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Make a reaction paper on two (2) videos attached in the modules (week 7)
Video 1 –Fighting Tuberculosis in the Philippines
Tuberculosis in the Philippines is a due long health problem and up to now still number
one causes of morbidity and mortality amongst Filipino. As a future nurse, what will be
your contribution or plans at least to minimize the cases of tuberculosis in the
Philippines. How can you see the cases of tuberculosis in the Philippines 5 years from
Video 2 –A Multi-drug Resistant TB Patient’s Story.
 Who is to blame on the plight of the patient with MDR TB, Is it the
government, the medical practitioner or the patient? What are your

Expound your answers. As a student nurse how will you go about the problems and what are the
solutions are you going to take. Submit a 300word essay reflection for the two (2) videos.

Tuberculosis remains a major problem in the Philippines and still the main cause of the
mortality and morbidity amongst Filipinos. Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by
bacteria that are spread from person to person through the air. TB usually affects the
lungs, but it can also affect other parts of the body, such as the brain, the kidneys, or the
spine. In most cases, TB is treatable and curable; however, persons with TB can die if
they do not get proper treatment. I believe in the saying that “prevention is better than
cure.” In other words, the best way to be well is to avoid getting sick in the first place.
The most important precaution one could take to prevent contacting tuberculosis is to
avoid exposure to people with active TB also to take safety measure by handwashing,
wearing face masks, cough etiquette and have vaccination for TB to protect self against
the disease. This will help break the chain of infection- stopping the transmission from
one person to another.
As student nurse, it is my goal to be a part of movement that will significantly lower
these mortality rates by equipping the people with new methods to detect the early stages
of infection. By introducing them to some proper hygiene practices - right inside their
own homes, I hope heighten their awareness on how to fight against possible TB virus.
And when necessary, recommend to them some advice which could include actually and
free-of-charge medical checking.
I think that the reason why the patient contracted drug resistant tuberculosis is due to
mismanagement of TB treatment. Most people with TB are cured by a strictly followed,
6-month drug regimen that is provided to patients with support and supervision.
Inappropriate or incorrect use of antimicrobial drugs, or use of ineffective formulations of
drugs (such as use of single drugs, poor quality medicines or bad storage conditions), and
premature treatment interruption can cause drug resistance, which can then be
transmitted, especially in crowded settings such as hospitals or even at home. I think that
the one to blame are the medical practitioners that prescribe the wrong treatment, the
wrong dose, or length of time for taking the drugs since it is our responsibility to provide
best and quality care for our patients. My recommendations would be avoid misuse and
mismanagement of antibiotics. I think that a relatively common physician error is
overprescribing antibiotics. The first step involves educating the general public about
how antibiotics overprescribed and the danger of such practice and also patients should
return to the same doctor if they don't feel better after the first visit. Instead they often see
another physician rather than scheduling a follow-up.

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