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Constitution Statutes Executive Issuances Judicial Issuances Other Issuances Jurisprudence International Legal Resources AUSL Exclusive


[ UDK 16666, January 19, 2021 ]




This petition for certiorari filed under Rule 64 in relation to Rule 65 of the Rules of Court seeks to set aside the
Decision1 and Resolution2 of the Commission on Audit (COA) issued on December 28, 2017 and January 29, 2020,
respectively. In both issuances, the COA dismissed the appeal filed by petitioners for being filed out of time.


The present controversy stemmed from the issuance of Resolution No. 533 and Resolution No. 554 by
the Sangguniang Bayan of Mondragon, Northern Samar on December 10, 2012. Resolution No. 53 authorizes the
grant of Economic Crisis Assistance (ECA) allowance while Resolution No. 55 grants the Monetary Augmentation of
Municipal Agency (MAMA) allowance to the municipal employees of Mondragon. The Sangguniang Bayan of
Mondragon also passed on even date, Ordinance No. 07, Series of 20125 to appropriate the amounts of
P4,762,788.62 and P644,000.00 from the savings/unexpended allotment and unappropriated balances of the
municipality to fund the ECA and the MAMA, respectively.

On February 20, 2014, the Audit Team Leader of the Team 2, Audit Group F-Northern Samar Province issued Notice
of Disallowance (ND) No. 14-001-101 (2012)6 for the amount of P733,869.00 and ND No. 14-002-101 (2012)7 for
the amount of P1,513,470.54 representing the ECA granted to the officials and employees for being contrary to
Section 12 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6758 and Civil Service Commission Resolution No. 02-0790 dated June 5,
2002. A third notice of disallowance, ND No. 14-003-101 (2012),8 was also issued on the same date for the amount
of P618,800.00 supposedly expended for the MAMA in violation of Sec. 12 of R.A. No. 6758.

Petitioners Ismael C. Bugna, Jr. (Mayor), Beverly C. Mananguite (Municipal Accountant), Carissa D. Galing
(Municipal Treasurer) and Josefina O. Pelo (Municipal Budget Officer) (collectively, petitioners) filed their Appeal9 to
lift the notices of disallowance.

The COA Regional Office No. VIII issued a Decision10 on July 14, 2015 denying the appeal for lack of merit.
Petitioners subsequently filed a Notice of Appeal11 on August 12, 2015 before the COA Proper.

On December 28, 2017, the COA promulgated the assailed Decision denying the appeal for being filed out of time.
The COA found that petitioners appealed to the COA Regional Office after 267 days had lapsed from their receipt of
the NDs.12 The COA noted that petitioners failed to explain why they did not file a timely appeal. At any rate, the
COA ruled that the ECA and MAMA had no sufficient basis, hence, they were properly disallowed. The COA

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Appeal, treated as a Petition for Review, is hereby DISMISSED for having
been filed out of time. Accordingly, Commission on Audit Regional Office No. VIII Decision No. 2015-019 dated July
14, 2015, which affirmed Notice of Disallowance Nos. 14-001-101 (2012), 14-002-101 (2012), and 14-003-101
(2012), all dated February 20, 2014, on the payment of Economic Crisis Assistance and Monetary Augmentation of
Municipal Agency to the job order, contractual, and permanent or regular personnel of the Municipal Government of
Mondragon, Northern Samar; and some employees of national government agencies, in the amounts of
P2,247,339.54 and P618,800.00, respectively, or in the aggregate amount of P2,886,139.54, is FINAL and

Their motion for reconsideration having been denied,14 petitioners filed the instant petition.

Petitioners invoke good faith in approving the disbursements for it has been customary for the municipality to grant
ECA and MAMA to its employees, and they have never received any prior disallowance by the COA or the
Department of Budget and Management (DBM).15 They argue that a finding of illegality of the disbursements does
not automatically mean that all of the approving officials failed to exercise ordinary diligence and should thereby be
personally liable for the disallowed amounts.16

Did the COA commit grave abuse of discretion in denying the appeal filed by petitioners and in upholding the notices
of disallowances issued against the grant of the ECA and MAMA to municipal employees?

Our Ruling

The petition has partial merit.

At the outset, the petition should have been dismissed outright for having been filed out of time. The COA correctly
observed that petitioners had not only exhausted the period for filing an appeal but also failed to justify their
noncompliance with the reglementary period.

Indeed, the right to appeal is a statutory right and one who seeks to avail of the right must comply with the statute or
rules. The rules, particularly the requirements for perfecting an appeal within the reglementary period specified in
the law, must be strictly followed as they are considered indispensable interdictions against needless delays and for
orderly discharge of judicial business.17 The perfection of appeal in the manner and within the period set by law is
not only mandatory but jurisdictional as well.18

Nonetheless, the Court may set aside technicalities in the exercise of its equity jurisdiction in order to fully serve the
demands of substantial justice.19 It should be emphasized that the general rule remains that when the COA denies
an appeal for being filed out of time, this Court shall not entertain the petition filed under Rule 64 to question the
dismissal of the appeal by the COA. An exception is when extraordinary circumstances exist,20 such as in this case,
where the Court has decided a prior petition questioning the decision of the COA and the later petition is intertwined
with it, provided that the latter is resolved in order to be consistent and in conformity with prevailing jurisprudence on
disallowance cases, for instance, Madera v. Commission on Audit (Madera).21

Notably, Madera involved the NDs issued by the COA against the Municipality of Mondragon, Northern Samar
concerning different allowances authorized by separate resolutions and ordinances issued by the Sangguniang
Bayan in December 2013. Similarly, aside from the ECA and MAMA which are the subject disallowances in the
present petition, the COA disallowed the grant of Agricultural Crisis Assistance (ACA) and Mitigation Allowance to
Municipal Employees (MAME) for being contrary to Sec. 12 of R.A. No. 6758, Item II of COA Circular No. 2013-003
dated January 30, 2013, and Items 4 and 5 of Sec. l(a) of COA Resolution No. 02-0790 dated June 5, 2002. The
petitioners in Madera, as in this petition, raised the defense of good faith to absolve them from being liable for the
disallowed amounts.

Although the Court upheld the propriety of disallowing the amounts for lack of legal support, the petitioners
in Madera were excused from returning the same on account of their good faith in certifying the availability of the
funds and in approving the disbursements. In determining the liability of approving and certifying officers to return
the disallowed amounts by the COA, the Court laid down the following rubrics:

1. If a Notice of Disallowance is set aside by the Court, no return shall be required from any of the persons
held liable therein.

2. If a Notice of Disallowance is upheld, the rules on return are as follows:

a. Approving and certifying officers who acted in good faith, in regular performance of official functions,
and with the diligence of a good father of the family are not civilly liable to return consistent with Section
38 of the Administrative Code of 1987.

b. Approving and certifying officers who are clearly shown to have acted in bad faith, malice, or gross
negligence are, pursuant to Section 43 of the Administrative Code of 1987, solidarity liable to return
only the net disallowed amount which, x x x, excludes amounts excused under the following sections
2c and 2d.
c. Recipients — whether approving or certifying officers or mere passive recipients — are liable to
return the disallowed amounts respectively received by them, unless they are able to show that the
amounts they received were genuinely given in consideration of services rendered.

d. The Court may likewise excuse the return of recipients based on undue prejudice, social justice
considerations, and other bona fide exceptions as it may determine on a case to case basis.22

Applying the above standards, the Court noted the following circumstances which led to the conclusion that
petitioners were in good faith while performing their functions in relation to the disallowed amounts:

First, a review of the SB Resolutions and Ordinance used as basis for the grant of the subject allowances shows
that these were primarily intended as financial assistance to municipal employees in view of the increase of cost on
prime commodities, shortage of agricultural products, and the vulnerability of their municipality to calamities and
disasters. Notably, these subject allowances were granted after the onslaught of typhoon Yolanda which greatly
affected the Municipality. While noble intention is not enough to declare the allowances as valid, it nevertheless
supports petitioners' claim of good faith. As held in Escarez v. COA:

The grant of the FGI to petitioners has a lofty purpose behind it: the alleviation, to any extent possible, of the
difficulty in keeping up with the rising cost of living. Indeed, under the circumstances, We find that the FGI was given
and received in good faith. The NFA Council approved the grant under the belief, albeit mistaken, that the
presidential issuances and the OGCC Opinion provided enough bases to support it; and the NFA officials and
employees received the grant with utmost gratefulness.

Second, that these additional allowances had been customarily granted over the years and there was no previous
disallowance issued by the COA against these allowances further bolster petitioners' claim of good faith. Indeed,
while it is true that this customary scheme does not ripen into valid allowances, it is equally true that in all those
years that the additional allowances had been granted, the COA did not issue any ND against these grants, thereby
leading petitioners to believe that these allowances were lawful.

Notably, since the issuance of the NDs in 2014, the Municipality has stopped giving these allowances to their
employees. However, this is not to say that the presumption of good faith would be ipso facto negated if the
Municipality had otherwise continued to grant the allowances despite the issuance of NDs. After all, an ND is not
immediately final as it may still be reversed by the COA or even the Court. Unless and until an ND becomes final,
the continued grant of a benefit or allowance should not automatically destroy the presumption of good faith on the
part of the approving/certifying officers, especially when there is sufficient or, at the very least, colorable legal basis
for such grant.

Third, petitioners relied on the Resolutions and Ordinance of the Sangguniang Bayan which have not been
invalidated; hence, it was within their duty to execute these issuances in the absence of any contrary holding by
the Sangguniang Panlalawigan or the COA. They were of the belief, albeit mistakenly, that these Resolutions and
Ordinance were sufficient legal bases for the grant of the allowances especially since the LGC empowers
the Sangguniang Bayan to approve ordinances and pass resolutions concerning allowances. Similar to the ruling
in Veloso v. Commission on Audit where the Court accepted as a badge of good faith the fact that the questioned
disbursements were made pursuant to ordinances, petitioners' reliance on the SB Resolutions and Ordinance
should likewise be considered in their favor.

As can be deduced above, petitioners disbursed the subject allowances in the honest belief that the amounts given
were due to the recipients and the latter accepted the same with gratitude, confident that they richly deserve such
reward. Otherwise stated, and to borrow the language of Lumayna, these mistakes committed are not actionable,
absent a clear showing that such actions were motivated by malice or gross negligence amounting to bad faith.
There was no showing of some dishonest purpose or some moral obliquity and conscious doing of a wrong, a
breach of a sworn duty through some motive or intent, or ill will in the grant of these benefits. There was no fraud
nor was there a state of mind affirmatively operating with furtive design or some motive of self-interest or ill will for
ulterior purposes.

Thus, petitioners-approving and certifying officers are shielded from civil liability for the disallowance under Section
38 of the Administrative Code of 1987. LaW㏗iL

As for the payees, the Court notes that the COA Proper already excused their return; hence, they no longer
appealed. In any case, while they are ordinarily liable to return for having unduly received the amounts validly
disallowed by the COA, the return was properly excused not because of their good faith but because it will cause
undue prejudice to require them to return amounts that were given as financial assistance and meant to tide them
over during a natural disaster.

In view of the foregoing, the return is excused in its entirety in favor of all persons held liable in the ND.23 (citations
Herein petitioners' defense of good faith in certifying the availability of funds and approving the disbursements
deserves the same treatment extended in Madera.

Firstly, with the exception of petitioner Bugna, herein petitioners Mananguite, Galing and Pelo were made
accountable by the COA by virtue of their certification and approval of the disallowed amounts. The Court notes that
they were the same petitioners in Madera who were found to have acted in good faith when they performed their
respective functions in relation to the prohibited allowances. In the absence of any evidence showing the contrary,
the Court finds herein petitioners to have similarly acted in good faith when they issued their certifications and
approval of the disallowed disbursements.

Secondly, petitioners also relied on the resolutions and ordinance issued by the Sangguniang Bayan which had not
been invalidated either by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan or the COA. Notable that the COA issued en masse the
assailed NDs herein and those in Madera on February 20, 2014. As such, herein petitioners were unaware at the
time they made their certifications and approvals that the ECA and MAMA are prohibited allowances. It was only in
2014, after receiving the NDs, that the local government of Mondragon stopped the grant of the disallowed ECA and

Finally, the grant of the ECA and MAMA was intended as financial assistance to municipal employees to help lighten
the financial burden of its employees.25 This lofty purpose indicates that petitioners acted in good faith when they
issued their certifications and approvals in releasing public funds to cover the ECA and MAMA.

In the absence of evidence showing negligence and malice in certifying and approving the disallowed
disbursements, herein petitioners are exempt from civil liability under Sec. 38 of the Administrative Code of 1987.
Accordingly, they should not be liable to return the disallowed amounts.

WHEREFORE, the Court PARTIALLY GRANTS the petition; and AFFIRMS with MODIFICATION the Commission
on Audit Decision No. 2017-482 dated December 28, 2017 and Commission on Audit Resolution No. 2020-196
dated January 29, 2020 affirming the Notice of Disallowance Nos. 14-001-101(2012), 14-002-101(2012), and 14-
003-101(2012) in the total amount of P2,866,139.54, but finds petitioners ABSOLVED from civil liability for the
disallowed amount.


Peralta, C. J., Perlas-Bernabe, Leonen, Caguioa, Hernando, Carandang, Lazaro-Javier, Inting, Zalameda, Lopez,
Delos Santos, and Gaerlan, JJ., concur.

Rosario, J., on official leave.



Please take notice that on January 19, 2021 a Resolution, copy attached herewith, was rendered by the Supreme
Court in the above-entitled case, the original of which was received by this Office on February 22, 2021 at 10:05

Very truly yours,


Clerk of Court

Rollo, pp. 19-23; penned by Chairperson Michael G. Aguinaldo, Commissioners Jose A. Fabia and Isabel D.
Agito; attested by Commission Secretariat, Director IV Nilda B. Plaras.
Id. at 24-27; penned by Chairperson Michael G. Aguinaldo, Commissioners Jose A. Fabia and Roland C.
Pondoc; attested by Commission Secretariat, Director IV Nilda B. Plaras.
Id. at 4.
Id. at 30-31.
Id. at 32-33.
Id. at 34-44.
Id. at 45-49.
Id. at 50-54.
Id. at 55-59.
Id. at 60-65; penned by Regional Director, Director IV Delfin P. Aguilar.
Id. at 66-67.
Id. at 20-21.
Id. at 21-22.
Id. at 24-26.
Id. at 25.
Id. at 11-12.
See Albor v. Court of Appeals, 823 Phil. 901, 912 (2018); Ciudad Fernandina Food Corp. Employees
Union-Associated Labor Unions v. Court of Appeals, 528 Phil. 415, 431 (2006).
Albor v. Court of Appeals, supra.
See Trans International v. Court of Appeals, 348 Phil. 830, 840 (1998).
See e.g. Estalilla v. Commission on Audit (G.R. No. 217448, September 10, 2019), whereby the Court
entertained the petition although already filed out of time due to compelling reasons such as absence of proof
that petitioner had personally benefitted from the proceeds of the disallowed amounts, and her liability to
return the same will deprive her of the right to liberty and property, among others.
G.R. No. 244128, September 8, 2020.
Rollo, p. 8.
Id. at 30.

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation

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