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Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20


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I had determined that healing magicians are only able to heal. I had
admitted that they are an existence that can't do anything by
themself. They cannot fight unless they rely on someone, and
because they are that kind of existence, they are exploited by others.
Being exploited repeatedly, I have come to this point, and by the
time I realized my mistake, it was too late. My life was over. That's
why I'll start over. I can't let it be known that I've recovered my ego,
so I continued to act dim-witted; all in order to win at the very end.
(TL Note: You probably don't understand what the hell this guy is
going on about, but don't worry, you'll find out as you read.)

In the farthest lands, there is a desolate world, only knowing the

colour black. In that place, we were tasked with subjugating the
demon king; the enemy of mankind and the strongest evil existence
known to man. It had the shape of a girl with silver hair and eyes the
colour of blood. She wore a black suggestive dress, with her jet black,
fallen angel wings fluttering in the sky.

"You damn humans! Are you trying to take not just the land of
death, but even our last resting place!?" (Demon King)

Her breath was rough, and on her white skin, there were countless
scars pouring out blood. On the other hand, there was the hope of
mankind; the strongest party filled with the best heroes in the world.

The sword hero, Blade. He is a blond haired handsome man with a

lean body. His weapon is the sword decorated with jewels, the divine
sword Ragnarock.

The gun hero, Brett. He is a big man with brown hair and black eyes
who converts magic power into bullets and shoots them with his
gun. His weapon is the silver cannon, the divine gun Taslam

The magic hero, Flare. She is a beautiful girl with long pink hair and
pink eyes. As well as being a hero, she is also a princess and her
weapon is a wand made from the world tree, the divine Banargand.

And finally, there's me; the healing hero, Keare. I'm the only one in
the hero's party who doesn't have any equipment because I only use
my bare hands.

"Brett, keep shooting at the demon king and make sure it doesn't
have any time to rest, and I'll charge up a strong magic spell during
that time." (Flare)

"Yup, just leave it to me." (Brett)

Without stopping, the gun hero Brett continues to shoot magic

bullets from his divine gun Taslam. A hero's firepower is equal to
rank 5 magic, the limit of what humans can use, and on top of that,
rapid-fire is possible. Each and every bullet he shoots goes in a
different course that he picks, making the demon king click her
tongue in annoyance. Even though she flaps and tries to avoid the
bullets, they change direction to block off her escape route, hitting
her in the end. Taking advantage of the situation, the magic hero
Flare starts chanting and increasing her magic power.

"Thanks for waiting, Rank 7 magic, Mjolnir." (Flare)

The magic hero Flare shot her special magic, and a magic circle with a
diameter of a few metres, comprised of 5 layers appeared. Rank 7
Magic, Mjolnir is a magic that is two ranks above the limit of what
normal humans can use, and is limited to heroes only. From the sky,
lightning falls straight down onto the ground. The extremely high-
voltage plasma that continuously dropped seemed like a pillar of

light coming down from the sky. Seeing this, the demon king
completely gives up on evading and puts her all into maintaining the
barrier that is receiving it.

"Blade, I can ask you for the finishing attack right?" (Flare?)

"Leave it to me, the divine sword Ragnarock has been filled up with
light. I will be the one to kill it!" (Blade)

After hearing Flare's words, Blade starts running towards the demon
king. The divine sword Ragnarock gleams in a white light after
converting his sacred intentions into power. (TL Note: Uhh… what?
Sorry I don't really understand what it means by intentions and it's
confusing) Blade believed that the demon king who is using all of her
power in maintaining the barrier against Mjolnir wouldn’t be able to
do anything against him, and would simply get bisected by his sword.
However… the demon king’s expression becomes grim and she
opens her mouth.

"Don't underestimate me!!" (Demon King)

After saying this, the demon king’s wings spread, dropping feathers
from her wings. Then, each and every feather turned into a fallen
angel, swarming the area. All the fallen angels started attacking the
sword hero, and the gun hero immediately starts shooting them to
assist him. However, as expected of the copies of the demon king,
they repeatedly avoid the bullets, and even if they do hit, they don't
go down in one hit. The sword hero desperately tries to shake off the
fallen angels, but each time he uses his sword, its shine loses colour,
until finally, his sword got stuck in one of the fallen angels. At that
moment, he got slashed at from all sides and while shedding blood,
he decided to retreat. And it wasn't just that, the demon king began
mixing the Mjolnir with black light, mixing in her own magic to
directly take control of it.

"Humanity, this is the power of the demon king!!" (Demon King)

The lightning from the Mjolnir spell turns completely black and then
goes back up into the sky, once again falling down. However, this
time, it was aimed at the magic hero and gun hero. The demon king
hadn't gotten rid of the magic, but instead, took it.

"Kyaaaaaa" (Flare)

"Guaaaaaa" (Brett)

Flare, who has high magical resistance is in a severe condition and

Brett was burned to death. Even though we were just one step away
from defeating the demon king, the demon king counter attacked
and the hero party was put in a catastrophic situation. The only one
with no injuries is me, the hero of healing.

"Oi! You dullard, hurry up and heal us. I've already used up my elixir
and since you can only heal, just hurry up and do it!!" (Blade)

The hero of the sword is looking at me and screaming, but I ignore it.
The hero of the sword has anger written all over his face and
screamed at me once again.

"Don't ignore me, I only let you live to heal us." (Blade)

Even though we are both heroes, the hero of the sword was always
looking down at me, but there is nothing I can do about it. To begin
with, the heroes are strong, they hardly ever need to be healed. And
on top of that, there is a valuable item called elixir that can heal
anything except for missing parts. Although it is a very valuable and
rare item, because it's for the hero's party, it has been collected from
all around the world to be given as tribute to the hero's party. The
healing hero can only use healing magic, so as long as they have an
elixir, they don't even need me. However, I'm there as a reserve so
that if they ever run out of elixir, they can turn to me.

"Oi, are you even listening you trash? Did your brain become nothing
after drinking too much medicine!?" (Blade)

Hearing the word medicine, I can't help but laugh at myself; yes, I
was a severe drug addict. Healing magic is a type of magic that
returns the person to a normal state, but it has one fatal flaw. If you
don't know what that person's normal state, you can't use it. Every
single person has a different 'normal state' and you also need to
reproduce the experiences that that body has gone through to use it.

Therefore, this magic makes the user experience all of what the
other person's body has gone through in one second, making the
user be able to understand what the other person has gone through.
Pain that goes beyond what you can imagine, and the fear of
someone else's pain flooding in to you. No one normal would usually
be able to withstand it. To say the truth, I really did not want to use
this power and once ran away to not use it.

However, I eventually got caught, and was drugged, to lose the

feelings of pain or fear. After that, I got addicted and used healing
magic happily so that I could get the drugs. My ego was broken and I
had become a farm animal like being. The thing is, healing magicians
are not able to heal themselves, and no one cared even after I was
breaking, forgetting who I even was, becoming unable to realize that
I was breaking. I was just another person who had power that they
could take advantage of.

"Who would heal someone like you. Go die you scum." (Keare)

"You… did your ego return?” (Blade)

The sword hero raised a shout of surprise after saying that. But it was
an obvious reply, because although I have been with this guy for 3
years, when I first met him, I was already broken. At that time, I was
like a doll that simply followed all orders by everyone else. However,

two months ago, I finally got the skill to resist against drugs and was
able to become conscious of myself again. On top of that, I realized
that my proficiency in healing magic had gone up enough to the
point where I can heal myself.

While constantly healing my drugged and broken body, I acted dim-

witted so that no one would realize my senses had recovered and
continued to sharpen my secret weapon. Today, for just this day, I
will run straight to the demon king and kill her. If I can beat here,
then I can get 'that'.

"Fool, you have no means of attacking it! Do you have a death wish?"

While ignoring the hero of the swords rebuke, I ran straight towards
the demon king. Multiple fallen angels come heading my way, but
there is no need to fear.

"Slow" (Keare)

While dodging the fallen angel's attacks by a paper-thin difference, I

run past them. What made that possible was purely because I used
martial arts and ran past them with the most efficient method. As a
healing magician, I have experienced many people's lives and
experiences, letting me recreate what they could use. And within the
countless amounts of patients I have healed, martial artist masters
have also been some of my patients. The side effects of healing
magic aren't just side effects, but also experiences that can give me
power. My movements probably surpass that of the hero of the
sword; this is what I call…

"Imitation Heal" (Keare)

When I had come back to my senses, I truly was surprised; after all,
there was so much knowledge of different skills from different
people inside of me. Many were fighting experts, many were wise,

and all of their knowledge was inside of me. After seeing how fast I
was, the fallen angels started amassing black light. Strengthening
magic enchant. The fallen angels speed jump up and they all come at
me at the same time from all four sides. Seeing that, I clicked my
tongue. Even if I took the best actions, as I am right now, I am unable
to avoid getting hit. No matter what I do, it is physically impossible.
In this current situation, I've basically been checkmated. Therefore, I
have no choice but to raise my power.

"Transformation Heal" (Keare)

Normally, healing magic reverts your appearance to what your old

body looked like, but I figured that you could probably change it into
something that was not your old body and something different.

I used this transformation heal to rewrite my body into one that was
suitable for combat. (TL Note: Yeah go kill them Kotarou!) And with
this, although it was impossible for me before, with my new body I
avoid the attack and I get a power close to the demon king.

"As expected of the demon kings familiars, they are quite

persistent." (Keare)

Even with all this dodging, it seems that the fallen angels still aren't
giving up. And then, the fallen angels all gather up in one place and
combine into one. Although it hasn't gotten any bigger, it has
become extremely dense and you can just feel the overwhelming
pressure from it.

The fallen angel starts rising up in the air, and then it started to dive
down towards me while throwing a fist. However, there is no need to
fear. I grabbed the arm that the fallen angel threw at me and…

"Deterioration Heal" (Keare)

If healing magic can revert you back to a normal state, then I figured
that breaking them is also possible.

Living existences are terribly fragile, all you have to do is just detach
the spinal cord and brain and they'll break. And thus, to break them I
use deterioration heal. But the scary part about healing magic, is that
it can ignore every and any resistance which means that it is
impossible to do anything about it.

Living things instinctively accept healing magic, which automatically

blows off all resistances that they have. As I watch the fallen angel
crumble, I see the demon king in the background look at me and
shout out in fear.

"Who the hell are you?" (Demon King)

"I am the hero of healing, Keare; just an ordinary healing magician.


Healing magic is not just limited to healing people. The moment I

realized that, my surrounding has suddenly gotten brighter.

The ability to use something from the knowledge of someone I've

healed, Imitation Heal.

The ability to change my physical form to what I desire,

Transformation Heal.

The ability to cause instant death to something, Deterioration Heal.

If I had these powers 4 years ago, would my life be quite different

from the one I lived till today? To make this delusion come true, is
my purpose in coming here. The demon king starts shooting
countless jet black bullets at me, but to no avail.

Using the knowledge that I have gained from healing the wise men, I
read through that magic, I see the power, speed, trajectory and

everything. Then I use my knowledge of the martial artists combined
with my strengthened body so that I can calculate where I should
move to avoid the hits.

As long as I can touch her, it’s my win. Moving through the gaps of
the magic bullets, I come close to the demon king and touch her.
Now all that is left is to use my magic.

"I see, so this is where my life ends huh. I feel frustrated that I
couldn't protect anything." (Demon King)

The demon king starts having a crying yet smiling expression. When I
look at that face, I feel an extreme sense of guilt, but I can't stop, I
have an objective that I need to complete.

"Deterioration Heal" (Keare)

Even the demon king is helpless against my deterioration heal. She

slowly starts breaking and crumbling down.

"Don't worry about it; it'll start again soon anyways." (Keare)

While I mutter that, I grab the heart of the demon king out from her
body, a crimson red gem. This is exactly what I'm looking for.

"Good work, hero of healing Keare. My father, no, the king will surely
be pleased with you too. *Cough* By the way, that gem seems to be
a very dangerous gem with a terrible curse inflicted on it, so I think it
would be better if I, the hero of magic held on to it.” (Flare)

After recovering her injuries from the black lightning with an elixir,
the hero of magic, Flare is talking to me while smiling. I feel
nauseous. She has never smiled while talking to me, and always
looked at me like I was some filthy stray dog.

When I had awoken to my powers as a hero, she was the ringleader
of the group that dragged me out of my village, caught me while I
was fleeing, drugged me and took away my ego.

"The philosopher's stone." (Keare)

As soon as I said that name, Flare's face cramped up.

"This is why you guys wanted to kill the demon king right? To kill the
demon king and gain this, you decided to exterminate the demon
race. A magic item that explosively increases any magic spells; the
greatest magic item in existence. As long as you have this, you could
even use forbidden magic." (Keare)

The reason why I know all of this is because I once healed Flare, in
other words, I know exactly what she thought and wanted.

Originally, there are two types of monsters. The monsters that were
controlled by the demon race and the demon king, and the monsters
that naturally appear who are all violent. They all worked well
together with the demon race and the demon king.

However, 10 years ago, the kingdom suddenly got attacked by strong

monsters being lead by the demon race to assault it. Everyone began
to think that to protect mankind, we need to eradicate the demon
race. But to say the truth, such thing never happened.

To take the demon kings heart, you need money, troops and a
reason to fight. The ten years they spent warring, was an
unnecessary war.

"Oh, you are quite knowledgeable huh. I had no idea that such a
name was placed on the demon kings heart." (Flare)

"Yeah, I am quite knowledgeable. I also know that you guys hold a

dumb delusion of trying to conquer the world by using forbidden
magic with this." (Keare)

For just a moment, Flare's face is filled with hate towards me. But
the next moment, she had the face of a softly smiling princess.

"Well, I don't quite understand what you are saying though." (Flare)

"Is that so, then I'll be using this for my own sake." (Keare)

Just for this moment, I pretended to continue being dim-witted and

broken. All for the sake of outsmarting Flare at the end.

"What exactly are you going to do?" (Flare)

"Using this philosopher's stone, I'm going to use healing magic, as

there is something I desperately want to fix.” (Keare)

Yes, something that is broken and can't be achieved using common

sense. Something that I am truly craving for, from the bottom of my

"What are you planning to do!?" (Flare)

"I am going to use healing magic on this rotten world, and start over
from before I met you, four years ago." (Keare)

Normally, I wouldn't be able to use a massive scale healing magic on

the world, but as long as I have the philosopher's stone, I can do it.

"Wha- It's useless; there is no way you can do that. And even if you
were able to do that, your memories would all be gone so you would
make the same mistake again." (Flare)

"Yeah, that might be true." (Keare)

After hearing my words, Flare has a relieved face.

"In that case, don't do such a useless thing. If you just pass over that
rock, a happy life is awaiting you. The royal family will ensure that."

After I smile at her, she reaches out her hand; her eyes saying to
hand over the philosopher's stone. This idiot, there is no way I would
nod to her just like that.

"Of course there is a chance that I might forget everything and this
might all repeat. Normally, that would happen. However, I'll
definitely make sure that won't happen; I'll never forget this pain
that I have gone through." (Keare)

The despair and suffering I went through when I wasn't myself and
the grief after I had recovered my senses; these feeling and
memories have all been engraved deep into my soul.

I get the feeling that those emotions will never be forgotten, no

matter how much time rewinds. The new me will definitely be able
to find the potential in healing magic and can start over.

"Are you actually planning on doing it?" (Flare)

"See ya princess, when I start over and meet you again, I'll make sure
to deprive everything from you." (Keare)

"You retard!" (Flare)

Flare realizes that I'm serious, and points her wand at me. However,
it is too slow; I've already charged my magic power till the max, now
all I need to do is use it. From the philosopher's stone, dazzling red
light gushes out.

"Recovery Heal" (Keare)

I used healing magic on this rotten world and it is slowly reverting to

the way I want it, and as if the four years never happened, I have
come back to that day. Next time, I'll do it better, I'm sure that I'll be
able to pull it off; even if all my memories disappear, this pain
engraved in my heart will surely be able to make me remember it all.

Chapter 1
With my sweat covered body, I sprang out of bed, feeling extremely
unpleasant for some reason.

"Haa, haa, haa, is it that dream again?" (Keare) (TL Note: Just in case
you didn't realize, 'haa' is him deep breathing, not laughing.)

It's a dream where I, of all the people they could have chosen, fight
as a hero to subjugate the demon king. I don't remember how many
times I've seen that dream, but I know my position as a person, and I
know I would never be able to become a hero.

"Oh, the sun's already rising?" (Keare)

Looking through the window, I noticed that the sun had started
rising; it's just the right time to wake up, after this I'll go to work.
Changing from my nightwear, I put on my clothes for the day and
start biting into an apple that was on top of my desk. This was my
daily routine.

After picking up my big basket, I sling the strap of my pouch, which

holds my work tools, onto my shoulder.

"Father, mother, I'll be going now" (Keare)

I mutter out of habit while not expecting a reply. My parents are

already dead, and were killed by monsters.

I walk out of my house, going out into the village that I grew up in.
My village is split up in to three different sections; the commercial
area, the residential area and the agricultural area. The residential
area has a waterway that stretches around it, and is filled with green
scenery. From there, I start moving towards the agricultural area.

Although I was all by myself, without a single relative, my parents left
behind their house and apple orchard. Thanks to that, I was able to
live on and make a living by being an apple farmer. After arriving at
the orchard, I noticed that it was time to harvest.

"It's finally time to harvest huh" (Keare)

Looking at the apples growing on the trees, I happily grinned to

myself in self-satisfaction and took out the basket. It seems like with
this, I won't be starving to death yet. I climb the tress, picking off the
apples that look good and putting them into my basket.

However, for some reason, even while I'm doing this, I still feel
weirdly disturbed. A voice is resounding inside of my heart; is it fine
living like this? Isn't there something more I should be doing? Is it fine
to not be getting stronger?

"It is still too early to think about it when my class hasn't even been
awakened" (Keare)

When humans become the age of 14, they are officially considered
an adult and awaken to their own class. Depending on each class,
different parameters get strengthened accordingly, but people
without classes aren't even able to fight properly.

On top of that, depending on the class you get, you can get special
skills that only people from that class can get. For example, if your
class was a warrior, then you have the potential of getting really
good at the sword, and it is easier to raise your warrior proficiency
level. On the other hand, a magician is incapable of getting a warrior
skill and vice versa.

Although you can train and swing your sword every day, you will be
no match for someone with a warrior class. This is because without a
class, you have no attack speed, strength or speed parameter

There is another seven days until my fourteenth birthday, and I have
already decided my plan, depending on what class I get. If I get a
good class, I plan to leave this town and go on an adventure, but if I
get a weak class, I plan to continue living as an apple farmer.

Currently, it is the harvesting period for the apples, the period of

time where my year of effort turns into money. Even if I go on an
adventure, I will have plenty of money to do so; while holding this
small hope within me, I diligently continue to pick the apples.

By the time I had finished collecting enough apples, the sun has
started to set. Just when I had decided to turn in for the day, I heard
a loud scream. I immediately ran towards the direction of the
scream. No way!? There, in the middle of the wheat field, was
something that shouldn't have been there.

"Did the demons cross the walls to come here!?" (Keare)

Looking at the monster, I raise a shout in surprise. There was a boar

type monster which was attacking the surrounding people. It had
short legs and a hard looking rock carapace, protecting its body.
There was no way that we, simple farmers, could do anything about
that kind of monster.

The farmers were adults who were class holders, but their classes
weren't combat based, so they became farmers to support
themselves. On top of that, they didn't even try to level up their
classes; it would be useless to even try something against that
monster. After a while, the vigilante corps will surely come to kill it,

"Anna-san" (Keare)

I recognized a familiar face of the person that lent a helping hand
towards me after hearing of my parent's death. She, who was
married but didn't have a child, treated me as if I were her own, and
always took good care of me. Unfortunately, that very person who
took care of me is stumbling and is late at evacuating. As every
second passes, the boar is slowly catching up to her, and at this rate,
she will be devoured by the monster.

Even if I go, it would be useless; it isn't that I don't have a combat

class, but I don't even have a class to boost my stats in the first place.

No, that's not true. Why do I fear a monster of that level? Status isn't
the only thing that can make you strong; knowledge is also another
form of power.
The voice that always urges me to become stronger resounds in my
head. However, the strength put into that voice was louder than
usual, and I had started dashing towards the monster by the next

For some reason, I had knowledge of that monster. That monster

was not a boar, but a rock maul, which is a mole type monster.
Therefore, it was probably able to bypass the walls by digging under

The rock maul had one fatal weakness, which was that their eyes
were degenerated and was hardly able to see anything. This meant
that it had to rely on its Eimer's (TL Note:’s_organ) organ which was right
on the tip of its nose to sense the vibrations from the ground and
find its prey.

To not weaken that organ which acts as a sensor, it is the only place
that was not covered in rock and was the only fragile spot. And

"Haaaaaaa!" (Keare)

I was sprinting and jumping towards the monster using my maximum

speed; if the rock maul uses vibrations on the ground to sense its
prey, then all you need to do is be in the air and they won't be able
to sense you. I jumped, onto the neck of the giant boar, no, rock
maul, and clung onto it tightly. Until this moment, he was unable to
sense me. (TL Note: … Oi. You're saying that the rock maul which has
relied on this sensory organ for all his life was unable to sense this
guy who was running like a madman?) Using my work knife, I pierced
his Eimer's organ, which was on his unprotected nose.

"Kyuiiiiiiiiiiii!" (Rock Maul)

The rock maul starts rampaging, and I get shoved off easily. Glaring
at his nose, I tell myself that with my current status, the best I can do
is to wound him, and I wouldn't be able to kill it. I obviously can't do
anything about it if I tried my best yet couldn't kill it, so I clench my
teeth to hold back the desire to kill it.

My objective was to save that woman, yet why did I try to defeat that
monster? Well, hurry up and save her.
An amazed voice comes out from inside of me, and I leave the area,
panickingly head toward Anna-san to help her escape. The rock maul
is still rampaging around everywhere, but neither Anna-san nor I
have been in the range of its attacks.

"Keare-kun, uh- um, thank you. But was it fine to anger that
monster?" (Anna)

"Don't worry, that monster can't see anything so it's safe." (Keare)

Having its only sensory organ damaged, there is no way it could find
us. And just that is fine, my purpose is not to kill it, but to save Anna-

san; which has just been achieved. Now all that's left is to let the
vigilante corps kill it and it'll all be fine.

Afterwards, the vigilante corps who had combat related classes came
over and beat the rock maul for us. I was praised by everyone for
helping Anna-san, but got scolded by that very person since I was
being too rash.

However, my heart was strangely cold and I myself do not think that I
was being too rash, as if it was only natural to be able to do
something like that. Even though it was supposed to be my first fight
with a monster, I was strangely calm.

Is there some relation to the dreams I have every day of me fighting

as a hero? As I started to think about this, the voice that I heard
when I fought the rock maul started to speak up inside of me.

Become strong, trust no one. I know the method to becoming

stronger. Countless adventurers' experiences and wise people's
knowledge are all inside of me. Using all of their knowledge, become
stronger by even just one second; first off, earn an eye, the eye of the
spirit, and the eye of all creation.
What is this… this is the first time that I've ever heard the voice this

"What exactly is this anyways?" (Keare)

My feet move naturally by itself and I somehow 'knew'. There is a

connection point to the spirit world in the woods near the village,
where I can get a hold of a contract agreement with a spirit and
where I can get the world's best eye. All I need to be able to do is to
be able to speak the ancient words and chant the ritual to form a
contract with a spirit.

Just like when I fought the rock mall, for some reason, I 'knew'. I also
know that the strongest connection period will be in 5 days, and if I
miss it, I'll have to wait another 34 years.

It's crazy if you think about it with common sense, but I was unable
to ignore it. I feel like if I ignore it, I will lose everything and felt a
threatening voice saying that being weak is a sin.

If you can just obtain the eye, you will remember everything. I cannot
afford to repeat this all, I will definitely to lead a happier life this
I start feeling impatient. I feel like if I go there, if I get the eyes of the
spirit, then I'll be able to understand everything. Grabbing a few
apples and stuffing it into my bag, I leave town and break into a run
towards a place that I shouldn't know of, with only the clothes on my

And I realized, I seemed to be laughing. I see… I was looking forward

to it huh. I was looking forward to arriving at the place that this voice
tells me to go. Now then, let's go, to retrieve back the true me.

Chapter 2
Grab hold of the eye of the spirit
While being motivated by that voice from inside of me, I slipped out
of town and continue advancing through the woods. The daylight is
slowly fading away, which is bad news as the night is dangerous. At
night, the visibility is low and monsters become more active. Slipping
out of the protected town at night is literally an act of suicide, where
it wouldn't be weird whenever you get attacked by monsters. And
yet I am not scared.

Taking out the knife which was in my bag, I peel off some bark on a
nearby tree. I then squeeze out all the sap I can from it and heavily
spread it, all over my body. The demons in this area dislike the smell
of sap, and the demons that don't mind the sap are divided into two
types. The demons that don't like fire, and the demons that don't
attack you as long as you don't enter their territory.

Letting the smell of sap drift in the air, I hold a torch as well. I also
check the trees as I go, to see if there are any wounds left to show
the marks of their territory. As long as I abide to these rules, I will be
able to go through these woods, is what the voice told me.

"I really wonder who the heck I am…" (Keare)

As I wonder about who I really am, I keep walking through the forest.
Maybe my mind went crazy, if so, my life would just end by me being
killed by a monster in the forest. If this voice was actually just a
hallucination, then these measures against the monsters would be
useless and by morning, I would have become food for the monsters.

At the time when I was fighting the rock maul, I was able to save
Anna-san by believing what this voice was saying. Therefore, if I am
able to safely travel through the woods this time, then I can

definitely believe that the eye of the spirit exist from the bottom of
my heart.

So for now, let's move forward as I don't have much time. After
considering the distance, unless I start sprinting with my fastest pace
from now, I won't be able to reach it, and so I diligently continued to
traverse through the woods.

Four days have passed since I left the village, and I only have one
more day to get there. It's only possible to connect to the spirit world
the moment the stars are united, so I have not slept a wink
yesterday, simply continuing to travel through the woods, and the
fatigue in my body has been piling up.

And it wasn't just that. On top of not sleeping, my body has

considerably weakened as I could only eat the edible wild plants in
the woods and wild animals. My vision is hazy, and I have confirmed
something after traveling this whole way. I whole-heartedly believe
in the voice, or else I wouldn't have been able to come here without
stopping in the first place. I walk, walk, walk and on the night of the
fifth day, I finally reach it. In between all sorts of trees, there was a
beautiful lake in the middle, and the stars start shining in the sky.
Using the powers of star reading that I should not have had, I
accurately read the sequence of the stars, and saw a gate in the
middle of opening.

It seems that we somehow made it huh. Now then, get the all-seeing
eye; if you do that, you can remember everything.
The lake starts sucking in the light of the stars; it has started. My
mouth opens.

"—————-" (Keare)

What I said, were the ancient words of the spirits. Occasionally the
spirits that got mixed up from the spirit world would give a blessing
to the one who spoke the chant, and is basically a repayment for
their benefactor and their descendants. Fairies from the fairy world
give power to those who can reach this place, learnt the secret of the
stars and recite the chant. If that person can do all three, then they
give power to that person. (TL Note: I'm confused, but I think this is
explaining the two different reasons why the fairies give
power/blessings to people)

Obviously, it's not like my ancestors helped a spirit before, and I'm
just using knowledge from other people that has saved a spirit
before. I came here because there happened to be an area that can
connect to the spirit world near my village, it was the time for the
stars to be aligned, and because I had knowledge of the chant to
form a contract with a spirit. I have stopped thinking about why I
know all of these things, because I'm sure that all my answers will be
solved if I just get the eye of the spirit.

The lake shined brilliantly and it released all of the star's radiance all
at once. In the center of the lake, blue pillars suddenly appear and a
tear forms in that space. From there, beautiful women come out,
and one of them was wearing a semi-transparent, blue robe of
feathers that stuck tightly to the skin. She spread her wings and
slowly opened her mouth.

"We are the star spirits. Human child, in accordance to our ancient
contract, for our companion to repay you for the favor that your
ancestor did for her, we will give you the power of the spirits. What
do you desire?" (Star Spirit) (TL Note: Didn't he just say that his
ancestor didn't do anything? There should only be two options why
spirits give power to people, and I figured that he did the latter… or
maybe they mistook him as another person descendant… even
though they have the all-seeing eye…)

The spirit let me choose through four options, although my answer
was already decided. Arms that can smash through everything, feet
that can cross through storms, ears that could hear from 1000
leagues away, or eyes that can see through everything. (TL Note: A
league is approximately 2.44 miles.)

"The eye, please give me the all-seeing eye" (Keare)

I squeeze out those words in a trembling voice. Then, the star spirit
slowly starts floating towards me, and brings her face close to mine.
Without thinking, I instinctively close my eyelids, and feel a soft
feeling on my eyelid two times.

"Human child, as proof of our contract, I have given you those eyes"
(Star Spirit)

My eyes become hot, but it isn't painful, just hot. I feel the power
surging and open my eyes.

"So this is the eye of the spirit." (Keare)

I was dumbfounded. I could see the mana in the atmosphere, the

flow of the dragons pulse, the status of the spirit in front of me, and
even special abilities or the true name of the spirit. (TL Note: … I've
got a headache. What does it mean by the flow of the dragons pulse?
I've been rechecking the raws for a while now, and talking to myself
for a few minutes, but all I can think of is that the author made a
mistake… I'm not placing the blame on someone else for my own
incompetence okay! >////< No but actually I have no idea, so please
don't ask me. 龍脈 の流れ) Wow, what amazing eyes! And the voice
is saying that this is an absolutely necessary ability for the class that
I'm going to awaken too. I stare at the surface of the water, and
notice that my eyes are shining in a jade green. I then decide to use
my all-seeing eyes on myself.

"I see, so that was what it was huh" (Keare)

I was able to see a true picture of the world. I had remembered
everything, the despair of the past and the craving for a new life.
Even if all my memories disappear, the pain that was engraved in my
heart did not disappear, and will probably never disappear. I was
able to regain myself.

"Thank you, the spirit of the stars." (Keare)

As I say my thanks, the star spirit smiles and fades away. And with
this, I have gained the eye of the spirit… no, the jade eyes so my
advance preparations have been finished. In two days, I will awaken
to the healing magician class and will get the mark of a hero
engraved on my left hand; the mark that only ten people chosen
people can get in the world.

"First, I'll need to trace history I guess. Even if I may have the
knowledge, I have lost the skills from my past life, such as the drug
resistance skill. If it goes according to my past life, then I will be
drugged and forced to heal the warriors in the military. Copying the
skills of those warriors isn't too bad I guess." (Keare)

And above all…

"I did promise after all, this time, I will deprive everything of that
woman" (Keare)

I begin to remember a woman from my past life. With light pink hair,
she was the princess who was loved by everyone, the magic hero
Flare. I should rush back to the village because reuniting with her is
the first big step I need to take.

Chapter 3
I had remembered everything after getting the jade eyes, which
were the eyes of the spirit. The time when I was being used like a
slave every day and the part where I used healing magic on the world
to go back to the past. At this rate, if nothing is done, then the same
tragedy will just repeat itself, and I just will not forgive myself if that
happens. To avoid that tragedy, I will start planning out what I can

"Firstly, in two days when it's my birthday, I will awaken to my class."


There are only two days until my 14 birthday, and at the same time

when I am considered an adult, I will awaken to my class. (TL Note:

The author wrote 15 birthday here, but since the author wrote 14
th th

in a previous chapter, I'll keep it as 14 until I am able to properly

make sure.) Of course, I will awaken to the healing magician class,
but not only that, I'll also awaken to the extra class which is the hero

"Why did I have to be hero?" (Keare)

'Hero' is an extra class which only ten people can get in the world,
and has four abilities derived from its class.
• Class ability strengthening, which is an ability of the hero class which boosts
your class up by one dimension.

• The release of the level cap; every single living being has a level cap to their
level, with the exception of the heroes.

• The amount of EXP that you and your party get is two times the amount of
what normal parties usually get.

• The increase of the level cap for your followers; if they do a certain deed,
then their level cap goes up.

They are quite useful abilities, and they are all abilities that are
befitting the title of a 'hero'. Without a doubt, the reason I was able
to reach what lied ahead of healing magic, imitation heal,
transformation heal and deterioration heal, was definitely because I
was a hero.

And on top of that, not having a level cap is a nice part of being a
cheat. Normally, the level cap is around level 20-30, but us hero's
level cap is infinite; our strength can keep on reaching new heights.
The dimension of strength is completely different compared to
normal people.

You can't even laugh at the rise in value of EXP, because if my past
life's memories are correct, for each hero in the party, all members
get a rise of EXP by 2x the normal amount. And back when I was in a
party with the four other heroes, it was 2x2x2x2 the normal amount,
which meant we got 16x the normal amount of EXP you get.

"Now then, Flare should be coming in a week or so I think." (Keare)

According to my memories from my past life, the kingdom should

send an escort to pick me up five days after I got the hero class.
Apparently, it seems that the already awakened, magic hero Flare
has the ability to discover the birth of a new hero. This time as well,
she will definitely come too after finding me, as the heroes who are
only ten in number in the whole world, are a valuable fighting force.

As I diligently walk through the woods, I decide on my plan.

"First of all, escaping the kingdom is out of the question." (Keare)

There are two reasons for this. The first reason is that no hero can
escape from the magic hero Flare with her hero detection magic.
Especially if my level is low and I have no skills, as the elite force
owned by the royal family will instantly capture me. If I were to
seriously try and escape, I would have to destroy Flare's detection

magic, or else its checkmate. There can only be 10 heroes in the
world, so the royalty would kill off the useless hero, to give birth to
another hero.

The second reason, is that I want to be able to use imitation heal on

the people that are strong.

In my past life, being unable to stand the pain of using heal, I had ran
away, only to be brought back and drugged. After that, the kingdom
made me heal all the veteran soldiers that couldn't be healed using
an elixir. Although it was a nightmare like experience, it was a chance
to copy the skills of strong warriors that I couldn't afford to miss out

Going through all of that, there is only one option that I can take,
which is to use imitation heal on as much people I can, and then
escaping the royal castle using those skills.

But to do that, there are hurdles I need to jump over.

"I definitely want the drug resistance skill, because if I lose my ego
after getting drugged, it will be the same as last time." (Keare)

I need to acquire drug resistance so that I will be able to keep my ego

even if I get drugged. And I also need strength if I want to escape, so
I would prefer to increase my level. I'm not bothered to much about
the latter, because I have *imitation heal to cover up for it. As I copy
skills, my level will also rise as well. (TL Note: *it says looting heal,
but there was no 'looting heal' in the prologue, so I'm guessing the
author just accidentally wrote it or something?)

Now that I've decided my plan, I need to start preparing for it. As I
return back to the village, I collect poisonous mushrooms and plants
and put them in my bag. It took a long time to acquire the drug
resistance skill last time, because I had gotten addicted to it and
abandoned myself to pleasure from the drugs. To gain drug

resistance, I need to try and resist drugs while eating them, so if I
continue to eat poisonous plants for a week, the proficiency should
increase by quite a bit. Although I won't be able to get the drug
resistance skill in a week, I should be able to get drug resistance skill
in the near future as long as I continue to raise the proficiency and
try to keep a strong heart.

"But… just running isn't fun, so I'll destroy Flare and bring her back I
guess." (Keare)

In my past life, that woman drugged me to turn me into a machine

that can heal, so I'll do the same thing to her, by using
transformation heal on her.

That being said, I'm not a demon. The Flare of this world hasn't done
anything bad to me, so it doesn't make sense to try and break or
exploit her. If she doesn't try and break me, I'll let her go. However, if
she tries to break me again, I'll definitely take revenge on her; I'll
make her understand how it feels to be treated like livestock.

Using my knowledge, I continued to ingest poisonous plants or

mushrooms that are at the level of not being able to kill someone
and diligently walked through the woods.

It has been two days since I got the jade eyes, and I've gotten much
more used to poison. Currently, I have gone to the river to drink
water, and as I look at myself in the river, I notice that my cheek has
sunk in, and my eyes look vacant.

I might have gone a bit too far… well whatever, it is something

needed in order to let me live happily. As I gaze at the sky, the full
moon was shining, and my arm suddenly started hurting as if it was
on fire.

"So it's come." (Keare)

One the back of my hand, a geometrical crest had been engraved

onto it. It's proof that you're a hero; it seems that I was picked as a
hero this time too. I should also have awoken to my class now.

Looking at the surface of the river, I put power into my eyes, and the
jade eyes that I got from the spirits start shining. Normally, you
cannot view your status without using an expensive magic tool called
the appraiser. However, with my jade eyes, I can see someone's
status without using a magic tool.

Race: Human
Name: Keare
Class: Healing Magician, Hero
Level: 1
MP: 12/12
Physical Attack: 5
Physical Defense: 6
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Resistance: 8
Speed: 7

• Healing Magic Lv1

• MP Recovery Rate increase Lv1: Healing Magician's skill, MP recovery rate is
10% faster.

• Healing Ability Increase Lv1: Healing Magician's skill, adds a positive

correction to healing magic.

• Increase of EXP: Hero only skill, gives 2x the amount of EXP earned for you
and your party.

• Level Limit Breakthrough (Yourself): Hero only skill, the release of the level
limit cap.

• Level Limit Breakthrough (Others): Hero only skill, by giving your body
fluids to someone which have your magical power included in them, there is
a probability of their upper level limit going up one level.

(TL Note: … oi… please none of this shinmai maou business… 'doing
perverted things makes you stronger'. No but seriously, the author
could have chosen to not add this, or add this, and the fact that
he/she did, means that there must be some kind of event in the
future that involves this skill right? Btw I'm reading as I translate, so
this isn't a spoiler.)

It's very useful to be able to see a status without using a magic tool
every time, especially for me as I can see peoples status's to check if I
want to copy their abilities or not. Using these eyes, I can specify
what skill I want, and then copy it from that person.

And the jade eye's power doesn't just stop there. Until now, it was
what you could see with an ordinary appraiser, but you can see past
that with these eyes. That is…

Level Limit: ∞
Talent Values:
MP: 110
Physical Attack: 50
Physical Defense: 50
Magic Attack: 105
Magic Resistance: 125
Speed: 120
Total Value: 560

The level cap and talent values appear. Living beings all have their
maximum level, and by seeing that, I can see the people who have
the most talent. No matter how high someone's stats are, if their
maximum level is 10, then they won't be of any use.

And the important part is the talent value, because the increase in
certain stats after leveling up depends on your talent value. If your
talent value is low, then no matter how much you raise your level,
you won't be able to get strong. In my case as a healing magician, my
physical stats are low, but every other stat is high level.

No matter how strong the hero, they wouldn't be able to fight alone;
they have to have comrades. If I use these jade eyes, then I would
probably be able to find some people that have high talent values.

"The healing magician class and hero class, the preparations to get
the drug resistance skill and the jade eyes. I have gotten all the
things I need, and now all that's left is to follow history. It is weird
though, because although I hated Flare that much, I'm looking
forward to meeting her." (Keare)

I was praying in my head, for Flare to be the trash she is in this world
as well. If she is, then I can care freely carry out my revenge, and
cherish her as a domestic animal.

While thinly smiling, I stood up and began to walk. Making sure that I
will definitely fulfill my objective, I took one step at a time, all to lead
up to my revenge.

Chapter 4
At the same time I became 15, I awakened to my healing magician
class, and I also awakened to an extra class which only 10 people in
the world can get, the hero class. After I had gotten my class, I had
continued to travel back to the village from the woods. But I wasn't
just walking through the woods; I had been diligently consuming
poisonous plants to get the drug resistance skill.

"Recovery Heal" (Keare)

Placing my right hand on my body, I use healing magic on myself to

remove the poison inside of me.

"I better increase my proficiency in healing magic as well" (Keare)

Normally, using healing magic on your own body is extremely

difficult, because while you are casting the magic, your body changes
and noise enters the magic, making it almost impossible to control.
However, I am able to do it because I have used healing magic tens
of thousands of times.

I just have to make a prediction of how the target is going to change,

and incorporate that when I use my healing magic. And because I am
able to treat my poison now, the pace of which I can increase my
proficiency of the drug resistance skill has increased.

That being said, just using healing magic four times depletes all of my
MP, so if I don't level up and increase my MP, it's going to be harsh.
By doing this, I spent 3 days after getting my class, walking through
the woods, and I have finally reached my village.

As I arrive back in the village, my acquaintances come rushing
towards me. It seems that I had worried them since I was away for
10 days without even saying anything.

Although I was asked about a lot of things, I was able to make stuff
up to not make them suspicious, and even if I were to tell them,
there would be no way anyone would believe my story. My jade eyes
can also be concealed because unless I'm in an excited state, my eyes
don't give off the peculiar jade colour. (TL Note: couldn't think of
anything to replace it with and if I did, I would probably sound like
some 10yr old trying to explain physics lol)

To buy an appraiser, the village mayor asked me if I wanted to ride

along with him on his carriage to the royal capital. Although my
village is a large village, as expected, there is no one that can make
an appraiser which only advanced level magicians can make. To his
offer, I nodded my head to it, because as long as I want to hide my
jade eyes, I shouldn't know of my class. Not being curious of what
class you get after becoming of age is unnatural, because everyone
wants to find out what class that they get.

Well either way, it would be wasted because before we set out to

buy it, the princess will come to escort me to the kingdom.

After coming back to the village, I had continued to train my

proficiency of drug resistance and as usual, was taking care of my

Although I did want to kill monsters and level up quickly, my physical

attack and defense has a low talent value of 50, which means that I
won't be able to kill monsters easily. And the only attack magic I
have, deterioration heal, has a heavy MP consumption, so no matter

how much I tried, with my current MP I won't be able to use it.
Because of these circumstances, I don't want to fight with a monster,
but I don't have to rush it. After all, I can just increase my level
however much I want later, by using looting heal. (TL Note: Or you
could just collapse down onto the ground for the rest of the day like
a certain explosion magician.)

"Keare-kun, what's that crest on your left hand?" (Keare)

After finishing with my farm work, Anna-san called out to me while I

was about to return home.

"I don't know anything about it either; it just suddenly appeared one
day." (Keare)
"Why don't you get curse expert to check it out some time?" (Anna)

I have a wry smile, because although the hero's existence is famous,

not many people know about the crest engraved on their body.

"I'll go have it seen if it starts hurting, but more importantly, it's quite
noisy over there." (Keare)

The entrance of the village was getting quite noisy, probably because
the princess had arrived by now. Now then, let's proceed with the

Once I arrive at the entrance of the village, I was immediately able to

see the cause of the commotion; an unfamiliar horse-drawn carriage
had been stopped there. It had an extravagant and elegant design,
which was not pulled by ordinary horses, but was pulled by a
mythical beast, the unicorn. This was something that a superficially
rich person could not possibly afford to buy. On top of that, there
were knights equipped with mithril armor, surrounding the carriage

to protect it. And above all else, they had a special crest engraved on
their armor and carriage, the crest of the royal family.

One of the carriage doors open, and a teenager girl comes out of the
carriage. The villagers are all looking at her with a dumb-founded
look, as they are all watching in fascination. By the beauty that
stands in front of them, by the elegant appearance of that beauty
and the smile of the beauty who seems like a saint.

A princess who has an overwhelming amount of charisma and at the

same time is a hero. Her name is…

"Hello everyone, I am the first princess of the Dioral Kingdom; the

magic hero Flare Earlgrande Dioral." (Flare)

(TL Note: I think you read it as the dge in judge or something along
those lines, so I read it as "G-oral" Here's the katakana if you want

The villagers start yelling with delight, as she has already named
herself as a hero.

Flare can master the rank 5 magic which is the highest magic possible
for humans, can also use rank 6 magic which has never been heard of
before, and is revered as the strongest magician in the world. I also
know that in a few years, she will be able to use rank 7 magic as well.
There is basically no human being that can win against her in magic.

"Today I have come to pick up a newly born hero which has been
born in this village." (Flare)

The cheers become even stronger, and the villagers begin facing
each other, unanimously asking who became a hero to each other.

Putting power into my eyes, I activate my jade eyes in order to check

what Flare's ability is.

Race: Human
Name: Flare
Class: Magician, Hero
Level: 25
MP: 155/155
Physical Attack: 40
Physical Defense: 25
Magical Attack: 70
Magical Resistance: 55
Speed: 50

• Attack Magic (All) Lv3

• Martial Arts Lv2

• MP Recovery Rate Increase Lv2: Magician's skill, MP recovery rate is 10%

• Attack Magic Power Increase Lv2: Magician's skill, adds a positive correction
to attack magic.

• Transcendental Magician LV2: Magician and Hero composite skill, all types
of magic attributes available. High level magic available.

• Increase of EXP: Hero only skill, gives 2x the amount of EXP earned for you
and your party.

• Level Limit Breakthrough (Yourself): Hero only skill, the release of the level
limit cap.

Looking at it again, it is quite a terrifying status, especially the magic

attacks. Even on the skills side, she has a composite skill which
involves both a hero and magician class, and she can also use all
attributes instead of the amount that you can normally use, which is
2. And on top of that, she can also use high-level magic as well.

Truly a power that is worthy of being a hero, but the only part that
she falls behind in, is that she can't increase other peoples level
limits. Now then, I should also check out her talent values too.

Level Limit: ∞
Talent Values:
MP: 150
Physical Attack: 70
Physical Defense: 40
Magic Attack: 140
Magic Resistance: 100
Speed: 80
Total Value: 580

In addition to having the infinite level limit that all heroes have, she
also has a total talent value of 580. The average number that normal
humans have is around 60 for their talent value, and having a total
value of somewhere around 350 is good. Her magic attack is
particularly good, because 140 is probably the highest stat value in
all of humanity.

Because I had gotten the information I needed, I turned off my jade

eyes. Just after that, my eyes met Flare's.

"You are the new hero right? Please come this way." (Flare)

Once Flare calls out to me, the villagers move aside to open a space
for me to walk through, and I start walking towards her.

"I'm a hero!?" (Keare)

I acted surprised, because it would be unnatural if I didn't.

"So you hadn't noticed yet. You were picked as a hero." (Flare)

She comes right in front of me, holds my hand and raises it high in
the sky.

"This crest engraved on his left hand is proof that he is a hero, and I
have come to pick you up. Let's save the world from the demon king
together." (Flare)

The villagers start getting excited, and once again erupt into
applause again. A hero had come from their village; that means that
their village becomes honored, and they get the benefit of getting
support from the country.

"I can't believe that I became a hero" (Keare)

"It isn't unreasonable to think like that, but it's the truth. Now then,
we are going to depart without delay towards the royal capital. After
all, there are a lot of things that you have to learn to be a hero."

I became about to vomit, because I knew that what I have to 'learn

as a hero' is making me into a healing machine after drugging me.

"Even if you say that all of a sudden, I need time to prepare my

heart." (Keare)
"Fufu, please rest assured because I'll be with you, and teach you a
lot of things as your senior." (Flare)

Flare squeezes my hand tightly while sweetly smile at me. I can feel
that her hand is quite soft, and I notice that Flare smells nice. If you
were a man, you would have fallen for her immediately just from
this. However, I know the true nature of this girl and can only feel
disgust towards her.

"Okay, I understand princess; please take me to the royal capital."

"Yes, of course." (Flare)

None of the villagers try to stop me from going and are blessing me
with their words, without even knowing what kind of hell I'm going

to go through afterwards. Although there is obviously no way they
would know about it, it still puts me into an irritated mood.

Riding the horse-drawn carriage, we are heading towards the royal


"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask your name. My name is Flare Earlgrande

Dioral." (Flare)
"My name is Keare, nice to meet you." (Keare)
"My, that's quite a lovely name. Could you tell me what your class
is?" (Flare)

As usual, Flare is using her smile that would charm anyone, and her
voice that can capture anyone's heart while talking to me. The fact
that she has planned this all out is the scary part.

"I still don't know my class, since I have only just become an adult
and I haven't used an appraiser yet." (Keare)
"Is that so. In that case, if it's all right with you, could I use an
appraiser on you right now?" (Flare)

Flare calls out to one of her attendants, and her attendant gives her
the appraiser after taking it out. Then, Flare taught me the way of
using the appraiser.

I had used the appraiser just as I was told, and the result was the
same as the jade eyes. However, I couldn't see the level limit or the
talent values.

"My class is a healing magician." (Keare)

The moment I said that, Flare's face became a bit distorted and her
eyes had the look of contempt. Without even thinking of me as a
fighting force, she was probably disappointed at me.

"Keare-san, would it be okay if I could look at the appraiser as well?"
"Please go ahead." (Keare)

While still keeping her smile, she looked through my status. She was
probably calculating various things inside her head, since she is that
kind of woman.

In my old world, the conclusion she came up with is that even if I

don't count as a fighting force, her EXP will be 2x higher, making it
worth putting me in their party, while making me occasionally heal
them. After all, no matter how much you obtain, elixir is quite
valuable, so you would want to save as much as possible.

Thus, even if I myself am not considered a fighting force, I would be

able to recycle injured heroes.

As a result of such a cold calculation, she considered me as 'just

barely worthy of existence'. If she hadn't thought that, she probably
would have killed me and bet on the birth of a new hero. Since there
can only be 10 heroes at the same time, you would have to kill one
to get another.

With me knowing all of that, I'm able to see the face that she tucked
away behind her smiling face.

While talking about things that weren't of much importance, the

carriage we were on had reached the capital.

If it goes just like how I remember it to go, in the period of a few

days from now, I will be ordered to heal a master swordsman after
one of my lessons. Once I used heal on the swordsman, I found out
about the extreme pain and fear from using healing magic on people,
and refused to use healing magic. However, after finding out about
this, the royalty couldn't forgive me and drugged me, training me
into a machine.

The royal family had only thought of me as a tool, which was why
they could do all those cruel things to me. But the new me is not
someone that can just be used; if someone was to try and make me
into a tool, I'll definitely make them fall into ruin.

Just like how the princess is hiding her true face behind her smile, I'll
put on the mask of a harmless sheep over my revenge seeking
demon inside of me.

They still hadn't realized what was behind the mask…

Chapter 5
While being shaken by the carriage, we had reached the royal capital
of Dioral. Just as the name says, it is the capital of the Dioral

The Dioral Kingdom was situated on the southernmost part of the

territory that humans control. Beyond that, there is the territory of
what the demon race controls.

In other words, the Dioral Kingdom is the defensive wall to protect

the humans from the demon race. Making this into a reason to gain
support from other countries, the Dioral Kingdom's strength is
connected with the other countries.

The support that the Dioral Kingdom get, consist mostly of food and
money, but they also get talented engineers or magicians. Coupled
with many warriors with real combat experience against monsters,
there is no doubt that the Dioral Kingdom is the strongest country in
the world. Nowadays, they are performing extreme acts of greed by
making more aggressive negotiations to extract more support from
the countries that are backing them up.

The frontlines of the battle between the humans and monsters, the
capital, is surrounded by walls with a strange height and thickness.
Not only can it protect the capital from physical damage, it can also
protect against magical damage. On top of that, there are multiple
knights always surrounding the walls, making it quite the formidable
protective wall.

"That looks like quite a splendid wall." (Keare)

"Fufu, you shouldn't be surprised at the wall, because the truly
surprising part is inside the town." (Flare)

Going through the bulky metal gate, we enter the town.

"Please look, isn't it quite a beautiful townscape?" (Flare)

Once we entered the town, our carriage started running across the
well maintained highway in the Dioral Kingdom. While I was looking
at the town, the magic hero who was also the princess Flare, started
innocently talking in high spirits.

Certainly, just as she says, it is a beautiful townscape. Taking into

account of the circulation of money and goods, the main road is wide
and straight. The buildings are made of brick for fire protection and
have some elegance to it.

You can't find anywhere in this place that has useless designs or
anything, and they are all just living normally. In this beautiful
townscape, there were more people than any other town. It is in a
good condition, the energy is overflowing and you can always hear
laughing voices.

"Yeah, it truly is beautiful." (Keare)

I don't use polite language towards the princess Flare as she herself
told me not to use it. She said that since we are both heroes and are
equal, there is no need for it. Even though Flare is a princess, she is
acting as someone who is easy to get along with, so she is trying to
match with me while talking.

"Ehh, this is my prideful town, and we fight to protect this beautiful

town and everyone's smile!" (Flare)
"You're so amazing Flare" (Keare)
"Oh, sorry, um for talking so much, but it would be wonderful if we
could protect everyone's smile with our power right?" (Flare)

I laugh back to Flare while she was smiling. Ah, it's useless; it feels
like my smile would crumble anytime now. Everything that Flare is
saying is calculated, her innocent behavior, the moments when she is
a bit clumsy, her glorious face and her wish filled with purity to

protect the royal capital. Every single part of her act is to try and tie
me to this country. The magic hero Flare is a woman who can do all
of this, and because I know this, I've had to endure this nauseous
feeling inside of me the whole time.

In the first place, the royal capital is completely corrupted. The place
that the royal capital was built on was the land that they stole from
the demi-humans. The Dioral Kingdom who set its eyes on this
extremely vast land which had plentiful recourses, had burned down
all the demi-human villages in the area to claim it for themselves.
The demi-humans who fought back were massacred, and the
remaining ones were made into slaves for the man power needed to
build this town.

For this reason, they were able to make this town which was
optimized to have a good circulation of money. At any rate, because
they were able to burn down all of the demi-human villages at once,
they started just doing as they pleased.

A clean highway, numerous lovely buildings and the smiling faces of

the townspeople. In the shadows of all of it, there are the remains of
the sacrifices made to make all of this and you can sometimes see
the demi-humans who have collars stuck on them getting
overworked by others.

In the kingdom, although it is banned to have human slaves, there

are no restrictions on demi-human slaves. After all, in the kingdom's
eyes, the demi-humans are only considered as beasts. The demi-
humans also have a thing called a "true name", which the slave
owner can use it to make them have absolute obedience. Because it
was easier for the humans if the demi-humans didn't have human
rights, they were fine with letting them be slaves. This is truly…

"This beautiful country is just like you Flare" (Keare)

I just said what I thought; a beautiful exterior, with the interior dyed
pitch black. Exactly like Flare.

"I'm glad. This is the town that I'm proud of, so more than any
compliment, it comes straight to my heart." (Flare)

Flare puts on her perfectly calculated smile while not realizing my

sarcasm. And once again, Flare moves her line of sight outside the

In that time, I decided to use my jade eyes on the knights who were
escorting us to check their strength. When I escape, being able to
know their strength would help, after all, they are the princess's
guards so there should only be the elite of elite knights. This means
that if I get strength that overwhelms them, I should be able to
escape without any problems. There are six of them, and all of them
have around the same amount of strength. This is the first one.

Race: Human
Name: Margurt
Class: Knight
Level: 31
MP: 57/57
Physical Attack: 63
Physical Defense: 63
Magical Attack: 31
Magical Resistance: 44
Speed: 57

• Fencing Lv3

• Martial Arts Lv2

• Fencing Correction Lv3: Knight's skill, attacks that use a sword get a positive

• Horseback Correction Lv2: Knight's skill, when riding a horse, you get a
positive correction.


From what I can see, the knight class has a status with high physical
attack and defense. His level is high too, because normal humans
usually have a level limit with around 20~30, and he is past that.

As expected of a knight that guards the royal family. Although there

are exceptions, the class that you awaken to usually relate to how
you grew up, so he was probably in a family that served as a knight
for many generations and was raised as a knight. Putting more power
into my jade eyes, I look at the hidden information.


Level Limit: 32
Talent Values:
MP: 40
Physical Attack: 90
Physical Defense: 90
Magical Attack: 40
Magical Resistance: 60
Speed: 80
Total Value: 400


Although the level limit has almost been reached, the talent values
aren't bad. A total value of 400, with no wasted distribution. if I
fought with this guy, I would probably be unable to do anything as I
get defeated.

I stop using my jade eyes after looking at his status. I see, so if I want
to escape, then I have to overwhelm this status. Sounds like quite a
laborious task.

Since my status is magician based, my physical attack and defense is

what I should originally be bad at. I guess I'll need to change my
talent value distribution with transformation heal. With this, I'
convinced I'll be able to escape without a problem if this is
considered the power of the most elite guard.

"Keare-san, did something happen?" (Flare)

Flare moves her gaze from the window to me asks me.

"If I think about how I'm going to enter the royal castle from now, I
get nervous." (Keare)
"Well that isn't unreasonable, but don't worry. The fact that you
weren't in a position to learn proper manners, or the fact that I
forcibly brang you here is already known, so most things should be

Really, this woman doesn't make any wasteful actions. Like that, the
carriage that we were on started going inside the royal castle.

After getting inside the royal castle, I split up with Flare. After that, 5
maids started following me, put me in a bath to clean myself, and
made me wear extravagant clothes.

On top of that, they taught me as much manners as they could. It

seems that I will be having an audience with the king in a few hours,
and there will be a lot of tedious things to do.

It seems that all the maids here are quite influential people, and I
was surprised that there is a great difference in stats with the
knight's status that I saw before.

Which means that these maids are also here to monitor me? While
not being able to do anything, the time had come.

Now then, for me it is a long time since I had an audience with the
king. At that time, I was too happy that I didn't properly listen to it.
The superiority I felt as a chosen hero, the beautiful exterior of Flare,
the hope the king had for me, and these were the things that stole
my heart. However, right now I am extremely calm; I wonder how
the king is reflected in my eyes right now? I am somewhat looking
forward to it.

Chapter 6
For the audience with the king, my body was cleansed, I had changed
into the clothes they had prepared for me, and the minimum amount
of etiquette was driven into me. Currently, I had been summoned to
a place called the space between the throne room, which is just as
the name describes it as.

While the maids and I were heading towards the door to the
audience room, Flare joined up with me with her attendant. It seems
that Flare had changed from her magicians outfit, to an elegant

"Keare-san, I was quite surprised at how different you look. You look
quite good in those types of clothes too." (Flare)
"Thanks, you look pretty too, Flare" (Keare)
"Fufu, you are quite the flatterer, but I'm still glad that you think
that way." (Flare)

We both exchange empty words with each other, basically just lip
service. Like that, the doors of the throne room open, and we enter
the room.

"The heroes have arrived." (Random attendant?)

As soon as I walked in, an exaggerated voice echoes throughout the

room. The size of the room is like a joke, and I can see that there is
an extremely extravagant throne established at the back of the

In a place that is one seat higher, an elderly man was sitting down,
and on both sides, there were nobles that seemed like the countries
leaders who were lined up in a line. I don't know how I feel about

how they do this much just to meet one villager. No… if I think about
it, it's obvious.

It just means that the existence called a hero is just that special.
Normal humans only have a level limit of around level 20~30, but
heroes have an infinite level limit. On top of that, heroes have the
skill to let not just themselves, but everyone in their party to get 2x
the EXP you would normally get. Additionally, male heroes have the
ability to increase other people's level limits by doing a certain deed.
It's also guaranteed that they have the capability to increase their
original class to a higher-level as well. The existence called a hero is
an existence that can surpass the battle power of 1000 troops with
just one of them.

The attendants get urged to move towards the king and using what I
just learnt; I put my knee on the ground, and lower my head. Using
the moment just before I faced my head down, I used jade eyes on
the king. Putting power into my eyes, I see the level limit and the
talent values at the same time as when I see the status.


Race: Human (?)

Name: Proum
Class: Magic Knight
Level: 41☆
Level Limit: 41
MP: 153/153
Physical Attack: 81
Physical Defense: 67
Magical Attack: 81
Magical Resistance: 75
Speed: 55

Talent Values:
MP: 90
Physical Attack: 93
Physical Defense: 75
Magic Attack: 92
Magic Resistance: 84
Speed: 60
Total Value: 494

• Fencing Lv3

• Attack Magic (Fire, Lighting) Lv2

• MP Recovery Rate Increase Lv2: Magic Knight's skill, MP recovery rate is
10% faster.

• Attack Magic Power Increase Lv2: Magic Knight's skill, adds a positive
correction to attack magic.

• Fencing Correction Lv3: Knight's skill, attacks that use a sword get a positive


I close my jade eyes. I got surprised, because he is too strong. Even

though he is not a hero, his total talent value is close to 500.
Furthermore, apart from his speed, all his stats are above normal and
he has the magic knight class which uses both physical and magical
attacks to fight. On top of that, he has a level that is over the amount
that a normal person should have, and is over level 40. He is a
genuine monster. Having the star next to your level means that
you've reached your level limit and you can even confirm this with an

Speaking of that, I remember hearing that the royal family was taking
in heroes blood so that they can have a strong bloodline, and if so,
then that makes sense.

However, I am concerned that there is a question mark next to his

race, because this is the first time I've ever seen this kind of notation.
There is no doubt that this guy is undertaking something which
makes him stray from the path of a human. (TL Note: So he isn't
going to ask about why the talent values are different from the
actual stats? Or has it already been mentioned that although it is
affected by the talent values, the actual stats differ.)

"You did well coming here, new hero. Raise your face." (King)
"Yes, your majesty." (Keare)

I raise my face as told, and while I'm raising my head, I think of how I
should escape. I should aim for when the king isn't here, since his
individual power is quite dangerous. And if he is absent, then his
guards would also be absent, making it the perfect time to escape.

"Fumu, that's a good expression. I have heard from Flare that your
class is a healing magician, but is there no mistake in that?" (King)
"Yes, it is just as you say." (Keare)

For one moment, the king puts on a disappointed face, since healing
magic can be done using other thing. The king probably wanted a
more combat-oriented hero to add to his fighting power, but even
then, he puts his expression back to normal and opens his mouth. (TL
Note: Keare is facing down right? How does he see this happening?)

"Having a hero with healing magic is something that our whole

country was wanting, so we are pleased to know you have awakened
to that power. We will bestow upon you the title, the healing hero."

"I am grateful for that title, and I will call myself the hero of healing
from now on." (Keare)

You were longing for me? How can he say that so shamelessly?
Pushing down my inner anger, I say my words of thanks.

"Hero of healing, in our long battle with the demons, many warriors
have been unable to fight anymore with their injured state. There
are many among them who can't even be healed with the legendary
miracle medicine, the elixir. And so we figured that maybe the hero
of healing who specializes in healing could heal them." (King)
"I haven't actually used it yet, so I'm not sure if it will work" (Keare)
"No, since you are a hero, then you should be able to heal them
right? In a week's time, a very powerful master swordsman will come
to visit us, and it seems that if it is just about swordsmanship, then
she surpasses the sword hero." (King)

The master swordsman; it's a nostalgic name. I definitely want to

copy her ability no matter what. Unlike the sword hero who relies on
his strength of his status, her sword skills are beautiful with no
wasted movements.

"The other day, while fighting a high-level demon, she lost her right
hand, so I was wondering if you could use your power to heal her.
Until then, we'll have you learn about heroes and we will be sure to
prepare the best teachers possible." (King)

While ignoring the words of the king, I once again realized that
history is repeating itself completely. I use recovery heal for the first
time on the master swordsman, and I truly had the worst luck,
considering the first person I had to heal was a master swordsman.

For recovery heal to return the target to their normal state, the
magic makes the practitioner go through everything the other

person experienced and all the pain they have gone through till now,
to properly return them to normal.

The existence called a master swordsman is someone that lives

through thousands of battlefields, and carrying that burden was too
much for one plain villager.

Just healing the master swordsman almost drove me insane and

doing that gave me a trauma, which made me unable to use healing
magic, ending up with me getting drugged by the royal family.

"Understood, I will dedicate my power for this country." (Keare)

"Fumu, that's a good attitude. You may return now." (King)

Like that, the audience ended after going the same way as last time.

After the audience with the king ended, I was given a room to rest in.
I also got a teacher specialized in that area, and was making an effort
to study. I was taught knowledge that was needed for an adventure,
general education and etiquette. A lot of different information was
hammered in my head. I once again realize that at this stage, they
still were trying to treat me as a proper hero.

After studying, it was some light sword practice because although

healing magicians can't get sword skills, it still works for self-defense.
After that, I had dinner and then took a bath; in the blink of an eye, it
had become nighttime.

On my bed in my private room, I turn my body to lie on my side. It

was a high quality bed that you could never even dream about in the
village and because my fatigue had built up, I became quite drowsy.

Just as my consciousness was about to fade, my door made the

sound of opening and I looked towards the direction of the door.

When I did, I saw a young woman enter my room and noticed it was
the first attendant that I had been introduced to. She was one of the
people monitoring me and had a status equal to this country's elite

"Hero-sama, I had fallen in love with you the moment I saw you.
Please, embrace me." (Attendant)

She was wearing lascivious clothing that lightly stuck to her skin. She
then pushed me down, and started stripping me. (TL Note: So she
wants his… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) level limit increase.)

"Stop, stop it" (Keare)

"Even though you say that, this part of you is energetic isn't it?"
"Seriously, stop it. Why are you doing this!?" (Keare)
"I did say my reason though, I fell in love with you." (Attendant)
"Please stop, onee-chan." (Keare) (TL Note: Onee-chan is a way of
calling your sister… well in this case, it is because he is addressing a
young adult female while acting like a young boy.)

Although I am desperately resisting, I'm level 1 and so I can't do

anything about the difference in physical ability. Forcibly getting
raped, I got dirtied.

"Scared, I'm scared." (Keare)

During the time before I got dirtied, apart from my mental age, I am
a fifteen year old boy who just became an adult so I tried to act as a
pure young boy. It seems that I had pulled her heartstrings, and she
was having fun while sexually assaulting me.

After the woman left, I laugh by myself. So far, it has been the same
as the first week in my past life.

"I was delighted the first time though." (Keare)

A healthy boy that was approached by an erotic young beauty, and I
was also a virgin, so there was no way I wouldn't be delighted.

However, this time I couldn't be honestly happy, as I found out her

true objective.

She had two objectives, and the first one was to win me over. If she
can indulge me in sexual pleasure, then it would be easier to control
me. The other reason is to increase her level limit. Heroes have an
infinite level limit, but male heroes can also increase other peoples
level limits by one, by directly filling up other people's origin of life.
That being said, no matter how many times you do it in one day, it is
only going to increase by one. Unless it is the very first time for the
day when it has the most magic power and vitality, it won't work.

Putting it simply, if you have sex with a hero, you get stronger.
Thinking about it now, the reason why those attendants were so
uselessly strong might be because they were first rate adventurers
applying to get stronger. After all, the difference in level makes a big
difference over small differences in talent values. (TL Note: So then
the reason the king was so uselessly strong was because… I should
stop think about this.)

"So this is going to happen daily huh." (Keare)

That attendant is going to assault me every night aiming to increase

her level limit. If I'm unable to resist, I might as well enjoy it.
Fortunately, are of them are pretty anyways.

After arriving at the royal castle, one week has passed. I've learnt
quite a lot of things, and I've gotten more used to what happens at
night. I think that at least it's better that I do it with a girl instead of a

In the first week after I was drugged, they mercilessly even made me
do it with guys as well. The guys think that as long as their level limit
increases, they would happily suck all they want. If it is for strength,
humans use can endure anything just to obtain it. That is also
another reason of my burning desire to get revenge on them. There
is no way I would forget that humiliation.

And finally, the fated day had come. The day that I, as a healing
magician, was judged as a useless tool. The day that the princess
Flare had decided I had no use as a proper hero, and used me as if I
was livestock.

I will be summoned to a room, and will meet a certain girl. I will meet
with the Master swordsman Kureha Claylet, the girl with the most
beautiful sword skills in the entire world. (TL Note: Her name in
katakana is クレハ・クレイレット, so I just did that name, but I
want to change it to the best possible name as she sounds like
someone who is going to be important in the story. Again, as I've said
before, I haven't read past the current chapter, so this isn't a spoiler.)

Chapter 7
Sword saint Kureha Claylet. There is no one in the Dioral Kingdom
who doesn't know of that name.

The Claylet lineage is the strongest sword clan in existence. They act
as the Dioral Kingdom's sword, and are the most feared aristocrat
lineage. Every single action they take is all to create the strongest
swordsman. Introducing strong blood into their family, they continue
to give birth to children specialized for the sword, and is close to
madness. According to rumors, if they decide that that child doesn't
have strong blood in them, to not dilute their blood, they even carry
out consanguineous marriage like it's nothing.

After a few hundred years of giving birth to children specialized to be

good at the sword, the children from the Claylet lineage started
getting an extra class. The name of it was… sword saint.

It was found out by researchers that the class you awaken to is

connected to both your blood and the environment where you grew
up. The only people that acquired the extra class sword saint in this
whole world, is, the Claylet lineage. Furthermore, they don't just
have the class that comes with the status, the Claylet's sword is the
strongest as the most truest fencing as well. The large variety of
sword techniques can even be called art in a sense. And it can't just
be labeled as a decoration, as it was diligently built from
innumerable actual fights, further backed up by their blood and iron.

And among the Claylet lineage, Kureha Claylet is called a genius of all

"I want it, I really want it; the sword skills of a Claylet." (Keare)

The me at the time when I healed Kureha was still quite

inexperienced, so her life experiences didn't get engraved deep

enough within me. I didn't have the time to do that as I was suffering
from pain and fear, and my recovery heal proficiency wasn't high
enough anyways.

After that, I had to experience innumerable experiences so the sword

saint's experience was pushed out, and I had wasted my chance to
gain the world's strongest sword skills. But this time, it won't go the
same way. I will definitely engrave the experience of a Claylet inside
of me, but I won't be able to gain the extra class called the sword
saint. If I can just copy the skills of a sword saint, not only will I be as
strong as her, I would also be able to overwhelm a great number of
the employers here.

Like always, I was studying hard in my class that is being held in my

room, and an attendant came to call me over.

"Hero of healing, the sword saint has come to see you. She is
currently waiting for you in the Rai nara room. Please show us the
power of the healing hero to your heart's content." (Attendant)

(TL Note: The Rai nara thing is explained a bit later in the chapter,
just saying since I was really confused at what it meant. Raws:
ライナラ. So if you have a better suggestion for this name, it would
be helpful if you could tell me since I think rai nara sounds kind of…

I put on a bitter smile. The first time I had experienced this first
week, I was overflowing with eagerness to do things. As foolish as I
was, I had fallen for Flare's exterior, indulged myself in the pleasure
with the attendants, truly thought of myself as a hero, and was filled
with thoughts of trying to show my cool moments to the girls. Even
now, I am filled with overflowing eagerness to do it, but my

eagerness is simply because I am aiming for the skills of a sword

… … I have also increased my level to the point that I can just barely
use imitation heal as well.


Race: Human

Name: Keare

Class: Healing Magician, Hero

Level: 5

Level Limit: ∞


MP: 27/27

Physical Attack: 10

Physical Defense: 10

Magical Attack: 16

Magical Resistance: 18

Speed: 17

Talent Values:

MP: 110

Physical Attack: 50

Physical Defense: 50

Magic Attack: 105

Magic Resistance: 125

Speed: 120

Total Value: 560

• Healing Magic Lv2

• MP Recovery Rate increase Lv1: Healing Magician's skill, MP recovery rate is
10% faster.

• Healing Ability Increase Lv1: Healing Magician's skill, adds a positive

correction to healing magic.

• Increase of EXP: Hero only skill, gives 2x the amount of EXP earned for you
and your party.

• Level Limit Breakthrough (Yourself): Hero only skill, the release of the level
limit cap.

• Level Limit Breakthrough (Others): Hero only skill, by giving your body
fluids to someone which has your magical power included in them, there is a
probability of their upper level limit going up one level.


I have raised my level up to level 5.The secret to why my level has

risen without me fighting a monster, is because of my fourth version
of recovery heal, looting heal. When using recovery heal, while you
send magic power to your target, a magic, two-way path gets
connected between you and the target.

Using that path, it is possible to steal EXP or magic power from your
target. Although I can't take EXP that has already been used to level
up, I can take the EXP that isn't enough for their current level up.

At night, when the woman is assaulting me while being defenseless
herself, I take it from her. By repeating that, I had become strong
enough to just barely use imitation heal.

Because I have looting heal, I can have a peace of mind even when
I'm constrained. Like livestock, even if I am forcibly coerced to heal
multiple people, I am still able to raise my level from it.

Thus, once I get all the eye-catching skills and reach the level of being
able to escape easily, I will fulfill my promise from my past life and
destroy Flare's everything, making her my toy this time.

To meet with the sword saint Kureha Claylet, I had come to the Rai
nara room. The thing that is called a Rai nara, is a white flower with a
tinge of blue in it, and is this country's symbol. You can't find any
citizens in this country that doesn't love this flower of unparalleled

The Rai nara room, is an indoor garden which is multicolored with

many different flowers in bloom, and is considered the loveliest
place in the castle. I heard that it was made because it was for Flare's
hobby, so it seems that although her personality is the worst, at least
her hobbies are seemingly good. No, it's actually a grand waste of
money, so I guess her hobbies are bad as well after all.

While I was thinking about that, it seems that the preceding visitor
has noticed me.

"Hello, are you by any chance the hero of healing?" (Kureha)

A girl that was wearing an easy to move in, plain white, knight
clothes called out to me. That figure who had no openings, a sword
that can pierce your skin and an elegant behavior. If there was

someone who didn't know her saw her, they would immediately
know after seeing her once, that she is the…

"I am the healing hero Keare, and have gotten the orders from the
king to heal you. I have heard of your rumors, and am honored to
meet you, sword saint Kureha Claylet." (Keare)

There is no doubt that she is the strongest sword saint. Long silver
hair and an expressionless face that is still lovely. That type of girl is
the sword saint, and I bet that no one will actually believe it unless
they see her.

"It seems you know about me, but I'll take this chance to properly
introduce myself. My name is Kureha Claylet, and I am the former
sword saint." (Kureha)

She said the word 'former', and the reason for that is simple. Since
she doesn't have a right hand, her right arm clothes are moving
around loosely. A high ranking demon. An enemy that not even a
hero can kill alone, was killed single-handedly, but she lost her sword
arm in exchange for it.

"Now then, let's get started with the treatment right away." (Keare)
"Yes, I'll request it. Since it is something that not even the elixir can
heal, the only thing I can depend on is your power." (Kureha)

Kureha clenches her lower lip. The Claylet clan is a clan that gambled
everything on the sword, so if she can't use the sword, then there
isn't a single fragment of meaning for her existence. No, there is one
meaning for her life, which is to make a child. She would be coerced
to live just for leaving behind strong children because she is the
strongest sword saint. That title would inversely torment her.

"Kureha, could you please turn your back to me? To use my healing
magic, it's necessary to be facing your back." (Keare)

After nodding to that, she faces her back to me. To see their back to
use my healing magic is an outright lie, and my true objective is to
use my jade eyes on her. I'm doing this because if I face her, it is
impossible to hide the shine of my jade eyes from her. Now then,
show us the strength of the sword saint.


Race: Human
Name: Kureha
Class: Sword Saint
Level: 45
Level Limit: 51
MP: 169/169

Physical Attack: 122

Physical Defense: 86

Magical Attack: 70
Magical Resistance: 86
Speed: 103

Talent Values:
MP: 91
Physical Attack: 128

Physical Defense: 90

Magical Attack: 72
Magical Resistance: 90
Speed: 109
Total Value: 580


• Divine Sword Lv5

• Abandonment Lv5

• Divine Sword Ability Increase Lv3: Sword Saint only skill, speed and power
data correction.

• Presence Detection Lv3: Sword Saint only skill, abandonment's detection

range and speed data correction.


Strong!? What is this, this is completely broken. Her total value is at

the same level of a hero and her level limit is high. I've never even
heard of someone who has a level limit in the 50's.

And the talent value distribution is artistic. Only the stats that are
useful as a sword saint is high, and the useless stats are low.
Furthermore, she has an ability which is the highest ability in all the
sword abilities, divine sword. She also has the ability which boasts of
holding an overwhelming advantage in close combat. Both of these
abilities have been strengthened by skills.

A monster. Without a doubt, there is no way that someone can beat

her one-on-one. Even heroes that have an overwhelming advantage
in level limits would have to rely on large numbers to fight her.

"Is it fine now?" (Kureha)

"Ah, that was plenty. I'll start the treatment now." (Keare)

I want to hurry up and make divine sword and abandonment ability

mine. Although I can't use imitation heal on the skills, I can get those
two which is plenty.

"Please wait a bit!" (Flare)

Just as I was about to use my recovery heal, the magic hero Flare
rushed in, bringing in one old man with her.

"What happened Flare?" (Keare)

"The truth is, I wanted to watch Keare-san use recovery heal too."

I remembered now. I'm pretty sure the first time I did this, it was the
same too. The old man who is following Flare is the person in charge
of the magic research team. He's here because depending on the
hero, they can be a singularity that have their own class's skills
stronger than normal. Therefore, she probably brought him with her
to check if I am a singularity or not.

"Ah, please just do it as you please." (Old Man)

"Please don't mind me either." (Flare)

I have no reason to refuse, so I guess I'll start now. From the outside,
it looks like my first recovery heal, so an extremely strong pain will
probably assault me. Even though I remember the pain from my past
life, I have yet to experience it in this world. There's around a 50/50
chance that I'll be able to endure it. If I just repeat it enough times, I
should be able to get the pain resistance skill, which makes my brain
able to produce endorphins at will. However, right now I am unable
to do that, which means I'll have to fight head on with the pain.
Clenching my teeth in advance, I use my magic.

"Here I go, recovery heal!" (Keare)

The moment I said that, every single experience that sword saint
Kureha Claylet has experienced assaulted my whole body. Her
childhood training that I can only think of as abuse, thousands of
battlefields covered in blood, her whole body getting worn out every
day, and an everyday life which is covered by her enemy's blood.

Well it is reasonable since Kureha is still in her teens after all. As a
teenager, her level is over 40, and that kind of human doesn't live a
peaceful life, every day is a living hell. Killing, killing and continuing to
kill every day…

It hurts, it's painful, it's scary, save me.

"Ah, ah, ah" (Keare)

My voice starts leaking out. My focus is wavering. The hell that

Kureha Claylet experienced throughout her whole life, was all
experienced by me in that one moment. My tears start falling out,
and I endure the urge to scratch off my neck. A recovery heal that is
once activated, cannot be inactivated by will. Although the existence
that was me was literally breaking, I had done my job, and Kureha's
right arm had been restored. And it was restored just as it used to
be, with all the muscle strength in it. I had recreated every single
experience, habit and reflexive action that that arm took perfectly,
making it just as it was before.

Once I had finished that, I had collapsed after spasming with tears
and drool coming out of me.

"It was healed, my arm was perfectly restored back to normal.

Amazing, it's a miracle. With this, I'm able to fight again." (Kureha)

Kureha Claylet's voice had echoed through my head, and I was

watching that with distant eyes. Although I had prepared myself for
the pain, to think that it was going to hurt this much. Well for my
first week, I had fainted, so I guess I have improved by a bit. After all,
I'm still conscious, and thanks to that, I was able to properly use
imitation heal. I also have divine sword and abandonment now.

"Thank you so much Keare. Eh, are you alright?" (Kureha)

It seems that Kureha who had gotten overjoyed from my recovery
heal's results hadn't properly looked around her, and only now
realized my state. She panickingly raises my body up.

Surprisingly, she seems to have a good personality. I pretend to faint,

aiming for Flare to let her guard down. While closing my eyes, I
concentrate as much as I can through my ears.

Kureha then gets chased out of the room, because she will
supposedly get in the way of the treatment. And while leaving,
Kureha happily said some thanks.

"Please tell Keare when he wakes up, thanks for letting me hold the
sword again, and I will never forget this favor. Kureha Claylet will
definitely give back this favor using all of her power." (Kureha)

She truly is such a good person. While wondering about what Flare
will do from now, she opened her mouth.

"Not even being able to use his only redeeming feature properly, this
might be really unuseful. Even though we recycled one of the heroes,
it seems it was pointless huh." (Flare)

Not noticing that I was still conscious, Flare lets out her true nature.
Contrasting from that, the old man from the researching team seems
really excited for some reason.

"Princess Flare, this, this is really amazing. The recovery heal that this
man used isn't the ordinary recovery heal that normal people use!!"
(Old Man)
"Isn't just the normal heal? What's different about it?" (Flare)
"It's different right from the fundamentals, the dimension is on a
completely different scale. An ordinary recovery heal is a healing
magic that uses your own natural recovering ability with magic to
activate it. In other words, it can only heal something that a human
body can naturally heal. You cannot heal a gouged out eye, and an

arm that was cut off cannot be restored!! But that recovery heal is
different. Analysis reconstruction. Imagination that comes from
nothing, or time regression. Either way, it is on the level of god's
area!! I am getting excited; there is no doubt that the secret lies after
him suffering until he goes crazy. It's the first time that a healing
magician showed that kind of reaction after using healing magic! I
want to study it, and simplify it so other people can use it!! I am, I
am!" (Old man) (TL Note: "There is no doubt that the secret lies after
him suffering until he goes crazy"… what's wrong with this old man?
Like seriously though.)

Ah, this person is dangerous. While still acting like I've fainted, I
experienced fear course through my whole body.

"Is that so, then I guess we will be able to use this it seems. Be it
drugging or brainwashing, whichever is fine to control him. After all,
he'll probably use pain as an excuse to refuse using recovery heal on
others. At least make him able to heal 20 warriors with his healing
magic, and help him until then. After that, I don't mind if you break
him or whatever, because you would have found out the foundation
for his healing magic by then." (Flare)
"At your will, I'll make sure to take plenty of data before kindly
breaking him. Fufufu, if he is going through pain and fear, then we
just need to make him enter a hypnotized state with magic, and then
drug him to make him go into a pleasurable state." (Old Man)

Like that, my destiny was being decided by these two. I see, so at this
stage, Flare had already given up on me huh. I properly understand

"I'll leave the rest to you. Seriously, if I think that this useless thing is
a hero like me, disgust just runs through my body. He's even making
us have to figure out the foundation of his healing magic." (Flare)

After saying that, Flare then takes her leave, and I was desperately
using my all to not laugh the whole time. I was truly happy from the
bottom of my heart, to the point where I couldn't do anything! That
woman is trash, ahh, thank you. Truly, thank you for staying as the
trash that you were the first time round! Now with this, I will have no
hesitation and no mercy while I have my revenge!! Once I use
imitation heal on the heroes that are on your list, that moment will
be your last.

Chapter 8
When I opened my my eyes, I noticed that I was in a white room.
Then, I looked around the room, until the old man from before came
into view. (TL Note: I’m reading through this for the second time, and
I just realized that this sounds like the common reincarnation setting,
where the old man is a god or something lol)

"Wha-" (Keare)

I instinctively raise my voice in surprise when I saw him.

"What is it!?" (Old Man)

After I raised my voice, he raised a stupid voice in return. Lets calm

down, for now, let’s analyse the situation. I remember now, while I
was pretending to have fainted, I had truly lost consciousness in the
middle of it.

I had experienced the hellish road that Kureha had gone through to
get to her level in such a short period of time, all in one moment.
And because of that, I had received a considerable amount of mental

And I remember this room as well. This is a hospital room and the old
man in front of me is the supervisor of magic research. He's probably
not just treating me, but also checking if there are any problems with
my magic circuits.

"Hero of healing, it seems that you've finally woken up. Are there any
problems with your body?" (Old Man)

Now then, how should I reply? To say the truth, there are no
problems to my body as of now because different from the first time,
I had put up my guard before using it, so I was able to survive

without breaking. However, if I want to fulfill my revenge, then I
can't say that there are no problems.

'I have no problems, so keep bringing in the people that need healing
so I can heal them'. If I said that, then history will obviously change,
making it harder to achieve my revenge, which is not what I'm aiming
for. To definitely fulfill my revenge, I need to properly follow my past
life so that I don't mess up.

"Hii-, don't come, don't come, I hate it, that sort of pain and fear, I
hate it!!" (Keare) (TL Note: Couldn't find a good replacement for 'hii-'
so I kept it as it is, but just in case you don't know, it is kind of like a
scream that small fry do when they get beaten.)

While remembering what happened the first time round, I act


If I remember correctly, I had gotten a trauma from using it once,

and ran away to protect myself from using it. I decide to just
randomly throw things that are near my hands while shouting out, so
I'll start with this pillow.

"Calm down, calm down, no one will forcibly make you use recovery
heal. Please just hear me out for now." (Old Man)
"Really?" (Keare)

I act as if I've somewhat regressed back to an infant. Although it

seems like I'm over exaggerating my act, if a normal person
experienced the hellish road that the sword saint went through in
one moment, they would definitely become like this. That was just
how fierce her life was.

"It's true, it really is true. So, let's talk for a bit?" (Old Man)

I put on the act of slowly but steadily relaxing and gaining my

composure as I talk with him, to the point where I think this

supervisor of magic research has gone through a lot of trouble to
soothe me.

"To start with, why don't you tell me why you had collapsed after
healing her." (Old Man)

I should answer this one truthfully.

"The moment I used recovery heal, information about the sword

saint flowed into my head such as her injuries and pains that she got
until now. Even her training and battles, everything flowed into me,
and when I realized it, I was like that." (Keare)

The supervisor's eye shone suspiciously after hearing my story.

"I see, so it wasn't a normal healing magician's process which

amplifies the body’s natural healing process. For that reason, you
need to know about the body's circumstances huh. So to do a perfect
recreation like the hero of healing, you need to use that process it
seems. That seems to be quite intriguing." (Old Man)

I became a bit surprised as he had figured out quite accurately, what

my power could do. Because of this, he seemed to be quite the
talented magician, but when I found a gap to look at him with my
jade eyes, both his talent values and levels were the standard values.

He's probably the type that is really smart, and gets absorbed into his
research really well. To satisfy his intellectual curiosity, he has been
asking questions about as much details as possible and after a while,
I visitor had come while I had been talking with him.

"Since I heard that Keare-san had woken up, I've come to greet you. I
had worried you know, after all, you did suddenly fall over like that. I
just couldn't stay calm after seeing you like that." (Flare)

I praise her for being able to emit words that are completely
different from her inner thoughts, and both her behavior and

expression is perfect. Even I can only see a girl that worried for me
from the bottom of her heart.

"Thanks for worrying about me Flare." (Keare)

"I'm glad you aren't hurt, because it seemed that the hero of
healing's power is quite terrific. It could even heal the sword saint
who wasn't even able to be healed by an elixir after all. Even my
father was in great joy after hearing my report about you." (Flare)

While sweetly smiling at me, Flare tells me those words.

"It's not such a big deal." (Keare)

"It is such a big deal." (Flare)

While leaning her body towards me, she grasps both my hands.

"Sword saint-sama's strength is equal to more than a thousand

soldiers, and she will most likely continue to fight monsters and
demons from now on. She is only able to continue to fight because
you healed her, in other words, the achievements she gets from now
are your achievements as well. As expected of the hero of healing!"

She praised me to a disgusting level, and if I think about the meaning

behind her calculative words, I can basically predict what she'll say

"No way, the person working hard is the sword saint Kureha."
"You don't need to be so humble…" (Flare)

Flare smiles as if she's crazy, and then she opens her mouth. I
muttered on the inside "see, it came".

"There is a continuation to that story. The truth is, it's not just the
sword saint who is strong yet cannot fight who is in this country.
Keare-san, could you please help them all using your power as the

hero of healing? The people that get healed by you, the hero of
healing, are people that can save many other people as well. I have
already healed the bow god here, so could you please heal him/her
with your power?" (Flare)

(TL Note: Wasn't sure if the bow god was a guy or girl so I put it
there, and I also wasn't sure how I should translate 弓神, but I ended
up with bow god so yeah… idk, it might be wrong.)

Yes, Flare started off by praising me all just to say this, her true
objective. By appealing to my conscience, she blocked off my escape
route; truly something that Flare would pull. But I don't go with the
flow and choose not to accept it.

"Please wait!" (Keare)

I raise a voice which is partly a scream.

"I hate it, I hate using recovery heal anymore. It's scary, and it hurts.
If I keep on using that kind of thing, I will, I will either break, or I will
stop being able to be myself." (Keare)

Facing Flare, I let out a miserable and feeble complaint. Hearing that,
Flare purposely and exaggeratedly puts on a surprised face.

"So that power had that sort of side-effect… but even then, as much
as the people that get healed by your power work hard, that much
more people will be saved. Thousands, and even tens of thousands.
For that reason, can't you work a bit harder for them?" (Flare)

She said that with the smile of a holy mother, and a gentle tone of

"I don't want to. Flare can only say that because she doesn't know
what it's like to experience it. It really is impossible for me. I
definitely won't use recovery heal anymore!" (Keare)

I strongly declare it, but even then, Flare's smile doesn't break.

"Is that so. If it is that painful then… I understand. It seems there is

no choice, you don't have to use recovery heal anymore. Please just
think about peacefully resting your body right now." (Flare)

After saying those words, we just had a short chatting session, and
she then left soon after. Good grief, she was with me just before, so
she'll probably be with me afterwards as well. (TL Note: Not too sure
about this last sentence, here are the raws if you want to read them.

The next day, after I finished my classroom learning, the attendants

brought me a light snack with some first-class black tea to go with it.

After the incident from yesterday, Flare hadn't said a word about
recovery heal, which I thought was because she was looking out for
me the first time. I had even decided that I would one day try and
overcome my pain, so that I can heal people for her sake. I truly was
an idiot back then wasn't I.

"I need courage to drink this black tea don't I." (Keare)

I laugh at myself, since I know what is inside this black tea. The
reason why Flare stopped talking about recovery heal is because she
gave up on persuading me. However, that was not giving up on her
objective, and she simply picked a method that is easier than
persuading me.

Her answer is this poisoned black tea. Making up my mind, I drink it

all up, and an sudden drowsiness assaults me. Now, this is the start
of hell.

I wake up and notice that my body is strapped tightly to a chair. The
only things that I can see is a stone wall with iron bars, illuminated by
a candle's flame.

I recognise this place, it is the underground prison; the second most

hardest place to escape from in the castle.

"What's happening, and where exactly is this!?" (Keare)

I start shouting and make a commotion, because that would be the

normal reaction.

A metallic sound makes a clinking sound, and when I look in that

direction, I see a man with a large build who is covering his face, and
the supervisor of magic research from before, who is now covered in
a whole body robe.

The giant of a man comes into the prison room, and seriously bashes
me who is strapped in a chair. It hurts, my cheek is so hot that it feels
like it's burning.

"This brat was speaking all cheekily wasn't he! What an idiotic guy, if
only he just knew how to stay quiet." (Old Man?)

And then another hit; this situation is a truly simple one.

Flare became tired of persuading me, so she decided to trap me in

this underground prison so that they could drug me and make me
into someone that follows every order. That woman doesn't have the
kind of kindness to try a second time to persuade me. The thought
that I was thinking of the first time, "even if I can't do anything now, I
want to be of power to her someday", was very simply stepped on
like nothing.

"It hurts, stop, stop hitting me. What exactly are you saying I did to
deserve this!?" (Keare)

"What did you do? The fact that you didn't do anything is the
problem, you useless existence." (Old Man?)

The giant man hits me once again. Even though this guy seems so
wild and violent, he is actually the captain of the Flare's elite guards
and is intoxicated with Flare from the bottom of his heart.

For this reason, he probably can't forgive me I'm guessing. He hates

me who made her beautiful princess sad.

I get bashed over and over again by him, and I count each and every
hit. Even I don't remember how many times I got hit the first time
round, that's why I'm counting this time. Because this time, I've
decided that I will send this pain back to him without fail

The beating finally finished, and I am on the ground with my chair

knocked down. My mouth is completely filled with blood and it's all I
can taste. The giant man forcibly pulls on my bangs, and pulls my
face up.

"With this, I'm sure you've at least tasted 1% of princess Flare's pain
in her heart." (Guard Captain?)
"Twenty hits." (Keare)
"What are you…" (Guard Captain?)
"Twenty hits, I won't forget it." (Keare)

I stay persistent, and decide that I will absolutely return these twenty

"You're quite an unpleasant man. Oi, old man, you're going to use
some kind of magic right? Hurry up and do it." (Guard Captain)
"Really, you're such a violent man, what were you going to do if he
broke? He's a research material that we obtained with great pains
after all." (Old Man)

"Do you think I care?" (Guard Captain)
"Seriously, even though we said that you are only allowed to break
his mind, what are you going to do if he got damage to his brain?"
(Old Man)

I feel a bit relieved after hearing that, because although Flare thinks
that as long as I heal the warriors that can't be healed using other
methods, she doesn't need me afterwards, but this researcher thinks
otherwise. For him, although my mind doesn't matter, he still needs
my functions for his research, so he definitely doesn't want any
damage to my brain.

Although it's an ironic story, because he had concern for my brain, I

was able to live with just my mind being broken. Thanks to that, I can
have a piece of mind while repeating the same history.

The supervisor of magic research puts a suspicious magic tool next to

my eye, and lets it flicker in my eye. It's a tool that forcibly makes
you fall into a hypnotised state.

I would probably be able to resist it if I try to, but for now, I leave my
body to it. Then, a liquid with a very thick texture starts flowing in my
mouth, it's opium.

My consciousness starts to fade, no it's getting painted over.

Now then, I'll be parting with my ego for a while. The drug that was
registered in my body was too powerful for me to resist. I'll probably
start going crazy after this. I slowly become unable to properly think,
until all I am able to think about is this drug.

However, I will definitely open my eyes someday, since I've already

raked in quite a considerable amount of proficiency for my drug
resistance. And also, my soul has the intent to resist against this
drug, so as I continue to resist against this drug, I'll definitely be able
to get the drug resistance skill. Once I obtain it, I will be able to

regain myself. While thinking about this, my consciousness slowly get
sucked up into darkness.

~One month after Keare got trapped in the underground prison~


translating this at school… hopefully no one sees what I'm writing

Once man was clinging to some iron prison bars and was shouting
out loudly. He didn't just shout out once or twice, he had been doing
it for the few hours since morning. His withdrawal symptoms were
pouring out as he was a very heavy drug user and was severely
addicted to it.

His nails on his hands were all teared off, and because he had been
pulling out a lot of hair, parts of his head had become bare. However,
apart from that, his body itself was in good condition.

This was because each time he got filth on him, the guard who was
keeping on watch next to him knocked him out and properly cleaned
him. Every night, he releases his sperm into the knights, and get their
levels raised. The knights don't want something to happen, even if
there is only a chance for it happening, so they make sure to clean
him whenever they notice it.

"He truly is a dirty-looking stray mutt. Drugs, drugs, does he not even
have an inch of pride in him?" (Flare)

In this closed cage, one girl comes over. She has peach-coloured hair,
her body is overflowing with a womanly charm and on her face that
is always covered in an expression of kindness, there is an expression
of utmost scorn.

The hero of magic, who is also the princess Flare was standing there.

"If you administer that drug to someone, it naturally becomes like
that. That man probably can't even remember his own name." (Old

The old man who was accompanying her, the supervisor of magic
research, reproved Flare.

"Telling me to take care of that thing, it seems even father says quite
horrible things. It really is unpleasant after doing it for a while."
"Well well, don't say those things." (Old Man)

Flare finally pulls out her key, and the prison bar's door open.

Immediately after she opened it, the man who was trapped in the
cage leaped at Flare. However, the collar that was chained to the
wall stops him from advancing, and he falls miserably.

Flare then kicks the face of the man who was lying on the ground
with all her might, hurling his body away.

"Disgusting! This is just repulsive." (Flare)

While saying those words, she walks towards the man who is on the

"It's time for work now. Here, this is the drug that you love so much,
if you want it, start begging like an animal." (Flare)
"Ha-, ha-, chinchin, chinchin." (TL Note: Sorry, I can't think of
anything for begging noises, so I just did the romaji.)

The man starts imitating a dog, and desperately pleads for the drugs.
Looking at that, Flare then kicks his nether regions, which results in
the man writhing in pain on the ground.

"Kyan, kyan, kuuun, kuuun." (Keare)

Even though the man has already been broken by the drugs, he still
understands that if he stops his dog act here, he won't get his drugs.
Because he only remembers that, while clutching his nether regions,
he desperately continues his dog act.

"Yeah, as a dog you are quite smart aren't you. Here, it's your drugs."

Flare purposely drops the high in viscosity drug on the floor, and the
man then frantically licks it all up.

The man continues to lick the filthy floor even when the drug has
completely been licked up by him. Even then, Flare doesn't have an
inch of pity towards him.

They are pushing back his withdrawal by giving him a tiny amount at
a time, because if not, he will refuse to go outside. By just giving him
a small dose, he doesn't act crazy anymore, as he protects their rule
of not going all crazy after getting his drugs.

"Hey dog, just like always, don't say a word after getting out of the
cage. You are only allowed to say recovery heal when it is time to do
it, and if you don't follow those rules, I won't give you any drugs
when we come back." (Flare)
"Kyan! Kyan!" (Keare)

While still lying down on the ground, the man raises his face happily,
but Flare tramples his face with her foot after seeing that.

"You reaaally are a disgusting man!!" (Flare)

The man is only seeing drugs, which is why he is still happily smiling
even after getting trampled on. His mind is filled with the thought of
'I'm happy because I'm going to get a lot of drugs soon'.

Flare then takes off the collar which is chained up by iron chains,
because for the few tens of minutes after relieving his withdrawal

symptoms, he properly listens to her orders. That being said, Flare
was still quite scared because there still was the chance that this guy
might start thrashing around. While unlocking the chains, Flare
thinks to herself that she needs to hurry up and make him heal the
next person, so that she can quickly trap him back in the cage.

"Follow me." (Flare)

After turning her back to him, Flare immediately felt a terrifying chill
course through her body.

An extremely dense killing intent, and the premonition of her death.

Although she turned around, all she could see is a piece of trash that
can't even reach the level of a mutt. Just as she ordered, it is
following along with it's mouth shut. While telling herself that it was
just her imagination, she continued walking forward.

Anger wells up inside of me; that's right, it's anger. It slowly

enhances inside of my brain, and albeit being only a bit by bit, my
reasoning power is slowly coming back to me.

"You reaaally are a disgusting man aren't you!" (Flare)

While being looked at with eyes that look like they are looking at
trash, I get my face trampled by one girl. Who is that girl? Although I
can't think too much with my reason lost from my brain, my soul is
raising a voice of deeply held resentment towards her. Even while
my mind had died, my soul kept shouting out loudly. That thing is the
woman that stole my everything, the ringleader of the people that
made me taste hell.

Unforgivable. I swear that I will absolutely not forgive her. Even if my

memories disappear or I lose my mind, I still remember this pain
engraved into my soul. That's why, right now the pain that is

overflowing from my soul is waking up my rusted mind and purpose.
My mind is rapidly coming back to me.

With my raging anger, I lit a fire to the small ruins of my mind, and
resisted against the drug. The drug that contaminated my mind are
almost like chains to me. However, as big as the chains that are
binding you get, if I resist to it, the proficiency that I get increase in
proportion to the size.

And finally, the time has come. The proficiency that I got from
diligently increasing it in the forest, and the proficiency that I gained
from my anger, has finally unlocked the drug resistance skill.

Ah, that's right, my name was Keare. I am, myself.

My mind suddenly became all clear and the mist that enveloped my
mind disappeared. Because of the effects from the drug resistance
skill, I was able to recover myself!

In this state, I turn and face forward. Flare, who is my arch-enemy is

facing her back to me, and a crazy amount of killing intent seethes
out from inside of me. Facing that killing intent, Flare's should
twitches as it starts trembling.

Oh no, I should hold down my killing intent. Flare turns around and
looks at my face with cautious eyes, and once again faces forward. It
seems that somehow, I was able to feign staying normal for a
moment. It seems that she thought the killing intent that I
accidentally spilled out was just her imagination, and was able to
ignore it.

My memories of when I had lost myself begin to return to me, and it

seems she really just did as she pleased with me.

Well, thanks to that, I had gained pain resistance, and the amount of
abilities that I could use had increased. On top of that, my level

increased as well, which means I probably had been using looting
heal unconsciously.

Well then, Flare, I'll have you taste the same amount of disgrace and
humiliation I had to go through. Everything I suffered through my
first life and my current life. It's fine if you still think that you hold the
collar on me, but you know what Flare? This collar on my neck has
already been completely taken off.

Even while I'm scorching my mind with this blazing hatred, my brain
is cold and composed, and I'm currently thinking of a method to
escape while kidnapping Flare after breaking her. The day that I'm
going to carry out this plan is close.

Chapter 9
Thanks to my hatred towards Flare, I had finally obtained the drug
resistance skill.

Since I knew that I was crossing a dangerous bridge, cold sweat ran
down my body, but I had to cross it because of two reasons.

In that state where I didn't have pain resistance, I couldn't rely on

drugs to distract myself from it, even I wouldn't be able to continue
taking the full brunt of that pain after a while. Therefore, until I got
the pain resistance skill, I wanted to rely on the drugs.

The other reason was because I wanted a honorable just cause for
my revenge, because this time's Flare still hadn't done anything to
make me hate her. Even though the first time's Flare gave me
extremely bad treatment, it goes against my aesthetics to outright
condemn this time's Flare with no questions asked.

To say the truth, I could've been in a favorable relationship with Flare

this time and realize her wishes.

However, that kind of thing is out of the question. If I did that kind of
thing, my resentment will never be refreshed, and on top of that, if I
continued to keep on healing as Flare tells me to, my actions will be
restricted, meaning I won't have any freedom. And as a final result,
I'll just be kept as a pet until I die.

For this reason, I have traced history all up until this point. Thanks to
that, I've gained pain resistance, amassed a lot of power and have
gotten a just reason to carry out my revenge.

"You're slow. Hurry up you dullard." (Flare)

Flare who was walking in the front shouts at me in an unpleasant


Following Flare, I head to the guest room after exiting the
underground prison. We are currently heading towards the guest
rooms so that I can heal the warrior that Flare picked. While listening
to Flare and her attendant, the supervisor of magic research, I find
out that the person I'm going to heal this time is an alchemist. I'm
thankful that the person I'm going to heal this time is an alchemist,
because the magic they use are very convenient and useful. I
certainly want to remember this one.

"Let's quickly finish it, because I want to enter a bath as the dog's
smell seems to have transferred over to me. I guess I'll need to throw
away this dress." (Flare)

As always, Flare is spitting out such abusive language where no one

can see her. So it seems that she doesn't like my smell huh. Well
then I'll be sure to heavily soak her in my smell later. While thinking
those things, because I was ordered not to open my mouth, I
continue to diligently walk behind her.

We have arrived at the guest room, the Rai nara room where I
healed the sword saint Kureha. It appears that Flare eagerly wants to
boast of this garden which she made with her own hands, that it
inevitably always happens here.

The alchemist seems to have lost both arms and from how the
opening of the wound is carbonized, it probably means he lost them
from an experiment, rather than a wound from an enemy.

Flare and the alchemist seems to be happily talking to each other,

which I quietly watch from the side. Flare then introduces me as
someone that is quite reticent, which is honestly quite a faultless
excuse. Choosing a time that they aren't focusing on me, I use
my【Jade Eyes】on the alchemist to see to see his status.

Race: Human
Name: Wachilda
Class: Alchemist
Level: 28
MP: 84/84
Physical Attack: 51
Physical Defense: 39
Magical Attack: 49
Magical Resistance: 47
Speed: 33

Level Limit: 33
Talent Values:
MP: 70
Physical Attack: 81
Physical Defense: 60
Magical Attack: 77
Magical Resistance: 75
Speed: 50
Total Talent Value: 413

• Blacksmithing Lv5

• Metal Tempering Magic Lv5

• Metal Tempering Knowledge Lv3

• Metal Tempering Magic Ability Increase: Alchemist's skill, reduction in MP
and accuracy for metal tempering magic

• Blacksmithing Ability Increase Lv1: Increase in concentration and accuracy

when using the blacksmithing ability


The alchemist guy seems to be called Machilda. (TL Note: It's

different from the status and I don't know which is correct, so meh.)
His talent values seem to be lower than the standard values, and his
level limit isn't that high either.

However, his status is not what made him become a strong warrior,
but instead, it's the metal tempering magic which is an ability that
only someone who holds the rare class of alchemist can use.

You could even say that metal tempering magic is an all-purpose


Blacksmithing, compounding, it is a magic that includes everything

needed for an alchemist. Extracting active ingredients from raw
materials, stirring, separation, heating, fusion of metals, increasing
pressure, decompression, etc.

As I can't increase my abilities with skills, I would never be able to

defeat an actual magician in a proper fight. For this reason, I
absolutely wanted the metal tempering magic because it is a magic
that can put my knowledge to good use in practical application.

As long as the limit of magic you can use is just one, metal tempering
magic is a necessity.

It seems that【Imitation Heal】has its ability limit as well. Although I

can accumulate as much knowledge and experience I want
with【Imitation Heal】, there is a limit of only being able to get 5
abilities. That is the so called limit of my calibre, and although it may
increase as I level up, for now, it's just up till 5.

However, I can swap out those 5 with others as long as the ones I
want to swap are ones that I can vividly remember the knowledge

and experience of. That being said, in my experience, the only
abilities I can swap out are ones that I got a month ago at most.

Having to only pick out of 5 is troubling. The skills "divine sword" and
"abandonment" from the sword saint class which is the strongest out
of the close combat skills. With that, I'll definitely have metal
tempering magic as well, whereas the other two I guess I'll just
change depending on the circumstance.

It seems that Flare had finished her talk with the alchemist while I
was thinking, and then orders me to use【Recovery Heal】.

While still pretending to be a dog that still has its collar stuck on it, I
obediently use 【Recovery Heal】.

Of course, I also use【Imitation Heal】to copy his ability,

and【Looting Heal】to steal his EXP. The metal tempering magic
ability firmly establishes itself onto my body, and it seems that I even
accumulated enough EXP to level up.

Thanks to the pain resistance skill, I'm able to endure the side effects
of 【Recovery Heal】and because of it, I'll be able to cast【Recovery
Heal】without any hesitation.

I'll properly make sure to check my status afterwards, because I

won't be able to form my plans without knowing my status properly.

After that, we parted with the alchemist and I once again was
restrained in the underground prison. As a reward, they give me a
large amount of narcotic drugs, but they had thrown it to my face,
and on top of that spat at me.

This is just my thought, but Flare is probably doing it not because I'm
unpleasant, but because she takes joy in doing it. Really, what a great
hobby. I plan to give Flare all the pain and humiliation that I got from
her, and because she doesn't know that, she is just continuing to dig

her own grave. Honestly, since she has done this much to me, it'll be
such a pain to maintain her sanity by the end of my revenge.

Well, it doesn't really matter I guess, because if Flare breaks, I just

need to use【Recovery Heal】after all. I definitely won't let her run
away from pain and fear.

After Flare left, I use【Recovery Heal】to fix my drug dependence

and start planning out my escape when my brain had started
functioning better. Even my sense of time is vague.

Food that seems to be my dinner gets brought down to this

underground prison, and I see that it is soup with bread floating in it.
As there are no knives or forks, they are telling me to eat with my
bare hands. They really are treating me as livestock. However, I'm
thankful that it is a liquid form because I can look at the reflection of
my face and use【Jade Eyes】on myself to check my status. Luckily,
the guards aren't looking inside right now either, so it's safe.

Race: Human
Name: Keare
Class: Healing Magician, Hero
Level: 29
MP: 133/133
Physical Attack: 34
Physical Defense: 34
Magic Attack: 66
Magic Resistance: 78
Speed: 75

Level Limit: ∞
Talent Values:
MP: 110

Physical Attack: 50
Physical Defense: 50
Magic Attack: 105
Magic Resistance: 125
Speed: 120
Total Talent Value: 560

• Healing Magic Lv2

• Divine Sword Lv4

• Abandonment Lv4

• Metal Tempering Magic Lv4

• Ground Shrinker Lv3

• Serene Lv2

• MP Recovery Rate increase Lv1: Healing Magician's skill, MP recovery rate is
10% faster.

• Healing Ability Increase Lv1: Healing Magician's skill, adds a positive

correction to healing magic.

• Increase of EXP: Hero only skill, gives 2x the amount of EXP earned for you
and your party.

• Level Limit Breakthrough (Yourself): Hero only skill, the release of the level
limit cap.

• Level Limit Breakthrough (Others): Hero only skill, by giving your body
fluids to someone which have your magical power included in them, there is
a probability of their upper level limit going up one level.


While I was in a state with no ego, thanks to me diligently using

looting heal, I had raised my level all the way up to level 29. And

when you speak of the number 29, it's basically close to the level
limit of an ordinary person.

Also, about my abilities, my healing magic had gone up one level. (TL
Note: Umm according to chapter 8, it's still level 2 :/…) On top of
that, I have the sword saint's divine sword and abandonment, with
the alchemist's metal tempering magic. In addition, I also added the
convenient ground shrinker and serene because it is still in my
memory. Although the abilities are one level lower than Kureha or
Wachilda, it is fine because it in the process of using【Imitation
Heal】, the level lowers by one.

The other two skills are ground shrinker, which lets me use high-
speed movement, and serene which makes my cognition accelerate
by putting me into a deep concentrated state. They are both
extremely useful and easy to use.

As long as something big doesn't happen, I think it'll be fine if I

establish my abilities as those five. Either way, I can switch out
ground shrinker and serene with other abilities depending on the
circumstances or the opponent.

"Well even if I've settle the problem with my abilities for now, there
is a problem with my original status." (Keare)

During my escape, I will be outnumbered by many, so no matter how

hard I try, I won't be able to get out unharmed. Therefore, I'll need at
least the minimum amount of defense as my current defensive
ability will give me a fatal wound in just one hit.

I'm uneasy about my offensive ability as well, because my instant

death magic,【Deterioration Heal】doesn't have the best magical
power efficiency. Even if I can replenish my magic power
with【Looting Heal】, I still want to preserve as much as possible
because I might not even be able to get a chance to use【Looting

Heal】. Because of this, I'll need to be able to defeat enemies in
close combat.

I curse my own magic specialised status, and decide to tamper with


"【Transformation Heal】" (Keare)

By using【Transformation Heal】on my own body, I optimize myself,

resulting in an increase in talent values. Due to this, my talent values
increase by around 10%, and if I want to do more, I'll need to "take in
another factor". That being said, it is still better than not doing it. (TL
Note: In my opinion, it's literally going up by like 5% except for one…
but who cares.)

Race: Human
Name: Keare
Talent Values:
MP: 110 → 116
Physical Attack: 50 → 53
Physical Defense: 50 → 53
Magical Attack: 106 → 111
Magical Resistance: 126 → 132
Speed: 120 → 126
Total Value: 560 → 591

My body has now properly become stronger, but it's still nowhere
near enough. It hasn't even reached the standard parameter that
ordinary humans have, which is 60.

That's why I'll do an even further【Transformation Heal】. I am

unable to raise this value any higher than it is right now, but I am
able to change around the distribution of values.

My talent values were arbitrarily decided, and have an excessive
amount on MP and magical resistance. Therefore, I'll add that excess
to physical attack and physical defense. Although my magical attack
stat also seems a bit excessive, I need at least 100 in that value or
else it will mess with my accuracy of using 【Recovery Heal】.

"【Transformation Heal】" (Keare)

Race: Human
Name: Keare
Talent Values:
MP: 116 → 80
Physical Attack: 53 → 130
Physical Defense: 53 → 83
Magical Attack: 111 → 100
Magical Resistance: 132 → 72
Speed: 126 → 126
Total Value: 591 → 591

This is exactly the ideal distribution I want if I'm going to escape.

With this status, even though I'm only level 29, I'll be able to escape.
(TL Note: So changing the talent values which aren't your current
stats do something? Like I thought talent values were your growth
potential, or basically what stats you'll have when you hit your level
limit… well this is a bit confusing, but meh)

However, I have a need to return all my pain and humiliation back to

Flare, and once I do that, it's the end. 'In a state where her ego has
been taken from her, I'll use her as a convenient tool' is the kind of
punishment I need to give her. To do that, I need to at least get
another 5 levels, but on the other hand, you could say that I only
need 5 more levels.

I have decided the time of my revenge. It'll be after I raise my level
by 5, and when the king takes the elite knights together with him,
making the security become a bit short of hands. Until then, I'll just
have to endure, and the time of my revenge probably won't be so far
away anyways.

It has been two weeks since I regained my awareness and because

I've regained my sanity, I realized that I have been living in the most
disgusting and worst lifestyle.

In this period, I've had sexual with many people aiming to increase
their level limit, and obviously, the ratio of men wanting to get
stronger was high. After all, there are more men that are knights or
adventurers than women.

My body had become a toy for the men that had come here to get
their level limit increased, and there was even a guy with that kind of
fetish, and raped me without even needing to. It seems that he
wanted to have a friendly relationship with a cute boy like me. Die.

But I endured it, while being sane the whole time; I endured and
didn't go mad. I don't mind getting forcibly made to use【Recovery
Heal】on other people. However, each time, princess Flare would
cruelly trample all over my dignity and I can't even count how many I
suppressed the urge to kill her on the spot.

The reason I was able to endure, was probably all for today. During
that two weeks, I only thought about the best and most pleasurable
way to get my revenge on princess Flare. Gruesomely, brutally,
without any mercy, I'll continue doing it until she pleads me to just
end her life. I'll ridicule her after cutting off her tongue, only to
instantly heal it back! Once everything is over, the existence which is
Flare will be deleted; she'll just be my pet that exists as an useful tool

and use her until her breaks! And I'll be able to do that by
using【Transformation Heal】!

Right now, it is late at night, the time when everyone has fallen
asleep. In that time, I was glaring with my【Jade Eyes】, shining the
jade light everywhere. The soldiers who are guarding me are
unprepared; they probably think it would be impossible for me to
defy them even in their dreams.

"The time that I had to endure is over now." (Keare)

I have already caught the information that the king is departing to a

foreign country with his elite knights. I've got the ideal abilities that I
could have, and my level has been raised to a sufficient level. My
preparations to escape have already been arranged, and even my
preparations to go to Flare's room have all been completed.

"Now then, it's the start of the party, so I'll come get you now!!"

I take off the collar on my neck with metal tempering magic, and
melt the chains as well. Pouring that metal into the keyhole, I cool it,
turning it into an instant key and open the door.

Without any sort of trouble, I opened the door of this cage, and if I
was going to escape, then I would be facing the outside.

However, I have the objective of getting my revenge on Flare, so I'm

aiming to go to her room. It's the start of my revenge! Leaving the
cage, I use all my power and start sprinting.

Chapter 10
It has become late at night, and I use metal tempering magic to
escape from this underground prison the moment the lookout guard
stops focusing.

It has been one month since I was trapped inside the underground
prison and two weeks since I regained my sanity. In that time, I had
used 【Imitation Heal】and【Looting Heal】many times on
different warriors, resulting in me gaining levels and abilities. By
using it, I had even gained knowledge and techniques that weren't in
their status as well.

On top of that, I had used【Transformation Heal】on myself,

optimizing my talent value distribution to a sufficient status.

Race: Human
Name: Keare
Class: Healing Magician, Hero
Level: 34
MP: 99/99
Physical Attack: 81
Physical Defense: 54
Magical Attack: 63
Magical Resistance: 47
Speed: 79

Level Limit: ∞
Talent Values:
MP: 80
Physical Attack: 130
Physical Defense: 83

Magical Attack: 100
Magical Resistance: 72
Speed: 126
Total Value: 591

• Healing Magic Lv2

• Divine Sword Lv4

• Abandonment Lv4

• Metal Tempering Magic Lv4

• Ground Shrinker Lv3

• Serene Lv2

• MP Recovery Rate increase Lv2: Healing Magician's skill, MP recovery rate is
10% faster.

• Healing Ability Increase Lv2: Healing Magician's skill, adds a positive

correction to healing magic.

• Increase of EXP: Hero only skill, gives 2x the amount of EXP earned for you
and your party.

• Level Limit Breakthrough (Yourself): Hero only skill, the release of the level
limit cap.

• Level Limit Breakthrough (Others): Hero only skill, by giving your body
fluids to someone which have your magical power included in them, there is
a probability of their upper level limit going up one level.


This is my current status. My values were optimized to have a

vanguard orientated distribution, with high-speed and high-power,
while also holding normal physical and magical defense that is higher
than the average number.

I have optimized my values so that I will be able to fight multiple
enemies by myself because although I'll try to avoid fighting as much
as I can, when I will fight, it will definitely be one-to-many. Even
though letting it not turn into a fight is the best option, it is still
important to prepare for the worst.

Now then, as I don't have much time, I'll get rid of the guard who is
currently on the lookout.

Right now, the guard is facing his back to me, and although I
unlocked the door without making any noise, I'm sure the guard will
notice in a few minutes time.

Therefore… I make a soundless high-speed movement. Even though

it isn't established inside my body as an ability, out of the people I
used【Imitation Heal】on, there was someone who excelled at
scouting, and I'm currently using those techniques to not make

Without any uselessness in my actions, I creep up to his back with

smooth movements that remind you of a cat. Humans are even able
to do this much by using their techniques, and not having to rely on
abilities. I then touch the soldier with my hand and…

"【Deterioration Heal】" (Keare)

The instant death attack that disregards physical and magical

defense, 【Deterioration Heal】. By changing their body into a
broken shape, I destroy their body. A power that is only permitted to
be used by me.

Without being able to do anything, the guard who was on lookout

becomes a corpse. He wasn't even able to raise a scream and
because it'll make a noise if he collapses onto the ground, I catch him
in a way that doesn't make sound and gently rest him onto the

"It sucks that I can't use【Looting Heal】on a dead body though."

I complain to myself because【Looting Heal】which lets me steal

EXP and magical power, can only target living things. To be safe, I do
want to make them instantly die, but if I do that, I won't be able to
replenish my magical power. This is quite troubling.

【Deterioration Heal】has bad MP consumption efficiency, as it uses

nearly 20 MP for one use. This means that I'm only able to use it 4
times, which means that I have to think about whether to use it or
not. Wait no, I've though of a good method to deal with that, so I
guess I'll try it out later.

After getting rid of the guard who was on lookout, I decided to

hurriedly set out for the office that the guards on lookout use. There
is always two people on lookout, as it's a two person system where
one of them patrol the floor I'm in, and the other is always inside the

(TL Note: Uhh if you read the last sentence of the last chapter, it says
"Leaving the cage, I use all my power and start sprinting."… so… the
author forgot it seems lol.)

Once they realize that the guard who was patrolling hasn't come
back, they'll probably call other people and check this floor in a
group. So that no one knows I've escaped, I have to dispose of the
other guard.

I took a sword from the guard I had just killed, as if I didn't have one,
it would be such a waste of the sword saint’s abilities. The moment I
had grasped the sword, the sword saint's abilities validated and I
noticed the power that rose inside of me. Now then, I've got no time,
so I'll need to do it efficiently.

I stealthily enter the office with the scout's techniques and see that
the soldier inside in doing paperwork. Thanks to that, his caution to
the outside has become distracted, so from my perspective, all I can
see is a sitting duck. Just like before, I sneak around to his back from
his blind spot and…

"【Deterioration Heal】" (Keare)

I use【Deterioration Heal】for the second time and the soldier

collapses onto the ground. However, the soldier is still alive.

"Fumu, this way is much more convenient after all.【Looting Heal】"


This time, I was able to properly steal the EXP and magical power as I
had come up with a plan before using【Deterioration Heal】.
Instead of completely killing him, I stopped it at just destroying the
spinal cord which basically put him in a vegetative state. If it's like
this, then I will properly be able to use【Looting Heal】, and it's safe
as well.

While I was at it, I also used【Recovery Heal】to get his memories,

and confirmed the guard system that they used.

Since my magical power had returned as well, I start my

preparations. I take off the clothes that the guard is wearing, and
change into them.

"Now then, how much time will I be able to save I wonder." (Keare)

While changing, I start racking my brain. Until the next guard comes
to this office, my escape probably won't be revealed, but according
to the guard's memories, it will be another hour until the next group
of two comes. And as expected once it is time to swap over, my
escape will definitely be exposed.

However, if I have that much time, it gives me plenty of time to
achieve my objective. While wearing the guard's clothes, I calmly
escape out of the current floor that I'm in of the underground prison.

After exiting the underground prison, I then head towards the

knights lodging house.

Although it's not a place I need to go if I want to run, if I wear the

clothes of a knight, it'll definitely be easier to run past the castle.
After all, I have the knowledge and memories of the soldier that I
have disguised as, which means there will be no faults in my act.

However, it is not enough with that; I still haven't gotten my revenge

against Flare. And to do that, I'll need to use a human that can meet
directly with her. That is exactly why I'm taking a detour.

The place I'm heading towards is not just an ordinary knights lodging
house. It is the lodging house of Flare imperial guards that only
assemble if a noble tells them to. Because it is her imperial guards, it
is convenient because they can meet with her face to face. In my
plan, I will make use of the imperial guards to go to Flare.

While using the sword saint's abandonment to perceive enemies and

the scout's techniques to kill my presence, I walk towards the castle

Just because I'm pretending to be a soldier, it's still bad if I stand out.
I should try to not get found out as much as possible. I don't want an
idiotic situation where I get my identity revealed after being blamed
for leaving my stationed area.

Leaving the castle, I started heading towards the knights lodging

room that was in a separate building, until I began to hear awfully

loud noises from inside the castle. It seems that I had spent too
much time since I had erased my presence.

"Seems my breakout was finally exposed." (Keare)

I could tell that from sensing a presence that couldn't be called a

trivial matter. I should probably assume that by now, all the knights
have been roused out of bed, and given orders to search the inside
of the castle and blockade the town gates with a watchman keeping
a lookout. On top of that, I should also assume that they've found
the guards that were on lookout.

The people in the castle are most likely thinking something like this.
'Even though he is a hero, his level hasn't even passed 10 and he's a
drug addict, so even an ordinary knight will have an easy time to beat

And they don't even understand how much of an advantage that

misunderstanding gives me. Although it was a bit faster than I had
expected, this uproar is still part of my plan. Come on, start

While in a soldier's disguise, the moment I took a step into the high-
class knight's lodging room, I shouted loudly.

"I have come to bring a message to the knights! A prisoner from the
underground prison has escaped! Please be on your guard!" (Keare)

I was able to easily enter the knights lodging room under the
pretense of coming to give them a message. Because I had a soldier's
identification paper and there was this uproar happening, my
message was considered as credible.

The person at the reception desk started to thrum the waking up bell
to rouse the knights awake. I then explained that there was

something I definitely had to tell the captain of the imperial guards,
so I confidently entered the room.

The knights also have a social position, so there is a frank difference

in treatment between commoners and knights that work for nobles.

The lodging room that I had entered truly lived up to the name of
knights that were picked for Flare's imperial knights, and had the
kind of stuff that high-class lineaged people would use. I could tell
that there was a lot of money used for it. Even among those, there
was one which is a conspicuously better room than all of them, and I
head towards it, but the door had a lock on it.

However, that kind of thing is something that is the same as not

being there for me who has the metal tempering skill. I slowly open
the door.

"You bastard, how did you!?" (Guard Captain) (TL Note: He says it in
a way that is really rude/offensive, so I put it as bastard because I
couldn't think of a way to express it.)

I entered when a big man was changing into his armour; I remember
what this giant did to me really vividly. This man, is the captain of
Flare's imperial knights.

He is the man that I first met after waking up in the underground

prison. I had already decided that I would use this man to meet with
Flare which I had decided only because he had the most useful

I am a very tenacious man who also protects all of his promises.

"20 hits. I have come to return the 20 hits that you gave to me."

I smile sweetly towards him. To this man that still hasn't realized
anything after all this time, I reach out my hand.

~30 minutes later inside a room in the royal castle~

"You have taken much too long to gather. Can you still call yourself
this country's strongest elite knights, my imperial knights!?" (Flare)
"""I am very sorry.""" (Imperial Knights)

Flare's imperial knights had received two messages, which the first
one was to be woken up, and the second one was that they were
called over by Flare.

Without even caring that it was late at night, the imperial knights
formed a line without any disturbance.

"Good grief, how on earth was that dog able to escape in that state."

Flare was biting her thumbnail and her boastful peach-coloured hair
had unusual split ends. She had somewhat felt fear from the hero of
healing which is why the moment she had gotten the message that
the hero of healing had escaped, she was unable to calm down.
Unable to stay still or stand, she mobilized all her soldiers to
thoroughly look everywhere, and even called for her imperial

She already know his status and so she obviously doesn't need to be
afraid of it. But even then, she's scared. There is no motive or
anything behind it, and it was her sixth sense which she had polished
for a long time, telling her of an impending crisis.

"Princess Flare, with all due respect, I have a message for you"
(Guard Captain)

With a proud look, the imperial guard captain looked to Flare and
opened his mouth.

"In this situation, if it is an insignificant thing, I will get angry you

know?" (Flare)

Those words did not just have the meaning of saying she will get
angry, it had the meaning that she will give out a punishment under
her jurisdiction to him.

"There is a reason to why we were late for your summons." (Guard

"Are you going to give out an excuse here?" (Flare)

Flare puts on a sadistic face because inside of her, the imperial guard
captain was about to be marked as useless.

"No, it is not that kind of thing. It's something that princess Flare will
surely be overcome with happiness about." (Guard Captain)
"Go on, say it then." (Flare)

A smile that looks like it is mixed with cruelty floats on Flare's face.

"Two messengers had entered our lodging room, and although the
second one had a face that we recognized, the first messenger had
taken actions to hide his face. Because we thought that it was
suspicious, when we tried to see his face, it happened to be the hero
of healing himself. We were late coming here because we had to
capture him. Honestly, what an idiotic man. To think that he would
sneakily enter this country's strongest of knights, princess Flare's
imperial knights lodging room." (Guard Captain)

Once he said that, one of the imperial knights pushed out a robed
man. With hit marks all over his body, throat smashed, seemingly
being unable to talk, a strange whistling noise came out from his
nose repeatedly.

"I am quite surprised. I'm really surprised. I wonder what was in his
mind when he thought to enter the knights lodging room." (Flare)

Although his face was beaten up really badly, Flare could still tell that
it was Keare's face as it still retained some of his features.

"He probably had planned to escape by slipping into the crowd of
soldiers, but when he realized that they were on guard, he gave up
and decided to hide in an empty lodging room. Truly a man with no
wisdom." (Guard Captain)
"Fufu, did he honestly think that such an ill-prepared strategy would
work I wonder. Seriously, he is such a dumb trash isn't he." (Flare)

Flare smiles in a good mood since her anxiousness had disappeared

after hearing that and became relieved.

"Princess Flare, I have gotten the information of why he tried to

escape out of him after I seized him and in there, there was
something that I just could not overlook. Even though these people
are my subordinates, I'm not sure if I should tell them, so could you
clear everyone out for now?" (Guard Captain)
"Is it something involved with heroes?" (Flare)
"Yes, I had trembled the first time I heard it and would certainly like
it to go enter princess Flare's ears as well." (Guard Captain)

Flare puts on a thinking posture, and then smiles happily.

"It is fine, but even if we clear out the people, it is still unsecure here.
After all, things regarding heroes are top secret, so come to my
room. The rest of you can return, and just tossing that trash in the
underground prison is fine. I will come later to discipline him so that
he won't do it a second time as well." (Flare)

The hero of healing which had become something similar to tattered

rags, had tried to open his mouth and say something, but it was
sensed by the other knights who then viciously beat him down.

"I don't mind if you hit that thing, but please make sure not to kill it
because he can still be used. Go ahead and punish him as much as
you want but with some degree of holding back." (Flare)

The knights skillfully avoided fatal wounds, and repeatedly continued
assaulting him. It seems that the hero of healing had somewhat been
able to not die thanks to Flare. Once the storm of violence had
ended, they roughly carried him towards the underground prison.

"Well then, imperial guard captain, please follow me. My room is the
most soundproof room in the whole castle, so secret talks are the
perfect thing for it." (Flare)

Flare who was in a good mood brings along a maid that isn't suited
for escorting, and returns to her room while bringing in the guard

Flare's room was filled with an assortment of furnishing that was the
best possible quality you could think of. Despite all that, it had all
been polished and refined without any dirtiness and you can tell that
it was a good taste that was naturally picked up by being part of the

"Imperial guard captain, you are allowed to enter my room, and isn't
there no reward better than that?" (Flare)
"Yes, it is happiness that I am grateful for." (Guard Captain)

The imperial guard captain respectfully shows his gratitude.

"Well then, please talk. I am quite curious about what that trash
said." (Flare)
"About that…" (Guard Captain)

The imperial guard captain happily smiles and is not something that
you would show towards your master that you serve. It was an
extremely wicked smile and in that instant, he pulled out his sword
and cut off the necks of both attendants.

The elegance and speed of it was just like the sword saint.

Even though they are Flare's attendants that train themselves to
protect her, it would be too harsh on them to tell them to react to
that speed.

The imperial guard captain that just slaughtered the two attendants
raised the corners of his lips and has his eyes shine brightly. With the
hand that wasn't holding a sword, he holds it up in the air and strikes
the direction that Flare is in.

Flare then gets blown away into the wall, gets kicked, and crumbles
down. The imperial guard captain then rides of Flare as if horse
riding, and tightly grips onto her face.

"【Looting Heal】" (Guard Captain) (TL Note: Well.. we all know who
it is by now, but I can't reveal it until he reveals himself right?)

All the magic power inside Flare gets extracted from her and she
completely falls into a panicked state. My face hurts, the man in
front of me is scary, I don't know what's what anymore.

"Flare, even if you are the hero of magic, without magic power, you
are the same as any weak girl. It's fine if you resist you know." (Guard
"Imperial guard captain, exactly what is your purpose?" (Flare)
"Imperial guard captain? Ah you're talking about me right." (Guard

The imperial guard captain has a vacant look, and then starts loudly

"Oh, so you hadn't even realized yet.【Transformation Heal】"

(Guard Captain)

The imperial guard captain uses magic and his body becomes smaller
first. And then his face quickly changed into a face that she was
surprised at.

"You're most hated, cute doggy, Keare-kun has come to play.
Because I was lonely, I escaped out of a prison to meet my master!
Just kidding. Ahahahahahaha." (Keare) (TL Note: He uses katakana
for the second sentence to kind of show that it is childish, and even
uses a childish version of 'I'.)

The person who Flare had scorned, called a dog and given miserable
rags, it was the real thing, Keare. Yes, Keare had
used【Transformation Heal】on himself to change his appearance
and the person from before who had rags put on him with a broken
throat was the true imperial guard captain.

Flare finally understands the current situation after coming here. Her
attendants are dead, and she is together with the man who has the
biggest resentment towards her in the most soundproof room in the
castle. On top of that, she has her magical power taken from her, so
she can't even use one elementary level magic.

Flare's face distorts into fear, and Keare's smiles becomes even more
wicked. Right now at this moment, a tragedy was about to occur.

Chapter 11
Now then, since I've already exposed myself, I guess I should get
started with my revenge.

【Transformation Heal】is an ability that changes my body to the

way that I want it to, so I can obviously change my body appearance
like I did right now. I was currently on top of Flare, imitating horse
riding and was looking down at her.

Right now, Flare has had all her mana taken by me with【Looting
Heal】. Because her talent distribution is magic orientated, without
her mana, she can't do anything.

"Wait, please wait. Keare-san, you are misunderstanding something."


Flare that was underneath me had a cramped smile while opening

her mouth.

"A misunderstanding you say? What is it." (Keare)

"I used the drugs because I was thinking for your sake. I did it so that
your heart doesn't break from the pain. I had also planned to
eventually let you out from the underground prison." (Flare)

Well, at least she isn't saying any lies because in my first life, she
completely got rid of my personality, made me into a doll that
doesn't have the function to feel pain or fear, and then let me out.

"I see now. So Flare spewed out abusive language at me, kicked my
crotch, stepped on my face, and gave my body to someone else
every single night all over of kindness huh. That's quite a funny way
of expressing love." (Keare)

Flare's face distorts. Oh, I get it; Flare thought that my memories
from when I was indulged in drugs didn't exist inside my head.

"I remember everything." (Keare)
"Ah, that as well, it's different, it's different from that." (Flare)
"In the first place, if you want to make me not feel pain, then it
would have been fine if you just didn't forcibly make me
use【Recovery Heal】." (Keare)
"That is, that was to save many people." (Flare)
"That's a lie. You only have an interest in increasing this country's
power don't you. After all, you only healed warriors from this
country." (Keare)

I already knew that increasing this country's power was her objective
from the start. In reality, I wasn't made to help a single warrior from
another country. In that group of people I wasn't made to save, there
was even an influential person who was a sword saint and even
extremely famous people in there.

"That was just by chance, my information network had." (Flare)

"That is also a lie." (Keare)

This woman isn't that incompetent; she has at least understood the
situation of the other countries.

"But, but." (Flare)

"Well honestly speaking, I couldn't care less about that kind of thing.
I fell into hell because of your fault, which is why I figured I might as
well let you savour the taste of hell as well. Even if you really were a
good person, or your actions had good intent behind it, it really
doesn't matter for me. I was made to suffer, which is why I chose to
take revenge. It's quite simple isn't it?" (Keare)

I couldn't care less about a reason; I'm fine with just knowing the
truth. Flare keeps sprouting out poor excuses, but it's starting to get
annoying now.

"Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." (Flare)

I start off with breaking her finger, and just with that, she raised a
shameful scream. Oi oi, if you are in this much pain now, you won't
be able to hold on hereafter. Oh yeah, I just thought of something

"Flare, do you want to play a game?" (Keare)

"Ga-, a game?" (Flare)

Flare puts on a dubious face after hearing that. Well I guess that's

"I'm planning to return everything that was done to me right now. To

be specific, I'm going to give back the equal amount of pain that I
received from you. I'll sexually abuse you, I'll emotionally corner you.
I'll destroy your personality, and recycle you into a convenient tool to
use. Well, basically just everything that was done to me, because I
figured that it would be good if you were in the position that
received damage, even if it was only occasionally. If I do that, will
Flare finally become self-conscious of the sins you've been piling
up?" (Keare)

Flare face turns pale, and she looks at me with appealing eyes, but in
the next moment, she turned even paler than before. After all, she
was able to understand I was serious after seeing the look in my

"I-, if it's money you want, I can give it to you. Even political power, I
can give you a court rank and make you into a noble. I can also give
you pretty young noble women, as much as you want, and you can
do whatever you want with them. Th- that's why." (Flare)
"Ahaha, you really think that I'll believe that kind of bullshit?"

This woman would never forgive her own enemies, and these are
just my thoughts, but she'll probably do all of what she said right

now. However, that is only because she is trying to lower my guard
and take my head while I'm sleeping. Honestly, it seems that I'm
being quite underestimated here.

"It's the truth, and either way, even if you use violence on me here,
you won't be able to escape. It'll just end with you being killed, which
is why it should be obvious what the smarter decision is." (Flare)

I stay silent, and break one of her fingers.

"Gyahiiiiiii." (Flare) (TL Note: What kind of scream is this?)

She raises an idiotic scream which can't be thought of as a scream of

a princess.

"Because Flare was going on about such annoying things, your total
amount of game chips went down by one." (Keare)
"Ga-, a game?" (Flare)
"Yeah, I'm going to break your fingers and tear off your nails, one by
one. After that has finished, I guess it'll be your feet next. If you
manage not to raise a scream by the time I'm done breaking all your
fingers and toes, it’ll be your win. If you win, I'll stop my revenge
immediately, but if you do scream, I'll do everything I explained
before, and I'll even add a bonus for you." (Keare)

This is something I'm doing out of consideration so that Flare's mind

doesn't break because if she ends up giving up on everything, her
reactions won't be as interesting after all. That's why I made a
situation to give her hope so that she can directly face pain.

"I-, I understand. I'll do it, that's why if I am able to endure it…"

"Ah, don't worry, because unlike you, I protect my promises."

Flare puts on a face of determination, and clenches her back teeth.
With this, she'll probably keep fighting against the pain until the end.
Now then, it's the start of a fun game. (TL Note: Anyone else thinking
of Hyodou from Kaiji while reading this?)

"Nnn!!" (Flare)

Flare frantically tries to keep her scream from coming out as her bed
and dress continues to get dyed with blood. I really am surprised at

She has already endured until there is only this one last toe left! Even
with her fingers being broken and her nails teared off, she was still
able to endure. As expected of the princess; truly a heart of steel.

However, it seems what was going inside her mind wasn't that good
though. She has been fighting with the conditions that I set of not
letting out any screams while I break her fingers and toes.


"【Recovery Heal】" (Keare)

"He-?" (Flare) (TL Note: In case you weren't sure, "He-?" is basically
her letting out a dumb/surprised voice, and it's not her saying the
word "He".)

At this situation where there was only one left, I used【Recovery

Heal】out of my kindness to heal all her fingers and toes.

"Well Flare, I used【Recovery Heal】for you. Now then, should I

start from the hands again?" (Keare)

I sweetly smile towards her while saying that. I can't believe how
much of a kind person I was.

"Unfair, this kind of thing is unfair, after all, this kind of thing" (Flare)
"I said that I would break all of your fingers right? From the start, I
had taken into account you having to endure until my mana depletes
when I was making the game conditions. Now then, I wonder how
many more times I can use【Recovery Heal】." (Keare)

A weird whistling noise leaks out from Flare's throat. Even though I
had gone through trouble just to give her hope that she'll be able to
win once my mana runs out and I become unable to use【Recovery

I guess I'll check her condition for a bit. Oh, as expected of Flare; she
was able to set her resolve for the second time. She's quite a
praiseworthy person.

Well unfortunately for her, unlike【Deterioration Heal】, the

efficiency of mana usage is good and only consumes 5 MP each use.
I'll be able to casually use it for another ten odd times. However,
Flare probably has the misunderstanding that my level is still low,
and probably estimates that I'll only be able to use it two times at

Come on, with this much determination and hope, I wonder how
much happiness I'll get if she breaks? (TL Note: Ok this is actually
Hyodou from Kaiji, cause it even has "yukai" which is like Hyodou's

While thinking about that, I reach my hand towards Flare's finger.

It is now the fiftieth time, and because her endurance had reached
the limit, Flare finally raised a shameful scream.

"Ah, that was so close. Just another eight times and it would have
been Flare's win. It truly is bad luck." (Keare)
"Ha-, Ha-, eight times." (Flare)

Flare's eyes get dyed with despair, and her face that is already
splattered with tears starts getting more tears spilled on it.

"Although it is unfortunate, it's time for your punishment. Well, it

seems that I'm going to have you enjoy some more pain in a bit."

Like that, I had enough knowledge stockpiled in my head and so until

I move onto the next course, I'll be having some fun while making
sure that she is just not broken.

After that, for 30 minutes, I had continued hurting Flare's body. Her
dress was all tattered, and you could see injuries from the exposed

Flare's tears had withered and her voice was cracked. Yeah, I was
able to have a considerable amount of fun. With this, she'll probably
have experienced at least 1% of my pain. For the next part, I guess I'll
go with sexual abuse and mental abuse.

I tear off Flare's dress.

"Ah, ahhh, ahh" (Flare)

With Flare's current cracked voice, nothing she says can even turn
into proper words. Besides, although I stripped her of her clothes, I
already know this woman's true nature, and her body is full of
injuries which makes me lose strength. Well, I wonder what I should

"【Recovery Heal】" (Keare)

I started off with making her appearance into something bearable,
but I left her achilles tendon alone as I cut it while torturing her to
restrict her. It would be quite troubling if she ran around everywhere
after all.

"Hii, hiii, forgive me already, I hate it, I hate iiiit. Please, it hurts, I'm
scared, stooop." (Flare)

Flare that became able to speak once more held her head in her
hands while still being nude and was weeping. It seems that her
withered tears had come back as well.

"Flare, you do know that I said because the pain was too much for
me, to not make me use【Recovery Heal】as well right? At that
time, could you remind me what you did then?" (Keare)
"I-, I am, different, it's different" (Flare)
"It's not different, which is why I'll be doing the same thing back.
That being said, I've gotten tired of giving you pain, so I think I'll
violate you." (Keare)

Flare's eyes open widely, and she then starts shouting.

"Noooo, nooo, I don't want to be dirtied by someone like you, I'm a

princess with high-class blood, someone like you, of the lower class,
impossible, absolutely, impossibleeee, noooooo!" (Flare)

Humans show their true nature when they get cornered. I see, it
seems that the incredible princess who smiles at any commoners
without discrimination thinks of herself as a chosen person.

"When you hate it that much, I also lose strength. From the start, I
guess I wouldn't be able to get excited over a pig like you anyways."

Flare misunderstands something, and a face of relief floats onto her

face. What an idiotic person.

I then move towards the fireplace inside the room, melt the
equipment used to adjust the fire, and make it into a rod shape.
After heating it for long enough, I put it near the carpet, and the
carpet makes a sizzling noise until it starts burning.

"Flare, I'm planning on giving you 〇〇〇 or this burnt iron rod. I'm
thinking of putting in one of them into Flare, but which one do you
want? Because I'm a nice person, I'll let you decide." (Keare)

If I don't get an erection, I can just replace it with something else.

Humans are a species that specialize in using tools, but it seems that
Flare didn't know about that. It can't be helped since she's a pig after

"Eh, a, that's." (Flare)

"By the way, if you don't answer, I'll put in both, so answer by the
time I count down to zero. 10, 9." (Keare)

Once I started the countdown, her facial expression literally fell out,
and she opened her eyes to the limit while shaking and letting out a
scream that couldn't be put into words.

While speaking in a loud voice, I continue the countdown. Flare faces

me with a pleading gaze, to which I return back with a smile,
resulting in her face becoming even paler.

I'm sure Flare already knows that I'm a man that does what he says
by now.

"Ah-, your, your one is better." (Flare)

"Hmm? I don't quite understand what you mean when you say it like
that." (Keare)
"〇〇〇 is better!" (Flare)
"Better huh, I see, so you don't like it. Well I shouldn't force you
after all. So let's do it with the burnt iron one." (Keare)

Flare starts trembling all over with fear, clenches her fists hard, and
shouts out with a discouraged and blushing face.

"Keare-san's 〇〇〇 is better. Please, give Flare Keare-san's 〇〇〇!"

(Flare) (TL Note: Talks in 3rd person here which is what people who
try to act cute do, or little kids use.)

I unintentionally start roaring in laughter after hearing that. Hi-, hi,

this is quite pleasant. To think that a princess would say this, I think
I'll tease her a bit more.

"I see, so you want it that much. Flare, you really are such a lewd pig.
To think this thing is the princess, the king must be weeping, and the
citizens are so pitiful." (Keare)
"Yes, I want it. Please, I beg you. Please give me your compassion."

She even prostrated on the ground for me. Flare really is such a lewd

"However, as unfortunate as it may be, I don't get excited when I'm

doing it with a pig. Oh yeah, do anything, and just try to excite me. If
you can't do it within 10 minutes, it'll be the iron rod." (Keare)

Ahh, I'm such a kind man. Flare, unsteadily gets up, and starts doing
an enjoyable performance while shedding tears.

It was quite fun afterwards, as Flare was doing idiotic poses which
she thought was arousing, and did a dodgy dance as well. Thinking 'if
it's not enough with this…' she came up with many ideas to excite
me. I was desperate to hold in my laughter the whole time, but even
then, it's still as expected of a princess. She's originally a beauty of
the highest grade, and she seems to get the gist of it. Thanks to that,
she was safely able to get what she wanted, and spilled tears of joy

from being overcome by emotion. (TL Note: Wait so she actually
wanted it? I don't think so… but I translated it as it is and rechecked
it a few times as well… it might be that he just broke her and so she
'wants' it but doesn't really want it.)

After everything was over, she still seemed to not have had enough,
so I gave the burnt iron as a present to her who was immersed in the
aftertaste. Ahh, I really am such a kind person. Although I expressed
that she was a pig, she really is just a pig and she often cried out
saying piggy. (TL Note: Cried out as in making animal noises, because
I couldn't think of anything else.)

Well I guess you can say that all the pain, sexual abuse and mental
abuse has mostly finished now. Now all that's left is to break her ego,
and make her into an useful tool.

Flare is about 90% broken, but if it was an ordinary woman, they

would have broken a long time ago. She's as insistent as a cockroach
which is why I was able to have fun, but I'm starting to get bored of it
by now. I give her the finishing blow.

"【Recovery Heal】" (Keare)

I heal all of her injuries, and then use【Transformation Heal】to deal

the finishing blow.

"Ah-, u, ahh" (Flare)

As she started making noises like a baby, I grabbed her hair and
dragged her over to a mirror.

I let Flare look at herself in the mirror.

"Ahh, ahh, ahhh, m-, my, face, my face has" (Flare)

"How is it, I made it look cute. You should be grateful about this."

"No, this kind of, this isn't my face!!" (Flare)

Yes, Flare's face had changed into a face that wasn't hers. While
leaving a few traces of her old face, I changed it into a face that is my

"Your memories will be erased after this. Having a different face and
losing your memories, you will disappear from this world. And you
will then publicly become my tool. As a slave to deal with my sexual
desires, or even as a shield in battlefields, I'll use you well so don't
worry. If it's about the castle, then you don't have to worry because
while I was coming here, I used【Transformation Heal】on a dead
body to make it look like you and then hid it. They will surely find it
someday, and they'll take it as your death." (Keare)

If I just normally kidnap the princess, this kingdom will definitely

search to the edges of the world to find her. However, if they find
Flare's corpse on the grounds, and if the person herself has a
different face with no memories, no one would think it was me who
kidnapped her. Therefore, i can have a piece of mind while walking
with Flare.

"Aren't you lucky, after all, the next time you wake up, you'll be my
faithful and loyal slave. Isn't it just the best for trash like you to get
your mind replaced and make a fresh start in life." (Keare)
"Hii, nooo, nooo, don't want to, stooop, nono nonooooo" (Flare)

Flare thrashes around, but because of the massive difference in

status values, there is absolutely no meaning to it.

"Because I'm nice, I'll even give you time to say goodbye to your
current self. I guess you should be praying or something in this one
minute before "Flare" disappears." (Keare)

Flare cries out, acts violently, and by the end, she had completely
broken. Ahh that's good, I was able to make her completely break at
the very last moment.

"See ya, Flare.【Transformation Heal】" (Keare)

All of Flare's memories were erased, but only her memories. I've let
her knowledge remain and once she opens her eyes, I'll amusingly
and strangely tell her about a whole lot of things.

Now, since I've completed my objective, I should hurry up and bring

Flare with me to go outside the castle. I was able to break the
woman who broke my life and even made her into an useful tool.

The air is delicious. My body is light. It's amazing! So this is the

feeling you get after accomplishing your revenge!

Right now, at this moment, I am the happiest man in the world!

Chapter 12
After I accomplished my revenge, I begin thinking up a method to
escape from the castle. Although there is a lock in this room, it's the
princess's room, so it wouldn't be weird if someone just comes in.

Since I have large baggage, the difficulty of escaping is also

increased. If I was alone, then it would be easier, but since I have
another person, I'll need to think of some kind of scheme.

"Well before that, I guess I'll take some money for my current living
funds." (Keare)

I pull out a wallet from the attendant's corpse, and I then look
around the room, taking all the things that could be worth money.

To say the truth, I had even taken the imperial guard captains wallet
as well. As expected of the princess and the people close to her, they
are casually walking around with gold coins in their wallets. I
probably won't have any financial problems for a while.

Although I can easily gain a lot of income by using the power of

my【Recovery Heal】, there is the dilemma of standing out too
much if I use it. At the very least, I don't want to make an uproar in
this town before I leave.

I put on the armor of the imperial guard captain, because if I have

the appearance of the imperial guard captain, I'll probably be able to
escape from the front. Ahh, the imperial guard captain really did
such an idiotic thing didn't he. His subordinates are able to give a
testimony that he went to Flare's room, which means that this he
will have to shoulder all responsibility for all of this uproar.

After leaving the castle and change my appearance, I should try and
not be caught. This is because the royal family would probably
massacre the imperial guard captain's whole bloodline.

"Now then, I'll need to do something about this woman don't I."

Although it is the imperial guard captain, if he's seen while carrying a

nude woman, I think they will become suspicious.

I took off the underwear of the armor, and put it on Flare, who was
nude and unconscious. None of Flare's clothing is in this room, and
she most likely has a clothing dedicated room elsewhere. Since the
attendants clothes are also unable to be used as it's all bloody, I had
no choice but to do this.

Taking into account that Flare's face transformed because I

used【Transformation Heal】on her, no one should be able to tell
that it's her. If someone does criticize me, then I can just say she is a
certain noble's daughter who got drunk, and I was in the middle of
escorting her home. (TL Note: It says recovery heal in the raws, but it
was probably just a mistake.)

Since I've finished my preparations to depart, I

chant【Transformation Heal】and disguise myself as the imperial
guard captain.

On top of that, I've collected flammable objects and put them in the
best possible place. And then, I pour plenty of oil that is used for
lighting on them, and light a fire. A small flame gets produced, and
smoke starts rising.

I then adjust it so that it will become a fire in one hour from now, so
by the time I leave the castle, it'll probably start grandly bursting into

This is my so called diversionary tactic, which will also destroy all the
evidence. The thing that is called a magic investigation is actually not
the stupid, and will be able to trace the marks in this room. From

those traces that remained in this room, they might be able to reveal
the truth, and start pursuing us afterwards.

Nevertheless, I committed an unthinkable serious crime of

slaughtering the princess, and then set fire to the whole place. If I
ever get caught, I can't even guess how much of a punishment I'll
get. Well, whatever, because after all, the one who'll suffer the
punishments from the crimes will be the imperial guard captain.

Anyways, I feel like I've overlooked something after slaughtering the

princess, but in any case, I should hurry. I've got no time until the fire
starts burning up. I leave the room while carrying Flare in a princess
carry, and the moment I leave the room, I pay attention to my
surroundings. As expected, if I get seen here, there'll be nothing I can

While I was leaving the castle, sure enough, I had been questioned
by someone, but I was able to pass it off with my excuse I had
already prepared. I told them that I brought in a woman to have fun
with her, which resulted in them thinking that I was a low-life, but
there's no problem with that.

After leaving the castle and out into the town, I headed towards the
river that flows inside the town and let my knight armor flow away,
while only keeping the sword. It's just that it's too big and heavy,
making it hard to handle in my hands. Since I do have metal
tempering magic, I tamper with the shape to make it into a sword of
my liking.

I unintentionally look to the direction of the castle and see it burning

furiously. Ahh, it's beautiful. I did quite a good job if I were to say so

It's dangerous to leave the town at night, so I'll be staying at an inn

for now. Now then, I wonder what kind of face I

should【Transformation Heal】into. Let’s see, I guess I'll change my
face into a friendly young man kind of look, which is influenced by
my real face. Yup, that would be good and that one seems like a
more convenient one. If you look at it, you can see it's the face of a
good young man, just like how I had imaged it to be.

Afterwards, I stayed in an average quality inn together with Flare. As

I thought, it was a good idea to take their wallets since their coins are
actually able to be used in normal situations.

I passed a night in the inn and had thought about what I'll do from
now during that time.

What I want to do from now, is to achieve three main objectives.

The first one is to continue my revenge. I'll need to show my thanks

towards the sword and gun heroes' affection towards me. Those two
were deeply in love with Flare, and to get friendlier with her, they
put me through horrible experiences because I was the one she
hated. I'll need to properly show my gratitude for that.

The second one is that I want to meet with the demon king. It's not
like I have a grudge against her or something, but it's just that I am a
bit concerned about her final words. I want to know exactly what it
was that she was trying to protect, and while I'm at it, stopping the
war between the humans and devils will be a brief entertainment for

(TL Note: Wooo I knew it was coming, this slayer is going to make her
part of his harem or something isn't he. Also, if you forgot her last
words, it's this: "I see, so this is where my life ends huh. I feel
frustrated that I couldn't protect anything.")

My third one is to become stronger until the utmost limit. To say the
truth, as I am right now, I'm pretty weak because what I want is
strength that will let me fight against suffering and hardship.

Last night, I suddenly realized the unbelievable error I made.

I had forgotten to kill the imperial guard captain who I had

used【Transformation Heal】on to make him look like me. Although
I destroyed his voice to the point where it is absolutely impossible to
heal him with normal methods and even made him unable to hold a
pen, once they look at his status through the appraiser, it'll be
revealed that he is the true imperial guard captain.

Once they do that, they'll realize that I have the ability to change my
appearance, and will know that the imperial guard captain who was
carrying a woman while going outside was me. On top of that, if they
connect the dots, they'll realize that that woman was Flare.

However, I don't think they'll think of using an appraiser on the

imperial guard captain who's in that state, but after they notice he
became absolutely unable to use【Recovery Heal】, they'll become
troubled and use it to find out the cause. If I go along that way of
thinking, I still have time until they find out. Or they might use an
elixir on the imperial guard captain, and he starts desperately telling
them that he is not Keare, or possibly…

"If I sneakily enter the castle at this point of time, it'll be quite
painful." (Keare)

At this point of time where the princess has been killed, and the
castle has been burnt down, they'll have security maxed out to be as
severe as they possibly can. Therefore, it's probably not a good idea
to burden myself with useless risks.

The safest possible thing I can do now is to hurry up and escape into
another country. Today, for the full day, I'll have to do some work for
Flare to be able to be reborn, so I'll depart tomorrow.

If I am going to go somewhere, I guess I should aim to go to an

eastern country. Those countries are usually free countries, with
people coming in and out, and the management is quite loose. (TL
Note: I swear most of these WN fantasy worlds have a "country of
the east" which they all want to go to.)

Next to me, a woman starts squirming; it's Flare. Yesterday, I had

slept in the same bed as Flare. So she has finally woken up huh, I
wonder if the erasure of her memories went well. Flare properly gets
up, looking at her surroundings restlessly.

"Um, where is this place? What exactly am I doing" (Flare)

And now, she started staring around with a puzzled face. After
pondering for a while, she then held her head in her arms.

"I can't, remember anything, in the first place, who, am I?" (Flare)

While being in an anxious state, she frantically tries to think. She's

doing a futile act; after all, she won't be able to remember anything.

Because her memories have already been erased. No, it's a bit
different. It's more correct to call it that she lost the key to open the
gate of her memories. Even with my magic, it is still impossible to
erase their memories, and so I made it that she won't be able to
remember anything instead.

One day, if I let her become able to remember again when she's in a
position where she can't go back from, it might be good. For
example, if I do it after she falls in love with me and destroys her
own country that had believed in evil, it would be quite an enjoyable

Leaving behind my wild ideas, I start doing quick preparations.

"So you finally woke up. I'm relieved." (Keare)

I embrace Flare's body, as if I was her lover.

"Wh-, who on earth are you?" (Flare)

"Are you not able to remember me!?" (Keare)

I purposely make a surprised reaction towards that.

"Yes, I'm not too sure, I don't even know about myself." (Flare)

Releasing Flare from my hug, I firmly hold her shoulders.

"No way!? Why did it become like this!? Your name is Freya, and
you're my attendant. Even though we loved each other so much,
you're saying that you forgot everything…" (Keare) (TL Note: Ok, so
since her name has become Freya, I'm going to make all the name
brackets into Freya from now, so please remember that.)

I stare straight into her eyes while using hypnotism magic. I then use
metal tempering magic to vaporize the remaining opium inside of my
body. (TL Note: Remember that heating is able to be done with metal
tempering magic, so it's not just restricted to metals.)

I use two layers that are of magic and drugs to complete it. It works
well on people with no memories and is in a blank state. If I use the
knowledge inside of me for practical use, I can do things like this.

The name Freya is just the new name for Flare that I came up with.
Even though her appearance is different, it is still safer if I change her
name as well. The reason why it's similar to her old name is to
reduce this sense of discomfort that I'm unconsciously feeling.

"Me, and you, had loved one another." (Freya)

"That's right, you were deeply in love with me. From around 3 days

ago, you had fallen unconscious because of a high fever and when
you had finally woken up, to think you lost your memories!? I feel so
sorry for you Freya." (Keare)

Although this is a rough setting and acting, it is plenty for Flare as she
is right now. As proof of that, she has drowsy eyes, and steadily
believes the random things that I said.

I put in humorous settings as I go. Former Flare, Freya, is a woman

who felt supreme delight when she was made to serve me, would
happily present her life if it was for my sake, and was a obedient sow
who would happily obey any order, no matter how horrible they

"I am, Freya, your servant, a sow." (Freya)

With eyes that had lost reason, Flare was just repeating those words.
No, Freya was repeating those words.

"If we put our bodies together, you might be able to remember.

Freya, let's do the thing we do all the time. You know…" (Keare)

Like that, I made a non-existent 'all the time'. I added in a

characteristic that we never do, and toyed with her. In the middle of
it, I was able to complete her hypnotized state because of the
pleasure she got from it.

After everything had finished, I lay down on the bed and Freya comes
over and holds my hand. Ahh, I really feel as if I'm her husband.
While I doze off on the bed, Freya looks at me with affection and
opens her mouth.

"Fufu, although my memories haven't returned, I can tell that you

are an important person to me. Also, I hadn't asked you an important
question, but what is your name?" (Freya)

I become a bit troubled as I hadn't decided it yet. Since I had changed
my appearance, I might as well change my name as well. Well I guess
I want a powerful sounding name.

"My name is Kearuga. Don't ever forget it again ok." (Kearuga) (TL
Note: Pffftttt hahaha Kearuga haha this is too much. Well anyways,
same as before, I'm going to make all of his name brackets into
Kearuga from now, so please remember that)

I, who had reborn as Kearuga, am stronger than Keare.

I took one day to make Flare into my cute slave Freya, and by the
next day, I had finished my preparations to leave. The princess is
bravely holding my baggage for me, while having a whole-hearted
smile. It's quite an enjoyable scene.

To go to the next town, I'll need to first buy some slaves. I want at
least one slave as a vanguard. I am only able to modify my talent
values, so Flare who is a magician has a low capability as a meat
shield, meaning we have to have a vanguard.

A demi-human slave will be good, because if we use a certain

method, a demi-human slave definitely won't betray me. I can't trust
humans as I don't know when they will choose to betray me. I have
already decided that I'll only use brainwashing against my revenge
targets, so the good person who I am can't use someone other than
a demi-human.

And if I'm going to buy one, I want a woman. When I am raising their
level limit, a woman is more convenient for me. Although I can still
do it with a man, it is the problem of how I feel. As I think about
those types of things, the bulletin board comes into view.

"Ahahahahahahahahaha!" (Kearuga)

I instinctively burst into a roar of laughter. After all, what was on
there was a portrait of the imperial guard captain just as I had
expected. As the man who was a great sinner, there was a large prize
money for getting him and if I look closely, I see that there are more
of these portraits throughout the whole town. Honestly, they are
misunderstanding who they should be catching. If it's like this, then
I'll probably be able to easily escape from this town.

Now then, while these guys in this country are exposing their own
stupidity, I should find a companion and go to the next town.

Chapter 13
After buying the things necessary for going on a journey, I started
leaving the town together with Freya, who was formerly Flare.
Although I thought of using a carriage to go to the next town for
regular service, because of this strict guard system, they are all
confined inside. (TL Note: Thought they were going to buy a slave,
but guess not it seems.)

Thanks to that, we ended up going on foot and right now, we have

just left the town. We were able to easily pass through the
inspection, but it is a matter of course, because they are looking for
the imperial guard captain, not me.

"Freya, make sure to firmly hold onto the baggage." (Kearuga)

"Ye-, yes Kearuga-sama." (Freya)

I still haven't been able to get used to my new name, Kearuga, and
my responses are one beat late.

Freya and I are both carrying heavy backpacks that were densely
packed because to get to the next town, we'll have to travel dozens
of kilometres. We probably won't be able to secure food or water
until then, so we packed an ample amount of it. We also packed a
change of clothes as well, and apart from that, we brought a various
amount of things which resulted in it being considerably heavy.

And since we prepared that much baggage, the expenses were also
quite large.

If we are stingy about what we bring, we'll definitely regret it, so we

bought a complete set of clothes for two people, which is light, made
from durable cloth, and has even been tightly sewn, with a cloak that
covers the body.

As expected, I hadn’t taken the magically enchanted ones, but
sooner or later, I'll do it myself. With alchemy magic and my
knowledge, as long as I have time, I'll be able to do it. Although metal
armor has higher defensive abilities, that's out of the question. Only
people who are dim-witted fools wear metal armor in long journeys.

A water canteen and preserved food that is protected from the

outside, a sleeping bag and so on. I used about half the amount of
money I had on hand, which means that I'll probably need a way to
quickly raise money.

"Please, wait a bit. Kearuga-sama. The baggage is heavy." (Freya)

Freya is taking in rough, short breaths. Fumu, from her status, I

figured that she wouldn't have too much of a problem with that
amount of luggage, but it's probably because she hadn't moved her
body much that she isn't able to do it. However, with a bit more
exercise, I think she'll be able to go back to her real value.

"Since it's you Freya, I'm sure you'll be able to endure, so do your
best." (Kearuga)
"But since it's my first time with this kind of luggage, please go a bit
slower" (Freya)
"This is for you Freya. If you say that you're tired and so you can't
move in a battlefield, you'll die. Besides, I said it before, but if it's you
Freya, then I'm sure you can do it." (Kearuga)

It can't be helped if she really didn't have the ability to do it, but
even though she's a magician, she's level 25 and her physical
strength is at the stage of a superhuman.

In other words, she is only bringing her limit lower because of a

problem with her feelings which can only be fixed by forcibly moving
her body. If I pamper her, then she will be stuck that way for

"I understand! I'll work hard to live up to Kearuga-sama's
expectations." (Freya)

Hearing my words, Freya starts moving her legs faster, so it seems

that she at least got into the mood of doing it. Well if her stamina
becomes exhausted, or gets muscle pains, I can just【Recovery
Heal】her at that time. By the time we reach the next town, she will
probably have improved by quite a lot as well.

"Come to think of it, Kearuga-sama is aiming for the neighboring

town Ranalitta, but do you have some kind of purpose for going
there?" (Freya)
"Yeah, I'm going to gather some comrades. Because both Freya and I
are rearguards, I want a vanguard." (Kearuga)

By the way, I made Freya believe my setting that I'm a certain

country's noble, and I'm travelling about to gain skill in combat, while
going on a journey to save the world. Well, it's not a lie, since I'm
planning to travel around the world and I am planning to become
stronger as well. On top of that, I'm also intending to end the war
between the devils and humans.

"Indeed, there were quite a lot of strong adventurers in that town

weren't there." (Freya)

If I was to explain Ranalitta in one word, it's a town that's in disorder.

A lot of commodities that have gathered there without even being
asked if they are legal or illegal, and the security to leave or enter is
very loose, which is why many people gather there. For this reason,
many yakuza-like adventurers intentionally choose to live here. If you
are a strong person, then that town is a place which is easy to live in.
(TL Note: Well I don't think I really need to put this here, but simply
put, yakuza are basically Japanese mafia.)

"I'm not expecting anything from adventurers, and what I am
expecting is a surprise for when we get there." (Kearuga)

My aim is to go to the slave market, since 60% of this country's slaves

have been sold to Ranalitta. (TL Note: This country as in the Dioral

Most of the demi-humans who were captured to become slaves have

gathered in Ranalitta. Even among the adventurers, there are illegal
requests to attack the demi-human villages, kidnap the woman and
children to circulate them into the slave market.

Personally, I don't really like the existence of that myself, but I'll use
the things I can use. At the very least, I want to give the slave that I'll
buy good enough treatment so that they'll think it was good that I
was the one who bought them.

However, I need to be cautious about the time I purchase a slave

because there are lots of hits or misses with slaves. Most of the time,
because they are demi-humans who have been forcibly abducted,
there are a lot of times when their condition is bad, or they die
straight after they are bought. The quality of their talent value and
level limit also depends on luck. Demi-humans that come with an
appraiser have their value become much higher.

That being said, I have both the【Jade Eyes】and【Recovery Heal】

so I can choose a demi-human who has high physical attack, defense
and speed. And if they are damaged, then I can just heal them as

Freya and I both continue to diligently walk. During that time, I

sometimes picked up wild grass or mushrooms, as I had thought of
one way to earn money. If it goes well, it'll become good money in
the next town.

Both of us had high levels, so our speed was also fast. If we continue
going at this pace, we'll be able to reach the town by only camping
twice. While I was thinking about that, Freya called out to me.

"By the way, you've been gathering wild grass and mushrooms since
a while ago, but what are they for?" (Freya)
"It's to earn money for our travelling fees." (Kearuga)

While saying that, I show her the insides of the basket I was carrying
in my hands.

"This is?" (Freya)

"These are mushrooms and wild grass that I can use to make
medicine. Because I can use alchemy magic, I can extract ingredients
with high efficacy for medicine and make them into potions by using
a magically bestowed enchant." (Kearuga)
"So you can even do those kinds of things." (Freya)

Freya looks at me with eyes filled with respect, to which I put on a

bitter smile. alchemy magic's practical use is wide, and can be used
for things other than fighting, such as a production skill. No, in one
way of thinking, using it for production is the right way of handling it.

Using【Recovery Heal】for this is quick and easy, but it'll make me

stand out too much. For that part, as a doctor, if I use【Jade
Eyes】and alchemy magic to make highly efficient potions cheaply, I
can gain money without standing out too much. Besides, I can create
fake evidence that I'm an alchemist.

"Once we reach the town, let's work hard to sell it." (Freya)
"Well, it'll sell if Freya is there." (Kearuga)

If it was just me, no matter how good the effects of my potions are,
it'll be difficult to attract customers. However, if an extraordinarily
beautiful girl like Freya was there, customers will immediately come
over. An excellent appearance by itself can become a weapon. As

long as customers come, I can challenge them with my quality, and
once it becomes like that, it is only obvious that I'll win, after all, they
are potions made by an alchemist. For now, I should focus on getting
the materials to earn our travelling expenses, so I put power into
my【Jade Eyes】 to find wild grass and mushrooms to gather.

After that, we continued walking for another 2 hours and then left
the path to find a clearing in the forest, and we are now starting to
make our camp.

While teaching Freya how to do it, I started doing the installation of

our camp. While looking at how I do it, she tries to memorize it.
Since she is smart and skillful, after we do it one more time together,
I should be able to leave it to her afterwards.

While I was in the middle of making our camp, I sensed the presence
of mana, and when I look that way, I see a one horned, rabbit type
monster looking this way. Oh, lucky. I happily laugh, and throw the
knife which was in my pocket that I had purchased in the town. The
knife then pierces the rabbit's forehead.

"Pigyaa!?" (Rabbit)

After saying those final words, the rabbit turned into a corpse that
speaks no more.

"Isn't this great Freya, we get to have meat for our dinner that was
supposed to be preserved food." (Kearuga)
"Um, Kearuga-sama, that, that's a monster you know. If you eat a
monster, you'll get a stomach ache." (Freya)

What she pointed out is correct, because the difference between a

monster and an animal is whether they carry miasma in their spirit or

For humans, miasma is like poison to their body, so if you eat the
meat of a monster, you won't get off unharmed.

However, in the knowledge that's inside of me, I know how to

remove the miasma, and it is knowledge that I got from a certain
sage when I used【Imitation Heal】on him. A very old hero called
Sauge had also known this information, and wrote a thesis about it.
(TL Note: Is this a reference to the author's other WN, Cheat Majutsu
de Unmei wo Nejifuseru? Because I remember the description from
when I was looking through WNs to read, and the MC's name is
Souji… well I'm not too sure if it is talking about him though, which is
why I kept it as Sauge.)

"Well, don't worry, it's safe and besides, it's something necessary to
get stronger." (Kearuga)

Even I'm not particularly doing this troubling thing because I want to
eat a monster.

In the thesis that a very old hero wrote, this was written down.
Monsters have a factor that humans need for becoming stronger.
And in reality, with my【Jade Eyes】, I can see that factor as well.

If I eat this meat, it will adapt into my body, making my talent values
themselves rise. I once used【Transformation Heal】to raise my
talent values, but I'm unable to raise it any higher. However, the only
exception to that is to take in that factor inside a monster while it is
in a appropriate shape.

While laughing, I expose the meat of the one horned rabbit as I

became a bit nostalgic. In my past life, I had done the same thing.
Out of harassment, there were many times when I wouldn't be able
to eat anything, so I would sneakily slip away from the party and use
the technique I learnt from the old hero's thesis to remove the
miasma and eat it to endure my hunger.

It might be because of that, that I was able to overwhelm the demon
king in the decisive battle. The me of that time had reached the limit
of proficiency for【Recovery Heal】, and was even able to do things
like concentrating all my talent values in only the things I need, all in
an instant. That is exactly the style that I am aiming for.

"Freya, I'll be able to make a tasty dinner soon, so look forward to it."

Now then, let's have a tasty, tasty dinner. Unexpectedly, monster

cuisine isn't that bad.

TL Note: Umm I’m not too sure about the next chapter’s title, so if
you could suggest anything, it would be great. The title I translated
is: The healing magician arrives at the town of survival. Ok, it already
sounds weird, and the actual meaning is supposed to be the town of
the survival of the fittest,
or 回復術士は弱肉強食の街にたどり着く if you want the raws,
but either way, my mind just isn’t working properly. If my version is
fine, then that’s all good, but I want to make it sound better either
way. Sorry for always asking for suggestions, but hopefully I won’t
have to ask as I get better at translating.

Chapter 14
A one horned rabbit luckily appeared, which I then defeated,
handled the meat, and started a fire to do some cooking. Naturally,
it's for today's dinner.

Monster's meat contains miasma, which is poison for a human’s

body, and it is considered taboo to eat it. However, apart from the
miasma, it also has a factor that can be used to make someone
stronger inside it.

The factor changes depending on the monster, so there is no

meaning if you just continue to eat the same monster over and over

For example, if I were to take in the factor of this one horned rabbit…

"Oh, my talent value for physical attack went up by 2." (Kearuga)

Just like that, it raised my talent values. My status is comprised by

multiplying my level and talent values. Although it only went up by 2,
I'm still happy that my base talent values went up because as your
level rises, the differences in your talent values become big

I then use【Transformation Heal】on the meat that I handled. Using

the foundation of a theory an old, great hero made, I removed the
miasma which activated the factor. It's not like just eating any
monster makes you stronger either, as you'll need to check if it is a
suitable factor each and every time.

The thing that is terrifying, is the fact that without using【Jade

Eyes】, a hero who's called Souji was able to find out how to remove
the miasma and also found the factor inside it. In addition, there are
even rumors that he had left numerous papers, but he is a few

hundred year old hero, so most of them are gone. I really do want to
look through them all at least once. Souji is the sword saint's
ancestor, so perhaps Kureha, the sword saint I used【Recovery
Heal】on, would let me look through their treasured documents to
repay her favor. If I ever meet the sword saint again, I guess I'll
request that. (TL Note: OK, so this means that Kureha is going to be
in his harem right? Woo at least he'll have one decent person in his

"Now then, I should concentrate on my cooking." (Kearuga)

It seems my thinking had gone into a weird direction. Rather than

thinking about the future, right now I should be thinking about
today's dinner.

I cut up the meat of the one horned rabbit, and chose to make the
most delicious part of it, the leg meat, to make our dinner. I'll make
the remaining meat into jerky and stock it. It is purely because I want
to increase the amount of preserved food we have, and also to feed
it to our new companion we'll be getting soon to raise her talent

I thinly cut today's portion of meat, sprinkle some salt onto it and
then fry it. At the same time, I bring out our preserved food which is
bread, and cut it in half. Putting the nicely grilled meat on top, I then
add dried tomatoes and heated cheese as toppings.

Although it is a simple meal, it's finished with this; a toasted

sandwich with a one horned rabbit's leg meat inside. In addition, by
boiling some medicinal plants, I prepared an instant tea.

It became a menu that you could enjoy, considering we are camping


"Freya, let's have dinner." (Kearuga)

As I smiled at her, Freya who was watching me cook made a blank

"Kearuga-sama, that's incredible. I was surprised at how great your

skills were." (Freya)
"Well, it's all about getting used to it." (Kearuga)
"It looks so tasty even though it is meat from a monster." (Freya)
"It actually is tasty, if you just eat it, you'll know." (Kearuga)
"But, the poison" (Freya)
"Have faith in me, I've already removed the poison." (Kearuga)

I pass Freya a sandwich with the one horned rabbit's leg meat inside
it. Right now, she is not princess Flare; she is Freya, a convenient
attendant. Therefore, I'll be troubled if I don't raise her status values.

Freya timidly receives the toasted sandwich from me. The violent
charm from the meat's sweet fragrance, the tomato’s freshness, and
the melted cheese makes Freya's stomach start growling.

Considering we walked the whole day and smells this fragrance right
when she's hungry, it can't be helped. While blushing, she continues
staring at the toasted sandwich. That expression is overflowing with
expectation, and it seems that her fear of eating a monster has
blown off.

"Um Kearuga-sama, do we not have knives or forks?" (Freya)

Come to think of it, Freya used to be a princess didn't she. She most
likely doesn't even have the idea of biting into it in her head.

"You eat this kind of food like this." (Kearuga)

Because I can't be bothered to explain it, I show it to her by biting

into the toasted sandwich.

The juices from the leg meat overflow in my mouth. That seducing
taste becomes tightened by the acid in the tomato. (TL Note: Sorry, I

wasn't sure what this meant, here are the raws:
くどくなりがちなそれをトマトの酸味が引き締めた) Although
the bread which was baked until it was really hard to be a preserved
food is hard to eat on its own, the dried out bread together with the
meat juices and cheese make a flavour that is just right. If I were to
explain it in one word, it's delicious.

"So you eat it in that vulgar way. But it still seems delicious." (Freya)

As she says that, Freya bites into the toasted sandwich, although a
bit reserved, her eyes start sparkling as she chews on it. And then…

"Delicious!" (Freya)

She says while having a face that's beaming with joy.

"I didn't know that monsters were delicious, and my stomach doesn't
hurt either. From now on, let's actively continue eating this!" (Freya)

Freya acts like a small animal as she restlessly eats the toasted
sandwich little by little.

"I didn't know that you could make such delicious things with these
ingredients. Kearuga-sama, you're amazing." (Freya)
"Well, I can't make exquisite stuff, but I can do the minimum to have
a good meal while on a trip." (Kearuga-sama)
"That's still plenty, it really is amazing. To think I had even forgotten
Kearuga-sama's cooking skills, I'm a failure as an attendant. I want to
hurry up and get my memories back." (Freya)

For one moment, Freya had a sorrowful face, but she went back to
normal and went back to eating again. She really does eat it
deliciously. That fact made me a bit happy.

After finishing eating, I chose to give her some advice.

"Although I agree that monsters are delicious, don't eat anything
other than the monsters I cook, or else you'll die from the miasma."

Removing the miasma is something that definitely can't be done if

you don't know the method. It is so complex that I can't even explain
it in words. Also, even if someone does know the procedure, the
degree of difficulty for the magic used is too high. For this reason,
this method probably hasn't been spread much to others.

At the very least, I won't be able to eat a monster someone else

prepared because I'll be too scared.

Freya sprouts out her after a meal tea. It was a warning for her
because if I left her alone, she seems likely to try and hunt a monster
herself to eat. Well if I say this much, she probably won't do anything

We spent one night in the forest, and I slept while having one part of
my consciousness stay awake to be on the lookout. Although I did
burn the incense which I purchased in the town and has the effect of
keeping beasts away, the forest at night is scary. There are both
beasts and monsters there. This sleeping while being on guard is
something is a technique that doesn't rely on the abilities I got
from【Imitation Heal】.

When I look at Freya with a sidelong glance, I see that she is sleeping
comfortably without a fragment of wariness. It's probably because
she unusually overused her body, and I thought that it was a bit cute.
(TL Note: NOOOO he better not fall in love with her!!!!)

Today as well, I had fun with Freya's body before going to sleep.
Because her memories are gone, Freya who thinks that I'm her
beloved happily accepts it.

"I'll need to make sure her feelings don't transfer to me." (Kearuga)

Since she became Freya who has no memories, when I see her
innocently yearning for me, my heart becomes disturbed and I
become anxious that my hatred towards Flare might fade away.

I decided to not kill princess Flare, and instead use her as Freya.

I have multiple reasons for that, and the first one, is that she has a
lot of war potential as the hero of magic. She also has the double EXP
for the party she's in, and is a powerful ability that can even have
stacked effects. Rather than killing her, making use of her as a tool is
more humiliating.

So that I can become the strongest, I'm just doing this to princess
Flare to get my revenge. That's why I will use her and make her into a
shield if danger to my body comes my way. I'll use her until the very
last moment, until she's in tattered rags, and then dispose of her. By
no means did I hesitate in killing her.

In the first place, she's only the first person. My revenge still hasn't
finished, he sword and gun heroes are still remaining. Although I can
use those two, I'm going to kill them anyways to not unnecessarily
bother my mind more than it is right now.

The next morning, we removed our campground and departed. As

for our breakfast, I used the remaining meat from yesterday and
made soup.

Before we departed, I checked my status. The monster's factor from

yesterday had adapted into our body, so our physical attack talent
values had increased by 2. Due to that, my physical attack went from
130 to 132, and Freya's went from 70 to 72.

Although it looks like there weren't any big changes, if we continue
to pile it up, it'll become a big change. Although taking in any more of
the one horned rabbit's factor has no meaning, only the types of
monsters which have an adapting factor can make you stronger little
by little. (TL Note: Umm what? Idk what this means, but I think it's
saying that the rabbit monster has an adapting factor which grows
stronger over time?)

The next day, we went at a speed that goes beyond my imagination

and it's thanks to Freya becoming more used to doing physical labor.
Because of that, she was able to show the real power from her
status, and we had reached Ranalitta before the sun had completely

Ranalitta is different from other town because you basically don't

need an identification confirmation, and can easily enter the town.
As we entered the town and started walking around, a carriage
which was going at an unthinkable speed came and just barely
passed us.

Although that was quite dangerous right now, in Ranalitta, it is an

everyday occurrence. When I look at it again, in the cargo part of the
carriage, it is made into a cage, and I could see cat eared girls being
restrained with chains while holding the cage and crying. They most
likely kidnapped them from a demi-human village to sell them as a

I had immediately been overwhelmed by the liveliness and disorder

of this town.

It was different from the square and tidy kingdom townscape,

because this town had disordered building and citizens that only
thought about their own convenience. The sounds of voices
attracting customers or angry roars are always reverberating, and

even though it is the evening, the town continues to shine as an
unsleeping town.

Ranalitta is called by a lot of different popular names, such as the

place where numerous crimes occur and illegal commodities are
being sold, the【Town of Darkness】. The laws established are
unclear, so everything is your own fault and there are always fights
breaking out, which is why it becomes a paradise for stronger
people, the【Town of Survival】. However, for that reason, this
town is the liveliest town which has a lot of money circulating, and
lets you become rich, the【Town of Gold】.

In this town, the prices of lives are cheap, so if you put your guard
down for just a bit, you'll lose everything. To become the one who
takes, it is necessary to be strong and smart, so I'll be the one who

Now then, after I find an inn, I should immediately go to buy a slave.

I'm going to get myself an excellent shield.

Chapter 15
After arriving at Ranalitta, Freya and I searched for an inn.

In the town of Ranalitta, there are many visitors. Adventurers,

criminals and poor villagers who are working away from home. On
top of that, there are merchants and dilettantes that come here
aiming to buy slaves that you can only buy here. There are a great
number of visitors like them, so there are also enough inns to accept
that amount.

Among them, there are inns aimed for poorer people, and inns
aimed for wealthy people. If I think about the amount of money in
my wallet, it would be better to stop at a cheaper inn, but it's better
if I avoid that.

In this town, staying at a cheap inn is scarier than being in the night
forest. It is basically the same as saying "please go ahead and help
yourself to my belongings". Staying at a guest room is also scary, and
there is the possibility that the shopkeeper would also steal.

Freya and I go towards the middle class section from the 3 sections
this town has.

The poor people section where the pauper, ruffians and criminals
live has bad public order, and is overflowing with illegal things. The
sanitation is also not good.

The middle class section where people who have a decent income
live and we can secure the minimum amount of safety and

And finally, the wealthy section where nobles and rich people live. By
donating a large amount of money, you can live in a place that has
beautiful landscape with good security as well.

I decided to pick a somewhat higher priced inn from the middle class
section, based on the amount of money I had and the security.

"Kearuga-sama, I can't wait for the soft futon since in a sleeping bag,
the quality of my sleep is a bit bad." (Freya)
"Certainly, with a sleeping bag you can't relieve your fatigue."

I put on a bitter smile after hearing Freya's words. To think she would
say she had difficulty sleeping after falling sound asleep from her

That being said, this princess hasn't become used to going on a trip.
Today, I'll be able to wash my body with plenty of hot water and
sleep in a soft futon.

That night, thanks to picking a good inn, I was able to relieve my

fatigue. The fee was also more or less necessary, and we couldn't
replace the security.

Freya and I are heading towards the poor people's section to sell my
medicine. Since slaves were quite expensive, I won't be able to buy
one without making money from selling medicine.

Until last night, I was troubled about what type of potion to make.
On the trip to coming here, I gathered absolutely every piece of wild
grass and mushroom that had high medicinal efficacy, but there
would be nothing I could do if I made medicine that didn't sell, so I
decided to not make a potion. However, right now, I've made up my
mind on what I'm going to make, and I'll without a doubt make a
large profit from it.

I remember about yesterday's inn. Even though it is a middle class
inn, I picked one with a higher ranking which was worth it, and it
came with dinner that didn't taste bad.

However, there was one fatal defect about it.

"Kearuga-sama, you said not to drink this water, but why's that?
Although I was happy that you ordered some delicious alcohol, I'm
worried about our travelling fees." (Freya)

With good timing, Freya asked me about the fatal defect and I
choose to answer it.

"Because my eyes are special, they can see bad things, and I can see
that there is poison in the water. I searched into it because I was
curious, and it seems that this town's source of water itself is
polluted. A lot of monsters corpses that carry poison must have sank
upstream, but even if that's not it, something has happened.
Although the poison has become weaker, you'll probably fall ill if
enough of it stores in your body." (Kearuga)

I had felt a sense of discomfort from the water's taste, so I

used【Jade Eyes】to check everything.

At the start, I thought that the shopkeeper had mixed sleeping pills in
it, so that he could take all my possessions at night, which is the
routine welcome in this town. However, I found that this poison was
a monster's poison, and one that doesn't have instant effects.

Therefore, I ordered Freya to not drink the water, and ordered wine
instead. After that, I checked the water from the well and guessed
the cause of it.

"Um, if the water is polluted, wasn't the meal from yesterday

dangerous since it had water in it? Was it okay?" (Freya)
"As long as you pass heat through the weak poison, it's fine. Well

considering it has weakened quite a lot, it'll be fine as long as you
don't take in too much of it. And it doesn't matter too much, because
even if they don't replace the water, in one month it'll probably
settle down." (Kearuga)

Well it seems fine to just leave it alone. The illness you get from this
isn't fatal either, and it doesn't have any long lasting aftereffects

"Phew, I'm relieved. We absolutely shouldn't drink any water that

hasn't had a flame passed through it from this town though." (Freya)
"Well even if there is an outbreak of an illness, it isn't a big deal
anyways, since at most, you'll be bedridden with a fever for 2
months and you'll writhe from the pain that feels like it's stabbing
you all over your body." (Kearuga)
"Wait no, isn't that an extremely big deal!?" (Freya)

Freya starts making an uproar, over such a small problem from taking
in too much poison from monsters. If you look outside, a lot of the
time, you can see a large amount of people getting illnesses, and in
one week, there'll probably be an outbreak of people with serious
illnesses. Most likely a few hundred, no, a few thousand people.

"I thought that this town had a considerable amount of people that
were in an unhealthy condition, but is it possibly" (Freya)
"Ah, yeah, there are quite a lot of people suffering the initial
symptoms from the poison, but considering the water source itself
has been polluted, it's only natural that it happened." (Kearuga)
"Isn't it really bad!?" (Freya)

If it's like this, then I'll be able to relaxingly gain money; indeed, my
luck is great. That reminds me, in my first life, I remember hearing
that an infectious disease had spread widely through Ranalitta, so
this is probably it.

"Kearuga-sama, you are putting on a face that's thinking of
something really evil." (Freya)
"I'm not thinking of anything evil, since I can save everyone by
coming at this timing. I'm just being delighted at that fact." (Kearuga)

After saying that much, it seems that Freya finally realized what I was
planning to do.

"Kearuga-sama, are you able to heal their illness with your potion?"
"Yup, it seems that I can somehow do it." (Kearuga)

I gulp down water from a flask that I had asked the shopkeeper to
prepare before we left the inn. I washed it all down my throat with a
lot of force.

"Eh, Kearuga-sama, why are you drinking the water!?" (Freya)

"I'm fine since I can fix it myself, and I need ingredients to fix this
illness in the first place." (Kearuga)
"Ingredients?" (Freya)
"It's my blood; I'm going to make an antibody by drinking this
poison. Then, I can make the potion by using the antibody which is
inside my blood as a base. That's the quickest and easiest method to
make it." (Kearuga)

【Jade Eyes】, metal tempering magic and【Recovery Heal】. It's

only something that can be done by combining those 3 things

The strange disease which is assaulting the town has an unknown

cause; unknown treatment and the amount of infected people are
unusually high. I was able to get confirm that information yesterday
at the bar room in the inn. Therefore, there is no way that the
remedy for it wouldn't sell.

I concentrate on my body, and strengthen my immunity strength,
which continuously starts making antibodies inside my body. I
accelerate that by using【Transformation Heal】. I extract that by
using metal tempering magic, and also extract the active ingredient
from the medicinal plant which I'm holding. And then, I synthesize it.
I then put the liquid I just made into the water flask that I drank up.

Now then, with this, my potion is complete. On the way, I purchased

30 containers and poured the liquid for an adult male's quantity.

"That's amazing Kearuga-sama, if you heal this illness with an

unknown cause, you'll be this town's hero!" (Freya)
"I don't plan on being a hero, and I don't plan on naming myself this
medicine's producer either. However, I do plan on using as much
medicine as I can." (Kearuga)
"No way, if you name yourself, you'll get praised by everyone and
you can get money and honour… Kearuga-sama, you're too humble.
You are such a man of character!" (Freya)

To that, I put on a bitter smile. Although I won't deny it since it's too
troublesome, Freya is making too big of a misunderstanding. I'm
100% only thinking about myself while doing this.

Selling medicine that can heal an unknown, spreading disease which

also doesn't have a proper treatment for it is just a lump of profit. If I
can get monopoly in selling it, it can become a terrifying amount of
money. However, it also has the same meaning as danger because
those guys who have money and influence will use all their power to
capture the producer, so that they can monopolize the medicine to
gain more money and influence.

Those guys without money are also dangerous, because they'll try to
take the medicine and might even kill to take it for their own life or
an important person's life.

No matter how many lives I have, it still won't be enough. If people
say that "a medicine that treats the strange disease was made on the
main road" and keep buying, my shop will fall to ruin without lasting
a day.

A convenient power is always a double edged sword. That fact was

beat into me to the point until I hated it in my first life.

A business that handles lives risks your own life, which means the
maximum caution is necessary when selling. I had thought up a
method that will let me comfortably and safely make a large killing.
Now then, let's hurry to the poor people's section.

Chapter 16
We enter the poor people's section, and notice that the townscape
has completely changed. Even the smell has changed, and the stench
of something rotten sticks to my nose.

The poor people's section handles the illegal good, and what we're
heading towards is the shop which handles illegal commodities. If we
go there, we can find people who have money in these slums, or the
people who deliver illegal commodities to the rich people.

"Freya, be careful, since it's not weird whenever you get assaulted
here. In this place, you'll only be seen as an attractive commodity
and although enslaving humans is illegal; this town's people think it
doesn't really matter to them." (Kearuga)

Freya is an extraordinary beauty, and even though she is wearing

something that was bought only thinking about practical use in a
journey, she can't hide that beautiful face. Since earlier, I had been
putting awareness into the sword that was hanging down from my
back; it's the manners for when you're walking through this section.

"Yes, Kearuga-sama. I will not fall behind ordinary people." (Freya)

Freya hits her chest with a slap and makes a smile full of confidence.
At her level, there shouldn't be a problem unless there is quite a
strong opponent, but that is only if they fight directly in front of her,
fair and square.

Since I finished warning her, hasten our legs to reach our destination.
I then abruptly force my legs to stop, pull out my sword from my
back latch, while still keeping it in its scabbard, and thrust it while
aiming for Freya's face.

"Hii-" (Freya)

Looking at the scabbard of the sword which drew close to her, Freya
raises a scream. My thrust just barely passes by her face, and strikes
between the brows of a scrawny person.

"Gyaaaa, that huuuurts, it huuuuurts" (Scrawny Person)

He was holding a cloth in his hands, and it was giving off the smell of
drugs. It's evidently clear what he was trying to do.

"Freya, be more cautious from next time. Next time, I'll train you in
some close-combat and even though you're a magician which makes
you incapable of getting those sorts of abilities, it is still better to
learn the techniques. After all, even though you're a rearguard, if the
distance is shortened, it'll be troubling if you're not able to stall time
until the vanguard comes." (Kearuga)
"… That's true. To think that I would get my back taken so easily.
Kearuga-sama, please teach me close-combat techniques." (Freya)

This time's opponent was a professional that was quite familiar with
it, and it can't be helped she wasn't able to sense his presence,
especially when she is naturally an amateur at anything non-magic
related. He was probably one of those guys who came to kidnap
people from rich families who came to buy a slave because they saw
a scary person. It seems Freya had become scared or something, so
she held onto my sleeve and although it is a bit of a nuisance, it
should be fine if it's just for today. I continue walking while smiling at

Freya and I had reached our destination, but we just watched people
without spreading out sheets or anything.

Since before, I had been using【Jade Eyes】on everyone to search

for a sitting duck.

During that time, I chased away people who were trying to make
passes at Freya, but still kept my ears clear. It seems that the strange
disease had become a topic even in the poor people's section.

If it's like this, my business should be easy to do. And finally, the duck
had come.

That person enters a certain shop that deals in illegal commodities

which was right in front of me.

He seems to be a merchant that has a good amount of influence, and

also has a guard to escort him. That merchant has a peculiar
atmosphere around him, and I can understand what kind of person
he is.

In addition, that perfume he is using is popular with the wealthy

people, and is quite expensive. If he wasn't doing business with
wealthy people as his main job, he wouldn't have put on this
perfume. If this kind of merchant is coming to buy an illegal
commodity, I can speculate that he is a broker that sells them to the

Also, that merchant and the escort seem to have gotten the first
symptoms of the illness; to think that I would be able to meet
someone who has reached the conditions I was looking for so
quickly. As I thought, my luck is good.

Around the time I finished the business discussion with Freya, the
merchant and his escorts left the shop. Freya stands right in front of
them, and gives them a message that we had previously planned.

"The fine looking uncle over there, I have a good story for you."

The merchant and the escort stops moving their legs, and it seems
that they became fascinated by Freya's beauty.

The reason I made Freya do the talking is for this reason, because if I
talk to them, they won't even stop moving, and the negotiation
won't even be able to establish. However, if it was a beautiful girl like
Freya, as long as the other part is a man, they would stop their feet
and listen to her story.

"What a beautiful woman. Your skin's glosses, your elegant manner,

are you a daughter of a reputable noble?" (Merchant)

I become a bit surprised; as one would expect of a merchant. He was

able to see through her lineage even though she is in this
appearance. To that, Freya simply smiles without giving an
affirmation of denial.

"I have come to bring you a get rich quick scheme." (Freya)
"That is quite interesting, I had thought you were a child that was
playing around and came to ask me for some playing money… but to
think it would be a negotiation. Will you let me hear it out?"

The merchant is looking at Freya and I with lukewarm eyes, and is

probably thinking that this is just children playing house. However,
because the possibility she is a noble's daughter is high, he can't flat
out reject it.

"We'll stand out in this place, so let's move somewhere else." (Freya)
"Haha, you're quite earnest. But that's fine; we can go to my favorite
shop. I'll hear your negotiation there." (Merchant)

Like that, we left as a four person group. The shop the merchant
guided us looked like any other shop in the poor people's district
from the outside, but the store interior was clean and well

He ordered a few people's portions of milk tea which he said was his
treat. Freya is looking my way, and thanks to her, we were able to
start a negotiation, so now it's my turn. I'll hit him hard right from
the start.

"What we call our get rich quick scheme, is to sell medicine that
cures the strange disease that spread in this town "only to you". If
it's a merchant of your caliber, then you should understand the
meaning of that." (Kearuga)

The moment he heard that, the merchant's expression changed.

However, it immediately changed into a sarcastic laughter.

"Oh, that's incredible. You're saying you children have the medicine
to cure the strange illness that all the doctors and healing magicians
in this town gathered together still can't cure. It's as if you're making
a bad joke." (Merchant)

Freya and I have only just become 14 so in their perspective, we still

look like kids. It's the reaction I was expecting. (TL Note: Oh myy 14
or 15, which is it? First it was 15, then 14, then 15 again, and now it's

"Although there is no helping it that you doubt us, it's the truth. We
were born in the west, and over there, there are techniques and
medicine they've developed which are different from here. Because
of that, I'm able to make it; the specific medicine for this illness."

I then line up the subdivisions of medicine I had in my pouch.

"Fumu, so that's the medicine huh. However, where is the evidence

that it's the real thing" (Merchant)
"Shouldn't you be able to know if you drink it by yourself? After all,
you and your escort are both going through the first symptoms of
this disease. In a not too distant future, you'll collapse because of a

high fever, and you'll writhe in pain that runs across your whole
body." (Kearuga)

While smoothly talking about that like it's nothing, I smile at him,
which in turn makes the merchant's face pull back.

"I have not fallen ill or anything" (Merchant)

"You have. Because in reality, you do have some knowledge of it
right? Your body is strangely sluggish. Pain sometimes runs across
your feet's pinky. Only the right half of your body is cold. All of these
things are the first symptoms of this strange disease. The people who
hadn't collapsed yet all were in this condition. Since you are a
merchant, you should know about this with your good ears."

His words get stuck in his throat. It's not like he isn't self-conscious
about it, but it's just that he doesn't want to admit it.

"If that medicine is the real thing, I would pay as much money as you
want. So I'll just ask you this only for reference, but how much do
you want?" (Merchant)

It's not like he believed me, but it's more like he wants to at least
cling on a piece of straw. The terminal symptoms for this strange
disease are disastrous, and if you see the real thing even once, you
would think that you don't want to become like that.

"You're quite hasty, but let's do the fee negotiation afterwards. First,
I'll give you two of them as a test to make our trust." (Kearuga)

I hand over two potions to him, and the merchant swallows the
saliva in his mouth.

The meaning of giving him two, is telling him to first use it on the
escort. To drink medicine that a suspicious person suddenly handed

is completely impossible for this merchant. To show him the effect of
this medicine, it's necessary to give him the escort's portion as well.

The merchant notices my intention, and lets the escort drink the
medicine. His face that was losing color regained its vitality, and the
escort becomes absent minded for a few minutes, until finally raising
a surprised voice.

"My body is light, and my sluggishness has been blown off. When
was the last day I had this refreshing feeling!?" (Escort)

The potion which was enchanted had quite high instant effects and
on top of that, I added in a few adjustments. It also had the effect of
an enhancement medicine which I added to show a more dramatic
effect. Thanks to that, it makes the person who took it think that
their body suddenly became better.

The merchant who was checking out the condition of his escort also
gulped down the medicine. After a while, he looks up and closes his
eyes. By the time the effect of the medicine showed, both his eyes
and mouth was open.

"Oh, I see now, this medicine certainly is the real deal, and I
understand that we were having the initial symptoms. However I do
want to know if this medicine works on people who have gotten the
terminal symptoms." (Merchant)
"Yes, I guarantee it. … Now then, since you've confirmed the effects
of the medicine, let's return to our first discussion. We are thinking
that it's fine to sell this medicine "only to you"." (Kearuga)

I emphasis the "only to you" part.

The merchant gulps down his saliva. By now, in a terrific speed, his
mind should have completed a plan of how much money he'll gain,
who to sell it to, and how much political power he could gain from
his negotiations.

"Although the medicine is good, are you able to sell the recipe as
well?" (Merchant)

Well it's only obvious that that would come, because after all, that
one is more of a delicious deal.

"That is something I can't do, because it's a secret recipe passed

down through my family. Additionally, it's a high-level recipe that
requires precise magic ability, and the ingredients aren't something
that can be found in this country. That's why, even if I do give you
the recipe, it won't produce anything." (Kearuga)

Although the first half of it was a complete lie, the second half is
true. My body is able to create antibodies for it, but normal humans
aren't able to create antibodies that can counteract a monster's

Also, alchemy magic is a unique magic that only people who have an
extremely rare class, the alchemist class can use. Without that, you
won't be able to synthesize a potion of that level.

The merchant looks towards the guard. Well I knew it was coming
anyways, so I'll pin him down with a nail.

"It'll be better if you don't do that, because I'm stronger than him.
It'll just result in wrecking our negotiation and either way, if I can't go
outside to buy the ingredients, I won't be able to make the
medicine." (Kearuga)
"Hahaha, what exactly do you mean by 'that'?" (Merchant)

The merchant puts on a forced smile and tells a barefaced lie.

"I would be happy if it was just some unnecessary concern. Well

then, let's start our negotiations then. First off, I have 28 potions on
hand right now." (Kearuga)

"Would I be able to ask the price properly" (Merchant)
"A gold coin for each potion." (Kearuga)

One gold coin is an amount that a day laborer earns in one month, so
it is expensive to use for one potion. However…

The merchant shows ridicule towards me for just a moment, but I

guess it is only normal. It is too cheap for this potion, considering
that if you sell it to the right person, it'll sell for one or two digits

"That will be fine, so I will be buying all of it. However, with just this,
it's not at all enough, so I would like you to prepare more, but I will
buy what has already been prepared. How much time would it take
to create more potions?" (Merchant)
"If you give me 2 days, then I'll be able to prepare some more. So
how about we meet in this shop 2 days from now in the evening?"
"Well that will be something to look forward to. I'll make sure to
bring a bag tightly packed with gold coins." (Merchant)

The merchant happily smiles, and I then tell him one important

"By the way, although we made the deal of one gold coin for each
potion this time, I can't sell it to you for the same price next time
because this time was just for building up our trust." (Kearuga)

The merchant's smile gets pulled off. He must have been thinking
that each time from now it would only be one gold coin for each

"How much do you want for the second time?" (Merchant)

"I will leave that price for you to decide, but include half the amount
of profit you get from selling it. If you choose to pull insincere acts, I

will never sell medicine again to you, and I can just sell it using a
different method." (Kearuga)

The merchant must have had various conflicts going on in his head.
Selling it and being insincere to get more money is easy, but in the
case it is found out, this method of definitely earning a lot of money
would just go to waste. But since he can get an enormous amount of
money even with his income being halved…

From the start, would the man in front of him sell this to another
merchant, or possibly it might be better to capture him by sneak
attacking him in our second negotiation.

"Well then, I'll be looking forward to our next meeting." (Kearuga)

I stand up because there is nothing more to talk about. The merchant

says goodbye while having various expectations in his head.

After parting with the merchant, I went towards the shop from

"Kearuga-sama, why are you giving that merchant your medicine

instead of selling it yourself? Wouldn't it be more profitable if you
sold it yourself? (Freya)

Freya asks me a question while having a curious face.

"We are on a journey to save the world, so we don't have the free
time to be tending to a shop. It's better to leave those kinds of things
to a professional merchant." (Kearuga)
"That's true, as expected of Kearuga-sama, you really don't have any
greed!" (Freya)

I tell her an ostensible reason. While that reason is part of it, the
number one reason is for safety. As the amount of people who know

that I can make medicine increase, the danger increases, so the
current situation where only one person knows I can make the
medicine is nice. Also, that merchant will probably try to hide my
existence to monopolize the medicine which can lead him to great

Thus, I have no personal connections to safely sell this medicine to.

Although I want to sell my small amount of medicine to someone
who'll pay me a high amount, I need connections to do that. For this
merchant who takes care of illegal commodities, he has a lot of
connections in the underworld community which means he can
properly sell it at a high price to the appropriate person. In addition,
he can do that while also keeping my secret safe, and is a process
that is definitely impossible for me.

If I think about all this labor, the best thing I can do is to pass on all
the risk to the merchant.

Of course, there is the chance that that merchant could be driven by

greed and try to capture me, there is a limit in how much fighting
power one merchant can gather while trying to do it secretly. It'll be
much easier than taking on all the people in this town.

That being said, I would like to avoid troublesome things, so if I sense

a disturbing presence in the meeting place for our second meeting,
I'm planning to just leave.

"Now then, we've finally reached the shop from before." (Kearuga)
"Ah, now that you mention it, I didn't hear you saying anything
about buying something else. What exactly are you going to buy?"
"A slave." (Kearuga)

I answer her question while smiling sweetly. I have the gold coins on
hand which I earned just a while ago, and it is a day laborers total

amount they gain in two years. It's a reasonable price for a slave.
Now then, I'll use【Jade Eyes】to find the number one slave in this
shop and buy it. The slave I'm going to buy is a woman with high
talent values, and the level limit can just be increased casually since
that slave is a woman. While holding expectation in my chest, I
entered the shop.

(TL Note: So let me guess, he's going to buy a slave that has some
kind of illness or something which makes it really cheap, and once he
heals her she becomes a really beautiful girl or something right? Well
I don't know, but it'll prob be something like that.)

Chapter 17
Freya asks me what I'm going to buy in the poor people's section.
Since there is no meaning to hide it anyways, I honestly tell her I'm
going to buy a slave, which makes Freya frown.

"… A slave you say?" (Freya)

"You don't like it huh." (Kearuga)
"But don't you just feel sorry for slaves. Stealing their freedom and
forcibly ordering them around." (Freya)

I unintentionally burst into laughter after hearing that. Even though

she did lose her memories, to think that she of all people would say

"That's true, but it's tragic for the slaves that couldn't be sold, or
were bought by strange customers you know. I'm nice, so the slave I
buy will be able to live as a slave that's happier than the others. I
guess you can call that an act of mercy in some way." (Kearuga)
"I do agree with you about that, but why a slave of all people? Isn't
an adventurer better at fighting than a slave?" (Freya)

I shake my head after hearing that, because recruiting an adventurer

is only something someone out of their mind would do.

"Unlike Freya who loves me dearly and obeys me, adventurers take
actions for their own convenience. You don't know when they'll
leave, and the reward money is high. In addition, what I'm looking
for is not their current strength, but their talent. So in the end,
picking a slave who hears me out and has talent is the best option."

Humans don't take actions for others satisfaction, and only do things
for their own convenience. Stopping that is impossible.

It's possible if I erase their personality and train them with hypnosis
like Freya, but I've already made a rule not to do inhumane things to
people other than my targets for revenge.

That's why the only choice is to pick a slave that isn't selfish. Adding
onto that, demi-humans generally have higher talent values than

It depends on their race as well, but demi-humans have an average

total talent value of 400, whereas humans have a total value of 300.
However, demi-humans have a trait of having a low level limit, so
humans usually are stronger if both are compared at their utmost

"I understand. It's something necessary for Kearuga-sama to save the

world, so I'll help you pick a good child with you." (Freya)

Freya tightly grips and makes a fist. Freya has recently been too
obedient and it is unpleasant. With that voice and the attitude that
she takes, my condition goes out of order.

It would be troublesome and annoying if she puts on a cheeky

attitude, but this attitude is also quite complicated. Right now when
she doesn't have any experiences that can decide her personality, in
one way, you could call this Freya's most pure state.

Is this what princess Flare's original face was like? No, there's no way
that's possible, and she's probably just trying to butter up to me.
There is no change in the fact that I'm going to use her until she
breaks. Well it's fine; I should enter the shop for now.

I entered a famous shop for the people in the underworld which is

located in the poor people's section.

This shop was made for high class customers, so considering it's in
the poor people's section, it's the interior is quite wide and clean. It
also has the characteristic of having a lot of bodyguards.

Although they are guarding the high priced goods, they were
probably hired to prevent the slaves from escaping. In this shop, they
are train kidnapped demi-humans, and sell them as slaves, so of
course some of them would try and escape. That's why they need
guards that are strong at fighting.

"Welcome. Our dear customers, what kind of merchandise are you

searching for today?" (Employee)

An elderly employee called out to me. Although he is putting on a

smile, he doubts me about whether I'm here to window shop.

"I came to go to the basement." (Kearuga)

In the first floor of this shop, stolen goods, illegal drugs, magic tools
that were made from a prohibited recipe and so on are lined up, and
in the basement, the slaves have been lined up. My objective is to
buy a slave from the basement.

"I beg your pardon, but my dear customer… how much do you have
on hand?" (Employee)

While staying silent, I hand him a small bag filled with gold coins.
Inside that bag, the majority of my whole fortune, 32 gold coins, and
sundry other copper coins. From the start, I had 4 gold coins for my
travelling expenses, and it amounted to this much after earning the
28 gold coins earlier.

"Excuse me for that. Please come this way." (Employee)

A slave’s price is usually around 20 to 30 gold coins and if they come

with an appraiser, it becomes a bit more expensive. If it's the amount
I have now, then there'll be no problem whatsoever.

The existence called a slave is convenient, and is expensive
considering the price is the income of a manual laborer after 2 years.
For this reason, those guys that go slave hunting appear as they
would think of demi-humans as quite good prey. (TL Note: The raws
don't say demi-humans, but I'm pretty sure that's what the author is
saying anyways. Also the slave hunters aren't actual hunters, but
they hunt for demi-humans to turn into slaves, but the raws just put
slave hunters, so I'll keep it as that.)

Well then, it'd be fine if there are good slaves but….

We arrive at the basement. Both sides of the wall have been made
into a cage, and demi-humans with various different races were
restrained with chains. Some have eyes filled with resentment, and
some are trembling with fear; various different types.

Incense was consistently being burned. It's to remove the smell of

the demi-humans.

To preserve the worth of this shop's commodities, they care about

the sanitation. However, because of the fear, many have urinary
incontinence or vomit from the stress of the change in environment.
In this place, it's not weird for those kinds of things to happen at any

So that the customers become unpleasant from them, they

strengthen the smell of the incense. … But of course, that smell just
becomes more stress for the sensitive demi-humans.

"Does our dear customer have knowledge about magic? If you do,
then we'll prioritize the demi-humans who have revealed their 'true
name' for you." (Employee)
"I can use magic, but I want to see all of the demi-humans. There is
no need to choose from the prioritized ones." (Kearuga)

I shake my head. True name. That is something that all living beings
apart from humans have, and is a name that is engraved into their

The slave magic which uses that true name is something that the
humans developed. If you use that true name, then you'll be able to
manipulate a demi-human as much as you want. This is one of the
major causes as to why the humans were able to win the war against
the demi-humans.

Demi-humans never speak of their 'true name', but because the

slaves which are easier to use are sold for a better price, the
kidnapped demi-humans go through torture to try and get their true
name from them.

The employee and I slowly walk while looking through the demi-

"How are they my dear customer? Have you found a child that you
like? Today's recommendation is a young man from the white tiger
race, a boy from the sand dog race and a woman from the moon cat
race. The white tiger race boasts of their strength and the sand dog
race has physical strength, so they won't break even if you overuse
them. The moon cat race is the most suitable to accompany you in
the night." (Employee)

While ignoring the employee's explanation, I use【Jade Eyes】to

peek into the demi-humans talent values.

We've gone one lap around the room, and with this, I've seen all the
slaves in this shop.

"There isn't really one that stands out for me." (Kearuga)

Out of the demi-human men, there was a monster which was
vanguard orientated, and was in the latter half of 400. (TL Note:
Talent Value)

However, using the hero's skill 'increasing someone’s level limit by

giving them body fluids' is extremely hard to use towards a man.

It's not particularly necessary to use semen, but the probability drops
terribly low. Semen with high concentration has a near 100%
probability of increasing someone's level limit, but blood or anything
else only has a success rate of happening 1 out of 100 times.

It's possible to give a man semen, but I wouldn't voluntarily do it. I

can take it in consideration if their talent value is overwhelmingly
high, but…

"That's unfortunate. It seems that there was no demi-human that

passes in your judgment. By the way, were you looking for a sex slave
this time? Or else a manual labor slave? Or was it possibly a combat
slave?" (Employee)
"A combat slave." (Kearuga)

Once I said that, I was brought over to the male slave I had my eye
on before, the giant white tiger race. (TL Note: There was also the
word public relations in the raws, but I wasn't sure how to fit it in the
sentence. 俺がそう言うと、俺がさきほど目を付けた男奴隷。

Unfortunately however, he is not needed. I guess I'll go search in

another shop. Wait, no, it's strange.

"What are you doing with the demi-humans who have diseases in
this shop?" (Kearuga) (TL Note: I called it!! Now all that's left is for
the employee to sell it to him cheaply.)

With the disease spreading this much in the town, there's no way all
the demi-humans in this shop are safe. The ones who have fallen ill
must have been isolated in another room so they wouldn't spread
the disease.

"Since it's not good if an accident happens to our customers or other

merchandise, we keep the【Damaged Goods】isolated elsewhere."
"Are you able to show them to me as well?" (Kearuga)

Since I'm able to cure the illness, I have no problem with【Damaged


"… I think it'll be better if you don't, because it's not really a pleasant
thing." (Employee)

From this man's way of speaking, I can basically see what the
circumstances are for the isolated demi-humans. It seems they've
been given considerably horrible treatment.

"Please, I want to see as many demi-humans as I can, even if there

are only a few." (Kearuga)

I somehow persuade the hesitant employee, and walk inside the

room where the isolated slaves are.

The moment I entered the room, my face screwed up. This is quite
horrible. To start with, various things have been thrown out, and the
smell is intense.

A few demi-humans that are going through the terminal symptoms

of the strange disease come into view. Tormented from the pain
coursing through their whole body, they raise screams while

It's not just that. There were also many demi-humans who had
external wounds which weren't from the disease. Although this is
just my assumption, they are probably the demi-humans who were
being rebellious, or the ones who didn't say their true name until the
very end.

"I'm very sorry my dear customer. There is a room which is a bit

better further away, so let's start looking from there." (Employee)
"Yes, I understand." (Kearuga)

He said that it was better further away. That room probably has
demi-humans that were decided to still have room for rehabilitation,
or can get back their commodity value by treating them.

I wonder how cruel humans can get. While looking at the demi-
humans who are going through pain and despair, I think about that
kind of thing.

The room I was guided to was, as expected, better than the room I
was in a bit earlier. There is also a full set of the minimum necessities
for treating illnesses or wounds. But in this room, there still wasn't a
demi-human which passed my judgment.

After telling the employee there wasn't a slave whom I wanted, we

returned to the room filled with slaves that were planned to be
disposed of.

There are around 10 people in this room, and they were in tragic
conditions. However, there wasn't a demi-human that could be
called a hit.

The last one, once I thought that, my eyes were drawn to one girl.
That girl was just silently sitting down.

It's a child from the ice wolf race. She was a girl that had just about
every part of her white; her hair, her skin, her wolf ears and her tail.

Her age was 1, 2 years younger than I am. Although she has become
thin and weak, even then, she is still beautiful.

The surprising thing is, her symptoms from the strange disease are
severe, and she is enduring the pain which would make a grown up
cry and shout while looking at our direction.

My legs unintentionally move towards her.

"My dear customer, she is a failure. We used the appraiser on her to

sell her expensively because she was quite strong, but she's already
reached the level limit. It was our first time seeing someone only has
a limit of 7." (Employee)

Even though an appraiser can't find their level limit, if the person has
already reached their limit, there is a ☆ next to their level so they are
able to tell if they have hit their limit. A level limit of 7 is abnormally
low, even in demi-human standards. However, that won't be a minus
for me, especially if it's a beautiful girl. (TL Note: Erm… girl as in
young lady… idk what you're thinking, but he isn't going after any
kids ok!)

"In the first place, she has a severely frenzied behavior. She wouldn't
cough up her true name no matter what we do; she can't be used in
battle, and can't even be sold as a slave since she doesn't listen to
what you say, so when we tried to at least make her remember a
man, she broke off the nether regions of an animal trainer with her
kick." (Employee)

I become absent minded, and then laugh. She's a strong willed child.
On her neck, a slave's collar is coiled around it.

That is a physical restraint developed for demi-human use, and has
the effect of scattering the gathered mana, and the effect of making
them feel a sense of fatigue so they can't move properly. In addition,
it's a troublesome thing that makes and intense pain run through
their body if they try to injure a human.

To think she can withstand the pain from the illness and still resist
even after going through all of this, it's definitely not something
someone with ordinary emotional strength can do. Her spirit is
strong and although it's hard to handle, it'll be useful once I can
manage it.

Above all, the thing that caught my attention the most were the eyes
that are staring at the employee and I. Those blue eyes looked like
beautiful jewels, and there were deeply held resentment that was
darker than the depths of hell. She detests something, that she just
can't help it hating it.

Once the employee and I get close to her, she spring out and extends
her hand. Although the collar has a chain, it is just barely the
distance for her hand to reach. She must have been enduring the
urge to assault until the moment her hand could reach. She has
fortitude and a smart brain. I'm getting more and more pleased with

"【Shut】!" (Employee)

The employee cries out, which makes the slave collar violently close,
and the ice wolf girl collapses. While having rough breaths, the
employee kicks at the ice wolf girl, over and over again.

"You! You! Even though we paid a high amount of money to buy you
because you were a rare ice wolf! You're level limit is trash! You
don't listen to anyone! You're about to drop dead from the disease!

We had a huge loss because of you! Die! Someone like you should
just die!" (Employee)

There was no pain or fear in the girl's eyes, and there was only
hatred in it. Rather than this man's kicks, the pain from the strange
disease is much stronger, but it's only obvious.

I put power into my【Jade Eyes】.


Race: Ice Wolf

Name: Setsuna
Class: Ice Wolf Warrior
Level: 7☆
MP: 27/27
Physical Attack: 20
Physical Defense: 15
Magical Attack: 20
Magical Resistance: 15
Speed: 21

Level Limit: 7
Talent Values:
MP: 76
Physical Attack: 105
Physical Defense: 71
Magical Attack: 106
Magical Resistance: 71
Speed: 108
Total Talent Value: 537

• Spirit Magic (Ice) Lv2

• Werewolf Close Combat Techniques Lv2

• Ice Spirit's Follower Lv2: Divine protection of the ice spirit. Increase in
automatic MP recovery, increase in accuracy and power of spirit magic (ice).

• Ice Wolf King's Lineage Lv2: Physical ability increase. Increase in power of
werewolf close combat techniques. You are able to make a child that is clad
in a aura of ice.


Although her age seems to be around 12 to 13 years old, since demi-

humans become an adult early, she's already awakened to her class.

Nevertheless… she's strong. A high speed attacker skilled in both

fields. Her total talent value has surpassed the average. Even though
an average demi-human is around 400, a value surpassing 500 is
excellent. Besides, her special class, ice wolf warrior, isn't bad either.

Her fatally low level limit of 7 can be compensated by me as well.

"I would appreciate it if you could stop hurting that child. This child
will become mine now." (Kearuga)

I grab the shoulder of the employee who was pouring down insults
while kicking the persistent ice wolf and stop his assault.

"Are you sane? It's impossible to make this child listen to what you
say. Besides, she's infected by a disease as well." (Employee)
"There'll be no problem as long as I pay the money right?" (Kearuga)
"Well we're fine with that, but we won't receive returned good later
on." (Employee)
"I won't do something like returning her. If you want, I could write a
written oath?" (Kearuga)

Something like me returning this child is absolutely impossible,
because she is the same as I am. She has a deep, deep hatred which
continues going forever.

Until now, this girl didn't say her "true name" no matter what torture
she faced, but she'll probably reveal her "true name" if I hint at her
revenge. She'll absolutely not be able to win against the temptation
of revenge. That's why I…

I approach the ice wolf girl and whisper quietly near her ear so that
the employee isn't able to hear.

"I'll buy you, and if you follow me, you can have your revenge. You
hate them don't you. That's why you should shut up and follow me."

The girl looks at my face, and for a small moment of time, for only a
small moment of time, she smiled.

And then, the girl lost consciousness.

Until now, this girl was enduring much past her limits from suffering
because of the pain and high fever of the strange disease, and the
slave collar which was tightening her neck. From the interruption in
her mental strain, her consciousness immediately dropped.

After that, we pay the gold coins and leave the shop. Originally, she
would have been an extremely expensive slave.

The fact that she's an ice wolf which is powerful and rare, she is a
beautiful girl, she's a virgin, she comes with an appraiser and so her
pluses are too much.

If it was a slave with all of those extras, they would probably cost
around 50 gold coins, but because she's【Damaged Goods】, and

it's a trouble to take care of her, they sold it to me for 20 gold coins
which was cheaper than the market price.

As long as her true name isn't revealed, the employee pressed me to

at least keep her slave collar to restrain her, but I don't need that
kind of thing. This is because she owns better chains than that, which
are the chains of revenge.

I return to the inn while carrying the ice wolf in a princess carry.
Well, I was able to do some good shopping. Although she is also good
as a meat shield with splendid abilities, I have an interest in other
people's revenge. The moment she kills the person she hates just as
she wanted to, I wonder what kind of face she'll have at that
moment. I want to see that scene.

She's going to become one of my important pieces. After I cure her

and heal her physical strength, I'll get her true name out of her while
suggesting to make a contract with a demon while using revenge as

As the kind person I am, I plan to lend a hand for her revenge. The
strength of the unconcealable hatred; it seems like it'll be quite an
enjoyable thing. Now, what will come I wonder. I was looking
forward to it so much that I just couldn't help it.

Chapter 18
We returned to our inn after buying my ideal slave. The ice wolf race
girl that I bought has a high total talent value which exceeds 500, and
there is nothing to criticize about the distribution. That distribution
really helps me out, because although I am able to change my own
distribution, it's hard to tamper with other people's distribution.

Furthermore, her abilities and skills are excellent, and she's hiding
the best talent possible.

It's also great that she's a beautiful girl, which makes the process of
raising her level easier. Guys are out of the question from the start,
but I would also hesitate if it was an ugly girl.

I take off her clothes while she is lying down on the bed, but it isn't
to assault her, it's to take care of her.

Using hot water and a cloth that I had prepared, I wipe her body. She
probably wasn't able to properly clean her body these few days,
considering the cloth is becoming blacker. Nevertheless, it seems she
wasn't able to eat anything nutritious, because she is surprisingly
skinny. Once it gets to this much, a normal person would already lose
strength. I don't get excited over skin and bones. (TL Note: Haha I
love how this just came out of nowhere)

After cleaning her body, I put her clothes back on and obviously; they
are new clothes that I bought for her.

"Now, I should first restore her health back to the minimum amount
necessary.【Recovery Heal】" (Kearuga)

I use【Recovery Heal】on the ice wolf race girl. I heal her external
wounds, restore her fallen physical strength, and at the same time, I
read her memories.

"Hou, I see, so this is her wish. Rejoice Setsuna. I will grant your
wish." (Kearuga)

The reason I read her memories is to make our discussion when she
wakes up easier to do. As long as you know the other person's
memories, it's a simple job to guide their thoughts. I confirmed it;
this child will come to desire me from herself.

I purposely left the strange disease with her, and only restored her
physical strength to the minimum. These are necessary things for the
"play". (TL Note: Play as in production… I don't know what kind of
"play" you're thinking about…)

Well, I might as well make her owe me a favor. I put a specially

made, medicinal congee, which had the potion that healed the
strange disease, mixed in the physical restoring potion and also
added in ingredients that had plenty of nutrients, and fed it mouth to
mouth to Setsuna who is currently unconscious. (TL Note: Congee is
a type of rice porridge.)

2 days later, Freya and I came back to the inn from the shop we went
to before. Today was the day to negotiate with the merchant we're
selling our medicine to. And surprisingly, the negotiation ended

I completely thought that he would prepare plenty of soldiers to

kidnap us at our meeting place, and then use Freya as a hostage to
get the secret of the medicine, but I guess I was worrying over

"That was unexpected. To think that that merchant hadn't set up

anything." (Kearuga)
"Isn't that fine, we got this much money anyways. If we live a

modest lifestyle, we can live for the rest of our lives with this much."

Inside the small bag that Freya is holding, there are 300 gold coins in
it. That merchant gave us ten gold coins for each potion; it's not a
bad price. He must have had the confidence he could sell it for
double the price. 300 gold coins is the amount of income a day
laborer would get in 30 years.

"If I was an ordinary person that is. But since I'm going on a trip to
save the world, that amount would end up being used for one magic
sword and a robe." (Kearuga)

A weapon with mana residing in it costs an absurd amount of money;

costing a few hundred gold coins is normal. Also, to increase my
chance of survival, I want clothes that have high defense and is light.
As I think about that, I become unsure whether 300 gold coins are

"You just have to earn some more money. It's a fantastic thing to be
earning money while saving people's lives!" (Freya)

I put on a bitter smile. Freya thinks that I can only make 30 potions in
1 day, but if I wanted to, I could prepare much more. I'm
intentionally only making 30 a day because if I want to sell it at a high
price, than I should keep it at this amount.

In one way, I'm letting other people who I could have saved die for
the sake of my own profits.

Well it's not necessary to say that out loud though. After all, the
other person thinks of me as a hero who's going to save the world.

Now then, I should check out how my other companion is going. I

head towards the room with a bed.

Freya and I look at the ice wolf girl who is lying down on the bed.

"This girl still hasn't woken up it seems." (Freya)

"She was weakened after all." (Kearuga)

If it wasn't this girl, it wouldn't have been weird if they died from it. It
has been 2 days since she's come here, and she still hasn't woken up
yet, but I used【Recovery Heal】earlier to make her wake up in a
few minutes. That's the best and most convenient timing, since I
need an urgent situation for my play.

"I think she'll wake up in a just a bit more, since her strange disease
has already been cured." (Kearuga)

She's currently going through the phase of healing her weakened

body. Inside a pot, I put in a physical strength restoring potion and
mashed up ingredients that have plenty of nutrients, and heat it up
with alchemy magic. With this, the physical strength restoring potion
congee has been completed. I put that into my mouth, and feed it to
her mouth-to-mouth.

In these two days, I've been repeating this every day. There is no
other way to give nutrients to a bedridden person apart from this.

The ice wolf girl's throat moves, and she swallows the physical
strength restoring potion congee. Unusually, her white wolf ears
start moving, and her ice blue eyes open.

"Nn-!?" (Setsuna)

She who had woken up let out a surprised voice, and hit my cheek
with her palm. If I tried to avoid it, I could have, but I chose the
option of not avoiding it.

While jumping on my own accord crashing, I make it look like I

received damage. The girl glares at me, and opens her mouth.

"This man, what is he doing to Setsuna!" (Setsuna) (TL Note: Not
good with translating someone talking in 3rd person, so please
forgive me when she says "I" in the dialogue. She doesn't say "I" in
the raws, but I'm placing it there for convenience.)

She looks at me with cold eyes. She probably thought I assaulted her
in her sleep, but it was a situation where it's only normal to think

"I could say that to you, what kind of terrible thing are you doing!"

While shaking her pink hair, Freya becomes angry at her.

"This man assaulted Setsuna. The person in the wrong is this guy."
"That's wrong! Kearuga-sama, was nursing you. Even right now, he
was just making you swallow food by feeding you mouth-to-mouth.
It was an act of medicinal treatment for you who was bedridden."

It would be hard to clear her doubt if I were to say it, but Freya who
was the position of having the same sex, and is a third-party is able
to instantly increase her persuasive power by seriously showing her

"That kind of, lies." (Setsuna)

"It's not a lie. In the period of the two days you were bedridden;
Kearuga-sama cleaned your body, made medicine for you to drink
and was always helping you. And to that person, your behavior to
him is this! I can't believe it. This ingratitude!" (Freya)

Freya talks on and on without pause, and the ice wolf girl properly
looks at her body for the first time.

"It's not painful at all, and my body also feels light." (Setsuna)
"That's only obvious. After all, Kearuga-sama has been feeding you a
congee with plenty of nutrients and a specially made medicine just
for you every day." (Freya)

Incidentally, I would occasionally put monster meat as an ingredient

for her congee. It's the preserved monster meat I made by smoking
the monster Freya and I had found in the middle of our trip. It
properly increased her talent values.

The ice wolf girl looks towards my direction, hesitates a bit, and then
quickly lowers her head.

"I misunderstood and thought I was being assaulted. I'm sorry for
hitting you." (Setsuna)
"No, it's fine, it's not weird for you to think that. Anyhow, it's great
that you've become energetic again, so I'll introduce myself once
more. My name is Kearuga." (Kearuga)

I smile sweetly towards her, and in turn, the ice wolf girl's wariness
went down all at once. After all, she has the feeling of indebtedness
from hitting me, and on top of taking care of her for 2 days, I forgave
her for her careless mistake, so she has the impression of me being a
kind person.

"Setsuna is Setsuna. A proud ice wolf warrior." (Setsuna)

"That's a good name. Why don't we handshake." (Kearuga)

I reach out my hand, and Setsuna grasps onto it. For our first
greeting, it should be perfect with this.

"Freya, can I ask you to go buy food for our dinner? I want to eat at
our room today. Please get ready-made food with good flavor."
"Certainly. Keargua-sama, to celebrate Setsuna-chan's recovery, I

want to have it a bit extravagant though." (Freya)
"Yup, I don't mind. I'll be glad if there is a lot of meat." (Kearuga)

Since she's like a wolf, Setsuna will probably enjoy it too.

"I understand. I'll go buy something tasty." (Freya)

Freya leaves the room. For Freya, I've made her think I'm a good
person by being useful, but it's a hindrance from here on out. Now
then, let's start our talk of making Setsuna into my companion in the
true way.

"Now then Setsuna, I wonder if you understand the current

situation." (Kearuga)
"… yes, I understand. Kearuga bought Setsuna, and treated me as
well. Therefore, Setsuna was able to stay alive." (Setsuna)

I laugh while telling her that's correct, and clap my hands. Setsuna
seems to be worrying over something, becomes conflicted, and then
opens her mouth.

"Thank you for saving me. The ice wolf race is a race that definitely
returns a favor they have received, but Setsuna has to go to a certain
place no matter what. That's why… sorry." (Setsuna)

In the next moment, Setsuna's hands grew larger. No, she's making
huge nails out of ice. She then thrusts it towards me, but she made
sure to not have the pointed end facing towards me, so it seems that
she doesn't have the intent to kill me.

Hou, that's interesting. This girl has properly recognized that she
received a favor and is thinking that I'm a virtuous person. But even
then, she still chooses to do this for her objective. Ah, great; that's
just to my liking.

However, although unfortunate, Setsuna is weak. I dodge her thrust

out hand, grab her arm and fling her while using gyration. Her body

hits the bed and I hold the knife that was in my pocket right next to
her nape.

"Did you not question anything? That in spite of me not knowing

your true name, I removed your slave collar." (Kearuga)
"… why" (Setsuna)

Generally, if you didn't know that demi-human's true name, it would

be unthinkable to remove their slave collar.

"There is also the fact that the slave collar which is made to torment
demi-humans was a hindrance for your treatment, but it's basically
because I am overwhelmingly stronger than you. I have no need for
those kinds of things, so I removed it." (Kearuga)

Incidentally, because I used【Recovery Heal】to make her wake up

in a good timing, I was able to meet with the merchant while having
a peace of mind.

"Kearuga, you're strong. Who are you?" (Setsuna)

"I'm just an ordinary chemist who's on a trip. Anyways, you were
kidnapped and made into a slave, and now you're being held down
by a chemist. So I wanted to know what that weak Setsuna was going
to do after leaving here." (Kearuga)

Setsuna keeps silent. She knows her own weakness and her

I had seen her life with【Recovery Heal】, and I know that she was
born in an ice wolf tribe village. On top of that, she was born into the
family who were known as the strongest ice wolf tribe warriors.

She was stronger than anyone her age and was called a prodigy. Her
overwhelmingly high talent values, her thick blood of the ice wolf
king manifesting a unique skill inside her and her genius level fighting

intuition than can't be seen in numbers. Truly an existence loved by

"So you can't answer huh. You know don't you, that no matter what
you declare, it would just be dying in vain if you leave this place. The
weak and non-growing Setsuna can't do anything." (Kearuga)

Setsuna bites down on her lower lip, and tears starting forming in her

It was one year ago that an accident happened to Setsuna who was
called a genius. She suddenly became unable to win against the
people in the same generation as her.

It wasn't that her fighting intuition had weakened, and her abilities
had actually been polished more than anyone else. It's not like she
skipped out on raising her level either, and she was fighting monsters
more than anyone else as the daughter of the strongest warrior.

She had reached her level limit at a mere level of 7. She who was
questioning why she wasn't getting any stronger no matter how
many monsters she fought found out the truth after using the
appraiser her father got.

But even then, she tried to fill in the level gap with ability, and it had
brought results for a while. However, the level gap only continued to
widen and she finally became unable to beat anyone. No matter how
much effort she put in, she couldn't reach it. By then, no one
expected anything from her. The ice wolf tribe genius became a
dropout in one go.

She couldn't give up though, so she continued to polish her skills and
continued fighting monsters. She was given the job of patrolling the
village's perimeter, and it was a job to check if the humans are
coming to this village. In that ice wolf race village, that's a job given
to the inferior warriors.

And then, two weeks earlier, the human's reconnoitering party had
come. They broke through the recognition obstruction barrier which
was made to hide the village and found the location of it.

If they let those guys escape, a great number of humans will come
over to kidnap a large quantity of the rare ice wolf race and sell them
as high priced slaves. The people on patrol split up so that three of
them would fight the humans, and one would go back to ask for

As a result, all four of them got caught. One of them was brutally
killed as a lesson for the others, and another told all the secrets of
the ice wolf race village from fear. Afterwards, the three who stayed
alive were all sold as slaves.

A while passed after they were sold, and apart from Setsuna, the rest
all bit their tongue off because they couldn't stand the pain of the
strange disease. The two that died were both Setsuna's friends.

It won't end with just two of Setsuna's friends dying, and if it stays
like this, the ice wolf village will be attacked in the near future. All of
the necessary information was confessed by the ice wolf that had a
weak heart as well.

The people Setsuna resented were the humans that kidnapped

them, and forced her friends into dying. The humans that are trying
to attack the ice wolf village where all her important people are, and
are trying to create a tragedy.

And then, her weak self that can't do anything. Maybe, if she was
stronger and massacred all the humans, then she could've stopped
the information from leaking. Because she was weak, she exposed
the ice wolf village to danger. She can't forgive herself for that.

Therefore, I am planning to give Setsuna an opportunity to get
revenge. An opportunity to kill the humans to her heart’s content,
and say goodbye to her weak self.

"Setsuna, why don't we have a discussion. But before that, I'll show
you my appraiser." (Kearuga)

To Setsuna who was being held down, I show her my appraiser. This
is an appraiser I had prepared after buying it yesterday. The column
of text started from the name, and parts of it would be falsified every
now and then.

I left the hero class there without falsifying it, so…

"An increase, in the, level limit." (Setsuna)

What Setsuna, the genius who had fallen down to a dropout wanted
more than anything else was written there.

"Setsuna, about the ice wolf race village, I'm sorry to say, but there is
a large amount of soldiers from the Dioral Kingdom disguised as a
mercenary group advancing towards it. If they're quick, they'll reach
it by tomorrow. Well, even if you start panicking and rush back to
your village, you'll be late. There isn't even time for them to run, and
they'll have no choice but to fight a hopeless battle. If you go there
and add one weak Setsuna, you'll just be increasing the amount of
slaves they get. After all, they're a proper army, and on top of that,
they are from the Dioral Kingdom which is called the strongest
country of all. All the people from the ice wolf race will either die, or
become slaves." (Kearuga)

Since the moment I used【Recovery Heal】and looked through

Setsuna's memories, I had been gathering information about the ice
wolf race. For the Dioral Kingdom, there is a unit that was made to
earn money by pretending to be a mercenary group to assault demi-

human villages and turn them into slaves before selling them off to
Ranalitta. I was able to find out that those guys were on the move.

No, it's not like I found out about it. I had just remembered that
there was that kind of plan inside the imperial guard captain's
memories when I had used【Recovery Heal】on him. If I know that a
large-scale army is on the move, following them from their traces is
easy. It is also possible to find out their date and time of arrival too.

"Why is the Dioral Kingdom's army" (Setsuna)

"The job of a soldier usually has a lot of free time. So if you use
those bored soldiers to assault the demi-human villages, it becomes
good training for them since the soldier's levels go up, and it also
turns into money. It's one of the most important means of raising
money for the Dioral Kingdom." (Kearuga)

Setsuna's face distorts from hatred. The country itself is trying to ruin
the ice wolf race just for the sake of money. That must be something
the person concerned absolutely cannot forgive. Come on, hate, and
resent them.

"Now, Setsuna, as you can see from this appraiser, I am strong. After
all, I'm a sword saint with a high status; a match for a thousand.
Freya who isn't here right now is also around as strong as I am and
also, I am able to make the weak Setsuna become stronger since I
can raise your level limit. We might be able to come as
reinforcements and the ice wolf race could be saved. You can also
become stronger and kill the humans that you hate." (Kearuga)

Setsuna swallows her breath. It seems that she has understood what
I'm trying to say.

"What can I do to get your cooperation? If it's to become stronger, if

it's to protect everyone, Setsuna will do anything." (Setsuna)

I take back the knife that I was pressing up against her nape, and
stand back up.

"There are two conditions for me lending you my strength. The first
one is for you to reveal your true name to me. You understand the
meaning of that right." (Kearuga)
"I understand, for my whole life, Setsuna will become a slave in a
true meaning. That's fine, but only after you save the village or else I
won't be able to believe you." (Setsuna)
"Hou, but that's something that I could say as well." (Kearuga)
"That is, I can't do anything apart from asking you to believe me."
"I see, I'll trust you. I'll have you show me the good faith that the ice
wolf race has." (Kearuga)

I do think it is naive. However, that naivety will become chains that

restrain the heart. Using the true name is just making them obey my

It's not good enough like that. To constantly come up with ideas
about what you can do with all your power. If it's not like that, then
you can't grow. You can't become stronger. To make her like that, I
need to grab her spirit tightly.

"The other condition is that you have to become stronger yourself.

It's possible to exceed your level limit with a hero's body fluids, and
although you can use saliva or blood, the efficiency is really bad. The
thing with the best efficiency is semen." (Kearuga)

I point at my crotch which was cheerfully setting up a tent. Setsuna

looks at that and swallows her breath. (TL Note: I think the tent is
referring to him getting an erection and because of that his pants are
'setting up a tent'… well I think it is, because I can't think of any other

"I'll say it clearly; I want all your talent apart from your level limit.
And to do that, I'll kill the humans you hate, and protect the ice wolf
race village. I'm doing this because you have that much value, but
you know, if you plan on not changing how you are right now, I don't
need you. In the first place, Setsuna, are you fine staying like that?
Not being able to do anything? Despairing once more because of
your weak self?" (Kearuga)
"Setsuna is, Setsuna is" (Setsuna)

Setsuna hesitates, which is why I purposely laugh.

"This isn't an order. Reach your hand out from your own will of
wanting to change. Don't hesitate. This isn't just a 〇〇〇. This is
Setsuna's future. Now, choose. Are you going to grab onto your
future with this 〇〇〇. Or are you going to give up on everything."

If, she can't pick the option of grabbing onto her future, albeit
unfortunately, I have no need for her because no matter how
talented she may be, she doesn't have the essential part, her mind
isn't strong enough. Setsuna looks straight forwards to my 〇〇〇.

"Setsuna wants to change. I want to become stronger and save

everyone. I want the strength to kill the humans who kill and kidnap
our ice wolf race for money. That's why…" (Setsuna)

On that expression, I was able to see strong determination. I even

thought that it was beautiful.

"Setsuna will grab her future《〇〇〇》." (Setsuna)

With her own will, she reached out her hand to my 〇〇〇; she
passed the test and grabbed her own future. Without being forced,
and all out of her own will. Now, with this, she's also acquired her

I'll be massacring the whole Dioral Kingdom army for the sake of my
important companion and to say the truth, I hate those guys too. I
want to kill them. It'll also be interesting to make Freya kill the
people of her homeland.

Fumu, I was planning on fighting for Setsuna's sake, but it seems that
it'll become an interesting game for me instead. I'm getting excited
now. Once I finish increasing Setsuna's level limit, we'll depart
straight away.

Chapter 19
The slave that I bought had white hair, wolf ears, tail, skin and just
about everything was white; she was a beautiful ice wolf girl,

I had asked her a question and it was about whether she would grab
onto her future or not. She had then shown her courage, and picked
the option of grabbing onto her future out of her own will.
Therefore, for the sake of Setsuna's revenge and to protect her
comrades, I decided to lend her my strength.

Tomorrow, we are going to go as reinforcements to the ice wolf

race's village that is going to be attacked by humans. Thus, today I'm
breaking through her level limit barrier and giving the non-growing
Setsuna wings from the power as a hero. The name of those wings
are, level limit release.

Of course, I made her cooperate as well. To become stronger, she

used all her power to make an effort, albeit awkwardly.

Although I want to raise her level all at once, it doesn't work no

matter what if the concentration falls. Strangely,
although【Recovery Heal】can restore physical strength and has no
problem changing appearance, it's not possible to restore vitality.
Because of this, it happens only once every four hours, which in total
is three times that I can raise a level limit.

Nevertheless, I was surprised. The moment I raised her level limit,

Setsuna's level rose, and this happened all three times. I wonder
exactly how many monsters she defeated while being in a state of
not being able to become stronger. In her body, there was a vast
amount of EXP accumulated, and that became part of her flesh and
blood every time her level limit rose.

Each time Setsuna leveled up, her face became crumpled up and she
cried. The moment your level rises, there is a peculiar feeling, so I
understand why she became like that. (TL Note: Because she can feel
that peculiar feeling, she knows she leveled up, and is so happy she's
in tears from noticing it.)

She must have been quite happy. Setsuna laughed while saying that
if it's her current self, then she can kill the humans who kidnapped
her friends and drove them to their deaths.

I don't hate seeing her work hard, which is why I'm going to use all
my power to help her.

Early in the morning, I left the inn and bought a raptor which was
sold in the town. A raptor is a convenient monster for riding. It's a
bipedal reptile and although it has a rough temperament, it's
stronger than a horse and is faster.

But, you also need riding training to that extent, which is no problem
for me because I have【Imitation Heal】.

I swapped out one of my abilities with riding. I have already

used【Imitation Heal】on knights to the point where I'm sick of it.

I found out the movement of the knights disguised as mercenaries

last night by sneaking out in the intervals until my hero became
energetic and performed a solo reconnaissance. (TL Note: Is this
another way of saying his 'son' became energetic? Well I guess this
one is kind of creative.)

They had around 200 men, and if we think about the location of the
village from what Setsuna told us, they should arrive by evening

"Freya, Setsuna, let's go." (Kearuga)

Yesterday, I told them both that we are going to go to save the ice
wolf race. I also thoroughly explained that the Dioral Kingdom sent
soldiers to attack demi-human villages to sell them as slaves and
earn money. After hearing the fiendish deeds of the Dioral army,
Freya became angry and declared that she will wield her power to
save the ice wolf race. She said…

『It's horrible that they are playing around with people's lives for
money. That kind of thing, they aren't even human anymore. They
are just beasts. Therefore, I will have no hesitation to defeat those

I was desperate to hold in my laughter the whole time. The princess

Flare who was just recently the number 2 in the Dioral Kingdom,
Freya was seriously getting angry. Well since she said that much, I
borrowed her power as well. Just to be safe, I made her wear a cap
that entirely covers her hair, and a mask to cover her face.

Although they are putting on a disguise of being a mercenary group,

the enemy is the Dioral Kingdom military forces. If her face or
appearance is exposed, that itself will end up being the troublesome
thing. Since they can't use the excuse that we were disturbing them
from assaulting a demi-human village, they'll most likely frame some
random sin on us, and put us on the wanted list. This is why a
disguise is required.

I straddled the raptor, and in between me and the reins, Setsuna's

small body snugly fit in, while Freya was embracing me from the

"Setsuna, there's a secret path right?" (Kearuga)

"Yeah, that's the only thing Yumuran didn't reveal." (Setsuna)

Yumuran is the name of the ice wolf race man who was captured and
exposed the secrets. Hitting the raptor with a whip, it breaks into a
run; sprinting at full power. Even though it is a monster, at this pace,
it would become exhausted in ten minutes. However, I am able to
use【Recovery Heal】. Because of that, I can continuously restore its
stamina which makes it possible to have it constantly running on full
speed. Taking that in consideration, since we're leaving in the
morning, I concluded that we would probably meet in the middle of
the trip.

"Wow, Kearuga-sama, it's quite fast isn't it. I didn't know a raptor
was this amazing." (Freya)
"I'm surprised. Even though I can outrun a horse, I can't beat this
speed." (Setsuna)

Freya and Setsuna both give out voices of admiration. A monster's

physical ability is outside of common sense, and if it has a physical
strength ability, its speed would be around this much.

"Be careful not to bite your tongue and properly hold onto me
because if you get thrown off, you'll injure yourself." (Kearuga)

The two tightly cling onto me. A cool wolf eared beauty, Setsuna. A
beauty with perfect appearance and good style, Freya. This might be
quite a good side benefit.

While running, I think about what it is that I should be doing. This

time, the Dioral army has sent 200 soldiers, and if it is around 200
people, then I should be able to win without a problem if I use my
full power.

However, what would happen after that? If 200 isn't enough, then
they'll double it, and if that isn't good enough either, they'll double it
again, coming to fight again. One day, I can tell that I'll fail since

those guys won't end it with themselves failing because of their self-

That's why a point of compromise is necessary. I'm going to get

Setsuna's everything, and in exchange, I decided to achieve her
revenge and protect the ice wolf race.

Now then, what should I do to solve this challenge. I'll need to figure
out the answer of this.

We took a detour to pass through the secret path, and arrived near
the ice wolf village just before the battle started.

Before entering the village, we checked out the situation while hiding
in all kinds of trees that were in the forest. When I put power into
my【Jade Eyes】, I'm able to enhance my eyesight, and Setsuna's
eyes are terrifyingly good, so we had no problem checking it out
from afar.

The Dioral Kingdom's soldiers that were disguised as mercenaries

had reached the village. They set out their encampment, and seem
to be preparing something.

"Sorry, the arrival of the imperial soldiers was faster than I had
expected." (Kearuga)
"… The battle still hasn't started yet. We just barely made it."

Setsuna gives me a short reply in response to my apology.

"The ice wolf race's defenses are unexpectedly tough." (Kearuga)

I become surprised after looking at the ice wolf race's defenses that
protect their village. At one glance it looks like a simple wall made of
stone and mud, but it is also a barrier that uses feng shui magic. (TL

Note: Um… I know what feng shui is, but the term 'feng shui magic'
sounds kind of weird lol.)

On top of that, it's quite a strong barrier that uses blood as a

medium. If they use that, holding up inside their village is possible.

"Yeah, the ice wolf race has always been aimed at by a variety of
races, so they're good at defensive battles." (Setsuna)

According to Setsuna, there are two underground passages to pass

through the defenses, and one of them was exposed by Setsuna's
friend to the soldiers.

However, that path is very narrow, so they have no choice but to

walk in single file, so it would be easy to protect against them.

It seems that there wasn't really a need for me to come. The

moment I thought that, certain things appeared from the Dioral
Kingdom's soldier encampment.

5 men and women, and all of them were of the ice wolf race. They
were all naked, had slave collars stuck on them and were on all fours
like a dog while being brought to the front of army.

At that point in time, I realized what they were going to do. I see, as
expected of the Dioral Kingdom; even at times like this, they are
unwaveringly horrible.

The soldiers were showing themselves torture the men and assault
the women from the ice wolf race to the people who were checking
out the situation from inside the protective wall.

Setsuna's eyes widen, and try to leap out towards them. I panickingly
cover her mouth and hold down her body.

What they are trying to do is simple. It's difficult to do something

about the ice wolf race who secluded themselves in their den.

Therefore, they are making them open the den themselves. They are
waiting for them to open the gates to try and save their comrades.

If the soldiers hear a small scream, they stab the person that
screamed with a sword, pour alcohol on them, and set it on fire.

The ice wolf race's screams resound in the area, and the state of the
ice wolf race inside the protective walls become suspicious. Any time
now, the hot-blooded, vigorous type of guys should be leaping out to
save them.

Honestly, I don't like it. Why do my unpleasant predictions have to

be correct.

I look at Setsuna. Her hatred is expanding near the limit, and I would
feel sorry to make her endure any longer.

However, if I allow her to go for a reckless assault, she will

unmistakably die.


"Setsuna, listen to my story as we are right now. Listen, if you leap

out right now, you'll die." (Kearuga)
"Nn, nn." (Setsuna)

As if saying that she already knows that, Setsuna continues to


"However, I don't plan on making you watch while twiddling your

thumbs either. I won't order you to do something worse than death."

Her comrades are made to be toys right before her eyes, and she's
made to overlook the these guys that are despicably laughing. There
is no way that she could endure that.

"I'm going to jump out to create a safer situation for you to jump out
by lowering their numbers, which will let you be able to pull off your
revenge. So wait 5 minutes. Are you able to do that?" (Kearuga)

Setsuna became obedient, and nods her head with tears clouding her
eyes. Alright, that's a good girl.

Besides, it seems that there isn't that much more time left since the
ice wolf race opened the gate of their protective wall. While
shouting, young men start jumping out. Like what Setsuna had done
before, they clad both hands with ice nails.

They must be planning to take back their comrades go right back to

the gates. That's too naive. As if waiting for that moment, a rain of
fire magic and arrows fall down on them.

Just like that, the ice wolf men that jumped out died, and some
received serious injury. It would be fine if they immediately closed
the gate that they jumped out from, but the people inside hesitated;
that hesitation was fatal. The soldiers raise their voices while closing
in on it. It won't make it. Now, the opened gate is held back by the

It was a performance that is brilliant to a surprising degree. As

expected of the Dioral Kingdom soldiers; they are familiar with these
kinds of tactics.

I look towards Setsuna's direction, and she hasn't raised a scream.

However, she is glaring towards the Dioral Kingdom soldier with eyes
clouded with hatred.

She's properly waiting. Good on her.

"Now, I guess I should go." (Kearuga)

Using all my abilities, I'll go ahead and make a stage for Setsuna to
take her revenge. (TL Note: Wasn't too sure about this one:


However, just erasing my presence and taking them out isn't fun. Oh,
I've thought of something good.

While covering my face with a mask, I jump out of the forest while
holding my sword, and then I shout out while using magic to enhance
the volume of my voice.

"I am the hero of the sword! My sword is a sword of justice, so in the

name of justice, I'll cut down these evil people who are assaulting
these pure demi-humans village!" (Kearuga)

It's just a bit of harassment. With the abilities of the sword saint, I
should have those sorts of movements as well.

Now, it's the world's first time I'm going serious. Even though it's this
situation, I can't help but feel happy.

Chapter 20
While wielding a sword, I rush into the enemy camp. While doing so,
I arrived as a champion of justice and declared that as the hero of the
sword, I'll protect these unsinful demi-humans even if I have to use
my sword against humans. There are two objectives to this.

The first one is to create unrest throughout the enemy. The

existence known as a hero is the symbol of justice, so the kingdom
soldiers who were concluded as evil will definitely hesitate about
their own deeds, which creates a gap. In addition, a hero is an
important resource so they want to not kill them if possible. Capture
him without killing him. The moment they think that, the actions
they can take are limited. I'll take use of that gap.

The second reason is that I said I'm the hero of the sword. If it's the
same as the first time, it should be quite a while until her gets invited
by the royal family. He used to be an adventurer that worked in a
different country, but after hearing the justice the kingdom speaks of
and falling in love with the beautiful Flare, he started getting used by
the Dioral Kingdom. I am a kind person who is the hero of the sword
and am hard to handle. Giving that impression to the Dioral
Kingdom, I delayed their contact with me. … It's just a little bit of

I'll summarize the situation.

We went through the opened up path that was made in the forest,
and right before our very eyes, there were around 200 Dioral
Kingdom soldiers that were disguised as mercenaries. Around 200
metres ahead of us, there was the ice wolf race village which was
protected by a protective wall.

The top priority right now is to defend the opened gate which is
about to be broken through. If the gate is held down, then the ice

wolf race will be annihilated in the blink of an eye. I want to avoid
that. It's necessary to defend the gate.

Right now, what I need to prioritize the most is speed. In that case…

"【Transformation Heal】" (Kearuga)

I distribute my talent values to focus extremely on speed.

Race: Humans
Name: Keare
Class: Healing Magician, Hero
Level: 30
MP: 101/101
Physical Attack: 55
Physical Defense: 55
Magical Attack: 65
Magical Resistance: 37
Speed: 123

Level Limit: ∞
Talent Values:
MP: 80
Physical Attack: 132 → 80
Physical Defense: 83 → 83
Magical Attack: 100 → 100
Magical Resistance:72 → 52
Speed: 126 → 196
Total Value: 591

The ones that I shaved off from to increase my speed is my physical

attack and magical resistance. I have no need for magical resistance

because once I step into a crowd of people like this, the enemy gets
scared that they might drag in others while using their magic, so they
can't use it.

And the reason I lowered my physical attack is because…

"Shi-!" (TL Note: I think this might be a sound effect of him dashing?
Not sure, but しっ!doesn't really fit into context here.)

I had used【Imitation Heal】on the sword saint's sword techniques.

The Claylet lineage that keeps giving birth to sword saint uses the
Oakrule School of fencing as a base, and polished it over several
myriads of battles. That is not something to show in contests, and is
a style that is efficient at killing.

What came as the result of that is the secret sword,【Fresh Blood


This time, because the kingdom's soldiers are disguised as

mercenaries, they aren't wearing their armor. In other words, their
vitals are completely unguarded.

While running past them with all my power, I gently slice the
kingdom's soldier's nape and wrists with my sword. Without
stopping for even a moment at a speed that's faster than a human's
comprehension, I run past the enemy while heading towards the ice
wolf race's protective wall.

After I passed through them, the kingdom's soldiers started bursting

out blood like a water fountain. Only after that started happening did
the kingdom's soldiers start making uproar.

"Wha- what the heck is this!?" (Random Soldier)

"Hi- hiiii" (Random Soldier)
"What in the world is happening!" (Random Soldier)

This technique is convenient. After all, in general, it's necessary to
step down on the ground and collect power from your whole body to
swing a sword. Although a sword filled with power has the strength
to strike someone with armor, your movement stops and you also
consume stamina.

However, this【Fresh Blood Flower】is different. It aims for the

opponents soft arteries, which is why it's enough to just brush it
gently. While running, I cut down people's lives. It's a style of fencing
that utilizes the speed I'm running past them and the softness of the

A blood flower blooms showily each time, and has the effect of
amplifying the enemy's unrest.

"A person's life is quite ephemeral isn't it." (Kearuga)

Mana is turned into a numerical value by changing it to MP, but, life

itself doesn't appear in the status. That's obvious, because a human
is easy to break. Just continuing to spray out blood, just separating
their head from their body, just getting rid of oxygen, just with that,
you are able to easily kill a human.

Therefore, it's better to efficiently kill. In addition, the sword saint

had a certain ability called【Abandonment】; the deepest level of
presence perception. It makes it possible to understand all
movements in your area and is also possible to make you have super
reflexes that exceed common sense. I am able to see everything
which is why I can run through the optimum route which is small and
thin with a small gap while hunting lives with【Fresh Blood

"I've arrived." (Kearuga)

I weakly laugh. I caused only 10 seconds of disturbance throughout
the enemy by naming myself a hero and naming myself justice.

In only that small amount of time, I was able to break through the
center of the enemy. Using the maximum speed that I gained
from【Transformation Heal】and the sword techniques of the
sword saint. If I combine those two together, I can do about this

As expected, it's not possible to use it if the opponent is in full body

armor, neither is it possible if their defensive status is high enough to
stop a sword. However, my current enemies are soldiers disguised as
agile mercenaries, and there aren't any out of the norm monsters.
Thanks to that, I can riot to my heart’s content.

After cutting the nape of the few soldiers who were reaching out
towards the gate, my eyes met with the person protecting the gate.

They were frightened, but there's no helping it. In their perspective, I

am a hateful human, and I possess overwhelming strength.

Therefore, I should tell them what kind of person I am.

"Listen, warrior of the ice wolf race. I am the hero of the sword, and I
have come here to live up to the tears and desires of an ice wolf race
girl called Setsuna. And now, after looking at the unjust humans
here, I decided to participate in this war." (Kearuga) (TL Note: He
uses 'ware' instead of 'ore' when naming himself here.)

Hearing that, the people from the ice wolf race become
absentminded. Pretending to not take notice of that, I face my back
to the gate and head towards the kingdom's soldiers.

"Once again, I shall make a declaration. I carry out justice. There are
too many of you bastards who do these barbaric acts. You bastards

aren't even humans anymore, just brutes. Therefore, I have no
hesitation; become the rust of my sword." (Kearuga)

Ah, it's starting to become fun. I guess I've gotten drunk from the
blood. After finally reaching this point, the kingdom's soldiers have
thrown away their hesitation. It seems that they've thrown away the
thought that it would be easy to capture me, and have decided to
just kill me.

The magicians located at the rear start chanting their magic, and pair
it up with arrows. The place I am at is no longer a crowded place,
which means that right now, there is no need for hesitation in using
magic or arrows.

"The ice wolf race over there, quickly close the gate." (Kearuga)

Even though I'm gathering all the soldiers in one place to keep the
gate safe, the men who were clinging onto the gate still hadn't closed

"However, what about the hero of the sword and the people outside
the gate" (Gatekeeper)
"I will be fine alone. Give up on the ones who left the gate, you can't
save them." (Kearuga)

After saying that much, the men from the ice wolf race finally started
closing the gate. Fuu, I'm looking after them too much. The same
time I sigh, flames and arrows start raining on me.

As one would expect, it's impossible to dodge these flames and

arrows that are so widespread, so I wield a shield. That shield is a
kingdom soldier that has lost most of his blood and is only barely

So that the enemy can hit me while being in the rear, the flames and
arrows all go in a mountain orbit so it won't hit their allies. In other
words, there won't be a problem as long as I make my shield face up.

"Gyaaaaaaa" (Meatshield)

Flames and arrows rain down incessantly, and the shield started

The kingdom soldiers are looking at me like they're scoffing at me.

You fool, it's this amount of flame magic. A shield of meat will burn in
an instant, and that kind of thing can't even be counted as

Certainly, that's true. I think so too. However…

When the flames had cleared, both the shield and I were both in
good health, although the shield had many arrows stuck inside it
while continuously pouring out blood.

I throw two spheres of gunpowder from the pit of my stomach. That

exploded in the sky above the magicians and archers placed at the
rear, and scattered coloured flames.

That isn't an attack, it's just a sign.

Several seconds later, an enormous mass of flames that the kingdom

soldier's magician are no match for came falling down, thoroughly
burning everything.

"Ah, Freya, you've finally done it haven't you. Killing your own army.
Well, I was the one who made her do it though." (Kearuga)

As expected of the hero of magic, Freya's magic; the power and

accuracy is of the highest grade. This magic is in a different
dimension as single-target or area magic, and is ranked in tactics
magic. (TL Note: It says 'personal' instead of single-target, but single-

target conveys the meaning better. Also, tactics magic could be
meaning war magic, but I think it's tactics magic.)

"Now then, the irritating rear force has been exterminated. Might as
well plunge in." (Kearuga)

I once again gripped the sword and rush in, and the soldiers raise
screaming voices.

First off, the reason why my meat shield was able to endure it. It's
actually quite simple, because I just kept using【Recovery
Heal】while defending against the flames, and if I heal it before it
burns out, the shield won't break. It was extremely useful by
accomplishing its role as a shield.

Next, the meaning behind me throwing the gunpowder was to make

a sign for Freya. The magic Freya used is the highest grade magic a
human can use, rank 5 magic【Meteor】. A tactics magic which has
a firing range of 400 metres. There are probably only 10 people in
this country that can use this magic.

From the start, I had ordered Freya to be doing something separately

from us. In a place that's a few hundred meters away from here, I
ordered her to fire【Meteor】towards the sign I make. Since we
didn't have any guards to protect Freya, I had to put her in an
unperceivable place where neither magic nor arrows could reach,
that's a super long distance away so that anything other than tactics
magic can't be used.

Although Freya is able to use rank 6 magic which is beyond what a

human can do, on top of not having any left over power after use,
she would realize that she's princess Flare the moment she uses it.
Even with various limitations put on it, that power is tremendous. As
I thought, Freya's value as war potential is extraordinarily high.
Besides, what can I say.

"This becomes good EXP earning." (Kearuga)

A thing called a party exists, and is something that applies a certain

formula to let you make a party of 4 at max, and distributes the EXP
equally between members. (TL Note: So this basically means he's
going to have a harem of 3 right? And if you think about their current
members, it'll probably be the demon king. Btw this is just

Currently, Freya, Setsuna and I are in a party as a three. On top of

that, if we add on the hero's doubled experience skill, Freya's and my
skill become two-fold, making it four times. Fundamentally, level
raising is done by hunting monsters, but as long as it is living, you get
EXP equal to the strength of that existence; humans aren't an
exception. With this current state, if a tactic magic like【Meteor】is
used and eradicates the enemy, what would happen?

The answer is simple.

"My blood is boiling." (Kearuga)

My level suddenly rises by a lot. In the kingdom's soldiers, the

average level is high; there aren't many chances to be at such a
splendid hunting ground.

My movements accelerate even further and I'm rapidly getting

stronger. In the center of the enemies, I was running around left and
right as I pleased.

From time to time, I throw gunpowder spheres towards the enemy's

rear so that Freya can use her super long distance magic to silence
the noisy ones.

At this point, what I'm doing is close to a massacre. The enemy's

numbers which used to be 200 soldiers rapidly diminishes.

"What even is that guy." (Random Soldier)
"Surround him, surround him." (Random Soldier)
"It's impossible, he's too fast. (Random Soldier)
"Oi, I, I can't even follow him with my eye." (Random Soldier)
"Does he have an inexhaustible supply of stamina!?" (Random

In a situation of fighting many enemies at once, the things that

absolutely have to be avoided is getting your escape route cut off, or
getting a simultaneous attack from all directions.

If it's an ordinary swordsman, they would put power in their back

and stop their legs to deal a heavy blow. No matter how much they
struggle, their escape route will be blocked off and will go down after
taking a simultaneous from all sides, but I'm different. Since earlier, I
haven't stopped my legs for a moment. So that I can secure an
escape route, I've been sprinting at full power while cutting their
arteries when I pass them. I have a great number of experiences in
battles against many enemies, so I won't cause that kind of foolish

Even if you are careful to not make those mistakes, there still exists
an unavoidable problem. That problem is running out of steam. No
matter how much a human trains, they will definitely become out of
breath and stop their legs at some point.

However, I am able to use【Recovery Heal】. Even if I get a small cut

or lose stamina, I can use【Recovery Heal】each and every time. On
top of that, I am also able to use【Looting Heal】to steal mana.
Perpetual motion at ultra-high speed, that is my fighting style.

"Hi-, hi-, don't come, throw away your sword, or else this ice wolf
woman will die." (Random Soldier)

One of the soldiers holds his sword against the throat of one of the
ice wolf women who were used as a warning. I run past that man in
with ultra-high speed and brush the nape of his neck with my sword.

This guy is probably an idiot; he should know that it's useless to take
a hostage. If I die, all the ice wolf people in the rear will all become
toys for the humans. Their maximum priority should be to take my
life. That being said, abandoning her isn't good for my mental health.
If their luck is good, I'll take actions to save them, but whether they
stay alive is up to them.

Well, doing this much should be enough.

We've defeated more than half the enemies and the remaining ones
voluntarily escaped after losing their fighting spirit. I've thrown all
the gunpowder spheres I had on hand, and Freya should have
exhausted her mana by now.

I'll grant Setsuna's wish; this is that kind of contract.

"Setsuna, you've endured well. From here on out, you'll be the

leading actress. I'll hold your back for you." (Kearuga)

Hearing me shout out, she stops killing her presence and the ice wolf
who was hiding herself in the forest, Setsuna, leaps out. On both
hands, there were nails of ice; this is the fighting style of the ice wolf

Setsuna only had her level limit raised by three. Her originally
abnormal talent values and her outstanding abilities and skills. The
techniques that she has accumulated until now that don't appear in
numbers. Her innate fighting intuition.

Even if you take all of those into consideration, at best, she would be
as strong as the soldiers at this place. Her level is only 10.

However, the majority of the enemies have fallen, and their fighting
spirit has broken. As long as I stay by her, she should be able to fight
to her heart's content.

Putting power into my【Jade Eyes】I confirm there are soldiers that
Setsuna can't handle and continue fighting. I make sure to keep the
situation of Setsuna always fighting one-on-one.

"…" (Setsuna)

Setsuna was crying, and while crying, she swung her nails of ice. Each
time she swung it, one kingdom soldier's life fell. Right now, she is
carrying out her revenge to her heart’s content.

Above all, it's great that she's delighted, since this battle was all for
Setsuna's sake.

I have my own aesthetics about revenge. I don't damage things that

could injure me.

However, this revenge isn't my revenge; it's Setsuna's revenge.

Setsuna's revenge to the ones who made her a slave, drove her
friend to death and were trying to cause another tragedy right now.

Therefore, I am using my power to my heart's content. Perhaps there

may be someone in the group of soldiers who is forcibly being made
to do these cruel deeds.

However, I have nothing to do with that kind of thing. If they don't

like it, they should just run away. I have no sympathy towards those
that chose the option of massacring the ice wolf race and turning
them into slaves out of their own will.

"This country is damned. I better finish it." (Kearuga)

And also, I had one more aim. Whenever I looked at Freya who had
her memories erased, it always felt hazy. I couldn't see the ugliness
that I saw in princess Flare, which made me realize one truth.

Although I thought that I had brought my revenge towards Flare as

an individual to an end, that was a mistake.

This country was the one that made up princess Flare. The ones I
should be taking my revenge on is obviously princess Flare, but also
the Dioral Kingdom who made her into that sort of person. Someday,
after the Dioral Kingdom lost princess Flare, they'll try to harm me
just like the first time, and they could probably produce as many
substitutes as they want for princess Flare as well. That's why, to
completely exterminate the pests, I'll need to strike the foundation
for it.

It's just that even if I do destroy the Dioral Kingdom, it isn't fun. So
from now on, I'll reach my hand out to the ones who despise the
Dioral Kingdom, and one day bring an end to that country. That is my
true revenge.

While I was thinking about that, I heard the howling of a wolf.

"Setsuna, it seems that the ice wolf race really doesn't like humans."
"That's obvious. Although there aren't much large-scale attacks like
this time, even until now, people of the same race have been
kidnapped and treated as a plaything after leaving the forest."

At last the ice wolf race's gates opened and they came out like an
avalanche. The kingdom soldiers no longer have the power to stop
them, and they are all in the mood to fight. One-sided massacres to
the ice wolf race side. So that they can let out all the anger and
resentment they had until now, they lost themselves and assaulted

the soldiers. (TL Note: 'One-sided massacres to the ice wolf race side'
is talking about the past, not right now.)

When we noticed, Setsuna and I had both stopped our legs. There's
no need for us to fight anymore, and we just simply watch the ice
wolf race's fury.

"Setsuna, I carried out your wish. I annihilated the humans you hate,
and you yourself also killed quite a lot. How are you feeling right
now?" (Kearuga)

Setsuna looks up towards my face, and in those eyes, tears were


I want to know what kind of face she'll make when she fulfills her
revenge, and what she'll think at that time. For that reason, I've done
this much.

"I'm enjoyed it a lot, and it was very fun, but… no, it's nothing."

She lets out a tiny laugh. Then, she faces forward and starts running,
once again aiming her nails at the soldiers.

The battle ended in an overwhelming victory for the ice wolf race,
and all the humans either fled or died. There are no prisoners of war.
Although there were soldiers that surrendered, the ice wolf race
killed everyone.

Together with Setsuna, we got invited into their village. Thanks to me

saying that I was called over by Setsuna, together we were treated
like heroes. (TL Note: Not too sure about this one:
ナも英雄扱いだ。Also, the author left out Freya again! lol.)

In any case, my promise with Setsuna has now been accomplished,
and Setsuna is now mine. I should ask about Setsuna's true name
without delay.

Also, I had something that I absolutely had to tell her no matter

what. I can't wait to see Setsuna's reaction to what I'm going to tell
her soon.

The battle had finished. The soldiers who attacked the ice wolf race's
village, tried to make money by aiming to sell them off to Ranalitta as
slaves and on top of that aimed to get EXP to strengthen themselves
were crushed.

Afterwards, I call back Freya who was doing separate things and
together with Setsuna, we three were invited to the ice wolf race's

In spite of Freya and I being human, we were all treated like heroes
and received a warm welcome. The ice wolf race gave us words of
gratitude, and pushed food and gems to us.

It was a bit weird, because although I thought they would thank us, I
thought they would at least say that they hated humans.

The welcoming ends and one man from the crowd came out.

"Setsuna, you've admirably returned, and even brought the hero of

the sword with you. I'm very proud of you." (Setsuna's Father)

It seems that he is Setsuna's father.

"Father, Setsuna is…" (Setsuna)

"When I heard that you were kidnapped, I was completely
astonished. I thought that you would be fine doing something like
patrolling… but as I thought, you being a warrior is impossible. Don't
fight anymore. Go make a child after finding a husband and protect
your family." (Setsuna's Father)

Setsuna's father tightly hugs her. These words weren't what Setsuna
was looking for.

In the first place, she is mine. Even if it is her father or anyone,

there's no way it's fine for them to arbitrarily choose her future.

"It's not impossible. She has talent, and if she wishes for it, she can
be stronger than anyone. I guarantee it." (Kearuga)

That's why I cut into a conversation between a parent and a child.

Setsuna looks at my face. Although it makes me feel a bit bad to
separate a parent and child that have finally come back together,
Setsuna is a necessary and capable person.

"Father, Setsuna will go together with this person. I'll leave the
village of the ice wolf race and become stronger while going on a
journey. So today will be my last day." (Setsuna)

Setsuna declared that while looking straight ahead at her father. This
is different from a child's selfishness, and I can see the resolution of
one adult becoming independent.

The weird thing is, it's not like she's reluctantly coming because of
the contract, but instead, Setsuna seems to want to go with me from
the bottom of her heart.

"… I see, if you're going to choose that path, I won't stop you. Hero of
the sword-sama, does Setsuna truly have talent? It's the journey of a
hero so it's bound to be dangerous. Isn't fine for me to believe that
Setsuna has power and capabilities to follow along with you?"
(Setsuna's Father)

It's normal that a parent would worry about their child, but the part
he's concerned about is whether she has enough strength to meet
my needs. This must be the peculiar way of thinking for the ice wolf

"Of course. If she stays be me, she can become stronger than
anyone. There is no mistake in that." (Kearuga)

The only thing she is lacking in is her level. But, that level limit wall
was already removed the moment she chose to grab onto her future.

"In that case, I have no words to say as a father. Please, take care of
Setsuna. … Please take this." (Setsuna's Father)

Setsuna's father hands me a necklace with a blue gem on it. I can feel
strong mana from it. This is a magic tool, and on top of that, it's high
quality. It should be worth a few hundred gold coins.

"What is this?" (Kearuga)

"This is our heirloom. I had planned to give this to the man who was
to be Setsuna's husband when she became a bride. I entrust this to
you." (Setsuna's Father)

Since he said I can have it, I'll depend on his kindness. It has the
effect of raising your mana, and there is no trouble with having it.
After that, Setsuna's father told me all about what foods she likes or
dislikes, what she isn't good at and the habits she has when she's
trying to act tough to hide her bad condition.

I properly recognized him as her father. She is loved, and if she stays
in this village, she would probably be able to live a peaceful life
under her father's protection and someday find a husband for

However, the moment she chose to take her revenge, she had to
walk a blood stained road together with me. For her, that may be

After that, I parted with him and got invited to village chief's house.

"For this occasion, thank you very much for saving our village, and
our comrades." (Village Chief)

After passing through the guest room, I immediately saw a village

chief looking person, who was middle-aged ice wolf race man and
was lowering his head. This man is this village's chief.

"If it's gratitude, please show it to Setsuna here. I came here because
of her wish." (Kearuga)
"Is that so. Even then, I'll thank you and Setsuna, you've done well."
(Village Chief)

Setsuna lowers her head. Well, I should give them a warning and
some advice. The Dioral Kingdom puts quite a lot of importance in
pride, so it's impossible for them to give up after having the tables
turned on them after attacking a demi-human village. At this rate, if
they don't do anything, the ice wolf race will perish. Thinking about
how I should begin to talk, the village chief opened his mouth.

"Hero of the sword-sama. We will throw away this village, and go

towards the country that is even further after this mountain, where
the elves and the fire fox race lives. If it's that country, they should
accept us." (Village Chief)
"That's a wise decision. As long as you live in this village, the next
time you get attacked is just a matter of time." (Kearuga)
"Yes, the ice wolf race is a proud race, and have been surviving by
using our own strength. However, it's time for that to stop. If it stays
like this, we will definitely be eradicated." (Village Chief)

It seems there was no need for advice, and he had a proper, accurate
grasp of the situation. The ice wolf race seems like they do have crisis

"About that, could the hero of the sword-sama accompany us? If we

have that sword skill, we can have a peaceful trip, and plus, Setsuna
seems to be emotionally attached as well. It should be fine to take
her as a wife and live a peaceful life. Of course, we will give the best
treatment we can." (Village Chief)

I quietly shake my head. Feeling someone looking at me, I look

towards Setsuna, and Setsuna averts her face. Her face is slightly red.

"I will have to decline that offer. I have an objective that I want to
achieve which is why I'm travelling." (Kearuga)

In the first place, she is already my property. She cannot become

chains that restrain me.

"Is that so. I understand. We will depart the day after tomorrow.
Because we are having a banquet today, please enjoy yourself. With
all our power, we will make sure to entertain this village's heroes."
(Village Chief)
"Ah, I'm looking forward to it." (Kearuga)

With that, our conversation finished, and we ended it with some idle

The banquet continued until late at night. The sake the ice wolf race
makes is very spicy and makes my throat burn strongly. Although
that peculiarity is quite strong, it's quite tasty.

Freya who drank without a sense of wariness became drunk, so I

made her sleep in a room that was lent to us.

And now, I had slipped away from the banquet and have arrived at
the forest at night. At the forest, I made Setsuna put both her hands
against a tree, and from the back of her sticking out butt, I…

"… Today was quite intense." (Setsuna)

"Yeah because after a battle, you are excited." (Kearuga)

With a red face, Setsuna was fixing her own clothes. Setsuna's level
limit is still quite low, so I'll need to properly increase her level limit.
Just because I say that I won't do it today, that doesn't mean that the
next day I'll be able to do yesterday's part as well.

"Setsuna was excited as well. Extremely." (Setsuna)

I wonder why an obscene appearance of an immature young girl

excites my heart. Without being able to hold in my urge, I kiss her
and indulge in her.

"What are your impressions after dirtying your own hand by killing
the humans you hate?" (Kearuga)

Setsuna closes her eyes, grips her hands tight to make a fist, and
opens her mouth.

"It felt good. Both my head and body was hot enough to be burning,
and each time I swung my nails, that feeling flickered, but when I saw
some of them crying or shouting out, I got unnecessarily burned up
and when I became unable to move, I couldn't help but want to
laugh…. It's just that while I was in a trance, I killed and killed, but
when I noticed it, my body rapidly went cold as if it was a lie, my
mind became pure white and my tears flowed down." (Setsuna)

Setsuna hugs her own body tightly, and it was as if she was
frightened of something.

"Hou, so you regret it." (Kearuga)

"I don't. I've always wanted to do this. If I hadn't I would've gone
crazy. I was able to show them at least 1% of our suffering."

Contrasting to those words, Setsuna's face turned pale.

"In that case, what are you afraid of? What are you frightened of?"
"I don't know, but, the one thing I know, is that it's still not enough.
Setsuna's revenge still hasn't ended. That's why, after my mind when
completely white, I still chased after the backs of those who were
trying to escape. Even then, it still wasn't enough." (Setsuna)

Setsuna laughs, saying it's still not enough. That's right; revenge is
that kind of thing.

Setsuna certainly many enemies that she hated. However, what

Setsuna lost can't come back, and so she isn't able to be satisfied.
Since she can't feel satisfied, her revenge isn't over.

"If so, you should just continue taking revenge till your heart’s
content. You guys are still able to fight the Dioral Kingdom who toyed
with you, as much as you like. As long as you are with me, that is."
"Yup. I'm looking forward to it." (Setsuna)

I stroke Setsuna's white wolf ears and head. She then leaned her
body on me.

"Our promise, that you would save everyone from the ice wolf race
and help me with my revenge. You fulfilled it, so I'll give you
Setsuna's everything." (Setsuna)

I sweetly smile. Setsuna is about to reveal her true name to me. The
name that is carved on the souls of all living beings apart from
humans. Once I know that, I will be able to manipulate all of Setsuna
at will. Setsuna will become my property in a true sense.

"Kearuga-sama, Setsuna's, Setsuna's true name is…" (Setsuna)

Setsuna's true name is carved into my mind, and using that name, I
invoke the contract magic. Setsuna and I become linked, and with
this, Setsuna has become mine now.

"Thanks. Setsuna, I'll stay affectionate to you until death." (Kearuga)

"Yeah, I have the resolution for that. Probably because for Setsuna,
it's happiness." (Setsuna) (TL Note: Don't know what resolution she


Even though it was decided that she would be a slave for the rest of
her life, Setsuna laughed. She's an unusual one.

Well, it's fine. I can use her. So that she won't break after being used
too much, I'll valuably take care of her. I stroke Setsuna's head, not
to increase her level limit, but purely because of lust, I indulged in
her body at that moment, and Setsuna reacted with a lovely voice.

After that ended, we entered a limestone cave that's deep in the

forest so that I can tell something important to her. That place had
water that ran through the underground water vein in the city, and it
was also the source of the strange disease that happened.

"Setsuna, you said that the two ice wolf race slaves that were with
you together died after not being able to withstand the suffering
from the strange disease right?" (Kearuga)
"Yeah, that's right. We caught that disease at the merchant's house
after being turned into slaves." (Setsuna)
"In other words, they were directly killed by the strange disease."

Setsuna tilted her head while being suspicious. It seems she doesn't
understand what I'm getting at.

"The truth is, I knew that the spread strange disease because
monster poison was being mixed in with the source of water. And I
also saw that same monster which holds poison near the ice wolf
race's village. From that, I realized. I realized that this was actually
planned and was artificial." (Kearuga)

Using magic, I found the source of poison, which was this limestone
cave. This place is in between the ice wolf race's village and
Ranalitta, and the monster which is the source of this poison is a
monster that lives near the ice wolf race's village.

If this much is revealed, it's obvious who it was.

I pull out the thing that had sunk to the bottom of the limestone
cave. A monster that looked like a mix of a monkey and a crab was in
a half dead half alive state while being chained down with weights.

On top of that, to fix up its wound, body fluids were pouring down its
body incessantly.

I laugh. Although the Dioral Kingdom does ruthless things, the ice
wolf race in one way is beyond that.

If it's the amount they killed, then it overwhelmingly surpasses the

Dioral Kingdom. They were planning to destroy one town. (TL Note: I
think this means it overwhelming surpasses the amount of ice wolf
people the Dioral Kingdom killed.)

"… No way, our, the reason for the strange disease was, the ice wolf
race?" (Setsuna)
"That's right. Well the original reason was the guy that kidnapped
you guys, but the direct cause was the ice wolf race. Well Setsuna, I'll
ask you a question." (Kearuga)

It actually wasn't necessary to talk to Setsuna about this, but it was

for my hobby of watching other people's revenge.

"I'm able to further enhance this virus, and if I do that, more of the
humans that you loathe will die. On the other hand, I can tamper
with this monster's poison and make it flow medicine. It will release
everyone that's suffering from the disease, and if you want, I can
locate the perpetrator of this incident. It's a chance to kill the person

from the ice wolf race who killed your friends. I'll let you choose. It's
a commemoration for Setsuna becoming my property in a true
meaning." (Kearuga)

Well, what will she choose. Either one she picks, Setsuna will become
hurt, which is why I'm asking her.

"Kearuga-sama, please cure everyone. I want you to make it flow

medicine." (Setsuna)

Setsuna's answer was the one I was least expecting, considering it

means she is going to save the humans she hates.

"Are you fine with that?" (Kearuga)

"I'm fine, I like humans suffering. But, it's hard for me to make
unrelated people suffer. Besides…" (Setsuna)

Setsuna makes a cruel smile. (TL Note: I didn't know what the first
part meant, so I kept it out.

"If I am going to kill them, doing it directly with these nails is better.
It would be boring to do it like this." (Setsuna)

I unintentionally break into an applause; that's the best answer

possible. The harsh environments warped an immature little girl to
this extent.

Until now, I thought Setsuna was a decent person, but it seems it

was a massive misunderstanding. She's broken enough, and possibly
even more than I have.

"Ah, then let's do that. Setsuna, I'll count on you from now on."
"Yes. Kearuga-sama, please treat me well as always." (Setsuna)

My journey for revenge has only just started. Princess Flare has had
her memories wiped and has become Freya who love me, is devoted
to me and has directed her fangs to her own country. Her sins are
piling up. Someday, when she remembers everything, I wonder what
kind of reaction she'll make.

Setsuna who is from the ice wolf race supports me by being my

accomplice and person who understands me. She will never be able
to escape from me for her whole life. She's one of my cute

When I realized it, the painful and lonely fights suddenly became
enjoyable. Well then, what should I do next? I noticed that I was
raising my voice while laughing. This fun journey can still continue.

Author's Note: Volume 1, the ending epilogue. This is the first end. I
am very happy that it got evaluated this much! (TL Note: Erm… I
completely failed that I think. I got the meaning, but the English
sounds weird… well whatever lol. As I said before, since it's my
holidays now, I should be able to translate faster, so hopefully I can
quickly get on with translating volume 2!)

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