Portfolio Statement Client Code: W0015 Name: Asish Dey Status: Active Call Status: Regular

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Jiban Bima Bhaban (4th Floor)

10, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000.

Tel : 7173008, 7163253,7118425, Fax : 88-02-7161877


Client Code: W0015 Status: Active Call Status: Regular Account Type : Margin Account
Approved Date : 7-Jul-10
BO ID: 1204090033570291 Name: ASISH DEY
Company Name Total Saleable Rate Cost Amount Market Market Unrealize Gain/ %Gain Cost Value
Qty. Qty. (TK.) Price(TK.) Value(TK.) (Loss) Mix (%)

ADVENT 11,000 10,000 21.32 234,509.65 22.80 250,800.00 16,290.35 6.95 1.44
BSRMLTD 12,000 12,000 63.13 757,618.40 61.80 741,600.00 (16,018.40) -2.11 4.64
BBSCABLES 17,050 15,500 52.41 893,610.20 55.10 939,455.00 45,844.80 5.13 5.48
BRACBANK 10,500 10,500 44.77 470,102.92 44.50 467,250.00 (2,852.92) -0.61 2.88
GPHISPAT 7,008 6,675 29.27 205,117.20 30.10 210,940.80 5,823.60 2.84 1.26
GP 3,160 3,160 355.67 1,123,917.56 349.70 1,105,052.00 (18,865.56) -1.68 6.89
IBP 10,200 10,000 18.80 191,764.00 19.10 194,820.00 3,056.00 1.59 1.18
LHBL 91,200 91,200 44.10 4,021,552.64 46.30 4,222,560.00 201,007.36 5.00 24.65
MPETROLEUM 4,300 4,300 243.06 1,045,164.00 198.10 851,830.00 (193,334.00) -18.50 6.41
ORIONPHARM 15,000 15,000 45.32 679,834.92 53.40 801,000.00 121,165.08 17.82 4.17
PADMAOIL 1,850 1,850 297.77 550,869.70 205.40 379,990.00 (170,879.70) -31.02 3.38
PUBALIBANK 216 216 25.04 5,408.24 24.10 5,205.60 (202.64) -3.75 0.03
SILVAPHL 10,000 10,000 18.57 185,740.00 18.30 183,000.00 (2,740.00) -1.48 1.14
SINGERBD 2,000 2,000 169.83 339,653.20 177.10 354,200.00 14,546.80 4.28 2.08
SOUTHEASTB 20,000 20,000 14.26 285,136.00 12.50 250,000.00 (35,136.00) -12.32 1.75
SQURPHARMA 8,001 8,001 224.03 1,792,449.23 218.10 1,745,018.10 (47,431.13) -2.65 10.99
CITYBANK 25,000 25,000 24.43 610,833.60 24.70 617,500.00 6,666.40 1.09 3.74
UCB 17,982 17,982 18.86 339,205.47 14.30 257,142.60 (82,062.87) -24.19 2.08
13,732,486.93 13,577,364.10 -155,122.83
APOLOISPAT 292,004 292,004 8.41 2,455,215.78 6.10 1,781,224.40 (673,991.38) -27.45 15.05
PREMIERLEA 2,551 2,551 21.17 54,015.20 6.80 17,346.80 (36,668.40) -67.89 0.33
PENINSULA 3,000 3,000 23.66 70,982.80 23.20 69,600.00 (1,382.80) -1.95 0.44
2,580,213.78 1,868,171.20 -712,042.58

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Total: 16,312,700.71 15,445,535.30 (867,165.41) -5.32 100.00

Account Status
Available Balance : 775,427.79 Market Value of Securities : 15,445,535.30
Immatured Balance : 0.00
Marginable Equity : 13,938,391.50
Unclear Cheque : 0.00
Non-Marginable Equity : 1,868,171.20
Ledger Balance : 775,427.79

Equity : 15,806,562.70
Fund Status
Max Margin Limit : 50,000,000.00
Total Deposit : 21,865,000.00
Purchase Power : 6,350,784.39
Realized Gain/(Loss) : 774,011.88 Marginable Debt-Equity Ratio : 0
Total Withdraw : 6,700,000.00 Debt-Equity Ratio : 0

Equity-Debt Ratio : 0.00 %

Total Fund : 15,939,011.88
Investment Ratio : 0.40
Investment Amount
(Principle) : 0.00 Capital Gain/(Loss)
Profit Upto Previous Month
Realized : 774,011.88
(Realize) : 0.00
Unrealized : (867,165.41)
Profit Upto Date (Unrealize) : 0.00
Net Gain/(Loss) : (93,153.53)
Total Dues : 0.00

Dividend Receivable :

SL Company Name Type of Share Qty Market Rate Market Value

1 Indo-Bangla Pharmaceuticals BONUS 200 19.10 3,820.00

2 BBS Cables Ltd. BONUS 1,550 55.10 85,405.00

3 GPH Ispat Ltd BONUS 333 30.10 10,023.30

4 Advent Pharma Limited BONUS 1,000 22.80 22,800.00


IPO Application:

SL Instrument Name Subscription Date Quantity Cost Amount State State Date
1 Mir Akhter Hossain Limited 12/30/2020 100 54.00 5,400.00 Applied 12/27/2020
IPO Application Total: 5,400.00

Grand Total: 5,400.00

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Stock Fraction Amount for Allocation

Record Date Company Name BO Code Allocation Amount

12/07/2015 United Airways (BD) Ltd. 1204090033570291

Awareness Notice:
Though you are aware, still to refresh yourself, you are informed that, in compliance with rule-8 (1)
(CC) (i) of BSEC Rules-1987 Quote, Provided that all receipts and payments in respect of all
transactions, or series of transactions, for one customer in excess of taka five lac shall be carried
out other than by cash ( i.e., by account payee cheque, bank payment order or draft, or any other
mode of banking system). Un-quote, SJIBSL will not accept any cash deposit slip over BDT. 5.00 lacs.

Margin Reduction Notice:

Earnestly requested to reduce the Margin ratio to 1:0.50 (BSEC prescribed ratio) by Deposit of
Cash/Cheque/Marginable securities on or before 30th June’2014 failing we shall have no option to
bring down the ratio to 1:0.50 within given time frame by selling securities.

Recovery of Unrealized Matured Markup Profit Notice:

Unrealized Matured Markup Profit, if any, is required to be paid /adjusted by each concerned
respected Margin Investment Client on or before 360 days from the date of each deal, otherwise the
Company shall sell/dispose off shares/securities held in the related portfolio to the extent required
for recovery of unrealized Matured Markup Profit.

Realization of Unrealized Gain Notice:

Gain shall not be allowed to be kept unrealized (Against any Share/Security) beyond reasonable
period keeping outstanding Margin Investment account in excess of ratio prescribed by BSEC or
nearing to trigger sale or under trigger sale situation as per Margin rules or keeping the account in
negative equity. If the same continues to remain unrealized beyond reasonable period, the company
shall make arrangement to sell the shares/securities, realize the gain an appropriate the same
towards Margin Investment remaining in any form as aforesaid.

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