Coa Answer Key 22 June 2019

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Computer on Office Automation Training Centre in Chennai


JUNE 22 Saturday -2019

Computer on Office Automation Question Paper

Time: Two Hours Maximum Marks 100

I.Fill in the Blanks:

1. A computer free from tiresome and boredom is called Diligence
2. Linux is written in c language
3. Ctrl+f2 shortcut key will display print preview
4. In MS-Excel, Every cell in a worksheet is identified using cell address
5. Open Office Base Uses datatype as the field format for text fields.
6. A collection of interconnected networks is called Internet
7. Mobile phones know their locations because they are equipped with GPS receivers.
8. cmp command compares files and shows where it differs
9. AutoFit formatting attribute causes a table to automatically resize whenever the content
is added or removed.
10. Animation menu provides options like animation scheme, custom animation and slide

II. Match the following:

1. Switch between open workbooks a. Print last n lines 2
2. Tail b. Mail Merge 5
3. Flash Memory c. Finds related records 7
4. Operating Systems d. Video games 3
5. Envelop e. Task pane 10
6. Primary Key f. Ctrl+f6 1
7. VLOOKUP function g. TCP 8
8. Connection oriented protocol h. Mirrored Margin 9
9. Inner Margin i. Interface between user and computer 4
10. Slide Master in Open Office Impress j. No Duplicates 6

III. Choose the best answer

1. The term GIGO is related to
a. Speed b. Accuracy c. Reliability d. Automatic
2. ______ command shows the first part of a file, just as much as will fit on one screen
a. pipes b. news c. more d. wall
3. _______ is the word processor component of
a. Impress b. Calc c. Base d. Writer
4. Which function in Excel tells how many numeric entries are
5. How to insert function in Calc
a. Ctrl+F2 b. Ctrl+f4 c. Ctrl+f6 d. Ctrl+f10
6. Which of the following express correct order
a. characters, fileds, records, tables, files, database
b. Characters, Fields, Records, Tables, Databases, Files
c. Databases, Tables, Files, Records, Fileds, Characters,
d. Files, Databases, Tables, Records, Fields, Characters
7. When entering field name, how many characters you can type in maximum?
a. 16 b. 64 c. 128 d. Any number of character
8. Which of the following is not an option when printing handouts?
a. Six slides per page b. Five slides per page c. Three slides per page d. Two slides per page
9. In Impress, which view shows thumbnail versions of all your slides arranged in horizontal rows.
a. Notes b.Slide Sorter c. Outline d. Handout
10. IEEE.802.16 is popularly Know as ___________
a. WiMax b. WiMi c. WiFi d. WiMa


1.A computer can perform every calculation with the same accuracy True
2. USB enables parallel communication. True
3. Cd displays the current working directory False
4. The operating system manages only one resource. Flase
5.Formatting bar is context-sensitive False
6. VisiCalc is the oldest spreadsheet package True
7.Varchar ignore case is a valid datatype in BASE True
8. In MS Access Yes/No filed can have three states. False
9. Once a clip art image is added to a slide, it cannot be removed False
10. Bridges are network layer devices. True

V. Write short answers from the following

1 Differentiate PROM and EPROM
Programmable Read Only Memory Programmable Read Only Memory
The chip is one-time programmable only. The chip is reprogrammable

2 What are the characteristics of a computer?

Speed, Accuracy, Memory, Diligence, Automation and Versatility

3 Why linux is secured than other operating system?

 Linux uses, file/directory ownership and privileges
 Linux architecture is more complex, so it is more difficult for viruses to access the system

4 List the functions of operating system

 Memory management
 Processor management
 Device management
 File Management

5 How can you create a style template?

 Open Microsoft word
 Define named styles for paragraphs, heading, tables etc,
 Save this document as word template file(.dot)
6 What are thumbnails?
 Thumbnail is a small image that represent of a large image
 It is used to manage a group of larger image

7 What happens if you do not use the equal(=) sign with a formula in MS EXCEL?
Excel shows the formula but no result will be displayed in a cell
It should be consider as String

8 Write the difference between MS-Excel and Open Office Calc

MS-EXCEL Open Office Calc
 Paid Application  Open Source Software
 Tab Based Menu  List based menu
 High Performance Excel when  Slower performance Excel when
performing advanced calculation performing advanced calculation

9 What is a Database?
A database is an organized collection of structured information, stored in a computer.

10 Write about any three string functions used in Base

Calculate the length of the string1
Coverts string2 to Upper Case
Converts String3 into Lower Case

11 In MS Power point, what is placeholder?

 Placeholders are boxes with dotted borders that contain content and reside within a
slide layout.
 To add you own text, click in a placeholder and start typing

12 What is meant by graphic style in impress ?

 Graphic Style Means, same formatting to a large number of objects, the best
approach is to use graphics styles.
 To apply a style, select the object and click on the style from the Styles and
Formatting window.

13 What is naming convention?

A naming conversion is a set of rules for choosing the character sequence to be used for
identifiers which denote variables, types, functions, and other entities in source code and

14 What are some of the factors that determine whether a communication system is
Communication factor
Range: 1 to 10km Range Beyond 100km
Geographical area : Same room, building Geographical area : Continent & Country

15 What is UC Browser
UC Browser is a web browser developed by the Chinese mobile Internet company
Its available in a Mobile platforms including android, iOS, etc,

Vi Write answers in detail: ( 6 x 5 = 30 marks )

1 a. Explain the basic components of a computer with a neat diagram
B Explain the different topologies used for constructing local network

2 a.Write the purpose of the following linux commands

i. cat ii. Cmp iii. Wall iv. Kill v. pipes
b.Explain the functions of operating systems in details

3 a.Explain security options and warning in OpenOffice writer.

b.How will you create a page break? Why is it needed?

4 a. Write short notes on i. Table handling ii. Find and replace data.
b.Discuss the steps for renaming, copying and deleting tables.

5 Explain the process for creating a view in BASE

Describe in detail the steps to open presentation in Impress and MS -Powerpoint

6 a.What is search engine? Explain its functionality

b.Compare Smart Phone and Tablet.

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