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Title: “Fire alarm System using Arduino with SMS”

Author: Albalate, Andre R.

Aquino, Marco G.

Laylo, James Nheil B.

Llauderes, Jonel Jay L.

Maderazo, Paulo Niño A.

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

School: University of Batangas

School Year: 2020 - 2021

Professor: Engr. Jan Frederick O. Robledo, MBA EM


A fire outbreak is a major tragedy that must be avoided by every possible

means due to the potential loss of lives and property, fire when not controlled can
grow large and may require days to bring under control. According to the website, from 2013 to 2018 the fire incidents that happen during
those years in Region IV-A has a total of 10,090. For all of the regions of the
Philippines, There were 94,399 fire incidents occurred during the six-year period, or
an average of 15,733 incidents a year. These kinds of incidents can be prevented
through different ways of safety measurements but this does not always guarantee
that we are truly safe. Enhancing and improving technologies in order to update the
safety of people in a school, offices, or even at home will allow us to be sure and be
more comfortable than we are safe in our environment that we are currently in.
Hence this technology must be applied to minimize or even eliminate this great
hazard. In This study, a fire alarm and detection system were developed. This
system was built with the GSM module embedded in it, which helps to send SMS
(Short messaging service) to the homeowners and the fire service personnel when
there is a fire outbreak before it gets out of range.
Furthermore, this study provides technology that would be accessible and
affordable to the world at large so that homes, offices, and schools can adopt the
use of the system in order to protect lives and property. The plan of a home alarm
with Arduino-based framework through GSM Module. The venture intentionally is for
house security where the primary concern is to keep away from the fire mishaps
happening to the occupants and the properties inside the house too. It uses an
Arduino Uno board related to the ATmega328 chip. The principal regulator utilized is
the ATmega328 which controls the home fire alert exposed to the temperature
sensor. An LM35 temperature sensor is utilized to recognize the warmth from the
fire. An alarm message will be shipped off the client by means of short message
administration (SMS) through the GSM module. At the point when the framework
recognizes the temperature of 40°C or more, it will quickly show a ready notice on
the LCD show and all the while sending an SMS alarm to the clients upon the high
rise temperature in the house. Results from the test are archived and talked about.
Through this framework, it can assist clients with improving their security norms by
having quick reactions in forestalling mishaps. This will in the long run permit the
clients to secure their lives and the properties also from the catastrophe.

If and when the developed system is commercialized, it will help reduce

uncontrolled fires by 50% because it warns of dangerous conditions before a fire
outbreak. In this research, we will be focusing on how the system works and why
implementing it in schools, offices, and houses are a must in order to improve its
safeness. Upon completing this project, the researcher demonstrated how a Fire
alarm System using Arduino with SMS can operate. Alarm frameworks have made
considerable progress with a striking history. The principal firemen were coordinated
town and local area individuals who worked in planned movements strolling through
the places where they grew up with fancy odds and ends they could ring or blow for
help when a fire was spotted. New York, in the United States, as of now had this
training set up as far back as 1968. In spite of the fact that it was for the most part
troublesome following the area of the physically sounded caution, this framework
was without a doubt supportive for the security of the town. Alarms turned somewhat
more progressed during the 1800s with the situation of ringer towers in essential
pieces of urban areas to caution individuals of a fire.
Dr. William F. Channing, helped by Moses G. Rancher created the primary
alarm framework in 1852 and the principal caution by the framework happened the
next day. It was a message framework that consisted of three ringers and three box
circuits, 16 alerts, 40 boxes, and a focal office component. Except for adding
electronic disentangling terminals to it in 1988, the framework has been to a great
extent unaltered to introduce day. The message framework utilized two caution
boxes with a transmitted key to report area fires. Somebody needed to wrench the
handle that was connected to the case, delivering the way to convey a message to
the focal caution station. At the focal station, the telegrapher would then convey the
location of the area to the local group of firefighters.

In 1890 Francis Robbins Upton planned and licensed the principal electric
alarm. In spite of the fact that his creation got little consideration and was generally
disfavoured, it before long became evident that the requirement for this gadget was

By 2014, alarm frameworks had advanced to work autonomously on any

electrical utility lines or phone lines. Today, the most up-to-date improvement of the
alarm framework has been the addressable head. Prior to the addressable head,
there was a control board with an alphanumeric presentation that demonstrated what
zone was being influenced. With the addressable head, the cause and area can be
pinpointed straightforwardly.

Alarm frameworks have made considerable progress with a striking history.

The principal firemen were coordinated town and local area individuals who worked
in planned movements strolling through the places where they grew up with fancy
odds and ends they could ring or blow for help when a fire was spotted. New York, in
the United States, as of now had this training set up as far back as 1968. In spite of
the fact that it was for the most part troublesome following the area of the physically
sounded caution, this framework was without a doubt supportive for the security of
the town. Alarms turned into somewhat more progressed during the 1800s with the
situation of ringer towers in essential pieces of urban areas to caution off individuals
of a fire.

One of the most common disasters that occurred in offices, schools, and
residential areas is fire incidents and during this time safety hazards and systems
are implemented to lessen the possibility of risk and disaster. In the Philippines, the
most reported fire incidents occur during the month of March and it is also
designated as “Fire Prevention Month”. According to, during
the year of 2013 to 2018, the average fire incident per year within the range of 2013
to 2018 is 15,733. With a total of 94,399 fire incidents. The region that has the
highest fire incidents is NCR with a total of 27,011, they are also the highest fire-
related injuries and deaths. The next region is Region 4A that has 10,090 fire
incidents. And during these fire incidents that occurred in NCR and Region 4A, there
may have not been lives that had vanished but also assets worth millions and
millions of pesos, this was done during 2013 to 2017, for five years the Philippines
had just lost a total amount of P22.99 billion worth of assets.

According to the website, the first fire alarm system was
invented way back in 1852 by Dr. William F. Channing and Moses Farmer. The
system consisted of two fire alarm boxes that each had a telegraphic key and a
handle. If a fire was detected in a home or business, someone would have to reach
inside one of the boxes and crank the handle in order to send an alert about the fire
to a nearby alarm station. The first electric fire alarm system was invented in 1890 by
Francis Robbin Upton, an accomplice of Thomas Edison. He perceived that most of
the time, people wouldn’t have time to remain around and wrench a handle in case
of fire. Therefore, his electric system disposed of the requirement for this progress.
Surprisingly, the plan for his system was not that popular when it was first presented,
but after some time, people started to understand the need for a more developed fire
alarm system like this one. (Life Safety Consultants, n.d.)

According to, many people do not take fire alarms

seriously, and many do not test or check their alarm systems regularly. The only
thing that can alert you, your family, and colleagues 24/7 from a fire is the sound of a
well-installed and maintained fire alarm system. Fire alarms are important because
they can give you an early signal of something that could be tragic – basically saving
your lives. An alarm cautions you when you are working or resting. You can
subsequently make a move before significant harm happens, hence saving you the
expense of property misfortune likewise saving insurance agencies a ton of harm
cost. Many common factors investigated in household fires include cooking
equipment, smoking in the house, electrical appliances, candles, curious children,
faulty wiring, and many others. If a fire breaks out while the residents are present,
the chances of extinguishing it are slim. The main concern with this project is when
the residents are not at home or are unaware that the house is on fire, it will allow
the residents, employees, students, and faculty members to be notified when there is
a fire incident in their house or facilities. Having said that, the fire alert is specifically
designed to notify people whenever there is a risk of a fire disaster occurring in their

The observation of home or mechanical spots through sensors and the

avoidance of issues by means of the forecast is of indispensable significance for the
security of these spaces. Through this research, it will help to build and understand
remote sensor organization procedures by making new plan techniques and
improving a minimal effort for modern and home wellbeing frameworks. When it
distinguishes that the gathered information with control levels surpass a predefined
edge it will send the warning caution message to the versatile clients.

Temperature and air movement are just as important as maintaining a safe

indoor working environment when it comes to fire detection. In general, there are two
types of fire detection technologies: vision-based fire detection, which analyzes video
frames, and sensor-based fire detection. The sensors are activated when a fire is
detected. The most common fire detection devices are heat and smoke detectors.
Smoke motion analysis is also included in the vision-based technique to detect
smoke accurately and overcome the problems of foggy weather. These fire alarm
systems eliminate the need for skilled personnel with extensive experience. The fire
detector is an example of a device that uses a significant amount of electronics.

The researchers wanted to make a system that detects fires and alerts the
building occupants while sending a message to the people that are assigned inside
the system. This system is primarily for life safety and meets early warning to reduce
further damage to the surroundings.
The obvious benefits of fire alarm systems include the early warning benefits
that can lead to saved lives and property. Fires can occur anywhere and at any time.
Today’s systems can increase the evacuation time for the occupants of a building so
that they are able to get away before the fire spreads out of control. Other benefits

● Automatically alerting emergency fire & medical services so help can quickly
get to those in need. It can also alert other key contacts such as building
owners and facility managers.
● With the precision of addressable systems, fire safety personnel know exactly
where the fire is and thus have an easier and less risky job combating the fire
and evacuating people from the building safely.
● Employees will feel more comfortable, secure, and happier working in a place
that has an appropriate fire alarm system.

Objective Of The Research

The objective of this fire detector using Arduino plan is to create a device able
to detect the surroundings for occurrences of fire through the utilization of an LM35
temperature sensor, which will generate and send three (3) SMS alerts to two mobile
numbers stored inside the Arduino program once the fire is detected (using GSM
Module. Interfacing any device with a microcontroller is the first step to building a
useful system or project with that particular device. We have seen many typical Fire
Alarm projects which will alert with a siren or that activates an automatic shutdown
mechanism. This fire alarm project makes use of modern communication
technologies to deal with emergencies.

● While strobe lights and sirens don’t actively put out fires, they alert the people
who can. Neighbors are good examples as such. Monitored fire alarm
systems automatically notify emergency respondents and fire trucks to
dispatch to your location without delay. The faster these responses happen,
the sooner the fire is extinguished and the less damage your building
● The number one reason to install a fire alarm is to make the resident of a
house or building aware in case of a fire start. The alert gives them time to act
on the situation, also saving their lives in the process.
● With the help of the Arduino system, the fire alarm system can be modified in
ways that can benefit a lot in case of a fire breakout. An SMS would be sent to
the designated phone when the system is activated.
● The primary purpose of our project is to alert the assigned person in the
system when a fire is detected. This will act as a heads up to the person and
can respond accordingly to the situation immediately.

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