0.00001 range because 0.00001 is the minimum
value accepted by the control.

When the values of the corresponding axis are expressed in diametrical units (according to the
configuration set in AMP), the values of the center coordinates (I and J) are also expressed in
diametrical units.

I and J coordinates are also used in the deep hole drilling cycle (G83).
In a threading block (G33), the I address defines the pitch variation for variable pitch threads:
I+ Increasing pitch
I- Decreasing pitch
♦ K function

1-6 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems

In the deep hole drilling cycle (G83), K defines the incremental value to be applied to the
minimum depth value (J) in order to reduce the initial pitch depth (I).
This function is programmable in the following ranges:

-99999.99999 -0.00001 mm/inch

+0.00001 +99999.99999 mm/inch

It is impossible to program values in the +0.00001 range because 0.00001 is the minimum
value accepted by the control.

In a threading block (G33) or a tapping cycle (G84), K defines the thread pitch. In helical
interpolation (G02-G03), K defines the helix pitch.

♦ F and t function

The F function defines the axes feedrate. This function is programmable in the following range:

+0.00001 +99999.99999 mm/inch

In G94, F function defines the feedrate in millimetres per minute (G71) or inches per minute

A "t" value can be programmed in a block to specify the time in seconds needed to complete
the move defined in the block. In this case the block feedrate will be:

total distance 60
F= *

A "t" value is valid only in the block in which it is programmed.

In G93, the F function defines the inverse of the necessary time in minutes to complete the
F= = 1/t (minutes)
total distance

The F function is mandatory in the blocks when G93 is active and only affects that block.
In G95, F specifies the axes feedrate in millimetres per revolution (G71) or inches per revolution
of the spindle (G70).

♦ a Function
The a function defines the acceleration to use on the part program block and may be
programmed in the range:

+0.00001 +99999.99999 mm/sec2 or inches/sec2

The a function is considered in mm/sec2 in presence of G71 and in inches/sec2 in presence of

G70. This function is active only in the block it is programmed in and is in any case limited to
the acceleration on the profile as calculated by the system in function of the accelerations
♦ M function

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 1-7

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems

The M address can activate various machine operations. The programmable range goes from 0
to 999. See Chapter 6 for further information about these functions.

♦ S function
The S function specifies the spindle rotation speed. It is programmable in the following range:

+0.001 999999.999 rpm/fpm

In G97, the S function defines spindle rotation speed expressed in revolutions per minute.

In G96, the S function defines the cutting surface speed expressed in metres per minute (G71)
or feet per minute (G70). The above cutting speed remains constant on the surface.

Refer to Chapter 5 for further information about S function programming.

♦ T function

The T function defines the tool and tool offset needed for machining. It is programmable in the
0.0 to 999999999999.300 range. The 12 digits on the left of the decimal point represent the tool
identifier code and the three digits on the right represent the tool offset number.

Chapter 3 provides a detailed description of T functions.

M, S and T functions vary according to their characterisation in AMP.

IMPORTANT From SW release 3.1 it is possible for the system to execute these functions
inside a continuous move (G27-G28).
When planning an application the manufacturer must:
• configure the desired function as "ALLOWED IN CONTINUOUS" in AMP.
• write a machine logic to handle such a function.
In turn, the programmer must remember that these functions produce different
effects depending on how they are programmed:
• in continuous mode a function configured as "ALLOWED IN
CONTINUOUS" will be executed in the sequence in which it has been
programmed. In order not to lock the program the function will be executed
in "NO WAIT" mode.
• in point-to-point mode a function configured as "ALLOWED IN
CONTINUOUS" will be executed in standard mode.

♦ h functions
h functions permit to alter an offset during both continuous and point to point moves.
An h function must be programmed by itself in a block. Its value may range from 0 through 300
and may be either an integer or an E variable.

♦ G functions
G codes program machining preparatory functions for machining. The following section deal
with this codes.

1-8 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems

G Codes
This section shows how to write preparatory G codes in part program blocks. A preparatory G code
is identified by the G address followed by one or two digits (G00-G99). At present, only some of the
100 possible G codes are available.

Paramacro subroutines can be called with a three-digit G code. This class of G codes is described
in Chapter 9. Three-digit G codes are classified as follows:

G100 - G299 Reserved

G300 - G599 Non modal paramacro range
G600 - G998 Modal paramacro range
G999 Reset modal paramacro

The G code must be programmed after the sequence number (if defined) and before any other
operand in the block. For example:
N100 G01 X0 - operand
It is possible to program several G codes in the same block, provided they are compatible with
each other. The table that follows defines compatibility between G codes. Zero indicates that the G
codes are compatible and can be programmed in the same block; 1 means that the G codes are
not compatible and cannot be programmed in the same block without generating an error.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 1-9

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems

Compatible G Codes

G 00 01 02 33 81 80 72 93 96 41 40 27 29 04 09 90 79 70 16 92
03 89 73 94 97 42 28 91 71 17 99
74 95 18
G00 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
G01 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
G02 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
G03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
G04 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
G09 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
G16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
G17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
G18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
G19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
G27 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
G28 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
G29 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
G33 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
G40 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
G41 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
G42 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
G70 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
G71 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
G72 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
G73 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
G74 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
G79 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
G80 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
G81 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
G82 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
G83 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
G84 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
G85 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
G86 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
G89 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
G90 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
G91 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
G92 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
G93 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
G94 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
G95 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
G96 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
G97 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
G99 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 means compatible G codes
1 means incompatible G codes

1-10 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems

The following table gives a summary of the G codes available in the control. This default
configuration can be modified through the AMP utility.

G code summary



G00 a yes Rapid axes positioning yes yes

G01 a yes Linear interpolation no no
G02 a yes Circular interpolation CW no no
G03 a yes Circular interpolation CCW no no
G33 a yes Constant or variable pitch thread no no

G16 b yes Circular interpolation and cutter no no

diameter compensation on a defined
G17 b yes Circular interpolation and cutter yes no
diameter compensation on 1st-2nd axes
G18 b yes Circular interpolation and cutter no yes
diameter compensation on 3rd-1st axes
G19 b yes Circular interpolation and cutter no no
diameter compensation on 2nd-3rd axes

G27 c yes Continuous sequence operation with yes yes

automatic speed reduction on corners
G28 c yes Continuous sequence operation no no
without speed reduction on corners
G29 c yes Point-to-point operation no no

G92 d no Axis presetting no no

G99 d yes Delete G92 yes yes

G40 e yes Cutter diameter compensation disable yes yes

G41 e yes Cutter diameter compensation-tool left no no
G42 e yes Cutter diameter compensation-tool right no no
G20 yes Closes GTL profile
G21 yes Opens GTL profile

G60 yes Closes the HSM profile no no

G61 yes Opens the HSM profile no no
G62 no Splits the HSM profile in two with no no
G63 no Splits the HSM profile in tw with link no no
G66 no Splits the HSM profile in two with edge no no
G67 no Splits the HSM profile in two with no no
reduced speed on edge

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 1-11

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems



G70 f yes Programming in inches no no

G71 f yes Programming in millimetres yes yes

G80 g yes Disable canned cycles yes yes

G81 g yes Drilling cycle no no
G82 g yes Spot-facing cycle no no
G83 g yes Deep hole drilling cycle no no
G84 g yes Tapping cycle no no
G85 g yes Reaming cycle no no
G86 g yes Boring cycle no no
G89 g yes Boring cycle with dwell no no

G90 h yes Absolute programming yes yes

G91 h yes Incremental programming no no

G79 i no Programming referred to axis no no

home switch

G04 j no Dwell at end of block no no

G09 j no Deceleration at end of block no no

G72 k no Point probing with probe tip no no

radius compensation
G73 k no Hole probing with probe tip no no
radius compensation
G74 k no Probing for theoretical deviation from a no no
point without probe tip radius

G93 l yes Inverse time (V/D) feedrate no no

programming mode
G94 l yes Feedrate programming in ipm or yes no
G95 l yes Feedrate programming in ipr or mmpr no yes

G96 m yes Constant surface speed (feet per no yes

minute or metres per minute)
G97 m yes Spindle speed programming in rpm yes no

1-12 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems


The terms "synchronised" and "asynchronised" apply only to part program blocks that do not imply
a movement, that is, assignment or calculation blocks. A motion block is any block containing axes
motion together with other actions:

• Axis moves
• M codes
• S codes
• T codes

A synchronisation block is taken into consideration and executed only after the motion block that
precedes it in the program is completed, that is after the axis move has been executed.

On there other hand, a non-synchronised block is executed as soon as it is read by the part
program interpreter, i.e. when perhaps the previous move is still in progress.

The advantage of asynchronous block execution is that variable assignments and complex
calculations can be made between moves. This allows to reduce waiting time between two motion
blocks caused by calculations.

Default Synchronisation
At power up, the following commands and codes are automatically synchronised:

• G16, G17, G18, G19, G72, G73, G74

All the other commands are not synchronised.

This default assignment can be changed. This means that the commands that are synchronised by
default at power-up can become asynchronous and that the commands that are not synchronised
by default at power-up can become synchronous. The next section explains how to override default

Default synchronisation cannot be modified for GTA, UPR, TCP, UVP, and UVC instructions.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 1-13

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems

Overriding Default Synchronisation

Under certain circumstances, the part program may request to modify the default synchronisation.

If the command is synchronised by default and the programmer wants it to be executed by the
interpreter as soon as it is read (asynchronous operation), an "&" must be programmed in the first
position of the block, immediately after the "n" number.

If the command is asynchronous and you wish to activate synchronous operation, the first
character in the block must be #.

Both # and & are active only in the block where they are programmed.

To avoid possible damage to the workpiece, note that programming

synchronised blocks between contouring blocks clears the motion buffer at
each synchronised block. This will result in dwells while the buffer is reloaded
and all the calculations are performed.

Part Program Interpreter

When the system reads a part program block it executes various activities, depending on the type
of block:

• A motion block will be loaded in the motion buffer queue. If the move is defined by a variable,
the stored move values stored are those of the variable. The buffer size is configurable from 2
to 128 blocks through AMP.
• An asynchronous assign or calculation block will be executed.

Three factors cause the part program interpreter to stop reading blocks:

• The motion buffer is full. When the active motion block is completed, the interpreter will read
another motion block and load it in the buffer queue.
• A non-motion block that contains a synchronised command or a code that forces
synchronisation is read. The interpreter does not start again until the last loaded motion block is
completed. At this point the block calling for synchronisation is executed and the interpreter
starts reading the following blocks.
• Error conditions

1-14 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems

Sequence of execution
1. Diameter axes
2. Scale factors (SCF)
3. Measuring units (G70 G71)
4. Paraxial compensation ( u v w )
5. Inch/metric programming (G90 G91)
6. Mirror machining (MIR)
7. Plane rotation (ROT)
8. Origins (UAO UTO UIO G92)

Programming restrictions for long real (double) formats

The following restrictions apply to long real programming:

• Max. 15 numbers in total

• Max. 12 integer digits
• Max. 9 decimal digits

The system will display an error if more than 12 integer digits are programmed.

If more than 9 decimal numbers are programmed, the system does not display any error but cuts
off the programmed number at the last allowed digit.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 1-15

Chapter 1
Programming with 10 Series Systems


1-16 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 2


Defining Axis Motion

In this manual axes motion directions are defined in compliance with EIA standard RS-267. By
convention, we always assume that the tool moves towards the part, no matter whether the tool
moves towards the part or the part moves towards the tool in the actual process.

Basic movements can be defined with the motion G codes listed in the following table:


G00 Rapid axes positioning

G01 Linear interpolation

G02 Circular interpolation clockwise

G03 Circular interpolation counter clockwise

G33 Constant or variable pitch threading

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-1

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

G00 - Rapid Axes Positioning

G00 defines a linear movement at rapid feedrate that is simultaneous and coordinated for all the
axes programmed in the block.


G00 [G-codes] [axes] [offset ] [F..] [a] [auxiliary]


G-codes Other G codes that are compatible with G00 (See "Compatible G codes" table in
Chapter 1).

axes Axis name followed by a numerical value. The numerical value can be programmed
directly with a decimal value or indirectly with an E parameter. Up to nine axes can be
written in a block.

offset Offset factors on the profile. For the X, Y, Z axes these factors are entered with u, v,
and w respectively. See "Paraxial compensation" in Chapter 4 for further information.

F Feedrate for coordinated moves. It is given with the F address followed by the
feedrate value. This parameter does not affect the move of the axes programmed in
the G00 block, but is retained for subsequent feedrate moves. The rapid feedrate
forced by G00 is a velocity along the vector of the axes programmed in the block. The
maximum rapid feedrate is defined during characterisation with the AMP utility.

a Acceleration to be used on the profile.

auxiliary Programmable M, S, and T auxiliary functions. Up to four M functions, one S (spindle

speed) and one T (tool selection) can be programmed in the block.

2-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

G01 - Linear Interpolation

G01 defines a linear move at machining feedrate that is simultaneous and coordinated on all the
axes programmed in the block.


G01 [G-codes] [axes] [offset ] [F..] [a] [auxiliary]


G-codes Other G codes that are compatible with G01 (See "Compatible G codes" table in
Chapter 1).

axes Axis name followed by a numerical value. The numerical value can be programmed
directly with a decimal value or indirectly with an E parameter. Up to nine axes can be
written in a block.

offset Offset factors on the profile. These factors are entered for the X, Y, Z axes with the
characters u, v, w respectively. See "Paraxial compensation" in Chapter 4 for further

F Feedrate used for the move. It is given with the F address followed by the feedrate
value. If omitted, the system will use the previously programmed feedrate. If no
feedrate has been programmed the control will generate an error.

a Acceleration to be used on the profile.

auxiliary Programmable M, S, T auxiliary functions. Up to four M functions, one S (spindle

speed) and one T (tool selection) can be programmed in the block.

This example shows how to program a G01 code.

Y Program:

40 N60 (UGS,X,-10,100,Y,-10,50)
N70 G0 X10 Y10
N80 G01 X90 Y40 F200


10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-3

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

G02 G03 - Circular Interpolation

These codes define the following circular movements:

G02 Circular interpolation clockwise (CW)

G03 Circular interpolation counter clockwise (CCW)

The circular move is performed at machining feedrate and is coordinated and simultaneous with all
the axes programmed in the block.


G02 [G-codes] [axes] I.. J.. [F..] [a] [auxiliary]

G02 [G-codes] [axes] R.. [F..] [a] [auxiliary]

G03 [G-codes] [axes] I.. J.. [F..] [a] [auxiliary]

G03 [G-codes] [axes] R.. [F..] [a] [auxiliary]


G-codes Other G codes that are compatible with G02 and G03 (See "Compatible G codes"
table in Chapter 1).

axes Axis name followed by a numerical value programmed directly with a decimal value or
indirectly with an E parameter.

If axes are not programmed in the block, the move is a complete circle in the active
interpolation plane.

I Abscissa of the circle centre. This is a value in millimetres that can be programmed
directly or indirectly with an E parameter. The abscissa is expressed as a diameter
unit when the corresponding axis is a diameter axis. No matter what interpolation
plane you are using, the symbol for the abscissa is always I.

J Ordinate of the circle centre. This is a value in millimetres that can be programmed
directly or indirectly with an E parameter. The ordinate is expressed as a diameter unit
when the corresponding axis is a diameter axis. No matter what interpolation plane
you are using, the symbol for the ordinate is always J.
NOTE: The parameter R cannot be used for arcs of 360 degrees..

2-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

R Circle radius alternative to the I and J coordinates. If the arc of a circle is less than or
equal to 180 degrees, the radius must be programmed with positive sign; if the arc of
a circle is greater than 180 degrees the radius must be programmed with negative

NOTA: R is not allowed with arc of 360 degrees.

F Feedrate used for the move. It is given with the F address followed by the feedrate
value. If omitted, the system will use the programmed value. If no feedrate has been
programmed an error will occur.

a Acceleration to be used on the profile.

auxiliary Programmable auxiliary functions M, S, T. Up to four M functions, one S (spindle

speed) and one T (tool selection) can be programmed in the block.


The maximum programmable arc is 360 degrees, i.e. a full circle. Before programming a circular
interpolation block, the interpolation plane must be defined with G16, G17, G18, G19. G17 is
automatically active after power up.
The coordinates of the start point (determined from the previous block), the end point and the
centre of the move must be calculated so that the difference between start and end radius is less
than the default value (0.01 mm or 0.00039 inches). If this difference is equal or greater than the
default value, the control displays an error message and the circular move is not performed.

Incremental programming (G91) can be used in conjunction with circular interpolation. With G91
the end point and the centre point of the circular move are referenced to the start point
programmed in the previous block.
The direction (CW or CCW) of a circular interpolation is defined by looking in the positive direction
of the axis that is perpendicular to the active interpolation plane.The following examples show the
directions for circular interpolation on the active planes.





Directions of a circular interpolation

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-5

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Circular interpolation in absolute programming with the I and J coordinates of the centre of the

N14 X10 Y20

N15 G2 X46 Y20 I28 J20 F200
N16 G3 X64 Y38 I46 J38





Circular interpolation in absolute programming with the value R of the radius of the circle.

N14 X10 Y20

N15 G2 X46 Y20 R18 F200
N16 G3 X64 Y38 R18

Circular interpolation in incremental programming with the coordinates J and I.

N14 X10 Y20

N15 G2 G91 X36 I18 J0 F200
N16 G3 X18 Y18 I0 J18

Circular interpolation in incremental programming with the value of the radius R.

N14 X10 Y20

N15 G2 G91 X36 R18 F200
N16 G3 X18 Y18 R18

2-6 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

CET (PRC) - Circular Endpoint Tolerance

In circular interpolations, CET defines the tolerance for the variance between the starting and final
radiuses of the circle arc.




value Tolerance expressed in millimetres. The default value is 0.01 mm.


If the difference between starting and final radius is smaller than the tolerance but not zero, the
system normalises the circle data according to the values specified in CET and ARM.

If the difference is equal to or greater than the value assigned to CET, an error occurs and the
programmed final points will not be executed. In this case, you must either modify the program or
increase the CET tolerance.

The value assigned to CET can be modified as follows:

• In the AMP configuration

• By means of a specific data entry
• By writing a new CET in the part program.

The CET tolerance is always expressed in the characterised measuring unit (G70/G71 apply).

If the variance between programmed start and final radius is higher than the CET value, the circle
arc can be executed as follows:

• By making the CET value greater than the actual variance

• By programming the arc with the circle radius rather than with the centre using this format:
G2/G3, final point and R radius

A RESET re-establishes the default tolerance.

CET=0.02 defines a 0.02 mm tolerance

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-7

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

FCT - Full Circle Threshold

In a circular interpolation, the FCT instruction defines a threshold for the distance between the first
and the last point in an arc. Within this distance the arc is considered a full circle.




value Threshold expressed in millimetres. The default value is 0.001 mm.


The FCT command allows to deal with inaccurate program data that would otherwise prevent the
system from forcing a complete circle. In other words, if the distance from the first to the last point
is less than FCT, the system uses the points as if they were overlapping and forces a full circle.

FCT thresholds can be modified as follows:

• In the AMP configuration

• By means of a specific data entry
• By writing a new CET in the part program.

The FCT threshold is always expressed in the characterised measuring unit (G70/G71 apply).

A RESET re-establishes the default threshold.

In this example, FCT defines a threshold 0.005 millimetres.

2-8 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

ARM - Defining Arc Normalisation Mode

The ARM code defines the method with which the system normalises an arc (programmed with the
centre coordinates I and J, and a final point) in order to render it geometrically congruent.

An arc is normalised when the variance between initial and final radius is less than the
characterised accuracy tolerance or than the tolerance programmed with the CET command.

Before executing an arc, the system calculates the difference between initial and final radiuses.

• If the difference is zero, the control will execute the programmed arc without normalising it.
• If the difference is greater than the CET value, the control will stop without executing the move,
and display a profile error message.
• If the difference is less than the CET value, the control will execute the move normalising the
arc with the method specified by ARM.
• If the distance is less than the FCT threshold, the system will force the complete circle. For ISO
blocks with radius compensation, the system checks the difference twice: first on the base
profile without compensation (normalisation stage) and then on the compensated profile (motion
generation stage).


ARM=arc mode


arc mode Is the numerical value that defines the arc normalisation mode.
Valid values are:

0 displaced centre within the CET tolerance (default mode)

1 displaced starting point displaced the CET tolerance
2 displaced centre independent from the CET tolerance
3 centre beyond the CET tolerance range

The default value is zero.


The arc normalisation mode can be modified as follows:

• In the AMP configuration

• By means of a specific data entry
• By writing a new CET in the part program.

The examples that follow illustrate ARC normalisation modes.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-9

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


This is an arc through the initial and final programmed points whose centre is displaced within the
tolerance defined by CET. The arc is executed with averaged radius.

starting point


averaged radius

C = programmed center
CS final point
C CET CS= displaced center


This is an arc through the programmed final point and the starting point displaced within the CET
tolerance. The arc is executed with final radius.

starting point


final point
C C= programmed center

2-10 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


This is an arc whose centre is displaced irrespective of the tolerance defined with CET. In this case
the arc is executed with averaged radius.

CET starting point

arc with averaged radius


final point
C C= programmed center
CS = displaced center


If the displacement of the centre arc is within the CET tolerance defined with CET, the arc centre
will be displaced and the arc will pass through the programmed starting and final points. If the
displacement of the centre is not within the CET tolerance, the arc will have the programmed
centre and pass through the displaced starting and final points (both points are displaced within the
CET/2 tolerance).
In this case the arc is executed with averaged radius.


C = programmed center
CS = displaced center

starting point

CET CET starting point

averaged radius
arc with averaged
radius plus initial
and final steps


CS final point final point



10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-11

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

With ARM = 1 or ARM = 3 the resultant profile can show inaccuracies ("steps"):
With ARM = 1 there will be a step at circle start equal to the difference between
starting and final radiuses.
In case of ARM = 3 there will be a step both at circle arc start and end.
To prevent these steps from causing a servo error, we suggest that you program
a CET value smaller than the characterised servo error threshold.

2-12 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

CRT - Circular interpolation speed reduction threshold

CRK - Circular interpolation speed reduction constant
The variables CRT (Circle Reduction Threshold) and CRK (Circle Reduction K-Constant) are used
for reducing the speed on circular elements according to the radius of the circle.


CRT = value


value Threshold radius below which the reduction has to be applied. The default value,
of 0 (zero), makes it possible to modulate the speed limitation due to centrifugal

CRK = value

value is a constant for modulating the reduction in speed. The value set by default is 1.


By assigning any value other than 0 to the variable CRT, the speed is reduced on all circular
elements with a smaller radius than the value set. The value assigned to the variable CRK enables
this reduction to be modulated. The speed is reduced as shown in the graph below, in which it is
assumed that the programmed speed Vp is equal to 1 and the variable CRT is equal to 1.

Vp = 1





Crt = 1 R

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-13

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

When CRT becomes 0, the CRK value (if other than zero) is used, in circular movements, in order
to recalculate processing speed. In circular movements, in fact, processing speed is generally
limited by the radius of the circumference (centrifugal acceleration) according to the following

V lav = Min ( √ a radius, V Prog )

where a is the minimum acceleration between the two axes involved in the circular movement.

CRK changes this relationship as follows

V lav = Min ( CRK * √ a radius, V Prog )

and therefore makes it possible to increase (CRK > 1.0) or decrease (CRK < 1.0) the limitation
associated with the centrifugal acceleration. With a value of 1.0 the standard calculation is

The values assigned to the variables CRT and CRK may be modified as follows

• by means of the AMP command during configuration

• from the part program with the specified syntax.

The values assigned to CRT are always expressed in the current unit of measurement of the
process (the G70/G71 functions are applied).

The RESET command restores the characterization values.

2-14 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Helical Interpolation

G02 and G03 program a helical path in only one block. The system performs the helical path by
moving the plane axes in a circular interpolation while the axis that is perpendicular to the
interpolation plane moves linearly.

To program a helical path, simply add a depth coordinate and the helix pitch (K) to the parameters
specified in the circular interpolation block.


G02 [G-codes] [axes] I.. J.. K.. [F..] [auxiliary]

G02 [G-codes] [axes] R.. K.. [F..] [auxiliary]

G03 [G-codes] [axes ] I.. J.. K.. [F..] [auxiliary]

G03 [G-codes] [axes ] R.. K.. [F..] [auxiliary]


G-codes Other G codes that are compatible with G02 and G03 (See "Compatible G
codes" table in Chapter 1).
axes An axis letter followed by a numerical value programmed (either decimal value
or E parameter).
If no axes are programmed in the block, the move will generate a full circle on
the active interpolation plane.
I Abscissa of the circle centre. This is a value in millimetres (decimal number or E
parameter). The abscissa is expressed as a diameter unit when the
corresponding axis is a diameter axis. No matter what the interpolation plane,
the symbol for the abscissa is always I.
J Ordinate of the circle centre. This is a value in millimetres (decimal number or E
parameter). The ordinate is expressed as a diameter unit when the
corresponding axis is a diameter axis. No matter what the interpolation plane,
the symbol for the ordinate is always J.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-15

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

R Circle radius. It is specified with the R address followed by a length value, and
is alternative to the I and J coordinates.
K Helix pitch. This parameter is specified with the K address followed by the pitch
value. It can be omitted if the helix depth is less than one pitch.
F Feedrate. It is specified by the F address followed by a value. If it is omitted, the
system will use the previously programmed feedrate. If no feedrate has been
programmed, the system will signal an error.
auxiliary Programmable M, S, and T functions. Up to four M functions, one S (spindle
speed) and one T (tool selection) can be programmed in the block.


If Z is a multiple of K, it is not necessary to program the final point

If the depth is not an integer number of pitches, i.e. if Z is not equal to n * K), the length of the circle
arc must be calculated with the decimal remainder of the pitch number. For example, if Z = 2.7 * K,
then the arc that must be programmed is 360 * (2.7 - 2) = 252 degrees.

G2 X . . Y. . Z . . I . . J . . K . . F. .

In this example, addresses X, Y, I, and J refer to circle programming; addresses Z and K refer to
helix programming and are respectively the depth and the helix pitch. The figure below shows the
typical dimensions of a helical interpolation.

Dimensions Helix

2-16 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

G33 - Constant or Variable Pitch Threading

G33 defines a cylindrical, taper, or face threading movement with constant or variable pitch. The
threading move is synchronised to spindle rotation. The parameters programmed in the block
identify the type of thread.


G33 [axes] K.. [I..] [R..]


axes An axis letter followed by a numerical value.

K Thread pitch (mandatory). For variable pitch threads, K is the initial pitch.

I Pitch variation for variable pitch threading. For increasing pitch threading, I must
be positive; for decreasing pitch threading I must be negative.

R Deviation from the zero spindle angular position in degrees. R is used in

multistart threading to avoid displacing the starting point.


All these numerical values can be programmed directly with decimal numbers or indirectly with E

In decreasing pitch threads, the initial pitch, the pitch variation, and the thread length must be
calculated so that the pitch is greater than zero before reaching the final coordinate. Use the
following formula:

I< K2
2 (Zf - Zi)
I Is the maximum pitch variation
K Is the initial pitch
(Zf - Zi) Is the thread length.

During the threading cycle the control ignores the CYCLE STOP button and the
OVERRIDE selector must be disabled by the machine logic.

VFF may be disabled with the dedicated softkey or with a VFF command.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-17

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Constant Pitch Threading

The figures that follow illustrate examples of constant pitch threading. Note that the U axis is a
diameter axis.

Cylindrical threading

Z Part program block: G33 Z-100 K2




Conical threading


Part program block: G33 U40 Z-80 K3



Cylindrical-conical threading

Part program blocks: G33 Z-95 K2 .5

Z-100 U52 K2.5

2-18 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Variable Pitch Threading

The figures that follow illustrate variable pitch threading. Note that the U axis is a diameter axis.

Cylindrical threading with increasing pitch

Z Part program block: G33 Z-50 K4 I1


Conical threading with increasing pitch

4 Part program block: G33 U50 Z-40 K4 I1

Cylindrical thread with decreasing pitch


Part program block: G33 Z-50 K10 I-1



10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-19

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Multi-start threading

An R word in a G33 block makes the control start moving the axes from an angular position that
varies according to the programmed R value.

This permits to program the same start point for all threads, rather than move the start point of
each thread by a distance equal to the pitch divided by the number of starts.

Three-start threading

N37 G33 Z3 K6 1st thread

N41 G33 Z3 K6 R120 2nd thread
N45 G33 Z3 K6 R240 3rd thread

2-20 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Rotary Axes

In the system characterisation, axes can be configured as rotary axes, i.e. a rotary table.

To program rotary axis moves simultaneous to and coordinated with the other axes programmed in
the same block:

• Always use decimal degrees (from +0.00001 to +99999.99999 degrees) starting from a pre-
selected origin.
• Select either the rapid rate (G00) or the feedrate (G01). In a rotary move rates are always
expressed in degrees per minute (dpm, F5.5 format). For example, with F75.5 the axis moves
at 75.5 dpm.

To perform milling operations on a circle with a rotary table, calculate the rotary rate with the
following formula.

F = 360 * A = 114,64 * A
pi D D

F Is the rotary rate in dpm
A Is the linear rate on the arc in millimetres or inches per minute
D Is the diameter on which the milling operation is performed (in mm or inches).

To move rotary and linear axes simultaneously in the same block, you may calculate the feedrate
with one of the following formulas.

With G94:

F=A* X2+Y2+Z2+B2+C2

F Is the feedrate
A Is the feedrate on the part (in mm/min or inches/min)
XYZBC Is the actual travel performed by each axis (in mm or inches for linear axes, in
degrees for rotary axes)
L Is the resultant path length (in mm or inches).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-21

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

With G93:

F= A
X2 + Y2 + B2

F Is the feedrate
A Is the desired feedrate (in mm/min or inches/min) on the part
X Is the X axis incremental distance
Y Is the Y axis incremental distance
B Is the B axis incremental distance

The control cannot calculate the desired tool feedrate directly because the radius is not
programmed. In these cases, the feedrate can be specified as inverse time with G93.

A block moving only the rotary axes generates an arc. If rotary and linear moves are combined, the
resulting path may be an Archimedean spiral, a cylindrical helix or more complex curves,
depending on the programmed number of linear axes.

2-22 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Axes with Rollover

Axes with rollover axis are rotary or linear axes whose position is controlled between zero and a
positive value configured in the rollover pitch parameter.

In the following description the axsi with rollover is rotary and has a 360 degree rollover pitch. We
assume that the axis position is controlled in the 0 to 359.9999 degree range. That is, when the
axis reaches 360 degrees, the displayed position rolls over to zero degrees.

An axis with rollover can be programmed in a block or in a MDI in two different modes:

absolute mode (G90) programs the move in degrees.

incremental mode (G91) programs the move as increments in degrees from the current
axis position.

G90 - Absolute mode

In this mode:
• Displayed position is from 0 to +359.99999 degrees
• Programmed range is from 0 to ± 359.99999 degrees
• Direction of axis rotation depends on the sign of the programmed move. By convention, a
positive move is clockwise and a negative move is counter clockwise.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-23

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

For example, let's assume that rotary axis B is positioned at 90 degrees and the following block is
written in the part program or in an MDI:

G90 B45




Clockwise Rotation

The B axis rotates by 315 degrees clockwise from the 90 degree position to reach the absolute
position of 45 degrees (the sign of the move is positive).

Now let's assume that the B rotary axis is at 90 degrees and, the following block is written in the
part program or in an MDI:

G90 B-0

Counter clockwise Rotation

The B axis rotates by 90 degrees counterclockwise to absolute position 0 degrees because the
sign of the move is negative.

2-24 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

G91 - Incremental mode

When an axis with rollover is programmed in incremental (G91) mode, the following conditions

• Displayed position is from 0 to +359.99999 degrees.

• Program range is from +/-0.00001 to +/-99999.99999 degrees.
• Direction of axis rotation depends upon the sign of the programmed move. By convention, a
positive move is clockwise and a negative move is counter clockwise.

The displayed position is beyond the programmed range when the programmed
IMPORTANT range is greater than +359.999 degrees.

For example, if the absolute zero position of the B rotary axis is 0 degrees and the following block
is written in the part program or in an MDI:

G91 B765



Incremental clockwise rotation

The B axis makes two complete clockwise revolutions plus 45 degrees (360 + 360 + 45 = 765).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-25

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Pseudo Axes

A pseudo axis is an auxiliary function that may be addressed as an axis and is handled by the
machine logic. The pseudo axis name can be any allowed axis name (X,Y,Z,A,B,C,U,V,W,P,Q,D).
In a part program block it is possible to program up to 3 pseudo axes but in the AMP it is possible
to configure up to 6 pseudo axes.

Diameter Axes

A reaming/facing head can be mounted on the spindle and controlled simultaneously with other
axes. By programming such an axis (typically a U axis) as a diameter, the following can be

• Boring operations on cylindrical or conical holes

• Circular radiuses (concave or convex)
• Chamfers
• Grooves
• Facing operations
• Threads

Programming a U (diameter) axis is similar to programming other linear axes; however, its
coordinates must be expressed in diameters. The measuring units can be inches or millimetres
according to the current mode ( G70/G71).

When the U axis is programmed in the same block as an X, Y or Z move, it is simultaneous with
and coordinated to the other axes. U axis moves can be performed at rapid rate (G00) or feedrate
(G01) with F in ipm or mmpm.

Before executing a profile with the U axis, the interpolation plane must be defined with the following

G16 Z U

The order of Z and U in this command is critical, i.e. G16 UZ and G16 ZU define
IMPORTANT two different interpolation planes.

Cutter diameter compensation (G41 or G42) and a machining allowance (MSA)

can be applied to profiles programmed with U.

2-26 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

This is an example reaming/facing head used in a finishing operation.


N117 F60 S630 T9 .9 M6
N118 G16 Z U ;Defines interpolation plane
N119 (UAO, 2) ;Calls absolute origin for the head
N120 (UTO, 1, Z-200) ;Temporary origin for Z (skimming the part)
N121 X Y160 M3 ;Position to hole 1
N122 G41 Z2 U51
N123 G1 Z-1 U44 .98 ;Executes the chamfer
N124 Z-44 ;Executes hole diameter 45
N125 G G40 U40
N126 Z2 F40 S380
N127 G41 Y U106 ;Positions to hole 2
N128 G1 Z-1 U99 .975 ;Executes the chamfer
N129 Z-15 ;Executes hole diameter 100
N130 r5 ;Executes radius R = 5
N131 U60 ;Executes counter boring
N132 r-3 ;Executes radius R = 3
N133 Z-40 U40 ;Executes taper
N134 G40 Z-44 ;Continues Z axis travel
N135 G U35
N136 Z100 M5
N137 G16 X Y
N138 (UAO,1)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-27

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

The direction of the arcs programmed with G02/G03 or with the r address and the direction for
cutter diameter compensation (G41/G42) can be determined by looking at the profile on the Z-U
plane. Since negative diameters are usually not programmed, you must consider only the first two
quadrants of the plane.

2-28 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

UDA - Dual Axes

It is possible to treat one or more axes as slaves or subordinate to another defined as the master.
In this way only the movements of the Master need be programmed as the movement of the slaves
is determined by those of the Master to which they are associated and by whether or not reverse
mirror movement has been applied.




master1. . . master4 Are the master axis names (one ASCII character per axis). You can
program up to 4 master axes.

slave1. . . slave8 Are the slave axes names (one ASCII character per axis). You can
program a maximum of 8 slave axes per master.

no parameters (UDA) without parameters disables the dual axes mode (UDA)


Dual axes management does not require any special setting in the system with AMP.
After an (UDA...) command, the positive operating limit is the minimum between the positive limit of the
master axis and the current position of the master plus the distance that may be covered by the slave
axis. In short:

PositiveLim = min(Master PositiveLim, MasterPosition + Slave PositiveLim - SlavePosition)

In the case of a "mirror", the distance that may be covered by the slave refers to its negative limit, so it
will be:

PositiveLim = min(Master PositiveLim, MasterPosition - Slave NegativeLim + SlavePosition)

The considerations made for the positive limit also apply to the negative limit:

NegativeLim = max(Master NegativeLim, MasterPosition + Slave NegativeLim - SlavePosition)

In the case of a mirror, it will be:

NegativeLim = max(Master NegativeLim, MasterPosition - Slave PositiveLim + SlavePosition)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-29

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

When the (UDA...) command is executed, reference must be made both to the master axis and the
slave axes.

The RESET command does not cancel the association between the master and slave axes.

Dual axes may be used on rotated planes or in polar or cylindrical coordinates (UVP, UVC).

Dual axes, whether master or slave, must be defined on real axes and not virtual axes.

The names of masters and slaves must be separated by a / (slash).

To mirror the slave axis movement, you must program the - operator before the
IMPORTANT axis name. This rule does not apply to master axes.

(UDA,X/-U) U is slaved and mirrored to X
(UDA, A/B - CD) B, C, D are slaved to A and C is mirrored to A

2-30 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

SDA - Special Dual Axes

It is possible to treat one or more axes as slaves or subordinate to another defined as the master.
In this way only the movements of the Master need be programmed as the movement of the slaves
is determined by those of the Master to which they are associated and by whether or not reverse
mirror movement has been applied. The movement of the master and slave axes can occur even if
the axes are not referenced.




master1. . . master4 Are the master axis names (one ASCII character per axis). You can
program up to 4 master axes.

slave1. . . slave8 Are the slave axes names (one ASCII character per axis). You can
programa maximum of 8 slave axes per master.

no parameters (SDA) without parameters disables the special dual axes mode (SDA)


After an (SDA...) command, the positive operating limit is the minimum between the positive limit of the
master axis and the current position of the master plus the distance that may be covered by the slave
axis. In short:

PositiveLim = min(Master PositiveLim, MasterPosition + Slave PositiveLim - SlavePosition)

In the case of a "mirror", the distance that may be covered by the slave refers to its negative limit, so it
will be:

PositiveLim = min(Master PositiveLim, MasterPosition - Slave NegativeLim + SlavePosition)

The considerations made for the positive limit also apply to the negative limit:

NegativeLim = max(Master NegativeLim, MasterPosition + Slave NegativeLim - SlavePosition)

In the case of a mirror, it will be:

NegativeLim = max(Master NegativeLim, MasterPosition - Slave PositiveLim + SlavePosition)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-31

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Upon activating the (SDA,...) command the master and the slaves need not be referenced.
The RESET command does not remove the master/slave association.

This allows one to perform the zero point micro-search cycle with dual movement active. In this
case performing the zero point micro-search cycle, the system simultaneously moves the
associated slaves. At the end of the search the master axis is referenced where as the slave axes
are not. In order to reference the slave axes they should be exchanged, one by one, with the
master axis by new SDA programming and the zero point micro-search cycle repeated for each
one of them, redefined as the master. The initialisation of the slaves is not however necessary if
one intends to program only the master with SDA active.

The use of the SDA function is recommended in cases where a zero point micro-search cycle is to
be performed following a shutdown of the system with the work still on the work-bench.

The names of masters and slaves must be separated by a / (slash).

To mirror the slave axis movement, you must program the - operator before
IMPORTANT the axis name. This rule does not apply to master axes.

(SDA,X/-U) U is slaved and mirrored to X
(SDA, A/B - CD) B, C, D are slaved to A and C is mirrored to A

2-32 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

XDA - Master/Slave axes

One or more axes can be used as “slave” axes, i.e. subordinate to another axis, defined as
“master”. In this manner, you only need to program the movements of the master, since the
movements of the slaves are determined by the master they are associated with and by a following
factor, which is defined specifically for each individual slave. Commands of different types can be
imparted with this feature, each of them having a specific syntax.

Master/Slave Association
This instruction defines the association between a master axis and its slaves (up to 8 axes). It
does NOT activate the following function, whose activation is by means of a specific command.
This means that after this instruction a movement of the master does not bring about a movement
of the slave(s). After this instruction and until the slave is released from the master, slave
movements cannot be programmed.


(XDA, 1, master/slave1[slave2[..]], mode, ratio, space)


master Is the name of the master axis and is denoted by a single ASCII character.

slave1…slave8 Are the names of the slave axes (each of them denoted by a single ASCII
character). You can program up to 8 slaves.

mode Defines the master axis following mode used by the slave(s). It can be:

0 The slave follows the master point by point

1 The slave follows the master in terms of speed
2 The slave follows the master in terms of position
3 The slave follows the master in terms of position, and the
synchronisation distance is taken up

ratio This is the master following ratio specified for the slave(s). It must be
viewed as a multiplication factor for the feedrate of the master or the
distance covered by it. If the value of this ratio is 1.0, the motion of the
master is reproduced exactly by the slave; if it is smaller than 1.0,
feedrate/distance are reduced, if it is greater than 1.0 they are increased.
This value can be preceded by a sign.

distance This is the distance to be covered by the slave to synchronise with the
motion of the master.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-33

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


The master axis can identify either an axis present in the process in which the XDA command is
activated or an axis which is not present; in the latter case, a “virtual” axis, having the name
specified, will be created; this axis will have the dynamic characteristics inherited from the slave
axes (the lowest values of feedrate, accelerations and jerk). This axis may be part of a
virtualisation (UPR, UDA,…) and also of a TCP. The operation of master axis Homing cannot be

At least one slave axis must be present in the process in which the XDA command is activated; it
can be a SHARED axis, i.e. an axis shared with the machine logic environment. In this connection,
the axis may continue to be moved by the machine logic even after the association with the master,
however it cannot be moved while it is following the master. It cannot be part of any virtualisation or

Let us now examine the various following modalities available:

Mode 0

In this mode, the slave axis follows the master proportionately to the value of the ratio (if the ratio =
1, the slave reproduces the movement of the master axis exactly), synchronisation is
instantaneous and the variation in the feedrate of the slave is “in steps”. Slave position and
feedrate values are calculated, instant by instant, according to the following formulas:

Vslave = Vmaster * FollowRate

PosSlave = PosSlavet0 + (PosMaster – PosMaster t0) * FollowRate

V V master

V slave

Activation =

t0 t

If the speed specified for the slave axis as a result of the following command exceeds the
maximum admissible value for this axis, the system will reduce the feedrate requested accordingly
and will give out an emergency (servo error) message, in that the slave is unable to follow the
required position.

2-34 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Mode 1

In this mode, the slave follows the feedrate of the master proportionately to the value of the ratio (if
the ratio = 1, the slave copies the movement of the master axis exactly); the synchronisation
depends on the dynamic characteristics of the slave axis and/or the distance parameter which
defines the synchronisation distance.

If the distance value = 0, the slave will synchronise with the master based on its maximum
acceleration and using linear ramps only.

V V master

V slave


t0 t1 t

If the value is not 0, the slave will synchronise with the master based on an acceleration calculated
as a function of the synchronisation distance and using linear ramps only. The acceleration will be
calculated again with each sampling process based on the following formula

Aslave = ((Vmaster * FollowRate)2 + Vslave 2 ) / 2 * Distance

where the value of the distance is gradually reduced based on the distance covered during the
synchronisation stage. No check is made on the ensuing acceleration value, and therefore servo
errors may arise if the acceleration exceeds the maximum value that can be withstood by the axis.

V master

V slave

Activation Distance

t0 t1 t

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-35

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Once the synchronisation with the master has taken place, the slave will move according to this

Vslave = Vmaster * FollowRate

The feedrate (Vslave) determined in this manner is “theoretical”, since it is necessary to determine
whether this request is compatible with the dynamic characteristics of the axis (maximum feedrate
and maximum acceleration). The moment the feedrate of the master varies, the slave will follow
this variation based on its acceleration value. If the feedrate requested of the slave exceeds its
maximum admissible feedrate, the system will reduce the feedrate requested accordingly. Hence,
the feedrate and acceleration values with which the slave has to be moved, Vslave i and Aslave i,
will be determined instant by instant. The position of the slave will therefore be calculated on the
basis of these values:

PosSlave tn+1 = PosSlave tn + Vslave i + Aslave i

Mode 2

In this mode, the slave follows the position of the master proportionately to the value of the ratio (if
the ratio = 1 the slave reproduces exactly the movement of the master); synchronisation depends
on the dynamic characteristics of the slave axis and/or the distance parameter which defines the
synchronisation distance.

If the distance value is 0, the slave will synchronise with the master based on its maximum
acceleration and using linear ramps only.

V V master

V slave


t0 t1 t

2-36 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

If the value of distance is not 0, the slave axis will synchronise with the master axis based on an
acceleration calculated as a function of the synchronisation distance and using linear ramps only.
The acceleration value will be calculated again with each sampling step according to this formula

Aslave = ((Vmaster * FollowRate)2 + Vslave 2 ) / 2 * Distance

where the value of the distance is gradually reduced based on the distance covered during the
synchronisation stage. No check is made on the ensuing acceleration value and therefore servo
error messages may be generated the moment the acceleration exceeds the maximum value that
the axis can withstand.

V master

V slave

Activation Distance

t0 t1 t

Once the synchronisation with the master axis has occurred, the slave will move according to the
following formulas:

PosSlave = PosSlavet1 + (PosMaster – PosMaster t1) * FollowRate

Vslave = Vmaster * FollowRate

The position, PosSlave, and the feedrate, Vslave, determined in this manner should be rated as
“theoretical” values, since it is necessary to determine whether the values requested are
compatible with the dynamic characteristics of the axis (Maximum feedrate and maximum
acceleration). The moment the feedrate of the master varies, the slave will follow this variation
according to its own acceleration value. If the feedrate requested for the slave exceeds the
maximum value admissible for this axis, the system will reduce the feedrate accordingly. To this
end, the two values with which to move the slave, Vslave i and Aslave i will be calculated instant
by instant. The actual position of the slave axis will therefore be calculated on the basis of these

PosSlave tn+1 = PosSlave tn + Vslave i + Aslave i

The difference between the actual and the theoretical position of the axis is taken up by the slave
during its motion (even when the master has stopped moving) by moving, to the extent feasible, at
a rate higher than the theoretical value (Vslave).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-37

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Mode 3

In this mode, the slave follows the position and feedrate of the master proportionately to the value
of the ratio (if the ratio = 1, the slave reproduces exactly the movement of the master);
synchronisation depends on the dynamic characteristics of the slave.

V master

V slave

Activation =
Synchronisation Distance recovered
after synchronisation
Distance lost with Master
during acceleration

t0 t

During the entire movement of the slave (i.e. both during and after the synchronisation stage), the
motion of the axis is according to the following formulas (always using linear ramps):

PosSlave = PosSlaveto + (PosMaster – PosMaster t0) * FollowRate

Vslave = Vmaster * FollowRate

The position (PosSlave) and the feedrate (Vslave) determined in this manner should be rated as
“theoretical” values, in that it is necessary to determine whether these requests are compatible with
the dynamic characteristics of the axis (max admissible feedrate and max admissible acceleration).
The moment the feedrate of the master varies, the slave follows the variation according to its own
acceleration value. If the feedrate requested of the slave is higher than its maximum admissible
feedrate, the system reduces the feedrate requested accordingly. To this end, the two values with
which the axis is to be moved (Vslave i and Aslave i) will be calculated instant by instant. The
actual position of the slave will therefore be calculated on the basis of these values:

PosSlave tn+1 = PosSlave tn + Vslave i + Aslave i

The difference between the actual and the theoretical position of the axis is taken up by the slave
during its motion (even when the master has stopped moving) by moving, to the extent feasible, at
a rate higher than the theoretical value (Vslave).

2-38 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Releasing the Slave(s) from the Master

This instruction removes the association between the master and the slave(s). Following this
instruction it will be possible to program any movement of the slave axis.



10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-39

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Defining/Changing the following ratio

This instruction defines/changes the parameter that determines the ratio according to which the
master is followed by the slave(s) concerned.


(XDA, 2, slave1[slave2[..]], ratio)

(xda, 2, slave1[slave2[..]], ratio)


slave1…slave8 are the names of the slave axes (each of which is denoted by a single
ASCII character). You can program up to 8 slaves.

ratio This is the master following ratio specified for the slave(s). It must be
viewed as a multiplication factor for the feedrate of the master or the
distance covered by it. If the value of this ratio is 1.0, the motion of the
master is reproduced exactly by the slave; if it is smaller than 1.0,
feedrate/distance are reduced, if it is greater than 1.0 they are increased.
This value can be preceded by a sign.


The command can be used both when a slave is already following the master axis (it then brings
about the release of the slave from the master and activates a new synchronisation stage using the
new following parameter) and when the following function is not active (the command activates the
following value to be used in the next movement stage).

If the uppercase syntax is used, the movement is stopped and the continuous command underway,
if any, is terminated. If the lowercase syntax is used, instead, a continuous mode command is
given out; at any rate, the axes are stopped at zero speed and after that are restarted immediately.
If you do not want the movement to stop, this can be accomplished by having the machine logic
execute a similar command.

2-40 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Activating the following function

The following of the Master axis by the slave(s) is immediately activated. The following modality is
defined by the “mode” parameter contained in the master/slave association command.


(XDA, 3, slave1[slave2[..]])
(xda, 3, slave1[slave2[..]])


slave1…slave8 are the names of the slave axes (each of which is denoted by a single
ASCII character). You can program up to 8 slaves.


If the uppercase syntax is used, the movement is stopped and the continuous command underway,
if any, is terminated. If the lowercase syntax is used, instead, a continuous mode command is
given out; at any rate, the axes are stopped at zero speed and are restarted immediately. If you do
not want the movement to stop, this can be accomplished by having the machine logic execute a
similar command.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-41

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Deactivating the following function

The following of the Master axis by the slave(s) is immediately deactivated. The release modality is
defined by the “mode” parameter contained in the master/slave association command.


(XDA, 4, slave1[slave2[..]])
(xda, 4, slave1[slave2[..]])


slave1…slave8 are the names of the slave axes (each of which is denoted by a single
ASCII character). You can program up to 8 slaves.


The slave axis remains associated with the master, it just does not follow it any longer. Depending
on the “mode” parameter defined in the master/slave association command, either of the following
will occur:

0 The slave changes abruptly from the current feedrate to zero.

others The slave comes to a halt according to its deceleration ramp.

If uppercase syntax is used, the movement is stopped and the continuous command underway, if
any, is terminated. If lowercase syntax is used, instead, a continuous mode command is given out;
at any rate, the axes are stopped at zero speed and are then restarted immediately. If you do not
want the movement to stop, this can be accomplished by having the machine logic execute a
similar command.


N10 (XDA,1,X/ZA,3,0.8,0.0) Activates master X and slaves Z and A

N20 (XDA,3,ZA) Activates following function by A and Z
N30 G1X100F2000
N40 X300
N50 (xda,4,Z) Deactivates following function by Z in continuous mode
N60 X400
N70 X500
N80 (xda,4,A) Deactivates following function by A in continuous mode
N90 X660
N100 X700
N110 (xda,3,ZA) Reactivates following function by A and Z in continuous mode
N120 GX0
N130 (XDA) Removes association of slaves Z and A with master X
N140 GX

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


The functions in this class perform the following operations:


G04 Dwell at end of step

G09 Deceleration at end of step

G16 Define interpolation plane

G17 Circular interpolation and cutter diameter compensation on XY plane

G18 Circular interpolation and cutter diameter compensation on ZX plane

G19 Circular interpolation and cutter diameter compensation on YZ plane

G27 Continuous movement with automatic velocity reduction on bevel

G28 Continuous movement without automatic velocity reduction on bevel

G29 Point-to-point movements

G70 Programming in inches

G71 Programming in millimetres

G79 Programming referred to axes home switch

G90 Absolute programming

G91 Incremental programming

G92 Axis presetting

G93 Inverse time (V/D) feedrate programming mode

G94 Feedrate programming in ipm or mmpm

G95 Feedrate programming in ipr or mmpr

The planes specified in G17, G18, G19 are valid if they have been configured in the following
sequence: X, Y and Z.

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

G17 G18 G19 - Selecting the Interpolation Plane

These G codes are used for defining the interpolation plane as described below:

G17 Active interpolation plane formed by axes 1 and 2 (XY).

G18 Active interpolation plane formed by axes 3 and 1 (ZX).

G19 Active interpolation plane formed by axes 2 and 3 (YZ).

Axes 1 (X), 2 (Y), and 3 (Z) are the first three axes declared in the AMP environment.



The syntax for each function is simply the G code by itself in one block without parameters or other
pieces of information.

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

G16 - Defining the Interpolation Plane

Like G17, G18, and G19, G16 defines the abscissa and the ordinate of the interpolation plane but
is not linked to the first and second configured axes.


G16 axis1 axis2


axis1 Is the name of the abscissa of the interpolation plane (typically X). It must be one of
the configured axes in the system.

axis2 Is the name of the ordinate of the interpolation plane (typically Y). It must be one of
the configured axes in the system.


G16, G17, G18, G19 cannot be used if the following G codes are active:

• Cutter diameter compensation (G41-G42)

• Standard canned cycles (G81-G89)

G16 X A specifies the interpolation plane formed by axes X and A .

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

G27 G28 G29 - Defining the Dynamic Mode

The G functions in this class define how the axis moves on the profile and positions at profile end.
These codes are always accepted by the control.

G27 Specifies a continuous move with automatic velocity reduction on bevels. At the
end of each element velocity is automatically calculated by the control and
optimised according to the profile shape. This calculation is based on DLA,
MDA and VEF values.
G28 Specifies a continuous move without automatic velocity reduction on bevels. At
the end of each element the velocity on the profile is equal to the programmed
G29 Specifies a point-to-point move that is independent from the programmed path
function (G01-G02-G03). At the end of each element the velocity on the profile
is 0.

G27 [G-codes] [operands]

G28 [G-codes] [operands]
G29 [G-codes] [operands]


G-codes Other G codes that are compatible with G27, G28 and G29 (See "Compatible G
codes" table in Chapter 1).
operands Any operand or code that can be used in a G function block.

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


The following diagram shows how G27, G28 and G29 operate when the programmed feedrate is
constant throughout the profile.


1 2 3 BLOCKS


1 2 3 BLOCKS


1 2 3 BLOCKS

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

The following diagram shows how G27, G28 and G29 operate when the programmed feedrate
varies through the profile.


1 2 3 BLOCKS


1 2 3 BLOCKS


1 2 3 BLOCKS

In each block the move is divided into three steps:

1) Acceleration

2) Uniform move at programmed feedrate

3) Decelerated motion

G27 and G28 differ only in the step with decelerated motion.
Positioning at the machining rate (G1, G2, G3) is available in continuous mode (G27, G28 and
G29) whereas rapid positioning (G0) is always point to point, i.e. with deceleration down to null
velocity and accurate positioning regardless of the system status.

With G27-G28 (continuous mode) the control explores and executes the profile as if it were a
single block. For this reason, auxiliary functions M, S and T are not allowed within the profile
executed in G27-G28.

Continuous mode can be temporarily closed by a G00 move that is still part of the profile. The
allowed M, S and T functions may therefore be programmed in a block following G00.

The G code that has been configured in AMP (typically G27) is automatically selected at power-up
or after a reset.

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

This is a contouring example in continuous and point-to-point mode.

25.65 4
0 3

230 1 2

295 5



Program 1 (continuous mode):

N9 (DIS,"MILL DIA. 16")
N10 T4.4 M6 S800
1 N11 G X-235 Y-230 M13
N12 Z-10
2 N13 G27 G1 X75 F500 ;Continuous mode starts (G27)
3 N14 Y .
4 N15 G3 X-70.477 Y25.651 I J
5 N16 G1 X-187 Y-295
N17 G Z5 M5 ;Temporary shift to point to point mode
N18 (DIS,"MILL DIA. 28") ;for spindle stop, tool change and S functions
N19 T5.5 M6 S1200
N20 X.. Y.. M13
N21 Z-..
N22 G1 X.. Y.. ;Continuous mode restarts

IMPORTANT If G29 were programmed in block N17, continuous mode would stop and
subsequent moves in G1-G2-G3 would be performed in point-to-point mode.

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Program 2 (point-to-point mode):

N9 (DIS, "MILL DIA. 16")
N10 T4.4 M6 S800
1 N11 G29 G X-235 Y-230 M13 ;Point-to-point operation starts
N12 Z-10
2 N13 G1 X75 F500 M5 ;Spindle stop
3 N14 Y S1200 M13 ;Spindle CW with coolant
4 N15 G3 X-70.477 Y25.651 I J
N16 DWT=2
5 N17 G1 G4 X-187 Y-295 ;Dwell at the end of the element
N18 G Z5 M5
N19 (DIS,"MILL DIA. 28")
N20 T5.5 M6 S1200
N21 G X.. Y.. M13
N22 Z-..
N23 G1 X.. Y..

By programming point-to-point with G29 in block N11, M and S functions have

IMPORTANT been included in the profile (blocks N13 and N14). The dwell at the end of the
element (block N17), however, can also be programmed in continuous mode.

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


When G27 mode is active, the control automatically calculates the vector velocity on the bevels
(i.e. between two subsequent moves) using a two-step algorithm.

During the first step the vector velocity is calculated with a formula based on profile variations. The
variation of the profile is associated to the angle formed by two subsequent moves.

The control compares the actual angle with the MDA value; if the angle is greater, the vector
velocity is put to zero as in G29 mode; otherwise, the control calculates for this bevel a velocity that
is based on the angle, MDA and VEF values.

The second step of the algorithm, called "look ahead", is optional. It can be enabled or disabled
according to the value of the DLA variable.

The "look ahead" step is an optimisation of the first step. In fact, in order to provide a correct stop
at the profile end, the calculated vector velocity is re-processed taking into account the total
distance to be covered in G27 mode and the acceleration configured for each axis.

The look ahead feature (G1 G27) does not handle feedrate override. In fact, at
IMPORTANT this stage a 100% feedrate is assumed. Higher feedrates may generate SERVO

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-51

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

DLA - Deceleration Look Ahead

The DLA code enables/disables look ahead calculation in G27 dynamic mode. The control reads
the motion blocks that make up the profile and those that follow the block in execution in order to
recalculate the exit feedrate for the various blocks. It also calculates the deceleration on the bevels
according to the profile. If the profile includes sudden trajectory variations and there are not
enough block lengths to ensure appropriate deceleration, it is critical for the system to anticipate
these events so that velocities can be adjusted. The number of motion blocks the system can look
ahead after the current block can be specified in the characterisation. It ranges from 2 to 64 blocks.




value can be: 0 disables look ahead

1 enables look ahead

If DLA=1 system block time increases because the control must execute a greater number of
calculations for each instruction. This results in greater accuracy.

It is advisable to set DLA=0 when it is clear that the programmed feedrate and the total distance to
be covered in continuous mode are such as to provide a good stop at the end of the profile.

With DLA=0 the control will consider only the deviations from the theoretical profile on bevels.


The default value of this variable is configurable in AMP.

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

DYM - Dynamic Mode

The DYM defines the type of algorithm to use for calculating the velocity between one element and
the next with G27 active.




value It is a numeric value which can be:

0 to use the standard 10 Series formula
1 to use the standard 8600 Series formula
2 to use the alternative 10 Series formula

The standard Series 10 algorithm is based on precise mathematical formulas which assume a
linear response from the machine and that the dynamic parameters configured are always
applicable under any condition.

The algorithm already present in the 8600 series uses approximate formulas, therefore applying
greater restrictions on movement.

The alternative algorithm keeps into consideration the dynamic components (acceleration) that the
axes can bear when passing from one block to the other. In this way it recalculates the final speed
at of the first block in order to pass to the next one without excessive stress on the machine.

It is recommended that you verify the behaviour of both algorithms on the machine and then decide
which default algorithm best suits that particular machinery and that particular type of work.


The default value of this variable can be set in AMP.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-53

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

MDA - Maximum Deceleration Angle

The MDA code defines the maximum angular axis departure in which G27 is active. The selected
value (from 0 to 180 degrees) defines an angle that is the limit of G27 operation.




value is a numeric value with the following characteristics:

• angle between 0° and 180° if DYM = 0
• number between 0 and 2 if DYM = 1
In both cases, it represents the maximum deviation between two consecutive
elements beyond which, in G27, the stop is forced on the final point.
If DYM = 1, the value is to be calculated as:
sine of the maximum angle for deviations ≤ 90°
1 + [sine (angle - 90°)] for deviations > 90° and ≤ 180°.
• Not significative if DYM = 2

In order to alter the default value (MDA = 90 degrees) you may assign MDA in the configuration or
enter it through a specific data entry or a part program block.

The system forces the axis to decelerate to zero velocity when the direction is greater
IMPORTANT than the angle defined by the MDA value. The system calculates a deceleration ramp
for the programmed axis if the direction is less than or equal to the angle defined by
the MDA value.
Since the system calculates deceleration on bevels from the actual angle and the
MDA and VEF values, it is possible to alter velocity reduction by changing the MDA
value. Small values of MDA generate dramatic deceleration on bevels.
The system RESET restores the configured MDA value.



2-54 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

VEF - Velocity Factor

The VEF code defines a velocity determining factor on bevels in the G27 mode. The velocity
calculated from the MDA value can be increased or decreased by changing the VEF value. Small
VEF values dramatically reduce velocity on bevels.




value is a number with the following characteristics:

• number from 0.1 to 8 if DYM = 0 The default value is 0.8.
• number from 0 to 99999 if DYM = 1 The default value is 0.8.
• number from 0 to 99999 if DYM = 2 The default value is 0.8


The characteristics of the velocity calculation vary according to the value of the DYM variable.

DYM = 0
The following diagram shows different decelerations calculated by the system by varying the VEF
value and keeping the MDA value constant.


VEF > 1

VEF = 1

VEF < 1

α MDA angle

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


V is the velocity on the bevel

α is the angle between two subsequent movements
Vprog is the programmed feedrate

DYM = 1

The VEF code defines the maximum form error admissable on the bevel. If the value is 0, at the
end of each block the system deccelerates the axes to zero.

DYM = 2

The VEF value defines the maximum speed “step” for the axis in the passage from one block to the
next: for example if VEF=0.8 the axis will have a speed “step” of 1+0.8 of the acceleration of set
working acceleration.
The system will calculate the speed on the edges according to all the axes that are part of the
movement; each axis will have a different speed and the system will choose the minimum among

IMPORTANT A system RESET restores the default value (0.8) only if DYM = 0.

2-56 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Jerk Limitation

The speed diagrams shown in the previous sections show the continuity of the speed function V(t),
while the acceleration function a(t) has a step pattern. Depending on the characteristics of the
machine and the type of machining process, this may cause defects in the finish of the part.

This problem may be solved using an acceleration function a(t) with a continuous pattern.

The purpose of the "Jerk Limitation" function is to limit variations in acceleration, so as to control its
maximum value, resulting in smoother movement and, consequently, a better surface finish.


10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-57

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

MOV - Enable Jerk Limitation

The MOV code is used to define some characteristic of the movements management.


MOV = value


value movements behaviour to be enabled.

The value to be specified is obtained from the sum of the decimal weights
corresponding to each of the features desire d.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Movements change optimization

during profiling with G27/G28
Enable non linear-ramp
Enable advanced feedrate override
management (with Jerk Limitation)
Enable Jerk Limitation with non-linear
Speed management of rotating axes
with UPR 2 or 6
5 not used
Recalculation of machining speed
The programmed feed rate only refers
to linear axes.
Enabling of VFF for manual

Meaning of bits 0 – 3:

The values allowed for the first 4 bits are as follows:

0 Non-linear ramps disabled and feedrate override active.
1 Movement change optimization during profiling with G27 and G28. This option
must be used particularly for curves defined “by point”. It allows a better
management of the profile curve variation (especially if defined with very short
movements) avoiding axes movements out of the profile.
This option is activated by default when the Jerk Limitation is enabled (bit 1 and bit
2 set).
2 Non-linear ramps enabled and feedrate override managed as variation in the ramp
time (i.e. variation in acceleration).
6 Non-linear ramps enabled and feedrate override managed as distortion in shape of
the ramps (i.e. almost complete maintenance of acceleration).

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

8 Jerk Limitation with non-linear ramps enabled and feed rate override managed as
a variation in ramp time (in practice, variation in accelerations).
12 Jerk Limitation with non-linear ramps enabled and feed rate override managed as
a distortion in the form of the ramp (in practice, almost complete maintenance of


We recommend you use the value 8 for machines that typically run at 100% of the programmed
speed. The value 6 (12) is recommended during the tooling phase, when it is important to have an
immediate response to the feedrate override.

Linear ramps with or without Jerk Limitation work both on point to point movements (G29) and
continuous movements (G27, G28). This algorithm cannot however be enabled and disabled within
a continuous movement.

The default value of this variable is 0. Anyway the MOV variable can be configured in AMP. The
system RESET command restores the default value.

IMPORTANT When non linear ramps are activated with MOV=6 (12), feed rate override is
only active between 0 and 100% and values of over 100% cannot be

Meaning of bit 4:

Bit 4 (value 16): specifies the type of speed management mode to be adopted, with
UPR 2 or 6 active; if this bit = 0, standard management is maintained;
if this bit = 1, the rotating axes will use controlled speed diagrams.

In the former case, the positioning of the rotary axes conforms to the transformation requested by
the UPR, but the particular computation algorithms employed may cause appreciable showdowns.

In the latter case, slowdowns are eliminated, but the positioning of rotating axes may fail to
conform to the transformation requested by the UPR: in such cases, the axes will lag behind.

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Meaning of bits 6 - 7:

The values of bits 6 and 7 have the following meaning:

Bit 6 (value 64) : defines that the feed rate programmed in a movement block refers to
linear axes. The programming of a rotary axis, in addition to the linear
axes, entails an automatic recalculation of the speed so that it
remains the same along the linear axes. The recalculation of the
speed is only applied if both the linear axes and the rotary axes are
present in a movement. It is not applied in the case of circular
movements (G2/G3) in which a rotary axis is part of the interpolation

Bit 7 (value 128): enables the VFF algorithm also for manual movements that are
normally executed using the “tracking error” algorithm only.

The value obtained from the setting of these bits is to be added to the one given in bits 0-3.
Example: if you want to use Jerk Limitation with non-linear ramps enabled and feed rates
managed as variations in the ramp time and, at the same time, have VFF enabled for
normal movements, the MOV variable must be set to the value 128 + 8 = 136.

IMPORTANT This feature must NOT be activated if speed programming is executed in G93 or
with t. In this case, the resulting machining time would not be correct..

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

JRK - Jerk Time Constant

The JRK code defines the acceleration management mode in non-linear ramps. It is used with
MOV=2 or 6. With MOV=8 or 12, the JRK value is calculated automatically by the system on the
basis of the dynamics set for each axis in AMP; hence the JRK used depends on the axes involved
in the single movement.


JRK = value


value a numeric value greater than 0.5, which is used to define the acceleration
management mode in a non-linear ramp


The default value is 1. The JRK value can be configured in AMP. The RESET command restores
the default value.
By setting JRK = 1, the acceleration ramp retains the values configured for axis accelerations.
Acceleration decreases with a value lower than 1, and increases with a value higher than 1.

v v

a a a

t t t


10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-61

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

JRS - Jerk Smooth Constant

The JRS code defines the threshold value for limiting the speed with Jerk Limitation activated.


JRS = value


value is a a numeric value greater than 0, which used for defining a speed threshold below
which the speed is to be limited if the programmed speed cannot be reached.


A characteristic of the lookhead algorithm for Jerk Limitation is that it avoids continuous
acceleration and deceleration that would cause oscillation in the movement of the axes. This could
happen if the if the programmed axes do not allow the speed set (Vi) to be reached.

To this aim, the speed diagram is "cut" as illustrated in the figure below:

V Vi


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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

To prevent the "cut" part from being too large and considerably increasing the machining times, a
threshold below which the speed is to be limited is defined.
This threshold is calculated as a function of the JRS parameter on the basis of the following rule:

Vmax The maximum speed value calculated by the algorithm on the movements taken into

Vmin The minimum speed value calculated on the movements taken into consideration.

The system checks whether

| Vmax - Vmin |< Vmin • JRS

If it is, the Vmax is set equal to Vmin, otherwise it is recalculated so that there is a section with a
constant speed in the upper part of the ramp.

IMPORTANT The default value is 1. The RESET command restores the default value.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-63

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

ODH - Online Debug Help

This system variable allows to check whether the part program includes continuous moves (G28)
in which the velocities programmed on the profile are too high and may generate path errors.




To obtain reliable results from the use of ODH, the variable itself must be reset before it is used in
the part program: that is, ODH must be forced to zero before the blocks to be tested. This variable
is normally used when the Part Program is debugged: the system modifies the ODH variable when
it detects critical conditions.

This information is coded in bits with the following meanings:

Bit 0: Indicates that the queue of the elements processed continuously is too short. It occurs
when, in G28 (and in some cases in G27), the machining speed is too high with respect
to the value set in AMP as the number of blocks to be processed during continuous
motion. The possible solutions are to decrease the speed or increase the size of the
queue of precalculation elements.

Bit 1: Indicates an excessively high speed and occurs when there are too short elements in the
profile, which are skipped due to the excessively high speed. In this case, the machined
profile is deformed. The possible solutions are to reduce the speed, or to recalculate the
points in the program. To avoid profile deformation, we recommend that bit 0 (MOV = 1)
be activated in the MOV variable.

Bit 2: Occurs when an excessively high acceleration is requested in G26 with respect to the
one set, in moving on from one movement element to the next

Bit 3: Occurs when the system has forced a brake to avoid deforming the profile when it cannot
completely calculate the acceleration/deceleration ramps for the movement elements
analysed, during machining with non-linear ramps enabled.

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

ODH=0 ;the variable is taken to zero for velocity verification
G1G28F1000 ;continuous mode starts
........ ;continuous mode blocks
G29M5 ;continuous mode end
(GTO,KO,ODH=1) ;branches if ODH=1

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-65

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

MBA – MultiBlock retrace Auxiliary functions

The MBA (Boolean) variable makes it possible to enable/disable the auxiliary functions (M
functions) during Retrace operations:


MBA = value

The emission of auxiliary functions is performed only during forward retrace
(see user manual)
value = 0 Emission disabled
value = 1 Emission enabled

After a reset, the variable is reset with the value configured in AMP.

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

REM – Automatic return to profile at end of move

The REM (Boolean) variable determines the Jog return mode.

If the variable is set on 0 the return point is the point at which the hold stage begins (standard
If the variable is set on 1 the return point is the final point of the movement in which the hold stage
begins. The return movement is performed automatically, without manual movements (JOG).


REM = value

value = 0 Return to input point in hold

value = 1 Return to input point at end of movement

IMPORTANT Reset does not modify the value of the variable.

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

IPB (DTL) - In Position Band

The IPB command lets you define the axes positioning tolerance.


(IPB, axis1,[axis2,. . .,axis9])


axis1 . . axis9 Is an axis address and a numerical value. In the IPB command you can program
up to nine axes, each of which must be configured in the system. You should
program tolerance dimensions in the measuring unit (G70/G71) that is active when
the IPB command is executed.


This value specifies the tolerance between the theoretical and the actual axis positions at motion
end. In G00 positioning mode, the axis must be within this tolerance before the next block is

If you program 0 in the IPB command, the control uses the default positioning tolerance specified in
the characterisation.

If no axes are specified, the control uses the positioning tolerance that is currently active for that

You cannot specify the same axis twice in one IPB command.

The IPB command causes an error when the following conditions/modes are active:

• Cutter diameter compensation (G41-G42)

• Continuous mode (G27-G28)
• In internal computations the value entered is rounded out to < 1 digit.
The error generated is NC 133.

Before programming an IPB command you must disable these codes from program.

The programmed value overrides the one configured in AMP. A RESET does not
IMPORTANT restore the configured value.

(IPB, X 0.1, Y 0.05)
This block specifies a positioning tolerance of 0.1 for X and 0.05 for Y.

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

G70 G71 - Measuring Units

The G70 and G71 codes define the measuring unit used by the control.

G70 specifies inch programming

G71 specifies millimetre programming


G70 [G-codes] [operands ]

G71 [G-codes] [operands ]


G-codes Other G codes that are compatible with G70 and G71 (See "Compatible G codes"
table in Chapter 1).

operands Any operand or code allowed in a G function block.


If neither G70 nor G71 is programmed, the system will assume the default measuring unit stored in
the system configuration (typically G71).

When the system switches from G71 to G70 or from G70 to G71 it also converts all position and
feedrate information into the relevant unit.

However, offset and origin tables are not automatically converted into the
IMPORTANT alternative unit when the system switches between G71 and G70.

Shifts between G70 and G71 do not affect the values read from probing cycles G72, G73 and G74.

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

G90 G91 G79 - Absolute, Incremental and Zero Programming

These G codes define whether programming dimensions are absolute, incremental or referred to
the machine zero.

G90 Sets absolute programming, i.e. moves referred to the current origin (position to

G91 Sets programming in the incremental system, i.e. moves referred to the position
reached with the previous move.

G79 Sets programming in absolute reference to home position. It is valid only in the block
in which it is programmed (distance to move).


G90 [G-codes] [operands ]

G91 [G-codes] [operands ]
G79 [G-codes] [operands ]


G-codes Other G codes that are compatible with G90, G91 and G79 (See "Compatible G
codes" table in Chapter 1).

operands Any operand or code that can be used in G function blocks.


If none of these codes is programmed, the default programming mode is absolute or G90, i.e.
coordinates referred to the programmed origin.

G90 and G91 are modal whereas G79 is not. After programming a block with G79, the control
restores the programming mode of the previous block.

Using characters >> a mixed incremental/absolute programming in the same block is also possible.

Characters >> positioned before the numeric value of an operand, indicate that it must be
considered as an incremental value and that it is valid for that operand only. Characters >> have a
meaning only if G90 absolute programming is active. They may be used for all operands on which
it is possible to use G91 function.

G90 G1 X + 80 Y >> + 35 Z-70
The value associated to Y must be considered as incremental.

2-70 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

This example shows how to use the different reference systems: absolute, incremental and HOME

Absolute Origin 1


Machine Zero


(UAO, 1) ;Enables absolute origin 1
N1 G X Y ;X and Y positioned to absolute origin 1 (assuming default
mode G90)
N2 X30 Y40 ;X and Y positioned to point 1
N3 G91 X50 Y25 ;Incremental mode positioning to point 2 ( X+50, Y+25 from
point 1)
N4 X-71 Y12 ;Incremental mode positioning to point 3 ( X-71, Y+12 from
point 2)
N5 G90 X110 Y35 ;Absolute mode positioning to point 4 ( X+110, Y+35 from
the origin)
N6 G79 X70 Y55 ;Positioning referred to home position on point 5 (X+70,
Y+55 from home position)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-71

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

G92 G98 G99 - Axis Presetting

G92 and G98 represent an alternative method for introducing axis offsets. Since G92/G98 define
the reference position, they are used in a part program block by themselves. The difference
between the actual and the new position is stored in a separate G92/G98 offset register. In this
way, other active offsets such as tool offset and origins, will not be destroyed when a G92/G98
offset is introduced. The G99 code resets the G92/G98 code.

G92 axes
G98 axes

axes Is the number of axes ( 6 axes max.)
G98 works the same way as G92, save that G92 does not take into account the MIRROR applied
to the programmed axes and G98 does.
Codes G92 and G98 are cancelled by the following functions:
• G99
• M2
• M30
• System reset
Active reset has no influence on a offset programmed with G92 or G98. The G92 or G98 offset
shifts the origin for a part program but does not cause any axis motion. When the axis value is
entered in a G92 or G98 block it becomes the current axis position.

Y ........
G0 X100 Y80
G92 X0 Y0


100 X

2-72 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

G04 G09 - Dynamic Mode Attributes

Two G codes belong to this class:

G04 Dwell at end of block

G09 Deceleration at end of block


G04 [G-codes] [operands ]

G09 [G-codes] [operands ]


G-codes Other G codes that are compatible with G4, G9 (See "Compatible G codes" table in
Chapter 1).

operands Any operand or codes allowed in a G function block.


G04 causes a dwell at motion end in a block. The DWT command must be programmed in a block
that precedes G04. If no DWT is be programmed, the system assumes the characterised dwell.
G04 is allowed only when the control is in point-to-point (G29) and is valid only in the block in
which it is programmed. The value set in DWT may be expressed in seconds (G94 or G95 with G0
active) or revolutions (G95).

G09 forces a feedrate equal to zero at the end of the block in which it is programmed, but does not
vary the machining status of the profile in progress. G09 does not cause any change in the control
status and is valid only in the block in which it is programmed.




10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-73

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

t - Block Execution Time

Both in G93 and G94 it is possible to establish the block execution time by programming the t
function at the end of the block.

G1 X10 Y1 t6


The t function is valid only for the block in which it is programmed. The time is expressed in
seconds and the control automatically calculates the feedrate at which the moves of the axes
programmed in the block will be executed.

DWT (TMR) - Dwell Time

The DWT command lets you assign a dwell time at block end. This dwell time is used by G04 and
canned cycle blocks.

Although the DWT command can be programmed anywhere in the part program, but must come
before any G04 or fixed cycle linked to it.


DWT = value


value Is a time in seconds or revolutions. It can be programmed directly with a decimal

number or indirectly with E parameters.

DWT = 12.5 assigns a dwell time of 12.5 seconds
E32 = 13.4 assigns the value 13.4 to the E32 variable
DWT = E32 assigns a dwell time of 13.4 seconds

2-74 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

G93 - V/D Feedrate

G93 defines the axes feedrate (F) as the reciprocal of the time in minutes required to execute the

F = -----

Linear interpolation:

F = -------------

Circular interpolation:

F = --------------


Feedrate linear or circular speed expressed in mmpm (G71) or ipm (G70)

Distance vectorial distance of linear motion expressed in inches or mm

Arc arc length expressed in inches or mm.

IMPORTANT The F word is mandatory in blocks where G93 is active.

G93 G1 X. . Y. . F. .
X. . Y. . F. .

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-75

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

VFF - Velocity Feed Forward

This command enables/disables VFF. Il VFF has an effect on the interlocking of the axes allowing
the speed to be controlled as well as the position.




value Can be:

0 disables VFF: (only the position of the axes is controlled, that is
taking into consideration the error margin between the tracking
and its theoretical position).
1 enables VFF: (the speed of the axes is also controlled).

The VFF default value, 1, is configured in AMP.

2-76 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


The commands in this class let you change the cartesian reference system in which the profile is


SCF Scale factor

MIR Mirror machining

ROT Active plane rotation

UAO Absolute origin

UTO Temporary origin

UIO Incremental origin

RQO Origin requalification

When active, the following functions must be programmed in this sequence:

SCF - G70/G71 - MIR - ROT - ORIGINS.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-77

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

SCF - Scale Factors

The SCF command assigns a scale factor to programmed axis dimensions. The control applies the
scale factors to the axes specified in the SCF command.


(SCF [axis1, . . . , axis9])

(SCF [,value])


value Programs the scale factor. You can program the scale factor directly with a
decimal number or indirectly with an E parameter.

axis1 . . . axis9 Addresses of axes configured in the system and scale factor.


You can specify up to nine axes in the SCF command. The control cancels scaling for axes that
are not specified in the command. A SCF command programmed without a scale factor or axes
cancels scaling for all axes.

(SCF, 3) Applies a scale factor of 3 to the programmed dimensions for all configured
(SCF, X2.5, Y3) Applies a scale factor of 2.5 to the programmed dimensions of the X axis and 3
to the Y axis and deactivates scaling for all other axes.

(SCF) Deactivates scaling for all axes.

IMPORTANT The system RESET disables the scale factor for all axes

2-78 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

MIR - Using Mirror Machining

The MIR command reverses (mirrors) the programmed direction of motion for the axes you specify
in the command referred to the current origin.


(MIR ,[axis1, . . . , axis9])


axis1. . .axis9 Is the name of the axis to be moved in mirror.


You can program up to nine axes in the MIR command. Program an axis only once per each MIR
command. If a given axis is not programmed in MIR, any mirror function for that axis will be turned

If no axis is programmed in the MIR command, the mirror function will be reset for all configured

The control mirrors the programmed axis move with respect to the current origin, applying the
mirror function from the first motion block including that axis after the MIR command.

If you use plane rotation (ROT) in conjunction with the mirror (MIR) command, the control
processes them in the following order: MIR then ROT.

The system RESET disables the MIR command for all axes. It is equivalent to
IMPORTANT programming (MIR) without parameters.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-79

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Example 1:
The following example shows how mirror machining works.

3 4 4 3

2 1 1 2

0 X
2 1 1 2

3 4 4 3

. Mirroring not active. Moves occurring the first quadrant. Moves referred to
the current origin.
N24 (MIR,X) Mirroring active for the X axis only. Programmed +X moves generate a move
shown in the 2nd quadrant.
N42 (MIR, X, Y) Mirroring active for the X and Y axes. Result of programmed moves
. shown in the 3rd quadrant.
N84 (MIR, Y) Mirroring active for the Y axis and inactive for the X axis. Moves in the 4th
N99 (MIR) Mirroring inactive for all axes. Moves in the 1st quadrant.

2-80 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Example 2:
This example shows how to use the MIR command. Also note the use of RPT and ERP.

90 40 40 90


(UGS, X, -100, 100, Y, 0, 80)

N200 S1500 T8.8 M6
N201 (RPT, 2)
N202 G X90 Y20 M3
N203 Z-100
N204 G1 Z-105 F150
N205 X40 F200
N206 G2 Y60 I40 J40
N207 G1 X90
N208 G Z-100
N209 (MIR, X)
N210 (ERP)
N211 (MIR)
N212 Z

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-81

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

ROT (URT) - Interpolation Plane Rotation

ROT is a part program command that rotates the active interpolation plane by a programmed
angular value. The centre of rotation is the current origin. ROT can be activated through MDI or as
a part program code.


(ROT, angle)


angle Represents the value of an angle expressed in decimal degrees. You can program the
angle directly with a value numerical value or indirectly with an E parameter. Positive
angles are measured CCW from the abscissa of the current interpolation plane.
Negative angles are CW. If the angle is zero plane rotation is disabled.


The control rotates programmed coordinates beginning with the first block after the ROT
command. Coordinates referred to the machine zero (G79) are not rotated.

If you use axes rotation (ROT) in conjunction with mirroring (MIR), the control performs them in the
following order: MIR first then ROT.

The system RESET disables the plane rotation. It is equivalent to programming


Example 1:


100 X

2-82 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


(UTO, 1, X100, Y50) Activates absolute origin 1 with temporary origin (absolute offset)
X100 and Y50
(ROT, 30) Specifies 30 degree rotation CCW referred to temporary origin
. Moves in this portion of the program are referred to the temporary
origin and rotated 30 degrees CCW
(UAO, 1) Reactivates absolute origin 1
(ROT, 0) Deactivates rotation by specifying a 0 degree rotation around origin 1

Example 2:





30 X


(UGS, X, 0, 70, Y, 0, 70)

N100 S2000 F200 T3. 03 M6
N101 (UTO , 1, X30, Y22)
N102 (ROT, 20)
N103 G81 R-90 Z-110 M3
N104 X25 Y25
N105 X40 Y10
N106 X55
N107 X70 Y25
N108 G80 Z
N109 (UAO, 1)
N110 (ROT, 0)
N111 S1000 T4.4 M6

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-83

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Example 3:
This example shows how to use Plane Rotation (ROT) with Repeat (RPT) and Parametric


(UGS, X, -100, 100, Y, -100, 100)

N148 (DIS, " ...")
N149 S1500 T5.5 M6
N150 E25 =0
N151 (RPT, 8)
N152 ( ROT, E25)
N153 G X40 Y M3
N154 Z0
N155 G29 G1 Z-10 F150
N156 X80 F200
N157 Z-18 F150
N158 X40
N159 G Z0
N160 E25 =E25 + 45
N161 (ERP)
N162 (ROT, 0)

2-84 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

UAO - Using Absolute Origins

The UAO commands lets you activate and use one of the absolute origins stored in memory.


(UAO, n [,axis1, . . . , axis9])


n Defines the absolute origin number. It may be an integer between 0 and 10 or an

E parameter. 0 enables the Home Position.

axis1,...,axis9 Is the address of the axis referred to absolute origin n.


The UAO command allows up to nine axes. Only one absolute origin can be active at a time for a
specific axis.

When an axis is not specified in the UAO command, it continues to use its currently active absolute
origin. A UAO command programmed without axes (UAO, n) activates origin n for all axes. At
power-up, after a control reset, or with n=0 and no axes, all axes are referred to the home position.

If the program requires different origins for different axes, program a separate UAO command for
each origin required.

The origin values are automatically converted into and displayed in the unit of the current active
mode (G70/G71).

The origins are referred to the HOME position that has been characterised in AMP.

(UAO,1) Activates origin 1 for all axes.
. This portion of the program uses origin 1 for all axes.
(UAO, 2, X, Y) Activates absolute origin 2 for axes X and Y only.
(UAO, 3, Z) Activates origin 3 for the Z axis.
. This portion of the program uses origin 2 for X and Y, origin 3 for Z,
. and origin 1 for all other axes.
(UAO, 1) Reactivates origin 1 for all axes.
(UAO, 0) Reactivates Home position for all axes.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-85

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

UTO (UOT) - Using Temporary Origins

The UTO command temporarily increments the position of the specified absolute origin by a
programmed amount for each declared axis.


(UTO, n ,axis1 [,axis2, . . . , axis9])


n Defines the number of the absolute origin to be temporarily modified. It is an

integer from 0 to 10. If n=0, the programmed offset is added to the home
position value.

axis1,...axis9 Is an axis and a dimension. The control treats the dimension as an absolute
offset and adds it to the value of the absolute origin for that axis.


You must declare at least one axis with a dimension in the UTO block but may declare up to nine
axes with dimensions. An axis can only be declared once in each UTO command.

The axis dimension in the UTO command must be programmed in the currently active measuring
unit (G70/ G71).

If an axis is omitted from in the UTO block, the current absolute origin for that axis stays active.

Once you activate a temporary origin it stays active until you:

• activate a new temporary origin with the UTO command

• activate a new absolute origin with the UAO command
• perform a control reset.

If a scale factor (SCF) is set, the control applies it to the UTO temporary origin.

Example 1:
Dimensions can be E parameters as shown in the block below:

2-86 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Example 2:






X 02
N40 X


N10 (UAO,1) Activates absolute origin 1 for all axes.

. In this portion of the program all axes use origin 1.
N20 (UTO, 1, X100, Y100) Applies a temporary origin (absolute offset) to origin 1, X100 and
. In this portion of the program axes use origin 1, with X100
as temporary origin.
N30 (UTO, 2, X-250, Y50) Activates a temporary origin (absolute offset) to origin 2, X-250
and Y50.
. This portion of the program uses absolute origin 2, with X- 250
. and Y50 as temporary origin and origin 1 for the other axes.
N40 (UAO, 2) Re-establishes absolute origin 2 for all axes.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-87

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

UIO - Using Incremental Origins

The UIO command causes an incremental shift of the currently active origin for each axis specified
in the command.


(UIO, axis1 [,axis2, . . . , axis9])


axis1,...axis9 Is an axis and a dimension. The control treats the dimension as an incremental
offset and adds it to the value of the current origin for that axis.


You must declare at least one axis in the UIO command, but you may declare up to nine axes. An
axis can only be declared once in each UIO command.

The axis dimension in the UIO command must be programmed with the current measuring unit
(G70/ G71).

If an axis is omitted from in the UIO block, the current absolute origin for that axis stays active.

Once you activate an incremental origin for an axis it stays active until you:

• activate a new incremental origin for the axis with the UIO command
• activate an absolute origin with the UAO command
• perform a control reset.

If a scale factor (SCF) is set, the control applies it to a UIO incremental origin.

2-88 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes



N12 (UAO,1) Activates absolute origin 1 for all axes.

N65 (UIO, X20, Y20) Applies an incremental offset of X20 and Y20 from origin 1. Absolute
origin 0 for other axes remains in effect.

N121 (UIO, Y-40) Applies a Y-40 increment to the last origin. The X20 incremental origin
remains in effect.

N180 (UIO, X-45) Applies an X-45 increment to the last origin. The Y-40 incremental origin
remains in effect.

N230 (UIO, Y35) Applies a Y35 increment to the last origin. The X-45 increment remains in

N300 (UAO,1) Restores absolute origin 1 for all axes.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-89

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

RQO - Requalifying Origins

The RQO command lets you requalify, i.e. update and modify, an absolute origin from program.
The RQO command modifies the specified origin by the specified amount for each axis you declare
in the block. The origin must be stored in the origins table.


(RQO, n ,axis1 [,axis2, . . . , axis9])


n Defines the absolute origin number (1 to 10). The absolute origin must be
stored via softkey driven procedure. n can be programmed directly with a
positive integer number, or indirectly with an E parameter.

axis1,...axis9 Is an axis address and a dimension. The dimension is the increment added to
the specified absolute origin of the specified axis and can be programmed
directly with a decimal number, or indirectly with an E parameter.


You must specify at least one axis and its dimension in the RQO command. Up to nine axes with
their dimensions can be programmed. Program a specific axis only once for each RQO command.

The dimensions specified in the RQO command must be in the default measuring unit. No scale
factor (SCF) must be applied to dimensions programmed in an RQO command.

The origin is requalified both in the origins file (so that the requalification becomes permanent) and
in memory (if the origin is active when the requalification is applied).

In the table of the origins the requalification values are applied in the unit of measure in which the
selected origin is expressed.

In the case of a diametrical axis, the requalification dimension must be programmed in radial terms,
since the dimension is an increment to be added to the value already present in the origin, which is
a radial value.

(RQO, 3, X (E31)) Modifies absolute origin no. 3 for axis X of the value contained in E31.

2-90 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


The commands in this class define the overtravel limits and the protected areas as described


SOL Defines software overtravels

DPA Defines protected areas

PAE Enables a protected area

PAD Disables a protected area

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-91

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

SOL (DLO) - Software Overtravel Limits

The SOL command defines axis travel limits measured from the current origin.




axis-name Is the name of the axis whose travel limits must be defined.

lower-limit Is a dimension for the lower limit.

upper-limit Is a dimension for the upper limit. It must be greater than the lower limit.


If the programmed software travel ends exceed the limits specified in AMP, the control signals an

Software overtravels must be programmed in the measuring unit (G70/G71) that is active when you
program the SOL command. Active scale factors (SCF) are applied to the travel limits.



200 (SOL, X, -300, 300)

0 .
(SOL, Y, -200, 200)



2-92 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

DPA (DSA) - Define Protected Areas

The DPA command defines a protected area.


(DPA, n,axis-name1,lower-limit1,upper-limit1,axis-name2,lower-limit2,upper-limit2 )


n Is the area identifier number (1-3).

axis-name1 Is the name of the abscissa.

lower-limit1 Is the lower abscissa limit.

upper-limit1 Is the upper abscissa limit.

axis-name2 Is the name of the ordinate.

lower-limit2 Is the lower ordinate limit.

upper-limit2 Is the upper ordinate limit.


Before beginning a programmed move with linear or circular interpolation, the control checks if the
move enters a "protected area".

In a program you can define up to three protected areas for the machine tool. Each area is referred
to the origin that is active when the DPA command is specified.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-93

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


area 1
area 2

0 0
50 X





N1 (DPA,1, X, -300, -100, Y, -100, 100)

N2 ( DPA, 2, X, 200, 450, Y, -50, 50)
N3 (PAE, 1)
N4 (PAE, 2)
N5 T1.1 M6
N80 (PAD, 1)
N99 M30

2-94 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

PAE (ASC) - Protected Area Enable

The PAE command enables protected area control.


(PAE, n)


n Is the number of a protected area defined with the previous DPA command (1-3

(PAE,2) enables area 2 control

PAD (DSC) - Protected Area Disable

The PAD command disables protected area control.


(PAD, n)


n Is the number of the protected area to be disabled (1-3 range).

(PAD,3) disables control on area 3.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-95

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


Virtual axes management provides a series of features that allow to manage the actual machine
too axes in any three-dimensional space.

Virtual Axes
Virtual axes are declared in the configuration but are not associated to any physical parameter (for
further information, refer to the AMP Manual).

Virtual axes are used:

• to handle planes rotated in space

• when cartesian planes are transformed into planes measured in polar coordinates
• when cartesian planes are transformed into planes measured in cylindric coordinates
• to perform moves in the tool direction
• to perform tool length compensation during the execution of profiles with five simultaneous
axes, such as a tool mounted on a wrist with two degrees of freedom.

Prior to performing circular moves (G02-G03) on a programmed virtual plane

IMPORTANT you must define the interpolation plane with the G16 code.

When virtual axes are disabled the system forces the default plane configured in
AMP as interpolation plane.

Virtual axes are disabled by a system reset.

Virtual modes available on 10 Series CNC



Rotation of cartesian axes XY and Z in space.


Machining transformations from cartesian coordinates to
polar coordinates


Machining transformations from cartesian coordinates to
cylindrical coordinates.


Programming in part ranges rather than in machine ranges.

2-96 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

UPR - Rotation of Cartesian axes

UPR (USE PLANE ROTATED) allows definition of a system of three virtual axes translated and


(UPR,type, af1af2af3, av1av2av3[rot1,rot2,rot3 [,q1,q2,q3]])

(upr,type, af1af2af3, av1av2av3[rot1,rot2,rot3 [,q1,q2,q3]])


type Specifies the rotation mode:

• 0= absolute
rotation angles are referenced to physical axes
• 1= incremental
rotation angles are referenced to the system of axes used for incremental
This type of rotation is possible if a previous rotation has been
programmed (absolute the first time, incremental for subsequent times.)
• 2= absolute, with transformation on 5 axes
The characteristics are similar to those of type 0 but the rotation of the
linear axes influences the position of the two rotating axes.
Upon activation of the UPR function, the rotating axes take on a new value
which identifies the position of the tool axes with respect to the virtual
• 3= incremental, with transformation on 5 axes
The characteristics are similar to those of type 1 and also encompasses
the points outlined in the previous item.

• 4 = rotating plane automatically determined according to the direction of

the tool axis.

• 6 = as 4 but with 5-axis transformation (see 2).

• 10 = global, type 0
The characteristics are similar to those of type 0, but the programmed
rotation remains active even with subsequent non global UPR’s.

2-97 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

• 12 = global, type 2
The characteristics are similar to those of type 2, but the programmed
rotation remains active even with subsequent non global UPR’s.

• 14 = global, type 4
The characteristics are similar to those of type 4, but the programmed
rotation remains active even with subsequent non global UPR’s.

• 16 = global, type 6
The characteristics are similar to those of type 6, but the programmed
rotation remains active even with subsequent non global UPR’s.

• 99
without any further parameter, disables all active UPR modes, including
global rototranslation.

af1af2af3 Names of the three physical axes to be handled in virtual mode (e. g. XYZ).

av1av2av3 Names of the three virtual axes to be moved (e. g. UVW).

rot1,rot2,rot3 Rotation angles expressed in degrees. Direction is selected with the right hand
rule, which is discussed in the next section.

q1,q2,q3 These parameters allow the origin of the reference system to determine the
origin of the reference system:
• In an absolute rotation, q1, q2 and q3 are the co-ordinates of the system
origin. They are relative to the origin that was active when UPR was
• In an incremental rotation, q1, q2 and q3 are the increments applied to the
current origin. The new system origin is the result of adding these
increments to the co-ordinates of the current one.
• If these parameters are not specified, the origin of the reference system
coincides with that of the current origin.

no parameters (UPR) without parameters disables the UPR mode, leaving the global mode
only, if present.
If no global rotation has been programmed, commands (UPR) and (UPR,99)
are equivalent.
lower case If the three-letter block is programmed in lower case, the angles and/or origins
programming can be disabled using the UPR algorithm without exiting from the
The lower case three-letter block (upr,...... must only be used to alter the
parameters of the (UPR, ...) programmed in advance.
The axis sequence cannot be altered.
A global type rotation cannot be programmed.

2-98 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

To select the direction of rotation of the system of virtual axes you must apply the right hand rule.




Right hand rule


UPR allows programming of any machine function in a space that has been rotated by the
specified angle with respect to the machine tool Cartesian system.

This lets you program the profile in the normal Cartesian space (XYZ) and then have 10 Series
recalculate the axes moves according to the virtual planes resulting from rotation.

By programming a global UPR you can apply an initial rototranslation to serve as a term of
reference for all subsequent UPR’s. This makes it possible to perform the same part program,
which, in its turn, may contain other geometric transformation instructions, even when the part to
be processed is, for instance, fastened to the bench by brackets set along different directions.
The activation of a global type UPR is not rated as a previous UPR for purposes of incremental or
lowercase programming.
The activation of a global type UPR cancels any previous virtualisation, resulting in the reset of any
When a UPR type 2, 3, 4 or 6 is used, or any of the corresponding global type UPR’s are used, the
system needs the machine characteristics, which must be entered in the TCP table according to
the rules established by the TCP itself. This feature is separate form TCP, or rather, it can work
whether TCP is active or not. When UPR and (TCP, 5) are active simultaneously, the movement of
the axes will influence the movement of the virtual axes.

With modes 2 and 3, the tool axis, once identified by the programming of the rotating axes, takes
on the same position within the virtual reference system as it has in the reference system identified
by the Cartesian system.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-99

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Modes 4 and 6 and the corresponding global type modes determine the new rotation plane based
on tool direction (i.e. based on the positions of the rotary axes). On the new plane, supposing the
programming UPR, 4, XYZ, UVW ..., the W axis will coincide with the direction of the tool, the U
axis will lie on the original XY plane and, consequently, the V axis will be based on the rule that
determines the Cartesian axes.


By means of angles rot1, rot2 and rot3, the UVW axes determined in this way may be further
rotated; an increase (see type 1 or 3) will be applied to the new axes.

The RESET command disables the UPR mode.

When a global UPR is programmed, the values of rot1, rot2, rot3 must be
between –90° and +90°.
For angles outside this range, when passing from one virtualisation to
another, the algorithm generating the rotary axis position could generate
unwanted rotations (unwanted, but still congruent with the position of the

The UPR is insensitive to the DAN: the axes to be specified in the UPR are
the names of the physical and virtual axes desired, regardless of any DAN
commands executed previously.

2-100 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Rotation modes:

The three-axis cartesian system rotates sequentially by the programmed angles. This means that:

A) The af1 af2 af3 system of coordinates rotates by a rot1 angle around the af1 axis

B) The new av1' av2' av3' system of coordinates, which results from the above described
rotation, rotates by a rot2 angle around the av2' axis

C) The av1" av2" av3" system of coordinates, which results from the rotations described in
A) and B), rotates by a rot3 angle around the av3' axis

After these three operations have been completed, the virtual axes of the resulting system will be
av1 av2 av3.

Since steps A) B) and C) are carried out sequentially, the order in which
IMPORTANT angles and axes are programmed in the block is critical.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-101

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Using UPR
In the following examples it is supposed that the the three-axis cartesian system XYZ is the
reference system.

In the examples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 the reference system origin coincides with the origin in use at the time
of programming UPR.

Example 1:
(UPR,0,XYZ,UVW,30,45,60) The UVW system may be obtained by:
U100.4V9.12 W-70 A) rotating by 30 degrees the XYZ system around
. the X axis
U70.345 W-20
. B) rotating the U'V'W' system resulting from A) by
. 45 degrees around V'
. C) rotating the U''V''W'' resulting from A) and B)
. by 60 degrees around W''
G02 U100 V70 R15
G1 U120 W10
X1 Z4.9
Example 2:
(UPR,0,XYZ,UVW,10,0,80) The UVW system may be obtained by:
U50 V70 A) rotating the XYZ system by 10 degrees around
. the X axis.
V80 W60 B) rotating the U'V'W' system resulting from A)
. by 80 degrees around the W' axis

2-102 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Example 3:
(UPR,0,ZYX,ABC,80,0,10) The ABC system may be obtained by:
A50 B70 A) rotating the XYZ system by 80 degrees around
. the Z axis
B80 C60 B) rotating the A'B'C' system resulting from A)
. by 10 degrees around the C' axis

The UVW virtual system discussed in Example 2) is different from the ABC
IMPORTANT system in Example 3).

Example 4:
(UPR,0,ZYX,WVU,0,50,60) The WVU system may be obtained by:
W10 A) rotating the XYZ system by 50 degrees around
. the Y axis.
. B) rotating the W'V'U' system resulting from A)
. by 60 degrees around the U' axis

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-103

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Example 5:
(UPR,0,XYZ,UVW,30,0,0) The UVW system may be obtained by rotating the
XYZ system by 30 degrees around the X axis
G16 UV
G1 F1000 U50 V0
U25 V35 The UVW system resulting from the previous
(UPR,1,XYZ,UVW,60,0,0) rotation rotates by another 60 degrees around U
U30 V20
GX10 Y25

Example 6:

. The UVW system may be obtained by:

(UPR,0,XYZ,UVW,30,45,60,10.8,20,-30.2) A) rotating the XYZ system by 30 degrees around
G1 F5400 the X axis.
U70.345 W-20 B) rotating the U'V'W' system resulting from A) by
. 45 degrees around V
G16UV C) rotating the U''V''W'' resulting from A)
G02 U100 V70 R15 and B) by 60 degrees around W''
G1 U120 W10
. The origin of the reference system coincides with the
. point whose coordinates are X10.8, Y20, Z-30.2
X1 Z4.9

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Example 7:
. The UVW system may be obtained by:
GXYZ A) rotating the XYZ system by 30 degrees
(UPR,0,XYZ,UVW,30,45,60,10.8,20,-30.2) around the X axis.
U100.4 V9.12 W-70 B) rotating the U'V'W' system resulting from
U70.345 W-20 A) by 45 degrees around V'.
. C) rotating the U''V''W'' resulting from A) and
. B) by 60 degrees around W''
. The origin of the reference system coincides with the
point whose coordinates are X10.8, Y20, Z-30.2
(UPR,1,XYZ,UVW,10,0,0,3,8,5) The UVW system resulting from C) rotates by
U120 V30 another 10 degrees around U.
. The origin of the reference system coincides with the
. point whose coordinates are X13.8, Y28, Z-25.2
GX70.5 Y10 Z25

Example 8:

In this case, we want to apply an initial rotation, say of 90° around the Z axis, to the part program
discussed in example 2:

. The UVW system is achieved through:

GXYZ A) a 90° rotation of the XYZ system around
(UPR,10,XYZ,UVW,0,0,90) the Z axis
G1F4000 B) a 10° rotation of the U'V'W' system
U50 V70 originating from point A) around U’
V80 W60 C) an 80° rotation of the U”V”W” system
. originating from point B) around W”
(UPR,99) Disables all active UPR’s

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-105

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

UVP - Programming polar coordinates

UVP permits to program axes moves with virtual coordinates.




af1 physical linear axis (for example, X)

af2 physical rotary axis (for example, C)

av1 virtual abscissa axis (for example, u)

av2 virtual ordinate axis (for example, v)

r minimum radius the tool path must not enter

no parameters disable UVP by programming (UVP) without parameters


This virtual mode permits to move an X linear axis and a C rotary axis by programming their
coordinates in a UV cartesian plan. The (U,V) coordinates of any point on the virtual plane are
translated into the (X,C) coordinates of the physical axis.

Machining with polar coordinates

2-106 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

To avoid the rotary axis is requested to exceed the rapid feed, the r parameter
IMPORTANT must be programmed bear in mind the F programmed feed.

The minimum radius should be calculated using the following formula:

F 360
r= ∗
Vmax 2 π

r = minimum radius
F = programmed feed (mm/min or inch/min)
Vmax = rotary axis rapid speed

Whether to the r parameter is attributed a negative value, the feed limitation is executed
dinamically, in such a way to allow high feeds in working point that are quite far from the working

Accelerations are calculated in a dynamic mode, therefore it is preferable to

IMPORTANT use this (r-) programming only when positioned at a certain distance from
the working centre as, in this case, the rotary axis might be subject to too
high accelerations

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-107

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Programming examples with polar coordinates

Example 1:
E0=110*180/(3.14159*800) 5 V
GC0X50Y0 20

G16 UV
V20 0
r3 U

r5 20
G40G2U20V0I20J-20 15 20
GX50 0

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Example 2:
T1.1M6 V
S2000M3F300 35

p1=U20V0 c1
l1=p1,a90 l1

c1=I0J35r-25 p1 0 U
I2=U-15V0,a90 r3
l3=U0V-20,a0 l2
c2=I25J-30r-25 r3

G21G42p1 20

l1 l3
r3 30




10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-109

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

UVC - Programming cylindrical coordinates

The UVC command (USE VIRTUAL CYLINDRICAL) permits to program cylindrical coordinates.




af1 physical rotary axis (for example, B)

av1 virtual axis (for example, W)

r cylindrical radius on which the profile is executed

no parameters without parameters disables UVC mode.


This mode permits to move a Y linear axis and a B rotary axis by programming their coordinates on
a WY plane. While the moves of virtual Y coincide with those of physical Y, each move of W
corresponds to a circle arc, which is a function of the cylinder radius and must be translated into an
angular move of the B physical axis.

Machining with cylindrical coordinates

2-110 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Y r25
l3 60
c2 c2


20 P1 l1 l1 20

c1 c4 P1
0 0 W





cam radius = 60

(DIS,"EXAMPLE UVC");- Programming with cylindrical coordinates -


10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-111

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

UVA - Programming non orthogonal axes

The UVA (USE VIRTUAL ANGULAR) command makes it possible to program non orthogonal axes
by treating them as if they were orthogonal.



af1 is the name of the first physical linear axis (e.g. X)
af2 is the name of the second physical linear axis (e.g. Y)
av1 is the name of the virtual abscissa axis (e.g. U)
av2 is the name of the virtual ordinate axis (e.g. V)
a is the angle, in degrees, subtended by two positive semi-axes of the physical
linear axes
no parameters (UVA) without parameters disables the UVA mode.


This type of virtualisation is used when you want to move two linear X Y axes that are not mutually
orthogonal by programming the coordinates on a virtual orthogonal UV plane. The U axis, the
abscissa of the new pair of axes, will be coaxial with axis X, whereas axis V will be perpendicular to
U, forming an angle of 90°- with axis Y.
The origin of UV will coincide with the origin of XY. The position of a generic point P with
coordinates (U,V) in the virtual plane is translated into the (X,Y) coordinates of the physical axes.
While the movements of U coincide with those of the corresponding physical axis (X), every
movement of V is translated into an interpolated movement of X and Y.

a X

View of the XY plane and the corresponding UV plane

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

The sign of parameter a is positive if the X axis, as it reaches its position on

IMPORTANT the Y axis, rotates around itself in the counterclockwise direction; it is
negative if the direction of rotation is clockwise (in the example shown in the
figure below, a is positive).

Values of a of 0° and 180° are not permissible, as this would entail two
linear physical axes arranged parallel to one another.

Example of programming with polar coordinates

Example 1:
N1 T1.1M6 V
N2 S1000M3
N3 GX0Y0 N7
N4 (UVA,XY,UV,45) 30
N5 G1U20VF110
N6 V30 N8 N6
N7 U0 N9
N8 V0 10
N9 U-10V10 -1 0 0 20 U
N10 (UVA) N5
N11 GX50

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-113

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

TCP - Tool Center Point for machines with "Double Twist" head

This feature permits to refer the programs of a 5-axis machine (with 3 linear + 2 rotary axes) to the
tool tip rather than to the center of rotation of the axes (or the head center).

The position controlled by the system depends on position of the rotary axes and on the geometric
characteristics of the head.
The algorithm may be activated by simply programming the TCP three letter code in a block;

it is disabled by programming (TCP) or by giving a RESET command.

If the three-letter code is programmed in lower case (tcp,n), some of the parameters can be altered
without disabling the TCP algorithm and without exiting from"CONTINUOUS MOVEMENT" mode.
The lower case three-letter code must only be used to alter the parameters of the (TCP,n)
programmed previously, and the n parameter must be the same as specified earlier; furthermore,
(tcp,n) must not be used in mode n=5.




n Offset mode code (1÷5); the various modes are shown in the pages that follow.


In the TCP block you must also write information about the current tools. The system may handle a
head simultaneously mounting as many as four different tools.

Configuration parameters must be assigned after the head has been positioned at the angles
shown in figure 2.1. These parameters are included in the user table. There are three tools you can
use for entering data in the user table: the user table editor, the specific machine logic functions, or
the L variables in the program. Also you may upload the predefined configuration files available
with the SETUP utility of the USER TABLE EDITOR.

• For more information about user table management from PLUS refer to the description of
$TBLPUTD and $TBLGETD functions in the PLUS Library Manual.
• To access the user table from the TABLE EDITOR environment refer to the User Manual.

2-114 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

TCP Table for machines with "Double Twist" head

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table User Table Program
Offset mode code 385 Record 97 - Var 1 L384 Defines the offset calculation mode 1,
according to the machine configura-tion. 2,
Allowed values are as follows: 3,
0 - Enables dynamic part of TCP only, 5
geometric calculation excluded
1 - No mobile table in the machine
2 - Mobile table on first axis
3 - Mobile table on second axis
4 - Mobile table on first and second
5 - Reserved.
Tool length c 386 Record 97 - Var 2 L385 Defines the length of the current mounted 1,
tool. The length is obviously referred to 2,
the active tool holder. 5

Active tool holder ¹ 387 Record 97 - Var 3 L386 Active tool holder number 1÷4. 1,
Parameter A c 388 Record 97 - Var 4 L387 Specifies the distance --with sign and 1,
(figures 2.2 e 2.3) expressed in mm-- between the rotation 2,
axis of the horizontal head and the 5
parallel plane supporting the rotation axis
of the vertical head.
Horizontal head 389 Record 98 - Var 1 L388 It is the offset --expressed in degrees-- to 1,
offsetc be applied to the horizontal head axis so 2,
that the plane that supports the tool 3,
coincides with the YZ plane of the 4,
machine. 5
To calculate this offset value, rotate the
horizontal axis until the plane that
supports the tool coincides with the YZ
plane of the machine, and then direct the
vertical head towards Y- with a positive
head move.
Then pick up the displayed coordinate,
multiply it by the rotation coefficient of the
horizontal head (Horizontal head rotation
coefficient) and change the sign of the
Horizontal head 390 Record 98 - Var 2 L389 Defines horizontal head rotation as seen 1,
rotation c from above. Allowed values for positive 2,
(figure 2.3) programming are as follows: 3,
+1 for clockwise rotation 4,
- 1 for counter clockwise rotation. 5
Vertical head 391 Record 98 - Var 3 L390 Defines vertical head rotation as seen 1,
rotationc from the left hand side. Allowed values for 2,
(figure 2.2) positive programming are as follows: 3,
+1 for clockwise rotation 4,
- 1 for counter clockwise rotation. 5

Parameter alterable in continuous through lower case programming (tcp,n).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-115

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

TCP Table (continued)

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
1st linear axis ID 392 Record 98 - Var 4 L391 ID of the axis to be used as abscissa in 1,
the offset algorithm. 2,
2nd linear axis ID 393 Record 99 - Var 1 L392 ID of the axis to be used as ordinate in 1,
the offset algorithm. 2,
3rd linear axis ID 394 Record 99 - Var 2 L393 ID of the axis to be used as vertical axis 1,
in the offset algorithm. 2,
Horizontal head ID 395 Record 99 - Var 3 L394 ID of the axis on which the horizontal 1,
head is mounted. If this ID=0, the head 2,
inclination angle will be the one specified 3,
in the Horizontal Head Inclination 5
Vertical head ID 396 Record 99 - Var 4 L395 ID of the axis on which the vertical head 1,
is mounted. If this ID=0, the head 2,
inclination angle will be the one specified 3,
in the Vertical Head Inclination parameter. 5
Horizontal head 397 Record 100 Var 1 L396 Horizontal head inclination angle to be 1,
inclination used when the horizontal head axis ID=0. 2,
In this case the horizontal head is to the 3,
specified position. 5
It is a value with sign that is a function of
the configured "horizontal head direction".
Vertical head 398 Record 100 Var 2 L397 Vertical head inclination angle to be used 1,
inclination when the vertical head axis ID=0. In this 2,
case the vertical head is to the specified 3,
position. 5
It is a value with sign that is a function of
the configured "vertical head direction".
Radius c 399 Record 100 Var 3 L398 Defines the radius of the tool currently 1
(figure 2.1) mounted on the machine, with reference 2
to the active tool holder. 5
Angle c 400 Record 100 Var 4 L399 Defines the angle formed between the 1
(figure 2.1) tool center and the tool contact point after 2
the vertical head has been rotated in 3
order for the tool to be in the Y- direction. 5

Parameter alterable in continuous through lower case programming (tcp,n).

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Tool holder 1

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
Parameter B c 369 Record 93 - Var 1 L368 Distance with sign expressed in mm from 1
(figures 2.1, 2.3) the tool plane --in the Y- direction-- to the 2
parallel plane that contains the horizontal 5
head rotation axis.
Parameter C c 370 Record 93 - Var 2 L369 Distance with sign expressed in mm from 1
(figures 2.1, 2.2) the tool plane and the parallel plane that 2
contains the vertical head rotation axis. 5
Parameter D c 371 Record 93 - Var 3 L370 Distance with sign expressed in mm from 1
(figures 2.2, 2.3) the vertical head rotation axis to the tool 2
holder grip. 5
Offset vertical head 372 Record 93 - Var 4 L371 It is the offset, expressed in degrees, to 1
be applied to the vertical head axis in 2
order to position the tool axis parallel to 3
the machine -Y direction. 5
To calculate this value, position the tool in
the Y- direction, read the displayed
position, multiply it by the configured
vertical head direction and change the
sign of the result.
Parameter alterable in continuous through lower case programming (tcp,n).

Tool holder 2

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
Parameter B c 373 Record 94 - Var 1 L372 As in tool holder 1 1
(figures 2.1, 2.3) 2
Parameter C c 374 Record 94 - Var 2 L373 As in tool holder 1 1
(figures 2.1, 2.2) 2
Parameter D c 375 Record 94 - Var 3 L374 As in tool holder 1 1
(figures 2.2, 2.3) 2
Vertical head 376 Record 94 - Var 4 L375 As in tool holder 1 1
offset c 2

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Tool holder 3

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program.
Parameter B c 377 Record 95 - Var 1 L376 As in tool holder 1 1
(figures 2.1, 2.3) 2
Parameter C c 378 Record 95 - Var 2 L377 As in tool holder 1 1
(figures 2.1, 2.2) 2
Parameter D c 379 Record 95 - Var 3 L378 As in tool holder 1 1
(figures 2.2, 2.3) 2
Offset vertical head 380 Record 95 - Var 4 L379 As in tool holder 1 1

Tool holder 4

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
Parameter B c 381 Record 96 - Var 1 L380 As in tool holder 1 1
(figures 2.1, 2.3) 2
Parameter C c 382 Record 96 - Var 2 L381 As in tool holder 1 1
(figures 2.1, 2.2) 2
Parameter D c 383 Record 96 - Var 3 L382 As in tool holder 1 1
(figures 2.2, 2.3) 2
Offset vertical head 384 Record 96 - Var 4 L383 As in tool holder 1 1

Parameter alterable in continuous through lower case programming (tcp,n).

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

The figures that follow illustrate the offset characterization parameters applicable to a machine.
The machine is seen from above, from the front and from the side.

Horizontal head
rotation angle

+B Vertical head
rotation angle


-X Controlled point +X


180° 0°
Tool radius offset angle


Fig. 2.1 Front View

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-119

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Horizontal head
rotation angle

Vertical head Controlled point

rotation angle



Fig 2.2 Side View

vertical head
rotation angle


Horizontal head
rotation angle

Controlled point

Fig 2.3 Machine seen from above

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
Dynamic mode 357 Record 90 - Var 1 L356 These fields may have the following 1
values: 2
0 - Speeds and accelerations of linear 3
axes are not limited, and may exceed the 5
configured values run time
1 - Speeds of linear and rotary axes are
limited run time, if necessary, in such as
never to exceed the configured values.
Accelerations of the linear and rotary
axes are limited in advance so that
overlapping of movements does not
require accelerations in excess of those
2 - Speeds and accelerations of the linear
and rotary axes are limited in advance so
that the speeds and accelerations
calculated run time never exceed the
configured values.
In this case, if for example only the linear
axis is moved, it remains limited unlike
what happened in case 1.
It must be stressed that in case 2, the
constant speed is guaranteed on the
profile, which does not happen in case 1 if
speed of an axis is cut run time.
Corner radiusc 358 Record 90 - Var 2 L357 Radius of the tool corner in cases of 1,
(figures 2.5 and 2.6) spherical or toroidal tools 2,
Angle of contact a 359 Record 90 - Var 3 L358 Angle a of contact for spherical or toroidal 1,
(figures 2.5 and tools (0 £ to £90) 2,
2.6)c 3,
Programming of 360 Record 90 - Var 4 L359 Defines how contact between tool and 1,
"m", "n" and "o" piece is to be handled. With values "0" 2,
and "1", the control is defined through 3,
angles which are in turn defined as 5
0 = through U.T. variables 359 and 400
1 = through m and n from the part
With the 2 value, on the other hand, the
contact is established through a normal
vector on the profile defined in the 3
components m, n, o.

Parameter alterable in continuous through lower case programming (tcp,n).

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Dynamics (continued)

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
Threshold angle 361 Record 91 - Var 1 L360 Angle beyond which the system adds a 2
(figure 2.4) horizontal rotary axis move --after the
element has been completed-- in order to
position the tool perpendicular to the
subsequent element. Below this angle,
the horizontal rotary axis move starts
when the element is completed and
continues during execution of the
subsequent element.
Rotary axis velocity 362 Record 91 - Var 2 L361 Velocity expressed in degrees per minute 2
at which the horizontal rotary axis moves
when it is automatically positioned
between two part program blocks.
If it is 0 the system uses the programmed
Interpolation mode 363 Record 91 - Var 3 L362 Specifies whether or not the rotary axes 1
are interpolated in conjunction with the 2
linear axes. If not interpolated, the rotary 3
axes follow the linear axes moves. 5
Allowed values are:
0 - Rotary axes interpolated in
conjunction with linear axes
1 - Rotary axes follow linear axes
Select mode 1 if the velocity on the profile
should not be affected by rotary axes
Interpolation type 364 Record 91 - Var 4 L363 Specifies whether the rotary axes must be 1
interpolated only by the error or must be 2
treated as linear axes. Allowed values 3
are: 5
0 - Rotary axes interpolated as
linear axes
1 - Rotary axes interpolated only
by the error.
Integrator 365 Record 92 - Var 1 L364 With interpolation mode 1, this parameter 1
defines whether acceleration/deceleration 2
ramps will be used for rotary axes or 3
whether velocities proportional to the 5
linear axes moves will be used.
Allowed values are as follows:
0 - No ramps
1 - Ramps
If 1 is selected, the velocity diagram will
be calculated using the configured
parameters for rotary axes, irrespective of
linear axes moves.

2-122 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Dynamics (continued)

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
Offset mode 366 Record 92 - Var 2 L365 Defines the modalities of activation of the 1
length corrector and the tool radius (and 2
possibly the tool corner radius based on 3
the TTR variable). 5
0 - values taken from the TCP table
1 - values with sign active in the
system (length 1 and tool radius)
- absolute values active in the system
(length 1 and tool radius)
- absolute value of length 1 only; the tool
radius is considered = 0.
Minimum move 367 Record 92 - Var 3 L366 Specifies the minimum angle beyond 2
which the system automatically generates
a move of the horizontal rotary axis in
order to position the tool perpendicular to
the subsequent element.
Travel limits control 368 Record 92 - Var 4 L367 Defines how the configured travel limits 1
will be controlled. Allowed values are: 2
0 - travel limits controlled both in the 4
program block (before execution) 5
and at each point in real time.
1 - travel limits controlled both only
at each point in real time.

Since part programs are typically referred
to the tool tip, program block control is
also referred to the tool tip. Real time
control is referred to the center of rotation
of the axes. When the system detects
that the point is beyond the configured
limit, it gives an error signal and locks the
axes motion with deceleration.

In the above tables distances are expressed in mm. They must be intended in the configured
length unit.

Fig. 2.4 Threshold angle (α)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-123

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

The following figures illustrate significance of the TCP parameters used for management of
spherical and toroidal tools; the abbreviation U.T. indicates the corresponding number in the User

Radius (U.T. 399) Lenght

(U.T. 386)

Angle α
(U.T. 359)
90° Corner radius
(U.T. 358)

Fig. 2.5 Toroidal tool

Angle α
(T.U. 359)
Radius (U.T. 399)
0° (U.T. 386)

Corner radius
(U.T. 358)


Fig. 2.6 Spherical tool

2-124 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

• Mode 1 (TCP,1)

With (TCP,1) programmed coordinates are referred to the part. This mode is recommended when
the profile must be executed with both linear (1÷3) and rotary (1÷2) axes, the tool is expected to
remain permanently in contact with the machining surface, and the linear axes coordinates are
referred to the part.

To keep the tool tip on the profile defined by the linear axes, the system offsets displacements by
automatically adjusting the position of the three linear axes to the rotary axes.

• Mode 3 (TCP,1)

This mode permits to use CAD programs in which the tool length, radius, corner radius and contact
angles are different from the ones with which the program (machine coordinates) was generated.

Tool length and diameter variances must be input via machine logic (refer to the $TCPWRT
instruction in the PLUS Library Manual).

As with (TCP,1) in order to keep the tool tip on the profile defined by the linear axes, the system
offsets displacements due to variations of length, radii and contact angles by automatically
adjusting the position of the three linear axes to the rotary axes.


Profile obtained without

TCP=1 or TCP=3

Profile obtained without TCP 1 or TCP 3

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-125

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


Profile obtained with TCP 1 or TCP 3

• Mode 2 (TCP,2)

Mode 2 is an extension of mode 1.

In addition to (TCP,1) features, Mode 2 incorporates a move of the horizontal rotary axis so that its
inclination remains constant throughout the profile defined by the first two linear axes configured in
the TCP table.

The horizontal rotary axis move may be generated:

• between two elements, to allow for rotation on bevels. In this case, the horizontal rotary axis
moves either between the end of an element and the start of the subsequent one, or while the
subsequent element is executed (refer to the Threshold Angle parameter).
• on a circular element, to keep inclination constant throughout the element. In this case the
element and the horizontal rotary axis move will occur simultaneously.

These rules apply to all the elements in the profile except for the first one. In fact, the first element
is seen as the profile start point even when it is circular and therefore involves no rotary axis move.
The system will start generating the horizontal rotary axis move from the second element.

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Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

• Mode 4 (TCP,4)

(TCP,4) permits the inclination of the horizontal rotary axis to remain constant throughout the
profile defined by the first two linear axes configured in the TCP table.

The horizontal rotary axis is adjusted continuously, i.e. between each pair of interpolated points
rather than between two elements as in (TCP,2).

For this reason the profile must not be discontinuous. If it is, a "SERVO ERROR" may occur.

Axes moves with TCP,2 or TCP,4

IMPORTANT (TCP,4) does NOT include the features of (TCP,1).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-127

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

• Mode 5 (TCP,5)
This mode permits to execute moves in the tool direction.

When (TCP,5) is active the system generates a virtual axis whose name has been configured in
AMP ( VIRTUAL AXES section of the process configuration).

The virtual axis move generates a move of the linear axes in which the tool displaces in its
direction, i.e. in the direc(TCP,5) may be programmed both separately or in conjunction with the
other axes, in which case (TCP,5) features add to (TCP,1) features. may be moved manually.

Mode 5 may be used for drilling inclined holes. Also, it may be used for removing the tool from the
part when a failure interrupts the machining cycle. When this oxccurs, we may have three different

A) (TCP,5) is enabled, the rotary axes are not homed, and the interruption occurred during a
cycle using any TCP mode.
In this case the system automatically selects the tool direction according to the position of the
rotary axes before the failure. The same may occur after power off, because the rotary axes
position is stored in the permanent memory. The values that determine the rotary axes position
may be altered via machine logic by means of the MANUAL SETUP data entry or the
$TCPWRT function. In particular, $TCPWRT permits to alter the direction in which the tool will
be extracted.

B) (TCP,5) is enabled, the rotary axes are not homed, and the interruption occurred during a
cycle not using TCP.
In this case the system must be given the tool direction, i.e. the position of the rotary axes,
because the stored values may not be significant. The rotary axes position may be input via
machine logic by means of the MANUAL SETUP data entry or the $TCPWRT function.

C) (TCP,5) is enabled, the rotary axes are homed.

In this case the tool direction is given by the current rotary axes position rather than by their
position when the interrupt occurred, no matter whether a TCP mode was active during the
previous move. However, in normal working conditions stored and current rotary axes positions

For more information about the MANUAL SETUP data entry or the $TCPWRT function please refer
to the PLUS Library Manual and the User Manual.

2-128 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Removing the tool with TCP,5

In all TCP modes, the machine logic may send to the interpolator in real time any variance of tool
length and tool radius, or of the corner radius, as well of the angles formed between the tool center
and the contact point (parameters 386, 399, 400, 358 and 359 in the User Table).

This permits to offset tool wear during machining (refer to the description of the $TCPWRT function
in the PLUS Library Manual).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-129

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Programming the "m" and "n" parameters (angles)

In all the modes of use of TCP described above, in addition to the axis positions, it is also possible
to program the "m" and "n" parameters, significance of which is as follows:

m angle subtended between the tool center and the point of contact of the tool
with the piece (coincides with U.T. parameter 400) - see figures 2.1, 2.5 and
n angle of contact between cutting corner and piece (coincides with parameter
359) see figures 2.5 and 2.6.
By programming these parameters (enabled by setting U.T. variable 359 to 1), you can vary the
point of contact between tool and piece from one block to the next.



(0,0) (10,10)


2-130 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Programming the "m", "n" and "0" parameters (vector)

In all the modes of use of TCP described above, in addition to the axis positions, it is also possible
to program the "m", "n" and "o" parameters, which represent the 3 components of the normal
vector on the profile to be machined.

By programming these parameters (enabled by setting U.T. variable 360 to 2), you can vary the
point of contact between tool and piece from one block to the next and obtain tool diameter offset
from the resulting vector.

The parameters m, n, o and i, j and k must be programmed in alphabetical order (e.g. mno, mo, no,
ijk, ik, etc are correct; nmo, on, om, jik, ki, etc. are incorrect).

m..n..o ;initial value of vector
(TCP),.... ;TCP activation
X..Y..Z.. AB m..n..o..
X..Y..Z.. AB m..n..o..
X..Z.. m..n..o..
A..B.. m..n..o..

Length (U.T. 386)


Radius (U.T. 399)

Corner radius
(U.T. 358)
[m, n, o]

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-131

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

TCP - Tool Center Point for generic 5-axis machines

This feature permits programming of a 5-axis machine (with 3 linear + 2 rotary axes) irrespective of
tool orientation and type (spherical or toroidal). The position controlled by the system is that of the
point of attachment of the tool in the spindle (see figures 2.7 and 2.8).

The algorithm may be activated simply by programming the TCP code in a block; it is disabled by
programming (TCP) or by giving a RESET command.




n Offset mode code (1, 3, 5); the various modes are illustrated in the pages that follow.


In the TCP block you must also write information about the current tools: these tools must be
inserted in the "User Table" - abbreviated U.T.

There are three tools you can use for entering data in the user table: the user table editor, the
specific machine logic functions, or the L variables in the program.

Also you may upload the predefined configuration files available with the SETUP utility of the

• For more information about user table management from PLUS refer to the description of
$TBLPUTD and $TBLGETD functions in the PLUS Library Manual.
• To access the user table from the TABLE EDITOR environment refer to the User Manual.

2-132 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

The following figures illustrate significance of the TCP parameters used for management of
spherical and toroidal tools; the abbreviation U.T. indicates the corresponding number in the User

Controlled point

Radius (U.T. 399) Length

(U.T. 386)

Corner radius
(U.T. 358)

Fig. 2.7 Toroidal tool

Controlled point

Radius (U.T. 399)

(U.T. 386)

Corner radius
(U.T. 358)

Fig. 2.8 Spherical tool

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-133

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

TCP Table for generic 5-axis machines

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table User Table Program
Offset mode code 385 Record 97 - Var 1 L384 Defines the offset calculation mode 1
according to the machine configuration. 3
Must be set with value = 6.
Tool length 386 Record 97 - Var 2 L385 Defines the length of the current mounted 1
tool. 5
Active tool holder 387 Record 97 - Var 3 L386 Not used.
Parameter A 388 Record 97 - Var 4 L387 Not used.
Horizontal head 389 Record 98 - Var 1 L388 Not used.
Horizontal head 390 Record 98 - Var 2 L389 Not used.
Vertical head 391 Record 98 - Var 3 L390 Not used.
(figure 2.2)
1st linear axis ID 392 Record 98 - Var 4 L391 ID of the axis to be used as abscissa in 1
the offset algorithm. 3
2nd linear axis ID 393 Record 99 - Var 1 L392 ID of the axis to be used as ordinate in 1
the offset algorithm. 3
3rd linear axis ID 394 Record 99 - Var 2 L393 ID of the axis to be used as vertical axis 1
in the offset algorithm. 3
Horizontal head ID 395 Record 99 - Var 3 L394 ID of the axis on which the horizontal 1
head is mounted. If this ID=0, the axis 3
does not exist. 5
Vertical head ID 396 Record 99 - Var 4 L395 ID of the axis on which the vertical head 1
is mounted. If this ID=0, the axis does not 3
exist. 5
Horizontal head 397 Record 100 Var 1 L396 Not used.
Vertical head 398 Record 100 Var 2 L397 Not used.
Radius 399 Record 100 Var 3 L398 Defines the radius of the tool currently 1
(figure 2.1) mounted on the machine, with reference 5
to the active tool holder.
Angle 400 Record 100 Var 4 L399 Not used.
(figure 2.1)

2-134 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
Dynamic mode 357 Record 90 - Var 1 L356 These fields may have the following 1
values: 3
0 - Speeds and accelerations of linear 5
axes are not limited, and may exceed the
configured values run time
1 - Speeds of linear and rotary axes are
limited run time, if necessary, in such as
never to exceed the configured values.
Accelerations of the linear and rotary
axes are limited in advance so that
overlapping of movements does not
require accelerations in excess of those
2 - Speeds and accelerations of the linear
and rotary axes are limited in advance so
that the speeds and accelerations
calculated run time never exceed the
configured values.
In this case, if for example only the linear
axis is moved, it remains limited unlike
what happened in case number 1.
It must be stressed that in case 2, the
constant speed is guaranteed on the
profile, which does not happen in case 1 if
speed of an axis is cut run time.
Corner radius 358 Record 90 - Var 2 L357 Radius of the tool corner in cases of 1,
(figures 2.7 and 2.8) spherical or toroidal tools 3,
Angle of contact a 359 Record 90 - Var 3 L358 Not used.
Programming of 360 Record 90 - Var 4 L359 Not used.
"m", and "n"
Threshold angle 361 Record 91 - Var 1 L360 Not used.
Rotary axis velocity 362 Record 91 - Var 2 L361 Not used.
Interpolation mode 363 Record 91 - Var 3 L362 Specifies whether or not the rotary axes 1
are interpolated in conjunction with the 3
linear axes. If not interpolated, the rotary 5
axes follow the linear axes moves.
Allowed values are:
0 - Rotary axes interpolated in
conjunction with linear axes
1 - Rotary axes follow linear axes
Select mode 1 if the velocity on the profile
should not be affected by rotary axes
Interpolation type 364 Record 91 - Var 4 L363 Specifies whether the rotary axes must be 1
interpolated only by the error or must be 3
treated as linear axes. Allowed values 5
0 - Rotary axes interpolated as
linear axes
1 - Rotary axes interpolated only by
the error.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-135

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
Integrator 365 Record 92 - Var 1 L364 With interpolation mode 1, this parameter 1
defines whether acceleration/deceleration 3
ramps will be used for rotary axes or 5
whether velocities proportional to the
linear axes moves will be used.
Allowed values are as follows:
0 - No ramps
1 - Ramps
If 1 is selected, the velocity diagram will
be calculated using the configured
parameters for rotary axes, irrespective of
linear axes moves.
Offset mode 366 Record 92 - Var 2 L365 Defines the modalities of activation of the 1
length corrector and the tool radius (and 2
possibly the tool corner radius based on 3
the TTR variable). 5
0 - values taken from the TCP table
1 - values with sign active in the system
(length 1 and tool radius)
2 - absolute values active in the system
(length 1 and tool radius)
3 - absolute value of length 1 only; the tool
radius is considered = 0.
Minimum move 367 Record 92 - Var 3 L366 Not used.
Travel limits control 368 Record 92 - Var 4 L367 Defines how the configured travel limits 1
will be controlled. Allowed values are: 3
0 - travel limits controlled both in the 5
program block (before execution)
and at each point in real time.
1 - travel limits controlled both only
at each point in real time.
Since part programs are typically referred
to the tool tip, program block control is
also referred to the tool tip. Real time
control is referred to the center of rotation
of the axes. When the system detects
that the point is beyond the configured
limit, it gives an error signal and locks the
axes motion with deceleration.

2-136 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


With this type of TCP, for all the modes described below, both direction (orientation) of the tool and
normal direction on the surface to be machined must be defined.

Two vectors are associated with each point programmed, one normal on the surface being
machined (parameters m,n,o) and one representing the tool direction (parameters i,j,k).

The parameters m, n, o and i, j and k must be programmed in alphabetical order (e.g. mno, mo, no,
ijk, ik, etc are correct; nmo, on, om, jik, ki, etc. are incorrect).




[XYZ] [AB] [m n o] [i j k]


XYZAB movement of axes

mno normal vector on surface being machined
ijk vector representing tool direction


All the parameters are optional; if none are programmed, the previous programming values are

Before activation of TCP, initial position of the two vectors must be defined, by programming values
for them (this block does not cause any movement).
With TCP active, it is not possible to program m n o and i j k without a movement of the axes
XYZAB; furthermore, the vector the define must not be null ([0,0,0]).

The RESET command resets the axes.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-137

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

m..n..o.. i..j..k.. ;initial value of vectors
(TCP,....) ;TCP activation
X..Y..Z.. A..B.. m..n..o.. i..j..k.
X..Y..Z.. A..B.. m..n..o..
X..Z.. m..n..o.. i..j..k.
A..B.. m..n..o..
X..Y.. i..j..k.

[i, j, k]
Controlled point

ht )
Le . 386
s (U

Corner radius
[m, n, o] (U.T. 358)

2-138 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

• Mode 1 (TCP,1)
With (TCP,1) programmed coordinates are referred to the part.
This mode must be used when the profile must be executed with both linear (1÷3) and rotary (1÷2)
axes, the tool is expected to remain permanently in contact with the machining surface, and the
linear axes coordinates are referred to the part.
To keep the tool tip on the profile defined by the linear axes, the system offsets displacements by
automatically adjusting the position of the three linear axes to the rotary axes.

• Mode 3 (TCP,3)
This mode permits to use CAD programs in which the tool length, radius and corner radius are
different from the ones with which the program (machine coordinates) was generated.
Tool length, radius and corner radius variances must be input via machine logic (refer to the
$TCPWRT instruction in the PLUS Library Manual).

As with (TCP,1) in order to keep the tool tip on the profile defined by the linear axes, the system
offsets displacements due to variations of length and radii by automatically adjusting the position of
the three linear axes to the rotary axes.


Profile obtained without

TCP=1 or 3

Profile obtained without TCP1 or 3 active

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-139

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

• Mode 5 (TCP,5)
This mode permits to execute moves in the tool direction.
When (TCP,5) is active the system generates a virtual axis whose name has been configured in
AMP ( VIRTUAL AXES section of the process configuration).
The virtual axis move generates a move of the linear axes in which the tool displaces in its
direction, i.e. in the direction indicated by the vector [i,j,k].
(TCP,5) may be programmed both separately or in conjunction with the other axes, in which case
(TCP,5) features add to (TCP,1) features. The move may also be made manually.

Mode 5 may be used for drilling inclined holes.

For more information about the MANUAL SETUP data entry or the $TCPWRT function please refer
to the PLUS Library Manual and the User Manual.

Removing the tool with TCP,5

In all TCP modes, the machine logic may send to the interpolator in real time any variance of tool
length, tool radius, or of the corner radius, (parameters 386, 399 and 358 in the User Table). This
permits to offset tool wear during machining (refer to the description of the $TCPWRT function in
the PLUS Library Manual).

2-140 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

TCP - Tool Center Point for machines with fixed tool and rotary
This performance allow an easy programming on machines in which the tool is in a fixed position
and the part moves by means of three axes, two linear ones and a rotary one solid to the linear
ones. The system identifies in real time, according to the rotary axis position, the points that the
axes must reach to satisfy the programmed profile. It is also possible to make the system calculate
the rotary axis position and therefore to define the plane profile defined by the two linear axes. The
activation of this algorithm is carried out directly in the program by means of the three-letters TCP.

The TCP mode is disabled with (TCP) or with RESET.




n Type of desired compensation (1, 2,)


The TCP algorithm needs, for its functioning, of some information relative to the used tool, which
have to be inserted into the “User Table” - abbr..U.T.

The “User Table” compilation may be executed by means of the proper editor, or by the machine
logic (by means of proper logic functions), or also from part program by means of L variables.

It is possible to use a system configuration already pre-arranged contained in the files chargeable
by means of "SETUP" of USER TABLE EDITOR.

For further information relative to the use of the “User Table” read the functions description from
PLUS $TBLPUTD and $TBLGETD in the manual of PLUS library.

To use the same table from TABLE EDITOR environment see the User manual.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-141

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

TCP Table for machines with fixed tool and rotary table

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table User Table Program
Offset mode code 385 Record 97 - Var 1 L384 Defines the offset calculation mode 1
according to the machine configuration. 2
Must be set with value = 8.
Tool length 386 Record 97 - Var 2 L385 Not used
Active tool holder 387 Record 97 - Var 3 L386 Number of the active tool holder 1 ÷ 4 1
Parameter A 388 Record 97 - Var 4 L387 Not used.
Horizontal head 389 Record 98 - Var 1 L388 Not used.
Horizontal head 390 Record 98 - Var 2 L389 Defines the rotation direction of the rotary 1
rotation axis (table) and has a value of: 2
+ 1 clock-wise
- 1 anticlock-wise
for positive programming
Vertical head 391 Record 98 - Var 3 L390 Not used.
1st linear axis ID 392 Record 98 - Var 4 L391 ID of the axis to be used as abscissa in 1
the offset algorithm. 2
2nd linear axis ID 393 Record 99 - Var 1 L392 ID of the axis to be used as ordinate in 1
the offset algorithm. 2
3rd linear axis ID 394 Record 99 - Var 2 L393 Not used. 1
Horizontal head ID 395 Record 99 - Var 3 L394 ID of the rotary axis (table) 1
Vertical head ID 396 Record 99 - Var 4 L395 Not used
Horizontal head 397 Record 100 Var 1 L396 Not used.
Vertical head 398 Record 100 Var 2 L397 Not used.
Radius 399 Record 100 Var 3 L398 Not used.
Angle 400 Record 100 Var 4 L399 It defines the angle between the tool 1
center and the cutter contact point after 2
having rotated the vertical head in order
to have the tool orientated in y-direction

2-142 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Tool holder 1

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
Parameter B 369 Record 93 - Var 1 L368 Sign distance expressed in mm of the 1
table centre from the tool tip as regards 2
the abscissa axis.
Parameter C 370 Record 93 - Var 2 L369 Sign distance expressed in mm of the 1
table centre from the tool tip as regards 2
the ordinate axis.
Parameter D 371 Record 93 - Var 3 L370 Not used
Offset vertical head 372 Record 93 - Var 4 L371 Not used

Tool holder 2

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
Parameter B 373 Record 94 - Var 1 L372 As in tool holder 1 1
(figures 2.1, 2.3) 2
Parameter C 374 Record 94 - Var 2 L373 As in tool holder 1 1
(figures 2.1, 2.2) 2
Parameter D 375 Record 94 - Var 3 L374 Not used
Vertical head offset 376 Record 94 - Var 4 L375 Not used

Tool holder 3

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program.
Parameter B 377 Record 95 - Var 1 L376 As in tool holder 1 1
Parameter C 378 Record 95 - Var 2 L377 As in tool holder 1 1
Parameter D 379 Record 95 - Var 3 L378 Not used
Offset vertical head 380 Record 95 - Var 4 L379 Not used

Tool holder 4

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
Parameter B 381 Record 96 - Var 1 L380 As in tool holder 1 1
Parameter C 382 Record 96 - Var 2 L381 As in tool holder 1 1
Parameter D 383 Record 96 - Var 3 L382 Not used
Offset vertical head 384 Record 96 - Var 4 L383 Not used

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-143

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes


Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
Dynamic mode 357 Record 90 - Var 1 L356 These fields may have the following 1
values: 2
0 - Speeds and accelerations of linear
axes are not limited, and may exceed the
configured values run time
1 - Speeds of linear and rotary axes are
limited run time, if necessary, in such as
never to exceed the configured values.
Accelerations of the linear and rotary
axes are limited in advance so that
overlapping of movements does not
require accelerations in excess of those
2 - Speeds and accelerations of the linear
and rotary axes are limited in advance so
that the speeds and accelerations
calculated run time never exceed the
configured values.
In this case, if for example only the linear
axis is moved, it remains limited unlike
what happened in case 1.
It must be stressed that in case 2, the
constant speed is guaranteed on the
profile, which does not happen in case 1 if
speed of an axis is cut run time.
Corner radius¹ 358 Record 90 - Var 2 L357 Not used
Angle of contact a 359 Record 90 - Var 3 L358 Not used
Programming of 360 Record 90 - Var 4 L359 Not used
"m", "n" and "o"
Threshold angle 361 Record 91 - Var 1 L360 Angle beyond which the system adds a 2
(figure 2.4) horizontal rotary axis move --after the
element has been completed-- in order to
position the tool perpendicular to the
subsequent element. Below this angle,
the horizontal rotary axis move starts
when the element is completed and
continues during execution of the
subsequent element.
Rotary axis velocity 362 Record 91 - Var 2 L361 Velocity expressed in degrees per minute 2
at which the horizontal rotary axis moves
when it is automatically positioned
between two part program blocks.
If it is 0 the system uses the programmed

2-144 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Dynamics (continued)

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
Interpolation mode 363 Record 91 - Var 3 L362 Specifies whether or not the rotary axes 1
are interpolated in conjunction with the 2
linear axes. If not interpolated, the rotary
axes follow the linear axes moves.
Allowed values are:
0 - Rotary axes interpolated in
conjunction with linear axes
1 - Rotary axes follow linear axes
Select mode 1 if the velocity on the profile
should not be affected by rotary axes
Interpolation type 364 Record 91 - Var 4 L363 Specifies whether the rotary axes must be 1
interpolated only by the error or must be 2
treated as linear axes. Allowed values
0 - Rotary axes interpolated as
linear axes
1 - Rotary axes interpolated only
by the error.
Integrator 365 Record 92 - Var 1 L364 With interpolation mode 1, this parameter 1
defines whether acceleration/deceleration 2
ramps will be used for rotary axes or
whether velocities proportional to the
linear axes moves will be used.
Allowed values are as follows:
0 - No ramps
1 - Ramps
If 1 is selected, the velocity diagram will
be calculated using the configured
parameters for rotary axes, irrespective of
linear axes moves.
Offset mode 366 Record 92 - Var 2 L365 Not used
Minimum move 367 Record 92 - Var 3 L366 Specifies the minimum angle beyond 2
which the system automatically generates
a move of the horizontal rotary axis in
order to position the tool perpendicular to
the subsequent element.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-145

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

Dynamics (continued)

Variable User Record in PLUS Part Meaning TCP

Table user table Program
Travel limits control 368 Record 92 - Var 4 L367 Defines how the configured travel limits 1
will be controlled. Allowed values are: 2

0 - travel limits controlled both in the

program block (before execution)
and at each point in real time.
1 - travel limits controlled both only
at each point in real time.

Since part programs are typically referred
to the tool tip, program block control is
also referred to the tool tip. Real time
control is referred to the center of rotation
of the axes. When the system detects
that the point is beyond the configured
limit, it gives an error signal and locks the
axes motion with deceleration.

In the above tables distances are expressed in mm. They must be intended in the configured
length unit.

2-146 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

The rotary table virtualization allows the programming of machines with tool in fixed position and
the part moving by means of three axes, two linear ones and one rotary solid to the two linear
ones. It is activated by commands (TCP, 1) or (TCP, 2).
By programming (TCP, 2) the automatic insertion of rotary axis is obtained. (TCP, 1) and (TCP, 2)
performances and characteristics described for 5-axis machines are valid also for this kind of
For a correct programming on rotary table machines, the following must be taken into
a) the system considers to have, at the end of the homing cycle, coincident tool tip and table
centre. In case this situation does not happen, the values representing the distance of the tool
centre from the tool tip must be defined in the TCP table (T.U.369 e T.U. 370)
b) the profile must be defined as regards an origin coincident with the table centre, therefore, as
described in the previous point, if table centre and tool tip do not coincide, the origin must be
defined with the two values of abscissa and ordinate equal to the phase displacement defined in
the TCT table (T.U. 369 e T.U. 370).

= 10 mm


T.U. 369

A T.U. 370


T.U. 369 = - 40 Distance, as regards X, of the table centre from the tool tip
T.U. 370 = + 110 Distance, as regards Y, of the table centre from the tool tip
ORIGIN 1 (POINT O) X-40 Y+110
(UOT,1,X-70,Y-70) ; POINT A
G1 Y0 F2000
G3 X0 Y130 I70 J90

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 2-147

Chapter 2
Programming the Axes

TCP on multi-processor
The TCP feature is now extended to 4 processes, each process will use a setup area of its own in
the User tables as shown in the table below.

Process Tabble Plus Table Record Part Program LVariable

1 TCP Table Record 97 L384 ÷ L399
Tool-holder 1 Record 93 L368 ÷ L371
Tool-holder 2 Record 94 L372 ÷ L375
Tool-holder 3 Record 95 L376 ÷ L379
Tool-holder 4 Record 96 L380 ÷ L383
Dynamics Record 90 L356 ÷ L367
2 TCP Table Record 86 L340 ÷ L355
Tool-holder 1 Record 82 L324 ÷ L327
Tool-holder 2 Record 83 L328 ÷ L331
Tool-holder 3 Record 84 L332 ÷ L335
Tool-holder 4 Record 85 L336 ÷ L339
Dynamics Record 79 L312 ÷ L323
3 TCP Table Record 75 L296 ÷ L311
Tool-holder 1 Record 71 L280 ÷ L283
Tool-holder 2 Record 72 L284 ÷ L287
Tool-holder 3 Record 73 L288 ÷ L291
Tool-holder 4 Record 74 L292 ÷ L295
Dynamics Record 68 L268 ÷ L279
4 TCP Table Record 64 L252 ÷ L267
Tool-holder 1 Record 60 L236 ÷ L239
Tool-holder 2 Record 61 L240 ÷ L243
Tool-holder 3 Record 62 L244 ÷ L247
Tool-holder 4 Record 63 L248 ÷ L251
Dynamics Record 57 L224 ÷ L235


2-148 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 3

This chapter explains how to program tools and tool offsets. All the functions described in this
chapter must be handled by the machine logic.

The system integrator develops the interface between the control and the
machine tool, as well as the application-specific T and M functions and also of
the code requalifying functioning and the presetting: RQT and RQP.
For more information about these T functions you must refer to the machine
tool documentation provided by the machine manufacturer.

You can also find further information about M functions in Chapter 6.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 3-1

Chapter 3
Programming Tools and Tool Offsets

T address for programming tools

The T address defines the tool and the tool offset used in a given machining process.


T [tool], [.] [tool offset]


tool is the tool number. This can be programmed explicitly (with an integer) or implicitly
with a local or system variable.

tool offset is the tool offset number. It can be an integer or an E parameter.


Allowed values for both parameters ranges from 0.0 to 999999999999.300. The meaning of the 15
digits is as follows:


tool offset number

tool number

The following examples show different ways of programming tools and offsets.

T1 Selects tool 1 and the tool offset defined in the tool table.

T1.1 Selects tool 1 and tool offset 1.

T1.0 Selects tool 1 without tool offset.

T.0 Removes the tool offset from the active tool.

T0 Disables the active tool and tool offset.

T.1 Enables tool offset 1 with the active tool.

3-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 3
Programming Tools and Tool Offsets

T address for multi-tool programming

The T address defines the tools to be used simultaneously for a given machining process.


T [master] [.] [tool offset] [/{slave l] [first_slave, last slave]l {variable, num_variables}}]


master Is the number of the tool. This can be an integer or a local or system
variable between 0 and 999999999999.

tool offset Is the number of the tool offset associated with the master tool. This can be
an integer or a local or system variable between 0 and 300.

slave Is the number of the tool. This can be an integer or a local or system

first_slave Is a tool number representing the first of a series of tools. This can be an
integer or a local or system variable.

last_slave Is a tool number representing the last of a series of tools. This can be an
integer or a local or system variable.

variable Is a local or system variable containing the first of a series of tools.

num_variable Is an integer or a local or system variable representing the number of

variables to take into consideration starting from "variable".


Multi-tool programming is used on perforating machines.

The management of tools associated with the T code is handled by the logic of the machines to
which the values of the programmed tools are sent..

The programmable values for the slave tool codes vary from 0 to 65535. The maximum number of
slave tools which can be simultaneously programmed is 60.

As you can see from the T code sintax, the list of tools to be used can be specified in three
different formats:

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 3-3

Chapter 3
Programming Tools and Tool Offsets

1. Single Format
T1.2/ 50 tools 1, 50
offset 2
T1.2 /20,33,45,46 tools 1,20,33,45,46
offset 2
2. Numerical Sequence Format
This simplifies programming of multiple tools by using sequential code.

T1.3 /[ 30, 35 ] equivalent to T1.3 /30,31,32,33,34,35
T1.3 /[ 56, 51 ] equivalent to T1.3 /56,55,54,53,52,51
T1.3 /[ 50, 52 ], [ 10,13 ] equivalent to T1.3 /50,51,52,10,11,12,13

As you can see, the starting tool number can be > or < the final tool number. In the first instance
the tools codes are considered in ascending order and in the second instance they are considered
in descending order.

3. Variable Sequence Format

This is based on an array of variables from which to select the tool numbers.

E0 = 1, 30, 45 load in E0, E1, E2 the values 1, 30, 45
T1.2 /{ E0, 3 } equivalent to T1.2 /E0, E1, E2 & to T1.2 /1, 30, 45

E0 = 1, 30, 45 load in E0, E1, E2, E3 the values 1, 30, 45

SN0 = 4, 77 load in SN0, SN1 the values 4, 77
SN4 = 3 load in SN4 the value 3
T1.2 /{ E0, SN4 }, { SN0,2 } equivalent to T1.2 /E0, E1, E2, SN0, SN1 & to T1.2 /1,30,45,4,77

The three formats shown above may be mixed.

E0 = 29, 56 load in E0, E1 the values 29, 56
SN6 = 2 load in SN6 the value 2
T1.3 /[ 7, 10 ], 15, { E0, SN6 } equivalent to T1.3 /7,8,9,10,15,29,56

3-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 3
Programming Tools and Tool Offsets

h address

The h address permits to apply a tool offset both in point-to-point (G29) and in continuous (G27-
G28) modes.


h [tool offset]


tool offset is the tool offset number. It can be an integer or a local or system variable between
zero and 300.


The "h" address must be programmed by itself in one block.

An "h" address disables the active offsets programmed with a "T" command.
The axes to which tool offset is applied are those programmed in a "T tool.offset" command.

The offset values are applied to the axes when the system reads the "h" address in the part
program. The "h" address must not be synchronised either with the logic or with the axes moves.

If “h” is not synchronized, it is displayed when it is read by the part program and
IMPORTANT not when it is implemented.
The same occurs in the case of synchronous uses of “h”, as in G96. In this case,
the application of “h” must be synchronized with “#” for the spindle revolutions to
function correctly.

If you program "h" without tool offset or with tool offset=0, the value programmed with the previous

"h tool offset" command. This value may be re-established with a RESET command.

IMPORTANT The machine logic decides whether or not to apply offset values after a RESET.

The use of "h" and T for offsets in the same part program can cause problems if it
IMPORTANT is not handled correctly by the machine logic. It is recommended that only one of
these modes be used at the same time.

The offset values programmed with h address are usually displayed in the field reserved for the T

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 3-5

Chapter 3
Programming Tools and Tool Offsets

Offsets may be introduced with an h address only if the default configuration of

IMPORTANT the offsets table is used.

The offset table fields from which offset values are read are as follows:

Offset value Offset table fields

Length 1 Length 1 + Current requalification length 1

Length 2 Length 2 + Current requalification length 2

Diameter Diameter + Current requalification diameter

Example 1:
T[n].x programs a tool and a tool offset
hy cancels the x tool offset and enables the y tool offset

Example 2:
hy enables y tool offset
T[n].x cancels the y tool offset enabled by h

Example 3:
hy cancels the programmed x tool offset and enables y

3-6 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 3
Programming Tools and Tool Offsets

TTR – Toroidal Tool Radius

This process variable makes it possible to enable the management of the tool corner radius when
using spherical or toroidal tools.


TTR = value


value This value can be:

0 Disables the management of the tool corner radius
1 Enables the management

The moment the tool corner radius management is enabled, the length 2 field (+ requalification
length and max. length) is used by the system to define the tool tip radius. In this connection, the
length is no longer applied as a length corrector.
The tool corner radius is used only within the TCP and the HSM for programming a T or an h.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 3-7

Chapter 3
Programming Tools and Tool Offsets

AXO - Axis Offset Definition

This command makes it possible to associate the length offset values contained in the offset table
to the machine axes.


(AXO, [-] axis name1 [, [-] axis name2])

axis name1 name of the axis associated to length offset 1 in the offsets table. If the "-" sign is
written before the name, the offset value is used with the inverse sign.
axis name2 name of the axis associated to length offset 2 in the offsets table. If the "-" sign is
written before the name, the offset value is used with the inverse sign.

The default association between length offsets and characterised axes is made in the AXIS
GENERAL INFO page of the AMP utility.
This association can be changed with the AXO command.
The preset values introduced in the offset tables always have a positive sign. The AXO command
enables these values to be associated with axes bearing negative signs.
The following are two examples of length offset values applied with and without AXO commands:

Example 1:
N1 T1.4 M6 activates length 1 of offset 4 on the axis associated to length 1 in the offset
characterisation phase.
N100 T0 M6 disables the length offset value applied to the axis.

3-8 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 3
Programming Tools and Tool Offsets

Example 2:
N1 (AXO,-X,Z) associates X to length offset 1 with negative sign and Z to length offset 2
. with positive sign
N50 T1.4 M6 applies length offset values 1 and 2 from offset 4 to axes X and Z as defined
in the AXO command. Length offset 1 will be applied to the X axis with
negative sign.
N100 T0 M6 disables the length offset applied to axes X and Z.

The system RESET command or the selection of a new part program re-establish
IMPORTANT the axis/offset default association characterised with AMP.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 3-9

Chapter 3
Programming Tools and Tool Offsets

RQT (RQU) - Requalifying Tool Offset

The RQT command requalifies the length and diameter dimensions memorised in the offset tables.


(RQT,tool,offset [,L..][,l..][,d..])


tool Is the tool number.

offset Is the number of the offset to be requalified. The offset number is a value between 1
and 300.

L Is the value to be added to offset length 1.

l Is the value to be added to offset length 2.

d Is the offset increment to be added to the diameter.


The values can be either numbers or contents in the variables.

You must specify the length and diameter increments in the RQT command with the measuring
unit configured in the system (inches or millimetres, G70/G71). These values cannot be associated
to a scale factor (SCF).

(RQT,10,1,L E40,d E41) This block requalifies tool 10, offset 1. The length 1 increment is
contained in E40 and the diameter increment is contained in E41.

(RQT,10,1,L E50,l E51) This block requalifies tool 10, offset 1. The length 1 increment is
contained in E50 and the length 2 increment is contained in E51.

3-10 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 3
Programming Tools and Tool Offsets

RQP - Requalifying Tool Offset

The RQP command requalifies and presets a specific tool offset according to programmed length
and diameter dimensions. When the control executes this command, it writes the corresponding
dimensions in the tool offset table by adding the specified length and diameter values. All the offset
values are reset.


(RQP,tool,offset [,L..] [,l..][,d..])


tool Is the tool number.

offset Is the number of the offset to preset. It is a value between 1 and 300. The upper limit
of the offset number depends on the number of records in the tool offset file.

L Is the length increment to write to length offset 1.

l Is the length increment to write to length offset 2.

d Is the diameter increment to write to the offset field.


The values can either be some numbers or contents in the variables.

You must specify the values of length and diameter increments in the RQP command with the
measuring unit configured in he system (inches or millimetres, with G70/G71). These values
cannot be associated to a scale factor (SCF).

(RQP,10,1,L E40 ,d E41) This block presets offset 1 of tool 10. The value of length 1 is contained
in E40 and the value of diameter is contained in E41.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 3-11

Chapter 3
Programming Tools and Tool Offsets

TOU (TOF) - Tool Expiry Declaration

The TOU command allows to declare the specified tool expired.




tool is the number of the tool number to be declared expired. It can be a local or a system

(TOU,5) ;Declares tool 5 in the tool table expired
E1=10 ;
(TOU,10) ;Declares tool 10 in the tool table expired

3-12 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 3
Programming Tools and Tool Offsets

LOA - Table loading

The LOA command allows dual port loading of the disk-resident table.


(LOA, table name [.extension] [,par1] [,par2]])


table name it is the file name of the table to be dual port loaded.

extension it is the extension of the file name and refers to the type of table to be loaded:
.TOL table of tools
.OFS table of adapters
.SPN table of spindles (for the WOOD option)
.ORG table of origins
.USR table of user variable
.MAG table of magazines
When there is no extension, the table referred to is the one pertaining to the
Electronic Cam option (for description see relevant manual).
When tool and adapter have been associated in the loading of the tools table, also
the relevant strings are loaded automatically.
The name of the table with its extension may also be defined by means of the
variable SC.

par 1 It is a parameter having a different meaning according to the type of table to be

table of tools ⇒ par 1 stands for the number of magazine the tools belong to
and it is compulsory when magazines are being used.
table of origin ⇒ par 1 par1 is the number of the process to which the axes
relevant to the origins to be loaded belongs to.

par 2 It is considered only when loading the table tools together with the parameter par 1
and indicates whether the pocket values of the tools table need to be updated.
par 2 = 0 no pocket update
par 2 = 1 pocket update
When no parameter is available, 0 is chosen by default.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 3-13

Chapter 3
Programming Tools and Tool Offsets


The LOA command enables a dual port loading of the tables previously saved on file by TABLE

The names for the relevant extensions which identify the type of table are given by default and can
be different if modified through the SET UP utility of TABLE EDITOR.

When using the magazines, the operation "pocket initialization" is to be accomplished by TABLE
EDITOR. Such operation is necessary each time tables referred to magazines featuring different
pockets are loaded or after reset of the dual port memory.

(LOA, NEW_TOOL.MAG ) loads the magazine table named NEW_TOOL.

(LOA, DRILL_T.TOL, 1, 1) loads the DRILL_IT tools table relevant to magazine 1 and updates
the pocket field of each tool.

(LOA, ORIG_1.ORG, 1) loads the ORIG_1 table relevant to process 1.


3-14 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4

Cutter diameter compensation is based on the tool geometry. Since the typical tool section is a
circle, the correction is applied to the tool diameter.

Cutter diameter compensation is perpendicular to a programmed profile consisting of straight line

segments and circle arcs. The figure below shows how the tool is positioned when cutter diameter
compensation is applied.

Programmed path

Compensated path

Tool Positioning for Cutter Diameter Compensation

When cutter diameter compensation is active, the tool is positioned on the intersection or tangency
point of the two geometrical elements translated by the cutter radius.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-1

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

G40 G41 G42 - Cutter Diameter Compensation

These G codes disable or enable cutter diameter compensation:

G40 Disables cutter diameter compensation

G41 Enables cutter diameter compensation when the tool travels left of the profile

G42 Enables cutter diameter compensation with the tool travels right of the profile


G40 [G-codes] [operands]

G41 [G-codes] [operands]
G42 [G-codes] [operands]


G-codes Other G codes that are compatible with G41, G42 and G40 (see “Compatible G
codes” table in Chapter 1).

operands Any operand or code allowed in a G function block.

4-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Enabling Cutter Diameter Compensation

Cutter diameter compensation is enabled by codes G41 or G42 . The movement to the first point in
the profile must be linear (G00-G01).

On the first point in the profile, cutter diameter compensation is perpendicular to the first linear or
circular move programmed after G41 or G42 on the active plane.

The examples below show how cutter diameter compensation is applied.

• Linear move first in the profile








Cutter diameter compensation on the right of the profile:

G1 G42 X-50 Y15 F200

X-20 Y45

Cutter diameter compensation on the left of the profile:

G1 G41 X-50 Y15 F200

X-20 Y45

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-3

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

• Circular move first in the profile


G41 35



0 0


Cutter diameter compensation on the right of the profile:

G1 G42 X-31.622 Y40 F200

G2 X33.541 Y35 I J25
G1 X.....
Cutter diameter compensation on the left of the profile:

G1 G41 X-31.622 Y40 F200

G2 X33.541 Y35 I J25
G1 X....

4-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Notes on using cutter diameter compensation

Once enabled, cutter diameter compensation is applied to all the moves programmed at machining
or rapid feedrate. After cutter diameter compensation has been enabled by G41 or G42, the
following G functions cannot be programmed:

• G81 - G89 (canned cycles)

• G70 - G71 (mm/inch programming)
• G79 (programming referred to machine zero)
• G33 (threading)
• G72 - G73 - G74 (measuring cycles)
• G16 - G17 - G18 - G19 (change of interpolation plane)

When cutter diameter compensation is active, the control displays an error signal if:

• the programmed internal radius is shorter than the tool radius.

• the execution of a compensated linear move would reverse the tool direction with respect to the
original profile.

Inside a profile compensated with G41 or G42 you can program up to two consecutive movements
of axes that are not on the interpolation plane.

Tool path optimisation (TPO)

Tool path optimisation (TPO) may be enabled both from part program or with an MDI.

The function is programmed through the TPO system variable and may be customised to specific
application requirements through the TPT system variable.

TPO permits to define two optimisation modes:

• automatic “reduction” of the tool path on corners between two linear or circular blocks
• infeed/exit tangent to profile (on a circle arc).

IMPORTANT TPO and TPT are discussed in detail later in this chapter.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-5

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Disabling Cutter Diameter Compensation

Cutter diameter compensation is disabled by the G40 code. Then the cutter may exit from the part
as follows:

• if TPO is not active (standard offset mode), the move programmed by G40 is still considered
• if TPO is active, the move programmed by G40 is considered as the exit move from the offset.

These options are illustrated in the examples below.

• The last move in the profile is linear (TPO=0)



G41 N88 G1 G40 X50 Y15

N100 G X.. Y..




• The last move in the profile is circular (TPO=0)


N99 G2 G40 X36.62 Y40 I J25

N100 G X.. Y..

4-6 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Disabling Compensation with TPO active

With TPO active, the cutter diameter is always compensated through G40; the only difference with
respect to the standard procedure is how the last block is executed.

These options are illustrated in the examples below.

• The last move in the profile is linear (TPO active)


N87 G1 X20 Y40

N88 G1 G40 X50 Y15
N100 G X.. Y..

• The last move in the profile is circular (TPO active)


N98 G1X-33.541 Y35

N99 G2 G40 X36.62 Y40 I J25
N100 G X.. Y..

If your release is earlier than 3.0 you must check whether G40 is
programmed in your old part programs. When TPO is active, G40 exits from
cutter diameter compensation somewhat differently.
If you program a block including only G40 (i.e. not associated to any final
point), you will obtain the same result you would with standard diameter
compensation (TPO=0).

Prior to writing a program read this section and the descriptions of TPO and
TPT carefully.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-7

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation


This section describes how changes of compensation type (G41 --> G42 and vice versa) are
handled during offset profile machining. Compensation type changes may occur at the point of
intersection of the programmed paths (with left/right or right/left compensation) or by the addition of
a new movement block automatically by the system.

Type of compensation change (on the intersection or with an additional connection block) depends
on type of the previous movements and of the subsequent movement. The different possibilities
are discussed in the following pages:

• Linear/Linear with tangential movement blocks

• Linear/Linear with inversion of direction
• Linear/Linear with automatic generation of a new movement block
• Linear/Linear without automatic generation of a new movement block
• Linear/Circular - Circular/Linear
• Circular/Circular

Linear/Linear tool path

The following figure illustrates the tool path when compensation changes from G41 to G42 during
execution of two linear type movements.

In changing from G41 to G42, the control generates two points, which shall be called point 1 and
point 2.

• Point 1 is the final position of the tool before compensation type change.
• Point 2 is the desired starting position for the first block using the changed compensation
The control automatically generates the movement block connecting point 1 with point 2:

point 1


Programmed in G41 G42

N10 N11 N12 N13


point 2

Linear/Linear change with tangential movement blocks

4-8 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Points 1 and 2


N10 Programmed in G41 N11

N13 Programmed in G42 N12

Linear/Linear change with inversion of direction

r r

path N10
path N12

r r

point 1
point 2

Linear/Linear change with generation of a new block

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-9

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Linear/Circular, Circular/Linear, Circular/Circular tool paths

For each of the following types of tool path, in which a change of compensation direction occurs,
the 10 Series system will try to find a point of intersection between the path programmed in G41
and that programmed in G42 (or vice versa).

If the 10 Series finds a point of intersection, it modifies the final point of the original compensated
tool path whereas the starting point of the new compensated tool path will coincide with the
intersection (see figure below).

r G42 r

Programmed G41 path
in G42
+ +
Compensated Compensated
path path

path r
in G41


Change of compensation with intersection of current path

4-10 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

However, cases may arise in which there is no intersection between the tool paths; in these cases,
when changing from G41 to G42 (or vice versa) the system behaves as illustrated in the figures
that follow.

• Point 1 is the final position of the tool before the change of compensation type
• Point 2 is the desired position for start of the first block using the changed compensation

The control automatically generates the movement block connecting point 1 with point 2:

Point 1

path r2 r1


Programmed G42
in G41
Point 2

Point 2

r1 r2

Programmed r1
in G41
path Point 1


in G41 G42 +

Point 1

Point 2

Change of compensation without possibility of intersection between the tool paths

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-11

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

r - Radiuses in Compensated Profiles

When machining convex profiles, you may want a circular radius between geometric elements.


r value


value The radius to be programmed. For clockwise moves program a negative radius; for
counter clockwise moves program a positive value.

Programming r0 (radius equal to zero) causes the tool centre to follow a

IMPORTANT circular arc whose centre is on the profile corner.


2 2

1 1

Without radius With radius

1) N20 G1 X100 Y100 1) N20 G1 X100 Y100
2) N21 X-100 N21 r0
2) N22 X-100

4-12 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

b - Bevels in Compensated Profiles

By programming a value without a sign after the b address you can insert a bevel rather than a
radius between two linear or circular motion blocks that generate intersecting paths.


b value


value It is the bevel length measured from the intersection point.

This value b may be interpreted as follows:

• Bevel between two linear profiles: b is the distance from the generated final
point to the theoretical intersection point between the extended profile segments.
• Bevel between a linear and circular profile: b is the distance from the theoretical
intersection point between the extension of the linear profile to the tangent of the
circular profile
• Bevel between two circular profiles: b is the distance to the theoretical
intersection point between the extensions of the tangents to the circular profiles

FINAL POINT Bevel between two linear blocks

b Programming example:
N10 G1 X10 Y100 ;block 1
N11 b3
N12 X-100 ;block 2

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-13

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Bevel between circular and linear motion blocks

Programming example:
tangent on final point
of block 1
N11 G42
final point
N12 G1X10Y70F1000
modified N14 G2X70Y20R50 ;block 1
N16 b10
N18 G1X150Y90 ;block 2
final point
b generated
N20 G40
b .
final point

Bevel between linear and circular motion blocks





Programming example:

N20 G42
N24 G1X40Y40F1000 ;block 1
N26 b10
N28 G2X80Y5R70 ;block 2
N30 G40

4-14 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Bevel between two circular motion blocks

tangent on final
point of block 1
tangent on startting
point of block 2

inal point final point

modified generated

b b

final point

Programming example

N10 G42
N20 GX10Y60
N30 G2X50Y40R50F1000 ;block 1
N40 b5
N50 G2X100Y5050R30 ;block 2

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-15

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

TPO - Path optimisation on bevels with G41/G42

TPO (Tool Path Optimisation) allows to optimise the tool path when G41 or G42 are active. The
algorithm automatically introduces circular interpolations at profile start and end, and radiuses on
the profile bevels.


TPO = n


n Optimisation mode. Allowed values are:

The value to be specified for n in the instruction is obtained from the sum of the
decimal weights corresponding to each of the features desired.
If n = 0 the optimisation algorithm is disabled.

Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Introducing linear radiusing movements between the elements

Exit/infeed tangent to profile

Activates profile inversion with triliterals GTP and CCP

Activates the algorithm for maintaining the

machining speed constant in G41/G42

Introducing circular radiusing movements between the elements


A block programming the TPO=1 instruction activates the tool optimisation algorithm. Depending
on the profile, the algorithm automatically introduces from 1 to 3 optimisation moves.

4-16 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

IMPORTANT TPO is ignored in a GTL program.

At power up the system is enabled with the TPO mode configured in AMP. This
IMPORTANT optimisation mode may be altered from the program.
RESET restores the mode configured in AMP.

The activation of bit 5 works only if bit 0 is enabled too, i.e. when you want to
IMPORTANT introduce a circular radius in lieu of a linear one, set TPO = 33.

• TPO=1 and TPO=33 modes

Mode TPO=1 activates the tool path optimisation algorithm by introducing linear radiusing
movements between the profile elements as a function of the angular deviation between the
elements themselves.

Furthermore, if bit 5 has been set too (TPO=33), then, provided that the conditions for corner
optimisation are met, through the introduction of linear movements a circular radius is introduced,
having its centre at the intersection of the two non-compensated elements and a radius
corresponding to tool radius.

The cases of application of the algorithm are as follows:

A) Right angle-right angle with angle of deviation between 90° and 180° (90° < α Ù 180° ).

B) Circle-right angle, right angle-circle, circle-circle with angle of deviation between 0° and
180° (0° < α Ù 180°).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-17

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

If a bevel (b) or a radius (r) is programmed between the elements described at points A) and B),
the algorithm is not applied.


G41 G41 r
r r
r G42 r
r r

r=tool radius

Without optimization (TPO =0) With optimization (TPO=1)



r=tool radius

Con ottimizzazione (TPO=33)

Note that in the above examples the TPT threshold has been ignored, as if
If a threshold distance from the corner is programmed instead (TPT other
than zero), the afore-mentioned circular radius will have its centre translated
according to the same calculation criteria as are used for linear radiuses,
and the radius will be reduced accordingly.

4-18 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Examples of profile optimisation with TPO=1

In these profiles the angle deviation requires an optimisation algorithm.


α Angles from 0° to 90°

formed by two straight lines
α = 9 0 °÷ 18 0 °

180° angle with circle-circle




Angle from 0° to 180°

formed by a circle-straight
line intersection

α = 0 °÷ 1 8 0 °

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-19

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Examples of profiles where algorithm introduces optimization moves

In these examples the algorithm recalculates the profile and introduces from 1 to 3 optimisation
moves between bevels.

Movement generated
by the algorithm with
1) Line - line TPO = 1 The algorithm generates
1 move

with TPO = 33

Movements generated
by the algorithm with
TPO = 1
2) Line - circle The algorithm generates
2 moves

with TPO = 33

Movements generated
by the algorithm with
3) Circle - line TPO = 1 The algorithm generates
2 moves

with TPO = 33

Movements generated
by the algorithm
4) Circle - circle ith The algorithm generates
3 moves

with TPO = 1

with TPO = 33

4-20 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

• TPO=2 mode
TPO=2 enables an infeed/exit algorithm that keeps the tool tangent to the profile by introducing
circular elements at profile start and end.

At profile infeed the algorithm generates a circle between the first point of the offset profile (P1) and
the preceding point (P0). The first point is the one programmed in the G41 or G42 block.

X80 Y70 ;P0
G41 X100 Y100 ;P1
X140 ;P2
..... ;etc.

At profile exit the algorithm generates a circle between the last point of the offset profile (P99) and
the last point of the exit element in the profile. The exit element is programmed in the G40 block.

G41 X100 Y100 ;P1
X170 Y160 ;P99
G40 X180 Y185 ;P100
..... ;etc.

• TPO=3 mode
TPO=3 simultaneously enables TPO=1 and TPO=2 algorithms, which allows to introduce both
radiuses between elements and circular moves at profile start and end.

The rules defined for TPO=1 and TPO=2 also apply to TPO=3.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-21

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Examples of TPO=2 mode

Example 1:
circular moves at profile end







circular moves at profile start

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 X


N1 S1000 M3 T1.1M6 ;tool radius = 2.5

N2 X5 Y5
N3 G1 G42 X15 Y15 F500 ;first point in the profile
N4 X30
N5 X40 Y30
N6 X32.5 Y42.5 ;last point in the profile
N7 G40 X32.5 Y52.5
N8 GX100

4-22 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Example 2:









circular move at profile end circular move at profile start

-20 -10 0 10 20 X

N1 S1000 M3 T1.1 M6 ;tool radius = 2.5

N2 X0 Y0
N3 G1 G41 Y15 F800 ;first point in the profile
N4 X -20
N5 Y45
N6 X40
N7 Y15
N8 X0 ;last point in the profile
N9 G40 Y0

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-23

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

• TPO=4 mode
The TPO=4 mode activates the profile inversion algorithm.

This feature permits machining of a profile starting from the last movement, and finishing on the
first (reverse machining).

• This feature in managed in connection with commands GTP and CCP

• The algorithm also provides for inversion of any offset modes, so as to
maintain position of the inside/outside tool as required.
• For further details, see the pages dealing with the triliterals GTP and
CCP (page 4-34).

• TPO=8 and TPO=16 modes

TPO=8 and TPO=16 modes activate the algorithm that keeps the machining speed in G41/G42
constant. In particular, the speed of contact between the tool and the part is kept constant, varying the
feed rate with reference to the centre of the tool.

This variation is a function of the tool radius and is only applied to circular movements. It will produce
an increase or decrease in the feed rate with reference to the centre of the tool depending on whether
the radius of the circle moved by the centre of the tool is greater or less than the radius of the
programmed circle. The feed rate is increased by setting bit 3 of variable TPO (TPO=8) while it is
decreased by setting bit 4 (TPO=16).

Bits 3 and 4 of TPO may be set together and even at the same time as all the other bits of the same
variable to enable the corresponding features.

• TPO=32 mode
Is the same as having programmed TPO = 0.
This is so because the activation of bevel optimisation through the introduction of a circular radius
requires the prior programming of TPO = 1. If bit 0 = 0 and bit 5 = 1 (TPO=32), the optimisation
algorithm by means of circular radiuses is not enabled.

4-24 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

TPT - Tool Path Threshold

This instruction specifies a threshold for bevels during tool path optimisation when TPO=1.


TPT = value


value Threshold expressed in the default unit of measure (mm/inch). It represents the
distance between the tool cutter and the bevel generated by the programmed profile.
It can also be configured in AMP.


r G41 r G41

Treshold value
Programmed with TPT

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-25

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation


The threshold programmed with TPT will be ignored by the system if it takes the mill centre beyond
the theoretical point obtained through standard tool diameter compensation (G41/G42 without TPO

In this case the TPO algorithm will be temporarily disabled, G41/G42 will be applied without TPO
and there will be no error signal.

Normal deviation from
TPO algoritm
the bevel in G41
disabled (max. TPT)

r G41

Treshold value programmed

with TPT too high (useless
because it disables TPO).

4-26 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

u v w - Paraxial Compensation

When compensation factors u,v,w are programmed in a block, the axes position to a point whose
coordinates are equal to the programmed coordinates plus the product of the cutter radius by the
compensation factor (u, v, w):

X position = programmed X + (cutter radius * u)

Y position = programmed Y + (cutter radius * v)

Z position = programmed Z + (cutter radius * w)

These compensation factors are used both for extremely simplified profiles (contouring parallel to
axes) and three-dimensional milling surfaces. You cannot use the u,v,w factors when the control is
in cutter diameter compensation mode (G41-G42).

When factors u,v,w are negative, they must be followed by a minus sign. If they are positive, the
plus sign can be omitted.

In order to determine the value and the sign you must consider paraxial factors u,v,w respectively
as the X, Y, Z coordinates of the profile vertex corrected by a unit. X, Y and Z are referred to a
system of cartesian axes that are parallel to the axes of a machine whose origin is represented by
the point to be compensated.

programmed profile

Determining the sign of u, v, w compensation factors

The unit vector represents a cutter radius offset that is one unit long; the control, the increments of
translation are the product of the u,v,w values multiplied by the cutter radius.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-27

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

You can compensate profiles that consist of:

• straight line segments parallel to the axes or forming an angle with the axes
• straight line segments and arcs tangent to the straight lines
• tangent arcs (provided they are still tangent to one another after they have been translated on a
parallel path).

The u,v,w factors are only valid in the block in which they are programmed. They are used by the
control only if they are associated to the corresponding coordinates:

• u for the 1st configured axis (typically X)

• v for the 2nd configured axis (typically Y)
• w to the 3rd configured axis (typically Z).

Examples of compensation factor applications u, v, w



N5 T1.01 M6 S. . F. .
N6 G X Y30
N7 G1 Y10 v1
N8 X40 u-1
N9 Y30
N10 G X. . Y. .

4-28 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Example 2:


N13 G X Y
N14 Y10 v-1
N15 X40 u1
N16 Y30
N17 G X. . Y. .

Example 3:

N13 G X Y
N14 G1 Z-10
N15 X-20 Y-20 u1 v1
N16 X20 u-1
N17 Y20 v-1
N18 X-20 u1
N19 Y-20 v1
N20 G X Y

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-29

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Example 4:


N13 G X-35 Y-35

N14 Z-10
N15 G1 X-20 Y-20 u-1 v-1
N16 X20 u1
N17 Y20 v1
N18 X-20 u-1
N19 Y-20 v-1
N20 GZ

Example 5:


N12 . . .
N13 G X-30 Y
N14 G1 Y20 v-1
N15 X30
N16 Y-20 v1
N17 X-30
N18 . . .

4-30 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Example 6:


(rotary axis) N12 G X40 Y B0

N13 G1 X30 u1
N14 X25 B360 u1
u1 u1 N15 G X40



10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-31

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

MSA (UOV) - Defining a Machining Stock Allowance

The MSA command defines the value of the machining stock allowance along the profile. It is used
in roughing and pre-finishing cycles. MSA can be programmed in a block, assigned in an MDI or
entered via softkey.


MSA = value


value It can be a decimal number or an E parameter. It is programmed in the same

measuring unit (G70-G71) that is currently active in the program.


The system uses the programmed MSA to calculate the offset value to be applied to the profile
when cutter diameter compensation (G41 or G42) is active.

The offset value is the sum of the tool radius and the MSA.

MSA = 0.5 Assigns a 0.5 machining allowance
E30 = 1.5
MSA = E30 Assigns a 1.5 machining allowance

4-32 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation


The automatic contour milling commands (GTP and CCP) are designed for machining of profiles
with radius compensation (G41/G42), generally defined using graphic tools.

The graphic tools (e.g. the Graphic Editor option) translate the drawing of the part to be machined
into a technological program written in elementary ISO language.

One of the main characteristics of this feature is that the profiles for machining are seen as

These profiles must be defined on a plane (e.g. XY) and can only contain the G operators for
movement type (G1, G2, G3).

The contour milling commands will do the following:

• Automatically determine an approach point off the profile;

• Perform machining as described in the subprogram;
• Profile rotation, taking the first point of the profile as the rotation origin;
• Perform machining, starting from the last element of the subprogram through to the first
(reverse machining).

In all cases, approach with compensation is scheduled on the first point of the profile (first
block of program with abscissa/ordinate movements).

Limits to use of automatic contour miling

The limits regarding use of automatic contour milling are as follows:

• The profile must be described in full in a subroutine, indicated previously by profile name.
• The profile shall be considered closed if the first point described in the part program subroutine
coincides with the last.
• Radius correction (offset_mode) will be activated automatically on the first block of the
subroutine and de-activated on the last block.
• The blocks of the subroutine must be exclusively ISO type, programming of the following is
− Axis names [dimensions]
− G movement functions (G1, G2, G3 with possibly their operands)
− Three-letter commands in general shall NOT be taken into consideration (during the profile
analysis stage), especially any commands that could modify the description of the profile
(origins, mirror, scale factor).

Failure to respect these indications may lead to incorrect interpretation of the profile described in
the subroutine.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-33

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

GTP - Get Point

Determines the approach point off the profile.


(GTP, profile_name, offset_mode, E-par, approach_type, angle)


profile_name An ASCII string representing the name of the part program that the profile is
described in.

offset_mode Possible values are 0, 1, 2.

Is the tool diameter offset mode to be used:
0 = no offset
1 = offset with tool on left of profile
2 = offset with tool on right of profile

E-par The variable in which the coordinates of the approach point calculated by
the system will be loaded:
index → abscissa
index+1 → ordinate

approach_type Possible values are 0, 1, 2, 3.

Identifies the type of external approach to the profile; a different calculated
point corresponds to each code (see next page).

angle Angle of rotation:

Represents the value of the rotation angle with which the profile will be

• The distance between the external approach point to the profile and the machining starting point
is determed on the basis of the value in system variable MSA.
• Activation is possible of a feature that inverts direction of motion of the profile using system
variable TPO (TPO=4 profile inversion)
For further details of the TPO coding values see page 4-17.

If you program offset_mode=0 , the approach_type is forced to “1” (approach

tangential to profile) without any further indications from the system.

4-34 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

Determining the approach point


Positioning occurs perpendicular to

the first element of the profile.

The approach will be linear or

circular, depending on value of the
variable TPO.

machining start point


circular linear
approach approach
Perpendicular approach to profile


approach point


Positioning occurs tangential to the

first element of the profile.

The approach is always linear.

Tangential approach to the profile


safety distance

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-35

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation


Positioning occurs on the intersection

between the first and last points of
the profile; the approach will be linear
or circular, depending on value of the
variable TPO.


Approach on intersection of first and

last point of the profile.

safety distance


Positioning ocurs on the bisector of

the angle formed by the movements
generated with approach_type=0 and
approach_type=1; the approach will
be linear or circular, depending on
the value of the variable TPO.



Approach on bisector safety distance

safety distance (perpendicular)

4-36 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation

CCP - Cutter Compensation Profile

Performs contour milling of a profile, with tool diameter compensation.


(CCP, profile_name, offset_mode, exit_type, angle)


profile_name An ASCII string representing the name of the part program the profile is
described in.

offset_mode Possible values 0, 1, 2.

Represents the offset mode with which machining is performed.

exit_type Possible values 0, 1, 2, 3.

Identifies the type of exit from the profile; a different calculated point
corresponds to each code.

angle Angle of rotation.

Determines the value of the rotation angle the profile will be executed with.


The point of exit off the profile is determined by considering a value, seen as the safety distance.

This value, associated with the exit point type, determines position on the plane of the exit point
taken from system variable MSA.

Activation is possible of a feature that inverts direction of motion of the profile using system
variable TPO (TPO=4 profile inversion active).

For further details of the TPO coding values see page 4-17.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 4-37

Chapter 4
Cutter Diameter Compensation


4-38 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 5

The functions described in this chapter must be managed by the machine


With G96/G97 the S address programs the spindle speed in rpm or as constant surface feedrate.
In addition, several M functions affect the spindle on/off state, range, etc.

G96 G97 - CSS and RPM Programming

The following G codes control spindle speed programming.

G96 Speed programming in constant surface speed

G97 Speed programming in rpm


G97 [G-codes] [operands]

G96 [G-codes] [operands]


G-codes Other G codes that are compatible with G96 and G97 (see Table "Compatible G
codes" in Chapter 1).

operands Any operand or code that can be used in a G function block.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04) 5-1

Chapter 5
Programming the Spindle


G97 activates S programming in rpm. G97 is the default mode of the control and is modal with

G96 activates constant surface speed (CSS) programming for the S word in feet per minute (G70),
or metres per minute (G71). G96 forces the spindle speed to be controlled by the position of the
diameter axis, so that it remains constant on the machining surface

When G96 is activated the position of the diameter axis is assumed to be the radius for which
constant surface speed (S) is programmed. G96 is modal with G97.

Changing the S Word during G96. Cancelling CSS mode

If you want to change the S word value while G96 is active, the control must be in G00 or G29
mode. To cancel G96 CSS, the control must be in G00 mode and a block with G97 and an S word
that defining the spindle rpm must be programmed.

The following example illustrates CSS programming.
Assumed power-up G codes: G00, G27, G70, G95, G97
Assumed gear range: 1 (M41) = 800 rpm max.
N1 G90 G00
N3 U5 ;Presets diameter (U) axis
N4 SSL=700 ;700 rpm limit
N5 G96 S400 M3 ;CSS at 400 ft /min
N6 G1 U0 Z -2 F10 ;Sets contouring mode and U in feed 10 ipm
N7 U5 Z0
N8 G00 ;Prepares to change S
N9 G01 S300 U0 Z-2 ;New surface feed = 300ft/min
N10 G00 ;Prepares to cancel G96
N11 G97 S100 ;Set G97, S=100 rpm
N12 G01 Z0 ;Contouring to G0
N13 U5
N14 G00 ;Rapid mode, contouring off
N15 M05 ;Stop spindle
N16 M02 ;Program end

S operators cannot be programmed when the process is on hold.


5-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04)

Chapter 5
Programming the Spindle

SSL - Spindle Speed Limit

The SSL command is used with G96 to set the maximum rpm that the spindle is allowed to run
during CSS.




value Is a value that can be programmed directly with a decimal number or indirectly with an
E parameter.

SSL = 2000 Assign a spindle speed limit of 2000 rpm
E32 = 1500
SSL = E32 Assign a spindle speed limit of 1500 rpm


As the diameter axis approaches the spindle centreline, the spindle approaches maximum speed
to maintain the programmed S word value. The SSL command limits the spindle to some value
below the maximum rpm. If you program the value of SSL above the maximum rpm for the current
gear range, the current gear range limit will be the maximum allowable rpm.

The SSL command must be programmed before the number of rounds S.

Make sure you enter this value in the part program prior to entering G96 blocks.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04) 5-3

Chapter 5
Programming the Spindle

M19 - Oriented Spindle Stop

Typically, the M19 function programs a spindle stop with a predetermined angular orientation. This
feature is convenient in back spot-facing operations, because it allows to position the spindle,
move the X or Y axis (depending on blade orientation), enter the hole, position the spindle again
and start machining.

M19 can also be used for increased accuracy in boring operations, to avoid scoring the bored
surface during the return move of Z axis. In this case, you would finish the hole, orient the spindle,
move the X or Y axis according to the blade orientation, and perform the Z axis return.

M19 is deleted by M03, M04, M13, M14. When the control reads M19 in a block that also contains
movement information, M19 precedes the movement.

The M functions that are implemented in your application may be different than
IMPORTANT those described here. Consult your machine documentation for more information
on application-specific M functions.




N33 S115 F20 T7.7 M6
N34 G X250 Y-12 M19
N35 Z-306
Zero axis Y N36 Y M3
N37 DWT=2
N38 G1 G29 G4 Z-300
N39 G Z-302 M5
N40 Y-12 M19
N41 Z

In block N34 the X and Y axes are positioned and spindle orientation is controlled so that the tool
can go through the hole. In the next block, the Z axis is positioned to start spot-facing.

In block N36 the tool axis is moved to coincide with the spot-facing axis.
Spot-facing is performed in block N38. In subsequent blocks, the tool is oriented, withdrawn from
the workpiece and then positioned along the Y axis, so that it can go through the hole.


5-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04)

Chapter 6

Standard M functions
In this chapter we briefly describe the miscellaneous functions (hereinafter M functions) that are
considered standard for most applications. These functions are listed in the table below.
Since the machine integrator has programmed the interface between the control and your
application, the M functions that are implemented in your machine may be different than those
described here. Consult your machine documentation for more information on application-specific
M functions.


M0 x Cycle Start Program Stop
M1 x Cycle Start Optional Program Stop
M2 x End of Program
M3 x M4-M5-M14-M19 Spindle CW
M4 x M3-M5-M13-M19 Spindle CCW
M5 x M3-M4-M13-M14 Spindle Stop
M6 x Tool Change
M7 x M9 Auxiliary Coolant On
M8 x M9 Main Coolant On
M9 x M7-M8 Coolant Off
M10 x M11 Axes Lock
M11 x Axes Unlock
M12 x M11 Rotary Axes Lock
M13 x M4-M5-M14-M19 Spindle CW and Coolant On
M14 x M3-M5-M13-M19 Spindle CCW and Coolant On
M19 x M3-M4-M5-M13-M14 Spindle Stop and Angular
M30 x End of Program and Reset to 1st
M40 x Deactivate Spindle Range
M41 x M42-M43-M44-M40
M42 x M41-M43-M44-M40 Spindle Range
M43 x M41-M42-M44-M40 1-2-3-4
M44 x M41-M42-M43-M40
M45 x M41-M42-M43-M44 Automatic Range Change
M60 x Part Change

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04) 6-1

Chapter 6
Miscellaneous Functions

In the AMP environment you may declare that certain M functions can be disabled by a control

The block that includes an expedite M code must also program an axis move.
Depending on how the M has been configured, the move may be point-to-point
(G29) or continuous (G27-G28).


M0 Program Stop: M0 stops program execution, spindle rotation and coolant flow
after the control has performed all the operations of the block in which it
appears. The control retains all current status information after executing an M0.

M1 Optional Program Stop: If the command is enabled using the appropriate

softkey, M1 operates like the M0 code.

M2 End of Program: M2 defines the end of a program.

M3 Spindle Rotation Clockwise: M3 defines spindle clockwise rotation. It is

enabled by the control either when it is entered from the keyboard or when it is
read from a program. In a block it is enabled before any other axis move.

M4 Spindle Rotation Counter clockwise: M4 defines spindle clockwise rotation. It

is enabled by the control either when it is entered from the keyboard or when it is
read from a program. In a block it is enabled before any other axis move.

M5 Spindle Stop: M5 stops spindle rotation. It is enabled by the control either when
it is entered from the keyboard or when it is read from a program. In a block it is
enabled after any axes moves.

M6 Tool Change: M6 temporarily stops the system from reading the program. It
activates the offsets selected by the T function. In a block it is enabled before
any other axis move. If it also stops spindle rotation and coolant flow, then M6
does not disable M3, M4, M7, M8, M13, M14. These functions become active
again after M6 is completed.

M7 Auxiliary Coolant On: M7 turns the auxiliary coolant on. It is enabled by the
control either when it is entered from the keyboard or when it is read from a
program. In a block it is enabled before any other axis move

M8 Main Coolant On: M8 turns the main coolant on. It is enabled by the control
either when it is entered from the keyboard or when it is read from a program. In
a block it is enabled before any other axis move.

M9 Coolant Off: M9 turns all coolant systems off. It is enabled by the control either
when it is entered from the keyboard or when it is read from a program. In a
block it is enabled before any other axis move.

6-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04)

Chapter 6
Miscellaneous Functions

M functions (cont'd)


M10 Linear and Rotary Axes Lock: M10 locks the axes that are not involved in the
current machining process.

M11 Deactivates M10 and M12

M12 Rotary Axes Lock: M12 locks only the rotary axes that are not involved in the
current machining process.

M13 Spindle Rotation Clockwise and Coolant On

M14 Spindle Rotation Counter clockwise and Coolant on

M19 Oriented Spindle Stop: In a block, M19 spindle is oriented before any motion in
the block. M19 deactivates M3, M4, M13, M14.

M30 Automatic Reset at End of Program: M30 deletes all information from the
control dynamic buffer. Absolute origin 0 is automatically enabled and the
selected program is set for restart. M30 does not deactivate the offset of the tool
in the spindle.

M40 Spindle Range Reset

M41 Spindle Range 1

M42 Spindle Range 2

M43 Spindle Range 3

M44 Spindle Range 4

M45 Automatic Spindle Range Change

M60 Workpiece Change

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04) 6-3

Chapter 6
Miscellaneous Functions


6-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04)

Chapter 7

Parametric programming requires the programmer to use system and local variables.

System variables are stored in the dual port memory of the system. They are seen by all the active
processes and are retained after the system is switched off.

Local variables are stored in a memory area local to the system and are seen only by the process
they refer to. Their value is lost when the system is switched off. At power up they are re-initialised
with the value defined in AMP.

The following table summarises the variables available with the system.


E local Variables
!name local User variables
SN system System number
SC system System character
TIM system System timer (read only)
@name system PLUS variables

Except for System Characters, all system and local variables can be used in mathematical or
trigonometric operations in place of the geometrical and technological data of the machining cycle.

A mathematical operation is formed by arithmetic operators, functions and operands (variables or

numerical constants). The following are arithmetic operators:

• + addition
• - subtraction
• * multiplication
• / division

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 7-1

Chapter 7
Parametric Programming


Trigonometric functions used by the system are listed in the table below.


SIN (A) sine of A

COS (A) cosine of A
TAN (A) tangent of A
ARS (A) arc sine of A
ARC (A) arc cosine of A
ART (A) arc tangent of A
SQR (A) square root of A
ABS (A) absolute value of A
INT (A) integer portion of A
NEG (A) negation of A
MOD (A,B) remainder of A to B ratio

The arguments of a function (A,B) can be variables or numerical constants. When the control
solves a mathematical equation, it considers the priority of brackets and signs. The result is
converted into the format of the variable written to the left of the equal sign.

Arguments of trigonometric functions (SIN, COS, TAN) must be expressed in

IMPORTANT degrees. The result of inverse trigonometric functions (ARS, ARC, ART) is also
expressed in degrees.


The boolean functions available with the system are listed in the table below.


AND(A,B) Executes AND at the bit between two numbers in the -32768 +32767 range*
OR(A,B) Executes OR at the bit between two numbers in the -32768 +32767 range*
NOT(A) Complement to 1 of a number in the -32768 +32767 range*

* The parameters of boolean functions must be integers in the -32768 +32767

IMPORTANT range (short format with sign). They may be long real E parameters as long as
they remain in this range.

7-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 7
Parametric Programming


GTL functions available with the system are listed in the table below.


FEL(A,B) Calculates the element having a B(1,2,3) index from the straight line whose
index is A(1=sine of the angle, 2=cosine of the angle, 3=distance from origin
to the straight line).
E30=FEL(5,1) assigns to E30 the sine of the angle formed by the l5 straight
line and the abscissa.

FEP(A,B) Calculates the element having a B(1,2) index from the point whose index is
A(1=point abscissa, 2=point ordinate).
E34=FEP(4,2) assigns to E34 the ordinate of the p4 point.

FEC(A) Calculates the element having a B(1,2,3) index from the circle whose index is
A(1=center abscissa, 2=center ordinate, 3=circle radius).
E42=FEC(8,3) assigns to E42 the radius of the c8 circle.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 7-3

Chapter 7
Parametric Programming


E Parameters

The maximum number of E parameters must be defined during system configuration. In theory,
there can be up to 8000 E parameters.

E parameters are of the Long Real type, which allows 15 digits in total, 12 maximum before the
decimal point and 9 decimals. The system accepts several statements per block, the only
restriction being block length. When in block-by-block mode, multiple statements will be executed
as if they were in a single block. Two levels of parametric indexes are allowed. For example:

E parameters receive values in special assignment blocks. The format of an assignment block is:

En = expression


n Is the identification number of the E parameter.

expression Can be a numerical value, a character or a mathematical equation whose result
is stored in the E parameter identified by n.

The following are assignment blocks for parameter calculation.

E37=(E31*SIN(E30)+123.4567)/SQR(16) Solves the mathematical equation and assigns the

result to parameter E37.
E39=-0.00000124+5 Calculates the expression and assigns the result to
parameter E39.
E40=TAN(35) Finds the tangent of 35° and assigns the result to
parameter E40.
E31=NEG(E31) Changes the sign of parameter E31.
E7=81 Assigns the value 81 to parameter E7.
E25=E25+30 Adds 30 to the current value of E25 and assigns the
result to E25.
E29=1,2,3,4,5 Assigns the value 1 to parameter E29, the value 2 to
parameter E30, the value 3 to parameter E31, the value
4 to parameter E32 and the value 5 to parameter E33.

7-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 7
Parametric Programming

E parameters can be used inside programs and subroutines. To display the current value of an
parameter, use the DIS command. For instance,

(DIS,E39) displays the current value of E39.

This example shows how to assign an ASCII character:

SCO="P" Assigns the P character to the SC0 string variable

(DIS,E1) Displays 80 (ASCII code of P)

Examples of motion blocks or commands with parameters.



10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 7-5

Chapter 7
Parametric Programming

! - User Variables

User defined variables can be of two types:

• Long Real
• Character
User variables must be defined in the AMP configuration. A user variable name can be up to 8
characters long. The first character must be !. The extension of a user variable may be .LR or .CH.

With user variables of the character type apply this rule:

!name_var[(index)].[number of characters]CH = Parameter


index Number indicating the starting character in the variable character array.
If index is not specified, it is taken to be zero.
If specified, it must be programmed between round brackets.

number of Specifies how many characters after the index must be read/written. The
characters default value is 1. The sum of index+number of characters must not be greater
than the maximum number of characters configured for the specified variable.

parameter Can be:

− a string constant enclosed between apexes or quotes;
− a string variable not longer than length
− a numerical constant in the 0 - 255 range
− a numerical variable in the 0 - 255 range.

!ABC(1) = 125
G0 X(!ABC(1))
125 is assigned to the !ABC(1) user variable, then this variable is used as argument of the X
address in a G0 block.

This instruction writes "ABC" in the first three characters of the !CHAR user variable, starting from
the second character. The remaining 5 characters (8-3) will be automatically set to zero; to prevent
this, program !CHAR(2).3CH="ABC"
!CHAR(1).CH="A" or!CHAR(1).CH=65

7-6 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 7
Parametric Programming

Long Real type user variables have the following format:

!name_var[(index)]= Expression


index Number identifying the variable.

If index is not specified, it is taken to be zero.
If specified, it must be programmed between round brackets.

expression Can be a numerical value or a mathematical expression, whose result is stored in

the user variable identified by the index.

!ABC(1) = 125
G0 X(!ABC(1))

125 is the value assigned to the !ABC(1) user variable; this variable is then used as an argument of
address X in a G0 code.

The index of the variable can be a number or an E parameter.
In motion blocks, the user variable must always be written in brackets.

Examples of motion or command blocks with Long Real user variables:


The index of the variable may be a number or an E parameter.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 7-7

Chapter 7
Parametric Programming

There are four types of system variables that can be used in part programs:

• System Number
• System Character
• System timers
• Plus variables

These variables can be used to read or write values or strings for assignment operations within
part programs.

SN - System Number

System Number variables are of the Long Real type, which allows 15 signed digits with 12 integer
digits maximum. Up to 25 System Numbers can be defined in the 200 byte area that is available in
the dual port memory of the system. These variables do not allow index levels.

The format of a System Number variable is as follows:

SNn= expression


n Is the identification number of the System Number variable. The n parameter

can be a number or an E parameter.
expression Can be a numerical value, an equation, or a character whose result is stored in
the System Number identified by n.
You can assign one System Number variable to each defined System Number.

SN20 = 326.957 the decimal value 326.957 is assigned to the SN20

SN20 = (SN9*SIN(30) + 12.5)/SQR(81) the result of the mathematical expression is assigned

to the SN20 variable.

Examples of motion or command blocks with SN variables:


7-8 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 7
Parametric Programming

SC - System Character

System Character variables are of the character type and are stored in the dual port memory of the
system, where a 100 byte array is reserved for them. This means that all the defined System
Characters cannot occupy more than 100 bytes.

Each System Character is identified by an index that specifies the start address inside the array
and by a length that specifies how many bytes the variables occupies starting from that address.

var1 var2
index index

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 99

length length

The format of a System Character variable is as follows:

SCindex.length = parameter


index Is the index that specifies the start position of the variable in the array. It may be
in the 1 to 100 range. The index of the variable can be a number or an E
length Is the length of the variable expressed in number of characters (bytes). The
maximum allowed length for a single variable is 80 characters. The length can
be a number or an E parameter.
parameter A parameter may be:
- a string constant enclosed between apexes or quotes;
- a string variable not longer than length
- a numerical constant in the 0 - 255 range
- a numerical variable in the 0 - 255 range.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 7-9

Chapter 7
Parametric Programming

• For each variable, the index+length sum must not exceed 100.
• One System Character variable can be assigned to another System Character variable.
• The SC variable may also be assigned the numeric variables (decimal) corresponding to ASCII
characters. In this way it is also possible to assign those characters that are not displayed. For
example, 10 (LF) and 13 (CR).
• Numerical values are programmed without double quotes (" ").

SC9.3="ABC" or SC9.3=65,66,67

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 99

The string "PIPPO" is written starting from byte 3 of the array and occupies 5 bytes.

The string "ABC" is written starting from byte 9 of the array and occupies 3 bytes.

When defining the index and the length, care must be taken not to overlap two
IMPORTANT variables.

SC0.1=80 assigns 80 to the string variable
(DIS,SCO.1) displays P (ASCII code 80)

E1=80 assigns 80 to E1
(DIS,SC0.1) displays P (ASCII code 80)

7-10 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 7
Parametric Programming

TIM - System Timer

The TIM instruction defines a variable used by the programmer to read the time shown by the
control timer. Its value is expressed in seconds.

A TIM instruction can be read, displayed or stored in a support variable. Computation of this value
starts as the control is switched on.


TIM contents cannot be modified from part program.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 7-11

Chapter 7
Parametric Programming

@ - PLUS Variables

From part-program it is possible to read or write the PLUS variables managed by the machine



name Is the name of the variable declared in the configuration (AMP).
There are three types of PLUS variables:
• Short
• Boolean
• Double
There are 256 Short variables, but the part program can only access 128 of them. The names of
the Short variables that can be accessed by a part program must be configured in AMP. They are
made up of 16 bits and can contain values between -32768 and +32767.
You can also address a single bit of a Short variable with a Boolean variable. There are 256
Boolean variables, but a part program can only access 128 of them. The names of the Boolean
that can be accessed by part programs must be configured in AMP.

There are 64 Double variables, all accessible by the part program. The names of the Double
variables that can be accessed by a part program must be configured in AMP.
The total number of Boolean, Short and Double variables must be configured in AMP.

The values of all the PLUS variables configured in AMP are loaded when the system is started up.
If the value field of a variable is empty, the variable is not initialised and retains the value it had
when the system was switched off.
PLUS variables can be used in a part program as follows:
1. Assignment blocks and three-letter codes
2. Motion or command blocks
G0 X (@LOG2)

Because these variables are directly linked to the machine logic, the
machine tool manufacturer must provide you with the list of the variables
used in your application as well as with all the information you need in order
WARNING to handle them correctly.

7-12 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 7
Parametric Programming

L Variables

L variables have a long real format, with 15 signed figures and a maximum of 12 integer figures.
There are 400 L variables indexed from 0 to 399.

These variables conform with the user tables available in the table editor and the PLUS
environment. They can be utilised both in the programming and the logic environment, either
separately or for communications between both environments.

L10 = 26.9570
L15 = (L10*SIN (30)+9)/SQR(81)

Because these variables are directly linked to the machine logic, the machine
tool manufacturer must provide you with the list of the variables used in your
application as well as with all the information you need in order to handle them
WARNING correctly.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 7-13

Chapter 7
Parametric Programming

Multiple Assignments

With the multiple assignment operators { } it is possible to assign the contents of other variables to
a certain number of variables.

Multiple assignment is accepted only for numeric variables.


destination_variable = { source_variable, number_variables }


destination_variable Is the first destination variable.

source_variable Is the first of the source variables.

number_variables Is the number of variables to transfer. This can be an integer or a local or

system variable.

E0 = { SNO,4 }
is equivalent to the following four assignments:
E0 = SN0
E1 = SN1
E2 = SN2
E3 = SN3

E100 = 5
E50 = { LO,E100 }
is equivalent to the following five assignments:
E50 = L0
E51 = L1
E52 = L2
E53 = L3
E54 = L4


7-14 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 8


Codes G81 through G89 define canned cycles that let you program multiple operations (drilling,
tapping, boring, etc.) without repeating parameters and commands that are common to all the

In the block programming the G81-G89 canned cycle it is not possible to also program axes
moves. The cycle is stored, but not executed.

Canned cycle execution starts from the block that follows the definition of the G81-G89 block. To
repeat a cycle a second time you must simply program the coordinates of thet points at which the
cycle must re-start.

The spindle axes for the canned cycle can be assigned in the G81-G89 block.

For example, in the G81 R Y-20 block the Y axis is the spindle of the canned cycle.

G8n functions are modal. Before programming a new canned cycle you must first cancel the
current one with G80. The G80 function must be programmed in the block that follows the last
canned cycle.

You cannot program a G8n block if cutter diameter compensation (G41/G42) is active.

When a canned cycle such as G82, G83, G89 requires a dwell time you can:

• use the default dwell time defined in AMP

• program a block containing the variable DWT=time (expressed in seconds)

IMPORTANT Canned cycles can also be performed on virtual axes.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 8-1

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

Canned Cycle Features

This table lists canned cycles available with 10 Series and their features.


G81 drilling working no normal rapid

G82 spot-facing working yes normal rapid

G83 deep drilling intermittent working no normal rapid

with chip (down at machining
take out rate spaced
with rapid retracts

G84 tapping working spindle no rotation working to R1 rapid to

rotation start reversal R2 if present

G85 reaming or working no normal working to R1

tapping rapid to R2 if present
by Tapmatic

G86 boring working spindle no stop rapid

rotation starts

G89 boring with working yes normal working to R1 rapid

spot facing to R2 if present

G80 deletes the

canned cycle

8-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

Canned Cycle Moves

When the system reads a canned cycle programmed in a block the axes execute the following
sequence of moves:

1. Rapid positioning to the centre line of the hole

2. Rapid approach to the work plane (R1 dimension)
3. Machining feedrate down to the programmed depth dimension (Z)
4. Cycle functions at the bottom of the hole
5. Rapid or machining feedrate return to the R dimension (R2 if the return dimension is different
from the approach R1)

Feed motion





10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 8-3

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

Examples of Canned Cycles

Two typical canned cycles are shown in this section.

The following is a canned cycle in which the approach coordinate is equal to the return coordinate.

Feed motion

Rapid G81 R1 . . Z. .

R1 = approach coordinate
Z = hole depth

In this canned cycle the return position is different from the approach position.

F e e d m o tio n

R a p id G81 R1. . R2. . Z. .

R2 R1 = approach coordinate
R2 = return coordinate
R1 Z = hole depth

8-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

G81 - Drilling Cycle


G81[G-codes] R1.. [R2..] Z.. [F.. ] [auxiliary]


G-codes Other G codes compatible with G81 (see

"Compatible G codes" Table in Chapter 1).

R1 Approach dimension (mandatory). Defines R2

the coordinates for rapid positioning on the
machining plane when the cycle starts. R1
The R address is followed by the rapid
approach value. It can be programmed
directly with a decimal number or indirectly
with an E parameter. F

R2 Defines the coordinates for return after

machining (R planes). The R address is Z
followed by the return value. If it is omitted,
the control assumes by default the
approach dimension (R). R2 can be
programmed directly with a decimal
number or indirectly with an E parameter.

Z Defines the hole depth (typically Z). The Z address is followed by the depth value,
which can be programmed directly with a decimal number or indirectly with an E

F Defines the feedrate used in the canned cycle operation. It is programmed with the F
address followed by the feedrate value.

auxiliary M, S or T programmable auxiliary functions. In a canned cycle block you can program
up to four M functions, one S (spindle speed) and one T (tool selection).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 8-5

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles


0.Z means Z=0


N32 S1100 T3.03 M6
N33 G81 R3 Z-15 F95 M3
1 N34 X15 Y15
2 N35 Y60
3 N36 X80
4 N37 Y15
N38 G80 Z50 M5
N39 M30

8-6 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

G82 - Spot Facing Cycle


G82[G-codes] R1.. [R2..] Z.. [F.. ] [auxiliary]


G-codes Other G codes compatible with G81 (see

"Compatible G codes" Table in Chapter 1).

R1 Defines the value of hole start (see G81). R2

R2 Defines the coordinates for return (see R1


Z Defines the value of hole end (see G81).

F Defines the value of feerdare(see G81).

auxiliary M, S or T programmable auxiliary functions.


10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 8-7

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

The following figure shows a spot facing cycle.

G82 R5 Z-15 F.. M..

X.. Y..

8-8 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

G83 - Deep Drilling Cycle


G83 [G-codes] R1.. [R2..] Z.. I.. [J..] [K..] [F.. ] [auxiliary]


G-codes Other G codes compatible with G81

(see "Compatible G codes" Table in
Chapter 1).

R1 Defines the value of hole start (see


R2 Defines the coordinates for return

(see G81).

Z Defines the value of hole end (see


I Defines the depth increment after

each pull-out in for wood pecking
cycles. The I address is followed by
the depth increment value.

J Defines the minimum depth increment after which the cycle applies a constant
increment. The J address is followed by the minimum depth increment value.

K Defines the reduction factor applied to I until the J value is reached. The K address is
followed by a numerical value.

R1 Defines the value of hole start (see G81).

R2 Defines the coordinates for return (see G81).

Z Defines the value of hole end (see G81).

F Defines the value of feerdare (see G81).

auxiliary M, S or T programmable auxiliary functions.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 8-9

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles


With G83 different moves may be generated no matter whether I, J and K are programmed in the

If I,J and K are programmed axes moves are as follows:

1. Rapid approach to the hole centre line

2. Rapid approach to the R coordinates
3. Machining feedrate to the R + I coordinates
4. Rapid retract to the intial R coordinates each time a chip discharge occurs.
5. Calculation of the new R value with the formula:
R = Rold + I - X (where X is 1 by default, or, if the DRP variable is programmed, it
assumes the value assigned to this variable)
6. Calculation of the new I value with the formulas:
I = Iold * K if I * K > J

I = J if I * K < J

7. Repetition of points 2 through 6 until the Z dimension is reached.

Chip breaking cycle

If J and K parameters are not programmed, the following movements are generated:

1. Rapid approach to the hole centre line

2. Rapid approach to the R coordinates
3. Machining rate to R + I
4. Spindle dwell for the time programmed in the DWT function, or for the characterized time if
DWT is not programmed.
5. Repetition of points 3 and 4 until the Z dimension is reached.

8-10 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles


0.Z means Z=0

N66 S930 F65 T6.6 M6
N67 G83 R8 Z-55 I20 K.8 J6 M13
1 N68 X-15.81 Y-22.2
2 N69 X23
3 N70 X9 Y35.8
N71 G80 Z50 M5
N72 M30

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 8-11

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

DRP – G83 hole reworking distance

The DRP command defines in mm the hole reworking distance in G83 cycles (with IJK versors
This value can be initialised at 1 by the system. It can be assigned from the Keyboard or the Part




value can be programmed directly or indirectly with an E parameter.

DRP=0.01 hole reworked at 0.01 mm
DRP=5 hole reworked at 5 mm

RESET restores the value of 1.


8-12 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

G84 - Tapping Cycle with no Transducer

This G84 code operates when a transducer is not mounted on the spindle.


G84 [G-codes] R1.. [R2..] Z.. [F.. ]


G-codes Other G codes compatible

with G81 (see "Compatible G
codes" Table in Chapter 1). R2
R1 Defines the rapid approach R1
coordinates and the the fixed
return to work.
R2 Defines the rapid return z

Z Defines the hole depth

(typically Z). The Z address is
followed by the depth value,
which can be programmed
directly with a decimal number
or indirectly with an E parameter.

F Defines the feedrate used in the canned cycle operation. It is programmed with the F
address followed by the feedrate value.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 8-13

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles


The tool that is approaching the workpiece at rapid must stop at five times the tap pitch (for depths
less than 3.O) or seven times the tap pitch (for depths greater than 3.O) from the workpiece.

The tapping feedrate must be calculated with the following formula:

F = S * p * 0.9

S spindle rotation speed
p the tap pitch
0.9 the feedrate decrease factor to keep the tool holder spring compensator stretched

The final Z must be decreased by 10% of the actual tap working travel.

The final Z must be long enough for the axis to reach the programmed feedrate and stop with
controlled deceleration. It must be calculated according to the time it takes spindle rotation to stop.
If the final Z is not long enough, the control displays an error.

M functions are not allowed in the G84 block.

8-14 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles


A-A Section

0.Z means Z=0

N91 S280 F315 T8.8 M6 M13
N92 G84 R7 Z-15
N93 X-51.96 Y-30
N94 X51.96
N95 X Y60
N96 G80 Z50 M5

This program is valid for R.H. tapping operations, because M13 is programmed in block N91. For
L.H. tapping operations, simply program M14 (or M04) instead of M13 (or M03).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 8-15

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

G84 - Tapping Cycle with Transducer

This G84 code operates when a transducer is mounted on the spindle.


G84 [G-codes] R1.. [R2..] Z.. [K..] [F.. ] [auxiliary]


G-codes Other G codes compatible with G81 (see "Compatible G codes" Table in Chapter 1).

R1 Approach dimension (mandatory). Defines the coordinates for rapid positioning on the
machining plane when the cycle starts. The R address is followed by the rapid
approach value. It can be programmed directly with a decimal number or indirectly
with an E parameter.

R1 Defines the rapid approach coordinates and the the fixed return to work.

R2 Defines the rapid return coordinates.

K Defines the thread tap pitch. The K address is followed by a value.

F Defines the feedrate used in the canned cycle operation. It is programmed with the F
address followed by the feedrate value.

auxiliary M, S or T programmable auxiliary functions (see G81).

With a transducer is mounted on the spindle, the G84 code can be programmed as follows:
• by calculating the F feedrate as if there were no spindle on the transducer.
• by using the K thread pitch. In this case the control automatically calculates the feedrate by
multiplying K by the spindle speed in rpm.

During the tapping cycle the control ignores the CYCLE STOP pushbutton
(except in the rapid traverse approach section) and the FEEDRATE
OVERRIDE selector (or softkey).
The SPINDLE SPEED OVERRIDE selector must be disabled by the machine
logic. To abort the tapping cycle, the "INTP-ABO" logical function may be used
(see variable description on Plus Variables Manual).

N90 (DIS,"TAP M8")
N91 S280 T8.8 M6 M3
N92 G84 R7 Z-15 K1
N93 X-51.96 Y-30
N94 X51.96
N95 X Y60
N96 G80 Z50 M5

8-16 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

G84 - Rigid tapping cycle with a transducer mounted on the



G84 [G-codes] R1.. [R2..] Z.. K..[auxiliary]

G-codes Other G codes compatible with canned cycle G84 (see "Compatible G codes"
Table in Chapter 1).
R1 Defines the rapid approach and working return location points (mandatory).
R2 Defines the rapid return location points.
Z Defines the end of tapping points (normally Z). It is given by the Z address
followed by a value which can be programmed either directly with a decimal
number or indirectly with an E parameter.
K Defines the male threading pitch. It is given by the K address followed by a
auxiliary Other M, S, T functions (see G81).

To perform the tapping cycle correctly it is necessary to load two machine parameters with the
appropriate values, which, as a rule, vary from machine to another
These parameters are called TKG and TAG.
Accordingly, rigid tapping cycles must be preceded by the definition of these two parameters with
the values obtained at the machine installation stage.

We recommend creating a paramacro for the loading of these values (for instance, G840), to be
recalled only once within the program that performs the rigid tapping operation.
Hence, the paramacro will be structured as follows:


If a reset command (which stops the program underway) is executed, the

TKG and TAG parameters are deleted and will have to be assigned again for
the correct execution of rigid tapping.

The methods for the determination of the correct values of the parameters are described in the
AMP manual (Chapter 1)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 8-17

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

TRP (RMS) - Tapping Return Percentage

The TRP command defines the feedrate percentage variation applied in the retract phase of the
tapping cycle. This command is normally defined in a program, but can also be used in blocks
entered with a keyboard command or by means of a softkey.


TRP = value


value can be programmed directly with an integer number or indirectly with an E parameter
of the byte type.

TRP = 110 represents +10% of the programmed F
TRP = 10 represents - 90% of the programmed F

8-18 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

G85 - Reaming Cycle (or Tapping by Tapmatic)


G85 [G-codes] R1.. [R2..] Z.. [F.. ] [auxiliary]


G-codes Other G codes compatible with G81

(see "Compatible G codes" Table in
Chapter 1).

R1 Defines the rapid approach

coordinates and the the fixed return
to work.

R2 Defines the rapid return coordinates.

Z Defines the hole depth (typically Z).

The Z address is followed by the
depth value, which can be
programmed directly with a decimal
number or indirectly with an E

F Defines the feedrate used in the

canned cycle operation. It is programmed with the F address followed by the feedrate

auxiliary M, S or T programmable auxiliary functions (see G81).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 8-19

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

G86 - Boring Cycle


G86 [G-codes] R1.. [R2..] Z.. [F.. ] [auxiliary ]


G-codes Other G codes compatible with G81 (see

"Compatible G codes" Table in Chapter 1).

R1 Defines the rapid approach coordinates and the R2

the fixed return to work.
R2 Defines the rapid return coordinates.

Z Defines the hole depth (typically Z). The Z

address is followed by the depth value, which F

can be programmed directly with a decimal z

number or indirectly with an E parameter.

F Defines the feedrate used in the canned cycle

operation. It is programmed with the F address
followed by the feedrate value.

auxiliary M, S or T programmable auxiliary functions (see


8-20 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

G89 - Boring Cycle with Spot Facing


G89 [G-codes] R1.. [R2..] Z.. [F.. ] [auxiliary ]


G-codes Other G codes compatible

with G89 (see "Compatible G R2
codes" Table in Chapter 1).
R1 Defines the rapid approach
coordinates and the the fixed
return to work.

R2 Defines the rapid return z


Z Defines the hole depth

(typically Z). The Z address is
followed by the depth value,
which can be programmed
directly with a decimal number
or indirectly with an E parameter.

F Defines the feedrate used in the canned cycle operation. It is programmed with the F
address followed by the feedrate value.

auxiliary M, S or T programmable auxiliary functions. In a canned cycle block you can program
up to four M functions, one S (spindle speed) and one T (tool selection).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 8-21

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

Using two R dimensions in a canned cycle

You can program two R's in a canned cycle when holes must be drilled, tapped, reamed, etc., on
the same plane, but are separated by obstacles (clamps, holes on repeated subplanes, etc.)


0.Z means Z=0


N41 (UGS,X,0,100,Y,0,150)
N43 S850 F100 T4.4 M6
N44 G81 R-10 R2 Z-36 M3
N45 X35 Y40
N46 X65 Y80
N47 X35 Y120
N48 G80 Z50 M5

8-22 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

Updating Canned Cycle Dimensions

When a canned cycle is active in a program, you can program blocks with rapid approach, return
and depth coordinates in order to update the cycle moves without re-programming the cycle.

Program blocks whose format is X, Y, R1, R2, Z are performed in this order:

1. X and Y
2. Updated R1 - new rapid approach coordinates
3. Updated Z - new depth
4. Updated R2 - new return coordinates

The table below summarizes the program block formats used for updating canned cycles:


X.. Y.. Z.. Performs a canned cycle at XY with new Z depth

X.. Y.. R.. Performs a canned cycle at XY with new R1 rapid plane

X.. Y.. R.. R.. Performs a canned cycle at XY with new (R1) rapid plane and (R2) return

X.. Y.. R.. Z.. Performs a canned cycle at XY with new R1 rapid plane, and Z depth

X.. Y.. R.. R.. Z.. Performs a canned cycle at XY with new R1 rapid plane, R2 return
dimension, and new Z depth

R.. Updates the R1 rapid plane and does not the perform canned cycle at the
current location

R.. R.. Updates R1 rapid plane and R2 return dimension; does not perform a canned
cycle at the current location

R.. Z.. Updates R1 rapid plane and Z depth; does not perform a canned cycle at the
current location

R.. R.. Z.. Updates R1 rapid plane, R2 return, and Z depth dimensions; does not
perform a canned cycle at the current location

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 8-23

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

Updating R dimensions (upper limit and lower limit) during execution

Example 1:

0.Z means Z=0



N36 S1000 F100 T4.4 M6
N37 G81 R3 Z-42 M3
1 N38 X15 Y15
2 N39 X65
3 N40 Y85 R-13
4 N41 X15
N42 G80 Z50 M5

8-24 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

Example 2:


0.Z means Z=0


N43 S1000 F100 T5.5 M6
N44 G81 R-18 Z-46 M13
1 N45 X25 Y25
2 N46 X75 R-18 R-8
3 N47 Y75 R-8 R2 Z-25
4 N48 Y175 R-3 Z-46
5 N49 X110
N50 G80 Z50 M5

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) 8-25

Chapter 8
Canned Cycles

Example 3:
A-A Section

0.Z means Z=0


N43 S1000 F100 T4.4 M6
N44 G81 R-18 Z-42 M3 M8
1 N45 X25 Y25
2 N46 X75 R-18 R4
3 N47 Y125 R-14 R4
4 N48 Y225 R-18
5 N49 X110
6 N50 G80 Z2 M5


8-26 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Chapter 9

Paramacro Definition
Paramacro subroutines can be used in user-defined cycles. They are called with a 3-digit code.

Modal paramacros are active only in motion blocks that do not include M functions. No other
function or code can be programmed when a modal paramacro is active.


Gn par-name-1 [value-1] . . . [par-name-n ] [value-n] . . . ["string"]


n Is a number from 300 to 998

par-name-1. . . Are letters (refer to the correspondence table)


value-1 . . . Can be a number or an E parameter or a parametric expression.


string Character string (max. 99)


There are two groups of paramacros:

• from G300 to G699 non modal paramacros

• from G700 to G998 modal paramacros

Modal paramacros are reset by G999.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 9-1

Chapter 9

The H, HF and HC parameters are used in the paramacros, The system offers 100 H parameters.
Some of them can be used in paramacros. H parameters are classed as follows:

• Parameters from H0 to H51 are associated to letters and cannot be used in paramacros.
• Parameters from H52 to H99 can be used for math operations in paramacros.

When H parameters are used in paramacros, all the operations can be calculated with E

Paramacros allow 4 nesting levels.

When a series of paramacros are nested, the H, HF and HC parameters in a nested paramacro will
reset the equivalent H, HF and HC parameters in upper paramacro levels.

G300 A1 B2 C3 D4
H0 is assigned to 1
H1 is assigned to 2
H2 is assigned to 3
H3 is assigned to 4
HF0 is set
HF1 is set
HF2 is set
HF3 is set
All other HF are reset.

If G300 calls G400 A10 C30, then the value of H0 is 10 and the value of H2 is 30. HF0 and HF2
will be set and all other HF's will be reset.

The values assigned to H0 and H2 in G300 are now lost.

All the other parameter types available with 10 Series can theoretically be used in paramacros.
However, to avoid interactions with E parameters used elsewhere, it is preferable to use H
parameters where possible.

9-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 9

HC Parameters
If a block calling a paramacro also includes specification of a character string between inverted
commas, this string is made available for the paramacro in the HC character array (100

If no such string is specified, the entire HC array is reset.

If the string was programmed, it is put in the HC variables with a terminator '0' added; for this
reason, maximum length of the string is 99, even if the HC array is 100 characters long.

G600 "PROFILE" A50 ;call to paramacro G600

;------------------ in the paramacro............


Situation of the HC parameters after the call to the paramacro:

HC0="P" HC1="R" HC2="O" HC3="F" HC4="I" HC5="L" HC6="E" HC7=0

HO=50 HFO=1

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 9-3

Chapter 9

The following table shows the correspondence between letters and H parameters.


A H0 HF0 a H26 HF26

B H1 HF1 b H27 HF27
C H2 HF2 c H28 HF28
D H3 HF3 d H29 HF29
E H4 HF4 e H30 HF30
F H5 HF5 f H31 HF31
G H6 HF6 g H32 HF32
H H7 HF7 h H33 HF33
I H8 HF8 i H34 HF34
J H9 HF9 j H35 HF35
K H10 HF10 k H36 HF36
L H11 HF11 l H37 HF37
M H12 HF12 m H38 HF38
N H13 HF13 n H39 HF39
O H14 HF14 o H40 HF40
P H15 HF15 p H41 HF41
Q H16 HF16 q H42 HF42
R H17 HF17 r H43 HF43
S H18 HF18 s H44 HF44
T H19 HF19 t H45 HF45
U H20 HF20 u H46 HF46
V H21 HF21 v H47 HF47
W H22 HF22 w H48 HF48
X H23 HF23 x H49 HF49
Y H24 HF24 y H50 HF50
Z H25 HF25 z H51 HF51

Example 1:
N45 G777 A(E8) R22.5 F(E2) S(E3+5-E1)

E8 is passed to H0
22.5 is passed to H17
E2 is passed to H5

The result of (E3+5-E1) is passed to H18

In this example Boolean parameters HF0, HF17 and HF5 are set to 1.

9-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 9

Example 2:

D=H3=Major diameter
R=H17=Minor radius


This is an example of milling/boring cycle using paramacros.


N20 G601 D125 R25 F160
N21 . . .

G0 X90 Y80
G92 XY
G1 G41 XH17 YH58 F2000
G3 X0 YH57 I0 JH58 FH5
I0 J0
G40 XH59 YH58 I0 JH58
G1 X0 Y0 F2000
M ..

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 9-5

Chapter 9

DAN - Define Axis Name

This command associates the name of a characterised axis to the name used in a paramacro.


(DAN,par-ax1 char-ax1[,par-ax6 char-ax6])



char-ax1 ... char-ax6 Are the names of up to six characterised axes.

par-ax1 ... par-ax6 Are the names of six axes used in a paramacro.

no parameters (DAN) without parameters disables (DAN) mode.

Example 1:
(DAN,PX,QY,DZ) X,Y,Z are replaced by P,Q,D so X,Y,Z are not usable.
Example 2:
(DAN,PX,QY,DZ) X,Y,Z are replaced by P,Q,D so X,Y,Z are not usable.
(DAN,WA) A is replaced by W, furthermore X,Y,Z are re-enabled and P,Q,D,A
are not now usable.
By reprogramming (DAN,...) all previous associations are cancelled and
the current ones become active.

After the three-letter mnemonic DAN has been used, if the axes concerned
are those of the interpolation plane, this plane must be redefined using the
new names.

9-6 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 9

PMS – S as a paramacro
PMT – T as a paramacro
PMM – M as a paramacro
These commands enable and disable the management of the relative ancillary functions S, T, M as
For further information on how to program these paramacros see the paragraph on the “S, T, M
ancillary functions executed as paramacros” in this chapter.




value This value can be:

0 Disables the management of the S, T, M functions as paramacros – these
functions are executed in standard mode

1 Enables the management of the S, T, M functions as paramacros – these

functions associate the execution of the corresponding paramacro

The values ascribed to the PMS, PMT and PMM variables can be changed as follows:
• Through AMP at the configuration stage
• Through a part program with the syntax described
The characterisation values are restored with a reset.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 9-7

Chapter 9


The execution of the S T M ancillary functions can be associated with paramacro type
subprograms, i.e. in the presence of a block containing at least one S, T and/or M function,
previously configured as a paramacro, the corresponding subprogram is executed, according to
the criteria currently defined for paramacros.
same as the syntax used for ancillary functions executed in standard mode.


S In the presence of an “Sx” function, e.g. on process “n”, paramacro “P0nS” is

executed with parameter H18 = x
T In the presence of a “Tx” function, e.g. on process “n”, paramacro “P0nT” is
executed with parameter H19 = x
M In the presence of an “Mx” function, e.g. on process “n”, paramacro “P0nM00x”
is executed with parameter H12 = x


• The functions generating paramacro calls need not be programmed at the start of the block.
• If M, S and/or T are programmed simultaneously, the name of the procedure to be called is
determined by the first function which is configured as a paramacro, and any other functions
programmed in the block are called with the respective parameters H, HF and HC, as
described in the programming manual (chapter 9). For example, if both M and T are configured
as paramacros and you program TxMy, this will generate a call to macro P0nT whilst the
programming of MyTx will call the "P0nM00x" macro, with parameters H19=x and H12=y in
either case.
• For the execution of the paramacro in MDI mode, see paragraph “Executing blocks entered
from the keyboard” in the user manual.
• At the end of the paramacro, the execution mode (MDI, AUTO, STEP) in which the system was
working before the call is restored.
• The type of paramacro being executed can be read in the SW21 variable and it is:

– 1000 for a paramacro called by the S function

– 2000 for a paramacro called by the T function
– 3xxx for a paramacro called by the Mxxx function

9-8 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 9

• The pathname to be used to call the paramacros can also be specified with the PTH triliterals
described below in this chapter. If the pathname is omitted, the search for the directory
containing the subroutine is performed as follows:
1. case: no pathname has been specified through a PTH instruction.
The system searches for the paramacro in the directory containing the calling program and, if it
does not find it, searches for it in the DOS directories to which logic names have been
associated during the machine characterisation process.
2. case: a pathname has been specified through a PTH instruction.
The system searches for the paramacro in the directory specified with a PTH and, if it does not
find it, searches for it in the DOS directories to which logic names have been associated.

Configuration: three process variables (PMM, PMS, PMT, defined previously), if set on 1/0,
enable/disable the execution of the corresponding functions as paramacros at a
general level.
Moreover, the execution of ancillary function M as a paramacro is identified by
an ad hoc bit, defined in AMP.
Hence, if PMM = 1 and the “Mx” function is:
- configured in the “n” process but its bit = 0, the paramacro is not executed
(standard Mx is executed instead)

- configured in the “n” process and its bit = 1, the “P0nM00x” paramacro is

- not configured in the “n” process, an “M not defined” error message is


Execution of the block described below in process 1, in which the auxiliary function M2 is
configured with the paramacro bit enabled

N20 X10 M2 T1.0 S2000

PMM PMT PMS Paramacro name Parameters

1 1 or 0 1 or 0 P01M002 H23 = 10; H12 = 2; H19 = 1.0 H18 = 2000
0 1 1 or 0 P01T H23 = 10; H12 = 2; H19 = 1.0 H18 = 2000
0 0 1 P01S H23 = 10; H12 = 2; H19 = 1.0 H18 = 2000

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 9-9

Chapter 9

This is an example of how the relative paramacros are developed:


E0 = H12 E1 = H19 E2 = H18
PMM = 0 PMT = 0 PMS = 0
E1 = H19 E0 = H12 E0 = H12
PMT = 0 PMM = 0 PMM = 0
(GTO,END,HF18=0) (GTO,END,HF18=0) (GTO,END,HF19=0)
E2 = H18 E2 = H18 E1 = H19
PMS = 0 PMS = 0 PMT = 0


9-10 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 10


An electronic probe is a measuring device that can be mounted on the spindle and controlled like a
tool. The probe can also have length and diameter offsets associated with it. Besides, it can be
mounted in a fixed position and used as an electronic gauge to requalify the tool length.
The figure that follows shows an electronic probe with its relevant dimensions.



Electronic Probe

Some G codes perform specific measuring or probing cycles when an electronic probe is mounted
on the spindle.


G72 Measures the co-ordinates of a point

G73 Measures the co-ordinates of the circle center and radius

G74 Measures variances from theoretical points (for probes mounted in a fixed
position rather than on the spindle).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06) 10-1

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles

The control stores measured values in E parameters that you define in the probing cycles (G72-
When the control executes a probing cycle, it measures a point through the following sequence of
1. Rapid to the approach point (Pa).
2. Move at measuring speed (Vm) to the point where the probe triggers, then stop and store the
dimensions. If the probe does not trigger, move only as far as the end safety point (Ps).
3. Rapid return to the start position of the probing cycle (hole center in G73). The execution of that
phase depends on an (AMP) machine characterisation parameter or the corresponding
DPP three-letter block mode parameter.
The diagram below shows moves and feed of a probing cycle.

Theoretical dimension

Pa Ps


Qa Qs Axis movement
Cycle start position

The following errors may occur during a probing cycle:

• If the probe does not trigger before reaching the safety point, it returns to the start point of the
cycle. The control panel displays a message and the system goes into an error condition.
• If the probe does not reset properly on the way back to the start point after a successful probing
cycle, a message is displayed and the system goes on error condition.
• If the probe is carried out during the rapid approach phase, it returns to the start point of the
cycle. The control panel displays a message and the system goes into an error condition.

If the probing cycle is executed with G27 or G28 active, both the approaching movement and
probing are carried out in continuous mode, while the stopping movement obtained after the probe
input has been found is executed in point to point mode.

Values obtained from probing cycles are always expressed in the

characterised unit (AMP). Therefore they are not affected by G70/G71

10-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles


The first time you use a probe, or whenever probing cycle conditions change, you must:

1. define the probing parameters

2. dynamically measure the diameter of the probe ball
3. requalify the probe with respect to the spindle axis
4. dynamically measure the length of the probe.

DPP (DPT) - Defining Probing Parameters

Use the DPP command to define the probing parameters from the keyboard or in a program.
These parameters can also be defined on the control with a specific data entry via softkey
(MACHINE SET-UP and PROBE SET-UP soft-keys). When these are not defined the system uses
the values defined in AMP.


(DPP,approach,safety,speed[ , mode ] )


approach Is the approach tolerance expressed in mm or inches.

safety Is the safety tolerance expressed in mm or inches.

speed Is the measuring speed expressed in mm/min or inches/min.

mode Is the value which indicates whether to perform the rapid return phase at the
end of the probe. It can be one of the following values :
0 = perform the return phase
1 = do not perform the return phase
If no parameter is present then the default 0 is assumed.

Instruction used from the program

"Approach", "speed" and "safety" values are displayed in the unit of

measurement that is active when the display is requested (G70 or G71).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06) 10-3

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles

Dynamic Measurement of the Ball Diameter

To dynamically measure the apparent diameter of the probe ball, use a requalification ring,
cylinder, or similar device with a center assumed to be the absolute origin 9 of axes X and Y.

Probe Requalification
Typically, before using the probe, the center of the probe ball is not centered on the spindle axis.
To center the probe ball on the spindle axis, you must requalify the probe.
Use the hole of the requalifying ring, cylinder, or similar device for this operation. The center of the
hole is assumed to be origin 9 for axes X and Y.

Dynamic Measurement of the Probe Length

To measure the length of the probe dynamically, use the requalification ring, cylinder, or similar
device whose reference surface (top) is assumed to be origin 9 for the length axis Z.

Probe Presetting
The following steps must be executed to preset the probe:

1. Use a requalification ring for reference.

2. Mount the requalification ring on the B rotary axis with its front surface at absolute origin 9 for
the B rotary axis.
3. Position absolute origin 9 for axes X and Y at the center of the ring hole.
4. Position absolute origin 9 for the Z axis on the top surface of the ring.

The initial values stored in the probe offset are:

length1 = nominal length of the probe with respect to the axis of the ball.

Diameter = 0

10-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles

N1 (DIS, "DPP, UPA, UPO, ")
N2 T30.30 M6 - probe on spindle
N3 (UAO, 9)
N4 (DPP, 10, 12, 600) - defines probing parameters
N5 UPA=0
N6 UPO=0
N7 E30=... - assigns diameter to the hole of the sample ring
N8 E31=E30/2
N9 E32=... - assigns distance from Z=0 to probing surface on the Z axis (usually = 0)
N10 E33=E31+10
N11 GB0 - only if the ring is mounted on the indexing table
N12 XY
N13 Z-4
N14 G73 rE31 E40 - measures hole co-ordinates (center and radius)
N15 Z100
N16 (DIS, "UPA=", E40, "UPO=", E41)
N17 M0
N18 UPA=E40 - requalifies probe abscissa
N19 UPO=E41 - requalifies probe ordinate
N20 E34=(E30-E42*2) - diameter of apparent ball
N21 (DIS, "DIAMETER=", E34)
N22 M0
N23 (RQP, 30, 30, dE34) - stored ball diameter on d offset
N24 T30.30 M6 - enables new offset
N25 GXYE33
N26 G72 ZE32 E43 - measures Z dimension on ring surface
N27 E35=E43-E32 - variance between nominal and real value
N28 Z100
N29 (DIS "VARIANCE.Z=", E35)
N30 M0
N31 (RQP, 30, 30, LE35) - requalifies Z length offset
N32 M30

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06) 10-5

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles

These are G codes that define probing cycles:

G72 Point measurement (with probe ball diameter compensation)

G73 Measurement of hole parameters

G74 Point measurement (without probe ball diameter compensation)

In the cycles G72, G73 and G74, E parameters are coupled with the axes in the order in which the
latter are characterised (AMP) and displayed, and not in the order in which they are programmed.

With probing on rotated plane virtual axes, the E parameters are matched to the virtual axes in the
order in which they have been defined in the three-letter code UPR.

10-6 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles

G72 - Point Measurement with Compensation

G72 lets you use linear moves and a probe to measure the co-ordinates of a point.


G72 axis1 [ axis2] [axis3] E-par


axis1 . . . axis3 Are the axes that will

move during the probing
cycle. The dimensions
programmed in the G72
block are the theoretical
positions where the
probe is expected to
impact the target point.
You can program up to
three axes and
dimensions in the G72

E-par Defines the E(x)

parameter for storing
the measured dimension of the first axis, in order of configuration, programmed
in G72; the dimensions of other axes are stored sequentially in order of
configuration in E(x+1) , E(x+2) and E (x+3) in virtual axes probing.


The co-ordinates measured by the probe are stored in E parameters that are defined by the G72
cycle. The control stores the co-ordinates of the axes beginning with the E parameter specified in
the cycle. Measures are taken applying cutter diameter compensation to the probe. To ensure high
accuracy the surface must be perpendicular to the measuring move.

The probe can also be performed on virtual axes activated by the UPR function or on the axis
which identifies the direction of the activated tool (TCP, 5).

When the probe is performed on the virtual axes defined with UPR, the values measured in relation
to the virtual axes are stored in E (x), E (x+1), E (x+2).

When the probe is performed on the tool directional axes, the system stores the value of
dimensions measured in relation to those axes in E (x) and the values measured, in relation to the
part of the Cartesian linear axes defined in the TCP table or corresponding virtual axes if UPR
virtual mode is active in E (x+1), E (x+2), E (x+3).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06) 10-7

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles

The axes are configured in AMP in the following order: XYZ
G72 X100 Y50 E32
G72 Y50 X100 E32
In both cases the values that the control calculates for X and Y are stored sequentially in E32 and

Probing on plane rotated with virtual axes.
G72 U25 V-10 W-25 E30

The dimensions of the system of three virtual axes are stored in E30, E31 and E32 according to
the order defined in the UPR command or U in E30, W in 31 and V in 32.

10-8 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles

G73 - Hole Probing Cycle

G73 lets you use a probe to measure the dimensions of a hole on the active interpolation plane.


G73 r.. E-par


r Defines the theoretical hole

radius. r is followed by the
radius length.

E-par Is the first E parameter in

which the system starts
storing values:

first E parameter: center

abscissa (typically X)
second E parameter: center
ordinate (typically Y)
third E parameter: radius


If you program only one E parameter, the three values detected during the probing operation (circle
center co-ordinates and radius) are stored in E parameters sequentially starting from the specified
E parameter.

The probe can also be performed on virtual axes activated by the UPR function. In this case
the values measured for the centre in relation to the virtual plane are stored in E (x) and E (x+1)
and the radius is stored in E (x+2).

Before activating the G73 cycle, the axes of the machine tool must be positioned on the hole
center. Measures are taken applying cutter diameter compensation to the probe.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06) 10-9

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles

Probing moves

G73 r100 E55 probing moves

The co-ordinates of the circle center (abscissa and ordinate) and the actual radius are stored in
E55, E56, and E57 respectively.

10-10 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles

G74 - Tool Requalification Cycle

G74 is a tool requalification cycle. G74 uses a fixed probe (such as an electronic gauge) to
measure variances from theoretical points with the tool mounted on the spindle.


G74 axis1 [ axis2] [axis3] E-par


axis1. . . axis3 Are up to three

simultaneous axes.

E-par Defines the E(x) parameter

for storing the deviation from
the point measured and the
point programmed for the
first axis programmed in
G74. The deviation values of
the other axes, if
programmed, are stored
sequentially in E(x+1) and


G74 can be used for requalifying a tool or checking tool wear. The calculation of measured
dimensions does not take into account the tool offset, since the cycle is checking the actual "tool"

The steps in the G74 cycle are similar to those in the G72 cycle. The difference between both
cycles is how the control executes calculations based on measured dimensions. The control does
not consider the diameter of the probe ball and stores the variance from theoretical dimensions in
the parameters specified in the G74 block.

The probe can also be performed on virtual axes activated by the UPR function or on the axis
which identifies the direction of the activated tool (TCP, 5).

When the probe is performed on the virtual axes defined with UPR, the deviation values between
the points measured and the programmed points in relation to the virtual axes are stored in E (x), E
(x+1) and E (x+2).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06) 10-11

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles

When the probe is performed on the tool directional axes, the system stores the deviation value
between the point measured and the programmed point in relation to that axis in E (x) and the
values measured, in relation to the part of the Cartesian linear axes defined in the TCP table or
corresponding virtual axes if the UPR virtual mode is active in E (x+1), E (x+2) and E (x+3) .

G74 X60 E41
E41 is given by the formula: E41 = Pm - Pt
where: Pm is the measured point
Pt is the theoretical point

10-12 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles

UPA (RTA) - Update Probe Abscissa

Defines the probe requalification value for the abscissa (typically X).




value is the abscissa requalification value expressed in millimetres.

UPO (RTO) - Update Probe Ordinate

Defines the probe requalification value for the ordinate (typically Y).




value is the ordinate requalification value expressed in millimetres.

ERR - Managing Probing Errors

Cycles G72, G73 and G74 enable you to handle process errors either automatically or from part
program. You can choose the method by setting the ERR parameter.

For further information on probing error management see Appendix C

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06) 10-13

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles


With probing cycles G72 and G73 you can:

• Requalify origins by:

− probing reference surfaces
− centring on a hole
• Check the dimensions of:
− diameters
− planes and depth of holes.

Requalifying Origins by Probing Reference Surfaces

Origins may change due to:

• Changes in temperature (thermal drift)

• New pallet used for machining

These changes may require that you to requalify the system origins by probing a reference

Thermal drift

This procedure uses a requalifying cube that is placed at a precise location on the machine.
Real distance

Cubic gauge

10-14 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles

Main Program:
N99 E33=-300
/N100 (CLS,TEST3)

Subprogram TEST3:

N500 (DIS,"RQO-DT")
N501 G72 Y(E33) E32 ;Measured distance stored in E32
N502 E32=E32-E33
N503 (RQO,1,Y(E32)) ;Requalify origin 1 for Y axis
N504 (RQO,2,Y(E32)) ;Requalify origin 2 for Y axis
N505 (RQO,3,Y(E32)) ;Requalify origin 3 for Y axis

New pallet for machining

Main Program:

M...; ;Pallet Change

N199 T30.30M6; ;Probe on spindle
N200 (UAO,2)
N201 GXY
N202 E10=2
N203 E34=-250
/N204 (CLS,TEST4)

TEST4 subroutine:

N500 G72 Y(E34) E30

N501 E31=E30-E34
N502 (RQO,E10,Y(E31)) ;Requalify origin 2 for Y axis

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06) 10-15

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles

Requalifying Origins by Centring on a Hole

Before you perform this requalification cycle, you must program the X and Y axes to position on the
hole axis and program the probe to position into the hole.

N201 T11.11 M6
N202 GX180 Y60
N203 Z-130
N204 G73 r50 E35 ;Measuring cycle diameter 100. X and Y coordinates are
N205 E35=E35-180 ;stored in parameters E35 and E36
N206 E36=E36-60
N207 (RQO,1,X(E35),Y(E36)) ;Requalifies origin 1 for X (E35) and Y (E36)

Checking Diameters
You can use a probe to check the hole diameters. With proper programming you can compare
detected values with allowed values, and decide whether to continue machining or branch to a
block containing a label.

In the following program, the control measures the deviation between the actual and the theoretical
diameter of a hole and compares this deviation with the tolerances. The comparison may have
three different results and courses of actions:

• Hole diameter is within the allowed tolerance - the program continues.

• Hole diameter is greater than the allowed tolerances - tool is automatically timed out of use
(label A3). The program stops (M00) and the part is rejected.
• Hole diameter is less than the allowed tolerances - tool is automatically timed out of use (label
A4). The program branches to label A1, where the hole reaming cycle is repeated using the
alternative tool that is specified in the tool life file.
The following is an example of diameter checking.
Hole diameter and tolerance: D=100 +0.02/-0.015

10-16 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles


"A1" N111
N112 GZ-150
N114 F..S..T13.13 M6
N115 GX-120 Y80 M13
N130 T14.14 M6 ;probe in spindle
N131 GX-120 Y80 ;XY positioning to hole center
N132 Z-85 ;Z positioning
N133 G73 r50 E30 ;hole radius stored in E32
N134 E32=E32*2
N135 (DIS,E32)
N136 (GTO,A3,E32>100.02)
N137 (GTO,A4,E32<99.985)
N138 GZ150
N2100 M30
"A3" N2101 (DIS, "Hole too big")
N2102 M00
"A4" N2103 (DIS, "Hole too small")
/N2104 (GTO,A1)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06) 10-17

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles

Checking Plane Dimensions and Hole Depths

You can use a probe to check the dimensions of planes and the depths of holes. With proper
programming you can compare detected values with allowed values, and decide whether to
continue machining or branch to a block containing a label.

In the following programming example, the control detects the deviation of actual dimensions from
programmed dimensions. It compares this deviation with allowed tolerances. The comparison has
three possible results:

• Continue machining
• Stop machining and reject the part because the dimension is too long
• Requalify the tool and repeat the program from label C1 because the dimension is too short
The following example check of the dimensions of a plane
Theoretical dimension, with respect to Z axis zero: - 80 ± 0.1


"C1" N252
N253 (DIS," . . .")
N254 F. . S. . T23.23 M6
N268 T30.30 M6 ;Probe on spindle
N269 GX150 Y35 ;XY positioning on the point to be checked
N270 G72 Z-80 E30 ;Distance measured and stored in E30
N271 (GTO,C2,E30 <-80.1) ;Branch to C2 if E30 < min coordinate
N272 (GTO,C3,E30>-79.9) ;Branch to C3 if E30 > max coordinate

N2100 M30
"C2" N2101 (DIS,E30) ;Dimension too long
N2102 M00
"C3" N2103 (DIS,E30) ;Dimension too short
N2104 E31=-80-E30 ;Variance between virtual and actual dimension
N2105 (RQT,23,23,LE31) ;Requalify length offset 23 (Z)
N2106 (GTO,C1)

10-18 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06)

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles


When you use the G74 probing cycle with a probe that is fixed in position (like an electronic gauge)
and a tool mounted on the spindle, you can:

• requalify tools (automatic tool offset modifications)

• check tool wear.
Example 1:
This is an example of tool length offset requalification:
N170 G X100 Y100 ;Positioning on the measuring point (probe position)
N180 G74 Z-50 E30 ;Deviation measured and value stored in E30
N190 (RQT,10,1,LE30) ;Requalification of offset 1 for tool 10 in length (Z) by E30

Example 2:
This is an example of tool length offset and tool diameter offset modification.
N200 G X100 Y100 ;Positioning on the measuring point (probe position)
N210 G74 Z-50 E30 ;Measured deviation (Z axis and value stored in E30)
N220 G X150
N230 Z-60
N240 G74 X130 E31 ;Measured deviation (X axis) and value stored in E31
N250 E31=E31*2
N260 (RQT,10,1,LE30,dE31) ;Requalify offset 1 of tool 10 in length (Z) by E30 and in
diameter (d) by E31

Example 3:
This is an example of tool wear inspection with probe error management (Error management
methods are described in Appendix C):
N480 (DIS,"TOOL D=10")
N490 T10.10M6
N600 (DPP,10,5,500)
N610 (UAO,9)
N620 GXY
N630 ERR=1 ;Error managed by program
N640 G74 Z0 E35 ;Tool length measurement
N650 (GTO,A2,STE=1) ;Branch to A2 if tool is broken (no point probed within the
;5 mm safety distance)
N660 ERR=0 ;Error managed by system
N1500 M30
"A2" N2001 (TOU,10) ;Declares tool 10 out of use
N2002 (DIS, "TOOL K.O.")
N2003 M0

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06) 10-19

Chapter 10
Probing Cycles


10-20 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (06)

Chapter 11

This chapter discusses a class of commands that let you control visualisation of graphics and
variables from part program. These commands are listed in the table below.


UGS Enables a graphic scale

CGS Clears the graphic scale

DGS Disables the graphic scale

DIS Displays a variable

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04) 11-1

Chapter 11
Managing the Screen

UGS (UCG) - Use Graphic Scale (Machine plot)

The UGS command initialises the graphic display and establishes the limits and the orientation of
the graphic display.


(UGS [,ax-orient],abs-axis,val1,val2,ord-axis,val3,val4 [,third-axis])


ax-orient Is a number (from 1 to 4) that selects the type of axis orientation (see figure). The
default value is 1

abs-axis Is the name of the abscissa on the display

val1 Is the lower limit of the abscissa

val2 Is the upper limit of the abscissa

ord-axis Is a name of the ordinate on the display

val3 Is the lower limit of the ordinate

val4 Is the upper limit of the ordinate

third-axis Is the name of the third axis (generally a spindle axis).

2 1

3 4

Axes Orientation


The graphic display shows movements between X100 and X150 on the abscissa and between Y50
and Y250 on the ordinate referred to the current origin.

11-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04)

Chapter 11
Managing the Screen

UGS (UCG) - Use 3D Graphic Scale


(UGS ,5,axis1,val1,val2,axis2,val3,val4,axis3,val5,val6 [α,β])


5 Selects 3D graphic scale

axis1,axis2,axis3 Are the names of the three axes to be displayed

val1,val2 Lower and upper limit of the first axis

val3,val4 Lower and upper limit of the second axis

α α angular parameter
It is the rotation angle to be applied to the horizontal plane during the 3D the
display. The typical horizontal plane is XY.

β β angular parameter. It is the rotation angle to be applied to the vertical plane

during 3D display. Typical vertical planes are XY or XZ.

α and β parameters are optional. If they are omitted , the system will take by default:

α = 30°

β = 30°

CGS (CLG) - Clear Graphic Screen

The CGS command clears the profile from the screen leaving the system of coordinates.



10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04) 11-3

Chapter 11
Managing the Screen

DGS (DCG) - Disable Graphic Scale

The DGS command disables the graphic display, deletes the displayed profile, and removes the
system of coordinates from the screen. After using the DGS command you need to use another
UGS command to reinitialise the graphic display.



DIS - Displaying a Variable

The DIS command allows values to be displayed to the operator. The control will show the value in
the screen area that is reserved for communications with the operator.


(DIS,operand [,operand ] [,operand] [,operand] [,operand ])


operand It can be a number, a variable or an ASCII string. Up to five operands can be

displayed. All 5 operands cannot exceed be more than 80 characters long.

If operand is a number it is within the normal range for variables (5.5 format).

If operand is a variable it can be any variable used in assignment blocks.

If operand is an ASCII string, it can be a message for the operator. The message can
be up to 80 ASCII characters long. Program the message between quotes (" ") in the
DIS command.

(DIS,100) displays the value 100
(DIS,E27) displays E27 current value on the screen
(DIS,MSA) displays current MSA value (machining allowance)
(DIS,"THIS IS AN EXAMPLE") displays the following string: THIS IS AN EXAMPLE


11-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04)

Chapter 12


This chapter discusses commands that let you modify the program execution sequence by:

• repeating part programs

• executing subprograms
• modify the flow of the program
• delaying and disabling
• releasing the program or suspending its execution
• define devices for access operations on files

Block repetition commands

These commands allow a specified set of program blocks to be executed several times. They can
be used for repetitious machining operations such as drilling multiple holes.


RPT Opens the set of program blocks to be repeated

ERP Closes the set of program blocks to be repeated

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 12-1

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

Commands for executing subprograms

The commands in this class are :


CLS,CLD,CLT Calls a subroutine to perform

PTH Defines the default pathname for the subroutine

A subroutine is a series of blocks defining a machining cycle. The subroutine is stored as a

separate file with its own name. Control passes to blocks of the subroutine each time that they are
called by the CLS command. The subroutine may be called at any time and from any part of the
main program.

Commands for modifying program flow

The commands in this class are:


EPP Executes a section of a part-program delimited by two labels

EPB Executes a block of a part-program

GTO Performs a jump or skip during the execution of the program

IF ELSE ENDIF Executes sessions of a part-program depending on certain conditions

The GTO command makes the execution of a program jump to a block which contains a specific
label. A jump may be unconditional or conditional based on E parameters, machine logic signals
or numeric values.
A conditional jump is performed only if the result is true. No jump is performed if the condition is
The commands IF, ELSE, ENDIF allow the flow of the program to be modified conditionally without
the need to define labels and program skips.

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Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

Commands for delaying program execution and disabling blocks

The commands of this class are :


DLY Causes a delay in the execution of the program

DSB Disables slashed blocks

The delay commands can be used to delay the execution of the program for reasons due to

Commands for the releasing or suspending the execution of a program

The commands in this class are :


REL Releases the part-program

WOS Puts the program in wait mode until a signal is received

Commands for device definition

The commands in this class are:


GDV Defines the remote device or drive A for file access operations

RDV Releases the device defined with GDV

These commands define the remote devices or drive A and are used when read/write operations
are performed on the file via the language ASSET.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 12-3

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence



The RPT and ERP commands define a set of part program blocks that must be executed a
specified number of times. The set of blocks begins with the RPT command and ends with the ERP




n Is the number of times the specified block must be executed. It is an integer from 1 to
65535 that can be programmed directly with a number or indirectly with an E
parameter. The control allows five nesting levels, i.e. in a repeat block you can
program up to four repeat commands.

blocks It is the set of blocks that must be executed n times.

The GTO command can be programmed inside an RPT-ERP section.

IMPORTANT However, if at program end all the cycles programmed with RPT are not
executed, the system returns the following error: 'NC063 RPT/ERP CYCLE

12-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

Example 1:
The following is an example of repeat command.

80 80



20 X

(DIS,"MILL D12")
N1 S600 T6.6 M6
N2 (RPT,3)
N3 X40 Y35 M3
N4 Z 2
N5 (RPT,2)
N6 G91 Z-8
N7 G90 G1 G41 X40 Y20 F300
N8 X60
N9 Y50
N10 X20
N11 Y20
N12 G40 X40
N13 Y35 F1000
N14 (ERP)
N15 G Z2
N16 (UIO,X80,Y20)
N17 (ERP)
N18 (UAO,0)
N19 Z20
N20 X Y M30

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 12-5

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

Example 2:
This example shows how three repeat levels are nested.

(RPT, 8)
(RPT, 10)
(RPT, 5)
1 2 3

Machining Equidistant Holes

The following example uses a repeat command

for machining equidistant holes.

N1 F200 S900 T1.1 M6
N2 G81 R5 Z-10 M3
N3 X10 Y10
N4 (RPT,7)
N5 G91 X10 8 holes, path 10
N6 (ERP)
N7 Y40
N8 (RPT,7)
N9 X-10 10
N10 (ERP)
N11 G80 G90 XY M5

0 10 80

12-6 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

Machining with Roughing and Finishing Cuts

The following example shows repeat commands for machining with one roughing cut and one
finishing cut.

Finishing Cycle

Roughing Cycle

N1 S350 T6.6 M6
N2 X60 Y M3
N3 Z-50
N4 MSA=0.5
N5 (RPT,2)
N6 G1 G41 X60 Y60 F500
N7 G3 Y-60 I60 J
N8 G1 X100
N9 G3 Y60 I100J
N10 G1 G40 X60
N11 MSA=0
N12 (ERP)
N13 GZ20 M5
N14 X Y M30

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 12-7

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence


CLS – CLD - CLT - Call Subroutine

Commands CLS, CLD and CLT recall the execution of a subroutine, i.e. a separate program stored
in a file. These commands can call a subroutine from a main program and from another subroutine.
Up to four nesting levels are possible.

CLS Call to a static subroutine: analysed upon the activation of the main part
CLD Call to a dynamic subroutine: analysed during the execution of the part program
and only if the name has not been found earlier
CLT Call to a temporary subroutine: analysed during the execution of the part program
whenever its call is encountered




name Subroutine file name.

name must be specified by a string of upper-case characters, or a string variable
preceded by the key "?" (question mark).

name may be a 10 SERIES type name (40 alphanumeric characters) or a file with
DOS type name (8 characters plus extension and path).

(CLS,E:\FILE\PROGRAM.PRG) ;call to subroutine with DOS name


• If name is a string variable preceded by the "?" code, the subroutine is not analysed upon the
activation of the main part program; it is analysed instead during the execution of the latter.
This has the following implications, depending on the triliteral used to call the subroutine:
- CLS: the subroutine cannot contain skip instructions
- CLD or CLT: the subroutine can contain skip instructions in as much as run times are

12-8 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

• If the MAIN is a 10 SERIES directory (with file names of 48 characters) the subroutine cannot
be resident in a DOS directory, and accordingly three-letter code CLS cannot specify a
complete path.
• The pathname to use for calls to subroutines in a DOS directory may also be declared through
the three-letter code PTH described later in this chapter. If the pathname is omitted the
directory search for the subroutine is carried out as follows :
1. No pathname specified via PTH
The system searches for the subroutine in the directory in which the calling program is found
and if it is not there, it looks in the DOS directories to which logical names have been
associated during the characterisation phase of the machine.
2. Pathname specified via the PTH instruction
The system looks for the subroutine in the directory specified with PTH, if it is not there, it looks
in the DOS directories to which logical names have been associated.
• For the THROUGH mode: compatibility with the CLS instruction has been maintained, i.e. if
the subroutine called contains labels, an error is returned, in as much as this mode does not
envisage the activation of the main program upstream. CLD, CLT and paramacros, instead,
are managed the same way as the non-through mode.

• The number of subprograms and “static” labels managed by the control depends on the
corresponding values configured in AMP. For full tables, a memory management procedure is
activated, which, to the extent feasible, removes the dynamic and paramacro subroutines from
the tables and compacts the static ones (CLS). When it is not possible to free any further
space in the memory, a table full message is given out and the system shifts to the same error
conditions as we would have during part program selection. At this point, the operator can
proceed by either changing the part program or increasing the maximum limits specified for the

• When the tables are full and the execution of a program is not blocked thanks to the
memory compacting feature, program execution is slowed down, during the subsequent stage
of analysis, which inevitably takes place in the event of a blocking error.

• The successful completion of a program activation stage is no guarantee that the program will
be executed without errors, if the memory is full. This is the case, for instance, of a CLD calling
a number of CLS instructions large enough to fill up the tables.

• Re-executing a main program may generate a tables full message even if the program has
been activated in its entirety the first time (after its activation). This is so because after the
activation of a program, the tables do not contain the file names and the static subroutine
tables called either by static subroutines or by dynamic or temporary subroutines.

• A command for a call to the same program name entered through triliterals of different types
(e.g. first CLT and then CLS) may generate a label unknown message; such a message can
be obviated by replacing the CLS call with a CLD call.

• A run time change to a subroutine not followed by the reactivation of the main program will
be interpreted only if the call is made through a CLT; otherwise, the one analysed previously
will be re-executed, with unpredictable effects on program execution.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 12-9

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

Example 1:
The following is an example of a call to a subroutine.
Main program Subroutine P800

N16 . . .
N17(CLS,P800) N500. . .
N18. . . N501. . .
. N502. . .
. N503 . . .
N68 . . .

Example 2:
Sequence for execution of four nested subroutines.


........... SUBROUTINE 1
(CLS,SUB1) ...........
(CLS,SUB2) ...........
........... ...........
(CLS,SUB3) ...........
........... ........... ........... ...........

........... ........... (CLS,SUB4) ...........

........... ...........



Example 3:
Call to subroutine specified in implicit mode

12-10 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

Example 4:
This example uses subroutines for repeated drilling operations.

15 60




Main Program:

N19 (DIS,"...")
N20 S2000 F180 T2.02M6 Subroutine S600
N21 (UTO,1,X-20,Y-25)
N22 (CLS,S600) N501 G81 R-108 Z-130 M3
N23 (UTO,1,X-15,Y50) N502 XY
N24 (CLS,S600) N503 Y-15
N25 (UTO,1,X60,Y20) N504 X30
N26 (CLS,S600) N505 Y0
N27 Z0 N506 G80

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 12-11

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

Example 5:
Parabolic profile programming with a parametric subroutine.

Main Program:


N20 T1.1M6 S1000 M3 F700
N30 E30=72.795 ;start X
N40 E31=24.28 ;focal length (twice the focus)
N50 E32=2 ;Y increment
N60 E33=108.24 ;start Y
N70 E34=0 ;final Y
N80 GX0 Y120

Subprogram PAR:

;N500 PAR
;N501 Parametric subroutine: Complete parabola execution, internal profile.
N502 G1 G42 XE30 YE33
N503 E36 = E33
"START" N504
N505 E36=E36-E32
N506 (GTO,END,E36<E34)
N507 E35=SQR( 2*E31*ABS(E36))
N508 XE35 YE36
"END" N510
N511 E35=SQR (2*E31*ABS(E34))
N512 XE35 YE34
;N513 Second part of the parabola.
N514 E42=E32
N515 E43=E34
N516 E44=E33
N517 XE35 YE43
"START2" N518
N519 E43=E43+E42
N520 (GTO,END2,E43>E44)
N521 E35= -(SQR (2*E31*ABS(E43)))
N522 XE35 YE43
"END2" N524
N525 E35= - (SQR(2*E31*ABS(E44)))
N526 G40 XE35 YE44
N527 GX0

12-12 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

Call to the dynamic subroutine, specified in an implicit manner with the PAR subprogram of the
previous example
Main program:
N20 T1.1M6 S1000 M3 F700
N30 E30=72.795 ;Initial value of X
N40 E31=24.28 ;Focal length
N50 E32=2 ;Increment of Y
N60 E33=108.24 ;Initial value of Y
N70 E34=0 ;Final value of Y
N80 GX0 Y120

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 12-13

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

PTH - Declaration of the default pathname

The PTH command declares the pathname to be used as the default in calls to subroutines and
paramacros with DOS names.


(PTH,mode [,pathname])


mode mode may have the following values and significance:

Taken as the default pathname for CLS calls, the path of the main program.

Declares the path to use when there is a (PTH,2) instruction active.
This mode may be of use when a pathname defined initially with (PTH,1,pathname)
has to be called numerous times in the part program with (PTH,2).

Activates the path specified in the instruction or, if none is specified, the one declared
previously with a (PTH,1,pathname) instruction.

pathname Path to be declared as the path for CLS calls; this is an optional parameter.

The pathname declared with three-letter code PTH is preserved even after a RESET of the
process in which it was programmed.

12-14 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

EPP - Executing a Portion of a Program

The EPP command allows you to execute a subprogram, i.e. a portion of a program delimited by
two blocks with label fields.




label1 Label field of the first block to be executed. A label is a sequence of up to six
alphanumeric characters.

label2 Label field of the last subprogram block.

Program the block label between quotes ("LABEL1") even if in EPP they must be declared without
quotes. The system accepts up to 5 nesting levels.
In contouring operations, you can use the EPP command for finish milling with the same program
blocks you wrote for roughing. During the roughing phase, use the MSA command to program the
machining allowance for finishing.
In positioning operations, you can program points for a centring operation, then use the EPP
command to call for different tools in order to execute different operations on each hole. The EPP
command can be used to execute a complete machining operation at different orientations on the
active interpolation plane.
Example 1:
"START"N25 First block with label
. An EPP cannot occur here
"END"N100 Last block with label
N150 (EPP,START,END)EPP command that specifies the labels. The control executes blocks N25
to N100; after this point you must resume execution with the block
written after EPP (N150).

The 'NC062 NESTING OF EPP > 5' error occurs if more than five instructions are
IMPORTANT nested in an EPP command.
The GTO command can be programmed inside an EPP section. However, if at
program end all the cycles programmed with RPT are not executed, the system
returns the following error: 'NC063 RPT/EPP CYCLE OPEN AT END OF

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 12-15

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

Example 2:
This example shows how to use the EPP command in a positioning operation:


N2 F300 S2000 T1.1 M3 M6
N3 G81 R0 Z-3
N5 X100 Y100
N6 X-100
N7 Y-100
N8 X100
N10 X40 Y40
N11 X-40
N12 Y-40
N13 X40
N15 G80
N16 (DIS,"BIT D6")
N17 F200 S1800 T2.02 M3 M6
N18 G81 R Z-22
N19 (EPP,D6,D10)
N20 G80
N21 (DIS,"BIT D10")
N22 F220 S1600 T3.3 M3 M6
N23 G81 R Z-24
N24 (EPP,D10,END)
N25 G80

12-16 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

EPB - Execute Part-Program Block

The three-letter code EPB allows execution of a part-program block.

Execution can be conditioned by the result of a comparison specified within the command; If the
condition is not met an alternate part-program block may be defined so as it can be executed.


(EPB, part_program_block1 [ , par1 operator par2 [ , part_program_block2 ] )


part_program_block1 Is the part-program block to be executed.

This can be a string in inverted commas or a character, local or
system variable.

par1 Is a local or system variable or a constant whose value is

compared to the value contained in the par2 parameter.

operator Logic operators which can be used in the expressions :

= equal to
< less than
> greater than
<> not equal to
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to

par2 Is a local or system variable or a constant whose value is

compared to the value in the parameter par1.

part_program_block2 Is the block of the part-program to execute only if the specified

condition for part_program_block1 is not met. It is an optional
This can be a string in inverted commas or a character, local or
system variable.


If par1 ,operator and par2 conditions are not specified, the program executes the
part_program_block1 block.

Only one level of nesting is accepted by the system with the three-letter code EPB.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 12-17

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

(EPB, “(EPB,’E1=1’)”) : accepted by the system
(EPB, “(EPB,’(EPB,SC0.100)’ )”) : NOT accepted by the system (error: FORMAT ERROR)
The part-program blocks specified in the three-letter code EPB are not analyzed in the activation
phase of the part-program, therefore it is up to the programmer to see that these blocks do not
cause any malfunctioning of the part-program.

(EPB,”(CLS,SUBROUT)”) : the subprogram SUBROUT is not pre-analyzed in the
activation phase, therefore it cannot contain any jump
(GTO) instructions.
(EPB,’ “LABEL” ’) : The label LABEL will not be inserted in the label table of
the part-program.

(EPB, “ ( DIS, E1)” ) : equivalent to the block (DIS, E1)

SC0.30= ” E1 =10”
(EPB, SC0.30) : equivalent to the block E1=10

SC40.30 = “# X10”
(EPB, SC40.30) : equivalent to the block #X10

(EPB,”(CLS,SUBROUT)”,E1=34) : calls the subprogram SUBROUT only if E1=34

(EPB,” E1=100”, SN1=25,” E1=0”) : assigns 100 to E1 only if SN1=25, otherwise assigns 0 to

(EPB,”(EPP,LAB1,LAB2)“,SC0.2=“OK”,“(EPP,LAB3,LAB4)“) : executes from the label LAB1 to

the label LAB2 if SC0.2 is equal
to OK, otherwise executes from
the label LAB3 to the label
(EPB, “( EPB,’ E1 = 2’, E0 < 100)”, E0 > 70 ) : assigns 2 to E1 only if E0 is
between 70 and 100.
(EPB,“ ( EPB,’ E0 = 5’, E0 < 5) ",E0 < 10,E0=10) : assigns the value 5 to E0, if
E0<5; assigns 10 to E0 if
If 5<E0<0, E0 does not change.

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Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence


GTO - Branch Command

The GTO command performs a jump to the specified block if the condition expressed in the
command is true.


(GTO,label [,par1 operator par2])


label Label of the program block to branch to. A label is a string of up to 6 alphanumeric
characters. In the destination block the label must be between quotes while in GTO
command the label must be programmed without quotes. Also, the label can be a
character variable preceded by “?”

par1 It is the local or system variable whose value is compared to the value of the par2

operator Logical operators that can be used in expressions:

= equal
< less than
> greater than
<> different than
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to

par2 It is the local or system variable whose value is compared to the value of the par1


If par1, operator and par2 are not specified, the program always jumps to the block marked by the

The label the part program must branch to can also be expressed as a local or system variable
(preceded by the "?" character).

This facilitates execution of programs having a great number of blocks. In particular, by

programming the label as a variable it is possible to program a default label and call it "DEFLAB":
The part program positions on "DEFLAB" if the label in the variable does not exist.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 12-19

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

Example 1:
;SC0.3 contains the positioning label


If SC0.3 does not contain "ONE", "TWO" OR "THREE" the part program positions on the
"DEFLAB" block. If the "DEFLAB" label exists, the 'NC054 Undefined label' error is displayed and
part program execution is interrupted.

Example 2:
N01 (GTO,START) the part program always branches to "START"
N10 (GTO,END,E1 > 123) branch to "END" if the value of E1 is greater than 123
N20 (GTO,LAB1,@COOLANT = 1) branch to "LAB1" if the PLUS variable
@COOLANT is on
N30 (GTO,START,E1 <> E5) branch to "START" if the value of E1 is different from that
of E5
N40 (GTO,LAB1,SC1.2H = "OK") branch to "LAB1" if the two characters beginning with
SC1 are equal to OK
N50 SC1.3="ABC" prepares the variable for the following block
N60 (GTO,?SC1.3) branch to ABC label

Example 3:
The instruction:
(GTO,END,SC2.3H = "ABC")
branches to the "END" label in the program if the three characters (.3) beginning from SC2 are

The character string to be compared in the branch command must always be programmed
between quotes.

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Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

Example 4:
Here is an example of conditional branching in slot milling.


N2 F500 S2000 T1.1 M3 M6
N3 E31=-3.5
N4 E32=-24
N6 G X Y-10
N7 Z(E31)
N8 G1 G42 X Y-20
N9 X-30
N10 Y20
N11 X30
N12 Y-20
N13 G40 X
N14 Y-10
N16 E31=E31-3.5
N17 (GTO,START,E31>E32)
N18 E31=-25
N20 G Z10

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Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

Example 5:
This is an example conditional branching in cylindrical thread machining.

E30 = Diameter of Next Cut

E31 = Cut Depth Increment (Diameter)
E32 = Return Diameter
E33 = Final Diameter



N2 S150 T5.5 M6
N3 G0 X66 Y98 Z5 M3
N4 E30=56.8
N5 E31=0.5
N6 E32=50
N7 E33=60
"I" N8
N9 G0 Z5
N10 U(E30)
N11 G33 Z-45 K3
N12 GU(E32)
N13 E30=E30+E31
N14 (GTO,F,E30>E33)
N15 (GTO,I)
"F" N16
N17 GU(E32)
N18 Z5
N19 U(E33)
N20 G33 Z-45 K3
N21 GU(E32)
N22 Z20

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Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence


The IF command allows the opening of a part-program session which will be executed only if a
condition specified within the command is met. This part-program session must terminate with the
ENDIF command : the ELSE command can be optionally included in the IF command, which
delimits, up until the ENDIF command, a part-program session which will be executed if the
condition specified in the IF command is not met.


( IF, par1 operator par2 )



par1 Is a local or system variable or a constant whose value will be

compared with the par2 parameter.

operator Logic operators which can be used in the expressions :

= equal to
< less than
> greater than
<> not equal to
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to

par2 Is a local or system variable or a constant whose value is

compared to the value in the parameter par1.


If the condition specified in the IF command is met, the blocks specified up until the ELSE
command (if present) or until the ENDIF command (if the ELSE command is not present) will be
executed, otherwise they will be ignored.

The blocks between the ELSE command and the ENDIF command will be executed only if the
condition specified in the IF command is not met.

5 levels of nesting are allowed with the IF ELSE ENDIF command.

Every IF command must have a corresponding ENDIF command.

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Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

( INP,” E0 VALUE “ ,30 , E0)
( IF , E0 = 3)
( DIS , “ E0 is equal to 3 “)
( IF E0 > 3)
( DIS , “ E0 is greater than 3 “)
( DIS , “ E0 is less than 3 “)

( INP,” E0 VALUE“ ,30 , E0)

( IF , E0 >10 )
( IF , E0 >20 )
( IF , E0 >30 )
( IF , E0 >40 )
( IF , E0 >50 )
( DIS , “ E0 is greater than 50 “)

DLY - Defining Delay Time

The DLY command specifies a delay in program execution.




time Delay time in seconds (minimum value 0.1). You can program the delay with a
numerical constant or an E parameter.

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Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

DSB - Disable Slashed Blocks

This command enables/disables slashed blocks.

Slashed blocks have "/" symbol as first character and their execution is conditioned by the DBS


DSB= value


value The value may be:

DSB=0 slashed blocks are executed
DSB=1 slashed blocks are not executed

REL - Releasing the part program

The REL command releases the part program and all subroutines.




The REL function disables the part program. It can be entered through MDI.

After the program has been released, the following message will be displayed: 'NC058 END OF

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 12-25

Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

WOS - WAIT on signal


(WOS,par1 operator par2)


par1 Is a local or system variable or a constant to be compared to the value of par2.

operator Logic operators that can be used in expressions:

= equal to
< lower than
> higher than
<> different than
<= lower or equal to
>= higher or equal to

par2 Is a local or system variable or a constant to be compared to the value of par1.


The process where the WOS function is programmed goes on WAIT until the condition is satisfied.

By default the WOS command is synchronised.

If the system is on WAIT during program debugging (because a WOS function has been
programmed), it is possible to assign to the par1 variable the value that satisfies the condition
specified in WOS.

To make this assignment, follow these steps:


• Key in the correct value of the par1 variable.

(WOS,SC10.5 = "GOOFY")
(WOS,!USER_VAR3.5CH 0 SC4.5)

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Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence


GDV - Definition of the device for file access

This three-letter code is used to reserve use of drive A for file read/write operations and to define
remote devices on which to work.


(GDV, device)


device Name of device.

May be a letter or, if preceded by a "?" key, a local or system variable specifying the
drive to be used.
For the floppy drive, the letter "A" must be used as the identifier.
For remote devices, the name to be given is that with which it was defined with the
option MINI DNC E65/E66 (e.g. "K").


If drive A is already being used by another process or UTILITY (e.g. DOS SHELL), the error NC251
Driver busy or not configured is generated; this error can be handled by the part program (for
further details, refer to appendix C).

Reserves use of drive A.

Use of drive A is reserved, as specified in variable SC0.1

A system RESET cancels access to drive A but not to remote devices.


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Chapter 12
Modifying the Program Execution Sequence

RDV - Release device

This three-letter code is used to release drive A or the remote device defined previously with the
three-letter code GDV, so as to make it available for other users.


(RDV, device)


device Name of device.

May be a letter or, if preceded by a ? key, a local or system variable specifying the
drive to be used.
For the floppy drive, the letter "A" must be used as the identifier.
For remote devices, the name to be given is that with which it was defined with the
option MINI DNC E65/E66 (e.g. "K").


A process reset is tantamount to automatic execution of a (RDV,A) command.

Releases drive A previously allocated with GDV.

Similar to the previous example, but with the drive specified in variable SC0.1.


12-28 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 13

The High Speed Machining feature is used for machining surfaces (profiles) defined by points,
created by CAD/CAM systems, on machine tools having 3 to 5 axes (3 linear + 2 rotary).

The High Speed Machining feature must be enabled in the AMP environment, by selecting the
appropriate field in the PROCESS CONFIG section (PROC CHAR softkey).

This feature may only be enabled for the first 4 processes.


To program this feature, proceed as follows:

1. Create a setup file (part program) that contains all the parameters for handling the profile: tools,
axes and kinematics of the machine.

The configuration file will be recalled in the main program through a three-letter command, with
the following format:
(HSM, setup file name)

2. Create the profile by inserting it directly in the main program:

G0 X..Y..Z.. A.. B.. F…
(CLS,PROFILO1 ------------------------------------------- Æ G61
------ G1 X…Y..Z..A..B..
------ --------------------------
; END OF PROGRAM --------------------------
------ G60

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 13-1

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

The profile may also be inserted in a specific file which will be recalled as a subprogram by the
CLS instruction.

Example 2:
G1 X..Y..Z.. A.. B.. F…
G1 X..Y..Z..A..B..

13-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining


A profile is a set of points that make up the ISO part-program of the surface to be machined,
created by the CAD/CAM system in which the characteristics described in this chapter are to be

On the basis of the programmed points a polynomial curve will be constructed, defining the path to
be followed. This path will pass through the programmed points with a configurable tolerance. The
methods by which the points are to be linked will be defined by the G01 and G00 codes that may
be programmed together with the points.

To ensure that the polynomial curves are calculated correctly, we recommend

IMPORTANT the points be programmed with at least 5 figures after the decimal point (e.g.
10.37854); programming with fewer figures may result irregularities on the

The sections executed in G00 will be considered as individual positioning operations; each point
will be linked to the next by means of a “linear” movement to be performed with the dynamic
traverse positioning (each section in G00 will start at zero speed and end at zero speed). For this
reason, G00 mode will not calculate the polynomial curve. At the end of a section in G00 there will
be no pause (end of movement synchronism, entry into tolerance status, etc..) and the next
movement will be carried out immediately. This behaviour is similar to the programming of G01 and
G09 codes in the same block.

p1 p4

With G01, each point will be linked geometrically to the following ones by means of a polynomial
curve, so the generated path may be considered “continuous”. This link will be interrupted by the
programming of a G00 or the programming of special G codes described below. The dynamics of
the sections in G01 are the same as the “cutting” movements (such as normal G01 movements in
ISO programming).

p1 p4

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 13-3

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

In addition to the G01 and G00 functions, the following G functions, specific for the HSM feature,
may be programmed in the profile.

Determines the start of the profile and must be programmed in a block on its own. When the G61
function is activated, there must be no form of virtualization active (UPR,UVP,UVC,TCP).

Before activating the G61 function, the setup file must be defined by means of the instruction:

(HSM, setup file name)

The G61 command may ONLY be executed within a part program in AUTO or BLK BY BLK status.

Determines the end of the profile and must be programmed in a block on its own.

If the machine is in single STEP execution, the profile between G61 and G60 is considered as a
single instruction. To stop its execution, it is necessary to switch to HOLD status.

Splits a profile in two parts and determines the point where one profile ends and another begins,
maintaining continuity between the two curves.

The points preceding the G62 function will be used to generate a first curve, while the subsequent
points will be used to generate another one. These curves will be linked and will therefore be
continuous; the initial inclination of the second curve will correspond to the final inclination of the
previous curve.

p1 p4

As regards dynamics, with G62 no deceleration and acceleration ramp will be generated to link the
two curves. This G function must be programmed in a part program block on its own.


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Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Splits a profile into two parts and determines the point where one profile ends and the other one
begins, maintaining continuity between the two curves. The points preceding the G63 function
will be used to generate a first curve, while the subsequent points will be used to generate another
one. While with G62, the initial inclination of the second curve depends strictly on the final
inclination of the first, with G63, the initial inclination of the second curve IS NOT influenced by that
of the first. To maintain continuity, a “radius” that depends on the chordal error with which the
splines are to be calculated is inserted.

p1 p4
p0 Radius


With G63 a reduction in speed may occur at the point where the two curves are linked. This G
function must be programmed in a part program block on its own.

Splits a profile into two parts and determines the point where one profile ends and the other one
begins, creating a discontinuity between the two curves, that is, the point preceding the G66
represents an edge. At this point, two curves are generated, the first using the points preceding the
G66 function and the second using the subsequent points. These curves will NOT be linked, and
so there will be a discontinuity.

p1 p4

This discontinuity will be reached at zero speed; the first curve will therefore end with a
deceleration ramp to 0 (zero) speed after which the second curve will be tackled with an
acceleration ramp to reach the required machining speed. This G function must be programmed in
a part program block on its own.


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Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

With G67, a “discontinuity” may be defined on the profile defined with G66. What changes is the
dynamic approach to the edge, that is, the end of the curve is not reached at zero speed but at a
speed value (vs) that enables the axes to reach the edge without any dynamic problems. This
speed value is calculated on the basis of the acceleration that may be withstood by each axis. This
G function must be programmed in a part program block on its own.



Considerations on the use of the G62,G63,G66 and G67 functions (transition

The transition G codes are particularly useful when “similar”, repetitive curves are to be defined
(providing the programmed points are also similar and repetitive).

Supposing we have a profile defined by 100 points of which the first 50 represent the first
machining pass (from p1 to p50) and the other 50 (from p50 to p99) the same profile shifted
slightly (second pass).

p50 p99

As the points between p1 and p50 are “similar” to the points between p50 and p99, the conditions
for calculating the two polynomial curves will also be similar. Two “parallel”, almost identical curves
will therefore be generated.

If the G62 function has not been programmed on point p50 the NC may generate curves that are
not perfectly parallel. This normally undesired effect is due to the fact that the calculation of the
polynomial takes into account the “history” along the calculated paths.

The “history” of point p1 is clearly different from that of point p50. In fact, point p1 has no history
while in point p50, the NC has followed a path determined by the first 49 points.

When the G62 function is inserted, it cancels the “history” and produces a geometrical pattern
almost identical to the one calculated starting from point p1.

In machining processes that entail several passes, failure to program G62 would have the
undesirable effect of producing different levels of machining between one pass and another.

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Chapter 13
High Speed Machining


Between the G61 and G60 blocks it will only be possible to program the points that make up the
profile to be machined or the G codes for defining their management method: no other type of
programming will be allowed.

Points may be programmed using, absolute programming may be used by means of (G90) or
incremental programming by means of (G91). All numerical parameters required may be defined
directly or by means of E or L variables: programming with expressions is not valid so XE(E2) or
X(E1+E2) type programming is not allowed, while XE1 is allowed.

The syntax of the allowed program lines will be:

N… [G00 | G01] [G90 | G91] [points] F….

N… [G62 | G63 | G66 |G67 ]

Activation of the HSM (High Speed Machining) feature G61 forces of G01 and G90, modes while at
the exit (G60) the G functions active when G61 was programmed will be restored.

The first point programmed MUST be expressed in absolute positions (G90) and must contain the
programming of all axes associated with the HSM programming (axes configured in the HSM setup

Interaction with Machine Logic

The G61/G60 program section will be considered, from the system point of view, as a single
program block. As regards interfacing with the machine logic, a request for consent for movement
will be made when the G61 function is reached, and an end of movement request will be made
when the G60 function is reached (in the same way as for the G27 and G28 continuous

A regards consent for movement, the XW03 variable, which contains the type of movement, will be
set as shown below:

Bit 1 Bit 0

0 0 1 1 0 0 0

G29 G0
G28 G1
G27 G2 o G3

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Chapter 13
High Speed Machining


Points and machining coordinates

Before defining how the points are handled, it is necessary to specify what they represent as
programming may be executed in relation to three types of coordinates, that is:

• Cutter Contact Points, which refer to the actual cutting point

• Cutter Location Points, which refer to the point normally indicated as the centre of the tool
• Axis Location Points, which refer to an arbitrary point fixed to the machining axes

The cutter contact points are linked to the cutter location points through the geometry and
orientation of the tool. The axis location points are linked to the cutter location points through the
geometry of the machine tool. In machining processes with three axes, the coordinates will simply
be translated while, in those with five coordinated axes, rototranslation matrices that take into
account the geometrical transformations due to the movement of the rotary axes will be applied.
The figure below shows what is meant by cutter contact points, cutter location points and axis
location points.

Axis location points

Tool direction


Normal Ra
to surface
Cutter contact points radius

Cutter location points

Points are defined by means of normal axis coordinates in the format [Axis name][Position];
example: X100 Y200 Z40.

13-8 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Tool Direction: IJK

The tool direction represents the orientation of the tool (from the tip to the attachment) within the
part reference system.

In the sections that follow, versor means a vector of unit length.


Two methods may be used to define the tool direction. The first is by directly programming the
versor that identifies the tool direction. This versor is expressed using the ijk coordinates in the
[i] [X-coordinate component] [j][Y-coordinate component] [k][Z-coordinate component]
The system will automatically normalize the length of the versor to the unitary length (1.0).
The second way of defining the tool direction is by programming the rotary axes. The system will
automatically determine the three components of the ijk versor depending on the kinematics of the

Normal to the Surface Direction: MNO

The normal to the surface direction represents the direction of the “line” perpendicular to the
surface to be machined (starting from the surface) within the part reference system.
There are two ways of defining the direction normal to the part. The first is by directly programming
the versor that identifies the normal direction. This versor (of a unitary length) is expressed using
the mno coordinates in the format:

[m] [X-coordinate component] [n][Y-coordinate component] [o][ Z-coordinate component]

The system will automatically normalize the length of the versor to the unitary length (1.0).

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Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

The second possibility consists of asking the system to determine this direction automatically. The
direction will be calculated on the basis of the tangent to the profile (displacement direction), on the
basis of tool direction (vector ijk) and angle of contact between the part and the tool (angle α). This
angle is conventionally assumed to be 0° if the tool touches the part with its tip, 90° if the tool
touches the part with its left side and -90° if it touches it with its right side (in the example below,
α=90°). Thanks to this calculation, the mno versor is normal to the tangent to the profile and
defines an angle α (angle of contact) with the tool versor ijk.

ijk mno

α tg profile

This type of approach is only significant when the contour is to be machined. When a surface is to
be machined, this approach could fail as there is no information about the “surface” to be
machined, only information about the “direction” of displacement.

Tool Radius Application Direction: PQD

The direction of application of the tool radius represents the direction in which radius compensation
is to be applied (starting from the centre of the tool) within the part reference system.

There are two ways of defining the tool radius application direction. The first is by directly
programming the versor that identifies the direction. This versor (of a unitary length) is expressed
using the pqd coordinates in the format

[p] [X-coordinate component] [q][Y-coordinate component] [d][Z-coordinate component]

The system will automatically normalize the length of the versor to the unitary length (1.0).

The second way is to have this direction calculated automatically by the system. The direction is
calculated automatically on the basis of the tool direction (ijk versor) and the normal to the part
(mno versor). This calculation ensures that the pqd versor is normal to the tool direction and is on
the plane formed by the ijk and mno versors.

pqd mno

Programming of the versor pqd is only significant when specific cutting strategies are applied.

13-10 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Paraxial Compensation Factors: UVW

These factors can be used instead of mno and pqd versors for determining tool radius
compensation: instead of working perpendicularly to the programmed profile (mno), this
compensation is obtained by moving the programmed point along the uvw direction by a quantity
equivalent to the radius. The module of the uvw vector need not be unitary.
In order to define the paraxial compensation factors two techniques can be adopted. One consists
of programming directly the vector that identifies this direction, as expressed through the uvw
coordinates in this format:

[u] [Abscissa Component] [v][Ordinate Component] [w][Vertical Component]

The other technique consists of having the system calculate the direction automatically. The
direction is calculated through a similar procedure as is used for the mno versor, but angle α can
only assume the following values: +90°, if the tool touches the work piece with the left side; –90° if
the tool touches the work piece with the right side. For this reason, the management of uvw vectors
is compatible with cylindrical tools as well as with spherical routers working on the side. Toroidal
tools are not admitted. Furthermore, the uvw vector differs from mno at corners where the length of
the vector is multiplied by an appropriate correction factor.

uvw mno
uvw mno

The basic difference with respect to mno versors, in fact, is observed at the “pointed” parts of the
profile, as shown in the figure below.

Programmed path

Compensated part

uvw vector

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Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Tangential Axis
The tangential axis is an axis whose position is calculated so as to remain tangential to the profile
described. It is calculated on the basis of the tangent to the polynomial curve on the work plane.

Tangential axis

An initial value of the tangential axis (first programmed point) may be defined and the subsequent
positions may be calculated on the basis of this value.

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Chapter 13
High Speed Machining


Depending on the type of machine tool used, the points programmed and a series of additional
parameters, different features may be obtained using “High Speed Machining”.

Generic machines or machines with 3 axes are characterized by the fact that they do not have
axes for orienting the tool during the machining phase. The tool direction is generally fixed.

Tool Radius and Length Compensation

In order to use tool radius and length compensation, the type of axis positions and vectors as
defined in the table below must be included in the part program. The feed rate may refer to the
point of contact between the tool and the part (chip removal speed, therefore at the Cutter Contact
Point) or the centre of the tool (at the Cutter Location Point). The difference between these two
types of settings is significant when tools with a large diameter are used, that is, where the path of
the centre of the tool is significantly different from that of the profile of the part.

Setting Description

Axis positions The points must be expressed in Cutter Contact Points

Tool Direction The tool direction vector is defined during the set-up phase (on a 3-axis
machine, it is fixed and defined by the TOD parameter) and remains
unchanged throughout the machining process. ijk programming is ignored.
Normal to Surface The mno vector must be programmed or automatically calculated by the
Radius Application The pqd vector must be programmed or automatically calculated by the

N001 G61
N002 G1 X10Y10Z10 m0n0o1 p0q0d1 F10000
N002 X20Y10Z10 ….
N100 G60

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 13-13

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Tool Length Compensation

In order to use tool length compensation, the type of axis position and vectors as defined in the
table below must be included in the part program. The feed rate will refer to the centre of the tool
(at the Cutter Location Point). However, starting from the points referred to the tool centre, it is
possible to recalculate the Cutter Contact Points to be able to apply the tool diameter
compensation (see TOL configuration parameters) and to define the parameters of feed rate
relative to the profile actually machined (on the Cutter Contact Point).

Setting Description

Axis Position The points must be expressed as Cutter Location Points

Tool Direction The tool direction vector is defined in the set-up phase (on a 3-axis
machine, it is fixed and defined by the TOD parameter) and remains
unchanged throughout the machining process. ijk programming is ignored.
Normal to Surface It is necessary to program the mno vector when you want to apply tool
diameter compensation.
Radius Application It is necessary to program the pqd vector (or request its automatic
determination) when you want to apply tool diameter compensation.

N001 G61
N002 G1 X10Y10Z10 F10000
N002 X20Y10Z10 ….
N100 G60

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Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

No Tool Compensation
In this case, only the positions of the axes as defined in the table below have to be included in the
part program. The feed rate will refer to the actual movement of the axes (Axis Location Point).
However, starting from points referred to the part dimensions, it is possible to recalculate the tool
centre points (Cutter Location Point) to apply tool length compensation and, if necessary,
recalculate the Cutter Contact Points in order to apply tool diameter compensation (see the TOL
configuration parameters). Thus, it will be possible to set feed rate relative to the motion of the tool
centre (on the Cutter Location Point for tool length compensation) or relative to the machine profile
(on the Cutter Contact Point).

Setting Description

Axis Positions The points must be expressed in Axis Location Points

Tool Direction The tool direction vector is defined during the set-up phase (on a 3-axis
machine it is fixed and defined by the TOD parameter) and remains
unchanged throughout the machining process. It is only used if the setting
of the feed rate in relation to the centre of the tool has been requested,
otherwise it is ignored. The setting of ijk is ignored.
Normal Surface It is necessary to program the mno vector when you want to apply tool
diameter compensation.
Radius Application It is necessary to program the pqd vector (or request its automatic
determination) when you want to apply tool diameter compensation.

N001 G61
N002 G1 X10Y10Z10 F10000
N002 X20Y10Z10 ….
N100 G60

Tangential Axis Management

When management of the tangential axis is requested, its position is calculated automatically by
the system. Any programming of the tangential axis within the part program defines further
rotations of the axis with respect to the tangent calculated by the system. The programming of the
value 0 (zero) on the axis activates the calculation of the position by the High Speed algorithms.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 13-15

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

The configuration of the HSM environment is contained in a specific setup file: all dimensional
parameters must be expressed in the unit of measurement of the machine tool.
This setup is activated whenever the G61 code is programmed.
All the numerical values of the part program can be defined directly or through E or L parameters.

The setup file may be divided into four sections:

− a section of General three-letter codes

− a section of Axis Setup three-letter codes
− a section of Machine Configuration three-letter codes or machine kinematics definition section.
− a section of PathOptimizer Configuration three-letter codes

General Three-Letter Codes

(PNT,Type,Param,Poly) Definition of types of points

(VER,Ijk,Mno,Pqd,uvw) Versor management
(JRK,Enable,Jrs,Entities,Tstab,Tintgr,Ttop) Look Ahead management
(THR,Tol,TolV,Scale,NullMov,Chord, ErrRot,MaxLen) Threshold programming
(TOL,Len,Radius,EdgeRad,Angle,OriginLen,Rorig, RgOrig) Tool definition
(TOD,Xcomp,Ycomp,Zcomp) Tool direction (3D)
(CRV,Len,Ratio,Mode) Change in curvature
(EDG,Angle,VAngle,Mode,Acc) Edge management

Axis Setup Three-Letter Codes

(AXI,Name,Id,Type,CinType) Definition of types of axis
(AXP,Name,NullMov,Pitch,Lim-,Lim+) Definition of axis parameters
(DIN,Name,Vmax,Amax,Jmax,Vrap,Arap,Jrap) Definition of axis dynamics

Machine Configuration three-letter codes

(MAC,Type,Bed,Um) Defines machine type
(CIN,Name,Xoff,Yoff,Zoff,Xrot,Yrot,Zrot) Defines machine kinematics

PathOptimizer Configuration three-letter codes

(SMT,Toll,TollX,TollV,Racc,RaccX,RaccV,C0,C0X,C0V) Smoothing parameters and
(SMS,Split,SplitX,SplitV,Cond,CondX,CondV,Len,Pnt,C1,Progr,Rcnc) Special smoothing parameters

13-16 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Type of points described in the part program

The syntax of the three-letter code that defines the type of points described in the part program is
as follows:

(PNT, Type, Param, Poly) example: (PNT, CLP,CLP,QUI )

Parameter Type Values Description

Type Character CCP Defines the type of points described in the Part Program
CLP CCP Cutter Contact Points: the points entered are
AXI defined in “Cutter contact points”, so tool
compensation (radius and length) may be
Obligatory executed on these points.
CLP Cutter Location Points: the points entered are
defined in “Cutter location points“, so tool
compensation (length only) may be executed on
these points.
AXI Axis Location Points: the points entered are
defined in “Axis location points”, so no type of
compensation may be executed on these points.
Param Character CCP Defines the type of profile for which the feed rate is
CLP programmed in the Part Program and depends on the
type of points entered. The feed rate always refers to
AXI the “3D” profile. Any rotary or additional axes present
Obligatory are not involved in the calculation of the feed rate but
“follow” the execution of the 3D profile. The feed rate is
however limited when the latter axes, in following the 3D
axes, tend to exceed their dynamic limits.
CCP The programmed Feed rate refers to the profile
generated on the “Cutter contact points”; this
setting is clearly only valid if the points entered
are of the CCP type.
CLP The programmed Feed rate refers to the profile
generated on the “Cutter location points”; it may
be used for the CCP and CLP type points, while
for AXI type points it is only valid when the tool
direction can be determined (either from the
programming of the rotary axes or from the
programming of the ijk versors).
AXI The programmed Feed rate refers to the profile
generated on the “Axis location points”; it may
only be used for AXI type points.
Poly Car. CUB or QUI Defines the degree of the polynomial curve generated
Obligatory for the execution of the programmed profile.
CUB A cubic polynomial is generated.
QUI A quintic polynomial is generated.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 13-17

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Versor management methods

If programmed, the versors must refer to the abscissa, ordinate and vertical axes, respectively. The
syntax of the three-letter code defining the management modes for these versors is as follows:

(VER, Ijk, Mno, Pqd, Uvw) example: (VER , REL , PRG , PRG )
(VER , ROT, , REL , PRG )

Parameter Type Values Description

Ijk Character PRG or REL Defines whether the “Tool Direction” vector is
Obligatory programmed directly by means of the ijk components or
whether it is to be calculated on the basis of the position
of the rotary axes. When the versor is not necessary,
this setting is ignored.
PRG The versor is programmed using the ijk
REL The versor is to be determined from the
programmed position of the rotary axes.
ROT The versor is to be determined from the current
position of the rotary axes.
Mno Character PRG or REL Defines whether the “Normal to Surface” vector is
Optional programmed directly using the mno components or
whether it is to be calculated automatically by the
system. If the versor is not necessary, this setting is
PRG The versor is programmed using the mno
REL The versor is to be determined automatically by
the system.
If omitted, this means that a uvw vector is used.
Pqd Character PRG or REL Defines whether the “Tool Radius Application Direction”
Obligatory vector is programmed directly using the pqd
components or whether it is to be calculated
automatically by the system. When the versor is not
necessary, this setting is ignored.
PRG The versor is programmed using the pqd
REL The versor is to be determined automatically by
the system.

13-18 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Uvw Character PRG or REL Indicates whether the “Tool Radius Compensation
Optional Factor” has been programmed directly through the uvw
components or has to be calculated by the system
automatically. When the versor is not required, the
programming mode is disregarded.
PRG The vector is programmed through the uvw
REL The vector has to be calculated automatically by
the system.
If omitted, this means that an mno versor is used.

if tool radius compensation is required, vectors MNO and UVW cannot both be omitted.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 13-19

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Look Ahead management

The syntax of the three-letter code that defines the method of look ahead and dynamics
management is as follows:
(JRK, Enable, Jrs, Entities, Tstab, Tintgr,Ttop) example: (JRK, ENA,, )

Parameter Type Values Description

Enable Character ENA,DIS or Defines the type of dynamics to be used.

AXI ENA Enables the use of Jerk Limitation (Mov=8). The
specified jerk refers to the dynamics described on
the profile.
DIS Disables Jerk Limitation, only uses “S ramps”
AXI Enables the use of Jerk Limitation (Mov=8). The
specified jerk refers to the dynamics described by
the axes and how this affects the dynamics of the
profile. The use of this method is closely
associated with the quality of the points entered
(number of decimals and distribution).
Jrs Number Taken from Modifies the value of the JRS variable of the system
JRS variable only for the G61 section being processed; if the value is
omitted, the JRS variable active in the system is used.
Entities Number Optional The High Speed algorithm uses a dynamic queue of 64
elements (polynomial curves) and starts movement after
calculating the 64th. The start may be adjusted by
programming the number of elements to be calculated
before starting movement. 0 means maximum number
of elements.
Tstab Number Optional Defines the time window (in ms) within which the speed
smoothing algorithm is to be applied. This algorithm
removes unnecessary accelerations so as to avoid
machine oscillations. (See Figure 1)

13-20 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Parameter Type Values Description

Tintgr Number Optional Defines the maximum time (in ms) for integrating the
acceleration (or deceleration) phases with the sections
at a constant feed rate. (See Figure 1)
Ttop Number Optional Defines the minimum time (in ms) for executing a
section with a constant feed rate V. (See Figure 1)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 13-21

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

The syntax of the three-letter code that defines the value of thresholds used in generating the
polynomial curves is as follows:

(THR, Tol, TolV, Scale, NullMov, Chord, ErrRot, MaxLen)

example: (THR , 0.01 , 0.0001 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 )

Parameter Type Values Description

Tol Number Obligatory Defines the tolerance range to be used in generating

the polynomial curves. As defined previously, the
polynomial curves generated pass through the
programmed points, within a given tolerance threshold.
This parameter defines the tolerance value. It is defined
in mm (or inches if the machine is configured in inches).
TolV Number Obligatory Defines the tolerance range to be used in generating
the polynomial curves calculated on the versors. This
value is important because the precision with which the
rotary axes are positioned depends on the precision
with which the curves are generated on the versors (in
particular, on the ijk versor). The number has no
dimension in that it refers to entities like versors which
always have a dimension of 1. We suggest a value
equal to 0.1 times the Toll value defined previously be
set. 0 disables the management of a tolerance on the
Scale Number Obligatory Scale factor to be applied to the programmed axes. If 0
is set, the scale factor is not to be applied. It is not
applied to the versors and rotary axes, when
NullMov Number Obligatory Null movement threshold. If the distance between one
point and the next is less than this threshold in mm (or
inches if the machine is configured in inches) the next
point is eliminated.
Chord Number Obligatory Maximum allowed chordal error at input and output
during the generation of a polynomial. Value expressed
in mm (or inches if the machine is configured in inches).
ErrRot Number Optional Maximum admissible chordal error for the determination
of polynomials on rotary axes. It is expressed in

13-22 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Parameter Type Values Description

MaxLen Number Optional Maximum length of generated polynomials. Value

expressed in mm (or inches). It allows a major control of
the position tolerance. (Toll)
Advised values >5 mm, lower values could slow the


10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 13-23

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Tool definition
In the High Speed Machining system, “Cylindrical”, “Ball-ended” and “Toroidal” type tools may be
managed. The syntax of the three-letter code that defines the characteristics of the tool to be used
for machining is as follows:

(TOL, Len, Radius, EdgeRad, Angle, OriginLen, Rorig, RgOrig) example: (TOL , , , 1 , -90 , 0 )

Parameter Type Values Description

Len Number Taken from Defines the length of the tool to be used for tool length
the offset compensation. If no value is set, the tool length is taken
active on G61 from the offsets active in the system on the activation of
Optional the G61. The value set here is only active during the
machining of the current section of G61/G60.
Radius Number Taken from Defines the radius of the tool to be used for tool radius
the offset compensation. If no value is set, the tool radius is taken
active on G61 from the offsets active in the system on the activation of
Optional G61. The value set here is only active during the
machining of the current section of G61/G60.
EdgeRad Number Obligatory Defines the radius on the edge of the tool. As this value
is not handled by the system offsets, it has to be set.
Angle Number Optional Defines the angle of contact between the tool and the
part. It is used in the automatic calculation of the vector
normal to the surface.
OriginLen Number Optional Defines the length of the tool for which the part program
was generated. This field is used when the points
entered refer to “Axis location points” and you wish to
apply the compensation for tool length.
ROrig Number Optional Defines the radius of the tool for which the part program
was generated. This field is used when the points
entered refer to “Axis location points” and you wish to
apply the compensation for tool length and diameter.
RgOrig Number Optional Defines the radius of the tool for which the part program
was generated. This field is used when the points
entered refer to “Axis location points” and you wish to
apply the compensation for tool length and diameter.

13-24 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Tool direction (3D)

Defines the tool direction (to be used for compensation purposes) for generic machines or
machines with 3 axes (it is not required on machines with 5 axes). In practice, the unitary vector
(similar to ijk) which identifies the tool direction in the part reference system has to be defined.
The syntax of the three-letter code that defines the direction of the tool to be used for machining is
as follows:

(TOD, Xcomp, Ycomp, Zcomp) example: (TOD , 0 , 0 , 1 )

Parameter Type Values Description

Xcomp Number Obligatory Component of the tool direction along the X axis.
Ycomp Number Obligatory Component of the tool direction along the Y axis.
Zcomp Number Obligatory Component of the tool direction along the Z axis.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 13-25

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Change in curvature management

The algorithm used by the CAM systems to generate the points of a profile takes into account the
“chordal error”, that is, it generates points closer together when the radius of curvature of the
profile to be described becomes more accentuated. A change in curvature may therefore be
generically identified by a variation in the distance between one set of points and the following
ones. This variation in curvature may be identified automatically by the High Speed Machining
algorithms so as to avoid oscillations around the point where this change takes place.
Supposing, for example, we have a curved section followed by a straight section. The spline on the
straight section would tend to oscillate or generate a “hump”, so it is important to identify it.

p2 p3

At the "curvature change" point, the system will automatically introduce a G62 or a G63 depending
on user requests. As an alternative, it is possible to add more points (closer spacing) in the longer
portion; the number of points added depends on the ratio between the lengths of the two portions
The syntax of the three-letter code that defines how to identify and then manage the change in
curvature is as follows:

(CRV, Len, Ratio, Mode) example: ( CRV , 1 , 6 , G63 )

Parameter Type Values Description

Len Number Obligatory Defines the minimum length of the “long section” for the
change in curvature to be managed. It is defined in mm
(or inches if the machine is configured in inches).
Ratio Number Obligatory Defines the ratio between the long section and short
section so that the change in curvature may be
identified. For example, the value 6 defines that the
distance between p2 and p3 must be greater than 6
times the distance between p1 and p2 for the change in
curvature to be activated.
Mode Character G62 or G63 or Defines the transition code to be set on the “change in
PNT curvature” point
Obligatory G62 The two segments are generated with two splines
tangential to one another, so the second spline
will have an initial inclination equal to the final
inclination of the first spline.
G63 The two segments are generated by two non-
tangential splines, but are linked on the basis of
the calculation tolerance set.
PNT Additional points (closely spaced) are added on
the longer portion.

13-26 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Edge management
The automatic identification of edges is important for the same reason as the identification of
changes in curvature. Failure to identify edges could generated incorrect oscillations on the
splines. The optimum dynamic approach for handling an edge is to stop at zero speed and then
restart on the next section. Stopping may be damaging however as the tool, as it turns, continues
to remove material and so some “notches” may be visible on the part. For this reason, it is possible
to define whether and how to stop at the edge.

The syntax of the three-letter code that defines how to identify and therefore how to manage the
presence of edges is as follows:
(EDG, Angle, VAngle, Mode, Acc) example: ( EDG , 30 , 0 , G66 , 1 )

Parameter Type Values Description

Angle Number Obligatory The system is capable of automatically determining the

edges defined by the programmed points (edges on the
linear axes) and automatically programming a G66. This
value, expressed in degrees, defines the threshold
angle beyond which a point is defined an “edge” point.
See the figure below.
VAngle Number Obligatory It is similar to the previous value and is to be used for
the versors. The presence of an edge on the versors
generates an “edge” in the movement of the rotary
axes. It is therefore advisable to add a G66 also in
these cases. See the figure below.
Mode Character G63, G66 or Defines the transition code to be set on the edge
G67 G63 The edge is executed by inserting a link which is
generated by taking the configured chordal error
into account.
G66 Movement ends at zero speed.
G67 Movement ends at the maximum speed at which
the edge may be faced in the best possible way.
Acc Number Obligatory Acceleration that may be withstood by the axes in
tackling the edge: 1 means that an axis may withstand
an increase in speed equal to 1 acceleration. It only
applies to G67.

V Angle
Angle v2 v3
p3 v1
automatic G66

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 13-27

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Axis definition
The axes to be subjected to the High Speed Machining algorithms may be defined. A maximum of
6 axes may be defined, of which 3 axes make up the three Cartesian axes, 2 are rotary axes (for
machines with 5 axes) and other additional axes. The syntax of the three-letter code for defining
the axes is as follows:

(AXI, Name, Id, Type , CinType, Diam, LinRot) example: (AXI , X , 1 , ABS , LI1, DIS)
example: (AXI , C, 4, OTH, OTH, LIN)

Parameter Type Values Description

Name Character Obligatory Defines the name of the axis. This name may be different
from the one set in AMP for the axis, and may therefore be
compared to an implicit “DIN” in the HSM setup. This
association only applies to the G61/G60 section being
Id Number Obligatory Defines the ID of the axis. This axis must be under the
control of the Process in which the part program is being
Type Character ABS, ORD, Defines the axis type, and influences the method by which
VRT, OTH the axis is managed by the HSM algorithms.
TAN or TAO ABS The axis is of the x-coordinate type (in the
Obligatory Cartesian coordinate system)
ORD The axis is of the y-coordinate type (in the
Cartesian coordinate system)
VRT The axis is of the z-coordinate type (in the
Cartesian coordinate system)
TAN Tangent axis, calculated automatically by the
TAO Tangent axis, calculated automatically by the
system, with the axis moving (positive direction)
clockwise, and hence in a direction opposite to
that of the trigonometric convention

OTH Other type of axis, different from the previous ones.

13-28 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

CinType Character LI1, LI2, LI3, Defines the position of the axis in the kinematic chain of
WRK, TOL or the machine (see following sections). For generic
OTH machines or machines with 3 axes for which the kinematic
Obligatory chain does not have to be defined, we recommend the
following setup:
LI1 To be associated with the axis defined as ABS (x-
coordinate) in the previous field.
LI2 To be associated with the axis defined as ORD (y-
coordinate) in the previous field.
LI3 To be associated with the axis defined as VRT (z-
coordinate) in the previous field.
OTH Additional axis.
For machines with 5 axes, the setup values are as follows:
LI1 First axis in the kinematic chain.
LI2 Second axis in the kinematic chain.
LI3 Third axis in the kinematic chain.
WRK Rotary axis closest to the part.
TOL Rotary axis closest to the tool.
OTH Additional axis.
Diam Character ENA or DIS Makes it possible to characterise the axis as Diametral.
If this is not defined, the corresponding parameter
Optional currently active in the system is used.
ENA Axis defined as diametral.
DIS Normal axis.
LinRot Character LIN or ROT Makes it possible to specify the type of added axis, as
either linear or rotary. If no value is set, for an execution
Optional on on the CN, the corresponding parameter currently
CN active in the system is used; for an execution on the
Path Optimizer, an error is notified.
Required on LIN Linear type added axis.
Path Optimizer
ROT Rotary type added axis.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 13-29

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Axis parameters
Some characteristics of the axis set on the system may be varied. These variations are only active
in the G61/G60 section being machined. The syntax of the three-letter code is as follows:

(AXP, Name, NullMov, Pitch, Lim-, Lim+) example: (AXP , X , 0 , , , )

Parameter Type Values Description

Name Character Obligatory Axis name as defined in the three-letter code (AXI).
NullMov Number Obligatory Defines the null movement for the axis in question. If the
position programmed for an axis differs from the current
position (or last programmed position) for a value lower
than the null movement, the movement of the axis (the
new position) is not considered. We recommend it be
left set to 0 and activated only in cases in which the part
program under execution contains imprecisions in the
programming of the axes.
Pitch Number Taken from Used for redefining the rollover pitch for the axis in
the system question. It may be used, for example, to program a
Optional non-rollover rotary axis with rollover values and vice
Lim- Number Taken from Used for redefining the lower operating limit for the axis
the system in question.
Lim+ Number Taken from Used for redefining the upper operating limit for the axis
the system in question.

13-30 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Axis dynamics
Some dynamic characteristics of the axis set in the system may be varied. These variations are
only active in the G61/G60 section being machined. The syntax of the three-letter code is as

(DIN,Name, Vmax, Amax, Jmax, Vrap, Arap, Jrap) example: (DIN , X , , , , , , )

Parameter Type Values Description

Name Character Obligatory Axis name as defined in the three-letter code (AXI).
Vmax Number Taken from Used for redefining the maximum speed at which the
the system axis may be moved when a machining operation in G01
Optional is in progress. It must be defined in mm/min.

Amax Number Taken from Used for redefining the maximum acceleration at which
the system the axis may be moved when a machining operation in
Optional G01 is in progress. It must be defined in mm/sec2.

Jmax Number Taken from Used for redefining the maximum Jerk to which the axis
the system may be moved when a machining operation in G01 is in
Optional progress. It must be defined in mm/sec3.

Vrap Number Taken from Used for redefining the maximum speed at which the
the system axis may be moved when a machining operation in G00
Optional is in progress. It must be defined in mm/min.

Arap Number Taken from Used for redefining the maximum acceleration at which
the system the axis may be moved when a machining operation in
Optional G00 is in progress. It must be defined in mm/sec2.

Jrap Number Taken from Used for redefining the maximum Jerk at which the axis
the system may be moved when a machining operation in G00 is in
Optional progress. It must be defined in mm/sec3.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) 13-31

Chapter 13
High Speed Machining

Setup for machine with 3 axes:

(PNT , AXI , AXI , QUI )

(VER , REL , PRG , PRG )
(JRK, ENA , , ,400 ,150 ,200)
(THR , 0.01 , 0.0001 , 0 , 0.001 , 0.05 )
(TOL , , , 0 , -90 , )
(TOD , 0 , 0 , 1 )
(CRV , 1 , 6 , G63 )
(EDG , 30 , 0 , G66 , 1 )
(AXI , X , 1 , ABS , LI1 )
(AXP, X , 0 , , , )
(DIN , X , , , , , , )
(AXI ,Y, 2 , ORD, LI2 )
(AXP,Y, 0 , , , )
(DIN ,Y, , , , , , )
(AXI , Z , 3 , VRT, LI3 )
(AXP, Z , 0 , , , )
(DIN , Z , , , , , , )


13-32 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Chapter 14

This chapter discusses interprocess commands, i.e. instructions that allow the programmer to
synchronise parallel part program execution various processes or to shift the "axes" resource
between processes in order to meet specific requirements.

The following table summarises these commands:


DCC Defines remote channels

PVS Defines the remote PLUS variables environment

PRO Specifies the default process to which synchronisation codes and

commands must be sent

SND Sends a synchronisation message to the specified process

WAI Puts the current process on wait until another message arrives from
another process

EXE Activates automatic part program execution by the specified process

ECM Executes an MDI block in the specified process

GTA Shifts the "axes" resource among processes

IMPORTANT By default SND and WAI are synchronised.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (14) 14-1

Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands


Notes On The "Wait" Function:

The synchronisation messages received by a process are recorded in a memory area called
MESSAGE QUEUE. This local area is process-dedicated: there is one message queue for each

If the (WAI,Pn) instruction is executed by a part program EXE, the process must wait for a
message from process <n>. The system looks for the message in the MESSAGE QUEUE:

− If the message is not found in the MESSAGE QUEUE, the process puts itself on WAIT and
suspends part program execution.
− If the message is in the MESSAGE QUEUE, part program execution continues and the
message is deleted from the message queue.
− If the queue contains a message coming from a process other than <n>, the message is
not deleted but it is kept aside in order to be utilised when a WAI for the appropriate process is
The process can exit from WAIT mode only when the queue contains a message coming from
the process specified in WAI.

Notes On The "Send" Function:

Three-letter code SND allows synchronisation messages to be sent to the specified process; the
messages may be synchronous or asynchronous:

If the message is synchronous, the process that sent SND goes on WAIT and waits for an
ACK (acknowledge to use the message) from the destination process;

If the message is asynchronous, the process that sent SND continues executing the part
program without waiting for the message to resume the SND destination process.

A process (e.g. process 1) cannot send another process (e.g. process 2) more
IMPORTANT than one message at a time, at least not until process 2 exits from WAIT and the
message is cleared from the queue. However, the sender can send messages to
other processes (e.g. process 3).

The message queue may be cleared by resetting the process or enabling another
IMPORTANT part program.

14-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (14)

Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands

Exchanging data
Commands SND and WAI permit the exchange between processes of data, such as local or
system variables, constants, strings.

The data is sent to (SND) or received (WAI) from the processes in question and may be specified
in programming of the respective functions; for further details, see the syntax of the two three-letter
codes on the following pages.

Resetting synchronised processes

If a reset is made, it must be made both on the processes sending the synchronisation messages
(SND) and on the processes receiving the synchronisation messages (WAI).

This is to avoid unwanted messages remaining in the "MESSAGE QUEUE" of the processes,
which could lead to malfunctionings.

Channels table
The channels table is a internal system table, containing the identifiers of the logic channels on
which a process can operate, where channel is taken to mean a remote or local environment.

Each process has its own table, each of which contains 40 channels. When the system is powered
on, it defines by default the 20 local processes as the first 20 channels of the table, identifying them
with numbers 1,2,3,4.....20.

In the event of 10 Series systems connected in a network through the option MINI DNC E65/E66 or
higher, other channels may be defined in the table by associating the identifiers (1÷40) with remote
environments previously configured with the option MINI DNC.

If a value from 1 to 20 was used as the identifier of a remote environment, the corresponding local
process is deleted from the channels table.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (14) 14-3

Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands

DCC - Definition of the communication channel

The three-letter code DCC allows the programmer to define the channels of the table of the
process it is programmed in.


(DCC ,channel number, channel name)


channel number Number of the channel being defined; may be a number or a local or system
variable, of value between 1 and 40.

channel name Name of the remote environment defined with the network configurator of the
MINI DNC option.

The channel defined with this command must be configured previously with the MINI DNC option.
Among the types of channel that may be defined with MINI DNC, command DCC can operate on
two predefined types.

• Type 1 - PROCESS channel:

A remote process to which all the commands accepted by local processes can be sent.

(DCC,25,remote_1) ;defines channel n° 25
(WAI,P25) ;wait for message from channel (remote process) n°25

(EXE,PROGRAM) ;run part program on remote process n°25

• Type 2 - PLUS channel:

A channel on which reading and writing of PLUS variables (SN, SC, L, @, $ASSET) can be
rerouted with a PVS command.

A RESET of the process or activation of a part program resets the channels

IMPORTANT table: channel 1 = local process 1
channel 2 = local process 2
channel 3 = local process 3
channel 4 = local process 4

Each command issued must be consistent with the type of channel it is sent to.
For example, if a command accepted from the process channels (e.g. WAI, SND,EXE) is sent to a
channel type 2, the system returns an NC221 Wrong process type error.

14-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (14)

Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands

PVS - PLUS channel selection

Three-letter code PVS permits reading and writing of PLUS variables to be rerouted to a type 2
remote channel, previously defined with the DCC command.


(PVS ,channel number)


channel number Number of the channel being defined; may be a number or a local or system
variable, of value between 1 and 40.


After programming the PVS command, reading and writing of the PLUS variables (SN, SC, L) and
@xxxx, $xxxx (with ASSET option enabled) occurs on the remote channel selected.

To restore local PLUS variable reading, program (PVS,0).

If the channel specified is not type 2 (defined with the network configurator), the system returns
error: NC221 Wrong process type.

If the channel specified was not defined previously with DCC, the system returns error: NC220
Process undefined.

A RESET of the process cancels programming of the PVS command

IMPORTANT (tantamount to programming (PVS,0)).

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (14) 14-5

Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands

PRO - Definition of the process

The PRO command allows the programmer to specify the process synchronisation commands
refer to. The process number is an optional parameter in all commands of this type.


(PRO, process number)


process number It can be a number or a system or local variable in the 1-20 range (1-40 with
E65/E66 option). If it is omitted the system will select the default process.

A reset of the system or activation of a part program resets the previous

IMPORTANT definitions of the default process.

14-6 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (14)

Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands

SND - Send a synchronisation message

SND allows to send a synchronisation message and data to the specified process.


(SND,[,P process number], S|A [,data] [,data] ..........[,data])


process number Destination process number (from 1 to 20, or 1 to 40 with the E65/E66 option).
It can be a number, a local or system variable.
If it is the number of the process the SND command is executing, an NC222
Wrong process number message will be generated.
If it is omitted, the information will be sent to the default process declared with

S|A S and A specify the two alternative execution modes:

S (synchronous) the sender or current process goes on WAIT until the
destination process has not received the message, cancelled it from the
queue and resumed part program execution.
A (asynchronous) part program execution begins immediately after the
message has been sent.

data The data (optional and max. 20 items) may be Long Real numbers, strings
between quotes, and local or system variables.
The system reads the programmed data and transmits them to the specified
process together with the synchronisation message. It may send up to 20
parameters, which may occupy up to 174 bytes.
The length of the various data types is as follows:

Data type Length (in bytes)

Boolean / Byte 2
Short 3
Long / Real 5
Double (Long Real) 9
String number of characters + 2

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Multiprocess Management Commands


The number of bytes transmitted by this block is:

Parameter Format Length (in bytes)

E1 Long Real 9
SN12 Long Real 9
"TOOL" String 6
SC0.30 String 32
@BOOL_PLUS(0) Boolean 2
33.6 Long Real 9

Total: 67 transmitted bytes

The system generates the NC224 Data sending too long error if there is an attempt to send more
than 174 bytes.

− Error situations:

The NC225 Data loading failed error message occurs in two cases:

• Example 1 (SND synchronous mode)

Process 1 sends a synchronous (SND,P2,S,E1) to process 2 while it is on WAIT
− Both processes will display the NC225 DATA LOADING FAILED error message and their
programs will remain on WAIT.

• Example 2 (SND asynchronous mode)

Process 1 sends the asynchronous (SND,P2,S,E1) to process 2, in which a (WAI,P1,SC0.30) is
In this case, as the data is not consistent with that of process 2, and the SND is asynchronous,
the result is that:

− process 1 resumes part program execution

− process 2 displays the NC 225 error message and its part program is not allowed to start.

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Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands

WAI - Wait for a synchronisation message

WAI puts the process on WAIT for a synchronisation message sent by a specified process. If the
message is available in the message queue, part program execution continues and the receiver
responds to the sender task no matter whether the synchronous SND has been executed or not.


(WAI,[,P process number], [,variable] [,variable] ..........[,variable])


process number Sender process number (from 1 to 20, or 1 to 40 with the E65/E66 option). It
can be a number, a local variable or a system variable.

If it is the number of the process the WAI command is executing, a NC222

Wrong process number message will be generated.
If it is omitted, the information will be sent to the default process declared with

variable List of the variables, maximum 20, in which to receive the alphanumeric
values arriving with the synchronisation message. If number or type of the
variables programmed is not consistent with those sent, the sender process is
sent error message NC255 Data loading failed (see also the SND command
for further details).

When a process is on WAIT and a synchronisation message with data arrives,

IMPORTANT the ACK requested by the sender is sent after the data have been written in the
programmed variables. If data fail to be written because of format or process
number errors, a negative ACK is sent to the sender.

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Multiprocess Management Commands

The figure below illustrates how SND and WAI work.


(PRO,2) (SND,P1,A)
;the message is sent to
;process 1 and the part program
;is executed
;the message is
;in process 1 queue
(WAI) (WAI,P1,E44,E2,!MY_USER1.5CH)
;WAIT (from process 1)
;the message is
;already in queue; the part ;message from process 1 arrives and:
;program resumes
(SND,S,E3,34,"PIPPO") ;1) The content of variable E3 of process 1
is copied in variable E44
;2) 34 is copied in variable E2
;Wait for synchronous SND ;3) "PIPPO" string is copied in variable !MYUSER.5CH
;4) The message is deleted from the message queue
;5) P.P. execution restarts

;process 2 has received

:the message and the part
;program starts up

Example of using SND and WAI commands

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Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands

EXE - Automatic part program execution

EXE allows to start execution of a part program in the specified process.


(EXE,part program number[,P process number])


part program name Name of the part program to be executed in AUTO mode. It may be up to 48
characters long. It may be a string of characters (not between quotes) or a
character variable preceded by ?.

process number Number of the process (from 1 to 20, or 1 to 40 with E65/E66 option) that
runs the program. It can be a number, a local variable or a system variable.
If it is the number of the process that is executing the EXE command, an
NC222 Wrong process number message will be generated.
If it is omitted, the information will be sent to the default process declared
with PRO.


The EXE command forces execution of the specified process in AUTO mode, and activates and
launches the part program (CYCLE ON). Both AUTO and CYCLE ON can be filtered by the
machine logic.

If AUTO or CYCLE ON are received by a process that cannot execute them because it is on
CYCLE STOP, RUN or HOLD, the NC227 EXE or ECM failed error message will be displayed.

(EXE, MAIN_PROG ,P3) activates execution of the MAIN_PROG program by process 3
EXE,?SC1.10) activates execution of the MAIN_2 program by process 2

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Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands

ECM - Manual block execution in a process

ECM allows to manually execute a block in the specified process.


(ECM,command[,P process number])


command Command code. It may be a string or a string variable between apexes or

quotes. Example

process number Number or the process number from 1 to 20 (1 to 40 with E65/E66 option)that
runs the program. It can be a number, a local variable or a system variable.
If it is the number of the process executing the EMC command, an NC222
Wrong process number message will be generated.
If it is omitted, the information will be sent to the default process declared with


The EMC command forces the destination process in MANUAL mode, sends the specified
command to it and executes it via CYCLE ON. Both AUTO and CYCLE ON can be filtered by the
machine logic.

The ECM command is of the asynchronous type: this means that after executing ECM, the part
program continues with the following blocks irrespective of whether the command sent via ECM to
another process has been concluded or not.

It is therefore important not to execute another ECM command on the same process until the
execution of the previous command has been completed.

If this occurs, the “NC 227 EXE or ECM command failed” error is signalled.

If MANUAL or CYCLE ON are received by a process that cannot execute them because it is on
CYCLE STOP, RUN or HOLD, the NC227 EXE or ECM failed error message will be displayed.

(ECM,"E1=12",P2) Sets to 12 the value of local variable E1 in process 3
SC0.5="E1012" Prepares the command in variable SC0.5
(ECM,SC0.5) Executes ECM for a command written in the content of the variable

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Multiprocess Management Commands

Example of synchronisation of two process using EXE:

N4 (EXE,SNB_N,P2) /N4 (UGS,X,-100,100,Y,-130,150,Z)
N5 (UGS,X,-100,100,Y,-100,100,Z) N5 SN5=0
N6 T2.2M6 N6 T4.4M6
N7 S1500F500M3 → N7 (WAI,P1)
N8 XYZ N8 S400F400M3
N9 E25=0 N9 XY
N10 G81R-14Z-35 N10 E25=0
N11 (RPT,6) N11 G84R-10Z-22
N12 (ROT,E25) N12 (RPT,6)
N13 X-80Y N13 (ROT,E25)
N14 E25=E25+60 N14 X-80Y
N15 (ERP) N15 E25=E25+60
N16 G80Z50 N16 (ERP)
N17 (ROT,0) N17 (ROT,0)
N18 (SND,P2,A) → N18 G80ZM5
N19 (CLS,MA) → N19 (WAI,P1)
N20 (SND,P2,S) → N20 GZ40
N21 GZ90 → N21 (WAI,P1)
N22 (SND,P2,A) → N22 E8=0
N23 (WOS,SN5>=9) ← N23 T2,2M6
N24 S200F500M3 N24 S1300F500M3
N25 X-10Y50 N25 G81R2Z-25
N26 Z-25 "D" N26
N27 G1G41X N27 G91X10
N28 G2IJ N28 G90
N29 G1G40X10 N29 E8=E8+1
N30 GZM5 ← N30 #SN5=E8
N31 M30 N31 (GTO,D,E8<10)
N32 G80M5

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Multiprocess Management Commands


The "shared axes" feature allows one or more processes to acquire or release axes resources. An
axis is acquired or released by associating its name (X,Y,Z) to one of the identifiers configured in
AMP (from 1 to 32).

• A name cannot be assigned to different axes in a process.

• An identifier cannot be assigned to different machine axes.

Conditions for axis acquisition

Before acquiring an axis check whether the following conditions apply:

• the axis is configured in AMP and the identifier exists in the configured processes;
• the axis has been released from all processes;
• the axis name is specified in the program;
• the identifier (ID) is a number between 1 and 32 and is associated neither to a spindle nor to an
auxiliary axis;
• the name to be assigned to the axis is not used for a pseudo axis in a process.

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Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands

GTA - Axes acquisition

GTA allows one or more axes to shift between processes. In addition, it redefines the axis/offset
association and sets the sequence in which axes are displayed.


(GTA,[T value,]ID_axes_name [, ID_axes_name...] [ / ] [axis_1_name][,axes_2_name])


T value value = 0 loose activate origins (this is the same as omitting the T0
value = 1 maintain active origins on the re-programmed axes (with the
same name, ID and order) and on the programmed axes with a
different name but the with the same ID and order.
value = 2: maintain active origins on all set axes, regardless of the
programming origin of the ID’s.

/ Is the separator between the axis name and the optional length offset.

axis_1_name Are the axes to which length offsets 1 and 2 will be applied the next time an

axis_2_name offset is enabled.


• In a GTA block you must declare all the controlled axes, including those already belonging to
the process.
• If an axis is not specified in a GTA command it will be released and made available to other
• When a GTA command is executed the axes are displayed in the order in which they are
specified. GTA can be used for changing this order.
• The RESET command cancels the changes made by GTA.
• At power up axes and processes will be associated as in AMP.
• When the control executes a tool change or enables an offset, the axes to which length offsets
are associated must already be controlled by the process.

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Multiprocess Management Commands


Axes acquisition/release with GTA may be inhibited in the following cases:

− when a radius offset is active

− when a canned cycle (G81-89) is active
− when the system is on HOLD or IDLE-MAS
− when a virtual mode is active.
− When the tool correction mode (h or T) is active and you are releasing an axis where the tool
correction has been applied or are acquiring a new axis to which the tool correction must be
− Release of axes shared with the logic.


A GTA command permits to initialise the following information:

Interpolation plane
• The interpolation plane is defined by two of the first three axes programmed by the current G
(G17, G18, G19). If GTA defines less than three axes, the first and second axes will be forced
as abscissa and ordinate.
• To ensure correct operation, the desired plane must be programmed with G16.

• If the "Tvalue" parameter is omitted or set to "value=0", the active origins will be reset and the
RESET ORIGINS logic function is called with the list of axes controlled by the process.
• If the "Tvalue" parameter is set to value=01, the origins will be maintained on the reprogrammed
axes with the same name, ID and order and on the programmed axes with a different name but
the same ID and order.

• If the “Tvalue” parameter is set as value = 2, the origins will be maintained on all programmed
axes, even if their ID’s are not the same.
• Mirroring is reset for all axes

Scale factors:
• Scale factors are reset for all axes

ROT rotation:
• Rotation programmed with a ROT command will be cancelled.

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Multiprocess Management Commands

Travely limits:
• Travel limits for all the axes return to configured values.

Axis selection for manual movements:

• After a GTA command, the first displayed axis will be selected for manual move execution.

Length offsets
• The axes identifiers to which length offsets 1 and/or 2 are associated will be programmed as an
option on GTA. Default associations defined in AMP will be lost. They will be restored after the
control has been switched on again.


• Locked axes
• Plane rotation activated with through a manual PROGRAM SETUP command
• Incremental and provisional origins

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Multiprocess Management Commands

Example 1:
Initial conditions:
− Controlled axes are X (with ID 1) and Y (with ID 2).

− Maintain control over axes X and Y (ID 1 and 2)
− Acquire axes associated to ID 5 and 6 and name them Z and A
− Associate length offset 1 to axis Y (ID 2)
− Associate length offset 2 to axis Z (ID 5)
− Obtain the following display order: X, Y, Z, A.

Programming example:


Axes name to be associated with length correctors

Acquires axis with ID 6 associated with name A
Acquires axis with ID 5 associated with name Z
Axis ID 2 already belonging to the process
Axis ID 1 already belonging to the process
Get Axes command

Programming all the axes (new and old) is mandatory. It permits to reassign axes
IMPORTANT names and including those already belonging to the process is mandatory and
allows to redefine both the axis names and the display order.

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Multiprocess Management Commands

Example 2:

Initial conditions:
− Controlled axes are X (with ID 1) and Y (with ID 2).

− Release axes X and Y (ID 1 and 2)
− Acquire axes associated to ID 5 and 6 and name them X and Y
− Associate length offset 1 to axis Y (ID 6)
− Obtain the following display order: X, Y.

Programming example:


Axis name to be associated with length corrector

Acquires axis with ID 6 associated with name Y
Acquires axis with ID 5 associated with name X
Get Axes command

Example 3:

Initial conditions:
− An indefinite number of controlled axes

− Release all its axes

Programming example:


Get Axes Command

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Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands

Example 4:

Initial conditions:
− Controlled axes are X,Y,Z,A,B with ID 1,2,3,4,5.

− Retain control of X and Y axes with (ID's 1 and 2)
− Release axes Z, A and B (with ID's 3, 4 and 5)
− Associate length offset 1 to axis Y (ID 6)
− Obtain the following display order: X, Y.

Programming example:


Axes name to be associated with length correctors

Axis ID 2 already belonging to the process
Axis ID 1 already belonging to the process
Get Axes Command

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Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands

Example 5:

Initial Conditions:
− Controlled axes are X,Y,Z axes with ID 1,2,3.
− To the X,Y,Z axes, the 1 origin is associated.

− Retain control of the axes with ID 1 and 2 (X,Y).
− Release the axis Z (ID 3).
− Acquire the P axis with ID 4.
− ssociate length offset 1 with the P axis (ID 4).
− Obtain the following display order: X,Y,P.
− Loose the origin associated to all axes.

Programming example:


Name of the axis to associate to the length offset

Acquisition of axis with ID 4 associated to the name P
Axis ID 2 already belonging to the process
Axis ID 1 already belonging to the process
Parameter to loose the origins on all axes
Get axes command

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Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands

Example 6:

Initial Conditions:
− Controlled axes are X,Y,Z axes with ID 1,2,3.
− To the X,Y,Z axes, 1 origin is associated.

− Retain control of the axes with ID 1 and 2 (X,Y).
− Release the axis Z (ID 3).
− Acquire the P axes with ID 4.
− Associate the length offset 1 with the P axis (ID 4).
− Obtain the following display order: X,Y,P.
− Retain the associated origins with the axes with ID 1 and ID 2.

Programming example:


Name of axis to which to associate the length offset

Acquisition of the axis with ID 4 associated to the name P
Axis ID 2 already belonging to the process
Axis ID 1 already belonging to the process
Parameters to retain the origins on the axes
Get Axes Command

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Multiprocess Management Commands

Example 7:

Initial Conditional :
− Controlled axes are the X,Y,Z axes with ID 1,2,3.
− To the X,Y,Z axis 1 origin is associated.

− Retain control over the axis with ID 1 (X).
− Retain control over the axis with ID 2 ID 2 (Y) changing the name to (A).
− Release the Z axis (ID 3).
− Acquire the P axis with ID 4.
− Associate the length offset 1 with the P axis (ID 4).
− Obtain the following display order: X,A,P.
− Retain the origin associated with ID 1 and ID 2.

Programming example:


Name of axis to which to associate the length offset

Acquisition axis with ID 4 associated to the name P
Axis ID 2 already belonging to the process but with a different name
Axis ID 1 already belonging to the process
Parameter to retain the origins on the axes
Get Axes Command

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Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands

Example 8:
Initial conditions:

− Controlled axes are X,Y,Z axes with ID 1,2,3.

− Origin 1 is associated with axes X,Y,Z.

− A 2nd process retains axes A, B with ID 4, 5, with which an origin 2 is associated.


− Retain control over axes with ID 1, 2 and 4

− Release axis Z (ID 3).
− Acquire axis B, with ID 4, previously released by process 2.
− Associate length offset 1 with axis B (ID 4).
− Obtain the following display order (on system video): Y,X,B.
− Maintain the origins associated with all the axes, i.e. origin 1 for axes with ID’s 1 (Y), 2 (X) and
origin 2 for axis with ID 4 (B).

Programming example:

(GTA) on process 2 for the release of A and B


Name of axis to be associated with length offset

Acquisition of axis with ID 4 associated with name B
Axis ID 2 already belonging to the process, but under a different name
Axis ID 1 already belonging to the process, but under a different name
Parameter to retain origins of axes
Get Axes command

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Multiprocess Management Commands

Example 9:
Initial conditions:

− Controlled axes are X,Y,Z axes with ID 1,2,3,4.

− Axis with ID 4 is “shared with the logic”.


− Exchanging the abscissa with the ordinate.

Programming example:

(GTA,X2,Y1, Z3, W4)

Axis ID 4 already belonging to the process and shared with the logic

Axis ID 3 already belonging to the process and shared with the logic
Axis ID 1 already belonging to the process, but under a different name
Axis ID 2 already belonging to the process, but under a different name
Get Axes command

An axis shared with the logic cannot be released through a GTA command (the system gives out
error message NC124) and, needless to say, since it belongs to the logic, even though it is visible
from the process environment, it cannot be programmed.
Hence, if you want to use the GTA command on a process involving one or more axes shared with
the logic, you must first reconfirm such shared axes as described in the example.

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Chapter 14
Multiprocess Management Commands

Error Management
If an error such as axis resource not available, ID axis not found, etc. occurs during part program
execution, the programmer may stop the program and display the error or manage it from the
program through the ERR and STE variables.

For further information about these variables, refer to Appendix C.

Example of axes acquisition from a process:

N7 (DLY,0.1)
N8 (GTA,X1,Y2,Z3,A9,B10,-Z)
N9 T1.1M6
N10 S1000M3
N12 G1G91G28
/N13 (UGS,1,Z,-80,80,Y,-50,50,Z)
N14 E25=0.03
N15 X0.2713Y0.0947Z-0.1852A-0.1815B0.1007tE25
N16 X0.2711Y0.0886Z-0.1887A-0.1776B0.1066tE25
N17 X0.2708Y0.0825Z-0.1922A-0.1736B0.1125tE25
N18 X0.2703Y0.0764Z-0.1955A-0.1696B0.1184tE25
N19 X0.2697Y0.0702Z-0.1987A-0.1654B0.1241tE25
N20 X0.2689Y0.0640Z-0.2017A-0.1610B0.1299tE25
N2010 X0.2697Y0.1241Z-0.1654A-0.1987B0.0702tE25
N2011 X0.2703Y0.1184Z-0.1696A-0.1955B0.0764tE25
N2012 X0.2708Y0.1125Z-0.1736A-0.1922B0.0825tE25
N2013 X0.2711Y0.1066Z-0.1776A-0.1887B0.0886tE25
N2014 X0.2713Y0.1007Z-0.1815A-0.1852B0.0947tE25
N2015 G0
N2016 (SND,P2,S)
N2017 (GTA,X1,Y2,Z3)
N2018 M30


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Chapter 15

10 Series CNC systems permit to program a geometric profile on the plane using either the
standard programming language (G1-G2-G3) or GTL, a high level programming language.

GTL makes it possible to use the information provided by the drawing in order to program a profile
made up of straight lines and circles. The 10 Series CNC calculates tangency and intersection
points between these elements.

GTL and standard programming codes can be used in the same program but not in the same
profile. GTL requires absolute programming mode (G90).

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

With GTL a profile definition is based on four geometric elements:

− reference origins
− points
− straight lines
− circles

A profile is defined not only by its geometric elements but also by a direction of motion. GTL
defines the profile elements according to an oriented geometry. For each element you must
provide its coordinates on the plane as well a direction.

For example, through points A and B pass two straight lines: I', which moves from A to B, and I,
which moves from B to A.

l l'


Straight lines l and l'

In an oriented geometry l and l' are two different lines.

GTL programming, which is based on oriented geometry, requires the assignment of an assumed
direction for each line

By convention the direction of a line is given by the angle formed between the
IMPORTANT line and the positive X semiaxis.

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

To obtain the angle rotate the positive X semiaxis until it has the direction of the straight line to be
defined. The angle will be positive if the positive X semiaxis rotates counterclockwise; it will be
negative if the positive X semiaxis rotates clockwise.

Y+ Y+

a+ a-

X+ X+

Conventional angle signs

Circle definitions must also include a direction of motion. By convention, a
IMPORTANT counterclockwise motion defines a positve circle and a clockwise motion defines
a negative circle.

Errore. Non si possono creare oggetti dalla modifica di codici di campo.

Clockwise and counterclockwise circles

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

The radius of a positive circle has a positive sign whereas the radius of a negative circle has a
negative sign.

Y+ Y+

r>0 r<0

X+ X+

Circle radius signs

If necessary you can reassign the direction of an element during profile definition.

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


GTL uses lower case letters a-l-c-d-m-o-r-p-s-b to define, respectively, angles, straight lines,
circles, distances, modules. reference origins, radiuses, points, intersection numbers, and bevels.

Lower cases are mandatory, because the NC language uses the same letters in capitals to
designate other parameters.

Geometric elements must be saved in the program before defining the profile.

GTL straight lines, circles, points, reference origins are geometric variables identified by a NAME
and an INDEX. The element must be defined in an assignment block.

The block format is as follows:

NAME INDEX = <Expression>


NAME is one of the symbols for geometric element:

o defines reference origins
p defines points
I defines straight lines
c defines circles

INDEX defines the number of the NAME geometric variable (element).

It is a number ranging from 0 to the maximum configured limit.

expression provides all the information that defines the geometric element.

Geometric elements may be defined:

- directly (explicitly), by writing in a block all the necessary information about the geometric

- indirectly (implicitly), by writing in a block other geometric elements specified in previous


Examples of element definitions:

o1 = X30 Y30 a45

p1 = o1 X15 Y15
p2 = X60 Y30
l1 = p1, p2
l2 = X30 Y50, a45
c1 = l1,l2,r15
l3 = X0 Y0, X100 Y60
p3 = l3, c1
c2 = p3,r8

The maximum number of geometric elements must be specified in the system configuration.

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

The syntax of a geometric definition includes a comma (",") as separator between two geometric
elements (straight line - point - circle) or between a geometric element and the subsequent
parameter ("r" radius or "a" angle).

p1 = X30 Y30 the separator must be omitted
c1 = l10 J20 r30

l1 = X20 Y20, X100 Y-10

point point

l2 = l30 J30 r10, X80 Y80

circle point

l3 = X100 Y100, a45

point angle

p5 = c1, c2


c3 = l1, l2, r18

straight line
straight line

s2 is a discriminator that selects the second intersection (s2).




Intersection points between straight lines and circles

p1 = c1, l3
p2 = c1, l3, s2

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


Reference origin on = X.. Y.. a..

Points pn = [on] X.. Y..

pn = [on] m.. a..
pn = In, ln'
pn = [-] ln, cn [,s2]
pn = cn, [-]ln [.s2]
pn = cn, cn [,s2]

Straight lines In = [on] X.. Y.., [on] X.. Y..

In = [on] X.. Y , a..
In = [on] l.. J.. r.., [on] l.. J.. r..
In = [on] l.. J.. r.., a..
In = [on] l.. J.. r.., [on'] X.. Y..
In = [on] X.. Y.., [on'] l.. J.. r..
In = pn, pn'
In = pn, a..
In = [-]cn, [-]cn'
In = [-]cn, a..
In = [-]cn, pn'
In = pn, [-]cn'
In = [-]ln, d..

Circles cn = [on] l.. J.. r..

cn = [on] m.. a.. r..
cn = [-]ln, [-]ln, r..
cn = [-]ln, [-]cn, r..
cn = [-]cn, [-]ln, r..
cn = pn, [-]ln, r..
cn = [-]ln, pn, r..
cn = [-]cn, [-]cn', r..
cn = pn, [-]cn, r..
cn = [-]cn, pn, r..
cn = pn, pn', r..
cn = pn, [-]ln
cn = pn, [-]cp [,s2]
cn = pn, pn', pn''
cn = pn, r..
cn = [-]cn, [-]d..

Two dots in a definition idicate that a numerical value is mandatory. Parameters enclosed between
square brackets [ ] are optional and may be omitted.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 15-7

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


Function GTL permits to define reference origins using a direct (explicit) format.

Description The information provided by the program typically describes one system of
axes that correspond to the machine axes.
For specific design purposes, however, the part may have been drawn
according to other cartesian systems, such as the absolute system or other
origins obtained by translating or rotating the axes.
The GTL geometry may be defined for any system of axes.

Direct format:

on = X.. Y.. a..


on identifies the name of the reference origin

X.. Y.. coordinates of the new origin

a.. rotation angle (positive if counterclockwise).




o4 = X20 Y30 a-45

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


Function GTL permits to define points both directly (explicitly) or indirectly (implicitly).
The definition may be written in cartesian or in polar coordinates.

Description The polar reference system consists of an origin (pole) and an X semiaxis
also known as polar axis.

polo X
Polar axis

Each point on the plane (P) may be defined by its module (i.e. the length of the segment through
the point and P) and the value of the angle formed by the polar axis and the P-pole segment.

polar axis X


Polar coordinates

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 15-9

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Direct format

Point in cartesian coordinates

pn = [on] X.. Y..

Point in polar coordinates

pn = [on] m.. a..

Indirect format

Intersection point between two predefined straight lines

pn = In, In'

Intersection point between a predefined straight line and a predefined circle

pn = [-]ln, cn' [,s2]

pn = cn, [-]ln [,s2]

Intersection point between two circles

pn = cn, cn' [,s2]


pn is the name of a point whose index (n) is a number ranging from 1 and the configured

X.. Y.. coordinates of the point

[on] defined reference origin to whose n index refer the X and Y coordinates

m.. polar vector module

a.. polar vector angle

cn predefined circles with indexes n and n'


[-]ln predefined straight lines with indexes n and n'. The direction may be inverted by writing
[-]ln a "-" sign

[,s2] second intersection discriminator

15-10 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

In intersections between straight lines and circles, there are always two possible intersection
points. The c1 circle and the l2 straight line intersect in points p1 and p2. If you move along the l2
straight line, the first intersection point is p1 and the second intersection point is p2 . To select the
second intersection (p2) use the s2 discriminator. If s2 is omitted, the default intersection point will
be the first one (p1).




Intersection between a straight line and a circle

In circle-circle intersections there are also two possible solutions. The intersection points between
c1 and c2 are p1 and p2. Take the oriented straight line through the centers of the first and the
second circles. This line devides the plane into two halfplanes. To select a point from the right hand
halfplane (p2) write the s2 discriminator. If s2 is omitted, the default selection will be the point from
the left hand halfplane (p1).


p2 c2


Circle-circle intersection.

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


Point in cartesian coordinates

p1 = X30 Y160


Point in cartesian coordinates

o1 = X30 Y20 a-20
p5 p5 = o1 X20 Y10



15-12 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Point in polar coordinates


p2 = m55 a60


Intersection point between two

l1 predefined straight lines

p1 = l1, l2

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 15-13

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Intersection points between

a straight line and a circle

p1 = l4, c3
p2 l4 p2 = l4, c3, s2
p1 = -l4, c3, s2

Intersection points between two

p1 = c1, c2
p2 = c1, c2, s2
c2 p1 = c2, c1, s2


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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


Function GTL permits to define straight lines both directly (explicitly) or indirectly
(implicitly). The definition may be written in cartesian or in polar coordinates.

Description The straight line is directed from the first to the second defined element. If the
straight line is tangent to a circle there are two possible solutions because the
straight line may be tangent to either side of the circle. To select one solution
check that the circle and the straight line have the same direction in the
tangency point.




Incompatible directions between two geometric elements




Compatible directions between two geometric elements

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 15-15

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Direct format

Straight line through two points

ln = [on] X.. Y.., [on'] X.. Y..

Straight line through a point that forms an angle with the abscissa axis:

ln = [on] X.. Y.., a..

Straight line tangent to a circle that forms an angle with the abscissa axis:

ln = [on] I.. J.. r.., a..

Straight line tangent to two circles:

ln = [on] l.. J.. r.., [on'] l.. J.. r..

Straight line tangent to a circle and through a point:

ln = [on] l.. J.. r.., [on] X..Y..

ln = [on] X.. Y.., [on] l.. J.. r..

Indirect format

Straight line through two points:

ln = pn, pn'

Straight line through a point that forms an angle with the abscissa axis:

ln = pn, a..

Straight line tangent to two circles:

ln = [-]cn, [-]cn'

Straight line tangent to a circle that forms an angle with the abscissa axis:

ln = [-]cn, a..

Straight line tangent to a circle and through a point:

ln = [-] cn, pn
ln = pn, [-]cn

Straight line parallel to a straight line at d distance:

ln = [-]ln, d..
ln = [-]cn, a..

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


ln identifies the name of the straight line whose index n is a number from 0 through
the configured maximum

X.. Y.. point coordinates

a.. angle formed by the abscissa axis and the straight line (positive if

r.. circle radius (positive if counterclockwise)

pn pn' predefined points with indexes n and n'

[-]cn predefined circles with indexes n and n'. To ensure compatibility between the
[-]cn' direction of the straight line and that of the circle in the tangency point, you may
write the - sign to change the direction of the circle.

[-]ln predefined straight line with n index

d.. distance between two straight lines. It is positive if looking in the direction of the
predefined straight line the straight line is on the left hand side. It is negative if
looking in the direction of the predefined straight line the straight line is on the
right hand side.

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Straight line through two points

l1 = X40 Y20, X60 Y70

20 l1

40 60


Straight line tangent to a circle

and passing through a point

l1 = X10 Y15,I45 J30 r-15

30 l2 = X10 Y15,I45 J30 r15


10 45

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Straight line through a point and

forming an angle with the
abscissa axis
l2 = X50 Y60, a-20



Straight line through a point

and forming an angle with the
o1 abscissa axis

l5 = o1 X25 Y30, a60


10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 15-19

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Y l1


Straight line tangent to a circle

and forming an angle with the
abscissa axis

l1 = I60 J80 r20, a45


Straight line tangent to a circle

and forming an angle with the
abscissa axis
l4 = o3 I25 J15 r10, a115

10 03

15-20 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Straight line tangent to two

20 l3 = I25 J35 r-17,I70 J20 r13

l3 X

25 70

Straight line tangent to two

20 l4 = I25 J35 r17, I70 J20 r13


25 70 X

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 15-21

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Straight line through two

l9 = p7, p8

l9 X

Y l1

c1 Straight line tangent to a circle

and passing through a point

l1 = p1, c1
p1 -c1 l2 = p1,-c1


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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Straight line tangent to two
l3 = c1,c2


c1 -c1 Straight line tangent to two


c2 l4 = -c1,c2


10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 15-23

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

l3 Straight line through a

point and forming an angle
with the abscissa axis

l3 = p1,a30

l1 l2

Straight line tangent to a

c1 circle and forming an
angle with the abscissa

l1 = c1,a50
l2 = -c1,a50

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


l1 Straight line parallel to

another straight lines

l3 l2 = l1,d20
l3 = l1,d-15

Straight line parallel to
another straight line

l2 = -l1,d-50


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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


Faction GTL permits to define circles both directly (explicitly) or indirectly (implicitly).

Description When defining circles indirectly, the programmer must check the compatibility
between the directions of the circles and write a "-" sign to alter the direction of
a predefined element. Given a circle of known radius and a straight line (and
regardless of their directions), there are from 1 to 8 solutions to a circle tangent
to two elements, as shown in the figure below:

Circles tangent to a straight line and a circle

After checking that the directions of the predefined elements are compatible with that of the circle
to be defined, there are two possible solutions.

To select one of the two possible circles (both of which have the same radius and the same
direction), it is necessary to check the direction of the elements specified in the definition and the
two arcs in which the resulting circle will be divided by the points of tangency with the predefined
elements. GTL always generates a circle that goes from the first to the second arc corresponding
to the smallest central angle, as shown in the figure below:

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)




Tangent circles with the smallest ceangle

The c3 circle can be obtained by writing in the definition first the l1 straight line and then the c2
circle, because c3 allows to move from l1 to c2 (whose arc corresponds to the smallest angle).

The c4 circle can be obtained by writing in the definition first the c2 circle and then the l1 straight
line, because c4 allows to move from the c2 (whose arc corresponds to the smallest angle) to l1.

The same criteria must be applied when programming a circle tangent to two predefined circles.
Also in this case there are from 1 to 8 possible solutions, as shown in the figure below.

Circles tangent to two predefined circles

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Circles tangent to two predefined circles

After checking compatibility of directions between predefined circles and programmed circles, there
are only two possible solutions left.

To select one of them, consider the two arcs into which the new circle is divided.

To obtain c3, program first c1 and then c2.

To obtain c4, program first c2 and then c1.

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Direct format

Circle given the cartesian coordinates of center and radius:

cn = [on] I.. J.. r..

Circle given the polar coordinates of center and radius:

cn = [on] m.. a.. r..


Circle of known radius tangent to two predefined straight lines:

cn = [-] ln, ln, r..

Circle tangent to a straight line and predefined circle of given radius:

cn = [-]ln,[-]cn,r..

cn = [-]cn,[-]ln,r..

Circle of known radius through a predefined point, tangent to a predefined straight line:

cn = pn,[-]ln,r..

cn = [-]ln,pn,r

Circle of known radius tangent to a two predefined circles:

cn = [-]cn,[-]cn',r

Circle of known radius through a predefined point, tangent to a predefined circle:

cn = pn,[-]cn,r..

cn = [-]cn,pn,r..

Circle of known radius through two predefined points:

cn = pn,pn',r..

Circle whose center is a predefined point tangent to a predefined straight line:

cn = pn, [-]ln'

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Circle whose center is a predefined point tangent to a predefined circle:

cn = pn,[-]cn [,s2]

Circle through three points:

cn = pn,pn',pn''

Circle of known radius whose center is a point:

cn = pn,r..

Circle concentric to a predefined circle and lying at a known distance from it:

cn = [-]cn,d..


cn is a circle whose n index is a number ranging from 0 to the configured maximum.

I..J.. circle center coordinates: I=abscissa, J=ordinate.

r.. circle radius (positive if counterclockwise, negative if clockwise).

[-]ln predefined straight lines whose indexes are n and n'. To program the opposite
[-]ln' direction write a "-" sign.

pn pn' predefined points with indexes n, n' ed n''.


[-]cn predefined circles with indexes n and n'. To program the opposite direction write a "-"
[-]cn' sign.

[s2] selects the largest possible circle.

d.. distance between two circles. Look in the direction of [-]cn: if cn' is on the right hand
side, d is positive; cn' is on the left hand side, d is negative.

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Circle with center and radius in
cartesian coordinates



Circle with center and radius

in cartesian coordinates


o1 c1

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 15-31

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Circle with center and radius in

polar coordinates

c2 = m70 a30 r15


Circle of r radius tangent to two

predefined straight lines

c3 = l1,l2,r-15


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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


c4 r8 Circles tangent to a straight line

and a circle

c3 c3 =l1,-c2,r8
c4 = -c2,l1,r8


Circles tangent to a straight

line and a circle

c9 = -c2,l1,r-8
c10 = l1,-c2,r-8

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Y c4

c1 Circles tangent to a straight line

and a circle

l2 c4 = -l2,c1,r-40
c5 c5 = c1,-l2,r-40


Y l1

Circles through a point and
tangent to a straight line

c3 = p1,-l1,r25
c4 = -l1,p1,r25

15-34 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Circle tangent to two circles

c5 = c1,c2,r-8
c6 = c2,c1,r-8

Circle tangent to two circles

c9 = -c2,c1,r-8
c10 = c1,-c2,r-8

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 15-35

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Circle through a point and tangent to a


c3 c2 = c1,p1,r60
c3 = p1,c1,r60

p1 c1


Circles through two points

c1 = p1,p2,r20
c2 = p2,p1,r20

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


Circle with predefined center

tangent to a straight line

c3 c3 = p1,l2


c2 c1 Circle with predefined center

tangent to another circle
c2 = p1,c1
c3 = p1,c1,s2

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


Cerchio passante per tre punti

c1 = p1,p2,p3
c2 = p3,p2,p1

The circle goes from the first to

p3 X the second point and then to the
third point.

Circle whose center is a point

c1 = p1,r-40

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Circle concentric to another


c6 = c5,d-10

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


Profile start and end

A profile programmed in GTL is delimited by two codes:

G21 identifies the profile start

G20 identifies the profile end

Profile types
A profile is a sequence of predefined geometric elements. Profiles may be open or closed.

Open profiles

In an open profile the starting point is different from the end point (pn).
Tool radius offset is perpendicular to the first point of the first element and to the last point of the
last element.
To open tool offset radius on the first profile point you must program G21 G41/G42 in the block. To
close tool offset radius on the last profile point you must program G20 G40 in the block.

Closed profiles

To obtain a closed profile you must first program the last element and then re-call the first
programmed element.
The first offset point in the profile is the intersection between the first and the last translated
elements (first point = last point).
Tool radius offset must be opened at profile start, i.e. on the block that programms the last
element, by programming codes G21 G41/G42. To close tool offset radius at profile end you must
program G21 G41/G42 in the block.
If the first or the last element are circles, there are two possible intersections. By default the system
selects the first intersection. To select the second intersection, write s2 both in the block that
programs the last element at profile start and in the block that programs the last element at profile

Allowed G codes

The only G codes accepeted by GTL are as follows: G27, G28, G04, G09, G41 and G42.

If pn is programmed in the starting profile block then the profile is open. pn may
IMPORTANT be programmed both at profile start and at profile end but cannot be programmed
in the profile.

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Open profile

First point Last element

p1 l1 p2


Example of open profile

l1 = X Y25,a
p1 = X-20 Y25
p2 = X90 Y25
c1 = I30 J25 r-14
c2 = I45 J25 r15
G21 G42 p1 - first point
c1 s2
c2 s2
G20 G40 p2 - last point
Tool radius offset must start on the first point of the profile and end on the last
IMPORTANT point. Tool radius offset is disabled on the first motion block of the plane axis
programmed after G40.

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Closed profile

First and last points of the translate profile

l1 l5
First element
Last element

Example of straight line-straight line closed profile

l5 = X Y-15,a180
l1 = X-30 Y-15,a135
G21 G42 l5 - last element
l1 - first element
l5 - last element
G20 G40 l1 - first element

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


First element


First point Last element

Example of straight line-circle closed profile

c1 = I.. J.. r
l1 = X.. Y.. a90
l5 = X.. Y..,a180
G21 G42 l5 s2 - last element
c1 s2 - first element
l5 s2 - last element
G40 c1 - first element

Tool radius offset must be opened on the block that programs the last element of
IMPORTANT the profile and end on the block that programs the first element of the profile.
Tool radius offset is disabled on the first motion block of the plane axis
programmed after G40.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 15-43

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Spindle axis motion

Non-contouring axes can be moved on any point in the profile, for example, to penetrate the part.

Spindle axis motion at the first point must be programmed after the point in open profiles, and
between the definition of the last support element and that of the first element in closed profiles.

........ ........
G21G42 p1 G21G42 l5
Z-10 Z-10
l1 l1
....... .......

15-44 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Connecting the elements

The geometric elements of the profile may be interlinked by tangential or intersecting lines, by an
automatic radius or by a bevel.

1. Intersection between elements

The intersection between two straight lines has only one solution.
In straight line-circle intersections the default solution is the first of the two possible intersections.
To select the second intersection it is necessary to program the s2 discriminator after the definition
of the first element.

N24 l1
N25 c1

N28 c1 s2
N29 l1

N33 c1
N34 c2

N36 c1 s2
N37 c2

In straight line-circle intersections, the sequence of solutions is given by the direction of the line. In
circle-circle intersections the first intersection is on the left hand side of the straight line that links
the centers of the first and second circle, whereas the second intersection is on the left hand side
of the straight line that links the centers of the first and second circle.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 15-45

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

2. Automatic radiuses

GTL permits to define radiuses between elements by simply programming the radius length and
sign. A positive value defines a counterclockwise radius; a negative value defines a clockwise

l2 ...................
N20 l1
N21 r-8
l1 N22 l2


N24 l1
N25 r7
N26 c1
N27 r7
N28 l1


N90 c1
c2 N91 r10
N92 c2

Automatic radius between elements

15-46 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

If tool offset is enabled, the tool is positioned on the intersection between both geometric elements
translated by the tool radius. To insert a radius between the elements you must program an r0

no radius


radius r0
l1 .........................


Zero radius with intersection and tool offset

The block with the r radius cannot be programmed either inmmediately after the
IMPORTANT block that includes the G21 or immediately before the block that includes the
G20 code. In other words, the profile cannot either start or end with a radius.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 15-47

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

3. Bevels

GTL permits to define a bevel between two lines by programming the bevel length without sign.
The bevel length is the distance to the intersection point.



N30 l1
N31 b3 Bevel
N32 l2

• The block with the b bevel cannot be programmed either inmmediately after the block that
includes the G21 or immediately before the block that includes the G20 code. In other words,
the profile cannot either start or end with a bevel.
• With GTL displacements occur always at the configured feedrate. To program a move at a rapid
rate it is necessary to declare a very high F.
• If the interpolation plane is not formed by axes X and Y you must define the plane and then
program the elements with respect to the its abscissa and ordinate.

N1 G16BY
N2 l1 = B70,Y40,a150
N3 l2 = B8,Y8,a-95
N4 p1, = l1,l2
N5 l3 = B8,Y8,B70,Y15
N6 c1 = I70,J40,r-25
N12 G21 G42 l2

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


Example 1

N2 l1=X70Y40,a150
N3 l2=X8Y8,a-95
N4 p1=l1,l2
N5 l3=X8Y8,X70Y15
N6 l4=X50Y,a90
N7 c1=I70J40 r-25
N8 c2=p1,r-20
N9 F250 S800 T1.1 M6M3
N11 Z-10
N12 G21G42l2
N13 l3
N14 r3
N15 l4
N16 r3
N17 c1
N18 r5
N19 l1
N20 r5
N21 c2s2
N22 l2
N24 G20 G40 l3
N25 GZ2
N23 XY M30

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Example 2


N2 l1=X-50Y10,X30Y50 N21 l2
N3 l2=X30Y50,X70Y10 N22 c2s2
N4 l3=X70Y0,a-90 N23 l2
N5 l4=X=Y-20,a180 N24 l3
N6 l5=X10Y-20,X0Y0 N25 r-10
N7 l6=X0Y0,X-10Y-20 N26 l4
N8 l7=X-50Y0,a90 N27 c3s2
N9 c1=I-10J40r18 N28 l4
N10 c2=I50J30r-14 N29 r-8
N11 c3=I40J-20r10 N30 l5
N12 S...M...T3.3M6M.... N31 l6
N13 G0X-30Y0 N32 r-8
N14 Z-10 N33 l4
N15 G21G42l7 N34 r -10
N16 l1 N35 l7
N17 r-8 N36 G20G40l1
N18 c1 N37 G0Z20
N19 r-8

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Example 3

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Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

N2 S...F...T1.1M6 M...
N3 o1=X20 Y21 a45
N4 l1=X0 Y-60,a180
N5 l2=X50 Y0,a90
N6 c6=o1 I-38 J-35 r10
N7 l3=c6,a135
N8 l4=c6,a-45
N9 l5=X0 Y-50,a180
N10 l6=X-50 Y-65,a60
N11 l7=X-25 Y0,a90
N12 c3=I-65 J0 r55
N13 c4=I0 J80 r55
N14 p2=c3,c4
N15 c1=p2,r-15
N16 p3=X40 Y80
N17 c2=c1,p3,r40
N18 c5=I55 J80 r13
N19 l8=X70 Y0,a-90
N20 G21 G42 l8
N21 Z-10
N22 l1
N23 r-5
N24 l2
N25 r12
N26 l3
N27 c6
N28 l4
N29 l5
N30 l6
N31 l7
N32 r40
N33 c1
N34 c2
N35 r-5
N36 c5
N37 r-5
N38 l8
N39 G20 G40 l1
N40 G Z20
N41 X... Y... M30

15-52 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)

Example 4: 8 profile repetitions executed with 2 passes


N2 F...S...T2.2 M6 N25 G20 G40 p2
N3 MSA=2 N26 E25=E25+45
N4 p1=X50 Y0 N27 (ERP)
N5 c1=I0 J0 r50 N28 (ROT,0)
N6 c2=I0 J0 r10 "END" N29
N7 l1=c2,a180 N30 MSA=0
N8 l3=X0 Y0,a45 N31 (EPP,START,END)
N9 l2=c2,a45 N32 GZ20
N10 p2=l3,c1,s2 N33 XY M30
N11 GX60 Y0
N12 Z-2
N14 E25=0
N15 (RPT,8)
N16 (ROT,E25)
N17 G21 G42 p1
N18 c1
N19 r3
N20 l1
N21 r-3
N22 l2
N23 r3

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 15-53

Chapter 15
High Level Geometric Programming (GTL)


15-54 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 16

The profile is a program composed by blocks of movement that can be recalled by a roughing or
finishing cycle.

There are three methods to program the profiles:

1. Write the profile in ISO language using the line editor

G3 Z-2629165X61.07694 I-33.79165 J35.09618
G1 Z-55.82309 X95.17692
G3 Z-64.82309 X100 I-64.82309 J64
G1 Z-76

2. Write the profile in GTL language using the line editor

p1=Z0 X40 l1
l1=p1, a180 r-5
c1=I-40 J40 c1
l2=c1, a180 l2
p2=Z-55 X100 r-5
l3=p2, a90 l3
G21 p1 G20 p2

3. Write the profile with the graphic editor.In this case the profile is formed with the support of the
direct geometry available at the editor level and therefore the program will be translated in
output into the ISO language.

For further information , see the User Manual.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 16-1

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems

Restrictions to the definition of a profile to be recalled by the macro-

instructions of roughing/finishing.

• The profile must be completely described in a subroutine, indicated in the following pages as
• The blocks contained in the subroutine will have to be ISO/GTL types only, and only the
programming of :
− Axis names and co-ordinates
− Movement G functions (G1, G2, G3 and possible operands)
− Therefore, in general the three-letter commands will NOT be taken into consideration and
neither will any commands that might modify the profile description (origins, mirror, scale
The non-conformity to the listed points, might lead to a wrong interpretation of the profile described
in the subroutine.
P2 Approach point
and pre-finishing


Pre- finishing

l2 P1
Profile development Finishing

Figure 16-1 Para-axial roughing with pre-finishing and finishing

T1.1 M6 S.. F.. PROF2
G X143 Z1.5 p1 = Z0X30
(SPF,PROF2,Z,9,X1,Z1) l1 = p1, a180
X300 Z200 l2 = Z-15X30, a120
T2.2 M6 S.. F.. l3 = Z-60X100, a150
G X30 Z2 l4 = Z-75X100, a180
(CLP,PROF2) p2 = Z-75X140
G X300 Z200 l5 = p2, a90
.......... G21 p1
G20 p2

16-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems


The following three-letter codes allow defining and recalling of special cycles inside the program:

SPA para-axial roughing without pre-finishing

SPF para-axial roughing with pre-finishing
SPP roughing parallel to the profile
CLP finishing cycle
FIL threading cycle
TGL groove cutting cycle


Profile roughing, with cutting passes parallel to the ordinate or abscissa axis.

(SPA,profile_name, axis_name, n_pass. [,axis1 stock] [,axis2 stock])

Example : (SPA,PROF1,Z,6,X1,Z2)
profile_name is an ASCII string representing the part program name in which the
profile is described.
axis_name specifies the abscissa or ordinate name (Z o X) along which the roughing
passes must be executed or in which the programmed stock has to be
n_pass specifies the number of roughing passes . It may be a value between 1
and 255.
axis1 stock indicates the machining allowance to be left on axis 1 (normally the X
axis). The value must be positive.
axis2 stock indicates the machining allowance to be left on axis 2 (normally the Z
axis). The value must always be positive.
The stock values must be always positive.

The control decides automatically if the roughing refers to an internal or an external form by taking
into consideration the approach point and the profile direction, and therefore assigns the correct
sign to stock allowance.

The approach point must be external to the roughing field by at least as much as the programmed
stock allowance.

If the profile is not monotonous, (that is it contains cavities), during the executing of the roughing
cycle these are automatically passed over.

The profile must be monotonous for the roughing axis ,otherwise the system
IMPORTANT will display an error.
Therefore, the profile may contains cavities, but as regards the points trend
along the roughing axis, they must be always increasing or decreasing.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 16-3

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems

Roughing end
Approach point



Profile development

Figure 16-2 Example of a profile roughing with working passes parallel to the X axis

.......... PROF1
.......... p1 = Z-76X140
T1.1 M6 S.. F.. l1 = p1, a-90
G X143 Z1.5 l2 = Z0X100, a0
(SPA,PROF1,X,12,X1,Z1) l3 = Z-60X100, a-30
.......... l4 = Z-15X30, a-60
.......... p2 = Z0X30
l5 = p2, a0
G21 p1
G20 p2

16-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems

P2 Approach point



Roughing end

Profile development P1

Figure 16-3 Example of roughing parallel to the Z axis

PROF2 ..........
p1 = Z0X30 ..........
l1 = p1, a180
l2 = Z-15X30, a120 T1.1 M6 S..F..
l3 = Z-60X100, a150 GX143 Z1.5
l4 = Z-75X100, a180 (SPA, PROF2, Z, 9, X1, Z1)
p2 = Z-75X140 ..........
l5 = p2, a90 ..........
G21 p1
G20 p2

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 16-5

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems

Diagram to determinate the profile development direction according to the approach point.

Profile development Profile development
SPA, Z Approach point SPA, Z
direction direction
1 pass 1 pass

1 pass 1 pass

Approach point Profile beginning Approach point

Z- Z+

1 pass 1 pass

Approach point
1 pass 1 pass Profile development
Profile development
direction SPA, Z SPA, Z direction
The profile development direction must be defined by taking into consideration the direction taken
by the tool to perform the roughing cycle, which is also the profile development direction.

Cycle direction

Profile direction
Cycle direction

Profile direction

Profile direction
Profile direction

Cycle direction

Cycle direction

Figure 16-4 Tool profile and direction

16-6 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems


Roughing with cutting passes parallel to the ordinate and abscissa axis and final pass parallel to
the profile:
(SPF, profile_name, axis_name, n_pass [,axis1 stock] [,axis2 stock])
For the meaning of the parameters and the chosen attach point , refer to the SPA macro-
instructions. If the profile presents cavities, they will be rough-shaped during the SPF cycle as
indicated in the following examples:

Approach point

PROF3 ..........
p1 = Z0X62 ..........
l1 = p1, a135
l2 = Z0X68, a180 T1.1 M6 S..F..
l3 = Z-15X0, a90 GX90 Z2
l4 = Z0X76, a180 (SPF, PROF3, Z, 7, X1, Z1)
l5 = Z-38X76, a198 ..........
l6 = Z-77X76, a105 ..........
p2 = Z-97, X86
l7 = p2, a135
G21 p1
G20 p2

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 16-7

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems

The profile must be monotonous for the roughing axis or the system will
IMPORTANT indicates an error.
Therefore, the profile may present cavities but as regards the points trend
along the roughing axis, it must be always increasing or always decreasing.


L4 Pre-finishing

L3 P2
Profile development





P1 Approach point and

End of roughing and pre-
pre-finishing end
finishing beginning

-47 -20

Figure 16-5 Example of internal para-axial roughing with pre-finishing parallel to the X axis

PROF4 ..........
p1 = Z-47X20 ..........
l1 = p1, a90
l2 = Z0X40, a0 T..S..F..
l3 = Z-20X68, a45 GX15 Z2.5
p2 = Z0X68 (SPF, PROF4, X, 10, X2, Z2)
l4 = p2, a0 ..........
G21 p1 ..........
l1 (CLP, PROF4)
G20 p2

16-8 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems


This macro-instruction has been designed for roughing of pre-formed parts where the stock
allowance is more or less constant on the rough stock.

The format is:

(SPP,profile_name, n_pass, axis_name, stock1, stock 2, axis_name, stock1, stock 2)


profile_name is an ASCII string representing the part program name in which the
profile is described.
n_pass number of the roughing passes. It may be a value between 1 and 255.
axis_name it is the axis name (abscissa Z / ordinate X) on which the indicated stock
must to be left.
stock1 stock to be left on the finished part in Z / X
stock2 stock on the rough part Z / X

The stock values must always be programmed, even when their value is zero are valid. The same
considerations made for the SPA and SPF macro-instructions must be applied to the approach

Stock in Z
Approach point



Figure 16-6 SPP use

T1.1 M6 S...F...M...
T.. S.. F.. M..
G X143 Z2

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 16-9

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems

Stock in X

Approach point

Figure 16-7

T.. S.. F..M..
G X84 Z1
p1 = Z0X60
l1 = p1, a180
l2 = Z-30X60,Z-50X40
l3 = Z0X40, a180
l4 = Z-70X40, z-90X60
p2 = Z-110X60
l5 = p2, a180
G21 p1
G20 p2

16-10 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems


The programming format is:



profile_name is an ASCII string representing the part program name in which the profile is
CLP is the only profiling cycle during which any F functions programmed inside the profile are

P2 Approach point
and pre-finishing



Profile development Finishing

Figure 16-8 Para-axial roughing with pre-finishing and finishing

T1.1M6 S..F..
GX143 Z1.5
(SPF, PROF2,Z,9,X1,Z1)
X300 Z200
T2.2 M6 S..F..
GX30 Z2
GX300 Z200

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 16-11

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems

The threading cycle allows a cylindrical or taper thread programmed in a single block to be
executed in several passes. The programming format is:

(FIL,axis1 , [axis2 ,] pass, n_ pass [,F .] [,R .] [,G ..] [,P...] [,M .] [,T ..] [,H ..] [,a ...] [,b..] [,r ..] )

axis1 abscissa and/or ordinate axis (normally Z or X)
axis2 name of abscissa and/or ordinate axis (normally Z or X) and final co-ordinate for
the indicated axis (optional, it is programmed in tapered threading)
pitch threading pitch
n_pass number of threading passes. It may be a value between 1 and 255.
F... number of polishing passes. It may be a value between 1 and 255.
Default: 0
R... distance of tool from return part (default value 1)
G... internal/external threading:
0 = external thread
1 = internal thread.
Default: external (0)
P... starts number (default value 1)
M... entry mode
0 = rough-shaping at 1 angle (side)
1 = rough-shaping at 2 angles (zig zag).
Default: 0
T... output mode:
0 = thread with final groove
1 = thread without final groove (tearing)
2 = output with circular interpolation (connection).
Default: 0
H... metric/inches/non-standard
0 = metric thread
1 = whitworth thread
2 = non standard thread with depth and angle defined by parameters a and b.
Default: 0
a... angle of non-standard thread
b... depth of non-standard thread
r... output radius for the exit thread. Obligatory if output mode 2 (T2) has been
Parameters included between square parenthesis may be omitted.

When non-standard threads are programmed (H2), the (K) pitch must be:
K> 2 * b * tg (a/2)

16-12 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems

a) The unit calculates the movements along the thread so that passes are performed with constatn
swarf removal.
In case of threads with mulitples starts, the pitch to be defined is that of a single turn. The
system performs each pass on all starts before executing subsequent passes. The
management of multiple starts principles is carried out without moving the threads start point,
but by introducing an angular displacement with respect to the zero angular position of the
b) For thread with a final groove, the theoretical final Z position must be programmed because the
cycle will automatically stop and retract the axes , half a pitch after the theorical final
position.The parameters a (thread angle) and b (thread depth) are required only for
programming non-standard thread (H2).


(b) H

metric whitw. others

angle 60° 50° a

H f(pitch) f(pitch) b

Figure 16-9

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 16-13

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems

Single start thread

Cutting point

cycle 1

cycle 2
cycle 3

cycle “n”

Figure 16-10

Two start thread

Cutting point

cycle 1

cycle 2

cycle 3

cycle “n”

Figure 16-11

16-14 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems

c) For threads without a final grove, the tool reaches the programmed endpoint and then reaches
the return diameter with a tapered thread.
d) In threads without a final groove, SEMIAUTO must not be used, otherwise the result will be a
final groove .
e) The threading cycle must not be defined in G28.
f) For taper threading, the maximum taper allowed is equal to 1/2 of the thread angle.

Figure 16-12 Example of threading cycle

N35 T5.5 M6
N36 G0 G97 X24 Z37 S250 M3 M8
N37 (FIL,Z4,2,5,F1,R2)
N38 G0 X250 Z215

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 16-15

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems


The cycle generates a sequence to generate a groove parallel to the abscissa or ordinate axis
(generally Z or X), internal or external.

The programming format to obtain a parallel groove to a plane axis is:

(TGL,axis1, axis2, width_tool [, coord_external,B/R..., B/R...,])

The minimum requested format is:

(TGL axis1, axis_2, width_ tool)


axis1 Plane abscissa or ordinate axis name and final co-ordinate of the groove (the
initial co-ordinate must be programmed before defining the groove cutting cycle)
axis2 Name of 2nd axis of plane and internal position of the groove (see the drawing)
width_tool Tool width
coord_external Co-ordinate of top of grove.
B/R Initial radius/bevel (optional)
B/R Final radius/bevel (optional)

Tool Z
4 18
7 10 13
19 12 14 D

2 3 8 9 11 15
20 5
21 16

Figure 16-13 Groove cutting cycle

16-16 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems

The TGL command must be preceded by a block of movement in G0/G1 on the cycle beginning

Figure 16-14 Example of groove parallel to the Z axis

Axis1 Z-20
Axis2 X30
Width-tool 5
Coord-external 40
B/R R1,R0

N1 T1.1 M6 S.. F..

N2 G X50 Z-40
N3 TMR=2
N4 (TGL,Z-20,X30,5,40,R1,R0)
N5G X10 Z100

Figure 16-15 Example of groove parallel to the X axis

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08) 16-17

Chapter 16
Working Cycles for Turning Systems

Axis1 X50
Axis2 Z-5
Width-tool 5

N1 T1.1 M6
N2 G X20 Z5
N3 TMR=2
N4 (TGL,X50,Z-5,5)

The systems automatically forces a dwell at the end of the groove.

The stop time is defined by the three-letter TMR. If a stop is not wanted, program TMR=0 before
the groove cutting cycle.

Figure 16-16 Internal groove

Axis1 Z-10
Axis2 X40
Width-tool 5

N1 T1.1 M6 S.. F.. M..

N2 G X25
N3 Z-25
N4 TMR=2
N5 (TGL,Z-10,X40,5)
N6 ..........

At the cycle end the tool returns to the cycle start point programmed in the previous block.


16-18 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (08)

Appendix A

Following is the punched tape format of the ASCII, EIA and ISO characters recognized by the
control. Note that, depending on the code, there may be odd parity (EIA), even parity (ISO) or no
parity (ASCII) .


0 to 9 • Numbers

+ • Addition

- • Subtraction

* • Multiplication

/ • Division

. • Decimal Point

" • Label Identifier

( • Open Parenthesis

) • Close Parenthesis

[ • Open Parenthesis

] • Close Parenthesis

{ • Open Parenthesis

} • Close Parenthesis

; • Comment Symbol

, • Parameter Separator

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) A-1

Appendix A
Characters and Commands


= • Assignment Symbol

< • Less than (jump symbol)

> • Great than (jump symbol)

LF (ISO or ASCII line feed) • Block End

CR (EIA carriage return)

# • Synchronization

& • Asynchronization

! • Prefix User variable

@ • Prefix PLUS variable

>> • Increase on single operand

• Axis name
a • Acceleration on profile
• Angle with GTL

B • Axis name
b • Bevel in cutter diameter compensation

C • Axis name
c • Circle with GTL

D • Axis name
d • Distance with GTL
• Tool diameter (RQP,RQT)

E • Parameters used in machining cycles

F • Axes feedrate in G1-G2-G3

G • Preparatory Code (G00 - G99)

• Reserved (G100 - G299)
• Paramacro subroutines (G300 - G999)
• Parameters used in PARAMACROS
h • Offset change during continuous move

I • Coordinates of the arc centre in a circular interpolation (G2

G3) (abscissa)
• Variable pitch in G33
i • Tool dimension vector (with j and k)

A-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Appendix A
Characters and Commands


J • Coordinates of the arc centre in a circular interpolation (G2-

G3) (ordinate)
• Min depth increase in (G83)
j • Tool dimension vector (with i and k)

K • Reduction factor for I and J in drilling cycle

• Threading Pitch (G33)
• Threading Pitch (G84)
• Helix pitch in helical interpolation
k • Tool dimension vector (with i and j)

L • User table variables

l • Length 1 of tool offset (RQT, RQP)
• Length 2 of tool offset (RQT, RQP)
• Straight line with GTL

M • Auxiliary functions
m • Normal vector on surface (with n and o)

N • Part program block number

n • Normal vector on surface (with m and o)

o • Normal vector on surface (with n and m)

• Source with GTL

P • Axis name
p • Point with GTL

Q • Axis name

R • Rapid positioning in cycles G81 - G89

• Deviation from the spindle zero (used in multi-start threads)
adius in a circular interpolation G02-G03
• Profile radius (used for cutter diameter compensation only)
r G73 cycle
• Radius with GTL

S • Spindle speed
s • Intersection with GTL

T • Tool and tool offset address

t • Time needed to complete the move in one block

U • Axis name
u • Compensation factors in axis 1 (offset)

V • Axis name
v • Compensation factors in axis 2 (offset)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) A-3

Appendix A
Characters and Commands


W • Axis name
w • Compensation factors in axis 3 (offset)

X • Axis name

Y • Axis name

Z • Axis name

A-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Appendix A
Characters and Commands


The table below lists the G codes available with 10 Series systems

G00 Rapid axes positioning
G01 Linear interpolation
G02 Circular interpolation CW
G03 Circular interpolation CCW
G04 Dwell at end of step
G09 Deceleration at end of step
G16 Defined interpolation plane
G17 Circular interpolation and cutter diameter compensation in the XY plane
G18 Circular interpolation and cutter diameter compensation in the ZX plane
G19 Circular interpolation and cutter diameter compensation in the YZ plane
G20 Closes GTL profile
G21 Opens GTL profile
G27 Continuous sequence operation with automatic speed reduction on corners
G28 Continuous sequence operation without speed reduction on corners
G29 Point-to-point mode
G33 Constant or variable pitch thread
G40 Disables cutter diameter compensation
G41 Cutter diameter compensation - tool left
G42 Cutter diameter compensation - tool right
G70 Programming in inches
G71 Programming in millimetres
G79 Programming referred to machine zero
G80 Disables fixed cycles
G81 Drilling cycle
G82 Spot-facing cycle
G83 Deep hole drilling cycle
G84 Tapping cycle
G85 Reaming cycle
G86 Boring cycle
G89 Boring cycle with dwell
G90 Absolute programming
G91 Incremental programming
G92 Axis presetting
G93 Inverse time (V/D) feedrate programming
G94 Feedrate programming in ipm or mmpm
G95 Feedrate programming in ipr per revolution or mmpr
G96 Constant surface speed in fpm or mpm
G97 Spindle speed programming in rpm
G72 Point probing with probe ball radius compensation
G73 Hole probing with probe ball radius compensation
G74 Probing for theoretical deviation from point without probe ball radius compensation
G99 Deletes G92

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) A-5

Appendix A
Characters and Commands


• SIN • SQR • OR



L Plus User Table variable
SN System Number
SC System Character
TIM System Time
E Local variable
H Paramacro variable
HF Paramacro flag variable
HC Paramacro string variable
!name User variable
@name PLUS variable
VEF Velocity Factor
TPO Tool path optimization
TPT TPO threshold
CET (PRC) Circular Endpoint Tolerance
FCT Full Circle Threshold
ARM Defining Arc Normalization Mode
DLA Enables/disables look ahead
MDA Maximum Deceleration Angle Computation
DWT (TMR) Dwell time
SSL Spindle Speed Limit
ERR Ables/Disables Part Program Errors handling
STE System Error
MSA (UOV) Defining a Machining Stock Allowance
TRP (RMS Tapping Return Percentage
DSB Disable slashed blocks
UPA (RTA) Update Probe Abscissa
UPO (RTO) Update Probe Ordinate
VFF Velocity Feed Forward
ODH Online Debug Help
DYM Execution mode with G27

A-6 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Appendix A
Characters and Commands



DAN Define axis name

IPB (DTL) In Position Band
UAO Use absolute origin
UTO (UOT) Use temporary origin
UIO Use incremental origin
RQO Requalify origin
SOL (DLO) Software overtravels
DPA (DSA) Define protected areas
PAE (ASC) Protected area enable
PAD (DSC) Protected area disable
MIR Mirror machining
ROT (URT) Active plane rotation
SCF Scale factor
AXO Axis Offset Definition
RQT (RQU) Requalifying Tool Offset
RQP Requalifying Tool Offset
TOU (TOF) Declare a tool out of life
DPP (DPT) Defining Probing Parameters
LOA Dual port loading of tables
RPT Open repetition of a set of program blocks
ERP Close repetition a set of program blocks
CLS Call a subroutine for execution
EPP Execute a portion of a part program (subprogram)
PTH Set path for subroutines and paramacros
EPP Execution of a part of a program
EPB Execution of a program block
GTO Branch Command
IF, ELSE, ENDIF Conditional Execution of parts of a program

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) A-7

Appendix A
Characters and Commands


GDV Device Definition

RDV Release Device
UDA Dual Axes
SDA Special Dual Axes
UGS (UCG) Use the graphic scale
CGS (CLG) Clear the graphic field
DGS (DCG) Disable the graphic scale
UPR Uses Plane Rotated
UVP Use Virtual Polar
UVC Use Virtual Cylindrical
TCP Tool Center Point
DIS Display a variable
DLY Cause a delay in program execution
DSB Disable slashed blocks
REL Disactivate a part-program
WOS Put the system on hold for a signal
GTA Axes acquisition
SND Send a synchronization message
WAI Wait for a synchronization message
EXE Automatic activation of a part program
ECM Execution in MDI mode of a block in a specified process
PRO Definition of default process
DCC Definition of communication channel
PVS PLUS variable selection
GTP Determine approach point for automatic contour milling
CCP Perform automatic contour milling

A-8 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Appendix A
Characters and Commands


SPA Para-axial rough shaping without pre-finishing

SPF Para-axial rough shaping with pre-finishing
SPP Parallel rough shaping to the profile
CLP Finishing cycle
FIL Threading cycle
TGL Groove cutting cycle

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) A-9

Appendix A
Characters and Commands

The tables that follow show the 256 elements of the extended ASCII character set, together with
their decimal and hexadecimal equivalents.

000 00 016 10 032 20 048 30
001 01 (SOH) 017 11 (DC1) 033 21 ! 049 31 1
002 02 (STX) 018 12 (DC2) 034 22 " 050 32 2

003 03 ♥ (ETX) 019 13 !! (DC3) 035 23 # 051 33 3
004 04 ♦ (EOT) 020 14 ¶ (DC4) 036 24 $ 052 34 4
005 05 ♣ (ENQ) 021 15 § (NAC) 037 25 % 053 35 5
006 06 ♠ (ACH) 022 16 (SYN) 038 26 & 054 36 6
007 07 023 17 039 27 ' 055 37 7


008 08 (BS) 024 18

↑ (CAN) 040 28 ( 056 38 8
009 09 (HT) 025 19
↓ (EM) 041 29 ) 057 39 9
010 0A (LF) 026 1A → (SUB) 042 2A * 058 3A :
011 0B (VT) 027 1B ← (ESC) 043 2B + 059 3B ;
012 0C (FF) 028 1C (FS) 044 2C , 060 3C <
013 0D (CR) 029 1D
↔ (GS) 045 2D - 061 3D =
014 0E (SO) 030 1E (RS) 046 2E . 062 3E >
015 0F (SI) 031 1F (US) 047 2F / 063 3F ?


064 40 @ 080 50 P 096 60 ` 112 70 p

065 41 A 081 51 Q 097 61 a 113 71 q
066 42 B 082 52 R 098 62 b 114 72 r
067 43 C 083 53 S 099 63 c 115 73 s
068 44 D 084 54 T 100 64 d 116 74 t
069 45 E 085 55 U 101 65 e 117 75 u
070 46 F 086 56 V 102 66 f 118 76 v
071 47 G 087 57 W 103 67 g 119 77 w
072 48 H 088 58 X 104 68 h 120 78 x
073 49 I 089 59 Y 105 69 i 121 79 y
074 4A J 090 5A Z 106 6A j 122 7A z
075 4B K 091 5B [ 107 6B k 123 7B {
076 4C L 092 5C \ 108 6C l 124 7C |
077 4D M 093 5D ] 109 6D m 125 7D }
078 4E N 094 5E ^ 110 6E n 126 7E ~
079 4F O 095 5F _ 111 6F o 127 7F

A-10 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Appendix A
Characters and Commands


128 80 Ç 144 90 É 160 A0 á 176 B0

129 81 ü 145 91 æ 161 A1 í 177 B1

130 82 é 146 92 Æ 162 A2 ó 178 B2

131 83 â 147 93 ô 163 A3 ú 179 B3

132 84 ä 148 94 ö 164 A4 ñ 180 B4

133 85 à 149 95 ò 165 A5 Ñ 181 B5

134 86 å 150 96 û 166 A6 a 182 B6

135 87 ç 151 97 ù 167 A7 o 183 B7

136 88 ê 152 98 ÿ 168 A8 ¿ 184 B8

137 89 ë 153 99 Ö 169 A9 185 B9

138 8A è 154 9A Ü 170 AA 186 BA

139 8B ï 155 9B c 171 AB ½ 187 BB

140 8C î 156 9C £ 172 AC ¼ 188 BC

141 8D ì 157 9D Y
173 AD ¡ 189 BD

142 8E Ä 158 9E
Pt 174 AE « 190 BE

143 8F Å 159 9F f 175 AF » 191 BF


192 C0 208 D0 224 E0 α 240 F0 ≡

193 C1 209 D1 225 E1 β 241 F1 ±
194 C2 210 D2 226 E2 Γ 242 F2 ≥
195 C3 211 D3 227 E3 π 243 F3 ≤
196 C4 212 D4 228 E4 Σ 244 F4 ⌠
197 C5 213 D5 229 E5 σ 245 F5 ⌡
198 C6 214 D6 230 E6 µ 246 F6 ÷
199 C7 215 D7 231 E7 τ 247 F7 ≈
200 C8 216 D8 232 E8 φ 248 F8 °
201 C9 217 D9 233 E9 θ 249 F9 •
202 CA 218 DA 234 EA Ω 250 FA

203 CB 219 DB 235 EB δ 251 FB

204 CC 220 DC 236 EC ∞ 252 FC n
205 CD 221 DD 237 ED ∅ 253 FD 2

206 CE 222 DE 238 EE ∈ 254 FE

207 CF 223 DF 239 EF ∩ 255 FF BLANK


Extended ASCII Character Set

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11) A-11

Appendix A
Characters and Commands


A-12 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (11)

Appendix B

Description of error messages and remedial actions

This Appendix lists error messages that may appear during system operation with a short
description and suggested remedial action.

Code Message description and remedial action

NC001 Syntax Error

Syntax error found in the part program block or in the MDI block

NC002 Wrong number of axes for G code

This message is displayed to indicate that:
• At least one axis must be programmed in G04
• Only one axis must be programmed in a canned cycle block (from G81 to

NC003 Canned cycle parameters missing

Canned cycle parameters (i.e. K, I, ...) are missing

NC004 Missing parameters for G code

Parameters for G code are missing (i.e. G33 ...K)

NC005 Missing J and/or K for G83 cycle

K or J parameter are missing in the G83 canned cycle

NC006 Missing I and/or J for G2/G3 code

I and/or J parameters are missing in G2/G3 codes (circles)

NC007 Probing cycle parameters missing

Probing cycle parameters (i.e., E or r) are missing

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) B-1

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC008 Format error

This error is displayed in the following cases:
• Wrong variable index
• Feedrate (F) = 0 or negative
• Wrong variable format
• Repeat number is illegal (number of repetitions must be from 1 to 65535)
• Format error in assignment, e.g. assignment to strings with different lengths
• PLUS variables writing/reading error
• Character variable format error in DIS code: not specified as CHAR
• Protected area not allowed: 0< protected area number <4
• Variable not configured

NC009 Undefined symbol

This message is displayed in the following cases:
• Axis name not configured in AMP
• Variable does not exist

NC010 Overflow
Expression too long

NC011 Function not allowed

This message is displayed in the following cases:
• Activation of an M type "block calculation" requested with calculation block
already active or on HOLD
• Feedrate override with non linear active block requested

NC012 Wrong use of axis slave

A slave axis previously declared in the UDA block is programmed directly in a
part program or input in an MDI block.
This error is also displayed in the following cases:
1. When an attempt is made to move the slave axis manually.
2. When programming UDA, if the slave axis is already involved in TCP
programming as a linear or rotating axis.
3. When programming UDA, if the slave axis is already involved in virtual
programming (UPR, UVP, UVC) as a real or virtual axis.
4. When programming UDA, if the master axis is already involved in virtual
programming (UPR, UVP, UVC) as a virtual axis.

NC013 Operand not allowed in canned cycle

Operand not allowed in G72 G73 G74 canned cycles

NC014 K parameter not allowed in G84

K parameter not allowed during G84 programming of a spindle without

NC015 Wrong programming of G2/G3 code

Both the centre and the radius (R) of the circle are specified
Eliminate either the radius or the IJ centre coordinates

B-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC016 Illegal number of operands

Illegal number of operands in the AXO block

NC017 Illegal number of pseudo axis

Too many pseudo axes programmed in the block (max. 6)

NC018 Illegal number of axes in G33 code

More than 2 axes programmed in G33

NC020 G not allowed

G not allowed in the threading cycle

NC021 Operand not allowed with G code

Operand incompatible with type of movement

NC022 Block and system state not congruent

• UDA enable/disable while other virtual mode is active
• Synchronisation while blocks in execution are suspended. For example,
synchronisation with cutter diameter compensation active.
• Attempt to execute an MDI block while a macro is active

NC024 G and program state not congruent

This message occurs when
• G41-G42 canned cycles cannot be programmed when cutter diameter
compensation is active
• Threading cannot be programmed when cutter diameter compensation (G41
G42) is active or when a canned cycle is programmed
• Interpolation planes (G17, G18, G19) cannot be programmed when cutter
diameter compensation (G41 G42) is active

NC025 G and dynamic mode not congruent

G function not compatible with current dynamic mode.
For example: functions G72, G73, G74 do not accept in continuous mode (G27, G28)
Switch from G27 to G28 or vice versa with active non-linear ramps (MOV > 1).

NC026 G41/G42 and part program state not congruent

Cutter diameter compensation (G41/G42) not compatible with current program

NC027 G needs spindle with transducer

G33 and the threading macro-cycle FIL need a spindle with transducer.

NC028 G not congruent with feedrate mode

G72, G73, G74 must be executed when G94 is active

NC029 Operand and part program state not congruent

Operand incompatible with current part program state
For example: r, b operands are not allowed in the ISO standard state (G40)

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) B-3

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC030 M and dynamic mode not congruent

Machine logic operands incompatible with active dynamic mode
For example:
M at motion end not compatible with (G27-G28)
T programmed with G41/G42 active

NC031 M/T/S and motion type not congruent

Machine logic operands incompatible with the type of move
For example:
G33 + end of motion M function

NC032 Probing cycle operands inhibited

Probing cycle operands not allowed
For example:
Operands I,J,K,R,u,v,w,b,t are not allowed in G72-G73

NC033 Missing third axis for helix

The third axis for helix programming is missing

NC034 "Expedite" function without motion

An "expedite" M is present a block that does not program a move; "expedite"
M's must always be associated motion to a move

NC035 Feed or speed not programmed

• Feedrate or speed not programmed for canned cycle execution
• Motion block in G1/G2/G3 without programmed feed

NC036 Z-axis not found for G87 cycle

The z-axis has not been programmed for the cycle G87.

NC037 Read only variable

The specified variable is of the read-only type. For example: TIM.

NC038 Part program record too long

The programmed record has more than 127 characters. It is displayed in
conjunction with the PART PROGRAM NAME message.

NC039 Part program access denied

The part program file specified with this error message is not read-accessible
as it is open in write mode for another user (e.g. Editor, DOS real time, etc.).

NC040 P.P. block not allowed from serial line

Block not allowed during part program execution from serial line.

NC041 Wrong serial line configuration for EPS

NC042 Nesting of IF greater then 5

The maximum number of nested IF commands has been exceeded.

B-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC043 ELSE not allowed

An ELSE command has been programmed without a previous IF command.

NC044 ENDIF not allowed

An ENDIF command has been programmed without a previous matching IF

NC048 Illegal argument for TAN

The argument of the TAN operator is 90 degrees (the result would be infinite)

NC049 Illegal argument for SQR

The argument of the SQR operator (square root) is a negative number

NC050 Too many programmed axes

More than 6 axes have been programmed in the block

NC051 Division by zero

A division by zero has been detected in the expression that calculates an axis
dimension (e.g. X10/0 or in the expression calculated by the Evaluate utility)

NC052 String too long

The max. string length can be 80 characters.
This message is displayed when a longer string is used in the following cases:
• display of a string with the DIS code
• string variable (SC) assignment

NC053 Label duplicated

This message is displayed when the program is selected or activated. It shows
that there are two identical labels in the part program. The duplicated label is
also displayed.

NC054 Undefined label

The label programmed in a branch instruction (GTO) or in a call for a subroutine
(EPP) does not exist

NC055 Label too long

This message is displayed when the system reads an SPG block. It indicates
that a label having more than 6 characters has been programmed. The illegal
label is also displayed

NC056 Program table overflow

This message is displayed when the program is selected or activated. It
indicates that the number of CLS for subroutines overflows the maximum
configured in AMP.
You can alter this parameter in AMP with the procedure described in the

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) B-5

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC057 Label table overflow

This message is displayed when the program is selected. It indicates that the
number of programmed labels overflows the maximum configured in AMP.
You can alter this parameter in AMP with the procedure described in the

NC058 End of program

End of file marker for:
• block skipping
• block editing
• string search
• program execution

NC059 Beginning of program

Program start marker for:
• block skipping
• string search

NC060 Nesting of RPT greater than 5

RPT max. nesting level (5) overflown

NC061 Nesting of subroutine greater than 4

Subroutine max. nesting level (4) overflown

NC062 Nesting of EPP greater than 5

EPP max. nesting level (5) overflown

NC063 RPT/EPP cycle open at end of file

This message is displayed when:
• The end of the file has been reached without finding the (ERP) block that
closes the programmed (RPT) cycle
• The end of the file has been reached without completing the subroutine
defined with (EPP)

NC064 ERP without RPT

(ERP) has been programmed without previously programming (RPT)

NC065 Error during part program file handling

This message occurs during program reading/writing to indicate that:
• a part program block has been skipped
• error in program SPG/REL
• error in subroutine opening/closing management
• the accessed file does not exist or is protected

NC066 Part program not found

The selected part program/subroutine is not stored in the E:\UPP directory

B-6 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC067 Part program not selected

This error occurs when:
• CYCLE START is given in AUTO but no part program has been selected
• SKIP, MODIFY, ESCAPE commands are given but no part program has
been selected
• a branch instruction (GTO) is executed by the system in MDI mode

NC068 Process number cut of range

The process number written in the three-letter code cannot be higher than the
one set in AMP or less than 1.

NC069 Paramacro modal already active

A paramacro is programmed when a modal paramacro is already active

NC070 Paramacro not configured

The programmed paramacro has not been configured in AMP

NC078 Software option not installed

NC079 Software option not available. Check security

NC080 Axis not referenced

This message occurs when:
• The programmed axis is not referenced
• The axis specified in the definition of a protected area with DPA is not
• The offset to be preset/requalified is associated to a non referenced axis

NC081 Undefined DPP for probing cycle

Probing cycle parameters (approach coordinate, safety distance, velocity) are
not defined in the DPP block

NC082 Too many "Expedite" M codes

More than one expedite M code has been programmed in the block

NC083 Undefined M code

The programmed M is not configured in AMP.
Configure the M in AMP and restart the system

NC084 Circle not congruent

The circle is not geometrically congruent: the radius or the final points are not

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) B-7

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC085 Wrong threading parameters (I, K, R)

The programmed threading parameters (I, K and R) are not allowed.
Calculate the I parameter with the following formula:
16 k
2(threading distance)

NC086 Helix pitch not congruent

The helix pitch is not geometrically correct

NC087 Axes of plane needs same scale factor

Plane axes in G02/G03 programming (circle) must have the same scale factor.
Change the scale factor with an SCF instruction

NC088 Profile not congruent

The programmed ISO-offset profile is not correct

NC089 Wrong direction on profile

Offset value in G41-G42 reverses the tool path direction

NC090 Err. disabling cutter compensation

Wrong exit from cutter diameter compensation (G40)

NC091 Too many blocks to resolve

Too many extra plane moves programmed with cutter diameter compensation
active (G41-G42) (max. 2 extra plane moves).

NC092 Entry in safety zone

The programmed move enters one of the three safety areas

NC093 Canned cycle on rotate plane

Canned cycle programmed on rotated plane
Disable plane rotation

NC094 Canned cycle data not congruent

The parameters specified in the canned cycle (I, J, K, R) are not allowed.
For example: canned cycle K = 0

NC095 Missing parameters for G87

There are parameters missing in the G87 fixed drilling cycle . This cycle is used
in the WOOD macros.

NC096 Wrong probing cycle programming

This message appears when:
• probing approach distance is null
• hole probing is programmed with null radius (for example G73r0E5)

B-8 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC097 Hole probing cycle not complete

The hole probing cycle not complete has not been completed
NC098 Probing cycle not executed
This message occurs when the probe does not find the point to be probed
before reaching the safety zone
NC099 Probe has not been retracted
When measuring cycle starts the probe is already touching the part surface
NC100 Hardware overtravel
The programmed axis has overflown the hardware overtravel. Jog it back within
hardware travel limits
NC101 Positive software overtravel
The programmed move causes the axis to exit the programmed or configured
positive software travel limits
NC102 Positive hardware overtravel limit
This message appears if the axis is jogged in the positive direction after it has
reached its positive hardware overtravel limit.
Select JOG DIR - and press CYCLE START to jog the axis back within the
positive overtravel. NOTE: there is not other way of returning an axis to the HW
operating limits
NC103 Negative hardware overtravel limit
This message appears if the axis is on the programmed or configured negative
hardware overtravel limit and you try to further jog it in the negative direction.
NC104 Positive software overtravel limit
This message appears if the axis is on the programmed or configured positive
hardware overtravel limit and you try to further jog it in the positive direction.
NC105 Negative software overtravel limit
The axis is on the negative SW overtravel limit and we set a JOG DIR move
NC106 JOG past software overtravel limit
The JOG INCR value would take the axis past the software overtravel limit
NC107 Axes not on profile
This message appears if we try to quit CYCLE STOP after a series of jog
moves without taking the axes back to the profile.
Select JOG RETURN and return the axes to the profile
NC108 Home and JOG DIR not congruent
This message appears when we try to home an axis in a JOG DIR opposite to
the configured homing direction. NOTE: if the homing cycle is configured as
automatic the system will automatically correct JOG DIR without displaying the
Press the JOG DIR softkey to align the jogging direction to the configured
homing axis direction

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) B-9

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC109 Error in exit HOLD: mode changed

This message occurs when we try to exit from HOLD by setting an operating
mode (BLK_BLK, AUTO, MANUAL) that is different from the one in which the
system went on HOLD.
Select the correct mode and re-try.

NC110 Block not allowed in HOLD

This message occurs when:
• we try to execute an MDI motion block with the system on HOLD. When the
system is on HOLD axes can only be jogged.
• the programmed M is configured as not allowed on HOLD

NC111 Active reset denied

This message occurs when we tried to execute an ACTIVE RESET in the
following conditions:
• while a block is executed with G27-G28
• during execution of a block followed by a circular block (G02/G03)
• during execution of the last block before a syntactically inappropriate block
The system only accepts another ACTIVE RESET (particularly convenient for
bypassing the circular block) or RESET

NC112 Wrong use of roll-over axis with G90

The programmed coordinate for the axis with rollover in G90 is greater than the
roll over pitch configured in AMP

NC113 Wrong JOG DIR for jog return

If the jog direction is negative during automatic or manual JOG RETURN, the
system forces positive jog direction. This message appears if reversal is
prevented by the machine logic

NC115 Probing cycle executed before the end of approach movement.

Probing cycle carried out during fast probe approach

NC116 Wrong use of real axis during a virtualization modality

This message occurs when a real axis is programmed when virtual mode is

NC117 Tool direction active: movement not permitted

This message occurs when only the tool direction is active and all other
movements are not allowed.

NC118 Negative software overtravel

The programmed move causes the axis to move past the programmed or
configured software negative travel limits

NC119 Command not allowed during search in memory

Command not allowed during the search in memory

B-10 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC120 Mode to select out of range

This message occurs when the selected mode is out of range. Allowed modes
are in the 1-8 range:
NC121 Axes number to select out of range
The number of axes selected for manual moves with library call NC
NC_SELAXI is out of range. The allowed range is from 1 to the number of
axes configured for the process
1 < allowed range < n. of configurated axes +1
NC122 Too many axes selected for manual move
A larger number of axis names than accepted have been inserted in the part
program block.
Edit the part program block.
NC123 Bad select mode for cycle
This error is displayed when CYCLE START is pressed in the following
• a mode other than MDI has been selected during execution of a tool change
axis move
• system on HOLD, AUTO or BLK/BLK with MBR (multiblock retrace) not
configured in AMP
• system on HOLD with MBR active and selected mode other than AUTO or
• system in IDLE and ACTIVE_RESET with selected mode other than AUTO
• system in IDLE with MBR active and selected mode other than AUTO or
• system in HRUN with MBR active and selected mode other than AUTO or
• ACTIVE RESET command in HOLD status with selected mode other than
For further information about the machine status (HOLD, MDI, HRUN, etc.)
refer to the USER GUIDE.
NC124 Wrong axis name
This error is displayed in the following when:
• The name of the selected axis is not configured in the axes table associated
to the process
• The definition of the interpolation plane is not correct because its axis/axes
are not configured in the axes table.
• The plane to be defined with G17, G18, G19, G16 cannot be defined
because one of the specified axes is not configured in the axes table
• The axis specified in the NC_ACTUALOFS call does not exist

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) B-11

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

• The axis specified in the SCF, MIR three-letter blocks is not configured
• An axis coordinate reading error has occurred because the specified axis
does not exist
• The axis specified in the SOL, DPA, UDA, UGS, AXO, UAO three-letter
blocks is not configured or is duplicated
• the axis specified in the AX_SHARE Library call does not exist
• you are releasing an axis shared with the logic through the GTA command.

NC125 Data length out of range

The keyboard buffer for MDI blocks has been overflown. Allowed entry length
ranges from 1 to 127 characters

NC126 Failed to write variable

Value of variable not written

NC127 Failed to read variable

Value of variable not read

NC128 Operative limit definition wrong

• Error in defining the software operating limits with the three-letter mnemonic
• The programmed software limits must be defined in configured software.
• Software operating limits are not configured in AMP.

NC129 Protected area not defined

This message occurs when you try to enable with a PAE a protected area which
does not exist. Define a protected area with PAE.

NC130 Offset length not defined for the axis

This message occurs when you try to preset or requalify an offset that is not
associated to the specified axis.

NC131 Tool orientation code wrong

The specified tool orientation code is illegal

NC132 Error from PLUS environment

Error in the PLUS environment generated by PLUS library calls PL_SET92,
Error during execution of: RQO, UAO, UTO, UIO, RQT, RQP, G92

NC133 Error from servo environment

Error in the SERVO environment during origin or offset presetting
The error can also be caused by the IPB command when the In Position Band
value transferred to an axis is rounded out, in the internal computations, to less
than 1 digit.

NC134 Manual movement not executed , no axes configured

Manual movements are not allowed because no axes have been configured

B-12 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC135 Axis not configured

The ID programmed in the GTA block has not been configured

NC136 Programmed id identifies an auxiliary axis

The ID programmed in the GTA block corresponds to an auxiliary axis and is
not allowed
NC137 Axis not available
• The ID of the axis programmed in the GTA block corresponds to another
• ID of axis programmed in AX_SHARE Library function is not available.

NC138 Axis id duplicated

The axis ID is duplicated in the GTA block

NC139 Programmed ID identifies a spindle

The ID programmed in the GTA block corresponds to a spindle axis and is not
NC140 Set spindle speed failed
The machine logic (task $SPROG) does not accept the variation of spindle speed.
NC141 New tool request failed
The machine logic (task $nTPROG) does not accept the T code programming.

NC142 M executed failed

The machine logic (task $mDECOD) does not accept the M code programming

NC143 Pseudo axes programming failed

The machine logic (task $nPSEUDO) does not accept the pseudo axes

NC144 Axis motion inhibited

Axis motion denied by the machine logic (task $nCONMOV).

NC145 End of move failed

The machine logic answers with error on the end of move signal (task

NC146 Too many blocks without motion in continuous mode

Too many blocks without motion have been programmed in continuous mode
(G27, G28)

NC149 Program already selected

This error occurs in MDI mode when you try to activate the same paramacro
several times.

NC150 Axis homed

This message indicates that the axis has been homed.
NC151 Axis on profile
This message indicates that RETURN TO PROFILE has successfully
terminated and the axis has returned to the profile.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) B-13

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC152 End of automatic return to profile

This message indicates that automatic RETURN TO PROFILE has successfully
terminated and all the axis have returned to the profile.

NC153 End of block retrace

This message occurs when backward multiblock retrace. To retrace a greater
number of blocks, alter the configured maximum.

NC156 End of search in memory

End search in memory

NC160 Command and system state not congruent

This message indicates that the command is not allowed in the present system

NC161 Internal error: class not exist

NC162 Internal error: NC message error

Switch the control off and then on again. If the message is retained, contact
technical services.

NC190 Insufficient length for tapping cycle

This error occurs when the distance covered in the acceleration and
deceleration phases of the canned tapping cycle without transducer is longer
than the total distance, and no space is left for machining.

NC191 Insufficient length for tapping cycle with transducer

This error occurs when the distance covered in the acceleration and
deceleration phases of the canned tapping cycle with transducer on the spindle
is longer than the total distance, and no space is left for machining.

NC192 Insufficient length for threading cycle

This error occurs when the distance covered in the acceleration and
deceleration phases of the canned threading cycle is longer than the total
distance, and no space is left for machining.

NC199 Spindle not activated

NC200 File access error

Error in reading or writing a file.

NC201 Set up file loading error

The axes configuration in the file accessed is different from the configuration on
dual port.

NC202 File/Dual port config. mismatch

The axes configuration in the file accessed is different from the configuration on
dual port.

B-14 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC203 Warning: table locked read only

PLUS denies access to the table on dual port.

NC204 Illegal file size

The table on file is of wrong size.

NC205 Empty magazine

The selected magazine doesn't have defined pockets.

NC206 Pocket is still busy

The pocket defined for a tool is already reserved to a different tool.

NC207 Illegal previous pocket

A tool taking up more than one pocket interferes with the pocket occupied by
another tool (previous pocket).

NC208 Illegal following pocket

A tool taking up more than one pocket interferes with the pocket occupied by

NC209 Illegal random

An illegal random class has been traced in memory.

NC210 Tool table is full

Dual port full during the loading of a tool table related to a certain magazine.

NC211 Illegal double format for editor

A variable format non accessible to editor has been traced.

NC212 Illegal magazine number into file

Error in reading or writing

NC213 Pocket not initialized

NC214 Pocket not compatible

NC215 Illegal table name

The name of the table to be loaded is invalid. Make sure the extension of the
table name is one the following:

NC220 Process undefined

The process has not been defined or configured.
Define the default process with the PRO command or select an existing process
for synchronisation commands.

NC221 Wrong process type

A communication channel unsuitable for the command set has been used.
Example: channel type 2 (PLUS) for EXE command execution.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) B-15

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC222 Wrong process number

The process number specified for synchronisation commands identifies the
current process

NC223 Process queue is full

The process queue (local or remote) that a message was sent to is full.

NC224 Data sending too long

Data to be transmitted with SND are longer than 174 characters

NC225 Data loading failed

The type or number of data transmitted with SND is not allowed

NC226 Message already exists in queue

A SND command towards a process has been given before the process cleared
the previous message.

NC227 EXE or ECM failed

This message occurs when:
• The status of the process to which the EXE or ECM command is sent does
not allow automatic part program execution commands (RUN, HRUN,
RUNH, HOLD) or an MDI instruction.
• There is a syntax error in the program to which the EXE command is

NC320 UPR programming not allowed

UPR cannot be programmed when another virtual mode is active.

NC321 Wrong incremental UPR programming

Incremental UPR can only be programmed if UPR is active.

NC322 UPV programming not allowed

UPR cannot be programmed when another virtual mode is active.
This error is also displayed if one of the real axes is a slave in UDA/SDA

NC323 Wrong axis type on UPV programming

The programmed type of real axis is not compatible with the virtual mode.

NC324 Wrong programmed radius value

The radius programmed in the UVP block is not compatible with the linear axis

NC325 UVC programming not allowed

UVC cannot be programmed when another virtual mode is active. This error is
also displayed if the real axis is a slave in UDA/SDA programming.

NC326 Programmed TCP code value out of range

The code that enables TCP is illegal.

B-16 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC327 TCP programming not allowed

(TCP,5) cannot be programmed when another virtual mode is active.
This error is also displayed if one of the linear or rotating axes of the TCP is a
slave in UDA/SDA programming.

NC328 TCP programming not congruent

The request to enable TCP is not compatible with the current TCP mode.

NC329 Error on tangential TCP activation

Error during (TCP,4) enable. Check whether the specified axes ID's are
configured in the user table.

NC330 Error during get or release axes

GTA cannot be enabled when offsets, canned cycles or a virtual mode are

NC331 Axis interpolator clock not congruent

The interpolator clock of one or more axes programmed in the GTA block is
different from that of the current process.

NC332 Zero value of ijk module

ijk error programming with active TCP: the module with such values is equal to

NC333 Wrong programming of ijk, mno

ijk and/or mno wrong programmed.

NC334 Number of contouring blocks overflow

The max. number of blocks defined in AMP for automatic contouring or for
rough-machining cycles is lower than required.

NC340 Circles/lines not defined

The circle/line programmed in the GTL profile has not been defined.

NC341 Wrong definition of circles/lines

There is an error in the definition of a GTL circle/line.

NC342 Circles/lines not intersecting

The intersection requested by the GTL profile involves two circles/lines that do
not intersect.

NC343 Coinciding circles

The intersection requested by the GTL profile must be generated by two circles
that do not intersect.

NC344 Coinciding circles/lines/points

The circles/lines/points programmed in the GTL profile are coincident.

NC345 Points inside circle

Profile error: the programmed point is inside a circle.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) B-17

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC346 Parallel lines

Point/circle programming error: the profile lines are parallel.

NC347 Aligned points

Profile error: the points programmed in the circle definition are on the same line.

NC360 Too many blocks of movement

The maximum number of blocks of movement allowed inside a profile recalled
by a macro rough-shaping (SPA, SPF). has been reached. Check this limit
value set in AMP.

NC361 Profile error

The profile recalled by the macro rough-shaping (SPA, SPF) can not be rough-
shaped. In general, only monotonous profiles can be roughed shaped for the
rough-shaping axis (which is X or Z always decreasing or always increasing).

NC362 Undefined work area

Switch off and switch on the control, if error persists, contact the assistance.

NC363 Axis not congruent with interpolation plane

In the rough-shaping macros (SPA, SPF) the rough-shaping axis must pertain
to the interpolation plane, as the axes for which the swarf is defined. Also in the
threading macro the thread axis and the return axis must pertain to the
interpolation plane

NC364 Wrong approach to profile

Approach point not allowed for the rough-shaping macro (SPA, SPF). The
approach point must always be external to the rough-shaping field in X, for
rough-shapings parallel to the X axis, and external to the rough-shaping field in
Z, for rough-shapings parallel to the Z axis

NC365 Interpolation type not allowed

In the profile recalled by the rough-shaping macro (SPA, SPF) only linear or
circular blocks of movement are allowed.

NC366 Aligned points during rough-shaping

During the stage of profile rough-shaping an area that can not be rough-shaped
has been reached. Control the consistency of profile and of macro parameters.

NC367 Profile non consistent with approach

The approach point and the profile development direction don’t allow to
continue the rough-shaping.

NC370 R or B parameters not allowed

In the groove cutting macro is not allowed a connection or initial or final bevel in
case the external level has not been programmed.

NC371 Tool width greater than groove width

Error in the groove cutting macro due to the fact that the tool width is superior to
the groove width.

B-18 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC372 Tool width null or not consistent with R or B parameters

Error in the groove cutting macro due to the fact that the tool width is null or
inferior to the sum of connections and programmed bevels.

NC373 Wrong initial position for TGL

The approach position for the groove cutting macro is not consistent with the
parameters declared in the block.

NC375 Missing parameters “a” and/or “b”

If the programmed threading is a non-standard one, in the block must be
present also the parameters “a” and “b”.

NC376 Wrong step for thread

In case of non standard threading it is necessary that the programmed pitch
respects the following formula. It must be:
thread angle
Pitch ≥ 2 * Thread depth * tg * principles number.

NC377 Thread angle greater than 180°

Error in the threading macro due to the thread angle ≥ 180°

NC378 Null thread length

Error in the threading macro if the thread length along the spindle axis is null.
NC379 Wrong conical angle
In case of conical threading, the maximum conical admitted is equal to the half
of the thread angle.
NC380 Plane rotation not allowed with thread
It is not allowed to perform a threading cycle if there is active rotation for the
interpolation plane.
NC381 Circular exit not allowed without “r” parameter
Error in the threading macro due to the programming of an output with
connection without radius value.

NC401 HSM Part program not found or open part program error
Possible part program sharing error between the executable modules of the
Reload the program or contact the customer engineering service.

NC402 Error reading HSM part program

Part program in execution corrupt
Turn the control off and on again or call the customer engineering service

NC403 HSM configuration file not found or open configuration file error
Setup file not present.
Check the presence of the file and the HSM three-letter code that defines the

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) B-19

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC404 Syntax error in HSM configuration at line

The specified line contains a syntax error.
Check the syntax of the setup three-letter code in the manual.

NC405 Starting position requested for all HSM defined axis

The first programmed point after the G61 must contain all the axes associated
with the HSM setup.
Program all missing axes, confirming any positions that do not change.

NC406 Mandatory HSM param requested into configuration at line

The setup three-letter code set on the specified line requires other parameters
Check the syntax of the setup three-letter code in the manual.

NC407 Mandatory HSM param error

The setup three-letter code set on the specified line does not contain an
obligatory parameter
Check the syntax of the setup three-letter code in the manual.

NC408 HSM param at wrong line position

Reserved for future developments.
Call the customer engineering service.

NC409 HSM param not allowed into part program

Reserved for future developments.
Call the customer engineering service.

NC410 Two points are requested to define a segment

There must be at least two points between the G61 and G60 codes.
Edit the part program and do not use G61/G60.

NC411 HSM defined axes not found among the process axis param at line
There must be at least two points between the G61 and G60 codes.
Edit the part program and do not use G61/G60.

NC412 General HSM params must be setted before axis params at line
The setup three-letter code set on the specified line refers to an axis identifier
not associated with the process on which the part program is executed.
Check the setup three-letter code in the manual or the identifiers of the axes
associated with the process.

NC413 Axis params must be setted after general HSM params at line
In the setup file, the general three-letter codes must be defined first and then
the axis setup codes.
Check the setup sequence in the manual.

NC414 HSM needs more configuration params

In the setup file, the general three-letter codes must be defined first and then
the axis setup codes.
Check the setup procedure in the manual.

B-20 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC415 HSM needs more axis params

Axes with missing setup three-letter codes have been specified in the setup file.
Check the setup procedure in the manual.

NC416 HSM needs more tools params

The tool setup three-letter codes have not been specified in the setup file.
Check the setup procedure in the manual.

NC417 HSM needs more cinematic params

The setup three-letter codes of the axes that refer to the tool and the axes that
refer to the clamping of the part have not been specified in the setup file.
Check the setup procedure in the manual for the CIN,t and CIN,w three-letter

NC418 Axis not defined into HSM params at line

An axis not previously defined with the AXI three-letter code has been
configured in the setup file on the specified line.
Check the setup procedure in the manual.

NC419 Axis already defined into HSM params at line

A previously defined axis has been defined in the setup file on the specified
Check the setup procedure in the manual.

NC420 Too many adding axis (max 3) into HSM params

A maximum of 3 additional axes may be defined in the setup file (axes not
belonging to the Cartesian system or rotary)
Check the setup procedure in the manual.

NC421 Too many axis (max 6) into HSM params

A maximum of 6 axes may be defined in the setup file.
Check the setup procedure in the manual.

NC422 Axis type error into HSM params at line

An incorrect axis type or one previously associated with other axes has been
defined in the setup file.
Check the setup procedure for the AXI three-letter code in the manual.

NC423 Operative limit reached into HSM part program for axis
The software operating limits have been reached for the specified axis.
Check the part program.

NC424 Virtualization or TCP not allowed with HSM

When the G61 is activated, neither virtualisations nor the TCP must be active.
Check the part program.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) B-21

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC425 Error reading HSM configuration file

Setup file corrupt.
Reload the setup file or call the customer engineering service.

NC426 HSM not enabled in AMP

The HSM feature has not been enabled in AMP.
Enable it.

NC427 HSM option not allowed by HW key

The HSM option has not been enabled. To use the feature on a machine with
more than 3 axes, the option must be enabled using the Product Key
Call the customer engineering service.

NC428 HSM option not loaded

The HSM option has been enabled using the Product Key but has not been
loaded onto the NC.
Load the option.

NC429 Illegal param value into HSM

A parameter with an incorrect value (must be positive) has been defined in the
setup file on the specified line.
Check the setup procedure in the manual

NC430 Illegal feed value into HSM

The Feed rate value is missing or less than 0.
Set a valid feed rate value.

NC431 Syntax error in HSM

Syntax error in the part program during an HSM machining process.
Correct the program and see the programming manual to find out which blocks
are allowed between G61 and G60.

NC432 Illegal use of tangent axes

Only one tangential axis may be present or the tangential axis is being
incorrectly used.
Check the setup procedure in the manual.

NC433 Invalid parameter set-up modality

Programming of points type and relative parameter set-up wrong in three-letter
PNT code of high speed set-up file.

NC434 Polynomial programming does not admit parameter set-up requested

Configuration of three-letter PNT code in high speed set-up file for entire
polynomial programming is wrong.

NC435 Nodes must be programmed in increasing mode

Nodes of Bsplines programmed as inputs must be sorted in increasing order.

B-22 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Appendix B
Error Messages

Code Message description and remedial action

NC436 Node programming requested

Number of nodes programmed is insufficient: for Bspline inputs, the number of
nodes must be the same as the number of control points, plus the degree of
Bspline + 1.

NC437 Final point of previous Bspline must be confirmed

Programmed Bsplines must be continuous, i.e., last point in a Bspline must be
the same as first point in the next.

NC438 Control points for correct definition of Bspline missing

Minimum number of control points, for Bspline input, must be: (degree of
Bspline + 1) *2.

NC439 Programmed polynomials lack continuity

Programmed polynomials must be continuous, i.e., last point in a polynomial
must be the same as first point in the next.

NC440 ROT type IJK vector invalid when Tangent axes computation is requested
When working with a tangent axis, the ijk vector must not be ROT type in three-
letter VER code of high-speed set-up file.

NC441 ROT type IJK vector invalid when (TOD) parameters are used
In three-letter VER code of high-speed set-up file, ijk vector cannot be set as
ROT when, for instance, drive chain includes fewer than two rotating axes.

NC442 PRG type IJK vector invalid when type AXI/CLP points are programmed
When programming type (PNT, AXI/CLP... or (PNT, AXI/CCP... points, ijk
vectors cannot be used. Use one of the following instead: (VER, REL/ROT, .....

NC443 REL type MNO vector invalid when type AXI/CCP points are programmed
When programming type (PNT, AXI/CXP... or (PNT, CLP, CCP... points, mno
vectors cannot be used. Use: (VER..., PRG, .....

NC444 Axis shared with PLUS environment

The axis you are trying to move, or on which you wish to perform a
virtualisation, has been previous acquired by the logic through the AX_SHARE

NC445 Machine unit of measurement not congruent in HSM

This error occurs during the execution of a part program optimised with Path
Optimizer when the unit of measurement specified in the setup file is not
congruent with the unit of measurement of the machine.

NC446 mno/uvw programming wrong in HSM file

This error occurs when both the mno/uvw vectors are defined, programmed or
calculated in the VER three-letter code of the high speed setup file.

NC447 uvw programming not compatible with toroidal tool

The uvw compensation factors are not supported with toroidal tools.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15) B-23

Appendix B
Error Messages

NC448 Invalid corner for the determination of uvw

This error is generated when you try to determine the uvw compensation factors
for a point where an overelongation has occurred.
That is to say, tilting by 180° relative to the point of contact on the tool occurs.

NC456 ijk versor is null

The ijk module versor programmed is null

NC457 mno versor is null

NC458 pqd versor is null


B-24 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (15)

Appendix C

This Appendix discusses how the operator can manage errors in order to prevent machining
process interruptions.

The following system variables permit to configure the error management mode:


ERR Enables error management from part program

Is a read only system variable that contains the error generated by the
previous command when automatic error management is active.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04) C-1

Appendix C
Error Management

ERR - Enable/disables error management from part program

ERR is a system variable that permits to select how to manage the error.


ERR = value


value It may be 0 or 1 and can be expressed with a number or a local or system

ERR=0 (default) disables error management from program is disabled. Errors
are displayed and can interrupt program execution.
ERR=1 enables error management by the part program.


The tables that follow list a series of programming errors that can be managed from program. For
each error with provide the error code (value written in the STE read-only variable) and a short

In addition, the table shows the NCxx that is displayed when ERR=0. For the complete list of NCxx
codes refer to Appendix B.

C-2 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04)

Appendix C
Error Management

Probing cycle errors

Command STE value Description Error code

displayed if ERR=0

G71,G72,G73 0 probing cycle finished regularly ----------

1 probing has not taken place NC098

2 probe has not been released NC099

3 probe parameters not specified NC007

4 probing has taken place with rapid approach NC115

Presence of the part is verified with both methods:

G0 Z50
X80 Y100
ERR = 1
G72 Z0 E1
ERR = 0

Since G71,G72,G73 modify the value written in the STE variable when ERR=1,
IMPORTANT we recommend that you use STE immediately after giving a command that
might alter its contents.

10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04) C-3

Appendix C
Error Management

Shared axes errors

Command STE value Description Error code

displayed if ERR=0

GTA 0 execution without errors ----------

10 axis ID not configured NC135

11 axis ID belongs to logic NC136

12 axis ID belongs in another process NC137

13 axis ID associated to spindle axis NC139

;. . . . .
;. . . . .
ERR = 1
;. . . . .
(GTA,X1,Y2,Z5) ;Requests acquisition of ID's 1,2,5
(GTO,NEXT,STE<>12) ;Axis error test busy
(DLY,0.5) ;If the axis is busy the program waits until it is released
(GTO,ERROR,STE<>0) ;If other error occurs the cycle will be aborted
G1 X10 Y10 F1000 ;After the axes have been acquired the move is executed
;. . . . .
;. . . . .
;. . . . .
;. . . . . ;Error management

• Error management from part program also provides an easy way of

IMPORTANT synchronizing two processes when one of them must wait for one or more
axes to be available before executing a given process.
• Since GTA modifies the value written in the STE variable when ERR=1, we
recommend that you use STE immediately after giving the command that
might change its contents.


C-4 10 Series CNC Programming Manual (04)

10 Series CNC
Reference Manual

Code: 45004472R
Rev. 06


Via Torino, 14 - 10010 Barone Canavese (TO) – Italy

Tel. +39-0119899711
e-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]

Copyright  2001-2004 by OSAI

All rights reserved

Edition: Oktober 2004


This document has been prepared in order to be used by OSAI. It describes the latest release of
the product.
OSAI reserves the right to modify and improve the product described by this document at any time
and without prior notice.
Actual application of this product is up to the user. In no event will OSAI be responsible or liable for
indirect or consequential damages that may result from installation or use of the equipment
described in this text.
10 Series CNC ASSET – Reference Manual



This publication was issued together with the release of version 7.4.


INDEX updated

Page 8 Changed tool corrector table
Page 9,10,11,12 Added new pages on I/O management

Page 13 CPY copy file: added example

Page 7 RAP: added parameters and examples

Page 11 FH0: changed parameter

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

10 Series CNC ASSET – Reference Manual


This manual is intended for 10 Series CNC programmers.

It describes the standard language extensions provided with the ASSET option.

This publication constitutes an extension of the 10 Series CNC standard programming language.
Further information may be found in the other manuals of the 10 Series:

• 10 Series CNC Programming Manual

• 10 Series CNC User Manual
• 10 Series CNC AMP - SW Characterisation Manual
• 10 Series CNC PLUS Lybrary - User Manual
• 10 Series CNC PLUS Application Manual
• 10 Series CNC PLUS Language and PLUSEDIT

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (01) 1

10 Series CNC ASSET – Reference Manual

1. General
This chapter provides an introduction to the ASSET language and lists the complete set of
ASSET variables.
2. Input commands
This chapter discusses the commands that permit to define and handle manual data entry
3. Screen management commands
This chapter discusses the commands used for configuring and handling configurable video
4. File management commands
This chapter describes the ASSET commands used for opening, reading, writing, closing,
deleting and saving ASCII files in the directory of programs.
5. Process management commands
This chapter deals with ASSET commands that permit to read process parameters such as
current and programmed tool number, current and programmed tool offset number, process
state, sub-state and mode, and axes coordinates.
6. Serial line management commands
This chapter describes the commands for management of the serial line: modes of configuration
and operation of the triliteral functions for data reception/transmission.
7. Operating commands
This chapter describes the commands by way of which a process can be issued operating
commands such as CYCLE ON, CYCLE OFF, HOLD, etc.
Appendix A - ASSET error messages
This appendix lists the error messages that may be displayed by the system when executing
ASSET commands.
Appendix B - Error management from part program
This appendix contains information on how to manage certain types of error from the part
program so as not to interrupt execution of the part program itself.
Appendix C - ASSET triliterals table
This appendix provides the complete list of ASSET triliteral functions.

2 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (01)

10 Series CNC ASSET – Reference Manual


For correct use of the system, it is important to follow the indications given in the manual, and in
particular those items marked: WARNING, CAUTION or IMPORTANT.

Indicating facts or circumstances that may cause damage to the system,

items of equipment or operators.

Indicating information to be taken into consideration in order to avoid damage

to the equipment in general.

Indicating operations to be carried out with particular care to ensure full

success of the application.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (01) 3

10 Series CNC ASSET – Reference Manual


4 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (01)

10 Series CNC ASSET - Reference Manual


INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1-1
VARIABLES .................................................................................................................... 1-3
User Table Variables ............................................................................................. 1-4
PLUS Tables Variables ......................................................................................... 1-5
Axes Table............................................................................................................. 1-6
Tools Table ............................................................................................................ 1-7
Tool Offsets Table ................................................................................................. 1-8
PLUS I/O.......................................................................................................................... 1-9
Inputs (the first 85 arrays)...................................................................................... 1-9
Inputs (after the 85th array) ................................................................................... 1-10
Outputs (the first 85 arrays)................................................................................... 1-11
Outputs (after 85th array) ...................................................................................... 1-12
FILE ................................................................................................................................. 1-13
ASCII files .............................................................................................................. 1-13
Binary files ............................................................................................................. 1-14
COMMANDS ................................................................................................................... 1-15
LCK - Locking/Unlocking PLUS tables .................................................................. 1-16

DIF - Definition of a data field ................................................................................ 2-2
INP - Manual data input ......................................................................................... 2-7


OUT - Screen line parameters............................................................................... 3-3
SCR - Screen selection ......................................................................................... 3-6


OPN - Opening a file.............................................................................................. 4-2
WRT - Writing a file................................................................................................ 4-4
REA (RED) - Reading a file ................................................................................... 4-6
CLO - Closing a channel ....................................................................................... 4-8
DEL (CAN) - Deleting a file.................................................................................... 4-9
INS - Saving an ASCII file in the directory of programs ........................................ 4-11
CPY - Copy a file ................................................................................................... 4-12

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) i

10 Series CNC ASSET - Reference Manual


PRO - Definition of the default process ................................................................. 5-2
RTP - Reading the number of the programmed or active tool ........................... 5-3
ROP - Reading the number of the programmed or active tool offset ................. 5-4
GPS - Reading the process state, sub-state or mode........................................ 5-5
RAP - Reading the axis coordinates .................................................................. 5-7
PLS - Reading PLUS SW variables................................................................... 5-9


SOP - Activate and configure the serial port.......................................................... 6-2
GET - Data reception from serial line.................................................................... 6-6
PUT - Data transmission on serial line ................................................................. 6-8
SCL - Close the serial port..................................................................................... 6-10
EPS - Execute part program from serial line ......................................................... 6-11

CON - CYCLE ON command................................................................................. 7-2
COF - CYCLE OFF command ............................................................................... 7-3
HON - HOLD ON command................................................................................... 7-4
HOF - HOLD OFF command ................................................................................. 7-5
RES - RESET command........................................................................................ 7-6
SMD - Set operating mode .................................................................................... 7-7
SAX - Select axis for manual movement ............................................................... 7-8
DIR - Direction of manual movements ................................................................... 7-9
JOG - Jog step value ............................................................................................. 7-10
FHO - Enable/Disable FEEDHOLD ....................................................................... 7-11


Description of messages and remedial action ....................................................... A-1


ERR - Enabling/disabling automatic error management from part
program .................................................................................................................. B-2
Manual data input errors ........................................................................................ B-3
File management errors......................................................................................... B-3
Locked table condition ........................................................................................... B-4
Serial line management errors............................................................................... B-4


List of the Asset Triliterals ...................................................................................... C-1


ii 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 1

ASSET (Advanced Super Set Extension Tool) is a programming language that enhances
10 Series standard programming capabilities. It provides a set of instructions, variables and
variables handling rules that facilitate customisation of 10 Series functions.

In particular, ASSET permits to:

• create personalised video screens.

• create data entry windows and personalise their size, position, graphic layout, background and
foreground colors, and the number and length of the various data entry fields.
• open, read, write and close ASCII files.
• manage PLUS tables and read and/or write accessible parameters.
• read and/or write PLUS I/O variables.
• handle a series of process commands used for reading the process status, the axes position,
the tool parameters, etc.
• handle the serial line from part programs.
• send out operating commands in emulation of the Front Panel/Teach Pendant.

These operations can be carried out by means of specific 3-letter ASSET codes or by writing in the
program blocks the ASSET variables that provide access to parameters that are normally
inaccessible to the programming environment. These commands can be given by the part program
or entered from keyboard, i.e. written by the operator when the system is in MDI mode.

For example, ASSET can be used for programming a machining operation that needs to be
automatically interrupted and kept on hold by the system until the operator fills in a given data entry
window. Each ASSET command described in the manual is supplied with application examples.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 1-1

Chapter 1

Like all high level languages, ASSET must also be used by adequately trained personnel that are
also well acquainted with the characteristics of the system. If inappropriate alterations are made to
the system and logic parameters accessible via ASSET, serious system errors and malfunctions
may occur.

ASSET instructions can be easily combined with the traditional 10 Series programming language.
Actually, ASSET enhances 10 Series programming capabilities by making it possible for 10 Series
commands to handle ASSET variables.
In addition to standard commands, functions and variables, ASSET uses 10 Series syntactic rules
and conventions. For more information about these programming rules and conventions, please
refer to 10 Series CNC Programming Manual.

1-2 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 1

ASSET permits to write, read and alter any system variable, with the exception of those to which
special restrictions apply. In doing so it applies the same syntactic rules and conventions as the
standard 10 Series programming language. For more information about standard programming,
please refer to Chapter 7 of 10 Series Programming Manual.

Here is a list of variables handled by ASSET:

• Local variables: E and H.

• System variables: SN and SC.
• User variables: They are identified by an exclamation mark followed by a name. For example,
!USER1. They can contain long real numerical formats and alphanumeric characters.
• PLUS variables: They are identified by an @ followed by a name. For example, @PROG They
can contain short, long or boolean numerical values.
• User Table variables: They are identified by an L followed by a numerical index from 0 through
399 which indicates the table cell. The index-cell relationship will be discussed in a later
• PLUS Table variables: They are identified by the $ character followed by the name given to the
variable in the table and an index enclosed between brackets which provides the axes ID (axes
table), the record number (tools table) or the tool offset number (tool offsets table).

$AXORIG(2) Identifies the current origin of the axis whose ID is 2 (read only)
$TSTATUS(25) Identifies the condition of the tool stored in record 25 of the tools table
$TACTL1(125) Identifies the current length of the tool stored in record 125 of the tools offset

User Table and PLUS variables are described later in this chapter. For more information about
local, system user variables, please refer to the following 10 Series documents: Programming
Manual, Characterisation Manual, and PLUS Library Manual.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 1-3

Chapter 1

User Table Variables

The User Table (refer to Chapter 3 in the "PLUS Application Manual") has 100 records, each one
of which is made up of 4 variables, for a total 400 variables. The variable index ranges from 0 to

The records and the variables stored in them are arranged sequentially, as shown in the following

Record N° Variable 1 Variable 2 Variable 3 Variable 4

000001 L0 L1 L2 L3
000002 L4 L5 L6 L7
000003 L8 L9 L10 L11
000004 L12 L13 L14 L15



000099 L392 L393 L394 L395

000100 L396 L397 L398 L399

To calculate the index when the position of the cell in the table and the variable are known, the
following formula can be used:
Index = (Record Number - 1) x 4 + (Number of the variable in the record - 1)

For example, the index of the highlighted cell in the table is as follows:

Index = (4 - 1) x 4 + (3 - 1) = 14

To calculate the record number and the variable when the index is known, the following formula
may be used:

Record = (Index / 4) + 1
Variable = [Remainder of (Index / 4)] + 1

For example, L145 addresses record 37 (145 / 4 + 1) and variable 2 (remainder of the division + 1
= 1 + 1).

1-4 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 1

PLUS Tables Variables

PLUS Tables include the Axes Tables, the Tools Tables and the Tools Offsets Tables. The
contents of these tables are normally handled by the machine logic. Each PLUS Table is made up
of a given number of pages which contain the parameters that describe the object of the table. The
number of pages in each table is as follows:

Table N° of Pages Contents

Axes table 32 Axes identification

Tools Table 250 Record number in the table
Tool OffsetsTable 300 Tool offsets number

The table page number coincides with the index that follows the variable name.

The type, number and symbol of a parameter vary from table to table. The sections that follow
illustrate a typical page of each table. For further information about these tables, refer to Chapter 3
of the "PLUS Application Manual".

The ASSET instruction LCK permits to write protect PLUS tables. When write protection is active,
PLUS tables may be accessed only via ASSET. More information about the LCK triliteral is
provided in the final section of this chapter.

Values read or written in PLUS tables using ASSET are not affected by the
current unit of measure (G70/G71) but are considered as absolute values. It
should be remembered therefore that any numeric values representing
lengths are with reference to the machine's unit of measure configured in
AMP; it is up to the operator to perform any conversion required.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 1-5

Chapter 1

Axes Table
Each of the 32 pages in this table is made up of 19 fields identified by a name, as shown in the
example below. The index of each variable can range from 1 through 32 and corresponds to the
axes ID. The index may be a numerical value or another variable.

Field Type Variable name Format Meaning

reserved reserved --- --- ---

AXNAME read only $AXNAME(x) S axis name in ASCII
AXORIG read only $AXORIG(x) D value of current origin
reserved reserved --- --- ---
AXOFG92 read only $AXOFG92(x) D current G92 offset value
AXTOFF read only $AXTOFF(x) D current tool offset value
PRO_OFFS read only $PRO_OFFS (x) D total current corrector value
applied by the process when an 'h'
is enabled
TOT_OFFS read only $TOT_OFFS(x) D total offset of the current axis
ORIG1 read/write $ORIG1(x) D value of origin # 1
ORIG2 read/write $ORIG2(x) D value of origin # 2
ORIG3 read/write $ORIG3(x) D value of origin # 3
ORIG4 read/write $ORIG4(x) D value of origin # 4
ORIG5 read/write $ORIG5(x) D value of origin # 5
ORIG6 read/write $ORIG6(x) D value of origin # 6
ORIG7 read/write $ORIG7(x) D value of origin # 7
ORIG8 read/write $ORIG8(x) D value of origin # 8
ORIG9 read/write $ORIG9(x) D value of origin # 9
ORIG10 read/write $ORIG10(x) D value of origin # 10
reserved reserved --- ---

x = page number or axis identification number

S = short, D = double

To write in variable E1 the value of the current total offset of the axis identified by ID4, which is the
sum of the axis origin, the G92 offset and the tool offset, key in the following instruction:
E1 = $TOT_OFFS(4)

To assign to the origin # 1 of the axis identified by ID 5 the numerical value 1.4, key in the
$ORIG1(5) = 1.4

1-6 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 1

Tools Table
Each of the 250 records of the table has 13 fields whose ID's are shown in the following diagram.
Each variable can take an index from 1 to 250. They can be expressed by a number or an E

Field Type Variable name Format Meaning

TCODE read/write $TCODE(x) T** tool code

TOOLPOS* read/write $TOOLPOS(x) S Information regarding the tool position
TFAMCOL read/write $TFAMCOL(x) S reserved
TOOLTYPE* read/write $TOOLTYPE(x) S Information regarding the type of tools
TSTATUS read/write $TSTATUS(x) S tool status
TCNTRL read/write $TCNTRL(x) S tool control word
MAXLIFE read/write $MAXLIFE(x) D Initial life
REMLIFE read/write $REMLIFE(x) D real life
TUSER1 read/write $TUSER1(x) D User variable # 1 for tool
TUSER2 read/write $TUSER2(x) D User variable # 2 for tool
TUSER3 read/write $TUSER3(x) D User variable # 3 for tool
TUSER4 read/write $TUSER4(x) D User variable # 4 for tool
TOLOFNR read/write $TOLOFNR(x) S default tool offset number

x = page number or tool record number

S = short, D = double

* = these fields of the table may have various meanings depending on the configuration and on
how they are used by the machine logic (see the 10 Series User Manual for details).

** = integer number (max. 12 digits)

To read the code of the tool stored in record 35 key in the following function:
(DIS, $TCODE(35))

To assign to the tool stored in record 42 a life equal to 500 cycles, key in the following:
$LIFETYPE(42) = 3
$MAXLIFE(42) = 500

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 1-7

Chapter 1

Tool Offsets Table

Each of the 300 pages or tool offsets in this table is made up of 9 fields. Each field is identified by a
name which is shown in the table below. Variable indexes range from 1 to 300. An index may be a
numerical value or another variable.

Field Type Variable name Format Meaning

TACTL1 read/write $TACTL1(x) D current tool length # 1

TCMAXL1 read/write $TCMAXL1(x) D maximum offset for length # 1
TCACTL1 read/write $TCACTL1(x) D current offset for length # 1
TACTL2 read/write $TACTL2(x) D current tool length # 2
TCMAXL2 read/write $TCMAXL2(x) D maximum offset for length # 2
TCACTL2 read/write $TCACTL2(x) D current offset for length # 2
TDIAMETER read/write $TDIAMETER(x) D tool diameter
TCACDIAM read/write $TCACDIAM(x) D diameter offset value
TORIENT read/write $TORIENT(x) S tool orientation

x = page number or offset number

S = short, D = double

If you want to supply the maximum requalification of the length # 1 of the corrector 137 with the
value in the user # 3 variable in the Tool Table at record 35, write:
$TCMAXL1(137) = $TUSER3(35)

If the value of process variable TTR (Thoroidal Tool Radius) has been set or
configured as 1, the fields relating to length # 2 are assumed to coincide with
the size of the tool tip radius (in TCP and HSM applications).

1-8 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 1

PLUS inputs are arranged in 85 11-bit arrays followed by 427 16-bit arrays; outputs are arranged in
85 6-bit arrays followed by 427 16-bit arrays. Accordingly, a total of 7767 inputs and 7342 outputs
has to be managed.

An array and its Input or Output are identified by an I or an O preceded by $ and followed by the bit
index between brackets: $I(index) or $O(index), as in the User Table. For example, $I(35),

The Input/Output arrays can be pictured as tables, as shown in the figures below.

Inputs (the first 85 arrays)

Arrays or groups of inputs may be numbered from 00 to 84, whereas the 11 bits in the array are
numbered from 0 to 10. The index of the first input variable will be 0, whereas the index of the last
input variable will be 934, as shown in the table below:

Array bit 0 bit 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 8 bit 9 bit 10

00 $I(0) $I(1) $I(2) $I(3) $I(4) $I(5) $I(6) $I(7) $I(8) $I(9) $I(10)

01 $I(11) $I(12) $I(13) $I(14) $I(15) $I(16) $I(17) $I(18) $I(19) $I(20) $I(21)

02 $I(22) $I(23) $I(24) $I(25) $I(26) $I(27) $I(28) $I(29) $I(30) $I(31) $I(32)

03 $I(33) $I(34) $I(35) $I(36) $I(37) $I(38) $I(39) $I(40) $I(41) $I(42) $I(43)


83 $I(913) $I(914) $I(915) $I(916) $I(917) $I(918) $I(919) $I(920) $I(921) $I(922) $I(923)

84 $I(924) $I(925) $I(926) $I(927) $I(928) $I(929) $I(930) $I(931) $I(932) $I(933) $I(934)

To calculate the index from the cell position, i.e. when the array and bit numbers are known, use
this formula:

Index = array number x 11 + bit number

For example, to address bit 7 from array 03, the $I variable must be assigned the following index:
Index = 3 x 11 + 7 = 40

The resulting variable will be $I(40), as shown in the table.

To calculate the array and bit numbers from the index, divide the index by 11: the ---- will be the
array number and the remainder will indicate the bit number.

For example, the $I(172) variable will address the 15 (172 / 11) array and the 7 (172 - 15 x 11) bit.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 1-9

Chapter 1

Inputs (after the 85th array)

The numbering of the individual input arrays or input groups goes from 85 to 511; the 16 bits within
an array are numbered from 0 to 15. In these conditions the index of the first input variable will be
935, the index of the last variable will be 7766, as can be seen from the table below:

Array bit 0 bit 1 bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit 15
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2 3
85 $I(935) $I(936) $I(950)

86 $I(951) $I(952) $I(966)


Array bit 0 bit 1 bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit 15
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2 3
510 $I(7735) $I(7736) $I(7750)

511 $I(7751) $I(7752) $I(7766)

The formula used to define an index starting from the position of the cell (i.e., the array number and
the bit number), is as follows:

index = (array number – 85) X 16 + 935 + bit number

For example, if we want to address bit 13 in array 86 (i.e., the grey-coloured cell), the index of
variable $I must be determined as follows:

Index = (86 – 85) X 16 + 935 +13 = 964

In this case, the variable will therefore turn out to be $I(964), as shown in the table. Conversely, if
we want to determine an array and a bit, knowing the relative index, we must subtract 935 from the
index and then divide the value obtained by 16. By adding 85 to the whole number determined in
this manner, we get the array number, while the difference will identify the bit within the array. For
example: for variable $I (7736) we get array 510 ((7736-935)/16+85) and bit 1 ((7736-935) / 16).

1-10 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 1

Outputs (the first 85 arrays)

Arrays or groups of outputs may be numbered from 00 to 84, whereas the 6 bits in the array are
numbered from 0 to 5. The index of the first output variable will be 0, whereas the index of the last
output variable will be 509, as shown in the table below:

Array bit 0 bit 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5

00 $O(0) $O(1) $O(2) $O(3) $O(4) $O(5)

01 $O(6) $O(7) $O(8) $O(9) $O(10) $O(11)
02 $O(12) $O(13) $O(14) $O(15) $O(16) $O(17)
03 $O(18) $O(19) $O(20) $O(21) $O(22) $O(23)


83 $O(498) $O(499) $O(500) $O(501) $O(502) $O(503)

84 $O(504) $O(505) $O(506) $O(507) $O(508) $O(509)

To calculate the index from the cell position, i.e. when the array and bit numbers are known, use
this formula:

Index = array number x 6 + bit number

1. To address bit 2 from array 03, the $O variable must be assigned the following index:
Index = 3 x 6 + 2 = 20
The resulting variable will be $O(20), as shown in the table.

2. To calculate the array and bit numbers from the index, divide the index by 16: the integer value
obtained through the division will be the array number and the remainder will indicate the bit
For example, the $O(214) variable will address the 35 (214/6) array and the 4 (214 - 35 x 6) bit.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 1-11

Chapter 1

Outputs (after 85th array)

The numbering of the individual output arrays or output groups goes from 85 to 511; the 16 bits
within an array are numbered from 0 to 15. In these conditions the index of the first output variable
will be 510, the index of the last variable will be 7341, as can be seen from the table below:

Ar bit 0 bit 1 bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit 15
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
ray 2 3
85 $O(510) $O(511) $I(525)

86 $O(526) $I(527) $I(541)


Ar bit 0 bit 1 bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit 15
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
ray 2 3
510 $O(7310) $O(7311) $O(7325)

511 $O(7326) $O(7327) $0(7341)

The formula used to define an index starting from the position of the cell (i.e., the array number and
the bit number), is as follows:

index = (array number – 85) X 16 + 510 + bit number

For example, if we want to address bit 7 in array 86 (i.e., the grey-coloured cell), variable $O must
be assigned the following index:

Index = (86 – 85) X 16 + 510 + 7 = 533

In this case, the variable will therefore turn out to be $O(533), as shown in the table. Conversely, if
we want to determine an array and a bit, knowing the relative index, we must subtract 510 from the
index and then divide the value obtained by 16. By adding 85 to the whole number determined in
this manner, we get the array number, while the difference will identify the bit within the array. For
example: for variable $O (680) we get array 95 ((680-510)/16+85) and bit 10 ((680-510) / 16).

1-12 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 1

10 Series ASSET can manage two types of files:

• ASCII files
• Binary (data) files

Except where otherwise stated, these files are located in default directory E:\FILE or F:\FILE, which
ASSET can access. However it is also possible to read or write with ASSET in files belonging to
other directories. In this case, the full pathname and extension of the file in question must be
specified (e.g. E:\USER\FILE|FILE1.DAT).

These files are located in the E:\FILE or F:\FILE directories, which are accessible to ASSET. Their
main characteristics are discussed in the sections that follow.

ASCII files
ASCII files may contain part programs, messages, etc. They are not formatted and have records of
undefined length that must be written and read sequentially. ASCII files are given the .ASC
extension by the system by default, in cases where the file was opened in read or write mode
without the full pathname and extension being specified.

In an ASCII file it is not possible to read, write or search for a specific record. Maximum record
length is 127 characters.

The system always starts reading an ASCII file from the first record, on which it positions
automatically as it opens the file.

Writing an ASCII file means adding a new record after the last record in the file. To edit an ASCII
file it is necessary to read it sequentially, make the necessary alterations and write a new file that
will replace the old one.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 1-13

Chapter 1

Binary files
Binary files are formatted files that are used for storing the parameters managed by the system, i.e.
variables, numbers, parameters, etc. Records have a fixed length that is declared when the first
record is written. Binary files are given the .DAT extension by the system by default, in cases
where the file was opened in read or write mode without the full pathname and extension being

For example, to write in a file the tool code with the relevant TUSER1-4 user variables the binary
file record will be as follows:


When the system writes the first record it automatically creates a header that is invisible to the user
and defines the format of all the file records.

Binary file records can be searched for and addressed for reading and writing operations.

A record can be up to 300 bytes long.

To calculate the record length in bytes it is necessary to know the length of each of the variables
stored in the record. This information is listed in the table below:

Variable Length in bytes

Boolean 1
Byte 1
Short 2
Long 4
Real 4
Long Real (Double) 8
String Number of characters in the string.
For example: SC0.4 --> 4 characters --> 4 bytes

if you write the following variables in a table:


The record will occupy 24 bytes because there are 3 double variables and 3 x 8 = 24

For the following writing command:


the record length will be 72 bytes (60 + 8 + 4).

Unless otherwise specified in the reading or writing command, access to the file occurs at the first
record for reading and after the last record for writing. After a record has been read or written the
cursor will position to the subsequent record.
When reading or writing commands including ASSET binary files it is possible to declare a
parameter that specifies the number of the target record.

1-14 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 1

ASSET ensures full compatibility with the commands and instructions typical of the standard
programming environment. For more information about parametric programming, please refer to
Chapter 7 of the 10 Series Programming Manual.

Here is a list of syntactic and typographical conventions used throughout the manual:

The function name and the mandatory signs will be printed in boldface type. Mandatory parameters
associated to a function will be indicated by an italicised mnemonics. Parameters may be enclosed
between brackets.

[] Square brackets enclose optional parameters that may be omitted. Do not write these
brackets in the block.

{} Graphs enclose parameters that are alternative to one another and are separated by a |. Do
not write graphs in the block.

| The vertical bar is the separator between two alternative parameters. Do not write this bar in
the block.

Parameters may be expressed by letters, alphanumeric characters and numbers. Letters are used
as keys or to identify the characteristic of a command. Alphanumeric characters identify file and
variable names and are used for messages. Numbers identify parameters, multiple elements, etc.
Non significant zeroes can be omitted.

(OPN, channel, filename, {A|B}, {R|W})

The three-letter code, the commas and the brackets are mandatory. A is alternative to B and R is
alternative to W.

The sections that follow describe ASSET functions. For each function the following information is

• Function name
• Meaning
• Syntax
• Mandatory and optional parameters
• Other characteristics and notes
• Examples.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 1-15

Chapter 1

LCK - Locking/Unlocking PLUS tables

This instruction permits to inform the logic or other applications that the specified table is being
edited and is not accessible to them. After the table has been edited it is necessary to give another
LCK in order to indicate that the table is available.


(LCK, table number, {0 | 1})


table number Is a number from 1 to 4 that identifies the write protected table. It can be
expressed as a numerical value, a local variable or a system variable with the
following mening:
1 axes table (origins)
2 tools table
3 tool offsets table
4 user table (L variables).

0|1 Write 1 to indicate that the specified table is write protected by ASSET. If the
table is already reserved by another user, such as PLUS or Table Editor, an
error message will be displayed:
NC270 PLUS Table already locked
This error can be managed from program by setting ERR = 1. For more
information refer to Appendix B.
Write 0 to indicate that the table is no longer reserved for ASSET and can be
accessed by other users.


$xxxxxx or L variables are always accessible and need not be write protected with ASSET.
However, it is recommended to lock the table to make sure that no other user has access to the
memory area written by ASSET.

Use LCK to unprotect a table only when it has been write protected from part program. Otherwise,
you may unprotect a table that was reserved for other users (such as the machine logic).

1-16 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 1

The following example shows how to write variables in the Tools Table:

ERR = 1 enables error management from part program
(GTO,LOOP,STE=45) 45 = write protected table; waiting for unlocking command
$TCODE(1) = 12
$TUSER1(1) = 3.45
$TCODE(2) = 13
$TUSER1(2) = 6.21
(LCK,2,0) unprotected tools table
ERR = 0 disables error management from part program

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 1-17

Chapter 1


1-18 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 2

Input commands permit to create, customise and manage data entry windows. In particular, they
make it possible to:

• Define the labels of the data entry fields and the destination of input data;
• Define the layout of the data entry window: window size and position, text position, etc.
• Define the background, foreground and text colors.

The three-letter codes that allow to program these features are as follows:


10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04) 2-1

Chapter 2
Input Commands

DIF - Definition of a data field

DIF permits to define the size and color of a data entry window that has been programmed with the
INP command. It must be used when the characteristics to be configured are different from the
default ones.


(DIF, window number, first line, first column, first field line, first field column, empty lines, number
of fields [,background color, text color, field color])


window number identifies a predefined window. It is an integer from 1 to 10. DIF,0 invokes the
default window, which cannot be modified.
first line is the screen line where the data entry window starts. It is an integer from 0 to
Line 19 is always reserved for error messages.
first column is the screen column where the border of the window is positioned. It is an
integer from 0 to 79 which must obviously be selected according to the length of
the displayed data.
first field line is the line occupied by the first window field declared in the INP block. This field
may be the name of the window or a data field.
It is a value in the 0 to 18 range which depends on the value of the first line
first field column is the screen column occupied by the first INP field and measures the distance
from the screen border to the window border in characters. If programmed with
the INP command the field will be automatically centered.
It is an integer from 0 to 79 which must obviously be selected according to the
length of the displayed data.
empty lines is the number of empty lines that separates two subsequent comment or field
It is an integer from 0 to 18 which must obviously be selected according to the
available space and the length of the displayed data. If you write 0 there will be
no empty lines.
If INP programs only one data entry field, the empty lines value is use for
positioning the lower border with respect to the last displayed line.
number of fields specifies the number of fields to be displayed on the same line. It ranges from 1
to 4. The distance between two fields is 3 characters.
background color (optional) Defines the color of the data entry window background. If it is omitted,
the default background color is blue. Allowed values are between 0 and 7. The
meaning of these values is shown in the Characteristics section.

2-2 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04)

Chapter 2
Input Commands

text color (optional) Defines the color of the name and text displayed in the data entry
window. If it is omitted, the default color is yellow. Allowed values are between
0 and 7. The meaning of these values is shown in the Characteristics section.
field color (optional) Defines the color of the characters and markers entered from the
keyboard on the fields programmed with INP. If it is omitted, the default color is
white. Allowed values are between 0 and 7. The meaning of these values is
shown in the Characteristics section.


• The parameters configured in the background color, text color and field color are as follows:
1. black
2. blue
3. green
4. cyan
5. red
6. magenta
7. yellow
8. white
• The window layouts established by DIF are retained in the system memory after a reset.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04) 2-3

Chapter 2
Input Commands

• All the fields in the DIF instruction (included the colors) may be programmed directly, i.e., by
writing numerical values, or through local and system variables.
• ASSET includes a default DIF instruction. If no DIF is declared in the INP instruction, the default
DIF displays the following window. This window implies that INP has declared 8 fields plus the
WINDOW NAME. The numbers of lines and columns are in italics. Default window parameters
are as follows:

column 0 column 79


3 FIELD 1: xxxxxxxxxx
5 FIELD 2: xxxxxxxxxx
7 FIELD 3: xxxxxxxxxx
9 FIELD 4: xxxxxxxxxx
11 FIELD 5: xxxxxxxxxx
13 FIELD 6: xxxxxxxxxx
15 FIELD 7: xxxxxxxxxx
17 FIELD 8: xxxxxxxxxx
19 (Reserved for error messages)

First line: 0
First column: 0
First field line: 1
First field column: 1
Empty lines: 1
Number of fields on a line: 1
Background color: Blue
Label color: Yellow
Field color: White

These parameters are programmed by the following DIF format:

(DIF,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,6,7,4) (the last three digits can be omitted)

2-4 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04)

Chapter 2
Input Commands

Let's assume that you need to program a data entry window (WINDOW #3) that is made up of
three fields and one window name, like the one shown in the figure below:

column 0 column 79


6 FIELD 1: xxxxxxxxxx
8 FIELD 2: xxxxxxxxxx
10 FIELD 3: xxxxxxxxxx

The number of fields, the field lengths, the characters in the window name and the fields labels
(FIELD 1 through 3) are specified in the INP file.

Let's also assume that the window must be positioned as follows:

distance from the upper border to the status line: 3 lines

distance from the window border to the screen border: 10 characters
distance from the window name to the upper window border: 1 line
distance from the first field to the left window border: 1 character
number of empty lines between fields: 1
number of fields per line: 1

The format of the DIF command will be:


10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04) 2-5

Chapter 2
Input Commands

To display blue comments and red inputs on a green background, the format of the DIF command
will be:

(DIF,3,3,10,1,1,1,1, 2,1,4)

These numbers may be partially or totally replaced by local or system variables. For example, if the
contents of the first line, first column, and first field column fields are stored in variables E1, E2 and
E3, the format of the above command must be:


If a great many fields must be displayed in one window it is possible to write several fields on the
same line with the following format:


The 6 fields programmed with INP will display this window:


FIELD 1: xxxxxxxxxx FIELD 2: xxxxxxxxxx FIELD 3: xxxxxxxxxx

FIELD 4: xxxxxxxxxx FIELD 5: xxxxxxxxxx FIELD 6: xxxxxxxxxx

2-6 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04)

Chapter 2
Input Commands

INP - Manual data input

This command permits to link manual data inputs to their destination variables. It is used for
programming the name of the data entry window and the field labels. Data will be arranged
according to the window size and layout established with DIF. If the default DIF suits the user
needs the window number may be omitted.
When INP is executed, it enables the MDI mode.


(INP, [Nwindow number,] [T WINDOW NAME,] label, label length, variable

[,label, label length, variable]
[,label, label length, variable]
[,label, label length, variable]
[,label, label length, variable]
[,label, label length, variable]
[,label, label length, variable]
[,label, label length, variable])


window number (optional) It is the number of data entry window established with DIF.
It may be a number in the 0 to 10 range written in the command line or read
from a variable.
0 is the default window number, which is associated to the window described by
the DIF command.
window name (optional) It is the label displayed on the first window line. It may be a character
string enclosed between quotes ( ' or " ) or a string variable. For example,
Its maximum length is 40 characters. The name is automatically centered on the
first window line.
Each data entry window may contain up to 8 fields. Each field is configured by the following

label Is the name of the field. For example: tool, feedrate, etc.
It may be a character string enclosed between quotes ( ' or " ) or a string
variable. For example, SC0.10.
The label length may range from 0 and the value specified by the label length
parameter. The maximum label length is 40 characters.
label length Specifies the maximum length of the field label. The programmer may use this
parameter to arrange various fields on one line regardless of the length of the
label string.
It may be a number written in the command line or read from a variable.
variable It is a local or system variable whose current value is displayed on the data
entry window and updated with manual data input.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04) 2-7

Chapter 2
Input Commands


When the system reads an INP block it switches to the MDI mode and displays the programmed
data entry window with the current variable values specified in the INP command.

The size, position and colors of the data entry window are programmed by the DIF instruction
whose number is specified in the INP command. If this number is omitted, the data entry window
will have the default characteristics.

Displayed values may be edited with the same procedures described for the other data entry

To exit from the data entry window and quit the MDI mode, press [ESC], [Enter], [Page Up], [Page
Down], [Home] and [End].

By pressing [ESC], [Page Up], [Page Down], [Home] and [End] the input window is closed but the
values of the programmed variables are not updated with the values you may have entered. In this
case, the STE system variable assumes a value that indicates the type of key with which the input
window has been closed. The possible values are the following:

Type of key STE value with ERR = 0

ESC 20
END 25

Press [Enter] to close the window saving the alterations to programmed values. If a format error is
detected in the assignment (for example, if VEF is assigned a value outside the 0.1 - 8.0 range) it
can be managed from program by setting the ERR variable to 1 (refer to Chapter 6, "Error
Management from Part Program").

The system automatically synchronises (#) the INP command to the execution of the program
(refer to Chapter 1 in the Programming Manual).

The label length must be programmed according to the number of fields that need to be displayed
on the same line. To well align fields on the same columns it is advisable to assign the same label
length to all the fields. This value must be equal to or greater than that of the longest label.

The system will not visualise an error message as long as it can display at least
one digit from the current or input data assigned to the right-most fields on the
This should be remembered when programming position of the window on the
screen and the data fields in it and the label length.
It is recommended to display all the digits in the various data entry fields.

2-8 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04)

Chapter 2
Input Commands

E1 = 1000; feedrate

The above commands permit to visualise a data entry window whose size and colors are specified
by the default parameters in the DIF command. This window will visualise the "FEEDRATE" label
followed by a 7 character space (7 = 15 - the actual label length) and the current value of the E1
variable (1000 in the example). This value may be altered from keyboard or confirmed with [Enter].


This command permits to display a data entry window whose name is "INPUT TEST" and a 20
character field to display the contents of the SC0.20 variable preceded by the "FIELD 1" label.

(INP,N1,'FIELD 1',20,SC0.20,"FIELD 2", 20, E3,'FIELD 3',20,@PLUS)

This command permits to display a data entry window whose characteristics are specified by DIF 1,
without name, and in which the contents of the SC0.20, E3 and @PLUS variables are preceded by
the "FIELD 1", "FIELD 2" and "FIELD 3" labels.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04) 2-9

Chapter 2
Input Commands


2-10 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04)

Chapter 3

10 Series displays all the parameters and data requested for system operation on a screen made
up of 25 lines. Each line has 80 characters. Screen lines are divided as follows.

• 1 status information line

• 21 lines (data area) displaying process and task information.
• 3 softkey lines.

The status line and the softkey lines are managed by the system. The data area may visualise two
screen types:

• Full screens: occupy 21 80-character lines.

• Quadrants: occupy 10 39-character lines.

The screens used on the 10 Series are of two types:

• System screens: the information in these screens is displayed through the system software;
see the user manual for significance of this information.
• User screens: contain information displayed by the user by way of the machine logic functions,
or using the ASSET OUT instruction.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference manual (01) 3-1

Chapter 3
Screen Management Commands

Code Screen Description Modified with


1 (*) Main process screen No

2 (*) Main logic screen No
3 (*) Axes coordinate in large font No
4 (*) Logic screen 1 Yes
5 (*) Logic screen 2 Yes
6 (*) Logic screen 3 Yes
7 (*) Logic screen 4 Yes
8 (*) Additional screen 1 No
9 (*) Additional screen 2 No
10 (*) Additional screen 3 No
11 (*) Additional screen 4 No
12 (*) Additional screen 5 No
25 (**) Logic quadrant 1 Yes
26 (**) Logic quadrant 2 Yes
27 (**) Logic quadrant 3 Yes
28 (**) Logic quadrant 4 Yes
35 (**) System status quadrant No
36 (**) Axes coordinates quadrant No
37 (**) Part program display quadrant No
38 (**) Process status quadrant No
39 (**) Programmed codes status quadrant No
40 (**) Axes offsets quadrant No

(*) Full screen size

(**) Quadrant

ASSET offers two, three-letter screen management commands:

• OUT for definition of the following line parameters:

− position
− contents (type of data, length, etc.)
− background and foreground colors
− font.
• SCR for selection of the screen associated with a given process.

3-2 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference manual (01)

Chapter 3
Screen Management Commands

OUT - Screen line parameters

OUT defines location, length, colors and fonts on a line basis.


(OUT, Screen code, line, column, background color, data color, [/length,] variable, ... ,variable)


Screen code Is the screen number provided by the table on page 3-2.
Allowed values are 4, 5, 6, 7, 25, 26, 27, 28, which correspond to the
tables that can be modified with ASSET and described in the previous
table. This parameter can be written with a numerical format or read from
a local or system variable.
line Is the line number. It ranges from 0 to 20 in full size screens or from 0 to
9 in quadrants.
This parameter can be written with a numerical format or read from a
local or system variable.
column Is the number of the column where the line starts. It ranges from 0 to 79
in full size screens or from 0 to 38 in quadrants. If the maximum value is
selected, i.e. 79 or 38, only one character will be displayed.
This parameter can be written with a numerical format or read from a
local or system variable.
background color Is the background color of the selected line. It ranges from 0 to 7 (refer to
the Characteristics paragraph in this section) and may be written with a
numerical format or read from a local or system variable.
data color Is the color of the contents displayed on the selected line. It ranges from
0 to 15 (refer to the Characteristics paragraph in this section) and may be
written with a numerical format or read from a local or system variable.
/length (optional) Is the length of the selected line. It ranges from 1 to the
maximum number of characters displayed between the selected column
number and the last column configured for that screen.
It may be written with a numerical format or read from a local or system
variable. In any case the slash ( / ) is mandatory.
variable,...,variable, Is the list of characters or numerical variables to be displayed on the line.
Up to 8 variables of the same or of different types are allowed. Strings of
characters must be enclosed between quotes ( ' or " ).

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference manual (01) 3-3

Chapter 3
Screen Management Commands


• The allowed values for background color and data color and their meaning are shown in the
table below:

Parameter value Background color Data color/display mode

0 Black Black / Normal

1 Blue Blue / Normal
2 Green Green / Normal
3 Cyan Cyan / Normal
4 Red Red / Normal
5 Magenta Magenta / Normal
6 Yellow Yellow / Normal
7 White White / Normal
8 Not allowed Black / Blinking
9 Not allowed Blue / Blinking
10 Not allowed Green / Blinking
11 Not allowed Cyan / Blinking
12 Not allowed Red / Blinking
13 Not allowed Magenta / Blinking
14 Not allowed Yellow / Blinking
15 Not allowed White / Blinking

• If both background color and data color are set to zero, the system will nevertheless default to
a white-on-black screen.
• To program a blank between variables when the line displays several variables, write the blanks
between quotes (for example, " ") or store them in a string variable, which may be repeated
several times in the same command.
• The contents specified in the OUT block must belong to the same line and cannot be longer
than the line. To display more data it is necessary to program more OUT's.
In addition, several parameters may be displayed on the same line by programming different
OUT blocks with appropriate line, column and length values so as to prevent overlapping.

3-4 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference manual (01)

Chapter 3
Screen Management Commands

The following command:
(OUT,5,3,10,2,8,/60,"TEST VAR E1: ",E1," "TEST VAR SC0.10: ",SC0.10)
allows to display the following screen:

column 0 column 79



A 60-character green bar starting on column 10 appears on line 3. Its contents will be displayed in
black and blinking. Note that the strings programmed between quotes end by blanks, which
prevents parameters from being displayed as an uninterrupted line.
This is screen 5 and is associated to logic screen 2.
With the following variables:
SN1 = 5
SN2 = 3
SN3 = 10
SN4 = 2
SN5 = 8
SN6 = 60
SC30.12 = "TEST VAR E1: "
SC5.19 = "TEST VAR SC0.10: "
the OUT command could be rewritten as follows:
(OUT,SN1,SN2,SN3,SN4,SN5,/SN6,SC30.12,E1," ",SC5.19,SC0.10)

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference manual (01) 3-5

Chapter 3
Screen Management Commands

SCR - Screen selection

SCR selects the video screen associated to the current process.


(SCR, Screen code [, background color for initialization])


Screen code Is the screen number provided by the table on page 3-2. It can be written
with a numerical format or read from a local or system variable.
background color for This parameter is taken into consideration only if the screen code
initialization (optional) represents a screen that can be modified by ASSET. In this case, the
screen will be initialized with the color specified and all data previously on
that screen will be deleted. If this parameter is not specified, the screen
will not be initialized.


If the system reads the command but no screen has been configured for the selected process the
visualised screen will not change. On the contrary, if the specified screen has been configured, it
will be immediately visualised.

The background color for initialization is defined by a number from 0 to 7, as illustrated in the table
1. Black
2. Blue
3. Green
4. Cyan
5. Red
6. Magenta
7. Yellow
8. White

3-6 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference manual (01)

Chapter 3
Screen Management Commands

Let's assume that the system controls three processes and that the following screens have been
associated to them:

Process 1: Screens 1, 3, 8
Process 2: Screens 1, 2, 9, 25
Process 3: Screens 1, 3, 8, 9

In addition, let's assume that the (SCR,8) command was programmed in process 2 when process 1
is selected. The system will display screen 8, which is associated to process 1. If the same
command were programmed when process 2 is selected, no changes would be noticed.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference manual (01) 3-7

Chapter 3
Screen Management Commands


3-8 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference manual (01)

Chapter 4

The system may control ASCII and binary data files. The characteristics of these files have been
discussed in Chapter 1.

ASSET file management commands make it possible to:

• open a file and link it to a management channel.

• read a binary file or a record sequentially.
• write or edit a binary file or a record sequentially.
• close any file opened by ASSET.
• delete a file.
• copy an ASCII file to the directory of programs.
• allocate and release physical devices for file access.
• copy a file

The functions quoted above are executed by the following three-letter commands, described in this


10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 4-1

Chapter 4
File Management Commands

OPN - Opening a file

This instruction permits to open a file and link it to a channel number. It also specifies whether the
file will be opened for reading or writing.

The channel is a marker that facilitates access to the file from other ASSET file management


(OPN, channel, filename, {A | B | P}, {R | W})


channel Is a number from 1 to 5 that identifies the channel. A channel is another file that
will be subsequently used by the REA or WRT commands.
It can be written in the block with a numerical format or read from the specified
filename Is the name of the file (max. 8 characters) associated to the channel. It may be
an alphanumerical string or the name of the character variable that contains the
file name. When it is a variable it must be preceded by a '?'.
The complete path and extension may be specified in the filename.
{A | B | P} Defines the type of file: ASCII (A), binary (B) or if a file belongs to the system
directory of programs (P).
{R | W} Specifies the type of access:
R: reading
W: writing


In each process it is possible to open 5 simultaneous files (channels).

If neither the path nor extension are specified in filename, the system provides the file extension
.DAT for binary files and .ASC for ASCII files. The file will be read or written in the default directory
(E:\FILE or F:\FILE).

If a file is opened for reading it must have been previously created and saved in the system. If the
file is opened for writing it need not exist in the system already and will be written in the working
directory when the session is closed.

4-2 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 4
File Management Commands

1. The TEST ASCII file in directory E:\FILE may be opened for reading and associated to channel
1 by the following command:

2. If the name of the DATAFILE file is written in the SC0.8 variable:

and the channel number is stored in the E1 variable, DATAFILE may be opened for reading and
associated to channel 2 with the following command:
The full pathname of the file is E:\FILE\DATAFILE.DAT.

3. With command:
File ASCII E:\TEST.KKK is opened for reading.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 4-3

Chapter 4
File Management Commands

WRT - Writing a file

This command permits to write a record in the file specified and linked by a previous OPN block.
Data will be written sequentially, in the same order in which they are specified in the WRT block.


(WRT, channel,[R record,] variable [, ...,variable])


channel Is the channel number linked to the file by the previous OPN command. In
addition, OPN must have opened the file for writing (W).
record (optional) is a number or a variable that identifies the file record in which the
parameters must be written. It is always preceded by an R.
This parameter is accepted only if the file is binary.
If record is omitted, data will be written in the record used for the latest reading
and the system will position at the beginning of the subsequent record. If this is
the first writing instruction after OPN, data will be written on the first file record.
The maximum number of records that can be specified is 65535.
variable Is the variable(s) (max. 30) whose data must be written in the file records.
If the destination file is an ASCII file only character variables will be accepted.
If the destination file is binary, it is necessary to use the same number and type
of variables written in the first file record.

4-4 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 4
File Management Commands


If the file is binary (i.e. has been opened with the B marker) and the number of records in the file
has not been specified in WRT, data will be written in the record that follows the record written
during the last writing session. If there have been no previous writing sessions, data will be written
in the first file record.

The first data written on an empty binary file are the record type, the number of variables, the types
of variable and the sequence in which variables must be arranged. This record provides the access
pattern to be followed by subsequent reading or writing operations, in which the same number, type
and sequence of variables must be used.

For example, if the first writing operation was programmed by the following command:

(WRT,1,E1, SC3.4,@PLUS_SHORT(1))

that is, 1 double variable, 4 character variables and 1 short variable, subsequent writing or reading
commands will resemble the following:


If other formats, types or numbers of variables are used or if variables are arranged in a different
sequence, an NC248 Data file access error will occur.

In ASCII files data are always written in the last file record. To edit an ASCII file you must open it,
read it sequentially record by record, make the necessary alterations and write the records in a new
file under a new name.

Alterations will become effective only after the file has been closed. To read a just-altered file you
must first close it with CLO and then open it for reading.


This command writes in the ASCII file associated to channel 1 the first 80 characters stored in the
SC5 variable.


This command writes in record 12 of the binary file associated to channel 3 the data stored in
variables E7, E8 and E9. The pointer remains at the beginning of record 13.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 4-5

Chapter 4
File Management Commands

REA (RED) - Reading a file

This commands reads a record from the file declared by the previous OPN command and specifies
the channel to which the file is associated.


(REA, channel,[R record,] variable [, ...,variable])

channel Is the channel number linked to the file by the previous OPN command. In
addition, OPN must have opened the file for reading (R).
record (optional) is a number or a variable that identifies the file record whose
parameters must be read. It is always preceded by an R.
This parameter is accepted only if the file is binary.
If record is omitted, the system will read the record used for the latest reading
and positions the pointer at the beginning of the subsequent record. If this is the
first reading instruction after OPN, data will be read from the first file record.
The maximum number of records that can be specified is 65535.
variable Is the variable(s) (max. 30) where read data must be written.
If the destination file is an ASCII file only one character variable will be
accepted. The length of this variable must be such as to accommodate the
If the destination file is binary, it is necessary to use the same number and type
of variables written in the first file record. Otherwise, an NC248 error will occur.


The command may be expressed indifferently as REA or RED.

If the file is binary (i.e. has been opened with the B marker) and the number of records in the file
has not been specified in REA, data will be read from the record that follows the one used during
the last reading session.

In an ASCII file, data will be read from the record on which the pointer remained positioned since
the last reading session.

In both cases, if there have been no previous reading sessions, data will be read from the first file

4-6 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 4
File Management Commands


This command reads from the ASCII file associated to channel 1 the first 80 characters stored in
the SC5 variable. (The maximum allowed string length is 80 characters).


This command reads data from record 12 of the binary file associated to channel 3 and writes them
in variables E7, E8 and E9. The pointer remains at the beginning of record 13. The sample record
of this file is made up of 3 double variables.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 4-7

Chapter 4
File Management Commands

CLO - Closing a channel

This command closes the file associated to the specified file. If the channel is omitted, all the
ASSET files opened by the process will be closed.


(CLO [, channel])


channel (optional) Is the channel number linked to the file in the OPN instruction.


If the channel is omitted, CLO will close all the ASSET files that have been opened by the process.

An alternative method for closing all the ASSET files that have been opened by the process is a
system reset.

(CLO, 2)

This command closes the file associated to channel 2.


This command closes all the ASSET files that have been opened by the process.

4-8 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 4
File Management Commands

DEL (CAN) - Deleting a file

This command permits to delete the specified file from the working directory or the part program


(DEL, filename, A|B|P)


filename Is the name of the file.

Full pathname and extension may be specified in filename. If the path is not
specified, the file indicated present in the ASSET working directory (markers A
or B) or the part program file (marker P, with 48 characters max.) will be
If filename is preceded by a ? the name of the file is stored in a local or system
A|B|P These markers describe the characteristics of the file:
A delete the ASCII file ( .ASC extension) indicated from the working directory,
if the path or extension were not specified
B delete the BINARY (data) file ( .DAT extension) indicated from the working
directory, if the path or extension were not specified
P delete the part program file specified from the system directory of
If the full pathname or extension is specified in filename, this parameter is not
taken into consideration.


The triliterals DEL or CAN, which may be used as alternatives, delete the specified file only if it is
not currently used by the system. If the file is a part program it will be deleted only if it has not been
selected by any process.

If the specified file does not exist, the NC238 File not found error code will be displayed. See
appendix B for a detailed description of how to manage this error from part program.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 4-9

Chapter 4
File Management Commands

The following command


deletes the TEST ASCII file from the ASSET working directory.

This command


deletes the binary command whose name is stored in the SC0.8 variable.

4-10 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 4
File Management Commands

INS - Saving an ASCII file in the directory of programs

This command permits to save the specified ASSET ASCII file in the directory of programs.


(INS, filename, filenamepp, directory)


filename Is the name of an ASCII file stored in the working directory, or another directory
if the full pathname was specified. It can be written as a string or read from a
text variable, in which case it is preceded by a question mark ( ? ).
filenamepp Is the name under which the ASCII file will be saved in the directory of
programs. It can be a 48 character string or the content of a variable, in which
case it is preceded by a question mark ( ? ).
directory Is a code (written as a numerical value or read from a local or system variable)
that specifies the logic subdirectory in which the ASCII file must be written:
Allowed values are:
1. PROGRAM directory
2. USER directory
3. SYSTEM directory
4. OEM directory


If no path or extension were specified, the file is taken from the default working directory (F:\FILE)
with the .ASC extension.

The part program file will be saved in the directory of programs without extension.

The file inserted in the directory of programs is deleted from the directory it was in before the INS


This command extracts the SAMPLE ASCII file from the F:\FILE directory and saves it in the
PROGRAM directory with the PPTEST name.


With this command the file whose name is stored in the SC7.8 variable will be saved in the USER
directory under the name stored in the USER !USER3.4CH variable.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 4-11

Chapter 4
File Management Commands

CPY - Copy a file

This command copies the file specified in the working directory or in the part program directory of


(CPY, filename1, filename2[,A/B/P,A/B/P[,directory]])


filename1 Is the name of the file to be copied.

In filename1 you can specify the full file name or the file extension. If the path is
not specified only those files will be considered which are in the work directory
of ASSET (key A or B) or in the part program directory if the file contains a part
program (key P).
If filename1 is preceded by the key "?" this indicates a local or system variable
containing the name of the file to be copied.
filename2 Is the name of the destination file.
Filename2 follows the same rules described for filename1.
A/B/P (optional). These are the keys which specify the features of the files with
filename1 and filename2.
In particular:
A indicates that the specified file is an ASCII file (with extension .ASC)
belonging to the working directory (if the path or extension are not
B indicates that the specified file is a binary file (with extension .DAT)
belonging to the working directory (if the path or extension are not
P indicates that the specified file belongs to the part program directory.
directory (optional). A numeric code or the contents of a local or system variable which
indicates the logical directory where to copy the specified file.
Its value is 0 to 3 with the following meanings:
0 directory “PROGRAM”
1 directory “USER”
2 directory “SYSTEM”
3 directory “OEM”

4-12 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 4
File Management Commands

If the path is not specified, the system assumes as the default working directory (F:\FILE). In
addition, if no extension is specified, the system will add an extension based on the basis of the
specified key: .DAT for binary files (key B) or .ASC for ASCII files (key A).


Initial situation: file SOURCE.DAT is present in directory F:\FILE

correct syntaxes for Asset copy: (CPY , SOURCE.DAT , DEST.DAT)


final situation: file SOURCE.DAT will be copied as DEST.DAT in the F:\FILE directory

In cases where the path has been specified it is not necessary to enter a key as the file will be
taken as indicated.

The parameter for the directory is significant if filename1 does not belong to the program directory
and is to be copied into it or if filename1 belongs to the program directory (key P) and is to be
copied into a logical directory different to the one to which it belongs.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 4-13

Chapter 4
File Management Commands


4-14 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 5

The ASSET commands described in this chapter (RTP, ROP, GPS, RAP and PLS) permit to read
the following parameters of the selected process:

• current or programmed tool number

• current or programmed tool offset number
• process state and mode
• axis coordinates.

Data read by these commands are sent to the process defined by the PRO block. Although PRO is
not an ASSET but a standard command, it has been included in this chapter for the sake of clarity.

The process number may also be specified in the ASSET reading command. If it is omitted, the
system will default to the process specified by PRO. If no PRO has been programmed, the data will
be sent to the same process that is executing the ASSET command.

The above parameters can be read using the three-letter commands listed below and described in
this chapter:

In addition to the above commands, there is also a general purpose command with which SW
PLUS variables can be read both inside and outside a process. This command is:


10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 5-1

Chapter 5
Process Management commands

PRO - Definition of the default process

This standard programming instruction permits to specify a default process. This process includes
both the synchronization commands and the ASSET commands described in the chapter.


(PRO, process number)


process number Is a number from 1 to 20 that identifies the process. It can be written as a
numerical value or read from a local or system variable.
By resetting the system or invoking another program it is possible to cancel the
preceding default process.

5-2 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 5
Process Management commands

RTP - Reading the number of the programmed or active tool

This instruction permits to read the number of the active or programmed tool from the specified
process (or from the default process defined with PRO) and then write the number in the specified


(RTP [,P num pro], {N | A}, variable)


num pro (optional) Is the number of the process that includes the tool number. If it is
omitted, the tool number will be read from the default process specified with
It is a number from 1 to 20. It may be written as a numerical value or read
from a local or system variable.
{N | A} Specifies whether tool number refers to the current (A) or the programmed (N)
variable Is the number of the variable in which the tool number must be written.


If the default process has not been defined and the Pnum pro parameter is omitted, the system will
read the tool number from the current active process.


This command reads the number of the programmed tool from the current process and writes it in
the E1 variable.


This command reads the active tool number from process 3 and writes it in the E3 variable.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 5-3

Chapter 5
Process Management commands

ROP - Reading the number of the programmed or active tool offset

This instruction permits to read the number of the active or programmed tool offset from the
specified process (or from the default process defined with PRO) and then write the number in the
specified variable.


(ROP [,P num pro], {N | A}, variable)


num pro (optional) Is the number of the process that includes the tool offset number. If it
is omitted, the tool number will be read from the default process specified with
It is a number from 1 to 20. It may be written as a numerical value or read
from a local or system variable.
{N | A} Specifies whether tool number refers to the current (A) or the programmed (N)
tool offset.
variable Is the number of the variable in which the tool offset number must be written.


If the default process has not been defined and the Pnum pro parameter is omitted, the system will
read the tool number from the current active process.


This command reads the number of the programmed tool offset from the current process and
writes it in the SN3 variable.


This command reads the active tool offset number from process 2 and writes it in the !ABC(1) user

5-4 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 5
Process Management commands

GPS - Reading the process state, sub-state or mode

This instruction permits to read the state, sub-state or mode of the specified or the default process
and then write it in the specified variables.


(GPS [,P num pro], variable, variable, variable)


num pro (optional) Is the number of the process. If it is omitted, the state, sub-state or
mode will be that of the default process specified with PRO.
It is a number from 1 to 20. It may be written as a numerical value or read
from a local or system variable.
variables Are three numerical variables in which the process state, sub-state and mode
are written.
The meaning of these numerical values is as follows:

Value State Value Sub-state Value Mode


2 RUN 2 reserved 2 AUTO
3 HOLD 3 reserved 3 STEP
7 WAIT 7 reserved 7 HOME
10 INPUT 10 10

For a detailed description of the states, sub-states and modes listed in the table refer to 10 Series
User Manual.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 5-5

Chapter 5
Process Management commands


If the default process has not been defined and the Pnum pro parameter is omitted, the system will
read the tool number from the current active process.


This instruction reads the state, sub-state and mode of the current process and writes them in
variables E1, E2 and E3.


This instruction reads the state, sub-state and mode of the current process and writes them in user
variable !UT(1 ÷ 3).

5-6 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 5
Process Management commands

RAP - Reading the axis coordinates

This instruction permits to read the position of the specified axis.


(RAP [,P num pro], axis name, type of coordinate, variable)


num pro (optional) Is the number of the process. If it is omitted, the system will
read the position of the axis in the default process specified with PRO.
It is a number from 1 to 20. It may be written as a numerical value or read
from a local or system variable.
axis name Is the ASCII name of the axis whose position must be read by the
type of coordinate It is a number from 1 to 4. It may be written as a numerical value or read
from a local or system variable. The meaning of this value is as follows:
0 ABSOLUTE INTERPOLATED coordinate (distance to the axis zero)
1 PROGRAMMED coordinate being executed
2 distance TO GO (DTG)
3 ABSOLUTE REAL coordinate (distance to the axis zero)
4 ERROR coordinate
5 INTERPOLATED coordinate (includes the origins and the tool offset)
6 REAL coordinate (includes the origins and the tool offset)
7 PROGRAMMED coordinate while RAP instruction is being analysed
variable Is the number or the local or system variable where the axis position will
be written.

The coordinates read by the RAP triliteral are expressed in the unit of measure configured for the
process. Rotary axes coordinates are always expressed in degrees.

If the axis name is P, you have to insert the process number (even if it is the default
process). In type 7 readings, the command takes into account the visualisations
and DAN’s currently active on the programmed axis, if any.

Example: the following example makes it possible to read the current coordinates of axis X after a
rototranslation and to save it in variable E0.
(UPR , 0 , XYZ , UVW)

(DAN , XU , YV , ZW)

41 X 200F 1000

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 5-7

Chapter 5
Process Management commands

(RAP , X , 7, E0) reads the current coordinate of virtual axis 4.

To read the absolute real coordinate of the X axis in the default process, write it in the E4 variable
and visualise it on the screen program the following instructions:

To read the distance to go for the Z axis in process 3 and write it in the SN5 variable program the

5-8 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 5
Process Management commands

PLS - Reading PLUS SW variables

This instruction permits to read bits or words from PLUS SW variables and write them in the
specified local or system variables.


(PLS, SW number, bit number, [ & mask], variable

[,SW number, bit number, [ & mask], variable ]
[,SW number, bit number, [ & mask], variable ]
[,SW number, bit number, [ & mask], variable ]
[,SW number, bit number, [ & mask], variable ]
[,SW number, bit number, [ & mask], variable ]
[,SW number, bit number, [ & mask], variable ]
[,SW number, bit number, [ & mask], variable ]
[,SW number, bit number, [ & mask], variable ]
[,SW number, bit number, [ & mask], variable ])


SW number Is the number of the SW variable. It may be written as a numerical value or read
from a local or system variable.
bit number Is the number of a bit in the specified SW variable.
It is a number from 0 to 16 that may be written as a numerical value or read
from a local or system variable specified in the command. Values from 0 to 15
indicate single bits, whereas 16 indicates the whole word.
mask (optional) This parameter can be programmed only if bit number is 16 (whole
word). mask provides a decimal description of the bits of the word setting those
be read to 1. It is applied in an AND to the contents of the specified SW variable
before saving its in the specified local or system variable.
It may be written as a numerical value or read from the local or system variable
specified in the instruction.
variable Is the local or system numerical value in which the contents of the specified bit
or word must be written.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 5-9

Chapter 5
Process Management commands


This instruction may specify as many as 10 readings, which may be bits of the same SW variable,
or the bits/word from different variables.

To calculate the mask use this procedure:

1. Write the word to be used as mask setting the bits to be read to 1. For example, to read bits 0,
5, 7 and 14 write the following word:

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

2. The decimal value of this word will be:

20 + 25 + 27 + 214 = 1 + 32 + 128 + 16384 = 16545
The mask value will be &16545.

The meaning of the bits and words of each SW variable is described in Chapter 3 (sections
"System state flags" and "Process state flags") of the PLUS Application Manual.

1. The following command
(PLS,1,16, E1)
will save the active Security level in E1.
2. The following command
writes 1 in the SN2 variable if G18 is active and writes 0 if G18 is not active.
3. With the following command
0 will be written in E0 if there is no probing cycle in process 1.
4. With this command
The contents of the specified command will be as follows:
E1 will be 0 if no canned cycle is active in process 1.
E2 will be 0 if no canned cycle is active in process 2.
E3 will be 0 if no canned cycle is active in process 3.
E4 will be 0 if no canned cycle is active in process 4.


5-10 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 6

Serial line management is achieved by means of a number of commands allowing you to:

• Enable and characterise the serial lines by defining the communication parameters and all the
terminators needed for data and message management.
• Transmit data of any kind; these kinds are:
− immediate numeric data
− data contained in numeric variables
− immediate alphanumeric data (string)
− alphanumeric data contained in string type variables

The data transmitted constitute the MESSAGE, maximum length of which is 180 characters
(terminators included).

The numeric data are converted into ASCII characters, whereas the string characters are
transmitted as they are. If numerous data items are transmitted in a string, they may be
separated by data terminators, whereas a message may be closed by a message terminator.

• Receive data of any kind; these kinds are:

− immediate numeric data
− data contained in numeric variables
− immediate alphanumeric data (string)
− alphanumeric data contained in string type variables

The variables expected in reception must be consistent with the data transmitted, therefore the
transmission and reception commands must correspond in terms of type, format, terminators,
and length of the data communicated.
Length of a message received must not exceed 180 characters, terminators included.

• Close the serial lines after communication is completed.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04) 6-1

Chapter 6
Serial Line Management Commands

SOP - Activate and configure the serial port

This triliteral lets you reserve the serial port specified for use and configure the physical
communication characteristics.


(SOP, port number , transmission speed (BAUD RATE)

, word length
, number of stop bits
, parity
, protocol
, transmission timeout
, reception timeout
/ number of TX data terminator [,term [, term [, term]]]
, number of RX data terminators [, term [, term [, term]]]
, number of TX mess terminators[, term [, term [, term]]]
, number of RX mess terminators [, term [, term [, term]]] )


port number Is the value identifying the serial port to use; may be 1 or 2 and may be a
local or system variable.
The selection of the serial port for the communication of the part program
with external devices depends on the type of hardware available and
whether some devices such as serial printers, Teach pendant, etc., are
used. It has to be configured in AMP (HARDWARE section).
transmission speed The values accepted are (BAUD):
50 75 110 134 150 300
600 1200 1800 2000 2400 3600
4800 7200 9600 19200 38400 56000
word length The following values are accepted (number of bits):
5 6 7 8
number of stop bits Values possible are:
1 ( = 1 stop bit)
2 ( = 2 stop bits).
parity Type of parity check. May be 0, 1 or 2, with the following meanings:
0 = no parity
1 = odd parity
2 = even parity

6-2 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04)

Chapter 6
Serial Line Management Commands

protocol Protocol used for transmission/reception.

May be 0, 1,2 ,3 with the following meanings:
0 = no protocol
1 = logical protocol (XON XOFF)
2 = physical protocol (signals DTR, DSR, RTS, CTS)
3 = logical protocol (XON XOFF) with signals DTR and DSR
transmission timeout Timeout during data transmission, in seconds. The minimum
value is 0.01.
If a 0 is specified, the timeout in transmission is not activated.
reception timeout Timeout during data reception, in seconds. The minimum value
is 0.01.
If a 0 is specified, the reception timeout is not activated.
number of TX data terminators Is the number of characters added automatically to each data
item transmitted (except the last). Allowed values range from 0
to 3 (0 = no data terminator).
These characters act as the separator between one data item
transmitted and the next inside the same message. If only one
data item is transmitted, this number and the TX data
terminators are not used.
The TX data terminator characters must be specified
immediately after this number in the way described later (term);
they will be added in the order in which they are specified.
number of RX data terminators Allowed values range from 0 to 3 (0 = no data terminator). This
is the number of characters interpreted as separators between
the data items received.
These characters are not put into the variables specified with
the GET triliteral but simply indicate end of a data item to the
Presence of one of the three TX data terminators is enough for
the data item to be considered complete. The terminators
specified may be included several times between one data item
and the next.
If this parameter is set to 0, then only one data item at a time is
to be received (GET with one variable only).
The RX data terminator characters must be specified
immediately after this number in the way described later (term).
number of TX mess terminators Is the number of characters added automatically in the order
specified at the end of the last data item received (last data item
in the PUT triliteral), constituting the serial message terminator.
Allowed values range from 0 to 3 (0 = no mess. terminator).
The TX mess terminator characters must be specified
immediately after this number in the way described later (term).

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04) 6-3

Chapter 6
Serial Line Management Commands

number of RX mess terminators Is the number of characters considered as message terminators

in reception: as soon as one of these characters arrives,
reception is complete and the data items already arrived are put
into the variables specified in triliteral GET. Allowed values
range from 0 to 3 (0 = no mess terminator)
If a 0 is specified, this means you intend to receive one data
item at a time, with only one character.
The RX mess terminators must be specified immediately after
this number in the way described later (term).
term The word used as terminator (data and/or messages).
May be:
− A whole number (0÷255).
− An alphanumeric character in inverted commas.
− A set of alphanumeric characters in inverted commas.
If the number of terminators declared is greater than 1 and
alphanumeric characters are used as terminators, these must
be put all together between the same inverted commas or put
singly between inverted commas and separated by a comma.
A) Number of terminators = 1
Terminators: "A"
B) Number of terminators = 2
Terminators: "AB" or "A", "B"
"A", 10
127, "b"
C) Number of terminators = 3
Terminators: "ABC" or "AB", "C" or "A", "BC" or "A", "B", "C"
"AB", 10 or "A", "B", 10
"A", 20, 230
25, "B", 75
25, "b", "C" or 25, "bC"

6-4 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04)

Chapter 6
Serial Line Management Commands


All the parameters of the SOP triliteral may be expressed directly with a number or with a local or
system variable.

When a SOP command is executed, to reconfigure one or more parameters of the serial line, you
must first execute an (SCL) command to close the serial line and then a new SOP command.

Both the serial lines available on 10 Series may be enabled simultaneously.

When the SOP triliteral is executed correctly, the serial line enabled is reserved for exclusive use of
the current process and cannot be used by another process up until it is closed (SCL).

(SOP,1,9600,8,1,1,0,10,0.5/0,1,10,2," ",10,1,13)

serial line 1,
9600 baud, 8 bit, 1 stop bit , odd parity, no protocol ,
10 seconds transmission timeout, 0.5 seconds reception timeout,
no TX data terminator,
one RX data terminator (10)
two TX message terminators (" " and 10),
one RX message terminator (13).

(SOP, 2, 2400, 7, 1, 2, 1, 4, 0/2," "," ",3," ",9,13,2,13,10,1,13)

serial line 2,
2400 baud, 7 bit, 1 stop bit, even parity, logical protocol (XON XOFF),
4 seconds transmission timeout, reception timeout not enabled
two TX data terminators (" ", and " ")
three RX data terminators (" ", 9, 13),
two TX message terminators (13 and 10 (CRLF)),
one RX message terminator (13).

(SOP,1,2400,8,2,0,2,0,0/2," "," ",0,2,13,10,0)

serial line 1,
2400 baud, 8 bit, 2 stop bits, no parity, physical protocol,
transmission timeout not enabled, reception timeout not enabled,
two TX data terminators (" "," " (two blank spaces)),)
no RX data terminator (one data item to be received for each GET)
two TX message terminators (13 and 10 (CRLF)),
no RX message terminator (a single data item consisting of one character only).

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04) 6-5

Chapter 6
Serial Line Management Commands

GET - Data reception from serial line

This triliteral sets the process in which it is programmed ready for data from the serial line
specified, which must be enabled and configured. The data received are stored in the variables in
accordance with the order of arrival and programming (the first data items to arrive are stored in the
first variable programmed, and so on).


(GET, port number, variable [, variable] [, variable] [, variable]

[, variable] [, variable] [, variable]
[, variable] [, variable] [, variable] )


port number Is the value identifying the serial port from which the data are to be received,
enabled earlier with triliteral SOP; allowed values are 1 or 2.
This value may be a number or a variable.
variable List of the variables (1÷10) that the data will be put in as they arrive from the
serial line.

In reception, the data items contained in the reception MESSAGE will be put into the variables
specified in triliteral GET. This message may comprise one or more data items, separated by RX
data terminator characters: if no such character is specified, the reception MESSAGE comprises a
single data item of one character only.

The triliteral GET is suspensive, i.e. execution of the part program does not start again until the
GET is considered completed:

• on arrival of a character if no RX message terminators have been programmed

• on arrival of one of the RX message terminators programmed with triliteral SOP
• on arrival of a RESET or a CYCLE STOP in the process the command is being executed in
• on expiry of the reception timeout (if programmed): the characters that arrived up to now are
lost and the serial line is automatically reinitialized.

6-6 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04)

Chapter 6
Serial Line Management Commands

If a numeric data item is expected in reception (for example, : (GET, 1, E1): waiting for numeric
data to put in variable E1), the data coming in will contain a numeric value expressed in ASCII
characters, which will in turn be converted automatically into binary format. This conversion is not
made if:

• the variable specified is character type (string)

• one character is received at a time (no RX message terminators specified).

If several variables were programmed in triliteral GET, at least one RX data terminator character
and at least one RX message terminator must have been specified in triliteral SOP.

Some errors that may be generated by the GET command may be handled by the part program: for
a full list of these errors, see Appendix B.

When the triliteral GET terminates execution without errors, the variables programmed contain all
the data coming in from the serial line.

This triliteral cannot be programmed in MDI mode with CYCLE STOP in ON status.

(GET, 1, SC10)

waiting for a single data item of 10 characters (excluding the RX message terminator).

(GET, 1, E1)

waiting for numeric data in ASCII code or a single character, saved in E1 without any conversion
(the case of no RX message terminator)

(GET, 2, L30, L31, L32, !MYVAR, $TCODE (1), SCO.10)

waiting for several data items, numeric and character strings, from line 2.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04) 6-7

Chapter 6
Serial Line Management Commands

PUT - Data transmission on serial line

This triliteral is used to transmit data on the serial line specified, which was enabled and configured


( PUT, port number, data [, data] [, data] [, data]

[, data] [, data] [, data]
[, data] [, data] [, data] )


port number Is the value identifying the port from which to transmit the data; this port has
been enabled earlier with the SOP triliteral and the accepted values are 1 or 2.
This value may be a number or a variable.
data Is the data to transmit; may be a constant, a string between inverted commas or
a local or system variable.


The PUT triliteral is suspensive: execution of the part program continues only after all the data
programmed have been transmitted.

The numeric data programmed in the PUT triliteral, as immediate or as the contents of numeric
variables, are converted into ASCII characters before being transmitted. On the other hand, strings
and the contents of character type variables (string) do not undergo any conversion and are
transmitted as they are.

The set of characters taken from the variables or the constants specified in the PUT triliteral
constitute the MESSAGE to be transmitted, which may be a maximum length of 180 characters,
including the TX data terminators and the TX message terminators, if programmed in triliteral SOP.

The transmission (execution of triliteral PUT) terminates:

• when the transmission timeout expires (if one is programmed): in this case, the serial line is
automatically reinitialized
• when serial transmission terminates correctly
• on arrival of a RESET or a CYCLE STOP in the process the command is being executed in.
Some errors that may be generated by the PUT command may be handled by the part program: for
a full list of these errors, see Appendix B.

6-8 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04)

Chapter 6
Serial Line Management Commands

When the triliteral PUT terminates execution without errors, the data items programmed have all
been transmitted on the serial line.

This triliteral cannot be programmed in MDI mode with CYCLE STOP in ON status.

(PUT, 1, SC10)

Transmission of a single item of 10 characters, plus any TX message terminators.

(PUT, 1, E1)

Transmission of the numeric value of variable E1 in ASCII code (plus any terminators).

(PUT, 1, "MESSAGE", E1, SCO.4.$TCODE (1))

Transmission of constants, numeric variables (in ASCII code), string type variables (separated by
TX data terminators and with any terminators specified at the end).

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04) 6-9

Chapter 6
Serial Line Management Commands

SCL - Close the serial port

This triliteral disables the serial line specified, making it available for other possible users. If the
serial line number is not specified, all active serial lines in the process where the triliteral is
programmed are disabled.


(SCL, [port number])


port number Is the value identifying the serial port to disable; allowed values are 1 or 2.
May be a number or a local or system variable.
If this parameter is not specified, both the serial lines of the system are disabled
(if both were enabled previously).

If the serial line to be disabled is not enabled, this command does nothing and no error code is

This triliteral cannot be programmed in MDI mode with CYCLE STOP in the ON status.

(SCL, 1)
disable serial line 1

disable all active serial lines in the process.

E1 = 2
(SCL, E1)
disable serial line 2

6-10 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04)

Chapter 6
Serial Line Management Commands

EPS - Execute part program from serial line

This triliteral code is used to execute a series of part program blocks coming from the serial line for
as long as the block to be executed is different from the one specified as part program end string.


(EPS, serial_line_number , part program_end_string)


serial line is the serial line from which to take the blocks for execution. May be a
number number or a variable (local or system) with possible values 1 or 2.
Must be a serial line suitably opened and configured with the SOP triliteral.
part program is a string between quotes or a character variable.
end string Specifies the string that will be considered as terminating execution from the
serial line and command EPS.
N.B.: This string is not executed as a part program block.

The EPS command uses the type 2 transmission protocol (physical with signals DTR, DSR, RTS,
CTS, see the triliteral SOP). The serial line opened and configured in advance with triliteral SOP;
for correct EPS operation, the serial line must be configured with a single terminator given in
reception and this must be the character LF (LINE FEED : 10): this is because part program blocks
coming from a serial line MUST terminate with characters CR-LF (like part program blocks in a file);
in addition, part program blocks from a serial line can must not be more than 127 characters long
(CR-LF excluded).
If the serial line is not configured correctly, the system will generate error NC 41 Wrong serial line
configuration for EPS when it comes to execute an EPS command.
While an EPS is being executed, a reception timeout configured with SOP is not handled.
If a p.p. block coming from a serial line generates an error, it will not be executed on the next cycle
start; it will however be copied into the MDI buffer where, on entering MDI mode, it may be
displayed, modified and executed before proceeding with execution of the other blocks from the
serial line.
Some part program blocks cannot be executed if coming from a serial line. These are the triliterals:
SCL, PUT, GET (the latter three if referring to the serial line used for EPS)
Triliterals CLS and EPB and calls to paramacros are allowed: it is the main program to which these
subprograms refer that contains the EPS triliteral.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04) 6-11

Chapter 6
Serial Line Management Commands

Any attempt to execute these commands from a serial line generates this error:

NC 040 P.P. block not allowed from serial line.

Triliteral code EPS cannot be executed in HOLD status (in MDI mode in HOLD or CYCLE STOP
status). Execution of blocks from a serial line is "seen" by the system as repeated loop execution of
the EPS command until arrival of the string configured as the part program end string. Blocks from
a serial line can also be executed in BLK/BLK mode; while an EPS command is being executed in
BLK/BLK mode, the following operations are inhibited:
SKIP of block with ARROW UP - ARROW DOWN keys

Examples of use of triliteral EPS:

(SOP,1,9600,8,1,0,2,0,0/0,0,0,1,10) ------> Correct configuration of RX terminators

(EPS,1,";;") ------> Execution from serial line until arrival of characters
SC0,4 = "END"
(SOP,1,9600,8,1,0,2,0,0/0,0,0,1,10) --------> Correct configuration of RX terminators
(EPS,1,SC0,4) --------> Execution from serial line until arrival of END string

Use of a personal computer with MS-DOS

If using a personal computer with the MS-DOS operating system, the following command can be
COPY filename COMx:
to copy a part program file on the serial line, suitably configured with the MODE commands, for
execution by the 10 Series control.

Execute in sequence these operations:

On P.C.

EDIT A FILE: c:\example\program (DIS,"I AM THE FILE PROGRAM")

MODE COM1 9600, n, 1, 8, P --------> 9600 BAUD NO PARITY 1 STOP BITS
COPY c:\example\program COM1:

On 10 Series

Execute this part program in AUTO or BLK/BLK mode


6-12 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04)

Chapter 6
Serial Line Management Commands

The personal computer does not produce the video prompt until after execution of the SOP
command enabling, through the hardware, reception in the 10 Series serial buffer, though this is
not the case if the part program is more than 3000 bytes long. In these cases, blocks coming from
the serial line must be executed to free space in the serial driver's data area: the personal
computer does not display the command prompt until space is found in this data area for the last
block of the file.

If the serial line is closed with triliteral SCL or with a RESET, any part
program blocks present in the serial buffer data area (arriving after the SOP
command), are irreparably lost.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04) 6-13

Chapter 6
Serial Line Management Commands


6-14 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04)

Chapter 7

This chapter contains a certain number of three-letter functions used to generate system operating
commands, such as CYCLE START, HOLD, RESET, axis selection, etc., for the process specified
in the function or the default process set earlier. These functions are:

• CYCLE ON, equivalent to pressing the CYCLE START button

• CYCLE OFF, equivalent to releasing the CYCLE START button
• HOLD ON, equivalent to pressing the CYCLE STOP (HOLD) button
• HOLD OFF, equivalent to pressing the CYCLE STOP (HOLD) button in CYCLE STOP or
HOLD mode
• RESET, equivalent to pressing the RESET button
• Set Operating Mode, to set the control's operating mode
• Select Axes for Manual Movements, to specify the axis on which manual movements are to
be executed
• Direction of Manual Movements to establish the direction of movement on the axis selected
• Jog Step Value to set the distance to be travelled with each jog step
• Enable/Disable FEEDHOLD to force speed of the axes to zero.

The above functions are implemented by way of the triliterals listed below and are described in
detail on the pages that follow:


Implementation of these commands depends on status of the process they

are sent to.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 7-1

Chapter 7
Operating Commands

CON - CYCLE ON command

This instruction sends the specified process the CYCLE ON command, which is equivalent to
pressing the CYCLE START button.


(CON [, P numproc])


numproc Is a number between 1 and 20 identifying the process on which the CYCLE ON
command will be executed. This parameter may be a number directly identifying
the process or a local or system variable containing the number of the process

The result of issuing this command depends on the current mode of operation.

If the P numproc parameter was not specified, the CYCLE ON command will be given to the default
process, i.e. the one set earlier with the PRO instruction.

(CON, P3)

Process 3 will be issued the CYCLE ON command.

7-2 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 7
Operating Commands

COF - CYCLE OFF command

This instruction sends the process specified the CYCLE OFF command, which is equivalent to
releasing the CYCLE START button.


(COF [, P numproc])


numproc Is a number between 1 and 20 identifying the process on which the CYCLE
OFF command will be executed. This parameter may be a number directly
identifying the process or a local or system variable containing the number of
the process desired.

The result of issuing this command depends on the current mode of operation.

If the P numproc parameter was not specified, the CYCLE OFF command will be given to the
default process, i.e. the one set earlier with the PRO instruction.


The default process will be issued the CYCLE OFF command.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 7-3

Chapter 7
Operating Commands

HON - HOLD ON command

This instruction sends the specified process the HOLD ON command, which is equivalent to
pressing the CYCLE STOP (HOLD) button.


(HON [, P numproc])


numproc Is a number between 1 and 20 identifying the process on which the HOLD ON
command will be executed. This parameter may be a number directly identifying
the process or a local or system variable containing the number of the process

If the P numproc parameter was not specified, the HOLD ON command will be given to the default
process, i.e. the one set earlier with the PRO instruction.

If no default process was set earlier and the P numproc parameter was not included in this
command, the command will be executed on the current process (i.e. the one executing the current

(HON, P2)

Process 2 will be issued the HOLD ON command.

7-4 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 7
Operating Commands

HOF - HOLD OFF command

This instruction sends the specified process the HOLD OFF command, which is equivalent to
pressing the CYCLE STOP (HOLD) button in CYCLE STOP or HOLD mode.


(HOF [, P numproc])


numproc Is a number between 1 and 20 identifying the process on which the HOLD OFF
command will be executed. This parameter may be a number directly identifying
the process or a local or system variable containing the number of the process

If the P numproc parameter was not specified, the HOLD OFF command will be given to the default
process, i.e. the one set earlier with the PRO instruction.


The default process will be issued the HOLD OFF command.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 7-5

Chapter 7
Operating Commands

RES - RESET command

This instruction sends the specified process a reset command, which is equivalent to pressing the
RESET on the operator panel.


(RES [, P numproc])


numproc Is a number between 1 and 20 identifying the process. This parameter may be a
number directly identifying the process or a local or system variable containing
the number of the process desired.

If the P numproc parameter was not specified, the RESET command will be given to the default
process, i.e. the one set earlier with the PRO instruction.

If no default process was set earlier and the P numproc parameter was not included in this
command, the command will be executed on the current process (i.e. the one executing the current


Process 4 will be issued the RESET command.

7-6 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 7
Operating Commands

SMD - Set operating mode

This instruction defines mode of operation for the process specified.


(SMD [P numproc] ,modo)


numproc Is a number between 1 and 20 identifying the process. This parameter may be a
number directly identifying the process or a local or system variable containing
the number of the process desired.
modo The mode of operation desired. Possible values for this parameter are:
2 Auto
3 Block/block
4 Continuous manual
5 Incremental manual
6 Return on profile
7 Homing cycle
8 Handwheel


If the P numproc parameter was not specified, the SMD command will be given to the default
process, i.e. the one set earlier with the PRO instruction.

If no default process was set earlier and the P numproc parameter was not included in this
command, the command will be executed on the current process (i.e. the one executing the current


The block/block operating mode is set on process 4.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 7-7

Chapter 7
Operating Commands

SAX - Select axis for manual movement

This instruction selects the axis on which a manual movement is to be executed.


(SAX [, P numproc] , nome asse)


numproc Is a number between 1 and 20 identifying the process. This parameter may be a
number directly identifying the process or a local or system variable containing
the number of the process desired.
nome asse Is the ASCII name of the axis to execute the movement on.


If the P numproc parameter was not specified, the SAX command will be given to the default
process, i.e. the one set earlier with the PRO instruction.

If no default process was set earlier and the P numproc parameter was not included in this
command, the command will be executed on the current process (i.e. the one executing the current


Axis Z of the current process is selected for manual movement.

If the axis name is P, you have to insert the process number (even if it is the default

7-8 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 7
Operating Commands

DIR - Direction of manual movements

This instruction defines the direction of the axis selected during the manual movement.


(DIR [, P numproc] , segno)


numproc Is a number between 1 and 20 identifying the process. This parameter may be a
number directly identifying the process or a local or system variable containing
the number of the process desired.
segno Sign of the direction of manual movement. Possible values are [+] or [-].


If the P numproc parameter was not specified, the DIR command will be given to the default
process, i.e. the one set earlier with the PRO instruction.

If no default process was set earlier and the P numproc parameter was not included in this
command, the command will be executed on the current process (i.e. the one executing the current


A positive manual movement is selected for the axis selected earlier with the SAX command in
process 3.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 7-9

Chapter 7
Operating Commands

JOG - Jog step value

This instruction defines the value of the single steps during jog manual movement in the process


(JOG [, P numproc] , jog value)


numproc Is a number between 1 and 20 identifying the process. This parameter may be a
number directly identifying the process or a local or system variable containing
the number of the process desired.
jog value Is the numeric value for the step in jog manual movement.
May be a number or a local or system variable.
Will be assumed in mm or inches depending of the unit configured for the

If the P numproc parameter was not specified, the JOG command will be given to the default
process, i.e. the one set earlier with the PRO instruction.

If no default process was set earlier and the P numproc parameter was not included in this
command, the command will be executed on the current process (i.e. the one executing the current


A value of 0.1 mm (or 0.1 inches) will be taken as the step for jog manual movement in process 2.

7-10 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Chapter 7
Operating Commands

FHO - Enable/Disable FEEDHOLD

This instruction makes a stop during machining of the process specified. In practice, it forces
working speed to zero.


(FHO [, P numproc] , enable)


numproc Is a number between 1 and 20 identifying the process. This parameter may be a
number directly identifying the process or a local or system variable containing
the number of the process desired.
enable Is a number either 0 or 2 representing the FEEDHOLD enable or disable
With a value of 1 the FEEDHOLD command is enabled, i.e., the movement is
stopped at once; with 2 axes, the programmed movement currently being
executed is stopped; with 0 the movement is re-enabled.

If the P numproc parameter was not specified, the FEEDHOLD command will be given to the
default process, i.e. the one set earlier with the PRO instruction.


Machining movement is stopped in process 4.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06) 7-11

Chapter 7
Operating Commands


7-12 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (06)

Appendix A

The errors that occur while the system is executing ASSET commands are listed in the table below.
Some of these errors may be managed from part program by means of the STE variable (refer to
Appendix B for details).

The list below also includes errors listed in the Programming Manual but which may occure during
ASSET operation.

Description of messages and remedial action

Code Error description and remedial action

NC001 Syntax Error

Syntax error in the programmed or manually input block

NC008 Format error

This error code appears when:
• the variable index is illegal
• the variable format is illegal
• the assignment format is illegal. For example, the strings are of different lengths
• there is a PLUS variable writing/reading error
• the parameter in the block is out of range

NC009 Undefined symbol

This error appears when the specified variable does not exist.

NC037 Read only variable

This error occurs when the program attempts to write a read only variable.

NC040 P.P. Block not allowed from serial line

The part program block coming from the serial line cannot be executed (e.g. GTO,
EPP, RPT, EPS, etc.).

NC041 WRONG SERIAL LINE configuration for EPS

The serial line is not configured correctly for EPS.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (02) A-1

Appendix A
ASSET Error Messages

Code Error description and remedial action

NC052 String too long

This error occurs when the following string has more than 127 characters:
• string displayed with an INP instruction
• assignment of a string variable. For example, SC.

NC234 ASSET option not installed

This error occurs when the variable or ASSET command has not been installed.
Check with the SECURITY utility whether the ASSET option is installed and enabled.

NC235 File channel busy: use another channel identifier (from 1 to 5)

This error occurs when the channel specified in the file open instruction is already
busy. Close the working session that engages the channel or select a new channel.

NC236 File open error

This error occurs when opening the channel associated to the file.
Check the user disk conditions.

NC237 File already open

This error occurs in the following cases:
• the operator tries to write data in a file that has been opened for writing by another
channel or process
• the operator tries to delete a file currently open for reading or writing
• the operator tries to save in the directory of programs an ASCII file currently open
for reading or writing

NC238 File not found

This error occurs:
• when the file open for reading does not exist
• when the file to be deleted does not exist
• when the ASCII file to be saved in the directory of programs does not exist
• when the extension of the ASCII file to be saved is not .ASC

NC239 I/O Error

This is an file access error.
Check the user disk conditions.

NC240 Wrong access type or file channel closed

This error occurs when:
• when the operator tries to write in a file open for reading
• when the operator tries to read from a file open for writing
• when the file channel accessed for reading or writing is closed

NC241 End of file

This error occurs when when the system reaches the end of the file during a reading

A-2 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (02)

Appendix A
ASSET Error Messages

Code Error description and remedial action

NC243 Part program name duplicated

This error occurs when when the ASCII file to be saved already exists in the directory
of programs.

NC244 Part program directory full

This error occurs when in the directory of programs there is no space for further ASCII

NC245 Character not allowed in program name

This error occurs when when some of the characters in the part program file name are
not allowed.

NC246 No more space on device: disk full

NC247 Data file corrupt

This error occurs when when the header of the binary data file includes information
that is not compatible with the file contents. Such a file cannot be read.

NC248 Data file access error

This error occurs when the binary data file has been accessed for reading or writing
through a record that is different from the first record in the file.

NC249 Record too long

This error occurs when the maximum record length (127 characters for ASCII files,
300 bytes for binary files) is overflown.

NC250 Driver not allowed

An attempt has been made to access a reserved driver.

NC251 Driver busy or not configured

The device being defined with triliteral GVD is not available or is being used by
another user (for example, another process or the DOS SHELL UTILITY.

NC255 Wrong row for input field

This error occurs when when the instruction associated to a data entry window
invokes a field outside the allowed line range (from 0 through 18).

NC256 Wrong column for input field

This error occurs when when the instruction associated to a data entry window
invokes a field outside the allowed column range (from 0 through 79).

NC257 Input mask not defined

This error occurs when when the DIF instruction specified in the INP command has
not been defined before.

NC258 INP: data format error

This error occurs when when saving the data input with an INP instruction.

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (02) A-3

Appendix A
ASSET Error Messages

Code Error description and remedial action

NC260 Wrong screen identifier

This error occurs when when the operator writes in a screen that cannot be modified
with ASSET.

NC261 Screen not configured

This error occurs when when the screen specified in the OUT command for writing
has not been configured.

NC262 OUT on user screen failed

This error occurs when when the OUT operation on the screen fails.

NC270 PLUS table already locked

This error occurs when when the table to be reserved with LCK has been already
reserved for writing by another user, such as PLUS, Table Editor, etc.

NC271 Serial line already activated

An attempt has been made to activate a serial port with the SOP triliteral, but the port
is already active.

NC272 Serial line closed

Execution of the GET or PUT triliteral on a serial line that has not yet been activated
with the SOP triliteral.

NC273 Serial transmission timeout

The transmission timeout has expired during execution of the PUT triliteral. When the
timeout is generated, there is no guarantee that all the data have been sent on the
serial line specified.
The serial line is reinitialized.
This errror can be handled from the part program (see Appendix B).

NC274 Serial reception timeout

The reception timeout has expired during execution of the GET triliteral. This means
that the data expected have not arrived in the maximum time established.
The serial line is reinitialized.
This errror can be handled from the part program (see Appendix B).

NC275 Serial line general failure

Problems with physical connection of the serial line.

NC276 Failed loading data from the serial line

The data expected from the serial line with triliteral GET have arrived properly, but
they are not of the number expected by the part program (too many or some missing).
This error can be handled from the part program (see Appendix B).

A-4 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (02)

Appendix A
ASSET Error Messages

Code Error description and remedial action

NC277 Serial communication aborted by HOLD

Serial reception or transmission has been aborted by a HOLD received by the
process: this error is displayed during resumption of execution after the HOLD.

The serial line is reinitialized.

NC278 Serial port not available
The serial line specified for activation with triliteral SOP is not available for use by

NC279 Serial port already used

The serial line specified for activation with triliteral SOP is already being used by
another process.

NC280 Data received too long

A message of more than 180 characters has arrived during reception.

NC281 Serial line overrun error

The serial line driver is in OVERRUN status. Reduce the communication baud rate.
This error can be managed by the part program (see Appendix B).

NC282 Serial line parity error

Parity error.
This error can be managed by the part program (see Appendix B).

NC283 Serial line framing error

This error can be managed by the part program (see Appendix B).

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (02) A-5

Appendix A
ASSET Error Messages


A-6 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (02)

Appendix B

Standard 10 Series programming provides the programmer with a method for error management
from part program. This method permits to correct or recover the error without interrupting the

Error management from program must be configured through the following system variables:

ERR Enables/disables automatic error management from part program.

STE Is a read only system variable that stores the error code generated by a
previous command when automatic error management from part program is
configured (ERR=1).
In particular, these variables manage errors detected during probing cycles (G71, G72 or G73) or
generated during execution of the GTA command. For more information about ERR and STE refer
to the 10 Series Programming Manual.

ASSET permits automatic management from part program of three types of error:

• errors generated during execution of an INP instruction, i.e. manual data input errors
• errors generated during execution of a file management command
• errors generated during use of the serial line.

The sections that follow describe the ERR variable and how its value affects the system conditions.
The meaning of the error codes is shown in Appendix A.

A system reset sets both STE and ERR to 0

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04) B-1

Appendix B
Error Management from Part Program

ERR - Enabling/disabling automatic error management from part


ERR enables/disables automatic management from part program of errors generated during
execution of specific program instructions.


ERR = value


value Is a boolean value (0 or 1) that may be written as a numerical format or read

from a local or system variable.
If ERR = 0 automatic error management is disabled. When the system detects
an error it interrupts the execution of the program and displays the relevent
error code.
If ERR = 1 automatic error management is enabled. When the system detects
an error it writes an error code in the STE system variable.

When ERR = 1 it is recommended to read the STE variable immediately after the system executes
a command in which an error may have occurred. With ERR = 1 error messages are not displayed
and the part program is not interrupted.

B-2 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04)

Appendix B
Error Management from Part Program

Manual data input errors

During execution of the INP command the following errors may occur:

Condition STE value with Displayed error code

ERR = 1 with ERR = 0
Execution without errors 0 ----
INP closed with Esc 20 (*) ----
Input values outside the allowed range (data 21 NC258
saving failed)
INP closed with Page Up 22 (*) ----
INP closed with Page Down 23 (*) ----
INP closed with Home 24 (*) ----
INP closed with End 25 (*) ----

(*) This value will be written in STE even when ERR = 0

(INP,N0,T'TEST INPUT','FEED',10,E1,'SPEED',10,E2,'COORD',10,E3)
....... ; valid data
The above instructions write the feedrate value in E1, the speed value in E2 and the programmed
coordinate in E3.
If these data are not confirmed and the data entry window is closed with [Esc], the system will write
20 in the STE variable. The GTO instruction uses this value to position the program to the "LAB"
label, which re-displays the data entry window for the operator to make the necessary corrections.

File management errors

The table below lists the file management errors that can be managed from part program:

Condition STE value with Displayed error code

ERR = 1 with ERR = 0
Execution without errors 0 ----
File channel busy 30 NC235
File currently used 31 NC237
File not found 32 NC238
End of file 33 NC241
Program already exists in directory of programs 34 NC243
Directory of programs full 35 NC244
Program name not allowed 36 NC245
Working disk unit full 37 NC246
Access to binary file through unallowed record type 38 NC248
Record too long (>127 for ASCII; >300 for binary) 39 NC249
Device not available 40 NC251

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04) B-3

Appendix B
Error Management from Part Program

(INP,"DEFINE FILE NAME:",30,SC8.8) Request to enter file name
"LABINS" File name label
ERR=1 Enables error management from program
(INS,"PPGR3",SC8.8,1) Save file in User directory
(GTO,LAB,STE=34) If file already exists branch to "LAB"
"CONT" "Continue" label
ERR=0 Disables error management from program
"LAB" New name label routine
(INP,"FILE EXISTS. RENAME:",30,SC8.8) Request to rename the file
(GTO,"LABINS") Returns to file label routine

Locked table condition

While the system executes an LCK instruction, the following errors may be managed from part

Condition STE value with Displayed error code

ERR = 1 with ERR = 0
Table reserved without errors 0
Table already reserved by other users 45 NC270

Serial line management errors

Errors that can be managed from a part program and that may occur during transmission on a
serial line are as follows:

Condition STE value with Displayed error with

ERR = 1 ERR = 0
Serial transmission timeout 50 NC273
Serial reception timeout 51 NC274
Data downloading from serial line failed 52 NC276
Overrun error 53 NC281
Parity error 54 NC282
Framing error 55 NC283


B-4 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (04)

Appendix C

List of the Asset Triliterals

Triliteral Function

(OPN) OPeN File opens a file

(CLO) CLOse file closes a file
(DEL)(CAN) DELete file or part program deletes a file/part program
(WRT) WRiTe record writes a record on a file
(REA)(RED) REAd record reads a record on a file
(INS) INSert part program in ppdir file inserts a part program
(SCR) SCReen selection selects a screen
(OUT) OUTput data on screen writes data on user screen (logic)
(DIF) Define Input Fields defines input fields
(INP) INPut data from keyboard inputs data from keyboard
(PRO) defines default PROcess number defines the process default
(RTP) Read actual or programmed Tool Process reads the programmed or actual tool
(ROP) Read actual or programmed Offset Process reads programmed or actual offset
(GPS) Get Process Status, substatus and mode reads process status or mode
(RAP) Read Axis Position reads axis position
(PLS) read PLus Sw variables reads the PLUS SW variables
(LCK) LoCK/unlock plus tables locks/unlocks the PLUS tables
(CON) Cycle ON cycle on
(COF) Cycle OFf cycle off
(HON) Hold ON hold on
(HOF) Hold OFf hold off
(RES) RESet process resets the process
(SMD) Set MoDe selects operating mode
(SAX) Select AXis for manual movement selects the axis
(DIR) DIRection for manual movement direction of manual movements
(JOG) JOG incremental value JOG step value
(FHO) Feed HOld enables/disables feed hold
(SOP) Serial line OPen opens the serial line
(PUT) PUT data on serial line trasmits data on serial line
(GET) GET data from serial line receives data from serial line
(SCL) Serial CLose closes the serial line
(EPS) Exec Program from Serial line executes p.p. from serial line

10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (02) C-1

Appendix C
ASSET Triliterals Table


C-2 10 Series CNC ASSET Reference Manual (02)

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