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Unit No 3

1. The finite element method formulation of problem result in a system of

Algebraic equation
Logical equation
Arithmetic equation
Flow equation

2. FEM gives accurate representation of

Real Geometry
Complex Geometry
Real & Complex Geometry
Constant Geometry

3. Finite Element Method is also called as

Infinite Element Analysis
Frequency Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis
Partial Element Analysis

4. To Solve the FEM Problem, It subdivides a large problem in to smaller,

simple parts that are called
Finite Element
Infinite Element
Dynamic Element
Static Element

5. The art of subdividing the structure into a convenient number of smaller

elements is known as ___________ .
(A) assemblage
(B) continuum
(C) traction
(D) discretization

6. The sum of the shape function is equal to

(A) 0
(B) 0.5
(C) 1
(D) 2
7. A triangular plane stress element has how many degrees of freedom?
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6

8. Number of displacement polynomials used for an element depends on

___________ .
(A) nature of element
(B) type of an element
(C) degrees of freedom
(D) nodes

9. On gathering stiffness and loads, the system of equations is given by

(A) KQ=F
(B) KQ≠F
(C) K=QF
(D) K≠QF

10. The finite element method is mostly used in the field of

(A) structural mechanics
(B) classical mechanics
(C) applied mechanics
(D) engineering mechanics

11. At fixed support, the displacements are equal to

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 0

12. In FEA, the sub domains are called as ___________ .

(A) particles
(B) molecules
(C) elements
(D) none
13. The numbers of node for 1 D element are
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 0

14. Finite element analysis deals with ___________ .

(A) approximate numerical solution
(B) non-boundary value problems
(C) partial differential equations
(D) laplace equations

15. Stiffness matrix depends on

(A) material
(B) geometry
(C) both material and geometry
(D) none of the above

16. For 1-D bar elements if the structure is having 3 nodes then the
stiffness matrix formed is having an order of
(A) 2*2
(B) 3*3
(C) 4*4
(D) 6*6

17. To find the nodal displacements in all parts of the element, ______are
(A) shape function
(B) node function
(C) element function
(D) coordinate function

18. The nature of loading at various locations and other surfaces conditions
(A) boundary condition
(B) traction
(C) friction
(D) surfacing
19. The truss element can resist only
(A) axial force
(B) surface force
(C) point load
(D) none of the above

20. The truss element can deform only in the

(A) axial direction
(B) vertical direction
(C) horizontal direction
(D) inclined direction

21. Example for one – Dimensional element is ___________ .

(A) triangular element
(B) brick element
(C) truss element
(D) axisymmetric element

22. Axis-Symmetric element is______________Element

(A) 1D
(B) 2D
(C) 3D
(D) 4D

23. The minimum number of dimensions are required to define the

position of a point in space is _______.
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 1
(D) 2

24. The finite element methods can be applied in ____________areas.

(A) thermal
(B) soil and rock mechanics
(C) vibration
(D) all of the above

25. Which of the following is not a method for calculation of the stiffness
(A) The minimum potential energy principle
(B) Galerkin's principle
(C) Weighted residual method
(D) Inverse matrix method
26. For thermal analysis, the field variable is _________.
(A) stress
(B) strain
(C) displacement
(D) temperature

27. In penalty approach, rigid support is considered as a spring having

_________ stiffness.
(A) zero
(B) very small
(C) very large
(D) infinite

28. How many nodes are there in a tetrahedron element?

(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6

29. In FEA, the use of smaller-sized elements will lead to _______

computation time
(A) less
(B) more
(C) depends on other factors
(D) can't say

30. Elements with an aspect ratio of near to ______ generally yield best
results in FEA.
(A) 0 (B) 0.5
(C) 1 (D) 2

31. In truss analysis, the reactions can be found by using the equation
(A) R=KQ+F (B) R=KQ-F

(C) R=K+QF (D) R=K-QF

32. As per the penalty approach, the equation of reaction force is _____.
(A) R = -CQ (B) R = CQ

(C) R = -C (Q-a) (D) R = -C (Q+a)


Which of the following would not be a typical function of production management?

a. inventory control.

b. cash flow forecasts.

c. site location & layout.

d. plant management

A computer-driven system for analyzing and projecting materials needs and then scheduling
their arrival at the workstation at the right time is called:
a. material requirement planning.
b. just in time (JIT) inventory control.
c. CAD.
d. CAM.

An approach that tries to match the output of manufacturing with market demand, in order to
minimize inventories is called:
a. JIT.
b. MRP.
c. CAD.
d. CAM.

The use of computers to draw plans for a product or service applying pre-programmed
parameters that describe the desired finished product is called:
a. computer aided engineering.
b. computer aided manufacturing.
c. computer aided design.
d. flexible manufacturing system.

The use of computers to control the operation of production process is known as:
a. CAD.
b. CAE.
c. CAM.
d. CAQ.
1. Which of the following code will give point to point movement?
a) G00
b) G01
c) G56
d) G94

2. Which of the following code will give linear interpolation movement?

a) G00
b) G01
c) G78
d) G65
3. Which of the following code will give circular interpolation in a clockwise
a) G56
b) G01
c) G02
d) G47

4. Which of the following code is used to give input of cutter offset data?
a) G30
b) G20
c) G10
d) G04

5. Which of the following code is used to select x y plane in milling?

a) G18
b) G17
c) G10
d) G04

6. Which of the following code is used to select x z plane in milling?

a) G18
b) G17
c) G10
d) G04

7. Which of the following code will change specified input values in millimeters?
a) G01
b) G00
c) G20
d) G24

8. The device, fed to the control unit of NC machine tool which sends the position
command signals to sideway transmission elements of the machine, is called as
a. controller
b. tape
c. feedback unit
d. none of the above
9. In NC (Numerical Control) machine tool, the position feedback package is
connected between

a. control unit and programmer

b. programmer and machine tool
c. control unit and machine tool
d. programmer and process planning

10. Which of the following options is correct for the control unit and panel of NC
(Numerical Control) and CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine tools?

a. The control unit of NC machine tool works in ON-line mode and the control
unit of CNC machine tool works in batch processing mode
b. The control unit of NC machine tool works in batch processing mode and the
control unit of CNC machine tool works in ON-line mode
c. The control units of both NC and CNC machines work in ON-line mode
d. The control units of both NC and CNC machines work in batch processing

11. In CNC machine tool, the part program entered into the computer memory

a. can be used only once

b. can be used again and again
c. can be used again but it has to be modified every time
d. cannot say

12. Several machine tools can be controlled by a central computer in

a. NC (Numerical Control) machine tool

b. CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine tool
c. DNC (Direct Numerical Control) machine tool
d. CCNC (Central-Computer Numerical Control) machine tool

13. Part-programming mistakes can be avoided in

a. NC (Numerical Control) machine tool

b. CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine tool
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above

14. The machine tool, in which calculation and setting of the operating conditions
like depth of cut, feed, speed are done during the machining by the control
system itself, is called

a. Computer Numerical Control System

b. Direct Numerical Control System
c. Machining Centre System
d. Adaptive Control System
15. Which machine tool reduces the number of set-ups in machining operation, time
spent in setting machine tools and transportation between sections of machines?

a. Computer Numerical Control machine tool

b. Direct Numerical Control machine tool
c. Adaptive Control Systems
d. Machining centre

16. In CNC systems multiple microprocessors and programmable logic

controllers work ______
a) in parallel
b) in series
c) one after the other
d) for 80% of the total machining time

17. Which of the following is not the advantage of CNC machines?

a) Higher flexibility
b) Improved quality
c) Reduced scrap rate
d) Improved strength of the components

18. In how many ways CNC machine tool systems can be classified?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

19. Point-to-point systems are used for _____

a) reaming
b) parting
c) grooving
d) facing

20. In part programming, interpolation is used for obtaining _______ trajectory.

a) helicoidal
b) pentagonal
c) triangular
d) zig-zag

21 For CNC machining skilled part programmers are needed.

a) True
b) False

22. An absolute NC system is one in which all position coordinates are referred to
one fixed origin called the zero point.
a) True
b) False

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