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Accounting and reporting

for endowment funds

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Prepared by:
Junia Perez, Director, McGladrey LLP and Ian Benjamin, Partner, McGladrey LLP

The Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (“UPMIFA”) and the FSP FAS 117-1,
Endowments of Not-for-Profit Organizations: Net Asset Classification of Funds Subject to an
Enacted Version of the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act, and Enhanced
Disclosures for All Endowment Funds, have been in existence for some time now, yet confusion
and inconsistency in accounting and reporting for endowment funds have continued.

UPMIFA was approved in July 2006 by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform
State Laws to replace the Uniform Management of Institutional Funds (UMIFA) Act of 1972, and to
provide guidance and authority to charitable organizations concerning the management and
investment of funds held by those organizations. UPMIFA imposes additional duties on those
who manage and invest charitable funds to provide additional protection for charities and protect
the interests of donors who want to see their contributions used wisely. To date, 49 states, the
District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands have adopted or enacted a version of UPMIFA.
Pennsylvania and Puerto Rico are the only jurisdictions that have not enacted a version

UPMIFA also prescribes the standard of conduct in managing and investing endowment funds. It
requires investments in good faith and with the care of an ordinarily prudent person in a like
position would exercise under similar circumstances. UPMIFA emphasizes that investment
decisions must be made in relation to the overall resources of the institution and its charitable
purposes, and not be made in isolation but rather in the context of the institutional fund‟s portfolio of
investments as a whole and as a part of an overall investment strategy having risks and return
objectives reasonably suited to the fund and to the institution.

One of the key changes brought about by UPMIFA was the elimination of the historic-dollar-value
threshold set by UMIFA. UPMIFA allows not-for-profit organizations, absent explicit donor
restrictions, to spend endowment funds below their original dollar amount, subject to the standard
of prudence and consideration of the following factors:
1. The duration and preservation of the endowment fund

2. The purposes of the not-for-profit organization and the endowment fund

3. General economic conditions

4. The possible effect of inflation or deflation

5. The expected total return from income and the appreciation of investments

6. Other resources of the not-for-profit organization

7. The investment policy of the organization

FSP FAS 117- 1 was issued in August 2008 to address the accounting and reporting issues
brought about by UPMIFA. FSP FAS 117-1 1 (now in the FASB codification at ASC 958-205-
45/50) provides guidance on the net asset classification of donor-restricted endowment funds
for a not-for-profit organization that is subject to an enacted version of UPMIFA.

The table below summarizes the key provisions in Section 4(a) of UPMIFA that result in an
accounting issue for endowment funds and the guidelines provided by FASB ASCS 958-205 to
address the issue.

UPMIFA Provision FASB ASC 958-205-45 Guideline

Subject to the intent of a donor expressed in A not-for-profit organization that is subject to

the gift instrument, an institution may an enacted version of UPMIFA shall classify a
appropriate for expenditure or accumulate so portion of a donor-restricted endowment fund
much of an endowment fund as the institution of perpetual duration as permanently
determines is prudent for the uses, benefits, restricted net assets, which shall be the
purposes, and duration for which the amount of the fund (a) that must be retained
endowment fund is established. permanently in accordance with explicit donor
stipulations, or (b) that in the absence of such
stipulations, the organization‟s governing
board determines must be retained
(preserved) permanently consistent with the
relevant laws.

Unless stated otherwise in the gift instrument, For each donor-restricted endowment fund for
the assets in an endowment fund are donor- which the restriction described in subsection
restricted assets until appropriated for 4(a) of UPMIFA is applicable, a not-for-profit
expenditure by the institution. organization shall classify the portion of the
fund that is not classified as permanently
restricted net assets as temporarily restricted
net assets (time restricted) until appropriated
for expenditure by the organization.
FSP FAS 117-1 (codified as FASB ASC 958-205-50-1B) also requires improved disclosures
about a not-for-profit organization‟s donor-restricted and board-designated endowment funds
regardless of whether or not the not-for-profit organization is subject to UPMIFA. The following
information about all endowment funds is required to be disclosed for each period for which the
organization presents financial statements:

 A description of the governing board‟s interpretation of the law(s) that underlies the
organization‟s net asset classification of donor-restricted funds.

 A description of the organization‟s endowment spending policy (ies).

 A description of the organization‟s endowment investment policies, which shall

include the return objectives and risk parameters; how those objectives relate to the
organization‟s endowment spending policies and the strategies employed for
achieving those objectives.

 The composition of the organization‟s endowment by net asset class at the end of the
period, in total and by type of endowment fund, showing donor-restricted endowment
funds separately from board-designated endowment funds.

 A reconciliation of the beginning and ending balance of the organization‟s

endowment, in total and by net asset class, including, at a minimum, the following
items (as applicable): investment return, separated into investment income (i.e.,
interest, dividends, rents) and net appreciation or depreciation of investments,
amounts appropriated for expenditure; reclassifications and other changes.

 The nature and types of permanent or temporary restrictions on the endowment

net assets.

 The aggregate amount of the deficiencies for all donor-restricted endowment funds
for which the fair value of the assets at the reporting date is less than the level
required by donor stipulations or law.

The requirement to include reconciliation for board designated and donor-restricted

endowments, and to present deficiencies in donor-restricted endowment funds, has resulted
in a table being included in most financial statements. While intended to provide clarity to
financial statement users; there has been much disparity in practice in its presentation. Let‟s
walk through an example to better understand how it is intended to be prepared.
Illustrative example
ABC Organization has a sizeable donor-restricted endowment, along with a board designated
endowment. The net asset classifications of ABC Organization‟s endowment funds at the end
of Year 200X, prior to UPMIFA enactment, are as follows:

Permanently Temporarily
Restricted Restricted Unrestricted

Donor-restricted endowment funds:

h With explicit restrictions by donor or law to be

held in perpetuity $ 150,000 $ - $ -

h With time/term restrictions imposed by donor or

law 500

h Without explicit time or purpose restriction by

donor or by law 20,000

h Accumulated income on endowments to support

purposes specified by donor 15,000

h Accumulated income on endowments to support

general operations of the organization 1,000
Total donor-restricted endowments $ 150,000 $ 15,500 $ 21,000

Board designated endowment funds for certain

purposes $ 10,000

In early Year 200Y, ABC Organization became subject to UPMIFA and adopted FSP FAS 117-
1/FASB ASC 958-205-45/50.
Below are the activities related to the endowment funds of ABC Organization during Year 200Y
and Year 200Z:

Year 200Y Year 200Z

Donor- Board- Donor- Board-
Restricted Designated Restricted Designated
Endowment Endowment Endowment Endowment
Funds Funds Funds Funds

Pledges received for endowment funds $ 5,000 $ - $ 3,000 $ -

Cash contributions received for perpetual

endowment funds 2,000 - 1,500 -

Cash collections received on multi-year

pledges for perpetual endowment funds 1,500 - 2,500 -

Amounts appropriated for expenditures (3,000) (500) (3,250) (500)

Transfer from unrestricted general funds

to create board-designated endowment
funds - 650 - 250

Investment return:
Investment income 600 200 650 250
Net appreciation (depreciation) (350) 125 1,000 500
Investment fees and expenses (15) (5) (25) (6)

Of the total investment return for donor-restricted endowment funds, $120 must be retained annually and
and added to the perpetual funds in accordance with the explicit donor stipulations to maintain the
purchasing power of those funds.

Due to the depreciation of investments during Year 200Y, the fair value of certain donor-restricted endowment
funds were less than the amount of the original gift by $750. The board deemed it prudent to continue
to appropriate $100 from those funds so as not to suspend certain programs.

$500 of the net appreciation for Year 200Z were attributed to investments of donor-restricted endowment
funds that have gone underwater in Year 200Y.
Considering the above assumptions and the requirements of UPMIFA and FASB ASC 950-
205-45/50, ABC Organization would account for its endowment funds during years 200Y and
200Z, as follows, with note explanations following the table:

Year 200Y
Donor-Restricted Endowments Endowments
Permanently Temporarily Total
Restricted Restricted Unrestricted Total Unrestricted Endowments

Balance, beginning of year $ 150,000 $ 15,500 $ 21,000 $ 186,500 $ 10,000 $ 196,500

Net asset reclassification based on change
of law 1 - 21,000 (21,000) - - -
Balance, beginning of year after
endowment net asset reclassification 150,000 36,500 - 186,500 10,000 196,500
Changes in endowment funds during the
Investment return:
Investment income 2 120 465 585 195 780
Net appreciation (depreciation) 3 - 400 (750) (350) 125 (225)
Total investment return 120 865 (750) 235 320 555
Contributions to endowment funds during
the year 4 3,500 - - 3,500 - 3,500
Transfers from general unrestricted funds
to board-designated endowments - - - - 650 650
Amounts appropriated for expenditures 5 - (2,900) (100) (3,000) (500) (3,500)
Total changes 3,620 (2,035) (850) 735 470 1,205
Balance, end of year $ 153,620 $ 34,465 $ (850) $ 187,235 $ 10,470 $ 197,705

Year 200Z
Donor-Restricted Endowments Endowments
Permanently Temporarily Total
Restricted Restricted Unrestricted Total Unrestricted Endowments

Balance, beginning of year $ 153,620 $ 34,465 $ (850) $ 187,235 $ 10,470 $ 197,705

Changes in endowment funds during the
Investment return:
Investment income 2 120 505 - 625 244 869
Net appreciation (depreciation) 3 - 500 500 1,000 500 1,500
Total investment return 120 1,005 500 1,625 744 2,369
Contributions to endowment funds during
the year 4 4,000 - - 4,000 - 4,000
Transfers from general unrestricted funds
to board-designated endowments - - - - 250 250
Amounts appropriated for expenditures 5 - (3,250) - (3,250) (500) (3,750)
Total changes 4,120 (2,245) 500 2,375 494 2,869
Balance, end of year $ 157,740 $ 32,220 $ (350) $ 189,610 $ 10,964 $ 200,574
1. The reclassification of the net asset restrictions of endowment funds is made in
the year of adoption to conform with the requirements of Section 4(a) of UPMIFA
that “the assets in an endowment fund are donor-restricted assets until
appropriated for expenditure by the institution” and FASB ASC 958-205-45-30
that “for each of the restricted endowment fund for which the restriction described
in subsection 4(a) of UPMIFA is applicable, a not-for-profit organization shall
classify the portion of the fund that is not classified as permanently restricted net
assets as temporarily restricted net assets (time restricted) until appropriated for
expenditure by the organization.”

2. Investment income, net of fees and expenses. $120 of total investment

income added to permanently restricted endowment funds pursuant to
explicit donor requirements.

3. The portion of a donor-restricted endowment fund that is classified as

permanently restricted net assets is not reduced by losses on the investments of
the fund, except to the extent required by the donor, including the losses related
to specific investments that the donor requires the organization to hold in
perpetuity. In the absence of donor stipulations or laws to the contrary, losses
on the investments of a donor-restricted endowment fund shall reduce
temporarily restricted net assets to the extent that donor-imposed temporary
restrictions on net appreciation of the fund have not been met before a loss
occurs. Any remaining loss shall reduce unrestricted net assets. Gains that
restore the fair value of the assets of the endowment fund to the required level
shall be classified as increases in unrestricted net assets. After the fair value of
the assets of the endowment fund equals the required level, gains that restricted
by the donor or by law should be classified as temporarily restricted net assets or
permanently restricted net assets, depending on the restrictions on the
endowment fund.

4. Cash contributions and cash collection on multi-year pledges for perpetual

endowment funds. Pledges receivable, although intended for endowments in
perpetuity, are not considered contributions to endowment fund until realized and
added to the investment pool.

5. Appropriations for expenditure is deemed to occur upon approval for expenditure,

unless approval is for a future period, in which case approval is deemed to occur
when that period is reached. Generally, approval of appropriations for
expenditure is made when a decision is made by the governing board to release
a portion of the endowment fund from donor restrictions for spending in
accordance with the terms of gift instrument. Actual spending of the appropriated
amount may occur at a later date or over a period of time. The amount of
permanently restricted net assets is not reduced by appropriations for
expenditures. If appropriations reduce the assets of a donor-restricted
endowment fund below the level required by donor stipulations or low, the
appropriations shall be classified as unrestricted net assets. Gains that restore
the fair value of the endowment fund to the required level shall be classified as
increases in unrestricted net assets.

In its notes to financial statements for Years 200Y and 200Z, ABC Organization would
show a roll-forward reconciliation of all endowment funds similar to the one shown in this
example and the other information required by FASB ASC 958-205-50, such as the
governing board‟s interpretation of the laws underlying the net asset classifications of
donor-restricted endowment funds, the investing and spending policies, the nature and
type of permanent or temporary donor restrictions, and the amount of deficiencies for all
donor-restricted endowment funds for which the fair value of the assets at the reporting
date have gone below the level required by donor stipulations or law.

Common challenges in accounting and reporting of

endowment Funds
 Difficulty in determining the assets and the investment earnings, gains and
losses attributable to the endowment funds as the assets of endowment funds
are commingled in investment pools of the organization for portfolio
management purposes.

- Review the composition of funds in the investment pool and assign

ownership interests (typically through unitization) to the various funds held in
the pool (sometimes referred to as participants) based on the market value
of the cash and securities placed in the pool by each participant. Use current
market value to determine the number of units allocated to the additional
assets placed in the pool and to value withdrawals from the pool. Allocate
investment income and realized unrealized gains and losses equitably based
on the number of units assigned to each participant.

 When to classify and report an endowment fund as permanently

restricted, temporarily restricted, unrestricted or unrestricted or
board designated net assets.

Pursuant to FASB ASC 958-205-45-14, each source – original gift, gains and losses,
interest and dividends – must be evaluated separately when classifying an
endowment fund.

- A donor‟s stipulation that requires a gift to be invested in perpetuity creates

an endowment under UPMIFA. The board must determine the portion that is
to be classified as permanently restricted net assets in accordance with the
donor‟s wishes or relevant state law, any remaining balance would be
classified as temporarily restricted. Most organizations have interpreted state
law as requiring the preservation of the original gift corpus and, therefore,
classify the original gift as permanently restricted, absent other donor
instructions. A donor‟s stipulation that requires a gift to be invested for a
specified term or period creates temporarily restricted net assets.

- If a donor stipulates that interest and dividends and net gains be added to
the principal of the gift until that endowed gift increases to a specified dollar
level, then the accumulated earnings and gains are usually classified as
permanently restricted. If a donor states that a specific investment security
must be held in perpetuity, the gains and losses on that security are subject
to the same permanent restrictions, unless the donor specifies otherwise.

- Funds earmarked by the governing board from an organization‟s unrestricted

net assets to be invested to provide income for a long or unspecified period
create a board-designated endowment fund that is classified as unrestricted
net assets.

- Absent explicit donor stipulations or law to the contrary, interest and

dividends and gains on permanently restricted endowment funds are
classified as temporarily restricted net assets until appropriated for
expenditure by the organization.

- Investment losses on donor-restricted endowment funds shall reduce

temporarily restricted net assets to the extent that donor-imposed temporary
restrictions on the net appreciation of the fund have not been met before the
loss occurs. Any remaining losses, or losses that reduce the value of the
endowment assets below the level required by donor stipulations or law, are
reported as reductions to unrestricted net assets. As a result endowment net
assets would include a negative balance in unrestricted net assets equal to
the sum of all such „under water‟ funds. Gains that restore the fair value of
the assets of the endowment fund to the required level shall be classified as
increases in unrestricted net assets.

- Interest and dividends, and gains and losses on board designated

endowment funds are classified as changes in unrestricted net assets.

 When to release the temporary restriction on endowment funds classified as

temporarily restricted net assets:

- When the funds are appropriated after the period or term specified by the
donor has been met by the organization.

- Upon appropriation or approval for expenditure by the governing board,

unless approval is for a future period, in which case approval is deemed to
occur when that period is reached. For instance, in FY 200Y the governing
board appropriated a certain portion of the temporarily restricted endowment
funds to fund FY 200Z budget. The appropriation for expenditures (i.e.,
“release from temporary restrictions”) is deemed to have occurred in FY
200Z when the appropriated amount is available for spending.
- If the temporarily restricted endowment has a purpose restriction, the
release occurs when amounts are spent, or deemed spent, for that purpose,
although they would cease to be classified as endowment on appropriation.

 When to reduce the fund balances of endowments classified as temporarily

restricted or unrestricted (board designated) net assets for amounts
appropriated for expenditure.

- Endowment fund balances and net assets are reduced upon appropriation
for expenditure even if cash and assets are not yet transferred. In effect, the
appropriated (but not transferred) amount is due to the non-endowment
funds (i.e., general operating fund, plant fund, etc.) of the organization. This
requirement may be met through the approval of an annual budget that
includes such spending.

 When to consider permanently restricted pledges receivable as endowment.

- Unconditional promises to give that are restricted by donors for investment in

perpetuity are not considered endowment net assets until the proceeds have
been received and added to the investments held for endowments.
Therefore, these pledges are not included in the reconciliation of the
beginning and ending endowment net asset balances required under FASB
ASC 958-205-50-1B. They would still be classified as permanently restricted
net assets.

 Are assets or investments held for split-interest agreements considered


- Investments held for split-interest agreements are not considered

endowments. These investments may not be subject to the same
investing and spending policies of the organization. Different states have
varying laws or regulations for administering investments held for split-
interest agreements.

For further information, contact Junia Perez, Director, McGladrey LLP, or Ian Benjamin,
Partner, McGladrey LLP.

UPMIFA, Prefatory Note
UPMIFA, Section 3
UPMIFA, Section 4(a)
FASB ASC 958-205-45-28
UPMIFA, Section 4(a)
FASB ASC 958-205-45-30
FASB ASC 958-205-50-2
FASB ASC 958-205-45-29
FASB ASC 958-205-45-22, FASB ASC 958-205-5-24, and AAG-NPO, par. 8.29 and 8.30
FASB ASC 958-205-45-31
FASB ASC 958-205-45-29

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