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Assessment of Inventory management in Ethiopian Electric

Power Corporation (EEPCO) (in case of Dessie branch)

A research Report submitted to Management department in

partial fulfillment of the requirement for B.A Degree in

Prepared by: ID NO

1, LIZB TESHAGER……………………………………………………………0305/11

Advisor: Teshome (MBA)

JUNE, 2014

Dessie, Ethiopia
Table of Content

Abstract ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ II

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1. Background of the study --------------------------------------------------- 1

1.2. Background of the organization ------------------------------------------- 2

1.3. Statement of the problem -------------------------------------------------- 3

1.4. Objective of the study ------------------------------------------------------- 4

1.4.1. General objective ---------------------------------------------------- 4

1.4.2. Specific Objective ---------------------------------------------------- 4

1.5. Significance of the study --------------------------------------------------- 4

1.6. Scope of the study ----------------------------------------------------------- 4

1.7. Limitation of the study ----------------------------------------------------- 5

1.8. Structure of the study ------------------------------------------------------ 5

Chapter two: Literature Review

2.1. Definition of inventory ----------------------------------------------------- 6

2.2. Definition of inventory management-------------------------------------- 6

2.3. Nature of inventories --------------------------------------------------------6

2.4. Type of inventory --------------------------------------------------------------7

2.5. Role of inventory management in EEPCO --------------------------------8

2.6. Inventory hold by organizations --------------------------------------------8

2.7. Requirement for effective inventory management ---------------------- 9

2.8. Inventory management techniques --------------------------------------- 10

2.9. Inventory control procedures ---------------------------------------------- 16

Chapter Three: Research Methodology & Design

3.1. Research design ------------------------------------------------------------- 18

3.2. Target population ----------------------------------------------------------- 18

3.3. Sampling technique------ -------------------------------------------------- 18

3.4. Method of data collection ------------------------------------------------- 19

3.5. Data processing and Analyzing ------------------------------------------- 19

3.6. Method of presenting the outcome --------------------------------------- 20

Reference -----------------------------------------------------------------------
This research paper will be tried to assess inventory managements practice in
Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPC0). It will address three basic
research questions designed to assess inventory management performance of
the company. For this study the researcher will use both primary and secondary
data, but much focused on in the primary data in which more information will be
obtained by conducting unstructured interview and structure questionnaires.
Specifically the study will try to examine the company inventory management, to
assess the company inventory management objective and to know the kind of
inventory that kept in the company. Accordingly, the study will have relevance at
least for the organization to identify problems and strengths related to its
inventory management and practice, to look as any opportunity and treat and in
turn to have a good inventory management and practice. The interpretation
focuses on the result of prevalent data under consideration. Relevant
recommendation that helps the company to redesign the current system and
other areas the company have give specials attention will be made.
Chapter One:


1.1. Background of the study

Inventory consists of the most important element of any system dealing with
the supply, manufacture and distribution of goods and service. The concept of
inventory management is very old but it came in light when harrieF.W
published his work on classical order size model and the work was extended by
ray mend F.F (1991) and Wilson R.M (1934). But only after the second world
war with the development of operational research and computer technology
that the theoretical concepts got a practical application.

Holding inventory is often interpreted as carrying an asset, but also means

carrying risk in terms of obsolescence deterioration axed quality faults in
financial terms inventory impacts the balance sheet, cash flow, profit and loss
account. Operationally inventory affects production efficiency and on time
delivery (coldratte, 1999) identifies inventories a key component for measuring
business performance in manufacturing environment. Thus good management
of inventory is essential to achieving business objective and building
competitive advantage. Inventory management refers to the events or activities
that affect inventory during the process of transferring in put resources and
material to put goods. Achieving inventory management is a precursor to
inventory management which is concerned with the means used to balance
inflicting organizational objectives on the overall level of stock held to
determine optimum inventory level for each (Dabbker, 1982).
1.2. Background of the organization

The Ethiopian Electric Light and Power Authority (EELPA) were established in
1955, and having under gone reconstructing in 1997 has been reorganized as
the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCE).

EEPCO is responsible for generating, distributing and transmitting of electricity

nationwide. The current electric energy and light demands are very high to be
covered using existing generation transmission and distribution facilities. The
generation facilities are also almost based on hydropower resources. The
recurrent drought and the growing demand coupled with single resources
utilization (none existence of generation, rain, cool power, geothermal) have
further aggravated the inadequacies with inadequate generation, transmission
and distribution facilities enable and quality service could not provide.

In meeting the growing demand for electric power, a lot is expected in

expanding the existing power grid to deliver standardized customer service by
providing quality service. EEPCO has undergone several structure and
infrastructure to improve the customer service since 2010 E.C. these change
somehow has resulted giving timely and quality service. Now days the
enormous increase in customer has demanding much better services.

EEPCO currently providing the following facilities:-

-household electric service

-commercial electric service

-street light

-industrial electric power and

-institutional electric service

1.2 .Statement of the problem
As the researcher browse the website related to inventory management, hold
the following facts that necessitate for this study will be conducted which a
research topic of assessment of inventory management practice in Ethiopian
Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO) particularly, Dessie branch. In the first
place inventory management is the process of tracking product orders keeping
adequate amount of products on hand and organizing products in warehouse
and retail location. And also inventory management is the active control
program which allows the management of sales, purchases and payments.
With good inventory management, companies are able to monitor what
shipments they have coming in and going out to customer, allowing them to
keep just enough inventory in stock to meet demand. Then inventory
management lets companies enjoy many benefits which include achieving
inventory balance, using resource wisely, cutting costs, saving time and
becoming more effective and planning a head for seasonal changes in demand.
(Http://www.inventory management.Com.)
According to the above facts this study will be emphasized on how Ethiopian
Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO) performs the activity to come up with a
good result along with attaining the main objective of the company.
The researcher intends to answer the following research questions.

1. How the companies manage its inventory?

2. What is the objective of inventory management policy?

3. What kind of inventory is kept in the company?

1.3. Objective of the study

1.4.1. General Objective

The main objective of the study will to assess the inventory management
practice of Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO) particularly, Dessie

1.4.2. Specific Objectives

The specific objective of this study will be:-

- To examine how the company manages inventory.

- To assess the company inventory management policy.

- To know the kind of inventory that kept on the company.

1.2. Significance of the study

The researcher will have an expectation, the study will provide a clear picture
about the value or importance of inventory management in Ethiopian Electric
Power Corporation (EEPCO), and to identify problem concerning inventory
management. It is believed that the study will be clearly reflect, what to see
any opportunities to utilize, to give relevant recommendation, suggestion and
solution that help top management as well as the organization to make good
decision concerning about inventory management and help in designing a
better systematic form for inventory management system. In addition, to give
an overview of the corporation use of inventory management to external

1.3. Scope of the study

Since the main objective of the study will be the assessment of inventory
management in Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation particularly, Dessie
branch, the study will be delimited to examining store department, production
department and purchasing and finance department of the company in order to
investigate the issue in-depth and to make the study manageable.

1.4. Structure of the study

The study will be arranged in five chapters. The first chapter deals with the
introductory part mainly about back ground of the study, background of the
organization, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of
the study, scope of the study. The second chapter concerned with related
literature review describes the detail theoretical aspect of the study. The third
chapter deals with data collection methods and methodology and the fourth
chapter provide data analyzation and interpretation. Finally, the last chapter
provides summary, conclusion and recommendations.
Chapter Two

Literature Review

2.1. Definition of inventory

Inventory is stock of materials, work in process and finished goods that appear
at numerous points throughout a firm’s production and logistic channel
(Billisu 2004, p326). Inventory is the stock of any item or resource used in an
organization (chase Jacobs and aqulando 2004, p545). Inventory can be
defined as the amount of raw materials, finished goods and work in process to
be stocked for the smooth running of a plant operation (Mosich 1988, p396).

2.2. Definition of Inventory Management

Management as the process of setting and achieving goals through the

execution of five basic management functions (Planning, organizing, staffing,
directing and controlling that utilize human, Financial and material resource.
Therefore, inventory management is the process of tracking product orders
keeping adequate amount of products on hand and organizing products in
Warehouse and retail location. And also inventory management is the active
control program which allows the management of sales, purchases and
payments (HTTP//:WWW. Ask. com).

2.3. Nature of inventories

Inventories consist of good held for sale to customers, partially completed

goods, and material and supplies to be used in production. Inventory items are
acquired and sold continuing by a merchandising enterprise or acquired,
placed in production, converted to a finished product, and sold by a
manufacturing enterprise. The sale of merchandise or finished products is the
primary source of revenue for most non service business enterprises (Mosich
1988 p.397).

2.4. Type of Inventory

Regarding types of inventory different literatures provide different description of

inventory type based on their own task objective. However, for this study the
researcher favor the inventory type provided by Stock and Manbert (2001, p

Cycle stock: is inventory that results from the replenishment process and is
required in order to meet demand under condition of certainty that is when the
firm can predict demand and rends times almost perfectly.

Inventories in transitare items that are in routs from one location to other.
They may be considered parts of cycle stock even though they are not shipment
until after they arrive at the destination.

Safety or buffer stock: is held in excess of cycle stock because of uncertainty

in demand or lead time. The notation is that a portion inventory should be
devoted to cover short range variation in demand and lend time.

Seasonal stock: is a form of respective stock that involve that accumulation of

inventory before a reason begins in order to maintain as table labor force and
stable in runs or in the case of agricultural products, inventory accumulated as
the result of a growing season that limits availability throughout the years.

Dead stock: Are inventories that no one wants at least immediately. The
question is why any organization would incur the costs associated with holding
this item rather than simply disposing of them. One reason might be that
management expected demand to resume at some point in the future
2.5. Role of inventory management in EEPCO

The Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO) is implementing the electric

network reinforcement and expansion project in urban and rural areas in the
country, with aim to enhance the livelihoods of the population. The
implementation however is expected to induce positive and negative social
impacts. Inventory management plays a big role in all that takes place. What
you can realistically keep on hand and what is too much makes all the
difference. Knowing how long it will take to get something will make all the
difference in knowing when to order more of a certain product.
(Http://www.role of inventory management in EEPCO. Accessed 28/11/2013)

2.6. Inventory hold by the company

Particularly Stevenson (1999 p.77) the reason for hold inventories are
discussed in detail in the following paragraphs.

First, inventory helps to project against stock outs, delayed delivers and
expected increase in the risk of shortages lays can occurs because of weather
conditions, supplies stock outs, delivers of wrong materials, quality problem
and soon. The risk of shortage can be reducing by holding safety stock which is
stocks in excess of average demand to compensate for variability in demand
and lead time.

Second, to decuple operations, historically manufacturing firms have used

inventories as buffers between successive operations to maintain continuity of
production that would otherwise distributed by events such as breakdown of
equipment and accidents that cause apportion at operation to shutdown of

The problem is resolved, firms have used buffers from supplies and finished
goods inventory to buffer sale operation from manufacturing descriptions more
recently, company have taken a closer look at buffer inventories recognizing the
cost and spaces they require and realizing that

Finding and eliminating sources of description can greatly decrease the need
for decoupling operations.

Third, it also helps to smooth product requirements in a firm may experience

seasonal patterns in demand often build up inventories during at seasonal
periods to

2.7. Requirement for effective inventory management

Regarding requirements for effective inventory management different

literatures describe in different ways based on their own task objective, but for
this study the researcher favor particularly Stephenson (1999, p.561-562)
describe in his book about requirements for effective inventory management in
to four distinct mechanisms that are:-

2.7.1. Inventory count (keep track) the inventory

This mechanism to control the inventory, physical count has to be conducted.

This count enables to the manager to determine the quantity on hand. Then
the manager estimate how much will be demand period prior to the next
delivery periods and bases the order quantity on that information.

2.7.2. Demand for cast and lead time information

Inventories are used to satisfy demand requirement. So, it is essential to have

reliable estimate of the amount and timing of demand. Similarly, it is essential
to know how long it will take for order to be diverse. In addition, manager
needs to know the extent to which demand and lead time (the time between
submitting and order & receiving it might vary the greater the potential
variability the great or the need for additional stock to reduce the risk of
shortage between delivers. Thus, there is critical link between forecasting and
inventory management.
2.7.3. Cost information holding inventories

Invites three basic cost holding transaction ordering and shortage costs holding
or carrying costs relates to physically having items in shortage costs.

2.7.4. Ordering cost

Are the cost of ordering and receiving inventory they are the cost that vary with
the actual placement on order. These includes determining how much is
needed, preparing invoices, shipping costs, inspecting goods up on arrival for
quality and quantity and motive goods to temporary storage ordering cost are
generally expressed as fixed dollar amount per order regardless of order size
shortage costs result when demand exceed the supply of inventory on hand.

2.8. Inventory management Techniques

Different literatures provide different description of inventory management

techniques based on their own task objective. However, for this study the
researcher favor the inventory management techniques provided by J.Gitman
(1997, p.797-802).

2.8.1 Economic order quantity

One of the major inventory management’s problems to be resolved is how

much inventory should be added when inventory replaced, if the firm is buying
raw material. It has to decide lost in which it has to be purchased on
replacement. If the firm planning is a production run the issue is how much
production to schedule (how much to make) these problems are called order
quantity problems. And the task of the firm is to determine the optimum or
economic order quantity (or economic /of size) determining on optimum
inventory low involve two types of costs. I.e. ordering cost and caring cost.

Economic order quantity is that inventory level that minimizes the total
ordering and caring cost. Economic order quantity is that inventory level that
minimizes the total ordering cost and caring (holding) cost. Ordering cost
increase with the number of orders thus the more frequently inventory, on
other hand it the firm maintain large inventory levels there will be few orders
placed and ordering cost will be relatively small thus ordering costs decrease
with increasing size of inventory.

Caring cost vary with inventory size. This behavior is control to that of ordering
costs which decline with increase in inventory size, the economic size of
inventory would thus depend on tradeoff between caring costs and ordering

Economic order quantity = 0c where: Cc= Caring cost

Cc Oc= ordering cost

Thus the formula to determine the recording point when safety stock is
maintained as follows:

Reorder point = lead x average usage safety

2.8.2. Stock level

Is one of material cost management techniques. In order to save over stocking

or under stocking most of the larger companies adapt scientific approach of
fixing stock level. Under stock is when the material in stock is below the
required amount over stocking is when excess materials are held in store by
the business organization. Therefore each item of materials should be kept
within the appropriate level of materials by fixing stock level. The stock level is
re order level, minimum level, maximum level and economic order quantity or
re order quantity.

Maximum level is the material at the lowest rate of consumption which could
be expected, if delivery was received in shortest possible time.

The additional of the reorder quality shows the highest point of material which
would be allowed the formula that determines maximum level is as follows.
Maximum level is as follows:

Maximum level = reorder + reorder = minimum x minimum

Level quantity consumption reorder

Reorder point is the problem how much to order is solves by describing the
economic order quantity. Yet the answer should be thought to the record
problem when to order. This is the problem of determining the reorder point.
The reorder point is that inventory level at which on order should be placed to
replenish the inventory. To determine the order point under certainty to be
should know lead time, average usage and economic order quantity

Lead time is the normal takes in replenishing inventory after the order has
been placed by certainty that means usage and lead time do not fluctuate
under such a situation reorder point is simply that inventory level which will

Reorder point: - Lead x average usage safety stock. It is difficult to predicate

usage and lead time accurately. The demand for materials may fluctuate from
day to day or from week to week. Similarly the actual delivery time may be
different the delivery problem of stock out. Some minimum or buffer inventory
as cushion against unexpected increased and delayed on delivery time.

Record level is the level of materials at which purchase requisition is initiated

for fresh supplies this level is fixed by reordering when materials fail to the
minimum. The formula is:-

Minimum level = reorder - minimum x minimum

Level consumption reorder period.

2.8.3. Proper storage

In the internal procedure for purchasing materials are matched by similar
procedures for storing and issuing material in order to safeguard the
investment. The procedure includes storage and insurance materials must be
carefully identified stored. Reordered and preserved by the store room clerk.
Material requisition is prepared by the factory supervisor and indicates the
quantity job number description etc. when the materials are transferred from
the store room.

2.8.4. Just –in-time inventory control:-

The just-in-time inventory control is more just on inventory control system, it

is a production and management system. Not only is inventory cut down to
minimum, but the time and physical distance between the various production
operations are also reduced. In addition management is unwilling to trade off
costs to develop close relationship with suppliers and promote speedy
replenishment of inventory in return for the ability to hold less safety stock
(pewon p. 728). The just in time inventory system depends on how well
companies manage in suppliers the system puts tremendous pressure on
suppliers. They will have to develop adequate system and procedures to
satisfactory meet the need of manufactures.

2.8.5. Out sourcing

A few years ago there was a tendency on the part of many companies to
manufacture all components in house now more and more companies are
adopting the practice out sourcing.

Out sourcing is a system of giving attention to materials according to the

degree of their importance. It is not desirable take some degree of control on all
the items. The firm should pay maximum attention to those items whose value
is highest for this purpose the item will be dried in three categories A, B and C
the higher value items are classified as ‘A” items and would be under the
highest control ‘C” item represent relatively least value and would be under
simple control “B” items fall in between these categories and require reasonable
attention of management. The A, B, C analysis can contracts on important
items and also known as control by importance and exception.

The following steps are involved in implementing the A, B, C analysis classify

the items of inventories determining the expected use in units and the price per
unit for each item.

 Determine the total value of each item by multiplying the expected

units by its unit’s price.

 Rank the item in according with the total value giving first rank to the
item, with highest total value.

 Combine items on the basis of their relative value to form three

categories A, B, and C (impandey p. 633)

2.8.6. Inventory turnover

The inventory turnover ratio indicates the efficiency of the firm in producing
and selling its product. Its product calculated by:-

Inventory turnover = Cost of goods sold

Average inventory

Generally a high inventory turnover is indicating of good inventory

management. If the absolute inventories have to be written off this will
adversely affect the working capital and liquidity position of the firm. A high
inventory turnover may be the result of over low level of inventory replacements
are costly for the firm thus to high and too low inventory turnover ratios should
be investigated further (impandey, p.123-125).
2.9. Inventory control procedures

One of the most effective of ensuring out investment in inventory under control
is to check all item inventory on regular basic once physical check has been
carried the result can to be compared with theoretical or book inventories any
discrepancies noted and acted on there are two chief method of inventory
checking (Willamson, 1998). These are discussed in detail in the following
subsection paragraph.

2.9.1. Perpetual inventory

Is concerned with the recording at they occur of inventory in either quantity or

quality and value. The item perpetual inventory usually refers to a system of
inventory monitor control rather than an inventory taking procedure with
prefectural inventory every item at inventory usually has its own stores ledger
card as any transaction affecting on item take place the store ledger card is up
dated whether it be an issue or receipt or goods at any time therefore the
balance in inventory at the item is known and can simple be read from the
stores ledger card.

2.9.2. Periodic inventory

This is the process of counting valuing, selected item at different items on

routing basis. In this way every inventory item has an equal chance of being
checked at any time and in the long will be checked at least once run all item
in addition to the use of random numbers entering that all item are checked at
least once in accounting periods.
In this way not only can the physical and the theoretical balance be checked
against each other’s, but also any discrepancies can be corrected for after all
investigation are carried out in to how they occurred any discrepancies that
arise must be reported and depict with immediately, the more serious
discrepancies may be a matter for a change of policy or policy action.

Annual inventory check it is a periodic inventory check and is most usually

carried out as part of the annual audit all items is most usually carried out as
part of the annual inventory checked carried at one time because the annual
inventory checked usually carried out at part at the annual audit there will
usually be an external auditors in attendance at inventory check which insure
that the results obtained are open to independent security.

Analysis of investment in inventory it is a major responsibility of the finical

manager to oversee the movement of inventory is an investment decision. The
analysis should therefore, involve an evaluation of the profitability of
investment decision. The goal of the inventory policy will maximize the firm
value at a point the inventory policy will maximize at which interment or
marginal return from the investment in inventory equals the incremental or
marginal cost of funds used to finance the investment inventory.

The incremental analysis should be used to compute the value of operating

profit investment, inventory rate of return and cost of funds. A change in
inventory policy is described if the incremental rate of return exceeds the
required rate of return.
Chapter Three

Research methodology

3.1. Research design

The type of research for this study will be both quantitative and qualitative type
of research design.

Quantitative research design involves measuring traits and characteristics of

things and describes the phenomena instead of words and numbers as well as
structured static determination.

Qualitative research design involves point of view of participant to describe the

meaning, definition, concept and characteristics of things. (Bryan and Bell
2003, p302).

3.2. Target population

The target population of this study will be all employees of Ethiopian Electric
Power Corporation particularly, Dessie branch. Using all population for data
collection is difficult for one researcher. As sampling is using small part of large
population to make conclusion about the whole population, the researcher
selected 20 respondents from 500 constant employees of the company, from
different department such as store department, production department and
purchase and finance department through establishing judgmental sampling

3.3. Sampling technique

In this study will be the sampling method used to acquire the respondents
will be non-probability, judgmental, sampling technique This technique will
use as sampling method, because to select respondents that have the
expected good knowledge about the inventory management in the company
as well as the researcher is permitted to have complete freedom of selecting
individual who can provide relevant data and to choose sample element
according to the researcher wish/desire.

3.4. Method of data collection

The data will be obtained from two types of source. These are primary and
secondary data source. The researcher will use the primary data collection
technique in order to get firsthand information from the respondents. And the
primary data will be collected by preparing a questionnaire, which consists of
both close ended questions and open ended questions. And also the researcher
widely used direct observation and structured interview method in order to get
reliable information because flexibility of questions to questioning and the
researcher is allowed too much freedom. The researcher in addition will use the
secondary data collected from the consecutive last five years (2009-2013)
financial statement of the company.

3.5. Data Processing and Analyzing

After the necessary data will be collected from both primary and secondary
sources, the next assignment will data processing and analyzing. Thus, the
researcher will use tabulation and percentage which helps the researcher to
present all the collected information in the simplest form to arrive at effective
conclusions and possible recommendations. Data processing is an activity
which involves editing, coding and classifying data to make it suitable for
further analysis, then the compiled data will be processed.

After all the relevant data will be collected and processed, then they have been
analysis has further transformation of the processed data groups.

Finally, the outcome of the project will be presented on written material and
detailed oral presentation.

3.6. Method of presenting the outcome

Once the analysis process is completed, the interpretation of all data will be
follows, it will be presented using different tools such as table and percentage
to make clear the relation among variable. Finally, the analyzed data will be
presented in easy understand way to draw conclusion and find out the major
factors that affect inventory management.
4. Work plan

 The tentative plan (time table) activities in the study will be guide by the following time

Activity March April may june July

1 T i t l e s e l e c ti o n 

2 P r o p o s a l w r i ti n g 

3 Prepare review literature 

4 I n s t r u m e n t c o n s t r u c ti o n 

5 D a t a c o l l e c ti o n 

6 Data analysis
7 R e p o r t fi r s t
8 R e p o r t fi n a l

5. Budget plan



1 Paper Price 100 0.50 50birr

2 Pen Price 2 10birr 20birr

3 Writing and Price 40 1.50 60birr


4 Cover page Price 1 10birr 10birr

5 Transportation Price 4 8birr 32birr


6 Total 147 30birr 172birr

Duncan Williamson (1998), Cost and management accounting, 6thed.
New delhi prentice Hal’ india .
Mosich A.N (1988), Intermediate Accounting. 6th ed. United state of
Stephen A. Ross etal (1998), Fundamental of corporate Finance, 6th ed.
United state of Amercia.Van.Hoftman.
Lawrence J.Gitman (1997), Financial management, 8th ed. United state
of America.
management.6thedn.BitsonMcGrawhill .
Internet Web sites
Http://www. Inventory Management.Com. Accessed 03/03/2012.
WWW.Fishbowl.Inventory management.Com . Accessed 05/03/2012

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