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Technolog  Byju’s tied up with Lenovo and  Toppr uses its website and
y provided tablets to the selected application to track the activities of
students for better mapping of the students such as time spent on
student’s activities by parents. the app and the subject studied.
 Byju’s launched a platform known  A comprehensive and ethical
as Leadsquared which helps in database of customer has been set
marketing automation that also up by the company to learn more
offers Customer Relationship about the customer. It helps them in
Management (CRM) services for providing better programmes.
 Byju’s is using Amazon Web
Services (AWS) which provides a
safe and flexible cloud environment
which helps in maintaining the
website and its application.
People  Byju’s formed a team of 1000  Toppr rewards their best customers
employees to execute its On-street with discounts and various deals
Strategy. They visited people door to according to the preference of the
door and pitched them about the customer.
product  To study more about the customer
 Individual report of the student’s preference, toppr uses constructive
time spent and subject studied in the and trackable calls from the
application is sent to parents on a customer.
regular basis.
 Every student is provided an
academic counsellor which helps in
clearing the doubts at any hour.
Process  During lockdown, students were  Toppr focuses on using customized
given unlimited access to their CRM approach to send emails only
preferred subjects with one of the to their targeted customers.
best instructors.  Toppr is enabling their
 Students just have to select the representatives develop meaningful
subject and time period and they can interactions, enhance prospects, and
access the curriculum for free. deliver more, all while securely
documenting their positions and
Product  Byju’s covers the entire syllabus  Toppr covers the entire sullabus of
from KG to12th of all the different K12 of all the different boards such
boards such as CBSE, ICSE, State as CBSE, ICSE, State boards, etc.
boards, etc. and various competitive  It has numerous courses for the
exams such as CAT, NEET, preparation of various universities,
Banking, etc. With full modules, test boards, and competitive exams.
series and also for GD and PI.  It has launched a platformknown as
 Byju’s not only provide videos and Toppr Live to provide high-quality
subject matter, but also provide, full education for its students.
syllabus, notes, sample papers,
question papers of last few years,
solutions, live projects (both still
and working), solutions of
supplementary books, etc.
 Graphical representation with the
use of holograms is also done for the
diagrams and processes for better
understanding of the subject.

Byju’s and Toppr both are an Edtech company providing online video classes to the students
of K12 and various other competitive exams. Although the basic idea of the business is same
but Byju’s being a unicorn has invested a lot of its mind and money in making it better
company. It provides lots of features in its app to make students better understand the subject
and in an interesting way, making it secure the top position in its sector. Various technologies
and methods have been used by both the companies to provide better solution to its customer
while understanding their needs.

While Byju’s have adopted various technologies like providing tablet to the students by tying
up with Lenovo, introducing Leadsquare for marketing automation and using AWS as their
cloud service, Topprs is still at its initial stage in knowing customer better. They are focused
in tracking customer preference using various methods like maintaining comprehensive and
ethical database, tracking calls and interactive communication. Unlike Toppr, Byju’s not only
provide online videos classes but also provides 3D graphical representation for better
understanding of the students. While the Toppr is still stuck at providing discounts and deals
to cater more customers, Byju’s has created a team to reach people in small towns through
door to door visit.

It can be concluded that Toppr is at its initial stage in catering more customer and providing
good and meaningful content. Talking about Byju’s it has a huge customer base and now it is
focusing in implementing various technologies and marketing strategies to maintain its
position in the industry.

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