PRB3 X Ca 150421

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Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black ink.
Duration: 2 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question paper. SUB J E CT: CA [1 65 ]
Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Thursday. April 15. 2021

SESSION: 2020-21 MAX. MARKS: 50

General Instructions: 77760

1. This question paper contains two parts A and B. Each part is compulsory.
2. Part A carries 20 marks while part B carries 30 marks.
3. Part-A consists very short answer and case based MCQ Questions and Part-B is Descriptive
4. Both Part A and Part B have choices.
Part – A:
1. It consists two sections- I and II.
2. Section I has 13 questions of very short answer type. An examinee is to attempt any 10 out of 13
3. Section II has two case studies. Each case study has 7 case-based sub-parts. An examinee is to
attempt any 5 out of 7 sub-parts.
Part – B:
1. Question No. 16 to 20 are short answer Type (SA-I) questions of 2 mark each, Question No 21 to
25 are Short Answer Type (SA-II) questions of 3 marks each and Question No 26 is Long Answer
Type question of 5 marks.
2. Internal choice is provided in 1 question of 2 marks, 1 question of 3 marks and 1 question of 5
This section consists of 13 questions of very short answer type. Question no. 4 to 8 are of 'fill in
the blank' type. Fill the blank with the most appropriate answer. Attempt any 10 questions from
question no 1 to 13.

1) What is e-Governance? 1
2) Explain the function of WIDTH and HEIGHT attribute of <IMG> tag. 1
3) What is an attribute in HTML? 1
4) ______ attribute of <A> tag facilitates external linking. 1
5) The default alignment of images, that are inserted in the web page, is_________. 1
6) __________ property is used to change the text colour of an element in CSS. 1
7) The tags that require a starting as well as ending tag are called_________. 1
8) #000000 is equivalent to ______ colour. 1
9) What is wrong with following code?
<UL Type=” a” start=”4”> 1
10) List the attributes of <TD> tag. 1
11) What is wrong with the following CSS definition? 1
Body (background-colour=” blue”)
12) Name some common image formats used in HTML pages. 1
13) State the difference between <TD> and <TR> tags. 1

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Both the Case study-based questions are compulsory. Attempt any 5 questions (out of 7
questions) from each case study. Each question carries 1 mark
14) Blogs
Blog is a kind of website. The term “blog” is shortened form of “weblog”- a diary or journal
on the web. Web of today has million upon millions of blogs. There are blogs maintained
by individuals.

(i) A person who writes and maintains a blog is called__________. 1

(a) Blogger (b) Writer (c) Blogging (d) None of these

(ii) The entries or information in the blogs are known as___________. 1

(a) Message (b) Post (c) Both(a) and (b) (d) None of these

(iii) Which of the following is an example of micro blogging? 1

(a) Orkut (b) Facebook (c) Twitter (d) Google+

(iv) 140 characters is the limit for a post on_______. 1

(a) Faebook (b) Twitter (c) Google+ (d) All of these

(v) Which of the following is/are the disadvantages of blogs? 1

(a) People may leave comments (b) Blog can be time consuming
(c) Easy to update (d) Easy to setup

(vi) Which of the following is/are the advantages of blogs? 1

(a) People may leave rude comments (b) Contains inaccurate information
(c) Easy and quick to update (d) None of these

(vii) ______ is the most common type of blog. 1

(a) Micro-blog (b) Company blog (c) Personal blog (d) News and view

15) Web address (URL)

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique identifier used to locate a resource on
the internet. It is also referred to as a web address. URLs consist of multiple parts including
a protocol and domain name that tell a web browser how and where to retrieve a resource.
End users use URLs by typing them directly into the address bar of a browser or by clicking
a hyperlink found on a webpage, bookmark list, in an email or from another application

(i) Which of the following is/are the components of URL? 1

(a) Protocol (b) Address of the server (c) Both(a) and (b) (d) None of these

(ii) The group of related messages is known as _________. 1

(a) Message (b) Thread (c) Path (d) None of these

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(iii) __________ is used to create a secure and encrypted connection between the server and the
browser. 1
(a) SSL (b) Thread (c) Both(a) and (b) (d) None of these
(iv) In URL,, which component identifies the web-site?
(a) http (b) (c) /pr/main.htm (d) None of these
(v) A_________ is a program that lets you visit different sites on the Net and display their
offerings on your own computer. 1
(a) Web-site (b) Web browser (c) Webpage (d) None of these
(vi) Which of the following protocols is used for WWW? 1
(a) FTP (b) HTTP (c) W3C (d) None of these
(vii) A_________ is a group of related web pages hosted on web server, are linked together and
share a common interface and design. 1
(a) Website (b) Web browser (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

Part –B
All questions are compulsory. In case of internal choices, attempt any ONE.
16) Ankit, a student of Class X, is not able to understand the significance of File transfer
Protocol. Help him in understanding the same by explaining its role. 2
17) Write the full form of NNTP and TCP/IP. Explain the difference between them. 2
18) What do you understand by the term hypertext and hyperlink? 2
19) Observe the following table and write the HTML code to generate it: 2

Eng Maths Sc. Soc.Sc
67 77 79 65
20) Define the following: 2
i. Cyber ethics for E-commerce
ii. Plagiarism
What do you understand by intellectual property rights? 2
21) Write HTML code to create the following HTML Form. 3

22) What is the CSS defining style rule? Explain any three. 3

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23) Identify the errors and write the corrected HTML statements: 3
b. <FONT TYPE= “Arial”>
c.<OL type=a start=E>

24) What do you understand by Public domain software and Proprietary software? 3

25) What is social networking? What are its benefits? 3

What is the significance of SSH protocol?

26) Write the HTML code to design the given web page below considering the following
specifications: 5

 Background colour of the page should be Cyan.

 Heading 'COVID 19' should be the first level of heading.
 The image named ‘Covid19.jpg’ should be placed at right side of the web page.
 Formatting style for the paragraph
o Font Name: Tahoma
o Font Colour: Green
 Use Links as:
o Stay six feet away from others as one. Html
o Wear a mask as two .html
o Wash your handThree.html

Write HTML tags according to the following requirements:
a. Insert the image named “butterfly.jpg” as background image of a web page.
b. Add a title “Programming in HTML” as title of the page
c. Create a hyperlink for the website “” when the text “Visit” is clicked.
d. Change the visited hyperlinks default colour to GREEN.
e. Change the default left margin of your web page content to 80points.

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