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How To Establish Your Status and Stop Most Court Actions Before Hand

NOT Legal Advice

#1 Key is to reserve your rights continuously, even in court if needed – using All Right
Reserved, Without Recourse, or UCC 1-308.
If you get sued, or receive a Summons, Ticket, or Government Notice – do NOT ignore it,
respond right away (not an “answer” though). Provide a copy of your status documents above
PLUS sign then insert “UD”, and then UCC 1-308 or without prejudice above your signature
on top of their instrument as notice of how you are responding. If you have some effective
Notice and Demand documents, it is also a powerful option to incorporate here. You essentially
let them know about Criminal Complaints and how to file against them.
For ongoing contracts and instruments – for example - licenses, registrations, school
admittance papers, bank accounts, postal address cards, etc. First create a General Revocation of
Signature letter and wherever possible, you might cancel or RE-sign those applications and
documents with All Right Reserved, Without Recourse, or UCC 1-308 above the signature.
This reserves your God Given (and Article III) rights and makes these instruments non-
negotiable, and reserves your status on the record. The court cannot proceed with their presumed
contracts and in their lower Article 1 court jurisdiction.
You can also add to your All Right Reserved, Without Recourse, or UCC 1-308 above
signature on your driver’s license or existing passport (and on the new application if replacing
it). Carry a mini color copy of the passport as everyday ID, clearly indicating your reservation of
rights on it. That is called NOTICE to anyone you hand it to.
You can print one of those without-recourse based phrases on a small piece of paper, and stick it
to your existing driver’s license or passport card on the BACK, not covering anything
important. Then use some wide clear packing tape, wrapped once around the card to hold it in
place. You can barely tell it’s there, it protects the document, and clearly put anyone you hand it
to anyone as notice.
If you “happen to” lose one of these documents and need to replace it, simply sign the
signature application and /or electronic screen where the signature is taken, clearly with the same
format above the signature. Use this limited liability/qualified signature on EVERYTHING you
sign, even a giving document at church, or a boy scout authorization form. Everything you sign
WITHOUT a qualification like this, can create a Federal Liability.
Review some of the resources on how to handle traffic pull over or court appearance ahead
of time. Keep reserving your right and take no orders, but notice them of your reservation of
right, your documents, and you right to not speak (anything else). Just try to get the document
from them peacefully (accept the presentment instrument and never make a point or argue with a
guy with a gun), and use that paper instrument and your status documents as a reply. Sign their
presentment instrument document as indicated above, plus a cover letter or notice and demand,
and copy of status documents. Maybe even a copy of the license with limited liability signature
showing. Expect that you may need to follow through a couple of time until they stop bothering

When presented with a “presentment (summons, ticket, letter, bill etc) send this to them
Use: UCC 3-505.4 which Counter Demands by party to whom presentment is made.
The party to whom presentment is made may, without dishonor, require:
[a] Exhibition of the instrument (creating the liability).
[b] Reasonable identification of the person making presentment and evidence of his authority to
make it if made for another; and
[c] That the instrument be produced for acceptance or payment at a place specified in it, or if
there be none, at any place reasonable in the circumstances;
[d] A signed receipt of the instrument for any partial or full payment and its surrender on full
Failure to comply with any such requirement invalidates the presentment, but the person
presenting has a reasonable time in which to comply and the time for acceptance or payment runs
from the time of compliance.
The Response (NOT legal advice):
NOTICE: UCC 1-201(26)
From: Jane-Henry, house of Doe
Domicile: c/o 123 Anywhere street #123
city: Sacramento California republic, uSA
near but not in [83454] Non-Domestic
CERTIFIED MAIL post# _________________________________
Government Activity Agent: Restatement, Second, Agency {9}
At address: Address you are sending it back to
I AM, an Article III, Preamble Citizen of the California Republic. Your "implied powers"
instrument "note," is not "assignable" or "negotiable" under UCC 3-104.
I find this document Unconscionable UCC 2-302. I do not and will not accept, the liability
associated with a "compelled" agreement of any unrevealed commercial benefit, or "Penumbra
Doctrine" "engraft."
My "conditional" "representation" is "without prejudice" UCC1-308 and is affirmed to the
instrument herein as Exhibit "A". Article III, at UCC 1-103.6, The Statute, being enforced as a
commercial obligation of a commercial agreement, must now be construed in HARMONY with
the COMMON LAW. No statute precludes this Citizen from seeking redress at the united States
Supreme Court.
In order to recover in federal court through [1983], plaintiff must show that a federal
constitutional right was violated and the individual violating that constitutional right did so
"under color of law." 42 U.S.C.A 1983.
You have 30 days to answer the above-described Notice. UCC 1-201(10). If you have a right to
assert, it is your duty to speak. Your "silence" is, "estoppel" in pais.
"without prejudice" UCC 1-308
_________________________ ________2020
Private American – Non Domestic
As Beneficiary /Executor for ALL CAPS NAME

(Not legal advice - do your own due diligence and verify UCC codes have not changed)

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