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Kelompok 3

1. Almaida Mutiatasya (1810312220042)

2. Annisa Dety Aulia (1810312220028)
3. Annisa Maulidina (1810312320009)
4. Annisa Nurhafizah (1810312320001)
5. Dwi Apriani Mulia Sari (1810312220037)
6. Elfa Riyani Maulida (1810312320020)
7. Elisa Febriana Saputri (1810312220012)
8. Ghina Salsabila Pratiwi (1810312320016)
9. Najmah Aprilia (1810312320022)
10. Nor Cahaya (1810312320002)
11. Nur Anita Afrilia (1810312320008)
12. Susi Saraswati (1810312220030)
Kelas : B reg A
Mata Kuliah : Sistem Informasi Manajemen
Dosen Pengampu : Widyarfendhi, SE, M.SI


1. Why has prototyping become a popular way to develop business applications? What are
prototyping’s advantages and disadvantages?
Prototyping makes the development process faster and easier for IS specialists and
business professionals. Prototyping makes the development process faster and easier,
especially for projects where end user requirements are hard to define. Thus, prototyping
is sometimes called rapid application design (RAD). Prototyping has also opened up the
application development process to end-users because it simplifies and accelerates
systems design. These developments are changing the roles of end users and information
systems specialists in systems development.
Advantages of Prototyping Model:
 When prototype is shown to the user, he gets a proper clarity and 'feel' of the
functionality of the software and he can suggest changes and modifications.
 This type of approach of developing the software is used for non-IT-literate
people. They usually are not good at specifying their requirements, nor can tell
properly about what they expect from the software.
 When client is not confident about the developer's capabilities, he asks for a small
prototype to be built. Based on this model, he judges capabilities of developer.
 Sometimes it helps to demonstrate the concept to prospective investors to get
funding for project.
 It reduces risk of failure, as potential risks can be identified early and mitigation
steps can be taken.
 Iteration between development team and client provides a very good and
conductive environment during project.
 Time required to complete the project after getting final the SRS reduces, since
the developer has a better idea about how he should approach the project.
Disadvantages of Prototyping Model:
 Prototyping is usually done at the cost of the developer. So it should be done
using minimal resources. It can be done using Rapid Application Development
(RAD) tools. Please note sometimes the start-up cost of building the development
team, focused on making prototype, is high.
 Once we get proper requirements from client after showing prototype model, it
may be of no use. That is why; sometimes we refer to the prototype as "Throw-
away" prototype.
 It is a slow process.
 Too much involvement of client is not always preferred by the developer.
 Too many changes can disturb the rhythm of the development team.

2. Refer to the Real World Case on Microsoft, SiCortex, and Others in the chapter. Does
the ability of virtualization technology to provide developers with multiple combinations
of operating systems and applications mean that companies should be required, or
expected, to support all possible ones? Discuss.
Virtualization is the process of running several virtual machines on a single physical
machine. The virtual machines share the resources of one physical computer, and each
virtual machine is its own environment.
Huge companies--the ones with dozens, even hundreds, of servers--use server
virtualization to consolidate the number of machines they’re running while making them
work more competently. Few smaller-sized companies have the number of servers
needed to make server virtualization a cost-cutting item.
Virtualization can help small businesses by enabling them to maintain less
equipment, get better use from that equipment, and make backup and recovery
more reliable.
One server, many operating systems such as Windows and Linux. Once the virtual server
configured, it can use the same configuration to set up new virtual servers, which takes
just a few minutes. Comparing it with a physical server which takes hours to configure
Server virtualization technologies are quickly gaining ground with companies of all
Disaster recovery- Taking regular snapshots--as often as you want--of your server.
Then, you can use any one of those snapshots to return your server to a particular
configuration from a particular point in time.
Virtualization is the best way for smaller companies to use virtualization to save money
and time. A thin client workstation costs just a few hundred dollars, and you can get
years of use from one. Minimum install, maximum usage. With a VDI, you only have to
deal with the server on your network. So, when you want to install a new program, you
install it just once on the server. All of your users then access the application through
their thin clients. This is a huge time and money saver over installing new software
on many individual PCs.

3. Review the real-world example about Walmart and Others in the chapter. How could
these companies prepare for the unexpected changes in demand that brought down their
Web sites? Explain your reasoning.
Businesses such as Wal-Mart have efficient supply chain management and Customer
relationship management, because if there is a change in demand, they are able to
quickly communicate with its supplies and fulfill customers need. They need to focus on
building and rebuilding supply chains to deliver goods and services to consumers as
quickly and inexpensively as possible.

4. What are the three most important factors you would use in evaluating computer
hardware? Computer software? Explain why.
1) To evaluate the computer hardware we need to look at the following:
 Performance.
 Costs.
 Reliability
 Compatibility.
 Technology.
 Ergonomics.
 Connectivity.
 Scalability.
 Software.
 Support.
2) And to evaluate the computer software we need to look at the following:
 Quality.
 Efficiency.
 Flexibility
 Security.
 Connectivity.
 Maintenance.
 Documentation.
 Hardware.
 Other factors (see hardware factors above).

5. Assume that in your first week on a new job you are asked to use a type of business
software that you have never used before. What kind of user training should your
company provide to you before you start?
We would expect to go through:
 User training which should formal training on the specific functions of the
 Gaining experience with a knowledgeable employee who is very familiar with the
 A scheduled training time allocated over a number of days or weeks
 Sitting with the senior person and do hands-on job training
 Working on the software program while under top level supervision
The company should provide me with full training on this software before I even begin
to work on it. Without the proper training, mistakes will be made, frustration will
mount, and both the organization and individual will suffer because of this. Proper end
user training is crucial for the success of all parties.

6. Refer to the Real World Case on WestJet, JetBlue, and Others in the chapter. In general,
is it a good idea for companies to make major software upgrades public beforehand?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing so? Do they have an ethical
responsibility to tell their customers? Discuss.
Yes, it is a good idea for companies to make major software upgrades public beforehand
because it will ensure the business has a new and upgrades version of the software,
which will ensure and increase productivity and also improve customer’s needs. Yes, that
does have an ethical responsibility to inform their customers on new upgrades, because if
something goes wrong in the upgraded software, customers can sue the business. This
will also gain competitive advantage over the competitors.
On other hand, cost will be one factor, such as upgrading and training cost of users. Also
the promised enhancement software should be take place else the customers faith in the
company will ease and thus a company might end up losing customers.

7. What is the difference between the parallel, direct, phased, and pilot forms of IS
conversion? Which conversion strategy is best? Explain why.
 Parallel conversion operates both the old and the new system for a limited time
 Phased conversion changes to the new system in phases, introducing some of the
new applications while still using some of the old applications, or converting
some departments or locations at a time.
 Pilot conversion lets one department or location try out the new system, while the
rest of the organization continues with the old system for a while.
The best conversion strategy depends on the specific application and environment.
Parallel conversion poses the least risk, but is also very expensive.
8. Review the Google real-world example in the chapter. How might you change the user
interface of Google’s search pages and those of some of its other products on the Web?
Defend your proposals.
According to Shneiderman (1998), designers have five types of interaction styles from
which to choose when designing a user interface:
 command language
 menu selection
 form fill-in
 natural language
 direct manipulation (graphical/visual)
Some of the changes that I recommend to Google search interface are that, the Main
Search page should also include menu selection, have columns that show news, current
time, latest trends on the internet.

9. Review the real-world example discussing the factors involved in project failure in the
chapter. If these are well-known, why would companies choose to ignore them over and
over again? What could be the reasons behind such behavior?
Companies are ignoring project failure again and again, because a project failure means
that the projects goals and objective has not be advise, so once a project failures,
companies do not feel like to review that project again, because that have already
wasting a look of time, cash, capital and resource on that particulate project before.
The principal causes of information system failure are:
 Insufficient or improper user participation in the systems development process
 Lack of management support
 High levels of complexity and risk in the systems development process
 Poor management of the implementation process.
There is a very high failure rate among business process reengineering and enterprise
system projects because they require extensive organizational change. Customer
relationship management and supply chain management system projects as well as
system changes resulting from mergers and acquisitions are also difficult to implement
successfully because they usually require fundamental changes to business processes.

10. Pick a business task you would like to computerize. How could you use the steps of the
information systems development life cycle as illustrated in Figure 12.3 to help you? Use
examples to illustrate your answer.
The business task which I want to computerize is to build an online school Library using
the Management information system and System development Life Cycle. The library
will display books online and a user needs to register by paying monthly subscription in
order to access the library books. The payment method can be both manual or through
credit cards.
First of all relevant information needs to be collected, analysis and business plan to be
laid out. The Project plan will focus on how to develop an online system for online
library, after wards design, testing, implementations and maintenance needs to be

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