Addis Ababa University School of Commerce MA in Project Management Project Identification, Analysis and Appraisal (MAPM 606)

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Addis Ababa University School of Commerce

MA in Project Management
Project Identification, Analysis and Appraisal (MAPM 606)
Date of Exam: 05 Sept, 2020 Time Allowed: 3:30 Hours

Name: I.D. No:

General Instruction: There are two parts in this examination. Part I includes short answer questions
and part II contains both compulsory and elective essay type or case based questions to be answered
on the space immediately following each question. Attempt the questions based on the instructions
for each part. Please put your answers for part one using blue color to easily identify from the
question itself.

Part I: Short Answer Questions. (20%)

Answer the following questions on the space provided after each question.
1. You heard a professional comment stating that Project identification is all the same for both
business and nonbusiness development projects. Do you agree? Why or why not? 4 points

2. Briefly describe any three components of technical analysis of a project idea. 3 points

3. Describe briefly project financial analysis and the three key questions it answers. 4 points

4. How vital is market/demand analysis in a project feasibility study process? 4 points

5. If financial analysis is conducted properly, why does the feasibility study team worry about
economic analysis of projects? 5 points

Part II: Essay Type Questions (30%)
Compulsory Question

1. Project Analysis Team of Omega Share Company is in a tough situation to identify promising
project ideas for this fiscal year. You are invited as a professional to support this team. You
are required to describe a project, its identification process, sources of project ideas and
the criteria to screen out potentially viable projects. You are also required to state
identification process of public projects. How do you present your idea? 12 points

Elective Questions: Choose any two of the following questions and address based on the
instruction given for each question. 9 points each
2. Project Analysis Team of Zebra Share Company felt a serious limitation in Market/Demand
assessment of a project idea. You are recruited to consult the team on this area and you are
expected to describe in detail the market/demand assessment of projects and the key steps
to be followed in such analysis. How do you present your idea?

3. You are requested by a Project feasibility study team to describe the financial evaluation of a
business project and the issues to be raised in such analysis. How do you present your ideas?

4. You are assigned as one team member of a feasibility study for Alpha Share Company. The
team is investigating technical analysis of one business project idea worth considering after
preliminary screening process. Sub teams are created to choose and work one of the following
a. Team One: Production Program and Plant Capacity analysis with Raw Materials and
Supplies Study.
b. Team Two: Location and Cite Analysis with Environmental Impact Assessment
c. Team Three: Technology and Engineering with Human Resource and Organization
You are required to deliver detailed analysis of the issues in one of the above thematic areas.
Choose one team to join and present your analysis.

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