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REGINA ONGSIAKO REYES v COMELEC and Re-acquisition Act of 2003, namely: (1) to take an

JOSEPH SOCORRO B. TAN oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines;

and (2) to make a personal and sworn renunciation of
G.R. No. 207264 || June 25, 2013 || PEREZ, J. her American citizenship before any public officer
authorized to administer an oath. In addition, the
COMELEC First Division ruled that she did not have
Case: Petition for Certiorari with Prayer for TRO the one year residency requirement under Section 6,
and/or Prelim. Injunction filed by petitioner Reyes, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution. Thus, she is
assailing the Resolutions issued by respondent ineligible to run for the position of Representative for
COMELEC. The assailed Resolutions ordered the the lone district of Marinduque.
cancellation of the CoC of petitioner for the position of
Representative of the lone district of Marinduque.
Petitioner was proclaimed winner of the 13 May 2013
FACTS: On 31 October 2012, respondent Joseph
Socorro Tan, a registered voter and resident of the
Municipality of Torrijos, Marinduque, filed before the COMELEC En Banc issued a Certificate of
COMELEC a Petition to Cancel the Certificate of Finality declaring the 14 May 2013 Resolution of the
Candidacy (COC) of petitioner on the ground that it COMELEC En Banc final and executory, considering
contained material misrepresentations, specifically: that more than twenty-one (21) days have elapsed
(1) that she is single when she is married to from the date of promulgation with no order issued by
Congressman Herminaldo I. Mandanas of this Court restraining its execution.
Batangas; (2) that she is a resident of Brgy. Lupac,
Boac, Marinduque when she is a resident of Bauan, On same day, petitioner took her oath of office before
Batangas which is the residence of her husband, and Feliciano R. Belmonte Jr., Speaker of the House of
at the same time, when she is also a resident of 135 Representatives.
J.P. Rizal, Brgy. Milagrosa, Quezon City as admitted
in the Directory of Congressional Spouses of the Petitioner has yet to assume office, the term of which
House of Representatives; (3) that her date of birth is officially starts at noon of 30 June 2013.
3 July 1964 when other documents show that her
birthdate is either 8 July 1959 or 3 July 1960; (4) that
she is not a permanent resident of another country ISSUES:
when she is a permanent resident or an immigrant of
the United States of America; and (5) that she is a 1) W/N Comelec is without jurisdiction over
Filipino citizen when she is, in fact, an American Petitioner who is a duly proclaimed winner
citizen. and who has already taken her oath of office
for the position of Member of the House of
Answer of Petitioner: While she is publicly known to Representatives for the lone congressional
be the wife of Congressman Mandanas, there is no district of Marinduque.
valid and binding marriage between them. According
to petitioner, although her marriage with 2) W/N Comelec committed GADALEJ when
Congressman Mandanas was solemnized in a it declared that Petitioner is not a Filipino
religious rite, it did not comply with certain formal citizen and did not meet the residency
requirements prescribed by the Family Code, requirement for the position of Member of
rendering it void ab initio. Petitioner argues that as the House of Representatives.
she is not duty-bound to live with Congressman
Mandanas, then his residence cannot be attributed to RULING: The petition must fail.
her. As to her date of birth, the Certificate of Live Birth
issued by the National Statistics Office shows that it
was on 3 July 1964. Lastly, petitioner notes that the COMELEC retains jurisdiction for the following
allegation that she is a permanent resident and/or a reasons:
citizen of the United States of America is not
supported by evidence. I. JURISDICTION OF COMELEC

COMELEC 1st Division: CoC of respondent REGINA First, the HRET does not acquire jurisdiction over the
ONGSIAKO REYES is hereby CANCELLED. issue of petitioner’s qualifications, as well as over the
assailed COMELEC Resolutions, unless a petition is
The COMELEC First Division found that, contrary to duly filed with said tribunal. Petitioner has not averred
the declarations that she made in her COC, petitioner that she has filed such action.
is not a citizen of the Philippines because of her
failure to comply with the requirements of Republic
Act (R.A.) No. 9225 or the Citizenship Retention and
Second, the jurisdiction of the HRET begins only after Immigration showing that petitioner is a holder of a
the candidate is considered a Member of the House US passport, and that her status is that of a
of Representatives. "balikbayan." At this point, the burden of proof shifted
to petitioner, imposing upon her the duty to prove that
When is a candidate considered a Member of the she is a natural-born Filipino citizen and has not lost
House of Representatives? the same. Aside from the bare allegation that she is a
natural-born citizen, however, petitioner submitted no
proof to support such contention. Neither did she
In Vinzons-Chato v. COMELEC, citing Aggabao v. submit any proof as to the inapplicability of R.A. No.
COMELEC and Guerrero v. COMELEC, the Court 9225 to her.
ruled that:
To cover-up her apparent lack of an oath of allegiance
The Court has invariably held that once a winning as required by R.A. No. 9225, petitioner contends
candidate has been proclaimed, taken his oath, and that, since she took her oath of allegiance in
assumed office as a Member of the House of connection with her appointment as Provincial
Representatives, the COMELEC’s jurisdiction over Administrator of Marinduque, she is deemed to have
election contests relating to his election, returns, and reacquired her status as a natural-born Filipino
qualifications ends, and the HRET’s own jurisdiction citizen.
This contention is misplaced. For one, this issue is
From the foregoing, it is then clear that to be being presented for the first time before this Court, as
considered a Member of the House of it was never raised before the COMELEC. For
Representatives, there must be a concurrence of the another, said oath of allegiance cannot be considered
following requisites: (1) a valid proclamation, (2) a compliance with Sec. 3 of R.A. No. 9225 as certain
proper oath, and (3) assumption of office. requirements have to be met as prescribed by the
Rules Governing Philippine Citizenship under R.A.
Here, the petitioner cannot be considered a Member No. 9225. Thus, petitioner’s oath of office as
of the House of Representatives because, primarily, Provincial Administrator cannot be considered as the
she has not yet assumed office. To repeat what has oath of allegiance in compliance with R.A. No. 9225.
earlier been said, the term of office of a Member of
the House of Representatives begins only "at noon on As to the issue of residency, proceeding from the
the thirtieth day of June next following their finding that petitioner has lost her natural-born status,
election." Thus, until such time, the COMELEC retains we quote with approval the ruling of the COMELEC
jurisdiction. First Division that petitioner cannot be considered a
resident of Marinduque:
In her attempt to comply with the second requirement,
petitioner attached a purported Oath of Office taken "Thus, a Filipino citizen who becomes naturalized
before Hon. Belmonte Jr. However, this is not the elsewhere effectively abandons his domicile of origin.
oath of office which confers membership to the House Upon re-acquisition of Filipino citizenship pursuant to
of Representatives. RA 9225, he must still show that he chose to establish
his domicile in the Philippines through positive acts,
Section 6, Rule II (Membership) of the Rules of the and the period of his residency shall be counted from
House of Representatives provides: Section 6. Oath the time he made it his domicile of choice.
or Affirmation of Members – Members shall take their
oath or affirmation either collectively or individually In this case, there is no showing whatsoever that
before the Speaker in open session. petitioner had already re-acquired her Filipino
citizenship pursuant to RA 9225 so as to conclude
Consequently, before there is a valid or official taking that she has regained her domicile in the Philippines.
of the oath it must be made (1) before the Speaker of There being no proof that petitioner had renounced
the House of Representatives, and (2) in open her American citizenship, it follows that she has not
session. Here, although she made the oath before abandoned her domicile of choice in the
Speaker Belmonte, there is no indication that it was USA.1âwphi1
made during plenary or in open session and, thus, it
remains unclear whether the required oath of office Petition is DISMISSED.
was indeed complied with.


In moving for the cancellation of petitioner’s COC,

respondent submitted records of the Bureau of

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