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ZEN - AI driven Chat Bot

(Just talk, type or tap)–

Business Requirements
Document – Ver - 01


[COMPANY NAME] | [Company address]

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Version Control............................................................................................................. 2
1.0. Project Overview....................................................................................................3
2.0. Project Goals & Objectives....................................................................................3
2.1. Goals................................................................................................................... 3
2.2. Objectives...........................................................................................................3
3.0. Scope...................................................................................................................... 3
3.1. In-Scope..............................................................................................................3
3.2. Out-of-Scope......................................................................................................3
4.0. Assumptions & Dependencies................................................................................3
4.1. Assumptions.......................................................................................................3
4.2. Dependencies......................................................................................................3
5.0. Business Processes.................................................................................................3
5.1. As-Is...................................................................................................................3
5.2. To-Be..................................................................................................................3
6.0. Business Requirements..........................................................................................3
6.1. Module 01...........................................................................................................3
6.2. Module 02...........................................................................................................3
6.3. Module 03...........................................................................................................3
6.4. Module 04...........................................................................................................3
6.5. Module 05...........................................................................................................3
6.6. Module 06...........................................................................................................3
7.0. Reporting Requirements.........................................................................................4
8.0. Annexures..............................................................................................................4
8.1. Annexure A.........................................................................................................4
8.2. Annexure B.........................................................................................................4

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Version Control

No Particulars Date Author(s)

1 ZEN – Version 1.0 Vinaya

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1.0. Project Overview

This project deals with implementation of chat bot named ZEN for BOFA to manage
its customers who are warming to its AI-driven virtual financial assistant which is
expected to surpassed 6 million users and to complete more than 35 million client

The proactive insights of this ZEN include, Daily client engagement, helps users to
host a simple transaction like money transfers, balance inquiries, digital banking
capabilities and to provide clients relevant timely guidance, help manage their
finances easier.

The milestones of ZEN in user engagement coincides with the introduction of a series
of new features which includes insights that offer clients personalized and proactive
guidance to help them stay on top of their finances say, increase in recurring charges,
including regular subscriptions, reward notifications, enrolment guidance and bill
payment remainders.

In addition to this, Zen should offer their clients with more flexibility and security on
daily spending through new functionality in the app which allows clients to set,
manage and control how much they spend on purchases or withdraw from ATM each

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2.0. Project Goals & Objectives
2.1. Goals
2.1.1. To act as a virtual financial assistant -This enables personalised,
proactive, predictive financial insights to the customer.
2.1.2. Schedule day to day payments.
2.1.3. Helps to view changes in FICO credit score.
2.1.4. Every day banking – Manage your financial life with ease.

2.2 Overall Objectives

2.2.1Account balances - view balances across all your accounts.
2.2.2. Spend path – gets a weekly snapshot of your month to date spending.
2.2.3 – locate past transactions.
2.2.4 – Refund confirmation – Be alerted when money from a return is in your
2.2.5 - Monitor recurring charges – To monitor and intimate the customer on
the increase / decrease in their recurring bills / charges.
2.2.6 – Receive bill reminders – To intimate the customer on their scheduled
2.2.8 – FICO score insights – To Get notified of important credit score
2.29 – Card Assistance – To get a list of where your card information may be

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3.0. Scope
3.1. In-Scope
The in-scope items of zen implementation comprise below:
3.1.1 Problem organization needs to solve:
BOFA is in seek of personalized proactive insights and guidance in order to
enhance the customer needs towards their financial insights to be addressed most
efficiently and effectively there by creating a win – win situation for both the
bank and customers.
3.1.2. Restrictions need to be considered:
Functionalities which are not - listed under goals and objectives are to
considered as restrictions.
3.1.3. Worthwhile of time and money invested in this solution:
This will be justified when ZEN achieves to surpassed 6 million users and to
complete more than 35 million client requests.

3.2. Out-of-Scope:
3.2.1Any requirements which are not discussed or specified as a part of this
requirement document are considered to be OUT SCOPE items.

4.0. Assumptions & Dependencies:

4.1. Assumptions:
Considering there exist a huge demand from the user end on their day to day
banking activities which piles up the job responsibilities of BOFA executives ,
this would reduce their burden and contribute to the wellness of the bank
through AI automated services.

4.2. Dependencies:
ZEN is meant to establish a vital integration between all banking modules like
transaction, saving account, checking account etc.

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5.0. Business Processes
5.1. As-Is
Considering the current situation BOFA doesn’t have an AI platform as a chat
bot to act as virtual financial assistant.
5.2. To-Be
Rolling out ZEN in BOFA's, which drives customers to the AI - driven virtual
financial assistant platform to accomplish the functionalities mentioned in the
goals and objectives.

6.0. Business Requirements

6.1. Overall Architecture:
6.1.1. Get Input:
This feature enables the chat bot to get the input from some source
say, console, API, speech recognition etc.
6.1.2. Process Input:
The input statement is processed by each of logic adapters.
6.1.3. Logic adapter 1:
Select a known statement that most closely matches the input
Return a response to a selected match and a confidence value-based
on the matching.
6.1.4. Logic adapter 2: select a known statement that most closely matches
with the input statement.
Return a response to a selected match and a confidence value-based
on the matching.
6.1.5. Process output: Return the response from the logic adaptor that
generated the highest confidence value for its result.

6.1.6. Return Response:

Return the response to the input (console, API, Speech synthesis, etc.)

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Process Flow diagram:

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6.1.7 How logic adaptors work:
A typical logic adapter designed to return a response to an input statement will use
two main steps to do this. The first step involves searching the database for a known
statement that matches or closely matches the input statement. Once a match is
selected, the second step involves selecting a known response to the selected match.
Frequently, there will be a number of existing statements that are responses to the
known match.
To help with the selection of the response, several methods are built into Chatterbot
for selecting a response from the available options.

Response selection methods

Response selection methods determines which response should be used in the event
that multiple responses are generated within a logic adapter.

To get first response:

Input statement – A statement, that closely matches an input to the chat bot.

Response list – A list of statement options to choose a response from.

Storage – An instance of a storage adapter to allow the response selection

method to access other statements if needed.

Returns: Return the first statement in the response list.

To get Most frequent Response:

Input_statement  – A statement, that closely matches an input to the chat bot.

Response_list – A list of statement options to choose a response from.

storage  – An instance of a storage adapter to allow the response selection

method to access other statements if needed.

Returns : The response statement with the greatest number of occurrences.

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To get random response:

Input statement  – A statement, that closely matches an input to the chat


Response list  – A list of statement options to choose a response from.

Storage – An instance of a storage adapter to allow the response selection

method to access other statements if needed.

Returns: Choose a random response from the selection.

Module 1: Financial Insights Requirements:

Administrative Duties

 Attend the inbound calls from clients about inquiries, transactions and
customer support

 Automatic response to the emails and forwarding important emails to


 Transcribe documents, mail letters as necessary and to take pertinent notes

submitted by the customer.

 Make an update on transactions to the client via email / SMS etc. through an
automated API service.

Personal Assistance

 Organize meetings, work and personal calendar activities of an internal


Professional Support

 Bank Details and Invoicing

 Accounting (Payables & Receivables)

 Handle business transactions or purchases and keep track of receipts

 Bookkeeping – follow up on outstanding invoices or unpaid bills

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Technical Support

 Research relevant industry-related news or advancements

 Interaction with another VAs to build a strong and effective virtual team

 Handle scheduling and delegate daily tasks

 File and label documents digitally

Module 2: Schedule day to day payment

Parameterized Schedule: The schedule should be generated based on a set of rules
and market conventions to define the frequencies of payments.
These parameters include:
Payment Frequency (Annually, semiannually, Quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily,

Payment Day - Day of the month the payment is made

Date rolling - Rule used to adjust the payment date if the schedule date is not
a Business Day

Start Date - Date of the first Payment

End Date - Also known as the Maturity date. The date of the last payment

Customized schedule:
The schedule consists of a series of dates that define exactly when payments will be
The payment schedule can also be linked to achievement or fulfillment of certain
predefined tasks or events or even stages against which payments are required to be
made by one party to another

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Module 3: Every day banking

Account balances - view balances across all your accounts.

Spend path – gets a weekly snapshot of your month to date spending.

Locate past transactions.

Refund confirmation – Be alerted when money from a return is in your account.

Monitor recurring charges – To monitor and intimate the customer on the increase /
decrease in their recurring bills / charges.

Receive bill reminders – To intimate the customer on their scheduled payments.

Card Assistance – To get a list of where your card information may be stored.

Module 4: FICO score Insights

To Get notified of important credit score changes in the below scenarios.

1. Score change to be notified in case of closure of accounts.

2. Score change to be notified when payments falls as default in any of the loan
3. Score change to be notified with an alert in both the cases when it reaches elite
of 960 and poor of 60.
4. Score change to be notified when the negative list / negative segment to any of
the loan accounts is introduced.

7.0. Annexures
7.1. Annexure A
7.2. Annexure B

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