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Report On Plastic Pollution, Waste Management, and Climate

Change: Awareness and Challenges

Submitted To:

Mohammed Naveed Adnan Siddiquee

School Of Business
Independent University, Bangladesh
Date of Submission: 28th April, 2021

Section: 03
Semester: Spring 2021.
Submitted By:

Name ID
Muhammad Sadman Mubarrath 1720676

In this report all the possible causes of plastic-based pollution and what are the people’s

perception about this factor. In this report, it is also mentioned that what are the current situation

and how this pollution can be handled properly. Also, what will be the solutions that will help to

resolve the issue.


Literature review...........................................................................................................................6


Data Analysis..................................................................................................................................9

Qs:1 Why the plastic pollution is increasing?.............................................................................9

QS:2 What is the solution to plastic pollution?.........................................................................12

QS 3: What are the relationship between plastic pollution, waste management in climate






Mohammed Naveed Adnan Siddiquee

Lecturer, School Of Business

Independent University, Bangladesh

Bashundhara R/A

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Date: 28th April 2021

Subject: Assignment on Plastic Pollution, Waste Management, and Climate Change.

Dear Sir,

With due respect, it is my pleasure and honor to be your student and have this opportunity to

present the assignment. While preparing the assignment, I have given my best effort. I have

provided the relevant information and I believe and hope that my assignment will provide you a

clear concept of Plastic Pollution, Waste Management, and Climate Change.

I gave my best effort to accumulate the required information and I will be more than happy to

answer any question and clarify it fully for your understanding.

Sincerely yours,

Muhammad Sadman Mubarrath

ID: 1720676

Section: 3 (LFE201)


Plastic is one of the most used elements in our day-to-day life. Most of the company use plastic

elements to wrap their product for delivery. it is preferable to packing the product in plastic

because it is convenient in price and more durable than other elements of packaging. These

plastic materials are getting high used in the pandemic situation because most of the products are

going home delivery services for maintaining the social distance in this atmosphere. As result,

there is a huge level of plastic elements are used which are contributing the climate change by

polluting the environment. Because it creates a lot of wastage which cannot be disposable. For

that reason, waste management is quite difficult for any government. But it is important to

sustain an eco-family environment. Waste management is also important for economic growth

because reusable materials will cost less than new materials to produce[ CITATION Kun19 \l

1033 ].

Literature review

Plastic pollution and waste management are some of the most research topics at this time. there

are many researchers find various type of challenges by the plastic pollution which is widely

hampering our environment. It’s not a disposable element that creates by the synthetic organic

polymer which has a different type of uses. Furthermore, plastic is one of the elements that

contribute to the greenhouse gas that increases the environmental temperature overall.

Plastic hampers three elements in the environment badly which are air, water, and agricultural

soil. Air is polluted by the plastic when it is disposed of with fossil fuel. Plastic is a durable

element that can be used later when it is disposed of completely and make a raw polymer

proportion. All this process needs a high percentage of fossil fuel to wait for high-level heat. This

process emission carbon dioxide and this carbon dioxide is a segment of the greenhouse effect.

Because of the thick layer of carbon dioxide, the Ozone layer of the earth has hampered that

result in the high percentage of blue Ray from the sun directly hits in earth and absorbed by the

carbon dioxide layer. This situation leads to a higher temperature in the environment. There is a

type of plastic named Polyethylene Terephthalate which is smooth, transparent, and thin. This

type of plastic is highly preventive of oxygen and anti-inflammatory. This element cannot be

disposed of by heat easily. which also needs a higher amount of carbon dioxide[ CITATION

Oku19 \l 1033 ].

Another portion of waste management is landfill which is applied for the household plastic

waste. It is the easiest and inexpensive way to dispose of household waste. but the controversial

thing is the durability of this element. Polyvinyl chloride is used in most household things such

as fruit wrap, cooking oil, and juice bottle, etc. this type of plastic is directly disposed of by the

landfill that requires the longest duration to mix with the soil. For this reason, the agricultural

soil loses fertilization ability. Because other elements which are disposed landfills are easily and

mixed with soil as a form of fertility. That is why it cannot wise decision to disposing of this type

of element in the landfill[ CITATION Unp18 \l 1033 ].

Disposing of the plastic element in water is also a portion of waste management. The matter of

sorrow is the aftereffect of this technique. Because disposing of in the river and ocean will create

a cleaner environment in the society where people live. But the ocean and the rivers filling with

waste. Plastic is indisposed in water so the life circle in the ocean creatures faces the problem

with this type of material.

In the waste management of plastic, there is an alternate solution to landfills is incineration. This

technique is applied when the plastic waste materials need to completely burn out and make

reusable molecules for the further production of plastic products. this process releases a lot of

potentially hazardous chemicals into the atmosphere. This process is also named combustion half

plastic. The main disadvantage of this combustion process is the flue system makes this plastic

permanently damage during plastic incineration and the product of this type of plastic will cause

hamper both the human and the environment. Furthermore, this process requires lots of heat to

burn out most of the wastage which also leads to low humidity in the air and also removes

oxygen in the air substance.

Recruited authority in every country for waste management has the rights to find different types

of alternative to this element. In some countries, plastic materials are banned as a precaution of

sustainable environment and replace those in element with disposable material.


For this report, two types of data collection methods have been used one is the primary data

collection and another is the secondary data collection system.

Primary data: The data is collected by the survey on the internet through Google form. Because

we are facing a pandemic situation, this reason, person to person survey cannot apply for the


Secondary data: The secondary data is being collected from internet sources, journals, articles,

online conferences, and book resources.

Data Analysis

Qs:1 Why the plastic pollution is increasing?

There is much reason that causes more pollution but according to the survey some key elements

are being found those are given below:


Interpretation: In the chart, it is found that almost 60% of the people are using plastic products

one-three times daily and 20% of the people using four-six times an, as a result, the increase of

the plastic waste is very high. So the heavy use of plastic waste is one of the key factors in the

way of increase in plastic pollution.


Interpretation: From this graph, it is being identified that about 40% of the people use more

plastic products in a week which is a lot. It could be controlled will much better for the country



Interpretation: From the survey, it is clear that most people think that the lack of law and

enforcement and the lack of awareness is the main reason behind the increase in pollution. So

here the main thing that has to be done is to implement the law properly and make the people

understand the danger that this pollution can bring.


Interpretation: According to the survey it is found that most of the people things that people

does not have any idea that how dangerous this pollution can make them suffer. In the survey,

40% of the people think that people are unaware of the outcomes of the future problems. This is

one of the major problems that people are not concern about the consequences. They are not that

much bothered about the problem. As a result, the whole nation has to pay for the problems in

the future.

QS:2 What is the solution to plastic pollution?

Many solutions can reduce plastic pollution but through the survey, some of the key solutions are

being found, those are given below:


Interpretation: This problem is very vast so it requires the initiative of every person to reduce

the pollution. According to the survey, most of the people prefer that this requires both

individual and group initiative that can solve the problem. On the other hand, the government

will also have to enforce strict laws to control the problem.


Interpretation: Law and enforcement are key elements that can improve the situation properly.

So according to the survey, it is found that 55% of the people think that strict law and

enforcement should be imposed to control the pollution rate. Though this will also affect some

problems for the people who are working on different plastic manufacturing firms.


Interpretation: According to the survey somehow most of the people who are aware of the

consequences of plastic pollution are trying to omit the use of plastic. And about 70% of the

people are trying and 20% of the people didn’t even try. As they are not properly aware of the

outcomes of this pollution that is why they are not even bothered.


Interpretation: According to the survey most people do not take part in any of the awareness

programs that are against the use of plastic bags. About 25% of the people who are more aware

of these issues are taking part actively in these awareness programs.


Interpretation: From the survey, it is clear that 60% of the people think that if the awareness

programs are properly being maintained in that case this problem can be reduced. Because most

of the people of our country are not aware of the outcomes of plastic pollution. They don’t even

care. So if the awareness programs are being properly maintained and make these people aware

of the issues regarding pollution then they will understand. And eventually, they will try to take

initiative to control the use of plastic-made products.


Interpretation: According to the survey people think that if the investment in waste

management then it would reduce the consequences of major climate problems and thus it will

save the nation.

QS 3: What are the relationship between plastic pollution, waste management in

climate change?

Plastic pollution and waste management are interrelated with climate change. So these things can

not be taken lightly at all.


Interpretation: The effect of plastic pollution is high. Because the plastic wastes do not properly

disburse with the soil or water as a result of many animals in the water are dying because of the

increase of plastic waste in the water. And the soil is also being polluted by plastic waste as a

result the soil loses productivity. Not only these the plastic burn gases also cause air pollution. In

the survey, 65% of people also think that plastic pollution can cause high damage to the



Interpretation: According to the survey it is found that 60% of people think that the

consequences are very serious. So that these things should be maintained properly or else it will

turn it into a serious problem for the whole nation.


Interpretation: All the initiatives that will be taken to reduce the pollution rate will be effective

if those are properly maintained. According to the survey, 50% of the people think this will

somewhat help to change the whole scenario of the climate and 30% of the people believes that

this will change the condition of the climate.


Nowadays the overall condition of the climate is in a very poor condition in our country. So that

this pollution rate must have to be taken under control or else this will create serious damage to

our country climate. These things also increase the number of a new disease which is harmful to

the environment. Some things that have to be done to keep the rate lower.

 Strict laws should be imposed on the usage of plastic bags.

 Every individual must come forward to maintain the use of plastic-based products.

 Bags made of jute must be promoted more and more.

 Create awareness among people.


As it is one of the major issues in our country the plastic pollution so that our country citizens

along with the government try to reduce the use of plastic made bags and create awareness

among people so that they can easily maintain the climate change.


Kunju Vaikarar, S. R. C., 2019. Plastic pollutants: effective waste management for pollution

control and abatement, s.l.: Sciencedirect.

Okunola A Alabi, K. I. O. O. A., 2019. Public and Environmental Health Effects of Plastic

Wastes Disposal: A Review, s.l.: Clinmedjournals., 2018. Plastics: The challenges and possible solutions, s.l.: principals of responsible




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