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Inquiries, Investigation,
and Immersion
Quarter 2 Module 2 – Lesson 4
Reporting Findings, Drawing Conclusions
and Making Recommendations
(Writing List of References)
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
Quarter 2 Module 2 –Lesson 4: Reporting Findings, Drawing Conclusions and
Making Recommendations (Writing List of References)

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module


Devie A. Batangoso – Master Teacher I, Pamplona National High School

1. Gilda A. Castañeda – Dalipay High School
2. Angustia P. Oraa – Visita de Salog High School
3. Gemma A. Realo – Don Mariano C. Veneracion National High School

1. Preciosa R. Dela Vega, EPS-English, SDO Camarines Sur
2. Jeanette M. Romblon, EPS I - English, SDO Masbate City
Illustrators and Layout Artists:
1. Edmark M. Pado – Cabugao Elementary School
2. Mary Jane S. San Agustin – Fundado Elementary School

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Module Reporting Findings, Drawing Conclusions and
Making Recommendations
2 Lesson 4- (Writing List of References)
This module will help the learners write the list of various references used in
their research study.

Learning Target

In this module, you are expected to write the list of references used in your
research study.

Vocabulary List

The following term will be encountered in the lesson:


should be written in-text (as parentheses), at the bottom of the page (as
footnotes) or as end notes in a separate notes section at the end of a chapter
or at the end of the thesis
the last page of an essay or research paper that’s been written in APA style
list of all the sources used in your project so readers can find what were cited
a list similar to works cited list and is a term used when citing sources using
APA format style and is arranged alphabetically by author’s last name.

Warming Up

Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. Write your answer
in a separate sheet of paper.
_____1. All references cited in the body of the research paper must appear in the
references section.
_____2. A reference material is a source of information.
_____3. The list of references is not used to find information about something.
_____4. List of references is written identification of a previously published works
which are used as sources for a text.
_____5. Surveying is an act of looking at or in something for information.

Learning About It

The list of reference materials used in the conduct of the research study is
very important for the researchers to show in the final written research report.

Types of Sources
1. Primary Sources- research publications where researches report their findings.
2. Secondary Source-publications in which authors describe the work of others.
Textbook is also an example. Encyclopedia research review and yearbooks are
also secondary sources for literature review.

You can cite books, magazines, newspaper, computer articles, journal and
film. These can be your sources for your literature review.

Styles of Referencing

 APA is an author/date-based style. This means emphasis is placed on the

author and the date of a piece of work to uniquely identify it.
 MLA is most often applied in the arts and humanities, particularly in the USA
 HARVARD is very similar to APA. It is the most well used referencing style
in the UK and Australia, and it is encouraged for use with the humanities.
 CHICAGO AND TURABIAN are two separate styles but are very similar.
They are also widely used for history and economics.

The components of reference entry are as follows:

1. Author’s Name: Type the surname first then the first, followed by a comma,
then the first name and the middle initial. If there are two to six authors, all their
names are written. If there are more than six, the remaining authors can be
represented by the words, “et al”.
2. Year of Publication. It should follow the period after the author’s name and
should be enclosed in parentheses.
3. Book Title. The complete title and edition should be written. The entire book
title should be italicized or underlined. Only the first letter of the first word and
proper names must be capitalized.
4. Journal Title. The title of the article in roman face and sentence case (only the
first letter of the first word and proper names must be capitalized) appears first.
The title of the journal itself appears in italics and in title case ( the first letter of
each substantial word is capitalized).
5. Place of Publication. The place where the book was published should be
written, followed by a colon.
6. Publishing House. The name of the publishing house follows the place of

Examples of References (APA 4th ed., 1999)

a. Book (Revised Edition)

Burns, N., & Grove, S.K. (2005). The practice of nursing research:
Conduct, critique, and utilization (Rev. ed.). Philadelphia:Saunders.

b. Journal Supplement
Chouinard, M. C., & Robichaud-Ekstrand, S. (2005). The Effectiveness
of a Nursing Inpatient Smoking Cessation Program in Individuals with
Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of Nursing research, 54 (4), 243-254.

c. Electronic Data File

National Institute of Nursing Research. (2006). About the NINR.
Retrieved on Jnuary 16, 2006, from the

d. Government Report
U.S., Department of Health and Human Services. (2000). Healthy
people 2010: Understanding and Improving health. Washington DC:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

e. Daily Newspaper
Enriquez, M. C. (2009, September 8). How proper breathing helps
Donnie Tartras tame illness. Philippine Daily Inquirer, ppA3, A5.

f. Encyclopedia and Dictionary

O’Conner, J. (Ed.). (2001). Roger’s Desk Thesaurus. New
York:Gramercy Press.

g. Magazine and Article

Cocertino, B. (2003, Feb. 24). Preparing students for “real life” nursing,
Nursing Spectrum, 15A, No. 4, 17 -18

h. Theses and Dissertations

Paulino, A.P. (2007). The nurses’ delivery of quality healthcare services
in a university hospital: Basis for improving administrative approaches
(Unpublished Master’s Thesis). University of Santo Tomas, Manila,

Last name, First Name (year). Book Title. Subtitle, (edition) Place: Publisher
Example: Prieto, Nelia (2017). Practical Research for Senior High School.
Qualitative. Metro Manila: LORIMAR PUBLISHING, INC.

Author, (date). Title of document. Retrieved from http:// xxxxxxxxx
Example: Peters (2015). Effective Teaching Strategies. Retrieved from:

Author,Initial (date). Title of Book. Retrieved from http:// xxxxxxxxx
Example: Peters (2015). Effective Teaching Strategies. Retrieved from:

Author,Initial (date). Title of Book. pages
Example: Peters (2015). Effective Teaching Strategies. 31-40

Keeping You in Practice

Observe the following rubrics in performing tasks 1, 2 & 3.

Presentation of Details -------------------------------------------------- 30
(Depending on the kind of source)
Appropriateness of Details -------------------------------------------- 30
(Including necessary punctuation marks)
Relevance to the Topic -------------------------------------------------- 20
Completeness of Presentation ---------------------------------------- 20
Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100 points

Practice Task 1: Share my Book

List 1 example reference material specifically a book that you use in your
research study. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. _________________________________________________

Practice Task 2: Discover the Site

List 1 example reference material specially a website that you use in
your research study. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. _____________________________________________________

Practice Task 3: List the Unpublished

Example: Unpublished Material

Jariel, V. (1996).The Tax Collection Performance and Delinquent Accounts
in Naga City.(Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Naga College Foundation, Naga City,
Write 1 example citation of an unpublished material. Write your answer in a separate
sheet of paper.

Additional Tasks
Observe the following rubrics in performing tasks 1, 2 & 3.
Presentation of Details -------------------------------------------------- 30
(Depending on the kind of source)
Appropriateness of Details -------------------------------------------- 30
(Including necessary punctuation marks)
Relevance to the Topic -------------------------------------------------- 20
Completeness of Presentation ---------------------------------------- 20
Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 points

Practice Task 1: Sources Discovery

Read possible literatures/ studies related to your topic.
List down at least 1 reference/resource that is necessary for your research
study. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Relevant Idea from the source: Gambrell and Codling (2002) also believes
that motivation should be a central consideration in the reading
curriculum because it often makes the difference between learning that
is superficial and shallow and learning that is deep and internalized.


Title of Article: _Assessing Adolescent’s Motivation to Read_____

Type of Source: ____Article___________________________
Author: ___Gambrell and Codling_________
Year Published: ______2002_________

1. Relevant Idea from the source:

Reference/URL: ________________________________________________
Title of Article: __________________________________________________
Type of Source: ________________________________________________
Author: _______________________________Year Published: __________

Practice Task 2: List me down

Example: Website/Electronic Sources
Feldstein, M.(2008).Effects of Taxes on Economic Behavior. Retrieve from

Prepare 1 example website/electronic source used in a given research

study. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Practice Task 3: Read & Write

Example: Unpublished Materials
Abardo, R. (1984). The Tax Mapping of Catanduanes: Its Implications to
Improved Local Government Finance in Catanduanes.(Unpublished Master’s Thesis,
Catanduanes State Colleges, Virac, Catanduanes, 1984)

Prepare 1 example unpublished materials used in your given research

study. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Cooling Down

Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. Write your answer in
a separate sheet of paper.

_____1. Use reference books to get quick specific facts or information or an overview
of a subject.
_____2. Some examples of reference sources are dictionaries, encyclopedia,
bibliographies, almanacs, atlases and handbooks.
_____3. Print reference books are not often shelved alongside other books on the
same subjects in the library stacks, or in reference collections near library
service decks.
_____4. References sources (otherwise known as reference resources or
background sources) are designed to help you find specific types of
information quickly.
_____5. Use reference sources to get key words and names for more effective
advanced searching.
_____6. Researcher’s used reference sources not to read a quick overview of a new
_____7. Use reference sources to learn definitions of important words or concepts.
_____8. Researcher’s used reference sources to find key facts and background
information that will help you assess other resources.
_____9. Use reference sources to see suggestions for more sources about a topic
(including the best-known sources).
_____10. Multipurpose reference sources contain few of different types of reference

Learning Challenge

Task 1: Task 1:

Present the parts of the given research study specifically title, statement of the
problem, scope and delimitation of the study. Write your answer in a separate sheet of
Title: ___________________________________________________

Statement of the Problem:

a. _______________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________

Scope and Delimitation of the Study


Task 2:

Present the sample Importance of the Study and Definition of Terms. Write
your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Importance of the Study

Definition of Terms

Points to Ponder

It is a list of the publication information for the sources you’ve cited in your paper
and is intended to give your readers all the information they need to find those sources.

Answer Key

1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F

Practice Task 1
Diamond, Jared M. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies.
New York: W.W. Norton & Co, 1998. Print.

Practice Task 2:
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2008). Biofuels. Retrieved May 6,
2008, from

Practice Task 3:

Lorenzo Malasa “The status of 4P’s in Villahermosa,Daraga

Albay.”(Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Bicol University, Albay, 2012)

Additional Tasks

Practice Task 1:

Relevant Idea from the source: Tacio, H.D.(2015) gave Harvard School of Public
Health stated that Ampalaya is also one of the food sources of folate; it contains 22
percent of the average daily requirements for folate. Folate, called folic acid if its
synthetic form, can help prevent spina bifida and anencephaly, also known as natural
tube defects, or birth defects that impact the spine and the brain. Folate might be
protected against strokes, breast cancer, and colon cancer.
Tacio, H.D. (2015, June 10). What you need to know about “Ampalaya”.
Retrieved from


Title of Article: What you need to know about “Ampalaya”

Type of Source:Article
Author: Tacio, H.D. Year Published: 2015

Practice Task 2:

Padmashree, G., Sharma, G.K., Semwal, A.D., Bawa, A.S. (2012, December
24). Studies on the antioxygenic activity of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) and its
fractions using various in vitro models.

Practice Task 3:
Adayo, N.R., Soriano, CG.A.,Plaridel, C.M., Jr. Ced, JE. B., Chiu, R.F. (2012).
A feasibility study on the production of Ampalaya Cupcake (BREM 400- Project
Feasibility Study). Ateneo De Naga University, Naga City.

Cooling Down
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. F

Learning Challenges
Task 1:

Present the parts of the given research study specifically title, statement of the
problem, scope and delimitation of the study.

Title: Perceived Importance and Benefits of Citizenship Advancement Training of the

Grade 10 students of Pamplona National High School s/y 2019-2020

Statement of the Problem:

1. What is the perceived importance of Citizenship Advancement Training of
Grade 10 students?
2. What are the perceived benefits in joining Citizenship Advancement Training?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is limited to 158 grade 10 student of Pamplona National High School
coming from different sections S/Y 2019-2020.

The focus of this study is to know the different Perceived Benefits and
importance in joining Citizen Advancement Training of Grade 10 students of Pamplona
National High School.

Task 2:
Present the sample Importance of the Study and Definition of Terms.
Importance of the Study
The findings of this study will provide a knowledgeable details and information
about the Perceived importance and benefits of Citizenship Advancement Training in
Grade 10 students of Pamplona National High School s/y 2019-2020. The
beneficiaries of this study are the community, students, teachers, parents.

Community. This study will provide information about community servicing of

Students. This study will help the students to be disciplined and have good
manners with regards in joining C.A.T and advance learning about
Military training.

Teachers. This study will help teachers to develop mannered students.

Parents. This study will help parents to know what is C.A.T. that their children are
participating in school as a military training.

Definition of Terms
This content of definition of term is related to the study of Citizenship
Advancement Training this definition of words
help you to understand.

C.A.T. Citizenship Advancement Training is a preparation or basic

Military training.

Discipline. It is the practice of training of people’s behavior and their at


Cristobal, Jr. Amadeo P., Cristobal, Maura Consolacion D. (2017). Practical

Research 1 for Senior High School. Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc. p. 251-252

Cristobal, Jr. Amadeo P., Cristobal, Maura Consolacion D. (2017. Enhanced

Teacher’s Manual Practical Research 1 for Senior High
School Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc.

Perceived Importance and Benefits of Citizenship Advancement Training of

the Grade 10 students of Pamplona National High School s/y 2019-2020, Mary
France Palagam, 2019, Pamplona National High School, Camarines Sur


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