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At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

1. Identify seven (7) major ingredients in baking.
2. Construct their own recipe by using ingredients in baking and measure the different baking
ingredients correctly.
3. Show initiative and self-reliance in performing task without supervision



Materials: Printed Pictures
Printed modules/Hand outs
Measuring Tools
Baked Products
Reference/s: Bread and Pastry Learning Module G-11
Anecita S. Kong
Emelita J. Nuyda


Teachers’ Activity Learners’ Activity

 Classroom routine

Opening prayer

Good morning class! Magandang Buhay.

Good Morning Ma’am magandang
Please take your sits.

Checking of attendance
(The teacher will ask the student who monitored the There’s no absent ma’am.

Anyone from the class who can give me the summary Yes Mary Grace
of what we’ve discussed last meeting? Ma’am last meeting we’ve discussed
about the different baking tools and
Okay! Very Good equipment.
Class are you familiar with the song Pat- A- Cake? No ma’am
Everybody please stand
(the teacher will play the music video and let the students
follow the action)
That’s wonderful class. We’ve practiced your talents in
singing huh. I notice that you really enjoyed and for that I
want you to give yourselves a “Maganda Clap

Awesome, now that you’ve energized please take a sit.

 Activity

Class this morning I am going to bring you to the 3

largest Pastry shop in the country (Red Ribbon,
Goldilocks and Gardenia)
I will give you the admission tickets for you to taste
their signature products.
You are going to group yourselves according to the
color of your ticket (red, yellow and blue)
(Students will proceed to the assign
Group red proceed to Red ribbon shop station)
Yellow proceed to Goldilocks
Blue proceed to Gardenia

Is everything settled?

Alright, so now you are going to taste their products

and tell something about the component of the

There is a bucket of words in your respective station,

find a word that would describe the food you tasted.
Paste it on the board. I will give 3 minutes to prepare
and 2 minutes to present.

Impressive class!

Now let us discuss the different baking ingredient and

its function Okay Ma’am

Major Ingredients
 Flour- The students present their output
- is a finely ground meal obtained by grinding and milling
cereal grains or other root crops

 Types of Flour
 Bread flour
 has 12-14% protein content and is made from hard
wheat flour.
 The high gluten content causes the bread to rise and
gives its shape and structure.
 All-Purpose Flour
 Has 10-11 %protein content and is made from a blend
of hard and soft wheat flours, also called the General
Purpose Flour or family flour.
 Cake Flour
 has 7-9% protein content and is made from soft wheat
 It is good for making cakes and cookies where a
tender and delicate texture is desired.
Uses of Flour
 Provides structure, texture and color to baked products
 Used as thickening agent
 Used as binder of food

II. Sugar
 a sweet, soluble organic compound that belongs to the
carbohydrate group of food.
Type of Sugar
 White sugar - also known as table sugar or as refined
 Brown sugar - contains caramel, mineral matter and
moisture. It also contains a small amount of molasses.
It comes in three colors.
 Confectioner’s sugar - granulated sugar that has
been pulverized. To prevent lumping and caking,
about 3% cornstarch is added.
Effects of Sugar in Baking
 increases dough development
 makes the color of the crust richer
 makes the bread more tender
 increase the volume of the loaf
 contributes to moisture content of baked products,
increasing its storing quality
 acts as creaming agent

III. Eggs
 considered a complete protein, containing all the
essential amino acids humans use to build other
proteins needed by the body

Uses of Eggs in Baking

 Eggs, as well as flour, are the structural ingredients in
 Eggs provide leavening; add color, texture, flavor and
richness to the batter;
 act as stabilizer in mixture
 used as leavening agents as they incorporate air into
the batter,
 Eggs are used as thickening agent.
 Egg washes are brushed on many baked goods to
create a golden shiny top.
IV. Shortening
Examples of Shortening

 Oil – made from plant products such as corn,

cottonseeds, soybeans, peanuts, and other sources.
 Butter- Made of fatty milk proteins. It contains 80-85
% fat; 10-15 % water and 5% milk solids
 Margarine- – made from hydrogenated vegetable oil.
 Lard- – made of fat from pork. Some people prefer
lard to other fats for making pie crust and biscuits
because it gives a flakier texture
Uses of Shortening in Baking
 Makes bread products tender and improve flavor.
 Assist in gas retention giving better volume and crust.
 Improve the aroma, color and texture of baked
 Improve the shelf life of baked products because of its
V. Leavening Agent
 are gases that cause the dough to rise.
Classification of Leavening Agents
1. Chemical Leaveners.
a. Baking Soda
It is a powerful leavener that readily reacts as
soon as
it comes in contact with batter or dough
b. Baking Powder – is a combination of baking
soda and acid salt
c. Cream of tartar - It is used in the whipping of egg whites to
stabilize them and allow them to reach maximum
2. Biological Leaveners
Yeast- is a single-cell organism, which needs food,
warmth, and moisture to thrive. It converts its food—
sugar and starch—through fermentation, into carbon
dioxide and alcohol.
VI. Liquid Ingredients
 provide moisture to rehydrate and activate the yeast
and bring together the flour and any other dry
ingredients to make the dough/ batter
Types of the Liquid Ingredients
A. Water - It is the cheapest liquid used in baking. It performs
vital role in baking making ingredients rehydrated.
b. Milk and Other Dairy Products
 moisten dough and batters
 they add a slight flavor to the final baked good and
increase its richness
Types of Milk Used in Baking
 fresh milk or whole milk
 evaporated milk
 condensed milk
 skimmed milk
 powder or dry milk
Uses of Milk in Baking
 increases nutritive value of baked products
 enhances texture and increase softness of baked goods
 enhance flavor
 Extend the shelf life of cakes

VII. Minor Ingredients in Baking

 Flavoring
 Vanilla
 Salt
 Wines
 Spices (cloves, cinnamon, mace, nutmeg)
 Coffee
 Chocolate and Cocoa

 Abstraction The different ingredients used in baking

Now that you already have the knowledge about baking, are
can you give the different ingredients that we’ve the following; flour, eggs, liquids such
discussed? as milk and water. The leavener,
shortening and flavorings and spices.
Yes, Gemma

Excellent Gemma
Let’s give her a Dionesia Clap Yes ma’am that’s true that baking is an
exact science because every ingredient
have different measurements depends
They say that baking is an exact science. Do you think it’s upon the needed amount. In baking, the
true? ingredients must be measure exactly in
order to have a perfect outcome
Yes, Junizza

Baking requires accuracy. Any deviation from the

measurement and type of ingredients may greatly affect
the bake products because as what other says too much
is not good as well as few is not enough.

 Application (The students will measure the baking

The teacher will group his/her students into 3 (three), ingredients using the following
he/she will give the specific task to each group. Each measuring tools.)
group will be given 4 minutes to accomplish their
assign task and 3 minutes to present it.

Group 1 The teacher will show a video that

demonstrate the proper way of measuring ingredients
and the equivalent conversion of the ingredients.

Group 2 The learner will compose a song/jingle that Jingle/song (to the tune of fireworks) Do
interprets the importance of different ingredients. you ever think the importance of
ingredients in baking that you’ve just
saw around Do you ever think the
functions of every ingredients in baking
And do you ever think what will happen
if just one ingredients is missing or not
present And do you know that there is
still a chance for you to familiarize the
ingredients You just going to embrace
the things that you want to do just on
these things you’ll going to succeed
Cause you know that without those
Group 3. Through collaborative activity the student ingredients you can’t make this kind of
will formulate their own sample recipe. products, that’s why various ingredients
in baking is very essential (repeat 2x)

Double Chocolate Cupcakes

1 ½ cup all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
½ cup cocoa (alkalized)
½ cup butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 pc egg
1 can evap milk
1 cup chocolate chips


Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
1. The learners present
their work in a creative
2. Each member of the
group participates and
cooperates on the given
3. The content is being
presented in organize
4.The students accomplish
their task in the given
amount of time
5.The students
welldelivered their

 Assessment
Read and analyze each statement carefully.
1. What kind of sugar is primarily used in
preparing icing?
a. White sugar
b. Brown sugar
c. Granulated sugar
d. Confectioner’s sugar
2. Which of the ingredients is an example of a
physical leavening agent?
a. Air
b. Baking powder
c. Baking soda
d. Yeast
3. What is the most expensive ingredient in
a. Egg
b. Flour
c. Milk
d. Sugar
4. A finely ground meal obtained by grinding
and milling cereal grains or other root
a. Butter
b. Flour
c. Milk
d. Sugar
5. What is the best step to have better results
in baking?
a. Use modern equipment
b. Use only imported ingredients
c. Memorize the recipe very well
d. Measure ingredients accurately

V. Assignment
Make an interview to an owner of the bake shop in your
barangay. List down all the procedures that they do in making

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