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Let’s Analyze

1. In your own level of understanding, how will you define Communication in the
Workplace and state its significance between Employer and Employee?

Communication in the Workplace is simply creating a workplace that

encourages the exchange of conversation between workmates and employers to
employees. This can lead to a productive workplace if done effectively as it builds
trust and teamwork within colleagues which makes them work more comfortably and
efficiently. It allows everyone to be heard, their suggestions and ideas which can
help the company or the organization be better.

2. State what the Roles of Communication are for Work Purposes and explain their
importance in the following Fields:


It is really important in the business because it allows workers to share their

ideas to their employers and vice versa. It helps employers to easily disseminate
tasks to its employees and build trust, cooperation and teamwork among workmates
which helps the business operate smoothly. Not only in the internal aspect of the
business, but also in negotiating with the customers, it is important to be able to
communicate with them and answer their queries effectively that will encourage them
to make deals with the business.

b. Health

Effective communication in hospital setting or in any situation which involves

health is very important may it be sharing of patient records from one hospital to
another or within the same hospital. One wrong word can risk a life of one. It is very
important that information such as diagnosis, patient records and prescriptions and
more are delivered accurately.

c. Education

Communication in the school is very vital not only for the faculty but especially
to the students’ learning environment. Communication among principal and staff is
important to establish trust and connection, and promote a livelier school
environment. Communication especially between teachers and students is important.
A class that promotes open communication can lead students to engage more in the

d. Science

Science contains complicated terms and ideas which needs precision and
effective communication. Effective communication in this field is highly needed to
convey and disseminate a scientist’s studies and theories for people to thoroughly
understand the concepts being taught and delivered.
e. SocialMedia

Social media is a great way to communicate as you can do it any time or

anywhere. However, using it is not enough, it has to be used effectively. Social
media often lead people to a one way communication and a less meaningful
conversations therefore it is very important that we use social media to our
advantage to be more effective and efficient which is not only applicable in the
workplace but also on our personal lives.

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