Republic of The Philippines Department of Education: St. Joseph Village, Cogon, Bogo City, Cebu

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education




NAME: Grade and Section: Date: Score:

I. Read and understand each item carefully. Choose the correct answer by writing the letter of the choice beside the
number. God Bless and do your best. 

1. All plants are made of cells by __.

A. Theodore Schwann C. Antoine van Leeuwenhoek
B. Rudolf Virchow D. Matthias Schleiden
2. What are the three tenets or postulates of the cell theory except?
A. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.
B. All cells are the made of atoms and molecules.
C. The cell is the basic unit of structure and function in organisms.
D. Cells come from pre-existing cells.
3. The smallest unit that can perform the basic activities of life is a/an?
A.      Organism B. Organ C. Cell D.      Tissue
4. The control center or brain of the cell is the ____________.
A.      Endoplasmic Reticulum C. Nucleus
B.      Plasma Membrane D.      Mitochondria
5. Which of the following is a saclike structure that help in food digestion or helping the cell maintains its water balance?
A.      Golgi Apparatus C. Vacuole
B.      Nucleus D.      Endoplasmic Reticulum
6. Identify the organelle pictured.
A.      Chloroplast C. Vacuole
B.      Mitochondria D.      Golgi Apparatus
7. Which of the following characteristics best describe a prokaryotic cell?
A. Not membrane bound organelles, multicellular organisms
B. Membrane bound organelles, singled-cells organisms
C. Use binary fission as their mode of reproduction resulting to a new genetically unique cell
D. Not membrane bound organelles, singled-cells organisms
8. Eukaryotic cell has many more genes and are much larger than the prokaryotic cell. The following organisms are eukaryotes
A. Bacteria B. Protists C. Animals D. Plants
9. Which of the following is not found in all cells?
A.      Genetic material C. Vacuoles
B.      Cell membrane D.      Cytoplasm
10. Which of the following organisms DO NOT carry on photosynthesis?
A.      Plants C. Animals
B.      Algae D.      None of the above
11. Which are small fingerlike projections on the plasma membrane that increase the cell’s ability to absorb substances? 
A.      Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum C. Flagella
B.      Microvilli D.      Cilia
12. What phase that the cell makes the final preparations before its division?
A.      Growth phase 1 C. Growth phase 2
B.      Synthesis phase D.      Mitotic phase
13. What phase that the spindle will be formed?
A.      Growth phase 1 C. Growth phase 2
B.      Synthesis phase D.      Mitotic phase
14. The cell cycle consists of ___.
A. Meiosis and mitosis C. Meiosis
B. Mitosis D. Mitosis and interphase
15. Which of the following statements below is TRUE about types of cell division?
A. Meiosis produces two daughter cells that are genetically identical.
B. Synapses are both absent on the chromatids of homologous chromosomes.
C. Mitosis is necessary for the production of gametes.
D. Meiosis has haploid cells as products.
16. Why chromosome does needs to undergo crossing over during meiosis division?
A. Genetic intact C. Genetic variation
B. Genetic drift D. Both A and B
17. How many chromosomes did the child acquire from both parents?
A. 25 B. 24 C. 22 D.23
18. The term “homologous chromosome” means:
A.      Refers to replications of the same chromosome
B.      Is another name for sister chromatids
C.      Must be haploid
D.      A pair of chromosomes of the same kind, such as sex chromosomes
19. What phase that the nuclear membrane disappears and spindle forms?
A.      Metaphase C. Prophase
B.      Telophase D.      Anaphase
20. A nuclear envelope forms around each set of sister chromatids in ___________.
A.      Anaphase C. Prophase
B.      Metaphase D.      Telophase
21. It is the result of uncontrolled cell division of cells that have lost ability to regulate cell cycle.
A.      Cancer Cells
B.      Cancer Body
C.      Neoplastic Cells
D.      Cancer Drug
22. The result of the malfunction of cell division wherein there is an extra copy of 21 chromosomes that causes ___.
A. Alzheimer C. Down syndrome
B. Parkinsons disease D. Cancer
23. If the cell does not receive the go-ahead signal, it will exit the cycle, switching into a nondividing state called _____________.
A.      G1 C. G2
B.      S phase D.      G0
24. The plasma membrane exhibits selective permeability because __.
A. Allowing all substances to cross more easily
B. Allowing various substances to cross more easily
C. Allowing few substances to cross more easily
D. Allowing some substances to cross more easily
25. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the phospholipid molecules in the plasma membrane?
A.      Each phospholipid molecule has four nonpolar tails
B.      The phospholipid heads are attracted to water
C.      The phospholipid tails are not attracted to water
D.      Each phospholipid molecule has one polar head
26. A dye is dissolved in water. The ______ is the solute and the solvent is the ______ molecules.
A.      Water, Dye C. Dye, Dye
B.      Dye, Water D.      Water, Water
27. Oxygen enters the blood from the alveoli in the lungs by the process of ___________.
A.      Active transport C. Diffusion
B.      Osmosis D.      Facilitated Diffusion
28. What transport proteins that require energy to do work?
A.      Phospholipid bilayer
B.      Water carrier proteins
C.      Water receptor proteins
D.      Protein Pumps
29. It is the movement of materials into the cell by forming vesicles from the cell membrane.
A.      Endocytosis C. Hypotonic
B.      Exocytosis D. Hypertonic
30. It is the ingestion of liquid into a cell by the budding of small vesicles from the cell membrane.
A.      Phagocytosis C. Exocytosis
B.      Pinocytosis D. Hypertonic
31. Exocytosis is a process by which cells:
A.      Release substances from the cell through pores in the cell membrane.
B.      Bring in substances from the outside via vesicles.
C.      Release substances from the cell via carrier proteins.
D.      Release substances from the cell via vesicles.
32. Certain white blood cells engulf microorganisms and bring them in to digest them. This process is best described as:
A.      Pinocytosis C. Phagocytosis
B.      Osmosis D. Diffusion
33. Which biomolecule helps form muscles?
A.      Protein C. Nucleic Acid
B.      Lipids D.      Carbohydrates
34. Which biomolecule includes sugars and starches?
A.      Protein C. Nucleic Acid
B.      Lipids D.      Carbohydrates
35. All polymers (large molecules) are made up of ________.
A.      Monosaccharides
B.      Proteins
C.      Monomers
D.      None of these
36. What bond that links one amino acid to another amino acid?
A. Phosphodiester bond C. Glycosidic bond
B. Peptide bond D. Hydrogen bond
37. Which are the following monomers of the biomolecules are incorrectly paired?
A. Protein-amino acid
B. Carbohydrates-simple sugars
C. Nucleic acid- nucleotides
D. Lipids-fatty acids
38. This type of molecule can be identified by a sweet taste.
A.      Simple Carbohydrates
B.      Lipids
C.      Complex Carbohydrates
D.      Proteins
39. When electrons are gained.
A.      Oxidation C. Redox
B.      Reduction D.      None of the above
40. Enzymes need certain environmental conditions in order to function properly.  What happens when enzymes are heated to a
high temperature?
A.      They die
B.      They change their amino acid sequence
C.      They denature
D.      They work better

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work learning from failure.”-General
Colin Powell

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