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Welcome! 4 Legendary Pokémon 123
Type: Null / Silvally 124
Magearna 125
Creating Play 6 Genesect 126
Mew 127
The World of Pokémon 7 Mewtwo 128
Nihilego 129
Services in the Pokémon World 12 Buzzwole 130
Pheromosa 131
Xurkitree 131
Celesteela 132
Acting as Game Master 20 Kartana 133
Capture Rates 23 Guzzlord 133
Stakataka 134
Loyalty 24 Blacephalon 135
Poipole / Naganadel 135
Skill Checks 29 Articuno 136
Zapdos 137
Moltres 138
Raikou 139
Regions in the World of Pokémon 36
Entei 140
Kanto 37 Suicune 141
Tapu Koko 142
Johto 45 Tapu Lele 143
Tapu Bulu 143
Hoenn 53 Tapu Fini 144
Cobalion 145
Sinnoh 63 Terrakion 145
Virizion 146
Unova 72
Keldeo 146
Kalos 84 Tornadus 148
Thundurus 149
Alola 94 Landorus 149
Latias 150
Galar 105 Latios 151
Regirock 152
Other People of the World 115 Regice 153
Registeel 153
Regieleki 154
Regidrago 154
Regigigas 155
Uxie 156
Mesprit 157
Azelf 157

Heatran 158 Legendary Pokémon by Name 202
Volcanion 159 Legendary Pokémon by Type 203
Lugia 160 People and Places by Name 205
Ho-oh 160
Phione 161
Manaphy 161
Celebi 162
Jirachi 163
Victini 164
Marshadow 165
Shaymin 166
Calyrex 166
Meloetta 169
Diancie 170
Zeraora 171
Zarude 171
Kubfu / Urshifu 172
Meltan / Melmetal 174
Hoopa 175
Deoxys 176
Darkrai 178
Cresselia 178
Zacian 180
Zamazenta 180
Cosmog / Cosmoem
/ Solgaleo / Lunala 182
Necrozma 184
Kyogre 186
Groudon 187
Rayquaza 188
Reshiram 190
Zekrom 190
Kyurem 191
Xerneas 192
Yveltal 193
Zygarde 194
Dialga 196
Palkia 196
Giratina 197
Eternatus 198
Arceus 200

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A Game Master
Welcome to the world of
One person must fill the special role of Game Master, or GM,
Pokémon: Tabletop Adventures! who controls every non-Player Trainer or Pokémon. They must
build adventures, narrate, control non-Player Trainers, non-
Some Preface… Player Pokémon and referee and make judgements for any rules
that are not perfectly clear. You don’t have to memorize the
In 1996, Pokémon came out in Japan and began a worldwide
rules, or be an amazing imaginative writer– but it helps if you’re
craze. Pikachu is a pop culture icon. Hundreds of games have
willing to use every bit of creativity that you have. As the GM
come out surrounding the Pokémon franchise. It’s absurd we
you should often check in with players after sessions to see
don’t have an official tabletop role-playing game yet, but it is my
where they are feeling the campaign could be going or if there’s
hope that Pokémon: Tabletop Adventures suffices and finds a
any concerns about the direction. This can be crucial to keeping
way into your game night or as a part of ongoing sessions that
players engaged and having more fun together.
you and your party can enjoy.
Books, Paper, Pencil and Dice
If you’ve played tabletop games before, great! If not, that’s fine
too! Pokémon: Tabletop Adventures 3 tries its best to be acces- Players will need access to the Player’s Handbook and what-
sible to any player. Either way, you’re going to need some ever Pokédex books are being used. Players have restricted ac-
things: cess to the Pokédex books and should avoid metagaming by only
looking up a Pokémon’s Pokédex entry when they’ve used the
Pokédex on a particular Pokémon. The GM should have access
As a Player, you’ll create a Trainer, who will choose to take a to the Player’s Handbook, all Pokédex books and the Game Mas-
up a profession, or Class, and you will capture and train Poké- ter’s Handbook. Players should use the Character Sheets to help
mon to fight alongside your Trainer. Like the protagonists in the organize information relating to their Trainers and Pokémon.
Pokémon franchise’s games, manga, or anime, Players will be Always use a pencil when writing on your character sheets! In-
the center of the game’s action. It’s ideal that you play with formation for your Trainer and Pokémon are constantly chang-
friends who you can be comfortable with. Playing a tabletop ing! You will also need gaming dice (d4, d6, d8, at least 2 d10 for
game is like collaborative story writing and overly-critical groups use in a d100 roll, d12, d20). When rolling dice in Pokémon: Tab-
can lead to very unfun game experiences. It’s important as a letop Adventures, you always want to roll high, the only excep-
player to be supportive of other players since everyone has tion is when you roll two d10s to generate a d100 roll. Whenev-
different levels of comfort. If anything does come up that makes er you roll a d100 roll in Pokémon: Tabletop Adventures, you will
any players feel like anything is really unfun, talk about it. The want to roll as low as possible.
best way to keep a campaign together and fun is to communi-
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What’s the Game Master’s Guide For? The reason talking to players about expectations during play
is important is because of how many different kinds of play
You’re reading the Game Master’s Guide, so if you’re not go- there is. This is Pokémon Tabletop Adventures, but maybe your
ing to be the game master for your group’s play this book isn’t players want to play a game where they are constantly battling
for you. Looking through this book without being the GM is not or almost never battling. Discussion can prevent a four-hour
breaking any rules necessarily, but it makes it very easy for a session of non-player interrogation from happening if you find
player to accidentally metagame (Metagaming is when a player out that none of your players are interested in play that involves
uses information from outside of the game in order to give play- interrogation.
ers an advantage in game). So- players should go and find the
Running a game where players are Pokémon poachers is a
player’s handbooks to read through instead.
valid way to play, running a game where players want to know
As the game master, you will be the primary story provider, a every non-player character’s story and help them with even the
referee, a director, and a sort of player as well. The first thing to smallest tasks is fine, even players fighting amongst themselves
keep track of is the most important rule in tabletop gaming: fun. is okay. As long as players and the GM talk together about game
As the GM, have fun and make sure your players are having fun. expectations, there will be no surprises that a player has not
The best way to do this is to talk to everyone about expectations been having fun which often results in campaigns falling apart.
before a campaign begins and to occasionally check in with play-
Talking about expectations does not mean telling players
ers to make sure they’re enjoying game sessions.
what plot points will come up, but discussing themes is helpful.
You are the creator behind your PTA games. You provide If your players are expecting to play in the Pokémon anime
space for players to explore and interact with scenarios you setting and you are throwing murderous non-player characters
write and for the players to combat and solve. A single session at them, they will not be okay with the scenarios they find them-
can be something simple, like rescuing a stolen Pokémon or selves in.
stopping a rampaging Gyarados. However, by tying several indi-
Creating scenarios involves some writing before play, then
vidual sessions together you could construct an overarching plot
storytelling during play, and then improvisation once things go
to create a campaign. Maybe those Pokémon in need are just a
to unexpected places during play. If you find that you don’t like
symptom of an evil organization that is trying to take over the
writing scenarios, borrow from the massive existing Pokémon
canon. There’s the anime, the many different kinds of video
As players roleplay and act as the voice of their characters, games, all of the different manga, many novelizations, and then
you will give a voice to each and every non-player character they even the hundreds of thousands of fan-made stories.
encounter. You will also control the behavior and actions of the
If you struggle with the rules of the game, you can tell your
wild Pokémon and Pokémon owned by the non-player trainers.
players that you want to roll with the punches and make up
When it comes to your player’s Pokémon, you will also some-
quick fix rules to keep game flow going or tell players that your
times sway the Pokémon’s actions if you’ve determined that the
group will always look up rules when necessary. Again, discus-
Pokémon wishes to disobey their trainer. Maybe the Pokémon
sion is key. There is no winning or losing in tabletop gaming,
doesn’t trust their trainer, or the Pokémon knows something
even if your players can find victory in a Pokémon battle during
your player’s trainer doesn’t know?
game. The main goal of a GM is to provide a story for players to
As the GM runs the game, you will ask players for skill checks play in. Your sessions are chapters in a greater story that your
and accuracy checks, rolled on the player’s dice to determine players should want to continue acting in every time you play to
success. Whenever players try anything, you must determine if journey towards your plot’s conclusion.
the action merits a roll. You are the GM, you can decide that
The Game Master’s Guide is here to help in all of these as-
everything requires a check, or only things you believe to be
pects. This book will provide several non-player character exam-
difficult require checks. A trainer trying to climb a cliffside or a
ples to work into various scenarios you will design, or to build on
trainer throwing a Poké Ball doesn’t always have to be a check if
top of with your original non-player characters for play. It will
you determine that the trainers can easily climb the heavily
also discuss gaming with players and the different types of chal-
sloped cliff or the Pokémon in the Poké Ball is too weak to resist
lenges your players might like to encounter. Hopefully each of
capture. Players will enact special abilities to gain advantages
the sections in this guide get your creativity flowing as you gen-
during rolls as well and after some time, you could choose to
erate hours of fun for yourself and others.
stop challenging players will a task they never fail.

Here are some ideas when writing for players:
Creating Play
For storytellers who want to explore the plot and people of
In order to create play, you need to know what play looks
the world you create…
like. For players, and not GMs, play looks like this…
- Incorporate their origins into the world and if you
- Build a character you want to play.
can, the story you’re writing.
- Show up to your session, knowledgeable about your
- Make NPCs complex when possible, with goals and
character’s capabilities.
flaws so players can create play opportunities.
- Interact with the GM’s scenarios and play without
For puzzle-solving players who like to resolve obstacles with
being intentionally disruptive to gameplay.
their wit…
For game master’s gameplay looks more like this…
- Create rooms with solutions that are not strictly
- Build a world for your players to play in using
combative or diplomatic.
whatever setting you decide.
- Reward players who plan ahead of upcoming
- Inform players of the world so their characters fit
encounters with small bonuses during checks.
within the setting you’ve designed.
For players who like combat and enjoy showing off their char-
- Create obstacles for players to encounter and
acter’s prowess…
overcome during play. This includes stating out foes,
friendly or otherwise, and researching what the non- - Ambush players with threats to combat.
player characters you will use are capable of. - Reward trainer battles with useful items and credits
- Narrate descriptions of the spaces your players are For explorers who want to know about the Pokémon world
currently interacting with, or speak for your NPCs. and turn over every stone…
- React to your player’s reactions and continue play - Describe the wilds they are exploring with as much
until you’ve found a place where the game can end for detail as possible– sights, sounds, and smells.
the day. - Hide secrets to discover when possible– hidden items
As you can see, the GM is doing a little bit more than the play- under tree roots and stones, Pokémon eggs, or hiding
ers. Before you begin to feel overwhelmed, know this: You don’t wild Pokémon.
have to plan out everything. You don’t have to know what will
happen in ten sessions, you don’t even have to know what your
One of the most useful things to do when building a story
players will do when they get to a room you’ve meticulously
your players will actively engage with is to ask players to give
planned. Also know that if anything you put work into isn’t used,
you a list of ten Pokémon they’d like to train during the cam-
nothing is lost! Just save that work for a future session or sce-
paign. You should from there, pick maybe three of them from
nario for another day.
each player’s list for them to encounter at one point or another.
So with everything you need to do in terms of research and Avoid letting players encounter an individual Pokémon who ap-
building before play with your players even starts, what should pears on multiple player’s lists.
you do? There’s basically an infinite amount of scenarios you
can create from playing through Ash’s journey in the anime to
your players being sent through an extra-dimensional portal
with their Pokémon to a world without Pokémon. If you already
have a clear idea of what story you want to write, that’s great!
Go for it and have fun, but if you’re struggling consider your
players to know what you should be writing.

A good way to write scenarios that you know you players will
enjoy, consider the many different kinds of players in tabletop
gaming. Some players are explorers, some are combatants, oth-
er enjoy solving puzzles, telling their own character’s story with-
in the scenarios you’ll create, or some who just like to make
things happen.

Most people respect and love Pokémon, but there are many
The World of Pokémon who hate Pokémon, do not treat them as anything more than
In most Pokémon canon, the world of Pokémon is physically tools, or simply exploit them for personal gain and dominance.
identical to earth. The main difference is that Pokémon exist. There are law enforcement agencies throughout the world, as
There are no animals, instead there are Pokémon everywhere numerous and varied in strength and integrity as the real world.
you would find animals. Next to Pokémon, the next biggest Many places do not have a traditional real-world government,
difference is the massive technological advancement compared instead having major Pokémon leagues serving as the sponsor of
to modern-day earth. The Pokémon world has many types of law protection and enforcement, medical treatment, and public
teleportation technology, technology that allows matter to be works among other things. These league bodies replace what
quantified as light an stored within pieces of technology, among might be found in many real-world countries.
many other advancements. Many real-world places have Pokémon world equivalents, but
very rarely have the same name. Regions replace a country’s
states or even entire countries, sometimes. For example, the
Kalos region coincides almost perfectly with the country of
France. The Alola region on the other hand is the equivalent of
Hawaii, a state located in the middle of the ocean.

In the following section, the world of Pokémon will be fleshed

out so you may build your sessions within general things that
many people who are not new to Pokémon might expect to be
able to find. If these things are not available, communicate that
with your players.

The world you sculpt is ultimately yours to define, so if you

find your players saying, “we’ll go call a PokéRide to our destina-
tion,” when there are no PokéRide services where they are, just
inform them. At the same time, if a player makes an assumption
about the world that isn’t unreasonable, like looking for a move
tutor in a small rural village, you can just whip one up and make
them have a limited amount of moves they are teaching.

Even natural mountain ranges in the real world like the Ezo
Mountain Chain in Hokkaido have Pokémon world equivalents,
in this case Mt. Coronet. This means that while players cannot
necessarily visit London, Wyndon exists and has many great
places to see. One thing to note however is that unlike the real
world, much more space on a map is claimed by the wilds. Wild
Pokémon do not really allow highways to be built through their
homes, even railroads are destroyed by wilds who wish to main-
tain their space as they see fit. The world of Pokémon therefore
is a little less connected through conventional travel, unless
you’re using Pokémon to get from place to place.

History At some point, Pokémon were able to be captured through
ritual, sealing them into relics. Some were staffs, others resem-
There is a great deal of history and mythology in the Poké- bles small orbs. As recently as 1925, the first modern Poké Balls
mon world throughout the many different Pokémon media can- began to be used. They magically captured Pokémon. Before
on. In most history, there was a creation event that started the this portable way of capturing them, they were brought around
universe in motion and through the creation of various Poké- with their partners as any real-world animal would be.
mon who would control different aspects of reality, more and
The modernization of Pokémon training, beginning with the
more of the world came to be.
first Poké Balls, rapidly advanced technology around the world.
While energy is so plentiful it’s free almost everywhere and sci-
entific advancements in the medical field, war is almost non-
existent in the modern Pokémon world.

Still, the world’s population rises and begins to strain re-

sources, the world gets warmer and affects Pokémon habitats
worldwide, and individuals who put themselves before the
whole world aim to conquer what they see as weak. The Poké-
mon world is not without strife and struggle. By setting your
campaign in a more medieval time, you could have adventures
without the modern Poké Ball. You could play through the con-
quest of Japan during Nobunaga’s campaign. You could even
play in a future where travel between dimensions is not com-
monplace and many new Pokémon training opportunities exist.

Humans in the Pokémon world are very similar to… humans.
The relationship between your player’s human trainers and their
partner Pokémon will be the center of your campaign. Humans
in the Pokémon world are a little more hardy than humans in
the real world. While an electrocution will often leave a real
person permanently affected, if not outright killed, in the Poké-
mon world a trip to a hospital will fix them within hours. A bro-
ken bone that might leave someone in a wheelchair for months
might have someone in the Pokémon world in crutches for a
week at most.

The most obvious difference however is the innate human

abilities of psionic telepathy, telekinesis, or other various forms
of spontaneous elemental creation. While not every human ac-
tively displays this power, it comes out in strange passive ways–
such as how most Pokémon species seemingly just understand
There is lore that indicates that humans and Pokémon were human speech regardless of the language being spoken. In addi-
once not so different, though the details are left up to interpre- tion, through rigorous training there are humans who develop
tation. When humans first appeared in history is also not very their toughness enough to fight Pokémon hand to hand and
specific. There were ancient Pokémon, now extinct and fossil- shatter even steel with their bare fists. It is no wonder there is
ized from millions of years ago. There was an ice age 10,000 lore that describe humans as being almost Pokémon-like.
years prior to modern times. There were cultures that were as Humans in the Pokémon world are capable of great feats of
diverse as the real world’s becoming civilizations throughout the strength and incredible supernatural powers.
Pokémon world. Pokémon were used in war to conquer or to
defend different countries in history.

Inherent to Pokémon are several fantastic powers not
demonstrated by real-world animals, such as the manipulation
of electricity or fire. Pokémon exist instead of real-world animals
in the Pokémon world. Many Pokémon are able to evolve from
or into other Pokémon, a process that typically makes them larg-
er and stronger, and more closely resembles growth and devel-
opment or metamorphosis rather than evolution in the real
world. Pokémon typically know several techniques that they can
use in battle or elsewhere, either to defend themselves or their
Trainer, or to perform a task.

Pokémon are feeling beings and are intelligent. Some species

Humans are technically the dominant species on the planet. easily outsmart humans and some are computer-like in their
They’ve essentially created technology that can subjugate other intelligence. Still, Pokémon value human insight and passion for
species and the technology explicitly does not work on humans. competition and will join humans and trust their leadership to
There are those who wish to subjugate other humans, and some guide Pokémon to victory. They are feeling beings, which means
who wish to enjoy luxuries in life without direct subjugation, cruelty and abuse is very frowned upon. Rangers and other law-
instead ruling with fear and mayhem. In most canon lore, hu- enforcement agencies exist to find those who would steal and
mans create the problems that other humans solve together abuse Pokémon and stop them from perpetuating that harm.
with Pokémon.

From the beginning, Pokémon have been friends and partners
to the humans of the Pokémon world, helping them with various
tasks from constructing buildings to exploration to farming to
peaceful coexistence. Many people in the Pokémon world take
Pokémon with them on a journey to compete in the vari-
ous Pokémon Leagues as trainers, using them in battles against
Pokémon both owned by other trainers and found in the wild. In
addition, there are many different tournaments in which Train-
ers can compete together with their Pokémon, such as Pokémon
Contests and the Pokéathlon.

Pokémon choose their human trainers just as much a trainer

chooses their Pokémon. Their trust and aligned goals meld to-
gether to become bonds that are unlike any found in humans
and animals in the real world. As a Game Master, you want to try
and encourage these bonds in moments of roleplay. Tell you
players that their Pokémon smile while being encouraged and
proudly stand triumphant next to their trainers in victory.

Governing Bodies them unlike other legendary Pokémon who have centuries of
legends and lore about them.
Some basics that should be understood is that Pokémon can
Mythical legendary Pokémon, like the legendary bird trio of
be captured by Poké Balls, then trained by humans. Regions
Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres or the eon duo or Latias and La-
around the world differentiate in how they choose to interact
tios are rare and powerful Pokémon who are not absolutely
with Pokémon– some regions work in harmony towards com-
necessary to the well being of the surrounding habitat, but
mon competitive goals as trainer and Pokémon, others ban
nonetheless influence the land around them. Articuno for exam-
Pokémon battles, others ban Pokémon, some require Pokémon
ple makes cold places even colder, or Heatran can choose when
a nearby volcano does or does not have volcanic activity. Other
In the Pokémon world, each region’s Pokémon League serves mythical Pokémon are not necessarily as powerful or influential
as the highest form of government, allocating resources to gym as other Pokémon but may be exceedingly rare.
leaders, Pokémon Centers, and professors who research Poké-
mon and Pokémon phenomena. There are individuals that or-
ganize events and manage the organization at an executive
office, others who deal with the league’s finances all of the vari-
ous facilities located throughout the regions, and league mem-
bers who serve as the Elite 4, as Gym Leaders, or as various oth-
er referees, and gym support staff.

The Pokémon League is a international organization, and

while individual regions may have slightly different rules con-
cerning how their Pokémon Centers are run, or how many Poké-
mon you can carry around at a time, there are some basic rules
that are consistent throughout the world.

- Pokémon can get free health care at Pokémon centers

- There is a limit to how many Pokémon you are allowed to
Divine legendary Pokémon are on a completely different level
carry with you at a time (usually three or six)
compared to any other kind of Pokémon. They have godly pow-
- Owned Pokémon cannot be captured by Poké Balls er and directly influence various aspects of life on a planetary, or
- Attacking another trainer with your Pokémon is illegal even interdimensional scale. While many people might believe
in the existence of legendary oddities or mythical legendary
Legendary Pokémon Pokémon, a large amount of people plainly do not believe in the
Natural forces in the world are thought to be controlled by existence of divine legendary Pokémon. This is mostly because
legendary Pokémon; greater forces that are Pokémon, but far they do not need to interact with the world directly, instead
exceed the strength of other Pokémon more commonly encoun- remaining in millennia of stasis at the bottom of the deepest
tered in the wilds. Some legendary Pokémon are unique, with sea, like Kyogre, or are simply observing the world of Pokémon
only one existing while others may have tens of them through- from another dimension, like Giratina.
out the world. Many different legendary Pokémon exist and Many legendary Pokémon, mythical or divine in nature, have
control many natural aspects of the natural world. There are worshippers and spiritualists who spend time pay homage to
three kinds of legendary Pokémon. these greater Pokémon beings. Through offerings at shrines,
Oddities are legendary Pokémon who are only legendary in prayer, or ceremonial ritual, humans and even other Pokémon
their power. They are not unique, as they are often made or species believe that these divine Pokémon witness these acts
remade in a lab, such as Type: Null, Mewtwo and Genesect. Or and appreciate the offerings in their names, even if the legend-
they are from another place of existence like the world on the ary Pokémon never actively do anything for their followers in
other sides of ultra wormholes where ultra beasts are from. return.
They are also sometimes considered legendary because of the
lack of information regarding them. Because they don’t belong
or were made in a lab, there isn’t much information regarding

Science and Technology Human technology is extremely advanced. The most ad-
vanced piece of technology is probably the Poké Ball. Within this
The Pokémon world has a sort super science that at time is one piece of technology there are so many absurd abilities.
indistinguishable from magic. Something as simple as a Squirtle Transformation of matter into compressible light, a laser
displacing a massive burst of water from its mouth that is more pointing technology that registers specific things before render-
than a pool full of water when Squirtle barely takes up more ing them into light, a sort of hologram stasis where matter-
than 2 cubic feet of space is an example of that. For the most compressed Pokémon still experience something within the
part, there is no logical reason many Pokémon can do the things Poke Ball, remote teleportation of matter from anywhere when
they do. However, it’s safe to assume that there probably is a Poké Ball catches a seventh Pokémon, a return-to-sender en-
some handwavy explanation for how each Pokémon does the gine that pops a Poké Ball back to its thrower after sending out a
things they can do. Pokémon from a thrown ball, and so many more features are
Another thing worth scientific explanation is the existence of some of the extremely advanced technology available in the
humans who, like Pokémon, can manipulate martial auras, tele- Pokémon world just in this one device.
pathic powers, and even elemental forces. There is no evidence
that people must be born as a psychic in order to manipulate the
world around them which suggests that anyone has the biologi-
cal potential to tap into their innate supernatural human abili-

The reason humans can do this is handwavy as well, but there

are many ways to do it. You could summon forth the inner fire
from your heart, or empty your mind of superfluous waste that
gets in the way of your innate powers, or just get really angry at
something. There are hundreds of ways to make it happen.

It is believed that in a time long past, humans and Pokémon

were not very different. This could explain the innate, often inac-
tive abilities humans have, but for whatever reason, humans do
not evolve like so many Pokémon and they also quickly devel-
There’s more technology that is used everyday, too. Short-
oped tools and technologies that made them the dominant spe-
range teleportation is possible and even used in places of busi-
ness at times. Objects as large as motorcycles have also been
made to seemingly appear and disappear with handheld devices
for compact use and carry. Clean limitless energy is available in
most regions. Hologram communication is a handheld conven-
ience. Scientists can reanimate long-extinct Pokémon by ex-
tracting information from their fossils. With small objects like
the Poké Ball, even worldwide teleportation is possible.

It’s no wonder the Pokémon world is relatively peaceful when

everyone has access to clean water and plentiful food, there is
unlimited energy everywhere, and with the help of Pokémon,
living spaces are readily made in no time. This is also why so
many careers have to do with Pokémon. Without Pokémon, so
many of these things would not be possible.

Services in the Pokémon World Poké Marts
Poké Marts are often found in the corner of a Pokémon Cen-
In the Pokémon world, there are many places that players
ter. Many Poké Marts found in Pokémon Centers have a pretty
expect to have access to. As a game master, you should know
limited selection focused on medical items for travel, but Poké
about these basic locales in case your players seek them out to
Marts that have their own storefronts have a great selection of
use their services.
items to use in the Pokémon World.
Pokémon Centers
Pokémon Centers exist to heal Pokémon. They have incredi-
ble technology that can restore a Pokémon's health and cure it
of all afflictions while the Pokémon are still in their Poké Balls.
Many regions in the world don’t even charge a fee to restore
Pokémon to health!

Many Poké Marts also double as supermarkets that have food

and goods for your home, or on the go. These larger Poké Marts
also will have kits and other trainer pack bundles. Larger depart-
ment stores will have even more options, from clothes, to tools,
or even various tech you might need on the road, or just in your
home office. As the GM, you don’t need to provide every item in
every Poké Mart.
Pokémon Centers are also equipped to heal Pokémon who
are not in their Poke Balls. Doctors and nurses will work as long
as it takes to heal your Pokémon, though it only takes a couple
of minutes if the Pokémon is within its Poké Balls. In larger cities,
Pokémon Centers also double as hospitals. In smaller towns,
Pokémon Centers are usually separate from any medical centers
that would work on healing humans.

Like Pokémon centers, many hospitals will also work to heal

those who need it. Some regions do have bills, however.

Pokémon Centers will never charge more than 100 P to fully

restore your whole Pokémon team, and most do it for free, but
hospital visits might cost something for a trainer, though most
regions in the world have free health care.
A Pokémon Center with a Poké Mart inside.

Pokémon Computer Terminals (PCTs) Professor Research Laboratories
Located in almost every Pokémon Centers, Poké Mart, League In nearly every region that has a Pokémon league, there is at
Gym, or almost anywhere else that is important to Pokémon least one regional acclaimed professor who is appointed to dis-
training are Pokémon Computer Terminals, or PCTs. They serve tribute starter Pokémon to trainers. Each region’s professors
as a way to connect to a trainer’s Pokémon Bank and access have different specialties of fields of study, but for the most part
their digital storage of Pokémon when a trainer has exceed the are extremely knowledgeable about all things Pokémon.
six that trainers are legally allowed to carry at once.
Professors with good relationships with your players will let
them use their massive fields to store extra Pokémon that
they’ve captured if they have the space. Professors will keep
stored Pokémon happy, but will also play with and study them.
Unless the professor is sinister for some reason, reward good
roleplaying by having the professor care about your player’s
successes, especially if they are helping the professor by provid-
ing research materials.

When accessing PCTs, you can use attached devices to tele-

port your Pokémon within Poké Balls to a digital storage space
and withdraw other stored Pokémon (you can store as many
Pokémon this way as you wish). Poké Balls teleport to your
Pokémon Bank when capturing a Pokémon that would be the
seventh one with you since you can only ever carry six at a time.

Professor’s laboratories are sometimes outfitted with even

more services. Some may have reanimation labs to restore fos-
sils. Others may have incubation holds where you can leave eggs
PCTs are also useful to connect to the Global Trade System. and pick them up after your Pokémon have hatched. Many have
On the GTS, trainers can browse for Pokémon from all over the comprehensive labs that players could potentially use as a safe
world who are up for trades and even place your own Pokémon and clean workshop to tinker with inventions you’re working on
into the trade system. Your players can also trade in person at or some concoctions that you’re brewing. Many professors also
PCTs, they often have trade machines directly linked to them at keep massive libraries focusing on their fields of study that they
most Pokémon Centers. When your players keep searching for may let players use for research.
specific types of Pokémon on the GTS, think of an interesting
nearby wild for them to need to capture before trading for their
desired Pokémon.

Battle Courts League Gyms and Stadiums
While trainers are generally allowed to battle against each The pride of any gym leader is their league supported gym.
other anywhere they want, there may be some places that are Gym leaders represent the best of the region, hired by and sup-
explicitly battle-free zones. Generally, in the middle of a mall or port financially by the Pokémon league.
busy street you would immediately be told to stop by a Ranger
Typically gym leaders have to accept challenges from anyone
because of the risk of injury or property damage. In busier cities,
who is taking any given region’s league challenge but they don’t
trainers will flock to battle courts to test their skills against other
have to do so without any kind of screening. Due to the sheer
trainers with their Pokémon.
number of battles they might receive, they can make trainers
complete tasks before accepting, refuse to accept a challenge
until you have a certain amount of specific honors, or even make
you get into a waitlist line and make an appointment.

Some battle courts are rather small and you can judge based
on its size whether or not attacks like earthquake or hyper beam
will destroy something nearby. Some parks will also have fields
that are unmarked, but a good size for skirmishes as others take
a stroll through the park.
You might want a gym leader’s facilities to have some other
Larger cities have battle courts inside of public buildings so
special features such as scheduled tournaments, a contest stage,
others may go and enjoy watching or participating in battles. Fill
various types of schools or academies, specialty stores or galler-
courts with random NPCs for players to challenge if your players
ies, Pokémon and human gymnasiums, geological phenomena,
like spending time at battle courts.
public works, athletic sports fields and courts, eateries, concert
halls, work offices, laboratories, gaming centers, and much
more. Each gym leader even customizes their gym battle court
with various custom terrain and obstacles.

Think of unique battle courts with streams flowing through

them, giant open skies above, or trees overhanging the court to Gym leaders are really allowed to run their facilities however
surprise your players with unique strategies that your NPCs will they’d like and many put a great deal of effort into showing off
use. their personalities. Some make sure that trainers who visit them
leave with a lesson, badge or not. Others ruthlessly defeat chal-
lengers, serving as a gatekeeper to the league championships.
Each region has different prerequisites for regionals at the end
of each year’s season so make sure your players know if the
league has a six, eight, or even ten badge requirement if you
players are looking to enter the regional league championship.

Contest Halls Championship Facilities
Not every town has a contest hall, but most cities do. Spon- Often the location of each region’s Pokémon League execu-
sored by the Pokémon Circuit, a league-adjacent organization, tive offices, championship facilities boast tens of large stadiums
contests are held at least three times a week and generally fea- to hold regional championships and are also often capable of
ture multiple groups of five trainers competing one after anoth- hosting world championships.
er with each group having a winner, second runner-up, and third
runner-up announced at the end of the whole show.

Each of these facilities have at least sixteen stadiums with

massive outdoor stadiums boast seats for at least twenty-five
Competing trainers tend to be paired with like-accomplished thousand seats with the grand stadiums having at least one-
trainers. When you earn your first ribbon, you are registered hundred thousand seats. Also found on their campuses are
within that region’s contest circuit whose final grand festivals many human and Pokémon training gyms of all sorts. High-end
are often held a week or two before the region’s league champi- spas, and health recovery clinics. Many even have amusement
onships. Different regions have different prerequisites for joining parks, malls, and other entertainment facilities connected to the
regionals, may it be a ribbon count or winning against certain campus.
coordinators. Most region’s contest circuit have strict expecta-
tions for attire and how you carry yourself so don’t join a circuit
without knowing how you’re expected to perform.

At grand halls, audience sizes rival the Pokémon league’s fi- The Pokémon League prides itself as being the center of the
nals. It is a great honor to stand on the stage of a grand final and Pokémon world, driving the entire structure of Pokémon battles
many trainers aim for world fame by becoming a coordinator and the technology that surrounds Pokémon. If your players are
who performs during a grand festival’s grand finals. You should planning to head to the regional championships, make sure your
create a handful of coordinators if your players plan to actively Elite 4 is established so that your players have someone to aim
join the contest circuit. for.

Battle Facilities Battle Frontier

The Pokémon League has a greatly dominant hand on every- Appearing as a sort of amusement park, the Battle Frontier is
thing Pokémon battle, however there are still many respected, a place of wonderous and out-of-norm competition. Frontier
independently run organizations who aim to test Pokémon train- Brains concoct strange rules for battle, pushing trainers to solve
ers in battle. near-impossible odds in battle and still come out on top. Fron-
tier Brains tend to hate having their time wasted by overzealous
Battle Chateau trainers. Decide on how many facilities your region’s Battle Fron-
The Battle Chateau prides itself as being a classy form of the tier has, if any.
Pokémon league with members holding noble titles such as Bar-
on, Countess, Marchioness, or Duke. They expect a certain décor
and poise of their trainers, above the shouting rabble of the
Pokémon League. Not all regions have Chateaus.

If your players are interested in a battle frontier consider the

following tournaments for them to participate in. Tournaments
should not have more than sixteen competitors, eight is proba-
If your trainers decide to pursue a rank in a Battle Chateau, bly the ideal, however.
they’ll first need to prove their worth after talking to the head of Facility Conditions
that establishment. If your players have at least four honors and
Battle Arcade Trainers take three Pokémon with them into a
carry themselves with poise the house should be okay with them
tournament where random things happen to Pokémon at the
entering. They start as a Baron or Baroness and gain ranks from
beginning of each round, whether its all Pokémon starting with
there. The battles do not have to take place at the Chateau, and
an affliction, or the same held item. The tournament leads to a
ranked members are everywhere. Sometimes, if players can’t
battle against the Arcade Star.
find battles at the Chateau, inform them on their phone that a
recent battle against an NPC has raised their ranking. The NPCs Battle Arena Trainers will pick three Pokémon and choose
that are associated with the Battle Chateau should act like they an order to battle them in. Trainers must send out their Poké-
are– it’s a means of showing off your social class. mon in that order every time during the whole tournament,
leading to the Arena Tycoon.
Rank Requirements
Battle Castle Trainers participate in a tournament with
1 Baron / Baroness At least four honors
three Pokémon. Pokémon are not healed between rounds, de-
2 Viscount / Viscountess Beat two rank 2 or above
pending on how many Pokémon you still have at the end of a
3 Earl / Countess Beat four rank 3 or above
battle, you earn castle credits which are used for recovery or
4 Marquis / Marchioness Beat six rank 4 or above
held items to use in battle. The tournament leads to a battle
5 Duke / Duchess Beat ten rank 5 or above
against the Castle Valet.
6 Grand Duke / Grand Duchess Defeated one of the ten
Grand ranking members Battle Dome Trainers take three Pokémon during the tour-
while at least rank 5 nament, then before battle find out what three Pokémon the
Keep track of who your players defeat, it’s possible for them opponent has with them. The trainers then only battle with two
to work towards a higher rank, such as Duke, by defeating a of the three they brought with them during the tournament,
Duke while still acting as a Countess for example. Think about leading to the Dome Ace.
how you’d like to award honors from the Battle Chateau as well.

Facility Conditions Battle Subways
Battle Factory Trainers will be given randomly generated Battle Subways are elaborate tunnels of battle after battle
teams of three Pokémon in a tournament leading to the Factory that often lead to battles against their station masters. In such
Head. limited spaces, trainers need to find creative ways to win.
Battle Hall Trainers will take just one Pokémon into a
tournament. Sometimes special restriction will be made, like a
specific Pokémon type being required or a level of evolution.
The tournament leads toa battle against the Hall Matron.

Battle Palace Trainers battle in a tournament leading to the

Palace Maven. Their Pokémon will battle independently without
their trainer’s commands. You will choose their actions based on
how your players usually use whichever Pokémon they choose
and based on natures.

Battle Pike Trainers participate in a tournament with Battle Subways tournaments are usually done in a Tag Team
three Pokémon. Pokémon are not healed between rounds. Be- or Triple Tag Team tournament on a limited space court. The
fore facing the Pike Queen at the end of the tournament, Poké- final battle against Station Masters should be on a greater court.
mon are healed.
Battle Towers
Battle Pyramid Trainers enter a reserve with three Pokémon
and nothing from their bags. The reserve is filled with healing Climbing high into the sky by battling floor after floor is the
items and even wild Pokémon. Competitors who earn four wins goal of any region's Battle Tower. They don’t often have special
without leaving can face the Pyramid King, they may even use rules, but they are almost never associated with the region’s
wilds they have just captured during their battles. Pokémon League. Instead, they act as a private means of testing
skills as a trainer without the glitz and glamour of a stadium.
Battle Tower This is just a regular bracket tournament, lead-
ing to the opportunity to battle the Tower Tycoon.

Battle Maison
At the Battle Maison, four Battle Chatelaine or Chatelain lead
a castle of battle. Each of the four house leaders use different
rules when hosting their tournaments which lead to battles
against their specialized teams, made for their modified battles.

A Battle Maison will usually host three Pokémon per trainer

tournaments that lead to one of the castle’s Chantelaine with
one of these twists.

Type Conditions

Single Battle Normal tournament.

Double Battle Single trainers using two Pokémon at a time.

Avoid running these tournaments if players or
NPCs have the Dual Wielding feature.

Triple Battle Single trainers using three Pokémon at a time.

Avoid running these tournaments if players or
NPCs have the Dual Wielding feature.

Tag Team Two trainers each command one Pokémon at

a time.

Ranger Stations Game Corners
The Ranger Union has stations located throughout the world. Gambling halls for games of chance and skill are found all
Led by region captains, each ranger serves together under a over the world. Whether its slot machines, roulette, poker ta-
giant global union. They also tend to serve as a Pokémon Center bles, or mahjong rooms, the world is filled with people who do
for police and rangers, though they wouldn’t turn away a trainer not believe that Pokémon is the only thing to care about in the
in need. world. Regardless, these casinos still allow betting on winners of
league battles, exhibition matches between powerful rivals, or
even for who might get best in show at a grand contest.

Depending on their captain or regional law, rangers might

need to check in with different stations as they journey around.
They’re helpful for rangers who need a quick charge for their
styler or for leads concerning suspicious activity. It’ also not a
It could just be pointless rumors and nonsense but many
bad place to report criminal activity that players would like
game corners have criminal connections– sometimes without
the actually establishment owners even knowing about it! Infa-
mously, Celadon’s Game Corner ended up having ties to the
ruthless Team Rocket! Who knows what other kinds of connec-
tions other casino-type gambling centers might have.

While rangers do care about people being in danger, they are

primarily tasked with protecting the Pokémon world and its bal-
ance of human and Pokémon coexisting. For this reason, some-
times it’s better to just tell a police officer. Luckily, police sta-
tions are often connected directly to ranger stations in larger
cities since the two organizations often work together to protect
everyone that they can. You should have a Ranger Captain in
mind for your region, especially if your players have a Ranger in
the group.

Sport Parks and Safari Zones Routes
Different cities or town may hold contests in reserves weekly The space between villages, towns, and cities are wild. Poké-
or even monthly. It can feature catching sprees, or specific cap- mon make their homes in all manner of habitats and when they
tures contests where you seek specific Pokémon, or even see claim a space as their territory it can be dangerous to go any-
who can fish up the Magikarp or catch the largest Bug-type. where you please. Rangers have set up routes that connect
human civilization that are usually dirt paths in safer parts of
the wild.

Generally, these spaces will with specific types of Poke Balls,

these Poke Balls are more capable of capturing Pokémon in
these reserves while also serving as a way to indicate Pokémon However, some spaces are much more loosely labeled,
who were in fact caught during the competition and not sometimes without a real path– maybe just a clear shot across
brought from home. a vast valley or canyon serves as a route?

Grooming Parlors and Pokémon Salons

Different Pokémon parlors and salons can give your Poké-
mon a spa day of rest and cleaning. Pokémon with fur can be
shaped and Pokémon with stone carapaces or blades can be
polished. Entire buildings can potentially be many different
groomer’s store fronts for various types of Pokémon.

Routes help to connect human settlements, but not all

settlements are connected by real ranger-made routes. Some-
times what becomes a route is just trailblazes made by hun-
dreds of trainers who have passed through before

Pokémon love being pampered, but it’s important that play-

ers are not leaving an ill-tempered or Pokémon who is too
young with a stranger. That might make what’s supposed to be
a relaxing experience into a terrible one for everyone, include
the groomers they left your Pokémon with.

For more complicated NPCs, level them up a bit. Pull a level 5
Acting as a Game Master… or higher out for Gym Leaders, maybe you’ve built a rival and
In Pokémon Tabletop Adventures, you are in charge of some they’re growing at the same rate as your player’s characters?
aspects of your player’s characters and need to do some book Here are some starting point stat blocks for slightly stronger
keeping in order to help their play and growth. You’re also in NPCs. These are all great starting points and you should adjust
charge of every single non-player character and Pokémon. The them as needed by lowering a stat as you raise other stats. Con-
following sections should help get your game rolling with tips sider keeping a whole character sheet for a character who will
and suggestions for play as the Game Master. be recurring very often if it will help flesh them out and set them
aside from other NPCs your players interact with.
Non-player Characters
Experienced Trainer
The main things you’ll have to keep track of during play most
Atk Def SpAtk SpDef Speed
often are the hit points of your NPCs, Pokémon or otherwise,
and their stats. In order to do that, it’ll help to have a sheet of Ace Trainer 6 (+3) 3 (+1) 6 (+3) 3 (+1) 4 (+2)
scratch paper or a tab open on your screen where you’ve pulled Breeder 3 (+1) 6 (+3) 3 (+1) 6 (+3) 4 (+2)
some character stat blocks from.
Coordinator 4 (+2) 3 (+1) 3 (+1) 6 (+3) 6 (+3)
As the Game Master, you’re filling an entire world with non-
Ranger 4 (+2) 6 (+3) 3 (+1) 3 (+1) 6 (+3)
player characters. When you’re acting as a voice for each of
these non-player characters, but struggle with literally acting out Researcher 3 (+1) 4 (+2) 6 (+3) 6 (+3) 3 (+1)
their dialects and voices differently, you can quickly give your
Martial Artist 6 (+3) 6 (+3) 3 (+1) 3 (+1) 4 (+2)
NPCs a way to make them appear different by giving them
different skill sets. Psychic 3 (+1) 3 (+1) 6 (+3) 4 (+2) 6 (+3)

To quickly supply NPCs with abilities to make them less iden-

tical consider that most NPCs are level 0 and should have only
one of the Origin features, if any feature at all. This means that
at the lowest level, most of the people they encounter actually
won’t have any mechanically unique traits unless you give it to
them. Any skill check this kind of NPC makes should just add 0.

NPC Trainers can be level 1 however and you should give

them access to what all level 1s of their class have access to.
Make your NPC Ace Trainers do a little more damage with Im-
proved Attacks. Your NPC Researchers should know all Pokémon
on sight. Use some of these blocks for simple trainer stat blocks
in case your players happen to use skills against them and you
need their modifiers. Veteran Trainer
Junior Trainer Atk Def SpAtk SpDef Speed
Atk Def SpAtk SpDef Speed Ace Trainer 8 (+4) 3 (+1) 8 (+4) 4 (+2) 4 (+2)
Ace Trainer 4 (+2) 3 (+1) 4 (+2) 3 (+1) 4 (+2) Breeder 3 (+1) 8 (+4) 4 (+2) 8(+4) 4 (+2)
Breeder 3 (+1) 4 (+2) 3 (+1) 4 (+2) 4 (+2) Coordinator 4 (+2) 4 (+2) 3 (+1) 8 (+4) 8 (+4)
Coordinator 4 (+2) 3 (+1) 3 (+1) 4 (+2) 4 (+2) Ranger 4 (+2) 8 (+4) 3 (+1) 4 (+2) 8 (+4)
Ranger 4 (+2) 4 (+2) 3 (+1) 3 (+1) 4 (+2) Researcher 3 (+1) 4 (+2) 8 (+4) 8 (+4) 4 (+2)
Researcher 3 (+1) 4 (+2) 4 (+2) 4 (+2) 3 (+1) Martial Artist 8 (+4) 8 (+4) 3 (+1) 4 (+2) 4 (+2)
Martial Artist 4 (+2) 4 (+2) 3 (+1) 3 (+1) 4 (+2) Psychic 3 (+1) 4 (+2) 8 (+4) 4 (+2) 8 (+4)
Psychic 3 (+1) 3 (+1) 4 (+2) 4 (+2) 4 (+2)

Wild Pokémon have Appeared! Other Ways to Vary Your Wild Pokémon
Pokémon stat blocks are already all provided and only need Held Items
slight tweaks when you decide it’s important that a specific
Give the wild Pokémon an item that it found somewhere, or
Pokémon is fully built. An example of when you might decide it’s
just an uncommon berry. It can even be something that usually
important is when it is a rival character who is recurring. Then
isn’t found in the wild like an unused Poké Ball. You can choose
their Charizard should have a nature applied—this specific detail
from the items list in the PHB or PHB2.
might also help give the NPC more character since you now can
describe how the Pokémon tends to act and how your NPC inter- Shiny Pokémon
acts with that Pokémon and its nature. While exceedingly rare, some Pokémon are completely identi-
When using a wild Pokémon, it’s usually not important to roll cal in abilities, stats, and types to the rest of their species, but
its nature and you can just play with whatever you pull out of simply look different. There could be an orange Pikachu, a pink
the Pokédex. However once it’s captured, you’ll need to give it a Charizard, or a silver-scaled Ekans. There are thousands of
nature for your players. Roll d20 to assign a Nature to a wild if unique shiny Pokémon per species that for some unknown rea-
it’s captured. son were born with a different appearance.

Nature Name Increased Stat Decreased Stat

01 Lonely Attack Defense

02 Brave Attack Speed

03 Adamant Attack Special Attack

04 Naughty Attack Special Defense

05 Bold Defense Attack

06 Relaxed Defense Speed

07 Impish Defense Special Attack

08 Lax Defense Special Defense

09 Timid Speed Attack Size

10 Hasty Speed Defense While this is a less common way to mix it up, sometimes a
Pokémon is larger than usual or smaller, enough so that it’s no-
11 Jolly Speed Special Attack
ticeable. You could make a small Pokémon a medium size, or
12 Naïve Speed Special Defense even shrink a large Pokémon down to medium.

13 Modest Special Attack Attack Unique Passives

14 Mild Special Attack Defense Mixing up passives to give a Pokémon something different
could give it some unique traits. Take away one passive and give
15 Quiet Special Attack Speed
a wild an appropriate passive, like giving an Electric-type the
16 Rash Special Attack Special Defense Static passive, or giving an avian Pokémon the Keen Eye passive.
17 Calm Special Defense Attack Unique Moves
18 Gentle Special Defense Defense You can give the wild Pokémon a little more to stand out by
19 Sassy Special Defense Speed giving it an attack you pull from the move index, but remember
that any Pokémon you’re using in a wild encounter is one good
20 Careful Special Defense Special Attack
roll away from being captured.
You can also decide its sex during an encounter, if it matters
for its appearance per species, but for example either a male or
female could be protecting its nest or hunting, so just roll evens
or odds for sex once captured by a player.

What Does a Wild Encounter Look Like? For scenarios where they are battling other trainers often,
offer the trainers to make wagers where your players gain cred-
In many Pokémon games, commonly only one wild Pokémon its to purchase more potions for travel. If your trainers are ex-
appears at any given time. In Pokémon: Tabletop Adventures, ploring underground caverns or remote ruins, allow them to find
wild groups can and sometimes should appear. rare items, evolutionary stones, or even precious gems that they
can sell in towns to fund potions for extended periods of adven-
ture in the wild.
When in a city, your players could be in considerably less
danger because they’re always near a Pokémon Center, but
trainers can still desire battles and challenge your players in the
city. While there is no obligation for your players to engage in
those battles, it can still be tempting for a trainer who wants to
Most often, your players will encounter a group of wilds, be the best.
maybe two to five Pokémon who are all the same species and
are traveling together. They could be gathering food, or even
hunting. Sometimes one is clearly a leader and might even be
evolved while the rest of the group is not.

Another scenario you could create is an active battle between

rival species that are fighting for territory, that your players
come upon. It might not even be an even fight, perhaps a
Staraptor is taking away some Caterpie for dinner! Your players Wild Pokémon can be encountered in the forest, in the city,
could even arrive after conflict where recent victors in a battle or even diving down from above. They can wait in trees to attack
now see a group of trainers arrive. from above, hide in shallow water, or slightly underground.
Thinking ahead about the wild Pokémon that could appear in
A wild encounter never needs to be a wild one. A wild Poké-
the wild between cities and towns that your players are visiting
mon could be curious about a trainer’s cane and try to examine
will help to create unique encounters so you aren’t always
it, or maybe a Taillow keeps trying to take a trainer’s sandwich.
scrambling to pull a random wild from the Pokédex.
This gives players an opportunity for a social encounter with the
wild Pokémon where your players simply make a Pokémon wild Finding the Past Underground
friend, or even convince the Pokémon to join them on their ad-
Some players, especially Archeologists, will spend time dig-
ging around the ground for items. If a trainer passes what you
deem to be a meaningful Investigate or Nature skill check, or if
they are using an Archeologist Feature, have them roll 1d100
and refer to this list:

Feature Roll Goods

Stone 51-100 Weather Rock or Valuable Stone

26-50 Evolutionary Rock
3-25 Elemental Plate
1-2 Mega Stone or Z-Crystal
Keeping Exploration Exciting
Fossil 66-100 Fossil of a local species
As your players continue to explore in the wild, their Poké- 26-66 Fossil of a rare, not necessarily local species
mon will eventually grow tired from battle. It’s important that 1-25 Fossil of an exceedingly rare, “extinct” species
they can keep going, unless your story intends to end in the mid-
Stone M 51-100 Species-specific Z-Crystal or Mega Stone
dle of a forest. You can provide trainer with the fairly common
11-50 Mega Stone or Z-Crystal
Oran Berry which recovers the HP of a Pokémon.
1-10 Key Stone, Sparkling Stone, Wishing Star

Non-Archeologists will usually only pull from the Stone list

unless you’re feeling generous.
Capture Rates
Wild Pokémon’s Health: Capture Rate Modifier
Players will have access to Poké Balls and throw them at your
wild Pokémon to capture them. Whether its to remove a threat Wild Pokémon is at Max HP -25
on the field of battle, or because that player just can’t wait to
Wild Pokémon is not at Max HP -10
start their partnership with the wild, each Pokémon has a cap-
ture rate that the player will need to roll under. Wild Pokémon is below half of its Max HP +0

Capture rates are split into groups based on their base stage’s Wild Pokémon is damaged and below 10 HP +20
rarities. Base rarities refer to the first stage’s rarity in the wild as Wild Pokémon is at 0 or lower HP +75
defined by the symbols found in the Pokédex.
Combat Initiation: Capture Rate Modifier

Wild Pokémon was ambushed -25

When wild Pokémon are evolved, their capture rate changes.
The following guide helps to identify what the base capture rates Wild Pokémon initiated combat +0
are for each wild Pokémon are. Players initiated combat against wild +10
First Stage Second Stage Final Stage that knew the players were there

50 35 20 Afflictions: Capture Rate Modifier

40 25 10 Wild Pokémon is afflicted with… +10

Burn, Confusion, Infatuation, Poison/Toxin
30 15 0
Wild Pokémon is afflicted with… +15
Freezing, Paralysis, Sleep

Only the best applicable bonus from each of the above cate-
gory is applied during a capture check.

Here are a few examples of a Pokémon’s capture rate:

A Greedent is a final stage Pokémon of a common (circle)

family. Its base capture rate is 20. However, this Greedent is at
48/72 HP, so its base rate is modified -10 to 10. A trainer needs
If a Pokémon has only evolved once, but is already its final to roll under a 10 to capture this Greedent.
stage, use the final stage column. Sometimes a Pokémon like
Then the Greedent takes another hit and is Paralyzed! At
Magikarp is a commonly recurring Pokémon but its final stage
9/72 health, with Paralysis, its capture rate is 20 +20 +15 for a
evolution Gyarados is notoriously powerful and terrifying. In this
total of 55. Now your trainer needs to roll under a 55.
case you can decide that its base capture rate is 0 as if it’s the
final stage of a star-rarity Pokémon family. It’s not wrong to use A Lampent is the second stage of an uncommon (diamond)
20 or 0, just make these kinds of decisions consciously and align family. Its base capture rate is 25. this Lampent was ambushed
future decisions for consistency (Don’t make a Gyarados a 0 base and is extra guarded, so its base capture rate is -25. It’s current-
capture check and then another Gyarados a 20 base capture ly at 28/36, meaning its capture rate is also -10. At a total of -10,
check later in the same campaign). If a Pokémon does not your player will need a powerful Poké Ball modifier to get a re-
evolve, and has not evolved, choose First Stage of Final Stage for sult in the negatives.
the capture rate, but keep it consistent throughout play. After the Lampent is put to 11/36, the HP modifier is +0. Then
Since players are rolling under the capture rate in order to when Confused, the modifier is +10. At a total of 25 +0 +10, the
successfully capture a wild, you also need to modify its capture 35 capture rate is attainable, despite the rude beginning of the
rate based on the wild’s current state during the encounter. encounter by your player.
Players will modify their capture throw’s check with the Poké !!! If a Pokémon is captured while knocked out, the relation-
Ball they use. You need to add or subtract from the base capture ship and loyalty will start poorly for that Pokémon and player.
rate based on the Pokémon family’s rarity with the following

3 - In general, loyalty 3 is a great place for your Pokémon to be.
Loyalty Pokémon at loyalty 3 obey commands in battle and perform the
A Pokémon’s loyalty represents what a Pokémon’s relation- best they can to protect their friends and allies. They value their
ship is with its trainer. Players caring about their Pokémon is trainers as much as their trainers value them. You might find
important and affects many aspects of their Pokémon’s growth. that this is a place that many of Pokémon settle, as it’s difficult
Natures, likes, dislikes, and the habits of each Pokémon species to maintain loyalty of many Pokémon at the same time.
are all things you’ll want to try to pay attention to in order
better build interesting scenes and exciting moments of game-
play. 4 - Loyalty 4 often represents the closest relationship that a
trainer might have. Most often, trainers will have Pokémon with
Loyalty is measured on a scale from 0 to 5. Loyalty represents
loyalty 4 be their first Pokémon, their Pokémon who is always
how well the Pokémon listens to your players or how defiant
out of their Poké Ball, or maybe a starter that grew particularly
they may become when they command a Pokémon who isn’t on
close to their trainer. Pokémon with Loyalty 4 often know every-
the best terms with their. Cruel conduct and bitter medicine,
thing their trainer would expect of them. While a Pokémon
even in the pursuit of being the best, can have major conse-
might quickly grow to care for their trainer, loyalty 4 is usually
quences if one of your trainers go overboard.
only found in partnerships that are at least three months long.
When a player captures a Pokémon, note what level of loyal-
ty the Pokémon will begin with just in case the player immedi-
ately begins to use it in play. The following values help to deter- 5 - A trainer might spend their whole life with loving partner-
mine where they start. Loyalty is not public to players, you alone ships with their Pokémon and never have a Pokémon with loyal-
keep track of your players’ Pokémon and their loyalties. ty 5. Pokémon with loyalty 5 have perfect understandings of
their trainer’s needs and desires. Pokémon with loyalty 5 are
often proactive, almost acting without command– sometimes
it’s hard to tell if a trainer is commanding their loyalty 5 Poké-
Loyalty Values mon or simply narrating their Pokémon’s actions.

0 - Pokémon at loyalty 0 are constantly trying to escape their

trainers. If they aren’t trying to actively flee, they’re ignoring any In general, match starting loyalty for Pokémon your players
comment from their trainers, or even trying to attack their own have with the following scenarios: Starting Value
trainers. Loyalty 0 is earned– you have to be really awful to your A Pokémon is caught while unconscious 0
Pokémon for them to be here. Pokémon who are captured while
unconscious always start here. A Pokémon is abused in some way before capture 0

A Pokémon is caught with a lucky 00 roll when

it was still full of battle 1
1 - Pokémon at loyalty 1 do not trust their trainers, but are not
A Pokémon is caught while completely
outwardly hostile towards them. Pokémon here might occasion-
outnumbered 1
ally ignore their trainer’s commands, choosing to try something
else during combat. Many newly captured Pokémon who be- A Pokémon is acquired in a trade 1
lieve their trainers are unworthy of their strength will be at loy-
A Pokémon is coerced to join you with threats 1
alty 1.
A Pokémon is caught after a evenly matched
battle 2
2 - Loyalty 2 is marked by obedient Pokémon who are not really A Pokémon is hatched 2
close to you. Most loyalty 2 Pokémon like their trainers but may
A Pokémon is received from a breeding center 2
see their relationship mostly as a means to an end. Their obedi-
ence and performance in battle gets them food and a safe place A Pokémon is received as a starter 2
to rest. To improve their relationship, it helps to have Pokémon
A Pokémon is coerced to join you with friendship 2
that are interacting with both them and you together. Most
hatched Pokémon start at loyalty 2 once they imprint onto you. A Pokémon is rescued and then joins a player 2

With these starting points in mind, let’s move onto what Loyalty 2
Pokémon behavior looks like at each level, before discussing
This is a great place for your trainer’s Pokémon to be. At this
how trainers raise their Pokémon’s loyalties.
point, you will not need to control them too much as NPCs, in-
stead allowing players to describe how their Pokémon might
respond to anything they are doing with their loyalty 2 Poké-
Loyalty 0
mon. These Pokémon might even appear as happy as higher
Pokémon are disobedient at level 0. Players have no control level loyalty Pokémon, but have relationships with their trainers
over these Pokémon and you will have to control them almost as more akin to what you see in human work-place associates. The
if they are NPCs. When not being watched, they will often try to Pokémon has the same goals as their trainer and so are content
quietly leave the player’s line of sight. If large than their trainer, to do as their trainer advises and in turn, they are fed, get safe
and some kind of carnivore, the Pokémon might even try to rest, and grow stronger.
attack its owner, or fellow Pokémon. When commanded in
battle, these Pokémon will act only if they perceive the foe as a
threat. If it is significantly weaker, or significantly stronger, the
Pokémon will attempt a move that is sometimes overkill, or will
just flee a field of battle. If a Pokémon at loyalty 0 perceives a
foe as potential prey in the wild, they may even try to consume
the foe, even during a league match. If given food, these Poké-
mon will take the food and try to eat it away from everyone else.
When resting outside of a Poké Ball, it might not get restful
sleep. When interacting with other owned Pokémon, these
Pokémon might treat others poorly, believing them to be cod-
Loyalty 3
dled or too subservient– unless the loyalty 0 Pokémon fears any
of them in which case it would just avoid interaction entirely. Once here, you should only very rarely be interjecting with
what you want Pokémon to be doing– instead take a backseat to
your players and let them roleplay for their Pokémon.

Loyalty 4
Loyalty 4 marks a Pokémon who should be very happy all the
time. You should only be interjecting to control these Pokémon
as NPCs if they know something your player doesn’t and are aim-
ing to protect their trainers from harm. Continue to let your
trainers play up any interactions during rest for roleplay mo-
Loyalty 1 ments if you have those kinds of players.

Pokémon are unfriendly at loyalty 1. These Pokémon will eat

with their trainers, but might not share with other Pokémon or
Loyalty 5
might even try to take food that isn’t theirs. In battle, loyalty 1
Pokémon might battle how it would in the wild– not always as This is a difficult loyalty to roleplay differently than loyalty 4,
commanded. They do not try to escape but will occasionally do but has some key differences and requirements that you’ll be
things to undermine their trainer. They might, for example, looking for in order to reward a Pokémon with loyalty 5.
walking front of their trainer in a way that causes them to trip,
or pretend they can’t hear a simple command such as, “fly up
Loyalty matters not only for roleplaying with Pokémon, but
there and get that shiny rock in the tree.” The main difference
also for Pokémon evolution. For this reason, keep track of your
between loyalty 0 and 1 is the hostility. Pokémon at loyalty 1 will
players’ Pokémon’s loyalties on a sheet. The following section
only very rarely attack their trainers or allies, instead choosing a
will show what to look for in order to grant higher loyalties and
kind of civil disobedience to show its disinterest in its trainer.
eventually, evolution.

Awarding Higher Loyalties Loyalty 1 to Loyalty 2

When looking to award higher loyalties to your player’s Poké- • Trainer gives basic needs to their Pokémon.
mon, consult these lists. Keep in mind that not all of these bullet • Trainer pays attention to the Pokémon’s favored flavors and
points need to be checked off to raise a Pokémon’s loyalty. Loy- disliked flavors.
alty is something you keep track of and if you think a dramatic
moment is possible in play that you want to create, feel free to • Trainer rewards good behavior and talks to Pokémon about
award a higher loyalty to enable a memorable moment in game- unwanted behaviors.
play. • Trainer has worked with Pokémon for at least one hour a
day for at least four days.

Loyalty 0 to Loyalty 1
At this point, you’ll be doing less NPC control with their Poké-
• Trainer gives appropriate amount of food without any urg-
mon, instead just talking about the Pokémon’s enjoyment of any
ing by Pokémon.
activity or interaction. Once a Pokémon’s loyalty is at Loyalty 2,
• Trainer has worked with Pokémon for at least one hour a you can let them evolve!
day for at least a week.

• Trainer has worked with Pokémon for ten hours total over
the week.

• Patience by the trainer. Almost a tolerance and acceptance

of misbehavior, without encouraging it.

• Trainer rewards good behavior with treats or words of


• Trainer does not berate or punish with removal of basic

needs, through any kind of humiliation, or comparison to
other Pokémon.

• Trainer removes triggers for bad behavior when working Loyalty 2 to Loyalty 3
with Pokémon. • Trainer gives basic needs to their Pokémon.
• Trainer gives outlet for Pokémon, such as exercise or time • Trainer pays attention to the Pokémon’s favored flavors and
to socialize with similarly strong Pokémon. disliked flavors.

• Trainer has worked with Pokémon for at least one hour a

The main thing to look for here is your player putting in the day for at least four days.
time to earn this Pokémon’s trust. It was essentially captured in
a way that made its opinion of its trainer very unfavorable and
the player has to prove that their desire to have the Pokémon Pokémon tend to naturally grow to Loyalty 3 from Loyalty 2.
goes beyond a checklist or a species name on their character’s At this point, just make sure your players are still maintaining
sheet the relationship with their Pokémon.

!!! A Pokémon should not have its loyalty lowered unless a

trainer is abusing their Pokémon or repeatedly feeding it bitter
medicines and foods. A trainer who is apologizing for mistakes
should not be punished unless they continue to put their Poké-
mon in danger. In this case you might suggest that a Pokémon is
unhappy with a decision and that will hopefully curb continued

Loyalty 3 to Loyalty 4 If a player is roleplaying with their Pokémon to have each
other be completely trusting without that foundation, do not
• Trainer has worked with Pokémon for at least an hour a day
punish them for it by taking the reigns from their Pokémon’s
for multiple weeks (three to four).
behavior if the Pokémon is at Loyalty 2 or higher. If your players
• Pokémon’s goals align with its trainer’s and wants to win choose to have intrinsic trust as a character decision just make
battles for badges, perform for ribbons, or other similar sure they are still achieving the bullet points for loyalty advance-
goals. ment.

• Pokémon has helped its trainer to earn at least one honor.

• Pokémon does helpful things for its trainer without being


• Pokémon gets along with other Pokémon that its trainer


Pokémon that eventually make it to Loyalty 4 are your play-

er’s favorites. It may be hard to tell at times, but if you mark a
Pokémon at Loyalty 4, it’s a Pokémon that your player would
never trade away under any circumstances (though they may
store it temporarily in a PSS).
Once at Loyalty 4, you should keep a tally by your player’s
Pokémon and keep track of all of the good story moments they
Loyalty 4 to Loyalty 5 roleplay. At some point, there should be a number that you set
as ‘enough’ that you can keep consistent for games you run. Also
Loyalty 5 is not a checklist, this is something you need to pay
be sure to acknowledge the different ways a player could be
attention to in roleplay. If your player is throwing themselves in
roleplaying a growing bond. A player saying that their character
front of harm to protect a Pokémon, and they’ve been at Loyalty
talked to a Pokémon for hours is just as valid as a trainer work-
4 for a while, this might be an act that pushes them over. If your
ing to make an accessory for the Pokémon to wear; a trainer
player constantly includes a Pokémon in their roleplay by includ-
encouraging their Pokémon through any failures it might have
ing them in conversation or saying things like, “Pikachu thinks
suffered; physical affection such as petting, polishing, and
that’s a good idea,” when the player’s trainer doesn’t literally
grooming; or doing things that their Pokémon likes such as
understand their Pokémon’s speech that may be a sign. Maybe a
swimming, climbing activities, digging, or even battling.
Pokémon who has been Loyalty 4 for a while is released by their
trainer to pursue their own goals in the wild and that can be a Again, there is no easy checklist for Loyalty 5, but your players
catalyst for this loyalty. Perhaps a Pokémon has participated in might get there and you can award them for roleplaying well.
more than half of a trainer’s honors for some regional qualifier
and they are as excited about the prospect of performing on the
global stage as their trainer.

Whenever you decide to award level Loyalty 5, you will be

telling your player that they’ve received an honor regarding that
level. This is where things can get complicated. Some players will
see one act earn Loyalty 5 and try to imitate it, but you will not
award it the second time when they replicate it to the best of
their ability. Don’t let a player push you into giving a Pokémon
Loyalty 5. Many real relationships skip a growth process immedi-
ately going from a casual friendship to an intimate one where
people are completely candid and open without having built up
trust and mutual support.

Pokémon Evolution Expressing Loyalty

In many cases, a Pokémon evolving is as simple as your play- Since you get the ball rolling before completely handing over
er’s trainer touching it with an evolution stone or having it inter- the reigns to your players, here are some ways you might have
act with another Pokémon in a specific way. However, over two- your Pokémon display their loyalty to their trainers.
thirds of the time you’ll be keeping track of that. There is not a • Low loyalty Pokémon may shy away or hide from trainers
lot that a Pokémon needs to evolve, so just pay attention to the they dislike.
following things:
• High loyalty Pokémon rub up against or hug trainers they
• The Pokémon hatched or last evolved over a week ago. love (this can be scary from a Bewear).
• The Pokémon is at least at Loyalty 2. • If a Pokémon is small enough, it might fall asleep in a trust-
• Something awesome happened. ed trainer’s lap.

This is were things can get fun. Here are some examples of • Feline or pack-oriented Pokémon may wander into the wil-
something awesome: The defeat of a tough foe while earning an derness, hunt something, and bring it back to a beloved
honor of some kind, a critical hit that defeats a foe, surviving trainer as a gift.
with a close call from a critical hit or a super-effective attack, a • Pokémon naturally oriented towards pack structure will
celebration for the Pokémon for some accomplishment or mile- include their trainer in its ‘pack.’ At low loyalty, this trait
stone it passed, a Pokémon takes a deadly and potentially lethal may look like acting out in subtle ways to challenge its train-
hit only to evolve to save itself, or maybe it concealed itself in a er, going through doors first or stealing food.
blizzard or sandstorm for a maneuver and emerged evolved?
When you narrate an evolution, make sure it’s a highlight for • A Pokémon may still see itself as an alpha, but see its trainer
your players, don’t take control of their Pokémon as an NPC for as a beloved drone. A Vespiquen might make sure you are
too long. well fed with honey and well protected if she likes her train-

• Pokémon who are not loyal may prefer the company of an-
other trainer or another trainer’s Pokémon.

• Pokémon who are loyal will often also be loyal to Pokémon

of the same team (Unless, of course, they are prone to jeal-

• Ghosts or Naughty and Quirky natured Pokémon may ex-

press their high loyalty by playing tricks or practical jokes on
Evolution is natural for Pokémon, but some don’t want to their trainer. For a Disloyal Pokémon, they may instead play
evolve. Keep this in mind and if your players don’t want a spe- more malicious gags without thinking about the trainer’s
cific Pokémon to evolve, narrate that a Pokémon is fighting off safety.
evolution so your player can get it an everstone. Also, while this
• Psychic-types or more intelligent species may wish to play
list is helpful, it’s not absolute. If a loyalty 0 or 1 Pokémon feels
games with their trainers. Players will rarely defeat a
threatened and needs a small boost of power to protect itself,
Metagross in a game of Chess, but it will still be an enjoya-
maybe it evolves in a fit of frustration and rage? Or maybe a
ble experience for both trainer and Pokémon.
would-be lethal Thunderbolt on an Eevee instead reflexively
evolves it into a Jolteon? • Fighting types or Proud and Adamant-natured Pokémon
may run and jump and show off in front of you. They may
Also, some Pokémon just don’t take that long to evolve. Bug-
also want to spar with their trainers, which may be danger-
type Pokémon who enter chrysalis-like stages might only be
ous for more fragile trainer classes.
there for two to four days instead of a whole week. Other Poké-
mon like Magikarp might be very happy, but still won’t evolve
for weeks due to the nature of its evolution.

Attack Skill
Skill Checks
Your players are going to try things and skill checks are there
to measure their success. Whenever they make a skill check they Athletics are used for basically everything having to do with
will roll 1d20. On a natural 20, they will roll again and add the physical prowess that isn’t explicitly balancing or flexibility. Here
second result to 20 and whatever modifier bonuses they are are some examples of skill checks: Climbing a rocky 25ft wall
supposed to add per skill. Success means they completed the might be a ‘Easy’ of ’Medium’ skill check, made harder by a sur-
task as planned, but failure means something goes wrong and a face being wet or slippery, or having a hazard of some sort on
critical failure means something goes very wrong. As a general the wall like barbed wire. Jumping across a 15ft gap between
rule the difficulty for each skill is measured like this: building rooftops, or wall running and jumping up to grab the lip
of a 15ft wall might be an ‘Easy’ check with a running start and a
5 - Very easy 20 - Hard
‘Hard’ check if done without a running start. Breaking free of
10 - Easy 25 - Very Hard bonds could scale in difficulty with the material of the bonds,
forcing open a door could be harder depending on the lock. Play-
15 - Medium 30 - Nearly Impossible
ers shoving themselves through a crack in a wall might be differ-
In order to figure out what value you might assign some skill ent skill checks depending on the size of your player’s charac-
checks to, these examples will hopefully help all of the skills. This ters, hanging onto the tail of a Charizard in flight might change
list isn’t definitive, so consider what you want your players to do depending on how much else the player may be carrying. For
and figure out where you should place a skill check at based on jumping, sometimes you might have a player roll acrobatics if
these examples. Skill checks do not need to be 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, that’s their forte.
or 30. They can be 2, 8, 17, 27 or anything between 2 and 30.
Task Difficulty Example
While there is no strict science to what you decide a skill check’s
difficulty is, you should remain consistent. A wall scaled once Very Easy Climbing a knotted rope
should be the same difficulty next time unless there are factors
Very Easy Break down a simple locked door
that have changed the wall in some way. Also keep in mind that
not everything needs a skill check. Only ask for players to roll Easy Swim against a slow current
one when you believe failure should be an option. Easy Climb a rocky wall
Task Difficulty Check Value Example Medium Force your way through a tight space
Very Easy 5 Climb a knotted rope Medium Running jump up to the lip of a 12ft wall
Easy 10 Gather local mythology Hard Lift twice your weight above your head
Medium 15 Perform first aid without a kit Hard Leap 20ft with a running start
Hard 20 Hack into a secure computer Very Hard Break out of handcuffs by force
Very Hard 25 Break handcuffs by force Very Hard Halt a rolling boulder / medium Pokémon
Nearly Impossible 30 Convince a mother Charizard After twenty minutes, its possible you’ll want to make players
you are only borrowing one do another check for climbing a mountain face or swimming
of her eggs from her nest upriver, for example. If a player wants to grapple and pin some-
one else to the ground, they will roll their Athletics against each

Defense Skills Special Attack Skills

Concentration Engineering / Operation

Concentration checks will scale depending on the amount of An engineering or operation check has to do with under-
pressure a character might be facing while doing something standing machinery and using it. Most devices in the Pokémon
else. If a trainer is being harmed while trying to anything that world are easily recognized, but a teleporter does not always
requires focus, like programming something, or balancing on a look the same, or even recognizable as a device that has that
ledge, they might need to make a Concentration check. If they capability at first. This could also be used to take over a falling
are being distracted by blazing horns, a sonic attack, or flashing helicopter and then used to pilot it safely to the ground. When
lights they could also need a check. The more damage they take, not under stress, a character who is talented in operation
the harder their skill check should be. Taking 15 damage for ex- shouldn’t need to roll to operate things.
ample might be a ‘Medium’ skill check and failing it might mean
Task Difficulty Example
needing to restart a task or losing your footing.
Very Easy Identify different factory machinery
Task Difficulty Example
Very Easy Operate vehicle
Very Easy Take 5 damage without being startled
Easy Identify unique device
Easy Take 10 damage without being startled
Easy Operate factory machinery from controls
Medium Take 15 damage without being startled
Easy Disable mechanical arm
Sometimes, a concentration check might be made against
each other if for some reason two people were having a staring Easy Repair mechanical damage
contest. On a more serious note, two evenly matched hackers Medium Identify unique complex device
might roll concentration against each other if they’re both at
Medium Disable mechanical arm irreparably
active terminals and it isn’t just one person hacking through
existing security measures that have been left to run inde- Medium Operate aircraft or seacraft
Hard Operate damaged aircraft or seacraft
Very Hard Repair mechanical irreparable damage
Constitution checks are almost always made reactively.
In rare scenarios you could find operation skill checks made
Whether it’s dealing with some kind of poisoning, exhaustion
against two characters during a race or sorts, remote control in
from running for over an hour straight, or not sleeping and con-
a vehicle. It’s unlikely that engineering skill checks would be
tinuing past 24 hours of being awake, your players will make
made against two people– instead checks are made to build,
checks when you feel they shouldn’t be performing at full capac-
improve, or destroy.

Task Difficulty Example

Very Easy Down a single drink and be unaffected

Easy Ignore food poisoning

Easy Run for an hour straight and keep going

Medium Function normally after being awake 24 hours

Medium Ignore Poison or Toxin from an attack’s effect

Medium Function normally with no food or drink all day

Hard Hold breath for 10 minutes

While unlikely, constitution skill checks can be made against

an NPC’s roll during a drinking or eating contest, for example.


History is a kind of know-it-all skill that can be used to poten-

tially bypass any investigative questioning of locals or Pokémon
Center nurses for a lead concerning something where your play-
ers might be. Whether it’s knowing how long or how often re-
cent disappearances of a town’s honey is and what nearby wild
Pokémon could potentially be the culprit, or knowing about an
ancient prophecy concerning a town players are passing through
this skill check could be helpful to have player’s roll.

Task Difficulty Example

Very Easy Recent happenings (less than one hour: city) Medicine
Easy Recent happenings (past day: city) Medicine will be useful for your players who find themselves
with a broken ankle in the middle of a jungle or needing a quick
Easy Recent happenings (past day: town)
stitch done after a rockslide on a mountain. While a trainer may
Easy Recent history (past decade: city) have an easier time doing these things with a medical field kit,
Medium Recent history (past decade: town) not all groups will travel with one and sometimes they’ll need to
improvise with whatever cloth or string they have on them mak-
Medium Ancient history (past century: city)
ing the check more difficult. Medicine does not explicitly heal
Hard Recent happenings (less than one hour: town) any HP when used, but might on a particularly good roll. Medi-
cine is used to make things bearable, temporarily fixed, or able
Hard Ancient history (past century: town)
to be moved until you get to a hospital.
Hard Ancient lore, legends, and superstition
Task Difficulty Example

Very Easy Sterilize and clean a wound

Very Easy Diagnose a wound
When players are actively looking for clues at the scene of
Very Easy Suture wound
some kind of disappearance, or maybe they are looking for
tracks to follow, you’ll have them roll an investigate check. De- Easy Reset dislocated joint
pending on how specific they get concerning where they are
Easy Stabilize a dying trainer
looking, you can lower the difficulty. For example, looking for a
letter hidden under a mattress in a room might be Hard, while Easy Determine cause of death
looking for the same letter while searching the bed might be Easy Determine medicinal use of drug / food / plant
Very Easy. If players fail in that example, they shouldn’t get to
Medium Detect discreetly poisoned food / goods
find the object until after the time it would take to search the
entire room. Medium Set broken bones
Task Difficulty Example Medium Safely remove foreign object from being
Very Easy Locate bag-sized object in room Hard Treat curable disease
Easy Locate bag-sized object in house Hard Diagnose a disease
Medium Locate key-sized object in room Hard Resuscitate a trainer who isn’t breathing
Medium Find suspicious item in room Hard Determine complicated cause of death
Medium Find hidden passage / door in room Very Hard Perform surgery
Medium Locate key-sized object in house Very Hard Treat uncurable disease
Hard Find small hidden device or controls in room


People and Pokémon are no the only things in the world and
sometimes identifying other natural aspects of the Pokémon
world. Whether its finding safe passage through a jungle, fol-
lowing a set of tracks, forecasting the day’s weather, or any nat-
ural interaction with a trainer’s surroundings a nature check
could help the deduce information based on their previously
collected information concerning their surroundings. This is
more useful when trainers are miles away from the nearest cell Your players’ programming skill checks will always be rolled
tower. against a value you’ve predetermined for whatever they’re try-
ing to manipulate. If something is made to be especially hard to
Task Difficulty Example
get through, you might even roll its value and add the Special
Very Easy Follow tracks of a huge Pokémon Attack modifier of the programmer who has set up some kind of
Very Easy Traverse in the same direction over time firewall, security measure, or any kind of defense against un-
wanted intruders.
Very Easy Determine north
Task Difficulty Example
Very Easy Determine time of day to the half hour
Easy Access digital device (timer, detonator, lock)
Easy Identify a wild Pokémon’s hunting ground
Easy Activate / shutdown remote task
Easy Build shelter (2 hrs)
(cameras, locks, alarm)
Easy Find some berries in a forest
Easy Access personal computer
Easy Forecast natural weather
Easy Manipulate computer hardware
Easy Locate water
Medium Access small network
Easy Navigate wild terrain (small office, personal business)

Medium Identify plant and its properties Medium Crash computers

Medium Navigate difficult wild terrain Medium Change network keys

Medium Identify Pokémon Hard Access large network

(Pokémon Centers, local government)
Hard Find some berries in a desert
Hard Crash network
Hard Follow tracks of a medium Pokémon
Very Hard Access massive corporate network
Hard Quickly build shelter (30 mins)
(Ranger Union, Rocket servers, Silph Co.)
Hard Identify Pokémon egg species
Variable Damage programming
Very Hard Navigate changing wild terrain
Variable Hide evidence of tampering
Very Hard Follow tracks of a tiny or small Pokémon
Variable Reserve engineer software

Variable Assess hardware / infrastructure

Programming rolls can depend on the size and security

measures of the system a programmer is trying to tamper with.
A personal computer is probably easier to damage its program-
ming than the Ranger Union’s network, for example.

Special Defense Skills For the social skills of Bluff / Deception and Diplomacy / Per-
suasion, the condition in which your players are using these skills
Bluff / Deception
matter greatly. If they are deceiving a guard while they are
Lying is invariably going to come up, and depending on the lie jailed, the guard might already believe the player is only capable
and the NPC your players are lying to, you’ll have to play dumb if of lies. However, if the same guard is bribed the deception roll
they succeed after you call for a bluff or deception skill check could suddenly be a persuasion roll, ignoring whether or not the
(unless of course the lie is so Farfetch’d that it would be impossi- player is a prisoner. Think of the disposition of the NPC when
ble to convince anyone that it’s true). players use these skills to make the check harder or easier.
Task Difficulty Example When made easy enough, they shouldn’t even need to roll.

Very Easy The NPC wants to believe the player

Easy The lie is believable Insight

Medium The lie is unlikely Players might ask to use insight to determine if your NPCs are
being truthful or to sense if they have secret motives and are
Hard The lie is ridiculous
misleading you with their persuasion in some way.
Very Hard The lie is nearly impossible
Task Difficulty Example
Variable The NPC is impaired
Very Easy The NPC is lying but has an obvious tell
Variable The player possesses convincing evidence
Medium The NPC is lying but has a tell

Hard The NPC is lying by omitting information

Hard The NPC is lying and has no tell

Hard NPC has ulterior motives while aiding a player

Very Hard Gut feeling that the NPC is being deceitful

Insight is sometimes rolled against an NPC’s insight while

playing a game such as Chess, Mahjong, or Poker. By identifying
the intention or strategy of an opposing game-player, insight
Diplomacy / Persuasion
skill checks can be used to determine a winner.
Using flowery words and gracious language and flattery is
sometimes all your players needs to get what they need out of
one of your NPCs. If players are trying to convince an NPC to
help them, or tell them what’s in their best interest, they’ll need
to make a diplomacy or persuasion skill check.

Task Difficulty Example

Very Easy Ask for local advice or directions

Easy Ask for detailed advice or directions

Medium Give aid while busy

Medium Speak about local secret or gossip

Hard Give aid for a long period of time

Hard Reveal important or dark secret

Very Hard Give dangerous aid

Variable NPC is friendly or helpful

Variable NPC is unfriendly or hostile


Noticing something, by spotting it, hearing it, or sometimes

smelling it when most people might just miss it or ignore it is a
perception skill check. When trainers are passing through any-
where and you want to give them a chance to see something
they wouldn’t passively be able to spot, you can have them roll

Task Difficulty Example

Very Easy Hear a nearby Pokémon battle

Very Easy Notice a non-hidden large Pokémon

Easy Overhear details of a conversation

Pokémon Handling
Easy Smell the stench of something strange
Handling Pokémon, owned or wild, is sometimes as easy as
Medium Notice a trip wire telling it what you want it to do. In some cases however, a Poké-
Medium Notice a decently hidden medium Pokémon mon may be disobedient or not understand what you want from
it. A Wild Pokémon may be aggressive and want to attack, too
Hard Notice a pressure plate
angry to listen to reason. An owned Pokémon may be acting out
Hard Overhear details of a whispered conversation because it doesn’t like its trainer, or perhaps doesn’t understand
that its needle-covered arms harm those it hugs. Through Poké-
Very Hard Notice a well hidden small Pokémon
mon Handling, your players can try to calm angered Pokémon,
Variable Notice a pickpocket better train owned Pokémon, and teach Pokémon alternative
Variable Notice a stalking stealthy Pokémon or person things to do if there is any behavioral problems.

Something to consider the proximity of the thing your players Task Difficulty Example
are potentially able to perceive. Adjust the skill check’s difficulty Easy Teach a well-behaved Pokémon to end a
appropriately. bad behavior

Easy Identify the mood of a Pokémon

Perform Medium Stay mounted on a loyal Pokémon during
Perform has a pretty wide application and can be used in battle
many situations to achieve an end. Sometimes players will use it Medium Calm a panicked or sad domestic Pokémon
to draw a crowd, other times it will be used in conjunction with
Hard Stay mounted on a Pokémon during battle
another skill check to convince someone of something. Regard-
less of the purpose, perform is used in conjunction with some Hard Calm an angry domestic Pokémon
kind of musical instrument, dance, act, storytelling, singing,
Very Hard Calm an angry wild Pokémon
speech or even a combination of many tools of performance.
Sometimes you’ll adjust a skill check because the Pokémon
Task Difficulty Example
who is being handled has a history with the trainer rolling the
Very Easy Attract the attention of a bored child check, other times it’ll be changed because of some insight a
trainer might have to the Pokémon's needs.
Easy Attract the attention of passersby

Medium Gather a crowd in a city

Hard Gather a large crowd in a busy city

Consider the length of a performance or the location to ad-

just difficulties of skill checks. When you want, combine perform
with other skill checks rolling both to determine outcomes.

Speed Skills Sleight of Hand

Acrobatics Sleight of Hand checks are made while concealing objects on

your person, while removing objects from another person’s pos-
Acrobatics can cover a lot of different feats that a trainer
session, or while disabling traps and picking a lock.
might want to try. Acrobatics covers nearly every physical feats
that doesn’t directly have to do with physical strength. This Task Difficulty Example
means it’ll cover balance while crossing narrow beams or other
Easy Palm a coin / make a coin disappear
surfaces, complicated jumps, rolling and tumbling, reflexive
dodging, landing on your feet, and sometimes even hand-eye Easy Disable trap
coordination. Crossing a wobbly catwalk might be harder than a Medium Pick a tumbler lock (non-digital)
non-moving beam, sidling along a ridge could be tougher than
Hard Lift a small object from a person / Pokémon
balancing along a thin stone bridge. There are many factor you
need to decide on in the moment to make a check easier or If you player makes a point of practicing their lockpicking or
harder. For jumping, sometimes you might have a player roll pickpocketing often, you could make their difficulty check easier.
athletics if that’s their forte. A brute force leap can be just as It also depends on the target when it comes to pickpocketing. A
useful as a carefully planned jump. distracted person might not notice the lift. Often, a pickpock-
eting target might roll their perception skill check to avoid being
Task Difficulty Example
a victim. Keep their penalties in mind in regards to distractions,
Very Easy Fall safely from 10ft up. impairment, or general ease in a situation.
Very Easy Cross 1ft wide surface.

Easy Land on your feet after dropping 15ft Stealth

Easy Throw a grappling hook on a ridge 20ft high Stealth is used to sneak around without detection by sight or
Medium Cross 6in wide surface sound. Your players should be asked to roll stealth when they
are trying to get by guards, wild Pokémon on the lookout, or can
Medium Sidle 6in wide ledge
even roll while hiding in place. If the guard is asleep, looking at
Medium Running jump up to the lip of a 12ft wall their phone the difficulty check should make it easier for your
Hard Leap 20ft with a running start
Task Difficulty Example
Hard Dodge a slow moving threat (rock slide, wave)
Very Easy Sneak by sleeping person on soft ground
Very Hard Cross 2in wide surface
Easy Hide in cover in place
Very Hard Dodge a beam attack that you were ready for
Medium Sneak by active lookout with lots of cover
Acrobatics checks might made by a player and an NPC against
each other to catch a small object falling near both of them. An- Hard Sneak by Pokémon with the tracking skill
other example might be while on the same object that relies on
Very Hard Sneak by automated cameras with little cover
both person’s balance.
Stealth checks can greatly scale up and down depending on
various factors. A player with an active Grimer next to them is
going to be much easier to detect by smell, for example. A train-
er trying to sneak down a hallway with a Snorlax is going to have
a much harder time. A trainer with their Gengar providing some
shadowy cover might have an easier time to navigate a space
stealthily. NPCs might use perception, or even investigation, skill
checks to discover hidden trainers.

Regions of the Pokémon World Sinnoh
Of the Japan-inspired regions, Sinnoh is the coldest. It is
Thanks to decades of Pokémon in video games, anime, and
based on the northern island of Japan, Hokkaido. There you can
more, there are already a great deal of places your Pokémon
find Jubilife city, the Pokémon world’s Sapporo.
campaign could take place if you want to have your players ex-
plore these existing regions. Over the following sections, we’ll Unova
explore Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, and
Departing from Japan’s influences, Unova is a region inspired
by real-world Manhattan and its surrounding boroughs. It has
In each region, we’ll talk about important places that can be many large super-cities near each other imitating the different
found in the region, important people in their leagues, head parts of real-world Manhattan only divided by thin lines of wild
researchers, and even threats that the region has faced in its territory.
history. Maybe those threats would be an interesting plot point
for your players to face during their campaigns?
Kalos is located geographically in the Pokémon world to mir-
While this section will serve to create some backgrounds and
ror the real world’s France. Lumiose City is Kalos’ most beautiful
establish non-player characters, remember that you never have
and lively city, being Paris’ Pokémon-world counterpart.
to use all of these suggestions, or any of them for that matter.
Hopefully this will help to inspire your own regions for players to
explore. If you want to use these regions, you don’t need to use
their Pokémon League nor do the regions even have to have
badges to collect. These sections will be mostly inspired by the
video games and/or anime series.

In order to make sure your NPCs are facing your players at

appropriate levels, you should probably stat them out before
using them during a session as Red the Champion, would not
look the same as Red who just picked his starter Pokémon. For
that reason, these non-player character entries will serve as
guidelines you can expand on. Pick and choose features they can
use from suggested classes and feel free to even make up your Alola
own features for these characters to have. These entries are
Located in the middle of the world’s largest ocean, you’ll find
inspired by the game, the anime, the manga, and sometimes
the tropical region of Alola. Alola mirrors the real world’s Hawaii
even one-shot shorts and advertisements. Use them as a step-
and is portrayed as a region full of culture, tradition, and a hap-
ping-off point and change these NPCs however you see fit.
py populace.
Kanto is located where the real world’s Kanto region is in Ja-
Galar is the Pokémon world’s United Kingdom. It has a mas-
pan. Its centered around its largest city, Saffron City, which is
sive league presence where the fanfare and pageantry of Poké-
the Pokémon world’s Tokyo.
mon battles in their Pokémon league are unrivaled.
West of Kanto, Johto is based on the real world’s Kansai re- Each region will include information about their most im-
gion. Johto has Ecruteak City, which is the Pokémon world’s Kyo- portant cities and towns while also providing information about
to, the cultural center of the surrounding regions. those who lead various organizations or serve as league mem-
Hoenn bers. When using existing characters in the Pokémon canon,
changing them for your purposes in game is fine though you
Hoenn is the Pokémon world’s Kyushu. It has much more might want to mention to players before playing that there are
tropical climate compared to the other Japan-inspired Pokémon familiar faces who will not appear as they do in Pokémon canon
regions. to avoid any confusion in game.

Kanto Viridian City
Viridian City is the home to a Pokémon league gym and neigh-
The Kanto region is located east of Johto and south
bors the massive Viridian Forest.
of Sinnoh. It has many cities covering the region, with towns and
other rural communities throughout. Kanto has many wild spac-
es separating the larger cities as well, whether it’s mountain
ranges, tunnel systems, massive forests, or even the open ocean.

Important Towns and Cities

Pallet Town
Pallet Town is a small town located in southwestern Kanto. It
is surrounded by massive fields and is the location of the famed
Professor Oak’s laboratory.
Viridian City Gym has seen many different trainers hold the
title of Gym Leader and distribute the Earth Badge. Previous
leaders include Elite Four member Agatha, and even the notori-
ous and dangerous Team Rocket crime lord, Giovanni. Currently
Blue Oak, Professor Oak’s grandson and former regional Champi-
on, serves as the Gym Leader.

Blue Oak
Ace Trainer / Strategist / Researcher

Special Features -
Professor Samuel Oak Champion’s Grace: 3/day, if Blue
Researcher / Watcher would fail a skill check or an accuracy
check of some kind, he instead suc-
Special Features -
Walking Doctorate: By looking at a
Favored Pokémon: Pidgeot, Arcanine,
Pokémon, Oak can tell if it has any
Alakazam, Machamp, Exeggutor,
unusual characteristics that would
Aerodactyl, Gyarados, Tyranitar,
not be found in a Pokédex book. He
Rhyperior, Umbreon, Blastoise
can also instantly identify any item,
regardless of origin, and know its Blue has a very competitive and
intended use. He can also identify long-lasting rivalry with another one-
any special talents of a trainer just time Champion, Red. He spends his
my looking at them. time mentoring other trainers, taking on research tasks for his
grandfather, and pushing his own training further every day. As a
Professor Oak is known as the Pokémon Professor. His
gym leader, he awards the Earth Badge to trainers who pass his
knowledge and research is the ground that many other Profes-
gym challenge. While he’s capable of holding back, he prefers to
sors have built their research on. He loves to help new trainers
go full throttle and will refuse most gym challengers until they
begin their journey and will organize days to distribute starter
have a good amount of gym badges.
Pokémon for trainers from all over Kanto.
When he was younger, he was extremely arrogant and brash.
With his massive estate, he lets many trusted trainer board
This confidence proved to be useful in battle until he faced his
Pokémon with him. His income through grants and league in-
childhood friend, Red, who boasted both confidence and clarity
volvement lets him feed thousands of Pokémon on his acres of
of mind. Since then, Blue has calmed significantly, instead spend-
land with the help of his large research team. In turn, by housing
ing as much time as he can improving the Pokémon world for
the Pokémon he has thousands of research subject to observe.
those around him.

Viridian Forest Brock
The largest forest in the region also serves a throughway and Breeder / Groomer / Medic
testing grounds for newer trainers. Staying on the beaten path
Special Features -
gives many trainers great opportunities to encounter and be-
friend less aggressive Pokémon. However, even slightly devi- Charismatic Caring: 3/day, if Brock
ating from the path can lead to much more dangerous encoun- would fail a skill check related to Spe-
ters. cial Defense, he succeeds.

Favored Pokémon: Onix, Golem,

Kabutops, Omastar, Tyranitar

Brock is a passionate trainer who

cares deeply for his Pokémon and his
friends. As the eldest brother of nine
siblings, he became the caretaker of his
family and his generosity is seen in how
he cares for everyone around him.

Conversely, his battle strategy are

often over-top aggression, ignoring any
Pewter City
real need for defense. After all, his
In Pewter City, you can find the Museum of Science and Pew- Pokémon are often Rock-types, who have a great deal of defen-
ter City’s league gym. The museum houses a reanimation labor- sive capabilities on their own. In defeat he is humble, and in
atory and does extensive research into Mt. Moon and its inhab- victory he is caring and looks for the chance to teach his oppo-
itants. nent where they might do better next time.

Type Ace (Water) / Coach

Special Features -

Expert Swimmer: Misty and her Poké-

mon are not hindered by water terrain
and can move +10 feet per turn in wa-
Mt. Moon Favored Pokémon: Starmie, Gyarados,
Near Pewter City is Kanto’s Mt. Moon. A labyrinth of con- Dewgong, Kingdra, Seaking
stantly shifting tunnels and darkness, due to the Onix who in- Misty is sometimes known as the
habit the mountain, is an advanced exploration opportunity for tomboyish mermaid. She is both ele-
trainer in search of rare fossils or mysterious gatherings of rare gant and brash. She has three older
Pokémon during nights with a full moon. sisters, but is the gym leader of their
family’s gym. The gym supports a water
field for battle, a missive collection of
water Pokémon in an aquarium, and
even hosts aquarium shows where Misty sometimes stars.

Misty tries to control the flow of battle by using ranged

attacks while keeping her Pokémon in favorable terrain. When
facing an aquatic Pokémon, she’ll take to the sky with her Star-
mie to maintain distance and strike when she can for a win.

Cerulean City Lt. Surge
Cerulean City is next to the ocean, has a massive aquarium Type Ace (Electric)
that also serves as the city’s gym, and even has Bill’s laboratory.
Special Features -

Intimidating: Lt. Surge’s Poké-

mon all have +1 to their attack

Favored Pokémon: Raichu,

Electrode, Magnezone,
Electivire, Jolteon

Lt. Surge is a retired soldier

who moved to Kanto and found a
place in the Pokémon league. He
Bill’s laboratory isn’t really for visitors,
strongly believes that might is
but it does serve as his place of residence
right and encourages trainers to
and stores the massive servers that help
evolve their Pokémon in order to
to store millions of Pokémon on the re-
strengthen them. He keeps a
gion’s Pokémon storage system.
stash of Thunder Stones that he’ll
even let you use if you have a
Pokémon who can use it.
Vermilion City
He’s not one for subtlety and often overlooks tactics that
As a port city, Vermillion is always busy with the coming and Pokémon are capable of in order to simply over power his foes
going of tourists, business people, and trainers. It has a league with lightning strikes. When everything is going downhill, he’s
gym and has many different kinds of wild areas around it. not afraid of using explosive attacks that are dangerous to foes
and his own Pokémon.

Lavender Town
Lavender Town has possibly the world’s tallest graveyard.
While places throughout Kanto have cemeteries, many travel to
Lavender Town to bury their beloved Pokémon in the Pokémon

Vermillion’s cruise ships contain some of the finest and prici-

est luxuries you can find in the world. The will often travel to
other regions over weeks while hosting various tournaments,
trading ceremonies, and massive buffets aboard.

The tower itself has attracted many Ghost-type Pokémon and

is usually closed at night as the surge of wild Ghost-types can be
dangerous for trainers. It also serves as a point of spiritual gath-
ering for many humans trained in mystic and psychic arts.

Celadon City Fuchsia City
Celadon is home to a massive botanical garden, blocks of As a coastal resort city, Fuchsia makes for a great vacation
game corners, the largest shopping district in the region, and a spot. The city features a league gym, a beach resort row, a mas-
league gym. sive zoo filled with Pokémon for many to see, and Kanto’s Safari
Zone. At the Safari Zone, trainers can pay a fee to go and non-
violently capture domesticated wild Pokémon.

Type Ace (Grass) / Botanist

Special Features -
Grace and Poise: 3/day, if Erika would fail
Martial Artist / Ninja
a skill check related to Special Defense, she
succeeds. Special Features -

Favored Pokémon: Vileplume, Bellossom, Envenom: 3/day, when

Tangrowth, Victreebel, Parasect Janine’s Pokémon uses a
move that successfully Poi-
Erika is the leader of the Celadon Gym
sons a target, it Toxifies the
which is centered in a massive botanical
target instead.
garden that sprawls throughout the streets
of Celadon. She spends a great deal of Favored Pokémon: Ariados,
time teaching ikebana, the art of flower Venomoth, Arbok, Weezing,
arrangement, to her gym trainers, working Crobat
on creating perfumes, and also making
As the daughter of Fuschia gym’s previous leader, the Elite 4
sure the gardens of the city are well cared
member Koga, Janine has a lot to live up to. Her tenacity and
hours of daily practice seem to be pushing her in the right direc-
Erika is often seen as aloof and almost passive, but in reality tion. Maybe one day she will take her father’s place in the Elite 4
she is steady, observing, and ready to take apart her opponent's as well?
strategies. She uses status afflictions in battles to stop her oppo-
In battle, Janine uses poisoning techniques and stall tactics to
nents in their tracks. Despite her frustrating battle techniques, in
let her opponent’s Pokémon wear themselves out during battle
victory she’s quick to aid her defeated opponents’ Pokémon
once poisoned. If that doesn’t work, she’ll bind her foes in place
back to health with an Antidote or Paralyze Heal.
or confuse them, too. She often trains alongside her Pokémon,
imparting her own tenacity to her Pokémon.

Saffron City Cinnabar Island
Saffron is Kanto’s largest and most busy city in the region. Cinnabar is a resort island. It serves as a nice retreat for peo-
Covered in business buildings and offices, Saffron also has the ple who need a break from busy city life. Cinnabar has a differ-
largest gathering of humans with psychic abilities in various spir- ent festival every week of the year so there’s always something
itual schools. Saffron houses some of the largest international to celebrate. It also has a league gym located at the island’s ac-
company’s corporate offices and a league gym. tive volcano.

There is also a defunct league gym that serves as a training

ground for trainers. Its manger constantly vies for league status
by challenging Saffron City’s league gym to no avail. Researcher / Type Ace (Fire)

Sabrina Special Features -

Quiz Master: 3/day, if Blaine would fail

a skill check related to Special Attack,
Special Features - he succeeds.
Psionic Influence: Sabrina’s Favored Pokémon: Magmortar , Rapi-
Pokémon have +1 added to their dash, Arcanine, Ninetales, Flareon
accuracy checks.
Blaine is known as the hot-headed
Favored Pokémon: Alakazam, quiz master. He loves riddles, trivia, and
Espeon, Mr. Mime, Hypno, any bit of knowledge that might not be
Slowking known to the average passerby. He
Sabrina is a powerful psychic used to work in a laboratory in his
who constantly emits psychic youth, but has since retired to his ec-
waves wherever she goes. She centric hobbies.
reads minds with ease and can Blaine likes to host quiz games at his
drastically reshape things around gym, often perplexing his challengers
her with her mind. She wears for fun before accepting a battle. Once
bands that keep her psychic he does, he’ll sometimes take the battle up to the active volcano
powers in check so they do not behind the gym, battling on a field suspended above a field of
accidentally harm innocent people around her. lava. A lot of people think he’s crazy.
Her Pokémon are also powerful psychics. Sabrina communi-
cates with them telepathically, synchronizing and executing their
battle strategies together. Sabrina is often seen as a silent and
intimidating, but it is because of the focus she puts into keeping
her powers in check.

Indigo Plateau Bruno
The Indigo Plateau is the location of each year’s regional Martial Artist
championship in Kanto. It is also the location of Johto’s regional
Special Features -
championships, but each region holds their tournaments in op-
posite seasons to avoid any scheduling conflicts. Disciplined Defense:
Bruno’s Pokémon each
have +1 Defense.

Favored Pokémon:
Machamp, Hitmonchan,
Hitmonlee, Hitmontop,

Bruno is a stoic martial artist master. He spends hours a day

in deep meditation, then follows it up with hours of physical
training. He spars with his Pokémon, and constantly pushes his
team to become stronger than they already are. His methods
Competitors can enjoy any number of amenities such as luxu-
may seem brutish to some, but his results are unquestionable.
ry hotels, spas, amusements parks, and gym training areas while
on campus. Depending on which region’s championship you’re Agatha
visiting, the Elite 4 can vary. Kanto’s Elite 4 is made up of Lorelei,
Type Ace (Ghost) / Stat Ace (SpAtk)
Agatha, Bruno, and Lance.
Special Features -
Deceptive Play: Agatha’s
Type Ace (Ice) / Strategist Pokémon each have
Special Features - +1 Special Defense.

Freezing Over: 3/day, once per Favored Pokémon: Gengar,

turn, when Lorelei’s Pokémon uses Haunter, Arbok, Misdreavus,
an attack that can Freeze a target Marowak (Volcanic)
but fails to do so, she may reroll At first glance, Agatha may
the accuracy check. She must use seem like a frail woman, but
the second roll’s result. when she opens her mouth she
Favored Pokémon: Lapras, Jynx, brags loudly about her strength.
Cloyster, Dewgong, Piloswine She plans to never retire,
constantly pushing her Poké-
Lorelei grew up isolated and as
mon to combat opponents in
a result can seem cold or calcu-
devious and deceptive ways.
lating. She admires trainers who
She loves putting foes Asleep before knocking them out of
put everything into their battles
battle. She is probably the most outspoken of Kanto’s Elite 4,
but will not hesitate to cut down those same trainers who don’t
but has the power to back up her boasting.
have the skill to match their passion. She’s very close to her
Pokémon at least, and encourages other trainers to form close
bonds with the Pokémon who put themselves on the line for
their trainers.

Type Ace (Dragon)

Special Features -

Champion’s Grace: 3/day, if Lance

would fail a skill check or an accu-
racy check of some kind, he in-
stead succeeds.

Favored Pokémon: Dragonite,

Dragonite, Dragonite, Gyarados,

Lance is the acting leader of

Kanto’s Elite 4 while also being
Johto’s Champion. His Pokémon are all dangerously powerful
and capable of releasing powerful beams of destruction suited
for every kind of enemy. He strongly believes in justice and will
go out of his way to help others in need or to punish those who Capture Specialist
would threaten the balance or safety of the world. Special Features -

Team Rocket Rocket Boss: Giovanni has a

massive list of resources and has
Based in Kanto, Team Rocket was a large organized criminal
some hand in most of Kanto’s
organization that grabs power through theft, coercion, extortion,
big business. He can call on aid
racketeering, laundering, and various violent acts to enforce
from his massive network, un-
their hold on whatever they’ve already got their hands. While
less the work directly for Neo
mostly disbanded in Kanto, existing cells or even gangs who
Rocket’s administration they’ll
want to wear Team Rocket’s symbol, they still exist and are still
like listen to Giovanni without
Jesse and James Favored Pokémon: Persian,
Jesse and James have a lengthy rap sheet, mostly centered Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Rhyperior,
around attempted theft. Despite being relatively harmless com- Kangaskhan
pared to most of Team Rocket, they have a level of tenacity that Giovanni was once part of
keeps them coming back and miraculously also keeps helping Kanto’s league circuit serving as
them to evade capture or escape jail. Jesse uses her Arbok, the Viridian City gym leader. His
Seviper, or Yanmega. James prefers his Weezing, Victreebel, and hands reached throughout the region as he influenced business,
Carnivine. Perhaps the strangest thing about this dastardly duo crime, law enforcement, and even science as he funded the cre-
is the fact that they travel with a Meowth capable of human ation of experimental Pokémon. He has since vanished, though
speech. many believe he is still active somewhere. He is heartless and
cruel in battle, crushing others without mercy. It is unknown
precisely why he is no longer active, but once he left his position
Team Rocket’s leadership fell apart and are now a fairly disor-
ganized group of criminals with no precise goals.

Other Trainers of Kanto... Chase, Elaine, and Trace

Red The three young upstarts

Chase, Elaine and Trace all
Ace Trainer / Underdog look up to Red, Green, and
Special Features - Blue respectively. They aim
to overtake their personal
Champion’s Grace: 3/
heroes and are already mak-
day, if Red would fail a
ing waves in the Pokémon
skill check or an accura-
league with their deceptively
cy check of some kind,
powerful Pokémon.
he instead succeeds.

Favored Pokémon:
Pikachu, Charizard,
Snorlax, Lapras, Espeon

Red is a man of few

words. Not much personal info is known about this trainer born
in Pallet Town. He is technically an undefeated champion, but
does not show up to defend his title and instead spends all of his Kanto is home to trainers of all sorts and features various
free time training in remote places. Those close to him say he exotic escapes between major cities. There are many towns and
had a role in dismantling Team Rocket and that he’s doing well villages throughout the wilderness between Kanto’s gym league
somewhere on his own. When encountered, he’ll rarely say any- locations.
thing. Instead, just sending out a Pokémon to start a battle.

Ace Trainer / Underdog

Special Features -

Champion’s Grace: 3/
day, if Green would fail
a skill check or an accu-
racy check of some
kind, she instead suc-

Favored Pokémon:
Venusaur, Clefable,
Gengar, Kangaskhan,

Green is very eccentric. At one point she was a champion in

Kanto, but has since retired to search for rare and powerful
Pokémon. She likes to joke with trainers she respects and tends
to take things less seriously than other champions from her re-
gion. Those who know her claim that she had a hand in disman-
tling Team Rocket in its prime by helping to remove key leaders
from their positions.

Johto Cherrygrove City
Cherrygrove is a city closely surrounded by rivers, wetlands,
Johto is located to the west of Kanto and is north of Hoenn. It
grasslands, mountains, and the massive and dark Ilex Forest.
has many ancient buildings and cultural sites that are main-
While not having much more than the city buildings and suburbs
tained in order to teach the region’s history.
around it, it serves as a great place for freshman trainers to jour-
Important Towns and Cities ney around in various habitats and find Pokémon to make into
their partners.
New Bark Town
New Bark is a small suburban town that is also the home of
Professor Elm’s Laboratory. It also has a couple of small trainer

Ilex Forest
Ilex Forest runs from New Bark Town, to Cherrygrove City,
and to Violet City. It has extremely dense cover, making even
day sometimes seem like night under its cover. Ilex forest also
Professor Elm has many shrines built throughout its reach; some made for
Pokémon, others for legendary Pokémon.
Researcher / Breeder

Special Features -

Egg Finder: Elm will often find eggs with

his Pokémon, inexplicably. He will find
eggs that have no obvious parents, with
Pokémon who are not paired with other Violet City
Pokémon, or with Pokémon who have The center and tallest buildings of Violet City are elevated on
been left alone for only a very short time. a hillside and surrounded by smaller suburbs sprawling out-
This will happen five to seven times a wards. On the outer edges of the suburbs are cultural towers
week. such as the Sprout Tower that studies the way of Pokémon lives
Professor Elm did not always know he was going to be a Pro- and seeks to find enlightenment through their studies. Violet
fessor, but he was the first person in modern times to discover a City also has a league gym.
Pokémon egg and report his findings to the greater scientific
community. Before Elm, many believed Pokémon had live births
in secret and since his discovery Elm has been the leading pro-
fessor in Pokémon breeding. He has a massive hatch lab where
he studies Pokémon eggs, learning about how care affects the
Pokémon who hatch and desperately trying to figure out how
exactly it is the Pokémon eggs come to be.

Elm is Johto’s league professor and so will often distribute

starter Pokémon for eager new trainers. Elm may often seem
absent minded during these events, or clumsy, but this is just
part of his personality as he constantly is thinking of new theo-
ries for his egg research. He often will give away excess eggs at
his lab if he trusts the trainers he meets.

Falkner Bugsy
Type Ace (Flying) Researcher / Watcher

Special Features - Special Features -

Flying Higher: Falkner’s airborne Bug Catcher: When Bugsy is making a

Pokémon can move +15 ft per capture attempt against a Bug-type
turn. Pokémon, he rolls twice and uses the
better result.
Favored Pokémon: Pidgeot,
Noctowl, Fearow, Dodrio, Favored Pokémon: Scizor, Pinsir,
Farfetch’d Heracross, Beedrill, Ledian

Falkner runs his gym like a Bugsy is an aspiring professor and

martial arts dojo, with morning spends much of his free time finding
rituals, practices, and meditation and capturing more Bug-type Poké-
all led by him. He spends time mon to study. He thinks Bug-type
practicing his Pokémon’s flight patterns and sky techniques and Pokémon are cute and brilliant as
exercises them all daily. His father before him was known as an many Bug-type Pokémon have unique evolution processes that
amazingly strong gym leader and so Falkner feels a pressure to drastically alter the Pokémon’s appearances and capabilities.
exceed his retired father’s expectations.
He is extremely eager in battle and while Bugsy is not known
Falkner always holds himself with grace and respect. He’s as a particularly strategic gym leader, his Pokémon are versatile
never caught off balance and remains steady in behavior, even if anything and his roster will see many unpredictable changes
when faced with the rudest opposition. He puts his culture, tra- on a weekly basis. His favorite pastime is participating in Bug
dition, and familial responsibility before everything else and his catching contests and will often leave his gym to go participate
focus and respect comes forth in his battles as a balanced, fo- in Bug catching contests in other cities- even though his massive
cused, and precise airborne attack plan gym is large enough to host its own Bug catching contests (and
sometimes does).
Azalea Town
Goldenrod City
Azalea is a small town in a canyon. Even though it has no ma-
jor buildings, save a hospital and one office building, it still has a Goldenrod is a sprawling harbor metropolis where most of
lot of traffic due to its league gym and the world renowned Poké Johto’s major corporate offices are located. Johto’s largest shop-
Ball smith Kurt who resides there and makes custom Poké Balls. ping district is located here, as well as multiple game corner dis-
Azalea also features the region-famous Slowpoke well where tricts, a massive national park, and a Pokéathlon stadium. With
many Slowpoke gather and lazy about. all of these major sites, its league gym can sometimes be over-

Kurt likes visitors and if you

bring him the right materials, he’ll
often build custom Poke Balls for
paying customers.

Whitney Burned Tower
Rising Star Of all of the towers in Ecruteak, the least beautiful is its most
famous. The Burned Tower has never been restored since its
Special Features -
collapse. It is said that a legendary Pokémon came to the aid of
Totes Adorbs: 3/day, if other Pokémon and turned them into legendary Pokémon in
Whitney’s Pokémon order to survive the destruction of the tower.
would be hit by an at-
tack, her Pokémon may
immediately use Attract
on the attacker as a free

Favored Pokémon:
Miltank, Blissey,
Wigglytuff, Clefairy,

Whitney used to be
known as a whiney gym leader, sometimes unable to perform
her duties in a meaningful way but as she persisted, she became Type Ace (Ghost)
better known for her sheer power. She believes her Pokémon
Special Features -
are the cutest in the world and their charm is undeniable. She
often will use distraction tactics before running over the compe- Seer’s Foresight: 3/day, Morty’s
tition in battle. Ghost-type Pokémon can hit a
Normal-type Pokémon with a
She has a large fan following and guest stars often on radio
Ghost-type attack.
shows, variety shows, and at social events. She often assumes
people come to see her just for an autograph or a picture even Favored Pokémon: Mismagius,
though she has many challengers to battle sometimes every day. Gengar, Banette, Sableye,
Some think her airy idol-like behavior shows how ditzy she is, Haunter
but at the end of the day her Pokémon are still strong and she Morty’s family has live in
still is a force to be reckoned with. Ecruteak for centuries and has a
Ecruteak City long-standing tradition of serv-
ing as spiritual leaders in the
Ecruteak is an old-fashioned city that serves as Johto’s cultur- city. He is said to have premoni-
al center. It has many massive and tall towers that have been tions of the future regarding
standing for hundreds of years. With many spiritual sites and a various legendary Pokémon.
league gym that’s also rooted in the region’s culture it has many
Morty maintains a calm attitude
tourists who are visiting just to pay respect to the region’s histo-
as he believes that a mind in
ry and to learn from the people who lived there before.
discord is not as able to receive
visions of the future. His gym is filled with obstacles that test
your mental fortitude and faith.

Morty will usually employ deceptive strategies that take ad-

vantage of his Pokémon’s ability to move through walls and
floors. He will also employ status afflictions when possible to
gain an edge. While some might think his steady behavior is
aloof or distant, he still has a large fan following nonetheless. His
fans think of him as a warm presence, always helping to teach
people about some important part of Ecruteak’s history.

Olivine City Cianwood City
Olivine is a major port city that serves as the region’s, and As a coastal port city,
some neighboring regions’, place of major export and import. A there is a fair amount of
region-famous lighthouse is maintained here by the city league traffic that comes and
gym’s leader. goes on Cianwood’s
shores. On the opposite
side of the mountain that
backs Cianwood’s suburbs
is a massive safari zone
that serves as a space to
look for wild Pokémon in a
less hostile setting.
Cianwood also has a
league gym.

Special Features -
Martial Artist
Warm Care: 3/day, Jasmine calms a
Special Features -
Pokémon she’s adjacent to.
Strength in Form:
Favored Pokémon: Steelix,
Chuck’s Pokémon
Magnezone, Skarmory, Forretress,
each have +1 De-
fense until they are
Jasmine is the caretaker of Oli- hit by a melee at-
vine’s lighthouse and spends her time tack.
there when not accepting gym chal-
Favored Pokémon:
lengers. She also will volunteer at
Poliwrath, Primeape,
Pokémon Centers to help injured
Machamp, Ursaring,
Pokémon and calm distressed pa-
tients. She does not let others get
under her skin and in some ways, this Chuck spends almost all of his time training or battling. He
shield is like the steel skin her Poké- leads a very unbalanced life, spending every moment pushing
mon have. himself until exhaustion while sparring with his Pokémon, only
to wake up and continue training whenever he recovers. His
Jasmine’s strategy is to endure any offense and defeat her
family is not pleased with his obsessive training and can often be
opponents through endurance and retaliation attacks. She’s a
seen at his gym, worried about him.
very quiet person but will speak up to protect other in need and
become their shield when no one else will help them. She’ll also He’s a very excitable and happy man who’s always wearing a
participate in contests when she can and will often stun audi- smile. Chuck’s obsession with training comes out in battle with
ences with her both cute and tough Pokémon. ferocious overpowering attacks from his Pokémon. His strategy
is all haymakers and no subtly. In defeat, he finds himself in a
roar of laughter that only encourages more obsessive training.

Mahogany Town Blackthorn City
Mahogany is a small and quiet town hidden in the mountains. Far up in the mountains, surrounded by tall cliff faces, Black-
It’s surrounded by forests and neighbors the Lake of Rage. Ma- thorn citizen lead isolated but busy lives. The league gym dou-
hogany’s buildings are all old like Ecruteak’s, including the bles as a massive academy for Dragon-type trainers and leads to
league gym, and maintains a cozy feel for visitors. the Dragon’s Den. The den is a massive winding labyrinth filled
with rare Dragon-type Pokémon to find and train.

The Lake of Rage is the largest lake in all surrounding regions

and is home to hundreds of thousands of Magikarp. Many other Clair
Pokémon make their home in and around the giant lake and the
Type Ace (Dragon)
surrounding shorelines and forests.
Special Features -

Pure Blooded Power:

Clair’s Pokémon ignore
Type Ace (Ice) the stat lowering ef-
fects of their own at-
Special Features -
tacks and moves.
Icy Demeanor: Pryce’s Pokémon
Favored Pokémon:
each have +1 Special Attack.
Kingdra, Gyarados,
Favored Pokémon: Mamoswine, Dragonite, Dragonair,
Dewgong, Jynx, Glalie, Piloswine Druddigon
Pryce might be one of the Clair is the cousin of
coldest league members. He is Lance, the Elite 4 mem-
standoffish and will often look at ber and champion. The
trainers and decide they aren’t fact that she’s often introduced as such is extremely frustrating
worth his time. He spends little to her since she is a formidable foe. She is proud and deter-
time doing anything for anyone mined to overthrow her cousin one day, but for every step she
but himself and his Pokémon climbs, Lance keeps pace ahead of her. It seems to her, as long
and maintains a small gym so as Lance is ahead of her, she’ll only ever be Lance’s cousin who
that little are compelled to visit happens to be a gym leader
him for a battle.
Clair is an extremely aggressive battler, looking to quickly end
While Pryce maintains a close any challenger in an instant. If her Pokémon run out of energy,
bond to his Pokémon, he you probably have won, but the onslaught will be constant and
doesn’t believe many other devastating. In defeat, she’s rarely humble and in bitter defeat
trainers are capable of those bonds. He considers most trainers she’ll even avoid awarding badges if she can think of a valid ex-
to be traveling with tools and means-to-an-end instead of Poké- cuse. Despite her behavior, the league cannot deny her strength
mon those trainers are actually close to. Even when proven and has continued to run a gym for years.
wrong, he maintains a stubborn and cold demeanor.

Indigo Plateau Koga
The Indigo Plateau is the location of each year’s regional Marital Artist / Ninja
championship in Johto. It is also the location of Kanto’s regional
Special Features -
championships, but each region holds their tournaments in op-
posite seasons to avoid any scheduling conflicts. Ninjutsu!: If they know the
move, Koga’s Pokémon can
use Double Team as a free

Favored Pokémon: Crobat,

Venomoth, Muk, Toxicroak,

Koga has been a league

member for decades. He
originally served as a gym
leader in Kanto’s Fuchsia
Competitors can enjoy any number of amenities such as luxu-
City gym. Koga debilitates
ry hotels, spas, amusements parks, and gym training areas while
his foes by subduing them
on campus. Depending on which region’s championship you’re
with afflictions and stalling tactics like stunning attacks, or even
visiting, the Elite 4 can vary. Johto’s Elite 4 is made up of Will,
fleeing and playing keep away on the field of battle. He’s very
Koga, Bruno, and Karen. Lance is Johto’s standing Champion and
proud of his and his Pokémon’s skill and laughs loudly whenever
also serves in Kanto’s Elite 4. Bruno and Lance can be found in
he’s backed into a corner, excited to go all out.
the Kanto Indigo Plateau section.
Type Ace (Dark) / Strategist
Special Features -
Special Features -
Unflinching Stance: Karen’s
Baffling Façade: Will’s
Pokémon are immune to Stun-
Pokémon each have +1
ning, Confusion, Infatuation, and
Special Defense.
being put to Sleep.
Favored Pokémon: Xatu,
Favored Pokémon: Houndoom,
Exeggutor, Slowbro,
Umbreon, Honchkrow, Weavile,
Hypno, Grumpig
Will’s peculiar in that
Karen is a benevolent Elite 4
he wears formal clothes
leader. She constantly encour-
everywhere, but also, he
ages those around her to do
wears a domino mask
their best in whatever way they
that may or may not ac-
want to succeed with whatever
tually cover his eyes. He’s
Pokémon they want to succeed
often displaying his battle
with. Where she draws her skill
prowess out of boredom
from is not well known, but she’s
and becomes excited only when there’s a chance of him losing a
a formidable foe. Is encourage-
battle. He uses attacks with fantastic payoffs that often don’t
ment in warm but always seems off, as if she only wants others
have devastating arrivals until later.
to grow stronger so that she may be challenged by powerful

Neo Team Rocket Mt. Silver

Based in Johto, Neo Team Rocket was formed out of the ash- The largest mountain in Johto towers high and is visible on
es of the original Team Rocket. Led by Archer and Ariana, they the horizon from nearly anywhere in the region. It’s base even
try to attain the same control over Johto that Giovanni held over steps over into Kanto’s mountain ranges. It is completely over-
Kanto. They are a presence that subtly grows with every criminal run with powerful Pokémon and only the strongest trainers
act their legions accomplish. climb into its winding passages looking for a challenge. It is said
an incredibly powerful trainer resides near its peak.
Archer and Ariana
These two Neo Team Rocket administrators try never to be in
the same place. They hold all of their organization’s plans in
their minds and to ensure success they make sure they aren’t
able to both be arrested at any given time. Both of them are
ruthless combatants with Archer preferring his Raticate, Elec-
trode, and Muk, and Ariana using her Arbok, Vileplume, and

Other Trainers of Johto…

Capture Specialist

Special Features -
Petrel and Proton
Legendary Quarry: Once per day,
Working underneath Archer and Arianna in Neo Team Rocket Eusine can meditate for an hour.
are Petrel and Proton. Both are cocky and arrogant, but also After finishing, he will know the
have the muscle to back up their misdeeds. Petrel employs mu- direction of the nearest legendary
tually assured destruction strategies with his teams of Weezing, Pokémon to his current location,
Magneton, and Graveler, while Proton favors his own Weezing, but will not know its distance from
Golbat, and Fearow. Petrel and Proton are reliable troublemak- him.
ers, if they are up to something, there’s sure to be a big mess for
Favored Pokémon: Electrode,
rangers to have to clean up.
Haunted, Hypno

Eusine is the eccentric friend of

Morty, Ecruteak City’s gym leader.
He obsessively aims to capture the legendary Pokémon Suicune,
but would also settle for seeing it often. He employs a team
aimed at afflicting targets and setting up the ideal situation for a

Ethan Silver
Breeder Ace Trainer

Special Features - Special Features -

Jumpstart: Ethan’s Pokémon Battle Tricks: Silver’s Pokémon may use

hatch with +1 to three of their Sand-attack, Swagger, or Taunt as their
stats. attack action each turn.

Favored Pokémon: Typhlosion, Favored Pokémon: Feraligatr, Gengar,

Ambipom, Politoed, Togekiss, Crobat, Weavile, Alakazam, Honchkrow
Sunkern, Sudowoodo
Rival to Ethan, Silver is known for his
A one time champion, Ethan passionate and tricky battle style. He and
has since retired. He now enjoys his Pokémon battle as if their lives de-
his time pursuing his passion of pended on it and the ferocity that comes
Pokémon breeding and hatching with his battling is amazing to behold.
Pokémon to raise. He’s not one Known only to some of his closest confi-
for planning or even appearing to dants, he is the son of Giovanni, the origi-
have ideas but when it comes to the execution of improvised nal leader of Team Rocket at its highest point. He wants nothing
strategies, he’s unmatched. His on-the-fly battling make him a to do with the criminal organization even though Silver has been
difficult to beat opponent but when he does lose he’s gracious less than lawful at times.
and enjoys the chance to let loose.

Kris Lyra
Researcher / Capture Specialist
Special Features -
Special Features -
Sure Catch: Kris cannot fail to
Jumpstart: Lyra’s Pokémon hatch
capture a non-legendary Poké-
with +1 to three of their stats.
mon who is either Asleep, Fro-
zen, or at less than half of its Favored Pokémon: Meganium,
max HP. Venusaur, Tauros, Azumarill,
Girafarig, Wigglytuff
Favored Pokémon: Arcanine,
Parasect, Hitmonchan, Xatu, The bright and shining personali-
Mr. Mime, Meganium ty and one-time champion Lyra
loves to spend her time making
Another one-time champion,
friends with new Pokémon and oth-
Kris, claims to have captured
er people every day. She travels
every non-legendary Pokémon
whenever possible to see new sites
at least once. While she’s rarely in Johto, as there are always
and participate in new things with
more Pokémon to catch in other parts of the world, her entire
new friends she’ll make only hours before. Though many believe
collection started there. Each of her Pokémon are specialized to
her champion title to be a fluke, her Pokémon’s undeniable
capture Pokémon and once captured, she sends her new Poké-
strength comes from the mutual love and trust they all have in
mon to Professor Oak for his team to study.
each other.

Hoenn Petalburg City
Petalburg is a wide spread city with as much greenery as
Hoenn is a warm region, with lots of shoreline cities and
there are buildings. Petalburg is surrounded on three sides by
towns and islands expanding out into the sea. It has a large ac-
Petalburg Woods, a far-reaching mass of thicket and woodlands
tive volcano in its center and is home to many different kinds of
with a winding beaten path. Slightly going off that path around
temperate habitats.
the city can become dangerous as there are various Pokémon
Important Towns and Cities living throughout the woods. Petalburg also has a league gym.

Littleroot Town
Littleroot is a small harbor town surrounded by forests and
the water. It’s home to Professor Birch’s Laboratory. For many
visitors looking to begin an adventure in Hoenn, they’ll arrive in
Littleroot by ship and choose their starter Pokémon here.

Type Ace (Normal)

Special Features -

Tempo Switch: 3/day as an action, Nor-

Professor Birch
man can choose if one of his active Poké-
Researcher / Watcher mon goes first, or last, this round.

Special Features - Favored Pokémon: Slaking, Vigoroth,

Exploud, Zigzagoon, Kecleon
Home Finder: By studying
a Pokémon for an hour, Though he is originally from Johto, Nor-
Birch can find out where a man has been serving as a league gym
Pokémon is geographically leader since he was appointed to his gym
from in the world with a 3 in Petalburg. He believes in a focus on
-mile margin of error. If discipline and flexibility, creating opportu-
the Pokémon was hatched nities to throw off his opponent’s strate-
by a trainer, Birch will know right away and will not be able to gies by speeding up and slowing down the
determine where it would be from in the wild. battle’s tempo. He’s also very demanding
of his challengers, rarely accepting requests to battle unless he’s
Professor Birch is the leading mind on Pokémon habitats. He
deemed the challengers to be worth his time.
knows everything there is to know about the world’s various
biomes and will often make journeys to do some field research Norman’s gym is run like a physical testing facility, with all
whenever previously unexplorable wilds becomes safer to visit. sorts of athletics and weight training facilities available to both
Despite his vast knowledge base, he’s still very absent minded trainers and their Pokémon. Norman believes in learning from
while out in the field and prone to be chased or attacked by wild every victory and from every defeat. When you battle against
Pokémon he is not paying a safe amount of attention to. him, he’ll make sure you leave with more than a badge in victory
and more than a trip to the Pokémon Center in defeat.
As Hoenn’s league professor he distributes starter Pokémon
from his lab for new trainers. Birch loves speaking to trainers
about where they are from and takes great joy in figuring it out
on his own by examining Pokémon for subtle clues that give
away their point of origin in the world.

Rustboro City Dewford Town
In Rustboro, visitors will see that more than half of the city’s Dewford is an island town. Half of the island is a mountain
structures are cut from giant slabs of stone. It gives the city a with caverns and tunnels to explore while the other half is a
sort of old-timey feel while at the same time being very impres- calm beachside town. A league gym is located on the beach
sive that these tall buildings are solid stone. Rustboro is home to front along with a few small vacation-friendly hotels and bed-
a league gym and the corporate offices of the Devon corpora- and-breakfasts.
tion, a massive conglomerate who make Poké Balls and have an
extensive fossil reanimation division.

Martial Artist / Pro Athlete
Special Features -
Special Features -
Academic Insight: If it’s in a book
Holding Ground: Brawly’s Poké-
or academic paper published in
mon cannot be moved by a
the last 10 years, she’s read
foe’s effects.
about it and knows about it.
Favored Pokémon: Hariyama,
Favored Pokémon: Probopass,
Machamp, Medicham, Breloom,
Armaldo, Cradily, Aggron,
Brawly is a professional surf-
Even at her young age,
er who teaches his Pokémon the
Roxanne is the headmaster of an
same balance he mastered
academy based in her gym. She
while surfing. He is extremely
believes that a strategy created
laid back, take on challengers as they come and going with the
out of the largest knowledge base
flow whenever possible. Whenever he can help those near him,
available will ultimately be unbeatable. While she hasn’t found
he does. The island’s residents are closely knit and its possible
the strategy quite yet, her foundations are solid and her expan-
that without the league gym there wouldn’t be many visitors so
sive library and curriculum helps many trainers become ex-
Brawly takes his responsibility seriously if nothing else.
tremely knowledgeable graduates.
When Brawly begins to battle, he suddenly becomes very
Roxanne sometimes screens her challengers with a series of
excitable and pumped up. While still maintaining a care-free
tests that are, in her mind, simple and standard things that she
attitude, he pushes his Pokémon forward with overwhelming
believes that every single trainer should know without question.
physical force. He loves puns about surfing and is often seen as a
If a trainer doesn’t know her expected minimum, she may make
goofy gym leader but is full of heart.
them take a few weeks’ worth of courses before accepting a
challenge or even a make-up test.

Slateport City Fallarbor Town
Slateport city is massive port city with the region’s largest Fallarbor is a farming town that takes advantages of the vol-
open market filled with street food, produce, and tons of fresh canic ash and grow crops that specifically thrive in the ash-
catches (for training or for stocking restaurants). Several cruise covered ground. It’s at the base of the back of Mt. Chimney so
ships also make port at Slateport and begin long vacations out at its always shared by clouds of ash, making the space relatively
sea. Slateport also hosts the region’s Grand Festivals. cool for being so close to a volcano.

Mauville City Lavaridge Town

Mauville City serves a great hub for all trainers in all of Hoenn Lavaridge is an inland tourist destination with elaborate natu-
as the central city that connects to routes that exit in every di- ral hot springs located at the base of Mt. Chimney. Although it
rection. There are over twenty massive indoor malls with tons of doesn’t have many tall buildings or major city blocks, it does
markets and shops. One indoor mall even houses the league have a league gym.
gym. Mauville also has many apartment complexes, making it
the most heavily populated city in Hoenn.

Wattson Type Ace (Fire)
Type Ace (Electric) Special Features -
Special Features - Fire Within: Flannery’s Pokémon’s
Jolly Guy: 3/day, if Wattson would fail deal +4 damage against Burned
a skill check related to Special Defense, targets.
he succeeds. Favored Pokémon: Torkoal,
Favored Pokémon: Manectric, Magcargo, Camerupt, Houndoom,
Magnezone, Electrode, Plusle, Minun Arcanine

Wattson is a jolly old guy who re- Flannery is an excitable gym

pairs things that need fixing in the city leader with a great deal of passion
and laughs loudly with visitors who for Pokémon battling. She’s a com-
come to his gym. paratively new trainer compared to
her peers, but seems to have a natural energy that shows in her
He’s the engineering genius behind the Sea Mauville project Pokémon’s power.
that was to be a floating platform to expand the city before it
was destroyed by some bad luck and turned into a wild Poké- Her grandfather was once an Elite 4 member, so many people
mon reserve. He visits the reserve in some of his free time to have high expectations for Flannery. While her battle style is
make sure the platform causes no ecological harm as it deterio- very different compared to her grandfather, she’s still a force to
rates. Wattson is a joyful combatant, always laughing deeply be reckoned with. Flannery takes advantage of burns, weakening
with every command. her foes’ offenses while using bulky and defensive Pokémon.

Fortree City Lilycove City
In Fortree City, you can find just as many structures built in Home to the largest shopping district in Hoenn, Hoenn’s larg-
massive trees above as you can on the ground. The city has cre- est port, massive berry markets, and Hoenn’s largest hotel row,
ated a unique biome where you can tell that everything’s larger than life in Lilycove. One of
wild forest runs right up to Lilycove’s hidden gems is the Museum of Contest Champions
homes and businesses. where coordinators and their Pokémon from around the world
From above you can see a are celebrated.
much greener city than you
normally would and you
can see the league gym
stationed across many

Mt. Pyre
Special Features -
Mt. Pyre is a small island burial grounds. It’s a sacred space
Aerial Acrobatics:
and so it’s very careful looked after by rangers. It’s closed at
Winona’s airborne Poké-
night as it becomes a space overrun by Ghost-type Pokémon at
mon can move +15 ft per
night. There is also a couple of sacred shrines located on the
Favored Pokémon:
Altaria, Swellow,
Skarmory, Pelipper,

How Winona carries

herself, with calm and
grace, is reflected in the
way her Pokémon fly through the sky. She’s always happy to talk
to others about their lives and encourage those who need lead-
Mossdeep City
ership. She studies wind patterns and even how dancers carry
themselves in order to give a greater edge to her airborne Poké- Mossdeep is Hoenn’s scientific center. Hoenn is one of the
mon. few regions in the world that have a space program and it’s lo-
cated in Mossdeep. The island city is covered in scientific labs of
With her open sky gym, she employs keep away tactics and
all kinds and also has a league gym.
when possible, amazing aerial battles against trainers who bring
their own flight-capable Pokémon. Her Pokémon’s grace is
amazing as they move from a passive glide, barely moving at all
to avoid harm, then suddenly to great dives moving faster than
the eye can follow.

Tate and Liza Juan
Psychics / Tag Battlers Coordinator / Designer

Special Features - Special Features -

Everything’s Wide Open Eyes on Me: 3/day, Juan’s Poké-

(Tate): Tate’s Pokémon have mon can use Follow Me or Taunt.
+1 during accuracy checks.
Favored Pokémon: Kingdra,
Saw that One Coming (Liza): Walrein, Crawdaunt, Whiscash,
Liza’s Pokémon have +1 to Relicanth
their Defense and Special
Juan is a bold personality who
wears pomp and grandeur on his
Favored Pokémon (Tate): sleeve. He’s probably most fa-
Solrock, Grumpig, Gallade, mous for being the mentor of one
Claydol, Reuniclus of Hoenn’s regional champions,
Wallace. He’s very proud of his
Favored Pokémon (Liza): Lunatone, Bronzong, Gardevoir, Xatu,
efforts and always tries to make a
show of everything he can. To
The psychic twins, Tate and Liza, are powerful opponents to Juan, a battle isn’t worth watching
go up against. While they do not always battle together in tag if it isn’t beautiful.
battles, they prefer to take on challengers two at a time. This can
In battle, Juan uses his flare for
be difficult for trainers to face them when they haven’t been
the dramatic to intimidate opponents with his shows of power
psychically linked to their partner like Tate and Liza have been
and beauty. He’s proud of his showmanship and even prouder of
since birth.
his Pokémon’s equivalent performances. If he finds that battle
Tate tends to keep his calm and finds other’s plans dull. Liza will not end in victory, his Pokémon will even play into the show
sees things to get excited about everywhere, finding everything to make his defeat look beautiful.
fascinating. They are both warm to others, but have very differ-
ent outlooks on the world around them. In battle, they psychi- Pacifidlog Town
cally command their Pokémon together anticipating their part- Positioned between to towers of rocky land emerging from
ners’ needs and revealing every bit of information they can to the sea, Pacifidlog floats on mostly man-made platforms that
come out on top. connect many small islands. Everyday, it spends some time in
Sootopolis City the shade of the Sky Pillar, an ancient stone tower built high up
into the sky, just a couple miles away from Pacifidlog’s outer
Sootopolis is an island in an extinct volcanic crater, creating a islands.
carrier of natural walls. It’s accessible by flight and by underwa-
ter passageway, meaning that Sootopolis is self-sufficient city
since it can’t rely on conventional trade and delivery. Sootopolis
also has a league gym.

Ever Grande City Phoebe
Ever Grande City is located on an island in eastern Hoenn. Psychic / Empath
The island is blanketed in flowers. It’s surrounded by steep cliff
Special Features -
sides and needs special transportation to get people there en
masse since Hoenn’s regional Pokémon league championships Advice from Beyond: Phoebe is
are held there. aware of any super-effective or
extremely-effective attacks her
opponent’s Pokémon have.

Favored Pokémon: Dusknoir,

Banette, Drifblim, Sableye,

Phoebe is a medium who has

learned how to commune with
the afterlife. She communicates
Competitors can enjoy any number of amenities such as luxu- with her Pokémon and lends her otherworldly knowledge to
ry hotels, spas, amusements parks, and gym training areas while their efforts. She constantly talks to ghosts that only she can see
on campus. Ever Grande even will hold special contests for coor- and makes others uncomfortable, despite her cheerful personal-
dinators. It’s Elite 4 includes Sidney, Phoebe, Glacia, and Drake. ity.

Sidney Glacia

Type Ace (Dark) Strategist

Special Features - Special Features -

Wide Open!: Sidney’s Pokémon Freezing Focus: Once per turn 3/

have +3 to their accuracy check day, Glacia may reroll an accuracy
during their first attack. Then, check if the move can Freeze, but
their attacks have -1 during failed to do so. She must use the
accuracy check. second result.

Favored Pokémon: Absol, Favored Pokémon: Glalie,

Mightyena, Sharpedo, Walrein, Froslass, Abomasnow,
Cacturne, Shiftry Beartic

Sidney’s only mantra is, Glacia believes herself above

“offense over defense.” With most challengers and is not the
his power, it’s no surprise. Despite being the least successful of most graceful loser. Her icy dispo-
Hoenn’s Elite 4, his overwhelming power often is enough to dis- sition can be seen as standoffish
courage challengers from continuing through to the other elite 4 or even plainly rude but when
members. He’s an all-or-nothing trainer who wants nothing she’s not battling she relaxes and can be quite friendly, strongly
more than to defeat his challengers. opposing her other demeanor. Her Pokémon freezes the opposi-
tion before shattering them, coldly removing any obstacle in the
way of her victory.

Drake Wallace
Stat Ace (Sp. Attack) / Type Ace (Water) /
Stat Ace (Attack) Coordinator

Special Features - Special Features -

Harness Raw Power: When- Champion’s Grace: 3/day, if

ever Drake’s Pokémon at- Wallace would fail a skill
tacks, it gains 1d4 tempo- check or an accuracy check of
rary hit points. some kind, he instead suc-
Favored Pokémon:
Salamence, Flygon, Altaria, Favored Pokémon: Milotic,
Kingdra, Dragonair Wailord, Tentacruel,
Whiscash, Ludicolo, Gyarados
Unsurprisingly, the leader of an Elite 4 who values pure
strength more than any other Elite 4 also thinks strength above Wallace is the fabulous ex-gym leader now champion. Every-
all wins outright. Drake believes that the pure blooded power thing he does is very showy and graceful, always looking to visu-
held within Dragon-type Pokémon will lead him to victory. He ally stun any observer. He learned from Juan, who passed on the
commands the battlefield with his Pokémon who often can use showmanship while Wallace evolved his style in something that
either melee or ranged attacks to take down his foes. many could not pull off.

Hoenn Champions He’s also a world famous coordinator who has conquered
many grand festivals worldwide. His style isn’t for everyone, but
The two best friends, Steven and Wallace, take turns holding
it’s undeniable that he wears a certain aura of confidence on his
the title of regional Champion in Hoenn.
Steven Stone
Team Aqua and Team Magma
Type Ace (Steel) / Archeologist
These two opposed ecoterrorist groups are based in Hoenn.
Special Features - Both groups have seen a greater presence in the past but have
Champion’s Grace: 3/day, if since been pushed down into many sperate independent cells.
Steven would fail a skill check or Team Aqua believes that people are destroying the ocean,
an accuracy check of some kind, where most of the world’s life rely on healthy, livable water–
he instead succeeds. even those who live on land. They worked at one time to use a
Favored Pokémon: Metagross, Legendary Pokémon’s power to expand the ocean and flood land
Aggron, Skarmory, Cradily, Ar- worldwide.
maldo, Sandslash (Icy Moun- On the other hand, Team Magma aimed to curb the world’s
tain) overpopulation that is destroying the land that Pokémon and
Steven Stone is obsessed human alike rely on. They tried to use a legendary Pokémon to
with archeology and Pokémon expand land masses worldwide by drying up the ocean and cre-
battling. Arguably, he’s more ating more land.
obsessed with rocks than Poké-
mon battling and unsurprisingly his Pokémon are Steel and Rock
types. He has a confidence about him that comes through in his
dominant Pokémon battling.

When he’s not digging up fossils and stones or defending his

title, he helps his father run day to day business at Devon Corp.
or see where his influence can be used to help those in need
throughout Hoenn.

Archie Maxie
Archie is Team Aqua’s leader. Maxie leads Team Magma. His actions are
While he is seldom seen anymore, not mostly hidden behind the scenes, he
he once very temporarily held the once held godlike power in the form of a
power of a legendary Pokémon legendary Pokémon briefly. He miscalculat-
with godlike power. He immedi- ed the power and lost control of it right
ately lost control and it almost away. His plan was to create more land in
destroyed the planet. His plan was the world to curb overpopulation and pollu-
to flood the world and protect the tion, though he didn’t realize that in growing
ocean from overconsumption and the land mass it’d dry up the ocean.
pollution, though he was never
Maxie is a calculating villain who heart-
specific about how much he want-
lessly calculates even the loss of life into his
ed to flood and for how long.
victories if necessary. He would employ his
He’s a brash and reckless com- Camerupt, Weezing, Crobat, Mightyena, and
batant making him dangerous to Houndoom in battle.
everyone around him. He was
usually seen with his Sharpedo,
Muk, Crobat, Mightyena, and Walrein.

Matt and Shelly Tabitha and Courtney

These two Team Aqua administrators served as muscle for Maxie’s analysts and administrators for Team Magma helped
Archie. They can still be found causing problems for people who him solve any problem that tried to slow down his progress.
damage the ocean in some way. That in itself isn’t so bad, but While they are seldom seen now, they still commit crimes to
they way they go about is usually illegal. Matt is often found further their personal agendas. Tabitha often fights using his
with his Sharpedo, Golbat, and Mightyena. Shelley attacks her Camerupt, Weezing, and Claydol. Courtney is often seen with
prey with many Sharpedo and Seviper who attack like a pack of her Camerupt, Swellow, or Zangoose.
ravenous monsters.

Mt. Chimney Zinnia
The largest mountain in Ace Trainer
Hoenn is also an active
Special Features -
volcano. While an explo-
sive eruption hasn’t hap- Lorekeeper: Zinnia cannot fail
pened in centuries, it still skill checks related to finding
constantly releases ash out more about mythology.
into the air. Even if there Favored Pokémon: Salamence,
ever were a dangerous Goodra, Tyrantrum, Noivern,
eruption, most of the re- Altaria, Whismur
gion is ready to respond
to a major natural disas- Zinnia has spent time under-
ter. Its unique landscape cover in both Team Aqua and
and climate makes for Team Magma in order to fur-
many interesting wilds ther who own ends. She aims
who live around the to join forces with a legendary Pokémon aligned with her dra-
mountain’s base, sides conic shaman cult. She at one point led a single-person raid on
and even its dangerous peak. Mossdeep’s Space Center in order to acquire information and
almost destroyed a lab during her escape.
Other Trainers of Hoenn…
Lisia Brigette manages Hoenn’s
Coordinator / Rising Star Pokémon Storage System and
expanded on its capabilities
Special Features -
multiple times. She’s a brilliant
Center Stage: Lisia can choose for programmer and often works
her Pokémon to act first during with other like minds around
appeals once per contest. the world.

Favored Pokémon: Altaria,

Altaria, Altaria, Altaria, Altaria

Lisia is a dominate force on the

stage at contests across the re-
gion. She has a whole team of Al-
taria that are each trained to per-
form the best the can in each type of contest. Her appearance
and her Pokémon’s performance has caused her to rapidly rise in After moving to Hoenn,
popularity across the region and regions adjacent. Aarune has set up a large collec-
She is friends with champions May and Brendan. She even tion of hidden coves, groves,
designed the coordinator outfits that they will sometimes wear and caverns as what he calls
when they perform in contests. Her charming personality is sure Secret Bases. Various trainers
to continue to gather fans as she climbs to the top of the coordi- will claim these spaces as tiny
nator scene. homes away from homes and he
manages them all over Hoenn to
make sure people have fun
spaces to make their own with-
out people ruining each other’s
fun. He gets around Hoenn
quickly on his Flygon.

Brendan Wally
Coordinator / Designer Ace Trainer / Underdog

Special Features - Special Features -

Brightest Star: 3/day Brendan’s Poké- Not Yet!: 1/day, Wally’s Pokémon can use
mon may force foes to target them. Endure as a free action.
Brendan can always choose whether
Favored Pokémon: Sceptile, Gallade,
to go first or last during a round in a
Kecleon, Cacturne, Roserade, Flygon
Wally is the friend and rival of both
Favored Pokémon: Swampert,
Brendan and May. While he was sickly
Milotic, Delcatty, Magcargo, Swellow,
when he first started off as a trainer, be-
ing with his Pokémon invigorated him and
Brendan is the son of the Gym caused him to fight harder everyday. Eve-
Leader Norman and was pushed to ry time he is defeated, it seems to push
become a powerful trainer for almost his resolve to become stronger even fur-
his entire life. He actually did become ther so it’s only a matter of time before he
champion for a time, but much pre- nabs a championship like his friends.
fers coordinating and so has retired to spend as much time as
possible at contest halls and grand festivals. He aims for beauty
in everything he does and greatly admires Juan and Wallace for Hoenn is home to hundreds of small islands surrounding its
their performances at contests. main body and have various cool places to check out throughout
the region. There is even a Battle Frontier.
May Birch
Ace Trainer / Stat Ace (Attack)

Special Features -

Breakthrough!: 3/day, if May fails an

accuracy check, instead she succeeds.

Favored Pokémon: Blaziken, Aggron,

Donphan, Wailord, Raichu, Breloom

May’s father is Professor Birch and

was raised surrounded by hundreds of
Pokémon. She became very driven by
battle and quickly rushed through the
league circuit and even easily defeated
the standing champion. May doesn’t
often defend her title, instead leaving
that to Wallace and Steven. May spends
most of her time with her father travel-
ing around the world to challenge pow-
erful trainers while her father does field research nearby. She’s
a bright personality driven by the thrill of battle and the friend-
ships she maintains with rivals and her Pokémon.

Sinnoh Jubilife City
Jubilife City is made almost entirely
Sinnoh is a cold region, with lots of shoreline cities and towns
of business districts. It has Sinnoh’s
and cities building inward on top of the massive Mt. Coronet.
largest academies as well, that often
Mt. Coronet makes up more than a third of the land mass and is
funnel people into jobs in the city, or
the centermost point of the region.
send them to Sandgem to become
Important Towns and Cities trainers. Pokétch is headquartered in
Jubilife and maintains a powerful pres-
Sandgem Town ence with their smart devices sold worldwide.

Sandgem is a small town with a small beach cove. Its only Oreburgh City
attraction is Professor Rowan’s Laboratory. Many trainers visit
Located at the base of a mountain leading into a canyon, Ore-
the town during Rowan’s distribution of starter Pokémon.
burgh serves as the region’s energy source. A league gym is lo-
cated next to the mines and a Mining Museum that also special-
izes in fossil reanimation.

Professor Rowan Roark

Researcher / Groomer Archeologist
Special Features - Special Features -
Evolutionary: Professor Rowan can spend Attack, Attack, Attack: 3/day be-
twelve hours with a Pokémon in his lab fore rolling, Roark may add 3 to
and make them very rested and happy. If his Pokémon’s Attack accuracy
the Pokémon is mature enough and strong check.
enough to do so without needing any out-
Favored Pokémon: Rampardos,
side influence (stone, time of day, interac-
Archeops, Aerodactyl, Relicanth,
tion with another Pokémon) it will evolve.
Professor Rowan’s specialty is Pokémon
Roark is responsible for Ore-
evolution. He understands the needs of
burgh’s mines and all of the duties
Pokémon to encourage their changes. In
related to making sure the con-
his lab, he stores thousands of evolutionary stones and runs
nected power plants run smooth-
tests on them and researches their radioactive influences. He
ly. Roark is a big fan of fossilized
also studies how long it takes for various species to mature and
Pokémon that people will some-
be ready for evolution and any other factors that go into a Poké-
times find underground and helps others carefully extract them
mon’s changes.
for study. His father is also a gym leader in Sinnoh, but their
Rowan loves to see Pokémon evolution and will often distrib- training styles are directly opposed in practice.
ute evolutionary stones to trainers will to let him deploy evolu-
Roark can be heard yelling “Attack! Attack! Attack!” while
tion stones and study the evolutions. He’s Sinnoh’s league pro-
training his Pokémon, as he strongly believes the best way to
fessor and so he distributes starter Pokémon for trainers who
win in Pokémon is to break through any defenses and crush his
flock to his laboratory every year. Though he is very fascinated
opponents. His Pokémon are somewhat like glass cannons; they
by evolution, he’s never distracted or absent-minded. He has a
can really only make one good attack- if retaliated against they
focused personality and works hard to maintain his lab and re-
fall down. However, when Roark’s Pokémon connect it’s likely
search grants that permit him to lead his life.
that their target is the one who immediately goes down.
Floaroma Town Hearthome City
In Floaroma Town, flowers can be found everywhere. For Hearthome is the most central city in Sinnoh. It serves as a
every building, there is three times as much land dedicated to large gathering place for people from across the region and
flowers. Entire meadows stretch outwards from the town and a many festivals, contests, and cultural events are held in
very fragrant aroma can be smelt throughout the town. Hearthome. Hearthome also has a league gym.

Eterna City
Eterna is one of Sinnoh’s oldest cities and has a lot of history
throughout the mountainside Eterna is built on. Eterna has old
forests running up to the edge of the city. Eterna’s league gym is
located slightly into the old growth next to the city. Choreographer

Special Features -

Eyes on Me: 3/day,

Fantina’s Pokémon can
use Follow Me or

Gardenia Favored Pokémon:

Drifblim, Gengar,
Mismagius, Banette,
Special Features - Rotom

Berry Master: 3/day, Gardenia Fantina is a world-

can spend 1 hour finding up to travelling coordinator
twenty common berries, ten who finally settled in
uncommon berries, or three Hearthome as a gym leader. Her beauty and grace are well
rare berries. All of her choice. known by many and her Pokémon are known for their eerie
grace as they float across the field of battle. She often visits the
Favored Pokémon: Roserade,
Lost Tower, a place of gathering for many Ghost-types on the
Cherrim, Torterra, Leafeon,
outskirts of Hearthome. She can be found dancing with wild
Ghost-types and making friends with them.
Gardenia finds her Pokémon
In battle, Fantina demands attention from her foes and can
beautiful, especially if they pro-
disrupt their battle plans with distraction tactics and an array of
duce a nice aroma. She spends
afflictions. If that doesn’t work, her Pokémon may disappear
her free time studying the for-
into the ground, only to pop up behind their prey and attacking
est surrounding Eterna and pays particular attention to the old-
in a flashy display of power.
est trees. Gardenia knows a lot about plant life and can under-
stand plants she’s never seen with a couple minutes of study.

Gardenia’s Pokémon observe and respond according to her

commands. Her strategy involves releasing powerful attacks that
may exhaust or weaken her own Pokémon, living for that mo-
ment of glory and wiping out an opponent before they can re-
spond. Gardenia is proud of her Pokémon’s results regardless.

Veilstone City Pastoria City
Veilstone is a seaside port city with massive warehouse dis- Surrounded by wetlands and a cruise line port, Pastoria finds
tricts that make many materials used throughout the region. many Water-type Pokémon making natural habitats throughout
Veilstone also has the largest shopping district in the region and its borders. Pastoria has a safari zone known as The Great Marsh
has a league gym. for trainers to catch wild Pokémon and a league gym.

Maylene Crasher Wake

Martial Artist Martial Artist

Special Features - Special Features -

Fight Harder: Maylene’s Poké- Point to the Sky: If

mon all have +1 Attack. they made a suc-
cessful attack during
Favored Pokémon: Lucario,
the previous round,
Medicham, Machamp,
Crasher Wake’s
Hitmontop, Breloom
Pokémon can use
Maylene is a determined Body Slam At-Will.
martial artist who spends
Favored Pokémon:
hours training herself with
Floatzel, Gyarados,
various kinds endurance training- even walking miles in the
Quagsire, Sharpedo,
freezing cold just to build her body’s strength. Maylene runs her
gym like a dojo, with many different sensei and practitioners
teaching trainers and Pokémon alike. Though she’s quite young, With a loud call across from center stage, Crasher Wake al-
her determination and continuous growth project good things ways makes a scene. Wake is a professional wrestler and is al-
for Maylene. ways making the loudest introductions for his Pokémon. While
he loves to wrestle Pokémon, his claim to fame is his champion
In battle, Maylene strikes true and keeps her guard up. Her
belt earned in an international wrestling tournament- won
Pokémon’s balance is impressive, but her Pokémon are also just
against other humans. Wake’s gym has Olympic sized wrestling
flatly powerful and difficult to stop once they get moving.
rings, boxing rings, and mats for other kinds of martial art com-
Maylene is always looking to help others improve- she believes
petition, which he’ll host from time to time.
that by strengthening the whole, everyone grows much further
than possible alone. Wake hits hard and tries to overwhelm his foes with a con-
stant crashing of attacks. If you can stand up against his assault,
he only grows more excited and pushes his Pokémon to fight
harder than ever.

Solaceon Town and Solaceon Ruins Byron
Solaceon is a small settlement with farmlands surroundings Archeologist
for miles. It also is right next to ruins of an ancient civilization
Special Features -
that houses many mysterious wild Pokémon..
Defense, Defense, Defense: 3/
day, before a foe rolls their
accuracy check against one of
Byron’s Pokémon, his Poké-
mon’s Defense stat is raised 2
during that accuracy check.

Favored Pokémon: Bastiodon,

Steelix, Magnezone, Bronzong,

Byron trains his Pokémon to

be immovable objects in battle
Celestic Town strongly prioritizing defense as
the best offense. His Pokémon
Celestic Town is a small town with a couple of business dis-
are slow moving but strong
tricts to keep up with the times but is also home to a historical
walls taking multiple hits with-
district where many people live in a way that preserves the his-
out problem. Byron spends time digging for fossils and rare ma-
tory of Sinnoh and the old ways of life.
terials throughout Canalave’s islands. He has a large collection
of fossils and fossil Pokémon, though he doesn’t train many of
them, instead just keeping them happy in his gym.

In battle, Byron waits to counterattack after his opponent’s

attacks bounce off of the shields his Pokémon put up. While the
attacks his Pokémon use are not astoundingly powerful, they
have the stamina to takes more hits than the Pokémon Byron
faces. Byron’s so confident in his strategy that he can sometimes
Canalave City be seen shouting “Defense! Defense! Defense!” while training
with his Pokémon.
Canalave is a collection of small islands connected by massive
bridges that lead to a large harbor it’s connected to. Canalave Snowpoint City
exports ores mined in Oreburgh through its harbor. It has a mas-
Snowpoint is built higher up on Mt. Coronet, so its covered in
sive historical library and a league gym.
snow year-round. It was built near an ancient ruin that the peo-
ple protect from raiders, though many wild Pokémon make their
home inside. Snowpoint also has a league gym.

Candice Volkner
Researcher Researcher

Special Features - Special Features -

Cool Gaze: 3/day, Candice’s Intimidating Gaze: Volkner’s

Pokémon have +1 to their Pokémon all have +1 Defense.
accuracy check if they are
Favored Pokémon: Electivire,
using an Ice-type move.
Luxray, Jolteon, Raichu, Lanturn
Favored Pokémon: Froslass,
Volkner is rarely seen with
Abomasnow, Glaceon,
anything other than a bored face.
Mamoswine, Weavile
He spends hours engineering vari-
Candice is a young gym ous puzzles and escape rooms
leader who is very studious that serve to keep challengers
and bright. She often consid- away from his gym. He travels
ers other well-known Ice- throughout the city managing its
type trainers when thinking various lighthouses and making
about her demeanor, thinks sure that the city’s solar panels are in top shape.
she too should be cold and
When engaged in battle, he has already decided the trainer is
cool. Nonetheless, she’s al-
worth his full attention. He becomes hyper-focused on battle
ways the center of excitement in a room and excited to engage
and enthusiastically combats his opponent with techniques he’s
with anyone willing to talk to her. She spends her free time stud-
practiced with his Pokémon for years. If he easily wins, he imme-
ying Sinnoh’s elaborate myths and history.
diately returns to a bored and unamused face. In defeat, you
When battling, Candice applies her few years of study to her may actually see him smile, if only briefly.
battle strategies. While she’s battling she also will try on differ-
Mt. Coronet
ent personalities while still trying to define herself as a gym lead-
er who will likely be there for a while- her natural talent and More than half of Sinnoh’s major towns and cities are on Mt.
strength can only grow from where it is now. coronet or at its base. It can be seen from everywhere in the
region and has many peaks along its mountain ranges. It’s said a
Sunyshore City lost ruin is somewhere near its peak, but has not been seen in
Sunyshore is a self-sufficient city entirely powered by hun- centuries.
dreds of thousands of solar panels. It’s a major port town, con- There are various winding tunnels throughout the mountain-
necting Sinnoh to other regions from its bay, has various festi- sides that travel upwards and lower into the earth. Subterranean
vals running o nits beaches year-round, has region famous light- lakes, rivers, and brilliant gemstone caverns are just some of the
houses, and has a league gym. amazing wonders you could discover while exploring Mt. Coro-

Lily of the Valley Island Bertha
Lily of the Valley Island is located east of Sinnoh and is entire- Special Features -
ly dedicated to hosting the yearly regional championship in
Hold Your Ground: Bertha’s Pokémon
Sinnoh. The island is covered in hills and forests.
have +1 Defense if their Defense is
higher than their Sp. Defense and +1
Sp. Defense if their Sp. Defense is
higher than their Defense.

Favored Pokémon: Hippowdon,

Rhyperior, Gliscor, Golem, Whiscash

Bertha is a gentle woman who

Competitors can enjoy any number of amenities such as luxu- shows warmth to others while work-
ry hotels, spas, amusements parks, and gym training areas while ing with others. She likes to maintain
on campus. It’s Elite 4 includes Aaron, Bertha, Flint, Lucian. a close relationship with her fellow
Elite 4 members and cares for any
Aaron guests she finds in her company. In
Ace Trainer / Breeder battle, she’s a force to be reckoned
with. Her heavy-weight Pokémon throw themselves around the
Special Features - battlefield, throwing their power behind every move. In defeat,
Learn from Your Mistakes: If she’s warmer than usually, happy to witness power exceeding
Aaron’s Pokémon miss with her own.
an attack, during their next
turn they have +3 during their
accuracy check, and deal +4 Type Ace (Fire)
damage if the attack deals
Special Features -
Burning Up: Once per turn 3/day,
Favored Pokémon: Drapion,
Flint may reroll an accuracy check if
Vespiquen, Yanmega, Scizor, Heracross
the move can Burn, but failed to do
Aaron is a tenacious battler who cycles through training many so. He must use the second result.
different Pokémon. While he spends the most time with his core
Favored Pokémon: Magmortar,
team, he trains young Bug-type Pokémon, constantly looking for
Infernape, Rapidash, Flareon,
opportunities to find a special Pokémon with more natural tal-
ent than the average to nurture. Aaron used to be grounded in
the idea that if a Pokémon can lose, it isn't strong but has grown Flint is a carefree, energetic young
to discover that every Pokémon is capable of great things with man. He can be explosive at time,
the right trainer and through nurture. His Pokémon manifest surging with energy, then suddenly
many different strategies– aggressive attackers, unbreakable really low as he’s running on fumes.
walls, technical supporters. Aaron’s got many options on his His Pokémon tend to mimic this energy, burning brightly and
team. then lazing about with flint. When battling challengers, Flint’s
Pokémon heat up the battlefield and try to weaken his foes
while putting on the pressure to scare them off the battlefield.

Lucian Team Galactic
Researcher / Watcher Team Galactic is a criminal organization, setup in
Special Features - the Sinnoh region. They are led by Cyrus, referred to as Master
Cyrus or the Boss by his underlings. Cyrus' goal for Team Galactic
Well-read Insight: Lucian
is to rebuild the Galaxy in his image, using some of Sinnoh's all-
is aware of any super-
powerful legendary Pokémon, which are said to have created
effective or extremely-
the entire world.
effective attacks his op-
ponent’s Pokémon have.

Favored Pokémon:
Gallade, Alakazam,
Espeon, Girafarig,
This is not apparent to the
main body of the organization
Lucian is the leader of however. The organization’s
Sinnoh’s Elite 4 and a master of Psychic-type Pokémon. Unlike criminal activities are buried
the cliché of powerful Psychic-type trainers beign psychic them- under all of the free energy
selves, Lucian has no special psionic abilities. Instead, he has a projects the organization does
natural talent for reading past the surface level of anything and in the public eye. Many crimes
can extract deep meaning and realizations that others might have been tied to cells within the organization, but nothing has
over look, even in deep analysis. Lucian uses his practiced insight been permanently tied to the organization as a whole with cap-
in battle, leading his Pokémon to victory. tured members claiming to be self-motivated or not really a part
of the whole Team Galactic.
Ace Trainer / Researcher Cyrus

Special Features - Cyrus is the leader of the criminal

side of Team Galactic. As a civilian he
Champion’s Grace: 3/day, if Cynthia
helped to create many of the build-
would fail a skill check or an accura-
ings and educational facilities in
cy check of some kind, she instead
Sinnoh, using his public face to gath-
er money and power to further his
Favored Pokémon: Garchomp, own ends. Secretly, he aims to de-
Togekiss, Spiritomb, Glaceon, stroy the universe and recreate the
Roserade, Lucario world, completely devoid of spirit.
He believes that the human spirit is
Cynthia is a powerful champion
vague and incomplete leading many
that has been Sinnoh’s Champion for
to believe in something without sub-
many years. Even when defeated,
stance or to have faith in something
she quickly reclaims her title in sanc-
only for it to fail. In his words,
tioned rematches. Cynthia is very interested in mythology and
“emotions are the source of all strife
history, and spends her time researching and exploring various
in the world.”
sites associated with legendary Pokémon. Her confidence comes
out in battle as she commands the field with a dominating pres- He disappeared after a massive
ence. Her Pokémon are all powerful and honed to their peak. event that darkened the sky above
Cynthia is always willing to lend her hand in defeating dangers to the top of Mt. Coronet, but some still believe he is somewhere in
the world while pushing other pushing other younger trainers Sinnoh controlling the remains of Team Galactic. He is a cold and
towards greatness. heartless combatant, eliminating any threat to his goals when
necessary. He was often seen with his team of Weavile, Crobat,
Gyarados, Honchkrow, Houndoom, and Magnezone.

Charon Other Trainers of Sinnoh…
Charon is an elusive scientist who Buck
has used his influence to control the
criminal Team Galactic in Cyrus’ ab- Stat Ace (Def) / Stat Ace (Sp.Def)
sence. He is as cold as Cyrus, but he Favored Pokémon: Claydol, Shuckle,
used emotions to manipulate others Dusknoir, Umbreon, Torkoal
where Cyrus disregarded emotions en-
Buck is a promising trainer who is quickly
becoming a powerful specialist. His older
While he didn’t often battle, as it’s brother, Flint, serves as one of Sinnoh’s
not his specialty, he will defend himself Elite 4 and hopes to one day surpass him in
when he needs to with his Slowking. strength. Buck is cocky at times, but under-
stands strength and is respectful of anyone
who displays what he considers true pow-
Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn er. He spends his time training near Stark
The Team Galactic administrators are Mountain.
all dangerous villains who are capable of Cheryl
finding goals, planning them out, and then
executing them for the organization. Medic
While none of them are publicly active, its Favored Pokémon: Blissey, Wobbuffet,
known that they are still behind the Drifblim, Hariyama, Wailord
scenes creating problems for rangers and
Cheryl is a caring trainer who looks after
law enforcement throughout Sinnoh.
those in need in Eterna Forest. She spends
Mars is the most independent of the time caring even for wounded wild Poké-
group and various sources say that she mon, healing anyone who needs help. De-
leads her cells of Team Galactic in an spite having training powerful Pokémon
effort to restore their former leader to his with loads of stamina, she can still be fear-
glory. She battles alongside her Purugly, ful when confronted with potentially dan-
Bronzong, and Crobat. gerous individuals.
Jupiter loudly hates working with other
leaders within Galactic but understands
their specialties and will do so in order to Stat Ace (Speed)
achieve her ends. Jupiter is vindictive and Favored Pokémon: Arcanine, Ninjask,
cruel, eliminating any threat to her plans Weavile, Electrode, Crobat
regardless of how much of a real threat
they may or may not be. Jupiter travels Marley is a quiet and usually distant
with her Tangrowth, Gastrodon, and trainer. She has an affinity for a legendary
Sableye. Pokémon, Shaymin, who she looks after
from time to time, but does not share the
Saturn is an engineer and works to location of the Pokémon’s hidden grove.
solve problems by building machines to do She’s very fast in battle, avoiding harm and
his bidding. He has access to deep pockets quickly dispatching of foes before running
that seem untraceable and often buys his off on her own in victory. She spends most
way out of any trouble he finds himself in. of her time on the mountainsides of Lily of
When backed into a corner, he’ll fight back the Valley Island.
with his Toxicroak, Alakazam, and

Mira Lucas
Stat Ace (Sp. Attack) Chef

Favored Pokémon: Alakazam, Special Features -

Togekiss, Porygon-Z, Gengar,
Easy Meal: Lucas can whip up any
Chef feature meal or food item in
Mira is a young trainer prodigy. five minutes.
While she plays weak and sweeps
Favored Pokémon: Torterra,
her opponents away, her façade
Lickilicky, Mamoswine, Bastiodon,
will only last as long as she’s young.
Snorlax, Clefable
She’s still able to easily dispatch
many gym leaders with ease and Lucas is a one-time champion,
trains to topple Cynthia. She’s usu- quickly displaced again by his pre-
ally found on the western side of Mt. Coronet, training. decessor Cynthia. He feels best
when cooking delicious meals for
Riley hours and sharing his creations
Stat Ace (Attack) with his eager and happy Pokémon.
He especially likes making poffins
Favored Pokémon: Lucario, Salamence, for Pokémon and can always match
Absol, Ursaring, Metagross them perfectly with every Pokémon’s favorite flavors. It’s said he
Riley serves as a guardian on one of the helped to save Sinnoh from certain destruction with his friends
many islands off Canalave City’s shores, Iron Dawn and Barry.
Island. He trains his Pokémon there and
handily defeats poachers who aim to wipe
out a scare wild population. He comes form Rising Star
a long line of honorable trainers who Special Features -
worked alongside generations of Lucario. He
permits trainers to leave with Pokémon Center Stage: Dawn can choose for
from Iron Island if they form a bond with her Pokémon to act first during
them, rather than just capturing them. appeals once per contest.

Favored Pokémon: Empoleon,

Hayley and Bebe
Froslass, Cherrim, Pachirisu,
Hayley manages thousands of acres Rapidash, Lopunny
of ranch that trainers can leave with her
Dawn is a one-time champion,
to be out in the open while in storage
quickly displaced again by her pre-
as a special paid service.
decessor Cynthia. She loves being a
Bebe is the engineer behind the coordinator and competes in every
Pokémon storage system that Sinnoh contest she can. She’s even won multiple grand festivals. She’s
uses. She works closely with Hayley to happiest surrounded by her friends and Pokémon planning her
ensure easy retrieval and deposit from newest performances for the stage. It’s said he helped to save
the PSS to her open ranch. Sinnoh from certain destruction with her friends Lucas and Bar-

Barry Unova
Unova is a region covered in cities, with forests and short
Special Features - routes serving as small spaces that wild Pokémon live between
Late Fee: If Barry’s Pokémon does not more and more city. It’s main body is a long peninsula with large
act before his opponent’s Pokémon mountains across from each of the peninsula’s sounds.
during a round, it gains +2 Speed until
Important Towns and Cities
the end of combat. This effect stacks.

Favored Pokémon: Infernape, Chatot, Nuvema Town

Luxray, Tauros, Dugtrio, Floatzel Nuvema is filled with blocks of suburbs surrounding Juniper’s
Barry is the extremely hyperactive Laboratory. Nuvema has a small harbor that branches from one
best friend and rival of both Lucas and of Unova’s sounds.
Dawn. He seems to always be one step
ahead of everyone else, but his friends
always take bigger steps and pass his all
the same. He plans to surpass his father,
Palmer, who is a Frontier Brain by building a taller Battle Tower
and beating him in it. It’s said he helped to save Sinnoh from
certain destruction with his friends Dawn and Lucas.

Professor Aurea Juniper

Sinnoh is home to tens of small islands surrounding its main Researcher
body, a vast mountain chain, and has various cool places to
Special Features -
check out throughout the region. There is even a Battle Frontier.
Walking Doctorate: By looking at a
Pokémon, Juniper can tell if it has
any unusual characteristics that
would not be found in a Pokédex
book. She can also instantly identify
any item, regardless of origin, and
know its intended use.

Professor Juniper has a particular

interest in the origins of Pokémon.
Juniper is often busy with multiple
projects at any given time, all of
which require extensive fieldwork
followed by data analysis back at the
lab. She travels all over the region
collecting samples, fossils, and history to study more about
where Pokémon originate from.

She’s very pleasant and encouraging, especially to new train-

ers. She’ll donate travel vouchers for ships or even flights to
trainers as field assignments, where they do minimal field work
in exchange for the trips she provides. She’s very happy to serve
as Unova’s league professor and does many days of seminars
leading up to the day of starter distributions for those who feel
they need extra tips for doing well as a trainer.

Accumula Town Cilan, Chili, and Cress
As one of the boroughs across from central Unova, Accumula Chefs
is a wide spread town with a large population. It’s regrettably
Special Features -
known as the place that the notorious Team Plasma began its
grassroots campaign. Easy Meal: The Striaton City brothers
can each whip up any Chef feature
meal or food item in fifteen minutes.

Favored Pokémon (Cilan): Simisage,

Ferrothorn, Serperior, Jumpluff,

Favored Pokémon (Chili): Simisear,

Striaton City
Heatmor, Emboar, Darmanitan,
Striaton is another borough next to one of Unova’s sounds Camerupt
and is also the culinary center of Unova. In addition to having
Favored Pokémon (Cress):
league gym that doubles as the best restaurant in the region, it
Simipour, Seismitoad, Samurott,
also has a laboratory that features dream doctors who can bring
Azumarill, Crawdaunt
some aspects of dreams to life.
The Striaton gym has three lead-
ers who are all top-notch chefs,
specialize in different Pokémon,
and are all brothers. Predictably,
Clian is a very bright and encourag-
ing Grass-type trainer, Chili is a very
excitable and energetic Fire-type
trainer, and Cress is a very relaxed
and cool tempered Water-type trainer. They take turns taking on
Floccesy Town challengers at their gym, seeing as they simultaneously are the
head chefs in the kitchen at the best rated restaurant in Unova-
Floccesy is a small town that has forests running through its located in their gym.
city blocks. Many wild Pokémon happily live amongst the city’s
low-stress people who have slower-going jobs than the rest of While they are considered the weakest of Unova’s gym lead-
Unova. ers, they are still left to their own devices by the league, just for
the novelty of the gym they run. Each of the brothers are very
dedicated in battle and in the kitchen and their skill may not be
the best in terms of battling, but they each have brilliant mo-
ments to show off in battle.

PokéStar Studio
PokéStar Studio is a large filming studio in Unova that’s half
the size of the neighboring boroughs. World famous movies are
made here and new talent is found and used weekly. There are
various tours available to see stars on stage or behind the
scenes. Contests also are held here.

Nacrene City Castelia City
Nacrene is a borough city that has built homes and apartment Castelia City is the largest city in the Unova region. The city's
complexes within what was once rows of now-obsolete energy core is a central business district, with huge skyscrapers and
and other kinds of commercial warehouses. It has a league gym other commercial buildings; a series of alleyways lead into this
that doubles as a massive library that also was once a ware- core, where smaller shops are set up among city traffic. The
house. city's outskirts are bounded on all sides by harbors splitting into
Unova’s two sounds, where ships provide traffic to other regions
in the Pokémon world. Castelia’s league gym is a tall museum
and gallery.


Special Features - Burgh

Pop Quiz: 3/day, Lenora can add Watcher

this effect to her Pokémon’s attack Special Features -
for 1 action: “On hit, if you got 12
Inspiring Insight: 1/day, one
or higher on Accuracy Check, the
of Burgh’s active Pokémon
target is Stunned.”
may use Mirror Move as its
Favored Pokémon: Watchog, action.
Audino, Sawsbuck, Cinccino,
Favored Pokémon:
Leavanny, Vespiquen,
Lenora is the studious curator of Crustle, Accelgor, Escavalier
the library and museum that is con-
Burgh is an artist inspired
nected to her gym. She greatly
by Pokémon and Pokémon
loves teaching and will happily point out books for anyone who
battles. He loves creating
needs to research anything. Sometimes, she’ll even quiz trainers
art with his Pokémon, who each also put their hands to canvas
before accepting their challenges.
and make their own often fun pieces of art. Burgh runs an art
Lenora is a warm and caring trainer in battle. She’s fierce gallery out of his gym and loves leading tours around all of the
when her Pokémon are in danger, but will rush out to help heal different art curated from talented artists, human or Pokémon,
a Pokémon that her own Pokémon defeated too harshly. Her from around the world.
strategies usually involve taking advantage of her Pokémon’s
Burgh improvises in battle, thinking only of the current mo-
versatility while stunning foes over and over.
ment with little planning ahead of time. He lives for beauty in
each fading moment and tries to spark lively scenes in battle
from him to later recreate on canvas. Burgh will go from calmly
observing the field to shouting commands wildly as he is in-
spired in battle.

Nimbasa City Driftveil City
Nimbasa is like a city always celebrating some kind of party at Driftveil is an export-oriented borough that minds common
all times. Covered in amusement parks, game corners, and luxu- ores to ship out of Unova, along with various Unova-made
ry entertainment hotels one can very quickly completely exhaust goods. Driftveil also has a league gym that’s connected to one of
themselves entirely while staying in Nimbasa. Nimbasa’s league the export warehouses and docks.
gym doubles as a fashion stadium.

Type Ace (Ground)
Special Features -
Rising Star
Inspiring Power: Clay’s
Special Features - Pokémon all have +1 to
their attack stats.
Sparking!: Elesa’s Poké-
mon may use the move Favored Pokémon:
Attract at-will as their ac- Excadrill, Golurk, Flygon,
tion. Krookodile, Claydol

Favored Pokémon: Clay is a powerful busi-

Zebstrika, Emolga, Luxray, ness mogul who not only
Ampharos, Galvantula leads one of the most
profitable export/import
Elesa is a world-famous
conglomerates worldwide
model who is often show-
but also works with his
ing off very high-class styles that’s as beautiful as it is expensive.
hands in Driftveil’s mines every day. He’s still got energy at the
Elesa’s dedication to fashion led to her changing her gym into a
end of the work day to take on challengers at his gym. Clay is
fashion hall hosting weekly fashion shows featuring designers
always serious and never takes a break from his work, treating
from around the world. Despite her expensive tastes, in person-
his business as his lone legacy.
ality she’s very down to earth. She even lets perfect strangers
run fashion shows in her gym on off-show days that can lead to In battle, Clay doesn’t waste time dispatching his foes. His aim
actual shows during important show days. is to efficiently defeat threats with his Pokémon in his clay-floor
arena in order to move onto his next appointment. Clay doesn’t
Elesa’s battle strategy is extremely flashy. She tries to steal
spend any time with challengers unless they really impress him,
her opponent’s thunder by paralyzing her opponent’s Pokémon,
leaving assistants to distribute badges or to simply show a de-
slowing them down significantly. Elesa then will run circles
feated challenger the door.
around the competition and close out the battle.

Mistralton City Icirrus City
Mistralton is one of Unova’s boroughs. It has a massive air- Icirrus is located near the summit of a mountain across the
port and flies cargo ships out of Unova with goods from Driftveil sound from Unova’s main body. It has many wetlands that
and the rest of Unova to places that a ship can’t reach. It’s air- sometimes overflow and edge into some of the city’s outer lim-
port has a league gym inside of its terminal. its. It also has a league gym.

Skyla Brycen
Type Ace (Flying) Rising Star

Special Features - Special Features -

Aerial Acrobatics: Skyla’s Showmanship: Brycen’s Pokémon

airborne Pokémon can move have +1 Special Defense and +1
+15 ft per turn. Defense during their first round of
Favored Pokémon: Swanna,
Sigilyph, Swoobat, Skarmory, Favored Pokémon: Cryogonal,
Unfezant Beartic, Walrein, Vanilluxe,
Skyla is a high-flying spirit
who pilots cargo planes to Brycen is a famous movie actor.
and from Mistralton. As a He started in traditional stage plays
result, she can be frustrat- but quickly advanced to star in
ingly absent for as much as summer blockbusters as action
half of every week. She’s often careless as a gym leader, neglect- heroes, and sometimes even the major villain. When he’s not
ing responsibilities to spend more time in the air. She’s even filming at a PokéStar studio lot and accepting challenges there,
been known to just give away a badge if she believes her team he can be found in Icirrus accepting challenges from trainers and
will lose in battle, or just refuse a gym challenge because she protecting the surrounding wilds from natural dangers on the
thinks she’ll win anyway. mountainside.

This behavior will sometimes get her into trouble, but when Brycen is sometimes overly dramatic while putting on a show
she can be persuaded to fight her Pokémon constantly fly circles in battle, but should always be taken seriously. He Pokémon will
around the competition using their speed and aerial capabilities freeze any threat when given the chance, essentially removing
to completely deny her foe’s chances at victory. When going all them from combat. Anyone who can resist his Pokémon’s ice-
out, she’s very bubbly and can randomly burst out into laughter. cold attacks will then have to fight through the sheer power
they contain.

Opelucid City Aspertia City
Stacks of apartment complexes, hotels, luxury suites, and of- Aspertia is a city-in-progress, filled with cranes helping to con-
fice buildings make for a crowded city in Opelucid. Many people struct more and more buildings. It has a very modern feel to its
live in Opelucid and take public transit to work in the nearby architecture and has a league gym. Aspertia has a tall spiral
Nimbasa all day. In one tall tower of a building is a league gym. walkway that looks over one of Unova’s sound to see most of
central Unova.

Type Ace (Dragon) / Strategist Cheren
Special Features - Researcher / Type Ace (Normal)

Dragon’s Pride: Each of Dray- Special Features -

den’s Pokémon ignore the first
Learning Curve: If Cheren’s Pokémon
stat lowering effects of their
missed with an attack during their last
opponent’s attacks each com-
action, they have +2 during their accu-
racy check while attacking.
Favored Pokémon: Haxorus,
Favored Pokémon: Stoutland, Castform,
Druddigon, Flygon, Altaria,
Porygon-Z, Bouffalant, Lickilicky
Cheren is a teacher at his gym’s train-
Drayden runs his gym right
er school. He teacher Pokémon battling
out of his offices, city hall. As
101 and makes sure each of his stu-
mayor, he looks over his city’s
dents are masters of everything you
massive population and will
need to know to be a beginning trainer.
protect them alongside rangers whenever any wild threat enters
He’s a relatively new gym leader but has
its borders. He comes from a line of dragon masters who work to
thrown everything he has into taking the position seriously. He
train the next generation of Dragon-type trainers to be stronger
loves to battle and teach others how to enjoy battling
and stronger with each passing generation. One of his pupils is
currently Unova’s champion. Cheren is a dangerous opponent who gets more dangerous
the longer a battle goes on as he uses every piece of information
Drayden is an imposing individual and is considered a master
that he gains in battle to his advantage. In victory, he’ll go over
trainer. He is incredibly perceptive, and can see potential in
everything he can to improve his challenger’s odds next time,
Trainers and Pokémon alike. Drayden is precise in his battle
however soon that may be. In defeat, he’ll help by pointing out
style, often waiting to see his opponent's attacks and blocking
some tips for the challenger that will help against other gym
them, or brushing off the effects of them with ease before un-
leaders in Unova as they continue their league circuit.
leashing a powerful counter move.

Virbank City Humilau City
Virbank City is a port city with many hangars, docks and wa- Humilau is just on the very edge of Unova’s boarder, opening
terways. At night, warehouses become dance clubs and the city out into the ocean. It’s a quiet beachside city with vacation
is filled with all kinds of music through its various music halls home built over the shallow waters that stretch out into the
and auditoriums. It’s largest music stadium is also a league gym. ocean for almost half a mile. It has a league gym connected to
the ocean.

Rising Star /
Choreographer Type Ace (Water)

Special Features - Special Features -

D-O-G-A-R-S: 3/day Expert Swimmer: Marlon and her

when Roxie’s Pokémon Pokémon are not hindered by
Poisons a foe’s Poké- water terrain and can move +10
mon, the target is Toxi- feet per turn in water.
fied instead.
Favored Pokémon: Jellicent,
Favored Pokémon: Wailord, Carracosta, Starmie,
Scolipede, Toxicroak, Cloyster
Garbodor, Crobat,
Marlon is a spirited trainer
with a laidback personality. He
Roxie is a rock star who performs almost nightly for a stadium enjoys freediving and battling
filled with fans in her band, Koffing and the Toxics. She loves her Pokémon underwater to catch
Pokémon and makes songs about how much they rock. She’s them. He manages his gym which is connected to the Marine
rough in personality but very friendly to anyone who walks into Tube, a massive underwater walkway that lets you see ocean-
her gym to challenge her, especially her fans. dwelling Pokémon in their natural habitat. He is an expert swim-
mer as well, always looking for a challenge to swim alongside his
Roxie enjoys rocking out while battling with her bass plugged
clearly superior-in-the-water Pokémon.
in, strumming along with the rhythm of battle. She tries to ex-
haust her opponents by poisoning her foes and letting the clock Marlon’s relaxed nature seems to have allowed for his Poké-
tick by. If that doesn’t work, her Pokémon can also deal damage mon to really grow into power without stressing about anything.
by throwing their weight around. Roxie always makes a battle They each have lots of stamina and can take multiple hits before
look fun. finally going down. Marlon’s always happy to battle trainers and
loves receiving challengers at his remote gym.

Undella Town Shauntal
Undella is a very small and exclusive town with security all Researcher
over to make sure passers through cause no problems. Many
Special Features -
beach side villas are owned by powerful trainers, or business-
people. Haunting Tale: 3/day, Shauntal can
add 5 to her Pokémon’s accuracy
check. This cannot affect whether or
not the attack hits, but can affect
whether or not additional effects
happen with an attack.

Favored Pokémon: Chandelure,

Cofagrigus, Gengar, Froslass, Golurk

Giant Chasm Shauntal has always got her hose

in a book. She might seem to not
The Giant Chasm is a large impact-crater like canyon that con-
have time for anything else, but she
tains a maze-like forest. There are ancient stories about the arri-
also is constantly writing her own
val of great and powerful legendary Pokémon arriving and form-
fictions as well. She will narrate battles making it more dramatic
ing the crater here thousands of years ago.
when possible but is really just flexing her narrative flair.
Shauntal always seems to be stuck in the past with her stories,
but her vast knowledge base allows her battle with ease, even
continuing to read while in the midst of a difficult battle.

Martial Artist

Special Features -
Vertress City
Make an Opening: Mar-
Vertress is the location of each year’s regional championship shal’s Pokémon score
in Unova. It’s surrounded by spreading forests that serve as addi- critical hits on 19-20 dur-
tional training grounds for powerful trainers. ing accuracy check.

Favored Pokémon:
Conkeldurr, Throh, Sawk,
Mienshao, Machamp

Marshal prides him-

self on being the number
one pupil of Alder, one
of Unova’s retired cham-
pions. He recognizes the strength in diversity and aims to have a
While there, competitors can enjoy any number of amenities different kind of Pokémon for every kind of opponent. He trains
such as luxury hotels, spas, amusements parks, and gym training hard right next to his Pokémon and imparts the same power he
areas while on campus. Unova’s Elite 4 is made up of Shauntal, puts forth into his efforts unto his Pokémon. In turn, they push
Marshal, Grimsley, and Caitlin. him harder and in training, this cycle continues as both Marshal
and his Pokémon seeming to constantly grow forever.

Grimsley Alder
Strategist Ace Trainer

Special Features - Special Features -

Coin Flip: On any successful hit from Champion’s Grace: 3/day, if Al-
one of Grimsley’s Pokémon, Grimsley der would fail a skill check or an
can flip a coin. If he wins, the attack accuracy check of some kind, he
deals +8 damage. If he fails, the at- instead succeeds.
tack misses and deals no damage.
Favored Pokémon: Volcarona,
Favored Pokémon: Honchkrow, Conkeldurr, Reuniclus,
Liepard, Bisharp, Scrafty, Krookodile Krookodile, Chandelure, Braviary

While Grimsley comes from old Alder was the first champion
money, his family has got not of it in the Unova reason, originally
left. While he seldom shares how just assigned to the position.
their riches were lost, he talks an aw- Whenever challenged, he defended his title until he was finally
ful lot about gambling and its lure. He believes that there’s no defeated after a decade of service and then he retired. Alder
point complaining about what you’re dealt and instead should wanders aimlessly around Unova, though he usually finds him-
always do the most with what you’ve got. He always maneuvers self coming upon someone in danger and comes to their aid. He
his Pokémon into extremely risky situations in battle, even if is very reflective and meditates on his thoughts daily. He’s a
there is only a slight chance for an excellent payoff. However, careful combatant, always considering multiple options before
Grimsley’s chances always turn out to be better than they seem. acting.

Caitlin Iris
Psychic Type Ace (Dragon)

Special Features -

Overflowing Strength: Caitlin’s Pokémon each have +3 Special Special Features -

Attack. Champion’s Grace: 3/day, if Iris would fail a skill check or an
Favored Pokémon: Musharna, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Metagross, accuracy check of some kind, she instead succeeds.
Alakazam Favored Pokémon: Haxorus, Hydreigon, Dragonite, Lapras,
Caitlin is a psychic with an overwhelming amount of power Aggron, Archeops
that she can barely contain. She exhausts herself daily just keep- Iris is the current reigning champion of Unova. She claimed
ing her massive well of power in check. At the same time, she’s her champion title from the champions who displaced Alder.
able to intensely train her Pokémon with their power against her She travelled through all of Unova to train as her mentor Dray-
own. Caitlin is gentle, never wanting to cause excessive harm, den instructed her to. She spent one year serving as a gym lead-
but will often end battles quickly if possible so she may return to er before taking the champion’s seat. Her youth and overflowing
focusing on keeping her psychic powers in check. enthusiasm empower her Pokémon and leads them to victory.
Iris loves fighting the strongest trainers there are and can’t wait
to fight anyone who’s worthy of the champion title.

Team Plasma Ghetsis

Team Plasma's original goal was to "liberate" all Pokémon Ghetsis is the leader of the new
from their Trainers, by either convincing the Trainer to release Team Plasma. He is almost constantly
their Pokémon, or by theft. At this time, their spiritual leader, on the run, being sought by world law
“N,” convinced thousands of people to release their Pokémon to enforcement, reformed Team Plas-
the wild, even trainers who had developed close bonds and ma, and most of Unova’s league. He
friendship abandoned their Pokémon back to the wild. Ghetsis, continues to sow seeds of chaos by
one of Team Plasma's leaders, exploited the group in an attempt providing stolen Pokémon to bad
to rule Unova as the only one with any Pokémon. people and making them continue to
spread discord. He wants to remove
Pokémon from any threat so his fu-
ture reign can go unchallenged. He
aims to somehow control a legendary Pokémon in order to
achieve these ends as well. Ghetsis is a dangerous person to
corner, willing to attack anyone with his Hydreigon, Cofagrigus,
Seismitoad, Drapion, Toxicroak, and Eelektross.

Zinzolin of the Seven Sages

Zinzolin is the most active of Team
Two years after Team Plasma's defeat, the group returned
Plasma’s Seven Sages. The group itself
with a new goal to simply rule Unova by force. While the new
was once united in their aim to make
organization still exists, it’s not nearly as powerful as the original
N king of Team Plasma and achieve
cult and remaining cells from the original Team Plasma are even
Team Plasma’s goals. Since Ghetsis’
seen combating the new Team Plasma groups.
betrayal of his son’s plans, the sages
Natural Harmonia Gropius are mostly split, either against Ghetsis
and repenting, secretly aiding Ghetsis,
or just playing both sides. Zinzolin is
When N was young, he was or- the most active of the Seven Sages
phaned and left in the woods; and will battle with his Cryogonal team to achieve his ends
there, he was raised by Pokémon which are aligned with Ghetsis. Other than Zinzolin, there is also
and learned to communicate with Gorm, Bronius, Rood, Giallo, Ryoku, and the leader of the sages,
them. He can understand Pokémon Ghetsis.
and even empathically feel what
they feel. He was found by Ghetsis Colress
and raised to be the king of Team The head researcher of Team
Plasma. His natural charisma was Plasma, Colress, works to achieve
used to convince thousands of whatever ends Ghetsis requires.
trainers to abandon their Pokémon Colress despises Ghetsis, but uses
in the wild, even though many wanted to remain with their Team Plasma’s resources in order
trainers. His followers also stole Pokémon from trainers in order to further his research which is to
to free them in random places in the wild. Eventually, his adop- discover the true way to draw out
tive father’s charade was revealed and N turned out just to be a the strength of Pokémon. Even
puppet for Team Plasma to take over Unova with no one able to with dynamax technology, mega
fight back without their Pokémon. N has since disappeared, evolution, and z-moves he still
though some say he has left with a legendary Pokémon and pro- believes there is an even greater
tect Pokémon everywhere in his name. If N battles anyone, hell power locked within. If forced to combat his way out of capture,
simply call upon the help of any nearby wild Pokémon who with- he’ll fight with his Klinklang, Magnezone, Metgross, Rotom,
out fail come to his call. Beheeyem, or Porygon-Z.

Other Trainers of Unova… Hilbert

Benga Strategist

Special Features -
Stronger and Stronger!: When Hil-
Favored Pokémon: Dragonite,
bert’s Pokémon knock out an oppo-
Garchomp, Volcarona
nent’s Pokémon, all of their stats are
Benga is Alder’s grandson raised +1 until the end of the encoun-
and excitedly trains while trav- ter. This effect stacks up to three
eling across Unova challenging times.
everyone he thinks might be
Favored Pokémon: Samurott,
powerful. He’s not particularly
Braviary, Musharna, Galvantula,
focused in strategy but his raw
Carracosta, Roggenrola
strength is something to respect. One can only imagine what
he’ll eventually become considering where he already is if he Hilbert was a champion of Unova,
can focus his strength. but chose not to defend his title. Hil-
bert is close friends with Hilda, Che-
ren, and Bianca and together they
Researcher / Scientist helped to prevent a terrible fate for Unova. Hibert is eager to
battle anyone at what he considers an ‘even’ level. Hilbert be-
Favored Pokémon: Musharna
lieves that when evenly matched, true strength can be brought
Fennel is the leading scientist in the out from within to break through any conventional mental barri-
world capable of inducing dream world ers. He’s easy going and keeps calm in order to take in every-
sleep. Her technologies even allow her thing he can and excel when the right moment presents itself.
machines to produce items from
dream smoke that originate from
dreams that she can watch with her Rising Star
machines. She’s always happy to show
Special Features -
off her machine’s abilities and extract
dreams to create something from Overcome!: When Hilda’s Poké-
them. Fennel is bright and gentle na- mon are afflicted, she rolls two
tured. She intends to keep her ma- savings throws for cure roll, al-
chines safe from anyone who would ways using the better result.
look to abuse her invention.
Favored Pokémon: Emboar,
Mandibuzz, Reuniclus,
Alomomola, Stunfisk, Sawsbuck

Hilda was a champion of Uno-

va, but chose not to defend her
title. Hilda is close friends with
Hilbert, Cheren, and Bianca and
together they helped to prevent
a terrible fate for Unova. Cheerful
and proud of her strength, Hilda
boasts around eager to meet new challenges. She’s certainly up
for anything, as she has received multiple lead parts in movies
made at PokéStar Studios as a walk-on audition. Challenges
seem to bring the best out of Hilda, calling her to overcome any
obstacle in her way.

Nate Bianca
Officer Researcher

Special Features - Favored Pokémon: Emboar,

Stoutland, Musharna, Mienshao,
Gotcha!: The first time Nate’s Poké-
Abomasnow, Nidoqueen
mon are targeted by an attack that
fails its accuracy check each combat, As the extremely eager and some-
Nate’s Pokémon automatically suc- times clumsy assistant to Professor
ceed their next attack against the Juniper, Bianca often finds herself
same attacker. Nate’s Pokémon do busy all day long. Bianca is close
not roll accuracy checks to hit in this friends with Hilbert, Hilda, and Che-
way. ren and tries to meet up with them
often to test her skills. While she nev-
Favored Pokémon: Samurott,
er became a champion or gym leader
Kabutops, Gliscor, Escavalier, Lucario,
like her friends, she still greatly loves
her current interests that involve
Nate is a secret agent who helps helping to distribute Pokémon to new trainers. Her encourage-
international law enforcement weed out Team Plasma and hunts ment and bright smiles lead to many trainers having a extra skip
down Ghestsis. While he’s not very public about his status, many in their step as they leave for their adventures.
of his friends know. He temporarily held the champion title in
Unova, but chose not to defend it. Nate is an adaptive combat- Hugh
ant, constantly looking for advantages and trying to use the field, Ace Trainer
his Pokémon, and even himself to every advantage possible.
Special Features -
Battle Quarry: Hugh’s Pokémon deal
Underdog +4 damage against Pokémon being
used by a Team Plasma member.
Special Features -
Favored Pokémon: Seviper,
Time to Energize!: 1/day, Rosa can
Eelektross, Unfezant, Bouffalant,
shout loudly as an action to encour-
Flygon, Simisear
age her Pokémon, recovering their
1/day or 3/day frequency moves as Hugh is an extremely aggressive
if they have had a long rest. trainer who is friendly to anyone
who’s up for a battle. He’s close
Favored Pokémon: Serperior,
friends with Nate and Rosa, though it
Accelgor, Amoonguss, Lilligant,
seems there’s something that’s stop-
Delibird, Simipour
ping him from rising to his friends’
Rosa is a confident and powerful level of strength. He deeply hates
trainer. She loves challenges only those who are any group that refers
because they’re a bump in her way to themselves as Team Plasma. He doesn’t care if someone was
that she gets to overcome. Some tricked and look to make up for their actions- if you’re wearing a
have described her as someone who Team Plasma uniform, you’re worthy of his wrath. Hugh works
struggles to hide her power. She has to squash Team Plasma and free any stolen Pokémon they may
defeated Unova’s champion before but declined to hold the title have hostage and return them to their proper owners.
so she could continue to explore and get stronger. It seems that
Rosa’s enthusiasm alone could power her Pokémon to the top of
any challenge completely unhindered.

Unova might be the most densely city-covered place in the
whole world. Still, there are beautiful wild spaces between each
major city worth exploring. There is even a Battle subway that Kalos features a vast network of rivers and waterways
travels across the region as well. snaking through much of its landscape, cities and towns. To its
north is a mountain range where more frigid temperatures exist,
extending down into the plains below. Its western shores meet
the ocean.

Important Towns and Cities

Aquacorde Town
Aquacorde is a small town without much action, except for
the yearly rush of new trainers. Professor Sycamore chooses
Aquacorde to host Kalos’ starter distributions every year.

Professor Augustine Sycamore

Researcher / Evolver

Special Features -

Mega Evolution Expert: Sycamore

is an expert on Mega Evolution and can
identify if a Pokémon is capable of Mega
Evolution and what kinds of bonuses
it will gain.

Professor Sycamore is the Pokémon

league’s choice as the league professor
in Kalos. His expertise focuses on Mega
Evolution and is well liked for his own
battle prowess by the league. He has a
massive laboratory in Lumiose City where he studies Mega Evo-
lution in action in his in-house battlefields. He even has a lab
that is used to create artificial mega stones. Sycamore is a deter-
mined researcher who follows any trail of information to its end.

Sycamore loves to distribute starters ever year for the league

and inspires a love of Mega Evolution with demonstrations dur-
ing seminars leading up to distribution day. This can sometimes
be a problem, as Mega Evolution stones and rings are not exact-
ly easy to come by. The professor holds his event in Aquacorde
Town as it’s a much less busy location for thousands of trainers
to flock to a year- it’d be a mess in Lumiose where his lab is. He’s
always happy to help those in need when he can, so he ends up
spending some time in Aquacorde every year to set up and stick
around for new trainers who are choosing starters.

.Santalune City Lumiose City
Filled with gardens and flowerbeds, Santalune makes for a Lumiose City is the largest city in Kalos by far, being five times
wonderful place to visit for travelers and Pokémon alike. It’s a the size of the next largest city in the region. It has the largest
relatively small city, but still busy for passers through due to its shopping district, game corners and amusement parks, Professor
league gym. Sycamore’s Laboratory, a massive museum, some of the best
hotels in the world, world-class restaurants and cafes, a battle
school, and a league gym under the world-famous Prism Tower.


Special Features -
Photographic Reflex: 3/day, when an
opponent uses a move that they
have already hit one of Viola’s Poké- Special Features -
mon with, they must roll +2 during
The Future is Now: 3/day,
accuracy check in order to hit her
if Clemont uses an item on
his Pokémon, they get +3
Favored Pokémon: Vivillon, during their next accuracy
Masquerain, Butterfree, Beautifly, check.
Favored Pokémon:
Viola is an avid photographer who Heliolisk, Magnezone,
is never seen without her camera in Emolga, Manectric, Raichu
hand. Viola believes that even
As an avid engineer and
though moments of beauty may be
inventor, Clemont is al-
fleeting, a skilled photographer can
ways creating more and more ways to improve the world. Some-
share that moment forever so is al-
times his inventions are pretty useless or over-engineered, but
ways happily photographing ever
much of his inventions currently run his gym all by themselves.
moment of joy or action she sees. She always has a smile on her
He even has robotic staff throughout Prism Tower and various
face and an even bigger smile when she’s taking a shot of some-
screening rooms to root out challengers who would only take
thing amazing.
him away from his inventing, He usually screens would-be chal-
In battle, she’s still taking pictures. She uses her powers of lengers with technical questions about training Pokémon.
observation to minimize threats as battle continues but also to
In battle, some might say Clemont over-thinks a solution to
look for weak points. She uses her Pokémon’s incapacitating
defeating his foes. While this may be true, more often than not
moves in order to gain an edge with her otherwise fragile Poké-
his results speak for themselves as he boots trainers out the
mon. By covering her foes in webs and powders, they’re so de-
door with victory after victory. Clemont is enthusiastic when
bilitated that she can secure victory.
speaking to others about potential technology-related solutions
to even mundane problems and can even be pulled away from
his own work when a new idea suddenly strikes.

Camphrier Town Ambrette Town
Camphrier is an old town with old buildings and old castles. As a small coastal cove town, Ambrette provides a quiet geta-
Many people who live in Camphrier are not any kind of trainer, way for visitors. As a bonus, visitors can see Ambrette’s beauti-
instead just living in the town and maintaining its ancient struc- ful aquarium or visit their fossil reanimation laboratory.

Cyllage City
Cyllage is a cycling town with miles of cliffside paths and even
a path that goes out onto a hard rock path over the ocean wa- Geosenge Town
ter. The cliffsides also feature beautiful bouldering walls that the
Geosenge is surrounded by monolithic stone structures, told
league gym leader built their gym around.
to be from an ancient time. The people in Geosenge watch after
the stones to see if any of them suddenly move or glow as that
is a sign that precedes a terrible catastrophe.


Special Features -

Rock Climbing: Grant’s Poké-

mon all have the Climber skill. Shalour City
Favored Pokémon: Aurorus, Shalour is a beachside city with the Tower of Mastery off its
Tyrantrum, Cradily, Anorith, shore. The city has many beachside vacation spots and a league
Aerodactyl gym. The gym is located next to the tower of mastery and inside
Grant is a skilled mountain is a massive roller derby ring.
climber who loves taking on
challenges. On top of being a
world-class boulderer, he’s also an amazing cyclist who can com-
pete with Olympian athletes. Without fail, Grant will climb any
new building or wall he comes across. He’s even free climbed
Prism Tower. Grant has even created his gym for anyone to
practice their free-climbing. He’ll constantly race his best times,
making each path and wall more difficult as time goes by.

Grant’s battlefield in his gym is covered in crags and raised

terrain. The rocky surfaces are difficult to navigate for most but
his Pokémon are trained to free climb almost as well as he is. If
that advantage wasn’t enough, his Pokémon are pretty tough,
too. Grant is a fan of fossil reanimation and has trained a team
of fossilized Pokémon.

Korrina Ramos
Athlete Botanist

Special Features - Special Features -

Fancy Footwork: Korrina’s Nurturing Growth: Ramos’ Pokémon

Pokémon can move +10 ft all have +1 Attack or +1 Special At-
after attacking. tack.

Favored Pokémon: Lucario, Favored Pokémon: Gogoat,

Hawlucha, Pangoro, Victreebel, Jumpluff, Bellossom,
Mienshao, Machamp Exeggutor

Korrina is a powerful gym Ramos is a nearly-retired gym

leader who has mastered leader who spends most of his day
Mega Evolution and often uses its power with her Lucario. She grooming the massive bonsai cov-
has an extremely energetic personality and is always excited to ered gym he works out of. The gym
meet new people, especially if they want to challenge her. She is a massive system of trees planted on top of each other and
works out on her roller skates constantly, pushing her Pokémon further covered with many small bonsai. He also grows many
to be as fast as she is on her skates. kinds of tea plants so he may enjoy fresh-cut tea at all time. He
dotes on his Pokémon as much as he does his plants and is very
In battle, Korrina is very excitable and her energy is almost
meticulous in his care.
like a snowball that keeps growing and growing the longer it’s
allowed to roll. Korrina’s Pokémon rush around the field of bat- Ramos likes to battle in his sunroof-lit stadium and have his
tle striking while passing by quickly. Korrina does not hold back, Pokémon set up sunshine. His Pokémon have many different
even if her opponent does not have a Mega Evolution them- moves that benefit from sunlight, both offensive and defensive.
selves. She knows her Pokémon’s power and intends to use it. Before battle he likes to calm his mind and will over challengers
to sit down with him and drink some tea. During these meetings
Coumarine City
he often finds out a thing or two about his opponent that might
Coumarine is a beautiful port city with lush green forests and be advantageous in battle.
tall cliffsides. Most of Kalos’ exports leave through Coumarine.
Laverre City
The league gym is housed inside a massive system of trees.
In Lavarre, there are many great trees that have mysteriously
grown to tower over buildings. The city seems a little strange,
then with such massive trees dwarfing everything around. A
league gym is at the base of Laverre’s largest tree.

Valerie Anistar City
Designer Anistar’s most interesting site to visit is a massive sundial
that’s covered in a mysterious crystalline structure. The city is a
gathering place of other oddities and it’s no wonder the league
gym also has its fair share of oddities.

Special Features -

Disorienting Display: Valerie’s Pokémon all have +1 Special De- Olympia

Favored Pokémon: Sylveon, Mawile, Mr. Mime, Aromatisse,
Florges Special Features -

Valerie is an almost alien personality in the world of gym

leaders. She speaks in whimsical observations and wears elabo-
rate contacts that make her eyes look like they’re popping out.
She wears layers and layers of heavy cosplay that blends with a
furisode kimono style to create her own look. She also prefers
that all of her gym trainers participate in her dress up- at least as
far as wearing furisode kimono as well. She’s a bit spacey, too as
she has trouble focusing on any subject for long.

Once she’s battling, Valaerie seems to play with her oppo-

nents and make battles go on longer when she can. Her Poké-
mon will dance across the battlefield and use infatuation tactics
to distract Pokémon from harming her team. Once a Pokémon is Cosmic Flow: Olympia’s Pokémon all have +1 Defense or +1 Spe-
entranced by her own Pokémon’s displays, the battle is basically cial Defense.
over. Favored Pokémon: Meowstic (F), Meowstic (M), Slowking,
Sigilyph, Unown (SIGHT)
Dendemille Town
Olympia’s gym doubles as a psychic training school letting
A town covered by windmills and farms. Dendemille is a nice
people practice their various kinds of telepathic or telekinetic
retreat in Kalos, filled with charming and rustic bed-and-
powers, all with Olympia guiding their progress. Olympia has a
talent for sensing the flow of someone’s destiny and will even
be able to see one’s fate while holding their hands. Even her
whole appearance seems to shimmer from her innate psychic
powers constantly releasing off of her as if you’re looking at a
galaxy swirling in her cape.

Olympia will often seem to wear a blank expression when

battling. She’s focusing on seeing the outcome of the battle and
looking for every opportunity to change the battle’s outcome in
her favor. Sometimes, she will silently begin to float upwards as
she reads the future and telepathically communicates with her

Snowbelle City Couriway Town
Built near the peak of Kalos’ tallest Mountain, Snowbelle is a A city of waterfalls and canals, Couriway serves as a place for
city always covered in snow. It has a league gym for those who coordinators to take in the sights before participating in contests
wish to journey across the treacherous terrain necessary to get at the Contest Hall.

Wulfric Lumiose City Championship

Type Ace (Ice)
When it comes to hosting Kalos’ regional championships,
there’s really no other choice but Lumiose. Lumiose has all of the
resources needed to host the massive championship and the
rush of fans who come can be supported with all of the hotels

Special Features -

Ice Wall: If Wulfric’s Pokémon has been hit once during an en-
counter, it has +2 Defense for the remainder of the encounter.
While there, competitors can enjoy any number of amenities
Favored Pokémon: Avalugg, Abomasnow, Cryogonal, Walrein, such as luxury hotels, spas, amusements parks, and gym training
Sandslash (Icy Mountain) areas while in the massive city. Kalos’ Elite 4 is made up of Mal-
Wulfric is usually away from his gym, looking after the nearby va, Siebold, Wikstrom, and Drasna.
Pokémon Village sanctuary, where abused Pokémon have es-
caped to. He deeply cares for Pokémon, his or otherwise. He
despises those who might look down of any Pokémon as they
are all thinking creatures with feelings. When found, he’ll often
judge whether or not he’ll accept a trainer’s challenge- rejecting
those he believes might be unkind to their Pokémon.

Wulfric battles aggressively to the point when he even be-

comes slightly impatient, relying on his Pokémon’s natural
toughness. He likes when his challenger is motivated and driven
through the battle and wants to see their fiery, burning passion.
Wulfric believes progress and victories can be achieved if the
trainer really trusts his Pokémon. He wants to see this during the
battle and sometimes changes his strategy to see that passion.

Malva Wikstrom
Rising Star Martial Artist

Special Features - Special Features -

Fire Warning: 3/day if Malva’s Pokémon uses Point of Honor: 3/day, if any of
an attack that can Burn, it successfully Burns Wikstrom’s Pokémon are
the target on hit. Stunned, Asleep, Paralyzed, or
Frozen and then hit with an
Favored Pokémon: Pyroar, Torkoal,
attack, they are cured of the
Chandelure, Talonflame, Houndoom
affliction, may immediately use
Malva is an ex-Team Flare member who Endure as a free action, and
believed in their public goal, but had no idea have Priority with all of their
about the real goal Lysandre was working to- moves during the next round of
wards. She is a newscaster for the Kalos region combat.
and has a big reputation to uphold, which she
has been trying to rebuild since Team Flare Favored Pokémon: Aegislash, Scizor, Klefki, Probopass, Steelix
turned out to be an evil organization. Malva seems to always be Wikstrom is quite chivalric, reveling in a fair and honorable
sneering at her opponents, as if her stares could light her foes Pokémon battle. He comes from a long line of knighthood that,
aflame alone. She burns down her competition and works to while no longer very relevant in modern times, still holds some
stop challengers from getting any further in their trials. bearing of honor in a culturally significant way. His Pokémon
match his chivalry and will often wait for their chance to attack,
rather than striking while an opponent is down he’ll wait for
Chef them to stand before defeating them outright.
Special Features - Drasna
Dine and Dash: If Siebold’s Pokémon con- Strategist
sume a food-related held item during
combat, they have +3 Speed until the end Special Features -
of combat. Dragon’s Well of Strength:
Favored Pokémon: Clawitzer, Barbaracle, Each of Drasna’s Pokémon
Starmie, Gyarados, Blastoise ignore stat lowering effects
of their opponent’s attacks.
Like his food, Siebold believes Poké-
mon battling is art. Also like his food, it is Favored Pokémon: Noivern,
fleeting and only truly appreciated in the Altaria, Druddigon,
moment it is experienced. He wishes to Dragalge, Garchomp
see others draw out the potential each Drasna is a loving trainer
Pokémon has so he may bear witness to who cares deeply for every-
incredible moments only enjoyable in the one unequivocally. Even
moment. This means he often strikes those who might be filled with hate or evil intent will still be
quickly and decisively; any Pokémon who withstands his power- cared for by Drasna if they are injured or in mortal danger,
ful attacks will surely make a wonderful performance after- though she will not tolerate their intolerance or grabs for pow-
wards. er. Her strength comes for a deep respect for the order of the
universe and the Dragon-types she raises. With her guidance
and care while training her Pokémon, the overwhelming force
she tends to display is not surprising.

Diantha Lysandre
Coordinator / Rising Star The leader of Team Flare is Lysan-
dre, a wealthy philanthropist who
Special Features -
shaped public opinion to give him
Champion’s Grace: 3/day, if power and influence where he could
Diantha would fail a skill check abuse his position. He aimed to control
or an accuracy check of some everyone loyal to him and wipe out
kind, she instead succeeds. any who did not subjugate themselves
Favored Pokémon: Gardevoir, to him. Lysandre had imprisoned an
Hawlucha, Tyrantrum, Aurorus, immortal king from an ancient civiliza-
Goodra, Gourgeist tion to learn about a weapon that
would wipe everyone her wanted from
Diantha is a famous movie
the planet and planned to use a leg-
star whose fame actually came
endary Pokémon to power the weap-
from her champion title. After
on. When he failed, he disappeared in
becoming a champion, many
disgrace and has no been seen since.
who saw her beauty made her into leads for various world-
Some believe he is positioning a pup-
famous dramas. She takes special interest in trainers who pique
pet leader to try and repeat his evil
her interest and will sometimes take them under her wings to
plan, though many in Geosenge, the
nurture their growth and become a worthy challenger to her
location of the subterranean weapon,
title as champion. In battle, she releases the full strength of her
are ready to call for aid if any such thing happens again. Lysan-
Mega Gardevoir and elegantly defeat any opposition to her posi-
dre was a dangerous combatant who would enlist his Pyroar,
Honchkrow, Mienshao, and Mega Gyarados to eliminate his ene-
Team Flare mies.

Team Flare’s goal was to create a better and more beautiful Xerosic
world, which looked great on paper but proved to be misleading Lysandre’s lead scientist had a
because they tried to simply eliminate anyone in their way who cruel interest in brainwashing and
did not follow their standards. Their standards could change at mind control technology. He’s
the drop of a hat, essentially proving this gang to be nothing been captured more than once,
more than villains wearing the appearance of a charitable organ- but keeps escaping through vari-
ization. ous means. Lysandre planned to
use his technology to convert un-
willing but useful people to Team
Flare’s cause. When backed into a
Since the disbanding of Team corner, he wasn’t very impressive
Flare, rogue cells still run about but would still defend himself with
doing damage in the name of his Crobat, Granbull, and Malamar.
Team Flare. With Lysandre miss-
ing, they grab power where they
can and cause harm to whomever
stands in their way. If Lysandre
ever returns, he still holds the
knowledge necessary to wipe the
world of everything he deems

Aliana, Bryony, Celosia, and Mable Other Trainers of Kalos…
These four Team Flare scientists led all of team’s research Alexa
and development. They originally were dedicated to improving
the world and helping those in need like Lysandre. Eventually, Watcher
they all became disillusioned; the world would be much better Favored Pokémon: Helioptile, Gogoat,
off without hundreds of millions of humans who were actively Noivern
ruining it.
Alex is a talented investigative jour-
Aliana is primarily interested in technologi- nalist. Like her younger sister, Viola,
cal advances in energy. She was tasked with she’ll also take pictures of everything
making a suitable energy source to power the she sees though she doesn’t have Vio-
ultimate weapon if Lysandre couldn’t find a la’s artistic eye. Alexa likes to follow the
legendary to harness its power from. After progress of promising challengers in the
realizing no easy amount of human technolo- league circuit, hoping she’ll get a scoop
gy could easily power the weapon, she fo- about the next champion-to-be.
cused on means to capture and use a legend-
ary Pokémon’s power. Alina fights using her AZ
Mightyena, Seviper, and Druddigon. ???
Bryony is the operations research analyst and Favored Pokémon:
statistician for all of Team Flare’s science and tech- Torkoal, Golurk,
nology division. She analyzes every outcome possi- Sigilyph, Floette
ble to determine the best use of Team Flare’s re-
sources and maximize their financial influence. If AZ is a disheveled
she’s ever wrong about her analysis, it’s while bat- seemingly man, tow-
ering over 9 feet tall.
tling. Still, she’ll try to put up a fight with her
He is quiet and rare-
Liepard, Purugly, and Bisharp.
ly engages with oth-
In addition to her tasks assigned as a scientist, Celosia was ers, preferring to
also a Team Flare recruiting specialist. Sometimes she would observe. In reality,
leverage new members into joining Team Flare he is an immortal
or would convince them that it was the wisest human who is well
choice for them. After inducting a new mem - over three-thousand
ber and adding their wealth to the organiza- years old. He wan-
tions, she’d be better funded for her ders Kalos looking for trainers to battle. He was once Lysandre’s
own endeavors or go out prisoner as he holds the secrets to activating Kalos’ ultimate
and find more minds to bring weapon. He is unsure how he became immortal, but it’s likely to
to the cause. She usually would combat threats with her Manec- be related to his using the ultimate weapon thousands of years
tric, Drapion, and Aegislash. ago to end a war.
Mable’s work focused on bringing out power
from individual Pokémon. She would prod and
poke at enraged Pokémon to make them act out
even more and release more kinds of power.
Supposedly her research would have been used
on whatever legendary Pokémon Lysandre cap-
tured in order to best force it to release energy
to power the ultimate weapon. She looked down
on anyone who in her eyes was not strong
enough to harm Pokémon for power. She has a
Houndoom, Weavile, and Zigzagoon for battle.

Calem Shauna
Strategist / Evolver Rising Star

Special Features - Special Features -

Mega Burst!: Calem can use Mega Evolution Discovery: Shauna’s Pokémon are not
as many times as he’d like per day, but may affected by any move’s effects except for
still only use any one Mega Evolution once damage if they have already been hit
per 10 mins. with that attack during this combat.

Favored Pokémon: Chesnaught, Kangaskhan, Favored Pokémon: Greninja,

Charizard, Manectric, Gengar, Pinsir Mamoswine, Furfrou, Delcatty, Goodra,
Calem is a natural when it comes to Mega
Evolution. From a young age he had a natural Shauna is an eager and still growing
tendency to pull out hidden power within friend and rival of both Calem and Sere-
Pokémon. He became a celebrity at a young na. While she’s never personally been
age and with his mastery of Mega Evolution, able to defeat either in battle, she grows stronger and closer to
Calem became a one-time champion of Ka- each of them every day, even as they both keep growing as well.
los. He prefers to remain out of the spot light and has since Her enthusiasm only matched by her determination. She plans
stepped down from his title. He’s a quiet individual but becomes to aim for the champion if she can finally defeat Calem and Sere-
extremely animated when in battle, throwing his heart into eve- na in a battle. Shauna helped Calem and Serena save Kalos from
ry move his Pokémon performs. Calem along with his friends a terrible fate.
Serena, Shauna, Trevor, and Tierno helped to save Kalos from a
terrible fate.
Special Features -
Rising Star / Designer
Learning: Trevor’s Pokémon have +1
Special Features -
during accuracy check for each time his
Shining!: Serena’s Pokémon may Pokémon has already hit a target with
use the moves Sweet Kiss or At- the same move they are currently using
tract at-will as their action. during this combat.

Favored Pokémon: Delphox, Favored Pokémon: Florges, Raichu,

Talonflame, Sylveon, Rhydon, Aerodactyl, Tyrantrum, Aurorus,
Absol, Clefable Vanilluxe

Serena has really gained a Trevor studies intensely to become a

popular following after becoming famous scholar. While he’s not as driven
Kalos’ champion. She has since to be a top-notch trainer anymore, he’s
retired to pursue fame on televi- still often dragged into training sessions
sion and movie screens, but real- by Shauna. He’s quiet at times, as he’s often studying everything
ly shines in the public eye. She’s an extremely caring friend who and taking notes on his smart devices but can go on for hours
always checks in on those she cares about, especially her shut-in about his studies or areas of interest. Trevor helped Calem and
friend Calem. In battle, she draws crowds and even her oppo- Serena save Kalos from a terrible fate.
nent to her Pokémon’s charms. Here, her bright smile is only so
bright because she’s getting closer to her next victory. Serena
along with her friends Calem, Shauna, Trevor, and Tierno helped
to save Kalos from a terrible fate.

Tierno Alola
Alola is a beautiful tropical island region with an emerging
Special Features - Pokémon League. While it has been approved to become part of
Dancing on the Dancefloor: the worldwide Pokémon League association, it still needs to de-
When a foe attacks one of cide on all of its league representatives before the Pokémon
Tierno’s Pokémon with a non- League funds the creation of gyms and other facilities. Until
damaging attack, they must roll these things have been settled on, Alola is still one of the nicest
+3 during accuracy check to hit places to vacation in, relax around, and explore.
against his Pokémon’s Speed.
Alola’s Four Main Islands
Favored Pokémon: Ludicolo,
Crawdaunt, Roserade, Melemele Island
Talonflame, Hawlucha, Oricorio Melemele is the most densely populated island of Alola and
Tierno is a masterful performer, always stepping in rhythm also the most visited island by foreign tourists. It has the most
with battle and spinning around while excited. His Pokémon all cityscapes, world-class hotel avenues, and massive shopping
districts. It’s where many adventuring trainers begin their jour-
have their own rhythms and flow while moving around on the
ney since Professor distributes starts at Iki Town on Melemele.
battlefield, too. Tierno’s high energy keeps his Pokémon moving,
Also found on Melemele Island is Hau’oli City, Alola’s largest city
constantly reacting to their foes. While Tierno used to be driven
in the region that is made of four large city-districts that are all
to reach the top of the league circuit, he now just wants to bust
connected together.
a move and become an amazing world-recognized dancer with
his Pokémon. Tierno helped Calem and Serena save Kalos from a
terrible fate.

Kalos is a place of beauty throughout its lands. It’s architec-

ture and landscapes are unlike any other in the world.

Akala Island
Akala is the second most densely populated island of Alola
and has many tourist destinations as well as several beautiful
locations to trek out to from towns and cities. It also has the
active volcano, Vela, to check out, as well several massive stadi-
ums that will likely be absorbed into gyms soon enough. Akala
has Heahea City, Paniola Town, Royal Avenue, Konikoni City, and
the Hano Grand Hotel Village.

.Ula’ula Island Iki Town
Ula’ula is the largest island in Alola’s island chain, though its Iki Town is a small town where traditions have been passed
sparsely populated. It has the tallest mountain in Alola, Mount down for many generations. Already ahead of the game, Iki
Lanakila, which is also the tallest mountain in the world from Town has begun yearly starter distributions for the Pokémon
base to peak (its base starts underwater). Ula’ula had Malie City, league with Professor Kukui.
Malie City’s massive Malie Garden, Po Town, and Mount Hoku-

Professor Kukui
Researcher / Stat Ace (Attack) / Stat Ace (Sp.Atk)

Poni Island Special Features -

Poni is a massive proving ground with many areas with strong Go! Z-Move!: Professor Kukui can
wild areas. Still, it has some small human settlements like the let his Pokémon use another Z-
Seafolk Village, and the Battle Tree which is run much like a Bat- Move after one round of combat.
tle Tower in other regions. There are vast plains, harsh canyons,
Favored Pokémon:
dense jungles, and harsh rocky shores filled with powerful wild
Lycanroc (Day), Magnezone,
Pokémon all over the island.
Crabominable, Braviary, Snorlax,
Ninetales (Icy Mountain)

Professor Kukui works to estab-

lish Alola’s Pokémon League. He’s
an eager former champion in an-
other region far away, and puts
aside time each day to do stacks of
paperwork and legwork to get
Alola’s league up and running. He’s
an expert on Pokémon attacks and
is particularly interested in studying
Important Towns and Cities
Z-Moves. He loves teaching Z-Move
As Alola plans to build gyms, these cities and towns serve as poses to trainers who happen to be
the most likely locations for gyms throughout Alola’s four major blessed with a Z-Ring, He knows all of them by heart.
islands. In each of these locations, promising individuals who are
Professor Kukui also works to find a proper champion for the
likely future gym leaders, elites, or maybe more are shown
Pokémon league. He believes it’s somewhere in the next genera-
tion, and has already eyed two trainers who have beaten him
while he was going all out, but those individuals are not quite
ready to represent the islands on a global scale. Kukui’s still got
all of the power he did in his youth and even tests would-be
champions after trainers pass Alola’s trials.

Hau’oli City Heahea City
Hau’oli is a large sprawling city that made up for four large Heahea is a tourist destination with many spruced up hotels
city districts. There’s the hotel district which has rows and rows and shopping districts. While not as busy and massive as Hau’oli,
of high-class hotels, the business district where nearly every it is a nice change of pace for people who want to take it easier.
company that operates in Alola owns at least part of an office
building, the shopping district made up of several massive malls
and department
stores, and the
market district
which has tens of
farmers markets
daily and some of Royal Avenue
the best restau-
Royal Avenue is a large amusement park-town that also fea-
rants in the world.
tures a large stadium and a
small shopping district. It’s
located at the base of Wela
Volcano and even has tours
Ilima that lead visitors up to its

Special Features - Kiawe

Daily Lesson: 3/day, if Ilima would fail a Type Ace (Fire)
skill check related to Special Attack, he Special Features -
Fire Within: Kiawe’s
Favored Pokémon: Smeargle, Gumshoos, Pokémon’s deal +4
Raticate (Island), Diggersby, Komala damage against
Ilima has travelled a lot in his youth, Burned targets.
learning at different private academies Favored Pokémon:
worldwide. He’s fond of working with Marowak (Volcanic),
trainers who might want to know more Salazzle, Turtonator,
about Pokémon battling, or any other kind Arcanine, Talonflame
of Pokémon-related subject. He has a very
gentle heart and always looks for ways to Kiawe is a hot-
help those in need. blooded man who
seemingly has a limit-
His battle style is reactive, constantly less well of energy.
adjusting to new challenges as new information is gathered He’s always seen
about his opponent. Ilima is enthusiastic in defeat, thrilled to training himself physically, performing a fire-knife dancing with
learn a new weakness of his while seeing a new strategy or his Pokémon, or eating. He plans to serve as one of Alola’s Elite
strength in his opponent. If asked, he will run a trial for traveling 4 so he wants to keep growing in strength until it’s official, and
trainers related to exploring the Verdant Caverns, a very lush then more after that. He’s very competitive and that drive keeps
series of caves outside of Hau’oli City. pushing him towards his next goal.

In battle he burns his opponents and keeps the flames com-

ing. The unending assault is usually enough to overwhelm oppo-
nents, but he doesn’t let up until he’s sure his foe is finished. If
asked for a trial, he pushes trial goers to climb Wela Volcano
with their Pokémon and perform a ritual at its peak.

Paniola Town Mallow
Paniola Town is a collection of massive farmlands that all Chef
branch off from a central town center. Berries, vegetables, and
Special Features -
even Pokémon are all raised and farmed in the various connect-
ed acres of farmland. Peculiar Taste: Mallow’s Poké-
mon love anything she makes,
making them always exceeding-
ly happy and benefiting from
flavor bonuses.

Favored Pokémon: Tsareena,

Lurantis, Trevenant, Shiinotic,

Mallow works with her family

at a region-famous restaurant.
It’s not very large, but always
has a line out the door from
open to close. She loves experi-
menting with foods and invent-
Lana ing new astonishing meals that either blow someone’s mind or
Capture Specialist extinguishes their appetite. She’s very close with Lana and to-
gether they’ll go on adventures in Alola.
Special Features -
Mallow’s Pokémon are always full of energy and happy to be
Fishing Master: When
battling, they have a lot of food to work out of their system and
Lana is making a capture
they’ve got energy for days. Mallow runs trials when asked to
attempt against a Water
involving foraging for specific and rare ingredients in the Lush
-type Pokémon, she rolls
Jungle north of Paniola.
twice and uses the bet-
ter result. Malie City
Favored Pokémon: Malie is a coastal city with eastern influences throughout its
Wishiwashi, Araquanid, city’s architecture. Nearly the size of the city itself is the neigh-
Cloyster, Lanturn, boring Malie Garden, which is filled with high-reaching towers,
Primarina beautiful lakes, elaborate gardens, and wild Pokémon.
Lana is a quiet and shy fisher who is an expert angler and sea
diver who looks for Pokémon to catch in the waters surrounding
all of Alola. She’s knowledgeable about both the salt water sur-
roundings and all of the freshwater locations throughout Alola.
She’s got many siblings and works to mind her own business and
keep to herself. Still, Mallow has barged her way into Lana’s life
and they are best friends.

When battling, Lana personality almost completely flips as

she becomes very aggressive and excitable. She has trained
many Pokémon much large than her but seems to tower over
them when dispatching orders during battle. If approached for a
trial, Lana will send trainers out to Brooklet Hill west of Paniola,
to capture specific underwater Pokémon.

Sophocles Nanu
Researcher Officer

Special Features - Special Features -

Analytical Insight: Bad Break: 3/day, Nanu can add this

Sophocles’ Pokémon effect to his Pokémon’s attack for 1
have +1 added to action: “On hit, if you got 12 or higher
their accuracy checks. on Accuracy Check, the target is
Favored Pokémon:
Togedemaru, Favored Pokémon: Persian (Tropical),
Golem (Iron-rich), Absol, Sableye, Krookodile, Honchkrow
Vikavolt, Dedenne,
Nanu feels like he needs to look
over Po Town. He feels his arrests may
Sophocles is a tech-savvy youth with his face always buried in have even further turned some of Po
some device that he’s either learning from or building. Despite Town’s residents further onto the path
his age, he works at the Hokulani Research Facility at the top of they are already on. He lives outside of
Mt. Hokulani, west of Malie City. He likes creating puzzles and its borders and makes sure that wan-
quizzes, but rarely engages with others to actually let them try dering visitors know what they’re get-
the puzzles out. He’s Molayne’s pupil and friend. ting into as they travel closer to Po
Town. He wears a very tough and apa-
In battle Sophocles seems not even to pay attention to battle,
thetic face but has a house filled with
continually looking at his devices and taking notes for future
stray Meowth and is a big softy.
analysis. Sometimes, he might actually lose interest in a battle
due to this habit only coming back in a panic once he remem- Nanu’s battle style has to so with disabling his foe’s Pokémon
bers his Pokémon are waiting for his leadership. If asked to run a in various ways to make them ineffective combatants. He then
trial, he will have trainers solve puzzles, quizzes, and battles will strike to remove his opponents from play. If he’s bothered
rigged against the challenger. for a trial, he’ll have trainers go into Po Town! The mission is
usually to gain the trust and friendship of someone living within
Po Town
Po Town’s borders.
The rundown Po Town is a non-governed space filled with
Aether House
suspicious individuals and others who generally disagree with
established law. The town keeps to itself unless aggravated and The Aether House is a small collection of condominiums on
is generally peaceful unless a particularly bad egg is rolling the southern side of Ula’ula where people live near some sub-
through. urbs along the ocean shore. More than on of the buildings is
entirely free housing for orphans and other people in need.

Acerola Seafolk Village
Type Ace (Ghost) Seafolk Village is one of the only notable towns on Poni Is-
land. Almost the entirety of the rest of island is claimed by pow-
Special Features -
erful wild Pokémon. Seafolk Village is a small fishing town, con-
Light in Everything: 3/day, nected to ruins that have been mostly reclaimed by the wild.
Acerola can add this effect Much of the ruins has been maintained and is now used by peo-
to her Pokémon’s attack ple as well.
for 1 action: “On hit, the
target’s Accuracy Checks
are -1 during their next

Favored Pokémon:
Palossand, Mimikyu,
Dhelmise, Froslass,

Acerola is a bright pres-

ence who loves to spend time with children at day cares and
orphanages. She’s happy with her life even though her family Hapu
used to be like royalty and she now spends most of her time Rider
with those in need. She is very trusting of the supernatural and
Special Features -
understands that the illusions any Pokémon might make are nat-
ural, like anything else any kind of Pokémon may make. Lay of the Land: Hapu’s Pokémon
have +1 to their Special Defense
Acerola is a fierce and determined combatant who keeps up
her offense without letting up. Her Pokémon keep throwing off Favored Pokémon: Mudsdale,
any opponent’s rhythm with afflictions and distractions. Acerola Krookodile, Flygon, Gastrodon,
is very happy to run trials and she usually has people face some Golurk
kind of fear or befriend a wild Pokémon who is fear-inspiring.
Hapu is a powerful trainer who
Aether Paradise looks over the land on the outer
edges of Seafolk Village. At her
The Aether Paradise is a large floating artificial island that
young age, she’s already taken
houses most of the Aether foundation’s technology and staff. It
responsibility for most of the dan-
is built as a massive hospital and reservation for abused Poké-
gerous jobs that you need powerful Pokémon to do in case you
mon. While originally used to house the plans for an evil plan, it
run into wilds. It’s clear that she’s going to be a major player in
has since been under new management and floats all around
Alola’s Pokémon League, but for now she’s focused on the peo-
Alola’s main islands.
ple she cares about.

Hapu’s Pokémon are trained to respect the space around

them and in battle that means being cautious of foes and certain
of strikes. Hapu is calm and serious at all times and issues every
command with certainty. In defeat, she’s still calm and serious as
she reflects on her defeat and considers better options in future
scenarios. If a trainer requests a trial from Hapu, she’ll send
them to retrieve something from Poni’s dangerous wild-
controlled landscapes.

Mina Hala
Watcher Martial Artist

Special Features - Special Features -

Paint Splatter: If Mina’s Pokémon hit a Full Force: Hala’s Poké-

foe in combat, the next time that foe at- mon have +1 to their At-
tempts to target Mina’s Pokémon they tack. Hala’s Pokémon have
must roll +1 during their accuracy check. +2 to their Attack when
below half of their max
Favored Pokémon: Granbull, Ribombee,
HP, instead.
Wigglytuff, Shiinotic, Klefki
Favored Pokémon:
Mina is an absent-minded artist who
Crabominable, Hariyama,
lacks focus when it comes to people, but
Primeape, Bewear,
her almost carefree lifestyle works won-
ders for her artistic talent and Pokémon
training. Mina can usually be found away Hala is a protector of a sacred site on Melemele and is physi-
from towns and cities painting and draw- cally powerful despite his age. He is patient and observant and
ing whatever landscapes and Pokémon sees when it is best to strike or to hold your ground. He’s en-
she sees. She trails off mid-sentence couraging and hopes to be replaced soon, but is clearly one of
when she sees a new thing to paint and always seems to be the strongest trainers in Alola at the moment so is happy to act
somewhere else in her mind while talking to people. as a testing ground for find a proper champion for the region.
Hala loves Alola very much and cares for anyone who would call
Mina’s Pokémon seem to know what to do during battle with
and treat Alola as their home.
little direction. Mina will issue commands, but her Pokémon
seem to act almost randomly and spacey like Mina. Mina is tech- Molayne
nically a trial captain, but when asked for a trail she might just
battle you or tell you that you’ve passed her trial. Just finding
her in the Poni wilds is quite a feat. Special Features -

Manalo Stadium Quick Upgrades: When Molayne’s Poké-

mon avoid a hit from a foe, they gain 1d4
Of the coast of Melemele, Alola has already built an artificial
temporary HP.
island to host its regional championships. Manalo Stadium has
ferries going to any from every few hours all day for those who Favored Pokémon: Dugtrio (Volcanic),
wish to already break in the stadiums for practice and other Sandslash (Icy Mountain), Magnezone,
activities. Skarmory, Metagross

Molayne is a capable trainer who also

happens to be the Alola Pokémon Storage
System administrator on Ula’ula. He
trains often with his younger cousin,
Sophocles, and together they both get
stronger. He is invested in Alola’s future
league and valiantly fights to test anyone who’s want to serve as
Alola’s first champion. He may seem to always be tired, but Mo-
layne seems to work best under a crunch and enjoys to tackle
While there, visitors can enjoy any number of amenities such the extra pressure. When he finally gets to crash, he wakes up
as luxury hotels, spas, amusements parks, and gym training are- read to take on two or three more days of work.
as while in the multi-storied island facility. Until the league is
officially set up, Alola’s Elite 4 is made up Hala, Molayne, Olivia,
Kahili. Professor Kukui is the acting champion of Alola.

Olivia Team Skull
Strategist / Stat Ace (Attack) Team Skull is composed of misfits who have been rejected by
Special Features - various organizations. They steal Pokémon from people, but do
not have a specific goal other than to cause trouble and acquire
Hard as Diamonds: Olivia’s Pokémon
enough money to support themselves. They do not pose a seri-
score critical hits on 19-20 during
ous threat to the wellbeing of Alola and its residents, the majori-
accuracy check. ty of whom consider them thuggish nuisances at worst.
Favored Pokémon: Lycanroc (Night),
Gigalith, Probopass, Relicanth,
Golem (Iron-rich)

Olivia is a seasoned trainer who At one point, they were

has been the toughest trainer on Aka- used as a group to pin the
la for over a decade. She loves beau- misdeeds of the Aether
tiful stones, gems, and shells, adorn- Foundation on when it was
ing herself in flashy jewelry. She thinks her Pokémon are equally being used by Lusamine.
beautiful and will polish their hard edges so they give off brilliant They mostly keep to them-
shines, too. Olivia maintains that she’s just an average woman selves in Po Town now, but
but is beyond fierce in battle, shattering anyone in her way. It’s can occasionally be seen
out around Alola tagging
likely that she’ll continue to play a role in the Elite 4 once Alola’s
things or just being loud
league is official.
annoyances. Usually, a show of strength scares off Team Skull.
Type Ace (Flying)
Guzma was the leader of
Special Features - Team Skull during the Ultra
Long Drive: Kahili’s Poké- Beast insurgence. He worked
mon all have +30 ft to their with Lusamine to try and dis-
ranged attacks’ range. rupt the establishment of
Alola’s Pokémon League. He
Favored Pokémon: rejected the Pokémon league’s
Toucannon, Oricorio (Fire), presence because he was re-
Crobat, Mandibuzz, jected to serve as a league
Hawlucha representative. He’s a fear-
The only confirmed Alola some combatant who strikes
Elite 4 member, Kahili, is a first and keeps the hits coming.
master of the sky and has He was known for a sour atti-
proven herself to be dedi- tude and believed that others
cated to the future of Alola’s Pokémon League. When she isn’t who can’t make something for
working to help establish the league’s presence, she enjoys play- themselves on their first try
ing golf throughout Alola’s islands. Even as a world-class golfer might as well give up and be-
and trainer, she still occasionally has moments of doubt in her come nuisances like the rest of
strength. When this happens, she delves into more and more Team Skull. He is rarely seen in Po Town anymore and is much
training sessions to push further than ever before. Her Pokémon more actively training to become a powerful force in Alola’s fu-
fight all-in, just like Kahili, blasting foes from a distance. ture league. Guzma battles alongside his Golisopod, Vikavolt,
Masquerain, Scizor, and Pinsir.

Plumeria Lusamine
Plumeria was the closest thing to an The Aether Foundation was led
administrator that Team Skull had. She by Lusamine, who gave unlimited
executed plans from Guzma, which actu- love and caring to anyone around
ally turned out to be Lusamine’s plans, her, they were also experimenting
and looked after Team Skull’s members with inter-dimensional travel in
in Po Town. She cared about her found order to expand the amount of be-
family’s well-being and would help Guz- ings that Lusamine could share her
ma take food, supplies, and other neces- love with. Ultimately, her love was
sitates to Po town. She would become rather monstrous as she would
extremely angry and aggressive towards freeze her collected and saved
anyone who threatened harm to Team Pokémon in a cryogenic state to
Skull members. While she’s working to simply stare at while they were
make herself into something now, she’ll preserved forever. When she
still be seen at Po Town to drop off care opened holes to other worlds,
packages to the grunts who still look up to her. Her venomous threats poured into Alola but were
Pokémon include Salazzle, Gengar, Toxapex, Muk (Oil Polluted), all eventually repelled back to were
and Crobat. the Ultra Beasts came from. Lusa-
mine was taken away by her daughter, Lillie, to hopefully reha-
Aether Foundation bilitate her. She hasn’t been seen for a long time but still owns
Aether Foundation was created as a means to provide a safe all of the Aether Foundation’s property and investments. During
place for recovery from abuse and harm for Pokémon, wild or her mad grab at inter-dimensional power, her Pokémon team
otherwise. They created a massive floating island to provide aid consisted of Clefable, Milotic, Lilligant, Lopunny, Bewear, and
throughout Alola. Their subordinates were completely loyal to Mismagius.
Lusamine without question. Wicke
The Aether Foundation’s acting
Though the foundation is be- leader may love the people and Poké-
ing ethically and responsibly run mon in the world around her as much
now, with Wicke’s leadership, as Lusamine, but has a vastly different
there is still a question of how ideology as to how best to show that
many loyalists are still within the love. She finds a place for every Poké-
organization that may look to mon in recovery and once they are
Faba for leadership– or even healed and ready to return to the wild,
worse a returned Lusamine who sends Aether Foundation members to
hasn’t changed at all. For now return the Pokémon to the wild. If the
they’re good but are under care- wild doesn’t want to return, she finds
ful watch by ranger unions. people within the foundation to adopt
and care for the Pokémon. Wicke has
to be diligent in her leadership– she
still finds members she needs to expel
for continuing to help Faba sneak into
facilities and run experiments using
Aether Foundation’s resources long past his welcome. Wicke
seldom fights, she believes there’s a non-violent solution to eve-
rything that isn’t healthy competition, but if required to defend
herself or the foundation she has a whole team of Ditto.

Faba Professor Burnet
The Aether Foundation’s former scientific Professor Burnet specializes in inter-
exploration division's leader. Faba was very dimensional Pokémon and interdimen-
loyal to Lusamine and when she surrendered sional travel. Luckily, Alola has had a
the foundation to Wicke’s leadership he at- string of interdimensional breaches
tempted a coup. He has many plants loyal to since the Aether Foundation’s danger-
him and his grabs for power still within the ous experiments so she can study
organization and still manages to spend days them here with her husband, Professor
in the foundation’s underground laboratories Kukui. She used to conduct her studies
until he’s detected and he flees again. He’s a in Unova with Fennel conducting re-
mechanical genius and has devised many search on the Dream World. Professor
dangerous weapons and even helped to cre- Burnet loves to help around Alola with
ate a perfect synthetic Pokémon meant to new trainers and is eager to see a
combat any threat. When backed into a cor- Pokémon League properly established.
ner, Faba will fight to escape with his Hypno,
Alakazam, Raichu (Island), Bruxish, and

The Masked Royal

Other Trainers of Kalos… The Masked Royal is a
wild brawler who partici-
Ryuki pates in Pokémon battle
Type Ace (Dragon) / free-for-alls at Royal Ave-
Rising Star nue’s special arenas. Few
know his true identity, but
Special Features - few care to know who it is
Ferocious: Ryuki’s Pokémon behind the mask. His Poké-
deal +1d4 damage with eve- mon devastate the ring
ry attack against a target with powerful Z-Moves.
they have already attacked He’s as knowledgeable as
that combat. he is powerful and could
probably give the interim
Favored Pokémon:
champion, Professor Kukui a run for his money.
Kommo-o, Turtonator,
Dragonite, Drampa,
Garchomp, Hydreigon

Ryuki is a ferocious trainer who plans to set up in Alola and

become a major player in its emerging Pokémon League. He’s a
talented rock guitarist who has a team full of powerful Dragon-
type Pokémon. While he might not have the technical skills you
find in some gym leaders, his raw power speaks for itself and is
only really defeated by established trainers in Alola.

Elio Hau
Rider Ace Trainer

Special Features - Special Features -

All-Terrain Pokémon: Elio’s Pokémon Full Kinda Force: Hau’s Pokémon have +1
are unaffected by hindering terrain, Attack if their Attack is higher than their
including water, while moving. Sp. Attack and +1 Sp. Attack if their Sp.
Attack is higher than their Attack.
Favored Pokémon: Incineroar,
Wishiwashi, Mimikyu, Crabominable, Favored Pokémon: Primarina, Raichu
Mudsdale, Lapras (Island), Noivern, Charizard, Stoutland,
Elio is a young trainer who aims to
hit it big and become ridiculously Hau is the close friend and rival to both
wealthy by undertaking any odd job he Elio and Selene. When they arrived in Alo-
comes across. He plans to create the la, Hau gave them both kind hospitality
PokéPelago, a Pokémon vacation desti- and they all have been friends since. Hau’s
nation. At one point he considered acting as Alola’s champion grandfather is Hala, so his battle prowess is
when he defeated Professor Kukui, but decided the associated learned from a very strong leader in the region. He wants to aim
responsibilities would not be worth the income. He’s a happy-go for the top in Alola’s emerging league and uses his friends to get
-lucky young man that seemingly ignores bad news, always stronger, though he still struggles to surpass them. Hau’s kind-
choosing to wear a smile and press on. With his friends Selene, ness and willingness to protect those in need helped to ave Alo-
Hau, Gladion, and Lillie, he was able to save Alola from a terrible la from a terrible fate when he and his friends put their lives on
fate. the line to protect many who were under attack from the pow-
erful Ultra Beasts.
Ace Trainer
Special Features -
Special Features -
Check Up: 3/day, as a free action,
Selene can restore a Pokémon of 20 Battle Tricks: Gladion’s Pokémon may
HP. use Sand-attack, Swagger, or Taunt as
their attack action each turn.
Favored Pokémon: Decidueye,
Vikavolt, Muk (Oil Polluted), Toxapex, Favored Pokémon: Silvally, Venusaur,
Sharpedo, Machamp Porygon-Z, Zoroark, Lucario, Crobat

Through careful study of herbolo- Gladion is a former Team Skull

gy, Selene has learned how to care member who left his mother, Lusa-
for Pokémon and heal them. She mine, to rebel against her only to dis-
cares deeply for those in need and is cover that she was also in control of
a responsible trainer. She has defeat- Team Skull. He fought against her ide-
ed Kukui in battle, so is potentially als to bring Ultra Beasts to their world
going to be Alola’s first official champion if that’s what she and after stealing the perfect weapon from the Aether Founda-
wants once the league gets started. Selene also has a knack for tion, Type: Null, he perfected its power and evolved it into Silval-
seeing though anyone’s deceptions– whether it’s harmless or ly. He and Silvally are formidable opponents, but he still has a lot
something deeper. Her insight helped to get many leads on the to figure out since in battle he can’t over come his rivals-turned-
Aether Foundation’s true motives. With her friends Elio, Hau, friends, Elio or Selene. Gladion helped to protect Alola from the
Gladion, and Lillie, she was able to save Alola from a terrible Ultra Beasts when they invaded Alola.

Lillie Galar
Galar is a region with lots of history related to kings and
Special Features - knights and ancient wars. It has beautiful rolling hills, harsh and
Z-powered Form: 1/day, if Lillie would fail cold waters surrounding its shores, and beautiful modern cities
a skill check or an accuracy check of some with hundreds of famous sites to visit. Its Pokémon league is
kind, she instead succeeds. especially proud of the strong trainers its competition sifts out.
Unlike other leagues, Galar is highly selective of who is allowed
Favored Pokémon: Clefable, Comfey,
to challenge gym leaders so only the best of the best climb to
Ribombee, Ninetales (Icy Mountain),
the top.
Altaria, Mantine

Lillie was originally Professor Kukui’s Important Towns and Cities

timid assistant who was also using his Postwick Town
laboratory as a hideout from her abusive
mother, Lusamine. She was protecting a A farming town since days of old, Postwick is where people
Legendary Pokémon who was fleeing and their Pokémon live in close harmony. Postwick also hosts
from Lusamine’s clutches and bravely the league’s yearly starter distribution in its only large facility.
protected it as long as she could. Elio and Selene were able to
help her evolve the legendary Pokémon and work with it to pro-
tect Alola from dangerous Ultra Beasts. Lillie grew a lot with her
friends, becoming brave and strong in her own right and now is
dedicating herself to rehabilitating her mother. She keeps in
touch with her friends but is seldom seen in Alola.
Professor Magnolia

Alola’s sights are diverse and much of it is still untamed. It’s Researcher
the perfect place to get lost for a bit and grow as a trainer. Special Features -

Dynamax Expert: By looking at a Poké-

mon, Magnolia can tell if a Pokémon is
capable of Gigantamaxing.

Professor Magnolia is an expert in the

Power Spot phenomenon. She spends
most of her time researching Power Spots
from a distance since she’s growing older
and has a harder time getting out to do
field research. She’s still happy to serve as
the Pokémon league’s professor and trav-
els to Postwick from her lab in Wedgehurst
in order to distribute starter Pokémon to
trainers who are eager to begin their league circuit.

While not as energetic as her granddaughter, Professor Sonia,

Magnolia still is happy to help any new trainers who are patient
enough to listen to her instruction. She’s well studied in Dy-
namaxing and knows how to make Dynamax bands out of dy-
namax stones. Her hands might not move as fast as they used to
but she still knows what to do and is happy to help trainers be-
come stars in battle.

Wedgehurst Town Turffield Town
The quiet borough of Wedgehurst is home to the esteemed As a town nestled within the nurturing bowl of many terraced
Pokémon Research Lab. It has massive farming fields surround- farming fields, Turffield is a rather quiet place. It has more live-
ing its borders and beautiful lakes. stock farms than other farming towns in Galar and is home to a
league gym.

Motostoke City
Motostoke is an industrial city studded with steam-powered
marvels of modern engineering. Motostoke is Galar’s most fac- Milo
tory and warehouse-filled city producing all human-made goods
for the region. It also has a league gym.
Special Features -

Show of Strength: Milo’s

Pokémon have +1 to their

Favored Pokémon:
Appletun, Flapple, Eldegoss,
Bellossom, Ludicolo
Though his record isn't
Coach the best due to his focus on
simply having fun in battles,
Special Features -
Milo himself is incredibly
Renewing Passion: Kabu’s Pokémon’s strong. The rolls of hay
deal +4 damage against Burned targets. grown around his Gym
Favored Pokémon: Centiskorch, Challenge each weigh
Torkoal, Ninetales, Arcanine, Salazzle over 770 pounds, yet Milo
can roll them around easi-
Kabu is a veteran trainer who’s been ly. He has honed his strength, stamina, and skill as a Pokémon
working to be a champion for decades. Trainer from a young age by working together with his Poké-
He seems to always be right behind the mon. Because of his gentle nature, he has trouble going all out
newest generation of trainers which on weaker opponents.
over time has worn him down, but
since his battle with the newest cham- When pushed, he digs his heels in and his Pokémon throw all
pion years ago he’s had a burning re- of their power into devastating attacks. No matter the circum-
surgence of enthusiasm. stances, Milo can be seen with a large warm smile. He’s an en-
thusiastic power in the league and isn’t going anywhere despite
Kabu aims for a straightforward, his soft spot for practically giving away badges.
direct approach to battle. He still be-
lieves in his youth and the power with-
in, so he tries to keep things simple. He burns as hot as he can
and uses his Pokémon to burn his foes and then turns up the
heat to overwhelm his opponents.

Hulbury City Hammerlocke City
Hulbury is a bustling seaport that many visits to see its mas- Hammerlocke is a city of great history, living and thriving
sive farmers and fishing markets and world-famous restaurant. It within castle walls that date back to the middle ages. The entire
serves as Galar’s main port and has a beautiful bay that the city is built within massive black stone walls and buildings inside
league gym is attached to. are even built to match this castle motif. In its center, a massive
dragon-like sculpture houses a league gym.

Rising Star
Special Features -
Type Ace (Dragon) / Rising Star
Flowing Stream: Nessa’s Pokémon
have +1 to their Speed. Nessa’s Special Features -
Pokémon with Flopper are treated
Weather the Storm: Raihan’s
as if they do not have Flopper.
Pokémon gain 1d4 temporary HP
Favored Pokémon: Drednaw, each time they act within a
Golisopod, Toxapex, Pelipper, weather effect.
Favored Pokémon: Duraludon,
Nessa is incredibly popular, both Flygon, Turtonator, Goodra,
as a Gym Leader and as a model. Garchomp
Many people even think the Gym
Raihan started taking selfies
Leader Nessa and the model Nessa are two different people,
so as to never forget the pain of
since she shows a completely different attitude in each
his defeats, but more recently he
role. She’s always warm and smiling while in the public eye, but
has been taking photos showing off his training routine, his fash-
behind closed gym doors she’s ferocious, pushing herself and
ion choices, and the like becoming an influencer on social media
her Pokémon to their limits.
platforms. He has a heated rivalry with Leon, the champion, but
Nessa tries to outmaneuver foes in the water and on the bat- has yet to defeat him though he’s gotten close. Raihan no doubt
tlefield. Once in the right position, her Pokémon crush foes in fell looks forward to taking a selfie after finally defeating Leon.
sweeps. Nessa’s frustration when things goes slightly awry is
Raihan is commonly regarded as the most skilled Gym Lead-
plainly worn on her face and is a sign that she’s about to try dan-
er in the Galar region. He has striven for victory in every environ-
gerous and desperate maneuvers. Nessa wants to get to the top
ment, and as a result, he has adopted a battle style where he
and will work every day to get there.
utilizes weather effects to their fullest. It is rumored that he
could easily become another region's Champion should he
choose to move, but it seems that to Raihan, defeating Leon is
much more important.

Stow-on-side Town Allister
Stow-on-side is a vibrant town that has been built up around Psychic
ancient murals and labyrinth-like ruins, tucked away in the
Special Features -
mountains. It features two league gyms on opposite ends and
lively markets year-round. Fearsome Energy: Allister’s
Pokémon have +4 Special
Attack during their first action
in combat.

Favored Pokémon: Gengar,

Runerigus, Cursola,
Chandelure, Dusknoir

Allister is a young, mysteri-

ous trainer who has taken on
the mantle of Gym Leader at
a very young age. He has nev-
Martial Artist er been known to remove his
Special Features - mask in public. In fact, he has at least one hundred masks of the
same design, just to keep spares handy should his mask fall off
Fearsome Energy: Bea’s Pokémon for some reason. He claims to have developed the ability to see
have +4 Attack during their first ac- hidden Ghost-type Pokémon after an accident he had when he
tion in combat. was four years old.
Favored Pokémon: Machamp, Allister’s Pokémon almost seem to control Allister during bat-
Sirfetch’d, Grapploct, Falinks, tle as he silently sways back and forth. His Pokémon act on some
Hawlucha kind of telepathic link. Allister only becomes very animated
Bea is always seen with a serious when he’s having his Pokémon release some of their truly terri-
face. Some say her parents give her ble power. His Pokémon will put his foes to sleep, then feed on
guidelines that are too strict for her their dreams.
to experience a happy youth, but
Ballonlea Village
her results in battle are nothing to
argue with. Bea will grin as she sees Bollonlea is well hidden, where the people make their homes
her Pokémon take control of a battle among the trunks of the towering trees and gigantic glowing
and force their way through any funguses in the Glimwood Tangle. It has a strange league gym in
defense. this strangely illuminated village.

Given special attention from her parents, Bea trained hard

with her partner Pokémon since a very young age. This has
honed her judgment skills, and she is able to remain calm and
collected even when facing dire situations in battle. She trains
her Pokémon with her bare hands and is something of a mon-
ster in strength, herself.

Opal Gordie
Type Ace (Fairy) Rising Star

Special Features - Special Features -

Quiz Master: 3/day, if Opal Unbreakable Wall: Gordie’s Pokémon

would fail a skill check related to cannot have their Defense stat lowered
Special Attack, she succeeds. by any effect.

Favored Pokémon: Alcremie, Favored Pokémon: Coalossal, Tyranitar,

Weezing (Heavy Pollution), Stonjourner, Shuckle, Barbaracle
Mawile, Togekiss, Wigglytuff
Gordie is a young rising star with his
Opal is the oldest gym lead- eyes set on the champion’s seat. His
er in the Galar region. She took strict training style means that his Gym has few gym trainers, but
over for her mother seventy he does have quite a fan base. Gordie does his best to make sure
years ago and has kept the posi- his fans are happy, often seen giving out autographs or hosting
tion since. She feels that her events. His mother leads Circhester’s other league gym.
own values have reached their limits, and has finally found a
Though Rock-type Pokémon are typically known for being
worthy successor in Bede. Bede is still traveling to become
rough and unrelenting, Gordie has worked hard to achieve victo-
stronger for now, but is ready to take over once Opal calls it
ry through a refined and graceful battle style. He always tries to
quits once and for all.
keep his fans happy and thus is very popular among the audi-
Opal likes to give her challengers elaborate quizzes, seemingly ence. On the other hand, he has the surprising tendency of shut-
wasting their time as she accepts their challenge regardless of ting himself away in the locker room when he is defeated. This
how many questions they get right or wrong. The real purpose is doesn't bother most of his fans, though, and they see this behav-
for the challengers to give information to Opal that will be useful ior as endearing.
in battle. Opal believes that in life, no matter how difficult a
question, if you keep thinking about the right answer, and even-
tually you'll create the right answer. Type Ace (Ice) / Coach

Circhester City Special Features -

Buildings from an age long gone still stand about the steaming Impenetrable Wall: Melony’s Poké-
hot spring that covers Circhester. While most of the city is mod- mon cannot have their Special Defense
ern, it has old districts that seem to take you back in time. stat lowered by any effect.
Circhester has two league gyms. Favored Pokémon: Lapras,
Darmanitan (Icy Mountain), Eiscue,
Mr. Rime, Frosmoth

Melony has been a gym leader since she was in her twenties.
She is also known as a very effective coach, but her coaching
style is incredibly strict. Her battle style is fittingly severe and
stoic, as well. Any gym trainers who manage to remain under
Melony are sure to be powerful opponents. Her son, Gordie,
leads Circhester’s other league gym.

A harsh Pokémon battle between the mother and son ended

up dividing the whole town. Ever since that day, Melony and
Gordie hardly ever see each other. That being said, Melony sup-
posedly managed to become the first member of Gordie's fan
club. In battle, her passion flares up and freezes the opposition
with zero hesitation.

Spikemuth City Isle of Armor
This rocking town has a punk vibe and streets crammed with The once non-human inhabited island reserve for wild Poké-
shops lined up in a way that makes everywhere seem crowded. mon was bought by a retired champion and slightly developed
The city itself seems almost always dark with its towering build- to sustain visitors and trainers in order to become a place for
ings and gloomy warehouse districts, where you’ll find its league extreme training and trainers looking for a real adventure.

Rising Star / Strategist
Ace Trainer
Special Features -
Special Features -
Passionate Flair: Each of Piers’ Poké-
Rotten Attitude: Once per turn 3/day,
mon ignore the first stat lowering
Klara may reroll an accuracy check if the
effects of their opponent’s attacks
move can Poison or Toxify, but failed to do
each combat.
so. She must use the second result.
Favored Pokémon: Obstagoon,
Favored Pokémon: Slowbro (Spice Diet),
Toxtricity, Skuntank, Malamar, Scrafty
Weezing (Heavy Pollution), Drapion,
The rock star Piers is always host- Scolipede, Dustox
ing some kind of party at his gym.
Klara was originally an underground pop
He’s a very passionate musician, sing-
singer. She promoted herself as a star that
ing his heart out every night and even
had both cuteness and the virulence of
louder during battles. He is going to
poison. She energetically held live concerts
pass his gym on to his younger sister, Marnie, but she’s still trav-
and other events, even selling some Klara-
eling and training with her friends and rivals.
themed collectables that she made herself. Unfortunately, she
He’s technically the leader of Team Yell, as Marnie’s number never really took off in that area and hopes to use being a Gym
one supporter, and will occasionally rally Team Yell together to Leader as leverage for popularity. She trains on the Isle of Armor
do good. He gives it his all during battle and will even face Dy- under Mustard’s tutelage to one day become a Gym Leader for
namaxing foes and win, without using the power himself! Piers Galar’s Pokémon League.
tends to get riled up and will often reveal his strategy early on,
but he has the strength and skill to triumph regardless. Howev-
er, his true passions are singing and song writing, and his talents
in these fields are well-known.

Avery Wyndon City
Psychic A booming metropolis, Wyndon serves as the place to be in
Galar. Wyndon is filled with shopping districts, business and con-
Special Features -
glomerate skyscrapers, amusement parks, luxury hotels and eve-
Rude Demeanor: Once per turn 3/day, rything you’d expect from the capital of Galar. Wyndon hosts the
Avery may reroll an accuracy check if the regional championship every year and draws crowds from all
move can Confuse, but failed to do so. He over the world since Galar is one of the only places with Dy-
must use the second result. namaxing. Galar does not have a formal Elite 4, but does have a
Favored Pokémon: Slowking (Spice Diet), champion- Leon.
Rapidash (Forest Glade), Swoobat, Alaka-
zam, Gothitelle

Avery comes from a long-standing fam-

ily of psychics. Each Psychic-type Gym
Leader of Galar has been from the same
bloodline as Avery, and thus, Avery has
been destined to bear the burden of Gym
Leader since even before he was born.
Ever since he was a child, Avery could
freely move things with his mind but
lacked other skills, such as teleportation or telepathy. This has Ace Trainer
caused the rest of his family to label him as a disappoint- Special Features -
ment. He trains on the Isle of Armor under Mustard’s tutelage to
one day become a Gym Leader for Galar’s Pokémon League. Champion’s Grace: 3/
day, if Leon would fail a
Crown Tundra skill check or an accura-
cy check of some kind,
The snow-swept realm off of Galar’s main body, the Crown
Tundra, is a place of power and mystery. Powerful Pokémon and he instead succeeds.
terrible secrets of the past are hidden across the frigid wastes Favored Pokémon:
for trainers looking for dire training grounds. Charizard, Haxorus,
Dragapult, Aegislash,
Rhyperior, Mr. Rime

Leon is known far and wide for taking part in the league cir-
cuit at the tender age of 10 years old—and even more so for
claiming victory in the Champion Cup on his first attempt. For
over ten years, he and his partner Charizard has remained un-
beaten in both League and exhibition matches until the arrival of
Victor and Gloria. Both have defeated him during the champion
cup, but neither have taken his title from him as they both con-
tinue to journey and train.
Wyndon City
Leon's dream, even when he was still the Champion, was to
make Galarian Trainers the strongest Trainers in the world. In
order to fulfill that dream, he has rebuilt Rose Tower into
the Battle Tower, a facility dedicated to Pokémon battles. People
say that he seems even more lively now than he was as an unde-
feated champion. Since it’s likely that either Victor or Gloria can
come back and claim their title at any time, he desperately trains
in the Battle Tower to reclaim his true champion title.

Team Yell Chairman Rose

Team Yell are fans of Marnie who want her to be- Chairman Rose was the president
come champion. However, despite the good intentions of their of Macro Cosmos and the chairman of
leader, Piers, to form a fan club of sorts to cheer on his younger the Galar Pokémon League. He also de-
sister, the grunts take things too far by rudely obstructing her signed and developed the metropolis
rivals in their gym challenges and doing anything to prevent of Wyndon, which houses the headquarters
them from becoming champion instead of Marnie. for both the Galar Pokémon League and
Macro Cosmos. He was painted as a truly
heroic example of the Galar region, working
tirelessly to ensure its prosperity. Secretly
he aimed to create a device that would
capture a terrible force and use it to power
Galar one million times over to ensure its
prosperity into the future. However, in do-
ing so Rose would have endangered hun-
dreds of thousands of lives for a chance to maybe succeed in
achieving his goal.

Since his defeat at the hands of Leon, Victor, Gloria, and Hop,
he has hidden himself from the public eye and is mostly un-
While not doing anything explicitly illegal, their annoying ob-
blamed for his hand in the near-destruction of Galar. Mostly,
structions and yelling can be quite bothersome at times. With
because Galar was saved. He is wanted by several law enforce-
Marnie travelling around to train and become stronger they are
ment agencies, but he is a lower priority since he is not per-
much less active, instead choosing to cheer her on when she
ceived as a threat for now. He has left his former administrator
visits Spikemuth.
in charge of Macros Cosmos for the time being and she has not
Macros Cosmos since faced any criminal charges for her role in Rose’s plans.
Rose was once a championship runner-up and is a strong trainer
Macros Cosmos is a large conglomerate that was led by Chair- who often travelled with his team consisting of Copperajah,
man Rose. Without knowing exactly what their boss was up to, Kinklang, Perrserker, Ferrothorn, and Escavalier.
group members would attack others, steal from people, and
bring general harm to trainers who were trying to interfere with Oleana
Rose’s dangerous plans. Due to members looking indistinguisha- The inventor of the Dynamax band,
ble from other league officials, it was very difficult to differenti- Oleana, revolutionized the Galar Poké-
ate who was a part of Rose’s catastrophic plan. It’s hard to know mon league. She was quickly scooped up
who was a part of the organization’s evil plan, but it’s possible into Macros Cosmos and eventually be-
that not all of them have been weeded out. came it’s acting president. Oleana is
completely loyal to Chairman Rose and
followed and aided him in his pursuit to
recreate and harness the Darkest Day.
Despite her obvious involvement in the
near-destruction of Galar, she faces no
criminal charges. Perhaps Rose has
pulled some strings behind the scenes?
She normally displays a very morose and bored face. When
Chairman Rose is insulted or meddled with, Oleana completely
loses her cool and will angrily lash out at anyone she perceives
to be a threat with her Garbodor, Milotic, Salazzle, Tsareena,
and Froslass.

Other Trainers of Galar… Victor

Mustard Researcher

Special Features -
Martial Artist
Champion’s Grace: 3/day, if Victor would
Special Features -
fail a skill check or an accuracy check of
Champion’s Grace: 3/day, if Mustard would fail some kind, he instead succeeds.
a skill check or an accuracy check of some kind,
Favored Pokémon: Rillaboom, Sirfetch’d,
he instead succeeds.
Conkeldurr, Sandaconda, Boltund, Orbeetle
Favored Pokémon: Urshifu, Kommo-o, Lycanroc
Victor is a focused and masterful crafts-
(Day), Corviknight, Luxray, Mienshao
man who takes the same care he has into
Mustard is a long-retired champion of Galar. making things as he does while training his
His intense drive for strength meant he insisted on discipline, Pokémon. He’s an intuitive trainer and his
both in himself and in others. His character changed drastically, knowledge of how many mechanical and
however, after his post-retirement globe-trotting. His sudden technical devices work gives him insight
purchase of the deserted island added to the surprise of those into how most things around him work. He’s particularly fond of
around him when he used all of his savings to establish the Isle Professors Sonia and Magnolia and research various things with
of Armor. It was a worthy investment, as many others have them in their laboratory while traveling and continuing to get
joined him there to seek strength through training in the wilds of stronger. He’s defeated Leon during a champion cup, which
the island. means he’s allowed to claim the title if he were to take on its
responsibilities, but for now he’s still working to get stronger.
Professor Sonia
Sonia is an expert in Galar’s history Gloria
and her research was crucial in saving Ace Trainer
Galar from a terrible fate. She is close
Special Features -
friends with many Gym Leaders and
Leon. She also mentored Victor, Glo- Champion’s Grace: 3/day, if Gloria
ria, and Hop on Pokémon basics when would fail a skill check or an accura-
they were beginning trainers. She cy check of some kind, she instead
maintains a massive library on lore succeeds.
about the whole world and hopes to
Favored Pokémon: Cinderace,
expand her knowledge base after be-
Falinks, Toxtricity, Barraskewda,
coming a true master of Galar’s histo-
Eiscue, Stunfisk (Iron-rich)
ry. She is never seen without her
Yamper. Gloria is a joyful and cunning
trainer who has used her battle
prowess to climb to the top of the
Galar Pokémon League. She’s de-
feated Leon in battle, but doesn’t want to take on the responsi-
bilities of champion just yet so has gone off to explore and train
in the more remote parts of Galar. She’s a wily battler who al-
ways finds interesting plans of attack that catch her opponents
off-guard and seems to dig her way out of no-win situations con-
stantly. As she grows stronger, Gloria seems to pick up friendly
rivalries with every gym leader as it becomes clear that she’ll be
the one to beat once she formally takes Leon’s seat.

Hop Bede
Underdog Strategist

Special Features - Special Features -

Reaching for the Top: 3/day, if Hop would fail “Pink”: 3/day, if Bede would fail a check
a check or an accuracy check of some kind by or an accuracy check of some kind, he can
1, he instead succeeds. reroll the check but must keep the second
Favored Pokémon: Inteleon, Corviknight,
Snorlax, Dubwool, Pincurchin, Cramorant Favored Pokémon: Hatterene, Sylveon,
Rapidash (Forest Glade), Gardevoir,
As the younger brother of Leon, Hop has a
Mawile, Reuniclus
lot to live up to. Due to his obsession with
champions, his knowledge base is well built Bede spent some time living in an or-
and he’s got loads of battle data to work off phanage after his family ran into some
of. His battle style is pretty wild, where he will trouble when he was young. He always
let his Pokémon battle freely and really enjoy had difficulty getting along with others
themselves, only coming in with key advice and would constantly get into fights. He
when absolutely necessary. Though he hasn’t was at one point chosen by Chairman
beaten his brother yet, or his friends and rivals Victor and Gloria, Rose and overzealously sought to get more of his attention by
his battle prowess is well known. He helped to save Galar from a helping Rose with his secret project. Once expelled from the
terrible fate and has even gained the favor of a legendary Poké- league circuit for damaging a cultural site, Opal took him in and
mon during his travels. rehabilitated him. Opal sees a “certain pink” in Bede that will
define his future as the trainer inheriting the Ballonlea gym lead-
Marnie er position. He harbors a bitter rivalry with Victor and Gloria
Rising Star who he desperately trains to surpass.

Special Features -

Yell’s Idol: If at least thirty members of Galar is a region filled with history to discovery and stranger
Team Yell are nearby watching her bat- things in its uninhabited lands.
tle, Marnie’s Pokémon all have +1 to
their stats.

Favored Pokémon: Grimmsnarl,

Morpeko, Scrafty, Toxicroak, Liepard,

As a child, Marnie was timid and a

bit of a crybaby. However, she became
more cheerful as she played with the
Pokémon she received from her broth-
er, Piers, and her talents as
a Trainer also grew greatly. Though
many in Spikemuth see her as a local celebrity, she herself has
no interest in pursuing fame. However, she says she does appre-
ciate the support of Team Yell, her personal cheering squad.
Recently she’s been declared the inheritor of the Spikemuth
gym and even serves as its leader when she’s in town, but con-
tinues to journey and grow stronger in order to surpass her
friends and rivals who defeated Leon before she could.

Other People of the World… Factory Head Noland
Favored Pokémon: Pinsir,
Sandslash, Machamp, Venusaur,
Scott Golduck, Manectric

Scott is an extremely wealthy Noland is a Frontier Brain who

eccentric who loves to watch runs the Battle Factory. He instructs
extremely intense, high skill others that just reading and
Pokémon battling. To that end, knowledge of Pokémon isn't
he has funded Battle Frontiers enough to learn about Pokémon;
across the globe– just to watch instead, a Trainer must gain experi-
Pokémon battle. He has an eye ence in battle with hundreds of
for talented trainers and often different kinds of Pokémon. At the
encourages trainers to take a Battle Factory, trainers rent Poké-
break from their gym battles mon that they likely have never
and league circuits to travel to a seen before and battle their way to
Battle Frontier and try their Noland who will also battle them
hand at a different kind of glory. with Pokémon randomly given to
him. Noland is known for being
gruff, but his passion for Pokémon
makes him more than formidable in

Gabby and Ty Arena Tycoon Greta

Gabby, an investigative Favored Pokémon: Heracross,

reporter, and Ty, her Umbreon, Shedinja, Gengar,
trusty camera technician, Breloom, Musharna
travel everywhere to get Greta’s style makes her a
the scoop on the hottest genius Arena Tycoon. The
up and coming trainers order to compete in always
and get their name out stays the same, so Greta’s
and known. Typically, Pokémon are trained specifi-
they’ll participate in a bat- cally to be aggressive leads
tle against a trainer and last ditch anchors. She’s always eager to meet new talented
they’re interested in inter- challengers and loves to match herself with an exciting oppo-
viewing and depending on nent. Not one for shyness, Greta will bluntly state if she thinks
the outcome, Gabby will you’re not worth her time. She only will entertain her audience
know whether or not the with the best shows possible. One-sided sweeps are not some-
trainer will go far. When thing she’s interested in. In addition to being a Frontier Brain,
battling, Gabby uses her Greta is a practiced martial artist.
Magnezone and Ty will
use his Exploud.

Dome Ace Tucker Palace Maven Spencer
Favored Pokémon: Favored Pokémon: Crobat,
Charizard, Salamence, Slowking, Lapras, Dusknoir,
Swampert, Metagross, Claydol, Blissey
Arcanine, Lilligant
Spencer is a veteran trainer
Tucker always enjoys who has retired to a not-so-
taking center stage. comfy job as a Frontier Brain. He
He’s very openly narcis- is gentle and trusts his Pokémon
sistic, but has the battle completely, treating them like
prowess to carry his his siblings in the same family.
ego. He’s good at meas- He will loudly and brashly threat-
uring the worth of his en opponents to catch them off-
opponents and tends to guard but is a complete softy. He
focus on battling to end can be quite reclusive so when-
things quickly, to avoid ever someone is worthy of a
any chance to mess up battle with him, many people
and look foolish in front are excited to come see him bat-
of his adoring fans. He designs his own wardrobes that best tle.
shows off his glamourous style and does not like cooperating
with other Frontier Brains that he thinks have no fashion sense.

Pyramid King Brandon

Pike Queen Lucy
Favored Pokémon: Dusknoir,
Favored Pokémon: Seviper,
Golurk, Solrock, Sigilyph, Ninjask,
Steelix, Gyarados, Milotic,
Unown (SCOUT)
Serperior, Sandaconda
The Frontier Brain Brandon is
Lucy claims to have trampled
a world known explorer and doc-
beautiful fields and braved terrible
umentarian. He goes to great
storms to become the Frontier
lengths for his work and goes to
Brain she is today. She isn’t one
greater lengths in battle to se-
for idle chatter, preferring to get
cure victory. He’s very well stud-
right to battle. She’s always eager
ied and his Pokémon have seen
for battle and when it’s over, she
just about everything he has in
goes right back to training before
the wild. He designed the Battle
battling some more. The Battle
Pyramid as a massive safari of
Pike runs Pokémon to near-
dangerous encounters that ulti-
exhaustion before she takes the
mately lead to him and his Poké-
stage, having battled prior to her
mon. Brandon is known to have
challenger’s match as well, and
allied himself with many legend-
her battle strategy intelligently
ary Pokémon and will even bat-
adapts to any problems that her
tle alongside them if he believes a challenger is worthy of his
Pokémon may have acquired dur-
greatest efforts.
ing preliminary battles.

Salon Maiden Anabel Tower Tycoon Palmer
Favored Pokémon: Alakazam, Favored Pokémon: Dragonite,
Snorlax, Lucario, Metagross, Rhyperior, Milotic, Rampardos,
Espeon, Hatterene Incineroar, Meganium

In addition to being a Frontier Palmer is a maverick in battle

Brain, Anabel is a member of an and uses very unpredictable
international law enforcement strategies with very powerful
group. She has a mysterious past Pokémon. He’s a energetic Fron-
and has even has experience trav- tier Brain who encourages eve-
eling to other dimensions. When ryone to try and climb to the
she’s at her battle facility she hap- top, but will knock down anyone
pily accepts all challengers who who isn’t strong enough to stand
can make it through rigorous trials there without a second thought.
to make it to her. She goes all out His son, Barry, aims to take his
but never is cruel in her victories. seat one day and having saved
She cares deeply for the whole the world might already be wor-
world and puts her life on the line thy of replacing his father as a
in her work, working to get ahead Frontier Brain.
of any dangerous threats to the world and fighting those who
put themselves before the rest of life everywhere.
Factory Head Thorton
Favored Pokémon: Bronzong,
Tyranitar, Ledian, Ursaring,
Looker Skarmory, Electivire
For reasons, Looker never Thorton is an organized
reveals his actual name to any- genius obsessed with data
one. He is an adept master of collection. He has memorized
disguise and knows almost every match up probabilities for
language on earth. He works millions of Pokémon battles
undercover and infiltrates dan- and relies on this data to earn
gerous groups in order to find wins as a Frontier Brain in a
out what they are doing and facility that can randomly as-
who their leader is to take them sign Pokémon to use. Some-
down. He’s not the best Poké- times Thorton is thought of as
mon battler but will use his being airheaded and discon-
Growlithe and Croagunk when nected, but that’s only be-
absolutely necessary, who also cause he’s playing mock plays out in his head, almost constantly,
help him with detective work. with the help of his trusty battle tablet (of his own design no
Looker seems to notice threads less).
of conspiracies that others over-
look. His insight has led to many
leads that have helped more
capable combatants save the

Arcade Star Dahlia Hall Matron Argenta
Favored Pokémon: Togekiss, Favored Pokémon: Absol,
Blaziken, Dusknoir, Ludicolo, Mismagius, Mamoswine,
Medicham, Oricorio (Electric) Ambipom, Gorebyss, Grapploct

Dahlia takes center stage Argenta is and talented Frontier

with joy and life, encouraging Brain who uses her vast well of expe-
anyone to take the stage with rience to adapt to any situation in
her and battle for glory. She’s battle. She invites others to over-
always wearing a smile and come her, she expects the next gen-
never rejects a battle when eration of champions to be able to
there’s a chance for her to beat her and let her retire. She sees
show off how she became a things through a lens of star power
Frontier Brain. She’s very acro- and how powerful a Pokémon can be
batic and love to show off her is directly related to how good of a
dance moves while her Poké- show they can put on. She’s a big fan
mon throws down on the battlefield. Her energy is only barely of most gym leaders, frontier brains,
exceeded by her Pokémon and their combined aura of joy is elites, and champions, as they are
surely how they push through and win so many tough battles. her peers and she loves to still learn
new things whenever possible.

Castle Valet Darach

Professor Cedric Juniper
Favored Pokémon: Staraptor,
Empoleon, Houndoom, Gallade, A former league professor of the
Zebstrika, Kingler Unova region, Professor Juniper spe-
cializes in Pokémon biology and for-
Darach almost never seems to en-
merly, distribution. His daughter is now
joy meeting challengers, instead think-
in charge of distribution but he carries
ing most of them beneath his efforts.
on his research in her laboratory and
He exists as a Frontier Brain almost
sometimes will do joint efforts with his
entirely to placate the boredom of his
successful daughter. If his daughter
mistress and Elite 4 member, Caitlin.
finds herself with full classes in weeks
He is highly proficient in Pokémon
leading up to starter distribution, he
battles and seems to know the most
will lead seminars for the overflow
effective was to accomplish his goals
with the same energy and enthusiasm
in battle. He’s always looking at his
as his daughter. If he ever does a demo
watch to determine how much time is
battle, he has a Samurott, Serperior,
being wasted on those unworthy of his
and his Emboar– a perfect team to
or his mistress’ attention.
demo for new trainers.

Phyco Subway Boss Emmet
Phyco is a captain in the Ultra Recon Favored Pokémon: Crustle,
Squad. His skin color is an odd pale blue, Garbodor, Durant,
despite being human. He often speaks of Klinklang, Haxorus,
another world and works with his team to Eelektross
locate what he considers anomalies to re-
Talented co-runner of
turn them to wherever they came. His
the Battle subway, Emmet
speech is filled with rhetorical questions
is a proactive combatant
and always seems distracted. Luckily, his
who actively seeks to dis-
subordinates who accompany him are of-
rupt his opponent’s plans
ten more goal oriented and focused on
and win. He organizes tour-
tasks at hand.
naments in the Battle Sub-
way with his brother and
makes sure the trains are
Soliera, Dulse, and Zossie
filled with talented trainers.
Members of the Ultra Recon He is always extremely ex-
Squad often seen with Phyco. Soliera cited to battle, always see-
acts as an active field com- ing new opportunities to
mander, often interpreting expand his horizons and grow stronger.
Phyco’s instructions and
distributing them as she
sees fit. Dulse is a stern
man with many personal
standards he lives by.
Zossie is a young girl who Subway Boss Ingo
seems to get easily distract- Favored Pokémon: Excadrill,
ed and lost in her own Chandelure, Galvantula,
thoughts, not unlike Phyco. Archeops, Goodra, Beheeyem

Irritable co-runner of the

Giovanni… of another world Battle subway, Ingo is a patient
battler who waits to assess an
This Giovanni conquered the opponent’s threat level before
world one region at a time in a enacting a strategy to dispatch
parallel universe. He leads a group them. He maintains the facili-
named Team Rainbow Rocket. ties and makes sure each of his
Eventually he controlled a means employees are well cared for.
to travel between worlds and He is always cautious and
drafted other villainous leaders sometimes unwilling to battle,
from additional parallel universes. often thinking of excuses to
He was thwarted, but simply re- avoid wasting his time with a
treated with the knowledge that trainer below himself or his brother.
he’d need to grow stronger.
There’s no telling when he’ll ap-
pear again and who he’ll bring next

Battle Chatelaine Battle Chatelaine
Evelyn Dana
Favored Pokémon: Favored Pokémon:
Primeape, Persian, Mamoswine, Magnezone,
Pachirisu, Lumineon, Dragalge, Girafarig,
Shiinotic, Wishiwashi Whimsicott, Magcargo

Evelyn is the shiest lead- Dana is a pouty leader in

er in the Battle Chateau but the Battle Chateau. She’s not
is a dominant battler who interested in battles with
consistently takes sudden weaklings and will even turn
and unexpected wins. While her head away at those who
she is usually quiet around defeat her in battle, in disbe-
strangers, she can become lief of their worthiness. If you
quite talkative if she feels can convince her of your
she understands you after a strength and have the pa-
battle and finds you gentle tience to earn her friendship,
and easy to get along with. she’s a very loyal person who
defends her friends to great lengths, as seen in her friendships
with the other Battle Chatelaine.

Battle Chatelaine
Battle Chatelaine
Favored Pokémon: Mantine,
Favored Pokémon: Klefki, Sawsbuck, Swalot,
Purugly, Wigglytuff, Ninetales (Icy Mountain),
Grumpig, Snorlax, Grimmsnarl
Hariyama, Walrein
Morgan is known as the most
Nita is a hyperactive powerful in the Battle Chateau.
fast-talking leader in She’s a patient woman who stud-
the Battle Chateau who ies her challengers before devis-
dominates battle with ing a perfect plan to eliminate
her strong Pokémon their Pokémon from battle. She
who are known for tak- is quiet, preferring to observe
ing hit after hit and just and listen to others. If you can
not going down. She’s get her to have an open discus-
always seen munching on some kind of pastry and eagerly will sion with her, she’ll most likely
share her love of sweets with anyone who earns her respect. only ask questions of others so they may talk and she may con-
She’s always ready for a battle and can’t wait to meet every tinue to observe. When not battling, she likes to sing for others.
Pokémon you bring to the battlefield.

Peony Ball Guy
Favored Pokémon: Copperajah, Ball Guy is an extremely
Perrserker, Bronzong, Scizor, enthusiastic fan of Pokémon
Aggron League battles. He’s as-
signed himself the official
Peony is a wild adventurer who
mascot of Galar’s Pokémon
enjoys delving into myths and dun-
League and he is often
geons. He is a retired Gym Leader
found at different gyms and
and a one time champion in the
stadiums. He enthusiastical-
Galar region. Peony is Chairman
ly gives unique Poké Balls to
Rose’s younger brother and bears
league challengers and
a passing resemblance to him.
boasts the most complete
While he is completely unrelated
Poké Ball collection in the
to the near destruction of Galar,
world, privately. No one
he still keeps that detail to himself
knows his true identity.

Sina and Dexio

Favored Pokémon (Sina): Glaceon, Lilligant, Oranguru,
Sordward and
Abomasnow, Sandslash (Icy Mountain), Drampa
Favored Pokémon (Dexio): Espeon, Metagross, Alakazam,
Favored Pokémon
Slowking, Raichu (Island), Passimian
(Sordard): Sirfetch’d,
Golisopod, Doublade, Sina and Dexio are Pro-
Bisharp fessor Sycamore’s very tal-
ented assistants. Both are
Favored Pokémon capable Mega Evolution
(Shielbert): Sirfetch’d, battlers who take ad-
Bronzong, Falinks, Klinklang vantage of their vast
knowledge to gain the up-
per hand during battle. The
Sordward and Shielbert are two wealthy brothers who
two of them often vacation
claimed that they were the true inheritors to the royal titles of
together when not working
kings of Galar. They caused a stir that was quickly shut down by
in Kalos with the professor,
the champions of Galar. After being utterly defeated, the two
usually to do some form of
swore to fix their ways and make up for their mistakes. They
field research or another.
never faced any consequences, likely because of their wealth.
They have personalities that are as obnoxious as the hair styles
they wear. Hardly anyone gets along with them.

Creating Pokémon
As the Game Master, you have the power to create your own
Pokémon. You will choose how they look, what moves they may
know, they could even have an elemental type unique to the
campaign you run. When deciding to create your own Pokémon,
it can be difficult to assign stats, so consider using a stat block,
typing, and move proficiencies already in the Pokédex. While
not all Pokémon are built equal, the Pokémon in the Pokédex at
least work within Pokémon Tabletop Adventures system.

If you are going to create your own stat block, consider the
total amount of stats distributed across various Pokémon within
the Pokédex. While looking at HP in the Pokédex, divide its value
by six in order to determine its approximate value in comparison
to other stats.

Consider your proficiencies, passives, and starting moves as

well and what kinds of evolutions you might experience. Take a
look through move lists in the PHB to see what might make for a
fun Pokémon. You should avoid creating invulnerable Pokémon,
so be sensible when making Pokémon unless you’re aiming for
creating an Arceus-like threat for your players.

If you are importing Pokémon from a fan made game, or even

another franchise entirely, it’s quite easy to do so. Divide each
Pokémon stat by ten and round down to get the new Attack,
Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed of the Poké-
mon. You can then multiply the divided-by-ten HP stat by 6 to
get it’s new value. If you’re importing a Yokai, Digimon, or any-
thing without the six Pokémon stats to use as a Pokémon in
PTA3, just try to approximate the stats as closely as possible.

.Legendary Pokémon Capturing a Legendary Pokémon

In the next section, legendary Pokémon will be listed with Simply put, most legendary Pokémon are not meant to be
stats, some pictures, and some lore. Like lore throughout the restrained. Still, here are some suggested capture rates to use:
Game Master’s Guide, you can adjust any of it however you see Category Base Capture Rate
fit in order to tell the story you want to tell with your players. If
Ultra Beasts -25
you are adjusting stats of any of these Pokémon, be aware of
what the will look like if your player’s capture a legendary Poké- Man-made Legendary Pokémon -50
Beings of Nature / Oddities -100
The legendary stats will be listed the same way you’d find
Gods -500
Pokémon in the Pokédex, but there are a couple of other things
to be aware of: Still, if captured, Poké Balls ultimately cannot contain the
massive amount of power these Pokémon have and will likely
Legendary - In this section, some Pokémon will have legend-
cripple their power. Generally, the Pokémon HP should be dras-
ary passives, legendary attacks, or legendary skills. They are all
tically lowered, rarely exceeding 100, and the Pokémon will no
detailed per Pokémon and many have different rules unlike any
longer have its Legendary moves, passives, and features.
In addition to being mostly immune to Poké Balls, most leg-
Legendary Indicators - These symbols indicate what kind of
endary Pokémon with more than 200 HP are also immune to
legendary Pokémon you are using.
status afflictions, or moves that set HP, at your discretion. By
Ultra Beasts are from another dimension. They are resting for a turn, they can even ignore move frequencies.
invasive and will attack Pokémon and humans at the
Beings of Nature and oddities are Legendary
slightest provocation. They are capturable by Poké
Pokémon of incredible strength that often hold do-
Balls, however and in the parallel universe they are from they
main over some force in the world. They are not
are captured and kept as allies like Pokémon in the Pokémon
unique and though exceedingly rare, there are multiple of them
world. A strong trainer may make for a good Ultra Beast leader if
in the world. Some even believe that each region will have many
they’re lucky enough to capture them.
of these kinds of legendary Pokémon to find.
Human-created Legendary Pokémon are power-
Gods are unique and are simply untamable. While
ful, but ultimately limited in that they are not gods or
these legendary Pokémon are definitely mortal and
lesser deities that hold domain over some force of
combatable, they are exceedingly powerful. It’s like-
nature. If they are ever captured, it is entirely possible that a
ly that they cannot be captured no matter what is done to them
Poké Ball may weaken their maximum strength.
in order to weaken them.

Type: Null
Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Cave / Forest / Mountain /
Normal - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight)
Urban Lab
Hit Points: 90 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 10
Evolution: Type: Null Silvally
Speed: 8 (40 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 11
Proficiencies: Melee attacks / Moves that lower opponent’s
Skills: Burrow (moves through earth easily), Climber (treats walls stats temporarily
and ceilings as normal terrain), Gilled (can breathe underwater),
Intelligence (very smart), Mind Lock (mind can’t be read),
Strength (very strong), Swimmer (can swim), Tracker (can follow

Passives: Metal Sound (+1 Special Attack), Scary Face (+2 Speed),
Battle Armor (Critical hits are treated as normal hits against

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +5, Speed +4)

Pursuit - Melee Dark Attack: At-Will 2d6. Pursuit deals +6 dam-

age to a target if they moved away from you during their last

X-Scissor - Melee Bug Attack: 3/day 3d10.

Iron Head - Melee Steel Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you got 14
or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.

Type: Null was created by the Aether Foundation to be an
Normal - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight)
"Anti-Ultra Beast Fighting life-form". Codenamed "Beast Killer",
Hit Points: 90 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 10 Type: Null was developed with cells taken from all known Poké-
mon types. This was done with the intention of giving it the abil-
Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 11
ity to shift between types by holding a corresponding memory,
Skills: Burrow, Climber, Gilled, Intelligence, Mind Lock, Strength, an ability originally inspired by the myths of Arceus. Several
Swimmer, Tracker were produced in secret and it’s likely that its designers have
Passives: Metal Sound, Scary Face, Battle Armor distributed its blueprints to other less than reputable laborato-
ries around the world.
Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +5, Speed +6)

Air Slash - Ranged(15ft) Flying Special Attack: 1/day 3d12. Air

Slash has -1 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 14 or high-
er on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.

Tri Attack - Ranged(20ft) Normal Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On

hit, if you got 17 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is ran-
domly either Paralyzed, Burned, or Frozen.

Multi-Attack - Melee Normal Attack: 3/day 3d10. Multi-Attack’s

Type changes depending on which drive you are holding.

Once it finds a partner it trusts completely, Type: Null de-
stroys its own control mask during an evolution that was not
programmed into it during creation to become Silvally. It reverts Magearna
to its natural, wild temperament, but it is nonetheless loyal to its
Steel / Fairy - Medium (Size), Heavy (Weight)
trainer who it became so close to, and will even risk its own life
in its partner's defense. The destruction of its mask re-activates Hit Points: 96 Defense: 14 Special Defense: 12
its RKS System, allowing it to change its type according to
Speed: 7 (35 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 13
the memory attached to it; its eyes, spikes, drives, and fin mem-
brane all change color to match its current type. Skills: Flight (can fly)

Passives: Iron Defense (+2 Defense), Soul-Heart (When an ally

within line of sight is knocked out, your Special Attack is +6 for 10

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +6, Speed +3)

Mirror Shot - Ranged(20ft) Steel Special Attack: At-Will 2d8.

Psybeam - Ranged(15ft beam) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d8.

On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Magearna was created by a scientist over 500 years ago. The
Aurora Beam - Ranged(15ft beam) Ice Special Attack: 3/day 3d8.
sphere in this Pokémon's chest is known as the Soul-Heart, and
On hit, all target’s Attack are -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be
the scientist created it by collecting life energy from Pokémon.
The Soul-Heart is the true body of Magearna. Due to its ability to
feel other's pain, it will try as hard as it can to save injured Poké- Flash Cannon - Ranged(20ft) Steel Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.
mon. It can even perceive the emotions, thoughts, or feelings of On hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect
other Pokémon as well. Whenever it is sleeping or sometimes cannot be stacked.
when it is sad, Magearna can fold up take on the appearance of
Aura Sphere - Ranged(30ft) Fighting Special Attack: 1/day 3d12.
an ancient prototype Poké Ball. It’s very likely that Magearna
You can’t miss targets with less than 20 Special Defense.
was replicated from its blueprint and there are several hidden
away in ruins, waiting to interact with others again. Legendary

Fleur Cannon - Ranged(40ft, 20ft blast) Fairy Attack: 3/day 5d20.

Biology: Diet - Ergovore, Habitat - Mountain / Urban Ruins

Proficiencies: Fairy / Steel / Elemental Attack / Energy Blast

Bug / Steel - Medium (Size), Heavy (Weight)
sect was revived
Hit Points: 210 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 10 from an ancient fos-
Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 12 Special Attack: 13 sil and technologically
enhanced by Team
Skills: Flight (can fly), Threaded (can move around on spun
Plasma to create the
threads), Zapper (can produce electricity), Folding Form (While
most powerful Poké-
folded into its aerodynamic form, its Speed is 25, but it cannot
mon ever. The pro-
attack. It can change between forms freely while moving.)
ject was cancelled
Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Metal Sound (+1 Special Attack), and the associated
Download (Your Attack is +1 against targets with lower Special laboratory was closed
Defense than Defense. Your Special Attack is +1 against targets because Team Plasma’s leader decided that the original Poké-
with lower Defense than Special Defense.)
mon would lose their beauty if modified by science. Howev-
Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +6, Speed +6) er, some scientists kept working on it, angry that N denied their
talent. In secret, the scientists reconstructed Genesect and in-
Metal Claw - Melee Steel Attack: At-Will 2d6. On hit, your Attack
stalled the cannon on its back. They made several Genesect and
is +1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked.
many other laboratories stole and replicated the blueprints to
Flame Charge - Melee Fire Attack: At-Will 2d8. On hit, your create more Genesect.
Speed is +1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked.

Zap Cannon - Ranged(30ft) Electric Special Attack: 1/day 5d12.

Zap Cannon has -6 during Accuracy Check. On hit the target is

Hyper Beam - Ranged(25ft beam) Normal Special Attack: 1/day

5d20. Hyper Beam has -2 during Accuracy Check. You cannot act
during the next round.


Techno Blast - Ranged(40ft, 20ft blast) Normal Special Attack: At

-Will 3d8. Techno Blast’s type can be changed to Ice, Electric,
Fire, or Water when used.

Genesis Panic - Legendary Passive - When your HP is at 40 or

less HP, all of your attacks become At-Will frequency. If you use
a move that you normally would not be able to use any more per
day due to its frequency, you lose 1d12 HP when you use it.

Biology: Diet - Ergovore, Habitat - Cave / Urban Lab

Proficiencies: Bug / Electric / Steel / Magnetic

Mew is an extremely rare Pokémon that has been seen by Mew
only a few people. Information on every Pokémon in the world is
contained in Mew's cell structure, so unsurprisingly it can use Psychic - Small (Size), Light (Weight)
any move in existence. Some Pokémon scholars believe Mew to Hit Points: 100 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 12
be the ancestor of all existing Pokémon, but the idea is debata-
Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 11
ble. Mew fossils were found and taken by Team Rocket funded
scientists to create the perfect life form. Mew is rarely found by Skills: Flight (can fly), Intelligence (very smart), Invisibility (can
anyone, and even when seen is never recognized as a Mew due turn invisible), Mind Lock (mind can’t be read), Stealth (can make
to its transformative powers. stealth skill checks), Telekinetic (can move things with their
mind), Telepath (can read minds)

Passives: Amnesia (+2 Special Defense), Barrier (+2 Defense),

Nasty Plot (+1 Special Attack), Synchronize (When you are
Burned, Poisoned, or Paralyzed by a foe, the offender is also giv-
en the same affliction.)

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +5, Speed +5)

Psychic - Ranged(25ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On

hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
not be stacked.

Aura Sphere - Ranged(30ft) Fighting Special Attack: 1/day 3d12.

You can’t miss targets with less than 20 Special Defense.

Metronome - Normal Effect: 3/day. Immediately use a random

attack (non-Legendary).


Enigma Transformation - Ranged(25ft) Normal Effect: At-Will.

You transform into another non-legendary Pokémon then recov-
Mewtwo was created after years of horrific gene splicing and er 25 HP. You can use any of the Pokémon’s moves and have all
DNA engineering experiments based on Mew’s DNA. It is said of its passives. You may also use any move that the Pokémon
that most Mewtwo have the most savage heart among all Poké- could feasibly learn while transformed. Mew retains all of its
mon, lack compassion, and strike fear into its enemy with cold, moves and passives, but may replace its non-HP stats when Mew
glowing eyes. Because it was engineered to be the ultimate in transforms with the Pokémon Mew transformed into. 3/day
battle, it can only think of defeating its foes and subjugating oth- Enigma Transformation can be used as a free action. Enigma
ers with its psychic powers. When Team Rocket funded its crea- Transformation lasts as long as Mew wants it to
tion, the first Mewtwo completely obliterated the lab it was born
from killing all of the scientists present for its birth. Somehow
research related to replicating the experiments related to cre- Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Forest / Mountain / Rainfor-
ating Mewtwo was leaked before the first Mewtwo destroyed its est
place of birth and other Rocket cells have used their data to rec- Proficiencies: Mew can know any move
reate the savage experiment, meaning it is not a unique being.
Many savage in strength and cruelty exist scattered in remote
places around the world.

Psychic - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight)

Hit Points: 330 Defense: 16 Special Defense: 16

Speed: 13 (65 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 15

Skills: Flight (can fly), Intelligence (very smart), Mind Lock (mind
can’t be read), Telekinetic (can move things with their mind),
Telepath (can read minds), Mind Control (can enslave up to three
targets hit with Psychic-type attacks at a time)

Passives: Amnesia (+2 Special Defense), Barrier (+2 Defense),

Nasty Plot (+1 Special Attack), Insomnia (You are immune to be-
ing put to Sleep.), Pressure (If you are hit by a 3/day attack, the
attacker can’t use that attack for the remainder of the day.),
Mega Mewtwo X
Steadfast (When you are Stunned, your Speed is +1 for 10 mins.), Psychic / Fighting - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight)

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +7, Speed +6) Hit Points: 330 Defense: 16 Special Defense: 16
Confusion - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: At-Will 1d12. Speed: 13 (65 ft.) Attack: 19 Special Attack: 15
On hit, if you got 19 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Additional Moves (Attack +9, Special Attack +7, Speed +6)
Zen Headbutt - Melee Psychic Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you
Psychic - Ranged(25ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.
hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
not be stacked. Drain Punch - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 2d8. On hit, you re-
gain HP equal to half of the damage dealt.
Psystrike - Ranged(20ft) Psychic Special Attack: 1/day 5d12.
Psystrike’s Accuracy Check is made against the target’s Defense. Triple Kick - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 1d20. Triple Kick is a
Scatter attack. It has three attacks. Triple kick’s last attack on hit
Recover - Self Normal Effect: 1/day. You are healed HP equal to
deals an additional 1d12 damage.
half of your Max HP.
Despite not being designed with the feature in mind, Mewtwo
is compatible with rare Mega Stones. Instead of gathering power
Mind-reading Disable - Ranged(20ft) Normal Effect: 3/day. from a bond with a human partner to enable the Mega Evolu-
Chose an attack the target knows. That move cannot be used by tion, Mewtwo in possession of a Mega Stone can Mega Evolve
the target for 5 mins. with no Key Stone, instead through sheer rage and force alone.
Mega Evolution - 3/day As a free action, Mega Evolve into Mega
Mewtwo X or Mega Mewtwo Y if Mewtwo possesses a Mega
Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Cave / Urban Abandoned
Stone for 10 mins.
Proficiencies: Psychic / Bruiser / Elemental Attack / Energy Blast
Psycho Rage - 3/day chose two other different moves except for
Recover to use as your attack, ignoring their frequencies.
Mewtwo may only use Psycho Rage while below 100 HP.

Mindslaver - Legendary Passive - When Mewtwo hits with a Psy-

chic-type attack, the target must make a Concentration skill
check of 11 or higher (Pokémon roll without adding anything). If
they fail, Mewtwo may choose to deal no damage with the
attack but now decides how the target acts on their turns until
they make a Concentration Skill check of 16 or higher on their
turn or Mewtwo dismisses them from control.

Mega Mewtwo Y Nihilego
Psychic - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight) Rock / Poison - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 330 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 18 Hit Points: 66 Defense: 6 Special Defense: 13

Speed: 14 (70 ft.) Attack: 14 Special Attack: 20 Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 6 Special Attack: 13

Additional Moves (Attack +7, Special Attack +10, Speed +7) Skills: Flight (can fly)

Mirror Coat - Ranged(40ft) Psychic Effect: 1/day. Mirror Coat is Passives: Tickle (+1 Attack, +1 Defense), Beast Boost (Whenever
used as a Reaction. If you are hit by an enemy with an attack, the you knock out a foe, your highest stat is raised +1 for 10 mins.)
enemy is within range, and they used the Special Attack stat to
Moves (Attack +3, Special Attack +6, Speed +5)
calculate damage, deal exactly twice the damage to the enemy
that you received after taking damage. Do not apply weakness or Clear Smog - Ranged(5ft burst) Poison Special Attack: At-Will
resistances. 1d12.

Hyper Blast - Ranged(25ft beam) Normal Special Attack: 1/day Psybeam - Ranged(15ft beam) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d8.
5d20. Hyper Blast has -2 during Accuracy Check. You may have On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Hyper Blast be a Psychic-type attack. Confused.

Extreme Speed - Melee Normal Attack: 3/day 3d10. Extreme Power Gem - Ranged(20ft) Rock Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.
Speed has Priority and cannot be contested for Priority. Venom Drench - Ranged(10ft) Poison Effect: 3/day. Venom
Drench can only target a Poisoned or Toxified enemy. On hit, the
target’s Attack, Special Attack, and Speed are -3 for 10 mins. This
effect cannot be stacked.

Head Smash - Melee Rock Attack: 1/day 7d12. On hit, you lose
HP equal to half of the damage you deal.

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Foreign Dimension

Proficiencies: Electric / Poison / Psychic / Rock / Parasitic

Nihilego, codenamed PARASITE, is a parasitic organism and,

by latching onto one's head, is capable of injecting a neurotoxin
that subtly alters the thoughts and actions of any human or
Pokémon that becomes its host. This neurotoxin stimulates in-
tense feelings of excitement while causing a loss of inhibitions,
which acts to forcibly bring out any latent potential within the
host while wearing away at their minds. Nihilego's exact levels of
intelligence are unknown, but it seems to act mainly on a self-
preservation instinct.

Ultra Beasts infrequently appear from Ultra Wormholes. The most notable feature of Buzzwole is its ability to strength-
These appearances are apparently as unexpected for the Ultra en itself. Codenamed ABSORPTION, by stabbing its proboscis
Beasts as for people and Pokémon, which tends to make them into a foe, it absorbs the foe's energy. This in turn triggers a
combative. They are especially drawn to people who have chemical reaction within its body fluids that causes its muscles to
passed through an Ultra Wormhole, due to the residual worm- grow at explosive rates, further augmenting its already consider-
hole energy on them, apparently expecting to find a wormhole able strength. Buzzwole appears to strike bodybuilding poses
they can use to return home. before it performs any sort of action. This is thought to be its
main form of communication, but what it could be trying to
Ultra Beasts have been extensively studied and many have
communicate is not understood.
been codenamed. They each have uniquely terrifying traits, but
once captured behave much like Pokémon when partnered with
powerful trainers.

Bug / Fighting - Large (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 66 Defense: 16 Special Defense: 5

Speed: 8 (40 ft.) Attack: 15 Special Attack: 5

Skills: Flight (can fly), Strength (very strong)

Passives: Bulk Up (+1 Attack, +1 Defense), Harden (+1 Defense),

Focus Energy (Attacks are critical hits on natural 18-20), Beast
Boost (Whenever you knock out a foe, your highest stat is raised
+1 for 10 mins.)

Moves (Attack +7, Special Attack +2, Speed +4)

Power-Up Punch - Melee Fighting Attack: At-Will 2d6. On hit,

your Attack is +1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked.

Taunt - Ranged(20ft) Dark Effect: 3/day. On hit, the target may

only use attacks that target you or your allies for 1 min.

Lunge - Melee Bug Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, the target’s Attack Pheromosa, codenamed BEAUTY, have lithe, elegant bodies
is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked. capable of sudden feats of acceleration, able to twitch its limbs
Dynamic Punch - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. Dynamic at an estimated 120 mph instantaneously. It also produces a sort
Punch has -5 during Accuracy Check. On hit, the target is Con- of disarming pheromone, which is described as previously un-
fused. known to science that can cause those nearby to become
awestruck by its presence. It displays a considerable reluctance
Counter - Melee Fighting Effect: 1/day. Counter is used as a Re-
towards touching anything, as if it interprets the world as being
action. If you are hit by an enemy with an attack that makes con-
unclean somehow.
tact with you and they used the Attack stat to calculate damage,
deal exactly twice the damage to the enemy that you received
after taking damage. Do not apply weakness or resistances.

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Foreign Dimension

Proficiencies: Bug / Fighting / Martial (No Kicks) / Winged

Bug / Fighting - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 42 Defense: 4 Special Defense: 4

Speed: 16 (85 ft.) Attack: 15 Special Attack: 14

Skills: Flight (can fly), Strength (very strong)

Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Leer (+1 Attack), Beast Boost

(Whenever you knock out a foe, your highest stat is raised +1 for
10 mins.)

Moves (Attack +7, Special Attack +7, Speed +8)

Silver Wind - Ranged(10ft) Bug Special Attack: 1/day 2d8. On hit,

your Attack, Special Attack, Defense, Special Defense, and Speed
are each raised +1 for 1 hour.

Bounce - Melee Flying Attack: 1/day 3d12. When you use this
attack, you raise yourself 40 ft into the air, then you immediately
end your turn. During your next turn, return to the ground, then
your movement speed is doubled and then you may roll Electric - Large (Size), Superweight (Weight)
Bounce’s Accuracy Check and damage. On hit, if you got 14 or
Hit Points: 48 Defense: 7 Special Defense: 9
higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Paralyzed.
Speed: 8 (40 ft.) Attack: 9 Special Attack: 20
Triple Kick - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 1d20. Triple Kick is a
Scatter attack. It has three attacks. Triple kick’s last attack on hit Skills: Flight (can fly), Zapper (can produce electricity)
deals an additional 1d12 damage.
Passives: Eerie Impulse (+2 Special Defense), Tail Glow (+3 Spe-
Bug Buzz - Ranged(20ft) Bug Special Attack: 1/day 3d12. On hit, cial Attack), Beast Boost (Whenever you knock out a foe, your
the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot highest stat is raised +1 for 10 mins.)
be stacked.
Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +10, Speed +4)
High Jump Kick - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. High Jump
Signal Beam - Ranged(15ft beam) Bug Special Attack: 3/day
Kick has -2 during Accuracy Check. If you miss, you lose HP equal
3d10. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the tar-
to half of your Max HP.
get is Confused.

Thunderbolt - Ranged(30ft) Electric Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Foreign Dimension On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Proficiencies: Bug / Fighting / Martial (No Punches) / Winged
Hypnosis - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Effect: 3/day. Hypnosis has -4
during Accuracy Check. On hit, the target is put Asleep.
Xurkitree, codenamed LIGHTNING, raids power plants and is
Power Whip - Melee Grass Attack: 1/day 5d12. Power Whip has
speculated to sustain itself with electricity. This is supported by
-2 during Accuracy Check.
observations that it will plug its limbs and tail into the ground
when it is low on energy and enter a tree-like state to absorb Zap Cannon - Ranged(30ft) Electric Special Attack: 1/day 5d12.
electricity from the earth. Its entire body crackles with astonish- Zap Cannon has -6 during Accuracy Check. On hit the target is
ing electrical power. The cables that make up its body have been Paralyzed.
noted as being made of the same material as electrical wiring,
and as such are highly efficient conductors of electricity. Its body
contains an organ that produces energy, and it can discharge Biology: Diet - Ergovore, Habitat - Foreign Dimension
tens of thousands of volts at once. Proficiencies: Electric / Energy Blast / Parasitic

Celesteela Despite its small size compared to the other Ultra Beasts,
Kartana, codenamed SLASH, is extremely dangerous, as every
Steel / Flying - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight) edge of its body is incredibly sharp. It is able to cut down steel
Hit Points: 60 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 10 with one stroke of the blades on its arms, and any opponents
that try to attack can be similarly cut apart. Its light, paper-like
Speed: 8 (40 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 11
body allows it to evade most attacks by simply floating out of the
Skills: Flight (can fly) way, but it also makes it highly vulnerable to fire and moisture.

Passives: Autotomize (+2 Speed), Iron Defense (+2 Defense),

Metal Sound (+1 Special Attack), Beast Boost (Whenever you
Guzzlord, codenamed GLUTTONY, bodies feel like hard rub-
knock out a foe, your highest stat is raised +1 for 10 mins.)
ber. In order to eat, its tongue moves in a wave-like motion that
Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +5, Speed +4) pulls food towards its mouth. There have been reports of it
eating small hills and buildings in less than a day. Its constant
Smack Down - Ranged(25ft) Rock Attack: 3/day 1d20. On hit,
hunger causes it to eat anything within reach of its two, pincer-
Smack Down knocks the target out of the air, removing any
like tongues. Despite its appetite, no droppings have ever been
Ground-type immunities and disabling the target’s ability to
found. It is speculated to convert everything it consumes into
move in the air for 2 mins.
energy with no waste leftover. It is highly dangerous as it em-
Mega Drain - Melee Grass Special Attack: 3/day 2d10. On hit, bodies the word omnivorous more than any other creature yet
you regain HP equal to half of the damage dealt. discovered.
Flash Cannon - Ranged(20ft) Steel Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.
On hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect
cannot be stacked.

Seed Bomb - Ranged(15ft) Grass Attack: 3/day 3d10.

Heavy Slam - Melee Steel Attack: 3/day 3d10. Heavy Slam can
only target lighter targets.

Biology: Diet - Terravore, Habitat - Foreign Dimension

Proficiencies: Flying / Grass / Steel / Stampeding

Celesteela, codenamed BLASTER, has a distinctive feature- it

can store massive amounts of energy within itself: a flammable
gas that it can shoot from its two huge arms. This is mostly used
to propel itself in flight and for battle, but it is thought to have
sufficient power and lift to even fly into space. Celesteela rocket
thrusts are powerful enough to destroy a small forest. Despite
being Steel-type, its body is plantlike and can absorb nutrients
from the soil. Celesteela can have a long lifespan, as one was
found buried deep underground for over two-hundred years.

Kartana Guzzlord
Grass / Steel - Tiny (Size), Featherweight (Weight) Dark / Dragon - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 36 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 3 Hit Points: 132 Defense: 5 Special Defense: 5

Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 20 Special Attack: 6 Speed: 4 (20 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 10

Skills: Flight (can fly) Skills: Sinker (can’t swim), Strength (very strong)

Passives: Swords Dance (+2 Attack), Beast Boost (Whenever you Passives: Beast Boost (Whenever you knock out a foe, your high-
knock out a foe, your highest stat is raised +1 for 10 mins.) est stat is raised +1 for 10 mins.)

Moves (Attack +10, Special Attack +3, Speed +5) Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +5, Speed +4)

Night Slash - Melee Dark Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you got 18 Stomping Tantrum - Melee Ground Attack: 1/day 3d12. If you
or higher on Accuracy Check, Night Slash is a critical hit. missed with your last attack during the last round, Stomping
Tantrum has 5d12 for damage instead.
Leaf Blade - Melee Grass Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you got
18 or higher on Accuracy Check, Leaf Blade is a critical hit. Crunch - Melee Dark Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, the target’s
Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked.
X-Scissor - Melee Bug Attack: 3/day 3d10.
Thrash - Melee Normal Attack: 1/day 5d12. Move to and attack
Air Slash - Ranged(15ft) Flying Special Attack: 1/day 3d12. Air
the nearest possible target within 25ft. During your next action,
Slash has -1 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 14 or high-
move to and attack the nearest possible target within 25ft, then
er on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.
you become Confused. Thrash can and will target allies if possi-
Psycho Cut - Ranged(20ft) Psychic Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if ble.
you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, Psycho Cut is a critical
Heavy Slam - Melee Steel Attack: 3/day 3d10. Heavy Slam can
only target lighter targets.

Dragon Rush - Melee Dragon Attack: 3/day 3d10. Dragon Rush

Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Foreign Dimension has -2 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 16 or higher on
Proficiencies: Blades Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Foreign Dimension

Proficiencies: Dark / Dragon / Poison / Glutton / Stampeding

Stakataka Codenamed BURST, Blacephalon is a destructive Ultra Beast
who is prone to throwing what seems to be its head at others,
Rock / Steel - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight) only to have it destructive explode. Blacephalon heads seem to
Hit Points: 36 Defense: 23 Special Defense: 10 regrow very quickly but its destructive blasts are disruptive
nonetheless. It seems to like gathering attention and will per-
Speed: 3 (15 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 5
form tricks and slapstick bits to gather a crowd before randomly
Skills: Sinker (can’t swim), Strength (very strong) exploding, much to the dismay and panic on onlookers.

Passives: Autotomize (+2 Speed), Iron Defense (+2 Defense),

Beast Boost (Whenever you knock out a foe, your highest stat is
Poipole, codenamed ADHESIVE, has a large head that is filled
raised +1 for 10 mins.)
with a glowing, adhesive poison, which it can fire from the nee-
Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +2, Speed +1) dles on its head. While spraying opponents with this venom, it
almost seems to laugh wildly. This Ultra Beast will nest with
Protect - Ranged Normal Effect: 1/day. Protect is used as a Reac-
others of its kind, making what looks like hives when latched
tion. If you are hit by an attack, ignore the damage and any
together. It is the only known Ultra Beast to evolve in the same
effects of the attack.
way Pokémon do.
Rock Blast - Ranged(10ft) Rock Attack: At-Will 1d4. Rock Blast
has -2 during Accuracy Check. Rock Blast is a Scatter attack. Up
to 5 attacks.

Rock Slide - Ranged(20ft, 10ft wave) Rock Attack: 1/day 5d12.

Rock Slide has -2 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 14 or
higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.

Stealth Rock - Ranged(5ft) Rock Effect: 3/day. Place a Stealth

Rock Hazard adjacent to you. Stealth Rock Hazard has the follow-
ing ability: If a foe moves within 20 ft of Stealth Rock Hazard, it The evolved Ultra Beast, Naganadel, codenamed STINGER,
will hurl itself at the foe, destroying itself and dealing 2d12 Rock-
houses hundreds of liters of poisonous liquid inside its body. It
type damage to the foe without needing an Accuracy Check.
fires a glowing, venomous liquid from its needles. This liquid is
Iron Head - Melee Steel Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you got 14 also immensely adhesive. It flies with much more certainty after
or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned. growing wings through what seems to be evolution and is great-
ly dangerous and predatory. With stingers through its body,
hands, and wings, approaching this Ultra Beast is very danger-
Biology: Diet - Terravore, Habitat - Foreign Dimension ous.
Proficiencies: Steel / Rock / Magnetic / Stampeding

Composed of many dark gray, stone lifeforms stacked togeth-

er to form a four-sided tower with a spindly leg on each corner,
Stakataka, codenamed ASSEMBLY, is a hivemind Ultra Beast who
shifts around as its body constantly forms a solid creature. Each
stone square has a black underside with a circular, glowing blue
eye in the center. These eyes will turn red whenever angered or
fighting and share what they see with each other part of Staka-
taka. Stakataka hates having anything on top of itself and will
violently try to shake anything stacked on top of it.

Blacephalon Poipole
Fire / Ghost - Large (Size), Medium (Weight) Poison - Small (Size), Light (Weight)

Hit Points: 30 Defense: 5 Special Defense: 9 Hit Points: 42 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 7

Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 16 Speed: 7 (35 ft.) Attack: 7 Special Attack: 8

Skills: Firestarter (can create fire) Skills: Flight (can fly)

Passives: Calm Mind (+1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense), Passives: Growl (+1 Defense), Nasty Plot (+1 Special Attack),
Beast Boost (Whenever you knock out a foe, your highest stat is Beast Boost (Whenever you knock out a foe, your highest stat is
raised +1 for 10 mins.) raised +1 for 10 mins.)

Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +8, Speed +5) Moves (Attack +3, Special Attack +4, Speed +3)

Ember - Ranged(10ft) Fire Special Attack: At-Will 1d12. On hit, if Peck - Melee Flying Attack: At-Will 2d6.
you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Burned.
Acid Spray - Ranged(20ft) Poison Special Attack: 3/day 1d20. On
Astonish - Melee Ghost Attack: At-Will 1d10. On hit, if you got 19 hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned. not be stacked.

Light Screen - Ranged(30ft) Normal Effect: 3/day. Place 40ft of Poison Jab - Melee Poison Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you got
Light Screen Wall. Light Screen Wall has the following ability: 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Poisoned.
Special Attacks that target through this wall deal 10 less damage
after applying weakness and resistance. This Wall disappears
after 2 mins. Naganadel
Shadow Ball - Ranged(20ft) Ghost Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On Poison / Dragon - Huge (Size), Heavy (Weight)
hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
not be stacked. Hit Points: 42 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 7

Mind Blown - Ranged(20ft burst) Fire Special Attack: 1/day 5d20. Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 7 Special Attack: 14
On hit, you lose HP equal to ½ of the damage you deal. Skills: Flight (can fly)

Passives: Growl, Nasty Plot, Beast Boost

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Foreign Dimension Moves (Attack +3, Special Attack +7, Speed +6)
Proficiencies: Fire / Ghost / Psychic / Weird Air Cutter - Ranged(15ft) Flying Special Attack: At-Will 2d8. Air
Cutter has -1 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 18 or
higher on Accuracy Check, Air Cutter is a critical hit.

Fell Stinger - Melee Bug Attack: At-Will 2d8. If you knock out a
target with Fell Stinger, your Attack is +2 for 10 mins. This effect
cannot be stacked.

Dragon Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Dragon Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.

Toxic - Melee Poison Effect: 1/day. Toxic has -3 during Accuracy

Check, unless the user is Poison type. On hit, the target is Toxi-
fies the target.

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Foreign Dimension

Evolution: Poipole Naganadel

Proficiencies: Dragon / Poison / Prickly / Winged (Naganadel)

Ice / Flying - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 108 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 13

Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 9 Special Attack: 10

Skills: Flight (can fly), Freezer (can create ice), Guster (can pro-
duce wind)

Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Pressure (If you are hit by a 3/day
attack, the attacker can’t use that attack for the remainder of the
day.), Snow Cloak (While in Hailing weather, any foe’s attacks
made against you have -1 during Accuracy Check.)

Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +5, Speed +5)

Articuno (Remote Isles)
Ice Beam - Ranged(20ft beam) Ice Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
Psychic / Flying - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)
hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Fro-
zen. Hit Points: 108 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 10

Blizzard - Ranged(20ft, 10ft wave) Ice Special Attack: 1/day 5d12. Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 9 Special Attack: 13
Blizzard has -2 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Hailing. On hit, if
Skills: Flight (can fly), Guster (can produce wind), Telekinetic (can
you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the targets are Frozen. move things with their mind)

Hurricane - Ranged(25ft, 10ft blast) Flying Special Attack: 1/day Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Competitive (If a foe lowers any of
5d12. Hurricane has -2 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Raining. your stats, you have +2 Special Attack until your lowered stats
On hit, if you got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the targets are
are returned to normal.), Pressure
Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +6, Speed +6)
Sheer Cold - Ranged(15ft, 10ft wave) Ice Special Attack: 1/day.
Sheer Cold has -10 during Accuracy Check. On hit, all targets Confusion - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: At-Will 1d12.
have their HP set to 0. On hit, if you got 19 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Roost - Self Flying Effect: 1/day. You must be on the ground to
use Roost. You are healed HP equal to half of your Max HP. Hypnosis - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Effect: 3/day. Hypnosis has -4
during Accuracy Check. On hit, the target is put Asleep.
Hurricane - Ranged(25ft, 10ft blast) Flying Special Attack: 1/day
Birds of Legend - Legendary Passive - You are compelled to com-
5d12. Hurricane has -2 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Raining.
pete for dominance in the presence of other Birds of Legend.
On hit, if you got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the targets are
Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Artic / Tundra Confused.
Proficiencies: Flying / Ice / Psychic / Aves / Winged Freezing Glare - Ranged(20ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.
When Articuno flaps its wings, it can chill the moisture in the On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
air around it, making snow fall. It flies from icy mountain to icy Frozen.
mountain. According to legend, it appears before doomed trav- Recover - Self Normal Effect: 1/day. You are healed HP equal to
elers lost in icy regions. Articuno sometimes aids travelers and half of your Max HP.
guides them to safety. Articuno lives in cold, isolated locations.

Birds of Legend - Legendary Passive - You are compelled to com-

pete for dominance in the presence of other Birds of Legend.

Electric / Flying - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 108 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 9

Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 9 Special Attack: 13

Skills: Flight (can fly), Guster (can produce wind), Zapper (can
produce electricity)

Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Pressure (If you are hit by a 3/day
attack, the attacker can’t use that attack for the remainder of the
day.), Static (Whenever you are hit with a melee attack, roll 1d4.
On 4, Paralyze the attacker.)

Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +6, Speed +6)

Zapdos (Remote Isles)
Drill Peck - Melee Flying Attack: 3/day 3d10.
Fighting / Flying - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)
Thunderbolt - Ranged(30ft) Electric Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.
Hit Points: 108 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 9
On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 9 Paralyzed.

Skills: Flight (can fly) Thunder - Ranged(30ft, 5ft blast) Electric Special Attack: 1/day
5d12. Thunder has -5 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Raining.
Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Defiant (If a foe lowers any of your
On hit, if you got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the targets are
stats, you have +2 Attack until your lowered stats are returned to
normal.), Pressure
Zap Cannon - Ranged(30ft) Electric Special Attack: 1/day 5d12.
Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +4, Speed +6)
Zap Cannon has -6 during Accuracy Check. On hit the target is
Drill Peck - Melee Flying Attack: 3/day 3d10. Paralyzed.

Detect - Ranged Fighting Effect: 1/day. Detect is used as a Reac- Roost - Self Flying Effect: 1/day. You must be on the ground to
tion. If you are hit by an attack, ignore the damage and any use Roost. You are healed HP equal to half of your Max HP.
effects of the attack.
Brick Break - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 3d8. Destroy any
Birds of Legend - Legendary Passive - You are compelled to com-
Walls within 5 ft. You may target Walls with Brick Break without
pete for dominance in the presence of other Birds of Legend.
needing to roll Accuracy Check or damage.

Thunderous Kick - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit,

the target’s Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Mountain / Urban Plant
stacked. Proficiencies: Electric / Fighting / Flying / Aves / Winged
Close Combat - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your Zapdos causes savage thunderstorms by flapping its glittering
Defense and Special Defense is -2 for 10 mins. This effect cannot wings. Zapdos flaps its wings, and summer storms appear,
be stacked. throwing lightning every which way. It's said that you can hear
Legendary this legendary Pokémon coming, as its wings make a very distinc-
tive popping sound as it flies. In places with droughts, it is a great
Birds of Legend - Legendary Passive - You are compelled to com-
blessing to have a Zapdos fly by and bring a downpour with its
pete for dominance in the presence of other Birds of Legend.
lightnings storms.

Fire / Flying - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 108 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 9

Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 13

Skills: Firestarter (can create fire), Flight (can fly), Guster (can
produce wind)

Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Flame Body (Whenever you are hit
with a melee attack, roll 1d4. On 4, Burn the attacker.), Pressure
(If you are hit by a 3/day attack, the attacker can’t use that
attack for the remainder of the day.)
Moltres (Remote Isles)
Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +6, Speed +5)
Dark / Flying - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)
Fire Spin - Ranged(20ft) Fire Special Attack: 3/day 1d4. On hit,
Hit Points: 108 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 13
the target is bound in place for 1d4 rounds. For each round the
target is bound, it takes 1d4 special damage on its turns. Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 9 Special Attack: 11

Flamethrower - Ranged(20ft beam) Fire Special Attack: 3/day Skills: Flight (can fly), Guster (can produce wind)
3d10. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the tar-
Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Nasty Plot (+1 Special Attack), Ber-
get is Burned.
serk (While below half HP, you have +2 Special Attack.), Pressure
Heat Wave - Ranged(25ft burst) Fire Special Attack: 1/day 3d12.
Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +5, Speed +5)
On hit, if you got 17 or higher on Accuracy Check, targets are
Burned. Sucker Punch - Melee Dark Attack: 1/day 3d8. Sucker Punch is
used as a Reaction. If you are attacked, use Sucker Punch to
Burn Up - Ranged(25ft burst) Fire Special Attack: 1/day 5d12.
attack the attacker before the enemy rolls their Accuracy Check
After use, if the user is only Fire type it becomes Normal type,
against you. You must still roll an accuracy check for Sucker
and if the user is Fire type and another type it loses its Fire typ-
ing. This effect lasts for 10 mins.
Air Slash - Ranged(15ft) Flying Special Attack: 1/day 3d12. Air
Roost - Self Flying Effect: 1/day. You must be on the ground to
Slash has -1 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 14 or high-
use Roost. You are healed HP equal to half of your Max HP.
er on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.
Hurricane - Ranged(25ft, 10ft blast) Flying Special Attack: 1/day
Birds of Legend - Legendary Passive - You are compelled to com- 5d12. Hurricane has -2 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Raining.
pete for dominance in the presence of other Birds of Legend. On hit, if you got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the targets are

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Cave / Mountain Fiery Wrath - Ranged(20ft) Dark Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
hit, if you got 16 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Proficiencies: Dark / Fire / Flying / Aves / Winged Stunned.
As tradition has it, the onset of spring heralds the return of Endure - Ranged Normal Effect: 1/day. Endure is used as a Reac-
Moltres from its southern home. Its bright orange color and fiery tion. If you are hit by an attack and would be knocked out, in-
aspect lends to its overwhelming appearance. If Moltres is in- stead you are still at 1 HP.
jured, it returns to a volcano to heal its wings with magma. It
can turn the night sky red with every flap of its wings creating a Legendary
dazzling flare of flames. Birds of Legend - Legendary Passive - You are compelled to com-
pete for dominance in the presence of other Birds of Legend.

It is said that when an Articuno and Moltres combines their Raikou
powers of ice and fire, they are the source and cradle of the
nearby oceans, and that a Zapdos with its electric energy creates Electric - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight)
the currents and streams. These three legendary birds are close- Hit Points: 108 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 10
ly bound to the guardian of the ocean, Lugia. They hold a fierce
Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 12
rivalry between each other and will bicker and infight until chaos
in the sky is loosed throughout the lands nearby. Lugia is said to Skills: Strength (very strong), Zapper (can produce electricity),
rise from a nearby sea and quell their fighting. The birds will re-
Passives: Calm Mind (+1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense), Leer
turn to wherever they live if they are broken up. During their (+1 Attack), Inner Focus (You are immune to being Stunned.),
fighting. Pressure (If you are hit by a 3/day attack, the attacker can’t use
that attack for the remainder of the day.), Volt Absorb (When
you are hit by an electric-type attack, half the damage after ap-
plying weakness and resistance, then you heal that much HP in-
stead of taking damage.)

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +6, Speed +6)

Roar - Ranged(30ft burst) Normal Effect: 1/day. On hit, Pokémon

that are smaller than you will not want to fight and will attempt
to run away from you.

Thunder Fang - Melee Electric Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you

got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is randomly ei-
ther Stunned or Paralyzed.

Crunch - Melee Dark Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, the target’s

If you see a bolt of lightning flash across the ground instead
Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked.
of from the sky, you may have just caught a glimpse of a Raikou.
If you hear a peal of thunder that lasts longer than it should, that Rain Dance - Water Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle of
may be the roar of a Raikou. The rain clouds it carries on its back Raining Weather with a 60ft diameter. Within the Raining
let it fire thunderbolts. Some stories claim that it descended with weather, Water-type attacks deal an additional 8 damage and
lightning. Fire-type attacks deal 8 less damage. This weather disappears
after 2 mins.

Thunder - Ranged(30ft, 5ft blast) Electric Special Attack: 1/day

5d12. Thunder has -5 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Raining.
On hit, if you got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the targets are


Legendary Sprint - Legendary Passive - If you move in one direc-

tion for more than 100 ft, your Speed becomes 30 until you
change direction or stop. While moving at this speed, you may
run over any terrain.

The three legendary beasts are said to embody the three

events that symbolize renewal in an ancient tale. Raikou is the
Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Grassland / Mountain
lightning that begins change, Entei is the fire that burns away the
past, and Suicune represents the winds and rain that put out the Proficiencies: Electric / Claws / Fangs / Weather
fires. It is no wonder they are associated with Ho-oh, the legend-
ary Pokémon who comes back to life in its death from the ashes.
Ho-oh is said to protect these legendary beasts from harm
whenever it can.

Fire - Large (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 144 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 8

Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 12 Special Attack: 9

Skills: Firestarter (can create fire), Strength (very strong)

Passives: Calm Mind (+1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense),

Leer (+1 Attack), Flash Fire (If hit by a Fire-type attack, your Fire
type attacks deal +1d10 damage for 2 mins.), Inner Focus (You
are immune to being Stunned.), Pressure (If you are hit by a 3/ Entei embodies the passion and complete dominance of mag-
day attack, the attacker can’t use that attack for the remainder ma. In myth, it is said to have been born in the eruption of a vol-
of the day.) cano. It sends up massive bursts of fire that utterly consume all
that they touch. It’s said that nearby volcanoes erupt when it
Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +4, Speed +5)
roars. Unable to contain its sheer power, it races headlong
Roar - Ranged(30ft burst) Normal Effect: 1/day. On hit, Pokémon around the land.
that are smaller than you will not want to fight and will attempt
to run away from you.

Fire Fang - Melee Fire Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you got 18 or
higher on Accuracy Check, the target is randomly either Stunned
or Burned.

Flamethrower - Ranged(20ft beam) Fire Special Attack: 3/day

3d10. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the tar-
get is Burned.

Fire Blast - Ranged(40ft, 10ft blast) Fire Special Attack: 1/day

5d12. Fire Blast has -2 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Sunny. Suicune has the power to walk across water and purify tainted
On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the targets are water with its touch. It travels across grasslands in search of wa-
Burned. ter to purify. Northern winds always seem to blow stronger in its
Eruption - Ranged(30ft burst) Fire Special Attack: 1/day 3d10. If presence. Suicune are said to appear to the pure and encourages
you are at Max HP, Eruption has 5d12 for damage instead. the start of positive change, having purified any darkness left
behind from sudden and violent change.

Legendary Sprint - Legendary Passive - If you move in one direc-

tion for more than 100 ft, your Speed becomes 30 until you
change direction or stop. While moving at this speed, you may
run over any terrain.

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Cave / Mountain

Proficiencies: Fire / Claws / Fangs / Weather

Suicune Guardian deities work together as a unit to protect a region.
It is unknown how a set of guardian deities assign themselves to
Water - Large (Size), Superweight (Weight) a part of the world, but wherever they appear the region’s cul-
Hit Points: 120 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 12 ture is partially shaped by their presence. Whether they split
their protection over four quadrants of a region, four islands, or
Speed: 9 (45 ft.) Attack: 8 Special Attack: 9
four corners, they all will come together when a greater threat is
Skills: Fountain (can create water), Strength (very strong) present that any single guardian cannot fend off on its own.

Passives: Calm Mind (+1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense), Each guardian can form itself into a totem-looking symbol and
Leer (+1 Attack), Inner Focus (You are immune to being summon forth a massive being of light with their body serving as
Stunned.), Pressure (If you are hit by a 3/day attack, the attacker the head of this humanoid titan. The guardians do so temporari-
can’t use that attack for the remainder of the day.), Water Ab- ly to savagely attack anything that would threaten the land
sorb (When you are hit by a water-type attack, half the damage
they’ve tied themselves to.
after applying weakness and resistance, then you heal that much
HP instead of taking damage.)

Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +4, Speed +4)

Ice Fang - Melee Ice Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you got 18 or
higher on Accuracy Check, the target is randomly either Stunned
or Frozen.

Bubble Beam - Ranged(20ft) Water Special Attack: 3/day 3d8.

On hit, the target’s Speed is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be

Aurora Beam - Ranged(15ft beam) Ice Special Attack: 3/day 3d8. Tapu Koko is known for protecting its home, but it is fickle and
On hit, all target’s Attack are -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be will not necessarily help people in need. However, it is very curi-
stacked. ous, and may come to play or battle with people or Pokémon
Hydro Pump - Ranged(30ft beam) Water Special Attack: 1/day that interest it. It is able to store electricity by closing itself inside
5d12. Hydro Pump has -2 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Rain- the shells on its arms. It has an explosive temper, but can in-
ing. stantly forget what enraged it in the first place.

Rain Dance - Water Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle of

Raining Weather with a 60ft diameter. Within the Raining
weather, Water-type attacks deal an additional 8 damage and
Fire-type attacks deal 8 less damage. This weather disappears
after 2 mins.


Legendary Sprint - Legendary Passive - If you move in one direc-

tion for more than 100 ft, your Speed becomes 30 until you
change direction or stop. While moving at this speed, you may
run over any terrain. Tapu Lele is known to scatter glowing scales, which affect oth-
ers by stimulating and healing their bodies; however, these
scales are also dangerous if too many are touched at once. An
Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Forest / Grassland old legend says that Tapu Lele ended a war by healing the tired
Proficiencies: Water / Claws / Fangs / Weather warriors with its scales. Its strength comes from the energy
stored within its shell. If Tapu Lele finds itself at a disadvantage
in battle, it will prioritize not outright losing as opposed to trying
for a decisive victory. It is said to gain energy from the scent of

Tapu Koko
Electric / Fairy - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 84 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 8

Speed: 15 (75 ft.) Attack: 14 Special Attack: 10

Skills: Flight (can fly), Strength (very strong), Zapper (can pro-
duce electricity)

Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Screech (+2 Attack), Withdraw (+1 Tapu Bulu is able to command vegetation to grow and change
Defense), Electric Surge (As a free action you may deplete one shape to its will. Despite its fearsome power, it is largely inactive,
use of Electric Terrain and use Electric Terrain.), Telepathy (Your leading some to consider it a lazy guardian. It has a peaceful dis-
allies within 25ft do not harm you when the ally is using attacks
position and does not like to cause unnecessary violence, so it
that have an area of effect.)
rings the bell on its tail to alert others of its presence. However,
Moves (Attack +7, Special Attack +5, Speed +7) it is merciless to those who offend it and it is said to have once
repelled thieves from its ruins by swinging trees like clubs.
Thunder Shock - Ranged(20ft) Electric Special Attack: At-Will
1d12. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the tar-
get is Paralyzed.

Spark - Melee Electric Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you got 14 or

higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Paralyzed.

Wild Charge - Melee Electric Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, you lose
HP equal to 1/4th of the damage you deal.

Nature’s Madness - Ranged(25ft) Fairy Special Attack: 1/day. On Tapu Fini can freely manipulate water and gains energy from
hit, the target’s current HP is halved. ocean currents. To avoid harm to itself in battle, it shrouds its
surroundings in a mysterious fog that sends its opponents into a
Electric Terrain - Electric Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle of
self-destructive trance. The guardian also unleashes this fog as a
Electrified Terrain with a 60ft diameter. Anyone touching the
test for those who seek the special water it can create, which is
ground within the Electrified terrain is immune to being put to
said to purify anything it touches. Tapu Fini does not care much
Sleep. This terrain disappears after 2 mins.
for humans. Despite this, it is willing to help those who prove
Legendary themselves worthy.
Guardian Deity - Legendary Passive - When at the post you are
guarding (temple, shrine, sacred ground), you take 10 less dam-
age from any attack.

Guardian Sync - Legendary Passive - When you are with at least

one other Guardian and at least one ally’s Guardian Deity is ac-
tive, your HP is 420.

Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Forest / Mountain / Urban

Temple or Shrine

Proficiencies: Electric / Fairy / Martial

Tapu Lele Tapu Bulu
Psychic / Fairy - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight) Grass / Fairy - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 84 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 12 Hit Points: 84 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 10

Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 13 Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 9

Skills: Flight (can fly), Strength (very strong), Telekinetic (can Skills: Flight (can fly), Sprouter (can manipulate plant life),
move things with their mind) Strength (very strong)

Passives: Tickle (+1 Attack, +1 Defense), Withdraw (+1 Defense), Passives: Scary Face (+2 Speed), Withdraw (+1 Defense), Grassy
Psychic Surge (As a free action you may deplete one use of Psy- Surge (As a free action you may deplete one use of Grassy Ter-
chic Terrain and use Psychic Terrain.), Telepathy (Your allies with- rain and use Grassy Terrain.), Telepathy (Your allies within 25ft
in 25ft do not harm you when the ally is using attacks that have do not harm you when the ally is using attacks that have an area
an area of effect.) of effect.)

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +6, Speed +5) Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +4, Speed +5)

Confusion - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: At-Will 1d12. Zen Headbutt - Melee Psychic Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you
On hit, if you got 19 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.
Horn Leech - Melee Grass Attack: 1/day 3d12. On hit, you regain
Draining Kiss - Melee Fairy Special Attack: 3/day 2d8. On hit, you HP equal to half of the damage dealt.
regain HP equal to half of the damage dealt.
Megahorn - Melee Bug Attack: 1/day 5d12.
Moonblast - Ranged(20ft) Fairy Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
Nature’s Madness - Ranged(25ft) Fairy Special Attack: 1/day. On
hit, the target’s Special Attack is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
hit, the target’s current HP is halved.
not be stacked.
Grassy Terrain - Grass Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle of
Nature’s Madness - Ranged(25ft) Fairy Special Attack: 1/day. On
Grassy Terrain with a 60ft diameter. Anyone who acts within the
hit, the target’s current HP is halved.
Grassy terrain recovers 1d12 HP after acting. This terrain disap-
Psychic Terrain - Psychic Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle of pears after 2 mins.
Psychic Terrain with a 60ft diameter. If touching the ground,
within the Psychic Terrain, Priority and Reaction moves may not
be used. This terrain disappears after 2 mins. Guardian Deity - Legendary Passive - When at the post you are
guarding (temple, shrine, sacred ground), you take 10 less dam-
age from any attack.
Guardian Deity - Legendary Passive - When at the post you are
Guardian Sync - Legendary Passive - When you are with at least
guarding (temple, shrine, sacred ground), you take 10 less dam-
one other Guardian and at least one ally’s Guardian Deity is ac-
age from any attack.
tive, your HP is 420.
Guardian Sync - Legendary Passive - When you are with at least
one other Guardian and at least one ally’s Guardian Deity is ac-
tive, your HP is 420. Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Forest / Mountain / Urban
Temple or Shrine

Proficiencies: Fairy / Grass / Martial

Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Forest / Mountain / Urban
Temple or Shrine

Proficiencies: Fairy / Psychic / Weird

Tapu Fini The Swords of Justice have challenged humans according to
legend in order to protect other Pokémon from losing their
Water / Fairy - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight) homes to human expansion. According to legend, the Swords of
Hit Points: 84 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 13 Justice distrust humans because of the war that endangered the
Pokémon. They fought back against the human armies, over-
Speed: 9 (45 ft.) Attack: 8 Special Attack: 10
whelming them with their combined might. It has been said that
Skills: Flight (can fly), Fountain (can create water), Gilled (can if human conflict ever again threatened to safety of Pokémon,
breathe underwater), Strength (very strong), Swimmer (can that they would return to quell the fighting and preserve a cli-
swim) mate of peace. They live in remote places but will come to each
other’s aid if possible.
Passives: Withdraw (+1 Defense), Misty Surge (As a free action
you may deplete one use of Misty Terrain and use Misty Ter-
rain.), Telepathy (Your allies within 25ft do not harm you when
the ally is using attacks that have an area of effect.)

Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +5, Speed +9)

Water Gun - Ranged(20ft) Water Special Attack: At-Will 2d6.

Aqua Ring - Self Water Effect: 1/day. Put a Ring Coat on yourself.
The Coat has the following ability: At the beginning of your turn,
recover 1d10 HP. This Coat lasts for 1 min. If it’s raining, the Coat
lasts for 2 mins.
Cobalion has a composed demeanor, but dislikes humans.
Muddy Water - Ranged(20ft, 10ft wave) Water Special Attack: 1/
Once, it fought against people to protect Pokémon. Its glare can
day 3d12. On hit, any target’s Accuracy Checks are -2 during
make even an unruly Pokémon obey it. Cobalion is said to have
their next turn. This effect cannot be stacked.
the air of a leader since its birth and acts as the leader whenever
Nature’s Madness - Ranged(25ft) Fairy Special Attack: 1/day. On in the presence of other Swords of Justice. If peace is possible,
hit, the target’s current HP is halved. Cobalion is capable of calming even the most vicious of foes.
Misty Terrain - Fairy Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle of
Misty Terrain with a 60ft diameter. Within the Misty terrain,
Dragon-type attacks are resisted by anyone who is not already
resistant to Dragon-type attacks and afflictions cannot be given
to anyone. This terrain disappears after 2 mins.


Guardian Deity - Legendary Passive - When at the post you are

guarding (temple, shrine, sacred ground), you take 10 less dam-
age from any attack.

Guardian Sync - Legendary Passive - When you are with at least Terrakion fought humans alongside the other Swords of Jus-
one other Guardian and at least one ally’s Guardian Deity is ac- tice in order to protect Pokémon. Terrakion is said posses a phe-
tive, your HP is 420. nomenal power, which can destroy a castle wall with one blow.
Should a small Pokémon be bullied by anyone or anything, Ter-
rakion with crush the oppressor without mercy. Terrakion is a
Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Forest / Mountain / Urban follower and rarely acts on its own without instruction by anoth-
Temple or Shrine er Sword of Justice.

Proficiencies: Fairy / Water / Healer

Cobalion Terrakion
Steel / Fighting - Large (Size), Superweight (Weight) Rock / Fighting - Large (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 108 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 7 Hit Points: 108 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 9

Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 12 Special Attack: 10 Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 16 Special Attack: 8

Skills: Strength (very strong), Telepath (can read minds) Skills: Strength (very strong), Telepath (can read minds)

Passives: Swords Dance (+2 Attack), Work Up (+1 Attack, +1 Passives: Swords Dance (+2 Attack), Work Up (+1 Attack, +1
Special Attack), Justified (When a foe hits you with a Dark-type Special Attack), Justified (When a foe hits you with a Dark-type
attack, your Attack is +1 for 10 mins.) attack, your Attack is +1 for 10 mins.)
Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +5, Speed +5) Moves (Attack +8, Special Attack +4, Speed +5)
Double Kick - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 1d20. Double Kick is Double Kick - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 1d20. Double Kick is
a Scatter attack. It has two attacks. a Scatter attack. It has two attacks.
Metal Claw - Melee Steel Attack: At-Will 2d6. On hit, your Attack Smack Down - Ranged(25ft) Rock Attack: 3/day 1d20. On hit,
is +1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked. Smack Down knocks the target out of the air, removing any
Iron Head - Melee Steel Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you got 14 Ground-type immunities and disabling the target’s ability to
or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned. move in the air for 2 mins.

Sacred Sword - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 3d10. Sacred Sword Stone Edge - Ranged(25ft) Rock Attack: 1/day 5d12. Stone Edge
has +2 during Accuracy Check. has -2 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on
Accuracy Check, Stone Edge is a critical hit.
Close Combat - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your
Defense and Special Defense is -2 for 10 mins. This effect cannot Sacred Sword - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 3d10. Sacred Sword
be stacked. has +2 during Accuracy Check.

Legendary Close Combat - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your
Defense and Special Defense is -2 for 10 mins. This effect cannot
Swords of Justice - Legendary Passive - Whenever you are be stacked.
fighting alongside another Sword of Justice, your attacks deal +6
damage. In addition, your Defense and Special Defense is +1 for Legendary
each other Sword of Justice you are fighting alongside. Swords of Justice - Legendary Passive - Whenever you are
fighting alongside another Sword of Justice, your attacks deal +6
damage. In addition, your Defense and Special Defense is +1 for
Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Cave / Forest / Grassland /
each other Sword of Justice you are fighting alongside.

Proficiencies: Fighting / Steel /

Blades / Stampeding Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Cave / Forest / Grassland /

Proficiencies: Fighting / Rock / Blades / Stampeding

Virizion Keldeo
Grass / Fighting - Large (Size), Superweight (Weight) Water / Fighting - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 108 Defense: 7 Special Defense: 13 Hit Points: 108 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 9

Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 12 Special Attack: 10 Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 14

Skills: Strength (very strong), Telepath (can read minds) Skills: Strength (very strong), Telepath (can read minds)

Passives: Swords Dance (+2 Attack), Work Up (+1 Attack, +1 Passives: Swords Dance (+2 Attack), Work Up (+1 Attack, +1
Special Attack), Justified (When a foe hits you with a Dark-type Special Attack), Justified (When a foe hits you with a Dark-type
attack, your Attack is +1 for 10 mins.) attack, your Attack is +1 for 10 mins.)

Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +5, Speed +5) Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +7, Speed +5)

Double Kick - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 1d20. Double Kick is Double Kick - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 1d20. Double Kick is
a Scatter attack. It has two attacks. a Scatter attack. It has two attacks.

Giga Drain - Melee Grass Special Attack: 1/day 3d12. On hit, you Aqua Jet - Melee Water Attack: At-Will 2d6. Aqua Jet has Priori-
regain HP equal to half of the damage dealt. ty.

Leaf Blade - Melee Grass Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you got Bubble Beam - Ranged(20ft) Water Special Attack: 3/day 3d8.
18 or higher on Accuracy Check, Leaf Blade is a critical hit. On hit, the target’s Speed is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be
Sacred Sword - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 3d10. Sacred Sword
has +2 during Accuracy Check. Sacred Sword - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 3d10. Sacred Sword
has +2 during Accuracy Check.
Close Combat - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your
Defense and Special Defense is -2 for 10 mins. This effect cannot Close Combat - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your
be stacked. Defense and Special Defense is -2 for 10 mins. This effect cannot
be stacked.
Swords of Justice - Legendary Passive - Whenever you are
fighting alongside another Sword of Justice, your attacks deal +6 Swords of Justice - Legendary Passive - Whenever you are
damage. In addition, your Defense and Special Defense is +1 for fighting alongside another Sword of Justice, your attacks deal +6
each other Sword of Justice you are fighting alongside. damage. In addition, your Defense and Special Defense is +1 for
each other Sword of Justice you are fighting alongside.

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Cave / Forest / Grassland /

Mountain Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Cave / Forest / Grassland /
Proficiencies: Fighting / Grass/ Blades / Stampeding
Proficiencies: Fighting / Water / Blades / Bruiser

Virizion battled against humans in order to protect Pokémon. Long ago, the Forces of Nature Thundurus and Tornadus
Virizion attacks its opponents by first darting around them with fought in the sky and wrought terrible destruction upon the land
whirlwind-like speed before using its horns on its head. The with their ferocious gales and fierce thunderstorms. Landorus,
horns are as sharp as blades. The blades are used to swiftly cut mostly immune to the fury of Thundurus and Tornadus, pun-
down opponents. One unique trait among the Swords of Justice ished the two of them for their feud and tamed them both. For
held dearly by Virizion is its seeming interest in keeping its ap- this reason, people will often find shrines to Landorus and warn-
pearance as elegant as possible. It will often start working to get ings of the dangerous Tornadus and Thundurus.
any grime off of itself, even during battle, while carrying on with
a fight.

The lower half of a Tornadus body is wrapped in a cloud of

Keldeo was trained by the other members of the Swords of
energy. It zooms through the sky at dizzying speeds. Tornadus
Justice. Keldeo tends to journey across the land, and often ap-
expels massive energy from its tail, causing severe storms. If left
pears at beautiful watersides. Keldeo also travels in order to fur-
unchecked, the power is eventually great enough to blow houses
ther improve itself through training. It can walk across water by
away. The windstorms it can brew are even greater once it
ejecting water from its hooves. It is said Keldeo must endure
changes into its Therian form– it grows massive wings that help
harsh battles in order for the forehead horn to develop, which
to stir up terrible hurricanes.
then its true power will be awakened. Until then, its horn is short
and white. It is thought that when Keldeo becomes resolute, its
body fills with power and it becomes swifter. The horn on its
forehead is filled with hidden power earned through countless
battles against oppressive forces. Its horn can change into a
sword which can cut through nearly anything.

The spikes on a Thundurus tail discharge immense bolts of

lightning as it cracks its tail violently. It flies around the sky and
twirls its tail to gather massive black thunderclouds. It shattered
rock and tree with its massive thunderbolts and starts forest
fires, sometimes not letting its clouds rain to stir up more de-
struction. In its Therian form, it grows massive forearms and
swipe around, tearing bolts of lightnings into the ground and
spreading mayhem.

Flying - Huge (Size), Medium (Weight)

Incarnate Form

Hit Points: 96 Defense: 7 Special Defense: 8

Speed: 13 (65 ft.) Attack: 12 Special Attack: 13

Therian Form

Hit Points: 96 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 9

Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 11

Skills: Flight (can fly), Freezer (can create ice), Guster (can pro-
duce wind)

Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Defiant (If a foe lowers any of your
stats, you have +2 Attack until your lowered stats are returned to
normal.), Prankster (Your attacks that do not deal damage on hit
have Priority.), Regenerator (You recover to Max HP after resting
for 1 hour.)

Moves (Attack +6/+5, Special Attack +6/+5, Speed +6)

Air Slash - Ranged(15ft) Flying Special Attack: 1/day 3d12. Air

Slash has -1 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 14 or high-
er on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.

Dark Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Dark Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On

hit, if you got 16 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Landorus seems to live above the skies. It comes down to
Stunned. quell the massive destruction the other Forces of Nature commit
when they get out of hand. Neither Thundurus nor Tornadus
Revenge - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 3d8. If you were
become too destructive unless they meet and begin to compete
attacked by the target this round, use 3d12 for damage instead.
for the most destruction. At this point, Landorus will descended
Thrash - Melee Normal Attack: 1/day 5d12. Move to and attack to lay down its law. It will take on its Therian form if necessary to
the nearest possible target within 25ft. During your next action, pounce on and tear through the destructive Forces of Nature.
move to and attack the nearest possible target within 25ft, then Landorus enjoys many shrines built in its name and will kindly
you become Confused. Thrash can and will target allies. water fields of crops for those who pay it homage.
Hurricane - Ranged(25ft, 10ft blast) Flying Special Attack: 1/day
5d12. Hurricane has -2 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Raining.
On hit, if you got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the targets are


Force of Nature - Legendary Passive - As a free action, you may

change into your Therian Form, or change back into your Incar-
nate Form.

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Mountain

Proficiencies: Flying / Elemental Attack EI / Weather

Thundurus Landorus
Electric / Flying - Huge (Size), Medium (Weight) Ground / Flying - Huge (Size), Medium (Weight)

Incarnate Form Incarnate Form

Hit Points: 96 Defense: 7 Special Defense: 8 Hit Points: 108 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 8

Speed: 13 (65 ft.) Attack: 12 Special Attack: 14 Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 15 Special Attack: 12

Therian Form Therian Form

Hit Points: 96 Defense: 7 Special Defense: 8 Hit Points: 108 Defense: 7 Special Defense: 8

Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 15 Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 15

Skills: Flight (can fly), Guster (can produce wind), Zapper (can Skills: Flight (can fly), Groundshaper (can manipulate the
produce electricity) ground), Guster (can produce wind)

Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Nasty Plot (+1 Special Attack), Defi- Passives: Intimidate (+1 Defense), Swords Dance (+2 Attack),
ant (If a foe lowers any of your stats, you have +2 Attack until Sand Force (While in Sandstorming Weather, your Rock-type and
your lowered stats are returned to normal.), Prankster (Your Ground-type attacks deal +1d8 damage.), Sheer Force (Your
attacks that do not deal damage on hit have Priority.), Volt Ab- attacks that have additional effects that affect the target may
sorb (When you are hit by an electric-type attack, half the dam- deal +1d20 damage, but will not have those additional effects.)
age after applying weakness and resistance, then you heal that
Moves (Attack +7/+5, Special Attack +6/+7, Speed +5)
much HP instead of taking damage.)
Extrasensory - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.
Moves (Attack +6/+5, Special Attack +7, Speed +6/+5)
On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Shock Wave - Ranged(20ft) Electric Special Attack: 3/day 3d8. Stunned.
You can’t miss targets with less than 15 Special Defense.
Rock Slide - Ranged(20ft, 10ft wave) Rock Attack: 1/day 5d12.
Dark Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Dark Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On Rock Slide has -2 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 14 or
hit, if you got 16 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.
Earthquake - Ranged(30ft burst) Ground Attack: 1/day 5d12.
Revenge - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 3d8. If you were
Stone Edge - Ranged(25ft) Rock Attack: 1/day 5d12. Stone Edge
attacked by the target this round, use 3d12 for damage instead.
has -2 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on
Thrash - Melee Normal Attack: 1/day 5d12. Move to and attack Accuracy Check, Stone Edge is a critical hit.
the nearest possible target within 25ft. During your next action,
Outrage - Melee Dragon Attack: 1/day 5d12. Move to and attack
move to and attack the nearest possible target within 25ft, then
the nearest possible target within 25ft. During your next action,
you become Confused. Thrash can and will target allies.
move to and attack the nearest possible target within 25ft, then
Thunder - Ranged(30ft, 5ft blast) Electric Special Attack: 1/day you become Confused. Outrage can and will target allies.
5d12. Thunder has -5 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Raining.
On hit, if you got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the targets are
Paralyzed. Force of Nature - Legendary Passive - As a free action, you may
change into your Therian Form, or change back into your Incar-
nate Form.
Force of Nature - Legendary Passive - As a free action, you may
change into your Therian Form, or change back into your Incar-
nate Form. Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Mountain

Proficiencies: Ground / Psychic / Stampeding / Weather

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Mountain

Proficiencies: Electric / Fighting / Weather

Dragon / Psychic - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 96 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 13

Speed: 14 (70 ft.) Attack: 9 Special Attack: 11

Skills: Flight (can fly), Guster (can produce wind), Invisibility (can
turn invisible), Telepath (can read minds)

Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Charm (+1 Defense), Dragon Dance

(+1 Attack, +1 Speed), Levitate (You are immune to Ground-type
moves while you are airborne.)

Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +5, Speed +7)

Heal Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Effect: 1/day. Target an ally or Latias and Latios are sibling legendary Pokémon, always
yourself. The target is healed HP equal to half of the target’s paired with another. They serve as the guardians of Soul Dew, a
Max HP. relic from an ancient time that empowers both of them. Both,
Recover - Self Normal Effect: 1/day. You are healed HP equal to either through physical transformation or through some kind of
half of your Max HP. illusion are capable of temporarily taking on the appearance of a
human they’ve seen. They are exceedingly fast, becoming blurs
Psychic - Ranged(25ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
that jet by at near-sonic speeds. Both are capable of using Mega
hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
Stones to Mega Evolve. Instead of using the power made from a
not be stacked.
bond with a trainer and their Pokémon, it is their reliance on
Dragon Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Dragon Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. each other that can empower them to Mega Evolve without the
use of a Key Stone.

Mega Evolution - 3/day As a free action, Mega Evolve into Mega

Latias if Latias possesses a Mega Stone for 10 mins.

Mist Ball - Ranged(30ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 5d10. On

hit, target’s Special Attack is -10 for 10 mins.

Legendary Flight - Legendary Passive - If you move in one direc-

tion for more than 100 ft, your Speed becomes 30 until you
change direction or stop.

Mega Latias
Dragon / Psychic - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight)

Hit Points: 480 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 15

Speed: 14 (70 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 14

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Beach / Forest / Grassland /


Proficiencies: Psychic / Dragon / Draconian / Energy Blast

Dragon / Psychic - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 96 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 11

Speed: 14 (70 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 13

Skills: Flight (can fly), Guster (can produce wind), Invisibility (can
turn invisible), Telepath (can read minds)

Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Charm (+1 Defense), Dragon Dance

(+1 Attack, +1 Speed), Levitate (You are immune to Ground-type
moves while you are airborne.)

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +6, Speed +7)

Latias ruffles its feathers and cries loudly when there is hostili-
Heal Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Effect: 1/day. Target an ally or
ty toward it. Its glass-like, downy feathers can enfold its body
yourself. The target is healed HP equal to half of the target’s
and refract light, which allows it to become invisible or alter its
Max HP.
appearance. It is highly intelligent and is capable of using telepa-
Recover - Self Normal Effect: 1/day. You are healed HP equal to thy to communicate with others. Latias has the ability to share
half of your Max HP. what it sees with its sibling Latios. It normally does not make
contact with humans or other Pokémon, and disappears when
Psychic - Ranged(25ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
an enemy is nearby.
hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
not be stacked.

Dragon Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Dragon Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.


Mega Evolution - 3/day As a free action, Mega Evolve into Mega

Latios is Latios possesses a Mega Stone for 10 mins.

Luster Purge - Ranged(20ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 5d10.

On hit, the target’s Special Defense is -10 for 10 mins. This effect
cannot be stacked.

Legendary Flight - Legendary Passive - If you move in one direc-

tion for more than 100 ft, your Speed becomes 30 until you
change direction or stop.
Latios prefers compassionate Trainers, to whom it opens its
heart. It uses telepathy to detect locations and the emotions of
others, and is highly intelligent. If they sense the presence of a
Mega Latios
human or an enemy, they will generally use the light-bending
Dragon / Psychic - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight) trait of their down coats to make themselves invisible while they
Hit Points: 480 Defense: 11 Special Defense: 12 telepathically investigate. Where Latias is safe and will flee from
potential conflcit, Latios is more investigative and willing to fight
Speed: 14 (70 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 16 it’s way out of a bad situation it finds itself in.

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Beach / Forest / Grassland /


Proficiencies: Psychic / Dragon / Draconian / Energy Blast

Regirock Long ago, Regigigas is said to have pulled the continents into
place, and then created the hundreds of titans from an icy
Rock - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight) mountain, rocks, magma, and crystallized dragon energy in its
Hit Points: 96 Defense: 22 Special Defense: 10 image. Regigigas was apparently worshiped at one time, along-
side the other legendary titans, by ancient people. Due to it be-
Speed: 5 (25 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 5
ing so powerful, Regigigas was sealed away. The many other
Skills: Groundshaper (can manipulate the ground), Magnetic titans were spirited away all over the world.
(controls magnetic fields), Strength (very strong), Zapper (can
produce electricity)

Passives: Iron Defense (+2 Defense), Clear Body (Your stats can-
not be lowered by a foe’s effects.), Sturdy (If you would be
brought from Max HP to 0 or below, you are instead brought to 1

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +2, Speed +2)

Stomp - Melee Normal Attack: At-Will 2d8. On hit, if you got 18

or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned. A titan that is made entirely of rocks and boulders. If parts of
its body chip off in battle, Regirock repairs itself by adding new
Rock Throw - Ranged(20ft) Rock Attack: At-Will 2d6.
rocks. Supposedly, Regirock was the first kind of titan Regigigas
Stone Edge - Ranged(25ft) Rock Attack: 1/day 5d12. Stone Edge built.
has -2 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on
Accuracy Check, Stone Edge is a critical hit.

Hammer Arm - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your

Speed is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked.

Hyper Beam - Ranged(25ft beam) Normal Special Attack: 1/day

5d20. Hyper Beam has -2 during Accuracy Check. You cannot act
during the next round.

Regice wears an aura of terribly cold air. Small things will
Legendary Titans - Legendary Passive - When gathered with at freeze solid just by going near this Pokémon. Its inner icy body is
least two other Legendary Titans, Regigigas is compelled to so cold, it will not melt even if it is immersed in magma. Regice
awaken if nearby. was made by Regigigas during the ice age.

Biology: Diet - Ergovore, Habitat - Cave / Mountain

Proficiencies: Electric / Rock / Magnetic / Stampeding

The body of Registeel is harder than any other kind of metal.

The metal is composed of a mysterious substance. Not only is it
hard, it shrinks and stretches flexibly. Regigigas made Registeel
after the ice age while playing with a curious substance that is
not of this earth.

Regice Registeel
Ice - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight) Steel - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 96 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 22 Hit Points: 96 Defense: 17 Special Defense: 17

Speed: 5 (25 ft.) Attack: 5 Special Attack: 10 Speed: 5 (25 ft.) Attack: 8 Special Attack: 8

Skills: Chilled (always cold), Freezer (can create ice), Magnetic Skills: Groundshaper (can manipulate the ground), Magnetic
(controls magnetic fields), Strength (very strong), Zapper (can (controls magnetic fields), Strength (very strong), Zapper (can
produce electricity) produce electricity)

Passives: Amnesia (+2 Special Defense), Clear Body (Your stats Passives: Amnesia (+2 Special Defense), Iron Defense (+2 De-
cannot be lowered by a foe’s effects.), Ice Body (If in Hailing fense), Clear Body (Your stats cannot be lowered by a foe’s
weather, you recover 4 HP during your action.) effects.), Sturdy (If you would be brought from Max HP to 0 or
below, you are instead brought to 1 HP.)
Moves (Attack +2, Special Attack +5, Speed +2)
Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +4, Speed +2)
Stomp - Melee Normal Attack: At-Will 2d8. On hit, if you got 18
or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned. Metal Claw - Melee Steel Attack: At-Will 2d6. On hit, your Attack
is +1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked.
Icy Wind - Ranged(10ft) Ice Special Attack: At-Will 2d8. On hit,
the target’s Speed is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be Iron Head - Melee Steel Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you got 14
stacked. or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.

Ice Beam - Ranged(20ft beam) Ice Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On Flash Cannon - Ranged(20ft) Steel Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.
hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Fro- On hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect
zen. cannot be stacked.

Hammer Arm - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your Hammer Arm - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your
Speed is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked. Speed is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked.

Hyper Beam - Ranged(25ft beam) Normal Special Attack: 1/day Hyper Beam - Ranged(25ft beam) Normal Special Attack: 1/day
5d20. Hyper Beam has -2 during Accuracy Check. You cannot act 5d20. Hyper Beam has -2 during Accuracy Check. You cannot act
during the next round. during the next round.

Legendary Legendary

Legendary Titans - Legendary Passive - When gathered with at Legendary Titans - Legendary Passive - When gathered with at
least two other Legendary Titans, Regigigas is compelled to least two other Legendary Titans, Regigigas is compelled to
awaken if nearby. awaken if nearby.

Biology: Diet - Ergovore, Habitat - Cave / Mountain Biology: Diet - Ergovore, Habitat - Cave / Mountain

Proficiencies: Electric / Ice / Magnetic / Stampeding Proficiencies: Electric / Steel/ Magnetic / Stampeding

Regieleki Regidrago
Electric - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight) Dragon - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 96 Defense: 5 Special Defense: 5 Hit Points: 240 Defense: 5 Special Defense: 5

Speed: 20(100ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 10 Speed: 9 (45 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 10

Skills: Magnetic (controls magnetic fields), Strength (very Skills: Magnetic (controls magnetic fields), Strength (very strong)
strong), Zapper (can produce electricity)
Passives: Dragon Dance (+1 Attack, +1 Speed), Dragon’s Maw
Passives: Sturdy (If you would be brought from Max HP to 0 or (Dragon-type attacks used within 100ft of you deal +8 damage.),
below, you are instead brought to 1 HP.), Transistor (Electric-type Sturdy (If you would be brought from Max HP to 0 or below, you
attacks used within 100ft of you deal +8 damage.) are instead brought to 1 HP.)

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +5, Speed +10) Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +5, Speed +4)

Stomp - Melee Normal Attack: At-Will 2d8. On hit, if you got 18 Stomp - Melee Normal Attack: At-Will 2d8. On hit, if you got 18
or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned. or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.

Thunder Shock - Ranged(20ft) Electric Special Attack: At-Will Dragon Breath - Ranged(10ft) Dragon Attack: At-Will 2d8. On
1d12. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the tar- hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Para-
get is Paralyzed. lyzed.

Thunder - Ranged(30ft, 5ft blast) Electric Special Attack: 1/day Dragon Energy - Ranged(30ft burst) Dragon Special Attack: 1/day
5d12. Thunder has -5 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Raining. 3d10. If you are at Max HP, Dragon energy has 5d12 for damage
On hit, if you got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the targets are instead.
Paralyzed. Hammer Arm - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your
Thunder Cage - Ranged(50ft burst) Electric Special Attack: 1/day Speed is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked.
3d8. On hit, all targets are bound to ground for 1d4 turns. For Hyper Beam - Ranged(25ft beam) Normal Special Attack: 1/day
each turn the target is bound, it takes 1d6 damage. 5d20. Hyper Beam has -2 during Accuracy Check. You cannot act
Hyper Beam - Ranged(25ft beam) Normal Special Attack: 1/day during the next round.
5d20. Hyper Beam has -2 during Accuracy Check. You cannot act Legendary
during the next round.
Legendary Titans - Legendary Passive - When gathered with at
least two other Legendary Titans, Regigigas is compelled to
Legendary Titans - Legendary Passive - When gathered with at awaken if nearby.
least two other Legendary Titans, Regigigas is compelled to
awaken if nearby.
Biology: Diet - Ergovore, Habitat - Cave / Mountain

Proficiencies: Dragon / Draconic / Magnetic / Stampeding

Biology: Diet - Ergovore, Habitat - Cave / Mountain

Proficiencies: Electric / Magnetic / Stampeding

Regidrago is a being that is made entirely of crystalized dra-
conic energy. It is thought that at one time, Regidrago resembled
an ancient Dragon Pokémon. Supposedly, the powers of every
Regieleki is built like an electric reactor. If Regieleki were ever
Dragon-type Pokémon are held within Regidrago and Regidrago
to become unstable, it would unleash a massive wave of devas-
is capable of releasing that draconian power during battle.
tating power. Of the legendary titans, Regieleki hums the loudest
with a near-constant high pitched screech as it continuously gen-
erates power within itself.

Normal - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 1660 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 13

Speed: 2 (10 ft.) Attack: 2 Special Attack: 2

Skills: Groundshaper (can manipulate the ground), Magnetic

(controls magnetic fields), Zapper (can produce electricity)

Passives: Amnesia (+2 Special Defense), Iron Defense (+2 De-

fense, Clear Body (Your stats cannot be lowered by a foe’s

Moves (Attack +1/+X, Special Attack +1/+X, Speed +1/+X)

Regigigas is a skilled craftsman. It created the legendary ti-
Stomp - Melee Normal Attack: At-Will 2d8. On hit, if you got 18
tans out of inanimate objects and brought them to life. Regigigas
or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.
is also capable of controlling the titans, though they have
changed beyond their original design, so if anything Regigigas Confuse Ray - Ranged(20ft) Ghost Effect: 1/day. On hit, the tar-
can only really aim them. It can survive extreme conditions as it get becomes Confused.
is able to work with the boiling temperatures of magma as well Dizzy Punch - Melee Normal Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you got
as frigid ice . When Regigigas is disturbed from its slumber, it can 16 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Confused.
sometimes go on a rampage, angry about being locked away for
Heavy Slam - Melee Steel Attack: 3/day 3d10. Heavy Slam can
only target lighter targets.

Giga Impact - Melee(10ft burst) Normal Attack: 1/day 5d20. Giga

Impact has -2 during Accuracy Check. You cannot act during the
next round.


Monstrous Strength - Legendary Passive - Regigigas can move

mountains by shoving them as quickly as it can move.

Slow Start - Legendary Passive - At the beginning of each of its

turns, Regigigas gets +2 Attack, +2 Special Attack, and +2 Speed
unless those stats are at 20 or higher. Then, if Regigigas uses
Giga Impact or Hyper Beam while any of its stats are at 20 or
higher, its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed are reset to 2 each
and all of its frequencies are refreshed as if Regigigas has taken a
long rest.

Biology: Diet - Ergovore, Habitat - Cave / Mountain / Tundra

Proficiencies: Dragon / Electric / Ice / Rock / Steel / Bruiser /

Energy Blast / Stampeding

Uxie When Arceus created the greater beings in the world that
held domain over different aspects of reality, Arceus made a trio
Psychic - Small (Size), Featherweight (Weight) of legendary Pokémon who could act as a failsafe should any
Hit Points: 96 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 15 rampage beyond control. They are elusive Pokémon who are
prone to fleeing and under most circumstances hate conflict.
Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 8 Special Attack: 8

Skills: Flight (can fly), Intelligence (very smart), Telekinetic (can

move things with their mind), Telepath (can read minds),

Passives: Amnesia (+2 Special Defense), Levitate (You are im-

mune to Ground-type moves while you are airborne.)

Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +4, Speed +5)

Confusion - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: At-Will 1d12.

On hit, if you got 19 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Confused. Uxie is known as the origin of knowledge. People learned to
solve problems once it existed. It is said that if anyone sees its
Endure - Ranged Normal Effect: 1/day. Endure is used as a Reac- eyes, their mind will be wiped clean.
tion. If you are hit by an attack and would be knocked out, in-
stead you are still at 1 HP.

Yawn - Melee Normal Effect: 3/day. On hit, the target falls

Asleep after its next turn.

Future Sight - Ranged(30ft) Psychic Special Attack: 1/day 5d12.

When you use this attack you immediately end your turn. In two
rounds, select any target within 30ft of you to target with Future
Sight then you may roll Future Sight’s Accuracy Check and dam-
Mesprit is known as the origin of emotion. People learned joy
Extrasensory - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. and sorrow from it. It is said that if you touch Mesprit, you will
On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is no longer feel emotion ever again.


Seal of Calamity - 3/day if you are with two other Seal of Calami-
ty Legendary Pokémon you may each target the same Legendary
Pokémon with over 300 Max HP, then your turn ends. If none of
the Seal of Calamity Pokémon are knocked out by the start of
your third turn from using Seal of Calamity, the targeted Poké-
mon is Under Control for 1d4 days. A Pokémon who is Under
Control is tamed by the Seal of Calamity trio and the trio can Azelf is known as the origin of willpower. People learned to
command the Pokémon who is Under Control. Most often, the act and do as they wished. It is said that if you harm Azelf, you
trio will quell the Pokémon’s rampage and dismiss it back to will turn into a statue, unable to move ever again.
wherever it came from.

Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Cave / Lake

Proficiencies: Psychic / Elemental Attack FI / Tricky / Weird

Mesprit Azelf
Psychic - Small (Size), Featherweight (Weight) Psychic - Small (Size), Featherweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 96 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 11 Hit Points: 96 Defense: 7 Special Defense: 7

Speed: 8 (40 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 11 Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 14

Skills: Flight (can fly), Intelligence (very smart), Telekinetic (can Skills: Flight (can fly), Intelligence (very smart), Telekinetic (can
move things with their mind), Telepath (can read minds) move things with their mind), Telepath (can read minds)

Passives: Charm (+1 Defense), Levitate (You are immune to Passives: Nasty Plot (+1 Special Attack), Levitate (You are im-
Ground-type moves while you are airborne.) mune to Ground-type moves while you are airborne.)

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +5, Speed +4) Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +7, Speed +6)

Confusion - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: At-Will 1d12. Confusion - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: At-Will 1d12.
On hit, if you got 19 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is On hit, if you got 19 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Confused. Confused.

Protect - Ranged Normal Effect: 1/day. Protect is used as a Reac- Detect - Ranged Fighting Effect: 1/day. Detect is used as a Reac-
tion. If you are hit by an attack, ignore the damage and any tion. If you are hit by an attack, ignore the damage and any
effects of the attack. effects of the attack.

Lucky Chant - Ranged(30ft burst) Normal Effect: 3/day. Put a Uproar - Ranged(20ft burst) Normal Special Attack: 1/day 3d10.
Lucky Coat on all allies and yourself. The Coat has the following You may move, but then must use Uproar for two more consecu-
ability: If you are hit by a Critical Hit, treat the hit as a regular tive rounds. Sleeping Pokémon within range of Uproar are awok-
successful hit. This Coat lasts for 2 rounds. en and Pokémon cannot go to Sleep within Uproar’s range.

Future Sight - Ranged(30ft) Psychic Special Attack: 1/day 5d12. Future Sight - Ranged(30ft) Psychic Special Attack: 1/day 5d12.
When you use this attack you immediately end your turn. In two When you use this attack you immediately end your turn. In two
rounds, select any target within 30ft of you to target with Future rounds, select any target within 30ft of you to target with Future
Sight then you may roll Future Sight’s Accuracy Check and dam- Sight then you may roll Future Sight’s Accuracy Check and dam-
age. age.

Extrasensory - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. Extrasensory - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.
On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Stunned. Stunned.

Legendary Legendary

Seal of Calamity - 3/day if you are with two other Seal of Calami- Seal of Calamity - 3/day if you are with two other Seal of Calami-
ty Legendary Pokémon you may each target the same Legendary ty Legendary Pokémon you may each target the same Legendary
Pokémon with over 300 Max HP, then your turn ends. If none of Pokémon with over 300 Max HP, then your turn ends. If none of
the Seal of Calamity Pokémon are knocked out by the start of the Seal of Calamity Pokémon are knocked out by the start of
your third turn from using Seal of Calamity, the targeted Poké- your third turn from using Seal of Calamity, the targeted Poké-
mon is Under Control for 1d4 days. A Pokémon who is Under mon is Under Control for 1d4 days. A Pokémon who is Under
Control is tamed by the Seal of Calamity trio and the trio can Control is tamed by the Seal of Calamity trio and the trio can
command the Pokémon who is Under Control. Most often, the command the Pokémon who is Under Control. Most often, the
trio will quell the Pokémon’s rampage and dismiss it back to trio will quell the Pokémon’s rampage and dismiss it back to
wherever it came from. wherever it came from.

Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Cave / Lake Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Cave / Lake

Proficiencies: Psychic / Elemental Attack EI / Spellcraft / Weird Proficiencies: Psychic / Elemental Attack EF / Hexwork / Weird

Fire / Steel - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 216 Defense: 11 Special Defense: 11

Speed: 8 (40 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 14

Skills: Burrow (moves through earth easily), Firestarter (can cre-

ate fire), Groundshaper (can manipulate the ground), Heater
(always warm), Sinker (can’t swim), Strength (very strong),

Passives: Leer (+1 Attack), Metal Sound (+1 Special Attack),

Scary Face (+2 Speed), Flame Body (Whenever you are hit with a
melee attack, roll 1d4. On 4, Burn the attacker.), Flash Fire (If hit
by a Fire-type attack, your Fire type attacks deal +1d10 damage
for 2 mins.)
The arms on a Volcanion back expel steam from inside its
Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +7, Speed +4) body. It can expel steam of superbly high pressure and has the
Iron Head - Melee Steel Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you got 14 ability to carve away at mountains. Volcanion will eventually run
or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned. out of water. When it does, a sound similar to a bell is heard, the
lines and dots on its cannons turn red, and it seeks a lake to re-
Heat Wave - Ranged(25ft burst) Fire Special Attack: 1/day 3d12.
fills its water supply. Volcanion can live for several centuries.
On hit, if you got 17 or higher on Accuracy Check, targets are
Volcanion tends to live near volcanoes with large bodies of wa-
ter nearby.
Stone Edge - Ranged(25ft) Rock Attack: 1/day 5d12. Stone Edge
has -2 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on
Accuracy Check, Stone Edge is a critical hit.

Earthquake - Ranged(30ft burst) Ground Attack: 1/day 5d12.


Magma Storm - Ranged(30ft, 20ft blast) Fire Special Attack: 1/

day 5d20. On hit, all targets are bound to ground for 1d4 turns.
For each turn the target is bound, it takes 1d20 damage.

Volcanic Master - 3/day target volcano becomes inactive for 1d4

years or target volcano begins to erupt in 1d4 days. Heatran dwells in vol-
canic caves. It digs in with
its cross-shaped feet to
Biology: Diet - Terravore, Habitat - Mountain / Volcano crawl on ceilings and walls.
Because of its intense
Proficiencies: Fire / Rock / Steel / Stampeding
body heat, certain parts of
its body are melted slightly
out of shape. Boiling
blood, like magma, circu-
lates through its body.
Heatran is a fierce guardi-
an who protects its volca-
no and it is said that every
volcano has a Heatran
assigned as it guardian.

Fire / Water - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 240 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 9

Speed: 7 (35 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 13

Skills: Firestarter (can create fire), Fountain (can create water),

Gilled (can breathe underwater), Heater (always warm), Reach
(melee range is 25 ft.), Sinker (can’t swim), Strength (very strong)

Passives: Water Absorb (When you are hit by a water-type

attack, half the damage after applying weakness and resistance,
then you heal that much HP instead of taking damage.)

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +6, Speed +3) Lugia leads the legendary birds. When they fight over territo-
ry, Lugia is the only Pokémon that can quell their ceaseless
Water Gun - Ranged(20ft) Water Special Attack: At-Will 2d6.
fighting. Much like the birds, it possesses the ability to control
Take Down - Melee Normal Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, you lose the weather; most notably, it can calm and give rise to storms. It
HP equal to 1/4th of the damage you deal. is said that a light flutter of its wings is capable of causing winds
Flamethrower - Ranged(20ft beam) Fire Special Attack: 3/day powerful enough to tear down cliffs. If it were to flap its wings, it
3d10. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the tar- could hypothetically spawn storms lasting as long as forty days.
get is Burned. It is highly intelligent, and because of the devastating power it
could accidentally inflict, it isolates itself deep underwater and
Scald - Ranged(10ft) Water Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if
tends to sleep in solitude.
you got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Burned.

Hydro Pump - Ranged(30ft beam) Water Special Attack: 1/day

5d12. Hydro Pump has -2 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Rain-


Steam Eruption - Ranged(20ft burst) Water Special Attack: 3/day

5d12. On hit, if you got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, all tar-
gets are Burned.

Volcanic Devastation Ranged(100ft burst) Water/Fire Special

Attack: 1/day 10d12. Volcanic Devastation counts as both a Wa-
ter and Fire type move for effectiveness. When you use this
attack you immediately end your turn. During your next turn,
you can’t act. On the round after that, when it’s your turn roll Ho-Oh has a mythical power to resurrect the dead. It is known
Volcanic Devastation’s Accuracy Check and damage. Set your HP is myths for reviving Pokémon as the legendary beasts and
to -300% HP and you must make three death savings throws. works to desperately defend them when they are under attack.
It is said that when it flies its huge wings create bright, colorful
rainbows. The rare few who bear witness to Ho-Oh are promised
Biology: Diet - Omnivore / Terravore, Habitat - Cave / Mountain eternal happiness. It is said if Ho-oh were ever to fall, it’s be re-

Proficiencies: Fire / Steel / Water / Stampeding born from its ashes.

Lugia Fire / Flying - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 264 Defense: 9 Special Defense:

Psychic / Flying - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight)
Hit Points: 264 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 16
Speed: 9 (45 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 12
Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 9 Special Attack: 10
Skills: Firestarter (can create fire), Flight (can fly), Guster (can
Skills: Flight (can fly), Gilled (can breathe underwater), Guster produce wind), Intelligence (very smart), Strength (very strong),
(can produce wind), Intelligence (very smart), Strength (very Telepath (can read minds)
strong), Swimmer (can swim), Telepath (can read minds)
Passives: Calm Mind (+1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense),
Passives: Calm Mind (+1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense), Pressure (If you are hit by a 3/day attack, the attacker can’t use
Pressure (If you are hit by a 3/day attack, the attacker can’t use that attack for the remainder of the day.), Regenerator (You re-
that attack for the remainder of the day.) cover to Max HP after resting for 1 hour.)
Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +5, Speed +5) Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +6, Speed +4)
Dragon Rush - Melee Dragon Attack: 3/day 3d10. Dragon Rush Extrasensory - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.
has -2 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 16 or higher on On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned. Stunned.
Extrasensory - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. Future Sight - Ranged(30ft) Psychic Special Attack: 1/day 5d12.
On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target isWhen you use this attack you immediately end your turn. In two
Stunned. rounds, select any target within 30ft of you to target with Future
Hydro Pump - Ranged(30ft beam) Water Special Attack: 1/day Sight then you may roll Future Sight’s Accuracy Check and dam-
5d12. Hydro Pump has -2 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Rain- age.
ing. Brave Bird - Melee Flying Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, you lose HP
Recover - Self Normal Effect: 1/day. You are healed HP equal to equal to 1/3rd of the damage you deal.
half of your Max HP. Recover - Self Normal Effect: 1/day. You are healed HP equal to
Legendary half of your Max HP.

Aeroblast - Ranged(100ft beam) Flying Special Attack: 3/day Legendary

5d20. On hit, if you got 15 or higher on Accuracy Check, Aero- Sacred Fire - Ranged(40ft, 25ft blast) Fire Attack: 3/day 5d20.
blast is a critical hit. On hit, all targets are Burned.
Master of Birds - Legendary Passive - You are compelled to quell Master of Beasts - Legendary Passive - You are compelled to
fighting between Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. protect Raikou, Entei, and Suicune when any of them are in dan-
Guardian Multiscale - Legendary Passive - When you are above ger and you are nearby.
half Max HP, you take -1d20 damage from all attacks.

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Forest / Mountain

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Arctic / Ocean Proficiencies: Fire / Flying / Psychic / Aves / Winged
Proficiencies: Flying / Psychic / Water / Aves / Winged

Phione Manaphy
Water - Small (Size), Light (Weight) Water - Small (Size), Light (Weight)

Hit Points: 48 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 8 Hit Points: 120 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 10

Speed: 8 (40 ft.) Attack: 8 Special Attack: 8 Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 13

Skills: Gilled (can breathe underwater), Glow (can produce light), Skills: Gilled (can breathe underwater), Glow (can produce light),
Swimmer (can swim) Intelligence (very smart), Swimmer (can swim)

Passives: Acid Armor (+2 Defense), Hydration (While in Raining Passives: Acid Armor (+2 Defense), Tail Glow (+3 Special Attack),
weather, you are cured of any afflictions.) Hydration (While in Raining weather, you are cured of any afflic-
Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +4, Speed +4)
Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +6, Speed +5)
Supersonic - Ranged(10ft) Normal Effect: At-Will. Supersonic has
-8 during Accuracy Check. On hit, the target is Confused. Supersonic - Ranged(10ft) Normal Effect: At-Will. Supersonic has
-8 during Accuracy Check. On hit, the target is Confused.
Water Pulse - Ranged(20ft burst) Water Special Attack: 3/day
3d8. On hit, if you got 16 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target Water Pulse - Ranged(20ft burst) Water Special Attack: 3/day
is Confused. 3d8. On hit, if you got 16 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target
is Confused.
Aqua Ring - Self Water Effect: 1/day. Put a Ring Coat on yourself.
The Coat has the following ability: At the beginning of your turn, Aqua Ring - Self Water Effect: 1/day. Put a Ring Coat on yourself.
recover 1d10 HP. This Coat lasts for 1 min. If it’s raining, the Coat The Coat has the following ability: At the beginning of your turn,
lasts for 2 mins. recover 1d10 HP. This Coat lasts for 1 min. If it’s raining, the Coat
lasts for 2 mins.
Dive - Melee Water Attack: 3/day 3d10. When you use this at-
tack, dive into water so that you are concealed, then you imme- Dive - Melee Water Attack: 3/day 3d10. When you use this at-
diately end your turn. During your next turn, your movement tack, dive into water so that you are concealed, then you imme-
speed underwater is +40ft, and when you emerge from the wa- diately end your turn. During your next turn, your movement
ter you may roll Dive’s Accuracy Check and damage. speed underwater is +40ft, and when you emerge from the wa-
ter you may roll Dive’s Accuracy Check and damage.
Rain Dance - Water Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle of
Raining Weather with a 60ft diameter. Within the Raining Rain Dance - Water Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle of
weather, Water-type attacks deal an additional 8 damage and Raining Weather with a 60ft diameter. Within the Raining
Fire-type attacks deal 8 less damage. This weather disappears weather, Water-type attacks deal an additional 8 damage and
after 2 mins. Fire-type attacks deal 8 less damage. This weather disappears
after 2 mins.

Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Ocean
Prince of the Sea - Legendary Passive - You are compelled to
Proficiencies: Water / Cutesy / Piscian
protect the ocean.

Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Ocean

Proficiencies: Water / Cutesy / Healer / Piscian

Psychic / Grass - Small (Size), Light (Weight)

Hit Points: 180 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 11

Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 11

Skills: Flight (can fly), Intelligence (very smart), Invisibility (can

turn invisible), Sprouter (can manipulate plant life), Telekinetic
(can move things with their mind), Telepath (can read minds)

Passives: Calm Mind (+1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense), Nat-

ural Cure (Every minute, you are cured of any afflictions.)
Phione inflates the sac on its head to drift in the water and
Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +5, Speed +5)
search for food. When the water grows warm, it will drift in
packs with other members of its species. No matter how far it Confusion - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: At-Will 1d12.
has drifted, it will always return to the place where it was born. On hit, if you got 19 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
There are thousands upon thousands of Phione in the world. Confused.
While Phione does not evolve, it is born from Manaphy who cre- Magical Leaf - Ranged(25ft) Grass Special Attack: 3/day 3d8. You
ates an egg to spread its influence. Phione work together and can’t miss targets with less than 15 Special Defense.
with leader Manaphy to protect the ocean from threats. If they
must, they’ll even give their life to protect the ocean. Future Sight - Ranged(30ft) Psychic Special Attack: 1/day 5d12.
When you use this attack you immediately end your turn. In two
rounds, select any target within 30ft of you to target with Future
Sight then you may roll Future Sight’s Accuracy Check and dam-

Recover - Self Normal Effect: 1/day. You are healed HP equal to

half of your Max HP.

Leaf Storm - Ranged(30ft beam) Grass Special Attack: 1/day

5d12. After use, your Special Attack is -4 for 10 mins. This effect
cannot be stacked.


Time Traveler - 5/day you may stop time as a free action. You
may move in stopped time for up to two rounds, doing whatever
Manaphy's body is made almost entirely of water. It is highly you would like before time resumes as normal. You may also
tied to its environment, and swims long distances to return to its choose to move forward or backwards in time up to ten years at
birthplace if its sense those waters are in danger. It is born with a time, entering moving time in the same place you left. While
a special power that allows it to bond with any Pokémon. Mana- moving forwards or backwards through time, you can take any-
phy can force two beings to feel the perspective of each other one touching you, or others touching them, that you want to
and face the weight of each other’s struggles. It will often use take.
this power to let others witness the pain it feels when the ocean
Guardian of the Forest - Legendary Passive - You are compelled
is polluted and destroyed. Manaphy will lay eggs that hatch
to protect forests.
Phione to protect the ocean where it was left. It is said there is
at least one Manaphy for every ocean in the world.
Biology: Diet - Phototroph, Habitat - Forest / Rainforest

Proficiencies: Grass / Psychic / Cutesy / Healer / Winged

Steel / Psychic - Small (Size), Light (Weight)

Hit Points: 365 Defense: 11 Special Defense: 11

Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 10

Skills: Flight (can fly), Intelligence (very smart), Invisibility (can

turn invisible), Telekinetic (can move things with their mind),
Telepath (can read minds)

Passives: Cosmic Power (+1 Defense, +1 Special Defense), Super

Luck (Attacks are critical hits on natural 18-20)
Celebi is able to travel through time and exist simultaneously
Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +5, Speed +5)
throughout time, and plant life flourishes wherever it has been.
Despite living in forests as its guardian, Celebi only shows itself Confusion - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: At-Will 1d12.
in areas and times of peace. It has been regarded that as long as On hit, if you got 19 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Celebi are seen throughout the world, a prosperous and bright Confused.
future is still in store for the Pokémon world. Celebi can sense
Psychic - Ranged(25ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
temporal anomalies that are in the wrong time of history and
hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
often take them back to when they belong. It is unknown if the
not be stacked.
various Celebi seen in the world are individuals or if they are all
the same Celebi existing in multiple places at once due to time Future Sight - Ranged(30ft) Psychic Special Attack: 1/day 5d12.
travel. When you use this attack you immediately end your turn. In two
rounds, select any target within 30ft of you to target with Future
Sight then you may roll Future Sight’s Accuracy Check and dam-

Wish - Melee Normal Effect: 1/day. Target an ally or yourself.

After the target acts during the next round, they are healed HP
equal to half of the target’s Max HP.


Doom Desire - Ranged(30ft blast) Steel Special Attack: 3/day

Jirachi, known as the wishmaker, hibernates for extensive 5d20. When you use this attack you immediately end your turn.
periods, forming a protective crystalline shell as it sleeps. It is In two rounds, you may roll Doom Desire’s Accuracy Check and
still capable of fighting while asleep if it is in danger. It awakens damage.
for seven days every thousand years, but can also waken if sung
Wishmaker - 1/1000 years up to three people can wish on your
to by a voice of purity. During the short periods when it is
powers by holding you. You do not need to grant the wish in
awake, Jirachi is said to grant wishes. Jirachi's wishes are grant-
good faith and the more corrupt or ill intentioned a person wish-
ed by writing on the three tags located on its head. Due to only
ing is, the more you can corrupt their wish. You can dramatically
having three tags, Jirachi can only grant three wishes.
alter reality to fulfill the wish. The wish is tied to the wisher, if
they greatly regret their wish or die it’s possible for the wish to
be undone.

Biology: Diet - Psiotroph, Habitat - Cave / Forest / Mountain /


Proficiencies: Psychic / Steel / Cutesy / Healer

Psychic / Fire - Small (Size), Light (Weight)

Hit Points: 140 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 10

Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 10

Skills: Firestarter (can create fire), Flight (can fly), Glow (can pro-
duce light), Invisibility (can turn invisible), Telepath (can read

Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Focus Energy (Attacks are critical

hits on natural 18-20), Victory Star (+3 to accuracy checks)

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +5, Speed +6)

Victini is said to bring victory to whoever befriends it. It pro-
Confusion - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: At-Will 1d12.
duces an infinite amount of energy within itself and can share it
On hit, if you got 19 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
with others by touch. It can also become invisible and empower
other things without others even knowing it. Sometimes, a well
Flame Charge - Melee Fire Attack: At-Will 2d8. On hit, your meaning Victini will empower a mechanical object and cause it
Speed is +1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked. to overload.
Zen Headbutt - Melee Psychic Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you
got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.

Reversal - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 1d10. If you are at less

than half of your Max HP, Reversal has 1d20 for damage instead.
If you are at less than 5 HP, Reversal has 5d12 for damage in-


V-Create - Ranged(40ft burst) Fire Attack: 1/day 8d20. On hit, all

targets are Burned.

Biology: Diet - Ergovore / Herbivore, Habitat - Forest / Urban

Plant A cautious legendary, Marshadow sinks into the shadows to
ensure it is not noticed while it observes its surroundings. While
Proficiencies: Fire / Fighting / Psychic / Cutesy / Energy Blast in hiding in the shadows of others, it can understand their feel-
ings and copy their martial abilities. Through mimicry, it will
eventually become more powerful than those it imitates. It can
even learn the ultimate technique of martial arts masters it cop-
ies. Marshadow is also capable of causing nightmares while in
the shadow of sleeping victims. Marshadow haunt martial arts
masters as they grow in strength from the efforts of other Poké-
mon and humans alike.

Fighting / Ghost - Small (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 108 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 9

Speed: 13 (65 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 9

Skills: Flight (can fly), Phasing (can move through solid objects),
Stealth (can make stealth skill checks), Strength (very strong)

Passives: Technician (Your attacks that deal less than 15 damage

after rolling damage deal +4 damage.)

Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +, Speed +) Shaymin gathers with tens of others in a flower field some-
Drain Punch - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 2d8. On hit, you re- where and migrates together from there. A new field of flowers
gain HP equal to half of the damage dealt. grow wherever the herd lands. Shaymin is also attracted to areas
where there is a lot of gratitude. While in its land form, Shaymin
Shadow Punch - Melee Ghost Attack: 3/day 3d8. You can’t miss are timid and shy, but when in their sky forms they are brave
targets with less than 15 Defense. and work to defend their fields of flowers. Since it camouflages
Close Combat - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your by curling itself up into a small tuft of grass, it can easily escape
Defense and Special Defense is -2 for 10 mins. This effect cannot people's notice.
be stacked.

Sucker Punch - Melee Dark Attack: 1/day 3d8. Sucker Punch is

used as a Reaction. If you are attacked, use Sucker Punch to
attack the attacker before the enemy rolls their Accuracy Check
against you. You must still roll an accuracy check for Sucker


Spectral Thief - Melee Ghost Attack: 3/day 5d8. On hit, your tar-
get’s stat passives are disabled. For the next ten minutes, you
gain those passives. You may have any amount of stat passives
through your uses of Spectral Thief.

Biology: Diet - Psiotroph, Habitat - Forest

Proficiencies: Fighting / Ghost / Bruiser / Martial

Land Form

Grass - Small (Size), Light (Weight)

Hit Points: 100 Defense: 11 Special Defense: 10

Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 11

Sky Form

Grass / Flying - Small (Size), Light (Weight)

Hit Points: 60 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 8

Speed: 13 (65 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 13

Skills: Alluring (attracts others with their aroma), Flight (can fly),
Sprouter (can manipulate plant life), Telepath (can read minds)

Passives: Defense Curl (+1 Defense), Growth (+1 Attack, +1 Spe-

cial Attack), Natural Cure (Every minute, you are cured of any
afflictions.), Super Luck (Attacks are critical hits on natural 18-20)

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +5/+6, Speed +5/+6)

Glastrier has a coat of ice covering its face extremely tough. It
Magical Leaf - Ranged(25ft) Grass Special Attack: 3/day 3d8. You emits extreme cold from its hooves and possesses incredible
can’t miss targets with less than 15 Special Defense. physical strength. Glastrier is noted to be an aggressive Poké-
mon that forcefully takes resources. It was also known to be very
Air Slash - Ranged(15ft) Flying Special Attack: 1/day 3d12. Air
proud and arrogant, preferring to serve those it deems the
Slash has -1 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 14 or high-
strongest. It is known as a mount of Calyrex.
er on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.
Spectrier traverses its surroundings without using its sense of
Energy Ball - Ranged(20ft) Grass Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can- sight, as its single eye is normally closed. Its kicks are said to sep-
not be stacked. arate a soul from its body, and it can feed on the life force of
sleeping beings. Spectrier is active during the night, since it de-
Synthesis - Self Grass Effect: 1/day. You are healed HP equal to sires isolation and silence. Spectrier is known to be very disdain-
half of your Max HP. If you are within Sunny Weather, you are ful and conceited, preferring to serve individuals it deems the
healed HP equal to 3/4ths of your Max HP instead. strongest. It is also known as a mount of Calyrex.
Legendary Calyrex is the "King of Bountiful Harvests." Calyrex brings lush
Seed Flare - Ranged(30ft, 10ft blast) Grass Special Attack: 3/day vegetation and harvests yearly. The right hand of Calyrex can
5d20. On hit, all target’s Special Defense is -5 for 10 mins. cause the land to be covered in verdant grass and blooms. The
left hand of Calyrex allows it to make the fields of fruit ripe and
Sky Warrior - Legendary Passive - As a free action, you may
heavy. Calyrex provides healing or blessings and while it shows
change into your Sky Form, or change back into your Land Form.
no mercy to those that stand in its way, it will heal the wounds
of a repentant foe afterwards. Calyrex is powerful enough to
move an entire forest and its Pokémon to a new location. When
Biology: Diet - Phototroph, Habitat - Forest / Grassland
united with one of its mounts, Glastrier or Spectrier, Calyrex has
Proficiencies: Flying / Grass / Cutesy / Healer / Winged its combat prowess grow greatly so it may ward off any threats
to its land.

Glastrier Spectrier
Ice - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight) Ghost - Huge (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 100 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 11 Hit Points: 100 Defense: 6 Special Defense: 8

Speed: 3 (15 ft.) Attack: 17 Special Attack: 7 Speed: 15 (75 ft.) Attack: 7 Special Attack: 16

Skills: Freezer (can create ice) Skills: Invisibility (can turn invisible)

Passives: Iron Defense (+2 Defense), Swords Dance (+2 Attack), Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Nasty Plot (+1 Special Attack), Grim
Focus Energy (Attacks are critical hits on natural 18-20), Chilling Neigh (When you knock out a foe, your Special Attack is +2 for 10
Neigh (When you knock out a foe, your Attack is +2 for 10 mins.) mins.)

Moves (Attack +8, Special Attack +3, Speed +1) Moves (Attack +3, Special Attack +8, Speed +7)

Stomp - Melee Normal Attack: At-Will 2d8. On hit, if you got 18 Confuse Ray - Ranged(20ft) Ghost Effect: 1/day. On hit, the tar-
or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned. get becomes Confused.

Avalanche - Melee Ice Attack: 3/day 3d8. If the target was al- Shadow Ball - Ranged(20ft) Ghost Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
ready attacked this round, Avalanche deals +1d8 damage. hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
not be stacked.
Icicle Crash - Ranged(15ft) Ice Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you
got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned. Disable - Ranged(20ft) Normal Effect: 1/day. For 1 minute, the
attack last used by the target may not be used again.
Taunt - Ranged(20ft) Dark Effect: 3/day. On hit, the target may
only use attacks that target you or your allies for 1 min. Hex - Ranged(15ft) Ghost Special Attack: 3/day 3d8. If the target
is afflicted, Hex has 5d8 for damage instead.
Double Edge - Melee Normal Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, you
lose HP equal to 1/3rd of the damage you deal. Double Edge - Melee Normal Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, you
lose HP equal to 1/3rd of the damage you deal.
Mount - Legendary Passive - As a free action, Calyrex can begin
to ride you. While mounted, you both move using the Speed of Mount - Legendary Passive - As a free action, Calyrex can begin
Calyrex Ice Rider. When acting, you both act at the same time to ride you. While mounted, you both move using the Speed of
and you both make attacks during the Calyrex Ice Rider’s turn. Calyrex Shadow Rider. When acting, you both act at the same
You are only knocked out once Calyrex Ice Rider is knocked out. time and you both make attacks during the Calyrex Shadow Rid-
As a free action, Calyrex can dismount. Whenever Calyrex dis- er’s turn. You are only knocked out once Calyrex Shadow Rider is
mounts from you, your HP is set to 100. knocked out. As a free action, Calyrex can dismount. Whenever
Calyrex dismounts from you, your HP is set to 100.

Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Arctic / Tundra

Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Arctic / Tundra
Proficiencies: Fighting / Ice / Horned / Stampeding
Proficiencies: Fighting / Ghost / Stampeding / Weird

Calyrex Calyrex Ice Rider
Psychic / Grass - Medium (Size), Light (Weight) Psychic / Ice - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 100 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 8 Hit Points: 320 Defense: 17 Special Defense: 13

Speed: 8 (40 ft.) Attack: 9 Special Attack: 9 Speed: 5 (25 ft.) Attack: 20 Special Attack: 10

Skills: Flight (can fly), Freezer (can create ice), Intelligence (very Skills: Flight (can fly), Intelligence (very smart), Mind Lock (mind
smart), Mind Lock (mind can’t be read), Mind Control (can bor- can’t be read), Mind Control (can borrow a person to speak
row a person to speak through them), Sprouter (can manipulate through them), Sprouter (can manipulate plant life), Telekinetic
plant life), Telekinetic (can move things with their mind), Tele- (can move things with their mind), Telepath (can read minds)
path (can read minds)
Passives: Growth (+1 Attack, +1 Special Attack), Iron Defense (+2
Passives: Growth (+1 Attack, +1 Special Attack), Unnerve (Foes Defense), Swords Dance (+2 Attack), Focus Energy (Attacks are
within 25ft of you cannot consume food.) critical hits on natural 18-20), Chilling Neigh (When you knock
out a foe, your Attack is +2 for 10 mins.), Unnerve (Foes within
Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +4, Speed +4)
25ft of you cannot consume food.)
Life Dew - Ranged(20ft burst) Water Effect: 1/day. You and any
Legendary (Attack +10, Special Attack +5, Speed +2)
allies in range are each healed HP equal to 1/4th of your Max HP.
Glacial Lance - Ranged(50ft burst) Ice Attack: 3/day 5d20.
Psychic - Ranged(25ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
not be stacked.
Calyrex Shadow Rider
Future Sight - Ranged(30ft) Psychic Special Attack: 1/day 5d12.
When you use this attack you immediately end your turn. In two Psychic / Ghost - Huge (Size), Medium (Weight)
rounds, select any target within 30ft of you to target with Future Hit Points: 320 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 10
Sight then you may roll Future Sight’s Accuracy Check and dam-
age. Speed: 17 (85 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 19

Heal Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Effect: 1/day. Target an ally or Skills: Flight (can fly), Intelligence (very smart), Invisibility (can
yourself. The target is healed HP equal to half of the target’s turn invisible), Mind Lock (mind can’t be read), Mind Control (can
Max HP. borrow a person to speak through them), Sprouter (can manipu-
late plant life), Telekinetic (can move things with their mind),
Solar Beam - Ranged(30ft beam) Grass Special Attack: 1/day Telepath (can read minds)
5d12. When you use this attack you immediately end your turn
unless it’s Sunny. During your next turn, or immediately if it’s Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Growth (+1 Attack, +1 Special
Sunny, you may target with and roll Solar Beam’s Accuracy Attack), Nasty Plot (+1 Special Attack), Grim Neigh (When you
Check and damage. knock out a foe, your Special Attack is +2 for 10 mins.), Unnerve
(Foes within 25ft of you cannot consume food.)
Legendary (Attack +5, Special Attack +9, Speed +8)
Rider - Legendary Passive - As a free action, Calyrex can mount
Glastrier or Spectrier to become Calyrex Ice Rider or Calyrex Astral Barrage - Ranged(50ft burst) Ghost Special Attack: 3/day
Shadow Rider respectively. Whenever you mount, you recover 5d20.
to full HP in your new form. You gain all of the moves of Glastrier
or Spectrier when you mount them while retaining your moves.
As a free action, you may also dismount. When you dismount,
your mount is set to their full HP, but you lose HP from your full
HP equal to the amount of HP you lost while in your Ice Rider or
Shadow Rider form.

Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Arctic / Tundra

Proficiencies: Grass / Psychic / Energy Blast / Healer / Pulse

Aria Form

Normal / Psychic - Small (Size), Light (Weight)

Hit Points: 120 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 13

Speed: 9 (45 ft.) Attack: 9 Special Attack: 14

Pirouette Form

Normal / Fighting - Small (Size), Light (Weight)

Hit Points: 60 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 8

Speed: 13 (65 ft.) Attack: 14 Special Attack: 9

Meloetta embodies song and dance. In its Aria Form, Me-
Skills: Flight (can fly), Telepath (can read minds)
loetta can sing beautiful songs. While in its Pirouette Form, Me-
Passives: Calm Mind (+1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense), Su- loetta can perform graceful dances. It uses its voice to send ech-
per Luck (Attacks are critical hits on natural 18-20) oes shooting up and down the stage, reflecting off walls and
Moves (Attack +4/+7, Special Attack +7/+4, Speed +4/+6) platforms. The more obstacles there are on a stage, the harder it
is to avoid and once you do it’s dancing up close and using its
Confusion - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: At-Will 1d12. dance moves to attack. While generally docile, Meloetta is quick
On hit, if you got 19 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
to defend itself with all of its power.

Psychic - Ranged(25ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On

hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
not be stacked.

Hyper Voice - Ranged(30ft beam) Normal Special Attack: 1/day


Close Combat - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your

Defense and Special Defense is -2 for 10 mins. This effect cannot
be stacked.

Perish Song - Ranged(40ft burst) Normal Effect: 1/day. All possi-

ble Pokémon targets including yourself receive 3 Perish Coats.
The Coats have the following ability: After acting, destroy one of
your Perish Coats. If this is the third Perish coat you’ve destroyed
during this encounter, set your HP to 0.


Relic Song - Ranged(20ft burst) Normal Special Attack: At-Will

3d8. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, all targets
are put to Sleep. Then, Meloetta may change from Aria Form to
Pirouette Form, or back from Pirouette Form to Aria Form.

Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Forest

Proficiencies: Fighting / Psychic / Martial / Sound

Rock / Fairy - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 90 Defense: 16 Special Defense: 15

Speed: 5 (25 ft.) Attack: 12 Special Attack: 10

Skills: Flight (can fly), Groundshaper (can manipulate the

ground), Telepath (can read minds)

Passives: Harden (+1 Defense), Sharpen (+1 Attack), Clear Body

(Your stats cannot be lowered by a foe’s effects.), Magic Bounce
(If you are hit by an attack that does not deal damage, the
attacker is instead affected by the effects of their own attack.)

Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +5, Speed +2)

Power Gem - Ranged(20ft) Rock Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.

Stealth Rock - Ranged(5ft) Rock Effect: 3/day. Place a Stealth

Rock Hazard adjacent to you. Stealth Rock Hazard has the follow-
ing ability: If a foe moves within 20 ft of Stealth Rock Hazard, it
will hurl itself at the foe, destroying itself and dealing 2d12 Rock-
type damage to the foe without needing an Accuracy Check.

Stone Edge - Ranged(25ft) Rock Attack: 1/day 5d12. Stone Edge

has -2 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on
Accuracy Check, Stone Edge is a critical hit.
Diancie is said to have undergone a magical transformation
Moonblast - Ranged(20ft) Fairy Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
from a Carbink. It can instantly create diamonds by compressing
hit, the target’s Special Attack is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
not be stacked. the carbon in the air. The diamonds are usually very fragile,
shattering when touched. They have an affinity for stones, so it’s
Legendary no wonder that they can Mega Evolve independently of a Key-
Mega Evolution - 3/day As a free action, Mega Evolve into Mega stone.
Diancie if Diancie possesses a Mega Stone for 10 mins.

Mega Diancie
Rock / Fairy - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight)

Hit Points: 300 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 11

Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 17 Special Attack: 16

Additional Moves (Attack +8, Special Attack +8, Speed +5) Zeraora lacks an electricity-generating organ, so it gathers and
stores electricity from outside sources. It can create a very pow-
Diamond Storm - Ranged(40ft burst) Rock Attack: 3/day 3d20.
erful magnetic field and leap great heights within the field. Its fur
On hit, your Defense is +2 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be
is known to stand on end whenever it is using massive amounts
of electricity. Zeraora can tear its opponents apart with it high-
voltage claws. Even if the opponent dodges, they still get elec-
trocuted by the flying sparks. Lighting flashes and thunderclaps
Biology: Diet - Terravore, Habitat - Cave / Mountain
can occur when Zeraora starts running.
Proficiencies: Fairy / Psychic / Rock / Cutesy / Magnetism

Zeraora Zarude
Electric - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight) Dark / Grass - Huge (Size), Heavy (Weight)

Hit Points: 108 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 8 Hit Points: 132 Defense: 11 Special Defense: 10

Speed: 14 (70 ft.) Attack: 12 Special Attack: 10 Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 14 Special Attack: 11

Skills: Climber (treats walls and ceilings as normal terrain), Skills: Climber (treats walls and ceilings as normal terrain),
Tracker (can follow scents), Zapper (can produce electricity) Stealth (can make stealth skill checks), Tracker (can follow
Passives: Hone Claws (+1 Attack, +1 to accuracy checks), Volt
Absorb (When you are hit by an electric-type attack, half the Passives: Growth (+1 Attack, +1 Special Attack), Leer (+1
damage after applying weakness and resistance, then you heal Attack), Leaf Guard (While in sunny weather, you are cured of
that much HP instead of taking damage.) any afflictions.)

Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +5, Speed +7) Moves (Attack +7, Special Attack +5, Speed +5)

Spark - Melee Electric Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you got 14 or Bite - Melee Dark Attack: At-Will 2d8. On hit, if you got 16 or
higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Paralyzed. higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.

Thunder Punch - Melee Electric Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you Hammer Arm - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your
got 17 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Paralyzed. Speed is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked.

Wild Charge - Melee Electric Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, you lose Thrash - Melee Normal Attack: 1/day 5d12. Move to and attack
HP equal to 1/4th of the damage you deal. the nearest possible target within 25ft. During your next action,
move to and attack the nearest possible target within 25ft, then
Close Combat - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your
you become Confused. Thrash can and will target allies if possi-
Defense and Special Defense is -2 for 10 mins. This effect cannot
be stacked.
Power Whip - Melee Grass Attack: 1/day 5d12. Power Whip has
-2 during Accuracy Check.
Plasma Fists - Melee Electric Attack: 3/day 3d12. For 10 mins, if
you are hit by a melee attack, the attack is treated as an Electric-
type attack. Jungle Healing - Ranged(20ft burst) Grass Effect: 3/day. You and
any allies in range are each healed HP equal to 1/4th of your Max
HP and are cured of any afflictions.
Biology: Diet - Ergovore, Habitat - Forest / Mountain / Urban
Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Forest / Jungle
Proficiencies: Electric / Bruiser / Claws / Fangs
Proficiencies: Dark / Grass / Bruiser / Claws / Fangs

Zarude are social and live in packs. They're usually incredibly Kubfu
aggressive, and frighten most other Pokémon in their territory;
excelling in battle with their sharp claws and quick wit. Zarude Fighting - Small (Size), Light (Weight)
occasionally exhibit a softer side, when isolated from their elu- Hit Points: 36 Defense: 6 Special Defense: 5
sive packs. When alone, they will adopt other species into a pack
Speed: 7 (35 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 5
that they will lead and protect from harm. A single Zarude with a
family of mismatched Pokémon is likely as dangerous as a pack Skills: Climber (treats walls and ceilings as normal terrain)
of Zarude.
Passives: Leer (+1 Attack), Focus Energy (Attacks are critical hits
on natural 18-20), Inner Focus (You are immune to being

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +2, Speed +3)

Headbutt - Melee Normal Attack: At-Will 2d8. On hit, if you got

18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.

Rock Smash - Melee Fighting Attack: At-Will 2d6. On hit, the

target’s Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked.

Aerial Ace - Melee Flying Attack: 3/day 3d8. You can’t miss tar-
gets with less than 15 Defense.

Urshifu Single Strike

Fighting / Dark - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight)

Hit Points: 120 Defense: 11 Special Defense: 6

Embodying the spirit to grow, Kubfu is one of the rare legend- Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 14 Special Attack: 6
ary Pokémon that can evolve. If Kubfu pulls the long white hair
Skills: Climber (treats walls and ceilings as normal terrain),
on its head, its fighting spirit heightens and power wells up from
Strength (very strong)
the depths of its belly. Kubfu trains hard to perfect its moves.
The martial arts moves it masters will determine which form it Passives: Bulk Up (+1 Attack, +1 Defense), Focus Energy, Inner
takes when it evolves. Focus, Unseen Fist (Your moves cannot be prevented by a Reac-
tion move.)

Moves (Attack +7, Special Attack +3, Speed +5)

Urshifu styles and personalities are determined by how it
trained as a Kubfu and what philosophy it adopted before being Iron Head - Melee Steel Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you got 14
ready to evolve. Single Strike Urshifu prefers battling without or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.
holding back. If enraged, it will mercilessly attack the opponent Dynamic Punch - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. Dynamic
until utterly crushed. Its movements are direct and involve rush- Punch has -5 during Accuracy Check. On hit, the target is Con-
ing in a straight line. When it is a certain distance away from an fused.
opponent, it quickly leaps in to unleash a powerful blow. Rapid
Strike Urshifu prefers calmly observing the opponent and their
strength while dodging. Urshifu strongly believes in defeating its Wicked Blow - Melee Dark Attack: 3/day 3d12. On hit, Wicked
opponents with many rapid blows nonstop like a flowing river. It Blow always counts as a critical hit.
uses flowing movements to ward off an opponent's attack be-
fore overwhelming them with rapid strikes.

Urshifu Rapid Strike
Fighting / Water - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight)

Hit Points: 120 Defense: 11 Special Defense: 6

Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 14 Special Attack: 6

Skills: Climber (treats walls and ceilings as normal terrain),

Strength (very strong)

Passives: Bulk Up (+1 Attack, +1 Defense), Focus Energy, Inner

Focus, Unseen Fist (Your moves cannot be prevented by a Reac-
tion move.)
Meltan bodies can corrode metal, which it then absorbs. Mel-
Moves (Attack +7, Special Attack +3, Speed +5)
tan can generate electricity using the metal it absorbs, and then
Aqua Jet - Melee Water Attack: At-Will 2d6. Aqua Jet has Priori- fire it from its eye. Meltan is said to be created from small shards
ty. when a Melmetal rusts and splits apart. The hexagonal nut on its
body can be removed, but doing so will create a huge panic for
Counter - Melee Fighting Effect: 1/day. Counter is used as a Re-
the Meltan. It has also been seen working in packs. When pro-
action. If you are hit by an enemy with an attack that makes con-
voked, it will spin its head, creating a sound that calls others of
tact with you and they used the Attack stat to calculate damage,
deal exactly twice the damage to the enemy that you received its own kind. Meltan is known to live in groups until the day
after taking damage. Do not apply weakness or resistances. comes where one strong Meltan absorbs the group to evolve
into Melmetal by itself.

Surging Strikes - Melee Water Attack: 3/day 1d12. Surging

Strikes is a Scatter attack. It has three attacks. On hit, Surging
Strikes always counts as a critical hit.

Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Forest / Urban

Evolution: Kubfu Learns form in a strong and pro-

active style Urshifu (Single Strike), Learns form in a
flowing and reactive style Urshifu (Rapid Strike)

Proficiencies: Dark (Urshifu Single Strike) / Fighting / Water-

(Urshifu Rapid Strike) / Bruiser (Urshifu) / Martial In ancient times, Melmetal was worshiped for its ability to
create metal from anything, which was used to create unique
metal tools. Melmetal was considered a sacred being that lived
in a secluded area deep within a wooded land that was full of
sedimentary rocks rich with magnetite. When Melmetal reaches
the end of its life, it will rust and split itself into multi-
ple Meltan from the small shards left behind. The process of
evolution has hardened its body, making it incredibly sturdy.
However, it is still in a liquid state and has some flexibility, par-
ticularly in its arms. The strength of the heavy hex nut arms
comes from the centrifugal force, which allows Melmetal to
have one of the strongest punches of all Pokémon.

Meltan Gigantamax Melmetal HP: 840

Steel - Small (Size), Light (Weight) Steel - Large (Dynamic), Heavy (Dynamic)

Hit Points: 30 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 5 G-Max Meltdown - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Steel (Attack/
Special Attack): At-Will 3d12. On hit, all targets cannot use a
Speed: 3 (15 ft.) Attack: 7 Special Attack: 6
move that they used during their previous action for 1 min.
Skills: Amorphous (can change their body into a liquid-like state)

Passives: Acid Armor (+2 Defense), Magnetic Flux (+1 Defense,

Biology: Diet - Pollutivore / Terravore, Habitat - Urban Aban-
+1 Special Defense)
Moves (Attack +3, Special Attack +3, Speed +1)
Evolution: Meltan Melmetal
Thunder Shock - Ranged(20ft) Electric Special Attack: At-Will
Proficiencies: Electric / Steel (Melmetal) / Magnetic / Stamped-
1d12. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the tar-
ing (Melmetal)
get is Paralyzed.

Headbutt - Melee Normal Attack: At-Will 2d8. On hit, if you got

18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.

Thunder Wave - Ranged(20ft) Electric Effect: 1/day. On hit, the

target is Paralyzed.

Steel - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 168 Defense: 17 Special Defense: 7

Speed: 3 (15 ft.) Attack: 15 Special Attack: 8

Skills: Magnetic (controls magnetic fields), Reach (melee range is

25 ft.), Shrinkable (can shrink), Strength (very strong)

Passives: Acid Armor (+2 Defense), Magnetic Flux (+1 Defense,

+1 Special Defense), Iron Fist (Your punching attacks deal +8

Moves (Attack +7, Special Attack +4, Speed +1)

Flash Cannon - Ranged(20ft) Steel Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.

On hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect
cannot be stacked.

Superpower - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your

Attack and Defense is -2 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be
The rings on Hoopa's body can warp space and allow it
Legendary transport items by passing them through its hoop. Once un-
bound, Hoopa is said to be its true form and has the power to
Double Iron Bash - Melee Steel Attack: 3/day 1d20. Double Iron
bend dimensions. This allows it to seize anything in the world for
Bash is a Scatter attack. It has two attacks. On either hit, if you
its malicious pranks. Either of its forms can travel through the
got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.
rings it uses, and will even summon other legendary Pokémon
and cause mayhem as rival legendary Pokémon collide. Its mo-
tives are unclear but it seems to relish in the random destruction
its mischief causes.

Hoopa Hoopa Unbound
Psychic / Ghost - Small (Size), Light (Weight) Psychic / Dark - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 100 Defense: 6 Special Defense: 13 Hit Points: 560 Defense: 6 Special Defense: 13

Speed: 7 (35 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 15 Speed: 8 (40 ft.) Attack: 16 Special Attack: 17

Skills: Flight (can fly), Phasing (can move through solid objects), Legendary (Attack +8, Special Attack +8, Speed +4)
Strength (very strong), Telepath (can read minds)
Hyperspace Fury - Ranged(40ft, 10ft blast) Dark Special Attack:
Passives: Magician (When hitting with a melee attack, you steal 3/day 3d12. Hyperspace Fury cannot miss.
the target’s held item, if any.)
Hyperspace Hole - Ranged(40ft, 10ft blast) Ghost Attack: 3/day
Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +7, Speed +3) 3d12. Hyperspace Hole cannot miss.
Astonish - Melee Ghost Attack: At-Will 1d10. On hit, if you got 19
or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.
Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Cave / Mountain
Shadow Ball - Ranged(20ft) Ghost Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
Proficiencies: Dark / Ghost / Psychic / Energy Blast / Pulse /
hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
not be stacked.

Dark Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Dark Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On

hit, if you got 16 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is

Psychic - Ranged(25ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On

hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
not be stacked.

Phantom Force - Melee Ghost Attack: 1/day 3d12. When you use
this attack, you vanish, then you immediately end your turn.
During your next turn, you reappear anywhere within 25ft of
where you vanished then your movement speed is doubled and
after getting to a target you may roll Phantom Force’s Accuracy
Check and damage.


Release Binding - 1/week As a free action, Hoopa changes into

its Unbound form. Hoopa remains Unbound until unconscious or
until three days have passed.

Mischief Maker - Once per turn you may open a portal connect-
ed to anywhere in the world or even another dimension as a free
action. The portal is at least 10ft in diameter and can be up to
150ft in diameter. The portal remains open for up to 1 day and
can be dismissed at any time as a free action. Hoopa can sustain
up to 4 portals at a time.

Deoxys Balance Deoxys Attack
Psychic - Large (Size), Medium (Weight) Psychic - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 60 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 8 Hit Points: 60 Defense: 5 Special Defense: 5

Speed: 15 (75 ft.) Attack: 15 Special Attack: 15 Speed: 15 (75 ft.) Attack: 18 Special Attack: 18

Skills: Amorphous (can change their body into a liquid-like state), Additional Moves (Attack +9, Special Attack +9, Speed +7)
Flight (can fly), Intelligence (very smart), Invisibility (can turn
Zap Cannon - Ranged(30ft) Electric Special Attack: 1/day 5d12.
invisible), Telekinetic (can move things with their mind), Telepath
Zap Cannon has -6 during Accuracy Check. On hit the target is
(can read minds)
Passives: Amnesia (+2 Special Defense), Cosmic Power (+1 De-
Superpower - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your
fense, +1 Special Defense), Iron Defense (+2 Defense), Pressure
Attack and Defense is -2 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be
(If you are hit by a 3/day attack, the attacker can’t use that
attack for the remainder of the day.) stacked.

Moves (Attack +7, Special Attack +7, Speed +7)

Teleport - Ranged(50ft) Psychic Effect: 1/day. Teleport is used as

a Reaction. If you are hit by an attack, move up to 50ft away in
your line of sight. Take only 1/4th the damage you would have
taken from the attack.

Zen Headbutt - Melee Psychic Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you

got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.

Recover - Self Normal Effect: 1/day. You are healed HP equal to

half of your Max HP.

Psychic - Ranged(25ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On Deoxys was formed by the mutation of a virus from space.
hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can- The legendary Pokémon is highly intelligent; its brain appears to
not be stacked. be the crystal in its chest. That organ is capable of firing laser
Legendary beams of various elemental types. It is able to regenerate any
part of its body that it may have lost during a battle. Deoxys can
Adaptive Combat - Once per turn as a free action you may
telepathically communicate with its other bodies, but also can
change into your Balance, Attack, Defense, or Speed forms from
create aurora effects in the atmosphere to communicate if there
any form.
is something affecting its ability to normally use its hivemind.
Multilocation - 1/day you may roll 1d10. You create 30HP copies Deoxys has different forms and each possesses different abilities
of your self equal to your result. Each copy has all of the abilities and techniques. In addition to reforming itself for specialized
of your original, except for Multilocation. If your original body is combat, it can sever parts of its body which in turn fully reforms
ever knocked out, dismiss all other copies. You cannot have into additional bodies that all act as one. It is uncertain what
more than 99 copies at a time. All copies and the original oper- Deoxys wants on earth, but it is a formidable threat that is usual-
ate as a hivemind, knowledgeable about everything each body ly only sent back into space by force.
knows. Captured copies become separate entities without Mul-

Biology: Diet - Pollutivore / Terravore, Habitat - Space

Proficiencies: Psychic / Elemental Attack / Energy Blast / Martial

Deoxys Defense Deoxys Speed
Psychic - Large (Size), Medium (Weight) Psychic - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)

Hit Points: 60 Defense: 19 Special Defense: 19 Hit Points: 60 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 12

Speed: 9 (45 ft.) Attack: 7 Special Attack: 7 Speed: 18 (90 ft.) Attack: 9 Special Attack: 9

Additional Moves (Attack +3, Special Attack +3, Speed +4) Additional Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +4, Speed +9)

Counter - Melee Fighting Effect: 1/day. Counter is used as a Re- Double Team - Self Normal Effect: 1/day. You create 3 copies of
action. If you are hit by an enemy with an attack that makes con- yourself. You may attack from any copy and copies may inhabit
tact with you and they used the Attack stat to calculate damage, spaces up to 25 ft away from each other, though none can be
deal exactly twice the damage to the enemy that you received more than 25 ft from any other copies or the original. If a copy is
after taking damage. Do not apply weakness or resistances. hit, it disappears and you take 1/4th of the damage it would
have taken. If your copy is hit by a non-damaging attack the
Mirror Coat - Ranged(40ft) Psychic Effect: 1/day. Mirror Coat is
copy is dismissed and you are unaffected by the attack. If you
used as a Reaction. If you are hit by an enemy with an attack,
are hit, all copies disappear.
the enemy is within range, and they used the Special Attack stat
to calculate damage, deal exactly twice the damage to the ene- Extreme Speed - Melee Normal Attack: 3/day 3d10. Extreme
my that you received after taking damage. Do not apply weak- Speed has Priority and cannot be contested for Priority.
ness or resistances.

Darkrai Cresselia
Dark - Large (Size), Medium (Weight) Psychic - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight)

Hit Points: 360 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 9 Hit Points: 480 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 14

Speed: 13 (65 ft.) Attack: 9 Special Attack: 15 Speed: 9 (45 ft.) Attack: 7 Special Attack: 9

Skills: Flight (can fly), Intelligence (very smart), Mind Lock (mind Skills: Flight (can fly), Glow (can produce light), Intelligence (very
can’t be read), Phasing (can move through solid objects), Stealth smart), Invisibility (can turn invisible), Telepath (can read minds)
(can make stealth skill checks)
Passives: Calm Mind (+1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense), Lev-
Passives: Nasty Plot (+1 Special Attack), Bad Dreams (Foes who itate (You are immune to Ground-type moves while you are air-
are Asleep lose 20 HP at your turn when within 30 ft of you.) borne.)

Moves (Attack +4, Special Attack +7, Speed +6) Moves (Attack +3, Special Attack +4, Speed +4)

Mind-reading Disable - Ranged(20ft) Normal Effect: 3/day. Confusion - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: At-Will 1d12.
Chose an attack the target knows. That move cannot be used by On hit, if you got 19 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
the target for 5 mins. Confused.

Nightmare - Ranged(40ft burst) Ghost Effect: 1/day. All Sleeping Aurora Beam - Ranged(15ft beam) Ice Special Attack: 3/day 3d8.
targets are given Nightmare Coats. The Nightmare Coat has the On hit, all target’s Attack are -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be
following ability: At the end of your turn, lose 1/4th of your Max stacked.
HP. Nightmare Coat is destroyed if the wearer is cured of Sleep Psychic - Ranged(25ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
or knocked out. hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
Dream Eater - Melee Psychic Special Attack: 1/day 5d12. Dream not be stacked.
Eater can only hit Sleeping targets. On hit, you regain HP equal Moonblast - Ranged(20ft) Fairy Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
to half of the damage dealt. hit, the target’s Special Attack is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
Dark Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Dark Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On not be stacked.
hit, if you got 16 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Moonlight - Melee Normal Effect: 1/day. Target an ally or your-
Stunned. self. The target is healed HP equal to half of the target’s Max HP.
Legendary If you are within Sunny Weather, the target is healed HP equal to
3/4ths of the target’s Max HP instead.
Dark Void - Ranged(40ft burst) Dark Effect: 3/day. All targets are
put to Endless Sleep. Endless Sleep’s check starts at 19 and does Legendary
not lower each turn like the normal Sleep affliction. Endless Lunar Dance - Ranged(100ft) Psychic Effect: 1/day. Your HP is set
Sleep can only be cured with a successful check. If anyone is to 100 unless it’s below 100, the target is recovered to Max HP,
knocked unconscious while afflicted with Endless Sleep, they are or recovers 500 HP if Max HP would recover more than 500 HP,
cured of Endless Sleep. and is cured of any afflictions.

Biology: Diet - Psiotroph, Habitat - Cave / Forest / Mountain Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Forest / Rainforest / Moun-
Proficiencies: Dark / Psychic / Claws / Hexwork / Tricky tain

Proficiencies: Fairy / Psychic / Energy Blast / Healer / Spellcraft

According to legends, Zacian is believed to be the elder sister
of Zamazenta. It is known as the Fairy King's Sword by friends
and foes. She can turn itself into a statue in order to slumber
until need and is capable of flight. It can also cast illusions includ-
ing a projection of itself even when asleep to protect its slumber.
Zacian can attack so gracefully the movements can captivate its
opponents. The sword it holds in its mouth can cut through any-
thing with a sharp edge capable of harming even the greatest
threats as if they are made of paper.

Darkrai is known to inhabit dreams and causes the target to

have unending nightmares, which can be stopped if exposed to
a Ceresselia down feather. However, the unleashing of night-
mares is actually a defense mechanism, instead of an intention-
ally malicious act. It can become a shadow and escape danger or
contact with humans in most cases, but will lash out when cor-
ners or when defending something. It is capable of some human
speech, and Darkrai does not only cause nightmares; it is also
attracted to them. When an evil force is causing nightmares it
will often consume the nightmares, sometimes curing an afflict-
ed person of a terrible curse.

In legends, it is known as the Fighting Master's Shield due to

its ability to defect any attack. Zamazenta is both feared and
respected by all. By becoming a statue, it can rest for eons and
even while asleep, it can cast illusions including a projection of
itself. His regal and majestic movements enable it to overwhelm
opponents who he faces. Zamazenta fends off the attacks of foes
by using the golden shield that covers its front. No battlefield, no
matter how terrible, can make Zamazenta flinch in its resolve. By
bashing the enemies with its full might, it is said that the power
Cresselia has the power to dispel nightmares and holding one
can cause cracks in the land and that the resulting shockwaves
of its feathers is said to bring happy dreams. It is very hostile
can lay waste to hundreds of enemies.
towards Darkrai and tries to cure those afflicted with the actions
of Darkrai. Shining particles are released from Cresselia wings
When together, the siblings can negate the power of Eter-
like a veil, and it is said to represent the crescent moon. Cres-
natus, even in its Eternamax state. When reunited with their
selia actively works to thwart Darkrai, but more often then not
sacred relics, their true power is revealed and they can stop
put Darkrai into a position of panic that cause the spread of
power spots from spreading havoc across the lands.
nightmares that Darkrai plagues humans with.

Zacian Zamazenta
Fairy - Huge (Size), Heavy (Weight) Fighting - Huge (Size), Heavy (Weight)

Hit Points: 540 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 12 Hit Points: 540 Defense: 17 Special Defense: 12

Speed: 14 (70 ft.) Attack: 18 Special Attack: 8 Speed: 14 (70 ft.) Attack: 14 Special Attack: 8

Skills: Climber (treats walls and ceilings as normal terrain), Flight Skills: Climber (treats walls and ceilings as normal terrain), Flight
(can fly), Intelligence (very smart), Strength (very strong), Tele- (can fly), Intelligence (very smart), Strength (very strong), Tele-
path (can read minds) path (can read minds)

Passives: Bulk Up (+1 Attack, +1 Defense), Intrepid Sword (+4 Passives: Bulk Up (+1 Attack, +1 Defense), Dauntless Shield (+4
Attack) Defense)

Moves (Attack +9, Special Attack +4, Speed +7) Moves (Attack +7, Special Attack +4, Speed +7)

Crunch - Melee Dark Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, the target’s Crunch - Melee Dark Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, the target’s
Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked. Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked.

Metal Claw - Melee Steel Attack: At-Will 2d6. On hit, your Attack Metal Claw - Melee Steel Attack: At-Will 2d6. On hit, your Attack
is +1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked. is +1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked.

Sacred Sword - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 3d10. Sacred Sword Shield Protect - Ranged Normal Effect: 3/day. Shield Protect is
has +2 during Accuracy Check. used as a Reaction. If you are hit by an attack, ignore the damage
and any effects of the attack.
Moonblast - Ranged(20ft) Fairy Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
hit, the target’s Special Attack is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can- Close Combat - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, your
not be stacked. Defense and Special Defense is -2 for 10 mins. This effect cannot
be stacked.
Relic of Heroes - Legendary Passive - If you are in possession of
your Hero Relic, you are in your Crowned Sword form. Relic of Heroes - Legendary Passive - If you are in possession of
your Hero Relic, you are in your Crowned Shield form.

Zacian Crowned Sword

Zamazenta Crowned Shield
Fairy / Steel - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight)
Fighting / Steel - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight)
Hit Points: 540 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 12
Hit Points: 540 Defense: 20 Special Defense: 15
Speed: 15 (75 ft.) Attack: 22 Special Attack: 8
Speed: 13 (65 ft.) Attack: 14 Special Attack: 8
Legendary (Attack +11, Special Attack +4, Speed +7)
Legendary (Attack +7, Special Attack +4, Speed +6)
Behemoth Blade - Ranged(20ft) Steel Attack: 5/day 3d10. If the
target is Dynamax, Gigantamax, or Eternamax, Behemoth Blade Behemoth Bash - Ranged(20ft) Steel Attack: 5/day 3d10. If the
deals +250 damage. target is Dynamax, Gigantamax, or Eternamax, Behemoth Bash
deals +250 damage.

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Forest / Mountain

Proficiencies: Fairy / Steel / Blades / Fangs

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Forest / Mountain

Proficiencies: Fighting / Steel / Fangs / Martial (No Punches)

Incased in its sturdy, cocoon-like shell, Cosmoem seems una-
ble to move. Certainly, not by force as it weighs more than two-
thousand pounds. It grows as it absorbs starlight and the dust in
the air. Its body is warm to the touch. Cosmoem shells are said
to be harder than any known material. Sometimes, they levitate
about near those they trust while seemingly remaining asleep.

Known as the beast that devours the sun, Solgaleo has long
been honored as an emissary of light and the sun. It said to
sometimes live in another world and returns there when its third
eye activates. Its body is capable of holding a vast amount of
After decades of rest, the beings of light, Solgaleo and Lunala
energy and glows when active. The intense light it radiates can
may revert to their first form, Cosmog. Its body is frail and easily
make nighttime look like midday. Solgaleo will try to hide in oth-
blown away. However, Cosmog tend to be carefree and don't
er dimensions when pursued by the pillager of light.
seem to mind. They collect dust from the atmosphere, which
allows it grow slowly. Cosmog has the ability to warp itself and
those close to it to different places. Unfortunately, this power is
dangerous as it can open wormholes into other dimensions. Cos-
mog has an overly trusting nature and it immediately takes a
liking to whoever shows it kindness, even when that person
doesn't have the best intentions for it. After exerting itself one
to many times, it enters its cocoon stage, Cosmoem.

Psychic - Small (Size), Featherweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 24 Defense: 3 Special Defense: 3

Speed: 4 (20 ft.) Attack: 3 Special Attack: 3

Skills: Flight (can fly)

Passives: Sturdy (If you would be brought from Max HP to 0 or

below, you are instead brought to 1 HP.)

Moves (Attack +1, Special Attack +1, Speed +2)

Splash - Melee Normal Effect: At-Will. Instead of making an Ac-

curacy Check, roll 1d20. On 18 or higher, all adjacent foes are
moved 5 ft away from the user.


Tireless Teleport - Ranged(50ft) Psychic Effect: At-Will. Tireless

Teleport is used as a Reaction. If you are hit by an attack, move
up to 50ft away in your line of sight. Take only 1/4th the damage
you would have taken from the attack.

Psychic - Tiny (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 48 Defense: 14 Special Defense: 14

Speed: 4 (20 ft.) Attack: 3 Special Attack: 3

Skills: Flight (can fly)

Known as the beast that calls the moon and its light, Lunala
Passives: Cosmic Power (+1 Defense, +1 Special Defense), Sturdy has long been honored as an emissary of the moon. Lunala con-
stantly absorbs light to convert into energy and can obscure day-
Moves (Attack +1, Special Attack +1, Speed +2)
light with darkness. When it spreads its wings to absorb light and
Bide - Ranged(25ft burst) Normal Effect: 1/day. When you use glitters, it resembles a beautiful night sky. It is said to sometimes
this attack, you immediately end your turn. During your next live in another world, which it returns to when it opens its third
turn, you can’t act. On the round after that, when it’s your turn, eye. Lunala will try to hide in other dimensions when pursued by
you release energy, dealing damage equal to twice the damage the pillager of light.
you’ve taken since initiating Bide.

Biology: Diet - Phototroph, Habitat - Forest / Mountain / Space

Evolution: Cosmog Cosmoem Full strength

realized under the sun Solgaleo, Full strength

realized under the moon Lunala

Proficiencies: Fairy (Lunala) / Fire (Solgaleo) / Ghost (Lunala) /

Psychic (Solgaleo / Lunala) / Steel (Solgaleo) / Claws (Solgaleo /
Lunala) / Fangs (Solgaleo) / Winged (Lunala)

Solgaleo Lunala
Psychic / Steel - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight) Psychic / Ghost - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 840 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 10 Hit Points: 840 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 12

Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 14 Special Attack: 11 Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 14

Skills: Flight (can fly), Glow (can produce light), Intelligence (very Skills: Flight (can fly), Glow (can produce light), Intelligence (very
smart), Strength (very strong), Telepath (can read minds) smart), Strength (very strong), Telepath (can read minds)

Passives: Cosmic Power (+1 Defense, +1 Special Defense), Clear Passives: Cosmic Power (+1 Defense, +1 Special Defense), Clear
Body (Your stats cannot be lowered by a foe’s effects.), Mul- Body (Your stats cannot be lowered by a foe’s effects.), Mul-
tiscale (When you are above half Max HP, you take -1d20 dam- tiscale (When you are above half Max HP, you take -1d20 dam-
age from all attacks.), age from all attacks.),
Moves (Attack +7, Special Attack +5, Speed +5) Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +7, Speed +5)
Metal Claw - Melee Steel Attack: At-Will 2d6. On hit, your Attack Confusion - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: At-Will 1d12.
is +1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked. On hit, if you got 19 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Zen Headbutt - Melee Psychic Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you Confused.
got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned. Confuse Ray - Ranged(20ft) Ghost Effect: 1/day. On hit, the tar-
Crunch - Melee Dark Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, the target’s get becomes Confused.
Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked. Air Slash - Ranged(15ft) Flying Special Attack: 1/day 3d12. Air
Solar Beam - Ranged(30ft beam) Grass Special Attack: 1/day Slash has -1 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 14 or high-
5d12. When you use this attack you immediately end your turn er on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.
unless it’s Sunny. During your next turn, or immediately if it’s Shadow Ball - Ranged(20ft) Ghost Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
Sunny, you may target with and roll Solar Beam’s Accuracy hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
Check and damage. not be stacked.
Flare Blitz - Melee Fire Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit, you lose HP Moonblast - Ranged(20ft) Fairy Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
equal to 1/3rd of the damage you deal and if you got 18 or higher hit, the target’s Special Attack is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
on Accuracy Check, the target is Burned. not be stacked.
Legendary Legendary
Sunsteel Strike - Ranged(20ft burst) Steel Attack: 3/day 5d20. Moongeist Beam - Ranged(40ft beam) Ghost Special Attack: 3/
Sunsteel Strike has +2 during Accuracy Check. day 5d20. Moongeist Beam has +2 during Accuracy Check.
Guardian of Light - Legendary Passive - While in sunlight, you Guardian of Light - Legendary Passive - While in moonlight, you
deal +1d12 damage with your attacks. deal +1d12 damage with your attacks.
Ultra Wormhole - 3/day you may open an Ultra Wormhole to Ultra Wormhole - 3/day you may open an Ultra Wormhole to
another dimension and travel through it. The wormhole stays another dimension and travel through it. The wormhole stays
open as long as you are on the other side of it or you will it open as long as you are on the other side of it or you will it
closed. closed.

Necrozma Necrozma Dusk Mane
Psychic - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight) Psychic / Steel - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 200 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 9 Hit Points: 1140 Defense: 15 Special Defense: 11

Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 13 Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 16 Special Attack: 11

Skills: Flight (can fly), Glow (can produce light), Intelligence (very (Attack +8, Special Attack +5, Speed +5)
smart), Invisibility (can turn invisible), Strength (very strong),
Telepath (can read minds)

Passives: Autotomize (+2 Speed), Iron Defense (+2 Defense),

Neuroforce (Your super effective and extremely effective attacks
add an additional die to their damage rolls.), Prism Armor (Super
effective attacks made against you are treated as regular
attacks. Extremely effective attacks made against you are treat-
ed as super effective attacks.)

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +6, Speed +5)

Rock Blast - Ranged(10ft) Rock Attack: At-Will 1d4. Rock Blast

has -2 during Accuracy Check. Rock Blast is a Scatter attack. Up
to 5 attacks.

Night Slash - Melee Dark Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you got 18 Necrozma originates from Ultra Space and is capable of open-
or higher on Accuracy Check, Night Slash is a critical hit. ing and traveling through Ultra Wormholes whenever it pleases.
It was once known as the blinding one. It once had the ability to
Psycho Cut - Ranged(20ft) Psychic Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if
give light, but lost this ability due to intrusive and debilitating
you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, Psycho Cut is a critical
treatment in a parallel universe. In its incomplete state, Necroz-
ma suffers constant pain and displays immense hostility. In an
Power Gem - Ranged(20ft) Rock Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. effort to restore itself to its original state, Necrozma steals light
Legendary from other places and beings. Now, Necrozma is known as the
pillager of light and often seeks out the legendary Pokémon Sol-
Prismatic Laser - Ranged(80ft beam) Psychic Special Attack: 3/
galeo and Lunala. Absorbing light helps Necrozma survive and
day 8d12. You cannot act during the next round.
stay active. When it absorbs the forms of one of the two,
Ultra Wormhole - 3/day you may open an Ultra Wormhole to Necrozma becomes more vicious to the point of going on an
another dimension and travel through it. The wormhole stays uncontrollable rampage. Necrozma brutally attacks foes with
open as long as you are on the other side of it. either its claws or lasers on anything it sees as a foe along with a
desire to burn the world. When Necrozma absorbs light from a
Trespasser Hunter - Legendary Passive - Your attacks against
world, that world becomes shrouded in darkness until the stolen
Ultra Beasts, Solgaleo, or Lunala deal +1d12 damage.
light is returned. It is understood that Solgaleo and Lunala devel-
Pillager of Light - Legendary Passive - Necrozma can posses Sol- oped the ability to move between worlds to hide from Necroz-
galeo to become its Dusk Mane form or Lunala to become its ma, who seeks them relentlessly.
Dawn Wings form. If Necrozma is able to posses both of them, it
becomes its Ultra Mantle form. Necrozma only needs to touch
Solgaleo or Lunala to possess them. Solgaleo or Lunala can only
escape from Necrozma once Necrozma is knocked out. Necroz-
ma also gains the moves of whoever Necrozma is possessing.

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Mountain / Space

Proficiencies: Ghost / Psychic / Rock / Steel / Blades

Necrozma Dawn Wings Necrozma Ultra Mantle
Psychic / Ghost - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight) Psychic / Dragon - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 1140 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 13 Hit Points: 1980 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 10

Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 16 Speed: 15 (75 ft.) Attack: 17 Special Attack: 17

(Attack +5, Special Attack +8, Speed +6) Legendary (Attack +8, Special Attack +8, Speed +7)

Photon Geyser - Ranged(160 ft beam) Psychic Special Attack: 3/

day 12d12. You cannot act during the next two rounds.

Kyogre Kyogre Primal Reversion
Water - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight) Water - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 1200 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 15 Hit Points: 1600 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 17

Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 16 Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 15 Special Attack: 19

Skills: Flopper (has a hard time moving out of water), Fountain Legendary (Attack +7, Special Attack +9, Speed +5)
(can create water), Gilled (can breathe underwater), Strength
Origin Pulse - Ranged(40ft, 30 ft wave) Water Special Attack: 3/
(very strong), Swimmer (can swim)
day 5d12.
Passives: Calm Mind (+1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense),
Scary Face (+2 Speed)
Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Arctic / Ocean
Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +8, Speed +5)
Proficiencies: Ice / Water / Piscian / Stampeding
Ice Beam - Ranged(20ft beam) Ice Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Fro-

Hydro Pump - Ranged(30ft beam) Water Special Attack: 1/day

5d12. Hydro Pump has -2 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Rain-

Water Spout - Ranged(30ft burst) Water Special Attack: 1/day

3d10. If you are at Max HP, Water Spout has 5d12 for damage

Sheer Cold - Ranged(15ft, 10ft wave) Ice Special Attack: 1/day.

Sheer Cold has -10 during Accuracy Check. On hit, all targets
have their HP set to 0.

Rain Dance - Water Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle of

Raining Weather with a 60ft diameter. Within the Raining
weather, Water-type attacks deal an additional 8 damage and
Fire-type attacks deal 8 less damage. This weather disappears
after 2 mins. Kyogre is a powerful legendary Pokémon, having complete
Legendary control over the element of water and rain. It expanded the
seas, and is hailed as a savior for quenching areas of the world
Primordial Sea - Legendary Passive - As a free action you may
plagued with drought. Kyogre is normally calm and peaceful and
use Rain Dance ignoring its frequency.
will lay dormant for decades at a time, but if it meets its ri-
Master of the Sea - Legendary Passive - You are compelled to val, Groudon, Kyogre will engage in a cataclysmic battle against
flood the lands and fight Groudon if you encounter Groudon. it. Kyogre generally resides deep in the ocean, and is said to rest
in a deep trench. Kyogre has the power to create massive rain
Primal Reversion - 3/day As a free action, transform into your
clouds that cover the entire sky and bring about torrential down-
Primal Reversion form if you are in the possession of your sacred
pours. If left unchecked, Kyogre can drown the land as it endless-
relic for 30 mins.
ly produces water. If in possession of a sacred relic left to it in
ancient times, it can revert into its primal form before its true
power was stripped from it by a greater being.

Groudon Groudon Primal Reversion
Ground - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight) Ground / Fire - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 1200 Defense: 15 Special Defense: 9 Hit Points: 1600 Defense: 17 Special Defense: 9

Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 16 Special Attack: 10 Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 19 Special Attack: 15

Skills: Burrow (moves through earth easily), Firestarter (can cre- Legendary (Attack +9, Special Attack +7, Speed +5)
ate fire), Groundshaper (can manipulate the ground), Sinker
Precipice Blades - Ranged(35ft burst) Ground Attack: 3/day
(can’t swim), Strength (very strong)
Passives: Bulk Up (+1 Attack, +1 Defense), Scary Face (+2 Speed)

Moves (Attack +8, Special Attack +5, Speed +5)

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Mountain / Volcano
Earthquake - Ranged(30ft burst) Ground Attack: 1/day 5d12.
Proficiencies: Fire / Ground / Claws / Stampeding
Solar Beam - Ranged(30ft beam) Grass Special Attack: 1/day
5d12. When you use this attack you immediately end your turn
unless it’s Sunny. During your next turn, or immediately if it’s
Sunny, you may target with and roll Solar Beam’s Accuracy
Check and damage.

Fissure - Ranged(25ft beam) Ground Attack: 1/day. Fissure has -

10 during Accuracy Check. On hit, all targets have their HP set to

Eruption - Ranged(30ft burst) Fire Special Attack: 1/day 3d10. If

you are at Max HP, Eruption has 5d12 for damage instead.

Sunny Day - Fire Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle of Sunny
Weather with a 60ft diameter. Within the Sunny weather, Fire-
type attacks deal an additional 8 damage and Water-type attacks
deal 8 less damage. This weather disappears after 2 mins.


Desolate Land - Legendary Passive - As a free action you may use

Groudon is a powerful legendary Pokémon, having the ability
Sunny Day ignoring its frequency.
to summon intense droughts and cause volcanic eruptions. The
Master of the Land - Legendary Passive - You are compelled to droughts it can cause allow it to evaporate water, while the vol-
dry the seas and fight Kyogre if you encounter Kyogre. canic eruptions it can summon enable it to create land. It built all
of the landmasses in the world. It sleeps underground in large
Primal Reversion - 3/day As a free action, transform into your
magma chambers, sometimes for decades at a time. If it encoun-
Primal Reversion form if you are in the possession of your sacred
ters its rival, Kyogre, they will engage in cataclysmic battle.
relic for 30 mins.
Groudon can raise land out of the seas and empower the sun to
bake the lands with heat. If left unchecked, Groudon will evapo-
rate all of the water on earth, completely destroying all life as it
endless plummets the land into a magma-covered world. If in
possession of a sacred relic left to it in ancient times, it can re-
vert into its primal form before its true power was stripped from
it by a greater being.

Rayquaza Mega Rayquaza
Dragon / Flying - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight) Dragon / Flying - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 1260 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 9 Hit Points: 1660 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 10

Speed: 13 (65 ft.) Attack: 16 Special Attack: 15 Speed: 15 (75 ft.) Attack: 19 Special Attack: 18

Skills: Burrow (moves through earth easily), Flight (can fly), Legendary (Attack +9, Special Attack +9, Speed +7)
Guster (can produce wind), Intelligence (very smart), Strength
Delta Stream - Legendary Passive - Your foes do not add dice to
(very strong), Swimmer (can swim)
their attacks for super effective or extremely effective attacks
Passives: Dragon Dance (+1 Attack, +1 Speed), Scary Face (+2 due to your Flying-type.
Dragon Ascent - Melee Dragon Attack: 3/day 5d12.
Moves (Attack +8, Special Attack +7, Speed +6)

Fly - Melee Flying Attack: 1/day 3d12. When you use this attack,
Biology: Diet - Glaciovore, Terravore, Habitat - Mountain
you raise yourself 40ft into the air, then you immediately end
your turn. During your next turn, your movement speed is tri- Proficiencies: Dragon / Flying / Claws / Draconian / Stampeding
pled and after getting to a target you may roll Fly’s Accuracy
Check and damage.

Dragon Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Dragon Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.

Extreme Speed - Melee Normal Attack: 3/day 3d10. Extreme

Speed has Priority and cannot be contested for Priority.

Outrage - Melee Dragon Attack: 1/day 5d12. Move to and attack

the nearest possible target within 25ft. During your next action,
move to and attack the nearest possible target within 25ft, then
you become Confused. Outrage can and will target allies if possi-
ble. Rayquaza acts as a balance to terrible strength that Kyogre
Hyper Beam - Ranged(25ft beam) Normal Special Attack: 1/day and Groudon has. Rayquaza is able to soothe them both,, even
5d20. Hyper Beam has -2 during Accuracy Check. You cannot act in their primal forms. Rayquaza is said to have lived for hundreds
during the next round. of millions of years in the ozone layer, where it feeds on water
and other particles. Rayquaza is rarely seen by people; even in
Defog - Ranged(30ft burst) Flying Field Effect: 3/day. Any Walls, flight, its appearance is indistinguishable from that of a distant
Hazards, Weather, or Terrains within range are destroyed. passing meteor. It flies in the upper tropospheric flow and will
Legendary very quickly get to any acts of mayhem created by Kyogre or
Groudon. When pushed to its limits, it will Mega Evolve in order
Air Lock - Legendary Passive - As a free action you may use of
to quell squabbles between Kyogre and Groudon.
Defog ignoring its frequency.

Master of the Skies - Legendary Passive - You are compelled to

quell any fighting between Kyogre and Groudon.

Mega Evolution - 3/day As a free action, Mega Evolve into Mega

Rayquaza for 30 mins.

The origins of Zekrom and Reshiram are told in legends, as
they were once a single powerful Dragon Pokémon used by twin
heroes in order to create harmony in the lands. But the brothers
each sought something different in life—truth for the older
brother and ideals for the younger—and they began to argue,
then fight, over whose side was right. The single dragon, in re-
sponse, split into two Pokémon: Reshiram, who sided with the
older twin, and Zekrom, who sided with the younger twin. The
two dragons were equally matched as they battled and neither
conquered the other. As a result, the brothers set aside their
differences and equally declared that there was no right side,
either. Later, the sons of the heroes resumed the fight, and
Reshiram and Zekrom destroyed the region with their fire and With a tail that produces energy for its attacks and emits an
lightning powers. They subsequently disappeared afterward. anti-gravity field, Zekrom can easily fly through the air with mini-
mal effects from aerodynamic resistance and gravity. It can
cause several thunderstorms in one area, and it normally hides
in thunderclouds. It is said that Zekrom uses its lightning to anni-
hilate kingdoms of people who have lost the righteousness in
their hearts. If allied with a powerful trainer and who is opposed
to a trainer who is allied Reshiram, Zekrom and Reshiram may
clash to appease their allies and cause countless cataclysmic

In reality, the original dragon had split into three legendary

Pokémon. One who represented truth, another who represented
ideals, and a third who represented the space between both
truth and ideals that bond them together in harmony. The split is
what made both Reshiram and Zekrom so hostile and dangerous
when confronting each other.

Kyurem generates a powerful, freezing energy inside itself,

sometimes encasing itself in a glacier of ice to slumber. Its power
exceeds that of Zekrom or Reshiram, but tends to avoid conflicts
with either. It represents the binding element that ties truth and
ideals together into a singular philosophy and so it is unsurpris-
ing that it can fuse with either Zekrom or Reshiram. It is said that
under the right circumstances, the three dragons could one day
By setting its torch-like tail ablaze, Reshiram can heat the at- reunite into their true, original form. However, it’s been millen-
mosphere and change the weather. Reshiram can produce nia since then and time may have split these beings too long.
flames that are capable of incinerating the world
itself, so perhaps the world's continued safety is a
sign of its goodwill. Reshiram is said to help those
who seek to build a world of truth. If allied with a
powerful trainer and who is opposed to a trainer
who is allied Zekrom, Reshiram and Zekrom may
clash to appease their allies and cause countless
cataclysmic events.

Reshiram Zekrom
Dragon / Fire - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight) Dragon / Electric - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 1600 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 12 Hit Points: 1600 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 10

Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 15 Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 16 Special Attack: 12

Skills: Firestarter (can create fire), Flight (can fly), Intelligence Skills: Flight (can fly), Intelligence (very smart), Strength (very
(very smart), Strength (very strong), Telepath (can read minds) strong), Telepath (can read minds), Zapper (can produce electric-
Passives: Dragon Dance (+1 Attack, +1 Speed), Turboblaze (Your
attacks ignore any passives that would redirect, negate or weak- Passives: Dragon Dance (+1 Attack, +1 Speed), Teravolt (Your
en them.) attacks ignore any passives that would redirect, negate or weak-
en them.)
Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +7, Speed +5)
Moves (Attack +8, Special Attack +6, Speed +5)
Fire Fang - Melee Fire Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you got 18 or
higher on Accuracy Check, the target is randomly either Stunned Thunder Fang - Melee Electric Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you
or Burned. got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is randomly ei-
ther Stunned or Paralyzed.
Flamethrower - Ranged(20ft beam) Fire Special Attack: 3/day
3d10. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the tar- Thunderbolt - Ranged(30ft) Electric Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.
get is Burned. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Extrasensory - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.
On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Zen Headbutt - Melee Psychic Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you
Stunned. got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.

Dragon Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Dragon Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. Dragon Claw - Melee Dragon Attack: 3/day 3d10.

Outrage - Melee Dragon Attack: 1/day 5d12. Move to and attack Outrage - Melee Dragon Attack: 1/day 5d12. Move to and attack
the nearest possible target within 25ft. During your next action, the nearest possible target within 25ft. During your next action,
move to and attack the nearest possible target within 25ft, then move to and attack the nearest possible target within 25ft, then
you become Confused. Outrage can and will target allies if possi- you become Confused. Outrage can and will target allies if possi-
ble. ble.

Legendary Legendary

Fusion Flare - Ranged(20ft) Fire Attack: 3/day 3d12. If Fusion Fusion Bolt - Ranged(20ft) Electric Attack: 3/day 3d12. If Fusion
Bolt was used by anyone during the last 20 seconds, Fusion Flare Flare was used by anyone during the last 20 seconds, Fusion Bolt
has 7d12 for damage instead. has 7d12 for damage instead.

Blue Flare - Ranged(50ft) Fire Special Attack: 3/day 5d12. On hit, Bolt Strike - Melee Electric Attack: 3/day 5d12. On hit, if you got
if you got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Burned. 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Paralyzed.

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Space Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Space

Proficiencies: Dragon / Fire / Psychic / Claws / Draconian / Proficiencies: Dragon / Electric / Psychic / Claws / Draconian /
Winged Winged

Kyurem Kyurem Black Fusion
Dragon / Ice - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight) Dragon / Ice - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 1780 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 9 Hit Points: 2380 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 9

Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 14 Special Attack: 13 Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 17 Special Attack: 12

Skills: Flight (can fly), Freezer (can create ice), Intelligence (very Legendary (Attack +8, Special Attack +6, Speed +5)
smart), Strength (very strong), Telepath (can read minds)
Freeze Shock - Ranged(40ft, 20ft blast) Ice Special Attack: 3/day
Passives: Dragon Dance (+1 Attack, +1 Speed), Pressure (If you 3d12. On hit, if you got 12 or higher on Accuracy Check, the tar-
are hit by a 3/day attack, the attacker can’t use that attack for gets are Paralyzed.
the remainder of the day.), Terafrost (Your attacks ignore any
passives that would redirect, negate or weaken them.)

Moves (Attack +7, Special Attack +6, Speed +5) Kyurem White Fusion
Ice Fang - Melee Ice Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you got 18 or
Dragon / Ice - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)
higher on Accuracy Check, the target is randomly either Stunned
or Frozen. Hit Points: 2380 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 10

Ice Beam - Ranged(20ft beam) Ice Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 12 Special Attack: 17
hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Fro- Legendary (Attack +6, Special Attack +8, Speed +5)
Ice Burn - Ranged(40ft, 20ft blast) Ice Special Attack: 3/day 3d12.
Dragon Claw - Melee Dragon Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, if you got 12 or higher on Accuracy Check, the targets are
Dragon Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Dragon Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. Burned.


Glaciate - Ranged(40ft) Ice Special Attack: 3/day 3d12. On hit, Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Space
the target’s Speed is -10 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be Proficiencies: Dragon / Ice / Psychic / Claws / Draconian /
stacked. Winged
Unity of Energy - Legendary Passive - Kyurem can fuse with
Reshiram to become its White Fusion form or Zekrom to become
its Black Fusion form. Kyurem only needs to touch Reshiram or
Zekrom to combine with them. Reshiram or Zekrom can only
part from Kyurem hold once Kyurem is knocked out. Kyurem also
gains the moves of whoever Kyurem is fused with.

Xerneas Xerneas and Yveltal are great forces, both capable of giving
and stealing life energy respectively. Xerneas shares life by glow-
Fairy - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight) ing its horns in seven colors, while Yveltal has its feathers near
Hit Points: 1480 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 10 the gray pattern on its chest glow when it steals life energy.
When they are at the end of a cycle of their lifespan, Xerneas
Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 14 Special Attack: 14
releases all of its life energy into all the living things in around it
Skills: Glow (can produce light), Intelligence (very smart), turning into a massive tree, while Yveltal expands its wings and
Sprouter (can manipulate plant life), Strength (very strong), Tele- steals all of the life energy of every living thing around it turning
path (can read minds) into a massive cocoon. Zygarde has Cells that are always moni-
toring the balance between Xerneas and Yveltal, and whenever
Passives: Growth (+1 Attack, +1 Special Attack)
it is disrupted or destroyed, Zygarde reforms as a whole and
Moves (Attack +7, Special Attack +7, Speed +5) comes to unleash its wrath.
Heal Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Effect: 1/day. Target an ally or
yourself. The target is healed HP equal to half of the target’s
Max HP.

Aurora Beam - Ranged(15ft beam) Ice Special Attack: 3/day 3d8.

On hit, all target’s Attack are -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be

Moonblast - Ranged(20ft) Fairy Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On

hit, the target’s Special Attack is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
not be stacked.

Megahorn - Melee Bug Attack: 1/day 5d12. Xerneas has the power to share nearly eternal life. When is
chooses to, it can give thousands of years to a person to live out,
Horn Leech - Melee Grass Attack: 1/day 3d12. On hit, you regain
usually to atone for something they have done. Xerneas is a well
HP equal to half of the damage dealt.
of infinite power and at times seems to be the source of life eve-
Legendary rywhere. Xerneas is one of two legendary Pokémon who can
Geomancy - Self Fairy Move: 3/day. Your Special Attack, Special power the ultimate weapon which uses the power within Xerne-
Defense, and Speed are +4 for 10 mins. as to wipe life out everywhere.

Fairy Aura - Legendary Passive - Fairy-type attacks deal +10 dam-

age within 25ft of you

Biology: Diet - Herbivore, Habitat - Forest

Proficiencies: Fairy / Grass / Psychic / Healer / Horned / Pulse

Yveltal has the power to absorb life energy by spreading its

wings and tailfeathers. When is chooses to, it can even share
thousands of years of life force with a person, usually to punish
them for something they have done. Yveltal is a source of near
infinite power as it collects energy from all things that pass. Yvel-
tal is one of two legendary Pokémon who can power the ulti-
mate weapon which uses the power within Yveltal to wipe life
out everywhere.

Dark / Flying - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 1480 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 10

Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 14 Special Attack: 13

Skills: Glow (can produce light), Guster (can produce wind), Intel-
ligence (very smart), Strength (very strong), Telepath (can read

Passives: Dragon Dance (+1 Attack, +1 Speed)

Zygarde is a Pokémon whose form depends on the percent- Moves (Attack +7, Special Attack +6, Speed +5)
age of its cores and cells gathered together. Its cells and cores
Dark Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Dark Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
are spread by the thousands all over the world. When it senses
hit, if you got 16 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
the life force of the world is out of balance, it gathers its cells
together to form itself into shapes that can combat threats to
the balance. Psychic - Ranged(25ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On
hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect can-
not be stacked.

Dragon Rush - Melee Dragon Attack: 3/day 3d10. Dragon Rush

has -2 during Accuracy Check. On hit, if you got 16 or higher on
Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.

Focus Blast - Ranged(30ft) Fighting Special Attack: 1/day 5d12.

Focus Blast has -2 during Accuracy Check. On hit, the target’s
Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect cannot be stacked.

Phantom Force - Melee Ghost Attack: 1/day 3d12. When you use
this attack, you vanish, then you immediately end your turn.
During your next turn, you reappear anywhere within 25ft of
Some cells constantly remain together, in order to have a
where you vanished then your movement speed is doubled and
better array of knowledge to monitor areas of destruction. In
after getting to a target you may roll Phantom Force’s Accuracy
these larger forms, Zygarde may even go out and seek offenders
Check and damage.
and end their harm to the balance of the world.

Oblivion Wing - Ranged(25ft burst) Dark Special Attack: 3/day

3d12. On hit, you regain HP equal to the damage dealt.

Dark Aura - Legendary Passive - Dark-type attacks deal +10 dam-

age within 25ft of you.

Biology: Diet - Carnivore, Habitat - Mountain

Proficiencies: Dark / Ghost / Flying / Claws / Energy Blast /

If Zygarde is able to, it will gather hundreds of its cells in order
to destroy whatever threat it meets. In this form, it will attack in
large sweeps indiscriminately to quell any disruptions to life’s
balance– other than itself.

Zygarde 10% Zygarde 50%
Dragon / Ground - Huge (Size), Medium (Weight) Dragon / Ground - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 60 Defense: 7 Special Defense: 9 Hit Points: 600 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 10

Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 7 Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 9

Skills: Amorphous (can change their body into a liquid-like state), Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +4, Speed +5)
Burrow (moves through earth easily), Groundshaper (can ma-
Earthquake - Ranged(30ft burst) Ground Attack: 1/day 5d12.
nipulate the ground), Inflatable (can expand), Intelligence (very
smart), Shrinkable (can shrink), Strength (very strong), Telepath Legendary
(can read minds) Land’s Wrath - Ranged(40ft) Ground Attack: 3/day 5d12.
Passives: Coil (+1 Attack, +1 Defense, +1 to accuracy checks),

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +3, Speed +6)

Zygarde Complete
Bite - Melee Dark Attack: At-Will 2d8. On hit, if you got 16 or
higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned. Dragon / Ground - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Dig - Melee Ground Attack: 3/day 3d10. When you use this at- Hit Points: 1800 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 10
tack, dig into the ground so that you are concealed, then you Speed: 9 (45 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 10
immediately end your turn. During your next turn, your move-
Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +5, Speed +4)
ment speed underground is +40 ft, and when you emerge from
the ground you may roll Dig’s Accuracy Check and damage. Outrage - Melee Dragon Attack: 1/day 5d12. Move to and attack
the nearest possible target within 25ft. During your next action,
Extreme Speed - Melee Normal Attack: 3/day 3d10. Extreme
move to and attack the nearest possible target within 25ft, then
Speed has Priority and cannot be contested for Priority.
you become Confused. Outrage can and will target allies if possi-
Dragon Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Dragon Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. ble.
Legendary Legendary
Thousand Arrows - Ranged(40ft) Ground Special Attack: 3/day Thousand Waves - Ranged(40ft, 10ft wave) Ground Attack: 3/
3d10. Thousand Arrows ignores any Ground-type immunities. day 3d12. On hit, all targets are bound to the ground for 10
Aura Break - Legendary Passive - Dark-type and Fairy-type type mins. Thousand Waves ignores any Ground-type immunities.
attacks deal -10 damage within 50ft of you. The Fairy Aura and Core Enforcer - Ranged(40ft, 10ft blast) Dragon Special Attack:
Dark Aura Legendary Passives do not work within 50 ft of you. 3/day 3d12. If any targets acted before you this turn, they lose
Life of the Land - Legendary Passive - Zygarde operates as tens all non-stat passives for 10 mins.
of thousands of individual cells that observe the ecosystem while
spread across world. An individual cell cannot battle and has
Biology: Diet - Phototroph / Terravore, Habitat - Cave / Desert /
only 5 HP. When a group of ten are together, Zygarde can com-
bine and act as its 10% form. When a group of one-hundred are
together, Zygarde can combine and act as its 50% form. When a Proficiencies: Dragon / Ground / Psychic / Claws / Fangs / Stam-
group at least five-hundred are together, Zygarde can combine peding / Weather
and act as its Complete form. Higher forms have access to the
moves and abilities of lesser Zygarde forms.

Long ago before time and space existed, a being created
Palkia and Dialga. Palkia swung its arms around and created
space and movement. Dialga breathed in and roared, so time
began to flow. The two clashed often but eventually retreated to
spaces between worlds and remained in their respective realms
of space and time and did not often interact with the Pokémon
and humans in the world. After the Pokémon world became pop-
ulated, both Dialga and Palkia emerged from their respective
realms and clashed, wreaking havoc across the lands. So, the
greater being created a negative space where the cuts in space
and time would be moved to and displaced, a distorted realm
watched over by Giratina. Giratina, who had existed as long as Dialga can warp time by either speeding it up, slowing it down,
Dialga and Palkia, would serve as a protector of this distortion or stopping it altogether. It can also travel through time to visit
realm and prevent the quarrels between Dialga and Palkia from the past, present, and future and is responsible for the flow of
affecting the Pokémon world. time. As Dialga primarily resides in a private pocket dimension,
rarely ever coming to the Pokémon world. It has been shown to
be very protective of its home and will violently clash with any
intruders. In history, Dialga has been seen in violent conflicts
with its counterpart Palkia. It may stop time to defend itself
when combating a threat and with repeated rapid restricting of
time, can threaten existence itself.

Palkia has the ability to warp space, though it is also said it is

responsible for creating alternate realities as well. The space it
controls can become more stable when Palkia renders it as fin-
ished. Palkia lives in a different dimension and will go without
coming to the Pokémon world for centuries or millennia at a
time. In history, Palkia has been seen in violent conflicts with its
counterpart Dialga. It is known to be very protective of its home
realm as well. When faced with invaders, it will tear holes in re-
Giratina is responsible for making sure the feuds between
ality and threaten existence itself.
Dialga and Palkia remain contained within the distortion world.
Giratina takes it charge very seriously and will even forcefully
attack either Palkia or Dialga when they are clashing the Poké-
mon world and drag them into the distortion world. Giratina has
complete control of the distortion world’s reality, both time and
space, rendering Dialga and Palkia venerable to the punishment
of Giratina for their troubles. Giratina takes a haunting form in
its own world and a much more mentally palatable one when
visiting the Pokémon world.

Dialga Palkia
Steel / Dragon - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight) Water / Dragon - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 1750 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 10 Hit Points: 1750 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 12

Speed: 9 (45 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 16 Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 16

Skills: Flight (can fly), Glow (can produce light), Intelligence (very Skills: Flight (can fly), Glow (can produce light), Intelligence (very
smart), Strength (very strong), Telekinetic (can move things with smart), Strength (very strong), Telekinetic (can move things with
their mind), Telepath (can read minds) their mind), Telepath (can read minds)

Passives: Cosmic Power (+1 Defense, +1 Special Defense), Pres- Passives: Cosmic Power (+1 Defense, +1 Special Defense), Pres-
sure (If you are hit by a 3/day attack, the attacker can’t use that sure (If you are hit by a 3/day attack, the attacker can’t use that
attack for the remainder of the day.), Telepathy (Your allies with- attack for the remainder of the day.), Telepathy (Your allies with-
in 25ft do not harm you when the ally is using attacks that have in 25ft do not harm you when the ally is using attacks that have
an area of effect.) an area of effect.)

Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +8, Speed +4) Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +8, Speed +5)

Dragon Claw - Melee Dragon Attack: 3/day 3d10. Water Pulse - Ranged(20ft burst) Water Special Attack: 3/day
3d8. On hit, if you got 16 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target
Iron Tail - Melee Steel Attack: 3/day 3d10. Iron Tail has -2 during
is Confused.
Accuracy Check. On hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10
mins. This effect cannot be stacked. Aqua Tail - Melee Water Attack: 1/day 3d12.

Metal Burst - Ranged(40ft) Steel Effect: 1/day. Metal Burst is Dragon Claw - Melee Dragon Attack: 3/day 3d10.
used as a Reaction. If you are hit by an enemy with an attack and
Aura Sphere - Ranged(30ft) Fighting Special Attack: 1/day 3d12.
the enemy is within range, deal exactly 1.5x the damage to the
You can’t miss targets with less than 20 Special Defense.
enemy that you received after taking damage. Do not apply
weakness or resistances. Hydro Pump - Ranged(30ft beam) Water Special Attack: 1/day
5d12. Hydro Pump has -2 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Rain-
Aura Sphere - Ranged(30ft) Fighting Special Attack: 1/day 3d12.
You can’t miss targets with less than 20 Special Defense.
Flash Cannon - Ranged(20ft) Steel Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.
On hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. This effect Spatial Rend - Ranged(40ft, 10ft blast) Dragon Special Attack: 3/
cannot be stacked. day 5d12. On hit, if you got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, Spa-
tial Rend is a critical hit.
God of Space - Legendary Passive - Palkia can warp space by
Roar of Time - Ranged(80ft burst) Dragon Special Attack: 3/day
either making space harder to move through, easier to move
5d20. You cannot act during the next round.
through, or by halting things within it altogether at-will. It can
God of Time - Legendary Passive - Dialga can warp time by either also travel through space instantaneously to go anywhere it
speeding it up, slowing it down, or stopping it altogether at-will. wants and can even move into parallel worlds. Others near
It can also travel through time to visit the past, present, and fu- Palkia when it manipulates space may try and break free of ma-
ture. Others near Dialga when it freezes time may try and break nipulated space with a Concentration or Constitution check of 16
free of manipulated time with a Concentration or Constitution or higher on their turns (Pokémon do not add any modifiers).
check of 16 or higher on their turns (Pokémon do not add any
Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Space

Proficiencies: Dragon / Ice / Water / Claws / Energy Blast / Ele-

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Space
mental Attack / Fangs / Pulse / Stampeding
Proficiencies: Dragon / Rock / Steel / Claws / Energy Blast / Ele-
mental Attack / Fangs / Pulse / Stampeding

Giratina Origin Form Legendary

Shadow Force - Ranged(20ft burst) Ghost Attack: 3/day 5d12.

Ghost / Dragon - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)
When you use this attack, you vanish, then you immediately end
Hit Points: 1950 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 10 your turn. During your next turn, you reappear, your movement
Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 12 speed is doubled and you may roll Shadow Force’s Accuracy
Check and damage. Priority attacks cannot be used out of turn
Skills: Flight (can fly), Glow (can produce light), Intelligence (very order while Shadow Force is being used.
smart), Invisibility (can turn invisible), Phasing (can move through
solid objects), Strength (very strong), Telekinetic (can move Master of the Distortion World - Legendary Passive - Giratina
things with their mind), Telepath (can read minds) can freely move between the Distortion World and the real
world. When moving to and from the Distortion World, it opens
Passives: Dragon Dance (+1 Attack, +1 Speed), Scary Face (+2 a portal that remains open for five seconds. When in the Distor-
Speed), Levitate (You are immune to Ground-type moves while
tion World, or while bringing a shard of its power into the real
you are airborne.), Pressure (If you are hit by a 3/day attack, the
world, Giratina is in its Origin Form. While in the real world,
attacker can’t use that attack for the remainder of the day.), Te-
lepathy (Your allies within 25ft do not harm you when the ally is Giratina is in its Altered Form. In the Distortion World, Giratina
using attacks that have an area of effect.) can warp time and space at-will, travel through space instanta-
neously to go anywhere it wants, and travel through time to visit
Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +6, Speed +6)
the past, present, and future. Others near Giratina when it ma-
Shadow Sneak - Melee Ghost Attack: At-Will 2d6. Shadow Sneak nipulates time and space may try and break free of manipulated
has Priority. reality with a Concentration or Constitution check of 16 or higher
on their turns (Pokémon do not add any modifiers).
Dragon Claw - Melee Dragon Attack: 3/day 3d10.
Call of the Void - Giratina can open a hole into the Distortion
Shadow Claw - Melee Ghost Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you got
World at will. It pulls targets in a 40ft diameter into the Distor-
18 or higher on Accuracy Check, Shadow Claw is a critical hit.
tion World, or back into the real world.
Hex - Ranged(15ft) Ghost Special Attack: 3/day 3d8. If the target
is afflicted, Hex has 5d8 for damage instead.

Aura Sphere - Ranged(30ft) Fighting Special Attack: 1/day 3d12.

You can’t miss targets with less than 20 Special Defense.

Giratina Altered Form

Ghost / Dragon - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 1950 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 12

Speed: 14 (70 ft.) Attack: 11(+5) Special Attack: 10 (+5)

(Attack +5, Special Attack +5, Speed +7)

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Space

Proficiencies: Dark / Dragon / Ghost / Claws / Energy Blast / Ele-

mental Attack / Fangs / Hexwork / Pulse / Stampeding

Poison / Dragon - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 1450 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 10

Speed: 15 (75 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 15

Skills: Flight (can fly), Glow (can produce light), Intelligence (very
smart), Strength (very strong), Telekinetic (can move things with
their mind), Telepath (can read minds)

Passives: Agility (+2 Speed), Dragon Dance (+1 Attack, +1

Speed), Pressure (If you are hit by a 3/day attack, the attacker
can’t use that attack for the remainder of the day.)

Moves (Attack +5, Special Attack +7, Speed +7)

Poison Tail - Melee Poison Attack: 3/day 1d20. On hit, if you got
14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Poisoned; if you got
18 or higher on Accuracy Check, Poison Tail is a critical hit.

Dragon Tail - Melee Dragon Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, move the
target 40ft away. Eternatus is source of the Dynamax phenomena found
throughout the world. Thousands of years ago it invaded the
Toxic - Melee Poison Effect: 1/day. Toxic has -3 during Accuracy Pokémon world from another dimension and began to drain the
Check, unless the user is Poison type. On hit, the target is Toxi- world of all of its power. Many legendary Pokémon worked to-
fies the target. gether to defeat it, but it was the heroes Zacian and Zamazenta
Flamethrower - Ranged(20ft beam) Fire Special Attack: 3/day who ultimately defeated Eternatus. Pieces of its body imbued
3d10. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the tar- with its power rained down throughout the world, mainly fo-
get is Burned. cused where the battle ended. Because of these shards of itself,
Pokémon can Dynamax. Eternatus retreated back to where it
Dragon Pulse - Ranged(10ft) Dragon Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.
came after that battle, but it is still not known how it came to
Legendary the Pokémon world and what its true goal was as it laid waste
Dynamax Cannon - Ranged(100ft) Dragon Special Attack: 5/day across the lands. When it begins to feel threatened it grows into
3d10. If the target is Dynamax, Gigantamax, or Eternamax, Dy- a massive arm like being in a process named Eternamax. Once it
namax Cannon deals +250 damage. is in this form, it seem that only divine intervention of many leg-
endary Pokémon will stop it.
Eternabeam - Ranged(100ft) Dragon Special Attack: 5/day 7d10.
You cannot act during the next round.

Darkest Day - Legendary Passive - Eternatus is a mobile Power

Spot. It can Eternamax at-will as a free action and other Poké-
mon can Dynamax or Gigantamax when near it.

Eternatus Eternamax
Poison / Dragon - Eternamax (Size), Superweight (Weight)

Hit Points: 2925 Defense: 18 Special Defense: 18

Speed: 16 (80 ft.) Attack: 13 (+6) Special Attack: 13 (+6)

Biology: Diet - Omnivore, Habitat - Space
(Attack +6, Special Attack +6, Speed +8)
Proficiencies: Dragon / Fire / Poison / Claws / Fangs / Stamped-
ing / Winged

Arceus does not interact with the Pokémon world often and
it’s possible that its elsewhere in a parallel universe or time.
When angered it will appear and pass judgement on those who
have angered Arceus. It’s possible that the being who appears is
not even really Arceus, but just an aspect that materializes as an
avatar representing a small fraction of the full power of Arceus.

This theory has some ground behind it, as there are tolls and
weapons, made by humans, that can actually bind Arceus for a
time in glowing red chains. These chains can also be used on
many other legendary Pokémon.

Arceus was known to care for and safeguard the Pokémon

world in ancient times and protected it from cataclysms such as
meteors. Aceus would show gratitude and compassion in return
to those who treated it with equal kindness. Arceus does not
suffer fools. Arceus will attack in a violent rampage if betrayed or
deceived. It also holds long grudges if betrayed by those it con-
sidered allies.

According to legend, Arceus created everything from nothing.

Arceus shaped the Pokémon universe using its one-thousand
arms. It is a being unparalleled in power. Arceus created Palkia,
Dialga, and Giratina. It is likely that Arceus also created the leg-
endary Pokémon who would create the oceans, the land, life,
decay, light, darkness, ideals, truth, bravery, human traits, and
basically everything else.

Arceus can also create more of any given legendary Pokémon,

presumably when one is killed or weakened when captured by a
human Poké Ball. It seems these recreations contain the same
mannerisms, knowledge, and experience of those detained or
departed legendary Pokémon.

Biology: Diet - Nullivore, Habitat - Space
Normal - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)
Proficiencies: Arceus can know any move
Hit Points: 3000 Defense: 15 Special Defense: 15

Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 12 Special Attack: 12

Skills: Flight (can fly), Glow (can produce light), Intelligence (very
smart), Mind Lock (mind can’t be read), Strength (very strong),
Telekinetic (can move things with their mind), Telepath (can read

Passives: Amnesia (+2 Special Defense), Barrier (+2 Defense),

Cosmic Power (+1 Defense, +1 Special Defense)

Moves (Attack +6, Special Attack +6, Speed +6)

Extreme Speed - Melee Normal Attack: 3/day 3d10. Extreme

Speed has Priority and cannot be contested for Priority.

Future Sight - Ranged(30ft) Psychic Special Attack: 1/day 5d12.

When you use this attack you immediately end your turn. In two
rounds, select any target within 30ft of you to target with Future
Sight then you may roll Future Sight’s Accuracy Check and dam-

Hyper Beam - Ranged(25ft beam) Normal Special Attack: 1/day

5d20. Hyper Beam has -2 during Accuracy Check. You cannot act
during the next round.

Giga Impact - Melee(10ft burst) Normal Attack: 1/day 5d20. Giga

Impact has -2 during Accuracy Check. You cannot act during the
next round.


Multitype - Legendary Passive - As a free action, or as a free re-

action, you can change your type to any type once per round.
You can change your type before your attack’s damage or even
before taking damage. You cannot have more than one type at a

Creator - Legendary Passive - Once per round, Arceus can gain

any passive or legendary passive until their next turn. Arceus
cannot gain the same passive or legendary passive this way more
than once per combat.
!!! Consider your audience when using Arceus as the Game
Chosen Metronome - Normal Effect: At-Will. Immediately use Master. Arceus is nearly unstoppable and can smite most any-
any attack of your choice. You cannot use the same attack this thing. Do not use it without understanding that you could re-
way more than once per combat. You also may not use the same
move a player's trainer from the story in an instant. Anytime
elemental type of attack with Chosen Metronome two turns or
you’re using any legendary, really, understand the gravity of in-
actions in a row. You must use an attack, no status affecting or
stantly killing a character. What kind of story are you telling?
self-targeting moves.
What kind of impact will this have on the story?
Judgment - Ranged(50ft, 10ft blast) Normal Special Attack: 3/day
5d20. Judgement’s type is chosen when its used.

Being a Game Master…
At the end of every session, you can ask yourself, “did I have
fun?” and, “did my players have fun?” By checking in, you can
tweak whatever rules you want to improve play for everyone.
Whatever you settle on, as long as you’re consistent and fair,
your players can rely on you and trust you to lead play in a fun

Everything in this guide and the other Pokémon Tabletop ad-

ventures guides are just that: guides. If your players will have
more fun if legendary Pokémon are more common, but not as
powerful, go for it. If playing a Pokémon RéBURST campaign
where trainers become anthropomorphized Pokémon is some-
thing you want to try, go for it. If you want to recreate a time in
history but with Pokémon, go for it. If you want to run a game
that is Pocket Monster Hunter, Pocket Monster Rancher, or
Digimon– just go for it!

The tools in this guide are to help and definitely are a great
baseline to use but once you get the hang of any tabletop game,
you should explore what your play group wants to and hopeful-
ly, Pokémon Tabletop Adventures will be a part of that journey.

Legendary Pokémon by Name

Arceus 200 Kyurem 191 Reshiram 190

Articuno (Remote Isles) 136 Landorus 149 Shaymin 166
Articuno 136 Latias 150 Silvally 124
Azelf 157 Latios 151 Solgaleo 183
Blacephalon 135 Lugia 160 Spectrier 167
Buzzwole 130 Lunala 183 Stakataka 134
Calyrex 168 Magearna 125 Suicune 141
Celebi 162 Manaphy 161 Tapu Bulu 143
Celesteela 132 Marshadow 165 Tapu Fini 144
Cobalion 145 Melmetal 174 Tapu Koko 142
Cosmoem 182 Meloetta 169 Tapu Lele 143
Cosmog 182 Meltan 174 Terrakion 145
Cresselia 178 Mesprit 157 Thundurus 149
Darkrai 178 Mew 127 Tornadus 148
Deoxys 176 Mewtwo 128 Type: Null 124
Dialga 196 Moltres (Remote Isles) 138 Urshifu 172
Diancie 170 Moltres 138 Uxie 156
Entei 140 Naganadel 135 Victini 164
Eternatus 198 Necrozma 184 Virizion 146
Genesect 126 Nihilego 129 Volcanion 159
Giratina 197 Palkia 196 Xerneas 192
Glastrier 167 Pheromosa 131 Xurkitree 131
Groudon 187 Phione 161 Yveltal 193
Guzzlord 133 Poipole 135 Zacian 180
Heatran 158 Raikou 139 Zamazenta 180
Ho-oh 160 Rayquaza 188 Zapdos (Remote Isles) 137
Hoopa 175 Regice 153 Zapdos 137
Jirachi 163 Regidrago 154 Zarude 171
Kartana 133 Regieleki 154 Zekrom 190
Keldeo 146 Regigigas 155 Zeraora 171
Kubfu 172 Regirock 152 Zygarde 194
Kyogre 186 Registeel 153

Legendary Pokémon by Type Thundurus 149 Fire
Blacephalon 135
Xurkitree 131
Entei 140
Bug Zapdos 137
Buzzwole 130 Heatran 158
Zekrom 190
Genesect 126 Ho-oh 160
Zeraora 171
Pheromosa 131 Moltres 138
Fairy Reshiram 190
Dark Diancie 170
Darkrai 178 Victini 164
Magearna 125
Guzzlord 133 Volcanion 159
Tapu Bulu 143
Hoopa (Unbound) 175
Tapu Fini 144 Flying
Moltres (Remote Isles) 138 Articuno 136
Tapu Koko 142
Urshifu (Single) 174 Articuno (Remote Isles) 136
Tapu Lele 143
Yveltal 193 Celesteela 132
Xerneas 192
Zarude 171 Ho-oh 160
Zacian 180
Landorus 149
Zacian (Hero) 180
Dialga 196 Lugia 160

Eternatus 198 Fighting Moltres 138

Buzzwole 130
Giratina 197 Moltres (Remote Isles) 138
Cobalion 145
Guzzlord 133 Rayquaza 188
Keldeo 146
Kyurem 191 Shaymin (Sky) 166
Kubfu 172
Latias 150 Thundurus 149
Marshadow 165
Latios 151 Tornadus 148
Meloetta (Step) 169
Naganadel 135 Yveltal 193
Pheromosa 131
Necrozma (Ultra) 184 Zapdos 137
Terrakion 145
Palkia 196 Zapdos (Remote Isles) 137
Urshifu (Single) 172
Rayquaza 188
Urshifu (Rapid) 172 Ghost
Regidrago 154 Blacephalon 135
Virizion 146
Reshiram 190 Calyrex (Shadow Rider) 168
Zamazenta 180
Zekrom 190 Giratina 197
Zamazenta (Hero) 180
Zygarde 194 Hoopa 175
Zapdos (Remote Isles) 137
Lunala 183
Raikou 139 Marshadow 165

Regieleki 154 Necrozma (Dusk) 184

Tapu Koko 142 Spectrier 167

Legendary Pokémon cont. Psychic Rock
Articuno (Remote Isles) 136 Diancie 170

Azelf 157 Nihilego 129

Calyrex 168 Calyrex 168 Regirock 152
Celebi 162 Calyrex (Ice Rider) 168 Stakataka 134
Kartana 133 Calyrex (Shadow Rider) 168 Terrakion 145
Shaymin 166 Celebi 162
Shaymin (Sky) 166 Steel
Cosmoem 182
Celesteela 132
Tapu Bulu 143 Cosmog 182
Cobalion 145
Virizion 146 Cresselia 178
Dialga 196
Zarude 171 Deoxys 176
Genesect 126
Hoopa 175
Heatran 158
Groudon 187 Hoopa (Unbound) 175
Jirachi 163
Landorus 149 Jirachi 163
Kartana 133
Zygarde 194 Latias 150
Magearna 125
Latios 151
Melmetal 174
Ice Lugia 160
Articuno 136 Meltan 174
Lunala 183
Calyrex (Ice Rider) 168 Necrozma (Dawn) 184
Meloetta (Aria) 169
Glastrier 167 Registeel 153
Mesprit 157
Kyurem 191 Solgaleo 183
Mew 127
Regice 153 Stakataka 134
Mewtwo 128
Zacian (Hero) 180
Normal Necrozma 184
Zamazenta (Hero) 180
Arceus 200 Necrozma (Dawn) 184
Meloetta (Aria) 169 Necrozma (Dusk) 184 Water
Meloetta (Step) 169 Keldeo 146
Necrozma (Ultra) 184
Regigigas 155 Kyogre 186
Solgaleo 183
Silvally 124 Manaphy 161
Tapu Lele 143
Type: Null 124 Palkia 196
Uxie 156
Phione 161
Victini 164
Poison Suicune 141
Eternatus 198
Tapu Fini 144
Naganadel 135
Urshifu (Rapid) 174
Nihilego 129
Volcanion 159
Poipole 135

People and Places by Name

Barry 70 Calem 91
AZ 90
Battle Chatelaine Dana 118 Camphrier Town 84
Aaron 66
Battle Chatelaine Evelyn 118 Canalave City 64
Aarune 59
Battle Chatelaine Morgan 118 Candice 65
Accumula Town 71
Battle Chatelaine Nita 118 Castelia City 72
Acerola 97
Bea 106 Castle Valet Darach 116
Acher 49
Bebe 69 Celadon City 38
Aether Foundation 100
Bede 112 Celestic Town 64
Aether House 96
Benga 80 Celosia 90
Aether Paradise 97
Bertha 66 Cerulean City 37
Agatha 40
Bianca 81 Chairman Rose 110
Akala Island 92
Bill 37 Charon 68
Alder 78
Birch, May 60 Chase 42
Alexa 90
Birch, Professor 51 Cheren 75
Aliana 90
Blackthorn City 47 Cherrygrove City 43
Allister 106
Blaine 39 Cheryl 68
Ambrette Town 84
Blue Oak 35 Chili 71
Anabel, Salon Maiden 115
Brandon, Pyramid King 114 Chuck 46
Anistar City 86
Brawly 52 Cianwood City 46
Aquacorde Town 82
Brendan 60 Cilan 71
Arcade Star Dahlia 116
Brigette 59 Cinnabar Island 39
Archie 58
Brock 36 Circhester City 107
Arena Tycoon Greta 113
Bruno 40 Clair 47
Argenta, Hall Matron 116
Brycen 74 Clay 73
Ariana 49
Bryony 90 Clemont 83
Aspertia City 75
Buck 68 Colress 79
Augustine Sycamore,
Bugsy 44 Coumarine City 85
Professor 82
Burgh 72 Couriway Town 87
Aurea Juniper, Professor 70
Burned Tower 45 Courtney 58
Avery 109
Burnet, Professor 101 Crasher Wake 63
Azalea Town 44
Byron 64 Cress 71
Ball Guy 121
Caitlin 78 Crown Tundra 109
Ballonlea Village 106

People and Places cont.

Falkner 44 Hapu 97
Cyllage City 84
Fallarbor Town 53 Harmonia Gropius,
Cynthia 67
Fantina 62 Natural 79
Cyrus 67
Fennel 80 Hau 102
Dahlia, Arcade Star 116
Flannery 53 Hau’oli City 94
Dana, Battle Chatelaine 118
Flint 66 Hayley 69
Darach, Castle Valet 116
Floaroma Town 62 Heahea City 94
Dawn 69
Floccesy Town 71 Hearthome 62
Dendemille Town 86
Fortree City 54 Hilbert 80
Dewford Town 52
Fuschia City 38 Hilda 80
Dexio 121
Gabby 113 Hop 112
Diantha 89
Gardenia 62 Hugh 81
Dome Ace Tucker 114
Geosenge Town 84 Hulbury City 105
Drake 57
Ghetsis 79 Humilau City 76
Drasna 88
Giant Chasm 77 Icirrus City 74
Drayden 75
Giovanni 41 Iki Town 93
Driftveil City 73
Giovanni, Another World 117 Ilex Forest 43
Dulse 117
Glacia 56 Ilima 94
Ecruteak City 45
Gladion 102 Indigo Plateau 40, 48
Elaine 42
Gloria 111 Ingo, Subway Boss 117
Elesa 73
Goldenrod City 44 Iris 78
Elio 102
Gordie 107 Isle of Armor 108
Elm, Professor 43
Grant 84 James 41
Emmet, Subway Boss 117
Green 42 Janine 38
Erika 38
Greta, Arena Tycoon 113 Jasmine 46
Eterna City 62
Grimsley 78 Jesse 41
Ethan 50
Gropius, Natural Juan 55
Eusine 49
Harmonia 79 Jubilife City 61
Evelyn, Battle Chatelaine 118
Guzma 99 Juniper, Professor Aurea 70
Ever Grande City 56
Hala 98 Jupiter 68
Faba 101
Hall Matron Argenta 116 Kabu 104
Factory Head Noland 113
Hammerlocke City 105 Kahili 99
Factory Head Thorton 115

Karen 48 Macros Cosmos 110 Mt. Silver 49

Kiawe 94 Magnolia, Professor 103 Mustard 111

Klara 108 Mahogany Town 47 N, Natural Harmonia

Koga 48 Malie City 95 Gropius 79

Korrina 85 Mallow 95 Nacrene City 72

Kris 50 Malva 88 Nanu 96

Kukui, Professor 93 Manalo Stadium 98 Nate 81

Kurt 44 Marley 68 Natural Harmonia

Lana 95 Marlon 76 Gropius 79

Lance 41 Marnie 112 Neo Team Rocket 49

Lavaridge Town 53 Mars 68 Nessa 105

Lavender Town 37 Marshal 77 New Bark Town 43

Laverre City 85 Matt 58 Nimbasa City 73

Lenora 72 Mauville City 53 Nita, Battle Chatelaine 118

Leon 109 Maxie 58 Noland, Factory Head 113

Lillie 103 May Birch 60 Norman 51

Lily of the Valley Island 66 Maylene 63 Nuvema Town 70

Lilycove City 54 Melemele Island 92 Oak, Blue 35

Lisia 59 Melony 107 Oak, Samuel Professor 35

Littleroot town 51 Milo 104 Oleana 110

Liza 55 Mina 98 Olivia 99

Looker 115 Mira 69 Olivine City 46

Lorelei 40 Mistralton City 74 Olympia 86

Lt. Surge 37 Misty 36 Opal 107

Lucas 69 Molayne 98 Opelucid City 75

Lucian 67 Morgan, Oreburgh City 61

Lucy, Pike Queen 114 Battle Chatelaine 118 Pacifidlog Town 55

Lumiose City 83 Morty 45 Palace Maven Spencer 114

Lumiose City Mossdeep City 54 Palmer, Tower Tycoon 115

Championship 87 Motostoke City 104 Paniola Town 95

Lusamine 100 Mt. Chimney 59 Pastoria City 63

Lyra 50 Mt. Coronet 65 Peony 121

Lysandre 89 Mt. Moon 36 Petalburg City 51

Mable 90 Mt. Pyre 54 Petrel 49

People and Places cont.

Roxanne 52 Soliera 117

Pewter City 36
Roxie 76 Sonia, Professor 111
Phoebe 56
Royal Avenue 94 Sootopolis City 55
Phyco 117
Rustboro City 52 Sophocles 96
Piers 108
Ryuki 101 Spencer, Palace Maven 114
Pike Queen Lucy 114
Sabrina 39 Spikemuth City 108
Plumeria 100
Saffron City 39 Steven Stone 57
Po Town 96
Salon Maiden Anabel 115 Stone, Steven 57
Pokestar Studio 71
Samuel Oak, Professor 35 Stow-on-side Town 106
Poni Island 93
Sandgem Town 61 Striaton City 71
Postwick Town 103
Santalune City 83 Subway Boss Emmet 117
Professor Augustine
Saturn 68 Subway Boss Ingo 117
Sycamore 82
Scott 113 Sunyshore City 65
Professor Aurea Juniper 70
Seafolk Village 97 Surge, Lt. 37
Professor Birch 51
Selene 102 Sordward 121
Professor Burnet 101
Serena 91 Sycamore, Professor
Professor Elm 43
Seven Sages 79 Augustine 82
Professor Kukui 93
Shalour City 84 Tabitha 58
Professor Magnolia 103
Shauna 91 Tate 55
Professor Rowan 61
Shauntal 77 Team Aqua 57
Professor Samuel Oak 35
Shielbert 121 Team Flare 89
Professor Sonia 111
Shelley 58 Team Galactic 67
Proton 49
Sidney 56 Team Magma 57
Pryce 47
Siebold 88 Team Plasma 79
Pyramid King Brandon 114
Silver 50 Team Rocket 41
Raihan 105
Sina 121 Team Rocket, Neo 49
Ramos 85
Skyla 74 Team Skull 99
Red 42
Slateport City 53 Team Yell 110
Riley 69
Snowbelle City 87 Thorton, Factory Head 115
Roark 61
Snowpoint City 64 Tierno 92
Rosa 81
Solaceon Ruins 64 Tower Tycoon Palmer 115
Rose, Chairman 110
Solaceon Town 64 Trace 42
Rowan, Professor 61

Trevor 91

Tucker, Dome Ace 114

Turffield Town 104

Ty 113

Ula’ula Island 93

Undella Town 77

Valerie 86

Veilstone City 63

Vermillion City 37

Vertress City 77

Victor 111

Viola 83

Violet City 43

Virbank City 76

Viridian Forest 36

Volkner 65

Wake, Crasher 63

Wallace 57

Wally 60

Wattson 53

Wedgehurst Town 104

Whitney 45

Wicke 100

Wikstrom 88

Will 48

Winona 54

Wulfric 87

Wyndon City 109

Xerosic 89

Zinnia 59

Zinzolin 79

Zossie 117

At its core, Pokémon Tabletop Adventures is about realizing your Pokémon
adventures that aren’t found in other Pokémon media. Part of this is making sure
everyone’s having fun. Tabletop offers an unlimited amount of experiences and
scenarios, but that doesn’t always mean any player will enjoy any given scenario.

Game Masters: Always make sure players know what kind of things to expect
in a campaign in terms of any less friendly themes and do a good job of stopping
poor player behavior that’s directly affecting other players’ ability to enjoy game-

Players: Know what kind of game you’re getting into, try to make sure you’re
not stepping over any lines, and be aware of whether or not you’re making your-
self the center of attention. There are other players, including the GM, so it’s im-
portant to give everyone a voice and not cut off other players with too many in-

Whenever there’s any problem talk it out. Together, tabletop games can stay
fun and keep going. When players and game masters only treat each other as
opponents, sidekicks, or obstacles instead of treating each other as people, games
fall apart and end.

Happy 25th Anniversary, Pokémon

You made an amazing world to

play in, filled with creatures that we
all loved to raise up and be strong
with. We loved it so much that we
had to make a world where we could
play out any scenario with Pokémon
that we could possibly imagine.
Here’s to another 25 years!

- Dr. Mr. Stark

Thank you, Trainers PTA3 Editors:

Pokémon: Tabletop Adventures has come very far from its origi-
nal threads on traditional games. Many people have helped 23456
along the way and I want to be sure to thank them.


Thank you, contributors and writers from any point of Pokémon:

Tabletop Adventure’s works:

Anise, Aeros, Castfromhp, Cloudjsh7, DamienLunas, Dirty,

Garlye, Glipp, Gorbash, Halfwing, Happymancer, KamenWriter,
OlympusMons, Paradox, Peewah, P-Wing, Sir Cucumber,
TehOwnerer, Webmetz, Zoofman, #pokeymans

Special thanks to for many blurbs and

data used in PTA3’s Pokédex. Give them a look, they’re an amaz-
ing resource for tabletop Pokémon.

Thanks to the original Alpha testers:

Click LittleBear
Darakian Nextimaginaut
Dirty Popook88
DotDotDot Pwah
EatsEverything P-Wing
Glipp Sir cucumber

Sources of Information:
AskJeeves Twitter
Google Wikipedia
Serebii Yahoo

Images found throughout were made by and are property of

Thank you to the players who love to play tabletop and who
The Pokémon Company and various partners. If any of these
love Pokémon. Thank you to everyone who makes the actual
images are actually fanart and are owned by you and would like
Pokémon games, those are rad. Thank you to my friends who
them removed from future updates, please let us know. Tried to
help keep me relaxed and sane between sessions. Thank you to
not use fanart to avoid that problem– I’m sorry if something
my partner, who helps in many ways they don’t even know and
slipped through.
who I love greatly. Stay safe out in the tall grass, trainers.

- Dr. Mr. Stark

Pokémon is owned by The Pokémon Company - Nintendo,
Game Freak, and Creatures. Not anyone related to making
Pokémon: Tabletop Adventures. Give us a break, we’re just
playing some tabletop, you know? This game was made for
Join the PTA3 Discord Server:
free distribution. NOT FOR SALE

The Game Master’s Guide con-
tains rules for running a game of
Pokémon Tabletop Adventures 3.
This guide is used by Game Masters
and has loads of suggestions for ma-
terial to use, build on top of, or use
as inspiration.
Within, you’ll also find the Leg-
endary Pokédex.

To play, you’ll also need...

Player’s Handbook

For even more, check out...

Player’s Handbook 2



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