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“The Process and Impact of Enterprise Resource

Planning (ERP) System in APEX”

1. Introduction

1.1 Rationale of the Topic

In order to graduate BBA, students need to complete their internship. I joined APEX
FOOTWEAR LIMITED in IT department as an MIS intern. Firstly they observed me one week
and find out what’s my strength and weakness. On the basis of my major and my strength my
intern supervisor asked to me work in their ERP and database system. So, as they asked and I
have started working in their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems that called IF’s
systems. IFS Applications is a cloud-based company useful resource planning (ERP) solution
that helps corporations to integrate records and techniques across multiple departments and
locations. It provides a variety of modules to users for asset management, assignment
management, supply chain management, and more. Daily I am working in this IF’s system and
keep maintaining their database and I have regular engagement with this ERP software. As I’m
working on real life environment on the Apex IT department I learn the ERP application more
accurately and the other sort of information how the work done and how the day to day process
done. These roles would help me to understand how to operate between heavy data manage
information and make sense of them, it will also be very interesting to observe how highly
decomposable and perishable items such as Shoe, Belt, sock and many other can be sourced
marketed and sold to local retailers such type operation has not yet been taken by any known
companies in Bangladesh and while doing so add more value to companies service. Because of
this I chose this topic because I know this IFS systems very well how actually it works and it will
be easier for me to explain and represent towards my honourable supervisor. Therefore, my
experience would help me to become a better professional employee with improved
communication and professional skills.

1.2 Objectives:

1.2.1 Broad objective

The objective of using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Applications to manage their
inventory control, better human capital management, data management and supply chain records
efficiently and effectively.

1.2.2 Specific objective

<> To do better planning and management of resources as per requirements of each departments.

<> To reduce inventory cost

<> To reduce paper cost
<> To digital the business process and systems.
<> To solving problems such as order cancellation, hold orders and released orders.
<> To track the status of manufacturing and distribution products.
<> To automate the business systems
<> To use available resources to earn more profit.
<> To increasing the flexibility of operation and productivity
<> To improving the management of customer relations.

1.3 Background

1.3.1 About APEX

Apex Footwear Limited (AFL) is the leading manufacturer and exporter of leather footwear
from Bangladesh to major shoe retailers in Europe, USA and Japan. “APEX” means the peak or
the zenith. Since 1975 they strive to live up to their name. The journey of Apex Footwear
Limited started more than two decades ago, from the inspiration of leather business & later
curving its’ way into shoemaking.

Apex is the local manufacturing and retail wing of Apex Footwear Limited. While Apex
Footwear Limited (AFL) has predominantly earned both critical and commercial fame through
export of high quality leather footwear in the international arena, Apex has sought to adeptly
make use of that expertise to provide high quality, fashionable footwear to the Bangladeshi
consumers.  With more than 250+ own retail outlets, 275+ franchisee and 150+ distributors,
Apex Footwear Limited is the fastest growing company and currently has the largest footwear
retail operations in Bangladesh. Being a footwear giant, Apex has employed more than 13,000
people and has been proactively compliant with Corporate Governance Compliance
Report. Through its nine in-house brands, namely Venturini, Apex, Sprint, Maverick, Moochie,
Nino Rossi, Sandra Rosa, Twinkler and SchoolSmart - Apex carries a huge selection of shoes,
sandals and non-footwear items, ensuring that each of their valued customer finds the product
that is just right for them.
As the largest shoemaker in the subcontinent, Apex Footwear Limited Company holds 15%
share of leather footwear export in Bangladesh from $1.75 billion leather export. Shoemaking
being a highly labor-intensive job, their company is home to 5500 workers mostly women to
make stylish leather shoes. Their shoe design inspiration is taken from the latest international
footwear trend. The influence is then converted to sophisticated leather shoes by in-house Italian
& Taiwanese designers. They strictly abide by the labor law of local and international standards,
use only responsibly sourced best quality materials at the right price, and committed to the
sustainable use of natural resources. Acknowledging their customers’ needs and offering the best
products to fulfill customer desire is their core practice throughout the organization. The secret
of Apex’s incredible success is their women employees. More than 90% of our employees in the
factory are women and more than hundred women are working in retail. We believe in
empowering society by empowering the women working with us. Apex Footwear Limited
maintains a clear set of standards for conducting business. Every decision strives to provide an
ethical framework for all stakeholders. They protect and enhance a better working world for our
people, clients and communities. This code is embedded in our values and beliefs.
At Apex, they pay attention to their environmental responsibility to keep up and drive
progressive sustainable footwear manufacturing practice. To guarantee notable environmental
safety and prevent pollution, their organizational directives are truly based on the global
benchmark. This includes focusing on production processes that have less impact on the
environment, waste treatment, and distribution processes. Apex tanning unit is the country’s first
tanning facility that implemented the ETP system in Bangladesh. It has been yearly audited by
the Leather Working Group (LWG). Currently Apex tanning unit holds the status of LWG Gold
with a traceability ‘A’ rating.
In internal COC, Apex reused/ recycle 100% of used oil and dry wastage by third party buyers,
86.8% waste water by fully treated, 39% solid waste recycled and 61% secured land- filled, 50%
of energy reduction by converting incandescent and tube lights to LED light by 100%, 50KW
Solar system installed in factory, Investment in centralized power management and distribution
to reduce air and sound pollution, Tracking the department wise printing and raise alert if it
outdoes the limit, First functional chrome recovery plant in Bangladesh, Rainwater harvesting.
In external COC, Apex has been DOE certified green category factory more than 13 years, It is
yearly assessed by HIGG index, $8.4M LEED gold facility under construction and First ever
LWG gold certified tannery in Bangladesh.

They believe in breaking ground and expanding to new markets to keep growing our brand as
they move into the future. The future may be uncertain but they know what to deliver!

1.3.2 History of APEX

Apex Born In Bangladesh. Almost 3 decades ago, their journey started in leather craftsmanship
to make fine quality leather shoes. One of the fastest growing footwear industries in the world.
6th in production, 12th in consumption and 22th in export. Their inspiration has always been to
invent and innovate on leather. Through the years, they have mastered designs, carving each pair
with intricate leather finishes. They use innovation in every construction to deliver perfect pair to
different markets. They have been paving their way in this industry as a pioneer by creatively
crafting Italian shoe-making artistry into their designs.
Now, I’m going to tell about their evaluation in craftsmanship. They take pride to be an
innovator & quality artisan in leather shoes in Bangladesh. Back when they started, they only
knew how to make basic salary-man shoe. With the support from their vertical supply chain,
over the years, they have built a team of shoe artisans who handcraft their design taking
inspiration from Italian shoe designs and global trends to create their own range. They develop
their own leather, going one step further to ensure quality and fitness in leather finishing to make
their shoes unique from the rest. Every pair of shoe has its own story. Beginning from designing
inspiration to material sourcing and most importantly using innovation to portray every design
created is special.
Then they come up with Design Philosophy. Since their inception almost 20,000 unique styles
have been collected over the years. Design philosophy in Apex is to keep it simple reflecting
sophistication and modern designs. They’ve a design team, who are the creator of 1600 skus
every year for different markets of Europe, North America & Asia. Two design centres, located
in Italy and Bangladesh work year- round to create collection & support all new innovation and
In Global Footwear Industry, Apex’s Global Market Value is $244B and they sold 23.2 B pairs
shoe annually. In China they sell 17%, In India 11%, In USA 10%, 62% of total they sell in
others countries. Their export value is $1.32B and 4% of total export 200+ factories, 1Million+
job creation 85%+ value addition. Their growth is also increasing day by day in the worldwide.

1.3.3 Vision
Honest Growth.

1.3.4 Mission
1. Ensure sustainable growth
2. Vendor of choice for our customer
3. Shareholders value creation
4. Compliant with best global practices & standards
5. Responsible corporate citizen

1.3.5 Organization Structure of Apex Footwear Limited

2. Activities undertaken
I have joined in the Management Information Systems (MIS) team of IT of Apex Footwear
Limited’s unit-2 which maintain Inventory management, database, warehouse management,
supply chain management and solving the problems of processing orders of retailers and

2.1 Work- Related Activities

2.1.1 Part Creation: This is the first task of the day of our department is to creating the part in
IF’s system. First thing in the morning we check our mail and this mail sent from production
management department where they explain and add the new product list, size, price, order
quantity, order management and other related information which our department have to input in
IFS system. After that I start creating new parts for new products from the excel file according
the information. Since this products follows dynamic price model and this products are from
different brands for this reason sales team take hard decision sometimes and for this reason, price
is changing frequently. Only for this reason sometimes don’t need to create any parts just need to
update the changing price. In between these tasks our senior executive officer and manager co-
operate with me and guide me each and every step. After that I have to check that part I have
created is this visible in sales part or not if this is in sales part and selling price is available then I
have to input this into supplier part. After I have to again check is this products list are available
or not in supplier part. I have go through this process otherwise if any of products missing in
supplier or sales part wholesalers, retailers cannot be able to order product from B2B websites.

2.1.2 Tracking product status: I have so many duties this is one of them. I need to follow up
the reasons of order hold and cancel. If any customers unable to payment due time order will
cancel automatically within 72hours. If he/she calls up in IT support before the due time is over
and explain the difficulties I hold up the orders according to his given time. Sometimes product
are available in RDC but when customers visit site to order they can’t see the quantity of
products that we have to check the system manually and order all updates in IFS and database.
This data collection helps the administration to detect errors that occur occasionally. Our
department detects such issues and takes measures to ensure that they do not cause any
difficulties in the future and that operation is maintained smoothly. Thus we also try to determine
the satisfaction and lack of customers on the ground.

2.1.3 Checking Outlet Issues: Apex Footwear Limited has 250+ outlets in entire Bangladesh.
They have gave me responsibilities of 20 outlets. If any difficulties arise technically they have
contacted me immediately and I tell them to open the VPN connection or AnyDesk application
and give the code. After that I have entered into their outlets pc and trying to find out the
problem. After finding the problem I try my level best to solve their problem. If it is out of
league I just handover the task to my supervisor he handle the problem and explain me while he
was solving the issue. I have to keep all records my responsible outlet’s hard disk, PC, Mouse,
Keyboard, CC Camera, Barcode scanner, other things. They have to inform me everything
before closing the day and I have to submit a report to my supervisor if any problem faced by
any outlets.

2.1.4 Keeping Records of Attendance: This is the Head office of Apex Footwear Limited.
More than 400 employee working in this building. In the Floor-1, they has punching machine
where all the employees punch their ID card when they entering and leaving the office. And this
machine save the data and it comes to our database. I have to handle this database very
confidentially and when I enter into office in the morning I have to download the data from
server and make a report of late comer and submit the data of previous day’s attendance to our

2.1.5 Reporting on Day End Sales: As I told earlier I have responsible for 20 outlets of Apex.
So as they opening the shop they start selling products and they has to meet a daily quota of
sales. Based on the performance of everyday sales, sales representatives are given special
bonuses to keep morale up. The sales team is responsible for tracking and rewarding the
performance of each sales representative. These activities contribute to the moral promotion of
the sales team and to their goal. So for this reasons, I have to make a report on daily sales for
each and every outlets and send it to our team head.

2.2 Organization Wide Activity

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