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Vertical Angles
and Direction


The direction of a line is usually defined by the horizontal angle it makes with a fixed
difference line or direction. In surveying this is done with the reference to a meridian
which lies in a vertical plane passing through a fixed point of reference and through the
observer’s position. A (geographic) meridian (or line of longitude) is the half of an
imaginary great circle on the Earth's surface, terminated by the North Pole and the South
Pole, connecting points of equal longitude, as measured in angular degrees east or west
of the Prime Meridian.

There are four types of meridians:

1. True meridian - the line on a plane passing through the geographical North Pole or
geographical South Pole and any point on the surface of the earth. It is also called as
geographical meridian. The angle between true meridian and line is known as true
bearing of the line.
2. Magnetic Meridian - it is an equivalent imaginary line connecting the magnetic south
and north poles and can be taken as the horizontal component of magnetic force lines
along the surface of the earth. Therefore, a compass needle will be parallel to the
magnetic meridian.
3. Grid Meridian - that line, in a grid on a map, parallel to the line representing the
central meridian or y-axis or that line, in a rectangular, Cartesian coordinate system
applied to a map, parallel to the line representing the y-axis or central meridian.
4. Assumed Meridian – an arbitrary chosen fixed line of reference which is taken for
convenience. This meridian is usually the direction from a survey station to an adjoining
station or to some well-defined and permanent point.

Units of Angular Measurements

1. The Degree. The sexagesimal system is used in which the circumference of a circle is
divided into 360 parts or degrees. The angle of one degree is defined as the angle
requires 1/360 of the rotation needed to obtain one complete revolution.
2. The Grad – the unit of measure in the centesimal system. In this system the
circumference of a circle is divided into 400 parts called grads. The grad is subdivided
into 100 centesimal minutes and centesimal is subdivided into 100 seconds. It is a
standard unit used in Europe.
3. The Mil. The circumference is divided into 6400 parts called mils, or 1600 mils is
equal to 90o. It is commonly used in military operations as in fire direction of artillery
4. The Radian is another measure of angles used frequently for a host of calculations.
One radian is defined as the angle subtended at the center of a circle by the arc length
exactly equal to the radius of the circle, one radian equals 180/π approximately 57.2958
degrees and one degree equals π/180 or approximately 0.0174533 radian. The radian is
sometimes referred to as the natural unit of angle because there is no arbitrary number
in the definition. It is used in the computations such as determining the length of circular
arcs and where high speed electronics digital computers are used.

Sample Problem
Conversion from degrees to grads, mils and radians
Convert 270o into its equivalent value in grads, mils and radians
o 400 g
Angle in Grads = 270 ( ) = 300g
6400 mils
Angle in Mils = 270o( ) = 4800 mils
360 o
2 π rad
Angle in Radian = 270o( ) = 4.7124 radians
Designation of North Points
There is always a starting or reference point to define directions and the following are
the commonly used reference point.
1. True North also called geodetic north is the direction along Earth's surface towards
the geographic North Pole or True North Pole.
2. Magnetic North – a north point that is established by means of a magnetized
compass needle when there are no local attraction attractions affecting it.
3. Grid North – a north point established by lines on the map which are parallel to a
selected central north.
4. Assumed North is used to portray the location of any arbitrarily chosen north point.

Direction of a Line is defined as the horizontal angle the line makes with the
established line of reference. There are various kinds of angles which can be used to
describe the direction of the lines. In surveying practice, directions maybe defined by
means of: interior angles, deflection angles, angles to the right, bearings and azimuths.
1. Interior Angle is an angle formed inside a polygon by two adjacent sides.
2. Deflection Angle is a horizontal angle measured from the forward prolongation of the
preceding line to the following line; the angle between one survey line and the extension
of another survey line that meets it. A deflection angle to the right is positive; one to the
left is negative.

3. Angle to the Right – is an angle measured in a clockwise direction, from the rear to
the forward point or station.

4. Bearing is an angle measured from the north or south direction.

5. Azimuth is the angle between the meridian and the line measured in a clockwise
direction from either the North or South branch of the meridian.

Determining Bearing

Bearing of Lines
Line A = N 30o E
Line B = N 60o W
Line C = S 70o E
Line D = S 80o W
Forward and Backward Bearing
Any line on the surface of the earth may be defined by two directions which differ from
each other by exactly 180 degrees. The direction will depend on which end the line is
observed. When the bearing of a line is observed in the direction in which the survey
progresses, it is referred to as a forward bearing, if the bearing of the same is observed
in an opposite direction it is called backward bearing.

Forward Bearing Backward Bearing

AB N 44o38’ E S 44o38’ W
BC S 42o30’ E N 42o30’ W
CD N 56o50’ E S 56o50’ W
DE S 18o12’ E N 18o12’ W
Determining Azimuth
The azimuth of a line may range from 0 to 360
degrees. In practice, azimuths are generally
measured from the north branch of the reference
meridian for ordinary plane surveys. For large scale
geodetic surveys and in astronomical
observations, azimuth is measured. Azimuth
measured from north is azimN and from south is

azim N B = 66o40’ azimN = 27o

azimN C = 124o28’ azimN = - 20o

azimN D = 224o21’ azimS = - 77o

azimN E = 322o26’ azimS = 30o

Forward and Backward Azimuth

Rule 1: If the forward azimuth of the line is greater than 180o, subtract 180o, to obtain the
back azimuth
Rule 2: When the forward azimuth of the line is less than 180o, add 180o to determine
the back azimuth

Obs. Azim from South Calc. Azim from South

LINE Forward Backward Forward Backward
AB 230o00’ 50o00’ 50o00’ 230o00’
BC 214 00’ 134o00’ o
134 00’ 214o00’
CD 255 00’ 75o00’ o
75 00’ 255o00’
DE 165 00’ 345o00’ o
345 00’ 165o00’

Sample Problems
Determining angles from bearings and azimuth
1. Compute the angles AOB and COD from the following set of lines whose magnetic
bearings are given. Find the azimN and azimS of lines OA, OB OC and OD.

AOB = BON + NOA = 60o + 30o = 90o
azimN OA = 30o, azimS = 180o + 30o =110o
azimN OB = 180o + 120o = 300o, azimS = 80o + 10o + 30o = 120o
COD = COS + SOD = 70o + 80o = 150o
azimN OC = 30o + 60o + 20o = 110o, azimS OC = 180o + 30o + 60o + 20o = 290o
azimN OD = 180o + 80o = 260o, azimS OD = 80o
2. Compute the bearing angles of BOC & DOE and the bearing of OB, OC, and OD &
BOC = 124o28’ – 66o40’ = 57o48’,
OB = N 66o40’ E, OC = S (180o – 124o28’) E = S 55o32’ E
DOE = [(322o26’ – 180o) – (224o21’ – 180o)] = 142o26’ – 44o21’ = 98o05’
OD = S (224o21’ – 180o) W = S 44o21’ W
OE = N (360o – 322o26’) W = N 37o34’ W



Compass is a hand held instrument for determining the horizontal direction of a line with
reference to the magnetic meridian. It is so constructed to allow a magnetic needle to
swing freely on a pivot at the center of a graduated circle and point toward magnetic
north. From the occupied position of the compass it allows a line of sight to be directed
toward any selected distant view. The compass box, line of sight and the magnetic
needle are the essential features of the magnetic compass.

Essential Features of Compass

1. Compass Box - with a circle graduated from 0o to 90o in both directions from the N
and S points and usually having the E and W points interchanged.
2. Sight Vanes - which defines the line of sight in the direction of the S-N points of the
compass box.
3. Magnetic Needle - has the property of pointing a fixed direction namely, the magnetic

Types of Compass

1. Brunton Compass – the most versatile and widely used compass. It combines the
main features of a prismatic compass, sighting compass, hand held and clinometer
(instrument for measuring angle of slope). Suitable and sufficiently accurate for
preliminary and exploratory survey.

2. Lensatic Compass – it consists of an aluminum case containing a magnetic dial

balanced on a pivot, a hinged cover with sighting wire, a hinged eyepiece containing a
magnifying lens for reading the dial graduation and a sighting slot for viewing the distant
object. Designed for military use such as reconnoitering, determining directions,
orienteering maps, artillery fire direction control.
3. Surveyor’s Compass - an instrument for determining the horizontal direction of a line
with reference to the direction of the magnetic needle. Mounted usually on a light tripod,
or sometimes on a Jacob's staff (a point stick about 1.5 m long).

4. Pocket Compass, which is generally held in the hand when bearings are observed;
used on reconnaissance or other rough survey.

5. Transit Compass - a compass box similar to the surveyor's compass, mounted on

the upper or vernier plate of the engineer's transit.

6. Prismatic Compass – graduations are found on a rotating card instead of being on

the compass box. The card moves with the needle since both are fastened together.
Two short sighting devices are provided and magnetic bearings are read by means of a
prism at the same instant that the compass is sighted along the line.

7. Forester’s Compass – a type of pocket compass equipped with front and rear sight
and declination adjustment.

Sources of errors in compass work:

1. Needle Bent - if the needle is not perfectly straight, a constant error is introduced in all
observed bearings. The needle can be corrected by using a plier.
2. Pivot Bent - if the point of the pivot supporting the needle is not at the center of the
graduated circle, there is introduced a variable systematic error, the magnitude of which
depends on the direction in which the compass is sighted. The instrument can be
corrected by bending the pivot until the end readings of the needle are 180o apart for
any direction of pointing.
3. Plane of sight not vertical or graduated circle not horizontal
4. Sluggish
5. Reading the needle
6. Magnetic variations
Advantages of a Compass
1. Compass is light and portable and it requires less time for setting up, sighting and
2. An error in the direction of one line does not necessarily affect other lines of the
3. The compass is especially adapted to running straight lines through woods and other
places where obstacles are like to interfere with the line of sight.
Disadvantages of Compass
1. The compass reading is not very accurate
2. The needle is unreliable especially with the presence of local attractions such as
electric wires, metals, magnets that may render it practically useless
Magnetic Declination
The magnetic poles are not points but oval areas located about 2000 away from the
actual location of the geographic poles of the earth. These areas are not fixed and may
moved to different location everyday perhaps as far as 50 km. the angle that a magnetic
meridian makes with the true meridian. The horizontal angle and direction by which the
needle of a compass deflects from the true meridian at any particular locality is called
magnetic declination. Deflection of the needle may be eastward or westward of the

Sample Problems
1. The magnetic declination in a locality is 2o30’E. Determine the true bearing and true
azimuth reckoned from north and south of AB, whose magnetic bearing is N 25o40’E.

ρ = d +ʆ = 2o30’ + 25o40’ = 28o10’ (true bearing of line AB is N28o10’E)

π = ρ = 28o19; (true azimuth from north of line AB)
= 180o + 28o10’ = 208o10’ (true azimuth from south of line AB)
2. In a compass survey made fifty years ago the observed magnetic bearing of a
reference line XY was S50o18’E when the magnetic inclination was 8o15’ east. Lately in
1986, a new survey was made and the declination in the same survey site changed to
12o10’West. Determine the following descriptions of line XY
a. it true bearing
b. the true azimuth from south
c. its magnetic bearing
d. the magnetic azimuth from south in 1986
d1 = 8o15’, magnetic declination 50 yrs ago
d2 = 12o10. west magnetic declination in 1986
ʆ = S50o18’E, observed magnetic bearing if line XY 50 yrs ago

a. Determine true bearing
λ = ʆ - d1 = 50o18’ – 8o15’ = 42o03’
b. Determine true azimuth
Ɵ = 360o – λ = 360o - 42o03’ = 417o57;
c. Determining true magnetic bearing
ρ = λ – d2 = 42o03’ - 12o10’ = 29o53’
d. Determining new magnetic azimuth
Ø = 360o – ρ = 360o - 29o53 = 330o07’
The method of compass surveying is one of the most basic and widely practiced
methods of determining the relative location of points where a high degree of precision is
not required. Such surveys, which employ a magnetic compass, are performed by
traversing. These are the commonly used terms.
1. TRAVERSE is a series of of lines connecting successive points whose lengths and
directions have been determined from field measurements.
2. TRAVERSING is the process of measuring the length and directions of the lines of
traverse for the purpose of locating the position of certain points.
3. TRAVERSE STATION. Any temporary or permanent point of reference over which
the instrument is set up.
4. TRAVERSE LINES are lines connecting traverse stations and whose lengths and
directions are determined.
I. Open Compass Traverse. It is consists of a series of lines of known lengths and
magnetic bearings which are continuous but do not return to the starting point or close
upon a point of known position. An open traverse is generally avoided since they offer no
way of checking the field measurements for errors and mistakes. Also there is no
arithmetic checks available since the figure formed by the surveyed lines do not close,
the angles cannot be summed up to known geometrical conditions.
When adjusting an open compass traverse there are two important steps to perform, the
first is to determine which among the traverse lines is free from local attraction and the
second step is to perform the adjustment of successive lines by staring from either end
of the selected line. The unaffected line is referred to as the “best line” and it is assumed
that there is no local attraction anywhere on this line. Best line means that the forward
and backward readings are the same.
Sample Problem
Given the tabulation below are the observed forward and backward bearings of an open
compass traverse. Plot the traverse and adjust the forward and backward bearing of
each course. Tabulate answers and show the computation.
AB 400.63 N 25o45’ E S 25o40’ W
BC 450.22 S 20 30’ E N 20o25 W
CD 500.89 S 35o30’ W N 35o30’ E
DE 640.46 S 75 30’ E N 75o25’ W
EF 545.41 N 58 50’ E S 58o15’ W
FG 700.05 N 22 05’ E S 21o55’ W
The best line is line CD
1. Adjustment line DE

a. Isolating station D and solving for Ɵd

Ɵd = 180o – (ʆdc + ʆde) = 180o –(35o30’ + 75o30’) = 69o
b. Solving the adjusted bearing of lines DE and ED
ʆde =180o – (ʆdc + Ɵd) = 180o – (35o30’ + 89o) = 75o30’
Adjusted bearing of DE = S 75o30’ E
ED = N 75o30’ W
2. Adjustment of line EF

a. Isolating station E and solving for Ɵe

Ɵe = ʆed + ʆef = 75o25’ + 58o50’ = 134o15’
b. Solving for the adjusted bearing of line EF and FE
ʆef = Ɵe - ʆed = 134o15’ – 75o30’ = 58o45’
Adjusted bearing of EF = N 58o45’ E
FE = S 58o45’ W
3. Adjustment of line FG

a. Isolating station F and solving for Ɵf

Ɵf = 180o + ʆfg - ʆfe = 180 +22 05’ – 58 15’ = 143o50’
o o o

b. Solving for the adjusted bearing of lines FG and GF

ʆfg = ʆfe + Ɵf – 180o = 58o45’ + 143o50’ – 180o = 22o35’
Adjusted bearing of GF = S 22o35’ W
FG = N 22o35’ E
4. Adjustment of line BC

a. Isolating station C and solving for Ɵc

Ɵc = 180o – (ʆcb + ʆcd) = 180o –(20o25’ + 35o30’) = 124o05’
b. Solving for adjusted bearing of line CB and BC.
ʆcb = 180o – (Ɵc + ʆcd) = 180o – (124o05 + 35o30’) = 20o25’
Adjusted bearing of CB = N 20o25’ W
BC = S 20o25’ E

5. Adjustment of line AB

a. Isolating station B and solving for Ɵb

Ɵb = ʆba - ʆbc = 24o40’ + 20o30’ = 46o10’
b. Solving for adjusted bearing of lines BA and AB
ʆba = Ɵb - ʆba = 46o10’ – 20o25’ = 25o45”
Adjusted bearing of BA = S 25o45’ W
AB = N 25o45’ E

6. Tabulation of adjusted traverse data

AB 400.63 N 25o45’ E S 25o45’ W
BC 450.22 S 20 25’ E N 20o25 W
CD 500.89 S 35 30’ W N 35o30’ E
DE 640.46 S 75 30’ E N 75o30’ W
EF 545.41 N 58 45’ E S 58o45’ W
FG 700.05 N 22o35’ E S 21o35’ W


The adjustment of a closed compass traverse is similar to the adjustment of an open
traverse except that the effects of observational errors are considered. The following are
the three important steps performed during the adjustment: a. computing and adjusting
the interior angles, 2. selecting the best line, 3. adjusting the observed bearing of
successive lines.

Sample Problem
Given the observed bearings of a closed compass traverse. Compute the interior angles
and correct them for observational errors. AB being the best line, adjust the bearing of
the remaining sides.
AB 46.50 m S 30o40’ W N 30o40’ E
BC 75.15 m S 83 50’ E N 84o30’ W
CD 117.35 m N 02 00’ W S 02o15’ E
DE 74.92 m S 89o30 W Due East
EA 60.25 m S 28o50’ E N 28o00’ W
1. Solving interior angles
a. at station A
Ɵa = 180o + ʆae + ʆab = 180o + 28o + 30o40’ = 238o40’
b. at station B
Ɵb = 180o – (ʆba + ʆbc) = 180o _(30o40’ + 83o50’) = 65o30’
c. at station C
Ɵc = ʆcb - ʆcd = 84o30’ – 2o = 82o30’
d. at station D
Ɵc = ʆdc + ʆde = 2o15’ + 89o30’ = 91o45’
e. at station E
Ɵc = 180o – (ʆed + ʆea) = 180o – ( 90o + 28o50’) = 61o10’
2. Adjusting interior angles
a. Sumo = Ɵa + Ɵb + Ɵc + Ɵd + Ɵd = 238o40 + 65o30’ + 82o30 + 91o45’ + 61o10 = 539o35’
Sum of int. angles = (n – 2)180o = (5 – 2)180o = 540o
error = Sum of int. angles - Sumo = 540o - 539o35’ = 25’
error 25'
corr. = = = 5’
n 5
Corrected interior angles
Ɵa = 238o40’ + 5’ = 238o45’
Ɵb = 65o30’ + 5’ = 65o35’
Ɵc = 82o30’ + 5’ = 82o35’
Ɵd = 91o45’ + 5’ = 91o50’
Ɵe = 61o10’ + 5’ = 61o15’
Sum = 540o
3. Solving for the adjusted bearing
a. Adjustment of line BC and CB
ʆbc = 180o – (ʆba + Ɵb) = 180o – (30o40’ + 65o35’) = 83o45’
Adjusted bearing of BC = S 83o45’ E
CB = N 83o45’ W
b. Adjustment of line CD and DC
ʆcd = ʆcb - Ɵc = 83o45’ – 82o35’ = 1o10’
Adjusted bearing of CD = N 1o10’ W
DC = S 1o10’ E
c. Adjustment of line DE and ED
ʆde = 180o + ʆdc – Ɵd = 180o + 1o10’ – 91o50’ = 89o20’
Adjusted bearing of DE = N 89o20’ W
ED = S 89o20’ E
d. Adjustment of EA and AE
ʆea = ʆed – Ɵe = 89o20’ – 61o15’ = 28o05’
Adjusted bearing of EA = S 28o05’ E
AE = N 28o05’ W
4. Solution Check
ʆab = Ɵa – (180o + ʆae) = 238o45’ – (180o + 28o05’) = 30o40’
Adjusted nearing of AB = S 30o40’ W
BA = N 30o40’ E
5. Tabulation of adjusted traverse data
AB 46.50 m S 30o40’ W N 30o40’ E
BC 75.15 m S 83 45’ E N 83o45’ W
CD 117.35 m N 01o10’ W S 01o10’ E
DE 74.92 m S 89 20 W N 89o20 E
EA 60.25 m S 28 05’ E N 28o05’ W

1. In the accompanying sketch, the bearing of line AB is N 52 o33’ E. Determine the

bearing and the azimuth from south of lines BC, BD, BE and BF.

2. In 1960 a line XY had a magnetic bearing of N 80 o23’ E. At that time the magnetic
declination was 3o45’ west. In a new survey performed in 1987, the declination in the
same locality changed to 2o50’ east, determine the magnetic bearing and true bearing of
the line based on the new survey.

3. The following are the observed data for an open compass traverse. Adjust the
observed directions and tabulate values accordingly.

AB 462.50 m S 40o25’ W N 40o30’ E
BC 405.65 m S 55 40’ W N 55o50’ E
CD 495.08 m N 36 15’ W S 35o55’ E
DE 284.15 m N 73o10’ W S 73o30’ E
EF 367.29 m S 44 45’ W N 44o45’ E
FG 217.73 m S 20 30’ E N 21o00’ W

4. The following are the observed lengths and magnetic bearings of a closed compass
traverse. Adjust the observed directions of each line and tabulate values accordingly.
AB 330.75 m N 34o55’ E S 35o00’ W
BC 305.43 m N 56 30’ W S 56o45’ E
CD 325.28 m S 75 45’ W N 76o00’ E
DE 201.10 m S 42o15’ W N 42o15’ E
EF 225.25 m S 38 45’ E N 39o00’ W
FA 375.55 m S 85 15’ E N 85o30’ W


The invention of the first transit has been credited to Roemar, a Danish astronomer, who
in 1690 used the instrument to observe the passage (transit) of stars across the celestial
meridian. . It was only in 1830 when the instrument became known as the engineer’s
Main Parts of the Transit
The transit consists of three main parts: the upper plate or alidade, the lower plate and
the leveling head assembly.
1. Upper Plate which is called the alidade, consists the entire top of the transit
a. Telescope used for fixing the direction of the line of sight, viewing the objects
and magnifying their apparent size in the field of view.
b. Standard – two vertical standards, either the A or U type, which are mounted
on trunnions.
c. Compass Box - for establishing the magnetic meridian and to allow rough
checks on measured angles.
d. Plate Level Vials. Attached to the upper plate are two level vials which are
positioned at right angles to each other. There are used to establish the upper
and lower plates in a horizontal plane.
e. Vertical Circle attached in the telescope and rotates with it.
f. Plate Verniers. Two opposite verniers, called the A and B verniers, are
provided for the horizontal circles.
g. Optical Plummet – small telescope through the vertical center of the transit.
h. Telescope Clamp – to hold the telescope horizontal or at any desired
inclination, the vertical circle of telescope clamp is tightened.
i. Telescope Tangent Screw also called the vertical circle slow-motion screw, It
allows the telescope to be rotated slightly or in small movement about the
horizontal axis after the telescope clamp is tightened.
j. Upper Clamp – a locking device which is attached to the upper plate and
rotates with it.
k. Upper Tangent Screw – it allows a small range of movement between the
upper and lower plates.
2. Lower Plate or horizontal circle is the scale with which horizontal angles are
a. Lower Clamp – used to control the rotation of the horizontal circle.
b. Lower Tangent Screw – used to take precise setting after the lower clamp
3. Leveling and Assemble - consist of a bottom horizontal foot plate, four leveling
screws and the plumb bob chain.
a. Leveling Screw – used for leveling the instrument by the plate levels.
b. Plumb Bob Chain – used for attaching a string and hands between the tripod

Setting Up the Transit

1. Positioning the tripod
2. Mounting the transit
3. Attaching the plumb bob
4.Final centering

Care of the Transit

1. When the transit is not in use, it should be stored in the carrying box.
2. If the instrument becomes wet or damp, dry it off with absorbent cloth or preferably in
3. Protect the instrument at all times from any shock or sudden jolt.
4. Hold the transit in the arms with the tripod sticking out to the side or behind and not on
the shoulders
5. The transit should be lifted from the carrying box by grasping the standard and not by
the telescope.
6. When the transit is set up, the tripod legs should be spread well apart so that it is
7. Since tripod legs easily slip on smooth and hard surfaces, avoid setting up the transit
on concrete slabs, boulders and steel plate.
8. Graduated circles and verniers should not be touched with the fingers since this will
only tarnish their surfaces.
9. Clamps should be tighten only until they are snug and never tighten down hard.
10. A waterproof cover for the transit should always be brought along it rains, showers or

It is a precision surveying instrument for measuring angles. There are two types: a)
Repeating Theodolites are precise transits, which can read 10 seconds, or less, b)
Direction Theodolites is a non-repeating type of instrument, which has no lower motion.
Directions rather than angles are read.

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