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Computer Graphics 2D Translation

1. A translation is applied to an object by

a) Repositioning it along with straight line path
b) Repositioning it along with circular path
c) Only b
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: A translation is applied to an object by repositioning it along with straight line path from one location to

2. We translate a two-dimensional point by adding

a) Translation distances
b) Translation difference
c) X and Y
d) Only a
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Answer: d
Explanation: We can translate 2D point by adding translation distances dx and dy.

3. The translation distances (dx, dy) is called as

a) Translation vector
b) Shift vector
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b
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Answer: c
Explanation: The translation distances (dx, dy) from its original position is called as translation vector or shift vector.

4. In 2D-translation, a point (x, y) can move to the new position (x’, y’) by using the equation
a) x’=x+dx and y’=y+dx
b) x’=x+dx and y’=y+dy
c) X’=x+dy and Y’=y+dx
d) X’=x-dx and y’=y-dy
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Answer: b
Explanation: By adding translation distance dx and dy to its originsl position (x, y) we can obtain a new position (x’,

5.The two-dimensional translation equation in the matrix form is

a) P’=P+T
b) P’=P-T
c) P’=P*T
d) P’=p
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Answer: a
Explanation: The 2D translation equation is P’=P+T.

6. _________ is a rigid body transformation that moves objects without deformation.

a) Rotation
b) Scaling
c) Translation
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Translation a rigid body transformation that moves objects without deformation.

7. A straight line segment is translated by applying the transformation equation

a) P’=P+T
b) Dx and Dy
c) P’=P+P
d) Only c
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Answer: a
Explanation: A straight line segment is translated by applying the transformation equation P’=P+T to each of line
8. Polygons are translated by adding __________ to the coordinate position of each vertex and the current attribute
a) Straight line path
b) Translation vector
c) Differences
d) Only b
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Answer: d

9. To change the position of a circle or ellipse we translate

a) Center coordinates
b) Center coordinates and redraw the figure in new location
c) Outline coordinates
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: By translating the center coordinates and redraw the figure in new location we can change the position
of a circle or ellipse.

10.The basic geometric transformations are

a) Translation
b) Rotation
c) Scaling
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: These are the basic geometric transformations and other transformations are reflection and sh

2D Rotation
1. A two dimensional rotation is applied to an object by
a) Repositioning it along with straight line path
b) Repositioning it along with circular path
c) Only b
d) Any of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: A two dimensional rotation is applied to an object by repositioning it along with circular path.

2. To generate a rotation , we must specify

a) Rotation angle ϴ
b) Distances dx and dy
c) Rotation distance
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Generate a rotation, we must specify rotation angle ϴ of the rotation point or pivot point which the object
is to be rotated.

3. Positive values for the rotation angle ϴ defines

a) Counterclockwise rotations about the end points
b) Counterclockwise translation about the pivot point
c) Counterclockwise rotations about the pivot point
d) Negative direction
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Answer: c
Explanation: A positive value for the rotation angle ϴ defines counterclockwise rotations about the pivot point.

4. The rotation axis that is perpendicular to the xy plane and passes through the pivot point is known as
a) Rotation
b) Translation
c) Scaling
d) Shearing
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Answer: a
Explanation: The rotation transformation is also described as a rotation about a rotation axis that is perpendicular to
the xy plane and passes through the pivot point.
5. The original coordinates of the point in polor coordinates are
a) X’=r cos (Ф +ϴ) and Y’=r cos (Ф +ϴ)
b) X’=r cos (Ф +ϴ) and Y’=r sin (Ф +ϴ)
c) X’=r cos (Ф -ϴ) and Y’=r cos (Ф -ϴ)
d) X’=r cos (Ф +ϴ) and Y’=r sin (Ф -ϴ)
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Answer: b
Explanation: The original coordinates of the point in polor coordinates are X’=r cos (Ф +ϴ) and Y’=r sin (Ф +ϴ).

6. The two-dimensional rotation equation in the matrix form is

a) P’=P+T
b) P’=R*P
c) P’=P*P
d) P’=R+P
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Answer: b
Explanation: The 2D translation equation is P’=R*P.

7. ________ is the rigid body transformation that moves object without deformation.
a) Translation
b) Scaling
c) Rotation
d) Shearing
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Answer: c
Explanation: Rotation is the rigid body transformation that moves object without deformation.

8. An ellipse can also be rotated about its center coordinates by rotating

a) End points
b) Major and minor axes
c) Only a
d) None
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Answer: b

2D Scaling
This section of our 1000+ Computer Graphics multiple choice questions focuses on 2D Scaling.
1. The transformation that is used to alter the size of an object is
a) Scaling
b) Rotation
c) Translation
d) Reflection
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Answer: a
Explanation: Scaling is used to alter the size of an object.

2. The two-dimensional scaling equation in the matrix form is

a) P’=P+T
b) P’=S*P
c) P’=P*R
d) P’=R+S
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Answer: b
Explanation: The 2d scaling equation is P’=S*P.

3. Scaling of a polygon is done by computing

a) The product of (x, y) of each vertex
b) (x, y) of end points
c) Center coordinates
d) Only a
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Answer: d
Explanation: Scaling of a polygon is done by computing the product of (x, y) of each vertex with scaling factor sx and
sy to produce the transformation coordinates ( Xnew, Ynew).

4. If the scaling factors values sx and sy < 1 then

a) It reduces the size of object
b) It increases the size of object
c) It stunts the shape of an object
d) None
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Answer: a
Explanation: If the scaling factors values sx and sy < 1 then it reduces the size of object.

5. If the scaling factors values sx and sy are assigned to the same value then
a) Uniform rotation is produced
b) Uniform scaling is produced
c) Scaling cannot be done
d) Scaling can be done or cannot be done
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Answer: b
Explanation: When sx and sy are assigned the same value then uniform scaling is produced that maintains relative
object proportions.

6. If the scaling factors values sx and sy are assigned to unequal values then
a) Uniform rotation is produced
b) Uniform scaling is produced
c) Differential scaling is produced
d) Scaling cannot be done
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Answer: c
Explanation: Unequal values for sx and sy results in differential scaling that is often used in design applications.

7. The objects transformed using the equation P’=S*P should be

a) Scaled
b) Repositioned
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b
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Answer: c
Explanation: The objects transformed using the equation P’=S*P should be scaled and repositioned.

8. We control the location of a scaled object by choosing the position is known as

a) Pivot point
b) Fixed point
c) Differential scaling
d) Uniform scaling
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

9. If the value of sx=1 and sy=1 then

a) Reduce the size of object
b) Distort the picture
c) Produce an enlargement
d) No change in the size of an object
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Answer: d
Explanation: sx=sx=1 does not change the size of the object.

1.The matrix representation for translation in homogeneous coordinates is

a) P’=T+P
b) P’=S*P
c) P’=R*P
d) P’=T*P
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Answer: d
Explanation: The matrix representation for translation is P’=T*P.

2. The matrix representation for scaling in homogeneous coordinates is

a) P’=S*P
b) P’=R*P
c) P’=dx+dy
d) P’=S*S
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Answer: a
Explanation: The matrix representation for scaling is P’=S*P.
3. The matrix representation for rotation in homogeneous coordinates is
a) P’=T+P
b) P’=S*P
c) P’=R*P
d) P’=dx+dy
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Answer: c
Explanation: The matrix representation for rotation is P’=R*P.

4. What is the use of homogeneous coordinates and matrix representation?

a) To treat all 3 transformations in a consistent way
b) To scale
c) To rotate
d) To shear the object
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Answer: a
Explanation: To treat all 3 transformations in a consistent way, we use homogeneous coordinates and matrix

5. If point are expressed in homogeneous coordinates then the pair of (x, y) is represented as
a) (x’, y’, z’)
b) (x, y, z)
c) (x’, y’, w)
d) (x’, y’, w)
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Answer: d
Explanation: If point are expressed in homogeneous coordinates then we add 3rd coordinate to the point (x, y), that is
represented as (x’, y’, w).

6. For 2D transformation the value of third coordinate i.e. w=?

a) 1
b) 0
c) -1
d) Any value
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Answer: a
Explanation: For 2D we have (x, y, 1) i.e. w=1.

7. We can combine the multiplicative and translational terms for 2D into a single matrix representation by expanding
a) 2 by 2 matrix into 4*4 matrix
b) 2 by 2 matrix into 3*3
c) 3 by 3 matrix into 2 by 2
d) Only c
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Answer: b
Explanation: We can combine the multiplicative and translational terms for 2D into a single matrix representation by
expanding 2 by 2 matrix representation into 3 by 3.

8. The general homogeneous coordinate representation can also be written as

a) (h.x, h.y, h.z)
b) (h.x, h.y, h)
c) (x, y, h.z)
d) (x,y,z)
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Answer: b
Explanation: The general homogeneous coordinate representation can also be written as (h.x, h.y, h).

9. A Pixel is represented dy a tuple Xw,Yw,w in______.

A. Normalised Device Coordinates
B. Homogeneous coordinates system
C. 3D coordinate system
D. None of these
10. A _______ transformation alters the size of an object.
A. Scaling
B. Rotation
C. Translation
D. Shear
11. If the angle Q is positive then the rotation direction will be _________.
A. Clockwise
B. Anticlockwise
C. Parallel
D. Perpendicular

12. A_______is a transformation that produces a mirror image of an object.

A. Scaling
B. Translation
C. Reflection
D. Both B & C
13.If we multiply any matrix A with identity matrix then we get the________matrix.
A. Identity matrix
B. Translation matrix
C. Scaling matrix
D. Original matrix
14. In homogeneous co-ordinate system a pixel is represented as ____________.
A. X,Y
B. X,Y,Z
C. X,Y,W
D. Xw,Yw,w
15. Two consecutive transformation t1 and t2 are _________.
A. Additive
B. Substractive
C. Multiplicative
D. None of these
16. Reflection about the line Y=X is equivalent to ,followed by a anticlockwise rotation .
A. Reflection about y-axis
B. Reflection about x-axisC. Reflection about origin
D. None of these
17. Two consecutive scaling transformation t1 and t2 are __________.
A. Additive
B. Substractive
C. Multiplicative
D. None of these

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