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Sustainability Practice

How companies capture

the value of sustainability:
Survey findings
What makes the difference between a sustainability program that
produces business value and one that doesn’t? A new survey identifies
practices that distinguish value-creating companies from others.

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April 2021
Amid widening recognition of how environmental issues such as climate change create business
opportunities and risks, results from a McKinsey Global Survey 1 show that companies that generate value
from their sustainability programs follow a distinctive set of management practices. Survey respondents
say these companies are more likely than others to make sustainability a strategic priority and to set out
specific aspirations and targets. Responses also suggest that value-creating companies are more likely
than others to make sustainability an element of their corporate culture and train employees on how to
integrate sustainability into their work.

Survey results indicate that value-creating companies are more apt to engage customers and business
partners in their sustainability agendas. Compared with those at other companies, more respondents
from value-creating companies say they collaborate with customers and suppliers on addressing
sustainability issues, adjust product portfolios to be more sustainable, and account for sustainability
factors when selecting and evaluating suppliers. Respondents from value creators are also more likely
than others to report that sustainability issues inform how their company manages its facilities and its
transportation networks.

Looking five years ahead, about two in five respondents to our survey say they expect their companies
to generate value from sustainability. Understanding the distinctive practices of today’s value-creating
companies could help others find a way to join their ranks.

Survey results suggest that to catch up

with the value creators, other companies
might start by understanding which
practices are most closely linked with
positive financial impact.

The online survey was in the field from January 21 to January 31, 2020, and garnered responses from 2,475 participants representing the full
range of regions, industries, company sizes, functional specialties, and tenures.

2 How companies capture the value of sustainability: Survey findings

An optimistic outlook
Sustainability endeavors often make good business sense, promising to deliver revenue gains, cost
savings, and other benefits that lift enterprise value. In our survey, 22 percent of respondents—the value-
creating group that this article focuses on—say their companies realized modest or significant value
from sustainability in the past five years. Nearly as many respondents say their companies’ sustainability
programs resulted in significant or moderate cost increases. About one-third say their companies’
sustainability programs have had minimal or no financial impact.

Respondents are also optimistic that their companies’ sustainability programs will yield value in the future.
Compared with the proportion who say these programs have already created value, nearly twice as many
respondents, or 40 percent, say they expect the programs to generate modest or significant value in the
next five years. Respondents in a few specific industries are especially likely to predict that their companies
will create value from sustainability during that five-year timeframe. These industries include some—such as
automotive; electric power and natural gas; oil and gas; and travel, transport, and logistics—that play pivotal
roles in curbing climate change (Exhibit 1).

Web 2021
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 1 of 6

Forty percent of
of respondents
respondents expect
sustainability programs
programs to
generate value
generate value in the next five years—nearly
years—nearly double
double the current share.
Share of respondents who report or expect ‘modest’ or ‘significant’
value created from sustainability programs, by industry,¹ %
In the past 5 years In the next 5 years

Electric power and natural gas

Travel, transport, and logistics

Social sector

Oil and gas

Business, legal, and professional services

Financial services

Automotive and assembly

High tech

Consumer and packaged goods



Capital projects and infrastructure

Healthcare systems

Public sector

Pharmaceuticals and medical products

All respondents

0 10 20 30 40 50
¹Total 7 answer choices presented: “significant cost,” “modest cost,” “minimal to no cost or value,” “modest value,” “significant value,” and “don’t know”; n = 2,421.
Only industries that received meaningful numbers of responses are shown.

How companies capture the value of sustainability: Survey findings 3

Strategic, purposeful intent

Survey results suggest that to catch up with the value creators, other companies might start by
understanding which practices are most closely linked with positive financial impact. According to
respondents, value creators exhibit a strategic, purposeful approach that differs from that of other
companies in several ways. More than half of respondents at value creators say their company’s CEO
makes sustainability a priority on the strategic agenda—a significantly greater proportion of respondents
than among nonvalue-creating companies (39 percent).

Motives for engaging on sustainability also appear to matter. Respondents at value creators are significantly
more likely to say their organizations address sustainability topics to fulfill their organizational purpose—to
align with their goals, mission, or values, or to make a tangible, positive impact on an issue. Respondents
at other companies, on the other hand, are significantly more likely to say that these organizations are
addressing sustainability for other reasons, such as to meet industry norms or standards or to conform
with regulatory requirements (Exhibit 2).

Web 2021
Exhibit 2
Exhibit 2 of 6

Companies creating
Companies creating value
value with
with sustainability
the issue for reasons related to their organizational purpose.
address the issue for reasons related to their organizational purpose.
Organization’s reasons for addressing
sustainability topics,¹ % of respondents
Value creators All others Statistically significant difference

Align with our goals, mission, and values

Make a tangible, positive impact on an issue

Meet consumers’ expectations

Attract, motivate, and retain employees

Meet industry norms or standards on sustainability

Meet investors’ expectations

Meet nongovernmental organizations’ expectations

Meet expectations of supply-chain partners

Develop new growth opportunities

Improve operational efficiency

Respond to competitive pressure

Build, maintain, or improve corporate reputation

Conform with regulatory requirements

Promote our ability to grow

0 10 20 30 40 50

¹All 13 topics that were presented as answer choices. Responses with “don’t know,” “other,” and “not applicable” are not shown here. Total n = 2,475.

4 How companies capture the value of sustainability: Survey findings

Sharp focus
When it comes to implementing sustainability strategies, value creators place more importance than other
companies do on translating the sustainability strategy into definite terms: value creators are significantly
more likely to establish clear and focused priorities, set targets or goals, and develop key performance
indicators for sustainability (Exhibit 3).

Web 2021
Exhibit 3
Exhibit 3 of 6

Value creators
Value creators are
are more
more likely than others
likely than others to
to have
have sustainability programs with
sustainability programs with
clear priorities, defined targets,
clear priorities, defined targets, and key performance indicators.
Features of the organization’s sustainability program,¹ % of respondents

We have a sustainability strategy We set targets or goals for We have key performance
with clear, focused priorities sustainability initiatives indicators for sustainability

41 50 39

Value creators Value creators Value creators

28 32 31

All others All others All others

¹All categories shown here represent statistically significant differences between companies that create value from sustainability and those that don’t; n = 2,421.

Value creators are doing more to

engage their workforces in
sustainability efforts.

How companies capture the value of sustainability: Survey findings 5

Engaging employees
According to respondents, another noteworthy difference between companies that create value from
sustainability and those that don’t is that value creators are doing more to engage their workforces in
sustainability efforts. Nearly three-fifths of respondents at value creators say that sustainability is a part
of the corporate culture. A significantly lesser share of respondents at other companies, 39 percent, say
the same.

Among the value creators, employee engagement is also a more important element of the sustainability
agenda than it is for other companies. A greater share of respondents at value creators say that all
employees receive training on integrating sustainability practices into their work and that employees
understand how sustainability efforts align with the company’s strategy (Exhibit 4). Incentives are
another factor: a greater share of respondents at value creators say their organizations consider
sustainability performance to a moderate or significant extent when making decisions about
employees’ compensation.

Web 2021
Exhibit 4
Exhibit 4 of 6

Sustainability is
Sustainability is aa more
more significant
significant element
engagement at value-creating companies than at others.
engagement at value-creating companies than at others.
Cultural and workforce aspects of the organization’s sustainability program,¹ % of respondents

Sustainability is part of the All employees receive training on Employees across the organization
corporate culture how to integrate sustainability understand how sustainability
practices into their work efforts align with overall strategy

57 27 47

Value creators Value creators Value creators

39 8 27

All others All others All others

¹All categories shown here represent statistically significant differences between companies that create value from sustainability and those that don’t; n = 2,421.

6 How companies capture the value of sustainability: Survey findings

Meeting customer expectations

Just as value creators engage employees in their sustainability programs, they also put more effort than
other companies into understanding customers’ expectations and respond with changes to their products.
Disproportionate shares of value creators seek customer input on the sustainability attributes of their
products and services and highlight those attributes in their marketing efforts. Their orientation toward
sustainability issues in customer relations extends to the management of product portfolios: value creators
are more likely than other companies to change product designs, develop new product-as-a-service models
to address sustainability issues, and offer sustainable brands (Exhibit 5).

Web 2021
Exhibit 5
Exhibit 5 of 6

It’s more
It’s more common
commonfor forvalue
engagecustomers on on
sustainability attributes
sustainability attributes and
Approaches to engaging customers,¹ % of respondents Value creators All others

Company seeks customers’ inputs Company markets the Company provides information about
on sustainability attributes of sustainability attributes of the organization’s or product’s
products or services products or services sustainability attributes on packaging


27 26

Approaches to managing products,¹ % of respondents

Company has changed Company is shifting from Company offers one or more
product designs to manage product-sales model to dedicated “sustainable” brands
sustainability-related impacts product-as-a-service model

29 27

¹All categories shown here represent statistically significant differences between companies that create value from sustainability and those that don’t; n = 2,421.

How companies capture the value of sustainability: Survey findings 7

Value-chain collaboration
For most companies, the majority of sustainability impacts result from the activities of their suppliers,
contract manufacturers, distributors, and other value-chain partners. Value-chain engagement can thus
be a telling indication of how much companies are doing about sustainability—and it’s an area where value-
creation leaders demonstrate distinctive approaches.

Value-creation leaders are more likely than others to make sustainability a priority in managing energy,
water use, and waste generation at their own facilities, as well as making decisions about their site portfolios.
They’re also more likely to collaborate with and monitor suppliers’ sustainability performance and to seek
improvements in the efficiency of their transportation and distribution networks (Exhibit 6).

Web 2021
Exhibit 6
Exhibit 6 of 6

Collaboration with
Collaboration withthe
creators’ sustainability
programs from those
programs from those of other companies.
Company’s approaches to managing facilities,¹ % of respondents Value creators All others

Making changes to reduce waste generation in its facilities

Making changes to reduce water consumption in its facilities

Replacing nonrenewable-energy sources with renewable sources

Accounting for sustainability performance when making

decisions about its facility portfolio

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Company’s approaches to working with suppliers and value-chain partners,¹ % of respondents

Integrates sustainability with supplier qualification and criteria

Monitors suppliers’ sustainability performance

Helps suppliers to improve their sustainability performance

Company works with value-chain partners on

lowering their energy consumption

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Company’s approaches to managing transportation and distribution networks,¹ % of respondents

Making modal shifts for long-haul transport

Improving the energy efficiency of means of transportation

Improving the operational efficiency of its transportation

and distribution network

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

¹All categories shown here represent statistically significant differences between companies that create value from sustainability and those that don’t; n = 2,421.

8 How companies capture the value of sustainability: Survey findings

Looking ahead
The survey results highlight practices more widely followed by companies that are creating value from
sustainability than by companies that aren’t. Experience also suggests that companies with effective
sustainability programs tend to plan and manage these programs with the same discipline and commitment
that they apply to other business initiatives. Here are a few directional considerations that executives might
use to focus their companies’ sustainability efforts and derive more value from them:

— Approach sustainability issues as business opportunities. Leading companies develop business cases
for their sustainability programs based on the value that they stand to create (or protect) through their
handling of sustainability issues. They set tangible, concrete aspirations for their sustainability programs
and convert those aspirations into quantitative performance targets, which reflect their competitive
position, their consumers’ expectations, and their investors’ demands.

— Build organization-wide accountability for results. Product-focused business units, functions

such as supply-chain management, and geographic departments are the parts of a company that
ordinarily generate most of its sustainability impacts. And unlike the central sustainability team,
these departments also have the authority to change day-to-day operations. Recognizing this, savvy
executives assign responsibility for sustainability initiatives to heads of functions and divisions and give
them related performance targets. In this way, executives can hold senior managers to account for the
company’s sustainability achievements.

— Seek impact through collaboration. While companies can do a lot on their own to improve their
sustainability performance, some face challenges that span industries or regions. The problem of plastic
waste, for example, bedevils the entire chemicals industry, not just one company. To address these
systemic difficulties, companies might form coalitions with industry peers and work together on setting
new standards, promoting technological innovation, or advocating for policy shifts. Since value chains
produce the majority of the typical company’s environmental impact, most companies will also benefit
from working closely with their value-chain partners.

The contributors to the development and analysis of this survey include Anna Granskog, a partner in McKinsey’s Helsinki
office; Eric Hannon, a partner in the Frankfurt office; Solveigh Hieronimus, a senior partner in the Munich office;
Marie Klaeyle, a consultant in the Paris office; and Angela Winkle, a consultant in the Chicago office.

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Copyright © 2021 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

How companies capture the value of sustainability: Survey findings 9

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