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I. choose the best answer by crossing (X) A,B,C or D !

Attention to the dialog for number 1-2 !

Lary : “ How many countries in ASEAN ”
Susi : “ the countries in ASEAN is Ten “
Lary : “can you mention it?”
Susi : “among of them is Indonesia , Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Laos etc”
Lary : “ok… thanks “
Susi : “ of course

1. How many countries in ASEAN ?

a. 20 c. 12
b. 11 d. 10
2. which country is in the Asean region?

a. Rusia c. America
b. Indonesia d. China

Follow the text below for question number 3 -4 !

How to grow corn :
1. Planting a seeds in the fields
2. Corn will grow 3-4 days
3. The Corn can be harvested after 3 months
A corn will produce a flower. The corn flower have fine hair, which has pollen. The pollen will
fly when the wind blows. Pollen which is carried by the wind, will fall on the stigma located at
the bottom of the flower on the corn tree. When fertilization is occurs, the corn fruit will be
harvested when the corn hair is brown
3. what is the title of the text above?

a. how to eat corn c. how to grow corn

b. how to make corn d. how to claim corn

4. How long corncan be harvested?

a. After 3 months c. Before 3 months

b. After 4 months d. Before 4 months

Read the text below to

answer number 5 – 7!
My School 
This is my school. It has many rooms. There is a library near a classroom. And it also
has a big yard with flag ceremony pole in the middle. It has some toilet and we keep it clean.
My school also has a canteen, and it clean too.
There is a teacher in front of the classroom, the headmaster is in the office, and
many students in the garden. Some of them stay at mosque or canteen. I’m happy studying
here. I have many smart and good friends, and also the best teacher.

5. What is the text about ………

a. a room c. a building

b. a school d. a teacher

Where is the head master ?

He is in ……..

a. the office c. the class

b. the toilet d. the library

6. There is a ……….. near the classroom .

a. canteen c. mosque

b. flag ceremony d. library

Read the letter below to answer 8 –12!

Dear Uncle Tara,
          Thank you for the new teddy bear. I like it so much.
 I call him Snowy because of his white color. I always play
 with him every night.
          I hope you can come to visit me someday.
With love,
7. who send the letter …….

a. uncle tara c. bear

b. nindi d. snowy

8. What does he give to Nindi…….

a. a doll c. a bear

b. a toy d. a snow

9. Who gave Snowy to Nindi … .

a. a bear c. teddy

b. uncle tara d. nindi

10. “Demam” in English language is ……..

a. fever c. toothache

b. headache d. broken leg

11. ……… make me a birthday cake?

a. are c. can

b. have d. is

12. The park is behind the school. The antonym of behind is ....

a. front c. next to

b. between d. beside

13. You have a toy car. The toy car is ....

a. you c. yours

b. your d. you are

Following the text to answer the question no. 15-18 !

Thomas Alva Edison

We must be grateful for one of the great discoveries that changed the world. The discovery of an
incandescent light bulb by Thomas Alva Edison. He was born on February 11, 1847. Age 11, Edison
was able to make a simple telegraph. In 1861 he was able to print a newspaper. "Weekly Herald"
publication is selling well. on October 21, 1879, the first incandescent lamp was born which could be
lit for 40 hours. Thomas Alva Edison's persistence gave new things to the world.

14. What is the title of the text ?

a. Change the world c. Light bulb

b. Thomas Alva Edison d. New thing to the world

15. When Thomas alva Edison was born ?

a. February 11, 1847 c. October 21, 1879

b. January 11 ,1861 d. August 17, 1879

16. How old Thomas was able to make a simple telegraph ?

a. Ten years old c. Eleven years old

b. Nine years old d. Twelve years old

17. How long time the first incandescent lamp was born which could be lit?

a. 48 hours c. 20 hours

b. 40 hours d. 42 hours

Follow the text below to answer the question no.19-20 !

John Logie Baird
He was born in Scotland, August 13, 1888. He was the inventor of living images that could be
transmitted through aircraft now as televisionBaird's television show in front of an audience, at
the Royal Institute-London for the first time in 1925. Along with the development of technology,
television has become increasingly sophisticated.
The working principle of television in general is changing the electronic and magnetic signals into
pictures and sound.
The word "television" is the combination of Greek "tele" means far and Latin “visio“ meaning of
vision. So that television is defined as "a tool long distance communication using visual / visual
18. who is the inventor of television?

a. Thomas Alva Edison c. Rudolf Diesel

b. John Logie Baird d. Karl Benz

19. what year did the television show first time ?

a. 1888 c. 1924

b. 1945 d. 1925

20. We have balls. The balls are .... 

a. theirs c. our

b. him d. yours

Following the text for question no 22-23 !

Globalization: A world without borders

Globalization can be interpreted as a process 'Worldwide'. The whole nation and the country
on earth are increasingly connected to one another. As if it was no longer separated by its
boundaries. This era of globalization seems "A world without limits".
We can easily find various products from Japan, Korea, China, America, Germany, and
various other countries. So is Indonesian products can also be found in many countries. We also
easily watch live broadcasts from various parts of the world through television shows.

21. What is the purpose of the text ?

a. no longer separated by its c. We can easily find various

boundaries products
b. Globalization can be interpreted d. easily watch live broadcasts
as a process 'Worldwide'
22. From where most products we can easily found ,except…….

a. Japan c. China

b. Korea d. Malaysia

Following the text for question no 24-26!

The art of batik comes from traditional art created for court officials in the royal era in the
Islands. Along with its development, now batik cloth has been used by various groups, even
globalized. On October 2, 2009, UNESCO gave recognition and authorized Indonesian official batik as
a world cultural heritage. In its history, Java is the starting point for the development of batik art in
Indonesia Various motif differentiated by region of manufacture. Inland Batik and Coastal Batik . The
various motifs and symbols depicted on the cloth has a philosophical meaning which serves as a
guide to life. Indonesian batik is used as souvenirs when someone visits Indonesia. Preservation of
batik as a traditional art must continue to be developed and maintained to increase the selling
power and welfare of its craftsmen.

23. What is the title of the text ?

a. Indonesia Tradisional Art c. Batik

b. UNESCO d. The philosophil of cloth

24. when does UNESCO designate batik as a cultural heritage from Indonesia?

a. October 2, 2008 c. August 17, 2009

b. October 2, 2009 d. December 20, 2008

25. Arul : “what do you want to Eat? “

Sasya : “ I want to eat …….”

a. Water c. Juice

b. Pizza d. Milk
Following the pictue bellow to question no 27-28 !

26. What women makes

27. in the picture above ?

a. Make a design c. Make a clotes

b. drying a clotes d. Make a Batik

28. Where batik comes from ?

a. Indonesia c. America

b. Malaysia d. China

Following the text for question no 29-33!

Make a Thread Bracelet

Manay is a 12-year-old boy from the Sasak tribe from Sade Village Lombok, Manay sells thread
bracelets. Manay and his friends make their own thread bracelets. After school Manay and his
friends sell bracelets on the beach, with prices of 5,000 to 15,000. In one day Manay can sell 5 to 6
thread bracelets. The Sales results used to increase the pocket money and school needs . In the
afternoon Manay and friends go home to do the school assignments. At night, Manay makes thread
bracelet to sell tomorrow. Manay is very proud because the bracelets made by Man are praised by
tourists, bracelets from thread are unique and creative. We must be creative in using free time.

29. What is the title of the text ?

a. Make a clothes c. Make a Thread Bracelet

b. Make a food d. Make a monay

30. who is Thread Bracelet maker ?

a. Manay c. Manay’s friends

b. Tourists d. Manay’s school

31. how old is manay?

a. 11 years old c. 10 years old

b. 9 years old d. 12 years old

32. what is the price of the bracelet thread?

a. under 5,000 c. between 5,000 until 15,000

b. above 15,000 d. free

33. what message is contained in the text above?

a. save monay c. scattered money

b. creative in using free time d. use free time for holiday

34. My brother has a .... nose.

a. pointed c. fat

b. long d. chubby

35. The salt is 5 kg. The sugar is 3 kg. The salt is .... than the sugar.

a. smaller c. longer

b. heavier d. lighter

I. Fill the following santance !

Look at the picture !

1. The animal in the picture is …….

2. How breed snake …….
3. My sister asked me to make a ……….. of fried rice.
4. what is antonym of “ brave “ …..
5. who invented the light bulb……
6. The invented of television is …..
7. the positive impact on globalization is …….
8. I am ………… a delicious food everyday .
9. craftsmen are making ………
10. My Grandfather is ………. Then my Father .

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