St. Mary's College of Catbalogan: Learning Package

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Mary’s College of Catbalogan

(formerly Sacred Heart College)
Corner Mabini & Del Rosario St., Catbalogan City, 6700
PAASCU Accredited
(Grade School & High School Department)

(WEEK _6_)



Dear God,
Lord of the Light,
touch my eyes and let me
see things through your eyes,
For your creation is majestic,
beautiful and awesome.

I want to see THINGS

through your eyes.
I want to see PEOPLE
through your heart.
I want to see my DAY
according to your plans.

Let my eyes find GREAT JOY

in simple and ordinary things.
Let my eyes SEEK THINGS
that will make you smile.
Let my eyes SEE YOU even
in my darkness and failures.

Let not my tears of SADNESS,

blind me from seeing your blessings.
Let not my biases and PREJUDICES,
stop me from loving even my foes.
Let not my eyes be DISTRACTED
by things that won't last forever.

O God,
Lord of Light,
You can see what's inside me,
clear my heart from all iniquities.
And allow me to see my own beauty,
so that I can see the beauty of others.


B1. Learning Package: Test and Tell –Online Format (Google Classroom)

B2. Learning Competency(ies):

B2.1 Knowledge: The pupils/students will know
Phrases, clauses and sentences.
B2.2 Skills: The pupils/students will be able to
use phrases, clauses, and sentences appropriately and meaningfully
B3. Essential Question(s):
1. How does literature reflect to someone’s disposition in life?
2. How does literature helps us in communication?

B4. Essential Understanding:

Through literature people can understand each other the way they express their feelings, emotions, or
sharing of experiences in life
(PCSS Defining Characteristic:) Distinguished by a culture of excellence

B5. Instructions to Parents/Tutors:

C1. Pre-test:
1. Identify the following underlined phrases as prepositional phrase, participial phrase, gerund phrase, or infinitive
a. Dreaming about mice is my cat Mocha’s favorite hobby.
b. Kevin wants to make the world a better place.
c. Lying on his bed, Richard felt better.
d. Ted sneezed in church.
e. Dr. Tucker planned to have read that book.
2. Identify the function of the underlined dependent clauses.
a. When my father called from Israel, Mother threw down her knitting and hurried to answer the phone.
b. The prom, which is usually held in May, was delayed by the late snowstorm.
c. Whoever adjusted my seat must have been tall.
3. True or False: All of the following are independent clauses.
a. Sherry smiled.
b. The Russian impressionist collection, with all their dramatic colors and themes.
c. To have been loved is to have known joy and pain
4. Underline the complete subject in the following sentences.
a. My cousin Andy, a shy man, was married last summer.
b. The office will be closed on Thursday.
c. Get ready!
5. Underline the complete predicate in the following sentences.
a. Through the quiet, dark streets came Lizz, determined not to get lost.
b. After a deep winter sleep, the bears emerged hesitantly.
c. Andrei visited the Grand Canyon last summer
. Answers: 1. a. gerund b. infinitive c. participial d. prepositional e. infinitive. 2. a. Adverb b. Adjective c. Noun. 3. a. True
b. False c. True. 4. a. My cousin Andy, a shy young man b. The office c. You (implied subject). 5. a. Through the quiet,
dark streets came, determined not to get lost b. After a deep winter sleep, emerged hesitantly c. visited the Grand
Canyon last summer.
C2. Review: give example of sentences in direct and reported speech.

C3. Activating Prior Knowledge (APK):

How do you express yourself when telling something that already happened? Or something about to
D1. Instructions/Lesson
In order to structure your sentences accurately, you should know the difference between phrases and clauses, and you
should be able to recognize two types of clauses.
A phrase is a group of related words without a subject or a verb or both. A phrase may be part of a sentence but may
not be used as a whole sentence. Examples of Phrases walking to school eating pasta with marinara sauce will be found
the old tennis shoe
A clause is a group of related words with a subject-verb group. Every subject-verb group is a clause. There are two types
of clauses.
Dependent or Subordinate Clauses
A Dependent (subordinate) clause is characterized by the presence of a dependent clause signal word known as a
subordinator. The subordinator makes the clause unable to stand alone in meaning. A dependent clause by itself cannot
be considered a sentence. Examples of Dependent (Subordinate) Clauses although cheese is his favorite food after she
washed her hair because class was cancelled which was a relief Independent or Main Clauses
An Independent (main) clause is characterized by the absence of a dependent clause signal word. Every sentence must
contain at least one independent clause. Sentences may contain more than one independent clause and may contain
one or more dependent clause. Examples of Independent (main) clauses Bonnie is wearing a new red hat. (one
independent clause) The puppy was cute, but we did not buy him. (two independent clauses) After the wreck, he bought
a new car. (one dependent and one independent)
Sentences Note that English sentences are characterized by four criteria:
1. Capitalization of the first letter of the sentence
2. Terminal punctuation at the end: period, exclamation point, or question mark
3. At least one independent (main) clause
4. Expression of a complete though

D2. Activities (Knowledge/Skills)

Phrases and Clauses A. In the spaces to the left of each number write P for phrase, IC for independent clause, and DC for
dependent clause.
Examples: P With their friends IC It is the only solution DC Unless they could borrow the car
Exercise 1:
______ 1. Throwing papers along the streets
______ 2. While debris covered the park
______ 3. With broken glass in the alley
______ 4. Beside old trucks and cars
______ 5. No one lives there
______ 6. For lights on every corner
______ 7. If the expense is too great
______ 8. As he walked home
______ 9. Dragged up the subway steps
______10. Thousands of people walk every day
D3. Values Integration
Core Value: Excellence
Social Integration: Reliable source of information
Lesson Across Discipline: Science (Investigatory Research)
Faith/Biblical Reflection: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your
sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

Write S if it’s a complete sentence and P for phrase.

Test 2. In the spaces to the left of each number write P for phrase, IC for independent clause, and DC for dependent

______11. Racing against the traffic signal

______12. Unless it rains
______13. When a helicopter hovers overhead
______14. Who play basketball in the empty lot
______15. That lives in town
______16. To think intelligently
______17. Except Mary and Tom
______18. No one cared about the party
______19. After the storm ended
______ 20. After the storm on
F1. Summary: Today I learned that________________

F2. Action: As a Marian, how are you going to give importance in expressing your emotions to others?


No assignment.
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Teacher SAC – Date Principal - Date
Academic Coordinator – Date

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