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Animal Farm was written by George Orwell and was published in the United Kingdom on August 17 1945.

Orwell’s book has three main themes that represent the unfair and unjust ruling among animals on a
farm; the three main themes are leadership, education, and corruption.




Thesis: Overall, the unfair leadership of Napoleon and lack of the other animals education is what caused
corruption and the downfall of the animals.

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The first main theme of animal farm is corruption because the pigs in the farm started to disobey the

7 commandments that old major left them with. The second main theme of animal farm is leadership

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because when snowball was a leadership he was treating all the animals equally but when napoleon

became the next leader he put him and the pigs ahead of the rest of the animals in the farm. The last

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theme of animal farm is education the animals in the farm where not educated and where manipulated
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and controlled by napoleon and squealers orders and lies.

The unfair leadership of napoleon is that Napoleon wasn’t a good leader and all he wanted was power
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over the farm. Napoleon and squealers lies about snowball made all the animals in the farm think that
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napoleon is always right and he is a good leader chapter5 page 48 . An example of napoleons bad
leadership is that he made all the animals work for the farm while him the pigs would eat and drink all
the food in the farm chapter 7 (91-92). The animals in the farm would work hard for resources in the
farm while Napoleon would take all the resources they work hard for and make secret trades with Mr.
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Pilkington for alcohol chapter 8 . After the windmill was destroyed napoleon changes the rules about
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working throughout the spring and summer that they worked a sixty hour week in august chapter 6. This
shows how napoleon is using the animals in the farm while the pigs and himself are enjoying and eating
all the food they gather. Another example of napoleon bad leadership is that when the second battle

happen napoleon was hiding in Mr. Jones house and all the other pigs while all the animals in the farm
were fighting. This shows napoleons crowdedness and selfishness about he is.

The unjust and lack of education is a big role in animal farm. The animals didn’t have any education to

teach themselves how to read or write and would always try to learn the alphabet with snowball but
Some of the animal would reach the letter d chapter 3 . Other animals where different form the others
and would be able to learn more like Benjamin. The pigs in the farm taught them selves education with
book that Mr. Jones had in his house. The pigs became smart and knew how to read and write perfectly
and started to rule and take control of the farm. One example of lack of education is that every time
something would go wrong in the farm squealer would always convince the animals in the farm it was

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snowball chapter 7 . Also When the pigs would forbid or disobey one of the 7 commandments they
would change the rules. This shows how easy the animals in the farm where manipulated and when the
animals would try to argue about something squealer would always try to persuade them and napoleon
would scare them with his dogs.

Corruption is the last theme in animal farm. In the beginning of the book all the animals working hard
with there leader snowball and threating each other equally and following the 7 commandments. After
the battle of the cowshed napoleon sent his dogs after snowball and chased him out of the farm that’s
when all the corruption starts. On example is that after snowball ran away the pigs started to act like
human and would disobey the 7 comments one by one. They would not treat each other equally chapter
10 page 112, they would talk on two legs, they would wear cloths, they would sleep in a bed, they would
kill any animal and The pigs end up thinking any animal who walks on four legs or has
wings in inferior. Benjamin The donkey knew everything that was happening but didn’t
choose to do anything about it. Also this shows the power of napoleon leadership power

and squealers propaganda.

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