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Republic of the Philippines

Biliran Division
Libertad, Cabucgayan, Biliran

NAME: ________________________________________ GRADE/SECTION: _______

A. (WRITTEN TASK – 40%) DIRECTION: Identify the element, technique, or

literary device in specific modes of fiction being described on each item.
Choose your answer from the choices, and encircle the letter of your
1. It is a technique used in writing, where the writer creates a gripping and
memorable story by engaging our five senses.
A. Diction C. Imagery
B. Figures of Speech D. Idiomatic Expressions

2. It is a rhetorical device that achieves a special effect by using words in

distinctive ways.
A. Rhetorical Question C. Diction
B. Imagery D. Figures of Speech

3. It refers to the choice of words of the style used by an individual when

speaking or writing.
A. Diction C. Narration
B. Grammar D. Word Bank

4. It is the link between music and poetry. It adds music quality to the poem
which gives the readers reading pleasure.
A. Theme C. Tone
B. Rhyme D. Line

5. It is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.

A. Theme C. Meter
B. Rhyme D. Line

6. It refers to the type of poetry used in poem.

A. Genre C. Meter
B. Rhyme D. Line

7. It is the use of word, object, action, or character in the story to suggest or

mean something other than its dictionary or literal meaning.
A. Allegory C. Imagery
B. Irony D. Symbolism

8. It is the presentation of material in a work in such a way that later events are
prepared for.
A. Forsehadowing C. Symbolism

Continued at the back…

B. Flashback D. Imagery

9. It is a part of the plot that introduces and describes the characters, time and
the problem.

A. Exposition C. Climax
B. Rising Action D. Denouement

10. It is the struggle between two entities or the problem that the main character
will encounters in the story.
a. Plot c. Theme
b. Conflict d. Point of view

B. (PERFORMANCE TASK – 60%) DIRECTION: You may work on this output

alone, with a partner, or with a group of 3 to 5 members. Create a mini
book with the following contents:
a. One Poem of any topic (original work, has not been submitted yet
from the previous outputs)
b. One Fictional Story (original work, has not been submitted yet from
the previous outputs)

Be as artistic and creative as possible, as if you will be selling this book to

your target customers.

Category 5 points 3 points 1 point

Organization and The form of the written work The form of the written work could The form of the written
Overall Impact is appropriate. The written be more appropriate. The written work is not appropriate to
work enables the reader to work enables the reader so see, the subject. The written
see, hear, feel, or think about hear, feel, or think about the work does not enable the
the subject in a new way or in subject, but it is accomplished reader to see, hear, feel, or
a more potent way than through clichés, worn-out images, think about the subject.
before. or predictable choices.
Elements All the elements of poem and All the elements are present but Lacks at least one element
fiction are present, and is some, or few, are vaguely stated or of fiction.
either explicitly stated, or implied.
implied on the written work.
Techniques and Literary techniques and Some literary techniques or devices Lacks literary techniques or
Literary Devices devices are used used appear to be inappropriate or devices to get the interest of
appropriately to the highest forced in the written work. the readers.
degree, that adds creativity to
the written work.
Grammar, Usage, There are few or no errors in There are some errors in There are consistent errors
Mechanics, and mechanics, usage, grammar, mechanics, usage, grammar, or in mechanics, usage,
Spelling or spelling. spelling. grammar, or spelling.
Appearance The mini-book is artistically The mini-book is artistically done, The mini-book is created for
done, and interesting. but lacks elements that will interest compliance purposes.
Resourcefulness is also the readers.
evident on the output.


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