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Linsey Whipple

Emily Litle


7 March 2021

Hope and Strength in All of Us

The Olympics and Paralympics are combinations of a variety of athletes from all around

the world. These athletes are respected, inspirational, and hardworking. The main purpose of the

Olympics and Paralympics is for not only athletes but people in general to come together to

appreciate sports. The games contribute to world peace by bringing people of all cultures

together by sports, from the athletes competing to people watching from their homes. Being an

athlete competing in events must demonstrate many traits and attributes such as determination,

respect, hard work, as well as control of their bodies and minds. The advertisement promoting

the Olympics and Paralympics displays all the above, using a Paralympic athlete born in Siberia,

adopted into an American family, and worked diligently to get where she is today. The Olympics

and Paralympics games teach today's youth that multiple skills translate over from sports to the

real world.

In this commercial promoting the Olympics and Paralympics, stars Paralympic thirteen

time gold medalist swimmer, Jessica Long. In the beginning Jessica is in a large body of water

with darkness surrounding her, she begins to swim. Then, alone at a desk, there is a woman from

an adoption agency. With an unhopeful tone the woman says there is a baby girl that is ready for

adoption. Soon after Jessica swims into a nursery where Jessica sees herself as a baby. As she

swims past the nursery it begins to snow as the adoption operator says she is from Siberia. Also

adding that Jessica was born with a rare condition and that her legs will need to be amputated,
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the adoption operator says in a distressed tone as if she knows most people don’t want a child

with this type of birth defect. A bright room with orange, blues, and pinks shows the Long family

room. Where Jessica around the age of two or three appears walking with prosthetic legs and

crutches. Her mother is shown on the couch smiling and cheering for her.

Jessica continues to swim into a locker room where she is seen around the age of twelve

years old. The single yellow light shines upon Jessica as she is sitting down with her swimsuit

on, as she looks at herself in a full body mirror. As she is looking at herself, she slowly places

her goggles over her eyes. Then she places both of her hands on her hips and lifts her chest as if

she is posing. I believe at this moment she was proud of who she was and is becoming. During

this scene the woman from the adoption agency says “I know this is difficult to hear. Her life

won’t be easy.” Assuming her disability is a tragedy to her and this family adopting her. But it

was anything but a tragedy. As the twelve-year-old Jessica dives into the pool, the current day

Jessica swims horizontally past herself. I believe this scene represents when her goal to become a

Paralympic swimmer began.

The camera then shifts to a first person view of Jessica swimming. Her head in and out of

the water. Each time she goes up for a breath the crowd changes. First, there is a coach which is

walking alongside her, rooting for her to finish. Then, there are a few parents in the stand.

Jessica’s mother and father standing near the pool cheering for her. Finally, a huge crowd

appears with a bright red Toyota sponsor barrier, at Paralympic games. Once Jessica finishes

first, her gaze finds her mother and father in their family kitchen. “It might not be easy, but it’ll

be amazing. I can’t wait to meet her.” her mother gratefully replies as she grabs Jessica’s father’s

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I noticed many elements containing pathos during this advertisement. I realized the

woman from the adoption agency spoke about her disability as if it was going to ruin her life. As

she was talking to the Long’s she never sounded very hopeful in Jessica’s adoption. Yet Jessica

didn’t let her disability define her, instead she embraced it and became successful. It is very

important for young children to be aware of people with disabilities because most people think of

these kinds of disabilities as unfortunate but people such as Jessica prove them wrong.

Toyota is a sponsor for the games and used Jessica’s story in this commercial to display

ethos. Ninety percent of Toyota’s vehicles will be used at the Tokyo 2020 games in efforts to

lower the pollution rate of any official motor vehicles used. Toyota also supports the games

operations with other companies, including the Sora Fuel Cell bus, assisting vehicles that help

lift passengers to their seats and are designed with an attached slope to enable wheelchair

passengers to access the vehicle through the back door. With this knowledge of Toyota’s

commitment in providing automobiles that are not as harmful to the environment and support for

people with disabilities by creating handicap accessible vehicles, more people are willing to

support the company.

The audience is able to notice logos in this commercial by the chronological order of

Jessica’s life. From Jessica’s birth, her younger years when she first found her passion for

swimming, and now to her successes in the Paralympic games. The adoption center employee

informs the audience of Jessica’s adversity. The audience is able to recognize Jessica’s rare

condition which caused her legs to be amputated. During the remainder of the advertisement the

audience acknowledges her passion and success.

Throughout this commercial the audience is able to see that most of these athletes had to

overcome struggle and hardships but their determination and tenacity to achieve their goals got
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them to where they are today. Which is necessary for children and young adults to understand

because most don’t realize that they have to work hard to earn their accomplishments. Not only

does this commercial but also the Olympic and Paralympic games teaches many children and

young adults that one will succeed with drive and determination.

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