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By Mitchell Kettlewell
Hello, and welcome to Ringtone.
Since first creating this trick, it has vastly
improved and become a lot more practical.
In fact so practical, that I perform it every
time I have a gig - every time I perform. It's
always on me and only takes up a small
amount of space.

It used to be so impractical - I had an

accomplice call my phone and my ringtone
was the song. This didn't really make
sense as an effect to me - it seemed more
of a coincidence and the reactions weren't
very good. So I developed it further. It
became more practical - no longer needing
an accomplice. But it still didn't make sense
because the song being the ringtone didn't
make for a good effect in my opinion. So
then, I finally toyed with it so that there was
a clear moment of magic... Finally, there
was that moment where the ringtone
changed to their selected song!
I showed ringtone to Peter Turner at LADS
magic convention and we later Skyped
about it. He gave me a few suggestions for
it, that tied the routine up extra tight and
gave me the idea for the final reveal of their
merely thought of song. Many thanks to
Peter for that!

That's the history of Ringtone - so now let's

get into the effect and how it's done!

The spectator thinks of a song from a list of
songs (the list can be however big the
performer so wishes - even from the
spectators phone).
The magician then begins to reveal details
about the artist and song but fails to get the
song. The spectator calls the magicians
phone and they are asked to believe that
the ringtone is in fact the song - even
though it is clearly the standard ringtone.
The ringtone then morphs into the selected
song! To finish the routine, the magician
reveals something else that the spectator is
thinking of!

The method for this is rather simple. The
ringtone is a specially edited audio track of
a standard ringtone, morphing into a song.
This effect works with absolutely any
modern phone (I haven't found a modern
phone that this cannot be done on). We will
come back to how this is accomplished
later on.
I will run you through the setting up of the
trick first, and then the performance. The
set up is a one time thing.
Set up:
So, the first thing you'll need is a list of
songs. This can be written on blank playing
cards, blank sided business cards -
anything that has a blank side - that you
can shuffle easily and you can carry on
you. I personally use business cards. I
began with 25 cards. So write down 25
different songs - one on each card. I
started by writing a variety of music - some
popular music from the current charts - and
some older songs. Also, ensure that you
write this in different style handwriting and
different coloured pens as this sells the
routine that you explain later on - being
different people's thoughts.
Next, choose one song to be your force
song. You then create the audio track of
your phone's standard ringtone morphing
into your force song. This force song goes
on top of the packet.
The audio edit:
Firstly, download a program for your
computer or laptop - called 'Audacity'. This
can be found at this link:

Next, ensure you have the force song

downloaded to your pc. You can most likely
buy the track online or sync the cd with the
song on to your computer. Also, download
the sound of a standard ringtone for your
phone. If you go through your phone and
look at the ringtones you have - then do a
simple google search for the name of it -
you should find the file to download.
Next, import both the force song, and the
ringtone into Audacity.

(Note: if you need help in using audacity -

there are plenty of tutorials online. And
audacity has a built in help function that will
help you.)
Now, trim the ringtone file to 15 seconds
long. Then, leave the song to play on at the
end - trimming the first 15 seconds off of it.
The two tracks should overlap slightly (with
audacity, each individual track is on its own
line but you can easily see how to overlap
it or have it right next to the track to just
play on). Then, select the last second of
the ringtone track and fade it (using the
effect drop down until you find fade out).
Then select the first second of the song
track and fade that in (using the effect drop
down until you find fade in).
Listen over the track you have created to
make sure the transition sounds smooth
and as you want it! If not then just edit the
fades and the amount it is overlapped.
If it is all fine, then export it as a WAV file
(export, then follow the options and
instructions on screen).

(Note: I suggest having the audio edit so

the song enters in at a point that is easily
recognisable to be that song.)
Finally, transfer this over to your phone. On
android and Windows phones, you can just
drag the file across to your SD card or
internal phone memory. Then set the track
as your ringtone in your settings menu.
For iPhone, the process is a little more
complicated. There is a web page
explaining the process here:

The process is basically converting the file

to a ringtone file (m4r file) and uploading it
to your iTunes on your computer (I used an
online file converter. Just search WAV to
m4r file converter). Then trimming it down
to 30 seconds long and uploading to your
phone through iTunes. Then set it as your
ringtone on your phone!
That is now your set up done! Now every
time someone calls your phone - the
ringtone will be standard for 15 seconds of
the ringing and then morph into the song!

The Routine:
In routine, you introduce the list and have
them add a song to it on a blank card the
same as the ones you wrote the list on -
keeping it to themselves as a secret. I use
the presentation that 'I have people add to
the list every time that I perform' to keep
consistency and the routine makes sense
(this was a subtlety added to by Peter
Turner). They place it into the pack - on top
of the force song. I just swing cut and have
them place it on, then put the lower packet
on top - retaining a break (so the song they
thought of is under your break). I then
control it to the top with a pass (you can
double undercut it or control by any means
you prefer). At some point, you need to
peek the song that they wrote down. I do
this in the action of miming shuffling
(palming it as I mime an over hand shuffle
to peek. After, I slip cut it so it goes to the
middle. The force song is still on top. I then
palm off the force song and hand the pack
to them to shuffle.
Next, talk about the wide variety of music in
the list and how there is a vast amount of
thoughts so random that they didn't come
from their mind. I include how it also
prevents them being influenced by me and
also prevents them just thinking of a
favourite song (I normally say cheekily how
they just did that with the song that they
thought of - therefore adding an additional
hit) . I also add that in a moment they are
going to select a song out to use - but
based on probability, it will not be the song
they thought of - it will be different.

(Note: reframing their song that they write

down to be a thought is key as it makes the
reaction bigger at the end of the routine.
I've even had people say - 'but I thought of
it - there's no way you could have known!')
Next, simply force the song that you want
to force. But then ask if they want to
change their mind (before you show them).
If they say yes just force it again. If they
say no just show it.
You can use any force you wish.

The force I use is one I saw on Kieron

Johnson's DVD 'Chaotic'. Thanks to Kieron
for allowing me to explain this force.
Essentially, you have the force song on top,
and you pull one card from the bottom of
the packet and place it face up on top.
Then you pull back the force song and the
song from the bottom like this:
Next, pull the songs from the top (the face
down one from the top of the packet), this
is made clear to the spectator by the fact
that the card is back jogged.
You turn each song face up and ask them
to call stop whenever they like - and
whenever they call stop, the card face
down will be the one we use.
When they call stop, you simply push the
back jogged packet forwards and then run
through what they could have had to make
it seem even fairer and a bigger effect for
them. Then, the first face down card is the
force one! I always make a point of looking
away as soon as I get to it and show them
so that it is clear I cannot see it. It is
important that they know the song so that
is why I make it a popular, well known one.
Normally, I have it returned to the pack and
hand the pack to them. However, you could
just have them hold the card in their hands
- or place it in their pocket.
Now, Reveal the artist but not the song. I
then say:
"Now if you are thinking of a song that I
haven't heard of and are imagining the tune
in your mind - I won't be able to pick up on
it... So let's try this differently. You have my
business cards there - my number is on
there - please dial it into your phone as if
you were to call it.
Here, I talk about belief and how if you
believe things, they can often occur or
come true. If you believe in yourself - you
are more likely to get somewhere. I use an
adaptation to a beautiful line I heard from
Peter Turner: 'the only thing that made
Christmas magical for you was the belief in
it all - Father Christmas; flying reindeer;
elves who made your presents. When you
found out the truth - they was destroyed. I
think that shows how powerful belief can
be and we will use this power here.'
Then I ask them to call the phone and tell
me the song. Everyone is asked to believe
that they can hear the song. I say:
'The reason you are calling the phone is to
act as a distraction. There are several of us
believing so the power is stronger so we
have an added distraction.'
After the appropriate time, wave over the
phone as the ringtone changes to the song.
As I wave over, I say: "if you believe
strongly enough... Then you can get
anything to happen."
(Note: you will have to get used to the
timing of it - I know with my tone that the
phone rings 5 times, then the ringtone
changes - it shouldn't take too much for
you to get the timing correct).

After the reaction has died down, I

announce that I was picking up on
something from someone. I look at the
person who wrote down the song and say
that I'm picking up on (adapted song title).
What I mean by this, is if the song was
'Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran', then I
would say 'a thought of loud or think out
loud - something like that.' This ensures
that the spectator doesn't just think you
saw it - they believe you are picking up on
something. They will connect the dots - and
if they don't then prompt them. Feel free to
reveal what the artist looks like too if you
know! Alternatively, you can hum the tune
of you know it... Or reveal a few lyrics (this
adds a more credible approach as the
lyrics and tune is more memorable than the
title; When people think of a song, they
think of the tune - not the title.

So that is the standard Ringtone routine. I

perform this all the time and the reactions
are great. Feel free to run with this and go
as you wish with it - adapt it to suit you.
(Note: for the final reveal of the 'thought of'
song at the end, I normally employ Peter
Turner's 'The Bob Principle'. If you are
aware of what this is - then you'll know how
strong it is. If not, then it is found in his 'The
Devil in Disguise' and 'Bigger Fish 2'. If you
can find them (good luck) - then I
recommend them to you - they are
Following, is some alternative forces that I
have come up with using the phone and
also the script that I use as a guideline for
myself when performing ringtone. I may not
stick to it exactly but I never venture too far
from it!

Alternative forces:
I have also come up with a few alternative
forces that use the mobile phone to force
the song - as I know some of you may not
like using the card list.

So the first force I call ID for a reason you
will be able to tell in a moment. The force is
essentially using the music app on your
phone. You load it up and swipe through a
few songs, and stop when you get to the
song you want to force. Then go back one
(the music is playing like it is in the picture
The sound is off so that you can't hear
what song is playing. You then turn the
phone over and have it face towards the
ground. The spectator moves forward a
song (so they can get the right position to
hit the screen) then you secretly lock the
phone! They do not know you have locked
it (so also ensure that the phone is on
silent so there is no sound when you lock
it). They keep tapping the screen to
supposedly cycle through the songs when
in reality they are just hitting the screen
and it is doing nothing. Then, when they
are done, you unlock the phone using
Touch ID (fingerprint recognition). You need
to set this up for the most natural finger
and natural position when you are holding
the phone face down for them to 'cycle
through'. My ring finger is best as it cannot
be seen pressing the button to unlock it so
I would calibrate it with my ring finger.
Unlock the phone with the Touch ID before
you show them the song - as you are
forcing it and the phone needs to be
unlocked before they look or the method is
revealed. This same technique can be
used to effectively force photos for a
remote viewing experience or something
similar! Clearly this can be adapted to
anything - contacts is one idea I'm playing
with to force a name and appearance of a

Note: When calibrating your finger, hold the

phone as if you were doing the trick, face
down and thumb on one long edge, fingers
on the other - just hold the phone as if you
were using it (almost a mechanics grip),
then turn the hand over. Then calibrate the
finger whilst in that position to get the
correct orientation so it will unlock with no
suspicion raised.

If you have problems getting Touch ID to

work in this way, I suggest using Touch ID
as you would normally - but rather than
syncing it with your thumb, sync it with your
middle or ring finger. Then hold the phone
at fingertips face down and continue as
instructed above.

If you do not have a phone with Touch ID,

you can do the same technique, just with
the phone locked the whole time. With
Apple phones it looks like this when music
is playing:
The whole process is done with the music
playing like this and when you turn the
phone over (once it's on the force song)
you hit lock so that when they hit the
screen, it isn't doing anything! Then, when
you tilt up to show them, you hit the lock
button to illuminate the screen and the
force song will display as above! This way
can be done on their phone. If they have
the force song (so choose a song that is
popular as you're force song so that it's
more likely to be on there phone). You can
check if they have the force song on their
phone by looking through their music and
naming a few songs that they have - while
looking for the force song (by searching). If
they don't have the force song you can
justify changing over to your phone by
saying how you have a wide range of
music and they won't be influenced by
choosing one of their favourites. Or do
something with their music - such as
peeking their favourite song and revealing

Smart force:
I use the pebble watch as a way to force
the song. This is a hands off force where
they have hold of the phone.
You connect your pebble watch (or any
smart watch) to the phone and open the
music app on both. Then, find the force
song and go a few songs before it. They
now hold the phone and go through a few
songs, then hold it face down and continue
moving through. As they do this, you are
glimpsing at the pebble to find out what
song they are on. Every time they move
away from the force song, you press the
button to go back a song. They essentially
always end up on the force song as you
are controlling the phone through the
pebble. One technique for this, is to have
the pebble without the straps - so that it
can be easily palmed. This opens you out
to many discrete peeks when using the
pebble device!

The Fluke Force

I'll be honest - this one isn't a force as such
- but can happen a lot if you use a
relatively common song as your force
song. When they write down a song and
add it to the list - if you peek it and it is your
force song then use it! Just put the
business cards away - or force a different
song on your spectator (not the actual
force song) - and then use the actual
thought of song in the routine. This makes
it a lot cleaner and saves doing the reframe
to create a false memory of them thinking
of a song - as they genuinely did just think
of the song that you change your ringtone
into! Then, use the second song that you
force, in the final reveal!
This doesn't happen all the time but does
happen very often and I love it when it
happens in this way!

This force uses the notifications tab on
iPhone. This may work on other phones -
so you'll have to check it - but the most
popular phone is iPhone anyway.
This method allows you to force anything
stored on their phone. Photos, Contacts,
Music, anything!
So you need to know what it is to reveal
after the force. So you pull up the force
information (if it is a contact you can have it
at the top of the screen and when you ask
them to remember the information, ask
them to remember whatever contact is at
the top), then pull down from the top of the
screen as you rotate the phone down from
your and their vision. This pulls the
notifications tab down. They can now swipe
and tap to their hearts content - but it will
do nothing! So when they stop, you just
ask them if they are sure, and as you do,
hit the home button (discretely - similar to
the ID force above). The notifications tab
then goes back up and the screen wouldn't
have changed behind it - effectively forcing
the information you need. The spectator
just needs your force song on their phone -
which you can find by a search in their
music player (under the guise of
commenting on their music library. For
example: "what's that one - never heard of
that. Ah I like that one. You have one of my
favourites." )
It is important that they actually see you
scrolling through a few songs or down the
contacts page or through a few photos first
so that the selection process seems as fair
as possible.
Ringtone Script:
“Whenever I demonstrate what I do for
people, I ask them to add something to a
list that I keep. Every time I perform I
always ask people to write down the title
and artist to a song. This is the list here. So
I would like you to add a song by writing it
down to add to my list.”
(Hand them a pen and blank business card
so that they can write down their song).
“I don't want to know what it is, in fact keep
it just for you - no one else. Keep it a secret
just for you so no one else knows. This
playlist of songs – created by those I
perform for – is going to be used. The
reason that I ask people to write a song for
this list is to ensure that I cannot
specifically influence someone to think of a
song –these are all random thoughts from
a vast amount of different people. So here
are a few that people have given:”
(Go through some of the songs in the list).
“So we will now add your song to the list.”
(Swing cut the deck so the card is replaced
on top of the force song. Then control it to
the top. Palm off and act as if you were to
hand the pack to someone).
“What I'm going to do in a moment is give
you this playlist and you are to shuffle it”
(Peek the song that they wrote down and
remember it. Then replace it on top of the
pack as you mime an over hand shuffle).
“Maybe a cut”
(Slip cut the top card (peeked card) to the
middle then palm off the force card as you
hand them the deck).
"In a moment, a song will be randomly
selected from the list. The song chosen
could be the one that you thought of,
however – based on probability – it will be
one that someone else thought of… But
this way it is fair as I can in no way
influence your thinking to go for a specific
song. If I were to ask you to name a song, I
could tell that you would go for a favourite
(Pause to see if they react as they may
have done this at the very beginning)
“Or maybe one of those really overplayed
ones off of the radio. Doing it this way, the
decision is more random and there is no
way that I can know anything about the
(Take the pack from them and replace the
force song on to the top. Then force it in
anyway possible – even ask if they wish to
change their mind to emphasise fairness.
Then hand them the cards to shuffle).
“So you have randomly thought of a song
from this playlist of songs generated by a
multitude of different people. We are going
to step by step find out what this song is.
So firstly, please think of the artist…
Okay… This isn't a particularly busy
thought – so I would say that this is a very
small number of people… no just the one!
This is a solo artist. I'm also getting that
this is a female yes?”
(The force song here is ‘Beat It by Michael
Jackson’. They will reply no as it is a male).
“It's not?... Okay that is fine I was just
getting a feel of a high pitch and a figure
with long hair. I am also picking up on an
immense feeling of sadness surrounding
this artist. They had quite a controversial
life but this particular person had a very
successful career. The feeling of sadness
I'm struggling to get - do you know what
this could be linked with?”
(Let them tell you)
“That's it that makes sense now. Were you
a fan of this person?”
(Allow reply)
“Okay. Could you now please imagine the
initials written in the air – nice and bold for
me… That's good – a little bigger and
clearer though – block writing rather than
hand writing. That's better. I'm picking up
on two initials. The first – imagine saying it
over and over in your mind… Okay. And
the second… Okay. I'm picking up on an
‘m’. So this would be a name like max,
no… Mike, close - it's Michael yes?!”
(Allow reaction)
“So based on what I have discovered about
this artist that you are merely thinking of –
the sadness, the long hair and high pitch -
this would be Michael Jackson I believe?”
(Allow reaction/confirmation)
“That's great. Now for the song that you are
merely thinking of…Michael had an
amazing career and in the period of time
that he was alive he released a lot of
songs. Id like everyone here to think of a
different Michael Jackson song. Based on
probability – and the fact that you would all
have different music tastes – we are now
probably all thinking of a different one of
Michael's songs. Picking up on the song
myself could be difficult because if I have
never heard it – then I won't know the
song. So let us investigate something
different… Belief can make anything
possible. The only thing that made
Christmas magical for you was the belief in
it all - Father Christmas; flying reindeer;
elves who made your presents. When you
found out the truth - they was destroyed. I
think that shows how powerful belief can
be and we will use this power here. I am
going to ask all of you to believe something
for me now. What was the song that you
thought of?"
Note: I reframe to make it seem as if
they only thought of a song - the story
they tell others will be heightened that
way and it seems more incredible to
them when they remember it.
(Allow reply and repeat)
“Okay. You have my business cards there,
please ring my number on it. I'd like you all
to believe that you can somehow hear the
song – whether it be in your minds or out
loud. Hum it if you like. The ringing of the
phone will act as a distraction as there are
so many of us and the power of belief is
very strong but please pay attention to
everything that is going on and truly
believe. Collectively, we can do this.
(Wave over phone as they believe and then
allow reaction to finish completely. Step
back on back foot to relax).
“That just shows the true power of belief.
Now I am picking up on something rather
predominantly from you… You have proven
to be a great sender of the information and
I'm now picking up on something.
(Reveal song - as instructed above - then
smile. Allow reaction)

(Note: with the reveal of the force song it is

important to not just flat out reveal the artist
of anything. Use a process to show how
you get to the thought - like above with the
feelings and what you were sensing - it
makes your demonstration more credible).

I always reframe it at the end and recap

what happened - but referring to the song
that morphs in as a thought of song (for the
same reason discussed above)
Part of the reframe that is especially key -
is right after the selection:

“So you have randomly thought of a

song from this playlist of songs
generated by a multitude of different
people. We are going to step by step
find out what this song is. So firstly,
please think of the artist…"

The reframe of the song they select being

merely thought of is key for how they will
remember and tell of the effect to others.
The reframe makes it sound as if it has
been preshowed - when it hasn't! It truly
heightens the effect that they remember

A performance of me performing ringtone

(it is pre showed though to show myself in
the best way) can be found here:
Bonus Ideas:
The following are bonus ideas that I have
come up with for this routine.

Forcing The Spectator to Change Their

So I have a way to force the spectator to
change their mind - 100% of the time.
Rather than forcing the force song first, you
force a completely obscure song that no
one wound have heard of. Then you say -
'if you don't know it you can change your
Here, if the spectator offers resistance to
changing their mind - you say 'it is key that
you know the song - do you know it?'
If you have an obscure enough song
(remembering that the spectator will think
other people have added to the list), then it
will be fair for them to change their mind.
Then you force your actual force song.
Later on (in the reframe/recap of the effect
to them just before the ringtone changes),
you are free to say 'so you thought of a
song from the list and changed your mind'.
This adds another layer of impossibility to
the routine.

TOXIC force:
One idea I have had is to do the routine as
normal up until the reveal of the song
where they call your phone. I would do the
TOXIC force to get them to generate my
mobile number then call it (unknown to
them that it's my number). I then say
'Everyone has intuition and can do what I
do - so whoever is on the other end of this
Phone will reveal the song instead of me!'
My phone then rings and I employ the line
of 'It looks like your guys intuition payed off
here - not in my favour - but you generated
my phone number. Ok. Just focus on the
I then wave over and change the song. I'll
then continue with the routine as before (go
on to the reveal of the song they 'thought
of' (wrote down).

(Note: if you don't know the toxic force it is

essentially a force of any number on an
iPhone calculator.
Secretly open their calculator by swiping to
the top from the bottom (shown below)

Then, act as if you are trying to find their

calculator as you type the force number in.
Then hit 'X, 1, +, 0, X'.
That is it. They can then hit in any amount
of digits and multiply by anything else and
it will always go to that. However, I do
suggest making it seem credible by doing
three, three digit numbers)

A little subtlety that blocks out any thought

of you messing with their calculator is to
make it look as if you clear the calculator -
out in the open. The way to do this is by not
actually pressing clear! You literally just tap
the screen above the clear button but it will
look like you are hitting clear!

With their Phone:

I bet you'd be amazed if I told you it can be
done with their phone... Well it can. Credit
to Adam Grace who released an effect with
Ellusionist a few years ago where the
ringtone of their phone was the song they
chose. I am not 100% sure if my method
and Adams are the same but better to over
credit than under credit!
I have taken this one step further by
allowing the change to occur on their
For this, you will need a small blue tooth
You need to know that their ringtone is the
same as the one you have set up for the
song morph. You can do this by performing
the TOXIC force routine highlighted above
(without the ringtone change on your
phone) and say "as proof that it is my
number you generated and called - and not
someone else just calling me - I'll call you
back. Make sure their phone is on loud
when you do this. Alternatively, if their
phone rings during the performance you
will hear their ringtone.

You secretly put their phone onto silent

(with iPhones - which is what I perform this
with as they are the most common phone -
they have a small switch on the side). You
have a friend call their phone and as soon
as the phone screen of the one you are
calling, you hit play on the audio track on
your phone - or pebble watch to set it off
without touching your phone (upload it to
your phone so it will play in your music
player). The speaker should be in your
outside jacket/jumper pocket. You hold the
phone near to the speaker and it will sound
as if the sound is coming from their phone!
When the call is ended - flick the switch on
the speaks so that it stops playing.
You then wave over the phone after the call
is ended and say how it is all back to
normal now - to tie the routine up nicely
and when someone calls them again it will
make sense that it is their normal ringtone.

You can do the exact same technique - just

using their volume on silent and a music
track morphing to another music track to
seemingly change the song playing on a
spectators phone without touching it. Then
morph it back - to tie the routine up so that
they can do as they wish. Then turn their
volume back up.
Other uses:
The other uses I have come up with for this
essentially uses the technique of the audio
I perform every Sunday in a restaurant in
my local area and they have music playing.
One thought I had was to morph the song
into one that someone was thinking of. So I
did the selection process as normal but the
audio track was one that was one song
morphing to another. All you do is volunteer
a cd or your phone for the performance
(some places you plug a phone in to play
the music through the speakers) to play in
the restaurant. You know the track that
goes on right before the audio edit one and
then you start to perform the song selection
when you hear that song. Then when the
audio track starts playing (the one with the
edit on) - you know the exact point it
morphs so you seemingly change the
music that is on in the restaurant. A time
delay between the selection and the
change only strengthens the effect as they
don't think anything is happening with the
song - they just think you stick with
revealing the artist. Then when you change
the music it seems miraculous!
(Note: I suggest having the song morph
after a minute of play time. All you need to
do is have the original track play for a
minute then have the selected one morph
in. All you need to do is remember at which
point in the song it changes so that you can
get your timing correct. Also, you don't
need to convert it to any special file - just
export it as a WAV file then burn it to Cd or
load to your phone).

Another thing I thought about with this is to

use it in conjunction with Titanas's
'Radioactive'. So the song on the radio
morphs! If you have Radioactive - you'll be
able to figure out the rest (I can't say too
much on how the trick works). If not then I
highly recommend it!
Thank you so much for purchasing this
effect and supporting my creation. This is
one of my favourite effects to perform and I
hope it will be yours too!
If you have any questions or suggestions
please feel free to contact me via
Facebook (Mitchell Kettlewell) or by email:
[email protected]

Peter Turner for his subtlety of having them

add to the list too.

Kieron Johnson for allowing me to explain

the card force.

Myke Phillips, Kieron Johnson, Bobby

Motta for their time they took to read
through ringtone.

You - the reader - for supporting me and

my work. I have lots more in the mental
bank to share with you guys and I can't
Copyright © 2016 by Mitchell Kettlewell

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the writer.

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