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CLASS: (J4BM1175C)









Cover page 1

Table Of Content 2

Executive Summary 3

Introduction 4-5

Company Information 6-7

Company Analysis 8-10

Findings And Discussion 11

Recommendation and Problems 12-14

References 15

Appendices 16-17


Based on our observation, Naelofar Hijab is a company that are in textile

industries in Malaysia. As we know Noor Neelofa Mohd Noor is a public figure that
made various changes especially in fashion. And also we know that what she wear and
every design in Naelofar Hijab produce always fashionable and will be trending in

Example of products that Naelofar Hijab company produce are scarf, instant
shawl, turban, perfume and many others. The products become popular because she is
talented and she know well how to organize the organization and how to promote her
products in market. Her products also produce in high quality, so that there will be many
regular customers that will stick to Naelofar Hijab’s products. In the other words, here we
can see Naelofar Hijab is known as trusted seller.

In Malaysia, we can see industries textile is one of industry that can give profit
and sales even in small business. It also can generate economic growth in Malaysia.

Then, after we do the observation, based on our strategic planning, we will do the
SWOT analysis that can be known as, strength, weakness, opportunities and threats in
other way to do the business plan. This swot analysis help us to decide which market
segments offer us the best opportunities to success and profitable growth over the life
cycle of our product soon. From this swot analysis we can identify Naelofar Hijab have
big potential to generate more income in textile industries in Malaysia. That’s why we
choose Naelofar Hijab as our business mentor. So we can learn more about on how to
generate more income in this industry.


Name of the business

The name that is chosen by the company is Naelofar Hijab. Coming from a
business-oriented family, it was only a matter of time that Neelofa would eventually
become an entrepreneur herself. She loved fashion and had a passion for business so
she combined the two and proceeded to set up her own label. After countless
brainstorming sessions, trials and errors, they came up with a design for an instant
shawl and launched Naelofar Hijab in 2014. Meanwhile, for our company the name
that is chosen by this company is De’Lima Scarf. The word De’Lima represent the
5 members of us, which is consist five partnerships in this company. While the
word scarf represents the product that we produce to achieve customer satisfaction.

Industry Profile

The products in store as Naelofar Hijab opened its first flagship store in TTDI in
January 2015. It was just a natural progression of the textile industry that she
decided to start with shawls as her first product. Venturing into business with a
small team of trusted and like-minded individuals, Neelofa and her partners decided
to revolutionize and simplify modest fashion, to make shawls more practical and
easier to wear.

De’Lima Scarf established in 2018, initially offerings a new kind of bawal scarf that
are fashionable which is not consist in current trend of scarf market. This idea and
design will differentiate De’Lima Scarf from others scarf business in Malaysia.

Future Prospect of the Business

They started selling the shawls online and at bazaars. The instant shawls were a hit
and stockists were appointed to handle the increasing demand. Currently there are
more than 100 stockists in Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore. Business has expanded
and along with Naelofar Hijab, Neelofa have also created two other labels
-Nalelofar Abaya, featuring modern and stylish abayas and Lofalens, a brand
offering fashionable contact lenses. In the future prospect Naelofar Hijab will
expand all the products range and ensure to gain more loyal customers.

The future prospects of the De’Lima Scarf business in 5 years is we expected for
this business to open more branches in Malaysia. We also hope that De’Lima Scarf
will be a familiar brand in all kind of ages and races. In addition, we hope that all
the speciality of these products that added to the business time to time will always
attract customer attention and indirectly will give a loyal customer to De’Lima

Overall, the business is to determine the equipment and personnel needed in order to run
business smoothly provide high quality and well establish products to attract people
especially for the end users. Besides, it is also to determine the overall budget for
administration in terms of fixed asset and other expenses.


Name Of Company : Tysya Elegance

When we were given the task of interviewing our business mentor, many questions and thoughts
Business to mind
Address based
: Butik on SWOT
Tysya analysis.
Elegance, 19 JlnBut
Padithe main
Emas thing
1/5, we worried
Bandar about
Baru Uda, wasBahru
Johor “Whom would
we interview?” We were lucky enough to have a close connection with Puan Lina Shaif. Puan
Product : Naelofar
Lina Shaif isHijab scarves
the owner of Naelofar Hijab at Bandar Bandar Uda, Johor Bahru. We have been
chosen very well-known brand Naelofar Hijab as our business mentor since our business plan is
Form Of Business :Naelofar Hijab Johor Bahru branch
to produce our own scarves.
Instagram/Facebook : naelofar_tysyaelagance
The background history of Puan Lina’s business is she started her business five years back then.
Owner Nameproduced
: Puan her
Shaifscarves named Tysya Elegance. But the barrier for the business is her
product cannot survived in the market because she need to compete with the other’s scarves b

When we were given the task of interviewing our business mentor, many questions and
thoughts came to mind based on SWOT analysis. But the main thing we worried about
was “Whom would we interview?” We were lucky enough to have a close connection
with Puan Lina Shaif. Puan Lina Shaif is the owner of Naelofar Hijab at Bandar Bandar
Uda, Johor Bahru. We have been chosen very well-known brand Naelofar Hijab as our
business mentor since our business plan is to produce our own scarves.

The background history of Puan Lina’s business is she started her business five years
back then. She produced her own scarves named Tysya Elegance. But the barrier for the
business is her product cannot survived in the market because she need to compete with
the other’s scarves brands. But then, Puan Lina has the close connection with Neelofa’s
mother and has offered Puan Lina as their first Naelofar Hijab’s stockist in Johor Bahru.

Naelofar Hijab is coming from a business-oriented family, it was only a matter of time
that Neelofa would eventually become an entrepreneur herself. She loved fashion and had
a passion for business so she combined the two and proceeded to set up her own label. As
she was going through her own personal transformation and with her decision to dress
more modestly, it was just a natural progression that she decided to start with shawls as
her first product. They started selling the shawls online and at bazaars. The instant shawls

were a hit and stockists were appointed to handle the increasing demand. Currently there
are more than 100 stockists in Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore. Business has expanded
and along with Naelofar Hijab, Neelofa have also created two other labels -Naelofar
Abaya, featuring modern and stylish abayas and Lofalens, a brand offering fashionable
contact lenses.

As a stockist, Puan Lina need to compete with the other stockist around Malaysia. She
also showed us how fast the newest stock has been sold out within a few minutes! She
always provided so many stocks for her loyalty customers. She also have many loyalty
customers from Singapore and Brunei. Furthermore, as a marketing aspects Puan Lina
don’t do much because Neelofa is a public figure. Everyone know Neelofa as a well-
known person in Malaysia. What she wear, everyone will wear it too because she is one
of the fashion icon in Malaysia.
Moreover, Puan Lina’s keep her own principle that she always take a good care and so
closed to her two staff. She always take serious when its come to customer services. Puan
Lina said this is very important in order to serve their customers and make their as a loyal
customer to her branch. Puan Lina also win the The Best Customer Services Award 2017
for her branch. This great achievement is one of their inspiration in order to gain more
profit and successful in future.



General Manager Focus on customer Increase in competition in marketing is normal

satisfaction which is this which is there not giving any huge effect on
company have been their company due to their uniqueness.
rewarded as the best
customer service.

Marketing The product is very Their company won the best Customer Service
quality they really Award and be the Top 20 Naelofar Hijab
particular in material for ranking.
maintain their standard of

Operational Their company owner is a Stock is over limit than customer purchasing
public figure which is power.
Neelofa that they did not
have to pay publicity for
market their product.

Financial The gross profit for this The revenue is high as the gross profit is high
company is quite good as and the company profit is stable.
they can get RM70K in a
month minimum.

Human Resources They maintain and build a They be oversee the activity of their employees
good relationship with the with CCTV system.


General Manager Increase the stocks and Their company owner is a public figure which
always oversee or is Neelofa that they did not have to pay
overview the movement of publicity for market their product.

Marketing Neelofa itself because she Due to trends,there are many types of scarves,
is a public figure so this turban, and any other features.

will easier her business to
be expand in the local

Operational On celebration like eid or Their company owner is a public figure which
any event, customer is Neelofa that they did not have to pay
demand is higher. publicity for market their product.
Operation can be smooth.

Financial Naelofar Hijab is a famous Due to Naelofar Hijab itself, there will be
brand and also worldwide problems in fake brand that will effect the
that everyone knows their original market.
brand name and can easier
to get finance.

Human Resources Produce good quality They maintain their workers loyalty by giving
labor that gives best the workers benefits and welfare.
commitment in work.

Based on the SWOT analysis that have been made, all of each department have strength,
weakness, opportunities and threats.

The strength for this SWOT analysis are the strength is what this company not only focus on
profit, but more focus on customer satisfaction which is this company have been rewarded as the
best customer service. Without a good services, there will be effect on profit. the unique about
this company is that the product is very quality which is they really particular in material that is
the most important for maintain their standard of product. The uniqueness which is their company
is a public figure that they did not have to pay publicity because Neelofa is their owner which is
everyone knows her so everything she wears, everyone want to wear it too. So, this is one of their
advantages to compete with others rivals. The financial state of the organization is the strength is
which the gross profit for this company is quite good as they can get RM70K in a month
minimum. On festive season, the profit will increase high. They maintain and build a good
relationship with the workers.

The weakness are, increase in competition in marketing is normal which is there not giving any
huge effect on their company due to their uniqueness which is their company is a public figure
that they did not have to pay publicity because Neelofa is their owner which is everyone knows
her so everything she wears, everyone want to wear it too. So, this situation will not effect
Naelofar Hijab's company profit. Their company also won the best Customer Service Award and
be the Top 20 Naelofar Hijab ranking. This shows that their company meet the consumer's
expectation. it is usually seasonal. The profit will usually increase during before festive season,
stock is over limit than customer purchasing power. this company can deal with the weakness
which is the revenue is high as the gross profit is high and the company profit is stable. they deal

with problematic workers with they be using cctv to oversee their workers activities. They will
terminated the workers that is dishonest and not obey the law or rule.

The opportunities for this SWOT analysis are by increase the stocks and always oversee or
overview the movement of stock so that there will always be enough stock to maintain customer's
request. For example increase stocks for other countries such as Brunei, Singapore and others.
Customer is always on top of priority so make sure that they satisfy with their services.
advantages is about Neelofa itself because she is a public figure so this will easier her business to
be expand in the local market. Not just local, this brand is also worldwide. The current ongoing
trends on celebration like eid or any event, customer demand is higher. Operation can be smooth.
Naelofar Hijab is a famous brand and also worldwide right now that everyone knows the brand
name and can easier to get finance. they produce good quality labor that gives best commitment
in work and gives best services to the customers that they treat their customer well and friendly.

The threats are people will follow the upcoming trends as it is normal for people to have a
change in taste as we all know we are human beings that attracted to changes. Based on neelofa,
there are many types of scarves, turban, and any other features that not just muslim wears but for
every races wear it as they said that it is fashionable. Nowadays there are a lot of competitors but
this may not effect their brand because Neelofa is a public figure that will not effect their
company if there is increasing in competitors because Neelofa has a huge fan that alway support
her. Also, their product is quality and meet customer's satisfaction. Due to Naelofar Hijab itself,
there will be problems in fake brand that will effect the original market. When there are
competitors gains in the market, it may effect to maintain the worker loyalty by they maintain
their workers loyalty by giving the workers benefits such as for naelofar hijab they give their
workers to meet Neelofa and also take care of their worker's welfare .


The major problem that faced by Naelofar Hijab Stockist in Bandar Baru Uda is a problem in
the scope of copying and seasonal demand, controversy influence the name of the brand.

1. Copying’s problem between other companies.

First, copying’s problem. This happened when people take advantage on the demand of
Naelofar Hijab itself. For example, in Vietnam they come out with Naelofar Hijab scarves
which almost look alike the original one. Neelofa as an owner of the company take an action
to the factory which make plagiarism activity and sell it to other customers with the cheapest
price. Unluckily, the country’s law of Thailand which approve the copying activity which can
make the economy of the country growth well. So, from that they can earn more income from
supplying copying designs.

2. Seasonal demand of the scarves during some festival.

Second, seasonal demand will be a problem once a year. For example, when Eid.
Naelofar Hijab have their regular customer which looking for them to buy the scarves. So,
when Eid come, a month before the Eid, boutique will full with the customers and get the
higher number of sales. But after the Eid, they need to face a lower sales in a month which
they need to cover a month income using the sales before. And overstocked of scarves which
not able to sell is increase. The owner of the boutique finds out about this problem year by
year and they have successfully deal with the problem.

3. Controversy influence the name of the brand.

Third, Neelofa is the public figure. Whatever she did, everyone will critic. On this
year, she had launched her scarves at Zouk which free from alcohol. Harsh criticisms came
right after images and videos from the event began to surface on social media. Neelofa stated
that she made the decision to no longer care about people’s criticism regarding any issue.
And she also said several places were shortlisted, but Zouk was chosen because it was eight
times cheaper than other locations. But then, she apologized and admit her mistake. What had
happened to her and the business, she make as a spirit to move forward.


1. Problem: Copying the brand of Naelofar Hijab.


o Take an action to the copycat which copied the design of the scarves by using copying
checker. From using this method, it will reduce copycat in this industry. To help with
that, the owner of the design should take a quick look at the common copyright issues
faced by these scarves and what creators should be on the lookout for, both so they
can protect their work and ensure that they do not infringe upon someone else.


Loyal customer will not buying a fake product.


o If the quality of the product is not like the original product. Customer will badmouth
and claim that they buy from the real stockist. Name of the branch will be bad,

2. Problem: Copycat will make the name of Naelofar Hijab bad due to the low
quality of the textile.


o Maintain the quality of the scarves by hiding the place of the production, supply of the
raw materials and so on. It will make Naelofar Hijab being limited due to the quality
of the scarves.


o They will have their own loyal customers that only buy through the real stockist or
agent. Or they will buy by walk in the boutique and choose by themselves.


o The fake of Naelofar Hijab scarves is not in the same level of the real Naelofar
Hijab’s quality.

3. Problem: Controversy will hit the image of Noor Neelofa and her business which
is Naelofar Hijab.


o Neelofa as an owner face all the controversy and ignoring all of the critics’ by not
reading all the negative comment on her social media such as on her Instagram,
Facebook Pages and so on.

o Make this as a marketing strategy to the business.


Let the negativity vibes brings more strength and spirit to make Naelofar Hijab
successful in the future.


In business, there are two sided of people. Some of them will support our business.
And some of them will destroy our business. Just believe in whatever you are doing
because Allah is with us.


The alternative solutions that our team choose that should be adopted is to maintain the
quality of the scarves to increase the number of loyal user of Naelofar Hijab.


1. Focus on your business.

It is not the competition that kills most businesses. It is the inability of some leaders to put
on blinders and block out all of the outside noise. While you should confront and challenge
copycats, do not let them get inside your head. At some point, you have to forget about what
is going on around you and start focusing on your own business and products

2. Do something totally unique.

Legal protection is fine, but there are ways around a patent. Some people will expose
loopholes, while others will blatantly violate it and challenge you to enter into an expensive
lawsuit. So, what is even better than a patent is a totally unique idea that cannot be replicated.

By using the original of diamond will make Naelofar Hijab as a high quality standard level of

3. Offer some benefits to the tailor.

It will make they stay with the company and not backstab the company that they work by
copying the stitching.

4. Offer superior service

Products are easily replaceable. Your little plastic widget could be manufactured with the
same quality and precision in another warehouse as it is in yours. But there is one thing that is
not as easily replicated such like quality of customer service. Offer superior service to your
customers and they will continue to trust you.

Conclusion, in this way, Naelofar Hijab can get many number of customers where there
are concern about the quality of a services. So, the number of regular customer will be
increase at the same time which can increase the income of the company.


1. Textbook Entrepreneurship 5th edition

2. Puan Azlinah Bt Mohammad Nor

(Owner of Naelofar Hijab Bandar Baru Uda)



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